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Role of antispasmodics in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome



Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a long-lasting, relapsing disorder characterized by abdominal pain/discomfort and altered bowel habits. Intestinal motility impairment and visceral hypersensitivity are the key factors among its multifactorial pathogenesis, both of which require effective treatment. Voltage-gated calcium channels mediate smooth muscle contraction and endocrine secretion and play important roles in neuronal transmission. Antispasmodics are a group of drugs that have been used in the treatment of IBS for decades. Alverine citrate, a spasmolytic, decreases the sensitivity of smooth muscle contractile proteins to calcium, and it is a selective 5-HT1A receptor antagonist. Alverine, in combination with simethicone, has been demonstrated to effectively reduce abdominal pain and discomfort in a large placebo-controlled trial. Mebeverine is a musculotropic agent that potently blocks intestinal peristalsis. Non-placebo-controlled trials have shown positive effects of mebeverine in IBS regarding symptom control; nevertheless, in recent placebo-controlled studies, mebeverine did not exhibit superiority over placebo. Otilonium bromide is poorly absorbed from the GI tract, where it acts locally as an L-type calcium channel blocker, an antimuscarinic and a tachykinin NK2 receptor antagonist. Otilonium has effectively reduced pain and improved defecation alterations in placebo-controlled trials in IBS patients. Pinaverium bromide is also an L-type calcium channel blocker that acts locally in the GI tract. Pinaverium improves motility disorders and consequently reduces stool problems in IBS patients. Phloroglucinol and trimethylphloroglucinol are non-specific antispasmodics that reduced pain in IBS patients in a placebo-controlled trial. Antispasmodics have excellent safety profiles. T-type calcium channel blockers can abolish visceral hypersensitivity in animal models, which makes them potential candidates for the development of novel therapeutic agents in the treatment of IBS.
Role of antispasmodics in the treatment of irritable bowel
Anita Annaházi, Richárd Róka, András Rosztóczy, Tibor Wittmann
Anita Annaházi, Richárd Róka, András Rosztóczy, Tibor Wit-
tmann, First Department of Medicine, University of Szeged,
6720 Szeged, Hungary
Author contributions: All of the authors drafted and revised the
article and revised and approved the final version.
Correspondence to: Tibor Wittmann, MD, PhD, Professor,
First Department of Medicine, University of Szeged, Korányi fa-
sor 8-10, 6720 Szeged,
Telephone: +36-62-545189 Fax: +36-62-545185
Received: September 28, 2013 Revised: January 8, 2014
Accepted: April 1, 2014
Published online: May 28, 2014
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a long-lasting, relaps-
ing disorder characterized by abdominal pain/discom-
fort and altered bowel habits. Intestinal motility impair-
ment and visceral hypersensitivity are the key factors
among its multifactorial pathogenesis, both of which
require effective treatment. Voltage-gated calcium
channels mediate smooth muscle contraction and en-
docrine secretion and play important roles in neuronal
transmission. Antispasmodics are a group of drugs that
have been used in the treatment of IBS for decades.
Alverine citrate, a spasmolytic, decreases the sensitivity
of smooth muscle contractile proteins to calcium, and
it is a selective 5-HT1A receptor antagonist. Alverine, in
combination with simethicone, has been demonstrated
to effectively reduce abdominal pain and discomfort in
a large placebo-controlled trial. Mebeverine is a muscu-
lotropic agent that potently blocks intestinal peristalsis.
Non-placebo-controlled trials have shown positive ef-
fects of mebeverine in IBS regarding symptom control;
nevertheless, in recent placebo-controlled studies,
mebeverine did not exhibit superiority over placebo.
Otilonium bromide is poorly absorbed from the GI
tract, where it acts locally as an L-type calcium chan-
nel blocker, an antimuscarinic and a tachykinin NK2
WJG 20th Anniversary Special Issues (4): Irritable bowel syndrome
receptor antagonist. Otilonium has effectively reduced
pain and improved defecation alterations in placebo-
controlled trials in IBS patients. Pinaverium bromide is
also an L-type calcium channel blocker that acts locally
in the GI tract. Pinaverium improves motility disorders
and consequently reduces stool problems in IBS pa-
tients. Phloroglucinol and trimethylphloroglucinol are
non-specific antispasmodics that reduced pain in IBS
patients in a placebo-controlled trial. Antispasmodics
have excellent safety profiles. T-type calcium channel
blockers can abolish visceral hypersensitivity in animal
models, which makes them potential candidates for the
development of novel therapeutic agents in the treat-
ment of IBS.
© 2014 Baishideng Publishing Group Inc. All rights reserved.
Key words: Irritable bowel syndrome; Motility; Treat-
ment; Calcium channel blockers; Spasmolytics
Core tip: Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
must target intestinal motility alterations and visceral
hypersensitivity. Antispasmodics have been used in
the treatment of IBS for decades, and large placebo-
controlled trials have recently been conducted on their
efficacy. Alverine citrate, in combination with simethi-
cone, effectively reduced abdominal pain and discom-
fort; while otilonium bromide also improved defecation
problems. Pinaverium bromide regulated impaired mo-
tility and reduced stool complaints. Phloroglucinol and
trimethylphloroglucinol reduced pain in IBS patients.
Mebeverine was recently found to be effective only in
non-placebo-controlled trials. Antispasmodics are con-
sidered safe. T-type calcium channel blockers could
represent a future therapeutic option in IBS treatment.
Annaházi A, Róka R, Rosztóczy A, Wittmann T. Role of anti-
spasmodics in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. World
J Gastroenterol 2014; 20(20): 6031-6043 Available from: URL:
6031 May 28, 2014
Volume 20
Issue 20
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DOI: 10.3748/wjg.v20.i20.6031
World J Gastroenterol 2014 May 28; 20(20): 6031-6043
ISSN 1007-9327 (print) ISSN 2219-2840 (online)
© 2014 Baishideng Publishing Group Inc. All rights reserved. DOI:
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic gastrointes-
tinal (GI) disorder affecting a significant proportion of
the global population, with a calculated prevalence of
approximately 11.2%[1]. IBS has a large impact on health-
related quality of life, resulting in reduced work produc-
tivity, elevated absenteeism and increased health care use
and costs[2,3]. IBS can also seriously impair the patient-
doctor relationship[4], because ineffective symptom con-
trol can diminish clinicians’ credibility and prompt the
patient to seek further opinions[5]. IBS has a long course
and high relapse rates, with more than half of IBS pa-
tients reporting the same symptom profile after 1 and
7 years and a further 25% having persistent minor IBS
symptoms[6]. Regarding the long term persistence of IBS,
effective long-term therapies are of great economic im-
portance in both Eastern and Western countries; howev-
er, drug trials have revealed an extremely high relapse rate
in this disease[7]. Despite intensive research aiming to nd
new therapeutic pathways, the present possibilities have
mostly focused on symptom suppression, and only a few
drugs have been found to be more effective than placebo
over the long term.
A heterogeneous group of drugs called “antispas-
modics” or “spasmolytics” such as direct smooth muscle
relaxants (e.g., papaverine, mebeverine, peppermint oil),
anticholinergic agents (e.g., butylscopolamine, hyoscine,
cimetropium bromide, pirenzepine) and calcium channel
blockers (e.g., alverine citrate, otilonium bromide, pinave-
rium bromide), have been used in therapy for IBS for
decades. The aim of these drugs is to reduce defecation
symptoms by increasing colonic transit time, improving
stool consistency and reducing stool frequency. The phar-
macological action of these agents is not always clear,
and the mechanisms are often mixed. Nevertheless, meta-
analyses performed on studies comparing antispasmodics
to placebo or other treatments have uniformly conrmed
the positive effects of these drugs, and their side effect
proles have been excellent[8]. Recent adverse reactions,
such as severe constipation, ischemic colitis and possible
deaths[9], have led to the transient withdrawal of alos-
etron, a 5-HT3 receptor antagonist, and fatal ventricular
arrhythmias caused the retraction of the mixed 5-HT3
antagonist/5-HT4 agonist cisapride in many countries,
thus highlighting antispasmodics as attractive and reliable
therapeutic options.
The accurate diagnosis of IBS has been a major pit-
fall in designing clinical trials in the past because a precise
denition has been lacking. After the proposal of previ-
ous diagnostic criteria by Manning et al[10] and later by
Drossmann et al[11], the Rome criteria were developed,
emphasizing the importance of a positive diagnosis
based on symptoms. Currently, the diagnostic criteria for
IBS based on the Rome system are recurrent abdomi-
nal pain or discomfort for at least 3 d per month over
the previous 3 mo, associated with two or more of the
following: improvement with defecation; and onset as-
sociated with a change in frequency of stool; and onset
associated with a change in form (appearance) of stool[12].
These criteria must be fulfilled for the previous 3 mo,
with symptom onset at least 6 mo prior to diagnosis. De-
pending on the predominant bowel symptom, IBS can
be classied as IBS with constipation (IBS-C, 20%-30%
of patients), IBS with diarrhea (IBS-D, 20%-30% of
patients) or IBS with “mixed” constipation and diarrhea
(IBS-M, up to 45% of patients)[13].
In this review, we aimed to collect and summarize
the available data on the efcacy and safety of modern
antispasmodics in the treatment of IBS, focusing on
placebo-controlled clinical trials using valid patient selec-
tion criteria.
Profound research over the last few decades has revealed
a multifactorial pathogenesis. Preceding enteric infections,
altered colonic or small intestinal bacterial ora, increased
gut permeability and immune activation may play a role in
the development of the disease[14-16]. Signals from the GI
tract are processed in the brain, which in turn can inu-
ence GI motility, secretion and immune function[17]. This
brain-gut axis is essential for the healthy regulation of
the GI system, and its structural or functional alteration
can lead to the development of disorders such as IBS[18].
Therefore, psychological factors and chronic stress can
also be involved in triggering symptoms[19], in associa-
tion with alterations in the activity of specific brain re-
gions[20,21]. Nevertheless, abnormal intestinal motility and
visceral hypersensitivity remain key factors in the patho-
genesis of the disease[22]. The origin of visceral hypersen-
sitivity seems to be complex. Intraluminal factors, such
as serine-proteases, can increase colonic permeability in
IBS-D patients by activating protease-activated recep-
tor-2, resulting in visceral hypersensitivity[23]. Increased
colonic permeability in IBS-D patients has been corre-
lated with stool frequency, which also suggests a role in
symptom generation[24]. Luminal cysteine-proteases have
been shown to increase colonic permeability through the
degradation of tight junction proteins, resulting in vis-
ceral hypersensitivity in IBS-C patients, possibly through
local microinammation[25]. Colonic mucosal immune ac-
tivation, which is characterized by mast cell, intraepithe-
lial lymphocyte and lamina propria lymphocyte counts,
was found to be significantly higher in IBS-D than in
healthy controls[26]. This immune activation was similar
to inactive inflammatory bowel disease. Mast cells have
been implicated in the development of IBS: the number
of degranulating mast cells in colonic mucosa and their
spontaneous release of trypsin and histamine were mark-
edly increased in IBS patients compared with controls[27].
Furthermore, mast cells in close proximity to nerve end-
Annaházi A
et al
. Antispasmodics in irritable bowel syndrome
6032 May 28, 2014
Volume 20
Issue 20
ings have been significantly correlated with the severity
and frequency of abdominal pain/discomfort in IBS
patients. Enterochromafn cells can also play important
roles in the development of visceral hypersensitivity by
producing and releasing serotonin, which activates 5-HT3
receptors located on afferent sensory neurons[28]. Fur-
thermore, the activation of 5-HT4 receptors on sensory
afferent neurons triggers the peristaltic reflex, whereas
5-HT4 receptors on colonic smooth muscle mediate re-
laxation[29,30]. Motility disturbances in IBS patients have
been well known for decades. Baseline muscular tone was
found to be higher in IBS-D and IBS-M but not in IBS-C
compared with healthy individuals[31]. Further abnor-
malities in colonic motility patterns are characterized by
hyperreactivity - namely, a prolonged increase in colonic
motor activity after meals, an exaggerated increase in mo-
tor activity in response to stressors or cholecystokinin
(CCK) and increased motor activity in response to bal-
loon distention[32]. Stress alone can be an important factor
in the pathogenesis of motility disturbances, as suggested
by long-duration restraint in rats having been shown to
induce rapid, dramatic changes in small bowel motility,
with gradually increasing differences in colonic motility
as measured by electromyography[33]. Colonic motility
changes were still present 60 h after such restraint stress,
suggesting that these persistent alterations could form the
basis of the development of functional disorders. In a
study measuring electromyographic activity in the left co-
lon with an intraluminal probe, a large increase in short-
spike bursts was induced by stress (via the cold pressor
test) in IBS-C patients but not in controls or in chroni-
cally constipated patients, and this difference remained
significant for 2 h after the stress episode (Figure 1)[34].
Ingestion of a standard meal has provoked the increase
of aboral migrating long spike bursts in control subjects,
but this propulsive motor effect was largely depressed
in IBS-C patients[35]. In a subsequent study, repetitive
distention of the distal sigmoid colon below the sensory
threshold in IBS patients induced exaggerated colonic
motility[36]. Small bowel motility was also impaired, as the
repetitive distention inhibited motility of the small intes-
tine in healthy subjects, whereas no such effect was ob-
served in IBS patients[36]. Specic patterns of small bowel
motor activity have also been described in IBS patients,
such as ileal propulsive waves and clusters of jejunal
pressure activity, which have usually been associated with
abdominal cramping and pain[37]. Visceral hypersensitivity
by itself is not painful, but it can lead to abdominal pain
in IBS patients by the effect of an intense stimulus, such
as an exaggerated colonic contraction[38]. However, a clear
connection between visceral hypersensitivity and motility
disturbances could not been established, and these two
factors have usually been considered independent, both
requiring effective treatment[31].
Voltage-gated calcium channels are ion channels mediat-
ing calcium influx in response to membrane depolar-
ization, and they regulate intracellular processes, such
as contraction, secretion, neurotransmission and gene
expression, in a variety of cells[ 39]. Calcium-channels
are traditionally classified by their current properties
and pharmacology[40]. The L (long-lasting)-type calcium
channel is a large-conductance channel that produces
long-lasting current at strong depolarizations, and it is
generally inhibited by dihydropyridine (DHP) deriva-
tives[41]. L-type currents are most important for muscle
and endocrine cells, in which they mediate contraction
and secretion[39]. In neurons and cardiac pacemaker cells,
L-type currents can also be found to activate at lower
voltages. N (neuronal)-type currents are also long-lasting,
but they require strongly negative potentials for the com-
plete removal of inactivation and strong depolarizations
for activation, and they are not blocked by DHP[ 41]. In
Purkinje cells, three further channels have been identi-
Number of SSBs/15 min Number of SSBs/60 min
Number of SSBs/15 min
15 30 45 60 min
1 2 3 4 5 6
Stress Meal
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 1 The number of short spike bursts measured by colonic intraluminal electromyography[34]. The values were calculated over the period of 15 (A) and
60 min (B). Each group included 8 patients. The 6-h screening session consisted of three 2-h periods: a control period; a period of stress (during which a cold pressor
test was performed for 15 min); and a post-prandial period (patients ingested a 800 kcal meal). SSBs: Short spike bursts. aP < 0.05 vs normal controls; cP < 0.05 vs
chronic constipation patients.
6033 May 28, 2014
Volume 20
Issue 20
Normal controls
Chronic constipation
Annaházi A
et al
. Antispasmodics in irritable bowel syndrome
the doses used in clinical practice would not reach this
concentration in humans. They concluded that alverine
citrate should be considered a true spasmolytic, because
it suppresses the duration of spontaneous contractions
of the gut, preventing local ischemia and reectoric pain
in the colonic wall evoked by “spasms”. In addition, it
has also been noted that alverine can increase calcium
inux during action potentials by inhibiting the inactiva-
tion of calcium channels, but it reduces the sensitivity of
contractile proteins to calcium, consequently suppressing
the evoked muscular activity. Stress-induced colonic mo-
tility changes are an important factor in the pathogenesis
of IBS; therefore, the clinical effects of alverine and the
antifoaming agent, simethicone were tested in a rat model
of colonic hypersensitivity induced by acute restraint
stress[45]. Treatment with simethicone (200 mg/kg po)
or alverine citrate (10 mg/kg po) reduced stress-induced
increases in colonic permeability and hypersensitivity to
distension, but lower doses were ineffective[45]. However,
the combination of inactive doses of simethicone (100
mg/kg) with low doses of alverine (7 mg/kg) completely
abolished the effects of stress, suggesting a synergistic
Clinical trials: Clinical studies on alverine citrate in IBS
have been scarce (Table 1). In a randomized, placebo-
controlled, double-blind clinical trial conducted in three
British centers, after a 2-wk screening period, IBS pa-
tients selected according to the modified Rome criteria
received 12 wk of treatment with 120 mg alverine citrate
three times daily[46]. The patients completed diary cards
about abdominal pain or discomfort, bloating, bowel
movements, stool consistency, and general well-being;
furthermore, the severity and frequency of abdominal
pain, bloating, nausea and early satiety were assessed at
study visits four times during treatment. Although ab-
dominal pain, bloating and general well-being were all
slightly more improved in the alverine-treated group than
in the placebo group, when comparing the rst diary card
to the third, the difference was not statistically signicant.
This nding might be explained by the placebo effect be-
ing exceptionally high, sometimes reaching almost 70%,
which would require a study with a much great number
of participants to detect a possible positive effect of al-
verine. Regarding safety, no serious adverse events were
reported in the study, and more patients experienced ad-
verse events in the placebo group (48.1%) than in the al-
verine-treated group (39.6%). Using the well-known spas-
molytic properties of alverine, a randomized, placebo-
controlled trial showed that pretreatment of patients over
5 d with 60 mg alverine citrate plus 300 mg simethicone
three times daily reduced intubation time during colo-
noscopy by 19%; nonetheless, it did not affect scores for
pain, spasm, difculty or cleanliness[47]. The combination
of alverine with simethicone was also tested in a double-
blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial conducted
in 17 sites in Hungary and Poland[48]. A total of 412 IBS
patients meeting the Rome criteria received a combi-
ed. P-type currents are blocked by low concentrations
of ω-agatoxin, whereas the Q-type is only responsive to
high concentrations. Residual currents, which were resis-
tant to all known calcium-blockers at the time of their
discovery, were called R (resistant)-type. The last group
of voltage-gated calcium channels, the T (transient)-type,
is characterized by a small and transient conductance ac-
tivated upon weak depolarizations[41]. These currents are
responsible for modulation of the action potential and
for the performance of pacemaker activities.
The medical use of calcium antagonists started in the
1980s with DHP-type antagonists, which block L-type
channels, in the treatment of hypertension by exploiting
their properties as vasodilators[40]. Because a Ca2+ increase
in smooth muscle is required for contraction, calcium
antagonists induce relaxation of blood vessels, followed
by a consequent reduction in blood pressure. Further,
relaxation of the coronary arteries increases coronary
ow, acting against angina pectoris. Calcium antagonists
have no effect on skeletal muscles; however, they slightly
inuence cardiac muscle by decreasing pacemaker activity
and conduction. Based on the well-known gastrointesti-
nal motility impairments in IBS, calcium antagonists used
for cardiovascular conditions appeared to be potential
options for relieving symptoms by relaxing the colonic
smooth muscles. Therefore, in the late 1980s, nicardipine
was proposed for the treatment of irritable bowel syn-
drome, based on its spasmolytic properties[42]. Nonethe-
less, cardiovascular side effects have seriously limited the
application of such calcium antagonists, thereby inspiring
researchers to identify substances that act selectively on
the gastrointestinal tract.
Alverine citrate
Experimental studies: Alverine citrate is an antispasmodic
drug that inhibits calcium uptake and modulates smooth
muscle activity. An experimental study on anesthetized cats
showed that alverine acts on vagal sensory endings of the
GI tract, where it decreases the responses of mechano-
receptors to mechanical and chemical stimuli[43]. Because
chemically induced responses and smooth muscle contrac-
tion are both calcium dependent, decreased chemical sen-
sitivity and smooth muscle relaxation can be explained
by reduced calcium influx. In addition, a calcium-inde-
pendent mechanism of action, such as selective 5-HT1A
receptor antagonism, might also be present, which has
been demonstrated in rats using a 5-HT agonist-induced
hypersensitivity model[44]. However, the picture is more
complex than rst thought - in guinea pig urinary bladder
preparations, the frequency of spontaneous contractions
in endogenously active smooth muscle was surprisingly
increased by low doses of alverine citrate, whereas con-
traction amplitude was decreased. Higher doses of the
drug could suppress both the frequency and amplitude
of contractions; nevertheless, the authors speculated that
6034 May 28, 2014
Volume 20
Issue 20
Annaházi A
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. Antispasmodics in irritable bowel syndrome
nation of 60 mg alverine citrate and 300 mg simethicone
or placebo three times per day for 4 wk. Combined alver-
ine citrate and simethicone treatment achieved a higher
reduction in abdominal pain and discomfort, as measured
using visual analog scale (VAS) scores, and significantly
more patients responded to therapy than to placebo, re-
gardless of stool pattern. A visible, but not statistically
significant, trend was also observed, showing greater
improvement in IBS life impact scores with combination
therapy than with placebo. No severe drug-related ad-
verse events were noted in the study, and the numbers of
adverse events were similar in both groups.
Experimental studies: Mebeverine is a beta-phenyletyl-
amine derivative of reserpine, which has relatively specic
effects on smooth muscle cells without atropine-like side
effects in humans[49]. It directly blocks voltage-operated
sodium channels and inhibits intracellular calcium accu-
mulation[49,50]. It is three times more potent than papav-
erine in inhibiting the peristaltic reex of the guinea-pig
ileum[51], but further animal studies on its pharmacologi-
cal effect have been lacking.
Clinical trials: Mebeverine became treatment of inter-
Table 1 Characteristics and primary outcomes of randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled clinical trials in irritable bowel
syndrome patients
Ref. IBS
Treatment Dose Duration Outcome
Mitchell et al[46] All subtypes Modied
Alverine citrate vs
120 mg tid 12 wk No signicant difference compared to placebo
et al[48]
All subtypes Rome Alverine citrate + 60 mg tid + 4 wk Signicantly reduced abdominal pain and discomfort
compared to placebo
simethicone vs placebo 300 mg tid More therapy responders, regardless of stool pattern,
compared to placebo
Connel et al[52] All subtypes Mebeverine vs placebo 100 mg qid 12 wk Superior in controlling IBS symptoms compared to
Kruis et al[58] All subtypes Mebeverine vs placebo vs
Wheat bran
400 mg daily 16 wk No signicant difference compared to placebo
Enck et al[59] All subtypes Mebeverine vs placebo vs
Dietary ber
16 wk Therapy response rate lower than placebo
Everitt et al[61] All subtypes Rome Mebeverine vs 135 mg tid 6 wk No signicant difference between drugs
methylcellulose vs
placebo with/without
cognitive behavioral
therapy web site
(assisted or not)
3 tbl. bid Signicantly increased enablement at 6 and 12 wk in
website group compared to no website group, signicantly
more participants scored their subjective assessment
of global relief as improved at 12 wk in website group
compared to no website group.
Baldi et al[69] Abdominal
Otilonium bromide vs
40 mg tid No signicant difference in abdominal pain, bloating and
general well-being compared to placebo, but signicantly
reduced sigmoid motility
Battaglia et al[70] All subtypes Drossman Otilonium bromide vs
40 mg tid 15 wk Signicantly better compared to placebo in reduction of
abdominal pain frequency, global score improvement of
abdominal pain and discomfort, therapy responder rate,
reduced tenderness of the sigmoid colon, higher general
well-being and global judgement of investigators; superior
in improving severity of diarrhea/constipation, number of
evacuations and mucus in stool; more effective in treating
diarrhea, but not constipation
Clave et al[72] All subtypes Rome Otilonium bromide vs
40 mg tid 15 wk Reduced abdominal pain frequency and bloating and
improved stool frequency and patient global assessment
compared to placebo; lower symptom recurrence after
Awad et al[85] All subtypes Pinaverium bromide vs
50 mg tid Signicantly reduced post-prandial rectal spike amplitude
plus frequency and spontaneous recto-anal inhibitory
reex frequency compared to placebo
Chassany et al[98] All subtypes Rome Phloroglucinol +
vs placebo
62.2 mg + 80
mg tid
1 wk Signicantly higher relative decrease of pain intensity
and responder rate in the phloroglucinol plus
trimethylphloroglucinol group compared to placebo;
persisting treatment effect in a higher percent of patients
treated with phloroglucinol plus trimethylphloroglucinol
Cha et al[99] IBS-D Rome Phloroglucinol vs
80 mg tid 2 wk Signicantly improved subjects' global assessment and
decreased stool frequency
Characteristics and primary outcomes of randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled clinical trials in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) patients with alver-
ine citrate, mebeverine, otilonium bromide, pinaverium bromide and phloroglucinol. IBS-D: IBS with diarrhea.
6035 May 28, 2014
Volume 20
Issue 20
Annaházi A
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. Antispasmodics in irritable bowel syndrome
est for IBS in the 1960s. In an early study by Connell[52],
iv mebeverine decreased all sigmoid colonic motility,
especially in hyperactive subjects, and it had less or no
effect in hypoactive subjects. In a subsequent part of the
study, mebeverine was superior to placebo at each time
point over 12 wk of treatment in IBS patients in terms
of symptom improvement and general well-being. Using
prolonged ambulant manometry in 12 IBS patients and
6 healthy controls, compared to a placebo period, mebe-
verine had no significant effects on interdigestive small
bowel motor parameters in controls; in contrast, a higher
phase 2 motility index was observed in both IBS-D and
IBS-C patients, and phase 3 motility was also affected[53].
These alterations in small bowel motile activity by mebe-
verine suggest possible spasmolytic and prokinetic effects
in IBS patients.
Regarding symptom control in IBS, non-placebo-
controlled studies have shown positive results. Signicant
improvement was observed after 6 wk of treatment
with both the plain and sustained-release forms of me-
beverine, with a minimal number of adverse events[54].
When comparing pinaverium bromide to mebeverine
in 91 IBS-D patients, the improvements in global well-
being were similar in the two groups, the daily defecation
frequencies were markedly decreased, and stool consis-
tencies became well formed in both groups, while no
signicant side effects were observed[55]. In a clinical trial
comparing the effects of ramosteron, a 5-HT3 recep-
tor antagonist, to those of mebeverine in patients with
IBS-D, both treatments were equally effective in reducing
abdominal pain/discomfort and urgency and improving
the stool form score and stool frequency compared to
However, when the effects of mebeverine have been
compared to placebo and not compared to another drug
or measured by self-control, the results have been con-
troversial. A recent systematic review, including eight
randomized trials, revealed that clinical improvement and
relief of abdominal pain by mebeverine treatment were
not statistically signicant compared to placebo[57-59]. No
differences were found in the effectiveness of 200 and
135 mg mebeverine doses. Tolerability was excellent,
without signicant adverse effects. Similarly, no positive
effects of mebeverine over placebo were seen in an ex-
ploratory study performed in 135 IBS patients fullling
the Rome criteria who were recruited from general
practice, when mebeverine, methylcellulose and placebo
were compared, with or without the combination of a
cognitive behavioral therapy-based self-management web
site (with or without additional telephone and e-mail sup-
port)[60,61]. Disappointingly, the use of the web site also
did not improve IBS symptom severity scores or quality
of life scores signicantly over the “no web site” group;
nevertheless, there was a visible trend toward continued
improvement in the self-management group (particularly
those with telephone support) throughout the study,
while the “no web site” group and the medication groups
seemed to lose their therapeutic gains from weeks 6 to
12. However, in a study performed in London, personal
sessions of cognitive behavioral therapy were benecial
in addition to mebeverine, and the effects persisted for
up to six months after therapy, both in terms of symp-
tom relief and improvement in social and work disabil-
ity[62]. Depression and anxiety predict poor outcomes in
mebeverine-treated IBS patients, and in cases of patients
with unhelpful coping behaviors (e.g., avoidance), the
combination of mebeverine with cognitive-behavioral
therapy could be useful[63].
Otilonium bromide
Experimental studies: Otilonium bromide is weakly
absorbable from the GI tract due to its quaternal ammo-
nium structure; thus, it is almost completely excreted in
the feces[64]. In experimental studies, it accumulated in the
walls of the GI tract after oral administration, with mini-
mal systemic absorption[65]. Its effects are rather complex,
consisting mainly of L-type calcium-channel blockade,
but binding to muscarinic M1, M2, M4 and M5 receptors
has also been observed[66]. Antagonism of M3-coupled
calcium signals in human colonic crypt cells suggested an
anti-secretory action in IBS-D patients[67]. Additionally,
by antagonism of tachykinin NK-2 receptors, otilonium
not only causes spasmolysis but also reduces peripheral
sensory afferent transmission to the central nervous
system[64]. These effects suggest that otilonium could be
effective in reducing both of the main symptoms of IBS:
spasms and abdominal pain.
Clinical trials: In a small study of 15 IBS patients, one
week of treatment with otilonium bromide signicantly
increased the pain threshold of IBS patients to anorectal
distension, while thresholds for rst sensation and stool
remained unchanged[68]. In a multicenter, double-blind,
placebo-controlled trial with 72 IBS patients in Italy,
treatment with 40 mg otilonium bromide three times
daily significantly decreased abdominal pain and bloat-
ing, improved well-being and global assessment, while
it markedly increased the pain threshold during sigmoid
distension. Nevertheless, these results did not differ
from those of the placebo group[69]. However, otilonium
signicantly reduced sigmoid motility during distension,
whereas placebo did not, suggesting the need for larger
studies, a different setup or more accurate patient selec-
tion. Seven years later, the results of a larger trial were
published in Italy, including 375 IBS patients selected by
the Drossman criteria, when a 2-wk placebo run-in peri-
od was included to exclude patients with low compliance
or with quickly resolving symptoms[70]. After randomiza-
tion, the patients received 40 mg otilonium bromide or
placebo three times daily for 15 wk, and their symptoms
were assessed at weeks 5, 10 and 15. Abdominal pain
frequency was reduced in both of the groups, with a
statistically significant difference in favor of otilonium
after 10 and 15 wk of treatment. The global score im-
provements in abdominal pain and discomfort were sig-
nicantly greater in the otilonium group throughout the
6036 May 28, 2014
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. Antispasmodics in irritable bowel syndrome
whole study. Therapy was successful in signicantly more
patients treated with otilonium than in those treated with
placebo. Defecation disturbances improved similarly in
both groups. Tenderness of the sigmoid colon, general
well-being and global judgements by the investigators all
differentially improved in the otilonium-treated group.
Extended analysis of the data from this study with dif-
ferent analysis forms 3 years later revealed that otilonium
had therapeutic gains over placebo not only in terms of
pain intensity, pain frequency and meteorism but also
regarding the severity of diarrhea/constipation, the num-
ber of evacuations and the presence of mucus in stool[71].
When sorting patients according to stool habits, otilo-
nium was more effective than placebo in treating diarrhea
but was only as effective as placebo in managing consti-
Otilonium bromide in irritable bowel syndrome (OBIS)
was a recent international clinical trial in which patients
diagnosed according to the Rome criteria received
40 mg otilonium bromide three times a day or placebo
over 15 wk after randomization[72,73]. Otilonium bromide
effectively reduced abdominal pain frequency and bloat-
ing, while improving stool frequency and patients’ global
assessments, compared to placebo. The prominent
outcome of this study was the efcacy of otilonium in
dramatically reducing abdominal pain frequency from
more than half of the days to less than one day per
week, compared to the persistent 1-3 episodes in the
placebo group. Otilonium had no signicant effects on
pain severity, stool consistency or mucus in the stool.
During the 10-wk follow-up period after nishing treat-
ment, the likelihood of symptom recurrence was signi-
cantly higher in the placebo group than in the otilonium
group. This nding might be explained by the elongated
persistence of otilonium in the colonic wall due to its
lipophilic properties. No serious adverse events occurred
in the study, and only three adverse events, consisting of
dry mouth or nausea, were judged by the investigator to
be related to otilonium’s side effects.
When compared to other spasmolytics in a meta-anal-
ysis, otilonium bromide performed outstandingly among
12 different antispasmodics in terms of IBS symptom
control[74]. In a double-blind, randomized, active-con-
trolled trial conducted in China of IBS patients selected
according to the Rome criteria, the results conrmed
the similar, but not superior, efcacy of otilonium to that
of mebeverine in the management of the frequency and
intensity of abdominal pain, and abdominal bloating, at-
ulence and satisfactory stool frequency were all improved
similarly by both therapies[75]. The most common side
effects of dry mouth and nausea/dizziness - recorded in
previous studies as well-might have been caused by pe-
ripheral and central muscarinic antagonism, respectively,
and could be explained by the known ability of otilonium
to bind to muscarinic receptors[66].
Pinaverium bromide
Experimental studies: Pinaverium bromide is also a
quaternary ammonium derivate that is poorly absorbed,
with pronounced pharmacological effects in the gastro-
intestinal tract instead of the cardiovascular system[76].
It has a low absorption rate from the GI tract, corrobo-
rated by hepato-biliary excretion[64]. It has been shown
that its effects are very similar to those of the established
L-type calcium-channel blockers (nitrendipine, diltia-
zem, D600); that is, it reduces the plateau phase of slow
waves, thereby inhibiting calcium influx and preventing
consequent contractions[77]. Pinaverium has been shown
to inhibit the contractile response in dog and rat colonic
smooth muscle preparations to acetylcholine, the neu-
rotransmitter of cholinergic intrinsic nerves[77,78]. Simi-
larly, in colonic smooth muscle cells isolated from normal
or inamed human colons, pinaverium bromide inhibits
contraction induced by different agonists (CCK 8, car-
bachol or KCl)[79]. In inamed colonic cells, pinaverium
exerts more pronounced inhibition than the non-GI-
selective L-type calcium channel blockers nicardipine and
diltiazem. This effect of pinaverium on colonic smooth
muscle cells is mediated mainly by the inhibition of cal-
cium influx through L-type calcium channels, thereby
inhibiting contractions induced by acetylcholine or KCl
in rat preparations[80]. Stress plays an important role in the
pathogenesis of IBS; therefore, colonic smooth muscle
preparations from cold restraint-stressed rats have also
been examined, revealing that the hypermotility observed
after stress is mostly related to increased calcium inux
into the cells[80]. This observation supports the use of pi-
naverium in IBS, in which pathological colonic hypermo-
tility must be suppressed. Furthermore, in rats chronically
tted with intraparietal electrodes in the proximal colon,
pinaverium bromide has been found to have no effect
on colonic long spike bursts in the fasting state, but it in-
hibits increases in colonic spike burst frequency induced
by a meal or by CCK-8[81]. However, it loses its effects in
capsaicin-pretreated animals, showing the participation
of sensory afferent neurons in the mechanism of action,
which might also explain the efcacy of pinaverium bro-
mide in treating the two main features of IBS: motility
disorders and gut hypersensitivity.
Clinical trials: Pinaverium bromide has been used for
managing functional bowel disorders for decades, with
double-blind studies performed as early as 1977[82]. Its
effects on colonic smooth muscle have been well es-
tablished by animal experiments; however, intensive
research has only started to characterize its mechanism
of modifying GI motility in humans. In an early pilot
study performed in 12 IBS patients, colonic motility was
detected by surface electromyography over a 2-h fasting
period and a 2-h postprandial period following a stan-
dard meal, before and after 10 d of treatment with 50
mg pinaverium bromide three times daily[83]. The leading
symptoms, such as abdominal pain, bloating and altered
bowel habits, started to ameliorate on day 4 of treat-
ment. Abnormal colonic motility patterns (viz., increased
frequency and amplitude of contraction, arrhythmia in
6037 May 28, 2014
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. Antispasmodics in irritable bowel syndrome
motoric activity), which were particularly pronounced
post-prandially, diminished after 10 d of treatment. In
a continuation of this pilot study, the authors studied
22 IBS patients and 7 healthy controls[84]. The healthy
controls received no treatment but served as controls for
electromyographic measurements. The study protocol
was as previously described, except for the length of
pinaverium bromide therapy, which was extended to 14
d. The results showed increased fasting and postprandial
colonic motility parameters in IBS patients compared to
controls, which was effectively reduced by 14 d of pi-
naverium bromide therapy. Abdominal pain and bloating
were also signicantly improved by treatment. Stool fre-
quency was normalized by pinaverium bromide therapy
in both diarrheic and constipated IBS patients. The ef-
fects of pinaverium bromide on intestinal motility were
afrmed by a further randomized, double-blind, placebo-
controlled trial on IBS patients[85]. Pinaverium bromide
was administered in a 50 mg dose (po, tid), and myoelec-
trical and mechanical activities of the rectum and the
internal anal sphincter were recorded before treatment, in
the fasting state and at 2 h post-prandially. Post-prandial
rectal spike amplitude and frequency, as well as the fre-
quency of the spontaneous recto-anal inhibitory reflex,
were signicantly decreased after treatment with pinave-
rium bromide. Pinaverium bromide was also able to
change colonic transit and colonic responses to food in
IBS patients, as demonstrated by a technique using orally
ingested radiopaque markers visible on plain abdominal
X-rays[86]. Benecial effects of pinaverium bromide treat-
ment were also demonstrated by an open trial, in which
61 treated IBS patients experienced signicantly reduced
abdominal pain, improved stool consistency, reduced
defecation straining and urgency, and decreased mucus
in stool, with good drug tolerance and few side effects[87].
The clinical efficacy of pinaverium bromide was also
evaluated using a statistical technique new to the field-
namely, by employing polar vectors on data from a phase
clinical trial with 1677 Rome IBS patients receiving
pinaverium bromide combined with simethicone[88]. The
results showed amelioration of stool frequency and con-
sistency in IBS-C, IBS-D and IBS-M patients; further-
more, the intensity of abdominal pain and bloating was
also signicantly reduced.
When comparing pinaverium to otilonium bromide
in IBS, both treatments were similarly useful in reduc-
ing the intensity of pain and in regulating bowel move-
ments, but otilonium was superior to pinaverium in terms
of decreasing pain frequency[89]. The side effects were
similar in the two groups. The use of pinaverium has
generally been considered safe; however, the drug is not
licensed for use in pregnant women. In a letter reporting
ten involuntary cases of pregnant women taking pinave-
rium bromide due to dispensing errors, nine individuals
delivered healthy babies, while the tenth experienced a
spontaneous abortion 1 week after the ingestion of pi-
naverium[90]. Several women complained of abdominal
pain and constipation in parallel with pinaverium use.
Experimental studies: Phloroglucinol is a phenol deriva-
tive with non-specic antispasmodic properties, together
with its methylated form trimethylphloroglucinol. The
mechanism of action is most likely based on the direct
inhibition of the voltage-dependent calcium channels
of smooth muscle; however, the modulation of prosta-
glandin or nitric oxide release has also been suggested[91].
Although it has long been used in clinical practice as an
antispasmodic for painful urogenital and gastrointestinal
conditions, in an early study on anesthetized rats, phloro-
glucinol was found to be inactive toward the contraction
of the duodenum, ileum and colon[92]. Similarly, in anes-
thetized dogs, phloroglucinol plus trimethyl-phloroglucin-
ol failed to antagonize acetylcholine-induced contraction
of the colon[93].
Clinical trials: In parallel with animal studies, phloroglu-
cinol plus trimethyl-phloroglucinol had no clear effects
in humans on ascending and sigmoid colon hypermotility
evoked by neostigmine[94]. However, in 20 IBS patients, iv
phloroglucinol effectively reduced postprandial rectosig-
moid motility increases after a test meal, compared to pla-
cebo[95]. In another study of IBS patients, phloroglucinol
inhibited phasic contractions provoked by intrarectally
injected glycerol, but it did not modify colonic tone[96]. In
an open-label study of 100 IBS patients selected accord-
ing to the Rome criteria, po 50 mg phloroglucinol was
administered three times daily for two months[97]. The 68
patients who completed the study reported significant
improvement in abdominal pain, frequency of stools per
day, urgency, passage of mucus per the rectum, sense of
incomplete defecation and bloating. Nevertheless, strain-
ing was unchanged. Further, a multicenter, randomized,
double-blind, placebo-controlled trial examined the ef-
fects of phloroglucinol/trimethylphloroglucinol (62.2
mg P plus 80 mg TMP three times daily) or placebo for
7 d in 307 IBS patients diagnosed using the Rome
criteria[98]. The relative decrease in pain intensity and the
responder rate were signicantly higher in the P/TMP-
treated group, compared to the placebo-treated group.
Further, the treatment effect persisted up to the 7th day
in a higher percentage of patients treated with P/TMP
than in those treated with placebo. The frequency and
severity of adverse events did not differ between the two
treatment groups, and no adverse events were considered
sufficiently serious to stop treatment. Finally, according
to a preliminary report, 72 patients with D-IBS, based on
the ROME criteria, were involved in a double-blind,
placebo-controlled trial and were treated with placebo or
phloroglucinol (80 mg) three times daily for 14 d after a
1-wk run-in period[99]. Signicantly more patients report-
ed “moderate or more improvement” in Subjects Global
Assessment in the phloroglucinol group than in the pla-
cebo group over the 2-wk period of treatment and the
1-wk post-treatment period. Stool frequency decreased
significantly in the phloroglucinol group, compared to
the placebo group. Individual symptom scores and stool
P- Reviewers Bener A S- Editor Wen LL L- Editor Cant MR E- Editor Ma S
P- Reviewers Bener A S- Editor Song XX L- Editor Stewart GJ E- Editor Ma S
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Volume 20
Issue 20
Annaházi A
et al
. Antispasmodics in irritable bowel syndrome
consistency also improved signicantly, but they did not
differ from those of the placebo group. Regarding its
safety, a French epidemiologic study of phloroglucinol in
pregnancy did not nd evidence of a teratogenic risk in
The low-voltage-activated or T-type Ca2+ channels (T-
channels) are a subclass of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels
named after their characteristic of being activated by
small depolarizations of the plasma membrane[101,102].
They can also generate neuronal spontaneous ring and
pacemaker activities, and they generally control excitabil-
ity[101,102]. In mammals, T-channels are encoded by three
pore-forming calcium-channel α1 subunit genes: CaV3.1,
CaV3.2 and CaV3.3. The CaV3.2 subtype is expressed
in the cell bodies and nerve endings of somatic afferent
bers, where it plays a role in regulating neuronal excit-
ability and modifying pain perception[103,104]. Knockout of
the CaV3.2 gene results in decreased mechanical, thermal
and chemical sensitivity in mice, compared to their wild-
type littermates[105], whereas systemic injections of mibe-
fradil, a T-channel antagonist, induces mechanical and
thermal antinociception in rats without affecting their
sensorimotor abilities[106]. Interestingly, ethosuximide, an
anti-epileptic and relatively selective T-channel blocker,
elicits near-complete reversal of mechanical allodynia/hy-
peralgesia in a rat model of painful peripheral neuropathy
induced by the chemotherapeutic agent paclitaxel, where-
as opiates and the NMDA receptor antagonist MK-801
are only slightly or not effective in this model[107]. Despite
the importance of T-channels in somatic pain percep-
tion, their roles in visceral perception and gastrointestinal
pathologies have not been well established. Recently,
an interesting study demonstrated the possible role of
T-channels in the pathophysiology of IBS[108]. IBS was
modeled in rats using intracolonic sodium butyrate injec-
tions, a method that induces colonic hypersensitivity by
reproducing the elevated colonic butyrate concentrations
found in a subset of IBS patients resulting from butyro-
genic enteric ora[109]. CaV3.2 knockdown treatment pre-
vented butyrate-induced hypersensitivity without modi-
fying colonic sensitivity in control rats, suggesting that
CaV3.2 channels do not significantly participate in co-
lonic sensitivity under healthy conditions[108]. Further, the
T-channel blocker mibefradil reversed butyrate-mediated
colonic hypersensitivity by both intrathecal and topical
routes. Similarly, intraperitoneal administration of other
T-channel antagonists, ethosuximide and NP078585,
produced robust antihyperalgesic effects[108]. T-channels
were up-regulated in the dorsal root ganglions (DRGs)
of butyrate-treated animals, and neuronal T-type current
density was also increased, emphasizing the participation
of T-channels in the mechanism of colonic hypersensitiv-
ity[108]. Based on these results, the antinociceptive effects
of TTA-A2, a state-dependent CaV3 blocker, were tested
recently in vitro in cell cultures and in mice DRGs, show-
ing that TTA-A2 potently inhibited recombinant and
native T-currents in sensory neurons expressing CaV3.2-
like T-type channels, consequently decreasing their excit-
ability[110]. Moreover, in the previously described rat IBS
model, systemic administration of TTA-A2 robustly
abolished butyrate-induced hypersensitivity and induced
a statistically significant dose-dependent antihyperalge-
sic effect[110]. These results demonstrate that T-channel
blockers are promising candidates for further research
into novel analgesics that could be potentially useful for
treating the characteristic symptoms of IBS, such as vis-
ceral pain and discomfort.
In conclusion, antispasmodics without cardiovascular ac-
tions, such as alverine citrate, mebeverine, otilonium bro-
mide, pinaverium bromide and phloroglucinol, are widely
used in therapy for IBS. Their effects are mostly based on
their spasmolytic properties via the inhibition of calcium
inux into smooth muscle cells. Further, otilonium could
have direct inhibitory effects on primary sensory affer-
ents, thus reducing hypersensitivity, which is a common
feature in IBS. Otilonium and pinaverium are quaternary
ammonium derivatives that are poorly absorbed from
the GI tract, therefore mainly acting locally. Clinical trials
with antispasmodics in IBS have sometimes been contro-
versial, which can be explained by the marked placebo ef-
fect in many cases. Nevertheless, the overall results have
generally been positive, showing that antispasmodics
are able to regulate GI motility disturbances, defecation
alterations and abdominal pain/discomfort, with excel-
lent safety proles. A new generation of calcium-channel
blockers acting on T-type calcium channels could rep-
resent a novel therapeutic pathway in the future for the
management of IBS.
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P- Reviewers: Bonaz BL, Izzo AA S- Editor: Gou SX
L- Editor: A E- Editor: Ma S
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et al
. Antispasmodics in irritable bowel syndrome
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... Antispasmodic drugs are a widely used class for the treatment of IBS-like symptoms. Several classes of medication display antispasmodic activity by reducing excessive contractility of smooth muscle cells, for example anticholinergic agents, calcium channel blockers, and direct smooth muscle relaxants.125 In the past, several antispasmodic drugs have shown cardiovascular side effects. ...
... In the past, several antispasmodic drugs have shown cardiovascular side effects. Therefore, it is important that antispasmodics selectively act on the smooth muscle cells in the gut.125 Several agents may be suggested for the treatment of abdominal pain, including otilonium bromide, pinaverium bromide, hyoscine butylbromide, cimetropium bromide, drotaverine hydrochloride, dicyclomine hydrochloride, and phloroglucinol.125,126 ...
... In the past, several antispasmodic drugs have shown cardiovascular side effects. Therefore, it is important that antispasmodics selectively act on the smooth muscle cells in the gut.125 Several agents may be suggested for the treatment of abdominal pain, including otilonium bromide, pinaverium bromide, hyoscine butylbromide, cimetropium bromide, drotaverine hydrochloride, dicyclomine hydrochloride, and phloroglucinol.125,126 These drugs have varying availability worldwide and have not been tested in patients with IBD.Peppermint oil is an agent that directly relaxes smooth muscle cells. ...
Full-text available
Background Persistent gastrointestinal symptoms are prevalent in adult patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), even when endoscopic remission is reached. These symptoms can have profound negative effects on the quality of life of affected patients and can be difficult to treat. They may be caused by IBD‐related complications or comorbid disorders, but they can also be explained by irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)‐like symptoms. Aims To provide a practical step‐by‐step guide to diagnose and treat persistent gastrointestinal symptoms in patients with IBD in remission via a personalised approach. Methods We scrutinised relevant literature on causes, diagnostics and treatment of persistent gastrointestinal symptoms (abdominal pain or discomfort, bloating, abdominal distension, diarrhoea, constipation and faecal incontinence) in patients with IBD in remission. Results A graphical practical guide for several steps in diagnosing, identifying potential triggers and adequate treatment of persistent gastrointestinal symptoms in IBD in remission is provided based on supporting literature. The first part of this review focuses on the diagnostic and treatment approaches for potential IBD‐related complications and comorbidities. The second part describes the approach to IBS‐like symptoms in IBD in remission. Conclusions Persistent gastrointestinal symptoms in IBD in remission can be traced back to potential pathophysiological mechanisms in individual patients and can be treated adequately. For both IBD‐related complications and comorbidities and IBS‐like symptoms in IBD in remission, pharmacological, dietary, lifestyle or psychological treatments can be effective. A systematic and personalised approach is required to reduce the burden for patients, healthcare systems, and society.
... За звичай у всіх рекомендаціях (як у терапевтичних, так і в педіатричних) як медикаментозну терапію першої лінії застосовують спазмолітичні препарати. Спазмо літичні засоби діють безпосередньо на гладкі м'язи кишечника, забезпечуючи їх розслаблення, або додат ково на нерви гладких м'язів кишечника за допомогою блокади рецепторів, зменшуючи скорочення шлунко вокишкового тракту і, отже, полегшуючи скарги на біль у животі [2]. Одним з найбільш часто застосова них релаксантів гладкої мускулатури кишечника пря мої дії є мебеверин, механізм дії якого ґрунтується на припущенні, що деякі симптоми СПК є результатом шлунковокишкових спазмів і порушень моторики, які спазмолітики полегшують. ...
Full-text available
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is diagnosed accor­ding to the Rome IV criteria for functional gastrointestinal di­sorders. It is estimated that 10–15 % of older children and adolescents suffer from IBS. IBS causes abdominal discomfort and pain and can worsen quality of life in children. The article provides an analysis of changes in ideas about pathogenetic mechanisms, approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of IBS in children. Once the diagnosis of IBS is made, it is important to explain to the pa­rents and children that there is no serious underlying disease. This reassurance may be effective treatment in many cases. Lifestyle modifications, stress management, dietary interventions and probiotics may be beneficial in some cases. Although there is limited evidence for efficacy of pharmacological therapies such as antispasmodics, laxatives, and antidiarrheals, they play a positive role in severe cases.
... A low-FODMAPS diet came out on top across all endpoints examined in a network analysis. Nevertheless, most studies focused on secondary or tertiary treatment and did not examine how reintroducing and customizing FODMAPs affected symptoms [31]. IBS presents several difficulties for patients and doctors. ...
... Medicines with antispasmodic properties are frequently used to lessen excessive smooth muscle contractility, which often leads to stomach pain and cramping associated with various gastrointestinal, biliary, or genitourinary tract conditions [160]. A significant portion of the population experience conditions such as IBS, biliary colic brought on by gallstones, gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis, or dysmenorrhea, all of which commonly require antispasmodic medication to reduce symptoms [161][162][163][164]. Antispasmodic drugs are also employed to alleviate the pain during medical procedures such as colonoscopy [165]. ...
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This study explores the effects of the Mediterranean diet, herbal remedies, and their phytochemicals on various gastrointestinal conditions and reviews the global use of medicinal plants for common digestive problems. The review highlights key plants and their mechanisms of action and summarizes the latest findings on how plant-based products influence the digestive system and how they work. We searched various sources of literature and databases, including Google Scholar, PubMed, Science Direct, and MedlinePlus. Our focus was on gathering relevant papers published between 2013 and August 2023. Certain plants exhibit potential in preventing or treating digestive diseases and cancers. Notable examples include Curcuma longa, Zingiber officinale, Aloe vera, Calendula officinalis, Lavandula angustifolia, Thymus vulgaris, Rosmarinus officinalis, Ginkgo biloba, Cynodon dactylon, and Vaccinium myrtillus. The phytochemical analysis of the plants showed that compounds such as quercetin, anthocyanins, curcumin, phenolics, isoflavones glycosides, flavonoids, and saponins constitute the main active substances within these plants. These natural remedies have the potential to enhance the digestive system and alleviate pain and discomfort in patients. However, further research is imperative to comprehensively evaluate the benefits and safety of herbal medicines to use their active ingredients for the development of natural and effective drugs.
... Summary of evidence: Antispasmodics are a heterogeneous group of medications that suppresses smooth muscle contractions in the gastrointestinal tract. Direct smooth muscle relaxants (e.g., papaverine, mebeverine, peppermint oil), anticholinergic agents (e.g., butylscopolamine, hyoscine, cimetropium bromide, pirenzepine) and calcium channel blockers (e.g., alverine citrate, otilonium bromide, pinaverium bromide) have been used to treat IBS for decades with the rationale that a subgroup of patients have abnormal GI contractility (spasms) that results in pain and altered bowel habit [168]. Although the exact pharmacological mechanism of these agents is not always clear, data coming from RCTs comparing antispasmodics to placebo or other treatments have showed consistently a positive effect of these drugs in relieving IBS symptoms in adults [169]. ...
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The irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional gastrointestinal disorder (FGID), whose prevalence has widely increased in pediatric population during the past two decades. The exact pathophysiological mechanism underlying IBS is still uncertain, thus resulting in challenging diagnosis and management. Experts from 4 Italian Societies participated in a Delphi consensus, searching medical literature and voting process on 22 statements on both diagnosis and management of IBS in children. Recommendations and levels of evidence were evaluated according to the grading of recommendations, assessment, development, and evaluation (GRADE) criteria. Consensus was reached for all statements. These guidelines suggest a positive diagnostic strategy within a symptom-based approach, comprehensive of psychological comorbidities assessment, alarm signs and symptoms’ exclusion, testing for celiac disease and, under specific circumstances, fecal calprotectin and C-reactive protein. Consensus also suggests to rule out constipation in case of therapeutic failure. Conversely, routine stool testing for enteric pathogens, testing for food allergy/intolerance or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth are not recommended. Colonoscopy is recommended only in patients with alarm features. Regarding treatment, the consensus strongly suggests a dietary approach, psychologically directed therapies and, in specific conditions, gut-brain neuromodulators, under specialist supervision. Conditional recommendation was provided for both probiotics and specific fibers supplementation. Polyethylene glycol achieved consensus recommendation for specific subtypes of IBS. Secretagogues and 5-HT4 agonists are not recommended in children with IBS-C. Certain complementary alternative therapies, antispasmodics and, in specific IBS subtypes, loperamide and rifaximin could be considered.
This chapter will present advances in the treatment of visceral pain. Various treatments for visceral pain have been described in detail in the previous sections (Chaps. 6, 7, 8, and 9), and this chapter will focus on the major discoveries and advances in clinical applications of treatments for visceral pain in recent years.
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BACKGROUND Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is one of the most frequent and debilitating conditions leading to gastroenterological referrals. However, recommended treatments remain limited, yielding only limited therapeutic gains. Chitin-glucan (CG) is a novel dietary prebiotic classically used in humans at a dosage of 1.5-3.0 g/d and is considered a safe food ingredient by the European Food Safety Authority. To provide an alternative approach to managing patients with IBS, we performed preclinical molecular, cellular, and animal studies to evaluate the role of chitin-glucan in the main pathophysiological mechanisms involved in IBS. AIM To evaluate the roles of CG in visceral analgesia, intestinal inflammation, barrier function, and to develop computational molecular models. METHODS Visceral pain was recorded through colorectal distension (CRD) in a model of long-lasting colon hypersensitivity induced by an intra-rectal administration of TNBS [15 milligrams (mg)/kilogram (kg)] in 33 Sprague-Dawley rats. Intracolonic pressure was regularly assessed during the 9 wk-experiment (weeks 0, 3, 5, and 7) in animals receiving CG (n = 14) at a human equivalent dose (HED) of 1.5 g/d or 3.0 g/d and compared to negative control (tap water, n = 11) and positive control (phloroglucinol at 1.5 g/d HED, n = 8) groups. The anti-inflammatory effect of CG was evaluated using clinical and histological scores in 30 C57bl6 male mice with colitis induced by dextran sodium sulfate (DSS) administered in their drinking water during 14 d. HT-29 cells under basal conditions and after stimulation with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) were treated with CG to evaluate changes in pathways related to analgesia (µ-opioid receptor (MOR), cannabinoid receptor 2 (CB2), peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha, inflammation [interleukin (IL)-10, IL-1b, and IL-8] and barrier function [mucin 2-5AC, claudin-2, zonula occludens (ZO)-1, ZO-2] using the real-time PCR method. Molecular modelling of CG, LPS, lipoteichoic acid (LTA), and phospholipomannan (PLM) was developed, and the ability of CG to chelate microbial pathogenic lipids was evaluated by docking and molecular dynamics simulations. Data were expressed as the mean ± SEM. RESULTS Daily CG orally-administered to rats or mice was well tolerated without including diarrhea, visceral hypersensitivity, or inflammation, as evaluated at histological and molecular levels. In a model of CRD, CG at a dosage of 3 g/d HED significantly decreased visceral pain perception by 14% after 2 wk of administration (P < 0.01) and reduced inflammation intensity by 50%, resulting in complete regeneration of the colonic mucosa in mice with DSS-induced colitis. To better reproduce the characteristics of visceral pain in patients with IBS, we then measured the therapeutic impact of CG in rats with TNBS-induced inflammation to long-lasting visceral hypersensitivity. CG at a dosage of 1.5 g/d HED decreased visceral pain perception by 20% five weeks after colitis induction (P < 0.01). When the CG dosage was increased to 3.0 g/d HED, this analgesic effect surpassed that of the spasmolytic agent phloroglucinol, manifesting more rapidly within 3 wk and leading to a 50% inhibition of pain perception (P < 0.0001). The underlying molecular mechanisms contributing to these analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of CG involved, at least in part, a significant induction of MOR, CB2 receptor, and IL-10, as well as a significant decrease in pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1b and IL-8. CG also significantly upregulated barrier-related genes including muc5AC, claudin-2, and ZO-2. Molecular modelling of CG revealed a new property of the molecule as a chelator of microbial pathogenic lipids, sequestering gram-negative LPS and gram-positive LTA bacterial toxins, as well as PLM in fungi at the lowesr energy conformations. CONCLUSION CG decreased visceral perception and intestinal inflammation through master gene regulation and direct binding of microbial products, suggesting that CG may constitute a new therapeutic strategy for patients with IBS or IBS-like symptoms.
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The functional gastrointestinal disorders may be defined as a variable combination of chronic or recurrent gastrointestinal symptoms not explained by structural or biochemical abnormalities. The frequency and chronicity of these disorders, and the associated health care burden, attest to the need to develop reliable methods of diagnosis in order to provide cost-effective treatment. Based on existing epidemiological and clinical data, our multinational committee of clinician-investigators has set out consensus guidelines for the diagnosis of 21 functional gastrointestinal disorders attributed to the oesophagus, gastroduodenum, intestines, biliary tree and anorectum. We emphasise the importance of using symptom-based criteria with a minimum of diagnostic studies. The proposed criteria provide the basis for selecting patients for future epidemiological and clinical investigation. Future studies using these criteria will lead to their validation and/or modification.
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Objectives: Luminal serine-proteases lead to increased colonic paracellular permeability and visceral hypersensitivity in patients with diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome (IBS-D). Other proteases, namely cysteine-proteases (CPs), increase airway permeability by digesting epithelial tight junction proteins. In this study, we focused on constipation-predominant IBS (IBS-C) and we aimed to (i) evaluate CP levels in two cohorts of IBS patients, (ii) test if IBS-C fecal supernatant (FSN) affects permeability, and visceral sensitivity after repeated administrations in mice, and (iii) evaluate occludin expression in IBS-C colonic biopsies. Methods: Fecal CP activity was determined using selective substrate and inhibitor (E64). The effect of papain, as positive control, and IBS-C FSN administrations were evaluated on colonic paracellular permeability and mucosal occludin levels in mice and T84 monolayers. Occludin protein levels were evaluated in IBS-C colonic biopsies. Sensitivity to colorectal distension (CRD) was measured after repeated administrations of IBS-C FSN. Results: We found in a subset of IBS-C patients an enhanced fecal CP activity, in comparison with healthy controls and IBS-D patients. CP activity levels positively correlated with disease severity and abdominal pain scoring. This association was confirmed by receiver operating characteristic curve analysis. In mice, repeated application of IBS-C FSN into colon triggered increased permeability, linked to the enzymatic degradation of occludin, and was associated with enhanced visceral sensitivity to CRD. Finally, occludin levels were found decreased in colonic biopsies from IBS-C patients, and IBS-C FSNs were able to degrade recombinant human occludin in vitro. All these effects were abolished by preincubation of IBS-C FSN with a CP inhibitor, E64. Conclusions: These data suggest that luminal CPs may represent a new factor contributing to the genesis of symptoms in IBS.
Objective: To determine the effect of fibre, antispasmodics, and peppermint oil in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. Design: Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Data sources: Medline, Embase, and the Cochrane controlled trials register up to April 2008. Review methods: Randomised controlled trials comparing fibre, antispasmodics, and peppermint oil with placebo or no treatment in adults with irritable bowel syndrome were eligible for inclusion. The minimum duration of therapy considered was one week, and studies had to report either a global assessment of cure or improvement in symptoms, or cure of or improvement in abdominal pain, after treatment. A random effects model was used to pool data on symptoms, and the effect of therapy compared with placebo or no treatment was reported as the relative risk (95% confidence interval) of symptoms persisting. Results: 12 studies compared fibre with placebo or no treatment in 591 patients (relative risk of persistent symptoms 0.87, 95% confidence interval 0.76 to 1.00). This effect was limited to ispaghula (0.78, 0.63 to 0.96). Twenty two trials compared antispasmodics with placebo in 1778 patients (0.68, 0.57 to 0.81). Various antispasmodics were studied, but otilonium (four trials, 435 patients, relative risk of persistent symptoms 0.55, 0.31 to 0.97) and hyoscine (three trials, 426 patients, 0.63, 0.51 to 0.78) showed consistent evidence of efficacy. Four trials compared peppermint oil with placebo in 392 patients (0.43, 0.32 to 0.59). Conclusion: Fibre, antispasmodics, and peppermint oil were all more effective than placebo in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome.
Aim: To update previous overviews of placebo-controlled double-blind trials assessing the efficacy and tolerance of smooth muscle relaxants in irritable bowel syndrome. METHODS AND TRIALS: A total of 23 randomized clinical trials were selected for meta-analyses of their efficacy and tolerance. Six drugs were analysed: cimetropium bromide (five trials), hyoscine butyl bromide (three trials), mebeverine (five trials), otilium bromide (four trials), pinaverium bromide (two trials) and trimebutine (four trials). The total number of patients included was 1888, of which 945 received an active drug and 943 a placebo. Results: The mean percentage of patients with global improvement was 38% in the placebo group (n=925) and 56% in the myorelaxant group (n=927), in favour of myorelaxants with a mean odds ratio of 2.13, P < 0.001 (95% CI: 1.77--2.58) and a mean risk difference of 22% P < 0.001 (95% CI: 13--32%). The percentage of patients with pain improvement was 41% in the placebo group (n=568) and 53% in the myorelaxant group (n=567): odds ratio 1.65, P < 0.001 (95% CI: 1.30--2.10) and risk difference 18%, P < 0.001 (95% CI: 7--28%). There was no significant difference for adverse events. Conclusion: Myorelaxants are superior to placebo in the management of irritable bowel syndrome.
Mucosal immune activity may participate in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) pathogenesis. Mast- and T cell numbers from patients with IBS or ulcerative colitis (UC) and healthy controls were determined. Between November 2007 and May 2012, patients with diarrhea-predominant IBS (D-IBS, n = 83), 49 patients with UC, and 25 healthy controls were recruited. Of the UC group, 28 were in remission and 21 had mildly active UC. Biopsies from each colon segment were subjected to immunohistochemical analysis. The mast cells, intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs), and lamina proprial lymphocytes (LPLs) were counted. Compared to the healthy controls, the patients with D-IBS, UC in remission, and mildly active UC had significantly higher mean colorectal mucosal mast-cell, IEL, and LPL counts. Comparison with the colon segments (ascending, transverse, descending, and sigmoid segments) that had once been involved in UC (in the patients with remission) revealed that the D-IBS colons had similar immune-cell counts. However, they had significantly fewer immune cells than the colon segments that presently showed involvement in the patients with mildly-activated UC. The mast-cell and IEL counts were similar in the D-IBS rectums and once-involved UC rectums but significantly higher in the presently-involved UC rectums. However, both the once-involved and presently-involved UC rectums had significantly higher LPL counts than the D-IBS rectums. Patients with D-IBS had significantly higher colonic mucosal immune-cell counts than healthy controls but had similar counts to patients with UC in remission. The symptoms in both conditions may originate from low-grade inflammation in the colonic mucosa.
Hintergrund und Fragestellung: Welche Faktoren die Plazebowirkungen bestimmen, ist weitgehend unklar. Ziel der Untersuchung war die Exploration möglicher prädiktiver Faktoren in einem bereits publizierten Datensatz. Methoden: Wir haben die Daten einer Studie bei 120 Patienten mit Reizdarmsyndrom (RDS) im Hinblick auf Faktoren re-analysiert, die die Plazebowirkung beeinflussen. Die Patienten waren randomisiert einem von drei Armen zugewiesen worden: sie erhielten doppelblind Mebeverin (n = 40) oder Plazebo (n = 40) oder, in einem offenen Design, Ballaststoffe (n = 40) für 16 Wochen. Die Behandlung wurde von drei verschiedenen Ärzten durchgeführt (A, B und C mit 44, 27 bzw. 18 Patienten), eine vierte Gruppe (n = 31) hatte wechselnde behandelnde Ärzte. Die Symptome wurden alle 4 Wochen überprüft; die Compliance der Patienten, die Schwere der Symptome (Kruis-Score), Alter und Geschlecht der Patienten und die behandelnden Ärzte wurden in die Analyse einbezogen. Ergebnisse: Unter Plazebo/Medikation betrug die Rate der Studienabbrecher je 30 %, unter der Diättherapie war sie niedriger. Die Compliance war mit 75 % für die Plazebogruppe am niedrigsten, und mit 89 bzw. 82 % für das Medikament und die Ballaststoffe deutlich höher. Symptombesserung trat bei 39 % in der Plazebogruppe auf, bei 20 % in der Verumgruppe und in 43 % unter Diät. Für Medikament und Plazebo war die Besserung zwischen den Ärzten sehr unterschiedlich: 32 % für A (43 Jahre, weiblich), 19 % für B und C (beide männlich, 32 und 40 Jahre) zusammen; dieser Effekt war nicht signifikant. Plazebo-Responder waren häufiger Frauen (47 %) als Männer (28 %), während das Alter nur Einfluss auf die diätetische Behandlung hatte: Responder waren in der Regel jünger. Plazebo-Responder hatten einen niedrigeren Kruis-Score (45 vs 52 Punkte), aber dies traf auch auf die Medikamentengruppe (52 vs 62 Punkte) und Ernährungstherapie zu (56 vs 68 Punkte). Folgerungen: Vor allem der behandelnde Arzt (Geschlecht, Ausbildung), aber auch das Geschlecht der Patienten beeinflussen die Plazebowirkung, Patienten mit niedrigem Kruis-Score (geringerer Wahrscheinlichkeit für eine funktionelle Erkrankung) scheinen eher eine Plazebowirkung zu zeigen. Summary Background and objective: The determinants of the placebo effect are not well established. Goal of this study was to explore likely predictive factors in an already published data set. Methods: We re-analysed data from a study in 120 patients with the irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) that were randomly assigned to three arms of the study to receive (double-blind) either a drug (mebeverin) (n = 40) or placebo (n = 40), or (in an open trial) dietary treatment (fibre) (n = 40) for up to 16 week. Treatment was conducted by 3 different doctors (A, B, C) with 44, 27, and 18 patients, resp. A fourth group (n = 31) was treated by different varying physicians. Symptoms were assessed every 4 weeks, and the degree of patient compliance and the number of drop-outs, the number of patients improved/not improved (in %), symptom severity (Kruis Score) at enrolment, and age and gender as covariates were included into the analysis. Results: Drop-out rate was 30 % for placebo, 30 % for mebeverin, and 15 % for the diet. For the patients remaining in the study, average compliance was 75 % with placebo, but 89 % for the drug and 82 % for the diet. Response rates were 39 % for placebo, but 20 % for the drug; response rate for the diet (open trial) was 43 % under all doctors. Response rates for drug and placebo combined were 32 % for doctor A (female,43 years), but 19 % for doctors B and C together (both males, 32 and 40 years)); this effect was not significant. Placebo responders were more often women (47 %) than men (28 %), while age effects were only found with dietary treatment: responders were younger. Placebo responders had an overall lower Kruis Score than non-responders (45 vs 52 points), but this was also true for drug (52 vs. 62 points) and diet responders (56 vs 68 points). Conclusion: The major factors contributing to the placebo response are the treating physician (gender, training), and the patientsŽ gender (female). Patients with lower Kruis score (more likely non-functionally disordered) may be prone to higher (placebo) response rates. 1 Unterstützt mit Mitteln der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (EN 50/18, KL 811/2)