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Efficient Implementation of a CCA2-Secure Variant of McEliece Using Generalized Srivastava Codes


Abstract and Figures

In this paper we present efficient implementations of McEliece variants using quasi-dyadic codes. We provide secure parameters for a classical McEliece encryption scheme based on quasi-dyadic generalized Srivastava codes, and successively convert our scheme to a CCA2-secure protocol in the random oracle model applying the Fujisaki-Okamoto transform. In contrast with all other CCA2-secure code-based cryptosystems that work in the random oracle model, our conversion does not require a constant weight encoding function. We present results for both 128-bit and 80-bit security level, and for the latter we also feature an implementation for an embedded device.
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Efficient Implementation of a CCA2-secure
Variant of McEliece Using Generalized
Srivastava Codes
Pierre-Louis Cayrel1, Gerhard Hoffmann2, and Edoardo Persichetti3
1Universit´e Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne, France
2Technische Universit¨at Darmstadt, Germany
3University of Auckland, New Zealand
Abstract. In this paper we present efficient implementations of McEliece
variants using quasi-dyadic codes. We provide secure parameters for a
classical McEliece encryption scheme based on quasi-dyadic generalized
Srivastava codes, and successively convert our scheme to a CCA2-secure
protocol in the random oracle model applying the Fujisaki-Okamoto
transform. In contrast with all other CCA2-secure code-based cryptosys-
tems that work in the random oracle model, our conversion does not
require a constant weight encoding function. We present results for both
128-bit and 80-bit security level, and for the latter we also feature an
implementation for an embedded device.
1 Introduction
The McEliece and Niederreiter public-key encryption schemes are based on error-
correcting codes. One drawback are the large public keys. There have been few
implementations reported; we cite for instance [29] and [30] for 32-bit software
implementations. An alternative scheme, called HyMES (Hybrid McEliece cryp-
tosystem), was implemented by Sendrier and Biswas [11], combining ideas from
both the previous schemes.
Recently, implementations of the McEliece and Niederreiter cryptosystems for
embedded devices have been presented, respectively by Eisenbarth et al. in [13]
and by Heyse in [18], with the disadvantage of an external memory requirement
for storing the key. A first proposal to deal with this issue from an implemen-
tational point of view is to make use of the quasi-dyadic variant of Misoczki
and Barreto [25]. This was done by Heyse in [19], along with the extension to
a CCA2-secure protocol. Unfortunately, the fields underlying the Goppa codes
chosen are still too big to fit on the flash memory of the embedded device and
this has repercussions in the speed of the implementation, since the use of tower
field arithmetic becomes necessary.
In our paper, we provide an alternative construction based on the more general
framework of generalized Srivastava codes described by Persichetti in [27]. We
then convert the encryption scheme into a CCA2-secure protocol with the help
of the Fujisaki-Okamoto transform [17]. To the best of our knowledge, a scheme
based on this family of codes has never been implemented before; moreover, we
use McEliece with a twist, and we don’t require any constant weight encoding
function [32] for our conversion. This is also a novelty, and it allows to simplify
the construction and save computational costs at the same time. The finite fields
in use are much smaller than previous proposals, and fit completely on the flash
memory, with the result that our implementation is much faster.
We note that there exist schemes, such as Dowsley et al. [12] and Freeman et
al. [22], that provide CCA2-secure encryption based on coding theory in the
standard model, but these schemes are completely impractical.
The paper is organized as follows: in Section 2 the McEliece and Niederreiter en-
cryption schemes are introduced, along with an overview of constructions based
on structured matrices. Security definitions such as IND-CCA2 and their instan-
tiations are discussed in Section 3, and the technical details about the implemen-
tations with the respective timings are provided in Section 4, both for a C++
code, and for implementation on an embedded device. Finally, we conclude in
Section 5.
2 Code-based public-key encryption schemes
2.1 The McEliece cryptosystem
The first cryptosystem based on coding theory was introduced in 1978 by Robert
J. McEliece [23] and, for an appropriate choice of parameters, is still unbroken. In
the original proposal, binary Goppa codes are used as a basis for the construction,
and the security comes from the hardness of the General Decoding Problem
Definition 1 (GDP). Let Cbe an [n, k]linear code over Fqand let ybe a
vector of Fn
Find the codeword closest to y, i.e. find cCsuch that d(c, y)is minimal.
This corresponds to correcting a certain number of errors occurred on the code-
word c, represented by an error vector e, that is y=c+e. A unique solution
exists if the weight of eis less than or equal to w=bd1
2c, where dis the mini-
mum distance of the code C.
This problem is well known and was proved to be NP-complete [7]. Moreover,
GDP is believed to be hard on average, and not just on the worst-case instances.
The general framework proceeds as follows:
Key Generation: Pick a k×ngenerator matrix Gfor a w-error correcting
linear code with an efficient decoding algorithm over the finite field Fq, a k×k
invertible matrix Sand an n×npermutation matrix Pat random, then compute
G0=SGP , which is another valid generator matrix. The private key consists of
G, S, P , and the public key is G0.The system parameters n, k, w are also public.
Encryption: To encrypt a plaintext xFk
q, compute the corresponding code-
word xG0and add a random error vector eof weight at most w, obtaining the
ciphertext y=xG0+e.
Decryption: Given a ciphertext y, calculate yP 1=xG0P1+eP 1=xSG +
eP 1, and since the weight of eP 1is still the same, it is enough to apply the
decoding algorithm for the code to retrieve xS and consequently x.
The other computational assumption underlying the security is that the k×
nmatrix G0so obtained is computationally indistinguishable from a uniform
matrix of the same size, hence an attacker that does not know the private key
is faced with solving GDP.
Remark The encryption process is dominated by the cost of computing xG0,
which requires at most k×nfield multiplications. Hence this is fast. On the other
hand, decryption requires performing a decoding algorithm and is not usually so
fast. Therefore, McEliece is most suitable for applications where encryption is
required to be fast. This is analogous to RSA using small encryption exponents.
2.2 The Niederreiter cryptosystem
A first alternative version of the McEliece cryptosystem has been proposed by
Niederreiter [26] in 1986, and has been proved to be equivalent in terms of
security. It is often considered as a “dual” version, as the trapdoor is given by
the parity-check matrix rather than the generator matrix. The underlying hard
problem is the Syndrome Decoding Problem.
Definition 2 (SDP). Let Hbe an r×nmatrix over Fq,sa vector of Fr
w > 0.
Find a vector ein Fn
qof weight wsuch that HeT=s.
If His the parity-check matrix for an [n, k] linear code C, then r=nkand it
is immediate to see that the two problems are equivalent: in fact, for y=c+ewe
have HyT=H cT+H eTbut H cT= 0 since cis a codeword so HyT=HeT=s,
which means that SDP in this case corresponds, again, to finding an error vector
of weight less or equal to w.
This is a description of Niederreiter’s scheme:
Key Generation: Pick an (nk)×nparity-check matrix Hfor a w-error
correcting linear code with an efficient decoding algorithm over the finite field
Fq, an (nk)×(nk) invertible matrix Sand an n×npermutation matrix
Pat random, then evaluate H0=SH P , which is another valid parity-check
matrix. The private key consists of H, S, P , and the the public key is H0.The
system parameters n, k, w are also public.
Encryption: A plaintext here is a vector eFn
qof weight at most w; to encrypt,
compute the corresponding syndrome, obtaining the ciphertext y=H0eT.
Decryption: Given a ciphertext y, calculate first S1y=HP eT, and then
apply the decoding algorithm for the code to retrieve P eTand consequently e.
2.3 Structured matrices
Definition 3. Given a ring R(in our case the finite field Fqm) and a vector
h= (h0, . . . , hn1)Rn, the dyadic matrix (¯
h)Rn×nis the symmetric
matrix with components ij =hij, where stands for bitwise exclusive-or on
the binary representations of the indices. The sequence ¯
his called its signature.
Moreover, (t, ¯
h)denotes the matrix (¯
h)truncated to its first trows. Finally,
we call a matrix quasi-dyadic if it is a block matrix whose component blocks are
t×tdyadic submatrices.
If nis a power of 2, then every 2k×2kdyadic matrix can be described recursively
where each block is a 2k1×2k1dyadic matrix (and where any 1 ×1 matrix
is dyadic).
Definition 4. Given two sequences ¯x= (x1, . . . , xn),¯y= (y1, . . . , yn)Fn
q, a
Generalized Reed-Solomon (GRS) code of order `is defined by a parity-check
matrix related to the Vandermonde form, i.e. the matrix with components Hij =
y1. . . yn
y1x1. . . ynxn
1. . . ynx`1
If the resulting code is then restricted to Fqit is called an Alternant code.
Definition 5. For m, n, s, t Nand a prime power q, let ¯α= (α1, . . . , αn),
¯w= (w1, . . . , ws)be n+sdistinct elements of Fqm, and (z1, . . . , zn)be nonzero
elements of Fqm. The Generalized Srivastava (GS) code of order st and length
nis defined by a parity-check matrix of the form:
where each block is
. . . zn
(α1wi)2. . . zn
(α1wi)t. . . zn
The parameters for such a code are the length nqms, dimension knmst
and minimum distance dst + 1.
GS codes are part of the family of Alternant codes, and therefore benefit of an
efficient decoding algorithm. More information about this class of codes can be
found in [21, Ch. 12, §6].
2.4 Secure parameters
Both the previous schemes share some common traits: a very fast and efficient
encryption procedure, and very big public keys. Our proposal to deal with these
issues is to use structured codes, and in particular, quasi-dyadic codes. See Ap-
pendix B for a summary of the key generation process.
Misoczki and Barreto in [25] give an assessment of the hardness of decoding
quasi-dyadic codes, providing a reduction to the Syndrome Decoding Problem.
Keeping in mind the scope of the paper, the parameters proposed in [27, Table
3] seem to fit our proposal best; we report the table here for completeness.
Table 1: Quasi-dyadic GS codes [27, Table 3]. The column “Size” indicates the size
of the public key, while in the column “Security level” are reported the approximate
cost of general decoding attacks (log2of binary operations).
Base Field m n k s t Errors Size (bytes) Security level1
F252 992 416 259 144 4680 128
F243 768 432 247 56 4536 80
F252 512 256 242364 2560 80
3 CCA-secure schemes
Until now, we have been considering only the weakest notion of security for a
public-key encryption scheme, that is, One-Way Encryption (OWE). The fol-
lowing are formal definitions of public-key encryption and one-way security.
Definition 6. A Public-Key Encryption (PKE) scheme consists of a 6-tuple
(K,P,C,G,E,D)defined as follows:
K=Kpubl × Kpriv is the key space.
Pis the set of messages to be encrypted, or plaintext space.
Cis the set of the messages transmitted over the channel, or ciphertext
Gis a probabilistic key generation algorithm that takes as input a security
parameter 1δand outputs a public key pk ∈ Kpubl and a private key sk
Kpriv .
Eis a (possibly probabilistic) encryption algorithm that receives as input a
public key pk ∈ Kpubl and a plaintext x∈ P and returns a ciphertext ψ∈ C.
Dis a deterministic decryption algorithm that receives as input a private key
sk ∈ Kpriv and a ciphertext ψ∈ C and outputs either a plaintext x∈ P or
the failure symbol .
Definition 7 (One-Way). A One-Way adversary is a polynomial-time algo-
rithm Athat takes as input a public key pk ∈ Kpubl and a ciphertext ψ∈ C. We
say that a PKE is One-Way Secure if the probability of success of any adversary
Ais negligible in the security parameter, i.e.
P r[pk − Kpubl, x − P :A(pk , Epk(x)) = x]negl(δ)
The standard definitions for Indistinguishability, and the attack models CPA
and CCA2 are omitted here due to space requirements.
3.1 CCA2 security conversions
There are standard ways to obtain an IND-CCA2 secure encryption scheme
from one that only has OW-CPA, for example the Fujisaki-Okamoto transform
[17]. The construction achieves CCA2-security by integrating an asymmetric
encryption scheme with a symmetric scheme.
Definition 8. A Symmetric Encryption (SE) scheme consists of a 5-tuple (K,P,C,E,D)
defined as follows:
Kis the key space.
Pis the set of messages to be encrypted, or plaintext space.
Cis the set of the messages transmitted over the channel, or ciphertext
Eis a deterministic encryption algorithm that receives as input a key χ∈ K
and a plaintext x∈ P and returns a ciphertext ψ∈ C.
Dis a deterministic decryption algorithm that receives as input a key χ∈ K
and a ciphertext ψ∈ C and outputs a plaintext x∈ P.
The Fujisaki-Okamoto conversion requires an additional property of the encryp-
tion scheme called γ-uniformity. We define it here.
Definition 9. Let Πbe a PKE defined as above and let’s call Rthe set where
the randomness to be used in the (probabilistic) encryption is chosen. For given
(pk, sk)∈ K,x∈ P and a string y, we define
γ(x, y) = P r[r$
− R :y=Epk(x, r)]
where the notation Epk(x, r)makes explicit the role of the randomness r. We say
that Πis γ-uniform if, for any (pk, sk)∈ K, any x∈ P and any y,γ(x, y)γ
for a certain γR.
Table 2: The Fujisaki-Okamoto conversion. H1and H2are hash functions.
Encryption of xDecryption of ψ
− PP KE ψ:= (ψ1||ψ2)
r:= H1(σ, x) ˆσ:= DP K E
sk (ψ1) (return if decryption fails)
ψ1:= EP KE
pk (σ, r) ˆx:= DSE
H2σ)(ψ2) (return if decryption fails)
ψ2:= ESE
H2(σ)(x) ˆr:= H1σ, ˆx)
if EP KE
pk σ, ˆr) == ψ1return x:= ˆx
return ψ:= (ψ1||ψ2) else return
In a successive paper [20], Kobara and Imai proposed three alternative construc-
tions in a similar fashion, tailored specifically for the McEliece cryptosystem
rather than a general OWE encryption scheme. The biggest contribution of the
new constructions is that the amount of overhead data (i.e. difference between
the bit-length of the ciphertext and the bit-length of the plaintext) is consider-
ably reduced.
While this is certainly an important issue for some applications, in the common
cryptographic practice it will never constitute a serious concern. In fact, the aim
of public key cryptography is not to encrypt a whole, large plaintext, but rather
to encrypt just a small (e.g. 128 or 256 bits) key for a more efficient symmetric
scheme, that will be then used to encrypt the message. From a computational
point of view the Kobara-Imai encryption process seems to be more expensive;
in fact, the whole construction is rather complex.
Table 3: The Kobara-Imai hybrid conversion γfor the McEliece (McE) public-key
encryption scheme. His a hash function, Gen a random number generator, Conv a
constant weight encoding function and C onst a (predetermined) public constant.
Encryption of xDecryption of ψ
− {0,1}ψ:= (y5||y0)
y1:= Gen(r)(x||Const)y3:= DM cE
sk (y0)
y2:= r⊕ H(y1)y3G0y0
(y5||y4||y3) := (y2||y1)y4:= Conv1(z)
z:= Conv(y4) (y2||y1) := (y5||y4||y3)
r:= y2⊕ H(y1)
x||Const0) := y1Gen(r)
if Const0== C onst return x:= ˆx
return ψ:= (y5||EMcE
pk (y3, z)) else return
Note that the Fujisaki-Okamoto decryption process includes an encoding
operation in the final check. This makes decryption slower. The cost of the
process, though, is still dominated by the decoding operation rather than the
matrix-vector multiplication. Moreover, as we already remarked, we argue that
the distinctive feature of the McEliece scheme is the fast encryption process,
and the Fujisaki-Okamoto conversion preserves fast encryption better than the
Kobara-Imai approach.
3.2 Applying Fujisaki-Okamoto to McEliece
We give here a new way to use McEliece together with the Fujisaki-Okamoto
transform. Previous approaches always needed a constant weight encoding func-
tion to convert H1(σ, x) into an error vector. Our idea is to swap the message
and the error in the McEliece scheme, with a technique similar to the one used
by Micciancio in [24]. This means that we interpret EM cE
G0(x, r) = rG0+x, en-
coding the message in the error vector rather than in the codeword. This is
possible because, unlike other PKE’s, the decryption process of McEliece, con-
sisting mainly of decoding, returns both xand r, allowing to recover, in addition
to the plaintext, also the randomness used. With this simple trick, we avoid
having to use a (costly) constant weight encoding function and we simplify the
encryption process considerably.
For simplicity we take the symmetric encryption scheme to be the one-time pad
with an ephemeral key generated as H2(σ) where H2is a random oracle with
arbitrary length output. This symmetric encryption scheme satisfies the Find-
Guess security property. In practice, one might use a block cipher in CBC mode.
Table 4: The Fujisaki-Okamoto transform applied to McEliece.
Encryption of xDecryption of ψ
− Wn,w ψ:= (ψ1||ψ2)
r:= H1(σ||x) ˆσ:= DMcE
G(ψ1) (return if decoding fails)
ψ1:= rG0+σˆx=H2σ)ψ2
ψ2:= H2(σ)xˆr:= H1σ||ˆx)
if ˆrG0+ ˆσ== ψ1return x:= ˆx
return ψ:= (ψ1||ψ2) else return
The following lemma is fundamental to prove that our scheme enjoys the
γ-uniformity required by the conversion.
Lemma 1. The McEliece encryption scheme described above is γ-uniform for
Proof. Let G0be a public key that is a generator matrix for the code C; in our
setting, yis a generic string in Fn
q. Then clearly:
γ(σ, y) = P r[r$
q:y=rG0+σ] =
0 if yσ /C
qkif yσC
and that concludes the proof. ut
Theorem 1. If the assumptions of indistinguishability and decoding hardness
of the McEliece PKE hold, the encryption scheme described in Table 4 is IND-
CCA2 secure.
Proof. The scheme enjoys one-way security because of the computational as-
sumptions in the hypothesis. Moreover, Lemma 1 provides the γ-uniformity as
required. Finally, the symmetric scheme used (one-time pad) satisfies the re-
quired security property (Find-Guess). It is then possible to apply [17, Th. 12].
4 Efficient implementation
The implementation was done in C++ and is based on the library SBCrypt
(Syndrome-Based Cryptography Library) by Barreto, Misoczki and Villas Boas [3].
We subsequently converted our code to run on an embedded device, namely
the microcontroller ATxmega256A3 from the AVR XMEGA family. It has 264
Kbytes of Flash memory, 16 Kbytes of SRAM memory and is running at a clock
frequency of 32 MHz.
To represent the finite fields we used exponential/antilog tables [21, Ch. 4, §5],
which is possible as our extension fields are small enough to fit completely in
the available memory (apart from the first code, for which the private trapdoor
would be too big). This is a key feature of our scheme and one of the main
reasons to choose GS codes over Goppa codes. In fact, when using GS codes,
it is possible to choose secure parameters even for codes defined over relatively
small extension fields. See Appendix C for a summary of the security discussion.
More information can be found in [27].
As for the hash functions H1and H2, we opted for the Keccak family [10], one
of the five remaining SHA-3 finalists, with assigned output length equal to k, in
the first instance, or equal to the plaintext length (128 bits in our case), in the
second. Its flexibility also allows for using it as stream cipher, and we deployed
it for randomly choosing error vectors of weight w.
The procedure to generate error vectors for encryption is as follows: at first, the
error vector is initialized to zero. Next, we ask Keccak for β=dlog2nebits and
interpret the result as an index into the error vector. If the interval is greater
than nthen we reject and re-sample. Now, in case this index is still a zero entry,
we ask Keccak for additional bits to be read as a field element. Otherwise, we
ask Keccak for the next bits to be interpreted as the next index to be examined.
This simple procedure is iterated until the error vector has the desired weight.
It is clear that this process samples uniformly from Wn,w .
The test results for the C++ code have been executed on an Intel(R) Core(TM)
2 Duo CPU E8400@3.00GHz running Ubuntu/Linux 2.6.32, where the source
has been compiled with gcc 4.4.3. Similar results have been obtained using the
Intel compiler icpc/icc. As for the embedded microcontroller, the code has been
simulated on AVR Studio 5.0 [1].
McEliece based on GS codes We have measured two different operations:
the encoding step xG +efor xFk
qand the decoding of a ciphertext yFn
Results are presented in Table 5 (timings expressed in milliseconds (ms)).
Table 5: Profiling results for McEliece using GS codes.
Code Name Base Field m n k s t Errors Encoding Decoding
AF252 992 416 259 144 0.287 5.486
BF243 768 432 247 56 0.179 1.578
CF252 512 256 242364 0.093 1.234
It is easy to see that the decoding process dominates the runtime.
The following tables report the results obtained when running the same opera-
tions on the microcontroller, for the last two codes. The costs displayed are in
clock cycles; for a conversion to the standard time units, keep in mind that the
device runs at 32MHz, hence we have 32 million cycles per second.
Table 6: Details of the costs of encryption and decryption steps for codes Band C.
Operation Code BCode C
Generate error vector e313,114 316,568
Load the plaintext x4,313 2,553
Encode xG 3,418,292 1,603,854
Add e8,818 5,944
Encoding total 3,744,537 1,928,919
Operation Code BCode C
Compute syndrome Hy T6,910,742 5,440,245
Solve key equation 955,597 1,192,400
Compute error positions 2,061,066 1,571,689
Compute error values 611,898 794,463
Correct the errors 8,641 5,121
Decoding total 10,547,944 9,003,918
Note on decoding In our scheme, we have implemented a standard alternant
decoder (see for example [21, Ch. 12, §9]). That consists of extrapolating the
key equation from the syndrome and then solve it and compute the error po-
sitions as the roots of the error locator polynomial. To find the roots, we use
the Horner scheme in the sense that we directly evaluate the polynomial on the
support. More sophisticated root-finding algorithms are available, for instance
Berlekamp’s trace algorithm [6]. However, our codes are punctured codes, and,
as also stated in [19], Berlekamp’s trace algorithm is not designed for such a case.
Moreover, although Berlekamp’s algorithm does find the roots of the polynomial,
there is an additional step necessary to find them in the support sequence, which
is not the case when using the Horner scheme and direct evaluation. Finally, one
can see from the timings of the decoding operation, that the by far dominating
part is the syndrome computation. For the time being, we therefore refrained
from implementing Berlekamp’s algorithm, opting for the much simpler Horner
scheme instead.
CCA2-McEliece based on GS codes The performances of the scheme are
given in Table 7 and Table 8, respectively for the C++ code and for the micro-
Table 7: Profiling results for CCA2-McEliece using GS codes.
Code Name Base Field m n k s t Errors Encryption Decryption
AF252 992 416 259 144 0.323 5.914
BF243 768 432 247 56 0.213 1.814
CF252 512 256 242364 0.114 1.382
Table 8: Details of the costs of the encryption and decryption steps of CCA2-McEliece.
Operation Code BCode C
Generate error vector σ322,109 321,812
Load the plaintext x1,019 1,019
Hash r=H(σ, x) 282,285 281,497
Encode rG 3,426,700 1,591,031
Add σ1,103 1,314
Hash K(σ) 137,704 137,720
Pad K(σ)x1,814 1,811
Encryption total 4,171,734 2,336,204
Operation Code BCode C
Compute syndrome T
17,029,985 5,425,696
Solve key equation 954,522 1,202,032
Compute error positions 2,031,514 1,561,946
Compute error values 611,944 794,524
Correct the errors 1,108 5,112
Hash Kσ) 147,822 144,768
Pad Kσ)ψ21,585 1,586
Hash ˆr=Hσ, ˆx) 282,066 282,278
Encode ˆrG 3,426,721 1,591,049
Add ˆσ1,113 1,273
Check equality 9,207 6,135
Decryption total 14,497,587 11,016,399
Comparing the results in Table 5 and Table 7 (as well as Table 6 and Table 8),
we see that indeed the computational overhead is quite low.
For simplicity, the comparison of the total timings for both cases is reported in
Tables 9 and 10.
Table 9: Summary of the timings (ms) for the C++ code.
Code Encoding CCA2 Encryption Decoding CCA2 Decryption
A0.287 0.323 5.486 5.914
B0.179 0.213 1.578 1.814
C0.093 0.114 1.234 1.382
Table 10: Summary of the timings (clock cycles) for the embedded device.
Code Encoding CCA2 Encryption Decoding CCA2 Decryption
B3,744,537 4,171,734 10,547,944 14,497,587
C1,928,919 2,336,204 9,003,918 11,016,399
5 Conclusions
In this paper we propose the implementation of a construction based on quasi-
dyadic generalized Srivastava codes. We first implement a plain McEliece encryp-
tion scheme, and then convert it to a CCA2-secure scheme using the Fujisaki-
Okamoto transform. The results are initially given for a C++ implementation,
and successively for an embedded device.
An independent work proposing a CCA2-secure scheme based on quasi-dyadic
Goppa codes has been recently presented at PQCrypto 2011 by Stefan Heyse
[19]. The performance indicated for encryption and decryption on the embedded
device are slower than our results (the simulator program is the same, AVR Stu-
dio, although in a slightly older version). Part of the reason is due to the use a
constant weight encoding function (more than three times as costly as hashing)
that we avoid thanks to the particular configuration of our scheme. However,
the major difference comes from the fact that our vector-matrix multiplication,
despite performing operations over non-binary fields, is at least two times faster,
and this is the dominating part in the encryption process and is also a very high
cost in the decryption process. This is a direct consequence of the structure of the
scheme. In fact, the construction in [19] makes use of binary Goppa codes, which
for security reasons [14] need to be defined over the extension field F216: this is
too big to fit the corresponding log/antilog tables on the flash memory of the
device. The result is that, in order to avoid using additional, external memory,
the tables for F28are represented instead, and operations are performed using
tower field arithmetic, which is much slower. For example, a multiplication over
a tower F(28)2is equivalent to performing 5 multiplications over F28.
Another disadvantage is constituted by the fact that the public key G0is com-
puted as SG like in the original McEliece (Pis supposed to be implicit into the
support of the code), and the scramble matrix Soccupies a great amount of
memory (131,072 bytes, see [19, Table 3]). This is completely redundant, as the
reduction to the systematic form is enough to mask the trapdoor and provide
one-way security [11].
On the other hand, the length of the encrypted plaintext is about 10 times the
length of our plaintext (1288 bits, as opposed to 128 bits); however, we stress
again that, in a “real-world” scenario, public-key encryption would only be used
for encrypting a small amount of data, for obvious reasons. So if a large number
of bits needs to be encrypted, with every probability a PKE would be used to
exchange a small key (usually 128 or 256 bits) and then the plaintext would be
encrypted with a symmetric encryption scheme.
If we follow this approach in our case, the timings that we obtain strongly sup-
port our claim. The latest benchmark speed indicated for AES-128 is about 16
cycles per byte2. Hence, if we want to encrypt, for a comparison, a plaintext
of length 1288 bits = 161 bytes, it would take only 2,576 clock cycles; even on
an embedded device, this number is very small compared to the rest of the en-
cryption process. In total, our encryption process ranges from around 1.5 to 2.7
times faster than [19].
Table 11: Cost of encrypting a plaintext of length 1288 bits
Code Cost (clock cycles)
Goppa + Kobara-Imai 6,358,952
Code B4,174,310
Code C2,338,780
A similar argument holds for decryption.
Finally, we would like to highlight that we are using Keccak to represent both our
hash functions and a random number generator; the flexibility that it provides is
evident. Other SHA-3 competitors like the function Blue Midnight Wish (BMW)
used in [19] have been proved to be faster [16], but do not reach the same
level of security, and for this have been discarded: although, as noted in the
announcement of the finalists, “none of these candidates was clearly broken”,
several attacks have been presented3.
Further investigation is certainly still required, but for a totally detailed analysis
probably even a comparison at source code level would become necessary, and
that falls beyond the scope of this paper.
6 Acknowledgments
We would like to thank Steven Galbraith for many fruitful discussions and his
constant support throughout the development of the paper.
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A Additional definitions
We present here some additional definitions needed for the key generation pro-
Definition 10. Given two disjoint sequences ¯v= (v1, . . . , v`)F`
qand ¯
(L1, . . . , Ln)Fn
q, the Cauchy matrix Cv, ¯
L)is the matrix with components
Cij =1
viLj , i.e.
Cv, ¯
L) =
. . . 1
. . . 1
Cauchy matrices have the property that all of their submatrices are invertible
Definition 11. Fix a finite field Fqand an integer m > 1. Choose a polynomial
g(z)in Fqm[z]of degree t < n/m and a sequence of distinct elements α1, . . . , αn
Fqmsuch that g(αi)6= 0 for all i. The polynomial g(z)is called the Goppa poly-
nomial. The set of words ¯c= (c1, . . . , cn)Fn
qmwith Pn
zαi0 (mod g(z))
defines an [n, n t]linear code over Fqm. The corresponding Goppa code is the
restriction of this code to Fq, i.e. the set of elements ¯c= (c1, . . . , cn)Fn
satisfy the above condition.
Alternatively (and usually) a Goppa code is defined by means of its parity-check
matrix, which is of the form:
g(α1). . . 1
g(α1). . . αt1
It is clear then that a Goppa code has dimension knmt. The minimum
distance is t+ 1, or 2t+ 1 in the special binary case (q= 2).
Goppa codes are a particular instance of Alternant codes, with xi=αi,yi=
B Quasi-dyadic key generation
Misoczki and Barreto in [25] first introduced a scheme based on quasi-dyadic
Goppa codes, making use of codes simultaneously in dyadic [25, Th. 2] and
Cauchy form [21, Ch. 12, Pr. 5]. Necessary conditions are that the generator
polynomial has to be monic and without multiple zeros, and that the code needs
to be defined over a field of characteristic 2, with a dyadic signature satisfying
The scheme was subsequently extended and generalized to the case of GS
codes [27], with multiple benefits including security improvements (described in
the next section). Since it can be easily proved that every generalized Srivastava
code with t= 1 is a Goppa code, the two cases are in fact just two instances
of the same scheme. For the construction, we follow the steps presented in [27,
Section 4].
Equation (1) is the core of the key generation algorithm. The procedure takes
input parameters n, s, t such that n=n0s,mst < n for sa power of 2 and a
finite field Fqm=F2uwhere q= 2λ,u=, then assigns distinct values at
random to the elements h2jfor j= 1,...,log2(n1), in the meantime fixing
the elements between h2jand h2j+1 by using (1).
An initial block in dyadic form is formed from the signature ¯
hjust built; this
is equivalent to a Goppa code. In case t > 1, the other blocks are computed by
successive powering, up to the power of t. The parity-check matrix eventually
obtained is projected onto the base field and finally, we retain the non-trivial
part of its systematic form to be used as trapdoor.
We refer to [27] for a fully detailed description of the construction process.
C Resistance to structural attacks
The main threat against quasi-dyadic schemes is represented by the so-called
FOPT attack [14]. It relies on the fundamental property H·GT= 0 to build an
algebraic system, using then Gr¨obner bases techniques to solve it. The special
properties of codes in quasi-dyadic form are of key importance, as they con-
tribute to considerably reduce the number of unknowns of the system. Also, the
parameters mand tcome into account as they define the dimension of the solu-
tion space.
The aim is to find a valid parity-check matrix for the code, that is, a matrix
Hin Alternant form, H={yjxi
j}; these elements are represented by two sets
of unknowns {Xi}and {Yi}. The first step of the attack is then generating the
following system of equations:
0+· · · +gi,n1Yn1Xj
n1= 0 |i= 0, . . . , k 1, j = 0, . . . , ` 1.(2)
As is easy to see, the case j= 0 produces a set of linear equations involving only
the Yi. These can be further reduced with the help of some properties derived
from the dyadicity and the key-generation algorithm [14, Pr. 5]; in particular,
we have that Yis+j=Yis for each block, i.e. i= 0, . . . , n01, j= 1,...s (a
proof is given for the case t= 1; for the adaptation to the case t > 1 see [27]).
This results in having only n01 unknowns Yi, since we can arbitrarily choose
one of them. Moreover, the linear equations are identical for all the rows of each
dyadic block, hence only n0mt distinct equations remain after eliminating the
redundant ones.
As in any linear system, the difference between these two numbers gives the
number of free variables of the system: in this case, mt 1. If it is possible to
recover the free variables (if the number of those is very small, even just by
guessing) it is possible to reduce (2) to a simplified system involving only the
Xi. Once the reduction is done, a linearization trick is used to solve and retrieve
the remaining unknowns.
Hence, it is crucial to keep the dimension of the solution space (number of free
variables) high enough to prevent the attack to succeed; the authors in [15]
indicate that this number should be not smaller than 20. In this case in fact,
the computational effort required to solve the system is too high: experimental
results indicate a complexity of approximately 2128 bit operations.
Additional security comes from another phenomenon that occurs when the base
field is F2. In this case the Gr¨obner basis necessary to solve the system is easy to
compute, but somehow “trivial” (reduced to one equation) and doesn’t provide
enough information, hence the attack cannot be completed.
... In this article, we present a signcryption tag-KEM scheme using a probabilistic full domain hash (FDH) like code-based signature and a CCA2 secure version of McEliece's encryption scheme. The underlying codebased signature in our scheme is called Wave introduced by Banegas et al. [20], while the CCA2 secure version of the McEliece scheme is based on the Fujisaki-Okamoto transformation introduced by Cayrel et al. [21]. For the underlying McEliece scheme, we use a generator matrix of permuted Goppa subcodes as receivers' public keys. ...
... The first code-based encryption was introduced in 1978 by McEliece [28]. In Figure 1, we give the McEliece scheme Fujisaki-Okamoto transformation [21], which comprises three algorithms: key generation, encryption, and decryption. The main drawback of the McEliece encryption scheme is its very large key size. ...
... For designing our code-based signcryption tag-KEM scheme, we use the McEliece scheme as the underlying encryption scheme. More specifically, to achieve the IND CCA2 -security for our schemes, we use McEliece's scheme with the Fujisaki-Okamoto transformation [21,58]. The authors of ref. [21] gave an instantiation of this scheme using generalized Srivastava (GS) codes. ...
Full-text available
A key encapsulation mechanism ( KEM {\mathsf{KEM}} ) that takes as input an arbitrary string, i.e., a tag, is known as tag- KEM {\mathsf{KEM}} , while a scheme that combines signature and encryption is called signcryption. In this article, we present a code-based signcryption tag- KEM {\mathsf{KEM}} scheme. We utilize a code-based signature and an IND - CCA2 {\mathsf{IND}}\hspace{0.1em}\text{-}\hspace{0.1em}{\mathsf{CCA2}} (adaptive chosen ciphertext attack) secure version of McEliece’s encryption scheme. The proposed scheme uses an equivalent subcode as a public code for the receiver, making the NP-completeness of the subcode equivalence problem be one of our main security assumptions. We then base the signcryption tag- KEM {\mathsf{KEM}} to design a code-based hybrid signcryption scheme. A hybrid scheme deploys asymmetric- as well as symmetric-key encryption. We give security analyses of both our schemes in the standard model and prove that they are secure against IND - CCA2 {\mathsf{IND}}\hspace{0.1em}\text{-}\hspace{0.1em}{\mathsf{CCA2}} (indistinguishability under adaptive chosen ciphertext attack) and SUF - CMA {\mathsf{SUF}}\hspace{0.1em}\text{-}\hspace{0.1em}{\mathsf{CMA}} (strong existential unforgeability under chosen message attack).
... Contributions: In this paper we present a signcryption tag-KEM scheme using a probabilistic full domain hash (FDH) like code-based signature and a CCA2 secure version of McEliece's encryption scheme. The underlying code-based signature in our scheme is called Wave introduced by Debris-Alazard et al. [4], while the CCA2 secure version of the McEliece scheme is based on the Fujisaki-Okamoto conversion introduced by Cayrel et al. [16]. Instead of using only the hardness of the Goppa syndrome decoding problem, we add a second security assumption which is the NP-completeness of the subcode equivalence problem [10]. ...
... The first code-based encryption was introduced in 1978 by R. McEliece [42]. Below (in Figure 1) we give the McEliece scheme Fujisaki-Okamoto conversion [16] which comprises three algorithms: key generation, encryption, and decryption. ...
... For designing our code-based signcryption tag-KEM scheme, we use the McEliece scheme as the underlying encryption scheme. More specifically, in order to achieve the CCA2 security for our schemes, we use McEliece's scheme with the Fujisaki-Okamoto conversion [33], [16]. The authors of [16] gave an instantiation of this scheme using generalized Srivastava (GS) codes. ...
Full-text available
A key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) that takes as input an arbitrary string, i.e., a tag, is known as tag-KEM, while a scheme that combines signature and encryption is called signcryption. In this paper, we present a code-based signcryption tag-KEM scheme. We utilize a code-based signature and a CCA2 (adaptive chosen ciphertext attack) secure version of McEliece's {encryption} scheme. The proposed scheme uses an equivalent subcode as a public code for the receiver, making the NP-completeness of the equivalent subcode problem be one of our main security assumptions. We then base the signcryption tag-KEM to design a code-based hybrid signcryption scheme. A hybrid scheme deploys an asymmetric- as well as a symmetric-key encryption. We give security analyses of both our schemes in the standard model and prove that they are secure against IND-CCA2 (indistinguishability under adaptive chosen ciphertext attack) and SUF-CMA (strong existential unforgeability under chosen message attack).
... Contributions: In this paper we present a signcryption tag-KEM scheme using a probabilistic full domain hash (FDH) like code-based signature and a CCA2 secure version of McEliece's encryption scheme. The underlying code-based signature in our scheme is called Wave introduced by Debris-Alazard et al. [4], while the CCA2 secure version of the McEliece scheme is based on the Fujisaki-Okamoto conversion introduced by Cayrel et al. [16]. Instead of using only the hardness of the Goppa syndrome decoding problem, we add a second security assumption which is the NP-completeness of the subcode equivalence problem [10]. ...
... The first code-based encryption was introduced in 1978 by R. McEliece [41]. Below (in Figure 1) we give the McEliece scheme Fujisaki-Okamoto conversion [16] which comprises three algorithms: key generation, encryption, and decryption. ...
... For designing our code-based signcryption tag-KEM scheme, we use the McEliece scheme as the underlying encryption scheme. More specifically, in order to achieve the CCA2 security for our schemes, we use McEliece's scheme with the Fujisaki-Okamoto conversion [33], [16]. The authors of [16] gave an instantiation of this scheme using generalized Srivastava (GS) codes. ...
Full-text available
A key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) that takes as input an arbitrary string, i.e., a tag, is known as tag-KEM, while a scheme that combines signature and encryption is called signcryption. In this paper, we present a code-based signcryption tag-KEM scheme. We utilize a code-based signature and a CCA2 (adaptive chosen ciphertext attack) secure version of McEliece's {encryption} scheme. The proposed scheme uses an equivalent subcode as a public code for the receiver, making the NP-completeness of the equivalent subcode problem be one of our main security assumptions. We then base the signcryption tag-KEM to design a code-based hybrid signcryption scheme. A hybrid scheme deploys an asymmetric- as well as a symmetric-key encryption. We give security analyses of both our schemes in the standard model and prove that they are secure against IND-CCA2 (indistinguishability under adaptive chosen ciphertext attack) and SUF-CMA (strong existential unforgeability under chosen message attack).
... However, like it occurs with other post-quantum schemes, lattice-based implementations need to store and make use of large keys, and involve large ciphertext overheads. For example, lattice-based schemes like T. M. Fernández-Caramés, P. Fraga-Lamas: Towards Post-quantum Blockchain [95], [96], [97], [98], [99], [100], [101] BIKE-1 [95], [96], [97], [98], [99], [100], [101] BIKE-1 [95], [96], [97], [98], [99], [100], [ [96], [97], [98], [99], [100], [ [96], [97], [98], [99], [100], [101] BIKE-2 [95], [96], [97], [98], [99], [100], [101] BIKE-3 [95], [96], [97], [98], [99], [100], [101] BIKE-3 [95], [96], [97], [98], [99], [100], [101] BIKE-3 [95], [96], [97], [98], [99], [100], [101] Classic (192) [109], [110], [111] LEDACrypt KEM Level 3 (for two circulant blocks) NTRU [118] or NewHope [119] often require to manage keys in the order of a few thousand bits. As of writing, the most promising lattice-based cryptosystems are based on polynomial algebra [118], [120], [121] and on the Learning With Errors (LWE) problem and its variants (e.g., LP-LWE (Lindner-Peikert LWE) or Ring-LWE [122], [123]). ...
... However, like it occurs with other post-quantum schemes, lattice-based implementations need to store and make use of large keys, and involve large ciphertext overheads. For example, lattice-based schemes like T. M. Fernández-Caramés, P. Fraga-Lamas: Towards Post-quantum Blockchain [95], [96], [97], [98], [99], [100], [101] BIKE-1 [95], [96], [97], [98], [99], [100], [101] BIKE-1 [95], [96], [97], [98], [99], [100], [ [96], [97], [98], [99], [100], [ [96], [97], [98], [99], [100], [101] BIKE-2 [95], [96], [97], [98], [99], [100], [101] BIKE-3 [95], [96], [97], [98], [99], [100], [101] BIKE-3 [95], [96], [97], [98], [99], [100], [101] BIKE-3 [95], [96], [97], [98], [99], [100], [101] Classic (192) [109], [110], [111] LEDACrypt KEM Level 3 (for two circulant blocks) NTRU [118] or NewHope [119] often require to manage keys in the order of a few thousand bits. As of writing, the most promising lattice-based cryptosystems are based on polynomial algebra [118], [120], [121] and on the Learning With Errors (LWE) problem and its variants (e.g., LP-LWE (Lindner-Peikert LWE) or Ring-LWE [122], [123]). ...
... However, like it occurs with other post-quantum schemes, lattice-based implementations need to store and make use of large keys, and involve large ciphertext overheads. For example, lattice-based schemes like T. M. Fernández-Caramés, P. Fraga-Lamas: Towards Post-quantum Blockchain [95], [96], [97], [98], [99], [100], [101] BIKE-1 [95], [96], [97], [98], [99], [100], [101] BIKE-1 [95], [96], [97], [98], [99], [100], [ [96], [97], [98], [99], [100], [ [96], [97], [98], [99], [100], [101] BIKE-2 [95], [96], [97], [98], [99], [100], [101] BIKE-3 [95], [96], [97], [98], [99], [100], [101] BIKE-3 [95], [96], [97], [98], [99], [100], [101] BIKE-3 [95], [96], [97], [98], [99], [100], [101] Classic (192) [109], [110], [111] LEDACrypt KEM Level 3 (for two circulant blocks) NTRU [118] or NewHope [119] often require to manage keys in the order of a few thousand bits. As of writing, the most promising lattice-based cryptosystems are based on polynomial algebra [118], [120], [121] and on the Learning With Errors (LWE) problem and its variants (e.g., LP-LWE (Lindner-Peikert LWE) or Ring-LWE [122], [123]). ...
Full-text available
Blockchain and other Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs) have evolved significantly in the last years and their use has been suggested for numerous applications due to their ability to provide transparency, redundancy and accountability. In the case of blockchain, such characteristics are provided through public-key cryptography and hash functions. However, the fast progress of quantum computing has opened the possibility of performing attacks based on Grover’s and Shor’s algorithms in the near future. Such algorithms threaten both public-key cryptography and hash functions, forcing to redesign blockchains to make use of cryptosystems that withstand quantum attacks, thus creating which are known as post-quantum, quantum-proof, quantum-safe or quantum-resistant cryptosystems. For such a purpose, this article first studies current state of the art on post-quantum cryptosystems and how they can be applied to blockchains and DLTs. Moreover, the most relevant post-quantum blockchain systems are studied, as well as their main challenges. Furthermore, extensive comparisons are provided on the characteristics and performance of the most promising post-quantum public-key encryption and digital signature schemes for blockchains. Thus, this article seeks to provide a broad view and useful guidelines on post-quantum blockchain security to future blockchain researchers and developers.
... At the top of Figure 2 is the cloud, which provides access to remote users, to other IoT networks or to third-party services, which can either access the cloud or provide services to it. [111], [129], [130], [131], [132], [133], [134] BIKE-1 Level 3 [111], [129], [130], [131], [132], [133], [134] BIKE-1 Level 5 [111], [129], [130], [131], [132], [133], [ [111], [129], [130], [131], [132], [133], [ [111], [129], [130], [131], [132], [133], [ [111], [129], [130], [131], [132], [133], [134] BIKE [111], [129], [130], [131], [132], [133], [134] BIKE-3 Level 3 [111], [129], [130], [131], [132], [133], [134] BIKE-3 Level 5 [111], [129], [130], [131], [132], [133], [134] Classic [113], [138], [139], [140] FrodoKEM-640 AES Lattice based Based on solving the LWE problem with generic "algebraically unstructured" lattices -128 bits 76,928 159,104 [90], [114], [141], [142] FrodoKEM-640 SHAKE Lattice based Based on solving the LWE problem with generic "algebraically unstructured" lattices -128 bits 76,928 159,104 [90], [114], [141], [142] FrodoKEM-976 AES Lattice based Based on solving the LWE problem with generic "algebraically unstructured" lattices -192 bits 125,056 250,368 [90], [114], [141], [142] FrodoKEM-976 SHAKE Lattice based Based on solving the LWE problem with generic "algebraically unstructured" lattices -192 bits 125,056 250,368 [90], [114], [141], [142] FrodoKEM-1344 AES Lattice based Based on solving the LWE problem with generic "algebraically unstructured" lattices -256 bits 172,160 344,704 [90], [114], [141], [142] FrodoKEM-1344 SHAKE Lattice based Based on solving the LWE problem with generic "algebraically unstructured" lattices -256 bits 172,160 344,704 [90], [114], [141], [142] HQC Level 1 (hqc-128-1) However, cloud-based systems have certain limitations when dealing with large-scale IoT deployments [158], so academia and industry are currently exploring new paradigms like Edge, Fog or Mist computing [159], [160], [161] in order to develop new IoT architectures. An example of Edge architecture is shown in Figure 3, which is composed by four essential layers: ...
... At the top of Figure 2 is the cloud, which provides access to remote users, to other IoT networks or to third-party services, which can either access the cloud or provide services to it. [111], [129], [130], [131], [132], [133], [134] BIKE-1 Level 3 [111], [129], [130], [131], [132], [133], [134] BIKE-1 Level 5 [111], [129], [130], [131], [132], [133], [ [111], [129], [130], [131], [132], [133], [ [111], [129], [130], [131], [132], [133], [ [111], [129], [130], [131], [132], [133], [134] BIKE [111], [129], [130], [131], [132], [133], [134] BIKE-3 Level 3 [111], [129], [130], [131], [132], [133], [134] BIKE-3 Level 5 [111], [129], [130], [131], [132], [133], [134] Classic [113], [138], [139], [140] FrodoKEM-640 AES Lattice based Based on solving the LWE problem with generic "algebraically unstructured" lattices -128 bits 76,928 159,104 [90], [114], [141], [142] FrodoKEM-640 SHAKE Lattice based Based on solving the LWE problem with generic "algebraically unstructured" lattices -128 bits 76,928 159,104 [90], [114], [141], [142] FrodoKEM-976 AES Lattice based Based on solving the LWE problem with generic "algebraically unstructured" lattices -192 bits 125,056 250,368 [90], [114], [141], [142] FrodoKEM-976 SHAKE Lattice based Based on solving the LWE problem with generic "algebraically unstructured" lattices -192 bits 125,056 250,368 [90], [114], [141], [142] FrodoKEM-1344 AES Lattice based Based on solving the LWE problem with generic "algebraically unstructured" lattices -256 bits 172,160 344,704 [90], [114], [141], [142] FrodoKEM-1344 SHAKE Lattice based Based on solving the LWE problem with generic "algebraically unstructured" lattices -256 bits 172,160 344,704 [90], [114], [141], [142] HQC Level 1 (hqc-128-1) However, cloud-based systems have certain limitations when dealing with large-scale IoT deployments [158], so academia and industry are currently exploring new paradigms like Edge, Fog or Mist computing [159], [160], [161] in order to develop new IoT architectures. An example of Edge architecture is shown in Figure 3, which is composed by four essential layers: ...
... At the top of Figure 2 is the cloud, which provides access to remote users, to other IoT networks or to third-party services, which can either access the cloud or provide services to it. [111], [129], [130], [131], [132], [133], [134] BIKE-1 Level 3 [111], [129], [130], [131], [132], [133], [134] BIKE-1 Level 5 [111], [129], [130], [131], [132], [133], [ [111], [129], [130], [131], [132], [133], [ [111], [129], [130], [131], [132], [133], [ [111], [129], [130], [131], [132], [133], [134] BIKE [111], [129], [130], [131], [132], [133], [134] BIKE-3 Level 3 [111], [129], [130], [131], [132], [133], [134] BIKE-3 Level 5 [111], [129], [130], [131], [132], [133], [134] Classic [113], [138], [139], [140] FrodoKEM-640 AES Lattice based Based on solving the LWE problem with generic "algebraically unstructured" lattices -128 bits 76,928 159,104 [90], [114], [141], [142] FrodoKEM-640 SHAKE Lattice based Based on solving the LWE problem with generic "algebraically unstructured" lattices -128 bits 76,928 159,104 [90], [114], [141], [142] FrodoKEM-976 AES Lattice based Based on solving the LWE problem with generic "algebraically unstructured" lattices -192 bits 125,056 250,368 [90], [114], [141], [142] FrodoKEM-976 SHAKE Lattice based Based on solving the LWE problem with generic "algebraically unstructured" lattices -192 bits 125,056 250,368 [90], [114], [141], [142] FrodoKEM-1344 AES Lattice based Based on solving the LWE problem with generic "algebraically unstructured" lattices -256 bits 172,160 344,704 [90], [114], [141], [142] FrodoKEM-1344 SHAKE Lattice based Based on solving the LWE problem with generic "algebraically unstructured" lattices -256 bits 172,160 344,704 [90], [114], [141], [142] HQC Level 1 (hqc-128-1) However, cloud-based systems have certain limitations when dealing with large-scale IoT deployments [158], so academia and industry are currently exploring new paradigms like Edge, Fog or Mist computing [159], [160], [161] in order to develop new IoT architectures. An example of Edge architecture is shown in Figure 3, which is composed by four essential layers: ...
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Although quantum computing is still in its nascent age, its evolution threatens the most popular public-key encryp-tion systems. Such systems are essential for today's Internet security due to their ability for solving the key distribution problem and for providing high security in non-secure communications channels that allow for accessing websites or for exchanging e-mails, financial transactions, digitally-signed documents, military communications or medical data. Cryptosystems like RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman), ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography) or Diffie-Hellman have spread worldwide and are part of diverse key Internet standards like Transport Layer Security (TLS), which are used both by traditional computers and IoT devices. It is especially difficult to provide high security to IoT devices, mainly because many of them rely on batteries and are resource-constrained in terms of computational power and memory, what implies that specific energy-efficient and lightweight algorithms need to be designed and implemented for them. These restrictions become relevant challenges when implementing cryptosystems that involve intensive mathematical operations and demand substantial computational resources, which are often required in applications where data privacy has to be preserved for the long term, like IoT applications for Defense, mission-critical scenarios or smart healthcare. Quantum computing threatens such a long-term IoT device security and researchers are currently developing solutions to mitigate such a threat. This article provides a survey on what can be called post-quantum IoT systems (IoT systems protected from the currently known quantum computing attacks): the main post-quantum cryptosystems and initiatives are reviewed, the most relevant IoT architectures and challenges are analyzed, and the expected future trends are indicated. Thus, this paper is aimed at providing a wide view of post-quantum IoT security and give useful guidelines to the future post-quantum IoT developers.
... Such constructs are hybrids, since the formation of an asymmetric cryptosystem (cryptographic security is not based on a complexity-theoretic problem of random code decoding) is based on the use of algebraic codes. According to USA NIST experts, to ensure cryptographic strength, the formation of noise-resistant codes is necessary over the Galois field (GF 2 10 -2 13 ), which is a rather difficult issue even with modern computing resources. The use in wireless cyberphysical systems requires a significant field reduction, which, on the one hand, reduces energy consumption, and on the other hand, requires a certain level of cryptographic strength. ...
... The resulting public key sizes are significantly smaller than previous options for the same security level. In [13], efficient implementations of McEliece versions using quasi-dyadic codes are presented. Of note is the presentation of secure parameters for the classical McEliece encryption scheme based on quasi-dyadic generalized Srivastava codes and the sequential conversion of the scheme into a secure protocol by applying the Fujisaki-Okamoto transformation. ...
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The results of development of post-quantum algorithms of crypto-code constructions of McEllis and Niederwriter on LDPC (Low Density Parity Check) codes with low density of parity checks are presented. With the rapid growth of computing capabilities of mobile technologies and the creation on their basis of wireless Mesh, touch networks, Internet of Things technologies, smart technologies, the urgent problem is to ensure information security. At the same time, there is a need to consider security in two circuits, internal (directly inside the network infrastructure) and external (cloud technologies). In such conditions, it is necessary to integrate threats to both the internal security circuit and the external circuit. This allows not only to take into account the hybridity and synergy of modern target threats, but also to take into account the level of significance (degree of secrecy) of information flows and information circulating in both internal and external security circuits. The concept of building security based on two circuits is proposed. To ensure the security of wireless mobile channels, it is proposed to use crypto-code constructions of McEllis and Niederwriter on LDPC-codes, which allows to integrate into the credibility technology of IEEE 802.15.4, IEEE 802.16 standards. This approach allows to ensure the required level of security services (confidentiality, integrity of authenticity) in a full-scale quantum computer. Practical security technologies based on the proposed crypto-code constructions, online IP telephony and the Smart Home system based on the use of an internal server are considered. Keywords: crypto-code constructions, codes with low density of parity checks, security concept.
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Code based cryptography is an important class of post quantum cryptography that depends on the strength of hard problems in coding theory which is hard to break even using quantum computers. Code based cryptosystems generally exploit the properties of Linear Block Codes to create quantum resistant schemes for presumed quantum era. Non Linear codes are less explored than linear codes in code based cryptography because they lack a general structure, hindering their compact representation. We propose a novel method to formulate a variant of McEliece cryptosystem which enables the use of Non linear codes in Code based Post Quantum Cryptographic systems providing comparable security and maximum possible information rate for a given set of code parameters.
Group encryption (GE), introduced by Kiayias, Tsiounis and Yung (Asiacrypt’07), is the encryption analogue of group signatures. It allows to send verifiably encrypted messages satisfying certain requirements to certified members of a group, while keeping the anonymity of the receivers. Similar to the tracing mechanism in group signatures, the receiver of any ciphertext can be identified by an opening authority - should the needs arise. The primitive of GE is motivated by a number of interesting privacy-preserving applications, including the filtering of encrypted emails sent to certified members of an organization. This paper aims to improve the state-of-affairs of GE systems. Our first contribution is the formalization of fully dynamic group encryption (FDGE) - a GE system simultaneously supporting dynamic user enrolments and user revocations. The latter functionality for GE has not been considered so far. As a second contribution, we realize the message filtering feature for GE based on a list of t-bit keywords and 2 commonly used policies: “permissive” - accept the message if it contains at least one of the keywords as a substring; “prohibitive” - accept the message if all of its t-bit substrings are at Hamming distance at least d from all keywords, for d≥1. This feature so far has not been substantially addressed in existing instantiations of GE based on DCR, DDH, pairing-based and lattice-based assumptions. Our third contribution is the first instantiation of GE under code-based assumptions. The scheme is more efficient than the lattice-based construction of Libert et al. (Asiacrypt’16) - which, prior to our work, is the only known instantiation of GE under post-quantum assumptions. Our scheme supports the 2 suggested policies for message filtering, and in the random oracle model, it satisfies the stringent security notions for FDGE that we put forward.
The Classic McEliece cryptosystem is one of the most trusted quantum-resistant cryptographic schemes. Deploying it in practical applications, however, is challenging due to the size of its public key. In this work, we bridge this gap. We present an implementation of Classic McEliece on an ARM Cortex-M4 processor, optimized to overcome memory constraints. To this end, we present an algorithm to retrieve the public key ad-hoc. This reduces memory and storage requirements and enables the generation of larger key pairs on the device. To further improve the implementation, we perform the public key operation by streaming the key to avoid storing it as a whole. This additionally reduces the risk of denial of service attacks. Finally, we use these results to implement and run TLS on the embedded device.
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The McEliece cryptosystem is one of the few systems to be considered secure against attacks by Quantum computers. The original scheme is built upon Goppa codes and produces very large keys, hence recent research has focused mainly on trying to reduce the public key size. Previous proposals tried to replace the class of Goppa codes with other families of codes, but this was revealed to be an insecure choice. In this paper we introduce a construction based on Generalized Srivastava codes, a large class which includes Goppa codes as a special case, that allows relatively short public keys without being vulnerable to known structural attacks.
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In this note we give an overview on the current state of the SHA-3 candidates. First, we classify all publicly known candidates and, second, we outline and summarize the performance data as given in the candidates documentation for 64-bit and 32-bit implementations. We define performance classes and classify the hash algorithms. Note, that this article will be updated as soon as new can- didates arrive or new cryptanalytic results get published. Comments to the authors of this article are welcome.
This paper reviews some of the known algorithms for factoring polynomials over finite fields and presents a new deterministic procedure for reducing the problem of factoring an arbitrary polynomial over the Galois field GF ( p m ) {\text {GF}}({p^m}) to the problem of finding the roots in GF ( p ) {\text {GF}}(p) of certain other polynomials over GF ( p ) {\text {GF}}(p) . The amount of computation and the storage space required by these algorithms are algebraic in both the degree of the polynomial to be factored and the logarithm of the order of the finite field. Certain observations on the application of these methods to the factorization of polynomials over the rational integers are also included.
This paper shows a generic and simple conversion from weak asymmetric and symmetric encryption schemes into an asymmetric encryption scheme which is secure in a very strong sense -- indistinguishability against adaptive chosen-ciphertext attacks in the random oracle model. In particular, this conversion can be applied effciently to an asymmetric encryption scheme that provides a large enough coin space and, for every message, many enough variants of the encryption, like the ElGamal encryption scheme.