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Lycopene and resveratrol improve post-thaw bull sperm parameters: Sperm motility, mitochondrial activity and DNA integrity

  • Selcuk University Veterinary Faculty, Konya, Turkey

Abstract and Figures

We focussed on evaluating the protective effect of lycopene and resveratrol on post-thaw bull sperm and oxidative stress parameters. Nine ejaculates for each bull were used in the study. Each ejaculate, splitted into three equal aliquots and diluted at 37 °C with base extenders containing lycopene (1 × 10(-3) g ml(-1) ) and resveratrol (1 mm), and no antioxidant (control), was cooled to 5 °C and then frozen. Frozen straws were thawed in a water bath for evaluation. The supplementation of the semen extender with lycopene and resveratrol increased the percentages of post-thawed computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA) motility (55.8 ± 3.8 and 61.9 ± 4.0%) and progressive motility (38 ± 2.4 and 37 ± 8.8), compared with the controls (50.7 ± 2.65 and 33.3 ± 3.74%, respectively, P < 0.05). Resveratrol provided a higher ALH (4.3 ± 0.1), in comparison with the control (3.9 ± 0.3, P < 0.05). The supplementation of the semen extender with lycopene and resveratrol produced a higher mitochondrial activity (24.6 ± 2.9 and 30.1 ± 6.5% respectively), compared with that of the control (11.8 ± 9.5%, P < 0.05). It was determined that both antioxidants resulted in a lower percentage of sperm with damaged DNA than that of the control (P < 0.05). Sperm motion characteristics except for ALH, acrosome integrity, sperm viability and oxidative stress parameters were not affected by the adding of lycopene and resveratrol.
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Lycopene and resveratrol improve post-thaw bull sperm
parameters: sperm motility, mitochondrial activity and DNA
M. N. Bucak
, M. B. Ataman
, O. Uysal
, A. Bilgili
& E. Akal
1 Department of Reproduction and Artificial Insemination, Veterinary Faculty, Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey;
2 Department of Biochemistry, Veterinary Faculty, Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey;
3 Department of Reproduction and Artificial Insemination, Veterinary Faculty, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey;
4 Department of Medical Biology, Medical Faculty, Yuzuncu Yil University, Van, Turkey;
5 Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Veterinary Faculty, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey;
6 Department of Reproduction and Artificial Insemination, Veterinary Faculty, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun, Turkey
antioxidants —cryopreservation —DNA
damage —oxidative stress —sperm
Prof. Dr Mustafa N. Bucak, Department of
Reproduction and Artificial Insemination,
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Selcuk University,
Konya, Turkey.
Tel.: +903322233589;
Fax: +903322410063;
Accepted: April 29, 2014
doi: 10.1111/and.12301
We focussed on evaluating the protective effect of lycopene and resveratrol on
post-thaw bull sperm and oxidative stress parameters. Nine ejaculates for each
bull were used in the study. Each ejaculate, splitted into three equal aliquots and
diluted at 37 °C with base extenders containing lycopene (1 910
and resveratrol (1 mM), and no antioxidant (control), was cooled to 5 °C and
then frozen. Frozen straws were thawed in a water bath for evaluation. The sup-
plementation of the semen extender with lycopene and resveratrol increased the
percentages of post-thawed computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA) motility
(55.8 3.8 and 61.9 4.0%) and progressive motility (38 2.4 and
37 8.8), compared with the controls (50.7 2.65 and 33.3 3.74%, respec-
tively, P<0.05). Resveratrol provided a higher ALH (4.3 0.1), in comparison
with the control (3.9 0.3, P<0.05). The supplementation of the semen exten-
der with lycopene and resveratrol produced a higher mitochondrial activity
(24.6 2.9 and 30.1 6.5% respectively), compared with that of the control
(11.8 9.5%, P<0.05). It was determined that both antioxidants resulted in a
lower percentage of sperm with damaged DNA than that of the control
(P<0.05). Sperm motion characteristics except for ALH, acrosome integrity,
sperm viability and oxidative stress parameters were not affected by the adding
of lycopene and resveratrol.
The membranous structures of the spermatozoon (plasma
membrane, outer acrosomal membrane and mitochondrial
membrane) are highly sensitive to the freezethawing pro-
cess. These structures being composed of 6570% thermo-
dynamic phospholipids (fatty acids) result in an
irreversible phase change from the liquid phase into the gel
phase in the event of the cooling of the membranes (Wat-
son, 1995, 2000). The occurrence of such a phase change
brings about a change in the kinetics of the intramembra-
nous enzymes and results in decreased post-thaw viability.
The instability caused by these changes leads to cold shock
and oxidative stress-induced damage in the cell. Further-
more, the abundance of unsaturated phospholipids in the
membrane structure causes susceptibility to lipid peroxida-
tion, and free radicals generated by lipid peroxidation lead
to cellular damage during the long-term storage of sperm
cells (Watson, 1995; Holt, 2000a,b). Spermatozoa and the
seminal plasma contain several antioxidants, which pro-
vide protection against the toxic effects of free radicals
(Alvarez & Storey, 1983; Nissen & Kreysel, 1983; Jeulin
et al., 1989). However, following the freezethawing pro-
cess, this antioxidant system fails in protecting spermato-
zoa against oxidative damage and the toxic effects of free
radicals (Bilodeau et al., 2000; Chatterjee et al., 2001;
Gadea et al., 2004). Due to these reasons, with an aim to
reduce oxidative damage and the toxic effects of free radi-
cals during the freeze-thawing of sperm, semen extenders
are supplemented with various antioxidant compounds,
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Andrologia 2015, 47, 545–552
and thereby, post-thaw sperm parameters are improved
(Alvarez & Storey, 1983; Uysal & Bucak, 2007; Bucak et al.,
2010). Lycopene is the most abundant carotenoid in toma-
toes and red fruits and is considered the most efficient
antioxidant of all carotenoids (Di Mascio et al., 1989).
Lycopene is most likely involved in the quenching of sin-
glet molecular oxygen and the trapping of peroxy radicals
and thereby contributes to the protection of cells and tis-
sues against the harmful effects of lipid peroxidation. The
antioxidant activity of lycopene is mostly catalytic (Stahl &
Sies, 1996, 2003; Velmurugan et al., 2004). Studies have
shown that lycopene can improve sperm motility, mem-
brane integrity (Uysal & Bucak, 2007) and DNA damage
(Zini et al., 2010). Resveratrol (3,5,40-trihydroxystilbene),
a nonflavonoid polyphenol found mainly in grapes, plays
an important role as an antioxidant and acts as an effective
scavenger of free radicals (superoxide anion, hydroxyl radi-
cal and metal-induced radicals) (Leonard et al., 2003; Will-
cox et al., 2004). Resveratrol also exhibits a protective
effect against lipid peroxidation (LPO) and DNA damage
caused by free radicals in sperm cells (Revel et al., 2001;
Branco et al., 2010; Collodel et al., 2011).
The potential effects of lycopene and resveratrol-supple-
mented extenders on the sperm parameters of bulls follow-
ing the freezethawing process have not been investigated
before. We focussed on evaluating the protective effect of
lycopene and resveratrol on sperm motility, motion kine-
matics, viability, acrosome integrity, mitochondrial acti-
vity, DNA damage and oxidative stress parameters.
Materials and methods
Animals and semen collection
Three Holstein bulls (34 years of age) were housed at a
private dairy farm in Konya and maintained under uni-
form feeding and housing conditions. A total number of
30 ejaculates (10 ejaculates for each bull) were collected
from the bulls with the aid of an artificial vagina twice a
week, according to standard AI procedures. Ejaculates con-
taining spermatozoa with >80% forward progressive
motility and concentrations higher than 1.0 910
matozoa ml
were used in the study. Nine ejaculates for
each bull were used in the study. Immediately after collec-
tion, the ejaculates were immersed in a warm water bath at
34 °C until their assessment in the laboratory. Semen
assessment was performed within approximately 20 min.
Semen processing
The volume of the ejaculates was measured in a conical
tube graduated at 0.1-ml intervals and the sperm concen-
tration using a haemocytometer. Sperm motility was
estimated using phase-contrast microscopy. A Tris-based
extender (Tris 297.58 mM, citric acid 96.32 mM, fructose
82.66 mM, egg yolk 15% (v/v), glycerol 5% (v/v), pH 6.8)
was used as the base extender (freezing extender). Each
mixed ejaculate was split into three equal aliquots and
diluted at 37 °C with base extenders containing lycopene
(1 910
), resveratrol (1 mM), and no antioxi-
dant (control), to a final concentration of approximately
60 910
spermatozoa ml
, in a 15-ml plastic centrifuge
tube. Diluted semen samples were aspirated into 0.25-ml
(medium-sized) French straws, sealed with polyvinyl alco-
hol powder, and equilibrated at 5 °C for 3 h. After equili-
bration, the straws were frozen in liquid nitrogen vapour,
4 cm above the liquid nitrogen, for 15 min and plunged
into liquid nitrogen for storage. After stored for 1 month,
the frozen straws were thawed individually at 37 °C for
20 s in a water bath for microscopic evaluation.
Evaluation of microscopic sperm parameters
Analysis of computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA) motil-
ity and kinematic parameters
The Sperm Class Analyzer (SCA
) CASA system
(Microptic S.L., Barcelona, Spain) was used to analyse
sperm motility and various kinematic parameters. A 5-ll
sample of diluted semen was put onto a pre-warmed slide
covered with a coverslip and sperm motility characteris-
tics were determined with a 109objective at 37 °C. The
following motility values were recorded: motility (%),
progressive motility (%), total sperm motility, VAP (aver-
age path velocity, lms
), VSL (straight linear velocity,
), VCL (curvilinear velocity, lms
), ALH
(amplitude of lateral head displacement, lm) and LIN
(linearity index (LIN =(VSL/VCL) 9100). For each
evaluation, seven microscopic fields, each including at
least 250 cells, were analysed.
Assessment of sperm plasma membrane integrity (viability)
This assessment was performed by staining with a sperm
viability kit (SYBR-14/PI Molecular Probe: L 7011 Invi-
trogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA). The staining protocol was
modified from a study of Garner & Johnson (1995). A
working solution of SYBR-14 was diluted 1 : 10 with
DMSO (Applichem A3006), then divided into equal
aliquots (30 ll) after being filtered through a 0.22-lm
Millipore Millex-GV filter, and stored at 20 °C. Propi-
dium iodide (PI) was dissolved in distilled water at a
concentration of 2 mg ml
, divided into equal aliquots
(30 ll) after being filtered through a 0.22-lm Millipore
Millex-GV filter and stored at 20 °C. Thawed straws
were diluted 1 : 3 with Tris stock solution without glyc-
erol and egg yolk, and then 30 ll of the diluted semen
was mixed with 6 ll of SYBR-14 and 2.5 ll of PI. The
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Influence of antioxidants on bull sperm freezing M. N. Bucak et al.
sample was gently mixed, incubated at 37 °C in the dark
for 20 min and then added 10 ll of Hancock’s solution
(Schafer & Holzmann, 2000) for semen fixation. A wet
mount was made using a 2.5-ll drop of the sample
placed directly onto a microscope slide and covered
by a cover slip. At least 200 spermatozoa per sample
were examined at 10009magnification under a fluores-
cence microscope (Leica DM 3000 Microsystems GmbH,
Ernst-Leitz-Straße, Wetzlar, Germany; excitation at 450
490 nm, emission at 520 nm) to assess sperm membrane
integrity. Sperm cells displaying greenred or red colori-
sation were considered to have membrane damage, while
those displaying green colorisation were considered to
have an intact membrane.
Assessment of sperm acrosome integrity
Sperm acrosome status was assessed using fluorescein iso-
thiocyanate conjugated to Arachis hypogaea (peanut)
(L7381 FITC-PNA, Sigma-Aldrich Co., St. Louis, MO,
USA) and by PI staining as described by Nagy et al.
(2003) with modifications. 120 lg of FITC-PNA was
added to 1 ml of PBS for the preparation of the staining
solution, then divided into equal aliquots (100 ll) after
being filtered and stored at 20 °C. Thawed straws were
diluted 1 : 3 with Tris stock solution without glycerol
and egg yolk, and then 60 ll of the diluted semen was
mixed with 10 ll of FITC-PNA and 2.5 ll of PI. The
sample was gently mixed, incubated at 37 °C in the dark
for 20 min and added 10 ll of Hancock’s solution (Scha-
fer & Holzmann, 2000) for semen fixation. A wet mount
was made using a 2.5-ll drop of the sample placed
directly onto a microscope slide and covered by a cover
slip. At least 200 sperm cells per sample were examined
at 10009magnification under a fluorescence microscope
(Leica DM 3000; excitation at 450490 nm, emission at
520 nm) to assess sperm acrosome integrity. Spermatozoa
displaying bright green or patchy green fluorescence were
considered as acrosome nonintact or damaged, whereas
cells which did not display green fluorescence in the acro-
some cap were regarded as acrosome intact.
Assessment of sperm mitochondrial activity
Sperm mitochondrial activity was assessed with a staining
protocol modified from Garner et al. (1997). A stock
solution of 5,50, 6,60-tetrachloro-1,10, 3,30tetraethyl-benz-
imidazolylcarbocyanine iodide (1.53 mM) (T3168 JC-1,
Invitrogen) was prepared in DMSO solution and then
divided into equal aliquots (100 ll) after being filtered
and stored at 20 °C. Thawed straws were diluted 1 : 3
with Tris stock solution without glycerol and egg yolk,
and then 300 ll of the diluted semen was mixed with
2.5 ll JC-1 and 2.5 ll PI. The sample was gently mixed,
incubated at 37 °C in the dark for 20 min and added
10 ll of Hancock’s solution (Schafer & Holzmann, 2000)
for semen fixation. A wet mount was made using a 2.5-ll
drop of the sample placed directly onto a microscope
slide and covered by a cover slip. At least 200 sperm cells
per sample were examined at 10009magnification under
a fluorescence microscope (Leica DM 3000; excitation at
450490 nm, emission at 520 nm) to assess mitochon-
drial activity. A high level of yellow/orange fluorescence
associated with the sperm midpiece (where the mitochon-
dria are located) indicated high mitochondrial activity.
Mitochondria with low activity stained green.
Assessment of sperm DNA damage
Sperm DNA damage was investigated using the single cell
gel electrophoresis (COMET) assay, which is generally
performed under neutral conditions. Our method was
similar to several protocols applied in previous studies
and involved few modifications (Duty et al., 2002; Li
et al., 2008). The straws were thawed by gentle shaking in
a37°C water bath for 10 s, and centrifuged once at 600
gfor 10 min at 4 °C. The remaining sperm cells were
washed with PBS (Ca
and Mg
Each pre-cleaned slide was pre-coated with a layer of
1% normal melting point agarose in PBS (Ca
free) and then dried at room temperature. Approx-
imately 100 000 sperm cells (18 ll) were mixed with
0.75% low melting point agarose (50 ll) at 37 °C, and
this suspension was poured onto the first agarose layer.
The slides were allowed to solidify for 20 min at 4 °C.
The coverslips were removed, and the slides were
immersed in freshly prepared cold lysis buffer. The slides
were then incubated at 37 °C in lysis buffer with
20 lgml
of proteinase K for 2 h. The slides were
removed from the lysis buffer, drained and placed into a
horizontal electrophoresis unit filled with fresh neutral
electrophoresis buffer at 4 °C for a 20-min incubation to
allow the DNA to unwind. Electrophoresis was per-
formed at room temperature, at 25 V for 20 min. Fol-
lowing electrophoresis, the slides were air-dried, stained
with 50 llof8llml
ethidium bromide, and covered
with a coverslip.
The images of 200 randomly chosen nuclei per sample
were analysed visually. Observations were made at a mag-
nification of 4009using a fluorescence microscope
(Olympus, Japan). Damage was detected by a tail of frag-
mented DNA that migrated from the sperm head, causing
a ‘comet’ pattern, whereas whole sperm heads, without a
comet, were not considered as damaged.
Oxidative stress parameters
Briefly, thawed semen samples were centrifuged at 800 g
for 20 min at 4 °C to separate the cells from the diluted
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M. N. Bucak et al. Influence of antioxidants on bull sperm freezing
seminal plasma, and spermatozoa were washed twice with
PBS at 800 9gfor 20 min. After centrifugation, the
supernatant was discarded and the pellet was completed to
500 ll with PBS. Subsequently, the sperm suspension was
transferred into a 2-ml beaker filled with ice water and
sonicated with a probe (Bandelin Sonopuls, Bandelin Elec-
tronic HeinrichstraBe, D-12207, Gerate-Typ:UW 2070,
Pro-Nr. 51900037369.004, Berlin) for 10 s on ice, such that
the process was repeated six times at intervals of 30 s to
separate the sperm head and tail. For LPO analysis, 10 ll
of 0.5 mMBHT (butyl-hydroxytoluene) was added to
120 ll of the homogenate samples and stored at 86 °C
until analysis. The remaining homogenate was centrifuged
at 8000 gfor 15 min at +4°C and the supernatant was col-
lected and stored at 86 °C for AOP analysis.
Determination of lipid peroxidation (LPO) level
LPO level was determined using commercial kits of LPO-
586TM Oxis Research (OxisResearch
, Bioxytech, CA,
92202, USA) by spectrophotometry (UV 2100 UV-VIS
Recording Spectrophotometer Shimadzu, Japan). The
assay is based on the reaction of a chromogenic reagent,
N-methyl2- phenylindole with MDA and 4-hydroxyalke-
nals (LPO) at 45 °C. One molecule of either MDA or
4-hydroxyalkenal reacts with two molecules of N-methyl
2-phenylindole in acetonitrile, to yield a stable chromo-
phore with maximal absorbance at 586 nm. The results
are expressed as lmol for 10
cells ml
Determination of Total Antioxidant Activity (AOP)
AOP activity was determined with an AOP-490
Research kit (OxisResearch
, Bioxytech) by spectropho-
tometry. The assay was based on the reduction of
Cu++ to Cu+by the combined action of all the antioxi-
dants present in the sample. A chromogenic reagent,
bathocuproine (2,9-dimethyl-4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenan-
throline), selectively forms a 2 : 1 complex with Cu+,
which has a maximum absorbance at 490 nm. A standard
of known uric acid (a water soluble antioxidant) concen-
tration is used to create a calibration curve. The results
are expressed as mmol for 10
cells ml
Statistical analysis
The study was replicated nine times. Results are expressed
as mean SEM. Sperm motility, motion characteristics
and abnormality were analysed by analysis of variance,
followed by Tukey’s post hoc test to determine significant
differences between the groups. Sperm with damaged
DNA were evaluated by the chi-square test. Differences
with values of P<0.05 were considered to be statistically
significant. Statistical analyses were performed by using
the SPSS 11.5 package program.
As shown in Table 1, the supplementation of the semen
extender with lycopene and resveratrol increased the per-
centages of CASA motility (55.8 3.8 and 61.9 4.0%)
and progressive motility (38 2.4 and 37 8.8%), com-
pared with the controls (50.7 2.65 and 33.3 3.74%,
respectively, P<0.05), following the freezethawing pro-
cess. As shown in Table 2, no significant differences were
observed between the groups for sperm motion character-
istics (P>0.05), except for the ALH value. Resveratrol
provided a higher ALH (4.3 0.1 lm), in comparison
with that of the control group (3.9 0.3 lm, P<0.05).
Lycopene and resveratrol produced a higher mitochon-
drial activity (24.6 2.9 and 30.1 6.5% respectively),
compared with that of the control group (11.8 9.5%,
Table 3, P<0.05). No significant differences were
observed between the groups for sperm acrosome integ-
rity and viability (Table 3, P>0.05). In the comet assay,
it was determined that both antioxidants reduced DNA
damage and resulted in a lower percentage of sperm with
damaged DNA than that of the controls (Table 3,
P<0.05). The effects of the two antioxidants on LPO
and antioxidant activity in thawed bull sperm are shown
in Table 4. Supplementation of the semen extender with
antioxidants did not significantly affect LPO level and
AOP activity in comparison with the control group
Long-term sperm storage (freezing) results in membrane
deterioration due to membrane phase transitions occur-
ring in the highly specialised regions of the sperm plasma
membrane and leads to the modification of sperm func-
tions (Maxwell & Watson, 1996). Increases in cryodamage
and the sensitivity of sperm to oxidative stress after the
freezethawing process, results in a reduction in sperm
motility, viability, functional membrane integrity and
DNA integrity, and antioxidant enzyme activity during
the freezethawing process (Hammerstedt, 1993; Bucak
et al., 2010). Frozen-thawed semen is more easily
Table 1 Mean (SEM) sperm motilities in frozen-thawed bull semen
motility (%)
Control 50.7 2.65
33.3 3.74
Lycopene 1 910
55.8 3.8
38.0 2.4
Resveratrol 1 mM61.9 4.0
37.0 8.8
*P<0.05. Different superscripts within the same column demon-
strate significant differences.
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Influence of antioxidants on bull sperm freezing M. N. Bucak et al.
peroxidized than fresh sperm. Intracellular antioxidant
capacity fails to provide protection against oxidative dam-
age and the potential toxic effects of free radicals following
freezethawing (Trinchero et al., 1990; Rosato et al., 2012).
This study was performed to investigate whether lyco-
pene or resveratrol would provide protection against tem-
perature shock and oxidative damage during the
cryopreservation of bull sperm. Both resveratrol and lyco-
pene increased the post-thaw sperm motility and mito-
chondrial activity. The axosome and associated dense fibres
of the midpiece of sperm cells are covered by mitochondria,
which generate energy from intracellular ATP stores that
are responsible for sperm motility (Garner & Hafez, 1993).
Cryopreservation can induce axonemal damage, resulting
in the decrease of sperm motility, mitochondrial membrane
potential and morphological-functional integrity as a result
of ATP depletion (De Lamirande & Gagnon, 1992; Cum-
mins et al., 1994). Sperm motility is important for the
actual penetration of the cumulus cells and zona pellucida
of the ovum (Garner & Hafez, 1993). A strong correlation
has been reported to exist between the motility of sperm
and high mitochondrial activity (Kasai et al., 2002; Marti-
nez-Pastor et al., 2004). In the present study, the supple-
mentation of the semen extender with resveratrol before
cryopreservation may act as an effective scavenger of free
radicals and membrane cryoprotector (Willcox et al.,
2004), significantly improving sperm motility and led to
high mitochondrial activity. Resveratrol reaches peroxi-
dized rigid membranes and increases membrane fluidity,
such that it interacts more efficiently with radicals in the
disordered lipid bilayer (Brittes et al., 2010). Owing to this
action, resveratrol increases sperm motility and acts against
LPO, preserving sperm chromatin and plasma membranes
(Collodel et al., 2011). The results obtained for motility
and mitochondrial activity in the present study are in con-
trast to those previously reported for frozenthawed ram
and human sperm, where resveratrol supplementation did
not provide any improvement in post-thaw sperm motility
(Garcez et al., 2010; Meamar et al., 2012; Silva et al., 2012)
and mitochondrial activity (Silva et al., 2012). The dispar-
ity between the results of the present study compared with
previous studies was probably attributed to the different
species, extender composition and antioxidant doses used
in the indicated previous studies. On the other hand, the
resveratrol findings reported by Meamar et al. (2012) for
human sperm viability and motion characteristics are in
agreement with those obtained in the present study, such
that no statistically significant difference was determined
between the groups, except for the ALH value. ALH (mean
width (lm) of the head oscillation as the sperm swims)
may have a great impact on the conception rates achieved
Table 2 Mean (SEM) sperm motion charac-
teristics in frozenthawed bull semen Groups VAP (lms
) VSL (lms
) VCL (lms
) ALH (lm) LIN (lms
Control 78 7.45
65.1 7.2
110.6 8.8
3.9 0.3
58.8 2.5
83.1 3.7
69.6 4.9
113.5 3.5
4.0 0.1
61.3 3.7
Resveratrol 1 mM83.7 7.9
67.4 7.6
119.2 7.6
4.3 0.1
56.4 3.3
, no significant difference (P>0.05).
*P<0.05. Different superscripts within the same column demonstrate significant differences.
Table 3 Mean (SEM) flourescent staining
parameters in frozenthawed bull semen Groups Sperm viability (%)
integrity (%)
High mitochondrial
activity (%)
Control 31.7 3.9
42.2 4.0
11.8 9.5
36.2 6.4
48.7 4.4
24.6 2.9
Resveratrol 1 mM40.3 5.9
47.26 8.0
30.1 6.5
, no significant difference (P>0.05).
*P<0.05. Different superscripts within the same column demonstrate significant differences.
Table 4 Mean (SEM) LPO levels (lM910
) and AOP (mM910
activities in frozenthawed bull semen
Groups LPO (lM910
) AOP (mM910
Control 37.0 10.2
28.8 8.2
Lycopene 1 910
23.6 12.0
24.1 3.0
Resveratrol 1 mM37.1 9.6
30.7 13.1
, no significant difference (P>0.05). Different superscripts within
the same column demonstrate significant differences.
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M. N. Bucak et al. Influence of antioxidants on bull sperm freezing
with the application of insemination techniques using fre-
ezedthawed human sperm (Freour et al., 2010).
As shown in the Tables, the supplementation of the
semen extender with lycopene was proven to improve
sperm motility and high mitochondrial activity after
thawing. It has been proposed that lycopene displays an
antioxidative function in cells by donating its electrons to
oxygen free radicals; thus, quenching and neutralising
them before they can damage cells (Di Mascio et al.,
1989). The current finding of sperm motility was in
agreement with those reported for ram sperm (Uysal &
Bucak, 2007), which suggested the maintenance of motil-
ity with cryopreservation using a low dose of lycopene.
The comet assay is a widely applied technique for mea-
suring and analysing DNA breakage in individual cells
(Ostling & Johanson, 1984). It has also been proven as a
valid technique for evaluating the capacity of antioxidants
to protect the integrity of genetic material in biological
studies (Heaton et al., 2002; Novotna et al., 2007; Tuncer
et al., 2010). Furthermore, some authors suggest that
sperm DNA integrity is a more objective marker of sperm
function as opposed to sperm parameters such as motility
(Twigg et al., 1998; Rajesh et al., 2002). In this study, an-
tioxidants maintained DNA integrity, compared with the
controls. These results obtained for DNA were in agree-
ment with studies on human sperm following incubation
(Zini et al., 2010) and the liquid storage of rabbit semen
(Rosato et al., 2012), which suggested that DNA damage
was diminished with lycopene supplementation. It was
hypothesised that the dose-dependent effect of lycopene
leads to opposing outcomes (Uysal & Bucak, 2007). In a
previous study on resveratrol, the protective effect against
DNA damage was obtained at a much higher concentra-
tion (10 mM) for human sperm (Branco et al., 2010).
However, recently it has been reported that resveratrol is
highly toxic for humans at concentrations above 15 lM
(Collodel et al., 2011; Meamar et al., 2012). Although the
antioxidants used in the present study are free radical
scavengers (Leonard et al., 2003; Stahl & Sies, 2003), nei-
ther achieved any success in preventing LPO formation
and maintaining AOP, when compared with the controls.
The findings obtained in the present study for LPO are in
agreement with those reported for bull (Bucak et al.,
2010, 2012) and ram (Coyan et al., 2011) sperm, indicat-
ing no decrease in the LPO level in the presence of vari-
ous antioxidants for the frozen state. In addition to this
report, we could state that antioxidants are not an influ-
ential factor in the prevention of LPO following the
freezethawing of mammalian sperm.
In conclusion, the results of this study demonstrated the
impact of antioxidants against the cryoinjury of bovine
sperm in vitro. The results obtained suggest that the sup-
plementation of the semen extender with resveratrol and
lycopene offers protection for sperm motility, high mito-
chondrial activity and DNA integrity.
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dants did not improve LPO level and AOP activity fol-
lowing the freezethawing process. This study highlights
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sperm survival and DNA integrity, in the light of previous
studies, and makes a contribution to ruminant semen
technology to obtain high fertility.
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Andrologia 2015, 47, 545–552
Influence of antioxidants on bull sperm freezing M. N. Bucak et al.
... Therefore, it is crucial to supplement semen with antioxidants before cryopreservation, since they can help to prevent or reduce oxidative damage caused by ROS. This ability favours the endogenous antioxidant response and contributes to ROS elimination (Assunção et al., 2021;Bucak et al., 2015). ...
... Resveratrol acts both in initiation and propagation of the oxidative process, acceding to rigid peroxidised membranes and facilitating cell membrane fluidity (Brittes et al., 2010;Bucak et al., 2015). For this reason, resveratrol has been widely used as an antioxidant in freezing extenders for goat , buffalo (Ahmed et al., 2020) and pig (Zhu et al., 2019) semen, showing improved sperm quality of thawed semen. ...
... For this reason, resveratrol has been widely used as an antioxidant in freezing extenders for goat , buffalo (Ahmed et al., 2020) and pig (Zhu et al., 2019) semen, showing improved sperm quality of thawed semen. In bulls, resveratrol supplementation has increased sperm motility, mitochondrial activity and DNA integrity of cryopreserved semen (Bucak et al., 2015). In addition, an increased in vitro fertilization capacity of sexed bovine spermatozoa supplemented with resveratrol in the washing and fertilization medium has been reported. ...
The use of antioxidants for semen preservation prevents oxidative damage caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS). One of the most promising natural antioxidants is resveratrol, a phytoalexin derived from plants, grapes, berries, peanuts and red wine. To evaluate the effect of resveratrol on the quality and redox status of cryopreserved bovine semen. Five bulls were subjected to electroejaculation to obtain 15 ejaculates. Each ejaculate was extended with a tris‐egg yolk‐glycerol‐based medium and divided into six aliquots supplemented with 0 (control), 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 μM of resveratrol. Semen was frozen with liquid nitrogen vapours. Post‐thawing, motility and kinetics were evaluated using a computer‐assisted sperm analysis (CASA) system, membrane integrity using the hypoosmotic test (HOST), morphology by staining with eosin–nigrosin, sperm vitality by fluorescence microscopy with the SYBR14/IP probes. Total antioxidant capacity (TAC) was evaluated using the ABTS •+ assay and ROS was evaluated using spectrofluorimetry with the H 2 DCFDA probe. For the statistical analysis linear models were adjusted and means were compared using the Tukey test. All concentrations of resveratrol reduced post‐thawed motility and kinetics of sperm. Supplementation with 40 and 50 μM of resveratrol reduced sperm kinetics, and between 30 and 50 μM of resveratrol alterations in the sperm membrane and morphology were observed. However, using resveratrol at 50 μM increased TAC and at 20 μM, it reduced ROS production of cryopreserved bovine semen. Resveratrol appears to have a dose‐dependent effect in which higher doses produce greater sperm alterations, however, it can increase semen TAC during freezing. It is concluded that resveratrol can increase antioxidant capacity and reduce ROS production in cryopreserved bovine semen. However, its use between 10 and 50 μM reduces post‐thawing semen quality.
... Moreover, resveratrol indirectly increases intracellular antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase [20]. Resveratrol has been extensively used as an antioxidant additive to semen extenders in human [21,22], ram [23], bull [24][25][26], buffalo [27], boar [16,28], and rooster [29] semen. It has been demonstrated that resveratrol minimizes DNA damage and protects the membrane integrity of human sperm after thawing procedure [21,22]. ...
... It has been demonstrated that resveratrol minimizes DNA damage and protects the membrane integrity of human sperm after thawing procedure [21,22]. In addition, resveratrol has been shown to increase the sperm motility, mitochondrial activity, and DNA integrity of cryopreserved bull sperm [24,26]. In boar, Sun et al. [28] found that the addition of resveratrol to semen extender could protect boar sperm against oxidative stress and increase sperm survival during liquid storage. ...
... Our investigations are similar to those of other species, in that resveratrol was supplemented during the chilled storage and sperm cryopreservation processes. Bucak et al. [26] demonstrated that resveratrol at 1 mM increased the sperm motility and mitochondrial activity of post-thawed bull sperm. In buffalo sperm, the optimal concentration at 50 µM decreased capacitation-like change and oxidative stress, improving sperm membrane integrity and in vitro fertilizing capacity [27]. ...
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This study aimed to determine the effect of resveratrol and its optimal concentration on the quality of frozen-thawed (FT) boar sperm. Semen ejaculates were obtained from 13 Duroc boars aged between 1.5 and 3 years. The sperm sample was separated into 7 groups based on the concentrations of resveratrol in the freezing extender, which were 0 (control), 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, and 250 µM, respectively. The sperm was frozen using liquid nitrogen vapor and thawed at 50 °C for 12 s. After thawing, total motility, progressive motility, viability, intact acrosomes, mitochondrial membrane potential and level of MDA were assessed. The supplementation of 50–100 µM resveratrol improved the sperm motility and viability of FT sperm in comparison to the control group (p < 0.05). Furthermore, the 50 µM resveratrol group was significantly more protective than the control group in terms of intact acrosome, mitochondrial membrane potential, and level of MDA (p < 0.05). Nonetheless, the detrimental effect of resveratrol was found at a concentration of 250 µM. In conclusion, the addition of 50–100 µM resveratrol to a freezing extender is the optimal concentration for enhancing the quality of cryopreserved boar sperm.
... Adding 20 mg/ml Res to cryopreservation media did not affect sperm's cell motility and vigor of frozen ram sperm (35). Also, adding Res to a cryopreservation extender can decrease DNA damage in bulls (10) and human (20) sperms. It is still unclear whether the effect of Res on buffalo spermatozoa variable is dose-depended and if adding resveratrol to a semen extender can impact sperm function when using in commercial buffalo bull semen extender. ...
... It also found that adding Res to semen extenders of bovine sperm led to the protection of individual motility, mitochondrial activity, and the integrity of the sperm's DNA (10). The resveratrol works to increase the fluidity of the sperm lipid bilayer through its action in interacting efficiently with free radicals that disrupt the plasma membrane (12), as well as its work on modulating the lipid metabolism of sperm (44). ...
... Phosphodiesterase improves the percentage of SCIM by using the excess energy generated by accelerating glycolysis (16). In parallel, Silva et al. (35) showed that Res has a strong efficacy that exceeds the effectiveness of vitamins C and E, in addition to its low toxicity and works at the onset of oxidative stress, and increases the fluidity of the plasma membrane (10). It is produced naturally in plants when exposed to infection or danger from pathogens such as bacteria and fungi as a means of defense. ...
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This study was conducted to explain the effect of adding different resveratrol (Res) concentrations to soybean-lecithin extender on some post-cryopreserved (PC) semen characteristics of the Iraqi buffalo bulls for different preservation periods. Eight mature bulls were used, and polled semen was equally divided into four groups within one trial. Three Res concentrations (100, 150, and 200 μM) were added to the soybean-lecithin extender, and comparisons in the response were made with the control group (soybean-lecithin extender, Res-0). The differences among groups in sperm cell individual motility percentages at different preservation periods lacked significance. Greater (P≤0.01) sperm acrosome integrity percentage was noticed for the Res-150 group compared with the C and Res-200 groups at cooling, 48 hrs., and 2 months PC. Lesser (P≤0.01) malondialdehyde concentrations and sperm DNA damage percentage were observed for the Res-150 group as compared with the other groups, 2 months PC. Higher (P≤0.01) total antioxidant activity was shown in the Res-150 and Res-200 groups as compared with the control and Res-100 groups, 2 months PC. In conclusion, adding Res to the soybean-lecithin extender enhanced some of the PC semen characteristics of Iraqi buffalo bulls at different preservation periods.
... An increased intercellular ATP concentration [35] may be the cause of the increased sperm motility and velocity parameters caused by A and t-FA. The sperm flagellum primarily uses this energy source to initiate and activate forward motility and velocity parameters [14]. These compounds also increase sperm cellular Ca 2+ influx, which increases motility [18]. ...
... During the freezing of bull sperm, Res treatment in the cryopreservation medium could protect sperm motility, DNA integrity, and elevated mitochondrial activity (14). However, during the freezing of human sperm, the result showed that Res supplementation could prevent lipid damage (21) and DNA deterioration (7,13) induced by sperm cryopreservation. ...
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The objective of the current study was to investigate the influence of adding resveratrol (Res) to a milk-based extender on some post-thawed semen quality of Iraqi buffalo bulls for different preservation periods (cooling at 5˚C, 48 h, 1, and 2 months post-cryopreservation; PC). Four bulls, 3.5 to 4 years old, were used from 11th November 2020 to 1st June 2021. Semen samples were collected, pooled, and divided into four groups using different Res concentrations (0, 100, 150, and 200 μM) added to the milk extender. The Res-150 μM group exhibited higher (P≤0.01) plasma membrane, acrosome integrity percentages, and total antioxidants concentration (TAC) compared to the other groups. Sperm abnormalities and DNA damage percentages, as well as malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration, were lesser (P≤0.01) in the Res-150 μM group. Finally, Res-150 μM added to a milk-based extender increased the percentage of post-thawed live sperm and TAC in seminal plasma and minimized abnormal sperm percentage, DNA damage percentage, and MDA concentration in the seminal plasma of Iraqi buffalo bulls.
... Lycopene, a polyene hydrocarbon with an open unsaturated acyclic chain containing 13 double bonds-11 of which are conjugated and arranged linearly-serves as an effective antioxidant (Saputra, 2019). The addition of lycopene to the semen diluent of cattle, sheep, and turkeys showed significant results on DNA integrity, acrosome integrity, and motility, and could reduce sperm lipid peroxidation (Sheikholeslami et al., 2020;Rosato et al., 2012;Tuncer et al., 2014;Bucak et al., 2015). As well as enhance the qualities of spermatozoa in the cryopreservation of ram semen (Zou at al., 2021). ...
... Conversely, RES has a contradictory effect of selectively inhibiting COX1, an enzyme necessary for the synthesis of prostaglandin 2, which is essential for sperm motility. As the concentration of RES increases, it deteriorates sperm motility [49,50]. In this study, although the addition of RES improved LPO and MMP after freeze-thawing, the lack of improvement in sperm motility could potentially be attributed to the COX1 inhibitory effect. ...
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Sperm DNA fragmentation (SDF) that occurs during the freezing–thawing of sperm may negatively impact the treatment outcomes of assisted reproductive technologies (ART). In a previous study, we developed a human sperm cryopreservation reagent containing carboxylated poly-L-lysine (CPLL) that reduced SDF after freeze-thawing compared with clinically popular cryopreservation reagents containing human serum albumin. However, it is unclear whether CPLL reduces SDF, as it differed from the constituents of the commercial cryopreservation reagents used for comparison. Therefore, here, we examined whether CPLL reduces the SDF of human sperm and evaluated reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels and lipid peroxidation (LPO), which are the causes of SDF; mitochondrial injury, ROS production; and impaired sperm motility. Furthermore, optimal antioxidants and their concentrations that could further enhance the reduction in SDF were determined for future clinical application in ART and underwent the same functional evaluations. CPLL can reduce SDF via inhibition of intracytoplasmic ROS and LPO. Furthermore, the addition of 0.1 mM resveratrol avoided the enhancement of SDF, which potentially affects mitochondrial and cytoplasmic ROS and LPO. This novel human sperm cryopreservation reagent containing CPLL and resveratrol has the potential to improve treatment outcomes in ART using frozen sperm.
... For optimum fertility, semen used for AI has to be of high quality. Commonly analyzed parameters for the assessment of semen quality include total and progressive motility [15], morphological abnormalities [16], mitochondrial potential [17], oxidation sensitivity [18], and DNA fragmentation [19]. For sustainable AI, semen cryopreservation is mandatory, and this will allow for long-term storage and easy distribution of semen. ...
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Several factors are said to influence semen quality in breeding bulls. This research was carried out to investigate the effect of season and cold value chains on semen quality parameters. A total of 1652 semen production records from 2018 to 2021 from 10 dairy bulls preserved at the National Artificial Insemination Centre (NAIC), USA River, Arusha, Tanzania, and 540 cryopreserved semen examined were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and the results were expressed as mean ± standard error of the mean using statistical analysis system (SAS, 2004), to determine whether there were significant differences among variables tested. All semen traits (VOL, SPC, PM, TM, PM, TM, VER, MP, and HP) were significantly (P <0.05) affected by season and cold value chain. During the cold season, the highest values of SPC, PM, TM, PM, TM, VER, MP, and HP were observed as compared to that of the warm season. Furthermore, semen quality decreased gradually from pre-state (before freezing) to post-state (after freezing for 48 hours) with minor affection for semen motility. There was a higher decrease (P <0.05) in quality from cryo-stored semen straw to those of the same batch retrieved back from the field. The semen quality parameters were satisfactory in the first three stages when compared to the semen straw from the field which was observed to have poor motility which could be due to poor handling, leakage of storage and transportation containers, and sometimes the delay of refilling the LN2. Finally, during the cold season and in all stages of semen production the semen is qualitatively and quantitatively good.
The study investigated the impact of resveratrol (RES) on bull sperm cryopreservation employing conventional slow (CS) and ultra-rapid (UR) freezing methods on sperm quality and in vitro fertility. Twenty-four ejaculates from four bulls were divided into four groups based on the cryopreservation method and RES addition: CS-RES (n = 80), CS-Co (n = 80), UR-RES (n = 24), and UR-Co (n = 24). The CS freezing involved exposing sperm straws with 5% glycerol to liquid nitrogen (LN2) vapors, while UR freezing submerged sperm drops with 100 mM sucrose directly into LN2. Overall, sperm kinematic parameters and integrity of plasma and acrosome membranes significantly decreased (P < 0.001) after cryopreservation. Post-thaw values of motilities (total [TM] and progressive [PSM]), velocities (curvilinear and straight-line), beat cross frequency (BCF), and sperm with intact plasma membrane/intact acrosome (PI-/PNA-) were higher (P < 0.05) with CS-RES and CS-Co treatments compared to UR-RES and UR-Co treatments. CS-RES treatment resulted in greater percentages (P < 0.05) of TM, PSM, PI-/PNA-, and fertility (blastocyst rate) than their control, CS-Co; while UR-RES showed higher BCF values (P < 0.05) than its control, UR-Co. Additionally, UR-RES treatment exhibited lower oxidative stress percentages than UR-Co (P < 0.05). This study presents the following conclusions: (1) the CS freezing resulted in better cryosurvival of bull sperm than UR freezing; (2) the RES supplementation to CS freezing medium improved sperm motility, membrane integrity, and fertility; and (3) despite low cryosurvival sperm and fertility, the RES addition to ultra-rapid freezing medium reduced oxidative stress.
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The objective was to assess the effects of the antioxidants resveratrol and quercetin on frozen-thawed ram sperm. Semen samples (which exceeded minimum standards) from four mature crossbreed Santa Inês rams were pooled and aliquots of each pool were diluted in Tris-egg yolk-glycerol, with the addition of 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 μg/mL of resveratrol and quercetin in Experiment 1 and Experiment 2, respectively. In Experiment 1, the proportion of sperm with a high mitochondrial membrane potential was greater (P < 0.02) in the control group than in resveratrol 20 μg/mL group. In Experiment 2, the proportion of sperm with high mitochondrial membrane potential was greater in the control group (P < 0.0001) than in the other experimental groups, and greater in the quercetin 5 μg/mL group (P < 0.05) than in the other quercetin-treated groups. Thus, addition of 5 to 20 μg/mL of either resveratrol or quercetin to the Tris-egg yolk-glycerol extender reduced sperm mitochondrial membrane potential.
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Uysal O., M. N. Bucak: Effects of Oxidized Glutathione, Bovine Serum Albumin, Cysteine and Lycopene on the Quality of Frozen-Thawed Ram Semen. Acta Vet. Brno 2007, 76: 383-390. Free radicals are known to be involved in lipid peroxidation as well as DNA and sperm membrane damages that may lead to decreased sperm motility or cell death. The balance between free radical production and their detoxifi cation may be an important factor in sperm survival and function before, during and after cryopreservation. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of the addition of the antioxidants of oxidized glutathione (GSSG), bovine serum albumin (BSA), cysteine and lycopene to freezing media on the post-thawing sperm characteristics, including motility, morphology, acrosome integrity, viability and membrane integrity. A total number of 42 ejaculates were collected using the artifi cial vagina from 4 Akkaraman rams and 10 replicates of the ejaculates were diluted with a Tris-based extender containing additives and no additives as control. GSSG (5 mM), BSA (20 mg/ml), cysteine (10 mM) and lycopene (800 μg) showed more positive effects than other concentrations of the supplements and controls in protecting sperm characteristics after the freezing-thawing process (P < 0.001). Many aspects of sperm protection, e.g. sperm motility, viability and membrane stabilisation of the sperm cells during relative cryopreservation, are the key factors in determining the preservation of sperm function. The results of this study provide a new approach to the cryopreservation of sperm from rams and related breeds, and thereby contribute to the improvement of these breeds for the world sheep industry. Antioxidants, ram semen, freezing, extender
This chapter deals with spermatozoa and seminal plasma of male farm animals. Spermatozoa or sperm cells are formed in the seminiferous tubules of the testes. The seminiferous epithelium, lining the seminiferous tubules, is composed of two basic cell types: the Sertoli cells and the developing germ cells. The developing germ cells within the tubules are protected from chemical changes in the blood by a specialized permeability barrier called the blood-testis barrier. Testicular spermatozoa are transported from the testis through a highly convoluted duct known as the epididymis; during this transit the spermatozoa also undergo a maturation process in which they gain the potential ability to fertilize ova. The source of the constituents of seminal plasma varies with the species as does the number and size of the accessory organs. It is a composite secretion arising from a number of sources including the testes, epididymides, and accessory glands of the male.
Mitochondrial function and sperm viability were quantified in samples of cryopreserved bovine spermatozoa from 12 bulls using fluorometric techniques. The active mitochondria of the spermatozoa were fluorescently stained using three different fluorophores: rhodamine 123 (R123), 5,5',6,6'-tetrachloro1,1 ',3,3'-tetraethylbenzimidazolyl-carbocyanine iodide (JC-1) or MitoTracker Green FM (MITO). The stained spermatozoa, and companion aliquots that had been stained with SYBR-14 (a living-cell nucleic acid stain) and propidium iodide to assess viability, were quantified using flow cytometry. The resulting fluorescent measurements of mitochondrial function were compared with microscopic assessments of progressive sperm motility immediately after thawing, with motility after 3-h incubation at 37°C, and with the fluorescent assessment of sperm viability. Staining with either R123 or MITO resulted in a single green population. In contrast, the JC-1 staining of mitochondria produced both green and red-orange populations of spermatozoa and sometimes a progressive gradient between the two populations. The ability of IC-1 to discriminate between mitochondria exhibiting high membrane potential from those having low to medium membrane potential provided a more rigorous estimate of metabolic function than the other two fluorescent stains. Overall, the three fluorometric measurements of mitochondrial function were highly correlated with each other, with the SYBR-14 assessment of viability, and with the microscopic estimates of motility.
The processing and storage of ram semen reduce the motility and disrupt the membrane integrity of spermatozoa. It is generally assumed that these changes are detrimental and are associated with a loss of fertilising capacity. Despite many years of empirical research that has established a variety of methods for the processing, storage and insemination of spermatozoa, fertility is generally lower after cervical insemination with stored than fresh semen. The components of the sperm cell responsible for this low fertility are not clearly understood. However, recent evidence suggests that while many spermatozoa remain motile after storage, the membranes of the motile cells are destabilised to the point where they may not survive further ageing in the female tract after cervical insemination. These membrane changes are similar to the capacitation and acrosome reaction of spermatozoa. Thus, stored spermatozoa may require less capacitation time in the female tract, and may readily fertilise oocytes if placed in their immediate vicinity, as with in vitro fertilisation, tubal or even intrauterine insemination. It may be possible to prevent or reverse some of these membrane changes, for example using antioxidants, and thus improve fertility following cervical insemination of sheep.
Objective: To analyze oxidative stress markers and seminal standard parameters after using resveratrol (0.1, 1.0, and 10.0 mM), an important antioxidant, in the cryopreservation of human semen. Design: In vitro prospective study. Setting: Institutional study. Patient(s): Infertile and fertile men. Intervention(s): None. Main Outcome Measure(s): Levels of thiobarbituric acid-reactive species (TBARS), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and catalase (CAT) activities and spermatozoa concentration, motility, and morphology. Result(s): Increased TBARS levels were observed in the post-thawing semen in both fertile and infertile men. Infertile men had lower CAT and SOD activities in prefreezing and post-thawing samples when compared with fertile men. The addition of resveratrol in all the concentrations assayed was able to prevent post-thawing lipoper-oxidation in both fertile and infertile men. However, this effect was not dose dependent. The cryopreservation pro-cess was not able to change sperm concentration or morphology. However, a decrease in sperm motility was observed in both the fertile and infertile men. The addition of resveratrol was not able to prevent this effect. Conclusion(s): Resveratrol avoids oxidative damages induced by the cryopreservation of human semen, but it is not able to restore the decrease in sperm motility. Although spermatozoa were the first type of cells to be cryopre-served (1), improvements in cryopreservation are still of great inter-est for several reasons: [1] the outcome of the procedure in infertile men and patients with cancer often results in a low sperm survival rate; [2] the selection of anonymous donors for sperm banks is done under pressure to invest in donors with high semen quality; and [3] the growing threat of HIV has limited the use of donor fresh semen (2). Studies have demonstrated that the cryopreservation of human semen produces reactive oxygen species (ROS), which cause important sperm damage (3–7). The lipid peroxidation damage is initiated when ROS attack polyunsaturated fatty acids in the sperm cell membrane (8). Spermatozoa are particularly susceptible to oxidative attack because they contain high concentrations of poly-unsaturated fatty acids (8) and have limited repair mechanisms (9). As a consequence of lipid peroxidation, the plasma membrane loses the fluidity and integrity it requires for participating in the membrane fusion events associated with fertilization (10, 11). In addition to membrane effects, several researchers have reported DNA damage in human spermatozoa associated with membrane lipid peroxidation (12–14) and oxidative stress (13, 15, 16). There are few antioxidants in sperm cytoplasm; fortunately, the seminal plasma contains a variety of antioxidants that counteract the damaging effects of ROS. The main antioxidant enzymes present in the seminal plasma are superoxide dismutase (SOD; EC, which is responsible for the dismutation of the superoxide radical, producing hydrogen peroxide and molecular oxygen, and catalase (CAT; EC, which acts on the detoxification of hydrogen peroxide into water and O 2 (7). Many clinical trials have been performed to examine the potential of oral therapies with antioxidants to improve semen quality, mainly in infertile men (17). Despite some promising data, the cost and possible side effects and/or toxicity of these compounds should be taken into account. Recently, it was shown that the addition of vita-min E to the cryopreservation medium improved the post-thaw motility of human sperm, however, neither vitality nor sperm DNA fragmentation were altered (18). Resveratrol (3,5,4 0 -trihydroxystilbene)—a known antioxidant— is one of the most important polyphenols found in red wine. It is as-sociated with many health benefits, most notably the mitigation of age-related diseases, including neurodegeneration, carcinogenesis, and atherosclerosis (19). Owing to the enormous detrimental effects of ROS during cryo-preservation of human sperm, the purpose of this study was to eval-uate the effects of resveratrol addition before the cryopreservation process on oxidative stress, concentration, motility, and morphology of sperm from fertile and infertile men.
The effects of lycopene-enriched extenders on motility, viability, osmotic resistance, DNA integrity and lipid peroxidation of rabbit sperm were examined after both chilled and frozen storage. Five pools of semen diluted in extenders containing 0, 0.05 or 0.1 mg/mL of lycopene were refrigerated at 5 °C for 48 h or cryopreserved. Sperm quality was generally compromised after storage, especially post-freezing, however lycopene limited the amount of sperm lipid peroxidation after chilling and freezing. In chilled sperm, the highest dose of lycopene was provided to maintain the viability, acrosome and DNA intactness similar to that of fresh semen and contained the reduction of sperm motility, whereas in cryopreserved semen lycopene protected the DNA integrity of sperm, even if not in a dose-dependent way. So lycopene diminished sperm lipid peroxidation during refrigeration and cryopreservation, prolonging the survival of rabbit sperm after liquid storage, but it had a limited effect on sperm cryosurvival.
To analyze the effect of cryopreservation on sperm DNA fragmentation (SDF) in two cytometric sperm populations, PI(brighter) and PI(dimmer), and to test the effects of Opuntia ficus-indica (OFI) extracts, which contain antioxidants and flavanoids, and of resveratrol on cryopreservation of human semen. In vitro prospective study. Institutional study. Twenty-one normozoospermic men undergoing semen analysis for couple infertility. Cryopreservation using the routine method in the presence of OFI extracts or resveratrol. Measurement of SDF by TUNEL/PI flow cytometric method to evaluate sperm motility (by automated motion analysis, CASA system) and viability (by eosin/nigrosin staining) in the two populations of sperm PI(br) and PI(dim). Cryopreservation induced an increase of SDF only in the PI(br) sperm population. The increase was negatively dependent on the basal values of SDF in the same population. Addition of OFI extracts and resveratrol to the cryopreservation medium slightly but statistically significantly reduced SDF in the PI(br) population without affecting the deleterious effect of cryopreservation on sperm motion parameters or viability. The increase of SDF in the PI(br) population, which is unrelated to semen quality, suggests that caution must be taken in using cryopreserved semen, as morphologically normal and motile sperm may be damaged. The addition of substances with multifunctional properties such as OFI extracts to cryopreservation medium is only slightly effective in preventing the dramatic effects on SDF.