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Landslide at Su-Hua Highway 115.9k triggered by Typhoon Megi in Taiwan


Abstract and Figures

This study focused on the landslide case at Su-Hua Highway 115.9k, Taiwan. A preliminary investigation was conducted on geomorphologic features change and landslide mechanisms using digital elevation models, geographical maps, and remote sensing images at different times in conjunction with geological surveys and analysis results. Using the results of geological surveys and physical model experiments, we constructed a discrete element method to simulate the process of landslide movement. The results revealed deformation in the metamorphic rock slopes upstream of 115.9k. The slopes around the erosion gully upstream presented visible slope toes cutting and tension cracks at the crest as well as unstable rock masses. According to the results of numerical simulation for typhoon Megi event, intense rains could induce slippage in the rock debris/masses in the source area, initially at a speed of 5–20 m/s. Subsequently, steeper terrain could cause the rock debris/masses to accelerate to form a high-speed (>30 m/s) debris slide quickly moving downstream to form an alluvial fan downstream by the sea.
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Journal of the International Consortium
on Landslides
ISSN 1612-510X
DOI 10.1007/s10346-013-0435-z
Landslide at Su-Hua Highway 115.9k
triggered by Typhoon Megi in Taiwan
Chia-Ming Lo, Ching-Fang Lee, Hsien-
Ter Chou & Ming-Lang Lin
1 23
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DOI 10.1007/s10346-013-0435-z
Received: 8 May 2013
Accepted: 17 September 2013
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013
Chia-Ming Lo IChing-Fang Lee IHsien-Ter Chou IMing-Lang Lin
Landslide at Su-Hua Highway 115.9k triggered
by Typhoon Megi in Taiwan
Abstract This study focused on the landslide case at Su-Hua
Highway 115.9k, Taiwan. A preliminary investigation was
conducted on geomorphologic features change and landslide
mechanisms using digital elevation models, geographical maps,
and remote sensing images at different times in conjunction with
geological surveys and analysis results. Using the results of geo-
logical surveys and physical model experiments, we constructed a
discrete element method to simulate the process of landslide
movement. The results revealed deformation in the metamorphic
rock slopes upstream of 115.9k. The slopes around the erosion gully
upstream presented visible slope toes cutting and tension cracks at
the crest as well as unstable rock masses. According to the results
of numerical simulation for typhoon Megi event, intense rains
could induce slippage in the rock debris/masses in the source area,
initially at a speed of 520m/s. Subsequently, steeper terrain could
cause the rock debris/masses to accelerate to form a high-speed
(>30m/s) debris slide quickly moving downstream to form an
alluvial fan downstream by the sea.
Keywords Su-Hua Highway 115.9k .Landslide mechanism .
Geological surveys .Discrete element method .
The process of landslide movement
The Su-Hua Highway is the only highway linking the northern and
eastern regions of Taiwan. Much of the terrain along the route is
steep, and many sections were carved from mountains bordering
the sea, where slopes are constantly eroded by weathering, earth-
quakes, typhoons, and heavy rain. From time to time, collapses
disrupt traffic and seriously threaten the safety of road users.
On October 13, 2010, Typhoon Megi developed into a super
typhoon, when the northeast monsoon had begun in Taiwan. The
combined effects produced uncommonly high rainfall. Rainfall at the
Suao monitoring station was 939.5 mm in a single day, and 181.5 mm
between 13:00 and 14:00 on October 21, both of which established
new records for the site. The rainfall also triggered large collapses on
upper slopes and the loss of the roadbed on the Su-Hua Highway
(104k117k), claiming 26 lives. This was the most devastating natural
disaster on the highway since its opening.
During Typhoon Megi, a debris slide upstream from Dakeng
Bridge on the Su-Hua Highway (115.9k) was the most serious
disaster (Fig. 1). Based on aerial photos, the total area and volume
of the collapse were estimated at 10 ha and 2.1×10
, respectively.
The resulting debris flow struck the road to the southeast and was
deposited along the Pacific coastline, which created an alluvial fan
covering about 4 ha. The collapses were primarily debris from
colluvium and weathered rock (Chou et al. 2012; Lee 2010). Other
than Typhoon Megi, Su-Hua Highway 115.8k was also damaged in
Typhoon Parma (October 2009), Typhoon Nalgae (October 2011),
and Typhoon Tembin (December 2012).
According to a preliminary investigation (Chu et al. 2012), the
debris flow at Su-Hua Highway 115.9k during Typhoon Megi can be
attributed to three crucial points. (1) Significant headward erosion
upstream from this section of road formed erosion gullies
extending from the same source area, which caused a gradual
expansion of the landslide along the south side of the Tungaoling
ridgeline. (2) Material comprising the rock slope in the valley
upstream of Dakeng Bridge was fractured and foliated. Under
the gravity force, the rock strata gradually deformed, and gully
erosion destabilized the slope toes on the gully sides causing
collapses. (3) A substantial amount of colluvium had accumulated
in the gully, which facilitated the infiltration of surface water. This
caused the fragmented amphibolite and colluvial deposits above
the fresh rock strata to become saturated. In heavy rain, the gully-
bottom deposits quickly migrated downstream, thereby enhancing
bank erosion and increasing the probability of collapse. The
source-slope terrain, the geology, and the distribution of colluvium
were crucial factors in the collapse. However, few in-depth inves-
tigations have been conducted on the evolution of this landscape
or surrounding landslide history.
Large high-velocity landslides, especially rockslides that devel-
op into debris avalanches (sturzstroms), are remarkable geological
phenomena (Steven and Simon 2006). Their speed is important in
determining the destructive potential (Hungr 2007). Terrain-
caused features such as mass separation, collision interaction,
and kinematic change from mass sliding to particle flow are
important in estimating the sphere of influence in order to protect
property downstream (Lo et al. 2011a,b). This study combined the
analysis of geomorphologic history and remote sensing images to
explain geographical changes and summarize the characteristics of
the landslide at Su-Hua Highway 115.9k. The study also numeri-
cally simulated the collapse to estimate the landslide speed. Thus,
we were able to explain the process and characteristics of the
landslide. This paper also summarizes the process of landslide
hazard zonation of the area.
Terrain development and geomorphological interpretation
The study area is located in Suao Township of Ilan County, Taiwan
(Fig. 1). Geographical data included topographic maps from 1936
(1/50,000) and 1996 (1/25,000), a 5 m×5 m digital elevation model
(DEM) created by the Aerial Survey Office of the Forestry Bureau
in 2004, 1 m×1 m Lidar data following the disaster in 2010, and
orthophotos taken before and after the disaster (1/10,000).
According to aerial photos and geographical data (Fig. 2), the
important landmarks from northwest to southeast include
Tungaoling (elevation 821 m), Northern Unnamed Creek (750
280 m), Southern Unnamed Creek (elevation 75050 m), and
Dakeng Bridge (elevation 260 m). The elevations of the source
and deposition areas differ by approximately 700 m; the slope of
the creek bed from upstream to downstream ranges between 15°
and 50°, which was a critical influence in the landslide. The
watershed of the Tungaoling source was primarily the Southern
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Unnamed Creek with the Northern Unnamed Creek as secondary.
The two tributaries played significant roles in the landslides here,
both in this event and in other historical landslides.
The source area at the two unnamed creeks and the two banks
of the valley form an obvious hummocky surface (Fig. 2), more
significantly developed in the Northern than in the Southern
Unnamed Creek. Sliding masses were observed to be compressing
the creek bed upstream.
The landslide zone primarily included the hummocky area in the
upstream portion of the Southern Unnamed Creek, which in earlier
times may have been the location of debris deposits or rock-slope
deformation, before heavy rains initiated their collapse or sliding.
Fig. 1 The location of study area and the disaster situations after Typhoon Megi
Fig. 2 Three-dimensional terrain (left) and post-collapse aerial photo (right) of study region
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The watershed upstream of the Northern Unnamed Creek reaches to
elevations of 500 to 560 m and contains substantial hummocky
surfaces, and compressive folding disrupts the creek flow. The creek
may have been buried and blocked in earlier periods.
The focus of analysis in the terrain development and geomorpho-
logical interpretation include the Northern Unnamed Creek and the
Southern Unnamed Creek. Analysis of historical data and images
helped to clarify the accumulation of colluvium in the source valley
and links between rock deformation and changes in the tributaries.
A geological survey was conducted onsite to help identify landslide
mechanisms. The base map was the 1/50,000 Suao geological map
(Central Geological Survey of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, 1997;
Fig. 3). The landslide geology was then simplified for numerical
modeling. Onsite surveys and geomorphological comparisons were
performed in June 2011, July 2012, and January and February of 2013.
Geomorphological analysis helped to reveal the processes involved
in changing the terrain and the landslide mechanisms in the valley.
Overlaying the 1/50,000 geological map of Suao on 2012 satellite
images (Fig. 3) revealed that the study site is primarily Tananao
schist. The strata protruding into Tungaoling and neighboring
areas include Tungao schist from the late Paleozoic, Fongshushan
amphibolite from the late Paleozoic to Mesozoic, Nasuao forma-
tions from the Eocene to Oligocene, Suao formations from the
Miocene, and modern alluvium (Taipei Association of Applied
Geology Engineer 2011).
The exposed Tungao schist consists of two amphibolite rocks
(Taa). The one in the north extends from the Wuyenchiao coast-
line to the southeast, past Tungaoling, and then west to the south-
ern foot of Hsimaoshan in a band-like distribution. The rock mass
is about 7 km long and ranges in width between 200 and 1,000 m.
Outcrops include green to dark green schistose masses with
extremely high strength and brittleness. Cored samples contain
kink bands. This rock formed flakes and blocks at Tungaoling
(Taipei Association of Applied Geology Engineer 2011). The schis-
tosity of the local strata is oriented in the northwestsoutheast
direction, tilted towards the southwest at approximately 40° to 70°
with significant fracturing. The key strata distributed within the
study area include amphibolite, graphite schist, chlorite schist, and
quartzmica schist (Ta). A fault passes through the area down-
stream from Dakeng Bridge (elevation 150200 m) (approximate
location is shown as a white dotted line in Fig. 3).
Numerical simulation
The three-dimensional discrete element program PFC3D(Itasca
2002) was used to simulate the movements of the landslide at Su-
Hua Highway 115.9k. The material strength parameters requiring
input in PFC3D include normal stiffness, shear stiffness, and the
stiffness and strength of parallel bond between elements and were
set as outlined by Potyondy and Cundall (2004) using the results of
uniaxial compression tests on field samples (metamorphic rock and
schist) as a reference. We compared the results of actual uniaxial
experiment with PFC simulations (Fig. 4) in order to calibrate the
conversion formula for macro- and micro-parameters and to derive
the micro-parameters related to materials in the simulation.
To simulate the energy dissipation in material collision, we
referred to the coefficient of restitution obtained in onsite tests
by Giani et al. (2004) to convert damping parameters (Table 1).
This provided parameter settings that were more consistent with
field observations. The coefficient of kinetic friction plays a key
role in the motion of catastrophic landslides; however, measuring
it is difficult. Thus, the study compared the deposit formations
resulting from simulations with those produced using various
coefficient settings and selected the setting that came closest to
the actual landslide deposit.
Fig. 3 Geological map (1/50,000) of Tungaoling (modified from Central Geological Survey data)
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Results of terrain development analysis and geomorphological
(a) 1936: The topographical map of 1936 shows significant headward
erosion at two sites in the upstream section of the Southern
Unnamed Creek, and the distribution of erosion collapse is
situated precisely where the primary collapse of the Typhoon
Megi landslide occurred (bright white location in the left image
of Fig. 5a). Moreover, the contours of the slopes between the
source tributaries protrude slightly, which is early evidence of
the mechanisms underlying the erosion of the valley and defor-
mation features that played a crucial role in the large landslide to
follow. In contrast, the Northern Unnamed Creek originated
from the east side of Tungaoling. The valley in the upstream
section is steeper than that of the Southern Unnamed Creek. On
the left bank of the valley at elevations between 300 and 500 m,
localized hummocky ground is visible, and the terrain at the
source is more V-shaped than that in the Southern Unnamed
Creek. Less geomorphological evidence of collapse was appar-
ent; therefore, the development of collapse on the two creek
banks was less pronounced.
(b) 1996: The right image in Fig. 5a shows five additional hum-
mocky surfaces at the source of the Southern Unnamed
Creek, which developed before 1996. In addition, erosion
gullies to the southwest of Tungaoling at an elevation of
approximately 800 m were more progressed. By overlapping
post-event satellite images from Formosat-2, we discovered
that the primary bodies associated with the collapse of the
Typhoon Megi landslide events (bright white location in the
right image of Fig. 5a) were located within the range of the
hummocky surfaces. Particularly in the period between Ty-
phoon Megi and 2013, the landslide zone expanded to the
hummocky surfaces on Tungaoling above elevations of
800 m. This indicates that in addition to the distribution of
erosion leading to the collapse within the study area, rock
slope deformation or the debris deposits may also have been
key factors in large-scale landslide following heavy rains.
(c) 2004 and 2010: Fig. 5b indicates that the primary landslide
zones in the upstream section of the Southern Unnamed
Creek in the Typhoon Megi event changed from hummocky
surfaces to gully terrain (the tips of the V-shaped contours
progressed towards higher elevations). This shows that much
of the deposit or locations of rock deformation with hummocky
Fig. 4 Comparison of test results from simulated uniaxial compression and actual test results
Table 1 Conversion of onsite damping parameters (modified from Giani et al. 2004)
Normal restitution
Converted normal
damping ratio
Shear restitution
Converted shear
damping ratio
Bedrock slope 0.50 0.21 0.95 0.02
Bedrock slope covered with broken rock 0.35 0.32 0.85 0.05
Slope covered with rock debris and soil 0.30 0.36 0.70 0.11
Soil slope covered with lush vegetation 0.25 0.40 0.55 0.20
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surfaces in the upstream portion of the Southern Unnamed
Creek slid toward midstream and downstream deposit areas
during this event. However, a portion of the hummocky sur-
faces in the source area (at elevations between 700 and 800 m)
still exist and their slope toes have collapsed and fallen down-
stream. For this reason, concern remains over the possibility of
landslides and cliff retreat on Tungaoling. Furthermore, despite
the occurrences of only minor debris slides in the Unnamed
North Creek during the event in question, six hummocky sur-
faces are still apparent near the valley and may be locations of
rock deformation or previous landslide deposits on the river
banks. They should therefore also be continually monitored in
the future.
Results of geological survey
The purpose of the geological survey was to clarify the key mech-
anisms underlying the large-scale debris slide at Su-Hua Highway
115.9k. The primary results are described below.
(a) Results from analyzing the geological survey in the upstream
section of the Southern Unnamed Creek (Fig. 6)showa
minor scarp produced by a down-sliding tension crack in
the landslide area on the southern side of Tungaoling
(Fig. 6a). Protruding rock within the landslide zone was
mostly fragmented amphibolite, and due to gravity or tecton-
ic stress in the metamorphic rock layer, considerable forced
deformation was apparent in the sliding surface and in rock
layers near the toe of the slope (Fig. 6a, b), which increased
fragmentation in the bedrock. An investigation of water
seepage at the slopes indicated that most seepage in the
slopes was located at elevations between 450 and 500 m near
the Southern Unnamed Creek, which was close to the junc-
tion between the amphibolite and schist. Based on previous
experience gained during the New Yungchuen Tunnel pro-
ject (Fu et al. 2004), we know that this occurs near contact
surfaces between amphibolite and schist. The areas near the
contact zone were extremely fragmented, particularly in
regions rich in quartz veins under stress. These zones often
form permeable strata. Moreover, fault gouge was distribut-
ed along a portion of the contact surface, which constituted
impermeable strata. The stratum at the Tungaoling source
area is amphibolite, which is harder than schist. This stra-
tum is generally in areas of concentrated tectonic stress,
such that rock joint structures and fractures are more prom-
inent than in the schist. This enabled surface water to
infiltrate into the less permeable schist layer at the source
of Northern Unnamed Creek during rain. The water traveled
along this weak surface to form springs near the contact
zone. This was the primary reason for the continuous ex-
pansion of the landslide zone at the Southern Unnamed
Creek (Fig. 6c, d).
(b) No significant collapses occurred during Typhoon Megi in
the upstream section of the Northern Unnamed Creek
(Fig. 7), but a considerable amount of material was deposited
in the creek valley (visual observations showed deposit
heights of approximately 7 to 10 m), most of which was
derived from amphibolite, the primary composition of the
valley banks near the landslide (Fig. 7a, b). The deposits
found in the areas with hummocky surfaces were much
greater in volume and area; however, protruding rock layers
were rare. In the areas with non-hummocky surfaces, we
discovered slightly deformed rock layers protruding from
both banks of the creek and severe erosion of the slope toes
(Fig. 7c). Tension cracks were also observed along the top of
the rock layer, which are likely the main causes of collapse on
the two valley sides. Areas of seepage on the slopes of the
Northern Unnamed Creek are at elevations of 350400 m, at
the junction between amphibolite and schist. The terrain is
steeper on average than in the Southern Unnamed Creek and
could lead to large landslides; therefore, this area could be a
focus for future monitoring.
Fig. 5 aTopographic maps of Tungaoling in 1936 (left) and 1996 (right). Basemaps comprise post-event satellite images from Formosat-2 (2010). bTopographic maps
of Tungaoling in 2004 (left) and 2010 (right). Basemaps comprise post-event satellite images from Formosat-2 (2010)
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(c) The strike of the schistosity of the local rock layers in the
Southern Unnamed Creek (Fig. 8) is northwestsoutheast,
dipping to the southwest at 4070°. The rupture surface
was well developed with two or more sets of joints and
weak surfaces. We also found exfoliation (sheeting) be-
tween the amphibolite and schist, which was parallel to
the slope. This results in cave-ins and tension cracks, also
parallel to the slope surface, in the road surface at 115.8k
and in the slopes of the creek banks (Fig. 8). The bedrock
was planar, and not smoothly protruding, from the surface
in areas of collapse at the source of the Southern Unnamed
Creek (Fig. 6a). This was the key weakness in the surface,
which caused the collapse (exfoliation; sheeting) (Chu et al.
2013). It may also have affected the deep-seated sliding
surfaces that created the large landslide along the Su-Hua
(d) There are several areas of fault gouge forming a localized
impermeable stratum on the north slope of Dakeng Bridge
and on the lower slopes of Su-Hua Highway 115.8k to 115.9k
(Fig. 9). The right bank of the valley has several fault zones
under 1 m in width traveling from east to west and sloping
steeply toward the south. The left bank of the valley has
Fig. 6 Onsite survey at upstream portion of Southern Unnamed Creek (using a post-event aerial photo as the basemap)
Fig. 7 Onsite survey scene at upstream portion of Northern Unnamed Creek (using a post-event aerial photo as the basemap)
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two to three fault lines approximately 4 m in width travel-
ing from north to south and sloping slightly toward the
east. These may explain the on-going collapses near 115.8k
in recent years and should be another focus for future
(e) The collapse in the upper slopes at Su-Hua Highway 115.9k
can be divided into three phases (Fig. 10).
&The first phase was development of fractures in the rock
slopes (Fig. 10, Step1). Due to the free surfaces of the valley
sides and release of tectonic stress, the slopes along the
valley have exfoliated sub-parallel to the slope. Earlier exfo-
liation accelerated headward erosion, and surface water
seeped into the slope along exfoliation joints before exiting
in springs where the amphibolite is more fractured.
Fig. 8 Results of onsite survey and the measurement of surface weaknesses in the midstream portion of the Southern Unnamed Creek (using a post-event aerial photo as
the basemap)
Fig. 9 Survey of lower slopes at Su-Hua Highway 115.8k115.9k (using a post-event aerial photo as the basemap)
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&The second phase was toe erosion and rock-slope defor-
mation (Fig. 10, Step2). The extent of exfoliation and the
amphibolite being harder and more fractured than the
quartzmica schist made it easier for surface water to
infiltrate into the slope. Groundwater then percolated
through the permeable stratum to exit above the imper-
meable stratum formed by localized fault gouge near the
slope toe. Under the double influence of slope erosion
from groundwater and debris flow in the valley, the slope
toe was easily damaged. A loss of support from beneath
caused the area over the toe to deform, which caused
slippage and creep between the strata in the slope and
intensified the fracturing (Fig. 6b).
&During the third phase, increasingly severe fracturing, and
opening of fractures in the body of the slope, enabled
substantial water infiltration into the permeable stratum
initiated the collapse (Fig. 10, Step3). The groundwater per-
colated through the fragmented amphibolite rock strata and
along the less permeable schist stratum beneath it to accu-
mulate on the impermeable stratum near the toe of the
slope, undermining the stability of the entire slope. The
torrential rains brought by Typhoon Megi caused the
groundwater levels within the slopes in the source area to
rise rapidly, thereby expediting erosion in the slope toe and
destabilizing the entire slope. From the stair-like appearance
of the sliding surface produced by the collapse in the South-
ern Unnamed Creek source, we deduced that the collapse
gradually progressed to the slope crest. Therefore, during
this landslide, infiltration of substantial quantities of rainfall
and increased slope erosion in the valley caused the section
between the slope toe and the slope face to collapse first. In
that instant, the near-saturated sliding mass behind became
unstable and slid downstream. The mechanisms underlying
this collapse should be considered in slope monitoring or
remediation projects along the Su-Hua Highway.
Landslide simulation
The numerical model
Due to limitations in computational capacity, we used a 5 m×5 m
DEM to construct the sliding surface and movement terrain. In the
simulation, we only considered the processes of sliding and deposition.
Due to software limitations (PFC3D 3.0), factors that commonly trigger
landslides (such as sliding caused by rain infiltration) were not included.
The sliding surface in the numerical model was based on a post-
event (2010) 1 m×1 m DEM, but in the deposit area, we used a pre-
event (2004) 5 m×5 m DEM. A total of 78,786 wall elements were used
to construct the terrain (Fig. 11) over a length of 2,000 m and a width of
450 m. The sliding mass included the primary sliding mass and the
midstream and downstream colluvium, comprising 15,764, 5,088, and
4,044 ball elements (radii ranging between 1 and 4 m), respectively. We
monitored the speed of the simulated primary sliding mass to help
explain the interactions observed during the movement of rock mass.
The landslide at Su-Hua Highway 115.9k was triggered by heavy rain,
and weathering and rust-staining patterns were found on the surfaces
of rock fragments after sliding. Therefore, we decreased the coefficient
of friction on the sliding face during analysis and weakened the
strength of bonds between rocks so that the conditions of the debris
slide simulation were closer to those observed in the field.
Selection of parameter settings
(a) Particle contact stiffness and bonding strength: For the prelimi-
nary conversion of macro- and micro-parameters, the study
referred to test results from Tungao core samples (Directorate
General of Highways 2010) and conversion formulas (Potyondy
and Cundall 2004). We compared actual uniaxial compression
tests and simulation experiments (Fig. 4) to revise the conversion
formula for macro- and micro-parameters and derive the micro-
parameters of element contact stiffness and bonding strength in
the environment of the numerical simulation (Table 2).
(b) Damping coefficients: The study referred to the damping pa-
rameter conversion method adopted by Giani et al. (2004).
Because the two banks and the source area at the Southern
Unnamed Creek were covered with lush vegetation prior to the
landslide event, this study set the normal and shear damping
coefficients at 0.4 and 0.2 as a reference.
(c) Coefficient of friction: We initially adopted the coefficient of
static friction measured between onsite deposits of rock and
between onsite rocks and the slope. The variables compared
in the deposit formation included run-out distance and the
width of deposits. The simulations show that when the coef-
ficient of friction between the elements equaled 0.1, the
resulting formation and deposition of terrain in the simula-
tion was closest to the results observed on post-event aerial
photos (Table 3and Fig. 12). The fastest sliding speed reached
Fig. 10 Diagram of collapse mechanism: Step1 fissure development stage. Step2 slope toe erosion and deformation stage. Step3 Gradual collapse stage
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52.2 m/s (approximately 188 km/h), enabling the entire sliding
body to move downstream to the coast. As a result, we
selected this parameter to establish a numerical model to
explain the kinematic movements involved in the landslide
at Su-Hua Highway 115.9k.
Simulation of landslide movement process
To explain the processes involved in the debris slide triggered by
Typhoon Megi in 2010 at Su-Hua Highway 115.9k, we monitored
the simulated movement speeds throughout the entire process.
This revealed variations in speed during different stages and
clarified the key processes involved in the overall movement.
The results are outlined as follows.
&Figure 13 presents the simulated variations in landslide speed.
The model volume distribution was based on subtracting the
pre-event from the post-event DEM. From upstream to down-
stream, we designated five primary landslide masses. Two of
these were situated in the upstream source area (masses A and
B), one in the midstream section (mass C), and two in the
curve of the valley at the location of the collapse (masses D and
E). The sliding masses A and B slumped directly downstream
Fig. 11 Numerical model of landslide movement at Su-Hua Highway 115.9k
Table 2 Parameters of PFC numerical simulation
Parameter Uniaxial experiment simulation Full-scale numerical model
Number of particles 28,250 24,896
Unit weight of ball elements (kg/m
) 2,300 2,300
Range of particle radius (m) 0.00250.003 14
Normal stiffness (N/m) 1.2e81.44e8 4.8e101.9e11
Shear stiffness (N/m) 6.0e77.2e7 2.4e109.5e10
Friction coefficient of ball elements 0.6 0.050.2
Friction coefficient of wall elements 0.6 0.6
Normal stiffness of parallel bond (N/m) 1.66e122.4e12 1.5e96.0e9
Shear stiffness of parallel bond (N/m) 8.3e111.2e12 7.5e83.0e9
Normal bond strength of parallel bond (MPa) 30 30
Shear bond strength of parallel bond (MPa) 15 15
Normal damping coefficient 0.4 0.4
Shear damping coefficient 0.2 0.2
Author's personal copy
as a result of gravity, whereas masses C, D, and E maintained
higher self-supportability due to their larger coefficient of
friction (0.6) and greater bonding strength. When masses A
and B came into contact with masses C, D, and E downstream,
the lack of support from the slope toe, which had been
hollowed out by erosion, caused them to collapse. This se-
quence matches the landslide mechanisms derived from the
onsite survey. The simulation also used a PFC3D fluid option
to install a water body downstream, where the sea would be.
When particle elements encountered the water body, their
movement speed was reduced by fluid resistance, causing them
to accumulate in an alluvial fan.
&The simulated landslide progressed through seven phases from
sliding, accelerating, and decelerating to a final stop (Figs. 13 and 14);
&In the first phase, masses A and B began moving (at the 5-s
point in Fig. 13). The speed of the landslide in this phase
ranged between 5 and 20 m/s (1872 km/h) with an
average speed of 9 m/s (30 km/h, as shown in Fig. 13).
&Second phase (15-s point in Fig. 13): Masses A and B moved
past the steepest terrain in the region, converged at the
Southern Unnamed Creek, and reached the toe of mass C.
At this point, the front portions of masses A and B were
moving at the highest speed of 52.2 m/s with an overall
average of 20.4 m/s (Fig. 14). The rear portions were also
beginning their accelerated descent.
&Third phase (22.5-s point in Fig. 13): The front portions of
masses A and B arrived at the highway where the Chuang-Yi
tour group bus was parked. Because the terrain in the valley
turns gradually from southeast to south, the front portion of
the sliding mass began slowing down (the average speed
reduced to 10.36 m/s, Fig. 14). Here, the landslide gradually
transformed from a debris slide to a debris flow. Due to toe
erosion, mass C became unstable and began collapsing.
&Fourth phase (40-s point in Fig. 13): By this time, mass C
had collapsed, and the front portions of masses A and B
had reached mass D, situated on an undercut slope at the
bend of the watercourse. The front portions of masses A
and B accelerated again (increasing to 27.5 m/s) speeding
the erosion of the toe of mass D.
&Fifth phase (60-s point in Fig. 13): Mass D collapsed, and
the front portions of masses A and B had passed another
bend in the creek, past the toe of mass E. Erosion by the
sliding masses from upstream destabilized mass E on the
lower slope of Su-Hua Highway 115.8k.
&Sixth phase (70-s point in Fig. 13): By this time, mass E had
collapsed, and a portion of the sliding masses was beginning
to pass the second bend before reaching the sea. Due to the
curve of the valley, the masses accelerated again, reaching
speeds of 12.4012.57 m/s (Fig. 14)duringtheperiod7077.5 s.
At about 77.5 s, the speeds began gradually decelerating. At
70 s, the front portions of masses A and B had reached the sea
and were slowing down in the water.
&In the seventh phase (157.5-s point in Fig. 13), an alluvial fan
formed, ending the landslide movement at 157.5 s.
Table 3 Comparison of friction coefficients
Coefficient of friction Landslide movement
distance (m)
width (m)
0.05 1,375 427
0.1 1,268 384
0.15 1,192 363
0.2 1,136 325
Pre-event measurements
1,276 387
Fig. 12 Comparison of numerical simulation results and post-event images. The orange area on the lower slope of Su-Hua Highway 115.9k presents the final simulation
results. SM-A the slide mass A, SM-B the slide mass B, SM-C the slide mass C, SM-D the slide mass D, SM-E the slide mass E
Technical Note
Author's personal copy
The applications of the model are as follows:
(a) Zoning similar landslide areas: The area above Su-Hua High-
way 115.9k has three geological and topographical character-
istics: (1) the geological structure includes a junction between
amphibolite and schist, and combines both permeable strata
(fracture zone) and impermeable strata (fault gouge). (2)
Topographical characteristics include hummocky deposits
and rock deformation, and the toes of the deposits were
unstable due to erosion. (3) The valleys of the tributaries were
narrowed by sliding masses on the two banks. In some cases,
talus cones or alluvial fans were apparent downstream. The
terrain upstream of Su-Hua Highway 115.9k still presents
similar geological structures and topographical characteris-
tics; in heavy rains, significant large landslides may still
occur; therefore, this area should be closely monitored.
(b) Assessment of landslide potential and hazard zonation: Zon-
ing of areas with landslide potential and sensitivity to geo-
logical disasters has been performed throughout the
metropolitan and mountainous areas of Taiwan for nearly a
decade. However, due to immature landslide simulation tech-
niques, these assessments still require further study. This
study used techniques capable of overcoming previous inad-
equacies in landslide simulation.
(c) Pre-disaster scenario simulation: When coordinated with
slope monitoring and 3D stability analysis, the presented
numerical model could provide accurate pre-disaster scenar-
io simulations. The dynamic presentation of large landslide
movements can provide disaster prevention units with a
valuable reference, and the simulation results should increase
the accuracy of assessment and alerts.
(d) Early warning systems for downstream villages: Knowledge
of movement speeds and affected range could enable plan-
ning for early warning and establishment of refuges.
Fig. 13 Movement process and speed variations in the simulated landslide at Su-
Hua Highway 115.9k. SM-A the slide mass A, SM-B the slide mass B, SM-C the
slide mass C, SM-D the slide mass D, SM-E the slide mass E
Fig. 14 Average speed statistics of simulated landslide at Su-Hua Highway 115.9k
Author's personal copy
This study investigated the geomorphic evolution, landslide mech-
anism, and kinematic characteristics of the landslide area sur-
rounding Su-Hua Highway 115.9k in Taiwan. A numerical model
revealed the variations in the speed of the moving material and the
area of influence of the large landslide.
Analysis of geomorphology revealed hummocky surfaces in several
upstream areas of the Tungaoling source area in 1936. Collapses and
continued rock deformation in the banks of the source creeks devel-
oped into five hummocky surfaces at the Southern Unnamed Creek
prior the large collapse, which occurred during Typhoon Megi. On the
banks of the Northern Unnamed Creek, six significant hummocky
areas remain and should be monitored in the future. A field survey
revealed distributions of fault gouge in the mid- to downstream
section of the valley, which forms an impermeable stratum within
the slope body. Erosion of the slope toe caused by multiple collapses
has made the entire slope unstable, such that debris slides and under-
cutting of the roadbed may still occur following heavy rains.
Numerical simulation of the landslide movement illustrated seven
phases involved in the collapse at Su-Hua Highway 115.9k. The initial
speed of the sliding masses at the source was 520 m/s. After sliding for
15 s, the mass descended steeper terrain at an elevation of 550 m
reaching a peak of 52.2 m/s. At 22.5 s, the mass struck Su-Hua Highway
and the vehicles on it, with devastating effect. The front portion of the
sliding mass subsequently decelerated due to the leveling of the
terrain, which transformed the landslide from a large-scale debris slide
to a debris flow. The lower slope of 115.8k was located at an undercut
slope at a bend in the creek. When the debris flow passed by this area,
the lower slope was subjected to severe lateral erosion, which triggered
collapses in the lower slope. At approximately 157.5 s, most of the
debris flow had been deposited near the sea as an alluvial fan.
The research is mainly supported by the National Science Council
of Taiwan, grant no. NSC 101-2218-E-270-001. The advice, com-
reviewers have significantly strengthened the scientific soundness
of this paper. Their kind assists are gratefully acknowledged.
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Taipei Association of Applied Geology Engineers (2011) Comprehensive geological safety
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C.-M. Lo ())
Department of Civil Engineering,
Chienkuo Technology University,
Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Republic of China
C.-F. Lee
Disaster Prevention Technology Research Center,
Sinotech Engineering Consultants, Inc.,
Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China
H.-T. Chou
Department of Civil Engineering,
National Central University,
Chung-Li, Taiwan, Republic of China
M.-L. Lin
Department of Civil Engineering,
National Taiwan University,
Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China
Technical Note
Author's personal copy
... By shortening the length of the slip surface and increasing potential water pressure acting on the crack face, cracks have significant destabilizing effects on the layered slope stability. This phenomenon is often observed in layered fill slopes (Stewart et al. 2001;Collins 2008;Lee et al. 2008) and natural layered slopes, particularly under rainfall (Lee et al. 2008;Lo et al. 2014) and earthquake conditions (Zhou et al. 2010;Tiwari et al. 2018). Moreover, cracks usually occur at the top of some cut slopes during excavation, and the soil in these cut slopes is often stratified due to geological sedimentation (Song et al. 2012;Zheng et al. 2015;Chen et al. 2017;Li et al. 2020). ...
... However, due to the nature of the continuity of the finite element (FE) method, it struggles to model crack propagation and consequently requires the assumption of preexisting cracks when analyzing the layered slope stability. It is difficult to obtain the position of the critical crack using numerical methods, except for the discrete element method (Lo et al. 2014), which is hard to get the soil parameters for the numerical model. Pantelidis and Griffiths (2013) proposed a closed-form solution for the stability of homogenous and non-homogenous slopes using an assumed circular sliding surface. ...
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Evaluating the stability of layered slopes, a common type of terrain in nature and engineering practice, poses a fundamental challenge in the field of geotechnique. The emergence and extension of tension cracks play a crucial role in the failure process of layered slopes, but accurately predicting the location of layered slope cracking and assessing its impact on layered slopes remains a challenge using conventional analytical methods. Herein, we present a closed-form solution for evaluating the layered slope stability with tension cracks without any priori assumptions. The presented closed-form solution enables the location and depth of tension crack, the critical failure surface in different soil layers, and the corresponding normal stress distribution to be determined for all single/layered slopes. Effects of tension cracks on layered slopes are investigated, considering slope inclination, soil properties, layer thickness, and dominant failure mechanism. Note that, the results show that the dominant failure mode of layered slopes could change from toe failure (without cracks) to face/base failure (with tension cracks), which has not been previously reported. Multiple cracks are possible to develop in layered slopes. The proposed closed-form solution can be applied to improve the stability assessment and engineering design of layered slopes considering tension crack.
... Mass movements are reconstructed by solving the motion and displacement equations for each particle (Cundall and Strack 1979). This method has been widely used to study the kinematics of landslides and debris flows (Li et al. 2012;Lo et al. 2013). ...
... As a result, the parameters from laboratory tests cannot be directly used in simulations. The input parameters were calibrated by physical and numerical tests as recommended by Potyondy and Cundall (2004) and introduced in detail in previous studies (Li et al. 2012;Lo et al. 2013;Hung et al. 2018). First, the initial empirical microparameters of parallel bonding contact were used in the uniaxial compression test model. ...
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On July 20, 2013, a landslide-induced debris flow occurred in Dujiangyan city, China. Eleven houses were destroyed with more than 166 fatalities. Previous literature indicated that the 2008 Ms 8.0 earthquake and a long period of heavy rain contributed to this landslide. The rock slide was initiated and 21% of the rupture mass fell from the cliff. These rocks fragmented when impacting the ground and then entrained the base soil. Subsequently, the volume of rockfall increased by 28%. In an area of flow convergence, a short-lived blockage occurred, and the following outburst triggered a debris flow. Previous field investigations have shown that both topography and bed entrainment affect the landslide-debris flow transformation. However, the dynamic process has not been quantified. In this study, the discrete element method (DEM) considering the dragging and rolling effects was used to perform a back numerical analysis to capture the dynamic processes. The computational results indicate two different entrainment scenarios, plowing and shearing. The former occurred when the rock slide detached from the cliff, and the latter occurred when debris material moved above the colluvium. The landslide transformed into a debris flow during a short-term blockage that occurred in the gradually narrowing channel. During flow convergence, the inertial shearing stress developed due to the inter-particle collision.
... Moreover, in some cases, the rock and soil masses become loose and are mainly composed of debris in the deformation and failure stage, which can be regarded as a particle-system. To model the deformation and failure characteristics of block-system and particle-system, the DEM was proposed based on discontinuous theory [131][132][133][134]. ...
... First, for the 3D particle flow method, Lo [133] demonstrated that the 3D particle flow DEM can be employed to investigate particle motion and deposition after landslide failure. Moreover, based on the Taiwan Su-Hua highway 115.9k landslide, Lo [134] applied the 3D particle flow DEM to investigate the geomorphic evolution, landslide mechanism, and landslide movement characteristics of the large-scale landslide. Lin [145] constructed a 3D particle flow DEM to analyze the mechanisms and movement processes of a large-scale landslide by using different friction coefficient ranges, different continuities of the sliding surface, and different cementation strengths. ...
Geohazards, including the landslide, debris flow, rockfall, surface collapse, surface subsidence, and surface cracks, can bring great threats to human life and property. Generally, the defromation and failure of rock and soil masses can induce geohazards. To effectively predict and prevent geohazards, it is significant to capture the deformation and failure characteristics of rock and soil masses occurring in geohazards. Numerical modeling methods have been widely used to investigate the deformation and failure of rock and soil masses due to their low cost and convenience. Commonly, meshfree methods can be used to model the large deformation and failure characteristics of rock and soil masses without mesh-dependence. In this paper, we aim to provide a survey of related applications in modeling the deformation and failure of rock and soil masses occurring in common geohazards by using four frequently-used meshfree methods, including Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH), Material Point Method (MPM), Discrete Element Method (DEM), and Discontinuous Deformation Analysis (DDA). Moreover, the capabilities, key issues, and outlook of the surveyed meshfree methods in the deformation and failure simulation of rock and soil masses are discussed. This paper provides a reference for geohazards prevention from the perspective of modeling the deformation and failure of rock and soil masses using meshfree methods.
... Moreover, PFC modeling can simulate moving masses as a set of discrete elements interacting with the digital elevation model based on the basal topography of the original slope (Potyondy and Cundall 2004;Shen et al. 2016). Several studies have been carried out to reproduce the behavior of landslides using PFC modeling after the occurrence of the landslide (Tang et al. 2009;Tang et al. 2013;Lo et al. 2014;Lo et al. 2016;Feng et al. 2017;Wei et al. 2019;Wu et al. 2021;Lai et al. 2022). Some studies Landslides 20 • (2023) ...
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On 9 August 2022, the Hoengseong landslide was induced by heavy precipitation at a solar power plant in Gangwon Province, South Korea. The slope failed at the embankment of the solar power plant and subsequently transited to a high-mobilized debris flow. The fluidized mass, solar panels, and drainage components rushed down to National Route No. 6 and destroyed all vegetation along the valley. The debris mass killed one person and destroyed two houses. The Hoengseong landslide was initiated and had a long-runout distance of about 330 m, a total drop of 60 m, and a landslide volume of 1.5 × 104. This study presents to analyze the kinematic characteristics of a landslide-generated debris flow event with the PFC3D numerical model and linear contact bonding method. In order to analyze the distinctions between different processes, a combination of field surveys, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) photogrammetry, and laboratory triaxial tests were utilized. These methods were employed to extract essential parameters, including the digital elevation model and shear strength, which are associated with the rheological properties of landslide-debris flow materials. In dynamic analysis, the velocity, displacement, and characteristics of landslide deposition were considered. The results indicate that the initial landslide stage started with overall acceleration, and the movement of soil mass lasted approximately 1000 s with double-peak velocity curves and nonsynchronous displacement. Based on the simulation results, it was determined that the landslide had an average velocity of 0.848 m/s and a local maximum velocity of 3.138 m/s. It was observed that around 400 to 600 s into the simulation, two houses were demolished and underwent significant deformation. The morphology of the deposit exhibited a satisfactory agreement with the findings of the on-site survey. By offering comprehensive insights into the Hoengseong landslide, this study serves as a valuable resource for enhancing our comprehension of landslide dynamics and mitigating the risks associated with the potential reactivation of the Hoengseong landslide.
... At present, various approaches have been adopted to study the mechanism and damage process of seismic landslides. Analysis of the dynamic response of slopes is generally performed by numerical integration (Newmark 1965;Tsai and Chien 2016), numerical simulation (Stead et al. 2006;Lo et al. 2014;Leshchinsky et al. 2015;Kokutse et al. 2016;Ning et al. 2016;Massey et al. 2017;Yilmaz et al. 2018), and physical modeling (Wartman et al. 2005;Severn 2011;Garevski et al. 2013;Song et al. 2018a, b). Using the shaking table test, the model size, input seismic motion, and boundary condition can be controlled based on the actual situation, and then the simulated dynamic responses of the rock slope can be obtained (Huang et al. 2019). ...
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Seismic landslides cause heavy casualties and economic losses as well as severe damage to the geo-environment. In areas with frequent earthquakes, each seismic event could induce the occurrence of damage. The damage evolution in rock slopes is the key factor to trigger collapse or landslide. To investigate the damage evolution of rock slopes under seismic motions with different amplitudes and directions, a slope model scaled from the Huaping bank slope in Yunnan Province, China, was constructed and a large-scale shaking table test was conducted. The results show that the acceleration amplification coefficient (MPGA) decreases with the increase in input seismic motion amplitude, indicating that shear strain increases and shear modulus decreases in the slope owing to the damage accumulation. Based on the dynamic deformation response of the slope, the damage degree defined as the ratio of permanent displacement to peak ground displacement is proposed to quantitatively identify the damage evolution of the slope, and it is verified by the phenomenon of crack development process. The analysis of damage degree reveals that the damage evolution within the rock slope is primarily controlled by the horizontal seismic motion, and significantly developed in the area between slope shoulder and slope bottom. When the input horizontal motion is 4.46 m/s², the slope model fails and the damage degree reaches the maximum over 60%. The meaning of damage degree could offer a better comprehension for the damage development process in rock slopes under seismic motions.
... Numerical modeling, including the finite element method [24], discrete element method [25], and depth-integrated continuum mechanics method [26], provides an alternative way to identify runout landslide areas and can simulate full-scale movements of an entire landslide body [27,28]. Pure numerical modeling methods have certain advantages in the simulation of single landslides [29,30], but their application in regional landslide simulation is relatively rare due to the difficulty of obtaining parameters and the time-consuming computation [31,32]. ...
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Landslides can be triggered by natural and human activities, threatening the safety of buildings and infrastructures. Mapping potential landslide runout zones are critical for regional risk evaluation. Although remote sensing technology has been widely used to discover unstable areas, an entire landslide runout zone is difficult to identify using these techniques alone. Some simplified methods based on empirical models are used to simulate full-scale movements, but these methods do not consider the kinematic uncertainties caused by random particle collisions in practice. In this paper, we develop a semi-empirical landslide dynamics method considering kinematic uncertainties to solve this problem. The uncertainties caused by the microtopography and anisotropy of the material are expressed by the diffusion angle. Monte Carlo (MC) simulations are adopted to calculate the probability of each cell. Compared with the existing Flow-R model, this method can more accurately and effectively estimate runout zones of the Yigong landslide where random particle collisions are intense. Combining the D-InSAR technique, we evaluate the runout zones in the Jinsha River from June 2019 to December 2020. This result shows that the method is of great significance in early warning and risk mitigation, especially in remote areas. The source area of the landslide and DEM resolution together affect the number of MC simulations required. A landslide with a larger volume requires a larger diffusion angle and more MC simulations.
Gully erosion damages land resources and endangers human productivity and life, making it a key issue in global research on soil erosion nowadays. Gully headcut retreat (GHR) is the main form of gully erosion. Tiny concave features can be found in many retreating gully heads worldwide, and they are referred to as “niche terrain” in this study. To investigate the association between niche terrain and GHR, relevant research was reviewed on niches and stability analysis of gully heads with niches was modelled and analysed. Studies have shown that not all niches worldwide are identical due to regional differences in internal material–external environmental conditions. Special soil properties, joints, and cracks are the internal material conditions that lead to the formation of niche. External conditions include climate conditions, vegetation conditions, and topography. Water is the driving force for the formation of niche, while vegetation and topography are key factors. Niches can be regarded as the initial stage of GHR in areas where gully erosion is intense. In general, GHR is a composite cyclical process dominated by hydraulic erosion in the early stage and gravitational erosion in the late stage, including niche formation, inward concave formation, free face formation, overhanging soil collapse, and niche reformation. In this study, a model of gully head stability is applied, and it is found that the stability‐based factor of safety decreases exponentially with increasing niche height and crack depth, increases exponentially with increasing niche angle, and decreases quadratically with increasing catchment slope. Summarizing the common characteristics of niche terrains worldwide can facilitate the study of the evolution of gully erosion globally.
Deformation and failure of the talus slope in the cold region significantly threaten engineered structures. Its driving mechanism of the deformation process is the most challenging issue. In this study, we try to explore these issues using tree ring characteristics. Fifty samples from 21 trees of Pinus densiflora growing on the talus slope in the Huanren area of Northeast China are tested to investigate the characteristics of tree rings and their relation to climate change. The deformation and its driving mechanism of this talus slope are then studied by combining the analysis of tree-ring width and mutation identification with the local meteorological data. The results present that the studied talus slope in Huanren has deformed to varying degrees at least 60 times since 1900. It is reasonable to speculate that the deformation mode of this slope is probably of a long-term and slow type. The local precipitation and seasonal temperature difference are the vital inducing factors of the mutation of tree-ring width and slope deformation. Repeated freezing and thawing are believed to be the driving factors of this talus slope in the cold region. A theoretical model is proposed to capture and predict the deformation of the talus slope. This work presents a new perspective and insight to reveal the deformation and its driving mechanism of similar talus slopes in the cold region. It is of great significance to practical engineering treatment and disaster prevention for this kind of cold region environment.
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On October 11 and November 3, 2018, two large landslides occurred at the same location in Baige Village, eastern Tibet, China. These landslides pose a serious threat to both upstream and downstream areas, raising great concerns in China and worldwide. Currently, the influencing factors and fundamental mechanism of the Baige landslide are questioned, and further research is needed. Multiple methods, including comprehensive field investigation, satellite remote sensing, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) 3D imaging, and geographical information systems, are used to analyse the main characteristics, influencing factors, and fundamental mechanism of the Baige landslide. The results reveal that the occurrence of the Baige landslide is closely related to deep-seated gravitational slope deformations (DSGSDs); tectonic activity, river incision, earthquakes, and rainfall are also responsible for the formation of the event. From a long-term perspective, DSGSDs, active tectonic deformation, repetitive seismic activities, rapid river incision, and sustained rainfall infiltration all interact with each other and finally trigger catastrophic landslides. The damage deformation process of the Baige landslide can be divided into three stages: epigenetic deformation, time-dependent deformation, and failure. Some unstable rock masses still exist in the source area, and thus, successive deformation monitoring and timely mitigation measures should be implemented to reduce the residual risks. The research in this paper is meaningful for further research on such large-scale landslides along the Jinsha River.
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The fracturing and fragmentation of rock blocks are important phenomena that occur ubiquitously during the propagation of rock avalanches. Here, the movement of a rectangular rock block characterized by different joint sets along an upper sloped and lower horizontal plane is simulated using discrete element method (DEM) models. The pattern of the joint set allows the block to break along weak joint planes at the onset of fragmentation. With this design, the fracturing and fragmentation of the sliding rock block and their influences on the conversion and transmission of energy within the system are investigated. The results show that rock fragmentation can significantly alter the horizontal velocities and kinetic energies of fragments in the block system, accelerating the front sub-block while decelerating the rear sub-block. Such energy conversion and transmission between the front and rear sub-blocks are attributed to the accumulation and release of elastic strain energy caused by fragmentation. The energy transfer induced by fragmentation is more efficient than that induced by collision. Furthermore, positive relationships between the kinetic energy increase in the front sub-block induced by joint fracturing and the joint strength can be reliably fitted with linear functions, indicating that a rock mass with a higher joint strength experiences more-energetic fragmentation effects.
Conference Paper
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Typhoon Megi coupling with northeastern monsoon induced an extreme rainfall of 939 mm upon the Suao area, Yilan county, eastern Taiwan on 21 October, 2010. Such a heavy rainfall triggered many up-slope landslides along the coast highway Route 9. During Typhoon Megi, a landslide of 2.1 million m 3 was transformed into a debris flow along a steep ravine across Route 9, then formed an alluvial fan at the Pacific coastline. In the present work, the field survey, rainfall histogram, airborne and terrestrial laser scanning data, and high-resolution Digital Elevation Model (DEM) were used to quantify the morphological change before and after this event. The fan slope and the drainage-basin area follow the power law relationship as proposed by Hooke (1968). Field observation exhibits the slopes of 8.9° for the sub-aerial alluvial fan. The submarine slope of the alluvial fan is milder than the sub-aerial due to strong wind-wave forcings. The 3-D numerical simulation was also performed to explore the dynamics of the debris avalanche process. G = qA n , where q and n are model constants related to the morphological characteristics. Harvey et al., (2005) investigated four groups of fans (e.g., still-water, cold spring, Dixie, and Gerlach fans) from different regions and summarized the corresponding regression constants for each group. Different model constants depict the contributions from either hydraulic power or debris flows (Staley et al., 2006, Metz et al., 2009). Typhoon Megi coupling with northeastern monsoon induced an extreme rainfall of 939 mm upon Suao area, eastern Taiwan on 21 October, 2010. A rainfall-induced landslide, with a volume of about 2.1 × 10 6 m 3 , was transformed into a debris flow, then formed an alluvial fan at the Pacific coastline. To explore the topographic changes due to this landslide, the 3-D airborne laser scanning (ALS), long-range terrestrial laser scanning (TLS), and underwater exploration procedures with side-beam echo sounder (with centimeter-order resolution) were adopted. The surface change and deformation in landslide areas before and after the typhoon event were evaluated by the digital elevation model (DEM). Finally, a numerical simulation with the discrete element method (PFC 3D) was carried out to examine the avalanche scenario.
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The Su-Ao to Nan-Ao section of the Su-Hua highway was seriously damaged by rainfall caused debris sliding during the 2010 typhoon Maggie. Rainfall induced debris slide damage was most significant at kilometer 115.9, which is the area of maximum curvature of the highway. Slope instability and landslide hazard potential are key issues for disaster prevention along mountain roads. In this study, the finite element software (Midas/GTS) has been used to establish a three-dimensional slope stability model of the slope at kilometer 115.9 of the Su-Hua highway using model parameters based on field investigation and reasonable assumptions. Field survey and numerical simulation results reveal landslide failure mechanisms, the area of the potentially unstable slope, and sliding depth, which otherwise are difficult to obtain. The study shows that the area and volume of the landslide body is approximately 1.56 × 10-1 km2 and 3.56 × 10-3 km3, and that the deepest sliding depth is 22.2 m. These results can provide a reference for disaster prevention geologic hazard mapping, and associated remediation project planning.
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Velocity is the most important parameter determining the destructive potential of landslides. "Catastrophic" velocities of the order of several metres per second are attained only by certain types of landslides. High velocities are the consequence of a range of strength loss mechanisms, reviewed in this chapter. Strength loss can occur instantly during the process of failure, through loss of cohesion, liquefaction of granular material or remoulding of sensitive clay. Further important loss of strength can occur during movement, including rock joint roughness reduction, shearing in clays, sliding surface liquefaction, frictional heating, loss of internal coherence of the sliding body, material entrainment, rapid undrained loading, and entrainment of water. Extremely rapid landslides include rock, debris and earth fall, rock block topple, rock slide, debris slide, flow slide in granular soil or clay, debris avalanche, debris flow and rock avalanche. There is a need to study the post-failure behaviour of materials, in order to facilitate predictions of the behaviour of extremely rapid landslides for hazard assessment.
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This paper reports an analysis procedure for the evaluation of the features of the motion of blocks detaching from a steep rock wall and traveling down the slope below. Starting from the execution of real scale rock fall tests, carried out on two slopes having different morphology and lithology, the paper describes the methodology used for test interpretation and a procedure for the evaluation of the parameters best suited to the description of rock fall motion. The influence of the parameters assessed on the prediction of the rock fall trajectory was also investigated using two-dimensional and three-dimensional numerical models. These models were calibrated by means of a back analysis of the in situ tests, which also allowed the evaluation of the uncertainties involved in the parameters experimentally estimated.
This paper presents results of a case study on the Hsiaolin catastrophic landslide, including its kinematic process and the geometry of deposition. Based on geomorphologic analysis, the landslide initiated in thick, multi-aged colluvium soils at the headwaters of a small stream upslope of Hsiaolin village. A 3D discrete element program, PFC3D was used to model the kinematic process that led to the landslide and destruction of Hsiaolin village. The landslide advanced from debris slide to debris avalanche during the kinematic process. Assuming a friction coefficient of each particle of 0.1, the predicted maximum velocity was about 70m/s, a velocity which permits the debris to cross Qishanxi stream and deposit on the opposite bank. Based on simulation results, Hsiaolin village was inundated in 60 to 65s after failure initiation and at 112s after the event, the debris avalanche came to rest, forming a landslide dam.
We construct a new class of granular landslide models in which avalanches are simulated with large numbers of independent particles moving under the influence of topographically derived gravitational and centripetal acceleration. Concurrently, the particles suffer deceleration due to basal and dynamic friction. The novel aspect of the calculation is that complex particle-to-particle interactions, fluctuating basal contacts, and unresolved topographic roughness within and below the deforming flow are mimicked by random perturbations in along-track and cross-slope acceleration. We apply the method to the 1980 May 18 Mount Saint Helens debris avalanche by constraining the initial geometry and structure of the slide mass from geological data, and the initial failure sequence from eyewitness accounts. After tuning coefficients of mechanical friction and random accelerations, the landslide simulation generates a final deposit whose extent, thickness, morphological structure and lithological variation closely replicate those observed. Moreover, the model avalanche is consistent kinematically with mapped patterns of bedrock scouring, deposit superelevation, and net force history implied from seismic records. To be successful, the slide mass must be divided into upper, high-friction and lower, low-friction members. This division corresponds to fresh, water-unsaturated and hydrothermally altered, water-saturated rock units and points to a mechanical explanation of the kinematics of the debris avalanche. Success in reproducing many features of the Mount Saint Helens avalanche indicates that debris-deposit data may be used to determine the kinematic histories of less well-observed landslides.
A numerical model for rock is proposed in which the rock is represented by a dense packing of non-uniform-sized circular or spherical particles that are bonded together at their contact points and whose mechanical behavior is simulated by the distinct-element method using the two- and three-dimensional discontinuum programs PFC2D and PFC3D. The microproperties consist of stiffness and strength parameters for the particles and the bonds. Damage is represented explicitly as broken bonds, which form and coalesce into macroscopic fractures when load is applied. The model reproduces many features of rock behavior, including elasticity, fracturing, acoustic emission, damage accumulation producing material anisotropy, hysteresis, dilation, post-peak softening and strength increase with confinement. These behaviors are emergent properties of the model that arise from a relatively simple set of microproperties. A material-genesis procedure and microproperties to represent Lac du Bonnet granite are presented. The behavior of this model is described for two- and three-dimensional biaxial, triaxial and Brazilian tests and for two-dimensional tunnel simulations in which breakout notches form in the region of maximum compressive stress. The sensitivity of the results to microproperties, including particle size, is investigated. Particle size is not a free parameter that only controls resolution; instead, it affects the fracture toughness and thereby influences damage processes (such as notch formation) in which damage localizes at macrofracture tips experiencing extensile loading.
Dynamics of rapid landslides PFC3D particle flow code in 3 dimensions. User's guide. Itasca Consulting Group, Minneapolis Lee YL (2010) Aerial survey of geological disasters along Su-Hua highway Kinematic process of the catastrophic landslide through investigation and numerical simulation
  • Lo
  • Cm
  • Yh Lin
  • Ty Jeng
  • Wei
  • Chi Cc Lw
  • Lin
  • Hh
O (2007) Dynamics of rapid landslides. Progress in landslide science, chapter 4. Springer, Berlin, pp. 47–56 Itasca Consulting Group Inc. (2002) PFC3D particle flow code in 3 dimensions. User's guide. Itasca Consulting Group, Minneapolis Lee YL (2010) Aerial survey of geological disasters along Su-Hua highway. Geology Quarterly 29(4):21–25 Lo CM, Lin YH, Jeng TY, Wei LW, Chi CC, Lin HH (2011) " Kinematic process of the catastrophic landslide through investigation and numerical simulation ", 14th Confer-ence on Current Researches in Geotechnical Engineering in Taiwan, pp 1–12 Lo CM, Lin ML, Tang CL, Hu JC (2011b) A kinematic model of the Hsiaolin landslide calibrated to the morphology of the landslide deposit. Engineering Geology 123:22–
The measures adopt to solve the NYC Tunnel high pressure water
Directorate General of Highways (2010) Feasibility study and priority construction planning tasks for the improvement of the mountainous sections on highway 9, the Su-Hua highway, Geotechnical Engineering Survey and Documentary Report Fu R, Cha NT, Hsueh WC (2004) The measures adopt to solve the NYC Tunnel high pressure water. Chin J Rock Mech Eng 23(2):1-7
Stability issues and preliminary analysis of Su-Hua highway with Su-Hua highway 115.9k as an example
  • H K Chu
  • C M Lo
  • Y L Chang
Chu HK, Lo CM, Chang YL (2012) "Stability issues and preliminary analysis of Su-Hua highway with Su-Hua highway 115.9k as an example", 2012 Taiwan Rock Engineering Symposium, Chungli, pp 579-588