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Imaging with extended focal depth by means of lenses with radial and angular modulation

Optica Publishing Group
Optics Express

Abstract and Figures

The paper presents imaging properties of modified lenses with the radial and the angular modulation. We analyze three following optical elements with moderate numerical apertures: the forward logarithmic axicon and the axilens representing the radial modulation as well as the light sword optical element being a counterpart of the axilens with the angular modulation. The abilities of the elements for imaging with extended depth of focus are discussed in detail with the help of structures of output images and modulation transfer functions corresponding to them. According to the obtained results only the angular modulation of the lens makes possible to maintain the acceptable resolution, contrast and brightness of the output images for a wide range of defocusing. Therefore optical elements with angular modulations and moderate numerical apertures seem to be especially suitable for imaging with extended focal depth.
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Imaging with extended focal depth by means of
lenses with radial and angular modulation
G. Mikuła1, Z. Jaroszewicz2, 3*, A. Kolodziejczyk1, K.Petelczyc1, and M. Sypek1
1Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University of Technology, Koszykowa 75, 00-662 Warsaw, Poland
2 Institute of Applied Optics, Kamionkowska 18, 03-805 Warsaw, Poland
3 National Institute of Telecommunications, Szachowa 1, 04-894 Warsaw, Poland
*Corresponding author:
Abstract: The paper presents imaging properties of modified lenses with
the radial and the angular modulation. We analyze three following optical
elements with moderate numerical apertures: the forward logarithmic axicon
and the axilens representing the radial modulation as well as the light sword
optical element being a counterpart of the axilens with the angular
modulation. The abilities of the elements for imaging with extended depth
of focus are discussed in detail with the help of structures of output images
and modulation transfer functions corresponding to them. According to the
obtained results only the angular modulation of the lens makes possible to
maintain the acceptable resolution, contrast and brightness of the output
images for a wide range of defocusing. Therefore optical elements with
angular modulations and moderate numerical apertures seem to be
especially suitable for imaging with extended focal depth.
©2007 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: (110.2990) Image formation theory; (110.4100) Modulation transfer function;
(080.2740) Geometrical optics, optical design; (050.1970) Diffractive optics
References and links
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(C) 2007 OSA 23 July 2007 / Vol. 15, No. 15 / OPTICS EXPRESS 9184
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1. Introduction
The limited range of focus is a significant disadvantage of incoherent imaging systems. The
depth of focus is especially important when three-dimensional scenes or three-dimensional
objects are imaged. Extending depth of field of optical imaging systems has been a subject of
intensive investigations. Application of optical power-absorbing apodizers can increase the
depth of focus [1-4]. This method leads to some disadvantages. Apodization limits an
effective aperture of the imaging set-up what causes a substantial loss of an incident light
energy and reduces significantly a resolution of imaging. The elements of this kind can be
only used in a case of sufficiently strong illumination what limits their practical applications.
Another possible method of extending depth of field is based on the two-step process [5-8].
The optical imaging system is designed in such a way that the point-spread function (PSF) is
insensitive to misfocus while the optical transfer function (OTF) has no regions of zero values
within its passband. Then the electronic processing of inverse filtration is used to restore the
image formed by the optical system. The same electronic processing restores the image for all
values of misfocus because the OTF is insensitive to misfocus. The electronic processing of
an optical image seriously limits application of this method. The electronic stage makes
impossible imaging in a real time and complicates a construction of an imaging set-up.
The most promising optical elements for imaging with extended depth of focus in real-
time seem to be optical elements focusing an incident plane wave into a focal line segment.
These elements can be regarded as modified lenses with controlled aberrations. The
modification should lead to output images characterized by the possible highest contrast,
brightness and sharpness. A fixed point of the focal segment is connected to a proper input
plane or an output plane in an imaging process. The optical elements of this kind were
intensively studied lately in many papers. The authors of them attempted to solve the problem
of extended focal depth by different methods leading to different optical structures as for
example axicons [9-13], elements defined by a numerical iterative approach [14-16] or optical
diffusers [17]. Some works published in recent years demonstrated usefulness of the axilens in
optical systems with a long focal depth [18-21]. The analyzed axilens was based on design
proposed by Davidson at al. [22].
All the above mentioned optical elements exhibit the radial symmetry. According to the
results presented for imaging set-ups with such elements, it is very difficult to maintain high
quality of output images when defocus becomes large [13, 14, 16, 17]. This difficulty lies in a
nature of the image formation process. According to the geometrical optics light focused
#83838 - $15.00 USD Received 6 Jun 2007; revised 2 Jul 2007; accepted 4 Jul 2007; published 11 Jul 2007
(C) 2007 OSA 23 July 2007 / Vol. 15, No. 15 / OPTICS EXPRESS 9185
around a point of an optical axis diverges quickly substantially spoiling neighboring focal
points of the segment. Therefore a quality of the focal depth is limited, especially when a
numerical aperture of an imaging system is large. Some disadvantages of elements with the
symmetry of revolution can be overcome by an application of the angular modulation. The
angular modulation offers an additional degree of freedom during element’s design and
modifies harmful diffraction effects corresponding to focusing.
The aim of this paper is to illustrate usefulness and advantages of optical elements with
angular modulation for imaging with extended depth of focus. For this purpose we study and
compare imaging properties of three following optical elements: the forward logarithmic
axicon [9] (FLA), the axilens [22] (AXL) and the light sword optical element [23] (LSOE).
The LSOE is a modified convergent lens with an angular modulation while two others
elements represent lenses with radial modulation. The terms lens modulation or lens
modification used in this paper means modulation or modification of a phase transmittance of
a lens. Particularly, we analyze in detail quality of output images by means of calculated
modulation transfer functions (MTFs) corresponding to all elements and different object
planes in the imaging set-up. We have intentionally chosen the parameters of an imaging
arrangement similar to those described in works dealing with a presbyopia correction [13, 14],
since it enables to evaluate usefulness of investigated elements for ophthalmologic
2. Analyzed elements and an imaging set-up.
An assumed imaging set-up includes a thin optical imaging element. An imaging plane is
placed in a fixed distance q=20 mm behind the element. The assumed distances between the
input objects and the element vary and belong to the range
,cm 25p. According to
geometrical optics, the thin optical element focusing incident plane wave into a proper light
segment makes possible to realize imaging with extended depth of field in the above set-up.
Points of the focal segment should be situated from a distance mm 18.5
1=f up to a distance
mm 20
12 =Δ+= fff behind the element in order to cover the assumed range of the object
distances. Hence f=1.5 mm denotes a length of the focal segment. We designed the FLA, the
AXL and the LSOE fulfilling the above conditions. In all cases we have assumed circular
apertures of the elements with a radius R=2 mm and the wavelength =632.8 nm of a
monochromatic illumination corresponding to a He-Ne laser. Because of moderate numerical
apertures corresponding to focusing we have used the Fresnel paraxial approximation during
our design and numerical calculations.
2.1 Forward logarithmic axicon (FLA)
The element is designed by means of geometrical optics and the principle of energy
conservation [9]. According to the ray tracing the FLA exactly focuses light in an assumed
focal segment with a uniform intensity distribution. The phase transmittance of the element
has the following form:
+=Φ 1
r, (1)
where 2
/Rfa Δ= ,
/2=k; is a wavelength of light and r denotes a radial
coordinate in an element plane. Potential abilities of the FLA or its simplified version for
imaging with extended depth of focus were confirmed numerically and experimentally [11-
#83838 - $15.00 USD Received 6 Jun 2007; revised 2 Jul 2007; accepted 4 Jul 2007; published 11 Jul 2007
(C) 2007 OSA 23 July 2007 / Vol. 15, No. 15 / OPTICS EXPRESS 9186
2.2 Axilens (AXL)
The AXL was proposed by Davidson at al. [22]. The phase transmittance of the element is
defined by the following phase:
/2 Rfrf
=Φ . (2)
Design leading to the above phase function violates the law of the energy conservation [24]
therefore the AXL does not focus exactly incident light in an assumed fragment of an optical
axis. Nevertheless, latest intensive investigations demonstrated that the AXL can be
successfully used as a lens with a large focal depth [18-21]. According to the published results
of these investigations the AXL seem to be especially suitable for imaging with extended
depth of focus. Therefore we have decided to analyze imaging properties of the AXL and to
compare them with those corresponding to the optical element with the angular modulation.
2.3 Light sword optical element (LSOE)
The LSOE is a counterpart of the AXL where the radial modulation of the lens was
substituted by an angular one. Preliminary results illustrating abilities of the LSOE with a
small numerical aperture for imaging with extended depth of focus were reported elsewhere
[25]. The phase defining transmittance of the LSOE is given as follows:
() ()
2/2 1
ff kr
=Φ , (3)
Fig. 1. Geometry of focusing by the LSOE. The infinitesimal angular sector of the element
focuses an incident plane wave into a segment PP1 oriented perpendicularly to the sector.
where is an azimuthal coordinate in an element’s plane. The LSOE corresponds to a limiting
case of the element focusing light into a curve lying on a lateral surface of a cylinder with its
radius going to zero [26]. The element described by Eq. (3) forms approximately an assumed
focal segment even within the geometrical optics. According to the paraxial ray tracing
implemented to polar coordinates points (r, ) of the infinitesimal angular sector =const of
the element are connected to the following points ( , ) of the output plane
1ffz += :
/2 , 24/ 1
+=+= fffr . (4)
#83838 - $15.00 USD Received 6 Jun 2007; revised 2 Jul 2007; accepted 4 Jul 2007; published 11 Jul 2007
(C) 2007 OSA 23 July 2007 / Vol. 15, No. 15 / OPTICS EXPRESS 9187
The geometry of light focusing by the LSOE according to the ray tracing method is shown in
Fig. 1. The infinitesimal angular sector of the element corresponding to the angular coordinate
focuses light into a small line segment PP1 instead into an assumed point P with coordinates
2/,0,0 1ff Δ+ in the Cartesian coordinate system OXYZ. The length L of the segment is
defined by the following relation:
fffRL 24/ 1+= , (5)
where R denotes a radius of the LSOE’s aperture. The segment PP1 is oriented perpendicularly
to the angular sector, i.e. the segment’s direction is defined by a semi-line corresponding to an
angular coordinate +/2. Taking into account this geometrical approach, the assumed
parameters R=2 mm, mm 18.5
1=f, f=1.5 mm, =632.8 nm,
2,0 and Eq. (5) the
lengths of the segments PP1 belong to the range [11.94 m , 12.90 m]. For comparison,
diameters of the central Airy spots formed by lenses with the same aperture and focal
distances correspond to the range [7.14 m , 7.72 m].
3. Numerical and experimental results
The assumed optical set-up resembles that used in an model of the human eye [27]. Hence we
have analyzed the images of optotypes of Snellen with an angular dimension 5 minutes of arc
and the smallest details equal to 1 minute of arc. The Snellen optotypes are commonly used in
the ophthalmology for vision acuity examinations. The satisfying recognition of the Snellen
optotypes with an angular dimension 5’ corresponds to the standard 20/20 vision acuity. We
have selected for our analysis the input objects in a form shown in Fig. 2. The singular object
was consisted of four optotypes in a shape of a capital E oriented in different directions. Three
parallel strips of the letter E form a fragment of the Ronchi grating. According to the
parameters of the assumed optical set-up an ideal image of grating in the output plane
corresponds to the fundamental spatial frequency =86 lines/mm.
Fig. 2. The form of input object used in numerical simulations and experiments. Each letter E
has the same angular dimension 5 minutes of arc. Singular strips of the letter have an angular
width 1 minute of arc.
In order to analyze in detail imaging abilities of the studied optical elements we have
prepared numerical simulations corresponding to the following 12 different object distances p
given in millimeters: 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 600, 700, 800, 1000, 1500, 2000.
Numerical simulations were conducted using a diffractive modeling package working
according to the modified convolution approach [28] on a matrix of 4096x4096 points.
Making calculations we have assumed that the input object has been illuminated by a
monochromatic spatially incoherent light of a He-Ne laser with a wavelength =632.8 nm.
The columns AXL-s, FLA-s and LSOE-s of the Fig. 3 show the intensity distributions of
output images of the Snellen optotypes created by the AXL, the FLA and the LSOE and
obtained in numerical simulations. The intensities are presented in a gray scale with 256
different levels. All these images have the same maximal intensity defined by the highest
The transfer functions are useful tools for an analysis of imaging properties. Therefore we
computed MTFs corresponding to the numerical results presented in Fig. 3. The MTFs shown
in Figs. 4-5 were calculated as moduli of Fourier transforms of incoherent point spread
functions. The LSOE does not exhibit a symmetry of revolution then in a case of this element
we present two cross-sections of MTFs corresponding to perpendicular directions x and y in
#83838 - $15.00 USD Received 6 Jun 2007; revised 2 Jul 2007; accepted 4 Jul 2007; published 11 Jul 2007
(C) 2007 OSA 23 July 2007 / Vol. 15, No. 15 / OPTICS EXPRESS 9188
Fig. 3. Intensity distributions of the output images formed by the AXL, FLA and LSOE for
different object distances p given in milimeters. The columns AXL-s, FLA-s and LSOE-s
includes results of numerical simulations. The remaining distributions correspond to
experimental verifications.
#83838 - $15.00 USD Received 6 Jun 2007; revised 2 Jul 2007; accepted 4 Jul 2007; published 11 Jul 2007
(C) 2007 OSA 23 July 2007 / Vol. 15, No. 15 / OPTICS EXPRESS 9189
Fig. 4. MTFs calculated for the AXL and the FLA for different object distances p given in
#83838 - $15.00 USD Received 6 Jun 2007; revised 2 Jul 2007; accepted 4 Jul 2007; published 11 Jul 2007
(C) 2007 OSA 23 July 2007 / Vol. 15, No. 15 / OPTICS EXPRESS 9190
Fig. 5. MTFs calculated for the LSOE and different object distances p given in millimeters. The
column LSOE H corresponds to a direction x in the spatial frequencies domain and the column
LSOE V to a direction y.
#83838 - $15.00 USD Received 6 Jun 2007; revised 2 Jul 2007; accepted 4 Jul 2007; published 11 Jul 2007
(C) 2007 OSA 23 July 2007 / Vol. 15, No. 15 / OPTICS EXPRESS 9191
a frequency domain ( x, y). The cross-sections of MTFs showed in Fig. 5 are representative.
The plots for other cross-sections have a similar character.
Then we have verified experimentally results of our numerical simulations. The elements
assumed in the simulations were fabricated as binary-phase diffractive structures by electron
beam lithography at the Institute of Electronic Materials in Warsaw by the technique
described below in more detail.
The glass plate with a conductive layer (ITO) was covered with electron resist by its
pulverization on the rotating substrate. The thickness of the resist was controlled by the
velocity of rotation and should result in a phase shift equal to (in our case, compared with
the light propagating in air). A substrate prepared in this way was exposed with the help of an
electron beam lithography device with variable shaped e-beam system (ZBA-20 by Jenoptik
GmbH). After developing, the exposed areas were removed to achieve the binary phase
element. The described process enables us to fabricate 0.5- m-spot-sized structures with
accuracy of 0.1 m in both the x and y directions.
The produced binary-phase diffractive structures have limited diffraction efficiency
theoretically equal to 40.5%. The output images are formed only by the (+1) orders of
structures. Nevertheless in our imaging system the other orders have negligible influence for
output intensity distributions. The (-1) order produces divergent wave-fronts and higher orders
correspond to very small diffraction efficiencies. The columns AXL-e, FLA-e and LSOE-e of
the Fig. 3 present output images formed by the fabricated elements in an optical set-up and
captured by a CCD camera. The object was illuminated by He-Ne laser. In order to obtain
spatially incoherent illumination, a rotated ground glass was inserted between the object and a
He-Ne laser.
4. Discussion of the obtained results
According to the results shown in Fig. 3, the experiment confirmed numerical simulations.
Generally the elements form images with different brightness and contrast. We registered the
output images in the experiment using the same illumination intensities making possible to
compare a brightness and a contrast of the output images in an optical set-up. Therefore
otherwise to simulations the experimental results are counterparts of non-normalized intensity
images. Numerical and experimental imaging results shown in Fig. 3 present satisfied
coincidence. The structures of images are almost the same. The slight difference is probably
caused by imperfections in the fabrication of diffractive structures and their limited diffractive
efficiencies. Good agreement between numerical simulations and experiments justifies our
assumption about the used paraxial approach.
Characteristic features of output images can be explained using the MTFs shown in Fig. 4-
5. Only the LSOE forms recognizable images of Snellen optotypes for all object distances.
MTFs corresponding to the LSOE have not zeros for spatial frequencies smaller than 100
lines/mm. The nonzero ranges of the MTFs are substantially wider than these corresponding
to the FLA and the AXL. Some MTFs of the FLA and the AXL have zeros around the
characteristic spatial frequency of the optotypes =86 lines/mm. Therefore the relative output
images are completely blurred for object distances 400 mm, 600mm in a case of the FLA and
500mm, 1000mm in a case of the AXL. Additionally MTFs corresponding to the FLA and the
AXL exhibit narrow maxima around the zero spatial frequency. Moreover these MTFs have
smaller values for higher frequencies than in a case of the LSOE. Hence generally the images
created by the FLA and the AXL demonstrate lower contrasts. This effect is especially
recognizable in a case of the AXL where the MTFs decrease the most rapidly from the central
maximum. The images created by the FLA and the AXL are considerably blurred when object
distances become longer than 500 mm. The blurs correspond to rapid oscillations appearing in
MTFs plots. These oscillations may cause substantial contrast inversions of output images.
The obtained numerical and experimental results prove superiority of the LSOE for
imaging with extended depth of focus in the analyzed set-up. Generally the LSOE forms
images with better resolution, contrast and higher brightness than those created by the FLA
#83838 - $15.00 USD Received 6 Jun 2007; revised 2 Jul 2007; accepted 4 Jul 2007; published 11 Jul 2007
(C) 2007 OSA 23 July 2007 / Vol. 15, No. 15 / OPTICS EXPRESS 9192
and the AXL. Surprisingly good abilities of the LSOE for imaging with extended depth of
field are probably connected with the flow of energy during focusing. According to ray
tracing shown in Fig. 1 the focusing process has an off-axis character. The maximum intensity
of the focal spot lies outside the optical axis OZ and waves around it [25]. This phenomenon
causes a displacement of the output images. Taking into account the assumed parameters
corresponding to our simulations and experiments, the angular displacement is equal
approximately to 2 minutes of arc. The flow of energy changes its main direction during
focusing and positions of output images rotate around the optical axis. Then the effect of
mutual disturbance between neighboring images corresponding to different focal lengths or
different object distances is less harmful than in cases of the FLA and the AXL where the
flow of energy during focusing has the same main direction along the optical axis.
5. Conclusion
We have analyzed in detail abilities of lenses with the radial and angular modulation for
imaging with extended depth of focus. We have chosen for our analysis the imaging set-up
similar to that representing a model of the human eye and three following optical elements:
the forward logarithmic axicon and the axilens exhibiting radial modulation of the lens
transmittance as well as the light sword optical element representing a lens with angular
modulation. The structures of output images in numerical simulations and experiments were
discussed by means of the calculated MTFs. The LSOE contradictory to the FLA and the
AXL forms well recognizable output images for a wide range of object distances. The angular
modulation of the lens transmittance used in a case of the LSOE modifies the flow of light
energy during focusing what improves quality of imaging.
Nevertheless the LSOE exhibits some disadvantages. It forms slightly stretched focal spots
without radial symmetry [25] what generates characteristic blur of output images. These
images waves around the optical axis. The above disadvantages do not seriously limit
usefulness of the LSOE for many imaging applications. Moreover the LSOE is only one
relatively simple example of the lens with an angular modulation of a transmittance. Imaging
abilities of the LSOE can be probably substantially improved by optimization of its design.
Analytical modification can be realized by a substitution of the linear function of in a
denominator of the phase transmittance given in Eq. (3) by an another, properly selected
angular function. According to the lately published works especially promising seem to be
iterative optimization methods [14-16].
The presented results give evidence that modified lenses with angular modulation of
phase transmittances can be very useful tools for imaging with extended focal depth.
Generally the angular modulation offers the additional degree of freedom in a design process.
This modulation changes the flow of energy during focusing what can improve an imaging
quality. According to the presented results angularly modified lenses of moderate numerical
apertures can be at least used successfully in machine vision and ophthalmologic applications.
We thank Salvador Bará from Santiago de Compostela University in Galiza for many fruitful
discussions, encouragement to write the present study and last but not least, for careful
reading of the manuscript. This work was supported by Warsaw University of Technology
and the Network of Excellence in Micro-Optics (NEMO).
#83838 - $15.00 USD Received 6 Jun 2007; revised 2 Jul 2007; accepted 4 Jul 2007; published 11 Jul 2007
(C) 2007 OSA 23 July 2007 / Vol. 15, No. 15 / OPTICS EXPRESS 9193
... The rotational symmetry of the two kinds of optical elements makes it difficult to maintain a high quality of the output images when the defocus becomes large [11,12]. Notably, these limitations due to rotational symmetry can be overcome by employing angular modulation [13]. Angular modulation offers an additional degree of freedom in the design of optical elements and eliminates the harmful diffraction effects corresponding to focusing. ...
... Here r is the radial coordinate, f 1 and f represent the focal length and the focal range. Based on the analysis of the angular modulation in Ref. [13], if we introduce the angle modulation for the IQAX, we need to add an additional freedom degree of the angle on the basis of position modulation. Therefore, we introduce the following ansatz for the phase of our proposed metasurface lens: ...
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The depth of focus (DOF) indicates the tolerance of the imaging displacement. The axial long-focal-depth is significant in practical applications, including optical imaging and communication. The importance of extending the DOF is rapidly growing with the advance of metasurface lenses. Angular modulation, as a promising way to extend the DOF, offers an additional degree of freedom to improve the imaging quality. Here we theoretically and experimentally demonstrate an angular modulated metasurface lens for extended DOF imaging by means of applying the geometrical phase. Unlike previous studies of the geometrical phase, which is sensitive to the polarity of circular polarization incidence, the polarity of circular polarization independence and broadband characteristic of angular modulation yield the potential of robust and efficient extension of the DOF imaging, thus providing novel opportunities for highly integrated optical circuits.
... Therefore, a natural alternative to axially symmetric wavefronts is to set the mean curvature variation not along meridians but, for instance, along spiral-type curves. Indeed, spiral or helical wavefronts (or phase functions) are intensively used in many different optical applications [11][12][13]. Breaking axial symmetry implies that the equations relating caustics with wavefront geometry are no longer ordinary differential equations but partial differential equations (PDEs). Therefore, a possible approach would be to handle those PDEs. ...
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Designing extended-depth-of-focus wavefronts is required in multiple optical applications. Caustic location and structure analysis offer a powerful tool for designing such wavefronts. An intrinsic limitation of designing extended-depth-of-focus wavefronts is that any smooth surface, with a non-constant mean curvature, unavoidably introduces a separation between caustic sheets, which is proportional to the ratio of change of the mean curvature along a curve embedded in the wavefront. We present a method to obtain extended-depth-of-focus wavefronts where the mean curvature variation ratio is reduced thanks to using a long circle-involute space curve effectively filling the wavefront surface. Additionally, we present a variant of the method in which the wavefront is modified within a small tubular neighborhood of the circle involute in order to partially meet the umbilical condition along that tubular region. Finally, we provide some numerical results showing the potential of our method in an application example.
... As the SLM was at a conjugated plane of the MVS, the elements were simulated as contact lenses on the L plane (which was identical to the subject's pupil plane). The phase profiles tested in this work were multifocal optical elements, namely, the LSOE and BFOE, which are shown in Fig. 4. The LSOE belongs to the set of optical elements providing an extended DoF [37]. It was designed to involve continuous addition of optical power in the range of [0, +3] D. This element has recently been proposed for presbyopia correction and is currently in a subjective evaluation stage before clinical trials and massive applications [31]. ...
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We propose, implement, and validate a new objective method for predicting the trends of visual acuity through-focus curves provided by specific optical elements. The proposed method utilized imaging of sinusoidal gratings provided by the optical elements and the definition of acuity. A custom-made monocular visual simulator equipped with active optics was used to implement the objective method and to validate it via subjective measurements. Visual acuity measurements were obtained monocularly from a set of six subjects with paralyzed accommodation for a naked eye and then that eye compensated by four multifocal optical elements. The objective methodology successfully predicts the trends of the visual acuity through-focus curve for all considered cases. The Pearson correlation coefficient was 0.878 for all tested optical elements, which agrees with results obtained by similar works. The proposed method constitutes an easy and direct alternative technique for the objective testing of optical elements for ophthalmic and optometric applications, which can be implemented before invasive, demanding, or costly procedures on real subjects.
... However, the commonly used methods of designing EDOF metalenses have several disadvantages. For example, one kind of EDOF metalenses refers to radial modulation (RM) and angular modulation (AM) [26,35,36], such as light-sword optical elements [37] and axicon lenses [38] which depend on continuously variable phase profiles, resulting in enormous difficulty in the fabrication. The cubic metalens generates asymmetric point spread functions (PSFs), leading to blurry images [29,39]. ...
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Metalens with extended depth of focus (EDOF) can extend the mapping area of the image, which leads to novel applications in imaging and microscopy. Since there are still some disadvantages for existing EDOF metalenses based on forward design, such as asymmetric point spread function (PSF) and non-uniformly distributed focal spot, which impair the quality of images, we propose a double-process genetic algorithm (DPGA) optimization to inversely design the EDOF metalens for addressing these drawbacks. By separately adopting different mutation operators in successive two genetic algorithm (GA) processes, DPGA exhibits significant advantages in searching for the ideal solution in the whole parameter space. Here, the 1D and 2D EDOF metalenses operating at 980 nm are separately designed via this method, and both of them exhibit significant depth of focus (DOF) improvement to that of conventional focusing. Furthermore, a uniformly distributed focal spot can be maintained well, which can guarantee stable imaging quality along the longitudinal direction. The proposed EDOF metalenses have considerable potential applications in biological microscopy and imaging, and the scheme of DPGA can be promoted to the inverse design of other nanophotonics devices.
... Two important ones are the semicircle split bifocal, which includes two commercial models [7], and the triangulate trifocal. To the best of our knowledge, the only pseudo-continuous profile involving both radial and angular profiles is the so-called light sword element [8][9][10][11][12][13][14]. Yet, the light sword lens contains an abrupt discontinuity along a line, although some variants have also been proposed to avoid that discontinuity [11]. ...
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Multifocal lenses comprising progressive power surfaces are commonly used in contact and intraocular lens designs. Given a visual performance metric, a wavefront engineering approach to design such lenses is based on searching for the optimal wavefront at the exit pupil of the eye. Multifocal wavefronts distribute the energy along the different foci thanks to having a varying mean curvature. Therefore, a fundamental step in the wavefront engineering approach is to generate the wavefront from a prescribed mean curvature function. Conventionally, such a thing is done by superimposing spherical wavefront patches and maybe adding a certain component of spherical aberration to each spherical patch in order to increase the depth-of-field associated with each focus. However, such a procedure does not lead to smooth wavefront solutions and also restricts the type of available multifocal wavefronts. We derive a new, to the best of our knowledge, mathematical method to uniquely construct multifocal wavefronts from mean curvature functions (depending on radial and angular coordinates) under certain numerically justified approximations and restrictions. Additionally, our procedure leads to a particular family of wavefronts (line-umbilical multifocal wavefronts) described by 2 conditions: (1) to be smooth multiplicative separable functions in the radial and angular coordinates; (2) to be umbilical along a specific segment connecting the circle center with its edge. We provide several examples of multifocal wavefronts belonging to this family, including a smooth variant of the so-called light sword element.
... They were counted in areas of equal size and localization at both sides of the brain thereby comparing the density of BiVs between the lesioned and the intact sides. For quantitation of BiVs, sections were digitized at a resolution of 0.23 μm using the virtual slide scanner Mirax (Zeiss, Jena, Germany) (Mikula et al., 2007). Virtual slides were converted to a multiresolution image pyramid to allow the interactive definition of the region of interest (ROI), i.e. the CPu complex as illustrated by a TH-stained section in Fig. 3. BiVs were segmented using a multiscale (gray level classes) multifeature (roundness, local BiV staining intensity, and BiV area) approach implemented in Matlab (Mathworks). ...
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Designing extended-depth-of-focus wavefronts is required in multiple optical applications. Caustic location and structure analysis offer a powerful tool to design such wavefronts. An intrinsic limitation of designing extended-depth-of-focus wavefronts is that any smooth surface, with a non-constant mean curvature, unavoidably introduces a separation between caustic sheets, which is proportional to the ratio of change of the mean curvature along a curved embedded in the wavefront. We present a novel method to obtain extended depth-of-focus wavefronts where the mean curvature variation ratio is reduced thanks to using a long circle-involute space curve effectively filling the wavefront surface. Additionally, we present a variant of the method in which the wavefront is modified within a small tubular neighborhood of the circle involute in order to partially meet the umbilical condition along that tubular region. Finally, we provide some numerical results showing the potential of our method in an application example.
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Designing extended-depth-of-focus wavefronts is required in multiple optical applications. Caustic location and structure analysis offer a powerful tool to design such wavefronts. An intrinsic limitation of designing extended-depth-of-focus wavefronts is that any smooth surface, with a non-constant mean curvature, unavoidably introduces a separation between caustic sheets, which is proportional to the ratio of change of the mean curvature along a curved embedded in the wavefront. We present a novel method to obtain extended depth-of-focus wavefronts where the mean curvature variation ratio is reduced thanks to using a long circle-involute space curve effectively filling the wavefront surface. Additionally, we present a variant of the method in which the wavefront is modified within a small tubular neighborhood of the circle involute in order to partially meet the umbilical condition along that tubular region. Finally, we provide some numerical results showing the potential of our method in an application example.
In modern machine vision systems high-end lens objectives allow superior imaging on state-of-the-art sensor arrays due to highly corrected optical aberrations and large apertures. The resultant shallow depth of focus is a disadvantage, usually leading to programmatic attempts of extending it, with compromised image resolution. Here we present a simple optical system equipped with novel, annular peripheral add-on diffractive elements, allowing highly extended range of sharp imaging without any pre- or post-processing. The separation of main refractive focusing power from the proposed filters enables sparse kinoform zones leading to easy manufacturing and negligibly low chromaticity in polychromatic imaging. The undisturbed central region of the refractive objective sustains the full native imaging quality of the test Zeiss Otus lens. Convergent numerical and experimental results are presented, showing improved readability of alphanumerical symbols in a wide range of w20 defocus parameters up to 24 wavelengths. Robust neural network-based method of image quality assessment is also proposed based on statistical optical character recognition, allowing high dynamics and easy implementation in experimental use as compared to established methods.
A Sector-based Fresnel zone plate consists of a binary diffractive lens composed of a mosaic of sectors of Fresnel zone plates with different focal distances. When these focal distances are linearly distributed within the sectors, dual focus is obtained. Besides, we explore the possibility to generate an extended depth-of-focus lens by using a cubic distribution of the focal distances assigned to the sectors and optimizing the weight factors given to the terms of the cubic polynomial. Finally, numerical simulations based on the Rayleigh-Sommerfeld approach are carried out and experimental verifications by using a Spatial Light Modulator are performed, showing high agreement. The proposed kind of zone plate has potential applications in different research fields such as microscopy, lithography, data storage, or imaging.
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We propose a method for designing apodizers that increase the depth of focus and reduce the influence of spherical aberration. These two properties are explicitly manifested in computer-generated pictures and values of the Strehl ratio for variable spherical aberration.
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We present the abilities of diffractive elements for imaging with extended depth of focus. The elements of interest belong to the class of diffractive structures focusing incident light into a segment of the optical axis. We describe the imaging properties of the two following elements of this kind: the annular axicon and the light sword optical element (LSOE). In particular, the point spread functions and the modulation transfer functions of axicons and LSOEs are analyzed experimentally and numerically in detail. The obtained results correspond to different defocusing parameters. The performed experiments confirm the usefulness of axicons and LSOEs for imaging with extended depth of focus.
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We designed an optical-digital system that delivers near-diffraction-limited imaging performance with a large depth of field. This system is the standard incoherent optical system modified by a phase mask with digital processing of the resulting intermediate image. The phase mask alters or codes the received incoherent wave front in such a way that the point-spread function and the optical transfer function do not change appreciably as a function of misfocus. Focus-independent digital filtering of the intermediate image is used to produce a combined optical-digital system that has a nearly diffraction limited point-spread function. This high-resolution extended depth of field is obtained through the expense of an increased dynamic range of the incoherent system. We use both the ambiguity function and the stationary-phase method to design these phase masks.
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The geometric law of energy conservation is utilized in evaluating the phase transmittance function for axicons with arbitrary distribution of the on-axis intensity. Several simple analytical solutions are presented, and a computer-generated holographic version of the uniform-intensity axicon is examined.
An infrared imaging lens that produces beams with long focal depth while preserving the entire aperture for full light capturing and high transverse resolution is presented. Based on the conjugate-gradient algorithm, a diffractive optical lens with four times depth of focus improvement at the 10.6-μm wavelength has been designed and fabricated. ZEMAX simulation has confirmed the designed lens performance showing legible images over an extended image range. Through laser direct-write photoresist patterning and subsequent reactive ion etching on a germanium substrate, we have realized a diffractive lens with four times depth of focus improvement over a conventional infrared lens of the same numerical aperture. The extended depth of focus lens should yield a variety of applications in focus-free imaging without reducing lens aperture.
This paper presents a new kind of computer-generated zone plate, which we call a modulated circular zone plate. These plates reconstruct a special class of focal curves. The curves are three-dimensional and lie on the lateral surface of a cylinder. As a particular case, we propose zone plates which are able to focus light on to a line segment along the optical axis. The experimental results illustrate the focusing properties of the zone plates.
Introduction of an annular aperture into an axicon characterized by the logarithmic phase-retardation function, resulted in significant improvement in the uniformity of both lateral resolution and energy flow in comparison with the effect of a full-aperture element. The improved uniformity of the new element was gained at the expense of some efficiency.
This letter introduces a novel diffraction structure, the light sword optical element, with extended depth of focus.
The paper presents the comparison of light propagation simulation methods in the Fresnel region. The theoretical approach is based on the Kirchhof scalar theory of diffraction. In the case of the complex amplitude calculated by using the spectrum of the plane waves a new approach is included. Advantages and disadvantages of the presented methods are compared and discussed. The simulated results are verified in an experimental optical setup.
We show that a zone plate with a prespecified number of foci, which are separated axially by Rayleigh's limit of resolution, can create an arbitrarily high focal depth when used as an apodizer over an otherwise clear aperture. We discuss the resolution and light gathering power of this method.