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Searching for the Definition of Macrosomia through an Outcome-Based Approach


Abstract and Figures

Background Macrosomia has been defined in various ways by obstetricians and researchers. The purpose of the present study was to search for a definition of macrosomia through an outcome-based approach. Methods In a study of 30,831,694 singleton term live births and 38,053 stillbirths in the U.S. Linked Birth-Infant Death Cohort datasets (1995–2004), we compared the occurrence of stillbirth, neonatal death, and 5-min Apgar score less than four in subgroups of birthweight (4000–4099 g, 4100–4199 g, 4200–4299 g, 4300–4399 g, 4400–4499 g, 4500–4999 g vs. reference group 3500–4000 g) and birthweight percentile for gestational age (90th–94th percentile, 95th-96th, and ≥97th percentile, vs. reference group 75th–90th percentile). Results There was no significant increase in adverse perinatal outcomes until birthweight exceeded the 97th percentile. Weight-specific odds ratios (ORs) elevated substantially to 2 when birthweight exceeded 4500 g in Whites. In Blacks and Hispanics, the aORs exceeded 2 for 5-min Apgar less than four when birthweight exceeded 4300 g. For vaginal deliveries, the aORs of perinatal morbidity and mortality were larger for most of the subgroups, but the patterns remained the same. Conclusions A birthweight greater than 4500 g in Whites, or 4300 g in Blacks and Hispanics regardless of gestational age is the optimal threshold to define macrosomia. A birthweight greater than the 97th percentile for a given gestational age, irrespective of race is also reasonable to define macrosomia. The former may be more clinically useful and simpler to apply.
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Searching for the Definition of Macrosomia through an
Outcome-Based Approach
Jiangfeng Ye
, Lin Zhang
, Yan Chen
, Fang Fang
, ZhongCheng Luo
, Jun Zhang
1MOE-Shanghai Key Laboratory of Children’s Environmental Health, Xinhua Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China, 2Department of
Obstetrics, Xinhua Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China
Macrosomia has been defined in various ways by obstetricians and researchers. The purpose of the present
study was to search for a definition of macrosomia through an outcome-based approach.
In a study of 30,831,694 singleton term live births and 38,053 stillbirths in the U.S. Linked Birth-Infant Death
Cohort datasets (1995–2004), we compared the occurrence of stillbirth, neonatal death, and 5-min Apgar score less than
four in subgroups of birthweight (4000–4099 g, 4100–4199 g, 4200–4299 g, 4300–4399 g, 4400–4499 g, 4500–4999 g vs.
reference group 3500–4000 g) and birthweight percentile for gestational age (90
percentile, 95
, and $97
percentile, vs. reference group 75
There was no significant increase in adverse perinatal outcomes until birthweight exceeded the 97
Weight-specific odds ratios (ORs) elevated substantially to 2 when birthweight exceeded 4500 g in Whites. In Blacks and
Hispanics, the aORs exceeded 2 for 5-min Apgar less than four when birthweight exceeded 4300 g. For vaginal deliveries,
the aORs of perinatal morbidity and mortality were larger for most of the subgroups, but the patterns remained the same.
A birthweight greater than 4500 g in Whites, or 4300 g in Blacks and Hispanics regardless of gestational age is
the optimal threshold to define macrosomia. A birthweight greater than the 97
percentile for a given gestational age,
irrespective of race is also reasonable to define macrosomia. The former may be more clinically useful and simpler to apply.
Citation: Ye J, Zhang L, Chen Y, Fang F, Luo Z, et al. (2014) Searching for the Definition of Macrosomia through an Outcome-Based Approach. PLoS ONE 9(6):
e100192. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0100192
Editor: Aimin Chen, University of Cincinnati, United States of America
Received January 3, 2014; Accepted May 23, 2014; Published June 18, 2014
Copyright: ß2014 Ye et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Funding: This study was supported by a grant from the Shanghai Municipal Health Bureau, China (No. GWIII-26.2). The funder had no role in study design, data
collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
* E-mail:
.These authors contributed equally to this work.
The term ‘‘macrosomia’’ is used to describe a very large fetus or
neonate. But there is no precise definition of macrosomia on which
all obstetricians and researchers agree. Common definitions use
either birthweight percentiles (e.g. P
or P
) or birthweight cut-
points (e.g. 4000g, 4500 g).[1–5] None however, were established
based on clear clinical evidence inclusive of a broad range of
perinatal outcomes.
Infant mortality decreases with increasing birthweight until
birthweight reaches a certain point after which the mortality rate
increases. This reverse J-shaped mortality curve has been well-
described for all races. It is well-known that the weight
corresponding to the lowest mortality is several hundred grams
heavier than the mean birthweight.[5–10] Bigger babies may have
survival advantages over smaller ones. But too big babies have
higher morbidities of asphyxia, birth trauma, neonatal seizures,
and meconium aspiration syndrome. [2,4,5] Macrosomic babies
may also have a higher risk of adult diseases such as obesity, type 2
diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. [11–13] So, how big is too
big? A consensus has not yet been reached to define macrosomia.
[14] Given that pregnant women are now older and heavier than
before, this may contribute to bigger babies. [15,16] An evidence-
based definition of macrosomia is needed.
In this study, we examined the frequently-used definitions of
macrosomia through an outcome-based approach using an index
of a broad range of hard-fact adverse perinatal outcomes. We
aimed to answer the following questions: (1) What is an
appropriate definition of macrosomia? Should it be defined based
on a birthweight percentile for a given gestational age (i.e., large-
for-gestational-age) or empirical birthweight cutpoints, irrespective
of gestational age? (2) Does one definition fit all races?
Materials and Methods
Study Design, Data Source and Population Studied
We carried out a retrospective cohort study. Infants were
categorized into subgroups by every 100 grams of birthweight
over 4000 g or by birthweight percentile for a given gestational
age at the cutoff points of the 10
percentile. Perinatal mortality and morbidity were compared
between subgroups with the reference groups (3500–4000 g in
birthweight, or 75
percentile). The cutoff points exceeded
PLOS ONE | 1 June 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 6 | e100192
which infants had significantly increased risks of mortality and
morbidity were considered as the threshold to defined macroso-
This study was based on the U.S. National Center for Health
Statistics (NCHS) Linked Birth-Infant Death Cohort datasets from
1995–2004. The datasets were compiled of birth and infant death
certificates registered in all states, the District of Columbia, Puerto
Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam. Each state provided to the
NCHS matching birth and death certificate numbers for each
infant less than one year of age occurring in a given calendar year.
NCHS used the matching certificate numbers to extract record
from the NCHS statistical files and link these data to establish the
linked record file. The methodological details of the linkage of
birth and death record were published in the Technical Notes of
National Vital Statistical Reports. [17] The data are coded
according to uniform specification and comply with uniform
quality control standard. The data are publicly accessible at the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Web site. Available
information in these files included demographic characteristics of
mothers, obstetric history, current pregnancy, labor and delivery
complications and birth outcomes.
For the purpose of this analysis, the study sample was restricted
to: 1) race of non-Hispanic White, non-Hispanic Black, and
Hispanic; 2) singleton pregnancies; 3) birthweight $500 grams;
and 4) term births (gestational age 37–42weeks). Infants had
missing birthweight or gestational age were excluded. Birthweight
.5500 grams was considered implausible and treated as missing
value. [18] Asian and other races were excluded due to the small
number of deaths.
Definition of Covariates
Race and ethnic origin were based on self-report. Maternal age
at delivery was grouped into: ,19, 20–34 and $35 years old.
Mother’s marital status was classified as: married, unmarried and
unknown. Education levels were recoded as: ,12 years (less than
high school), 12 years (high school), 13–16 years (college), $17
years (graduate school). Smoking during pregnancy was defined by
average number of cigarettes per day. We recoded this variable as
‘‘nonsmokers’’ (0 cigarettes per day), ‘‘light smokers’’ (1 to 10
cigarettes per day) and ‘‘heavy smokers’’ (more than 10 cigarettes
per day). Information describing ‘‘when the prenatal care started’’
was classified as: 1
trimester (1
month), 2
trimester (4
month), 3
trimester (7
month) and no prenatal care. Mode
of delivery was classified as vaginal or cesarean delivery.
Estimation of Gestational Age
Gestational age was recorded firstly based on self-reported last
menstrual period (LMP) and secondly by clinical estimate (CE).
Limitations of LMP-based estimate have been well documented.
[19,20] Several methods have been proposed to reduce misclas-
sifications of LMP-based gestational age. Qin and colleagues [21]
recently proposed that CE of gestational age substitutes for LMP-
based gestational age when the difference between the two
estimates was greater than two weeks. Compared to other
techniques, this method almost eliminated the aberrant second
mode of gestational age distribution, and was demonstrated to be
effective in correcting large errors in gestational age estimates. A
further benefit is that records are reclassified rather than excluded
altogether. Thus, we adopted LMP/CE method to estimate
gestational age.
Study Outcomes
The main outcomes included stillbirth, neonatal death and 5-
min Apgar score less than four. Stillbirth included all fetal deaths
with a birthweight of 500 g or more. Neonatal death included
infant deaths from 0 to 27 days after birth. As fetal and neonatal
mortality are rare outcomes, a composite perinatal mortality and
morbidity index (PMMI) including stillbirth, neonatal death and a
5-min Apgar score less than four was created. In the exploratory
analyses we observed that infants did not have significantly
increased risk of postnatal death even with a birthweight of 4500
or more. Therefore, postnatal mortality was not considered as one
of the outcome measures.
Ethics Statement
Data for this analysis were obtained from anonymized data
rendering ethical approval unnecessary by the Shanghai Xinhua
Hospital Research Ethics Board.
Statistical Analyses
Two types of definition of macrosomia were compared - based
on empirical birthweight or statistical distribution of birthweight.
The definitions were examined through an outcome-based
approach with the assumption that birthweight-specific infant
mortality curve follows a reversed J-shape. [6–10] Macrosomia is
defined as weights or weight percentiles that exceed the nadir of
the mortality curve. Infants were categorized into subgroups by
birthweight percentile cutoffs: 75
and 97
for each
gestational week. Birthweight percentiles by gestational age were
calculated according to the global reference for fetal-weight and
birthweight percentiles by race/ethnicity. [22] Table 1 contains
birthweight percentiles by gestational age for non-Hispanic White,
non-Hispanic Black and Hispanics. The risks of perinatal mortality
and morbidity were compared between subgroups. Exploratory
analyses observed that birthweight corresponding to the lowest
morbidity and mortality was several hundred grams heavier than
mean birthweight, as in previous studies.[6–10] Subgroups with
birthweight at 75
percentiles or 3500–4000 g corresponded
to the nadir of birthweight-specific mortality curve and, therefore,
were used as the reference categories. Given that this study focuses
on macrosomia, we presented the main results for birthweight
greater than 3500 g or 75th percentile in separate analyses.
Multivariable logistic regression was used to estimate odds ratios
(ORs) of perinatal mortality and morbidity. We used OR = 2 as
the pre-defined criterion to identify clinically important macroso-
mia similar to the definition of fetal growth restriction by neonatal
death risk in Boulet’s study. [23] The analysis of risk of infant
mortality and morbidity was adjusted for maternal age, parity,
infant sex and gestational age, maternal diabetes, chronic
hypertension, pregnancy associated hypertension, eclampsia,
smoking and social economic status (marital status, education)
and prenatal care. The selection of the covariates included in the
models was based on findings in the literature. All variables were
retained in the model regardless of statistical significance as they
had a prior theoretical association with the outcomes. All analyses
were carried out using SAS version 9.2 (SAS Institute Inc, Cary,
There were 39,956,864 live births and 539,915 stillbirths in the
linked dataset. A total of 30,831,694 live births and 38,053
stillbirths were included. There were large variations in the
birthweight distribution among infants of different races (Table 1).
About 12% of Whites, 6% of Blacks and 9% of Hispanics had a
birthweight greater than 4000 g. A total of 1.9% of Whites, 0.9%
of Blacks and 1.4% of Hispanics weighed heavier than 4500 g at
birth. The prevalence of birthweight greater than the 97
Definition of Macrosomia Based on Perinatal Outcomes
PLOS ONE | 2 June 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 6 | e100192
Table 1. Race-specific birthweight distributions in singleton term births, U.S. 1995–2004.
Gestational age (weeks) N
Birthweight (g) Birthweight percentile
Mean (SD) 4000–4499 (%) 4500–4999(%) $5000(%) 75
(%) 90
(%) 95
(%) $97
White 19748437 3465(476) 10.6 1.7 0.2 15.4 5.5 2.5 6.0
37 1608614 3154(484) 3.7 0.6 0.1 16.9 7.5 3.6 12.4
38 3622784 3336(461) 6.3 0.9 0.1 16.4 7.2 3.3 9.6
39 5299598 3462(448) 9.4 1.4 0.1 16.1 5.7 2.5 6.3
40 6020734 3563(448) 13.2 2.1 0.2 15.0 4.5 2.2 3.7
41 2398201 3631(468) 16.7 3.2 0.3 12.1 3.8 1.3 2.7
42 798506 3571(490) 14.6 3.0 0.4 15.3 5.2 2.0 3.0
Black 4525824 3259(474) 5.1 0.8 0.1 14.8 5.7 2.6 7.2
37 486874 3004(481) 2.1 0.4 0.1 15.7 8.1 4.0 14.0
38 918529 3152(457) 3.1 0.5 0.1 16.8 7.0 3.2 10.1
39 1182564 3267(448) 4.5 0.7 0.1 14.8 5.9 2.6 7.0
40 1280923 3365(450) 6.6 0.9 0.1 13.9 4.7 1.9 4.9
41 474383 3420(473) 8.9 1.3 0.2 12.2 3.6 1.8 3.2
42 182551 3346(487) 7.2 1.1 0.1 15.3 5.0 2.0 3.0
Hispanic 6563032 3397(464) 8.0 1.2 0.2 14.9 6.2 2.5 6.9
37 577094 3152(484) 3.6 0.6 0.1 16.5 8.8 4.2 15.9
38 1242509 3290(453) 5.1 0.8 0.1 17.3 7.6 3.6 10.7
39 1779751 3398(441) 7.2 1.0 0.1 15.8 6.8 2.6 6.7
40 1905498 3483(443) 9.8 1.5 0.2 13.9 5.1 1.9 4.3
41 772771 3539(460) 12.5 2.1 0.2 10.9 3.8 1.3 2.9
42 285409 3489(474) 34.5 11.0 2.0 14.5 5.4 2.2 3.0
Number of live births.
Definition of Macrosomia Based on Perinatal Outcomes
PLOS ONE | 3 June 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 6 | e100192
percentile was 6.0%, 7.2% and 6.9% for White, Black and
Hispanic, respectively.
Table 2 shows the prevalence of adverse perinatal outcomes.
Cesarean delivery rates were around 20% in all the three races,
and increased with higher birthweight. Prevalence of stillbirth,
neonatal death and 5-min Apgar score less than four decreased
with higher birthweight. Infants with birthweight of 3500–4000 g
had the lowest perinatal mortality and morbidity. When the
birthweight increased further, prevalence of perinatal mortality
and morbidity increased. Table 3 shows that the risk of perinatal
mortality increased slightly when birthweight exceeded the 95
all the three races. When birthweight exceeded the 97
the risk increased further. The adjusted odds ratios (aORs) of
perinatal mortality were 1.39 (95%CI:1.28,1.50), 1.64
(95%CI:1.46,1.85) and 1.58 (95%CI: 1.39,1.80) in Whites, Blacks
and Hispanics, respectively. A similar trend was found in the risk
of 5-min Apagr score less than four and composite index of
morbidity and mortality.
When infants weighing between 4000–4500 g were further
classified into every 100 g subgroups, we found that the aORs
increased gradually with higher birthweight. When birthweight
exceeded 4500 g, the risk of perinatal mortality and morbidity
increased substantially in Whites (aOR 1.91 and 1.94, respectively)
(Table 4). However, in Blacks, the aORs of adverse outcomes
exceeded 2.0 when birthweight was heavier than 4300 g
(aOR = 2.04 for 5-min Apgar score less than four). In Hispanci,
the aOR exceeded 2.0 when birthweight was heavier than 4300 g
(aORs 2.03 for 5-min Apgar score less than four). The aORs of
composite index of mortality and morbidity exceeded 2.0 when
birthweight exceeded 4500 g in Blacks and Hispanics (aOR 3.09
and 2.71, respectively). We did two sensitive analyses by restricting
the analyses to vaginal deliveries (Table S1 and S2) and vaginal
deliveries excluding vaginal births after cesarean section (Table S3
and S4), the aORs of perinatal morbidity and mortality were
larger for most of the subgroups, but the patterns remained the
Our findings suggest that the term macrosomia should be
defined as a birthweight greater than 4500 g regardless of
gestational age in Whites, or as greater than the 97
in birthweight for gestational age for three races. In general, our
study supported the AJOG’s definition of macrosomia as 4500 g
or more for Whites. [3] However, in Blacks and Hispanics, the
optimal threshold to define macrosomia may be 200 g lower, at
4300 g based on the perinatal mortality and 5-min Apgar score.
The definition based on birthweight may be more clinically useful
and simpler to apply than that based on birthweight percentile.
We observed no significant increase in adverse perinatal
outcomes in the subgroup of 90
and 95
in birthweight. Our finding doesn’t support the definition of
Table 2. Prevalence of perinatal and neonatal adverse outcomes in singleton birth cohort, U.S. 1995–2004.
Gestational age (weeks)
delivery (%)
(per 1000)
Neonatal death
(per 1000)
5-min Apgar score less than four
(per 1000)
White (N
=19748437) 21.5 1.1 1.0 1.0
,2500 29.1 11.7 11.1 3.5
2500–2999 20.6 2.2 1.8 1.3
3000–3499 19.5 0.9 0.8 0.9
3500–3999 21.3 0.5 0.5 0.9
4000–4499 26.8 0.6 0.5 1.1
4500–4999 36.7 1.2 0.7 1.6
$5000 50.2 4.7 1.9 4.4
Black (N
=4525824) 22.9 1.7 1.3 1.8
,2500 24.9 9.9 7.2 4.7
2500–2999 19.6 1.9 1.6 1.9
3000–3499 21.0 1.0 0.9 1.4
3500–3999 25.9 1.0 0.8 1.5
4000–4499 35.3 1.8 0.9 2.3
4500–4999 48.6 5.4 1.5 4.5
$5000 62.2 18.5 5.0 12.9
Hispanic (N
=6563032) 21.5 1.3 1.0 1.0
,2500 26.7 13.7 10.8 2.8
2500–2999 18.8 2.0 1.5 1.1
3000–3499 19.1 0.9 0.7 0.9
3500–3999 22.6 0.7 0.5 0.9
4000–4499 30.4 1.0 0.5 1.2
4500–4999 42.9 2.8 0.9 2.7
$5000 58.3 9.9 2.5 6.3
Number of live births.
Based on live births plus stillbirths.
Definition of Macrosomia Based on Perinatal Outcomes
PLOS ONE | 4 June 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 6 | e100192
Table 3. Risks of perinatal mortality and morbidity (the occurrence of stillbirth, neonatal death, or 5-min Apgar score ,4) by birthweight percentile (excluding deaths due to
congenital anomalies).
percentile Mortality
5-min Apgar score less than four Perinatal mortality and morbidity
(per 1000)
adjusted OR
(95% CI)
p value
(per 1000)
adjusted OR
(95% CI)
p value
(per 1000)
adjusted OR
(95% CI)
p value
White N = 16048878
0.9 1.00 0.9 1.00 1.7 1.00
0.9 1.03(0.94,1.13) 0.5134 1.0 1.06(0.98,1.15) 0.1532 1.8 1.04(0.97,1.11) 0.2430
1.0 1.08(0.95,1.22) 0.2403 1.1 1.24(1.12,1.38) ,0.0001 1.9 1.15(1.06,1.26) 0.0009
1.4 1.39(1.28,1.50) ,0.0001 1.3 1.40(1.30,1.50) ,0.0001 2.5 1.36(1.28,1.43) ,0.0001
Black N = 3758701
1.3 1.00 1.5 1.00 2.7 1.00
1.5 1.03(0.88,1.2) 0.7312 1.5 1.01(0.88,1.15) 0.9323 2.9 1.00(0.90,1.11) 0.9610
1.9 1.24(1.03,1.51) 0.0263 1.7 1.14(0.95,1.35) 0.1503 3.3 1.13(0.98,1.29) 0.0853
3.0 1.64(1.46,1.85) ,0.0001 2.5 1.64(1.47,1.82) ,0.0001 5.2 1.59(1.47,1.73) ,0.0001
Hispanic N = 6564283
1.0 1.00 0.9 1.00 1.4 1.00
1.0 0.96(0.81,1.13) 0.5827 0.9 1.04(0.86,1.27) 0.6562 1.4 1.03(0.91,1.16) 0.6888
1.1 0.92(0.73,1.16) 0.4584 0.9 0.98(0.74,1.31) 0.9132 1.4 0.90(0.75,1.08) 0.2483
2.1 1.58(1.39,1.80) ,0.0001 1.6 1.74(1.48,2.05) ,0.0001 2.8 1.65(1.49,1.82) ,0.0001
The occurrence of stillbirth or neonatal death.
Data are adjusted ORs estimated from multiple regression models adjusted for maternal age, gestational age, parity, infant sex, maternal diabetes, chronic hypertension, pregnancy associated hypertension, eclampsia, smoking,
social economic status (marital status, education) and month of prenatal care started.
The occurrence of stillbirth, neonatal death, or 5-min Apgar score less than four.
Definition of Macrosomia Based on Perinatal Outcomes
PLOS ONE | 5 June 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 6 | e100192
Table 4. Risks of perinatal mortality and morbidity (stillbirth, neonatal death, or 5-min Apgar score ,4) by birthweight (excluding deaths due to congenital anomalies).
Birthweight Mortality
5-min Apgar score less than four Perinatal mortality and morbidity
Prevalence (per 1000) adjusted OR (95% CI)
p value
Prevalence (per
1000) adjusted OR (95% CI)
p value
Prevalence (per
1000) adjusted OR (95% CI)
p value
White N = 16048878
3500–3999 0.8 1.00 0.9 1.00 1.6 1.00
4000–4099 0.8 1.08(0.96,1.21) 0.2067 1.0 1.20(1.09,1.31) 0.0001 1.7 1.12(1.04,1.21) 0.0025
4100–4199 0.9 1.20(1.07,1.34) 0.0021 1.1 1.21(1.10,1.33) ,0.0001 1.8 1.22(1.13,1.31) ,0.0001
4200–4299 1.0 1.34(1.17,1.54) ,0.0001 1.0 1.14(1.01,1.29) 0.0393 1.8 1.21(1.1,1.33) 0.0001
4300–4399 1.0 1.43(1.24,1.65) ,0.0001 1.2 1.33(1.18,1.51) ,0.0001 2.1 1.37(1.24,1.5) ,0.0001
4400–4499 1.0 1.47(1.22,1.77) ,0.0001 1.2 1.36(1.16,1.60) 0.0001 2.1 1.38(1.21,1.57) ,0.0001
4500–4999 1.5 1.91(1.69,2.15) ,0.0001 1.6 1.77(1.60,1.96) ,0.0001 2.9 1.82(1.68,1.98) ,0.0001
$5000 6.0 7.23(5.98,8.76) ,0.0001 4.4 4.73(3.89,5.75) ,0.0001 9.5 5.61(4.86,6.48) ,0.0001
Black N = 3758701
3500–3999 1.4 1.00 1.5 1.00 2.8 1.00
4000–4099 1.6 1.10(0.86,1.41) 0.4391 1.8 1.16(0.94,1.41) 0.1612 3.2 1.10(0.94,1.29) 0.2454
4100–4199 2.0 1.27(1.00,1.62) 0.0484 2.3 1.55(1.29,1.87) ,0.0001 4.0 1.44(1.24,1.68) ,0.0001
4200–4299 2.0 1.16(0.84,1.60) 0.3715 2.7 1.80(1.44,2.25) ,0.0001 4.4 1.51(1.25,1.83) ,0.0001
4300–4399 2.6 1.67(1.24,2.23) 0.0006 3.0 1.94(1.54,2.45) ,0.0001 5.3 1.83(1.52,2.21) ,0.0001
4400–4499 3.9 2.35(1.69,3.27) ,0.0001 2.3 1.46(1.02,2.08) 0.0394 5.8 1.82(1.42,2.34) ,0.0001
4500–4999 5.8 3.49(2.86,4.27) ,0.0001 4.5 2.89(2.39,3.49) ,0.0001 9.5 3.09(2.68,3.57) ,0.0001
$5000 18.7 9.68(7.09,13.22) ,0.0001 12.9 7.63(5.52,10.53) ,0.0001 35.9 8.33(6.59,10.54) ,0.0001
Hispanic N = 6564283
3500–3999 0.9 1.00 0.9 1.00 1.3 1.00
4000–4099 1.1 1.27(1.03,1.56) 0.0258 0.9 1.07(0.83,1.39) 0.6056 1.4 1.19(1.01,1.4) 0.0403
4100–4199 1.1 1.10(0.87,1.39) 0.4158 1.3 1.57(1.25,1.98) 0.0001 1.7 1.36(1.15,1.6) 0.0002
4200–4299 1.8 1.94(1.54,2.45) ,0.0001 1.3 1.51(1.12,2.04) 0.0069 2.2 1.64(1.36,1.99) ,0.0001
4300–4399 1.7 1.68(1.29,2.18) 0.0001 1.6 1.81(1.35,2.43) ,0.0001 2.4 1.79(1.48,2.17) ,0.0001
4400–4499 1.6 1.44(1.00,2.09) 0.0519 1.1 1.25(0.78,2.00) 0.3493 2.1 1.42(1.06,1.88) 0.0173
4500–4999 3.4 2.69(2.19,3.29) ,0.0001 2.7 2.96(2.35,3.71) ,0.0001 4.4 2.71(2.33,3.17) ,0.0001
$5000 11.4 9.14(6.7,12.46) ,0.0001 6.3 7.09(4.62,10.88) ,0.0001 13.7 7.89(6.11,10.2) ,0.0001
The occurrence of stillbirth or neonatal death.
Data are adjusted ORs estimated from multiple regression models adjusted for maternal age, gestational age, parity, infant sex, maternal diabetes, chronic hypertension, pregnancy associated hypertension, eclampsia, smoking,
social economic status (marital status, education) and month of prenatal care started.
The occurrence of stillbirth, neonatal death, or 5-min Apgar score less than four.
Definition of Macrosomia Based on Perinatal Outcomes
PLOS ONE | 6 June 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 6 | e100192
macrosomia as LGA. The 97
percentile for a given gestational
week may be a better cutoff point to define what is too big in birth
size. Based on the pre-defined criterion (OR = 2 as the cutoff
point) to identify clinically important macrosomia [23], even the
percentile could not meet this criterion.
Several studies using perinatal mortality and morbidity as
outcomes to examine the impact of macrosomia reported
somewhat similar conclusions. Boulet SL et al [2] used the NCHS
database from 1995–1997 and found that although a definition of
macrosomia as .4000 g may be useful for the identification of
increased risk of labor, .4500 g may be more predictive of
neonatal morbidity, and .5000 g may be a better indicator of
infant mortality risk. Although there is no general consensus on the
choice of optimal outcome indicators in defining clinically
significant macrosomia, stillbirth and neonatal death were the
most frequently used outcomes. [24–26] The 5-min Apgar score
less than four is strongly predictive of neonatal death. The
mortality of neonatal death in term infants with five-minute Apgar
score less than four was more than one in five (244 per 1000)
We found that risks of perinatal and infant mortality and
morbidity increased gradually in the infants weighted between
4000–4500 g in Whites. Once birthweight exceeded 4500 g, risks
elevated substantially. Our findings further are in general
agreement with previous study and support the American
Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists’ definition of
macrosomia as 4500 g or more. [3,5] However, our study also
showed that there was some variation among races/ethnicities.
Birthweight at 4500 g appears to be a good cutoff point for
Whites, but in Blacks and Hispanics, the cutoff seems about 200 g
Our study also found that the aORs for babies with birthweight
greater than 4500 g were substantially larger than those above the
percentile. This may be explained by the fact that before 40
weeks, 97
percentiles of birthweight correspond to birthweight
much lower than 4500 g. Thus, the .97
percentile group
included a substantial proportion of births that are reasonable in
size. Given this deficiency, a definition of macrosomia based on
4500 g for Whites, and 4300 g for Blacks and Hispanics is
In Pasupathy’s study [27], neonatal outcomes of macrosomia
defined by customized centiles, population centiles and birth-
weight greater than 4000 g were compared in Whites. They
suggested customized standard as the better definition of LGA
than population centiles or a birthweight of 4000 g for its stronger
association with adverse neonatal outcomes. The macrosomia
infants defined by the combination of customized centile/
population centile or customized centile/empirical birhtweight of
4000 g in Pasupathy’s study had birthweight ranging from 4020 g
to 4475 g and from 4160 g to 4520 g, respectively, which were a
little lower than that defined by the birthweight of 4500 g or more.
The subgroup of infants defined as macrosomia in the current
study (birthweight 4500 or more) had twofold increased risk of
perinatal mortality and morbidity compared with the reference
group (3500–3999 g), which was similar to that of macrosomia
defined by the combined definition in Pasupathy’s study
(aOR = 1.8 and 1.9, respectively). For simplicity in clinical
application, we would suggest the definition of macrosomia as a
birthweight of 4500 g or more, irrespective of gestational age
among Whites.
Cesarean section is an effective intervention to reduce the risks
of neonatal adverse outcomes when it is medically justified. The
true risk of adverse perinatal outcomes in macrosomia may be
underestimated when medical necessary cesarean section was
available. [5,28] In our study, rates of cesarean delivery was
around 20% and increased significantly when birthweight was
higher than the 90
percentile or 4000 g. When we restricted the
analyses to vaginal deliveries, the aORs of adverse outcomes for
big babies were larger, but the cutoff point remained essentially
unchanged. Even after excluding vaginal births after cesarean
section, the risks of neonatal mortality and morbidity increased
with higher birthweight. The increase trends of adverse perinatal
outcomes in macrosomia infants may not be explained by the
confounding of mode of delivery.
Our study has several potential limitations. First, the estimate of
gestational age may not be accurate in some babies, which might
have resulted in some misclassifications in birthweight percentiles,
and consequently, reduced the aORs for the extreme weight (.
or 97
) percentile groups. Secondly, high prepregnancy body
mass index (BMI) is known to be associated with both macrosomia
and adverse birth outcomes [29,30], but maternal prepregnancy
BMI was not available. We speculate that adjusting for prepreg-
nancy BMI may decrease the ORs, especially in races/ethnicities
where obesity is more prevalent. However, the trend should
remain the same, and thus, this deficiency should not materially
affect the main findings. Thirdly, cesarean delivery rate was
around 20% for all three races. Given that cesarean section is an
effective intervention to reduce maternal and neonatal mortality
when it is medically justified [28,31–33], the risk of macrosomia
without intervention may be underestimated. The NCHS files do
not include information on the timing or indication of cesarean
delivery. Thus, the impact of cesarean section on macrosomia is
unclear. We analyzed the data by including all births and, then,
vaginal deliveries only. We realize that this analytic approach may
not totally address the issue of confounding by indication, and the
risk of mortality in macrosomia might have been greater without
cesarean delivery. However, we found that the findings from
vaginal deliveries were consistent with those for all births.
Fourthly, the risks of adverse outcomes fluctuated among Hispanic
births with birthweight greater than 4200 g. Similar fluctuations
appeared in the vaginal births even after adjustment for maternal
age, gestational age, parity, infant sex, maternal diabetes, social
economic status, etc. The fluctuation in the risk of adverse
outcomes in Hispanic infants may be explained by the confound-
ing of maternal obesity. But there was no information of maternal
anthropometric indices in this dataset. The absence of information
on maternal height and weight prevented us from controlling for
the confounding of maternal obesity for the association between
macrosomia and adverse perinatal outcomes. Finally, babies with
macrosomia may have higher risk of adult diseases, such as
obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. [11–13] The reverse
J-shape relationship may also apply to the relationship birthweight
and adult diseases. The absence of information on long-term
outcomes in the NCHS files prevented us from consideration of
long-term effects of large birth size.
Birthweight at 4500 g may be the optimal cutoff point to define
macrosomia in Whites, but in Blacks and Hispanics, the cutoff
point seems to be 4300 g. The definition based on birthweight
irrespective of gestational age may be more clinically useful than
the one based on birth weight for gestational age. Application of
this pragmatic definition may be helpful to improve intrapartum
Definition of Macrosomia Based on Perinatal Outcomes
PLOS ONE | 7 June 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 6 | e100192
Supporting Information
Table S1 Risks of perinatal morbidity and mortality (the
occurrence of stillbirth, neonatal death, or 5-min Apgar score ,
4) by birthweight percentile (excluding deaths due to congenital
anomalies) in vaginal deliveries.
Table S2 Risks of perinatal morbidity and mortality (stillbirth,
neonatal death, or 5-min Apgar score ,4) by birthweight
(excluding deaths due to congenital anomalies) in vaginal
Table S3 Risks of perinatal morbidity and mortality (the
occurrence of stillbirth, neonatal death, or 5-min Apgar score ,
4) by birthweight percentile (excluding deaths due to congenital
anomalies) in vaginal deliveries without previous cesarean section.
Table S4 Risks of perinatal morbidity and mortality (stillbirth,
neonatal death, or 5-min Apgar score ,4) by birthweight
(excluding deaths due to congenital anomalies) in vaginal deliveries
without previous cesarean section.
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: JZ JFY ZCL. Analyzed the data:
JFY. Wrote the paper: JFY LZ. Critical revision of the paper for important
intellectual content: JFY LZ JZ ZCL YC FF.
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Definition of Macrosomia Based on Perinatal Outcomes
PLOS ONE | 8 June 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 6 | e100192
... One possible explanation for these phenomena may be the reduction in the elasticity of tissue and bone density with advancing age [25,26]. Regarding fetal macrosomia, most previous studies have focused on the increased risk of perinatal morbidity and mortality, including dystocia, cesarean delivery, postpartum hemorrhage, and facial nerve palsy [27,28]. A multicenter cohort that included more than 110,000 women at term revealed that when the estimated fetal weight is > 3500 g, the odds of cesarean delivery were significantly raised, and that the highest odds of cesarean delivery were observed in women with gestational diabetes mellitus and an estimated fetal weight of ≥ 4000 g [29]. ...
Full-text available
Dinoprostone vaginal insert is the most common pharmacological method for induction of labor (IOL); however, studies on assessing the time to vaginal delivery (DT) following dinoprostone administration are limited. We sought to identify the primary factors influencing DT in women from central China, at or beyond term, who underwent IOL with dinoprostone vaginal inserts. In this retrospective observational study, we analyzed the data of 1562 women at 37 weeks 0 days to 41 weeks 6 days of gestation who underwent dinoprostone-induced labor between January 1st, 2019, and December 31st, 2021. The outcomes of interest were vaginal or cesarean delivery and factors influencing DT, including maternal complications and neonatal characteristics. Among the enrolled women, 71% (1109/1562) delivered vaginally, with median DT of 740.50 min (interquartile range 443.25 to 1264.50 min). Of the remaining 29% (453/1562), who delivered by cesarean section, 11.9% (54/453) were multiparous. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that multiparity, advanced maternal age, fetal macrosomia, premature rupture of membranes (PROM), and daytime insertion of dinoprostone were the factors that significantly influenced DT. Time to vaginal delivery increased with advanced maternal age and fetal macrosomia and decreased with multiparity, PROM, and daytime insertion of dinoprostone. A mathematical model was developed to integrate these factors for predicting DT: Y = 804.478 − 125.284 × multiparity + 765.637 × advanced maternal age + 411.511 × fetal macrosomia-593.358 × daytime insertion of dinoprostone − 125.284 × PROM. Our findings may help obstetricians estimate the DT before placing a dinoprostone insert, which may improve patient management in busy maternity wards and minimize potential risks.
... Because of associations of large size with a number of negative outcomes, 65 66 a decrease in LGA babies is assumed to be an unqualified favourable finding in many GDM studies. This assumption may not properly consider that LGA is a surrogate endpoint, 28 with important negative associations only becoming significant above the 95th to 97th birth weight percentiles, [65][66][67] potentially affecting very few babies, while GDM treatment reduces growth in babies of all sizes. Treatment has been shown not to improve either short term outcomes, apart from the intermediate outcome of shoulder dystocia, the incidence of which is reduced but not any associated harms, 28 32 38 or long-term outcomes. ...
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Objectives To assess benefits and harms arising from increasing gestational diabetes (GDM) diagnosis, including for women with normal-sized babies. Design, setting and participants Diagnosis rates, outcomes, interventions and medication use are compared in a retrospective cohort study of 229 757 women birthing in public hospitals of the Australian State of Queensland during two periods, 2011–2013 and 2016–2018, using data from the Queensland Perinatal Data Collection. Outcome measures Comparisons include hypertensive disorders, caesarean section, shoulder dystocia and associated harm, induction of labour (IOL), planned birth (PB), early planned birth <39 weeks (EPB), spontaneous labour onset with vaginal birth (SLVB) and medication use. Results GDM diagnosis increased from 7.8% to 14.3%. There was no improvement in shoulder dystocia associated injuries, hypertensive disorders or caesarean sections. There was an increase in IOL (21.8%–30.0%; p<0.001), PB (36.3% to 46.0%; p<0.001) and EPB (13.5%–20.6%; p<0.001), and a decrease in SLVB (56.0%–47.3%; p<0.001). Women with GDM experienced an increase in IOL (40.9%–49.8%; p<0.001), PB (62.9% to 71.8%; p<0.001) and EPB (35.3%–45.7%; p<0.001), and a decrease in SLVB (30.01%–23.6%; p<0.001), with similar changes for mothers with normal-sized babies. Of women prescribed insulin in 2016–2018, 60.4% experienced IOL, 88.5% PB, 76.4% EPB and 8.0% SLVB. Medication use increased from 41.2% to 49.4% in women with GDM, from 3.2% to 7.1% in the antenatal population overall, from 3.3% to 7.5% in women with normal-sized babies and from 2.21% to 4.38% with babies less than the 10th percentile. Conclusion Outcomes were not apparently improved with increased GDM diagnosis. The merits of increased IOL or decreased SLVB depend on the views of individual women, but categorising more pregnancies as abnormal, and exposing more babies to the potential effects of early birth, medication effects and growth limitation may be harmful.
... The following neonatal outcomes were investigated: birth weight; preterm delivery < 37 weeks of gestation; preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM < 37 weeks of gestation); macrosomia de ned as birth weight above 97th percentile or birth weight above 4300 g (24); intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) de ned as birth weight below 3rd percentile (25); Apgar score at 1' and Apgar score < 5 at 5'; umbilical artery pH; foetal acidosis de ning by arterial pH < 7.00; stillbirth and neonatal death as de ned according to the WHO. The measurement of arterial and venous pH was performed in all newborns. ...
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Purpose Our aim is to investigate the association between iron deficiency examined in the first trimester of pregnancy and pregnancy outcomes. Materials and methods In a retrospective cohort study, 482 pregnant women were included. Blood samples were examined for hematological status and serum ferritin in the first trimester, and for hemoglobin before and after delivery. Pregnancy outcomes were compared between women with iron deficiency diagnosed in the first trimester (study group; n = 147), and women without iron deficiency (control group; n=335). The adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes were determined. Medical data were extracted from clinical records of pregnant women who attended antenatal care and delivered at the University Hospital Basel between 2017 and 2019. Results Excluding macrosomia, iron deficiency detected early in pregnancy was not associated with adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes in women with iron supplements. Macrosomia was significant increased in women with iron deficiency without concomitant increase of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) (6.5% (10/153) vs. 1.7% (6/347); P=0.005). Emergency caesarean section doubled in women with normal iron status (8.2% (12/147) vs. 17.0% (57/335); P=0.011). Conclusion Excluding macrosomia, iron deficiency detected early in pregnancy was not associated with adverse maternal, and neonatal outcomes in iron supplemented women.
... Small for gestational age (SGA) infants are likely to be growth restricted and have an increased risk of perinatal complications such as transient tachypnoea of the newborn, hypothermia, symptomatic hypoglycaemia and other perinatal morbidities [3]. Large for gestational age (LGA) infants are more prone to birth trauma, perinatal asphyxia, shoulder dystocia, and even perinatal death [4], with the incidence of adverse outcomes rising sharply with increasing birthweight over 4000 g [5]. ...
... Using this weight as a threshold is likely to remove the effect of breed on inclusion as a fetal giant, as this weight is very large regardless of breed. In humans a neonate is considered large for gestational age if their weight exceeds the 97th percentile for a given gestational age (approximately 10 lb at term), regardless of race [206]. What is considered large for gestational age and a fetal giant in cattle is still yet to be fully agreed; however, we have defined it as a calf that is 75% bigger than expected (approximately 55 kg for Angus and 68 kg for Holstein). ...
Large offspring syndrome (LOS) refers to an overgrowth phenotype sometimes observed in cattle fetuses and newborns produced by the use of assisted reproductive technologies (ART). This chapter discusses the current knowledge on ART‐induced abnormal offspring syndrome (AOS). It also discusses findings from sheep as AOS has also been documented in this species, and from Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome (BWS), a human congenital overgrowth condition which phenocopies AOS. In addition, the chapter presents evidence of spontaneous AOS in cattle and provides examples of financial loss incurred by the cattle industry as a result of this syndrome. As the causes of BWS at the molecular level have been largely attributed to epigenetic defects, which include alterations of DNA methylation and loss‐of‐imprinting, it discusses these epigenetic modifications/mechanisms. Early identification of AOS would allow early elective termination of the pregnancy in order to prevent the monetary losses and animal welfare concerns associated with AOS.
... The following neonatal outcomes were investigated: gestational age at birth, birth weight, preterm delivery < 37 weeks of gestation, preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM < 37 weeks of gestation), macrosomia defined as birth weight above 97th percentile or birth weight above 4300 g [34], intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) defined as birth weight below 3rd percentile [35], low birth weight (LBW) with a birth weight below 2500 g, Apgar score < 5 at 5, fetal acidosis defining by arterial pH < 7.15, stillbirth and neonatal death defined according to UNICEF and WHO, and admissions to the neonatal unit care (NICU). The measurement of arterial and venous pH was performed in all newborns. ...
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Purpose To determine the risk of adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes in pregnant women with a hemoglobinopathy trait. Materials and methods Retrospective cohort study was conducted to compare adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes between pregnant women with a hemoglobinopathy trait (study group; n = 172), and without a hemoglobinopathy trait (control group; n = 360). The medical data were extracted from clinical records of pregnant women attending antenatal care and delivering at the University Hospital Basel or University Hospital Zurich between 2015 and 2018. Results A total of 172 pregnant women with a hemoglobinopathy trait and 360 controls were recruited. Apart from fetal acidosis, the groups did not differ significantly in any variables of adverse neonatal outcomes. Whereas, among the maternal outcomes the rate of abortion, gestational diabetes mellitus, bacteriuria or urinary tract infection, intrahepatic cholestasis, abnormal placentation and anemia postpartum were significantly increased in women with a hemoglobinopathy trait. Conclusion In our study, a hemoglobinopathy trait increased the risk of adverse maternal outcomes but did not increase adverse neonatal outcomes.
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Background: Dinoprostone vaginal insert is the most common pharmacological method of induction of labour for pregnant women. Few studies have predicted the vaginal delivery time (DT), our study aimed to analyse the primary factors for DT among women at or beyond term who underwent labour induction with dinoprostone vaginal inserts in the middle of China. Methods: In this retrospective observational study performed in the obstetric ward in Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, we ultimately included all women at37 weeks 0 days to 41 weeks 6 days of gestation who underwent labour induction with vaginal dinoprostone between January 1st, 2019, and December 31st, 2021. The primary outcome was vaginal or caesarean delivery; the principal secondary outcome was influence for DT including several maternal complications and neonatal characteristics. Results: A total of 1,562 women at or beyond term underwent labour induction, and 71% (1109/1562) delivered vaginally. The median delivery time (DT) was 740.50 min, with an interquartile range from 443.25 to 1264.50 min. A total of 29% (453/1562) of the women gave birth by caesarean section, and 11.9% (54/453) were multiparous. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that multiparity, advanced maternal age, foetal macrosomia, premature rupture of membranes (PROM), and having dinoprostone inserted during the day all significantly influenced DT. A mathematical model was developed to integrate these factors for predicting DT: Y=804.478–125.284 × multiparity + 765.637 × advanced maternal age + 411.511 × foetalmacrosomia-593.358 × dinoprostone inserted during the day - 125.284×PROM. Conclusions: The DT with dinoprostone vaginal inserts was increased in women with advanced maternal age and foetal macrosomia, but decreased in multiparity, PROM, and dinoprostone inserted during the day.This study allows obstetricians to calculate a preliminary DT for pregnant women before placing a dinoprostone insert, which may be helpful to improve the management of patients and reduce the risk in busy maternity wards.
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Background Overweight is among the major challenging health risk factors. It has been claimed that birth weight, being a critical indicator of prenatal developmental conditions, is related to long-term overweight risk. In order to check this important assumption of developmental and preventive medicine, we performed a systematic review and comprehensive meta-analysis.Methods and findingsRelevant studies published up to January 2011 that investigated the relation between birth weight and later risk of overweight were identified through literature searches using MEDLINE and EMBASE. For meta-analysis, 66 studies from 26 countries and five continents were identified to be eligible, including 643,902 persons aged 1 to 75 years. We constructed random-effects and fixed-effects models, performed subgroup-analyses, influence-analyses, assessed heterogeneity and publication bias, performed meta-regression analysis as well as analysis of confounder adjusted data. Meta-regression revealed a linear positive relationship between birth weight and later overweight risk (p
Objective. —To quantitate the potential effectiveness and monetary costs of a policy of elective cesarean delivery for fetal macrosomia diagnosed by ultrasound.Design. —A decision analytic model was constructed to compare 3 policies: (1) management without ultrasound; (2) ultrasound and elective cesarean delivery for estimated fetal weight of 4000 g or more (4000-g policy); and (3) ultrasound and elective cesarean delivery for estimated fetal weight of 4500 g or more (4500-g policy). The impact of maternal diabetes was analyzed separately. Probability data used in the decision analytic model were summarized from the literature and supplemented with unpublished data from the Collaborative Trial of Preterm Birth Prevention. Costs were estimated from the literature, regional reimbursements, and clinical practice data.Main Outcome Measures. —Rates of shoulder dystocia and permanent brachial plexus injury, and both the number of additional cesarean births and monetary costs per permanent brachial plexus injury averted.Results. —In the baseline analysis for nondiabetic women, the ultrasound policies increased both the cesarean delivery rate and costs, while decreasing the rate of shoulder dystocia and brachial plexus injury. For each permanent brachial plexus injury prevented by the 4500-g policy, 3695 cesarean deliveries were performed at an additional cost of $8.7 million, vs 2345 cesarean deliveries and $4.9 million with the 4000-g policy. In the baseline analysis for diabetic women, with all 3 policies, rates of cesarean delivery, shoulder dystocia and brachial plexus injury, and total costs were higher than for nondiabetic women. However, more favorable ratios for both cesarean deliveries and cost per permanent injury avoided were observed: 443 deliveries and $930 000, respectively, with the 4500-g policy, and 489 deliveries and $880 000, respectively, with the 4000-g policy. Sensitivity analysis confirmed the general robustness of these findings.Conclusions. —For the 97% of pregnant women who are not diabetic, a policy of elective cesarean delivery for ultrasonographically diagnosed fetal macrosomia is medically and economically unsound. In pregnancies complicated by diabetes, such a policy appears to be more tenable, although the merits of such an approach are debatable.
Objective. —To compare perinatal mortality in the United States and Norway, using a new analytic approach based on relative birth weight. Design. —Comparison of linked birth and perinatal death records for US and Norwegian births from 1986 through 1987, the most recently available 2-year period. Setting. —Norway and the United States. Participants. —A total of 7445914 US births and 105084 Norwegian births. Interventions. —None. Main Outcome Measure. —Perinatal weight-specific mortality after adjustment for each country's own mean birth weight. Results. —The higher rate of perinatal death in the United States compared with Norway is due to an excess of preterm deliveries in the United States. Low-weight, preterm births comprise 2.9% of US births compared with 2.1% of Norwegian births. If the United States could eliminate this slight excess of preterm delivery, perinatal mortality in the United States would decrease to the level in Norway. Unexpectedly, the survival of newborns at any given birth weight is virtually the same in the United States and Norway when newborns' birth weights are considered relative to their own nation's mean weight. Conclusions. —Low rates of perinatal mortality in the Scandinavian countries have usually been attributed to the heavier weights of their newborns. Higher mortality among US infants is in fact due entirely to a small excess of preterm deliveries. The lighter weights of US newborns at term appear not to affect perinatal survival. Furthermore, the apparent survival advantage of low-weight US newborns (used by policymakers as evidence of superior US intensive neonatal care) may be at least partly an artifact. When weight-specific mortality rates are adjusted to relative birth weight, low-weight newborns have the same survival in Norway as in the United States. The prevention of excess mortality among US infants depends on the prevention of preterm births, not on changes in mean birth weight.(JAMA. 1995;273:709-711)
Background: Macrosomia is a risk factor for adverse delivery outcomes. We investigated the prevalence, risk factors, and delivery outcomes of babies with macrosomia in 23 developing countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Methods: We analysed data from WHO's Global Survey on Maternal and Perinatal Health, which was a facility-based cross-sectional study that obtained data for women giving birth in 373 health facilities in 24 countries in Africa and Latin America in 2004-05, and in Asia in 2007-08. Facilities were selected by stratified multistage cluster sampling and women were recruited at admission for delivery. We extracted data from the medical records with a standardised questionnaire. We used logistic regression with random effects to assess the risk factors for macrosomia and the risks for caesarean section and adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes (assessed by a composite score) in babies with the disorder. Findings: Of 290,610 deliveries, we analysed data for 276,436 singleton livebirths or fresh stillbirths. Higher maternal age (20-34 years), height, parity, body-mass index, and presence of diabetes, post-term pregnancy, and male fetal sex were associated with a significantly increased risk of macrosomia. Macrosomia was associated with an increased risk of caesarean section because of obstructed labour and post-term pregnancy in all regions. Additionally, macrosomia was associated with an increased risk of adverse maternal birth outcomes in all regions, and of adverse perinatal outcomes only in Africa. Interpretation: Increasing prevalence of diabetes and obesity in women of reproductive age in developing countries could be associated with a parallel increase in macrosomic births. The effect and feasibility of control of diabetes and preconception weight on macrosomia should be investigated in these settings. Furthermore, increased institutional delivery in countries where rates are low could be crucial to reduce macrosomia-associated morbidity and mortality. Funding: None.