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NPR1 in Plant Defense: It's Not over 'til It's Turned over


Abstract and Figures

NPR1 is a key transcriptional coregulator in plant defense responses. In this issue, Spoel et al. (2009) demonstrate that proteasome-mediated degradation of NPR1 in the nucleus promotes efficient expression of defense response genes following infection and prevents spurious activation of defensive responses in the absence of infection.
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804 Cell 137, May 29, 2009 ©2009 Elsevier Inc.
Corl et al. provide a nal piece of evi-
dence for the specicity of the EGFR/
ERK pathway in regulating ethanol
resistance. They found t wo subsets of
cells in the y brain that are responsi-
ble for the increase in ethanol sensitiv-
ity caused by overexpression of EGFR.
Overexpression of EGFR in either dop-
aminergic neurons or insulin-producing
cells (IPCs) in th e  y b rain is suf cient to
increase ethanol resistance. The hppy
gene is broadly expressed, so it will be
critical to demonstrate that the site of
action for hppy is also in dopaminergic
neurons and IPCs. This would demon-
strate the necessity of these two neu-
ronal foci for ethanol resistance and
would corroborate the observation
that expression of a dominant-negative
EGFR in IPCs is sufcient to increase
e th a n o l s e n si t i vi t y . S e ve r a l r e g i on s o f t h e
y br ain ha ve be en im pli cated in ethan ol
resistance (Scholz, 2009). Therefore, it
will be impor tant to determine whether
ethanol has broad targets in the brain
with the ERK pathway mediating a sub-
set of the behavioral responses to etha-
nol, or whether several redundant path-
ways are at work in ethanol resistance
with the observed specicity due to the
expression of an ERK pathway-interact-
ing molecule that is unique to IPCs and
dopaminergic neurons.
The new study by Corl et al. boosts our
understanding of alcohol resistance. Yet,
potential targets still abound. Signaling
pathways using cAMP are contenders
for targets of ethanol (Moore et al., 1998).
Ligand-gated ion channels, including the
GABA, acetylcholine, glycine, and NMDA
receptors, as well as various potassium
channels have also been implicated as
ethanol targets (Harris et al., 2008). At
least 100 different knockout mice exhibit
alterations in ethanol sensitivity (Crabbe
et al., 2006). So far, however, remarkably
few of these putative targets have been
shown to bind directly to ethanol (Harris
et al., 2008). Thus, it will be important to
test whether Happyhour itself or a reg-
ulator of Happyhour is a direct ethanol
target. Hopefully, with further genetic
screens and careful validation of tar-
gets we will eventually be able to distill
a cohesive model for how ethanol alters
Corl, A.B., Berger, K.H., Ophir-Shohat, G., Gesch,
J., Simms, J.A., Bartlett, S.E., and Heberlein, H.
(2009). Cell, this issue.
Crabbe, J.C., Phillips, T.J., Harris, R.A., Arends,
M.A., and Koob, G.F. (2006). Addict. Biol. 11,
Delpire, E. (2009). Pugers Arch., in press. Pub-
lished online April 28, 2009. 10.1007/s00424-009-
Harris, R.A., Trudell, J.R., and Mihic, S.J. (2008).
Sci. Signal. 1, re7.
Johnson, D.A., Cooke, R., and Loh, H.H. (1980).
Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 126, 65–68.
Krishna, M., and Narang, H. (2008). Cell. Mol. Life
Sci. 65, 3525–3544.
Moore, M.S., DeZazzo, J., Luk, A.Y., Tully, T.,
Singh, C.M., and Heberlein, U. (1998). Cell 93,
Mulholland, P.J., Hopf, F.W., Bukiya, A.N., Martin,
G.E., Liu, J., Dopico, A.M., Bonci, A., Treistman,
S.N., and Chandler, L.J. (2009). Alcohol. Clin. Exp.
Res., in press. Published online April 9, 2009.
Scholz, H. (2009). J. Neurogenet. 23, 111–119.
Wolf, F.W., Rodan, A.R., Tsai, L.T., and Heberlein,
U. (2002). J. Neurosci. 22, 11035–11044.
Systemic acquired resistance (SAR) is an
inducible form of plant defense confer-
ring broad-spectrum immunity to sec-
ondary infection of plant tissues above
the initial infection site. SAR is triggered
by systemic increases in salicylic acid
(SA) levels following local infection by
certain phytopathogens (Durrant and
Dong, 2004) and results in the transcrip-
tional activation of ~10% of the genes in
the Arabidopsis genome. NPR1 (nonex-
pressor of pathogenesis-related genes
1) is a key SAR regulator. NPR1 contains
a BTB/POZ (broad-complex, tramtrac,
bric-à-brac/poxvirus, zinc nger) domain
and an ankyrin-repeat domain. In the
absence of infection, NPR1 is predomi-
nantly oligomeric and sequestered in the
cytoplasm. Upon pathogen challenge,
NPR1 is reduced to a monomeric state
and translocates to the nucleus (Mou
NPR1 in Plant Defense:
It’s Not over ’til It’s Turned over
M. Shahid Mukhtar,1 Marc T. Nishimura,1 and Jeff Dangl1,*
1Department of Biology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA
DOI 10.1016/j.cell.2009.05.010
NPR1 is a key transcriptional coregulator in plant defense responses. In this issue, Spoel et al.
(2009) demonstrate that proteasome-mediated degradation of NPR1 in the nucleus promotes effi-
cient expression of defense response genes following infection and prevents spurious activation
of defensive responses in the absence of infection.
Cell 137, May 29, 2009 ©2009 Elsevier Inc. 805
et al., 2003). Within the nucleus, NPR1
physically interacts with TGA-bZIP tran-
scription factors, inducing expression
of defense response genes via a largely
unknown mechanism to activate SAR.
Spoel et al. (2009) now show that pro-
teasome-mediated turnover of nuclear
NPR1 regulates SAR. They nd that block-
ing NPR1 degradation by use of protea-
some inhibitors or by genetic knockdown
of Cullin3 (CUL3; a component of cullin-
RING ubiquitin ligases) activates expres-
sion of NPR1 target genes in otherwise
uninduced cells, though to a lesser
extent than salicylic acid treatment.
Spoel et al. observe continual degrada-
tion of nuclear NPR1 in the absence of
inducer, which they suggest is likely to
restrict the ability of NPR1 to serve as
a transcriptional coactivator. Thus, the
authors reasoned that NPR1 degrada-
tion is vital to limiting transcriptional
activation of SAR, thereby avoiding the
tness consequences associated with
a constitutive defense response in the
absence of infection. However, it is still
unclear why NPR1 enters the nucleus
in the absence of inducer or infection.
One plausible explanation is that before
NPR1 is targeted for degradation it may
regulate additional genes in a manner
independent of salicylic acid. NPR1 is
recruited to a cis-regulator y element in
the promoter of the PR1 (pathogenesis-
related 1) gene via an unknown protein(s),
independent of the transcription factor
TGA2 and salicylic acid. Yet, in this case,
the PR1 gene is not activated (Figure 1;
Rochon et al., 2006).
A key observation made by Spoel and
colleagues is that salicylic acid treat-
ment or pathogen-dependent activation
of SAR do not prevent NPR1 degrada-
tion. These unexpected results ques-
tion whether nuclear NPR1 turnover is
required for activation of target genes
and disease resistance. The authors use
a combination of genetic and biochemi-
cal approaches to block NPR1 turnover.
They convincingly demonstrate that
these transcriptional responses are com-
promised in (1) plants with diminished
expression of the E3 ligases CUL3A
and CUL3B, (2) plants that express an
Figure 1. NPR1 Degradation and Plant Defense Responses
Depicted is a model for proteasome-mediated regulation of the transcriptional activity of NPR1.
(A) In uninduced cells, a small amount of monomeric NPR1 (nonexpressor of pathogenesis-related genes 1) is constantly translocating from cytoplasm to the
nucleus. NPR1 is recruited to the PR1 (pathogenesis-related gene 1) promoter through an unknown protein, but NPR1 and TGA transcription factors do not
interact with each other and PR1 is not activated. Interaction of monomeric NPR1 with the CUL3-based E3 ligase protein complex is mediated by an unknown
substrate adaptor protein (Adp-A) before recruitment of NPR1 to other target gene promoters. Ubiquitin (Ub)-dependent NPR1 degradation via a nuclear protea-
some pathway prevents activation of NPR1 target genes.
(B) In cells in which systemic acquired resistance is induced, a large amount of monomeric NPR1 translocates to the nucleus. A pool of NPR1 is phosphorylated
before target gene expression. Both unphosphorylated and phosphorylated NPR1 may interact with TGA transcription factors. NPR1 is also likely to change
partners from unknown protein to TGA transcription factors (Rochon et al., 2006). PR1 is activated following the interaction of NPR1 with a TGA transcription
factor. Unphosphorylated NPR1 is also recruited to target gene promoters by unknown transcription factors, leading to the assembly of the RNA polymerase
II (Pol II) initiation complex and subsequent activation of target gene transcription. This pool of NPR1 may be phosphorylated by a kinase attached to Pol II. A
high-afnity interaction of phosphorylated NPR1 and the CUL3-based E3 ligase protein complex is mediated by a different proposed substrate adaptor protein
(Adp-B). Degradation of NPR1 following target gene activation allows fresh NPR1 to be recruited for the next round of transcription initiation. WRKY proteins
regulate NPR1 transcript levels. Oligomerization of NPR1 occurs through intermolecular disulde bonds. S-nitrosothiol (SNO)-facilitated NPR1 oligomerization
and thioredoxin (TRX)-based monomerization are shown.
806 Cell 137, May 29, 2009 ©2009 Elsevier Inc.
NPR1 protein with phosphorylation
site mutations, and (3) wild-type plants
treated with a proteasome inhibitor.
They observe that the pattern of NPR1
degradation upon pathogen infection is
biphasic. This led the authors to hypoth-
esize that NPR1 is rapidly degraded after
initial activation of target gene transcrip-
tion in preparation for a new round of
transcription initiation following recruit-
ment of fresh NPR1 and other cofactors.
Given that NPR1 degradation occurs
constantly, it remains unclear how the
cell maintains a proper homeostasis
between NPR1 oligomers and mono-
mers. Tada et al. (2008) recently showed
that NPR1 is sequentially oxidized and
reduced leading to NPR1 oligomeriza-
tion and monomerization, respectively,
following infection. Additionally, basal
and salicylic acid-induced expression
of NPR1 appears to be controlled by yet
unidentied WRKY transcription factors
(Figure 1; Eulgem and Somssich, 2007).
This suggests the existence of a feed-
back loop that maintains the oligomeric
form of NPR1 at a particular concentra-
tion in the cytoplasm. This may explain
not only the onset of ef cient SAR by
transcriptional regulation coupled with
proteolysis but also the inactivation of
SAR once cellular salicylic acid concen-
trations decrease to basal levels.
Cullin3-based E3 ligases target BTB
domain-containing proteins for ubiquitin-
dependent degradation, making NPR1 a
potential target of this pathway. Spoel
and coworkers demonstrate that NPR1
associates with CUL3 and other compo-
nents of the COP9 signalosome, which
controls proteasomal degradation. The
authors further support their results with
genetic data, showing that NPR1 protein
stability is enhanced in plants decient in
COP9 or in plants decient in both CUL3A
and CUL3B. As NPR1 does not physi-
cally interact with CUL3, this interaction
is likely to be mediated via an unidenti-
ed BTB domain-containing adaptor
protein. Arabidopsis contains 77 BTB
domain proteins, including ve NPR1
paralogs (Stogios et al., 2005). Zhang
et al. (2006) have shown that NPR3 and
NPR4, like NPR1, can interact with TGA
transcription factors. Surprisingly, plants
lacking both NPR3 and NPR4 display ele-
vated disease resistance and PR1 gene
expression, suggesting that these para-
logs are negative regulators of defense
gene transcription. These phenotypes
are partially dependent on NPR1. Thus,
it is possible that NPR1 paralogs may
facilitate the NPR1-CUL3 interaction. It is
also possible that NPR1 family members
might interact with each other. To gain
further understanding of CUL3 function
in NPR1 degradation, the NPR1-CUL3
interaction should be investigated in
plants lacking functional NPR3, NPR4,
or TGA transcription factors. Moreover,
the NPR1-CUL3 interaction should also
be tested in plants expressing nonfunc-
tional NPR1 alleles to conrm the speci-
city of this interaction.
Proteasome-mediated degradation
is often regulated by posttranslational
modications including phosphoryla-
tion. Spoel and colleagues demonstrate
that NPR1 turnover is promoted by
phosphor ylation of key residues (Ser11/
Ser15) present in an IkB-like phospho-
degron motif. Distinct mechanisms lead
to NPR1 degradation in uninduced and
SAR-induced nuclei: NPR1 phosphory-
lation is not required for degradation in
the former, whereas it is indispensable in
the latter. It remains unclear how CUL3
differentiates between unphosphory-
lated and phosphorylated forms of NPR1
under different physiological conditions.
Compared to wild-type NPR1, the NPR1
protein with phosphomimetic site muta-
tions (NPR1S11D/S15D) exhibits increased
degradation. In comparison, the NPR1
protein lacking these key phosphoryla-
tion sites (NPR1S11A/S15A) displays both
reduced polyubiquitination and reduced
interaction with CUL3. This led to the
proposition that phosphorylation may
create or stabilize a binding site for the
CUL3-based ubiquitin ligase, thereby
regulating degradation. However, other
possible scenarios include additional
modications of NPR1 in response to an
inducer of SAR or replacement of sub-
strate adaptor protein(s) that may facili-
tate interaction between different forms
of NPR1 and CUL3 (Figure 1).
In the model suggested by Spoel et
al., promoter-targeted NPR1 is phospho-
rylated by a kinase associated with RNA
polymerase II following transcription initi-
ation. It is thereby marked as “exhausted,”
becomes rapidly ubiquitinated, and is
then degraded. Notably, NPR1S11D/S15D
can still interact with TGA transcription
factors and efciently induces transcrip-
tion. Therefore NPR1 phosphorylation
could be independent of this turnover
cycle. Alternatively, phosphorylation of
a non-chromatin-bound pool of NPR1
could be mediated by a different kinase.
A similar mechanism is shown for the
yeast transcriptional activator Gcn4,
in which two different kinases, an RNA
polymerase II-associated Srb10 and a
non-chromatin-bound Pho85, contribute
to Gcn4 degradation either by targeting
different pools of Gcn4 or by respond-
ing to different cellular signals (Chi et al.,
2001). Further phosphorylation-depen-
dent modications are also plausible,
including ubiquitination of NPR1 to regu-
late its functional lifetime, as has been
shown for human SRC-3 coactivator (Wu
et al., 2007).
Spoel et al. (2009) provide deep
insights into understanding the opposing
roles of proteasome-mediated degrada-
tion in SAR. Future research will explore
how salicylic acid and phosphorylation
regulate the dynamic formation and dis-
ruption of NPR1-chromatin complexes.
This work was supported by NIH grant
R01GM066025 to J.L.D.
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... In addition, apple MKK4-MPK3-WRKY17 module can mediate SA degradation, resulting in enhanced susceptibility to C. fructicola (Shan et al., 2021). Non-expressor of pathogenesis related-1 (NPR1) is the SA receptor, performing a central role in downstream resistance signalling, but is monitored strictly by NIMINs depending on progressing threat by pathogens to maintain appropriate defence gene activation (Dong, 2004;Hermann et al., 2013;Mukhtar et al., 2009;Wang et al., 2006;Wu et al., 2012). In normal conditions, avoiding excessive activation of plant immunity, plant NIMIN3 binds to NPR1 by the N-terminus of NPR1, repressing NPR1-dependent PR1 expression. ...
... The SA receptor NPR1 (non-expressor of pathogenesis related-1) is a transcriptional co-regulator playing a central role in disease resistance signalling, the activity of which is tightly controlled (Dong, 2004;Mukhtar et al., 2009;Wang et al., 2006;Wu et al., 2012). In unchallenged plant cells, NPR1 is largely Snitrosylated as inactive oligomers in the cytoplasm. ...
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Colletotrichum fructicola causes a broad range of plant diseases worldwide and secretes many candidate proteinous effectors during infection, but it remains largely unknown regarding their effects in conquering plant immunity. Here, we characterized a novel effector CfEC12 that is required for the virulence of C. fructicola. CfEC12 contains a CFEM domain and is highly expressed during the early stage of host infection. Overexpression of CfEC12 suppressed BAX-triggered cell death, callose deposition and ROS burst in Nicotiana benthamiana. CfEC12 interacted with apple MdNIMIN2, a NIM1-interacting (NIMIN) protein that putatively modulates NPR1 activity in response to SA signal. Transient expression and transgenic analyses showed that MdNIMIN2 was required for apple resistance to C. fructicola infection and rescued the defence reduction in NbNIMIN2-silenced N. benthamiana, supporting a positive role in plant immunity. CfEC12 and MdNPR1 interacted with a common region of MdNIMIN2, indicating that CfEC12 suppresses the interaction between MdNIMIN2 and MdNPR1 by competitive target binding. In sum, we identified a fungal effector that targets the plant salicylic acid defence pathway to promote fungal infection.
... SA acts through the non-expressor of PR1 protein (NPR1), a pivotal compon plant defense signaling. The detailed mechanism of SA-mediated regulation of de through NPR1-mediated signaling and its regulation in the cytoplasm and nucleu been well documented [11][12][13]. In Arabidopsis, proteins NPR1 to NPR6 constitute a tigenic family [14]. ...
... SA acts through the non-expressor of PR1 protein (NPR1), a pivotal component in plant defense signaling. The detailed mechanism of SA-mediated regulation of defense through NPR1-mediated signaling and its regulation in the cytoplasm and nucleus has been well documented [11][12][13]. In Arabidopsis, proteins NPR1 to NPR6 constitute a multigenic family [14]. ...
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Plants form beneficial symbioses with a wide variety of microorganisms. Among these, endophytes, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), and nitrogen-fixing rhizobia are some of the most studied and well understood symbiotic interactions. These symbiotic microorganisms promote plant nutrition and growth. In exchange, they receive the carbon and metabolites necessary for their development and multiplication. In addition to their role in plant growth and development, these microorganisms enhance host plant tolerance to a wide range of environmental stress. Multiple studies have shown that these microorganisms modulate the phytohormone metabolism in the host plant. Among the phytohormones involved in the plant defense response against biotic environment, salicylic acid (SA) plays an important role in activating plant defense. However, in addition to being a major actor in plant defense signaling against pathogens, SA has also been shown to be involved in plant–microbe symbiotic interactions. In this review, we summarize the impact of SA on the symbiotic interactions. In addition, we give an overview of the impact of the endophytes, AMF, and rhizobacteria on SA-mediated defense response against pathogens.
... With salicylic acid (SA) accumulation, along with a redox-regulated protein called non-expressor of pathogenesis-related genes 1 (NPR1), activated systemic acquired resistance (SAR) leads to the induction of pathogenesis-related (PR) genes [92]. In contrast, the jasmonic acid and ethylene (JA/ET) signaling pathway is linked with induced systemic resistance without the activation of PR genes [96][97][98] and is induced by beneficial microbes through a dependent pathway. However, recent findings suggest that multiple hormone signaling pathways might be implicated in shaping ISR [99][100][101], indirectly bolstering plant defenses and encompassing various defense strategies such as induction of antioxidant enzymes, callose deposition, enhancement of defense-related genes, phytohormones, and accumulation of transcription factors. ...
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Entomopathogenic fungi, often acknowledged primarily for their insecticidal properties, fulfill diverse roles within ecosystems. These roles encompass endophytism, antagonism against plant diseases, promotion of the growth of plants, and inhabitation of the rhizosphere, occurring both naturally and upon artificial inoculation, as substantiated by a growing body of contemporary research. Numerous studies have highlighted the beneficial aspects of endophytic colonization. This review aims to systematically organize information concerning the direct (nutrient acquisition and production of phytohormones) and indirect (resistance induction, antibiotic and secondary metabolite production, siderophore production, and mitigation of abiotic and biotic stresses) implications of endophytic colonization. Furthermore, a thorough discussion of these mechanisms is provided. Several challenges, including isolation complexities, classification of novel strains, and the impact of terrestrial location, vegetation type, and anthropogenic reluctance to use fungal entomopathogens, have been recognized as hurdles. However, recent advancements in biotechnology within microbial research hold promising solutions to many of these challenges. Ultimately, the current constraints delineate potential future avenues for leveraging endophytic fungal entomopathogens as dual microbial control agents.
... Nuestra experiencia expresa evidencias de un comportamiento diferenciado, denotando en general que los bioestimulantes dieron una respuesta en cultivo asociado que en monocultivos. Es importante señalar, que inocular en los cultivos bioestimulantes como las RPCV, reduce sustancialmente el uso de fertilizantes sintéticos y los impactos negativos al suelo, aumentando el rendimiento de los cultivos, contribuyendo a la economía del productor y a la alimentación de la población 32,33 . Las interacciones de RPCV con el medio biótico-plantas y microorganismos son muy complejas y utilizan diferentes mecanismos de acción para promover el crecimiento de las plantas 34 . ...
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In order to evaluate four biostimulants in the induction of systemic resistance in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Mill.) in monoculture and associated greenhouse cultivation, five treatments were applied at three developmental stages (growth, flowering and fruiting): T1 Bioremedy (2.0 g/L), T2 Grandsil (2.0 g/L), T3 Control (water), T4 Fossil (5.0 g/L), T5 L-amino (2 cm3/L). The treatments were distributed in a 3 x 5 factorial arrangement and evaluated in a completely randomised experimental design. Each experimental unit consisted of three rows. The response variables were: plant height (cm), stem diameter (mm), number of fruits per plant, fruit volume (cm3) and fruit weight (kg). The results, cucumber in monoculture did not present notable differences for any of the evaluated variables, with the exception of plant height, significant differences were observed at P<0.05 of probability, Bioremedy, L-amino and control were the best. In tomato monoculture, there were significant differences at P<0.05 for all the variables, with Bioremedy standing out for plant height, stem diameter, fruit weight, fruit diameter and fruit number. In the associated crop, both cucumber and tomato had significant differences at P<0.05 for all the variables evaluated, with Bioremedy being the best.
... Nuestra experiencia expresa evidencias de un comportamiento diferenciado, denotando en general que los bioestimulantes dieron una respuesta en cultivo asociado que en monocultivos. Es importante señalar, que inocular en los cultivos bioestimulantes como las RPCV, reduce sustancialmente el uso de fertilizantes sintéticos y los impactos negativos al suelo, aumentando el rendimiento de los cultivos, contribuyendo a la economía del productor y a la alimentación de la población 32,33 . Las interacciones de RPCV con el medio biótico-plantas y microorganismos son muy complejas y utilizan diferentes mecanismos de acción para promover el crecimiento de las plantas 34 . ...
Full-text available
In order to evaluate four biostimulants in the induction of systemic resistance in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Mill.) in monoculture and associated greenhouse cultivation, five treatments were applied at three developmental stages (growth, flowering and fruiting): T1 Bioremedy (2.0 g/L), T2 Grandsil (2.0 g/L), T3 Control (water), T4 Fossil (5.0 g/L), T5 L-amino (2 cm3/L). The treatments were distributed in a 3 x 5 factorial arrangement and evaluated in a completely randomised experimental design. Each experimental unit consisted of three rows. The response variables were: plant height (cm), stem diameter (mm), number of fruits per plant, fruit volume (cm3) and fruit weight (kg). The results, cucumber in monoculture did not present notable differences for any of the evaluated variables, with the exception of plant height, significant differences were observed at P<0.05 of probability, Bioremedy, L-amino and control were the best. In tomato monoculture, there were significant differences at P<0.05 for all the variables, with Bioremedy standing out for plant height, stem diameter, fruit weight, fruit diameter and fruit number. In the associated crop, both cucumber and tomato had significant differences at P<0.05 for all the variables evaluated, with Bioremedy being the best.
... SA is a small phenolic compound mainly synthesized via the isochorismate pathway in chloroplasts via the isochorismate synthase 1 (ICS1. The produced SA induces changes in cell transcription by acting on several transcriptional factors and cofactors such as the central signalling regulator and possible receptor of SA, Nonexpressor of pathogenesis related-1 (NPR1), NPR1-associated TGA transcription factors, the NPR1 paralogous SA receptors, NPR3 and NPR4, and WRKY transcription factors (Dong, 2004;Mukhtar et al., 2009;Saleh et al., 2015). The current model is that NPR1 homologs, NPR3 and NPR4, perceive SA thereby regulating the accumulation of the NPR1 protein (Pajerowska- Mukhtar et al., 2013). ...
Full-text available
Symbionts play a crucial role in shaping their host phenotype and driving its adaptation to the environment. However, until recently plant-insect interactions were studied disregarding the symbiotic bacterial presence in the involved partners. New findings have now demonstrated that above- and belowground plant communities are linked through biotic interactions. In this context, my PhD questions how the interaction between plant-insect species are modulated by their respective symbionts. In the first part of my work I have analysed the effect of the nitrogen fixing symbiosis (NFS) in the leguminous Medicago truncatula (A17) in interaction with pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum lines bearing different facultative endosymbionts (FS). For this, first I have compared the growth of M. truncatula plants either inoculated with the nodules inducing bacteria Sinorhizobium meliloti (NFS) or supplemented with nitrate (non-inoculated; NI), infested with pea aphid lines derived from the same genetic clone (YR2) and bearing either no FS or Hamiltonella defensa, Serratia symbiotica or Regiella insecticola. As expected, growth of both NFS and NI plants was reduced by the aphid attack, while aphid growth (but not survival) was strongly reduced on NFS compared to NI plants. Interestingly, most aphid lines decreased the plant nitrogen fixation capacity of NFS plants by inducing an early nodule senescence. Finally, in NFS plants all aphid lines triggered the expression of Pathogenesis Related Protein 1 (PR1), a marker of the salicylic (SA) pathway, and of Proteinase Inhibitor (PI), a marker of the jasmonic (JA) pathway, while in NI plants only PR1 expression was triggered. Thus, the plant symbiotic status influences clearly the plant–aphid interactions and the plant response while the aphid symbiotic status only modulates the response amplitude. Since both plant and aphid genotypes are important in the outcome of their interaction, I further studied how plant symbiosis affect the plant-insect genotype x genotype interaction. For this, I used three different pea aphid genotypes devoid of FS (LL01, YR2, and T3-8V1) and two M. truncatula genotype (A17 and R108) combinations in the presence or absence of rhizobacteria. The performance of each aphid genotype on both plant genotypes and the effect of different aphid genotypes on the plant growth and nitrogen fixation capacity of NFS plants were measured. We also estimated M. truncatula genotype-mediated defence response triggered by the different aphid genotypes using multiple gene markers of the JA and SA defence-pathways. I found that the plant-insect genotypes as well as the rhizobacteria presence significantly affect plant-aphid interactions. These results show that the outcome of the plant-insect interaction is strongly impacted by the genotype of the species and by their symbiotic status, rising a new level of complexity that remains to be explored.
... NPR1 is a critical transcriptional co-regulator in plant defence responses (Mukhtar et al., 2009), and we found persistent increased expression of NPR1 in fruit pre-treated with BABA in response to infection with R. stolonifer relative to the other treatments (Fig. 5A). We then used NPR1 as the bait for screening interacting proteins in the disease resistance response of the fruit. ...
MADS-box genes play well-documented roles in plant development, but relatively little has been recorded regarding their involvement in the defence response. Herein, the treatment of peach fruit with BABA activated resistance against Rhizopus stolonifer, leading to a significant delay in the symptomatic appearance of Rhizopus rot disease. This protection was greatly potent in R. stolonifer-inoculated peaches and equipped the intertwined defence response containing H2O2 burst, ABA accumulation and callose deposition. Moreover, nucleus-localized PpMADS2 was identified as a PpNPR1 interacting partner via cDNA library screening. Y2H, LCI and co-IP assays further verified the interaction between PpNPR1 and PpMADS2. The DNA binding activity of PpNPR1 conferred by the PpNPR1-PpMADS2 complex was required for the transcription of SA-dependent PR and ABA-inducible PpCalS genes to gain the augmented BABA-IR, in which the PpMAPK1-induced posttranslational modification of PpMADS2 simultaneously was involved. Accordingly, PpMADS2 overexpression potentiated the transcription of a group of PR genes and fungal resistance in transgenic Arabidopsis. Conversely, mads2 knockout lines showed high sensitivity to fungal pathogen. Therefore, the results indicate that PpMADS2 positively participates in the BABA-elicited defence in peaches through the collaboration of SA-dependent NPR1 activation and ABA-signaling callose accumulation, which is also related to the posttranslational modification of PpMADS2 by PpMAPK1 for signal amplification.
... Some studies stated that NO is involved in changing the configuration of non-expressor of pathogenesis related gene-1 (NPR1). NPR1 is considered as a key transcriptional co-regulator involved in stimulating plant defense responses by the S-nitrosylation of cysteine-156 residue in plants (Tada et al. 2008;Mukhtar et al. 2009;Kovacs et al. 2015). Adhikari et al. (2019) reported induction in the expression of allene oxide synthase (AOS) and 12-oxophytodienoate reductase-1 (OPR1) involved in jasmonic acid biosynthesis pathway in the tomato seedlings treated with plasma-activated water. ...
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Climate change is predicted to cause severe loss in agricultural production by increasing disease epidemics and intensifying abiotic stresses. Therefore, there is a need for sustainable methods to alleviate plant stress, such as non-thermal plasma. Here we review the role of non-thermal plasma for plant treatment, with focus on the control of viruses, bacteria, fungi and other diseases. We present factors influencing the microbicidal activity of non-thermal plasma. Application of non-thermal plasma for combating abiotic stresses such as drought, metal toxicity, nanoparticles and salinity are discussed. Plasma-generated reactive species trigger the activity of stress-responsive genes in plants. The hypothetical mechanisms involved in triggering the activity of different stress-responsive genes controlling diseases as well as abiotic stresses, are also presented and discussed. The mechanism of plant-plasma interaction is similar to priming, hormesis or adaptive response, and resembles vaccination in animals and humans.
... Non-expressor of Pathogenesis-Related1 (NPR1) and its homologues NPR3 and NPR4 act as SA receptors (Attaran and He 2012;Liu et al. 2005;Wu et al. 2012;Zhang et al. 2006). NPR1 physically interacts with members of the TGA family of bZIP transcription factors to co-activate SA-mediated defence responses (Dong 2004;Mukhtar et al. 2009). ...
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Key message The intersection of phytohormone signalling pathways with SUMOylation, a key post-translational modification, offers an additional layer of control to the phytohormone signalling for sophisticated regulation of plant development. AbstractPlants live in a constantly changing environment that are often challenging for the growth and development of plants. Phytohormones play a critical role in modulating molecular-level changes for enabling plants to resist climatic aberrations. The orchestration of such effective molecular responses entails rapid regulation of phytohormone signalling at transcriptional, translational and post-translational levels. Post-translational modifications have emerged as a key player in modulating hormonal pathways. The current review lays emphasis on the role of SUMOylation, a key post-translational modification, in manipulating individual hormone signalling pathways for better plant adaptability. Here, we discuss the recent advancement in the field and highlights how SUMO targets key signalling intermediates including transcription factors to provide a quick response to different biotic or abiotic stresses, sometimes even prior to changes in hormone levels. The understanding of the convergence of SUMOylation and hormonal pathways will offer an additional layer of control to the phytohormone signalling for an intricate and sophisticated regulation of plant development and can be utilised as a tool to generate climate-resilient crops.
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Understanding how ethanol influences behavior is key to deciphering the mechanisms of ethanol action and alcoholism. In mammals, low doses of ethanol stimulate locomotion, whereas high doses depress it. The acute stimulant effect of ethanol has been proposed to be a manifestation of its rewarding effects. In Drosophila, ethanol exposure transiently potentiates locomotor activity in a biphasic close- and time-dependent manner. An initial short-lived peak of activity corresponds to an olfactory response to ethanol. A second, longer-lasting period of increased activity coincides with rising internal ethanol concentrations; these closely parallel concentrations that stimulate locomotion in mammals. High-resolution analysis of the walking pattern of individual flies revealed that locomotion consists of bouts of activity; bout structure can be quantified by bout frequency, bout length, and the time spent walking at high speeds. Ethanol exposure induces both dramatic and dynamic changes in bout structure. Mutants with increased ethanol sensitivity show distinct changes in ethanol-induced locomotor behavior, as well as genotype-specific changes in activity bout structure. Thus, the overall effect of ethanol on locomotor behavior in Drosophila is caused by changes in discrete quantifiable parameters of walking pattern. The effects of ethanol on locomotion are comparable in flies and mammals, suggesting that Drosophila is a suitable model system to study the underlying mechanisms.
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Changes in redox status have been observed during immune responses in different organisms, but the associated signaling mechanisms are poorly understood. In plants, these redox changes regulate the conformation of NPR1, a master regulator of salicylic acid (SA)–mediated defense genes. NPR1 is sequestered in the cytoplasm as an oligomer through intermolecular disulfide bonds. We report that S-nitrosylation of NPR1 by S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) at cysteine-156 facilitates its oligomerization, which maintains protein homeostasis upon SA induction. Conversely, the SA-induced NPR1 oligomer-to-monomer reaction is catalyzed by thioredoxins (TRXs). Mutations in both NPR1 cysteine-156 and TRX compromised NPR1-mediated disease resistance. Thus, the regulation of NPR1 is through the opposing action of GSNO and TRX. These findings suggest a link between pathogen-triggered redox changes and gene regulation in plant immunity.
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Systemic acquired resistance (SAR) is a broad-spectrum plant immune response involving profound transcriptional changes that are regulated by the coactivator NPR1. Nuclear translocation of NPR1 is a critical regulatory step, but how the protein is regulated in the nucleus is unknown. Here, we show that turnover of nuclear NPR1 protein plays an important role in modulating transcription of its target genes. In the absence of pathogen challenge, NPR1 is continuously cleared from the nucleus by the proteasome, which restricts its coactivator activity to prevent untimely activation of SAR. Surprisingly, inducers of SAR promote NPR1 phosphorylation at residues Ser11/Ser15, and then facilitate its recruitment to a Cullin3-based ubiquitin ligase. Turnover of phosphorylated NPR1 is required for full induction of target genes and establishment of SAR. These in vivo data demonstrate dual roles for coactivator turnover in both preventing and stimulating gene transcription to regulate plant immunity.
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Small (SK) and large conductance (BK) Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels contribute to action potential repolarization, shape dendritic Ca(2+)spikes and postsynaptic responses, modulate the release of hormones and neurotransmitters, and contribute to hippocampal-dependent synaptic plasticity. Over the last decade, SK and BK channels have emerged as important targets for the development of acute ethanol tolerance and for altering neuronal excitability following chronic ethanol consumption. In this mini-review, we discuss new evidence implicating SK and BK channels in ethanol tolerance and ethanol-associated homeostatic plasticity. Findings from recent reports demonstrate that chronic ethanol produces a reduction in the function of SK channels in VTA dopaminergic and CA1 pyramidal neurons. It is hypothesized that the reduction in SK channel function increases the propensity for burst firing in VTA neurons and increases the likelihood for aberrant hyperexcitability during ethanol withdrawal in hippocampus. There is also increasing evidence supporting the idea that ethanol sensitivity of native BK channel results from differences in BK subunit composition, the proteolipid microenvironment, and molecular determinants of the channel-forming subunit itself. Moreover, these molecular entities play a substantial role in controlling the temporal component of ethanol-associated neuroadaptations in BK channels. Taken together, these studies suggest that SK and BK channels contribute to ethanol tolerance and adaptive plasticity.
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The budding yeast transcriptional activator Gcn4 is rapidly degraded in an SCF(Cdc4)-dependent manner in vivo. Upon fractionation of yeast extracts to identify factors that mediate Gcn4 ubiquitination, we found that Srb10 phosphorylates Gcn4 and thereby marks it for recognition by SCF(Cdc4) ubiquitin ligase. Srb10 is a physiological regulator of Gcn4 stability because both phosphorylation and turnover of Gcn4 are diminished in srb10 mutants. Gcn4 is almost completely stabilized in srb10Delta pho85Delta cells, or upon mutation of all Srb10 phosphorylation sites within Gcn4, suggesting that the Pho85 and Srb10 cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) conspire to limit the accumulation of Gcn4. The multistress response transcriptional regulator Msn2 is also a substrate for Srb10 and is hyperphosphorylated in an Srb10-dependent manner upon heat-stress-induced translocation into the nucleus. Whereas Msn2 is cytoplasmic in resting wild-type cells, its nuclear exclusion is partially compromised in srb10 mutant cells. Srb10 has been shown to repress a subset of genes in vivo, and has been proposed to inhibit transcription via phosphorylation of the C-terminal domain of RNA polymerase II. We propose that Srb10 also inhibits gene expression by promoting the rapid degradation or nuclear export of specific transcription factors. Simultaneous down-regulation of both transcriptional regulatory proteins and RNA polymerase may enhance the potency and specificity of transcriptional inhibition by Srb10.
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The BTB domain (also known as the POZ domain) is a versatile protein-protein interaction motif that participates in a wide range of cellular functions, including transcriptional regulation, cytoskeleton dynamics, ion channel assembly and gating, and targeting proteins for ubiquitination. Several BTB domain structures have been experimentally determined, revealing a highly conserved core structure. We surveyed the protein architecture, genomic distribution and sequence conservation of BTB domain proteins in 17 fully sequenced eukaryotes. The BTB domain is typically found as a single copy in proteins that contain only one or two other types of domain, and this defines the BTB-zinc finger (BTB-ZF), BTB-BACK-kelch (BBK), voltage-gated potassium channel T1 (T1-Kv), MATH-BTB, BTB-NPH3 and BTB-BACK-PHR (BBP) families of proteins, among others. In contrast, the Skp1 and ElonginC proteins consist almost exclusively of the core BTB fold. There are numerous lineage-specific expansions of BTB proteins, as seen by the relatively large number of BTB-ZF and BBK proteins in vertebrates, MATH-BTB proteins in Caenorhabditis elegans, and BTB-NPH3 proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana. Using the structural homology between Skp1 and the PLZF BTB homodimer, we present a model of a BTB-Cul3 SCF-like E3 ubiquitin ligase complex that shows that the BTB dimer or the T1 tetramer is compatible in this complex. Despite widely divergent sequences, the BTB fold is structurally well conserved. The fold has adapted to several different modes of self-association and interactions with non-BTB proteins.
Upon exposure to ethanol, Drosophila display behaviors that are similar to ethanol intoxication in rodents and humans. Using an inebriometer to measure ethanol-induced loss of postural control, we identified cheapdate, a mutant with enhanced sensitivity to ethanol. Genetic and molecular analyses revealed that cheapdate is an allele of the memory mutant amnesiac. amnesiac has been postulated to encode a neuropeptide that activates the cAMP pathway. Consistent with this, we find that enhanced ethanol sensitivity of cheapdate can be reversed by treatment with agents that increase cAMP levels or PKA activity. Conversely, genetic or pharmacological reduction in PKA activity results in increased sensitivity to ethanol. Taken together, our results provide functional evidence for the involvement of the cAMP signal transduction pathway in the behavioral response to intoxicating levels of ethanol.
NPR1 is an essential regulator of plant systemic acquired resistance (SAR), which confers immunity to a broad-spectrum of pathogens. SAR induction results in accumulation of the signal molecule salicylic acid (SA), which induces defense gene expression via activation of NPR1. We found that in an uninduced state, NPR1 is present as an oligomer formed through intermolecular disulfide bonds. Upon SAR induction, a biphasic change in cellular reduction potential occurs, resulting in reduction of NPR1 to a monomeric form. Monomeric NPR1 accumulates in the nucleus and activates gene expression. Inhibition of NPR1 reduction prevents defense gene expression, whereas mutation of Cys82 or Cys216 in NPR1 leads to constitutive monomerization, nuclear localization of the mutant proteins, and defense gene expression. These data provide a missing link between accumulation of SA and activation of NPR1 in the SAR signaling pathway.
Systemic acquired resistance (SAR) is a mechanism of induced defense that confers long-lasting protection against a broad spectrum of microorganisms. SAR requires the signal molecule salicylic acid (SA) and is associated with accumulation of pathogenesis-related proteins, which are thought to contribute to resistance. Much progress has been made recently in elucidating the mechanism of SAR. Using the model plant Arabidopsis, it was discovered that the isochorismate pathway is the major source of SA during SAR. In response to SA, the positive regulator protein NPR1 moves to the nucleus where it interacts with TGA transcription factors to induce defense gene expression, thus activating SAR. Exciting new data suggest that the mobile signal for SAR might be a lipid molecule. We discuss the molecular and genetic data that have contributed to our understanding of SAR and present a model describing the sequence of events leading from initial infection to the induction of defense genes.
Since 1996, nearly 100 genes have been studied for their effects related to ethanol in mice using genetic modifications including gene deletion, gene overexpression, gene knock-in, and occasionally by studying existing mutants. Nearly all such studies have concentrated on genes expressed in brain, and the targeted genes range widely in their function, including most of the principal neurotransmitter systems, several neurohormones, and a number of signaling molecules. We review 141 published reports of effects (or lack thereof) of 93 genes on responses to ethanol. While most studies have focused on ethanol self-administration and reward, and/or sedative effects, other responses studied include locomotor stimulation, anxiolytic effects, and neuroadaptation (tolerance, sensitization, withdrawal). About 1/4 of the engineered mutations increase self-administration, 1/3 decrease it, and about 40% have no significant effect. In many cases, the effects on self-administration are rather modest and/or depend on the specific experimental procedures. In some cases, genes in the background strains on which the mutant is placed are important for results. Not surprisingly, review of the systems affected further supports roles for serotonin, gamma-aminobutyric acid, opioids and dopamine, all of which have long been foci of alcohol research. Novel modulatory effects of protein kinase C and G protein-activated inwardly rectifying K+ (GIRK) channels are also suggested. Some newer research with cannabinoid systems is promising, and has led to ongoing clinical trials.