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Classification, imaging, biopsy and staging of osteosarcoma



Osteosarcoma is the most common primary osseous malignancy excluding malignant neoplasms of marrow origin (myeloma, lymphoma and leukemia) and accounts for approximately 20% of bone cancers. It predominantly affects patients younger than 20 years and mainly occurs in the long bones of the extremities, the most common being the metaphyseal area around the knee. These are classified as primary (central or surface) and secondary osteosarcomas arising in preexisting conditions. The conventional plain radiograph is the best for probable diagnosis as it describes features like sun burst appearance, Codman's triangle, new bone formation in soft tissues along with permeative pattern of destruction of the bone and other characteristics for specific subtypes of osteosarcomas. X-ray chest can detect metastasis in the lungs, but computerized tomography (CT) scan of the thorax is more helpful. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the lesion delineates its extent into the soft tissues, the medullary canal, the joint, skip lesions and the proximity of the tumor to the neurovascular structures. Tc99 bone scan detects the osseous metastases. Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is used for metastatic workup and/or local recurrence after resection. The role of biochemical markers like alkaline phosphatase and lactate dehydrogenase is pertinent for prognosis and treatment response. The biopsy confirms the diagnosis and reveals the grade of the tumor. Enneking system for staging malignant musculoskeletal tumors and American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) staging systems are most commonly used for extremity sarcomas.
Indian Journal of Orthopaedics | May 2014 | Vol. 48 | Issue 3 238
Classification, imaging, biopsy and staging of
Zile Singh Kundu
Osteosarcoma is the most common primary osseous malignancy excluding malignant neoplasms of marrow origin (myeloma, lymphoma
and leukemia) and accounts for approximately 20% of bone cancers. It predominantly affects patients younger than 20 years and mainly
occurs in the long bones of the extremities, the most common being the metaphyseal area around the knee. These are classi ed as
primary (central or surface) and secondary osteosarcomas arising in preexisting conditions. The conventional plain radiograph is the
best for probable diagnosis as it describes features like sun burst appearance, Codman’s triangle, new bone formation in soft tissues
along with permeative pattern of destruction of the bone and other characteristics for speci c subtypes of osteosarcomas. X-ray
chest can detect metastasis in the lungs, but computerized tomography (CT) scan of the thorax is more helpful. Magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) of the lesion delineates its extent into the soft tissues, the medullary canal, the joint, skip lesions and the proximity of
the tumor to the neurovascular structures. Tc99 bone scan detects the osseous metastases. Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
is used for metastatic workup and/or local recurrence after resection. The role of biochemical markers like alkaline phosphatase and
lactate dehydrogenase is pertinent for prognosis and treatment response. The biopsy con rms the diagnosis and reveals the grade of
the tumor. Enneking system for staging malignant musculoskeletal tumors and American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) staging
systems are most commonly used for extremity sarcomas.
Keywords: Osteosarcoma, imaging, biopsy, Enneking staging
Symposium - Osteosarcoma
Osteosarcoma is defined as the primary malignant
mesenchymal bone tumor where the malignant
tumor cells directly form the osteoid or bone or
both.1-12 Demonstration of osteoid directly formed by the
malignant cells in histopathology is essential for making the
diagnosis of osteosarcoma.2,3
Although the exact cause of osteosarcoma is still unknown,
defects in RB and p53 genes play an important role in
the process. Patients with germline mutations in RB have
approximately 1000-fold increased risk of osteosarcoma
and similarly patients with Li-Fraumeni syndrome
(germline p53 mutation) also have greatly elevated incidence
of this tumor. Abnormalities in INK4a, which encodes p16
(a cell cycle regulator) and p14 (which aids and abets p53
function) are also seen. It is noteworthy that osteosarcoma
occurs more commonly at sites of bone growth, presumably
because proliferation makes osteoblastic cells to acquire
mutations that could lead to transformation.1 Radiation too
has been implicated in causation.1,2 The risk of developing
postradiation osteosarcoma correlates with radiation dose
and use of electrophilic chemotherapeutic agents.13-15 An
etiological relationship has not been proven in prosthesis
and metal hardware associated osteosarcomas.16
Classi cation
Osteosarcomas are classified as primary and secondary.
Primary are further sub-typed as intramedullry/central and
surface osteosarcomas as per World Health Organization
classification2 [Box 1].
Common sites of involvement of osteosarcoma are the
metaphyseal areas (91%) of long bones of the extremities
with its occurrence in (descending order) lower end of femur,
upper end of tibia, upper end of humerus and upper end
of femur. It can uncommonly occur in the diaphysis (9%)
[Figure 1a]. Almost 50% of osteosarcomas occur around the
Department of Orthopaedics, Pt B D Sharma PGIMS, Rohtak, Haryana, India
Address for correspondence: Prof. Zile Singh Kundu,
1393, Sector-3, Rohtak, Haryana - 124 001, India.
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Kundu: Investigations and biopsy of osteosarcoma
239 Indian Journal of Orthopaedics | May 2014 | Vol. 48 | Issue 3
Box 1: Classification of osteosarcoma
Primary osteosarcomas
Conventional-intramedullary/central high grade (most common)
further sub-typed as:
Osteoblastic (50%)
Chondroblastic (25%)
Fibroblastic (25%)
Small cell
Low grade central
Surface osteosarcomas:
High grade surface
Secondary osteosracomas can occur in Paget’s disease and after
radiation exposure.1,2
Unusual forms of osteosarcoma given below are viewed as subtypes
of conventional osteosarcoma because their biological behavior is
Osteoblastic osteosarcoma-sclerosing type
Osteosarcoma resembling osteoblastoma
Chondromyxoid broma-like osteosarcoma
Chondroblastoma-like osteosarcoma
Clear-cell osteosarcoma
Malignant brous histiocytoma-like osteosarcoma
Giant cell rich osteosarcoma
Epithelioid osteosarcoma
knee. Involvement of nonlong bones like jaw (gnathic), pelvis,
scapula, spine, and skull increases with age. Involvement
beyond the wrist and ankle (acral sites) is extremely rare.2
Plain X-ray
The characteristic radiological features are sun-burst
appearance, periosteal lifting with formation of Codman’s
triangle [Figure 2], new bone formation in the soft tissues
along with permeative pattern of destruction of bone and
other features for specific types of osteosarcoma.2,8,17,18
Osteolysis and expansion in the telangiectatic variety
[Figure 3] of bone is observed while more of osteoblastic
appearance is seen in the sclerosing type of osteosarcoma
[Figure 1b]. The physis (growth plate) may, but not always,
act as a barrier to tumor growth. Surface osteosarcomas
have typical appearances [Figure 4]. After chemotherapy
the tumor becomes well defined, capsulated, and more
mineralized [Figure 5]. X-ray chest can detect metastasis
in form of cannon ball appearance or nodules in the
lungs [Figure 6a], but it is less sensitive than computerized
tomography (CT) scan of the thorax [Figure 6b] for early
detection of small sub-centimal nodules.19
Computerized tomography scan
CT scan delineates the bony anatomy/architecture like
cortical integrity more clearly and picks up pathological
fracture and is helpful in assessing ossification and
calcification (chondroid component) more accurately.20,21
However, the soft tissue component and medullary extent
is best defined by an MRI.22-24
Magnetic resonance imaging
MRI is the most accurate tool for determining the limits
of tumor within and outside the bone.7,22-24 MRI should
include the whole of the involved bone with one joint above
and below so that skip lesions are not missed in the same
bone and across the joint. MRI accurately and precisely
delineates (1) extent of the tumor into the soft tissues and
the medullary canal, (2) involvement of joint, (3) crossing of
the lesion through and/or around the growth plate, (4) any
skip lesion in the same bone and across the joint in other
bone, (5) proximity and/or encasement of the neurovascular
bundle by the tumor [Figure 7]. Recently, even the
Figure 1: (a) X-ray anteroposterior and lateral views of proximal tibia and knee joint showing diaphyseal osteosarcoma of tibia with sclerosis (arrow),
cortical destruction on posteromedial side (arrow heads) and new bone formation in the soft tissues (b) x-ray distal end of femur (anteroposterior
and lateral views) showing sclerosis/radio-opacity in sclerosing osteosarcoma
Kundu: Investigations and biopsy of osteosarcoma
Indian Journal of Orthopaedics | May 2014 | Vol. 48 | Issue 3 240
response of chemotherapy is being judged by MRI as the
neo-angiogenesis decreases with chemotherapy, necrosis
occurs, and the tumor shrinks with better capsulation. This is
done by performing a contrast enhancement and diffusion
MRI.25,26 MRI is also being coupled with Positron Emission
Tomography for detection of the systemic involvement by
the tumor, local recurrence, and metastasis after treatment.
In view of the nonspecific findings of an MRI, it should
always be correlated with the patient’s x-ray.
Radionuclide bone scan
Tc99 methylenediphosphonate (Tc99 MDP) bone scan
is the most commonly used investigation for detecting
osseous metastasis [Figure 6c]. It is performed by injecting
20 mCi of isotope intravenously and taking images at
different intervals, in three phases: (1) the flow phase,
(2) the immediate or equilibrium phase, and (3) the delayed
phase. The flow phase demonstrates blood flow just like
radionuclide angiogram; the equilibrium phase shows the
reactive vascular flow and the distribution in the intercellular
spaces, and the delayed phase is after 2-4 hours when the
radionuclide is excreted in the urine except in the areas of
the osteoblastic activities. This radio-isotope has special
predilection to the sites of increased osteoblastic activity and
highly vascular areas like the sites of metastasis in sarcomas.
It is most easily available and cost-effective investigation for
detecting bony metastasis in osteosarcoma.27
Positron emission tomography
Positron Emission Tomography (PET), which picks up
metabolic activity is evolving with tremendous potential
in oncology.28-34 Further combining the images of ‘form’
i.e. the anatomical structure provided by CT and MRI and
those of ‘function’ i.e. metabolic or biochemical activity,
provided by PET can be precisely aligned or correlated.
MRI combined with PET facility reduces radiation exposure
when compared to a CT.
PET is utilized in: (1) selecting the region of a tumor most
likely to yield diagnostic information for biopsy, (2) staging
known malignancies, (3) monitoring the effect of therapy,
(4) to establish the cause of suspected recurrence seen on
other imaging modalities. It differentiates between fibrosis
and recurrent tumor (5) detecting tumor recurrence,
especially in the presence of elevated levels of tumor
markers, (6) differentiating benign from malignant lesions,
(7) searching for an unknown primary tumor with metastasis
of unknown origin, (8) guiding radiation therapy planning.33
The main drawback is the difficulty and cost of producing
and transporting the radiopharmaceuticals used for PET
imaging, which are usually extremely short-lived. The
half life of radioactive fluorine18 used to trace glucose
metabolism (using fluorodeoxyglucose, FDG) is 2 hours
only. Its production requires a very expensive cyclotron as
well as a production line for the radiopharmaceuticals. It can
Figure 2: X-ray of humerus anteroposterior view showing osteosarcoma
of the proximal humerus- typical sun burst or sun ray appearance, new
bone formation in soft tissues, and Codman’s triangles (arrows)
Figure 3: Telangiectatic type of osteosarcoma of the proximal tibia: (a) X-ray anteroposterior and lateral views showing lysis and expansion
(b) MRI showing uid levels
Kundu: Investigations and biopsy of osteosarcoma
241 Indian Journal of Orthopaedics | May 2014 | Vol. 48 | Issue 3
Figure 5: X-ray anteroposterior and lateral views showing that after chemotherapy the tumor becomes well de ned with better capsulation:
(a) before chemotherapy and (b) after chemotherapy
Figure 6: (a) Plain X-ray chest of a patient of osteosarcoma showing multiple metastatic lung nodules (b) CT scan (axial section) demonstrating
multiple metastases in both lungs (c) Tc-99m bone scan of osteosarcoma in the proximal humerus with hot spot at this site and in spine, ribs
and a focus in the skull bone
give false negative and positive results and is still considered
the investigation under continuing research.33,34
Biochemical markers
The role of biochemical markers like serum alkaline
phosphatase (ALP) and lactate dehydrogenases (LDH) for
diagnosis, prognosis and response to treatment is pertinent
to mention. Levels of alkaline phosphatase are elevated in
osteosarcoma due to increased osteoblastic activity. Higher
levels are associated with heavy tumor burden and poor
prognosis. The response of therapy can be monitored with
the levels of these enzymes. High levels after treatment
may persist with residual disease or recurrence and in the
presence of metastasis.8
Biopsy should be performed after complete history, clinical
examination and imaging. It confirms the diagnosis,
Figure 4: X-ray of knee joint anteroposterior views showing surface
osteosarcoma: (a) parosteal (b) periosteal. See the under lying cortex is
visibly intact in ‘a’ and lifting of periosteum in ‘b’ (red arrow). However,
both are on the surface of the bone
Kundu: Investigations and biopsy of osteosarcoma
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Figure 7: Osteosarcoma in the distal end of femur: (a) X-ray thigh with knee anteroposterior view showing big soft tissue component on the
medial side; (b) MRI-coronal section showing the medullary extent (arrow); (c) MRI-axial section showing the proximity of the popliteal vessels
reveals specific type and furnishes the grade of the tumor.
It is performed by either an open (incisional) or a closed
method. Closed biopsy is performed as fine needle aspiration
cytology (FNAC) and core needle biopsy.7 Open or incisional
biopsy is performed through a small incision [Figure 8] and
has the major advantage of obtaining adequate amount of
sample for histopathology as well as for ancillary studies
like immunohistocytochemistry (IHC) and genetic studies.
But it takes more time and requires operation theatre set-up
with instruments. There are more chances of contamination
of normal soft tissue by tumor cells through an impending
hematoma and also other complications like infection and
wound problems posing greater morbidity. Further, there is
more cost to the patient as it may require short stay in the
hospital. However, if performed meticulously and properly, the
complications can be reduced markedly almost comparable
to those of a core needle biopsy.7 Percutaneous core needle
biopsy has now evolved as a better, safe and accurate method
for diagnosing of bone tumors. It is performed through a
small stab using the Jamshidi needle and taking multiple
cores from the representative part of the tumor [Figure 9]. It is
less extensive and less time consuming outpatient procedure
performed safely and quickly under local anesthesia and is
cost effective. There is minimal soft tissue trauma with less
contamination of normal tissue by the tumor cells around
the tract of the needle which is easily excisable during the
limb salvage surgery. It is very suitable for deep and difficult
areas like the pelvis and spine.5,6 The efficacy and accuracy
can be further increased by performing this under image
guidance i.e. under CT scan, MRI or ultrasonography. The
recent literature advocates core needle biopsy as it provides
adequate amount of sample for the diagnosis and the ancillary
studies, and has less number of complications.35-48
FNAC does not have much role in majority of bone and soft
tissue sarcomas as only few cells are inadequate for making
a specific diagnosis and conducting ancillary studies. Ideally
one should not start oncological treatment on the basis of
a cytological diagnosis.7
Whether performed open or close, there are set principles
for biopsy of musculoskeletal tumors which holds true for
osteosarcoma too. Where, who, and how the biopsy should
be performed are important issues. The biopsy is such an
instrumental step that if not performed properly, the end
result of definitive treatment can be affected significantly. We
have noticed poorly performed biopsies in patients referred
from periphery by nonspecialized general orthopedic
surgeons and by un-experienced junior surgeons even at
our institute. The incisions for biopsy were wrongly placed
[Figure 10], patients had infection at the biopsy site due to
big hematoma, and there were nondiagnostic samples due
to inadequate material taken from nonrepresentative areas
of the tumor. Due to these improper biopsies, the optimal
treatment plan required alteration. The importance of biopsy
has been well emphasized in literature by Mankin et al. who
observed that because of wrong biopsies unnecessary
amputations were performed in 4.5% of patients and
the prognosis and outcome was altered in 8.5% of their
patients. They found 18.2% major errors in diagnosis and
10.3% of biopsies being nonrepresentative. It has been
emphasized that ideally the biopsy should be performed
at the center where the definitive treatment of the tumor
is to be performed under the guidance of a welltrained
oncologist, taking all precautions, and following the basic
principles.46-50 If the principles are followed properly the final
Figure 8: Open biopsies taken through small two cm incisions without
making different planes. The incisions were placed such that these can
be well resected with de nitive resection of the tumor
Kundu: Investigations and biopsy of osteosarcoma
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Figure 9: Core needle biopsy: (a) Jamshidi needle with trochar and
stylet. (b) Biopsy being taken through stab incision. (c) Five good
cores taken
outcome will obviously be better with lesser complications.
This will prevent the repetition of biopsy and the treatment
delay with reduction of overall cost42 [Box 2].
The common staging systems for malignant bone
tumors are: Enneking system for staging malignant
musculoskeletal tumors and the American Joint Committee
on Cancer (AJCC) System for staging bone sarcomas.6
The former is based on the histological grade of the
tumor, its local extent and the presence or absence of
metastasis [Table 1]. Low grade lesions are stage-I, are
well differentiated, have few mitoses and exhibit only
moderate cytological atypia with low risk of metastasis (less
than 25%). High grade lesions are stage-II are poorly
differentiated, have high mitotic rate, and high cell to matrix
ratio. On the basis of the involvement of the anatomical
compartment (as determined by the natural anatomical
barriers to tumor growth like cortical bone, articular
cartilage, fascial septa, or joint capsules) these are further
sub-divided as A and B. Stage–IA and IIA are contained
in well defined compartment (intracompartmental) and
stage–IB and IIB lesions extend beyond the compartment
of origin (extracompartmental). Stage –III are lesions with
metastasis (lymph node or distant) regardless of the size
and grade.2,7
The AJCC system for bone sarcomas is based on tumor
grade, size, presence, and location of metastases [Table 2].
Stage-I tumors are low grade and stage-II are high grade,
which are subdivided based on tumor size. Stages I-A and
II-A are 8 cm or less in their greatest linear measurement;
stage I-B and II-B are larger than 8 cm. Stage III tumors
have “skip metastases”, which are defined as discontinuous
lesions within the same bone. Stage IV-A involves pulmonary
metastases, whereas Stage IV-B involves nonpulmonary
metastases. The stage IV is subdivided because patients with
nonpulmonary metastases from osteosarcoma have worse
prognosis than those with only pulmonary metastases.7,51-53
The plain radiograph provides the best clue to the
diagnosis and MRI the local extent. Thorax CT scan and
Tc99 bone scan are used for the detection of lung and bony
Table 1: Enneking system for staging malignant
musculoskeletal tumors
Stage Grade Site Metastasis
IA Low Intracompartmental None
IB Low Extracompartmental None
IA High Intracompartmental None
IIB High Extracompartmental None
III Any Any Regional or distant metastasis
Table 2: American joint committee on cancer system for
staging bone sarcomas
Stage Grade Size Metastasis
I-A Low <8 cm None
I-B Low >8 cm None
II-A High <8 cm None
II-B High >8 cm None
III Any Any Skip metastasis
IV-A Any Any Pulmonary metastasis
IV-B Any Any Nonpulmonary metastasis
Figure 10: Poorly performed biopsies: (a) Avoid transverse incision in the extremity because this is dif cult to excise with de nitive resection.
(b) Never biopsy through buttock as this is the ap for the coverage in the hind quarter amputation if required. (c) Never biopsy through rectus
femoris; very important for knee extension (d) Poor biopsy: Long incision and widely placed sutures marks will require excision of wide area of
skin and under lying tissues if salvage surgery is contemplated and the wound closure may be compromised
Kundu: Investigations and biopsy of osteosarcoma
Indian Journal of Orthopaedics | May 2014 | Vol. 48 | Issue 3 244
metastasis respectively. The biopsy confirms the diagnosis
and reveals the grade of the lesion. The basic principles
of biopsy should be followed precisely and meticulously.
After clinical, radiological and the histopathological
examinations the tumor can be staged adequately [Box 3].
It is pertinent to mention that the patient should be
immediately referred to the treating specialist centre
for early diagnosis and treatment as this can make limb
salvage possible in large number of patients. The urgent
need of the MDT (multidisciplinay team) for the better
out come in all musculoskeletal sarcomas can not be
over-emphasised. However, the biological behavior of
osteosarcoma is yet to be fully understood.
1. Rosenberg AE. Bone, joints and soft tissue tumors. In: Kumar V,
Abbas AK, Fausto N, Aster JC, editors. Robins and cotran
pathologic basis of disease. 8th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders;
2010. p. 1203-56.
2. Fletcher CDM, Bridge JA, Hogendoorn PCW, Mertens F,
editors. World Health Organization, classification of tumours:
Pathology and genetics of tumors of soft tissue and bone. Lyon:
IARC Press; 2013.
3. Wold LE, Adler CP, Sim FH, Unni KK. Atlas of orthopaedic
pathology, 2nd ed. Saunders: Philadelphia-London; 2003.
p. 179-85.
4. Jaffe HL. Tumors and tumors like conditions of the bones and
joints. Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger; 1958.
5. Unni KK. Inwards CY Bone tumors: General aspects and data
on 10,165 cases. 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and
Wilkins; 2010.
6. Lichtenstein L. Bone tumors. 4th ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 1972.
7. Heck RK Jr. Malignant bone tumors. In: Canale ST, Beaty JH,
editors. Campbell’s Operative Orthopedics. Missouri: Mosby
Year Book; 2008. p. 901-38.
8. Dorfman HD, Czerniak B. Bone tumors. St. Louis: Mosby; 1998.
9. Campanacci M. Bone and soft tissue tumours: Clinical
features, imaging, pathology and treatment. 2nd ed. Vienna:
Springer-Verlag; 1999.
10. Bacci G, Ferrari S, Lari S, Mercuri M, Donati D, Longhi A.
Osteosarcoma of the limb: Amputation or limb salvage in
patients treated by neoadjuvant chemotherapy. J Bone Joint
Surg 2002;84:88-92.
11. Bacci G, Ferrari S, Longhi A. Preoperative therapy versus
immediate surgery in nonmetastatic osteosarcoma. J Clin Oncol
12. Bacci G, Longhi A, Varsari M. Prognostic factors for
osteosarcoma of the extremity treated with neoadjuvant
chemotherapy: 15 years experience in 789 patients treated at
a single institution. Cancer 2006;106:1154-64.
13. Huvos AG, Woodard HQ, Cahan WG, Higinbotham NL,
Stewart FW, Butler A, et al. Postradiation osteogenic sarcoma of
bone and soft tissues. A clinicopathologic study of 66 patients.
Cancer 1985; 55:1244-55.
14. Le Vu B, de Vathaire F, Shamsaldin A, Hawkins MM, Grimaud E,
Hardiman C A et al. Radiation dose, chemotherapy and risk of
osteosarcoma after solid tumor during childhood. Int J Cancer
Box 2: Principles of biopsy
Perform all the relevant imaging investigations before biopsy.
Biopsy should be performed at the treating center by the member of
the treating team or at least under his/her guidance. Refer the patient
before biopsy if treatment is not feasible at the peripheral center.
If tourniquet is used, elevate the limb but do not exsanguinate with
No transverse incision in the extremities. Avoid major neurovascular
Place the incision such that it can be easily excised with the
de nitive resection and should not jeopardize the future plan of
surgery and function of the limb. The needle biopsy tract should be
tattooed in order to excise it easily. The surgeon should be familiar
with incisions of limb salvage and those for the standard and
nonstandard amputation aps.
Make no different planes during open biopsy rather reach the tumor
with a single deep stab/incision until the depth of the tumor to avoid
seepage of tumor cells under these planes. Do not reach the lesion
in between the muscle planes rather go through a single muscle
plane to avoid contamination of more muscle groups.
Sample the soft tissue component in the bone sarcomas. Material
should be taken from the viable peripheral area of the tumor and not
from the central necrotic area and the Codman’s triangle having just
reactive bone. Do not squeeze the tumor during biopsy.
If required, make circular/oval window in the bone to decrease the
chances of pathological fracture; avoid quadrangular widow. Protect the
limb if the chances of fractures are likely which alters the prognosis.
Achieve complete hemostasis to avoid contamination of the tissues
with seepage of blood under tissue planes. In the bone, the hole can
be plugged with small amount of bone cement. The wound should
be sutured tightly and avoid widely placed suture. If required, the
drain should be in the line of incision, not on the side.
If frozen section facility exists the diagnostic tissue can be con rmed
intraoperatively. Take adequate material and do not divide the tissue
for different pathologists rather furnish them the slides/block if the
review is required.
Tissue should be adequately immersed in formalin/preservation uid
in a ratio of 1:20 (tissue: uid) and do not allow it to dry on the table.
The sample could be sent immediately as a fresh specimen for
potential frozen section and immunohistocytochemistry studies.
Fill up the biopsy form properly with all relevant clinical, radiological,
and the previous FNAC/biopsy details if available. Assist the
pathologist in making diagnosis rather than testing or confusing them.
There should be always a multidisciplinary team (MDT) to discuss
oncological cases. The MDT should include the surgeon, radiologist,
pathologist, chemotherapist, and the radiation oncologist.
“Always culture a biopsy and biopsy a culture” as we are in the endemic
area of infections (including tuberculosis) which can mimic tumors.
MDT: Multidisciplinary team, FNAC: Fine needle aspiration cytology
Box 3: Algorithm for staging osteosarcoma in distal femur
Clinical examination: Painful, ill-de ned diffuse mass lesion in the
metaphyseal area of the distal femur- suspect osteosarcoma
Plain X-ray of the lower thigh with knee (for probable diagnosis) and
X-ray chest (may detect lung nodules i.e. metastasis)
MRI of the distal thigh with inclusion of hip and knee joint
(for tumor size, local extent and skip lesion, if any)
CT scan thorax (for lung metastasis),
Tc-99 bone scan (for osseous metastasis)
Biopsy (for con rmation of diagnosis and grade of the lesion)
Stage the lesion as per local extent including the size, grade and
metastasis in view of the above mentioned investigations
Example-if MRI shows the lesion extending all around the femur into the soft tissues
with no metastasis on CT scan thorax and bone scan; and is high grade on biopsy it
is stage-II-B lesion (Enneking staging) as are the majority of the osteosarcomas at
presentation, MRI: Magnetic resonance imaging, CT: Computerized tomography
Kundu: Investigations and biopsy of osteosarcoma
245 Indian Journal of Orthopaedics | May 2014 | Vol. 48 | Issue 3
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Kundu: Investigations and biopsy of osteosarcoma
Indian Journal of Orthopaedics | May 2014 | Vol. 48 | Issue 3 246
How to cite this article: Kundu ZS. Classi cation, imaging, biopsy
and staging of osteosarcoma. Indian J Orthop 2014;48:238-46.
Source of Support: Nil, Con ict of Interest: None.
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Retraction Notice
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Kambali M, Anand HSV, Priyamargavi H, Varma RB. Traumatic posterior atlantoaxial dislocation without related fractures of C1-C2. Indian
J Orthop 2013;47:624-29.
Editor, Indian J Orthop
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... Most OSJ patients present with jaw swelling as their only symptom; however, the presence of pain, edema, ulcerations, or paresthesia is possible [2]. Radiologically, the tumor may exhibit a range of morphologies, including sclerotic, laminated, and classic sunburst patterns, although it may also occasionally show no discernible radiological abnormalities [4]. To confirm the diagnosis of osteosarcoma when imaging data indicate it, a biopsy is usually necessary. ...
... Based on their location, osteosarcoma may be divided into four categories, namely, extraosseous, periosteal, parosteal, and intramedullary. It may be further subdivided into osteoblastic, chondroblastic, fibroblastic, telangiectatic, and osteoclast-rich forms based on the predominant type of matrix tissue seen under a microscope [4]. ...
... CT and MRI are considered essential in the diagnosis of osteosarcoma. They have excellent sensitivity for identifying the morphological alterations produced by tumors [4]. They can also disclose the extent of the tumor's invasion and depth, as well as its interaction with adjacent tissues or any peripheral calcification [4]. ...
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Osteosarcoma is primarily a long-bone disease that rarely affects the facial bones. Chondroblastic osteosarcoma is a subvariant of osteosarcoma. Its defining characteristics include the presence of malignant spindle and polygonal cells, as well as a thick layer of chondroid matrix and interwoven neoplastic tissue deposition. Mandibular chondroblastic osteosarcoma, in particular, is often overlooked and disregarded as a presumptive diagnosis at the time of initial presentation. This is mainly because of its rarity or inadequate lesion evaluation. Here, we present the case of a 47-year-old female patient with a rapidly growing swelling at the anterior mandible that was initially misdiagnosed as an ossifying fibroma of the mandible. The subsequent histopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of chondroblastic osteosarcoma of the mandible. The patient requested a more extensive and aggressive excision, with the possibility of adjuvant radiation or chemotherapy. This article illustrates a rare case of mandibular chondroblastic osteosarcoma, with a focus on the clinical and pathological features of the tumor that should be taken into account when making a differential diagnosis for oral bone lesions.
... More rarely osteosarcoma occurs in an extra skeletal location such as the thigh, spleen, peritoneum, or kidney. Extrakeletal osteosarcoma has been defined as a malignant mesenchymal tumor that lays down osteoid or chondroid substances with no direct attachment to bone or periosteum [7]. It is reported to occur in about 2%-4% of all osteosarcoma and 1% of all soft tissue sarcoma. ...
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Extraskeletal osteosarcoma (ESO) is a rare variant of osteosarcoma that is situated in soft tissue and does not constitute an extension from primary osteosarcoma. We report a case of 60-year-old housewife who presented with an 8 months history of painful, ulcerated, lobulated and recurrent swelling. An incisional biopsy was also done which shows sarcomatous spindle cells and tumour giant cells against an osteoid background which is consistent with osteosarcoma in an extra skeletal location. Patient had surgical excision of the lesion and referred for chemoradiation therapy. There was no recurrence during 1 year follow up.
... Pain can also be due to bone thinning and volume loss resulting in small stress fractures. The appearance of sudden and severe pain signals a significant pathological fracture, which is rare in adult patients [16]. Up to 15% of paediatric patients experience pathological bone fractures. ...
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Osteosarcoma is a malignant mesenchymal tumour. This primarily manifests in the formation of immature osteoid cells by tumour cells. Osteosarcoma is the most common primary bone tumour in children and adolescents. It tends to occur in the metaphysis of long shafts, shows osteoblastic differentiation, and produces malignant osteoid material. We present the case of a 17-year-old male who presented to our clinic who had left knee pain for a few days. An initial radiograph of the knee joint revealed a lytic lesion in the proximal tibia and further imaging was advised. During a follow-up visit, the patient had worsening pain and had a computerized tomography scan of the left knee, confirming osteosarcoma on the lateral side of the left tibia. He was referred to the orthopaedic department, where a biopsy was performed, to confirm the diagnosis of osteosarcoma. The patient was commenced on chemotherapy due to metastatic disease and has so far tolerated therapy well.
... They can also develop as a result of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation or injury from surgery or radiation. The disease has a known genetic cause, with the tumor suppressor genes EXT1 and EXT2 implicated in its development [11]. ...
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This case report describes a rare occurrence of talar osteochondroma extending into syndesmosis, causing disruption of the interosseous membrane and the posterior inferior tibiofibular ligament (PITFL). This type of presentation for a talar osteochondroma is the first of its kind reported in the literature based on current knowledge. A detailed preoperative radiological assessment was crucial in planning the surgical approach and preparing for syndesmotic stabilization during the excision. The patient underwent successful and complete excision of the osteochondroma, and the syndesmosis was stabilized using a cortical screw along with anatomical repair of the PITFL. Apart from delayed wound healing, the patient exhibited good functional outcomes in terms of gait and ankle range of motion at the six-month follow-up. This case serves as a valuable reference for similar presentations in the future, emphasizing the importance of thorough preoperative assessment and appropriate treatment planning.
Osteosarcoma or osteogenic sarcoma is a malignant neoplasm arising from primitive transformed cells of mesenchymal origin. This primary bone sarcoma has incidence of 4.6 per million people [1]. These cells have osteoblastic differentiation and produce malignant osteoid. It can be found in any age group but is prevalent in paediatric and adolescents. This tumour is more prevalent in fast-growing metaphyseal ends of long bones. This tumour frequently grows at proximal end of tibia, humerus or distal end of the femur. Osteosarcoma affects the knee in around 60% of cases whereas other areas are around the hip, shoulder and jaw with incidence of around 15%, 10% and 8%, respectively [2]. Osteosarcoma has male preponderance with male-to-female ratio of 2.3:1 [2]. The initial symptoms and signs may be night pain and tenderness around the knee, local mass, limited joint mobility and pathological fracture. X-ray imaging is an initial imaging of choice which shows sunburst appearance and Codman triangle while CT scan is useful to define anatomy and detect pathological fracture. Also, soft tissue and medullary cavity is better imaged with the help of MRI scan [3]. The tumour may metastasise to lungs and is seen as solitary or multiple nodular opacities on chest X-ray. The treatment of osteosarcoma is complete radical, en block surgical resection of tumour [4] and neoadjuvant or adjuvant chemotherapy. Surgery is usually done after neoadjuvant chemotherapy with an aim of limb salvage. Limb salvage surgery is possible in majority of patients [5] but may need amputation in case of complications, such as infection, non-union or loco-regional tumour recurrence. The patient present to the anaesthesiologists may present unique issues of post radiation and post chemotherapy status. The treatment requires close co-coordination between various specialists such as medical oncologists, orthopaedic surgeons, physical therapists, anaesthesiologists, critical care specialists and oncology nurses.
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OBJECTIVE: The objective of this article is to present astronomical inspired signs seen in radiology, which will eventually help in imaging based diagnosis. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective study. PLACE AND DURATION OF STUDY: Radiology Department, Shifa International Hospital, from 2020 to 2023. METHODOLOGY: We compiled all the cases with interesting astronomical signs manifested on various radiological modalities including radiograph, ultrasound and CT.-Comet tail artifact seen on grey scale ultrasound is noted in gallbladder adenomyomatosis & thyroid colloid cyst.-Comet tail artifact seen on colour doppler ultrasound is noted in renal/ureteric calculus.-Comet tail sign seen on CT chest is noted in round atelectasis.-Galaxy sign seen on CT chest is noted in sarcoidosis or pulmonary TB.-Loss of half-moon sign seen on shoulder radiograph is noted in posterior shoulder dislocation.-Starry sky appearence seen on grey scale ultrasound is noted in acute hepatitis.-Starry sky appearance seen on MR is noted in multiple biliray hamartomas.-Suburst appearance seen on radiograph is noted in osteosarcoma.-Sunburst sign seen on MR brain is noted in meningioma.-Sunburst sign seen on DSA is noted in renal angiomyolipoma.-Sunset eye sign seen on CT brain in obstructive hydrocephalus.-Twinkling artifact seen on colour Doppler ultrasound is noted in calcului.-Earth heart sign seen on radiograph chest is noted in tension pneumomediastinum.-Milky sign seen on MR brain is noted in multifocal leukoencephalopathy.-Starfield pattern seen on MR brain is noted in fat embolism. RESULT: Imaging features in various modalities of aforementioned diseases are explained narrowing down the differentials. CONCLUSION: Understanding of these clearly discernible astronomy-based signs is crucial since it aids in cutting down the lengthy range of differentials and also aids in imaging-based diagnosis.
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Osteosarcoma is the most frequent malignant tumor of the bone which is diagnosed most frequently in children or young adults, with a high possibility of metastasis, especially in the lung. We report a case of 39-year male patient with a history of an above-the-knee left limb amputation after tibial osteosarcoma with no follow-ups in the last two years and with an expansive apical and left paramediastinal mass found on chest X-ray. We performed a bronchoscopy and the histopathological diagnosis of swabbed samples was fibroblastic type of classic osteosarcoma with focal areas of telangiectatic osteosarcoma and areas showing giant cells. The particularity of the case consisted in the challenge of establishing the origin of pulmonary mass. Whilst increased dimensions militated for a primary pulmonary neoplasm, the histological examination ascertained the metastatic etiology of the tumor.
Pediatric bone sarcomas are rare and aggressive cancers that pose significant treatment challenges. Traditional chemotherapy and surgery have limitations in achieving complete remission, especially in cases of metastatic disease. Nanodrug delivery systems offer a promising approach to overcome these limitations by delivering therapeutic agents directly to the tumor site with increased efficacy and reduced toxicity. In this chapter, we discuss recent advances in the use of nanodrug delivery in the treatment of pediatric bone sarcomas, covering organic nanoparticles (NPs), including liposomes, polymeric NPs, micelles, and dendrimers as well as inorganic NPs. We also highlight the potential of combining nanodrug delivery with other therapies, such as immunotherapy and gene therapy, to enhance treatment outcomes. Overall, the use of nanodrug delivery systems holds great promise for improving pediatric bone sarcoma outcomes in patients.