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Effect of Yoga on Motor Function in People with Parkinson’s Disease: A Randomized, Controlled Pilot Study


Abstract and Figures

Yoga is a form of exercise that may be beneficial to those with Parkinson’s disease (PD). There have been no randomized control research studies investigating the effect of yoga on those with PD. The objective was to determine if yoga can improve motor function in people with PD using a randomized controlled small group design. The PD participants were randomized into a yoga intervention group or a control group of no intervention. Assessment of physical function included motor examination scores from the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale, posture, measures of extremity ROM, flexibility and strength, and biomechanical measures of balance and gait that occurred at 3 time points: prior to starting the intervention, at 6 weeks of intervention, and immediately following 12 weeks of intervention. Thirteen adults with PD met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. All participants were unfamiliar with yoga. An Iyengar Hatha yoga program was tailored to fit participants with PD and designed to improve strength, flexibility, body alignment, and overall well-being. A 60-minute session, including physical postures, breathing, and meditation was implemented twice a week for 12 weeks. A significant improvement was found in motor UPDRS scores (p=0.004) and Berg Balance Scale scores (p=0.04) in the yoga group. A general trend of positive outcomes in the yoga group for strength, ROM and flexibility were noted with significant differences at p=0.05 in selected hip and ankle measurements. Qualitative improvements in posture were observed and there were significant improvements in the onset time of foot unloading and onset time of foot lift off. Findings suggest that yoga practice improves motor function which may be partially explained by improvements in balance, strength, posture and gait. Due to the progressive nature of PD yoga programs may offer a way to maintain wellness and perhaps quality of life
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Volume 2 • Issue 2 • 1000112
J Yoga Phys Ther
ISSN: 2157-7595 JYPT, an open access journal
Research Article Open Access
Colgrove et al., J Yoga Phys Ther 2012, 2:2
Research Article
Open Access
Yoga & Physical Therapy
Effect of Yoga on Motor Function in People with Parkinsons Disease: A
Randomized, Controlled Pilot Study
Yvonne Searls Colgrove*, Neena Sharma, Patricia Kluding, Debra Potter, Kayce Imming, Jessica VandeHoef, Jill Stanhope, Kathleen
Hoffman, and Kristen White
Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science, University of Kansas Medical Center, USA
*Corresponding author: Yvonne Searls Colgrove, Department of Physical
Therapy and Rehabilitation Science, University of Kansas Medical Center, USA,
Tel: 913-588-0249; Fax: 913-588-4568; E-mail:
Received March 23, 2012; Accepted April 30, 2012; Published May 02, 2012
Citation: Colgrove YS, Sharma N, Kluding P, Potter D, Imming K, et al. (2012) Effect
of Yoga on Motor Function in People with Parkinson’s Disease: A Randomized,
Controlled Pilot Study. J Yoga Phys Ther 2:112. doi:10.4172/2157-7595.1000112
Copyright: © 2012 Colgrove YS, et al. This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original author and source are credited.
Keywords: Yoga; Parkinson’s disease; Physical function; Strength;
Flexibility; Balance; Posture; Gait; Exercise; Motor UPDRS
Abbreviations: PD: Parkinson’s disease; ROM: Range of
motion; H&Y: Hoehn & Yahr; UPDRS: Unied Parkinson’s Disease
Rating Scale; COP: Center of Pressure; APA: Anticipatory Postural
Adjustment; BBS: Berg Balance Scale
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive neurological pathology
aecting over one million Americans that causes signicant functional
limitations, such as impaired gait and balance eventually leading to
profound disability. Specically, impaired balance is a major problem
for people with PD. It has been reported that 46% of ambulatory PD
participants without dementia experience a fall annually, with 33%
reporting multiple falls annually [1]. Fall frequency increases with the
severity of the disease, which could be related to the progressive loss
of postural reexes and increased postural instability. Remediable risk
factors for falls include decreased balance, reduced muscle strength
and freezing gait [2].
Akinesia or bradykinesia, a failure or slowness of voluntary
movement is frequently observed in people with PD. Bradykinesia
can lead to problems with gait initiation, which is the period between
standing motionless and the completion of the rst stride [3,4]. Gait
initiation typically involves a shi of the body weight laterally and
posteriorly towards the swing leg, laterally towards the stance leg,
and nally forward momentum, which results in a step [5,6]. People
with PD have delayed onset time and decreased amplitude of these
anticipatory postural adjustments, which can be reversed by deep brain
stimulation [3]. A shuing gait pattern is the most prominent feature
of gait seen in persons with PD with reduced stride length, decreased
walking speed, and longer double-stance time [4,7].
Decreased overall muscle strength and loss of exibility particularly
in the spine is oen noted in people with PD. Studies have found
that people with PD have reduced lower extremity muscle strength,
which make it dicult to perform everyday tasks such as rising from
a chair [8,9]. e forward exed posture seen in PD is attributed to
the contractile elements of the exors becoming shortened and the
extensors becoming lengthened and weakened [10]. It is thought that
bradykinesia and musculoskeletal limitations of the vertebral spine
in turn create pulmonary dysfunction, which is one of the leading
causes of mortality and morbidity in persons with PD [11]. Although
pharmacological interventions can slow the progression of this disease,
medications tend to become ineective over a period of time, and non-
pharmacological interventions may be important to address fall risk
and secondary complications of immobility [12].
Current management of PD involves both pharmacological
treatment and physical activity, but research demonstrates the
benets of physical activity in PD are widely varied in type and
dosage of exercise intervention and application to disease severity.
Outcome measures widely vary also [13]. Exercise regimes from more
traditional treadmill training [14-16], balance exercise and progressive
Yoga is a form of exercise that may be benecial to those with Parkinson’s disease (PD). There have been no
randomized control research studies investigating the effect of yoga on those with PD. The objective was to determine
if yoga can improve motor function in people with PD using a randomized controlled small group design. The PD
participants were randomized into a yoga intervention group or a control group of no intervention. Assessment of
physical function included motor examination scores from the Unied Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale, posture,
measures of extremity ROM, exibility and strength, and biomechanical measures of balance and gait that occurred
at 3 time points: prior to starting the intervention, at 6 weeks of intervention, and immediately following 12 weeks of
intervention. Thirteen adults with PD met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. All participants were unfamiliar with
yoga. An Iyengar Hatha yoga program was tailored to t participants with PD and designed to improve strength,
exibility, body alignment, and overall well-being. A 60-minute session, including physical postures, breathing, and
meditation was implemented twice a week for 12 weeks. A signicant improvement was found in motor UPDRS
scores (p=0.004) and Berg Balance Scale scores (p=0.04) in the yoga group. A general trend of positive outcomes in
the yoga group for strength, ROM and exibility were noted with signicant differences at p=0.05 in selected hip and
ankle measurements. Qualitative improvements in posture were observed and there were signicant improvements
in the onset time of foot unloading and onset time of foot lift off. Findings suggest that yoga practice improves
motor function which may be partially explained by improvements in balance, strength, posture and gait. Due to the
progressive nature of PD yoga programs may offer a way to maintain wellness and perhaps quality of life.
Citation: Colgrove YS, Sharma N, Kluding P, Potter D, Imming K, et al. (2012) Effect of Yoga on Motor Function in People with Parkinson’s Disease:
A Randomized, Controlled Pilot Study. J Yoga Phys Ther 2:112. doi:10.4172/2157-7595.1000112
Page 2 of 11
Volume 2 • Issue 2 • 1000112
J Yoga Phys Ther
ISSN: 2157-7595 JYPT, an open access journal
resistive strengthening [17-19] to alternative types of physical activity
like Nordic walking [20], tango [21] and Tai Chi [22] have been
investigated. Systematic reviews of exercise in PD [13,23,24] stress need
for comparing specic types of exercise that may be prescribed as a
part of physical therapy in rehabilitation. Although PD is a progressive
disorder, several studies have found that increasing physical activity
can improve aerobic capacity [25], strength and exibility [26], balance
[27,28], increase movement time [29,30] and gait parameters including
speed [31,32] which in turn may contribute to independence in activities
of daily living [33], improved physical function and mobility [34-
36] and increased longevity [33]. Regular physical activity may delay
the onset of PD symptoms [37]. Alternative approaches to physical
exercise are important to explore for people who may not be able to
participate in strenuous, intensive or even moderate activity because
of limitations such as impaired balance or pulmonary dysfunction
Iyengar Hatha yoga emphasizes postural alignment and movement
within postures. is form of yoga provides a gentle alternative method
of exercise that can be easily adapted in people with physical disability
and neurological disorders because of the progression from body
awareness to relaxation to exibility to strength activities [38]. Props
such as belts or cushions are incorporated to achieve body alignment
in lying, seated, and standing positions. Yoga has been shown to
produce strength and exibility improvements in healthy adults [39].
Yoga has been shown to signicantly improve measures of gait, fatigue,
quality of life, and physical function in healthy elderly and people with
neurologic disorders [40-43]. However, similar benets of yoga have
not been investigated in people with PD.
To our knowledge, only two case studies have investigated yoga
in conjunction with physical therapy to treat a single patient with PD
[44,45]. Another survey study investigated the use of complementary
and alternative therapies including yoga in those with PD [46].
erefore, the purpose of this project was to assess feasibility for
the use of Iyengar- based Hatha yoga in people with PD, and to gather
preliminary data on the eects of yoga on functional measures of
motor performance on the UPDRS and Berge Balance Scale. Possible
contributing factors such as, strength, joint ROM, muscle exibility
and posture, balance and biomechanical measures were also assessed.
Design overview
is pilot project followed a randomized clinical trial design with
a small control group and intervention group to assess feasibility of
Iyengar-based Hatha yoga.
Setting and participants
e CONSORT ow diagram (Figure 1) illustrates the recruitment
and retention process for this study. e initial recruitment goal
was 20 participants. irteen adults with PD consisting of 7 women
and 6 men were recruited. Participants were included if they were:
Hoehn & Yahr Classication of Disability [47,48] stage 1-2 who could
ambulate with or without an assistive device for at least 50 feet and
were able to get up and down from the oor with minimal assist or
less and score 24 or above on the Folstein Mini-Mental State Exam
[49]. Participants were excluded if they had any of the following:
stage greater than 3 on the Hoehn & Yahr Classication of Disability,
decline in immune function such as pneumonia or systemic infection,
progressive degenerative disease besides PD, spinal fusion or other
orthopedic surgery in the past six months, mental disease/psychosis
such as dementia, greater than minimal assistance required for gait and
transfers, inability to make regular time commitments to the scheduled
yoga sessions, or experience with regular practice of yoga within the
past year. e number of potential participants assessed for eligibility
was documented to give an indication of the attractiveness of the yoga
Randomization and interventions
Informed written consent was obtained just prior to the initial
assessment. Participants were randomly assigned by a coin toss to a
control group with no intervention (n=5) or an intervention group that
received yoga training (n=8).
Participants assigned to the yoga intervention participated as
a group in a 12-week Iyengar Hatha program. Yoga sessions were
held twice weekly for 60 minutes each session under the design and
direction of certied master yoga instructor with assistants that helped
with positioning for a 2 2.5 participant to personnel ratio. Special
therapeutic modications were designed for the group as a whole.
Participants were strongly urged to honor individual limits and notify
the instructor so that poses could be modied to meet individual needs.
Each session began with 5-10 minutes of deep breathing
exercises and relaxation techniques. e session then progressed to
approximately 40 minutes of poses designed to begin with stretching
and move into strengthening. Poses in lying, seated or standing
Assessed for eligibility
Excluded (n = 5)
Not meeting inclusion criteria
(n = 4)
Declined to participate
(n = 1)
Other reasons
(n = 0)
Allocated to control
(n = 5)
Received allocated control
(n = 5)
Did not receive allocated
control (n = 0)
Analyzed (n = 5)
Excluded from analysis (n = 0)
Randomized (n=13)
Analyzed (n = 8)
Excluded from analysis (n = 0)
Allocated to intervention
(n = 8)
Received allocated intervention
(n = 8)
Did not receive allocated
intervention (n = 0)
Lost to follow-up (n = 0)
Discontinued intervention (n = 0)
Potential participants were contacted through a single educational seminar
at a local Parkinson’s disease (PD) foundation and through flyers posted
at the yoga facility
Figure 1: The CONSORT ow diagram. The recruitment, enrollment,
allocation to groups, retention, follow-up and completeness of data analysis
is illustrated for the pilot research study.
Citation: Colgrove YS, Sharma N, Kluding P, Potter D, Imming K, et al. (2012) Effect of Yoga on Motor Function in People with Parkinson’s Disease:
A Randomized, Controlled Pilot Study. J Yoga Phys Ther 2:112. doi:10.4172/2157-7595.1000112
Page 3 of 11
Volume 2 • Issue 2 • 1000112
J Yoga Phys Ther
ISSN: 2157-7595 JYPT, an open access journal
positions were supported using props such as yoga pillows, blocks and
straps as warranted. Each pose was typically held 3-7 minutes for a
total of 5-8 poses per session. Each session ended with 10-15 minutes
of meditation that included breathing and visualization techniques,
and positive armations. e yoga program progressed from
simple to more challenging poses over the 12 weeks as performance
improved. Due to the individualized nature of the group on any given
day, quantication of the complexity of the poses was not measured.
Participants were given a tape promoting relaxation and weights for
home use. Home practice with 1-2 simple poses was encouraged with
handouts demonstrating poses made available. Participation in home
practice was not measured.
Participants in the control group did not receive an intervention
during the study, but they were invited to participate in 12 weeks of
yoga sessions aer the study at no cost to them.
Information on retention and adherence was acquired by tracking
the number of participants who discontinued the intervention during
the study and attendance of participants. Frequency of adverse events
and major changes in medications were also assessed. If the participant
had a major change in medication aer enrollment in the study
(e.g. dopaminergic drugs or melatonin) as indicated on the medical
information form, the participant was allowed to complete the yoga
training but relevant data was not used aer the medication change.
Outcome measures and follow-up
Participants were assessed at 3 time points: baseline within one week
prior to initiation of research study and then 6 weeks, and 12 weeks
aer baseline. Follow up was done on continued yoga participation
of all participants at 6 and 12 months post intervention. e primary
physical function outcome measures utilized the motor exam of the
Unied Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS). Other physical
function measures included selected extremity ROM, exibility
and strength measurements, and balance and posture assessments.
Biomechanical measures of function included postural sway and gait
initiation. Assessors were student physical therapists who were blinded
to subject group assignment and remained consistent for the duration
of the project.
Student assessors wrote protocols for each outcome measure
assessed including order of and positioning for specic tests and
measures, as well as standard instructions to the participants. Protocols
were reviewed and revised if needed by the supervising investigator.
Student assessors participated in practice sessions to review and
enhance didactic curricular training in conducting each outcome
measure to ensure prociency. Student assessors were supervised by
investigators during participant assessments.
To assess the eects of yoga on physical function, the motor
examination of the UPDRS, clinical measures of ROM, exibility,
strength and posture, and biomechanical measures of balance and gait
initiation were performed.
UPDRS Motor Examination: Speech, facial expression, body
bradykinesia, posture, gait and tremors were observed and rated by
the assessor during the course of other assessment activities while the
remaining items were specically tested by the assessor.
Berg Balance Scale (BBS): e 14 item scale was scored by the
assessor. Scores range from 0-56 [50].
ROM and Flexibility Procedures: All ROM and exibility
measurements were obtained using a universal goniometer and
standard protocol [51]. Each participant performed 2 trials of shoulder
exion; hip internal rotation, external rotation, exion, and extension;
knee exion and extension, and ankle plantarexion and dorsiexion.
Hamstring and hip exor exibility measurements were also taken.
Strength procedures: Strength was measured using the MicroFET
2 hand held dynamometer (Hoggan Health Industries, 8020 South 1300
West, West Jordan, UT 84088). It is more sensitive to small dierences
in muscle strength than manual muscle testing. e participant
was positioned so that the dynamometer could be placed against a
stationary object while the participant exerted a maximal isometric
force midpoint within ROM. Strength measures were taken for hip
exion, extension, abduction; knee extension; ankle plantarexion and
dorsiexion; shoulder exion and extension, elbow extension. ree
separate measurements were recorded with each test trial consisting
of a maximal isometric contraction for about 3 seconds. A rest period
of 5-10 seconds between trials was used to minimize variability due
to fatigue. Standardized instructions were presented to decrease
variability. Pre-established techniques were used to ensure consistent
dynamometer placement, joint angles, stabilization, and limb position
preventing muscle substitution (Appendix 1).
Posture measure procedures: Markers were placed over bilateral
greater trochanters, greater tubercles of the humerus and lateral
malleoli. Participants were asked to stand on oor markings behind a
plumb line using standard protocol for alignment [52]. Pictures were
taken from the side, back and front views with the camera remaining
at a xed distance using the same focus settings. From photographs,
shoulder angles, hip angles or base of support were measured and the
number of changes in alignment was recorded.
Assessment of photographs for qualitative postural changes
was done by two assessors blinded to both group assignment and
photograph time points. Agreements by both assessors on the postural
deviations found between participants’ two photographs were
necessary to be counted. If there was disagreement, the deviation was
not counted.
Biomechanical measures procedures: e biomechanical
assessment of standing postural sway and gait initiation was conducted
utilizing a force plate system. e participants’ dominant leg was
determined by observing the leg that the participants used most oen
to initiate gait. Ground reaction forces were measured with 2 adjacently
positioned AMTI OR6-5AMTI Biomechanics Force Platforms
(Advanced Medical Technology, Inc., 176 Waltham St, Watertown,
MA, 02472) embedded in an extended walkway.
To assess standing postural sway, participants were positioned with
one foot on each force plate. Participants were instructed to stand as
still as possible and focus on a target that was positioned at eye level
approximately 10 feet in front of them. e participants stood for 30
seconds per trial, a total of 5 trials. Participants were allowed to rest
if necessary between trials. A trial was not accepted if the participant
coughed, talked, or made any other obvious dynamic movements.
For the gait initiation task, participants were positioned with one
foot on each force plate. A verbal “ready” cue was given to prepare
the participant for the visual “go” cue, which was a green light. Upon
visual cue, participants started walking forward. One or two practice
trials were allowed to ensure comprehension of the task. A trial was
Citation: Colgrove YS, Sharma N, Kluding P, Potter D, Imming K, et al. (2012) Effect of Yoga on Motor Function in People with Parkinson’s Disease:
A Randomized, Controlled Pilot Study. J Yoga Phys Ther 2:112. doi:10.4172/2157-7595.1000112
Page 4 of 11
Volume 2 • Issue 2 • 1000112
J Yoga Phys Ther
ISSN: 2157-7595 JYPT, an open access journal
not accepted if the participant initiated gait with the non-dominant leg.
is was repeated until 5 acceptable trials were recorded. Participants
were allowed to rest if necessary between trials.
Biomechanical measures: Data Processing. Custom-made
computer programs developed in MATLAB® 6.5 (MathWorks, 3 Apple
Hill Drive, Natick, MA 01760) were used to determine change of center
of pressure (COP) sway in the x and y directions, COP area, onset
time of anticipatory postural adjustment (APA) for gait initiation,
amplitude of APA, onset time of foot unloading, onset time of foot
liing, amplitude of swing, and amplitude of stance.
Statistical analysis
Data analysis was done using Sigma Plot11.0 (SyStat Soware,
1735 Technology Drive Suite 430, San Jose, CA 95110) Feasibility
was assessed by a descriptive analysis of participant recruitment and
retention variables. e percent of exclusion of subject enrollment was
used to indicate the generalizability of the study results to the overall
population of people with PD in our community.
Descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, median, and range)
were calculated for all three assessment points. Data were assessed for
normal distribution and to identify outliers. An independent t test
was used to analyze baseline dierences between the groups. If the
equal variance test failed, then a Mann-Whitney Rank Sum test was
used. is was the case for several ROM and strength measures. One
Way Repeated Measures ANOVA was the primary analysis used on
data sets to detect changes over time within groups. All Pair wise
Multiple Comparison Procedures (Holm-Sidak method) were used to
determine signicance between time points. A paired t test was used as
a secondary analysis to detect change in variables from baseline to post-
intervention with a 0.05 signicance level for a 2-tailed test for posture
measures. e 95% condence interval for the mean dierence was also
calculated. Due to the high variability in baseline measures, balance
and gait initiation scores were converted to percent change for analysis.
Feasibility and characterization of groups
As illustrated in the COHORT ow diagram (Figure 1), 18 potential
participants were screened for eligibility; 4 participants were excluded
because they did not meet the inclusion/exclusion criteria (22%) and 1
participant declined to participate (6%). All 13 participants who entered
the study completed the study. e participants in the experimental
group attended 99% of the twice weekly scheduled yoga sessions. All
participants in the control group participated in the full 12 weeks of
yoga following their control group assessments; however, compliance
to the twice weekly sessions was not measured in the control group.
Six month follow up shows that 10 of the 13 participants (76.9%)
continued with yoga: 6 of 8 in the experimental group and 4 of 5 in
the control group. One year follow up revealed 8 of the 13 participants
(61.5%) still continued participation in a yoga program: 4 of the 8 in
the experimental group and 4 of the 5 in the control group. No adverse
complications were reported as a result of the intervention.
A description of the participants with selected baseline variables is
presented in Table 1.
ere were more men randomly allocated to the control group and
more women to the yoga group even though the total number enrolled
was fairly equal (6 men, 7 women). Although there was a greater range
of ages (51-88 years) in the yoga group, the mean age was 62.8 years
whereas the mean age in the control group was 73.5 years. Times since
diagnosis and Hoehn & Yahr score were similar between groups.
Clinical measures
Functional motor and balance scales: A signicant improvement
(p=0.004, F=8.303, df=2) was shown in the UPDRS motor examination
scores in the yoga group over time as compared to the control group
(Figure 2). e yoga group started with overall higher scores (indicative
of lower motor function) and ended with lower scores (indicative of
better levels of function). e yoga group signicantly improved from
Group Age (y) Sex Time since diagnosis (mo./yr.) H&Y score
Motor UPDRS at
Gait Velocity (m/s)
at baseline
Y 88 M 2 years? months 1 19 .73
Y 51 F 6 years 1 month 2 19 .97
Y 63 F 9 years 7 months 1 18 1.19
Y 59 M 4 years? months 1 37 1.03
Y 53 F 4 years 11 months 1 30 .86
Y 76 F 6 months 1 12 .53
Y 62 F 1 month 1 14 1.26
Y 50 F 3 years? months 1 4 .82
Y Group
Mean (SD)
62.8 (13.2)
3 years 2.75
1.25 19.12 (10.32) 0.92 (0.24)
C 66 M 2 years 1 month 1 12 1.00
C 67 M 4 years? months 2 30 .94
C 75 F 6 years 2 months 1 17 .98
C 74 M 7 months 1 4 1.03
C 83 M 5 years 8 months 1 18 .80
C Group
Mean (SD)
3 years 8.4 months 1.2 16.2 (9.5) 0.95 (0.09)
Table 1: Characteristics of Participants
UPDRS = Unied Parkinson’s Disease Rating Motor Subscale, H&Y = Hoehn and Yahr scale score, Y = experimental yoga group, C = control group, M = male, F =
Citation: Colgrove YS, Sharma N, Kluding P, Potter D, Imming K, et al. (2012) Effect of Yoga on Motor Function in People with Parkinson’s Disease:
A Randomized, Controlled Pilot Study. J Yoga Phys Ther 2:112. doi:10.4172/2157-7595.1000112
Page 5 of 11
Volume 2 • Issue 2 • 1000112
J Yoga Phys Ther
ISSN: 2157-7595 JYPT, an open access journal
baseline to 6 weeks (p=0.001) and baseline to 12 weeks (p=0.016) using
a pair wise multiple comparison procedure (Holm-Sidak method).
Two participants in the yoga group and none in the control
group demonstrated a ceiling eect using the BBS. Since, the mean
baseline BBS scores for the yoga group were (52.125) below the
control group (53.8) but the standard deviation was comparatively
rather large (4.454) compared to the control group (1.483), a paired
t-test comparing baseline and nal assessment score changes was used
for statistical analysis. Following the intervention, the yoga group
demonstrated a positive trend (p=0.063) but when the two participants
who demonstrated the ceiling eect were removed, balance from
baseline to 12 weeks was signicantly improved (p=0.047) as assessed
by the BBS (Figure 3).
Joint range of motion: At baseline the yoga group had greater
exibility in hip exion (le: p = 0.025; right p = 0.051), knee extension
(le: p = 0.033), and shoulder exion (right: p = 0.003). Following the
intervention a trend of positive outcomes in active ROM (Table 2) was
noted in selected hip internal rotation (le; p = 0.09, F = 2.867, df = 2;
right: p = 0.058, F = 3.513, df = 2) and ankle dorsiexion (le: p = 0.028
F = 4.680, df = 2; right: p = 0.107, F = 2.631, df = 2) (Figure 4) range
of motions in participants who received yoga training as compared to
Motor Function
Assessment Time Points:
1. Baseline prior to intervention
2. After 6 weeks of intervention (midway)
3. Upon completion of intervention
0 1 2 3 4
Motor UPDRS Scores
Figure 2: UPDRS Motor Examination Scores showed signicant improvement
(p=0.004, F=8.303, df2) in the yoga group over time as measured by One
Way Repeated ANOVA. There was signicant difference between baseline
measures (1) and both the midway point (2) of 6 weeks of intervention (*a)
(p=0.001) and the nal point (3) of 12 weeks of intervention (*b) (p=0.016)
using the Holm-Sidak method for all pair wise multiple comparison procedures.
Initial (+ SD)
Final (+ SD)
Yoga Group:
Right extremity
Yoga Group:
Left extremity
Control Group: Right extremity Control Group: Left extremity
Joint ROM
Hip Internal Rotation
30.896 + 3.425
34.750 + 5.657
29.188 + 5.763
33.938 + 2.182
27.767 + 6.280
30.5 + 4.345
25.3 + 8.082
31.7 + 6.089
Ankle Dorsiexion
5.438 + 6.603
15.0 + 8.164
6.750 + 6.193
13.688 + 7.24
9.667 + 6.06
10.1 + 3.927
4.834 + 7.645
9.1 + 4.159
Muscle Length
Hip Flexor
-4.5 + 5.819
0.438 + 8.756
-5.357 + 7.081
1.375 + 6.186
-1.3 + 12.637
-4.7 + 8.822
-7.2 + 11.552
-6.3 + 11.037
Muscle Strength
Hip Extension
24.5 + 7.04
31.417 + 8.915
23.875 + 8.539
29.396 + 8.516
43.833 + 16.106
36.6 + 15.754
33.8 + 14.072
32.933 + 12.731
Hip Abduction
10.25 + 2.81
11.0 + 2.016
9.875 + 2.532
12.521 + 2.484
13.0 + 4.848
11.867 + 9.529
13.533 + 8.258
12.727 + 7.537
Knee Extension
28.813 + 10.364
32.750 + 6.807
31.837 + 8.713
34.583 + 6.676
35.86 + 12.365
32.933 + 7.738
41.66 + 12.523
36.467 + 15.354
Ankle Plantarexion
26.354 + 6.254
31.75 + 11.364
25. 813 + 5.693
28.875 + 8.828
36.734 + 17.880
37.0 + 11.277
39.333 + 17.203
41.867 + 11.869
Elbow Extension
13.729 + 3.249
14.75 + 5.111
12.188 + 2.986
15.167 + 3.409
20.533 + 7.294
22.333 + 11.39
24.2 + 6.292
22.333 + 9.863
Table 2: Initial and Final Measurements in ROM, Muscle Flexibility and Muscle Strength Selected joints and muscle groups measures with standard deviations. ROM and
muscle exibility measured by degrees. Muscle strength measured by pounds of force.
0 1 2 3 4
Assessment Time Points
Change Scores
Berg Balance Scale
Figure 3: Berg Balance Scale. There was a signicant improvement between
baseline measures and the nal 12 week point (p=0.047) in the yoga group
but not in the control group (p=0.854).
Citation: Colgrove YS, Sharma N, Kluding P, Potter D, Imming K, et al. (2012) Effect of Yoga on Motor Function in People with Parkinson’s Disease:
A Randomized, Controlled Pilot Study. J Yoga Phys Ther 2:112. doi:10.4172/2157-7595.1000112
Page 6 of 11
Volume 2 • Issue 2 • 1000112
J Yoga Phys Ther
ISSN: 2157-7595 JYPT, an open access journal
Dorsiflexion ROM
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
Assessment Time Points
Figure 4: ROM
There was signicant difference between baseline (1) ROM measures and the
nal (3) assessment (*b) for left ankle dorsiexion in the yoga group (p=0.028,
F=4.680, df=2). A similar trend was seen on the right side in the yoga group
that was not signicant (p=0.107, F=2.631, df=2).
Hip Flexor Length
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
Assessment Time Points
Figure 5: Muscle Flexibility34
Measurement of hip exor length shows trends towards increasing exibility in
the yoga group although not signicant.
the control group. Interestingly in the upper extremity, right shoulder
exion was decreased (p = .035, F = 4.314, df = 2) in the yoga group
over time with no change observed in le shoulder exion.
Muscle exibility: Following the intervention, there was
improvement in hip exor length (le: p = 0.083, F = 3.220, df = 2;
right: p = 0.104, F = 3.050. df = 2) in the yoga group as measured by
change from baseline measures (Figure 5, Table 2) although it was not
signicant. ere were no signicant changes in hamstring length of
either group.
Strength: e yoga group was signicantly weaker at baseline for
shoulder exion (le: p=0.021; right: p=0.030), elbow extension (le: p
= 0.002; right: p = 0.127), shoulder extension (le: p = 0.007; right: p
= 0.065) and hip extension (le: p = 0.138; right: p = 0.030). Following
the intervention, there was a signicant increase in strength over time
for hip extension (le p = 0.105, F = 2.654, df = 2; right p = 0.006, F =
7.512, df = 2) (Figure 5) and hip abduction (le: p = 0.022, F = 5.043,
df = 2) in the yoga group as compared to the control group. Some
improvement in other selected strength measures were also noted but
were not signicant (Table 2 and Figure 6).
Posture: Quantitative analysis of number of changes before and
aer yoga intervention was not signicant as analyzed by a paired t-test
(p = 0.14). ere were variable changes in postural alignment that were
not captured by measuring and statistically analyzing shoulder angles,
hip angles or base of support. Qualitative examination of individual
postures revealed that in the yoga group, 3 participants remained the
same, 1 participant’s posture declined in arm position showing an
asymmetrical arm space and 4 participant’s overall postural alignment
improved in 1-2 aspects including increased base of support, increased
supination of feet, improved cervical lordosis, decreased thoracic
kyphosis, improved stance symmetry (weight shied more evenly)
and improved shoulder levels (Figure 7). In the control group, 4
participant’s postures remained the same while 1 participant’s posture
showed a decline in head alignment.
Biomechanical measures of function
Static balance measures: ere was not a signicant dierence in
baseline measures for center of pressure area between groups (p=0.435),
but there was more variability in baseline measures amongst the
control group whereas the yoga group appeared to be more consistent.
Center of pressure sway during standing and the sway during the onset
of anticipatory postural adjustments during gait initiation determined
by force plate measurements were not signicantly changed over time
for either group.
Gait initiation measures: Two gait initiation measures showed
signicant improvements over time in the yoga group; onset time of
foot unloading (p = 0.039, F = 4.135, df = 2) and onset time of foot li o
(p = 0.044, F = 3.940, df = 2) as compared to the control group (Figure
8, Table 3). ere was a signicant dierence in baseline measures of
the onset time of foot loading between the yoga and control group (p =
0.039) and at post intervention this dierence was no longer signicant
(p = 0.72).
Subjective reports of physical function: ere were no reports of
adverse events in either group. e post intervention survey yielded
only positive subjective reports with yoga intervention to the question,
“What positive and/or negative eects did you experience as a result of
doing yoga?” Comments encompassed increased exibility, decreased
muscle tension or stiness, increased steadiness with gait and balance,
and improved level of functional activity such as playing more golf.
One participant reported an improvement in pain with a pre-existing
orthopedic problem. e participants also responded they appreciated
the program was adaptable to each individual that participated.
We conclude that the yoga intervention piloted in this project
was feasible for the participants included in the study. Our high
attendance rate for the intervention and large number of participants
that continued the intervention aer the study was over indicates
Citation: Colgrove YS, Sharma N, Kluding P, Potter D, Imming K, et al. (2012) Effect of Yoga on Motor Function in People with Parkinson’s Disease:
A Randomized, Controlled Pilot Study. J Yoga Phys Ther 2:112. doi:10.4172/2157-7595.1000112
Page 7 of 11
Volume 2 • Issue 2 • 1000112
J Yoga Phys Ther
ISSN: 2157-7595 JYPT, an open access journal
Hip Extension Strength
Force in pounds
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
Assessment Time Points
Ankle Plantarflexion Strength
Force in pounds
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
Assessment Time Points
Shoulder Extension Strength
Force in pounds
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
Assessment Time Points
Elbow Extension Strength
Force in pounds
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
Assessment Time Points
Figure 6: Strength
Strength measured by a digital dynamometer show trends towards increased strength over time in the yoga group with signicance in hip extension (p=0.006, F=7.512,
df=2 on the right and p=0.105, F= 2.654, df=2 on the left). Pairwise multiple comparison procedures shows signicance between the baseline and last assessment
(*b) (p=0.017). Similar trends were seen in ankle plantarexion, elbow extension and shoulder extension that were not statistically signicant. There were baseline
differences between groups for as notated by brackets ( ).
that the yoga program was attractive to these participants and that
the participants were compliant with the program. e translation
of the yoga program into home practice was not measured. It could
be possible that the intervention group participants who practiced at
home showed greater gains in outcome measures than those who did
not because they practiced more. e lack of adverse events indicates
that the program was safe for participants using the inclusion and
exclusion criteria established. However, the sample size for this study
was less than what we had predicted and several participants who
expressed interest in participating in the study but did not meet study
criteria. Our time for recruitment was limited because our intervention
was designed to be implemented with a cohort, but perhaps if we
had permitted ongoing recruitment over a longer period of time we
would have been able to contact a larger pool of potential subjects. We
excluded participants for a variety of reasons to ensure homogeneity
of participants and safety of the intervention, but perhaps these
exclusion criteria should be revisited to allow an expansion of the target
population. Previous studies of yoga in healthy elderly and in people
with multiple sclerosis report that they enrolled approximately 50%
of screened participants, and found a dropout rate of approximately
15% in the yoga intervention groups [40,41]. e intervention in these
studies was 90 minutes one time weekly for 6 months, and the most
common cause of drop-out was inability to attend classes. None of
the participants in our intervention group dropped out of the study,
perhaps because the duration of intervention was much shorter or
the severity of disease in our participants were mild in this study. All
participants in this study were functional community ambulators who
required no assistive devices.
e participants who participated in the yoga intervention had
a signicant improvement in overall motor function as measured
using the motor examination section of the UPDRS and the BBS.
e largest magnitude of change was noted aer the rst 6 weeks of
the intervention and appeared to be maintained for the remaining
6 weeks of intervention. e motor section of the UPDRS targets
multiple areas of function that are typically impaired by PD including
balance, coordination, posture, muscle tone and presence of abnormal
movement including tremors, slowness and amplitude changes of
movement and gait. Previous studies using the motor UPDRS scores
show that both a home exercise program and physical therapist
supervised exercise program signicantly improve motor symptoms
in mild to moderately impaired individuals with PD with 8 weeks
of training [53] or 4 weeks of LSVT BIG training [54]. Other studies
found that as little as 4 weeks of aquatic therapy could improve overall
Citation: Colgrove YS, Sharma N, Kluding P, Potter D, Imming K, et al. (2012) Effect of Yoga on Motor Function in People with Parkinson’s Disease:
A Randomized, Controlled Pilot Study. J Yoga Phys Ther 2:112. doi:10.4172/2157-7595.1000112
Page 8 of 11
Volume 2 • Issue 2 • 1000112
J Yoga Phys Ther
ISSN: 2157-7595 JYPT, an open access journal
UPDRS and BBS scores that were not seen in the same amount of time
with land based therapy [55]. e results of our study found that the
yoga intervention group had an improved motor UPDRS scores at 6
weeks of intervention. Yoga may be viewed as a gentle form of exercise
that may be tolerated more easily by elderly or more functionally
impaired participants with PD than other forms of exercise, but with
similar improvements in motor function. Based on this nding, it may
be valid to investigate the eectiveness of a shorter yoga intervention
in future studies. It would also be worth investigating the sustained
eect over a longer period of time. A dened intervention protocol
of increasing complexity of yoga poses would assist in standardizing
the intervention rather than relying on the skills of the individual yoga
instructor which could give varying results.
It is dicult to identify a clinically meaningful change in motor
UPDRS score as many contributing variables exist in motor function
like strength, joint mobility, exibility, balance and coordination to
name a few. However, balance is a likely contributing factor. e BBS
has been validated in patients with PD and shows signicant correlation
with UPDRS motor examination scores [56]. In the use of the BBS,
the smallest meaningful change for a group was found to be 2.4 SEM
(standard error of measurement) in people with stroke [57]. While fall
risk may be associated with ankle strategies in static standing balance
[58], there are other ways to assess functional balance and determine
fall risk. e relationship between measures of static standing balance
and dynamic balance needed for functional activities is debatable [59-
61]. Falls in PD occur during dynamic activities and are obviously
related to disease severity [62]. Freezing gait, lower extremity weakness
and reduced balance have been shown to be independent predictors of
fall in those with PD [63]. Clinical assessments of functional balance
like the BBS, Functional Gait Assessment, Tinetti Mobility Test and
the Balance Evaluation Systems Test are reliable measures and with
gait velocity, UPDRS scores and HY scores are highly correlated with
fall risk in PD [64-67]. Appropriate scales will need to be individually
selected to counter ceiling eects.
In the early stages of PD, it is crucial to prevent muscular changes
that cause decreased exibility and strength. With consideration of age
and independence with ADLs, baseline active ROM measurements
were considered functional. e dierence in gender predominance in
each group may explain the initial baseline dierences found between
the groups for select measures of ROM, exibility and strength. More
dramatic loss of ROM and exibility to begin with as is oen seen in the
progression of the disease may show more dramatic improvements in
ROM with yoga. Decreased muscle strength is oen associated with PD
patients. One study found that subjects with PD had reduced muscle
strength at the hip compared to controls, which may make it dicult
to perform everyday tasks such as rising from a chair [8]. e gains in
strength we observed tended to be more in the extensors of both the
upper and lower extremities. Since many of the yoga poses were postural,
this was an anticipated nding. Gains in lower extremity strength have
been associated with improvements in postural stability and functional
ambulation in a variety of healthy and disease conditions including PD
Figure 7: Posture
This yoga participant shows qualitative improvements in shoulder and head
alignment (right) from the baseline postural analysis (left).
Onset time of Foot Unloading
Assessment #
0 1 2 3 4
Percentage change
Onset Time of Foot Lift Off
0 1 2 3 4
Figure 8: Gait
A difference (p=0.039) in baseline measures (^) but not ending measures were
noted in onset time of foot unloading (A) with a signicant difference (p=0.039,
F=4.135, df=2) in repeated measures (*c) in the yoga group. There were no
baseline differences in onset time of foot lift off but a signicant different in
repeated measures (p=0.044, F=3.940, df=2) in the yoga group (B).
Citation: Colgrove YS, Sharma N, Kluding P, Potter D, Imming K, et al. (2012) Effect of Yoga on Motor Function in People with Parkinson’s Disease:
A Randomized, Controlled Pilot Study. J Yoga Phys Ther 2:112. doi:10.4172/2157-7595.1000112
Page 9 of 11
Volume 2 • Issue 2 • 1000112
J Yoga Phys Ther
ISSN: 2157-7595 JYPT, an open access journal
[68-72]. Since there were improvements in lower extremity strength
with yoga training, it was anticipated that improvements in balance
and gait might be detectable aer just 12 weeks of intervention.
One characteristic of PD is a forward exed posture. is posture
is attributed to the contractile elements of the exors becoming
shortened and the extensors becoming lengthened and weakened [10].
Although we subjectively noted improved posture in some of our yoga
participants, this was not a statistically signicant nding.
We did not detect appreciable changes in static standing balance.
ere have been many studies investigating intersession reliability in
center of pressure (COP) measures. One study suggests that mean
velocity is the most reliable measure in healthy elderly people [73],
while others have concluded that no single measurement of COP is
signicantly more reliable than others if measured over a 120 second
period [74]. e 30 second time period our study used may have
contributed to the variability in measures observed in the control group.
However, the sway area (Table 2) and sway path lengths reported here
are similar to previous reports of PD which is larger with more variable
than healthy age matched subjects [75]. All participants showed higher
sway area values than the healthy age matched population, as well
as those with early stage disease without detectable clinical postural
instability. Our participants were more in line with those PD subjects
displaying postural instability of both fallers and non-fallers [76-79].
We did nd positive improvements in lower extremity strength,
UPDRS motor scores, BBS scores and in selected gait parameters of
onset of foot unloading and liing o with yoga intervention. Intensive
exercise programs for individuals with PD that include aerobic
training, exibility, strength, coordination and balance training and an
adaptive program that includes exibility, strength, coordination and
balance show similar improvements in balance and mobility aer 6
months [80]. Interestingly, a study has suggested that a 12 week sensory
attention focused exercise program that utilizes sensory awareness
during gait and balance exercise may be more advantageous than
aerobic exercise in those with PD in improving motor symptoms and
functional movement control [81]. is is similar to improved motor
symptoms as measured by the UPDRS motor section found with 12
weeks of yoga training.
ere is growing interest in addressing falls in those with PD. A
study currently in progress is being conducted analyzing a 6 month
exercise program that consisted of lower extremity strengthening and
balance in dierent modes in relation to fall prevention [2]. Abnormal
posture, freezing gait, poor balance and lower extremity weakness have
been identied as independent risk factors in falling in those with PD
[63]. e results of this study suggest that yoga may be impacting all of
these risk factors to some degree. Yoga provides an alternative method
for addressing some of reversible factors that impact motor function
like strength, exibility and balance. e core strengthening that is
part of yoga should be investigated for this reason. e individualized
improvements in posture with yoga training we observed may have
contributed to improved motor scores and noted gait parameters.
An 8-week yoga program in healthy elderly subjects showed
increased peak hip extension and stride length [42]. However, this
study did not have a control group, and gait parameters may be more
malleable in healthy elderly than in people with PD. Another study
showed a positive eect of a 12 week yoga program on fear of falling
and balances in older healthy adults [82]. e results of our study also
show the benecial eects of yoga on those with PD which may make it
viable alternative to standard exercise programs.
e primary limitation of this study was the limited number of
participants. e lower end of the condence interval may be used,
along with the median and range scores, to estimate. Demonstration
may decrease potential fear associated with trying a new activity.
Further, yoga may be appropriate to investigate in participants with
more signicant balance, exibility or strength decits, or more
advanced PD.
When designing an exercise program for a patient with PD, the
following goals should be addressed: increasing movement (ROM
and exibility), improving balance, and maintaining or restoring
functional mobility [83]. Yoga appears to be safe and well-tolerated by
individuals with PD, and has demonstrated an improvement in motor
UPDRS scores. Investigation of the factors like the potentially remedial
balance, trunk and leg strength that may contribute to improved
motor function an important area for future investigation. Due to
the progressive nature of PD, we speculate yoga programs tailored
for this population may oer an enjoyable, eective way to maintain
quality of life. Physical therapists can incorporate yoga principles into
developing a preventative exercise program for those with progressively
deteriorating neurological diseases such as PD. Future studies should
investigate persistence of the benecial eects of yoga over time and
comparison to other types of exercise for improvements in motor
This work was supported by an internal grant from the University of Kansas
Medical Center’s School of Allied Health Research Committee to Yvonne Searls.
This committee had no role in the study’s design, conduct, or reporting.
This project was made possible by Grant Number M01 RR023940 from the
National Center for Research Resources (NCRR), a component of the National
Institutes of Health (NIH), and its contents are solely the responsibility of the
authors and do not necessarily represent the ofcial view of NCRR or NIH. We
would like to thank Suzette Scholtes for providing expert yoga intervention, Wen
Liu for consultation using the force plate system, Byron Gajewski PhD for statistical
consultation, and Christy Moorman and Richard Condray for their assistance with
biomechanical data processing.
Baseline 6-weeks 12-weeks
Control Yoga Control Yoga Control Yoga
Onset time of foot unloading (sec) 0.57 0.70 0.56 0.68 0.63 0.60
Onset time of foot lifting (sec) 0.87 1.00 0.84 0.99 0.95 0.89
Onset time of APA (sec) 0.16 0.18 0.14 0.18 0.17 0.18
Amplitude of APA (N) 124.93 77.16 151.69 73.07 140.73 66.21
Amplitude of swing (N) 23.59 14.19 26.04 16.78 19.48 13.95
Amplitude of stance (N) 76.17 51.20 81.50 57.01 75.39 60.75
Table 3: Gait Initiation Parameters Means of individual gait initiation parameters APA = anticipatory postural adjustment.
Citation: Colgrove YS, Sharma N, Kluding P, Potter D, Imming K, et al. (2012) Effect of Yoga on Motor Function in People with Parkinson’s Disease:
A Randomized, Controlled Pilot Study. J Yoga Phys Ther 2:112. doi:10.4172/2157-7595.1000112
Page 10 of 11
Volume 2 • Issue 2 • 1000112
J Yoga Phys Ther
ISSN: 2157-7595 JYPT, an open access journal
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ISSN: 2157-7595 JYPT, an open access journal
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... Teachers play a pivotal role in the successful implementation of Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC), impacting students' learning outcomes and curriculum fidelity. Colgrove et al. (2012) identified a significant association between teaching approaches, classroom environment, and children's science learning in the USA. In Sweden, Sundberg et al. (2016) explored cultural factors influencing preschool teachers' activities with science content, utilizing Activity Theory. ...
... The findings of this study resonate with the extensive body of literature on the pivotal role that teachers play in the successful implementation of Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC). As highlighted by Colgrove et al. (2012), the association between teaching approaches, classroom environment, and children's science learning underscores the multifaceted nature of teachers' impact on students' educational experiences. Similarly, Sundberg et al.'s (2016) exploration of cultural factors influencing preschool teachers in Sweden aligns with the acknowledgment that teachers' practices are intricately linked to contextual elements. ...
This study analyzed early childhood teachers’ involvement in competence-based curriculum (CBC) implementation in Kisumu Central Zone, Kenya. Drawing on the stakeholder theory (Freeman, 1984), a descriptive research approach was utilized to assess 142 private and public teachers about their engagement in the implementation of CBC and the challenges experienced in the process. The results revealed that teachers were actively involved in CBC implementation and recognized its effectiveness. However, inadequate parental support, insufficient resources, and limited time for practical lessons presented hurdles. Recommendations include improvement in staffing, parent sensitization, emphasis on digital literacy, and communication enhancement. This study contributes insights on teacher involvement to inform CBC implementation and policy.
Background: Physical exercise is effective in managing Parkinson's disease (PD), but the relative benefit of different exercise types remains unclear. Objectives: To compare the effects of different types of physical exercise in adults with PD on the severity of motor signs, quality of life (QoL), and the occurrence of adverse events, and to generate a clinically meaningful treatment ranking using network meta-analyses (NMAs). Search methods: An experienced information specialist performed a systematic search for relevant articles in CENTRAL, MEDLINE, Embase, and five other databases to 17 May 2021. We also searched trial registries, conference proceedings, and reference lists of identified studies up to this date. Selection criteria: We included randomized controlled trials (RCTs) comparing one type of physical exercise for adults with PD to another type of exercise, a control group, or both. Data collection and analysis: Two review authors independently extracted data. A third author was involved in case of disagreements. We categorized the interventions and analyzed their effects on the severity of motor signs, QoL, freezing of gait, and functional mobility and balance up to six weeks after the intervention using NMAs. Two review authors independently assessed the risk of bias using the risk of bias 2 (RoB 2) tool and rated the confidence in the evidence using the CINeMA approach for results on the severity of motor signs and QoL. We consulted a third review author to resolve any disagreements. Due to heterogeneous reporting of adverse events, we summarized safety data narratively and rated our confidence in the evidence using the GRADE approach. Main results: We included 154 RCTs with a total of 7837 participants with mostly mild to moderate disease and no major cognitive impairment. The number of participants per study was small (mean 51, range from 10 to 474). The NMAs on the severity of motor signs and QoL included data from 60 (2721 participants), and 48 (3029 participants) trials, respectively. Eighty-five studies (5192 participants) provided safety data. Here, we present the main results. We observed evidence of beneficial effects for most types of physical exercise included in our review compared to a passive control group. The effects on the severity of motor signs and QoL are expressed as scores on the motor scale of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS-M) and the Parkinson's Disease Questionnaire 39 (PDQ-39), respectively. For both scales, higher scores denote higher symptom burden. Therefore, negative estimates reflect improvement (minimum clinically important difference: -2.5 for UPDRS-M and -4.72 for PDQ-39). Severity of motor signs The evidence from the NMA (60 studies; 2721 participants) suggests that dance and gait/balance/functional training probably have a moderate beneficial effect on the severity of motor signs (dance: mean difference (MD) -10.18, 95% confidence interval (CI) -14.87 to -5.36; gait/balance/functional training: MD -7.50, 95% CI -11.39 to -3.48; moderate confidence), and multi-domain training probably has a small beneficial effect on the severity of motor signs (MD -5.90, 95% CI -9.11 to -2.68; moderate confidence). The evidence also suggests that endurance, aqua-based, strength/resistance, and mind-body training might have a small beneficial effect on the severity of motor signs (endurance training: MD -5.76, 95% CI -9.78 to -1.74; aqua-based training: MD -5.09, 95% CI -10.45 to 0.40; strength/resistance training: MD -4.96, 95% CI -9.51 to -0.40; mind-body training: MD -3.62, 95% CI -7.24 to 0.00; low confidence). The evidence is very uncertain about the effects of "Lee Silverman Voice training BIG" (LSVT BIG) and flexibility training on the severity of motor signs (LSVT BIG: MD -6.70, 95% CI -16.48 to 3.08; flexibility training: MD 4.20, 95% CI -1.61 to 9.92; very low confidence). Quality of life The evidence from the NMA (48 studies; 3029 participants) suggests that aqua-based training probably has a large beneficial effect on QoL (MD -15.15, 95% CI -23.43 to -6.87; moderate confidence). The evidence also suggests that mind-body, gait/balance/functional, and multi-domain training and dance might have a small beneficial effect on QoL (mind-body training: MD -7.22, 95% CI -13.57 to -0.70; gait/balance/functional training: MD -6.17, 95% CI -10.75 to -1.59; multi-domain training: MD -5.29, 95% CI -9.51 to -1.06; dance: MD -3.88, 95% CI -10.92 to 3.00; low confidence). The evidence is very uncertain about the effects of gaming, strength/resistance, endurance, and flexibility training on QoL (gaming: MD -8.99, 95% CI -23.43 to 5.46; strength/resistance training: MD -6.70, 95% CI -12.86 to -0.35; endurance training: MD -6.52, 95% CI -13.74 to 0.88; flexibility training: MD 1.94, 95% CI -10.40 to 14.27; very low confidence). Adverse events Only 85 studies (5192 participants) provided some kind of safety data, mostly only for the intervention groups. No adverse events (AEs) occurred in 40 studies and no serious AEs occurred in four studies. AEs occurred in 28 studies. The most frequently reported events were falls (18 studies) and pain (10 studies). The evidence is very uncertain about the effect of physical exercise on the risk of adverse events (very low confidence). Across outcomes, we observed little evidence of differences between exercise types. Authors' conclusions: We found evidence of beneficial effects on the severity of motor signs and QoL for most types of physical exercise for people with PD included in this review, but little evidence of differences between these interventions. Thus, our review highlights the importance of physical exercise regarding our primary outcomes severity of motor signs and QoL, while the exact exercise type might be secondary. Notably, this conclusion is consistent with the possibility that specific motor symptoms may be treated most effectively by PD-specific programs. Although the evidence is very uncertain about the effect of exercise on the risk of adverse events, the interventions included in our review were described as relatively safe. Larger, well-conducted studies are needed to increase confidence in the evidence. Additional studies recruiting people with advanced disease severity and cognitive impairment might help extend the generalizability of our findings to a broader range of people with PD.
Objective We aimed to evaluate the effect of yoga on motor and non-motor symptoms and cortical excitability in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD). Methods We prospectively evaluated 17 patients with PD at baseline, after one month of conventional care, and after one month of supervised yoga sessions. The motor and non-motor symptoms were evaluated using the Unified Parkinson’s disease Rating Scale (motor part III), Hoehn and Yahr stage, Montreal Cognitive Assessment, Hamilton depression rating scale, Hamilton anxiety rating scale, non-motor symptoms questionnaire and World Health Organization quality of life questionnaire. Transcranial magnetic stimulation was used to record resting motor threshold, central motor conduction time, ipsilateral silent period (iSP), contralateral silent period (cSP), short interval intracortical inhibition (SICI), and intracortical facilitation. Results The mean age of the patients was 55.5 ± 10.8 years, with a mean duration of illness of 4.0 ± 2.5 years. The postural stability of the patients significantly improved following yoga (0.59 ± 0.5 to 0.18 ± 0.4, p = 0.039). There was a significant reduction in the cSP from baseline (138.07 ± 27.5 ms) to 4 weeks of yoga therapy (116.94 ± 18.2 ms, p = 0.004). In addition, a significant reduction in SICI was observed after four weeks of yoga therapy (0.22 ± 0.10) to (0.46 ± 0.23), p = 0.004). Conclusion Yoga intervention can significantly improve postural stability in patients with PD. A significant reduction of cSP and SICI suggests a reduction in GABAergic neurotransmission following yoga therapy that may underlie the improvement observed in postural stability. Clinicaltrialsgov identifier CTRI/2019/02/017564
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A BSTRACT Proprioception is an important and effective measure for neuromuscular function training. Researchers primarily use the joint position sense (JPS) to assess proprioception. The study’s aim was to conduct a systematic review of the research on yoga for improving proprioception, with the objective of providing a systematic review for the various bodies’ JPSs. Relevant articles were found using the keywords “Yoga AND Proprioception” and “Yoga AND Joint Position Sense (JPS)” in major databases such as Google Scholar, PubMed, Science Direct, EMBASE, and the Cochran Library. The peer-reviewed English language articles published between January 2011 and December 2021 were included in the study. Individually, the rated study quality was assessed using the Downs and Black checklist. The possible scores ranged from 0 to 27. Where possible, the effect size was calculated in the article. Three of the 60 identified studies met the inclusion criteria: one randomized controlled trial and two quasi-experimental studies. All three studies discovered a positive improvement in JPS. The current research has shown that yogic intervention may have a positive effect on proprioception, but research is limited. The number of studies was small, and more research on specific poses for improving proprioception is needed.
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A doença de Parkinson (DP) é uma disfunção neurodegenerativa comum entre idosos, acometendo mais o sexo masculino do que o feminino. Seu diagnóstico tradicional é fundamentado em critérios clínicos, como aparecimento de bradicinesia somado a outros sintomas cardinais, tais como: tremor de repouso, rigidez ou instabilidade postural. O objetivo dessa revisão foi verificar a eficácia dos recursos fisioterapêuticos para a redução das quedas de pacientes com a doença de Parkinson: uma revisão de literatura. Trata de um estudo com revisões de literatura, sistemáticas e meta-análises na condição clínica geral, incapaci­dades, função motora e mental até a qualidade de vida dos pacientes com Doença de Parkinson, realizada no Laboratório de Estudos em Neurociências e Comportamento, na Faculdade de Educação Física e Fisioterapia da Universidade Federal do Amazonas/UFAM, consultando os bancos de dados eletrônico como o Scielo (Scientific Electronic Library Online) e a Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), PubMED, Google Scholar e Cochrane. Os resultados da pesquisa demostraram que a utilização dos recursos fisioterapêuticos é expressiva na redução de quedas em pacientes com doença de Parkinson. Porém, a fisioterapia aquática foi a que se mostrou mais benéfica, devido à redução da sensibilidade à dor, promoção do relaxamento muscular pela diminuição da tensão, a redução dos espasmos musculares e prevenção a quedas.
Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine whether cervical stabilization exercises (CSEs) change the effects of conventional exercises (CEs) in patients with PD. Methods: Twenty-five patients with PD were randomized into two groups. While the experimental group (EG) received CSEs in addition to CEs, the control group (CG) received only CEs. Both programs lasted 8 weeks. Eighteen participants were able to complete the study. The outcomes were the changes in posture, cervical joint position sense (JPS), balance assessment, 10-m walking tests (10MWT), and the Timed Up & Go (TUG) test. Results: At the end of the study, significant improvement was observed in both groups in terms of trunk rotation angle and pelvic asymmetry, the time parameter of TUG, and the 10MWT (p < 0.05). In the EG, greater improvement was detected in the Berg Balance Scale, static posturography, postural alignment, JPS, and the cadence parameter of TUG (p < 0.05). Discussion: CEs and CSEs could improve walking speed and posture in patients with PD, but if CSEs are added to CEs, greater improvements could be achieved in JPS and postural control.(Clinical Trials ID: NCT03854747).
In recent years, the concepts of cognitive reserve (CR) and brain reserve (BR) have been used to take account of the interindividual variability between cognitive impairment and degree of brain damage occurring in a variety of neurological disorders. These studies, however, have typically not addressed the critical issue of the clinical implications of this research for the clinical care of the patients. After an introduction to CR and BR theory, the present chapter will review studies exploring CR and BR in healthy ageing and in a series of progressive and relatively common neurological conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD), multiple sclerosis (MS), and Parkinson’s disease (PD). In the second part of the chapter, we will discuss the implications of CR and BR for clinical interventions based on mind-body medicine (in particular meditation), as possible approaches aimed at potentiating individuals’ reserve in the conditions of healthy ageing, AD, MS, and PD.KeywordsCognitive reserveBrain reserveAlzheimer’s diseaseMultiple sclerosisParkinson’s diseaseMind-body medicineMindfulness meditation
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: Yoga therapeutics may have the potential to complement neurologic physical therapy. In this paper, the principles of the yogic health model and yoga therapeutics are described. Fundamental themes of yoga therapeutics that are germane to clinical interventions, a list of resources, and some practical elements for immediate clinical implementation are offered for consideration. A case study involving a patient with Parkinson's disease illustrates the clinical thought process used in applying yoga therapeutics to examination, intervention, evaluation, and outcomes. (C) 2001 Neurology Section, APTA
The study aims were to devise (1) a fall risk screen for people with PD using routine clinical measures and (2) an explanatory (physiological) fall risk assessment for guiding fall prevention interventions. One hundred thirteen people with PD (age 66 ± 95% CI 1.6 years) underwent clinical assessments and quantitative tests of sway, gait, strength, reaction time, and lower limb sensation. Participants were then followed up for 12 months to determine fall incidence. In the follow-up year, 51 participants (45%) fell one or more times whereas 62 participants (55%) did not fall. Multivariate analyses of routine clinical measures revealed that a fall in the past year, abnormal axial posture, cognitive impairment, and freezing of gait were independent risk factors for falls and predicted 38/51 fallers (75%) and 45/62 non-fallers (73%). A multivariate model combining clinical and physiological measures that elucidate the pathophysiology of falls identified abnormal posture, freezing of gait, frontal impairment, poor leaning balance, and leg weakness as independent risk factors. This model correctly classified 39/51 fallers (77%) and 51/62 non-fallers (82%). Patients with PD at risk of falls can be identified accurately with routine clinical assessments and quantitative physiological tests. Many of the risk factors identified are amenable to targeted intervention. © 2009 Movement Disorder Society
The Movement Disorder Society Task Force for Rating Scales for Parkinson's disease (PD) prepared a critique of the Hoehn and Yahr scale (HY). Strengths of the HY scale include its wide utilization and acceptance. Progressively higher stages correlate with neuroimaging studies of dopaminergic loss, and high correlations exist between the HY scale and some standardized scales of motor impairment, disability, and quality of life. Weaknesses include the scale's mixing of impairment and disability and its non-linearity. Because the HY scale is weighted heavily toward postural instability as the primary index of disease severity, it does not capture completely impairments or disability from other motor features of PD and gives no information on nonmotor problems. Direct clinimetric testing of the HY scale has been very limited, but the scale fulfills at least some criteria for reliability and validity, especially for the midranges of the scale (Stages 2–4). Although a “modified HY scale” that includes 0.5 increments has been adopted widely, no clinimetric data are available on this adaptation. The Task Force recommends that: (1) the HY scale be used in its original form for demographic presentation of patient groups; (2) when the HY scale is used for group description, medians and ranges should be reported and analysis of changes should use nonparametric methods; (3) in research settings, the HY scale is useful primarily for defining inclusion/exclusion criteria; (4) to retain simplicity, clinicians should “rate what you see” and therefore incorporate comorbidities when assigning a HY stage; and (5) because of the wide usage of the modified HY scale with 0.5 increments, this adaptation warrants clinimetric testing. Without such testing, however, the original five-point scales should be maintained. © 2004 Movement Disorder Society