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Security in Online Learning Assessment Towards an Effective Trustworthiness Approach to Support E-Learning Teams



This paper proposes a trustworthiness model for the design of secure learning assessment in on-line collaborative learning groups. Although computer supported collaborative learning has been widely adopted in many educational institutions over the last decade, there exist still drawbacks which limit their potential in collaborative learning activities. Among these limitations, we investigate information security requirements in on-line assessment, (e-assessment), which can be developed in collaborative learning contexts. Despite information security enhancements have been developed in recent years, to the best of our knowledge, integrated and holistic security models have not been completely carried out yet. Even when security advanced methodologies and technologies are deployed in Learning Management Systems, too many types of vulnerabilities still remain opened and unsolved. Therefore, new models such as trustworthiness approaches can overcome these lacks and support e-assessment requirements for e-Learning. To this end, a trustworthiness model is designed in order to conduct the guidelines of a holistic security model for on-line collaborative learning through effective trustworthiness approaches. In addition, since users' trustworthiness analysis involves large amounts of ill-structured data, a parallel processing paradigm is proposed to build relevant information modeling trustworthiness levels for e-Learning.
Security in Online Learning Assessment
Towards an Effective Trustworthiness Approach to Support e-Learning Teams
Jorge Miguel1, Santi Caballé1, Fatos Xhafa2, Josep Prieto1
1Department of Computer Science, Multimedia, and Telecommunication
Open University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain
{jmmoneo, scaballe, jprieto}
2Department of Languages and Informatic Systems
Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain
Abstract—This paper proposes a trustworthiness model for the
design of secure learning assessment in on-line collaborative
learning groups. Although computer supported collaborative
learning has been widely adopted in many educational
institutions over the last decade, there exist still drawbacks
which limit their potential in collaborative learning activities.
Among these limitations, we investigate information security
requirements in on-line assessment, (e-assessment), which can
be developed in collaborative learning contexts. Despite
information security enhancements have been developed in
recent years, to the best of our knowledge, integrated and
holistic security models have not been completely carried out
yet. Even when security advanced methodologies and
technologies are deployed in Learning Management Systems,
too many types of vulnerabilities still remain opened and
unsolved. Therefore, new models such as trustworthiness
approaches can overcome these lacks and support e-assessment
requirements for e-Learning. To this end, a trustworthiness
model is designed in order to conduct the guidelines of a
holistic security model for on-line collaborative learning
through effective trustworthiness approaches. In addition,
since users’ trustworthiness analysis involves large amounts of
ill-structured data, a parallel processing paradigm is proposed
to build relevant information modeling trustworthiness levels
for e-Learning.
Keywords- trustworthiness; e-assessment; information
security; collaborative learning; parallel processing
Collaborative learning has been widely adopted in many
educational institutions over the last decade. Among these
institutions, the Open University of Catalonia 1 (UOC)
develops online education based on continuous evaluation
and collaborative activities.
Although online assessments (e-assessments) in both
continuous evaluation and collaborative learning have been
widely adopted in many educational institutions over the last
1 The Open University of Catalonia is located in Barcelona, Spain. The
UOC offers distance education through the Internet since 1994. Currently,
about 60,000 students and 3,700 lecturers are involved in over 8,300 online
classrooms from about 100 graduate, post-graduate and doctorate programs
in a wide range of academic disciplines. The UOC is found at
years, there exist still drawbacks which limit their potential.
Among these limitations, we investigate information security
requirements in assessments which may be developed in on-
line collaborative learning contexts.
Despite information security technological enhances have
also been developed in recent years, to the best of our
knowledge, integrated and holistic security models have not
been complete carried out yet. Even when security advanced
methodologies and technologies are deployed in Learning
Management Systems (LMS), too many lacks still remain
opened and unsolved. Therefore, new models are needed
and, in this paper, we propose a trustworthiness approach
based on hybrid evaluation which can complete these lacks
and support e-assessments requirements.
Finally, in order to provide effective and just-in-time
trustworthiness information from LMS, it is necessary a
constant processing and analysis of group members’
interaction data during long-term learning activities, which
produces huge amounts of valuable data stored typically in
server log files. Due to the large or very large size of log files
generated daily, the massive data processing is a foremost
step in extracting useful information and may require
computational capacity beyond that of a single computer (i.e.
sequential data processing). To this end, this work also
studies, the viability of a parallel approach for processing
large log data files of a real LMS using distributed
The paper is organized as follows. Section II shows the
background and contextual about security in e-Learning.
Section III reviews the main factors, classification and
security issues involved in security in e-assessments and we
discussed that security improvements in e-assessments
cannot be reached with technology alone; to fill this
drawback, in section IV, we extend our security model with
the trustworthiness dimension. Once studied trustworthiness
factors and rules, in section V we describe an innovate model
based on trustworthiness applied to e-assessments. Since
users’ trustworthiness analysis involves large amount of data,
parallel processing paradigms are proposed in section VI to
build relevant information modeling trustworthiness levels.
Finally, Section VI concludes the paper highlighting the
main ideas discussed and outlining ongoing and future work.
2014 IEEE 28th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications
1550-445X/14 $31.00 © 2014 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/AINA.2014.106
Since 1998, information security in e-Learning has been
considered as an important factor in e-Learning design. Early
research works about these topics [1] are focused on
confidentiality and theses privacy approaches can be found
in [2]. Despite the privacy relevance in secure e-Learning, it
is important not to forget that information security is not only
privacy services, and in further works [3], [4] security in e-
Learning has been treated following more complex analysis
and design models.
In [4] the author argue that security is an important issue
in the context of education, security is mainly an
organizational and management issue and improving security
is an ongoing process in e-Learning. This proposal is the first
approach in which information security is applied to learning
management systems as a general key in e-Learning design
and management. Furthermore, in [3] it is presented how
security in e-Learning can be analyzed from a different point
of view, that is, instead of designing security, the author
investigates threats for e-learning and then,
recommendations are introduced and discussed in order to
avoid detected threats. On the other hand, more specific
security issues in secure e-Learning have been investigated
(e.g. virtual assignments and exams, security monitoring,
authentication and authorization services). These works have
been summarized in [2], [5]–[7].
Although the authors who have been mentioned so far,
discuss security design in e-Learning from a theoretical point
of view, other ones have argued that we actually need to
understand attacks in order to discover security design
factors we need to put into place and it is also needed in
order to figure out how security services must be designed
[8]. Researchers have already conducted many efforts
proposing taxonomies of security attacks. In [9], through
analyzing existing research in attack classification, a new
attack taxonomy is constructed by classifying attacks into
dimensions, this paper is mentioned because, besides the
new taxonomy proposed by the authors, this work offers a
complete and useful study examining existing proposals.
Nevertheless, since attacks taxonomies might be applied to
cover each kind of attack which might occur in LMS they are
not closely related to security design in e-Learning. In order
to fill this gap, in [2], we have proposed an alternative
approach which associate attacks to security design factors.
Furthermore, we still need extend the background about
security in e-Learning by analyzing real-life security attacks
and vulnerabilities, which could allow attackers to violate the
security in a real context because if the reality of attacks is
not significant today, our research would not be relevant. In
this sense it can be found several reports which justify the
relevance of security attacks during the last two years, in
concrete terms, the study presented in [10] uncovered that
security attacks are a reality for most organizations: 81% of
respondents’ organizations experienced a security event (an
adverse event that threatens some aspect of security. Finally,
we can consider specific LMS real software vulnerabilities.
Moodle is an Open Source LMS which is massively
deployed in many schools and universities. In Moodle
Security Announcements 2, 40 serious vulnerabilities have
been reported in 2013.
In previous research [2], [5]–[7] we have argued that
general security approaches do not provide the necessary
security services to guarantee that all supported learning
processes are developed in a reliable way. Although these
approaches are suitable and are the source of our current
investigation, with the purpose of enhance security in e-
Learning, in the next section we conduct our investigation on
one of most relevant topics which arise when information
security and e-Learning are related and analyzed together.
In this section, we present a review of the main factors,
classification and security issues involved in security in e-
assessments. Firstly security properties related to e-
assessments are evaluated, examining and selecting most
relevant ones, then an assessments classification is depicted
in order to analyze how e-assessments types and factors are
related to previously selected security properties and,
eventually, we propose a security model which extends
technological security techniques adding functional
requirements to secure e-assessments.
A. Authenticity in e-assessments
In order to determine whether or not an e-assessment is
secure, both from students' as evaluators' point of view, it
can be inquired if the e-assessment satisfies these properties:
Availability. The e-assessment is available to be
performed by the student at the scheduled time and
during the time period which has been established.
After the assessment task, the tutor should be able to
access the results to proceed to review the task.
Integrity. The description of the e-assessment
(statement, description of activity, etc.) must not be
changed, destroyed, or lost in an unauthorized or
accidental manner. The result delivered by the
student must carry out integrity property too
Identification and authentication. While performing
the evaluation task, the fact that students are who
they say they are must be verifiable in a reliable
way. In addition, both students' outcomes and
evaluation results must actually correspond to
activity that students have performed.
Confidentiality and access control. Students will
only be able to access to e-assessments that have
been specifically prepared to them and tutors will
access following the established evaluation process.
Non repudiation. The LMS must provide protection
against false denial of involvement in e-assessments.
Due to the difficulty of provisioning a complete secure e-
assessment including all of these properties, a first approach
of secure e-assessments selects a subset of properties which
can be considered as critical in evaluation context. Selected
properties are identity and integrity. Integrity must be
considered both as authorship as well as integrity data.
Therefore, we will be able to trust in
process when identity and integrity
accomplished. In the context of e-as
regarding to identity, students are who t
when, in an assessment process; they ar
evaluation activities (e.g. access to the st
answering a question in an interview wi
etc.). And dealing with integrity and autho
the outcomes of the evaluation process (i.e.
evaluation results) when the stunted is ac
and these elements have not been
unauthorized way. It is important to note t
are developed in a LMS and, since
information system, two different items ar
context: processes and contents which are r
and identity. Therefore, services applied
must be considered in both a static and a dy
Figure 1. Evaluation types
B. Assessments Classification
The scope of our research, with regardi
is the evaluation model used in UOC co
models used in UOC may be classified in
the following factors or dimensions: (i) typ
specific evaluation model; (iii) evaluation
agents involved in the evaluation process
factors and evaluation types.
In manual evaluation methods, tutors u
directly and intensely in the evaluation pro
has scalability problems but can provide bet
students’ identity and authorship
interaction between tutors and students i
others evaluation methods. Although this
true in general cases, it may not apply to
is, the interaction level does not neces
students’ identity is authentic (as defi
integrity and authorship). On the other
methods do not involve tutors participation
an e-assessment
properties are
sessments, with
ey say they are
performing the
tement in a test,
h the evaluator,
ship, we trust in
a student submits
ually the author
odified in an
at e-assessments
he LMS is an
involved in this
lated to integrity
to e-assessment
amic way.
g to assessmen
rses. Evaluation
accordance with
e of subjects; (ii)
application; (iv)
s. Fig. 1 shows
sually participate
cess. This model
er guarantees for
the degree of
higher than in
tatement may be
ll situations, that
ean that
ed above: data
hand, automatic
(or minimal), but
this model does not carry out desir
levels. Finally, hybrid methods ar
which can provide a balance
interaction and security requireme
marked the marked those elements
roposed. In the following
how the secure e-assessment model
C. Beyond Technological A
According to [11]
roblems en
modern computing systems c
technology alone. In order to pro
justify that it is needed to extend t
trustworthiness functional proposal
going to present a use case that i
Infrastructure (PKI) tool are not en
requirements. The example use cas
The e-assessment is an e-ex
characteristics of virtual exams. F
[12] it is discussed how unethical
exam taking may occur and it is p
suggests practical solutions base
biometrics user authentication.
The e-exam is synchronous an
the LMS to take the e-exam state
exam is based on a statement that
be solved by the student. The stat
students who perform the e-exa
performs his work into a digital
resources. When student’s work i
delivered to the LMS before the de
Once defined this use case,
requirements using PKI based sol
digital certificates to guarantee stu
signature for outcomes integrity a
the process described above is adap
The student accesses the
digital certificate. Similarl
digital certificate to the stu
Since both LMS and stude
a trust process, the student
the e-exam and begins his
The student checks the
statement in order to vali
When the student finishes
document, the student pe
digital signature (into the d
his digital certificate).
Eventually, the student’s
delivered in the LMS, ac
defined in the first step.
At this point we can formulate
this model? In other words, are tho
involved in the e-exam bearin
properties? As stated at the
ensuring modern computing syste
technology alone; therefore, we
vulnerabilities in this technologic
ble identity and integrity
a trade-off combination
etween the degree of
ts. In Fig. 1 it has been
hich are involved in the
sections it is presented
is defined.
ountered in ensuring tha
nnot be solved with
e this statement and to
chnological models with
s, in this section, we are
lustrate how Public Key
ugh to guarantee security
is defined as follows:
m with most common
r further information, in
onduct during e-learning
oposed an approach that
on technological and
students have to access
ent at the same time;
resents a list of tasks to
ment is the same for all
and then, each student
document with his own
finished, outcomes are
dline required.
e can improve security
tions, in concrete terms,
ents’ identity and digital
d authorship. Therefore,
ed in this way:
LMS identified by its
, the LMS presents its
t have been identified in
receives the statement of
-in digital signature
ate the integrity of this
is work in the outcomes
forms the operation of
gital document and using
igned document will be
ording to the procedure
he question: can we trust
e processes and elements
integrity and identity
inning of this section,
s cannot be solved with
should be able to find
l security proposal. For
instance, although the identification process based on the
certificate public key (even signed and issued by a
certification authority) is only able to be made by the holder
of the private key (the student), we do not know if this
certificate is being used by the student that we expect or the
student has send this resource to another one. Although we
can add additional technological measures such as certificate
storage devices, either cryptographic or digital file card
protected by hardware or symmetric cryptography. There are
ways to export these keys or allow remote access to devices
which manage them, allowing these operations and,
therefore, we can conclude that the student may share their
resources identification and signature.
In the previous section we discussed that security
improvements in e-assessments cannot be reached with
technology alone. To fill this drawback that impedes e-
assessments to deploy their potential, we first extend our
security model with a trustworthiness dimension.
A. Trustworthiness and Security Related Work
In [13] it is discussed that security is both a feeling and a
reality. The author points out that the reality of security is
mathematical based on the probability of different risks and
the effectiveness of different countermeasures. On the other
hand, as it is stated by the author, security is also a feeling,
based not on probabilities and mathematical calculations, but
on your psychological reactions to both risks and
countermeasures. Since this model consider two dimensions
in security and being aware that absolute security does not
existed (it has been justified in the section “Beyond
Technological Approaches”) it can be stated that any gain in
security always involves trade-off, even as it is concluded by
the author, all security is a trade-off. This approach is very
relevant in our model because it is based on a hybrid
evaluation system in which technological and
trustworthiness solutions are combined. This trade-off is
proposed because, as it is concluded by the author, we need
both be and feel secure.
As it has been presented, our approach providing security
to e-assessments extends technological solutions and
combines these services with trustworthiness models. In this
context, it is also important to consider additional
trustworthiness related work, even when the scope of
trustworthiness models is not closely related to security in e-
Learning. Therefore, we are going to continue our related
work study taking general trustworthiness references.
B. Trustworthiness Factors
Beyond the overview of security and trustworthiness
presented, we need to review how trustworthiness can be
measure and which are the factors involved in its quantitative
study. In [14] it is proposed a data provenance trust model
which takes into account factors that may affect the
trustworthiness and, based on these factors, assigns trust
scores to both data and data providers.
In our context, students and students’ resources (such a
document, a post in a forum, etc.) can be modeled following
this approach. Moreover, factors that may affect
trustworthiness when students are developing collaborative
learning activities must be discovered. To this end in [15],
the author design a survey to explore interpersonal trust in
work groups identifying trust-building behaviors ranked in
order of importance. We use these behaviors as
trustworthiness factors which can measure trustworthiness in
those activities that students develop in collaborative
activities. The factors considered to model trustworthiness
when students are performing collaborative activities are
summarized in the following table:
Trustworthiness Building Factors (TBF)
Student “S” working in the group of students “GS” is building
trustworthiness when…
1 S communicates honestly, without distorting any information.
2 S shows confidence in GS’s abilities.
3 S keeps promises and commitments.
4 S listens to and values what GS say, even though S might not agree.
5 S cooperates with GS and looks for mutual help.
Trustworthiness Reducing Factors (TRF)
Student “S” working in the group of students “GS” is reducing
trustworthiness when…
1 S acts more concerned about own welfare than anything else.
2 S sends mixed messages so that GS never know where S stands.
3 S avoids taking responsibility for .
4 S jumps to conclusions without checking the facts first.
5 S makes excuses or blames others when things do not work out.
a. Trustworthiness Factors
C. Trustworthiness Rules and Characteristics
Trustworthiness levels may be represented as a
combination of trustworthiness factors which has been
presented. Moreover, according to [16] there are different
aspects of considering on trust, different expressions and
classifications of trust characteristics. In essence, we can
summarize these aspects defining the following rules: (i)
Asymmetry, A trust B is not equal to B trust A; (ii) Time
factor, trustworthiness is dynamic and may evolve over the
time; (iii) Limited transitivity, if A trusts C who trusts B then
A will also trust B, but with the transition goes on, trust will
not absolutely reliable; (iv) Context sensitive, when context
changes, trust relationship might change too.
The model presented in this paper is designed taking into
account trustworthy factors and rules which have been
presented in this section. Furthermore, we will define two
additional concepts (trustworthiness levels and indicators)
which will be presented in the following sections.
D. Evidences and signs
Trustworthiness factors are defined from the perspective
of students’ behaviors and, on the other hand, technological
solutions cannot solve security requirements alone; in
consequence, it is necessary to note that all methods
discussed provide security improvements but do not
completely ensure e-assessments requirements. Furthermore,
neither trustworthiness nor PKI models define or manage the
actions to take when the security service detects either
anomalous situations or violation of the properties we have
defined. Firstly we must consider that according to this fact
we have to distinguish between evidences and signs.
Evidence is defined as information generated by the security
system in a reliable way and it allows us to state that a
certain security property has been venerated. For example, if
a process of electronic signature is wrong, we can state that
the signed document does not meet the integrity property and
this is an irrefutable regarding to mathematical properties of
public and private keys involved in digital signature. On the
other hand, signs allow us to assign a trustworthiness level to
a system action or result. These levels are based on
probabilities and mathematical calculations, in other words,
potential anomalous situations are associated with
For each type of anomalous situations detected (i.e.
evidences and signs) it is necessary to define different
measures. Measures which can be taken are presented below:
Active. We act directly on the e-assessments
processes. For instance, if evidence is detected, the
security service will deny access to the student and
the student cannot continue with the next tasks.
Passive. Analysis and audit. Focused on analyzing
the information provided by the security system
without acting on the e-assessment. They may
generate further actions, but the process continues as
planned before the fault detection.
In this section, we propose a trustworthiness model for
security based on the previous elements and issues. First, we
identify those instruments and tools which will collect
trustworthiness data. Then, a statistical analysis is presented
based on a model of trustworthiness levels.
A. Research Instruments and Data Gathering
Four research instruments are considered to collect users’
data for trustworthiness purposes and feed our model:
Ratings. Qualifications of objects in relation to
assessments, that is, objects which can be rated or
qualified by students in the LMS.
Questionnaires. Instruments which allow us both to
collecting trustworthiness students’ information and
to discover general aspects design in our model.
Students’ reports. Assessment instrument containing
questions and ratings performed by the students and
reviewed by the tutors.
LMS usage indicators. To collect students’ general
activity in LMS (e.g. number of documents created).
All of these research instruments are quantitative and
they have been designed to collect mainly trustworthiness
levels and indicators as well as assessment information.
B. Modeling Trustworthiness Levels and Indicators
We introduce now the concept of trustworthiness
indicator ݐݓ (with݅אܫ, where ܫ is the set of trustworthiness
indicators) as a measure of trustworthiness factors.
Trustworthiness factors have been presented as those
behaviors that reduce or build trustworthiness in a
collaborative group and they have been considered in the
design of questionnaires. A ݐݓ is associated with one of the
measures defined in each e-assessment instrument (i.e.
ratings, questionnaires, reports, etc.). The concept of
trustworthiness level ܮݐݓ is a composition of indicators
over trustworthiness rules and characteristics. For instance,
we can consider two trustworthiness indicators ( ݐݓ
andݐݓ). These indicators are different, the first indicator
could be a rating in a forum post and the second one a
question in a questionnaire; but they measure the same
trustworthiness building factor (e.g. TBF-1: communicates
honestly). With regarding to trustworthiness rules, this
indicator may be compared to the group, over the time or
considering the context. Trustworthiness indicators can be
represented following these expressions:
where Q is the set of responses in Questionnaires, RP is
the analogous set in Reports, LI is the set of LMS indicators
for each student (i.e. ratings and the general students’ data in
the LMS). S is the set of students in the group and R is the
set of rules and characteristics (e.g. time factor). These
indicators are described above when presenting instruments.
Once indicators have been selected, trustworthiness
levels can be expressed as follows:
௜ୀଵ ǡ݅אܫ
where ܫ is the set of trustworthiness indicators which are
combined in the trustworthiness level ܮݐݓ.
Trustworthiness levelsܮݐݓmust be normalized; to this
end, we have reviewed the normalization approach defined
in [17] with regarding to support those cases in which
particular components need to be emphasized more than the
others. Following this approach, we previously need to
define the weights vectors:
where ݊ is the total number of trustworthiness indicators
and ݓ is the weight assigned to ݐݓ.
Then, we define trustworthiness normalized levels as:
௜ୀଵ ǡ݅אܫ
Therefore, trustworthiness levels allow us modeling
students’ trustworthiness as a combination of normalized
indicators using research and data gathering instruments.
Regarding groups, this model may also be applied in
cases with only one working group; in this scenario, all
students would belong to the same group.
C. Statistical Analysis
Following the trustworthiness model presented we need
to inquire whether the variables involved in the model are
related or not. With this purpose the correlation coefficient
may be useful. Some authors have proposed several methods
with regarding to rates of similarity, correlation or
dependence between two variables [18]. Even though the
scope this paper is focused on user-based collaborative
filtering and user-to-user similarity, the models and measures
of the correlations between two items applied in this context
are completely applicable in our scope. More precisely, we
propose Pearson correlation coefficient (represented by the
letter r) as a suitable measure devoted to conduct our
trustworthiness model. Pearson coefficient applied to a target
trustworthiness indicator is defined bellow:
௜ୀଵ כሺݐݓ௕ǡ௜െݐݓ
௜ୀଵ כσሺݐݓ௕ǡ௜െݐݓ
where ݐݓ is the target trustworthiness indicator, ݐݓ is
the second trustworthiness indicator in which ݐݓ is
compared (i.e. similarity, correlation, anomalous behavior,
etc.), ݐݓ
and ݐݓ
are the average of the trustworthiness
indicators and n is the number of student’s provided data for
ݐݓ and ݐݓ indicators.
It is important to note that if both a and b are
trustworthiness indicators which have several values over the
time (e.g. a question which appears in each questionnaire),
they must be compared in the same point in time. In other
words, it is implicit that ݎ௔ǡ௕ is actually representing
ݎǡ௕where ܽ is de trustworthiness indicator in time t.
In addition, this test may be applied to every
trustworthiness indicator taking one of them as target
indicator. To this end, we define the general Pearson
coefficient applied to a target trustworthiness indicator over
the whole set of indicators is defined as follows:
where ݎ௔ǡ௜ is the Pearson coefficient applied to a target
trustworthiness indicator is defined above and ܫis the set of
trustworthiness indicators.
Both relation and similarity are represented by ݎ௔ǡ௕ and ݎ
grouping students’ responses and taking the variables at the
same time. We are also interested in time factor and it may
be relevant the evolution of trustworthiness indicators
throughout the course. To this end, we extend pervious
measures, adding time factor variable:
௜ୀଵ כሺݐݓ௧௧ǡ௜െݐݓ
௜ୀଵ כσሺݐݓ௧௧ǡ௜െݐݓ
where ݐ is the target point in time and ݐݐ is the reference
point in time (i.e. ݐ is compared against ݐݐ), all other
variables have already been defined with this case they are
instanced in two moments in the course.
Similarly, we can calculate ݎ௔ǡ௧ǡ௧௧ for eachݐݐ, and then
the following indicator may be used:
Trustworthiness indicators which have already presented
in this section are summarized in the following table:
Trustworthiness Statistical Analysis
Description Group by
Pearson coefficient applied
to a target trustworthiness
Students ݐݓ
ݎ ݎ௔ǡ௕ over the set of indicators Indicators ݐݓ
Pearson coefficient applied
to a tw indicator throughout
the course from t to tt.
Time ݐݓ
ݎ௔ǡ௧ ݎ௔ǡ௧ǡ௧௧ over the throughout
the course. Course ݐݓ
b. Trustworthiness Basic Indicators
Since hybrid methods are considered as a suitable
tradeoff approach for the model, we can combine these
indicators with results of manual continuous evaluation
results made by the tutor. For instance, if coefficient applied
to target trustworthiness indicator (a) is compared to a
manual continuous evaluation, that is:
where the second indicator (b) is exchanged by the value
in continuous evaluation. According to this indicator, we will
be able to analyze the similarity between manuals and
automatics results. Furthermore, each Pearson interpretation
which has been presented until now, may be applied to
continuous evaluations parameters, for instance:
ݎ௔ǡ௧ǡ௧௧ where aൌܿݒ.
On the other hand, it has been mentioned that, in the case
of questionnaires, some questions which evaluate the same
trustworthiness factor, are proposed in two different ways:
individual and group evaluation, that is, students are asked
about some factors related to their every member in the work
group and then about the group in general. In this case, we
can also compare these values using Pearson correlation.
Finally, trustworthiness indicators may be gathered in a
trustworthiness matrix with the aim of representing the
whole relationship table for each indicator:
Indicators which have been presented in this section will
be studied in the analysis stage of the model. Although they
are proposed as suitable options, the model will be refined to
select those indicators oriented to perform the best similarity
and correlation evaluation model. In addition, this approach
is also intended to be a prediction tool, that is, similarity facts
may conduct to carry out predictions about the evaluation
system and its evolution.
According to [19] extracting and structuring LMS data is
a prerequisite for later key processes such as the analysis of
interactions, assessment of group activity, or the provision of
awareness and feedback involved in collaborative learning.
With regarding to computational complexity, extracting and
structuring LMS data is a costly process and the amount of
log data tends to be very large. Therefore, techniques to
speed and scale up the structuring and processing of log data
are required dealing with log data. In this section we present
a guideline of parallel implementations which may be
developed in the context of data logs of LMS.
A. Parallelizing log files processes
In [20] it is studied the viability of processing large log
data files of a real virtual campus (UOC Virtual Campus)
using different distributed infrastructures to examine the time
performance of massive processing of log files. These
models were implemented following the master-slave
paradigm and evaluated using Cluster Computing and
PlanetLab platforms.
Taking below approaches as starting point, we extend
their goals in two different ways which are presented in next
sections: parallelizing the normalization of several LMS logs
files and using MapReduce paradigm.
B. Parallelizing and normalization
In [19] the task of structuring event log data can be
defined as the processes which give structure to the semi-
structured textual event log data and persist the resulting data
structure for the later processing by analysis tools.
Real e-Learning scenarios usually are formed by several
LMS; therefore the input of the process is a set of LMS logs
files generated by an each source. Each log file has its own
format, otherwise, we cannot consider neither unified nor
normalized those logs generated by the same Web Server;
hence stage 1 is needed in order to normalize these sources
following a unified format. We propose the following tuple:
which represents an user ݑ performing action ܽ which
occurs in time ݐ. A list of values
ݒכis associated to the
action. An example of a ሺܽǡݒכሻ instance could be:
where first action-value is the filename of the document
and the second is the size of the document.
Once we have normalized log files, the log data analysis
of the information captured may be performed in two either
in sequential or parallel. The most common approaches
suggest that analyzing process should be developed in
sequential processing using specific programs for statistical
analysis. Moreover, statistical analysis computations are not
usually suitable in parallel processing. Otherwise, we would
consider the parallel processing approaches if the amount of
data was large enough and the computation cost (calculating
the statistical result) was low and elemental (e.g. counting
number of items).
C. MapReduce Paradigm
The parallel implementation in the distributed
infrastructures that we propose in this section follows the
MapReduce paradigm. We introduce our MapReduce model
parallelizing the normalization of different LMS log files.
We can assume that each log file type is a semi-
structured text file with record-oriented structure, and the
input data set is made up of a large number of files storing
log information (e.g. each LMS, log per day, etc.). The input
may be represented as:
where L is the set of LMS, and I is the set of log files in a
The MapReduce paradigm works by splitting the
processing into two stages, the map phase and the reduce
phase and each phase has key-value pairs as input and
output. Therefore, we define the tasks in Map phase and
which ones are processed in Reduce, selecting the input and
output keys for each phase. We have to be aware that the
output from the map function could be processed by the
framework before being sent to the reduce function.
The map phase takes as input a record stored into a log
file inܫ; the key of this record is the offset in the file. When
the map function receives the record, it will be processes
following the normalization process which has been
presented and this output will be the input for the reduce
function. At this point, we can decide among several
alternatives dealing with reduce function. If we only want to
store normalized data, the reduce task do not perform
addition work, it only store the output of map function in the
distributed file system. In addition, reduce function may be
used to compute a relevant component in as it has been
presented in the previous section. In this case, one of the
keys is the student and reduce function calculate the result of
the parameter selected (e.g. number of documents created by
the student, total session time, sum of ratings, etc.).
D. Hadoop
With regarding to parallel platform supporting
MapReduce paradigm, the abstract model proposed in above
section will be implemented in Apache Hadoop3. In [21] it is
presented the MapReduce model oriented to further
implementations in Hadoop, hence we take this work as
main reference in order to design our normalization LMS log
files MapReduce framework.
In [21] a Hadoop MapReduce job is defined as a unit of
work that the client wants to be performed: it consists of the
input data, the MapReduce program, and configuration
information. Hadoop runs the job by dividing it into tasks, of
which there are two types: map tasks and reduce tasks. There
are two types of nodes: a job tracker, which coordinates the
paralleling process; and several workers which perform the
target work. Hadoop divides the input to a MapReduce job
into fixed-size pieces and creates one map task for each split,
which runs the map function for each record in the split. It is
important to note that the number of reduce tasks is not
governed by the size of the input.
The implementation of map and reduce function is based
on these previous works [19], [20] which deal with different
LMS log formats. Once the logs are computed by the event
extractor functions, the output is normalized following the
model presented. As a development environment we use
Cloudera QuickStart VM4. This virtual machine contains a
standalone Apache Hadoop framework with everything we
need to test our model.
In this paper we have presented an innovative approach
for modeling trustworthiness in the context of secure
learning assessment in on-line collaborative learning groups.
The study shows the need to propose a hybrid assessment
model which combines technological security solutions and
functional trustworthiness measures. This approach is based
on trustworthiness factors, indicators and levels which allow
us to discover how trustworthiness evolves into the learning
system. We have proposed several research instruments for
collecting students’ data and since extracting and structuring
LMS data is a costly process, a parallel processing approach
has been proposed.
Ongoing work is implementing this abstract model in a
real context. Therefore, we would like to select a real
subject, among courses at UOC, and design an experimental
pilot based on this subject. This pilot will extend the abstract
model in a deployment framework offering a case study
devoted to explore and enhance our trustworthiness model.
Furthermore, in our future work, we will propose a
benchmark for the each LMS used in the pilot, considering
performance factors in those real paralleling platforms which
have been proposed in this paper.
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... (1) Data privacy and Protection of the User, (2) Cybersecurity and hacking risks, (3) Ensuring secure payment methods, (4) Protecting against malicious software and viruses, (5) Authentication and access control, (6) Confidentiality of student information, (7) Compliance with regulations such as GDPR, (8) Securing online exams and assessments, (9) Ensuring the privacy of communication between learners and Instructors, (10) Regular security updates and monitoring. ...
... India has made efforts to encourage online learning for students, such as NPTEL and Swayam, to promote education and business. E-learning platforms can be a subset of social media applications, and if security concerns are not taken into account, users can be exposed to a range of attacks that can breach sensitive data, putting them in a risk zone [6]. In addition, social networks may be divided into a variety of categories based on their functions. ...
... This objective includes analyzing the strengths and limitations of ANC in real-world e-learning scenarios and suggesting improvements. (6) To Offer Recommendations for Implementing ANC in Digital Learning Platforms: Based on the findings, provide actionable recommendations for educational institutions, e-learning platform developers, and cybersecurity professionals on implementing ANC. This should cover both technical and strategic aspects of deployment to enhance the overall security posture of digital learning environments. ...
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In recent years, the whole globe has been afflicted with a devastating viral virus known as COVID-19 that has interrupted the operations of every organization. COVID-19 has significantly impacted education, causing it to struggle to function as smoothly as before. However, it has also ushered in a new era of e-learning, necessitating the provision of suitable facilities for users and learners. The growing number of users has led to an increase in digital threats to vulnerable systems on the widespread web of devices. The need for more diverse, versatile, and robust techniques is rising day by day, and Adversarial Neural Cryptography has the potential to be in the Line. The notions of Machine Learning and Digital Securities are being implemented in numerous manners for which ANC can perform the role of new technology to secure communication lines of a Digital learner from several learning platforms over the Cloud. This paper explores the possible threats, reasons, and potential steps taken to secure the user of the Digital Learning Platforms by various organizations. In extension to this, the concept of Adversarial Neural Cryptography is also introduced in the light of E-Learning Platforms with a conceptual model to secure communication.
... E-assessment presents a variety of benefits over paper based mechanisms, namely a decrease in cost (James, 2016), marking automation (Ras, Whitelock, & Kalz, 2015), adaptive testing (Fluck, Pullen, & Harper, 2009), increase of assessment frequency (Sclater, 2007) and the ability to assess higher number of learners (Jordan, 2009). As it happens with any technology, its implementation is not free from challenges: incapacity to evaluate high-order thinking competences (Fluck et al., 2009), lack of security in the delivery of e-exams (Miguel, Caballé, Xhafa, & Prieto, 2014) and the inappropriateness of technological infrastructures (James, 2016). ...
... According to Miguel et al. (2014) the security of eassessment is dependent on a multiplicity of factors, namely the student's integrity when completing the assessment and student identification and authentication. Resorting to question ordering and different versions of the same question (JISC Info Net, 2006) and to restrict or interdict access to the internet or the network (Hillier & Fluck, 2013) are some of the possible approaches for enhancing fairness. ...
... The security criterion was also validated by the participants, but its items had differing levels of acceptance as is illustrated in Figure 7. question randomisation and versioning, the existence of features for data management and having options to identify and avoid students' unauthorised behaviour increase the security of e-assessment systems, which is in line with previous research (JISC Info Net, 2006;QCA, 2007). Although restricting/interdicting access to the internet/network during assessment activities, using student authentication solutions and IP address restriction options were also deemed as solutions for increasing security, by the majority of the participants and the literature (Crisp, 2011;Hillier & Fluck, 2013;Miguel et al., 2014;Singh & De Villiers, 2015), these items had a considerable number of neutral responses with 20.8%, 22.5% and 32.9% respectively. Also, 13.4% of the participants disagreed or totally disagreed with the restriction of IP addresses. ...
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The use of technology within the education sector affects many aspects of the learning process, including assessment. Electronic assessment presents many advantages over traditional paper based methods and it is being widely used by teachers and educational institutions. The progressive acceptance and use of e-assessment has resulted in the development of a panoply of e-assessment systems. This paper aims to propose a framework for the analysis and comparison of e-assessment systems, to support the selection of the most suitable assessment instruments. The proposed framework is composed of eight criteria, variety of design options, scalability, security, access and usability, feedback features, personalisation, cost and interoperability, which were overall validated by the viewpoints of educational experts via an online questionnaire.
... The efforts have been made in different contexts of trust, in which security mechanism-based trust, learning system characteristics and context, quality elearning services, identifying trust inducing factors, and exploring trustworthy learning paths have been research hotspots. A number of studies have been focused on security mechanism-based trust computation of learning systems by employing the policy, certificate, and reputation-based approaches [8], [11], [12]. A trust evaluation model for online learning, by integrating reputation and policies, was presented by Anwar et al. [8]. ...
... Their trust model is based on the usage of public key cryptography for interactive learning environments. A hybrid trust evaluation model, which includes the functional trustworthiness along with technological security measures, was presented by Miguel et al. [12]. The researchers explored the satisfaction of integrity and authentication by employing digital certificates for secure e-assessment. ...
... The importance weights, selected by a decision maker, are efficacy values according to the user. The satisfaction level δ is defined as (12) where for i (1 ≤ i ≤ m), δi represents the satisfaction index for an individual decision-maker regarding selected weight combinations w1,w2,w3. ...
Contemporary learning systems are an integration of learning resources with human interactions. To close the loop in feedback driven learning environments, the utility of learning objectives need to be measured. To this end, a comprehensive trust evaluation model for decision making is required to utilize feedback ratings along with other key parameters such as previous course result percentage, active participation and reputation of learners. This paper proposes a novel utility theory based trust evaluation model, wherein the utility of a learning objective is computed in terms of trust applicable to big datasets. The utility is computed by allowing users to weigh the course related attributes according to their preferences. The utility value facilitates learners to select trustworthy learning objectives and enables instructors to improve different aspects of learning objectives. In addition, a satisfaction index is proposed for the assessment of the usefulness of the computed utility value. The performance of the model is evaluated on a big data-set, which is collected from learners enrolled in different courses of a postgraduate degree program for the purposes of decision making. The results indicate that the proposed unique intelligent model is effective for dynamic and user-specified trust evaluations of learning objectives for the purposes of decision making.
... A number of studies have been focused on security mechanism-based trust computation of learning systems by employing the policy, certificate, and reputation-based approaches [10]- [12]. A trust evaluation model for online learning, by integrating reputation and policies, was presented by Anwar et al. [10]. ...
... Their trust model is based on the usage of public key cryptography for interactive learning environments. A hybrid trust evaluation model, which includes the functional trustworthiness along with technological security measures, was presented by Miguel et al. [12]. The researchers explored the satisfaction of integrity and authentication by employing digital certificates for secure eassessment. ...
Contemporary learning systems are an integration of learning resources with human interactions. To close the loop in feedback driven learning environments, the utility of learning objectives needs to be measured. To this end, a comprehensive trust evaluation model for decision making is required to utilize feedback ratings along with other key parameters such as previous course result percentage, active participation and reputation of learners. This paper proposes a novel utility theory based trust evaluation model, wherein the utility of a learning objective is computed in terms of trust applicable to big data-sets. The utility is computed by allowing users to weigh the course related attributes according to their preferences. The utility value facilitates learners to select trustworthy learning objectives and enables instructors to improve different aspects of learning objectives. In addition, a satisfaction index is proposed for the assessment of the usefulness of the computed utility value. The performance of the model is evaluated on a big data-set, which is collected from learners enrolled in different courses of a postgraduate degree program for the purposes of decision making. The results indicate that the proposed unique intelligent model is effective for dynamic and user-specified trust evaluations of learning objectives for the purposes of decision making.
... A number of studies have been focused on security mechanism-based trust computation of learning systems by employing the policy, certificate, and reputation-based approaches [10]- [12]. A trust evaluation model for online learning, by integrating reputation and policies, was presented by Anwar et al. [10]. ...
... Their trust model is based on the usage of public key cryptography for interactive learning environments. A hybrid trust evaluation model, which includes the functional trustworthiness along with technological security measures, was presented by Miguel et al. [12]. The researchers explored the satisfaction of integrity and authentication by employing digital certificates for secure eassessment. ...
Contemporary learning systems are an integration of learning resources with human interactions. To close the loop in feedback-driven learning environments, the utility of learning objectives need to be measured. To this end, a comprehensive trust evaluation model for decision making is required to utilize feedback ratings along with other key parameters such as previous course result percentage, active participation, and reputation of learners. This paper proposes a novel utility theory based trust evaluation model, wherein the utility of a learning objective is computed in terms of trust applicable to big data-sets. The utility is computed by allowing users to weigh the course related attributes according to their preferences. The utility value facilitates learners to select trustworthy learning objectives and enables instructors to improve different aspects of learning objectives. In addition, a satisfaction index is proposed for the assessment of the usefulness of the computed utility value. The performance of the model is evaluated on a big data-set, which is collected from learners enrolled in different courses of a postgraduate degree program for the purposes of decision making. The results indicate that the proposed unique intelligent model is effective for dynamic and user-specified trust evaluations of learning objectives for the purposes of decision making.
... There are other points of view, as well. For example, Moneo et al. (2015) proposed a trustworthy model for secure learning assessments based on hybrid (live and auto) proctoring. He argues that security is mainly an organizational and management issue, not much dependent on the logical (technical) controls such as the virtual environment for assignments/exams and security monitoring. ...
... Al mismo tiempo, la evaluación electrónica se enfrenta a los retos que pueden estar relacionados con las infraestructuras tecnológicas disponibles (James, 2016), con una seguridad insuficiente de los exámenes electrónicos (Miguel et al., 2014) a la falta de habilidades digitales (Cano y Ion, 2016), a la dificultad de la evaluación de las preguntas abiertas (Heinrich et al., 2006) y habilidades de pensamiento de orden superior (Fluck, Pullen y Harper, 2009), y a la cuestión de la validez de ciertos tipos evaluación electrónica (Cano y Ion, 2016). ...
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La covidianidad es un neologismo construido por acronimia a partir de los términos COVID-19 y cotidianidad, y alude a los cambios en la vida cotidiana impuestos por la pandemia del COVID-19, según se lee en un post en el Facebook de la Academia Mexicana de la Lengua. Muchos de esos cambios se dieron en la escuela, y muchos lo vivimos durante todo este tiempo: prendimos las cámaras y aplicamos lo que en teoría ya sabíamos de tecnología y educación. Pero también investigación. En este libro se recogen experiencias en investigación y aplicación de nuevas y viejas tecnologías, de sentimientos y percepciones, de propuestas de mejora para los días que vienen. La covidianidad implica tener claro un ambiente de experiencias inmersas en una pandemia que esperemos pronto termine, y con esa claridad actuar, como se aprecia en los trabajos que ahora presentamos.
... Also, it enables grading automation (Charteris et al., 2015;Jordan, 2013) and the exchange of questions among teachers in question banks (Sindre & Vegendla, 2015). At the same time, e-assessment challenges can pertain to the technological infrastructures that are available (James, 2016), to the insufficient security of e-exams (Miguel et al., 2014), to the difficulty that the assessment of open questions (Heinrich et al., 2006) and high-order thinking constitute (Fluck et al., 2009) and to the question of validity of certain types of electronic assessment (Cano & Ion, 2017). Moreover, inadequate digital skills and the necessity to guarantee training can pose an obstacle (Cano & Ion, 2017). ...
The impact of the swift evolution of technology has rippled across all areas of society with technological developments presenting solutions to some of society's greatest challenges. Within higher education, technology is welcomed with the necessary caution of a sector that is responsible for educating and empowering the future workforce. The progressive, and more recently accelerated, digitalisation of education causes the core practices and procedures associated with teaching and learning, including assessment, to be delivered in innovative formats. Technology plays a central role in the delivery of e-assessment, widening its possibilities and broadening its methods and strategies. This chapter aims to examine how innovative technologies are shaping and improving the delivery of e-assessment in the context of higher education. More specifically, it examines the role of artificial intelligence, gamification, learning analytics, cloud computing, and mobile technology in how e-assessment can be delivered.
... Also, it enables grading automation [8,9] and the exchange of questions among teachers in question banks [10]. At the same time, e-assessment challenges can pertain to the technological infrastructures that are available [4], to insufficient security of e-exams [11], to the lack of digital skills [12], to the difficulty that the assessment of open questions [13] and high-order thinking constitute [5] and to the question of validity of certain types of electronic assessment [12]. ...
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This study technically analyses one of the online exam supervision technologies, namely the Artificial Intelligence-based Auto Proctoring (AiAP). This technology has been heavily presented to the academic sectors around the globe. Proctoring technologies are developed to provide oversight and analysis of students’ behavior in online exams using AI, and sometimes with the supervision of human proctors to maintain academic integrity. Manual Testing methodology was used to do a software testing on AiAP for verification of any possible incorrect red flags or detections. The study took place in a Middle Eastern university by conducting online exams for 14 different courses, with a total of 244 students. The results were then verified by 5 human proctors in terms of monitoring measurements: screen violation, sound of speech, different faces, multiple faces, and eye movement detection. The proctoring decision was computed by averaging all monitoring measurements and then compared between the human proctors’ and the AiAP decisions, to ultimately set the AiAP against a benchmark (human proctoring) and hence to be viable for use. The decision represented the number of violations to the exam conditions, and the result showed a significant difference between Human Decision (average 25.95%) and AiAP Decision (average 35.61%), and the total number of incorrect decisions made by AiAP was 74 out of 244 exam attempts, concluding that AiAP needed some improvements and updates to meet the human level. The researchers provided some technical limitations, privacy concerns, and recommendations to carefully review before deploying and governing such proctoring technologies at institutional level. This paper contributes to the field of educational technology by providing an evidence-based accuracy test on an automatic proctoring software, and the results demand institutional provision to better establish an appropriate online exam experience for higher educational institutions.
Conference Paper
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This paper presents a study on information security considerations in mobile collaborative learning and how security plays a significant role in the design and implementation processes of e-Learning in general and collaborative learning in particular. Recent mobile technological advances offer further opportunities for these educational paradigms to be greatly exploited. In this context, over the last years, there has been an increasing attention and demand of new requirements related to information security, becoming a key requirement in e-Learning systems. However, the development of mobile supported collaborative learning guided by security as a key and transverse factor has been, to the best of our knowledge, little investigated. In order to improve collaborative learning security when adopting mobile learning models, we have investigated new security approaches, which may be applied in this context. To reach this goal, this paper provides firstly an overview of secure learning management systems, inspecting which are the most relevant factors to consider, and connecting this approach to specific aspects for mobile collaborative learning. Then, we report on real-life experience in security attacks in m-Learning showing a practical perspective of the learning management system vulnerabilities. From this experience and considerations, finally, the main guidelines for the design of security solutions applied to improve mobile collaborative learning are proposed.
Conference Paper
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Despite the vertiginous growth and fast development of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) over the last two years, there exist still relevant drawbacks that impede MOOCs to prove their actual potential for education. Among these drawbacks, we investigate the lack of provision of Information Security to MOOC, with regards to anomalous user authentication, which cannot verify the actual student's identity to meet grading requirements as well as satisfy accrediting institutions. In order to overcome this issue, we propose a global user authentication model called MOOC-SIA.
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This paper reports on a multi-fold approach for the building of user models based on the identification of navigation patterns in a virtual campus, allowing for adapting the campus’ usability to the actual learners’ needs, thus resulting in a great stimulation of the learning experience. However, user modeling in this context implies a constant processing and analysis of user interaction data during long-term learning activities, which produces huge amounts of valuable data stored typically in server log files. Due to the large or very large size of log files generated daily, the massive processing is a foremost step in extracting useful information. To this end, this work studies, first, the viability of processing large log data files of a real Virtual Campus using different distributed infrastructures. More precisely, we study the time performance of massive processing of daily log files implemented following the master-slave paradigm and evaluated using Cluster Computing and PlanetLab platforms. The study reveals the complexity and challenges of massive processing in the big data era, such as the need to carefully tune the log file processing in terms of chunk log data size to be processed at slave nodes as well as the bottleneck in processing in truly geographically distributed infrastructures due to the overhead caused by the communication time among the master and slave nodes. Then, an application of the massive processing approach resulting in log data processed and stored in a well-structured format is presented. We show how to extract knowledge from the log data analysis by using the WEKA framework for data mining purposes showing its usefulness to effectively build user models in terms of identifying interesting navigation patters of on-line learners. The study is motivated and conducted in the context of the actual data logs of the Virtual Campus of the Open University of Catalonia.
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All security services rely to a great extent on some notion of trust. However, even today, there is no accepted formalism or technique for the specification of trust and for reasoning about trust. Secure systems have been developed under the premise that concepts like ”trusted” or ”trustworthy” are well understood, unfortunately without even agreeing to what ”trust” means, how to measure it, how to compare two trust values and how to combine two trust values. In this work we propose a new vector model of trust. Our model proposes the notion of different degrees of trust, differentiates between trust and distrust and formalizes the dependence of trust on time. We believe that our model will help answer some of the questions posed earlier.
In order to solve the problem of building corresponding relationship between attacks and responses scientifically in AIR (Automated Intrusion Response) systems, a taxonomy of network and computer attacks based on response is proposed in this paper. Through analyzing existing researches in attack classification and the special need in intrusion response, the new attack taxonomy is constructed by classifying attacks into three main dimensions and subdividing them from the perspectives of response. The first dimension is aimed to classify localities attacks initiate, the second dimension covers all possible methods attackers adopt, and the classification criteria of the third dimension is selected to highlight harms attacks cause. Through using this taxonomy, the relationship between responses and attacks in AIR systems is built successfully. A case study applies it to typical attacks demonstrates its usefulness. Empirical results show this taxonomy is practicable and useful.
Conference Paper
Trust is an important topic in information security research and is oriented to increase the reliability and performance of a web-based system in open networks. A trustworthy e-learning system is a trust-based learning system which contains reliable serving peers and useful learning resources. In this paper, a survey of trust researches in trust management and computing is presented at first and then the researches of trustworthy e-learning using trust models is discussed. This survey wants to offer a succinct summary of current trust model and a panoramic view on trustworthy e-learning studies and encourages more proper trust model designed for constructing reliable e-learning system in the complex and changing network environment.