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Correlation between Urothelial Differentiation and Sensory Proteins P2X3, P2X5, TRPV1, and TRPV4 in Normal Urothelium and Papillary Carcinoma of Human Bladder

BioMed Research International

Abstract and Figures

Terminal differentiation of urothelium is a prerequisite for blood-urine barrier formation and enables normal sensory function of the urinary bladder. In this study, urothelial differentiation of normal human urothelium and of low and high grade papillary urothelial carcinomas was correlated with the expression and localization of purinergic receptors (P2X3, and P2X5) and transient receptor potential vanilloid channels (TRPV1, and TRPV4). Western blotting and immunofluorescence of uroplakins together with scanning electron microscopy of urothelial apical surface demonstrated terminal differentiation of normal urothelium, partial differentiation of low grade carcinoma, and poor differentiation of high grade carcinoma. P2X3 was expressed in normal urothelium as well as in low grade carcinoma and in both cases immunolabeling was stronger in the superficial cells. P2X3 expression decreased in high grade carcinoma. P2X5 expression was detected in normal urothelium and in high grade carcinoma, while in low grade carcinoma its expression was diminished. The expression of TRPV1 decreased in low grade and even more in high grade carcinoma when compared with normal urothelium, while TRPV4 expression was unchanged in all samples. Our results suggest that sensory proteins P2X3 and TRPV1 are in correlation with urothelial differentiation, while P2X5 and TRPV4 have unique expression patterns.
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Research Article
Correlation between Urothelial Differentiation and
Sensory Proteins P2X3, P2X5, TRPV1, and TRPV4 in Normal
Urothelium and Papillary Carcinoma of Human Bladder
Igor Sterle,1Daša ZupanIiI,2and Rok Romih2
1Department of Urology, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Z aloˇ
ska cesta 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
2Institute of Cell Biology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, Vrazov trg 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Correspondence should be addressed to Rok Romih;
Received  January ; Revised April ; Accepted April ; Published  April 
Academic Editor: Michael Winder
Copyright ©  Igor Sterle et al. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Terminal dierentiation of urothelium is a prerequisite for blood-urine barrier formation and enables normal sensory function
of the urinary bladder. In this study, urothelial dierentiation of normal human urothelium and of low and high grade papillary
urothelial carcinomas was correlated with the expression and localization of purinergic receptors (PX, and PX) and transient
receptor potential vanilloid channels (TRPV, and TRPV). Western blotting and immunouorescence of uroplakins together
with scanning electron microscopy of urothelial apical surface demonstrated terminal dierentiation of normal urothelium, partial
dierentiation of lowgrade c arcinoma, and poor dierentiation of high grade carcinoma. PX was expressed in normal urothelium
as well as in low grade carcinoma and in both cases immunolabeling was stronger in the supercial cells. PX expression decreased
in high grade carcinoma. PX expression was detected in normal urothelium and in high grade carcinoma, while in low grade
carcinoma its expression was diminished. e expression of TRPV decreased in low grade and even more in high grade carcinoma
when compared with normal urothelium, while TRPV expression was unchanged in all samples. Our results suggest that sensory
proteins PX and TRPV are in correlation with urothelial dierentiation, while PX and TRPV have unique expression patterns.
1. Introduction
e urothelium, which lines the urinary bladder, performs
two major functions. e rst one is a well-characterized
high resistance permeability barrier, and the second, not so
well understood, is a sensory function. Permeability barrier
is formed and maintained during urothelial dierentiation,
which reaches the terminal stage in supercial umbrella
cells. Umbrella cells synthesize four major transmembrane
proteins, uroplakins (UPIa, UPIb, UPII, and UPIIIa), which
form unique membrane specialization, that is, urothelial
plaques []. It was shown that uroplakins directly contribute
to the urothelial barrier function []. Aer synthesis and
modications of uroplakins in the endoplasmic reticulum
and the Golgi apparatus, respectively, urothelial plaques are
gradually assembled in post-Golgi compartments. ey are
transported to the apical plasma membrane of umbrella cells
by fusiform vesicles []. Urothelial plaques are encircled
by so-called hinge regions, which form microridges at the
urothelial apical surface [].
Urothelium, together with lamina propria, acts also as a
sensory web, which is able to receive, amplify, and transmit
information about its environment []. Numerous receptors
and ion channels, including purinergic PX receptors and
transient receptor potential vanilloid (TRPV) channels, have
been identied in urothelial cells. ey respond to bladder
lling, changes of urine composition, or autocrine and
paracrine mediators []. PX receptors and TRPV channels
are relatively nonselective cation channels [,]. Stretching
triggers chemically mediated activation of purinergic PX
receptors and exocytosis of fusiform vesicles []. Moreover,
stretching stimulates aerent nerve processes and may signal
the degree of bladder lling to the central nervous system
[,]. TRPV channels may also be involved in response
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
BioMed Research International
Volume 2014, Article ID 805236, 9 pages
BioMed Research International
to mechanical and chemical stimuli [,]. It has been
proposed that TRPV and TRPV are involved in bladder
lling sensation and regulation of the voiding reex [].
We have shown previously that uroplakin expression
decreases during bladder carcinogenesis [], which is
reected in partial urothelial dierentiation and barrier dis-
ruption [,]. Compromised permeability barrier results
in lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS), which are divided
into three categories: storage, voiding, and postmicturition
symptoms. Storage symptoms include increased micturition
frequency, nocturia, urinary urgency, and urinary inconti-
nence []. Common voiding symptoms contain slow or
weak stream, hesitancy, and terminal dribble. Postmicturi-
tion symptoms include the sensation of incomplete emptying
and postmicturition dribble [,]. Although the aetiology
of LUTS is multifactorial, bladder carcinomas represent one
ofthepossiblecauses[]. Since PX receptors are implicated
in the bladder sensation mediated by aerent nerves, it is
likely that sensory web plays an important role in some
bladder diseases accompanied by LUTS []. Currently, very
little is known about the roles of PX receptors and TRPV
channels in human bladder tumours. It is assumed that PX
receptors, activated by ATP, have a signicant antineoplastic
action and might be involved in urothelial dierentiation in
high grade supercial bladder cancer []. Regarding TRPV,
its downregulation was reported in supercial and muscle
invasive urothelial cancers [,].
Here we report on the expression and localization of
PX, PX, TRPV, and TRPV in normal human urothe-
lium and in low and high grade papillary urothelial carcino-
mas. e results are compared with uroplakin expression and
urothelial apical surface ultrastructure. Our results suggest
correlation between sensory function of the urothelium and
urothelial dierentiation.
2. Material and Methods
2.1. Patients and Sampling. e study was conducted in
accordance with the Helsinki Declaration and approved by
the Slovenian National Medical Ethics Committee number
//. Eighteen patients with papillary urothelial carci-
noma who underwent transurethral resection of the bladder
were included in the study. Informed consent was obtained
from all patients. Two samples were acquired by cold-cup
biopsies from each patient: (i) the urothelial tumour and (ii)
the normal urothelium cm posterior from the interureteric
ridge. Biopsies captured urothelium and lamina propria. For
pathological staging and grading, EAU Guidelines on Non-
muscle-invasive Bladder Cancer []wereused.Urothelial
tumours were diagnosed as low grade papillary urothelial
carcinoma with no lamina propria invasion: pTa ( patients;
 to  years old; mean age . years), high grade papillary
urothelial carcinoma with lamina propria invasion: pT or
with muscularis propria invasion: pT ( patients;  to 
years old; mean age . years). Regarding normal samples,
only those showing no signs of hyperplasia or dysplasia were
further processed ( samples). Each sample was processed
for Western blotting, immunouorescence, and scanning
electron microscopy.
2.2. Western Blotting. Samples were homogenized in ice-
cold buer (. M Tris-HCl, .% SDS, and mM phenyl-
methylsulfonyl uoride). e lysates were centrifuged and
the protein concentration in the supernatant was determined
by using a BCA protein assay kit (Pierce, Rockford, IL).
From each patient, the protein sample ( 𝜇g/lane) from the
normal urothelium was loaded next to the protein sample
( 𝜇g/lane) from the urothelial tumour. Proteins were size
fractionated on .%, %, or % SDS-polyacrylamide gels
and then transferred to Hybond ECL nitrocellulose mem-
branes (Amersham Biosciences, Buckinghamshire, UK) by
electroblotting. Aer blocking overnight at Cin%skim
milk in phosphate buer saline with .% Tween (PBS-
Tween), membranes were incubated for hours at room
temperature with rabbit polyclonal anti-uroplakin ( : .;
kindly provided by Tung-Tien Sun, New York University
Medical School, USA), guinea pig polyclonal anti-PX
( : ; cat. number NB-, Novus Biologicals, Little-
ton, USA), goat polyclonal anti-PX ( : ; cat. number sc-
, Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Dallas, USA), rabbit poly-
Labs, Jerusalem, Israel), or rabbit polyclonal anti-TRPV
( :; cat. number ab, Abcam, Cambridge, UK).
Aer washing in PBS-Tween, membranes were incubated
for hour, depending on primary antibody either with
horseradish peroxidase-conjugated goat anti-rabbit ( : ;
Santa Cruz Biotechnology), goat anti-guinea pig ( : ;
Santa Cruz Biotechnology), or donkey anti-goat ( : ;
Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories, West Baltimore Pike,
USA). Membranes were nally probed with enhanced chemi-
luminescence reagent (ECL; Amersham Biosciences, Buck-
inghamshire, UK) and exposed to X-ray lms. To conrm
equal protein loading, the blots were stripped with Restore
Western Blot Stripping Buer (Pierce, Rockford, IL) and
reprobed with anti-actin antibody (diluted : ; Sigma,
Tauirchen, Germany).
2.3. Immunouorescence. Samples were xed with %
formaldehyde in PBS for . hours at C. ey were washed
and impregnated with % sucrose, embedded in OCT
mounting medium (Tissue Tek, Sakura Finetek Europe B.V.,
e Netherlands), and frozen in liquid nitrogen. Frozen
sections were cut in cryostat at C, collected on glass
slides, and air dried. Sections were incubated in % BSA
in PBS for hour. Immunolabeling was performed using
the same antibodies as for Western blotting: antibodies
against uroplakins ( : .), PX ( : ), PX ( : ),
TRPV ( : ), and TRPV ( : ). Aer washing with
PBS, sections were incubated for  minutes either with
rabbit anti-goat AlexaFluor for uroplakins (Molecular
Probes), donkey anti-guinea pig TRITC or FITC for
PX (Jackson ImmunoResearch Europe Ltd.), rabbit
anti-goat AlexaFluor for PX (Invitrogen), or goat anti-
rabbit AlexaFluor for TRPV and TRPV (Molecular
Probes). All secondary antibodies were diluted :  in
.% bovine serum albumin (BSA) in PBS. A series of
negative controls were performed, omitting the primary
antibody or incubating sections with nonrelevant antibodies.
Sections were washed, stained with DAPI, and immersed in
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Vectashield embedding medium. Slides were examined with
a uorescence microscope Eclipse TE (Nikon).
2.4. Scanning Electron Microscopy. Samples were xed in
.% paraformaldehyde and % glutaraldehyde for hours.
e samples were postxed in osmium tetroxide, dehydrated
in ethanol, and critical-point dried. Aer sputter-coating with
gold, they were examined at  kV with a Jeol JSM A
scanning electron microscope (Jeol Ltd., Tokyo, Japan).
3. Results
3.1. Normal Urothelium. Uroplakins, dierentiation depen-
dent and urothelium-specic transmembrane proteins, were
detected by polyclonal anti-uroplakin antibody, which reacts
strongly with UPIIIa (kDa). e expression of UPIIIa
in all samples of normal human urothelium was positive
(Figure ). To localize uroplakins within urothelium we used
immunouorescence. Normal urothelium showed strong
uroplakin labelling of the supercial cells (Figure (a)).
Scanning electron microscopy revealed large, polygonal cells
covering urothelial surface (Figure (b)). ey had scalloped
appearance with microridges, demonstrating the presence
of urothelial plaques. All features indicated above provided
evidence that umbrella cells formed the supercial cell layer
of normal urothelium, and they were therefore considered
to be terminally dierentiated. Conrming this, we further
analysed the expression and distribution of four nonselective
ion channels.
Western blotting conrmed the expression of PX
(approximately  kDa) in the normal urothelium (Figure ).
Antibodies against PX labelled all urothelial cell layers in
all samples of normal urothelium, with more intense labelling
(Figure (c)). Regarding PX, the expression of monomer
protein ( kDa) was conrmed, while dimmer protein
( kDa) was not detected by Western blotting (Figure ). An
additional band of approximately kDa was also obser ved
with anti-PX antibody. In immunouorescence, anti-PX
antibody labelled all urothelial cell layers in all samples of
normal urothelium, with weaker labelling intensity in the
basal than in the supercial layer (Figure (d)).
Data on TRPV molecular weight range from  to
 kDa. Anti-TRPV antibody, which was used in this study,
revealed the most intense band for TRPV at approximately
 kDa and weak band at approximately  kDa (Figure ).
Immunolabeling of TRPV was evident in all urothelial cell
layers in all samples of normal urothelium (Figure (e)).
Anti-TRPV antibody used in this study detected band at
 kDa, as predicted. TRPV immunolabeling was weak in
basal and intermediate cell layers and moderate in umbrella
cells in all samples of normal urothelium (Figure (f)).
3.2. Low Grade Papillary Urothelial Carcinoma. In low grade
papillary urothelial carcinoma, decreased or abolished uro-
plakin expression was detected (Figure )whencompared
to normal urothelium. In all samples of low grade pap-
illary urothelial carcinoma, immunolabeling of uroplakins
Low grade
High grade
F : e expression pattern of uroplakins, PX, PX, TRPV,
and TRPV in normal human urothelium and in low and high grade
papillary urothelial carcinomas as determined by Western blotting.
In the protein samples of normal urothelium, UPIIIa, PX, PX,
TRPV, and TRPV are expressed. In low grade carcinoma, there
is no expression of uroplakins. PX and TRPV are expressed as
in normal urothelium, while PX is greatly diminished. TRPV
expression is decreased in comparison to normal urothelium. In
the protein samples of high grade carcinoma with lamina propria
invasion (pT) and those with muscularis propria invasion (pT),
the expression patterns were similar and therefore three examples
of each are presented here. e expression of uroplakins is negative
and expressions of PX and TRPV are substantially decreased
compared to normal urothelium. e expressions of PX and
TRPV are the same as in normal urothelium. Western blots were
done in duplicate. Molecular weights are shown in kilodaltons
was heterogeneous and we were able to discriminate (i)
regions with uroplakin positive labelling of all supercial
cells (Figure (a)), (ii) regions with uroplakin positive and
uroplakin negative supercial cells (Figure (b)), and (iii)
regions with only uroplakin negative supercial cells. Urothe-
lial apical surface displayed altered appearance in comparison
BioMed Research International
F : Normal human urothelium (U). (a) Strong uroplakin (UP) immunolabeling (red) is restricted to umbrella cells. (b) Scanning
electron microscopy (SEM) shows large polygonal umbrella cells with microridges on the urothelial apical surface. (c) Antibodies against
PX and (d) PX label (red) all layers of the normal urothelium. e reaction is stronger in umbrella cells than in basal cells. (e) Anti-
TRPV antibody labels (green) all urothelial cell layers. (f) Anti-TRPV labelling (green) is weak in basal and intermediate cell layers and
moderate in umbrella cells. In (a), and (c)–(f) nuclei are labelled blue with DAPI. L = lumen, LP = lamina propria. Scale bars = 𝜇m.
to normal urothelium with disrupted supercial cell layer
and gaps between adjacent supercial cells (Figure (c)).
Supercial cells were not covered with microridges and they
these results indicated partial dierentiation of supercial
cells in low grade carcinoma.
In the protein samples of low grade carcinoma strong
expression of PX was detected (Figure ). In all sam-
ples of low grade papillary urothelial carcinoma, PX
immunolabeling was similar as in normal urothelium; that
is, the labelling of the supercial cell layer was the strongest
(Figure (d)). Western blotting revealed that PX expression
urothelium (Figure ). By PX immunolabeling, two types
of regions were observed in all samples: (i) regions with
immunolabeling of supercial cells and individual inter-
mediate cells (Figure (e)) and (ii) regions with negative
immunolabeling in all cell layers, except weak labelling in
individual supercial cells (Figure (f)).
TRPV expression determined by Western blotting was
weaker in the low grade carcinoma than in normal urothe-
lium (Figure ). Immunouorescence of TRPV revealed
stronger immunolabeling in the basal and in the intermediate
cell layers than in the supercial cell layer (Figure (g)). In
the low grade carcinoma, TRPV expression was stronger or
BioMed Research International
F : Low grade papillary urothelial carcinoma (pTa). (a) Uroplakin (UP) immunolabeling (red) is detected either continuously
throughout the urothelial (U) supercial cell layer or (b) as regions where some supercial cells are uroplakin positive (red) and some
uroplakin negative. (c) Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) reveals altered appearance of the urothelial apical surface in comparison to
normal urothelium. Some neighbouring supercial cells are separated from one another (arrows) and underlying intermediate cell can be
seen (asterisk). (d) PX immunolabeling (red) is positive in all urothelial cell layers with the strongest immunolabeling in the supercial
cells (arrows). (e) Some regions are intensely immunolabeled with anti-PX antibody (red) in the urothelial supercial cell layer and in
individual intermediate cells (arrows), (f) while other regions are PX negative. (g) TRPV immunolabeling (green) is seen in basal and
intermediate cells, but not in supercial cells. (h) In some regions, supercial cells (arrows) are TRPV positive (green), while (i) in other
regions all urothelial cells are TRPV negative. TRPV positive immunolabeling is seen in the compartments of the lamina propria (arrow).
In images (a)-(b) and (d)–(I), nuclei are labelled blue with DAPI. L = lumen, LP = lamina propria. Scale bars =  𝜇m.
(Figure ). Regarding TRPV immunolabeling, two types of
regions were discriminated in all samples: (i) regions with
positive immunolabeling of supercial and intermediate cell
layers (Figure (h)) and (ii) regions with negative reaction
in all urothelial cell layers (Figure (i)). Positive TRPV
immunolabeling was seen in the lamina propria.
3.3. High Grade Papillary Urothelial Carcinoma. We did not
observe any dierence between pT and pT high grade
papillary urothelial carcinoma with respect to the protein
expression and localization studied here. Western blotting
showed that there was no uroplakin expression in these
samples (Figure ) and uroplakin immunolabeling was also
negative in all samples of pT and pT (Figure (a)). Scanning
electron microscopy revealed supercial cells of dierent
sizes, but prevailing ones were smaller than in normal
urothelium (Figure (b)). ey were covered with microvilli
(Figure (b)),whicharefoundonlyonpoorlydierentiated
supercial urothelial cells [].
e expression of PX was greatly decreased in all
samples of the high grade carcinoma when compared to
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F : High grade papillary urothelial carcinomas (pT or pT). (a) Uroplakin (UP) labelling (red) is negative. (b) Scanning electron
microscopy (SEM) shows that supercial urothelial cells are small and polymorphic. ey have microvilli on their apical surface. (c) Antibody
againstPXweaklylabels(green)urothelialcells.(d)PXlabelling(red) is present in all urothelial cells. Nuclei of some cells are also labelled.
(e) TRPV labelling is negative. (f) Weak labelling of TRPV in urothelial cells (U) is seen, but strong TRPV labelling (arrows) is seen in the
compartments of the lamina propria (LP). In images (a) and (c)–(f), nuclei are labelled blue with DAPI. L = lumen. Scale bars =  𝜇m.
normal urothelium or to low grade carcinoma (Figure ). In
all samples of high grade carcinoma, antibodies against PX
weakly labelled all cell layers (Figure (c)). Western blotting
conrmed the expression of monomer form of PX, which
was similar in pT and pT protein samples (Figure ). As
higher in high grade than in low grade carcinoma. PX
was labelled in all cell layers of all pT and pT samples
(Figure (d)). By Western blotting, the expression of TRPV
was the lowest in high grade carcinoma in comparison to
normal urothelium and to low grade carcinoma (Figure ).
By immunouorescence, all samples of high grade carcinoma
were TRPV negative (Figure (e)). TRPV expression in
all samples of high grade carcinoma was similar to TRPV
noma (Figure ). Immunolabeling was negative or weak in all
cell layers of all high grade carcinoma samples (Figure (f)).
Positive TRPV immunolabeling was detected in the lamina
4. Discussion
Unique dierentiation of normal urothelium has been inves-
tigated since the s, while its sensory role has been discov-
ered only recently [,]. Among sensory proteins, members
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Normal Low grade High grade
Apical surface Large cells
Large and small cells
no microridges
Small cells
Dierentiation Terminal Partial Poor
Correlation with
F : Summarised results of immunouorescence, Western blotting, and sc anning electron microscopy in normal human urothelium and
in low and high grade papillary urothelial carcinomas. Uroplakin UPIIIa expression and apical surface appearance indicate dierentiation
stages of urothelial cells. PX, PX, TRPV, and TRPV expressions are illustrated and their correlations with dierentiation stage of
urothelial cells are presented. Black squares indicate high protein expression, dashed squares denote moderate protein expression, and white
squares represent no protein expression.
of purinergic PX receptors and transient receptor potential
vanilloid (TRPV) channels are under intense investigation.
e majority of studies have been conducted on animal
tissues or cell culture models, while very little is known about
their distribution and function in normal human urothelium
or in urothelial tumours. We investigated the correlation
between urothelial dierentiation and sensory function-
related proteins PX, PX, TRPV, and TRPV in normal
human urothelium and in low and high grade papillary
urothelial carcinomas. All our results are summarised in
Figure .
First we evaluated the dierentiation of normal urothe-
lium and that of low and high grade carcinomas. Two
well-established criteria were used to determine urothelial
cell dierentiation. One is the expression and localization
of uroplakins and the second criterion is the appearance
of urothelial apical surface. In normal urothelium, there
was strong expression of uroplakins, which were localized
in supercial urothelial cell layer. Apical surface was scal-
loped, with microridges covering the umbrella cells. ese
characteristics demonstrate terminal dierentiation of the
urothelium, as proposed previously []. In low grade car-
cinoma decrease in uroplakin expression was detected and
altered urothelial apical surface appearance was observed.
Both criteria provide evidence for partial dierentiation of
low grade carcinoma [,]. In high grade carcinoma there
was no expression of uroplakins and supercial cells, which
were covered with microvilli, were small and polymorphic.
All these features point to poor dierentiation of high grade
carcinoma. Decreased urothelial dierentiation is usually
associated with incomplete barrier formation and bladder
dysfunction. Since urothelial carcinoma may cause LUTS, we
hypothesised that this involves also changes of some sensory
proteins expression and localization.
Since the rst demonstration of the PX receptor in the
human urothelium [], only few studies conrmed the pres-
ence of PX protein [], while expression analyses revealed
no PX mRNA in the human urothelium []. ese could
be assigned to factors such as translational regulation, mRNA
stability, and half-life of a protein []. In the present
study, PX immunoreactivity was observed throughout all
urothelial cell layers of normal urothelium. Umbrella cells,
which were terminally dierentiated, were labelled stronger
than cells in other layers, which is in coincidence with
previous results []. Since dierentiation of the urothelium
progresses from basal cells to umbrella cells, it seems that
PX expression is related to cell dierentiation stage. In
low grade carcinoma we conrmed the expression of PX.
Moreover, the expression and localization of PX in partially
dierentiated supercial cells were preserved, were similar as
in normal urothelium. In high grade carcinoma PX expres-
sion was decreased when compared to normal urothelium
and low grade carcinoma. Since high grade carcinoma was
poorly dierentiated, these results conrmed our abovemen-
tioned assumption that positive correlation exists between
the expression of PX and urothelial dierentiation.
e expression of PX in normal urothelium was con-
rmed, which is in coincidence with other reports []. e
majority of low grade carcinoma samples exhibited no PX
expression, while only few showed positive immunolabeling
in the supercial urothelial cells. In poorly dierentiated
cell layers was detected. Western blotting revealed similar
level of PX expression in the protein samples of highly
dierentiated normal urothelium and of poorly dierentiated
reduced cell proliferation in high grade bladder cancer and
BioMed Research International
pharmacological proling implicated PX receptor in this
antineoplastic response []. To our knowledge we showed
for the rst time that PX receptors are expressed by the high
grade papillary urothelial carcinoma.
It is known that bladder distension causes urothelial ATP
release, which can directly depolarize and initiate ring in
sensory nerves by activating PX receptors []. Sensation
and micturition are complex and not yet fully understood
processes, which are altered during progression of diverse
bladder diseases and related to various LUTS. erefore, we
suppose that decreased expression of PX and increased
expression of PX detected in high grade carcinoma might
be involved in pathogenesis and LUTS manifestations of this
kind of carcinoma.
e remarkable nding that TRPV is not only expressed
rise to intensive studies of its expression and localization.
Our results showed TRPV expression in normal urothelium
with terminally dierentiated umbrella cells. TRPV was
not restricted to umbrella cells, as reported previously [].
Moreover, downregulation of TRPV in urothelial cancers of
human bladder was determined [,]andthehypothesis
that TRPV is involved in dierentiation was postulated
[]. Our results support this hypothesis, since in partially
dierentiated low grade and in poorly dierentiated high
grade carcinoma its expression was decreased and abolished,
Several studies localized TRPV throughout all urothelial
cell layers of normal urothelium [,,]. Our results
conrmed this data and showed variability among the levels
of TRPV expression in the normal urothelium. We could
not nd any pattern in these ndings that would point to any
correlation between urothelial dierentiation and TRPV
channels. To our knowledge, there are no data about TRPV
expression in urinary bladder tumours. Although Western
blotting showed no variations in the expression of TRPV in
immunouorescence revealed great diversity among dierent
parts of the carcinomas. Some parts exhibited strong TRPV
immunolabeling, while in others immunolabeling was weak
and even parts with negative reaction were detected. It seems
that TRPV was not correlated with urothelial dierentiation
and further research is necessary to clarify its role in bladder
5. Conclusions
Our results show that PX is in correlation with urothelial
dierentiation and might be involved in high grade papillary
carcinoma pathogenesis. We also conrm the correlation
of TRPV with urothelial dierentiation stage. Moreover,
our study supports previous proposal that TRPV recep-
patients with urothelial carcinoma. Regarding PX and
TRPV no direct correlation between their expression and
urothelial dierentiation is demonstrated. Nevertheless, new
aspects concerning their localization variability in urothelial
papillary carcinoma emerged indicating that they have a role
in bladder functioning during pathogenesis.
Conflict of Interests
e authors declare that there is no conict of interests
regarding the publication of this paper.
e authors are grateful to Nada Pavlica, Sabina ˇ
Sanja ˇ
Cabraja, and Linda ˇ
Strus for their technical assistance.
ey thank Professor T.T. Sun of New York University School
of Medicine for donating primary antibodies used in this
study. is study was supported by a Grant from Ministry
of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Slovenia (P-
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... Bladder cancer TRPV1 protein is easily detectable in the normal urothelium (Figure 8a). In noninvasive papillary urothelial carcinoma, TRPV1 expression is reduced (but still detectable) compared to normal urothelium [191], whereas in invasive urothelial carcinoma, TRPV1 staining is virtually absent (Figure 8b) [192,193]. According to these observations, TRPV1 immunostaining may help distinguish between non-invasive and invasive urothelial carcinoma. ...
... TRPV1 protein is easily detectable in the normal urothelium (Figure 8a). In n vasive papillary urothelial carcinoma, TRPV1 expression is reduced (but still detec compared to normal urothelium [191], whereas in invasive urothelial carcinoma, T staining is virtually absent (Figure 8b) [192,193]. According to these observations, T immunostaining may help distinguish between non-invasive and invasive urothelia cinoma. ...
... For example, TRPV1 is expressed in normal or inflamed gastric mucosa, but is absent in gastric adenocarcinoma [201]. Furthermore, TRPV1 is expressed both in the normal urothelium [254] and non-invasive papillary urothelial carcinoma [191]. By contrast, no TRPV1 expression was seen in invasive urothelial carcinoma [192,193]. ...
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Temperature-sensitive transient receptor potential (TRP) channels (so-called “thermoTRPs”) are multifunctional signaling molecules with important roles in cell growth and differentiation. Several “thermoTRP” channels show altered expression in cancers, though it is unclear if this is a cause or consequence of the disease. Regardless of the underlying pathology, this altered expression may potentially be used for cancer diagnosis and prognostication. “ThermoTRP” expression may distinguish between benign and malignant lesions. For example, TRPV1 is expressed in benign gastric mucosa, but is absent in gastric adenocarcinoma. TRPV1 is also expressed both in normal urothelia and non-invasive papillary urothelial carcinoma, but no TRPV1 expression has been seen in invasive urothelial carcinoma. “ThermoTRP” expression can also be used to predict clinical outcomes. For instance, in prostate cancer, TRPM8 expression predicts aggressive behavior with early metastatic disease. Furthermore, TRPV1 expression can dissect a subset of pulmonary adenocarcinoma patients with bad prognosis and resistance to a number of commonly used chemotherapeutic agents. This review will explore the current state of this rapidly evolving field with special emphasis on immunostains that can already be added to the armoire of diagnostic pathologists.
... Western blotting and IHC analysis showed that P2X3 receptor protein expression is similar in normal urothelium (n = 13) and low-grade papillary carcinoma (n = 12), but decreased in high-grade papillary carcinoma (n = 6) of the human bladder. [85] In contrast, P2X5 receptor protein expression was present in normal urothelium and high-grade carcinoma but was diminished in low-grade carcinoma. [85] The authors propose that P2X3 correlates with urothelial differentiation and might be involved in high-grade papillary carcinoma pathogenesis, while P2X5 does not. ...
... [85] In contrast, P2X5 receptor protein expression was present in normal urothelium and high-grade carcinoma but was diminished in low-grade carcinoma. [85] The authors propose that P2X3 correlates with urothelial differentiation and might be involved in high-grade papillary carcinoma pathogenesis, while P2X5 does not. In another study, P2Y2 enhancer RNA (P2Y2e) was overexpressed in 29 of 38 bladder cancer patient cancer tissues compared to paracancerous tissues. ...
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P2 purinergic receptors are involved in the normal function of the kidney, bladder, and prostate via signaling that occurs in response to extracellular nucleotides. Dysregulation of these receptors is common in pathological states and often associated with disease initiation, progression, or aggressiveness. Indeed, P2 purinergic receptor expression is altered across multiple urologic disorders including chronic kidney disease, polycystic kidney disease, interstitial cystitis, urinary incontinence, overactive bladder syndrome, prostatitis, and benign prostatic hyperplasia. P2 purinergic receptors are likewise indirectly associated with these disorders via receptor-mediated inflammation and pain, a common characteristic across most urologic disorders. Furthermore, select P2 purinergic receptors are overexpressed in urologic cancer including renal cell carcinoma, urothelial carcinoma, and prostate adenocarcinoma, and pre-clinical studies depict P2 purinergic receptors as potential therapeutic targets. Herein, we highlight the compelling evidence for the exploration of P2 purinergic receptors as biomarkers and therapeutic targets in urologic cancers and other urologic disease. Likewise, there is currently optimism for P2 purinergic receptor-targeted therapeutics for the treatment of inflammation and pain associated with urologic diseases. Further exploration of the common pathways linking P2 purinergic receptor dysregulation to urologic disease might ultimately help in gaining new mechanistic insight into disease processes and therapeutic targeting.
... It may also be that in the lungs, the ability of TRPV4 to sense mechanical changes in the cell microenvironment is essential for the morphogenesis of all the tissue compartments within the lungs, including epithelium, smooth muscle layer and the vascular compartment 75 . Furthermore, TRPV4 plays a role in the normal differentiation of corneal epithelium, urothelium and kidney epithelium 30,76,77 . Mechanosensitive features of TRPV4 are additionally needed for the differentiation and activation of immune cells 66,78 . ...
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Biophysical cues from the cell microenvironment are detected by mechanosensitive components at the cell surface. Such machineries convert physical information into biochemical signaling cascades within cells, subsequently leading to various cellular responses in a stimulus-dependent manner. At the surface of extracellular environment and cell cytoplasm exist several ion channel families that are activated by mechanical signals to direct intracellular events. One of such channel is formed by transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member, TRPV4 that is known to act as a mechanosensor in wide variaty of tissues and control ion-influx in a spatio-temporal way. Here we report that TRPV4 is prominently expressed in the stem/progenitor cell populations of the mammary epithelium and seems important for the lineage-specific differentiation, consequently affecting mechanical features of the mature mammary epithelium. This was evident by the lack of several markers for mature myoepithelial and luminal epithelial cells in TRPV4-depleted cell lines. Interestingly, TRPV4 expression is controlled in a tension-dependent manner and it also impacts differentation process dependently on the stiffness of the microenvironment. Furthermore, such cells in a 3D compartment were disabled to maintain normal mammosphere structures and displayed abnormal lumen formation, size of the structures and disrupted cellular junctions. Mechanosensitive TRPV4 channel therefore act as critical player in the homeostasis of normal mammary epithelium through sensing the physical environment and guiding accordingly differentiation and structural organization of the bilayered mammary epithelium.
... TRPs are involved in multiple processes, including pain [151], thermosensation (TRPV1 > 43 • C, TRPM8 cold) [152,153], low extracellular pH [153], axon survival (TRPV4) [154], stem cell fibrillar collagen assembly [29], blood pressure regulation [155], energy homeostasis [156], modulation of autophagy and proteasome activity [157], reciprocal crosstalk between the sensory nervous and immune systems [158], regulation of diet-induced obesity, insulin and leptin resistance [159], cancer [160,161], the development of severe bronchial asthma [162], and even in itch and inflammation [163]. ...
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Focal vibration therapy seeks to restore the physiological function of tissues and the nervous system. Recommendations for vibration settings, e.g., that could improve residual limb health and prosthesis acceptance in people with amputation, are pending. To establish a physiological connection between focal vibration settings, clinical outcomes, and molecular and neuronal mechanisms, we combined the literature on focal vibration therapy, vibrotactile feedback, mechanosensitive Piezo ion channels, touch, proprioception, neuromodulation, and the recovery of blood vessels and nerves. In summary, intermittent focal vibration increases endothelial shear stress when applied superficially to blood vessels and tissues and triggers Piezo1 signaling, supporting the repair and formation of blood vessels and nerves. Conversely, stimulating Piezo1 in peripheral axon growth cones could reduce the growth of painful neuromas. Vibrotactile feedback also creates sensory inputs to the motor cortex, predominantly through Piezo2-related channels, and modulates sensory signals in the dorsal horn and ascending arousal system. Thus, sensory feedback supports physiological recovery from maladaptations and can alleviate phantom pain and promote body awareness and physical activity. We recommend focal vibration of phantom limb maps with frequencies from ~60–120 Hz and amplitudes up to 1 mm to positively affect motor control, locomotion, pain, nerves, and blood vessels while avoiding adverse effects.
... The results showed that, in the dry mouth group, K8 expression was significantly downregulated in the cells, whereas TRPV1 was robustly activated; moreover, P2X3 expression was upregulated at the ends of NFs. P2X3 belongs to the ATP-dependent purinoceptor family; it functions as a ligand-gated ion channel and transduces signals due to ATP-evoked nociception [41][42][43]. The results suggested that dry mouth induced the expression of nociceptors, such as P2X3, and triggered NF retraction, thereby activating TRPV1 in neuroepithelial cells in the taste buds. ...
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Taste bud cell differentiation is extremely important for taste sensation. Immature taste bud cells cannot function during taste perception transmission to the nerve. In this study, we investigated whether hedgehog signaling affected taste bud cell differentiation and whether transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) played a key role in dry mouth. The induction of dry mouth due to salivary gland resection (SGR) was confirmed on the basis of reduced salivation and disrupted fungiform papillae. The expression of keratin 8 (K8) of taste bud cells, neurofilament (NF), sonic hedgehog (Shh), and glioma-associated oncogene homolog 1 (Gli1) around taste bud cells was downregulated; however, the expression of TRPV1, P2X purinoceptor 3 (P2X3), and hematopoietic stem cell factor (c-Kit) was upregulated at the NF ends in the dry mouth group. To investigate the effect of TRPV1 defect on dry mouth, we induced dry mouth in the TRPV-/- group. The K8, NF, and P2X3 expression patterns were the same in the TRPV1 wild-type and TRPV1-/- dry mouth groups. However, Shh and c-Kit expression decreased regardless of dry mouth in the case of TRPV1 deficiency. These results indicated that TRPV1 positively regulated proliferation during taste bud cell injury by blocking the Shh/Gli1 pathway. In addition, not only cell proliferation but also differentiation of taste bud cells could not be regulated under TRPV1-deficiency conditions. Thus, TRPV1 positively regulates taste bud cell innervation and differentiation; this finding could be valuable in the clinical treatment of dry mouth-related taste dysfunction.
... 77 Several studies showed altered expression of TRPV1 in patients with BPS as well as in animal models, but until now only one study demonstrated this by IF. 74,75,78,79 On the other hand, there is more consistency about TRPV4 localization in the normal urothelium, particularly in the basal cell layer. 76,80,81 IEM further showed that TRPV4 is localized near the basal plasma membranes adjacent to the basal lamina. 73 Although some studies reported on important role of TRPV4 in BPS, 82,83 no IHC confirmation is available, yet. ...
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The urothelium, an epithelium of the urinary bladder, primarily functions as blood-urine permeability barrier. The urothelium has a very slow turn-over under normal conditions but is capable of extremely fast response to injury. During regeneration urothelium either restores normal function or undergoes altered differentiation pathways, the latter being the cause of several bladder diseases. In this review, we describe the structure of the apical plasma membrane that enables barrier function, the role of urothelium specific proteins uroplakins and the machinery for polarized membrane transports in terminally differentiated superficial umbrella cells. We address key markers, such as keratins, cancer stem cell markers, retinoic acid signalling pathway proteins and transient receptor potential channels and purinergic receptors that drive normal and altered differentiation in bladder cancer and bladder pain syndrome. Finally, we discuss uncertainties regarding research, diagnosis and treatment of bladder pain syndrome. Throughout the review, we emphasise the contribution of immunohistochemistry in advancing our understanding of processes in normal and diseased bladder as well as the most promising possibilities for improved bladder cancer and bladder pain syndrome management.
... However, some studies on P2X5R in other cancer forms are published. P2X5 receptors have been identified in squamous cell carcinomas of the skin and prostate cancers and different grades of papillary urothelial carcinoma [122][123][124]. For more complete reviews on P2XR and other cancers refer to [4,125]. ...
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The purinergic signaling has an important role in regulating pancreatic exocrine secretion. The exocrine pancreas is also a site of one of the most serious cancer forms, the pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). Here, we explore how the network of purinergic and adenosine receptors, as well as ecto-nucleotidases regulate normal pancreatic cells and various cells within the pancreatic tumor microenvironment. In particular, we focus on the P2X7 receptor, P2Y2 and P2Y12 receptors, as well as A2 receptors and ecto-nucleotidases CD39 and CD73. Recent studies indicate that targeting one or more of these candidates could present new therapeutic approaches to treat pancreatic cancer. In pancreatic cancer, as much as possible of normal pancreatic function should be preserved, and therefore physiology of purinergic signaling in pancreas needs to be considered.
With an estimated 2 billion chili pepper connoisseurs worldwide, the human exposure to capsaicin is enormous. Therefore, the question whether nutritional capsaicin is a cancer causing or cancer preventive agent is of utmost importance. The gamut of human epidemiology studies suggests that capsaicin in modest, “restaurant-like” doses is not only safe to eat, but it may even provide health benefits, such as lower cancer-related death rate. Very “hot” food is, however, probably better avoided. Importantly, no increased cancer risk was reported in patients following topical (skin or intravesical) capsaicin therapy. Aberrant capsaicin receptor TRPV1 expression was noted in various cancers with potential implications for cancer therapy, diagnosis and prognostication. Indeed, capsaicin can kill cancer cells by a combination of on- and off-target mechanisms, though it remains unclear if this can be exploited for therapeutic purposes. The literature on capsaicin and cancer is vast and controversial. This review aims to find answers to questions that are relevant for our daily life and medical practice.
The transient receptor potential vanilloid-1 (TRPV1) is a non-specific cation channel known for its sensitivity to pungent vanilloid compound (i.e. capsaicin) and noxious stimuli, including heat, low pH or inflammatory mediators. TRPV1 is found in the somatosensory system, particularly primary afferent neurons that respond to damaging or potentially damaging stimuli (nociceptors). Stimulation of TRPV1 evokes a burning sensation, reflecting a central role of the channel in pain. Pharmacological and genetic studies have validated TRPV1 as a therapeutic target in several preclinical models of chronic pain, including cancer, neuropathic, postoperative and musculoskeletal pain. While antagonists of TRPV1 were found to be a valuable addition to the pain therapeutic toolbox, their clinical use has been limited by detrimental side effects, such as hyperthermia. In contrast, capsaicin induces a prolonged defunctionalisation of nociceptors and thus opened the door to the development of a new class of therapeutics with long-lasting pain-relieving effects. Here we review the list of TRPV1 agonists undergoing clinical trials for chronic pain management, and discuss new indications, formulations or combination therapies being explored for capsaicin. While the analgesic pharmacopeia for chronic pain patients is ancient and poorly effective, modern TRPV1-targeted drugs could rapidly become available as the next generation of analgesics for a broad spectrum of pain conditions.
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The urothelium, which lines the inner surface of the renal pelvis, the ureters, and the urinary bladder, not only forms a high-resistance barrier to ion, solute and water flux, and pathogens, but also functions as an integral part of a sensory web which receives, amplifies, and transmits information about its external milieu. Urothelial cells have the ability to sense changes in their extracellular environment, and respond to chemical, mechanical and thermal stimuli by releasing various factors such as ATP, nitric oxide, and acetylcholine. They express a variety of receptors and ion channels, including P2X3 purinergic receptors, nicotinic and muscarinic receptors, and TRP channels, which all have been implicated in urothelial-neuronal interactions, and involved in signals that via components in the underlying lamina propria, such as interstitial cells, can be amplified and conveyed to nerves, detrusor muscle cells, and ultimately the central nervous system. The specialized anatomy of the urothelium and underlying structures, and the possible communication mechanisms from urothelial cells to various cell types within the bladder wall are described. Changes in the urothelium/lamina propria ("mucosa") produced by different bladder disorders are discussed, as well as the mucosa as a target for therapeutic interventions.
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Uroplakins are differentiation-related membrane proteins of urothelium. We compared uroplakin expression and ultrastructural localization in human normal urothelium, papilloma and papillary carcinoma. Because of high recurrence rate of these tumours, treated by transurethral resection, we investigated urothelial tumour, resection border and uninvolved urothelium. Urinary bladder samples were obtained from tumour free control subjects and patients with papilloma and papillary carcinoma. Immunohistochemical and immunoelectron labelling of uroplakins were performed. In normal human urothelium with continuous uroplakin-positive superficial cell layer uroplakins were localized to flattened mature fusiform vesicles and apical plasma membrane of umbrella cells. Diverse uroplakin expression was found in papilloma and papillary carcinoma. Three aberrant differentiation stages of urothelial cells, not found in normal urothelium, were recognized in tumours. Diverse uroplakin expression and aberrant differentiation were occasionally found in resection border and in uninvolved urothelium. We demonstrated here that uroplakin expression and localization in urothelial tumours is altered when compared to normal urothelium. In patients with papilloma and papillary carcinoma immunolabelling of uroplakins at ultrastructural level shows aberrant urothelial differentiation. It is possible that aberrant differentiation stages of urothelial cells in resection border and in uninvolved urothelium contribute to high recurrence rate.
Further to its role as a physical barrier, the urothelium is considered to play an active role in mechanosensation. A key mechanism is the release of transient mediators that activate purinergic P2 receptors and transient receptor potential (TRP) channels to effect changes in intracellular calcium. Despite the implied importance of these receptors and channels in urothelial tissue homeostasis and dysfunctional bladder disease, little is known about the functional expression by human urothelium. To evaluate expression and function of P2X and P2Y receptors and TRP channels, human ureter and bladder were used to separate urothelial and stromal tissues for RNA isolation and cell culture. Reverse-transcribed PCR using stringently-designed primer sets was used to establish which P2 and TRP species were expressed at the transcript level and selective agonists/antagonists were used to confirm functional expression by monitoring changes in intracellular calcium and in a scratch repair assay. The study confirmed functional expression of P2Y4 and excluded non-expressed receptors/channels (P2X1,3,6, P2Y6,11, TRPV5, TRPM8), while a dearth of specific agonists confounded functional validation of expressed P2X2,4, P2Y1,2, TRPV2,3,6, TRPM7,8. Although a conventional response was elicited in control stromal-derived cells, urothelial cell response to well-characterized TRPV1 and TRPV4 agonists/antagonists revealed unexpected anomalies. In addition, agonists that invoked an increase in intracellular calcium promoted urothelial scratch repair, presumably through the release of ATP. The study raises important questions about the ligand selectivity of receptor/channel targets expressed by urothelium. These pathways are important in urothelial tissue homeostasis and this opens the possibility of selective drug targeting.
High transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) demonstrates a functional permeability barrier of the normal urothelium, which is maintained by a layer of highly differentiated superficial cells. When the barrier is challenged, a quick regeneration is induced. We used side-by-side diffusion chambers as an ex vivo system to determine the time course of functional and structural urothelial regeneration after chitosan-induced injury. The exposure of the urothelium to chitosan caused a 60 % decrease in TEER, the exposure of undifferentiated urothelial cells to the luminal surface and leaky tight junctions. During the regeneration period (350 min), TEER recovered to control values after approximately 200 min, while structural regeneration continued until 350 min after injury. The tight junctions are the earliest and predominant component of the barrier to appear, while complete barrier regeneration is achieved by delayed superficial cell terminal differentiation. The barrier function and the structure of untreated urothelium were unaffected in side-by-side diffusion chambers for at least 6 h. The urinary bladder tissue excised from an animal thus retains the ability to maintain and restore the transepithelial barrier and cellular ultrastructure for a sufficient period to allow for studies of regeneration in ex vivo conditions.
Objective: To present a summary of the 2013 version of the European Association of Urology guidelines on the treatment and follow-up of male lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). Evidence acquisition: We conducted a literature search in computer databases for relevant articles published between 1966 and 31 October 2012. The Oxford classification system (2001) was used to determine the level of evidence for each article and to assign the grade of recommendation for each treatment modality. Evidence synthesis: Men with mild symptoms are suitable for watchful waiting. All men with bothersome LUTS should be offered lifestyle advice prior to or concurrent with any treatment. Men with bothersome moderate-to-severe LUTS quickly benefit from α1-blockers. Men with enlarged prostates, especially those >40ml, profit from 5α-reductase inhibitors (5-ARIs) that slowly reduce LUTS and the probability of urinary retention or the need for surgery. Antimuscarinics might be considered for patients who have predominant bladder storage symptoms. The phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor tadalafil can quickly reduce LUTS to a similar extent as α1-blockers, and it also improves erectile dysfunction. Desmopressin can be used in men with nocturia due to nocturnal polyuria. Treatment with an α1-blocker and 5-ARI (in men with enlarged prostates) or antimuscarinics (with persistent storage symptoms) combines the positive effects of either drug class to achieve greater efficacy. Prostate surgery is indicated in men with absolute indications or drug treatment-resistant LUTS due to benign prostatic obstruction. Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) is the current standard operation for men with prostates 30-80ml, whereas open surgery or transurethral holmium laser enucleation is appropriate for men with prostates >80ml. Alternatives for monopolar TURP include bipolar TURP and transurethral incision of the prostate (for glands <30ml) and laser treatments. Transurethral microwave therapy and transurethral needle ablation are effective minimally invasive treatments with higher retreatment rates compared with TURP. Prostate stents are an alternative to catheterisation for men unfit for surgery. Ethanol or botulinum toxin injections into the prostate are still experimental. Conclusions: These symptom-oriented guidelines provide practical guidance for the management of men experiencing LUTS. The full version is available online (
P2X receptors are trimeric ATP-activated ion channels permeable to Na+, K+ and Ca2+. The seven P2X receptor subtypes are implicated in physiological processes that include modulation of synaptic transmission, contraction of smooth muscle, secretion of chemical transmitters and regulation of immune responses. Despite the importance of P2X receptors in cellular physiology, the three-dimensional composition of the ATP-binding site, the structural mechanism of ATP-dependent ion channel gating and the architecture of the open ion channel pore are unknown. Here we report the crystal structure of the zebrafish P2X4 receptor in complex with ATP and a new structure of the apo receptor. The agonist-bound structure reveals a previously unseen ATP-binding motif and an open ion channel pore. ATP binding induces cleft closure of the nucleotide-binding pocket, flexing of the lower body β-sheet and a radial expansion of the extracellular vestibule. The structural widening of the extracellular vestibule is directly coupled to the opening of the ion channel pore by way of an iris-like expansion of the transmembrane helices. The structural delineation of the ATP-binding site and the ion channel pore, together with the conformational changes associated with ion channel gating, will stimulate development of new pharmacological agents.