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Nuevo marsupial (Mammalia) del Eoceno de la Antártida, y los orígenes y afinidades de los Microbiotheria

Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 62 (4): 597-603 (2007)
Extinct Antarctic mammals are exclusively
known from several localities at different
levels of the La Meseta Formation (Maram-
bio/Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula;
Early to Late Eocene; Reguero et al. 2002).
Up to now the recognized taxa are unequi-
vocally related to South American native
mammalian lineages: gondwanatherians
(Goin et al. 2006); polydolopid, microbio-
theriid, and didelphimorphian marsupials
(Woodburne and Zinsmeister 1982, Goin et
al. 1999); tardigrade xenarthrans, and astra-
potherian and litoptern ungulates (Reguero
et al. 2002 and literature cited; Bond et al.
2006). Additionally, an enigmatic, insectivo-
re-like mammal represented by tiny isolated
tooth, was lost after a brief description
(Goin and Reguero 1993).
The first mention of an extinct Antarctic
marsupial (and of extinct mammals at all)
was that of Woodburne and Zinsmeister's
(1982) description of a polydolopine poly-
Francisco J. GOIN1, Natalia ZIMICZ, Marcelo A. REGUERO1, Sergio N. SANTILLANA2, Sergio A. MARENSSI2y
Juan J. MOLY1
¹ División Paleontología Vertebrados, Museo de La Plata, Paseo del Bosque s/n, (B1900FWA) La Plata.
2Instituto Antártico Argentino, Dirección Nacional del Antártico, Cerrito n° 1248, C1010AAZ Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.
We describe and comment on an isolated upper molar belonging to Woodburnodon casei gen. et sp. nov. (Mammalia, Marsupialia,
Microbiotheria, Woodburnodontidae fam. nov.), from the Eocene of the La Meseta Fm (TELM 5 or Cucullaea I Member), Marambio
(Seymour) Island, Antarctic Peninsula. With a body mass estimated between 900 to 1,300 g (depending on the type of equation and the
possible molar locus of the type specimen), it represents the largest known Microbiotheria, living or extinct. Besides its size, other diag-
nostic features include a proportionally large metacone, reduced or absent para- and metaconules, and an unusual labial notch between
stylar cusps C and D. Woodburnodon casei is an undoubted Microbiotheria; however, its reference to the Microbiotheriidae is discarded:
almost all its morphological characters are plesiomorphic when compared with South American microbiotheriids, even with respect to the
oldest representatives of this family. This suggests (a) a quite ancient and southern origin for Woodburnodon and its ancestors, and (b) that
the origins and initial radiation of the Microbiotheria may have occurred from a generalized peradectoid. The new taxon, here referred to
the new family Woodburnodontidae, constitutes the second microbiotherian known from these Antarctic levels and age; this confirms the
association of representatives of this order within a common, Andean-Patagonian-Antarctic biogeographic region, already present since
the Late Cretaceous. Microbiotherians stand as the plesiomorphic sister-group of Bonapartheriiform marsupials, the latter including
Glasbius and allied taxa.
Keywords: Antarctica, Eocene, La Meseta Fm., Marsupials, Microbiotheria.
RESUMEN: Nuevo marsupial (Mammalia) del Eoceno de la Antártida, y los orígenes y afinidades de los Microbiotheria.
Se describe y comenta un molar superior aislado perteneciente a Woodburnodon casei gen. et sp. nov. (Mammalia, Marsupialia, Microbiotheria,
Woodburnodontidae fam. nov.), procedente de niveles eocénicos de la Fm. La Meseta (Miembro TELM 5 o Cucullaea I), Isla Marambio
(Seymour), Península Antártica. Con una masa corporal estimada entre 900 y 1.300 g (dependiendo de la ecuación analizada y del locus
molar posible), se trata del más grande microbioterio, fósil o viviente, conocido hasta el momento. Además del tamaño, sus rasgos diag-
nósticos incluyen un metacono proporcionalmente grande, para- y metacónulo reducidos o ausentes, y una inusual muesca labial entre las
cúspides estilares C y D. Woodburnodon casei es un indudable Microbiotheria, si bien su pertenencia a los Microbiotheriidae debe descartar-
se. Casi todos sus caracteres son plesiomorfos en comparación con los microbiotéridos sudamericanos, incluso cuando se lo compara con
los más tempranos representantes de la familia. Esto sugiere (a) un origen antiguo y austral para Woodburnodon y sus ancestros, y (b) que la
evolución inicial de los Microbiotheria pudo haber tenido su origen a partir de un generalizado peradectoideo. El nuevo taxón, aquí asig-
nado a la nueva familia Woodburnodontidae, constituye el segundo Microbiotheria conocido para los mismos niveles y edad de la
Antártida, lo que confirma la asociación de los representantes de este orden con una región biogeográfica común, Andino-Patagónico-
Antártica, ya existente desde por lo menos el Cretácico Tardío. Los Microbiotheria constituyen el grupo hermano plesiomorfo de los mar-
supiales Bonapartheriiformes, estos últimos incluyendo a Glasbius y taxones afines.
Palabras clave: Antártida, Eoceno, Fm. La Meseta, Marsupiales, Microbiotheria.
dolopimorphian. After two decades of field
prospecting, it is clear that polydolopines
comprise the most abundant marsupials of
this age in Antarctica. Successive discove-
ries led to the description of new polydolo-
pines, as well as several fossils referable to
microbiotheriids (Microbiotheria), dero-
rhynchids (Didelphimorphia), and prepido-
lopids (Polydolopimorphia; Goin et al.
1999). The first Antarctic microbiotherian
to be described was an edentulous dentary
(Goin and Carlini 1995). A few years later,
Goin et al. (1999) described Marambiotherium
glacialis on the basis of this and a new den-
tary bearing an m4. This taxon is a small-si-
zed microbiotheriid with a few derived fea-
tures suggesting affinities with the Late Pa-
leocene (Itaboraian age) Mirandatherium ali-
pioi (Paula Couto 1952). The specimen first
described by Goin and Carlini (1995) can be
referred to Marambiotherium glacialis.
Here we describe a third specimen belon-
ging to an Antarctic microbiotherian mar-
supial. Its large size and plesiomorphic den-
tal features prevent any possible referral
either to Marambiotherium glacialis or to any
other member of the Microbiotheriidae.
The new taxon sheds new light on the
ancient origin (probably, late Cretaceous) of
microbiotherians in former Gondwanan
continents, on its extreme southern biogeo-
graphic range, and on the variously propo-
sed affinities between microbiotherians,
other australidelphians, and "polydolopi-
Abbreviations, methods and termino-
logy. MLP, División Paleontología Verte-
brados, Museo de La Plata; MPM-PV, Mu-
seo Regional Provincial "Padre Manuel Je-
sús Molina", Río Gallegos, IAA, Instituto
Antártico Argentino, Dirección General del
Antártico, Buenos Aires. Molar dimensions
were obtained with a digital calliper. L,
length; W, width; all measurements are in
mm. Body mass estimations follow Gordon
(2003); Y, ln body mass (in grams); X, ln
molar area (in square millimeters); r, Pear-
son Correlation Coefficient; r2, Determi-
nation Coefficient (for r and r2, see Gor-
don 2003); g, grams. Molar nomenclature
follows Goin et al. (2003).
Infraclass METATHERIA Huxley, 1880
Supercohort MARSUPIALIA Illiger, 1811
Superorder AUSTRALIDELPHIA Szalay,
Etymology. Derived from Woodburnodon
gen. nov., only known genus of the family.
Included genera. Woodburnodon gen. nov.
Distribution and diagnosis. As for the
type species.
ccaasseeii, gen. et sp. nov.
(Figure 1 a-e)
Etymology. Generic and specific names
honour Drs. Michael Woodburne and Judd
A. Case, respectively, pioneer researchers of
Antarctic fossil mammals; the generic suffix
-odon comes from the Greek odontos, tooth.
Gender is masculine.
Type (and only known) species. W. casei
sp. nov.
Generic diagnosis. As for the type species.
Type specimen. MLP 04-III-1-2, an isola-
ted, worn upper right molar (M2 or M3).
Hypodigm. The type only.
Locality, stratigraphy, and age. Locality
IAA 1/95 (Reguero et al. 2002), Seymour
(Marambio) Island, Antarctic Peninsula. La
Meseta Formation (Elliot and Trautman
Figure 1: Woodburnodon casei gen. et sp. nov. (Microbiotheria). a-e, MLP 04-III-1-2 (Type), an iso-
lated upper right molar (M2 or M3) in labial (a), anterior (b), lingual (c), posterior (d), and
occlusal (e) views. Scale: 1 mm.
New marsupial (Mammalia) from the Eocene of Antarctica, ...
1982); TELM 5 (Sadler 1988) or Cucullaea I
Member (Marenssi et al. 1998). Following
Marenssi (2006) and Dutton et al. (2002) we
assign an early Middle Eocene age to the
mammal-bearing levels at TELM 5.
Measurements. Length: 4.96 mm, width:
5.58 mm.
Diagnosis (for the type and only known
species of the genus). Differs from all other
microbiotherians in the following combina-
tion of features: very large size; metacone
proportionally large; preparacrista compa-
ratively longer and more perpendicularly
oriented in relation to the molar axis; a
labial notch is present between stylar cusps
C and D.
Description and comments. The type spe-
cimen is quite worn and lacks enamel on
the paracone, centrocrista and postmeta-
crista; the trigon area is very wide; accor-
dingly, the protocone is stout and robust.
The metacone is larger and higher than the
paracone (Fig. 1a). The preparacrista seems
to end not at the anterolabial corner of the
tooth (as in most microbiotheriids) but at
an intermediate point between stylar cusps
A and B; as a consequence, it is more per-
pendicularly oriented with respect to the
antero-posterior molar axis than in other
microbiotherians. The anterobasal cingu-
lum is short and shallow. The metacone is
relatively large, high and has convex slopes
on both its labial and lingual faces. The cen-
trocrista is broken but its preserved portion
indicates it was completely straight (Fig. 1 c,
e). Because of its poor preservation at the
lingual slopes of the paracone and metaco-
ne (Fig. 1 c, e), neither the paraconule nor
the metaconule are observable; however,
judging from the preserved structures, even
if these cusps were present they must have
been quite reduced. The postmetacrista is
not shortened but moderately developed
and straight. The stylar shelf is noticeably
reduced, as are the stylar cusps, which are
labio-lingually compressed. Notwiths-tan-
ding, stylar cusps A, B, C and D are re-cog-
nizable. Stylar cusp B is small, low, and is set
immediately labial to the paracone, while
stylar cusp D is much smaller, labio-lin-
gually compressed, and located postero-
labially to the metacone. Between these
cusps, and anterolabial to the metacone, is a
thickening of the enamel at the labial face
of the stylar shelf; three minute wear facets
suggest that it was originally higher than the
preserved structure, thus suggesting its
homology with a very labio-lingually com-
pressed stylar cusp C. The ectoflexus is very
shallow; posterior to it there is a peculiar,
obliquely set notch between stylar cusps C
and D (Fig. 1 a, e).
The molar locus of specimen MLP 04-III-
1-2 cannot be certainly determined. For a
microbiotherian, its postmetacrista is well-
developed, suggesting that the specimen is
not an M4. In turn, the preparacrista is not
extremely short, as is characteristic of most
first (and many second) upper molars of
microbiotherians, and is not obliquely set
but quite transversal to the antero-posterior
molar axis, thus suggesting the tooth is an
M3. As argued below, Woodburnodon casei is a
generalized, non-microbiotheriid microbio-
therian. Thus, it could be argued that the
preparacrista is that of an M2. In short, we
conclude that specimen MLP 04-III-1-2
could be either an M2 or an M3.
Even though specimen MLP 04-III-1-2 is
partially broken and worn, it can be obser-
ved that the wear facet of the postmetacris-
ta is well-developed -other cutting crests of
this molar are not observable due to the
strong wear of the whole tooth. However,
the most conspicuous feature of this speci-
men is the important development of the
grinding facet of the protocone (at its inner
face). This, together with the proportionally
large protocone and trigon basin, suggests
that the grinding of food during mastica-
tion was a predominant feature of Woodbur-
nodon casei. The extent of the wear facet at
the inner face of the protocone in this spe-
cies much resembles that of the upper
molars of the living Caluromys derbianus (Ca-
luromyidae), of frugivorous feeding habits.
Body mass was estimated following proce-
dures stated in Gordon (2003), basically
consisting of a simple least squares regres-
sion analyses. Measurements used for cons-
tructing all equations were taken from
Gordon (2003). A complication is that the
molar locus of specimen MLP 04-III-1-2 is
uncertain (see above). Molar area (L x W) is
27.67 mm2.
Four equations were constructed to estima-
te the body mass of Woodburnodon casei. In
the first two, the genus Caluromys was exclu-
ded of the regression; in the last two it was
included (see Gordon 2003).
When Caluromys was excluded, the follo-
wing equations were constructed:
a) Assuming the specimen as a M2, then
Y=1.708 X + 1.3478 r=0.994; r2=0.989. In
this case, body mass result is 1,118.08 g;
b) Assuming the specimen as a M3, then
Y= 1.6356 X + 1.36 r= 0.993; r2= 0.987,
resulting in a body mass of 889.95 g.
When Caluromys was included, the following
equations were constructed:
a) Assuming the specimen as a M2, then
Y= 1.6908 X + 1.5432 r= 0.9707 r2=
0.9424 resulting in a body mass of 1.283.9 g.
b) Assuming the specimen as a M3, then
Y= 1.557 X + 1.7592 r= 0.9419 r2= 0.8872
and the body mass estimation is 1.021.85 g.
Taking in account that microbiotheriids ha-
ve a reduced M/m4, it is therefore probable
that Woodburnodon also had its last upper
molar reduced in size regarding the M3, a
condition also present in Caluromys. For this
reason we favor the last set of body mass
estimations, i.e., that one including Caluro-
mys in the equation. In short, our best esti-
mate is that Woodburnodon had a body mass
between 1,000 and 1,300 g.
The size of specimen MLP 04-III-1-2, and
the inferred body mass of Woodburnodon
casei, indicates that this species constitutes
the largest known microbiotherian marsu-
pial, extinct or living.
The second largest microbiotherians are
referable to the genus Pachybiotherium. Up to
very recently, upper molars for representati-
ves of this genus were unknown. Work in
progress by F. Goin, M. Tejedor, A. Abello
and G. Martin will describe a new species of
Pachybiotherium, for which an upper molar is
known (MPM-PV 1806, a right M3). This
new species is slightly larger than the type
species of the genus, P. acclinum Ameghino,
and much larger than P. minor Goin. Our
estimate of the body mass of this new spe-
cies of Pachybiotherium, based on its upper
molar, is 255.99 g using an equation lacking
Caluromys, and 312.07 g if Caluromys is in-
cluded in the equation. Thus, and taking
into account their body mass estimates, we
can conclude that Woodburnodon casei was no
less than three, and probably four, times lar-
ger than the largest species of Pachybiothe-
A new family of microbiotherian mar-
Woodburnodon casei represents the second
Microbiotheria known from the Eocene of
the Antarctic Peninsula. Taking into ac-
count their poor representation in the fossil
record, the currently known array of Mid-
dle Eocene Antarctic microbiotherians (two
species) should be regarded as moderately
Three microbiotherian apomorphic featu-
res are present in specimen MLP 04-III-1-
2, type of Woodburnodon casei: wide protoco-
ne, comparatively short postmetacrista, and
reduced stylar shelf. Additionally, the per-
sistence of a straight centrocrista is a gene-
ralized feature present in all known micro-
biotherians. The reduction or absence of
para- and metaconules is also a derived fea-
ture present in microbiotherians with
known upper molars.
Besides its microbiotherian affinities, it is
not possible to refer the new species to the
Microbiotheriidae, the only family pre-
viously known for this order: (1) microbio-
theriids have upper molars with the stylar
shelf even more labio-lingually reduced
than in Woodburnodon. (2) Microbiotheriid
stylar cusps are indistinguishable as such,
because of their extreme reduction and la-
bio-lingual compression. Actually, most mi-
crobiotheriid upper molars have a reduced,
ridge-like structure labially bordering the
stylar shelf, making impossible to make a
secure identification of the stylar cusps.
Woodburnodon casei is plesiomorphic in that
its stylar cusps are still observable and pla-
ced in the plesiomorphic condition. (3) Fi-
nally, especially on M1-2, microbiotheriids
have an extremely short preparacrista which
is oriented not perpendicular to the antero-
posterior molar axis but oblique to it; in
Woodburnodon, even though the preparacris-
ta is worn, it is not significantly short or
obliquely oriented. In short, Woodburnodon
casei cannot be assigned to the Microbiothe-
riidae, as it lacks the basic synapomorphies
that characterize this family. Therefore, we
recognize the new family Woodburnodon-
tidae for its inclusion.
Origins of the Microbiotheria
When compared with the oldest known mi-
crobiotherian, Khasia cordillerensis (Muizon
1991), from the Early Paleocene of Tiu-
pampa, Bolivia, it is striking that Woodbur-
nodon casei is more plesiomorphic than this
taxon concerning all of the above mentio-
ned features. In fact, Woodburnodon appears
to be more plesiomorphic than all other
known microbiotherians. This suggests that
woodburnodontid's upper molar morpho-
logy is close to, or represents the, ancestral
microbiotherian molar pattern. The fact
that this taxon comes from Paleogene levels
of Antarctica is noteworthy, and is an indi-
cation that the very origin of microbiothe-
rians could be tied to the southernmost re-
gions of the Austral (biogeographic) King-
dom (sensu Morrone 2002), probably du-
ring Early Paleocene or even Late Creta-
ceous times (see below and Woodburne and
Case 1996).
Previously (e.g. Marshall 1987, Marshall et
al. 1990), microbiotheriids and North A-
merican pediomyids were grouped in a
common clade, the Microbiotheria. Even
though this taxonomic conclusion has been
abandoned (see, e.g., Kielan Jaworowska et
al. 2004, Case et al. 2005), it was reasonably
based. Some advanced pediomyids (e.g.
Protolambda florencae, from the Late Cretace-
ous; see Fox 1987: fig. 5, and Davis 2007:
fig. 11) show derived features in common
with microbiotheriids (upper molars with
reduced stylar shelf, short and obliquely set
preparacrista, robust protocone). The
upper molar morphology of Woodburnodon
casei sheds light on this topic, as it is more
clearly derivable from a peradectoid-like
pattern than from any pediomyid-like mor-
phology. For instance, Woodburnodon's upper
molar has a metacone that is larger than the
paracone. Pediomyids, as well as other basal
metatherians (e.g., alphadontids), have para-
cones and metacones that are subequal in
height and size. Another example is the
reduction of the stylar shelf: while pediom-
yids have much reduced the anterior por-
tion of the stylar shelf, in Woodburnodon this
structure is equally reduced, both anteriorly
and posteriorly. A third feature is the
strong, winged conules of pediomyids,
which are reduced or absent in Woodbur-
nodon and all other microbiotherians. Fi-
nally, the preparacrista in Woodburnodon is
more or less perpendicular to the molar
axis, while in pediomyids is invariably orien-
ted anteriorly. In short, these features sug-
gest that some of the more derived micro-
biotherians convergently evolved a pediom-
yid-like morphology, i.e., a further reduc-
tion in the stylar shelf and cusps, and a
more oblique orientation and shortening of
the preparacrista. Thus, Woodburnodon adds
empirical evidence of the independence of
pediomyid and microbiotherian lineages.
Two other, more radical, alternative infe-
rences can be made on this topic: (1) Wood-
burnodon is indeed a Pediomyidae whose
ancestors reached Antarctica from North
America, via South America, by the Late
Cretaceous; more modern microbiotheriids
evolved from this pediomyid lineage. For
the reasons stated above, we cannot favor
this hypothesis. (2) At least some of the
Late Cretaceous, North American taxa cu-
rrently assigned to the Pediomyidae are ac-
tually advanced microbiotherians that arri-
ved on that continent from Southern South
America before the end of the Cretaceous.
Testing this last hypothesis would need a
phylogenetic analysis including all known
microbiotherians together with peradec-
toids, early didelphoids, as well as more ba-
sal metatherians (e.g., alphadontids and
allies). However, on the basis of Woodbur-
nodon's upper molar morphology, as well as
on the new evidence on the evolution of
the Pediomyidae (Davis 2007), this last hy-
pothesis seems even less probable.
Following Johanson (1996, see also Eaton
1993) Kielan Jaworowska et al. (2004) upda-
ted the dental diagnosis of the Peradecti-
dae. Regarding the upper molars, they state
that these molars have "… relatively smaller
stylar cusp A placed close to stylar cusp B
New marsupial (Mammalia) from the Eocene of Antarctica, ...
and about on the same level on the stylar
shelf; cusp B reduced in size and subequal
to stylar cusp C; ectoflexus shallow on all
upper molars, not becoming deeper poste-
riorly; metacone taller than paracone; pos-
tmetacingulum lost; preparacrista extends
from paracone to a point anterior to cusp B,
rather than terminating at that cusp; conu-
les and conular cristae reduced, with pos-
tmetaconular crista lost." (Kielan Jawo-
rowska et al. 2004: XX). [Note that this
diagnosis was made as compared to the
"Alphadontidae", also regarded as basal
"didelphimorphians". Case et al. (2005), on
the contrary, included Alphadon, Peradectes
and allies within the Alphadelphia, a clade
outside of, and basal to, the Didelphimor-
phia. While we still recognize the Alpha-
dontidae as a basal clade -i.e., Case et al.'s
(2005) Alphadelphia-we now accept the
exclusion of the Peradectidae from the Al-
phadelphia, and, based on Kielan Jawo-
rowska et al.'s (2004) arguments, we regard
it as a ?Didelphimorphia (Goin 2007). Goin
(2003, 2007) argued that peradectids, mayu-
lestids, and caroloameghiniids belong to a
natural group: the Peradectoidea].
It is clear from the above-mentioned diag-
nosis that the Microbiotheria were derived
from a peradectoid-like ancestor; in turn,
the reduction of stylar cusps and shelf, as
well as the enlargement of the protocone in
the upper molars, constitute derived featu-
res diagnostic of the Microbiotheria.
Affinities of the Microbiotheria
The new evidence provided by Woodburno-
don casei is relevant for the interpretation of
the affinities of several marsupial groups
that have been variously referred as derived
from, or related to, the Microbiotherians.
Recent studies of metatherian phylogeny
consistently relate microbiotherians with
part, or all, the Australidelphian marsupial
clades (see, e.g., Asher et al. 2004, and litera-
ture cited). Regarding South American mar-
supials, outstands the problem of polydolo-
pimorphian relationships. Goin (2003),
Goin and Candela (2004), and Oliveira and
Goin (2006) argued that microbiotherians
have a sister-group relationship with poly-
dolopimorphians. According to Case et al.
(2005) polydolopimorphians include the
Hatcheriiformes, the Bonapartheriiformes,
and the Polydolopiformes (on the origin of
the molar pattern of the Polydolopiformes,
see Goin et al. 2003). Main derived features
leading to polydolopimorphians include the
enlargement of the metaconule, the pairing
of StB and D with the paracone and meta-
cone, respectively, and the further reduction
of the stylar shelf. In fact, Woodburnodon
casei fits quite well the pattern expected for
an ancestor of Hatcheriiformes as well as
of Bonapartheriiforms: reduced stylar
shelf, large protocone, short preparacrista
and postmetacrista -the true nature of
Woodburnodon's metaconule is unknown be-
cause of the poorly preserved type speci-
men of this species. However, a series of
peculiar apomorphies of the Polydolo-
piformes (Roberthoffstetteria, polydolopids
and allies), are definitely not derivable from
Woodburnodon; this suggests now to us that
these marsupials may belong to a different
clade, with quite different origins than
those of Hatcheriiformes + Bonaparthe-
riiformes. Particularly, the lingual alignment
of the paraconule and the metaconule with
the protocone, the expansion of anterior
and posterior cingula, and the persistence
of a StC which is placed lingually with res-
pect to other stylar cusps in the upper
molars, seem to be contradictory with other
previously related groups, as the bonapar-
theriiforms. New phylogenetic analyses
should test these contrasting hypotheses,
especially taking in account the new infor-
mation provided by Woodburnodon and seve-
ral other basal metatherians. We wonder,
for instance, whether the inclusion in a
future analysis of the North American, late
Cretaceous Albertatherium could reveal an
independent origin of polydolopines and
allies, more closely related to a much more
basal metatherian radiation than that of
microbiotherians and bonapartheriiformes.
Upper molars of Albertatherium have their
para- and metaconules set quite lingual with
respect to the paracone and metacone, res-
pectively, as well as a lingual StC.
Ecology, biogeography, and the timing
of the microbiotherian radiation.
Dromiciops gliroides Thomas is the only li-
ving representative of the Order Micro-
biotheria. Its range is restricted to the tem-
perate forests of the Southern Andean Cor-
dillera, from 36° to 43° South latitude. It is
regarded as a strictly arboreal animal (Szalay
1994), with frugivorous-insectivorous fee-
ding habits (Mann 1955, Amico and Aizen
2000). An interesting case of mutualism has
been described by Amico and Aizen (2000)
involving Dromiciops as a seed disperser of
the parasite epiphyte Tristerix corymbosus
(Loranthaceae). Seed dispersal of this plant
requires not only effective ingestion and
transport, but also an adequate placement
on the living branches of its host tree (No-
thofagus dombeyi). Dromiciops discards the exo-
carpium of Tristerix fruits and eats the re-
maining parts, including the seeds; the latter
are transported throughout the intestine,
and defecated later --up to 98% of the se-
eds ingested are deposited on the host tree.
Passage through the digestive tract of Dro-
miciops is crucial for seed germination. Thus,
Dromiciops is a highly effective seed disper-
ser of this plant. To Aizen et al. (2002), the
high dependence of Tristerix on its marsu-
pial disperser could be a result of the anti-
quity of their co-evolutionary relationships
(Tristerix is the oldest known Lorantaceae,
being first recorded in the late Cretaceous,
ca. 70 Ma).
The mutualistic relationship between Dro-
miciops and a plant related to the Nothofagus
flora provides an interesting clue on the
possible trophic relationships of extinct
Antarctic microbiotheriids. Other micro-
biotheriid associations, such as one propor-
tionally rich assemblage from the early Ne-
ogene of Central Patagonia, have also been
related to the nearby presence of a Nothof-
agus flora (Goin et al. 2007). The upper
molar morphology of Woodburnodon casei
includes an enlarged, bulky protocone and a
wide trigon basin indicative of frugivorous
feeding habits. In turn, frugivory suggests
an arboreal or semi-arboreal type of loco-
motion. In short, as already suggested for
polydolopine polydolopimorphians (Wood-
burne and Case 1996), the origin, radiation,
and dispersal of microbiotherians may be
related to the origin, radiation, and dispersal
of the Nothofagus flora. The distribution,
locomotion, and feeding habits of the sin-
gle living species of Microbiotheriidae,
Dromiciops gliroides, strongly support this last
hypothesis. Hill and Dettmann (1996) iden-
tified several rapid evolutionary radiations
following the appearance of Nothofagus in
the fossil record. The oldest of these occu-
rred by the Late Campanian-Maastrichtian
of southernmost Patagonia and the An-
tarctic Peninsula. This suggests a possible
timing for the microbiotherian radiation.
A recent phylogenetic review of metathe-
rians addressed once again the question of
the origins and early biogeography of the
Australidelphian radiation. Discussing their
results on Dromiciops gliroides, the authors
stated that the "[n]esting of Dromiciops wi-
thin Australidelphia implies either back-
migration from Australia to South America
or multiple dispersals into Australia" (Asher
et al. 2004: 248). Our identification of Wood-
burnodon casei as the most generalized micro-
biotherians known up to now supports an
alternative hypothesis: the origin of the
Microbiotheria (and, probably, of other
lineages of the Australidelphian radiation)
in the Antarctic continent, or, also proba-
ble, in a very restricted biogeographic re-
gion including southernmost South Ame-
rica (i.e., Patagonia) and Antarctica. The
consideration of South America as a homo-
geneous unit frequently hides a much more
complex biogeographic scenario: the belon-
ging of southern South America to a bioge-
ographic kingdom (the Austral Kingdom
sensu Morrone 2002), different from that of
the Neotropical region (belonging to the
Holotropical Kingdom), which includes
most of the remaining portions of this
We thank Patricia Sarmiento and Rafael
Urréjola for their support when using the
SEM facilities at the MLP. Marcela Tomeo
composed Fig. 1. Reviewers Bill Clemens
and Christian de Muizon much helped with
their useful comments and insights. F. Goin
thanks the Alexander von Humboldt Foun-
dation and CONICET (PIP 5621) for their
financial and/or logistical support.
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Recibido: 23 de octubre, 2007
Aceptado: 13 de septiembre, 2007
... Some terrestrial mammals, such as polydolopimorphian and microbiotherian marsupials, also attest to a Gondwanan legacy (also recorded in Australia and Antarctica; e.g., Archer et al., 1999;Goin et al., 1999Goin et al., , 2007Sigé et al., 2009). ...
... Some terrestrial mammals, such as polydolopimorphian and microbiotherian marsupials, also attest to a Gondwanan legacy (also recorded in Australia and Antarctica; e.g., Archer et al., 1999;Goin et al., 1999Goin et al., , 2007Sigé et al., 2009). ...
We provide a synopsis of ~60 million years of life history in Neotropical lowlands, based on a comprehensive survey of the Cenozoic deposits along the Quebra da Cachiyacu near Contamana in Peruvian Amazonia. The 34 fossil-bearing localities identified have yielded a diversity of fossil remains, including vertebrates, mollusks, arthropods, plant fossils, and microorganisms, ranging from the early Paleocene up to the late Miocene–?Pliocene (>20 successive levels). This Cenozoic series includes the base of the Huchpayacu Formation (Fm.; early Paleocene; lacustrine/fluvial environments; charophyte-dominated assemblage), the Pozo Fm. (middle + ?late Eocene; marine then freshwater environments; most diversified biomes), and complete sections for the Chambira Fm. (late Oligocene–late early Miocene; freshwater environments; vertebrate-dominated faunas), the Pebas Fm. (late early to early late Miocene; freshwater environments with an increasing marine influence; excellent fossil record), and Ipururo Fm. (late Miocene–?Pliocene; fully fluvial environments; virtually no fossils preserved). At least 485 fossil species are recognized in the Contamana area (~250 ‘plants’, ~212 animals, and 23 foraminifera). Based on taxonomic lists from each stratigraphic interval, high-level taxonomic diversity remained fairly constant throughout the middle Eocene-Miocene interval (8–12 classes), ordinal diversity fluctuated to a greater degree, and family/species diversity generally declined, with a drastic drop in the early Miocene. The Paleocene–?Pliocene fossil assemblages from Contamana attest at least to four biogeographic histories inherited from (i) Mesozoic Gondwanan times, (ii) the Panamerican realm prior to (iii) the time of South America’s Cenozoic “splendid isolation”, and (iv) Neotropical ecosystems in the Americas. No direct evidence of any North American terrestrial immigrant has yet been recognized in the Miocene record at Contamana.
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The Caroloameghiniidae (Mammalia, Marsupialia, ?Didelphimorphia, Peradectoidea) were small-sized, probably frugivorous marsupials with several features convergent with those of modern primates: strong dentaries, brachydont cheek-teeth and bunodont molars with wide trigon and talonid basins. Some features of this family are unique among metatherians: proportionally enormous protocone and additional crests between stylar cusps B and D in the upper molars, and a postprotocristid unconnected to the postmetacristid in the lower molars. Procaroloameghinia Marshall 1982 is known from Itaboraian (Late Paleocene) levels of Southeastern Brazil and central Patagonia, and, probably, from the Early Eocene of northwestern Patagonia as well. Caroloameghinia Ameghino 1901 (with only two species, C. mater and C. tenuis) comes from Barrancan (Casamayoran pars; Late Eocene) levels of central Patagonia. An additional, yet undescribed species comes from Tinguirirican (earliest Oligocene) levels of central Patagonia; it constitutes the youngest known record for the family. Caroloameghiniids are peradectoid ?didelphimorphians, not microbiotherians or polydolopimorphians, as previously argued. Their frugivorous adaptations coincide with the largest expansion of tropical-subtropical forests in South America (including high-latitude regions) during the Cenozoic's "greenhouse world". Their extinction (at least in southern South America) at the earliest Oligocene roughly agrees with the global cooling trend that began at the Eocene-Oligocene boundary.
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Five new species of marsupials are described from the middle Eocene La Meseta Formation of Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula. Three are derorhynchid didelphimorphians; one species is a prepidolopid polydolopimorphian, and the last is a microbiotheriid australidelphian. Additionally, fragmentary specimens representing an indetermined derorhynchid and a possible marsupial are also described. The prepidolopid and one of the derorhynchids are sufficiently derived as to preclude any close relationship to other members of that family, but the remaining taxa show the closest affinity with species otherwise known only from Itaboraian and older faunas in Patagonia. This differs from the affinity to early Eocene (Casamayoran) taxa shown by the polydolopid marsupials and placental mammals previously known from the La Meseta Formation. The newly described marsupials indicate that the relict La Meseta Fauna is composed of forms that must have dispersed to Antarctica no later than about early late Paleocene, whereas the previously known taxa apparently arrived in the early Eocene. Ecologically, the La Meseta Fauna is composed mostly of small-sized marsupials of likely insectivorous to frugivorous habits and larger-sized placental herbivores. Whereas the ratite bird of the La Meseta Fauna was probably also herbivorous, the phorusrhachoid and falconid birds comprised a large and smaller carnivorous to possibly scavenging component, respectively. Compared to contemporary faunas of Patagonia, the medium- to large-sized marsupial carnivores are lacking in the Antarctic Peninsula. Nevertheless, the La Meseta Fauna is Patagonian in origin and affinity. In conjunction with new faunas of Itaboraian age (early late Paleocene) in Patagonia, the evidence available indicates that from at least Itaboraian time onward the land mammal fauna of Patagonia and northern South America, as well, is a self-contained unit, developing the diversity characteristic of the Paleogene in that continent, including the australidelphian (but South American) microbiotheres. This, in combination with the apparent separation of Australia from Antarctica at ca. 64 Ma, reinforces interpretations that the precursors of the Australian marsupial fauna most likely dispersed from South America to Australia in the late Cretaceous–early Paleocene.
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The temperate forest of southern South America (TFSSA) has a highly endemic biota with a flora that exhibits one of the highest incidences of biotic pollination (particularly ornithophily) and animal dispersal (particularly endozoochory) found in any temperate biome worldwide. Much knowledge has been gained in the last few years on the nature of these mutualisms. In this study, we review (1) the group of animals that participate in these relationships and their relative importance, (2) the community structure of these interactions, and (3) their degree of spatial consistency on a geographical scale based on studies conducted in two or more localities at both sides of the Andes. We also compare the plant-animal mutualisms of the TFSSA with those occurring in other biomes. Last, we present evidence showing how deforestation, fragmentation, and other forms of human disturbance are affecting these mutualisms. This work supports the hypothesis that the many plant species pollinated and dispersed by vertebrates in the TFFSA depend on a strikingly poor assemblage of animal mutualists. On the other hand, invertebrate-pollinated plants interact with an unexpectedly diverse assemblage of insect pollinators that include taxa present only in this biome. Although many of these mutualisms seem to be resilient, others appear highly sensitive to different forms of human disturbance.
La Meseta Formation is a discontinuity bounded sedimentary unit which crops out on Marambio (Seymour) and Cockburn islands, approximately 100 km SE of the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula. The base of this unit is a diachronous surface which intersects all other older units of the island. Along this surface the hiatus increases towards the West. The top is another unconformity below the glacimarine post-Pliocene deposits of the Weddell Formation. The lenticular geometry and the architecture of the internal units was interpreted as filling an incised valley, eroded on an emerging platform after the tilting of the Marambio Group and the Cross Valley Formation beds. The La Meseta Formation has a thickness of 620 m on Marambio island and was divided into three members (I to III from base to top). Nevertheless, the lithosome architecture, the relationships between facies and the sedimentary palaeoenvironments are better explained using an allostratigraphic scheme. The La Meseta alloformation is 720 m thick and was divided into six allomembers, each representing a sedimentary stage. Due to the regional importance of the unconformities which limit this unit, it is interpreted that it also represents a depositional sequence. The stratigraphy, structural characteristics and facies architecture of the La Meseta Aloformation are better explained considering a tectonic/erosive mixed origin of the unconformities and thus a tectonic control for the history of the valley is proposed. KEY WORDS. Stratigraphy. La Meseta Formation. Eocene. Antarctica. Resumen. ESTRATIGRAFÍA DE LA FORMACION LA MESETA, ISLA MARAMBIO (SEYMOUR), ANTÁRTIDA. La Formación La Meseta es una unidad sedimentaría limitada por discordancias que aflora en las islas Marambio y Cockburn, ubicadas aproximadamente a 100 km al sudeste del extremo norte de la Península Antártica. La base de esta formación es una superficie diacrónica que intersecta a todas las unidades más antiguas de la isla. A lo largo de esta superficie el hiato se incrementa hacia el oeste. El techo de la unidad es otra discordancia por debajo del depósito glacimarino post-Plioceno de la Formación Weddell. La geometría lenticular y la arquitectura de las unidades internas fueron interpretadas como producto del relleno de un valle incidido, labrado sobre una plataforma emergente con posterioridad al volcamiento de las capas del Grupo Marambio y de la Formación Cross Valley. La Formación La Meseta presenta en la isla Marambio un espesor de 620 m y ha sido subdividida en tres miembros (I a III de base a techo). Sin embargo, la arquitectura de los litosomas, las relaciones entre facies y los paleoambientes sedimentarios son mejor interpretados utilizando un esquema de subdivisión aloestratigráfico. La aloformación La Meseta tiene un espesor de 720 m y fue subdividida en seis alomiembros cada uno de los cuales representa una etapa de sedimentación. Dada la importancia regional de las discordancias que limitan esta unidad se interpreta que la misma corresponde también a una secuencia depositacional. La estratigrafía, características estructurales y arquitectura de las facies de la aloformación La Meseta son explicadas de un modo más armónico considerando un origen mixto, tectónico-erosivo, de las discordancias y por lo tanto se propone un control tectónico en la historia del valle. PALABRAS CLAVE. Estratigrafía. Formación La Meseta. Eoceno. Antártida.
Lower Tertiary strata on Seymour Island comprise two formations that are in fault contact. The older (Paleocene) Cross Valley Formation is a 105-m-thick sequence of sandstone and pebbly sandstone, representing distributary channel fills. The younger (late Eocene) La Meseta Formation has a composite thickness of about 450m and is divisible into three units, representing a delta- slope, a tide dominated environment and a lagoon. The major megastructure in this formation is large-scale 'slump-and-fill' formed by mass movement of sediment and subsequent infilling of the submarine valley that resulted. Deltaic environments are suggested for the two formations. These rocks are the youngest exposed strata of the late Mesozoic-early Cenozoic depositional basin on the SE flank of the northern Antarctic Peninsula. -from Authorsfault Paleocene channel fills Eocene delta slope lagoon mass movementInst of Polar Studies and Dept of Geology & Mineralogy, The Ohio State Univ, Columbus, Ohio 43210, USA.
The Cretaceous-Paleogene sequence on Seymour Island has been mapped in terms of four previously named units: the Lopez de Bertodano Formation (Cretaceous- Paleocene), the Sobral Formation (Paleocene), the Cross Valley Formation (late Paleocene), and the La Meseta Formation (Eocene). The basal surfaces of the Sobral and Cross Valley Formations include portions with clear evidence of erosional unconformity. The base of the La Meseta Formation laps onto a steep buttress unconformity at both of its exposed margins. The scale of lenticularity of the units increases upward throughout the sequence. The Lopez de Bertodano Formation and most of the Sobral Formation are built of essentially tabular units, and have been effectively characterized by isolated measured sections. The Cross Valley Formation is a channel-filling lens. The La Meseta Formation has a complex, asymmetric, trough-like form. It is built of large-scale lenses characterized by different shelly facies that do not all extend across the full width of the trough. Consequently, mapping between measured sections is essential to establish the lateral relationships. Even then, the geometric relationships do not identify time lines; establishing the real age relationships will require very carefully located faunas. The observed relationships between the length and height of lenticular units can be used to estimate the expected vertical error when faunas are projected into a composite section. The whole sequence is essentially a gently dipping homocline. The youngest units have slightly gentler dips, indicating progressive or repeated tilting. But a larger component of the variance in bedding attitude is contributed by steeper dips in the sedimentary filling of channels and slump scars. The regional tilt, the development of growth faults, facies changes, and the orientation of erosional surfaces have a symmetrical arrangement from which a common cause is inferred. The best estimates of the timing of the major unconformities and erosional episodes are only partially compatible with current models of global sea-level change.