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Why Individuals Commit Information Security Violations: Neural Correlates of Decision Processes and Self-Control



Self-control has been identified as a major factor influencing individual behavior in social studies, economics, criminology, and information security literatures. Recent neuroscience studies show that lack of self-control can be attributed to lesions in the right prefrontal region of the brain, suggesting a strong linkage between self-control and neural processes. In this study, we tested neural correlates between self-control and decision making in the context of information security using electroencephalography (EEG) and event related potentials (ERPs). Our results show that while both left and right hemispheres of the brain are involved in decision making, the subjects with low self-control evoked lower level of neural activities in the right hemisphere and made riskier decisions than the subjects with high self-control. This study validates a new paradigm for using EEG/ERP to study information security related phenomena, and opens a new path for studying decision making neural correlates using scenario based approach.
Why Individuals Commit Information Security Violations:
Neural Correlates of Decision Processes and Self-Control
Qing Hu
Iowa State University
Robert West
Iowa State University
Laura Smarandescu
Iowa State University
Zachary Yaple
Iowa State University
Self-control has been identified as a major factor
influencing individual behavior in social studies,
economics, criminology, and information security
literatures. Recent neuroscience studies show that lack
of self-control can be attributed to lesions in the right
prefrontal region of the brain, suggesting a strong
linkage between self-control and neural processes. In
this study, we tested neural correlates between self-
control and decision making in the context of
information security using electroencephalography
(EEG) and event related potentials (ERPs). Our results
show that while both left and right hemispheres of the
brain are involved in decision making, the subjects with
low self-control evoked lower level of neural activities
in the right hemisphere and made riskier decisions than
the subjects with high self-control. This study validates
a new paradigm for using EEG/ERP to study
information security related phenomena, and opens a
new path for studying decision making neural
correlates using scenario based approach.
1. Introduction
In the information security defensive chain around
the digital assets of an organization, human agents have
often been identified as the weakest link [6, 20]. This is
because the effectiveness of other elements in the
security defense, such as security technology,
organizational policies and procedures, as well as
government regulations and laws, are largely dependent
on the effort of the human agents, especially those who
work with the digital assets on a daily basis within
In fact, human agents inside an organization could
potentially be more dangerous than those outside the
organization due to their intimate knowledge about the
organizational information systems and the permissions
they receive either properly or improperly for their
routine work activities. In a recent survey of IT
managers of global companies, 60% of the respondents
said that employee misconducts involving information
systems is a top concern about information security,
second only to major computer viruses [12]. According
to Symantec and Ponemon [32], 59% of ex-employees
admit that they steal confidential company data, such as
customer contact lists, from their former employers.
Can we predict which employee would be more
likely rule-abiding when entrusted with sensitive and
valuable digital assets in organizations? Do we know
why some employees are better than others in resisting
temptations of short-term gain in order to achieve more
significant long-term benefits? There is a plethora of
management, economic, and psychological theories
about human motivation and behavior in the context of
information security (e.g., [6, 9, 18, 20, 31]). However,
most of them are based on interviews and surveys that
rely on self-reporting, which has been plagued with
issues like common method bias or social desirability
[23, 28]. Recent advances in cognitive neuroscience,
however, have provided a unique opportunity to study
human behavior without much of the biases common in
traditional behavioral research in management literature.
We believe that neuroscience research techniques
and methodologies can make a significant contribution
to studies aimed at understanding human behavior and
decision making in the context of information security.
Brain imaging technologies, such as functional
magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and
electroencephalography (EEG), enable researchers to
observe and collect data directly from the human brain
while research subjects are contemplating with various
decision options, and establish neural correlates
between decision outcomes and brain processes.
Perhaps more interesting to social scientists, the
neurocognitive approach based on brain imaging
technologies can significantly minimize the effect of
social desirability bias in subject responses because few
brain processes can be consciously manipulated by the
subjects after stimuli onset.
Thus, we set out to conduct an EEG based event
related potential (ERP, a measure of the brain’s
electrophysiological response to a specific sensory,
cognitive, or motor stimulus) study of the neural basis
of human decision making related to rule
abiding/breaking behavior in the context of information
security. In doing so, we hope to advance information
security research, and develop a more sophisticated
research paradigm for understanding of human decision
making in general.
2. Theory and Hypotheses Development
The concept of self-control has attracted significant
interests from psychologists [11, 21]; criminologists [1,
13, 14, 36], neuroscientists [15, 19, 24], and more
recently information security scholars [18]. Muraven
2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Science
978-1-4799-2504-9/14 $31.00 © 2014 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/HICSS.2014.400
and Baumeister [26] defined self-control as the exertion
of control by one over the self; therefore, self-control
occurs when the person attempts to change the way he
or she would otherwise think or behave under given
stimuli and circumstances. They further argued that
self-control behaviors are designed to maximize the
long-term best interests of the individual, and people
exert self-control when they follow rules or inhibit
immediate desires to delay gratification.
In criminological research, one of the preeminent
theories is self-control theory [13]. This general theory
of crime is developed to explain a wide range of
criminal activities in society. Gottfredson and Hirschi
[13] argued that all human beings have the same
potential of committing crimes given the right
circumstances; however, not everyone become
criminals because of individual differences in self-
control ability to refrain from committing deviant or
criminal acts under given circumstances. This ability is
said to be established early in life and remains
relatively stable throughout an individual’s lifespan.
Criminal behavior is likely to occur when individuals
with low self-control are presented with opportunities
for committing crimes. Gottfredson and Hirschi [13]
further argued that individuals with low self-control
have a tendency to respond to tangible stimuli in the
immediate environment, because they usually have a
“here” and “now” orientation, and are also more likely
to be seduced by the thrill and excitement of
committing deviant or criminal acts.
Since its introduction, self-control theory has
become a dominant framework for criminological
inquiries [10], and has accumulated strong empirical
support [27]. Low self-control has been found to have
direct and indirect influence on criminal behavioral
intentions. For example, in a study of shoplifting
behavior of college students, Piquero and Tibbetts [27]
found that low self-control not only has a direct effect
on intentions to shoplift; it also indirectly affects
intentions to shoplift through situational variables
(pleasure and shame). Vazsonyi et al. [34] found low
self-control is directly linked to a number of deviant
behaviors in both genders and across different age
groups, and the effects appear to be nation and culture
invariant in a large scale study of youth (N=8,417) in
four nations. Wright et al. [37] also provided strong
evidence for the critical role of low self-control in adult
criminal behavior and intentions in a study based on
longitudinal data of individuals from age 5 to age 26.
Because criminal acts can be attributed to the
individual characteristic of self-control, it follows that
“offenders commit a wide variety of criminal acts, with
no strong inclination to pursue a specific criminal act or
a pattern of criminal acts to the exclusion of others” [13,
p. 91]. This provides the foundation for IS scholars to
use this theory in understanding information security
offenses committed by individuals. Higgins et al. [17]
was among the earliest studies that used low self-
control in studying individual behavior in information
security context. The authors found that low self-
control, along with certainty of deterrence, was
significantly associated with software piracy behavior
among college students. Similarly, Zhang et al. [38]
tested the impact of low self-control and deterrence on
digital piracy (illegal copying of digital products such
as software, documents, video, and audio) behavior of
college students. The authors found that only the risk-
taking dimension of low self-control and the certainty
dimension of the deterrence have a significant impact
on the focal behavior.
The extant literature suggests that self-control
plays a significant role in human behavior, from
economic decisions and social conducts to substance
abuse and criminal activities. However, one critical
question that still remains debatable among scholars is
how exactly self-control influences human behavior and
decision making. Empirical studies based on survey
methodology are divided into two camps: those that
support a direct impact of self-control on behavior and
decision and those that support an indirect impact of
self-control on behavior and decision. The direct impact
camp argues that individuals with low self-control
focus on the excitements and short-term gains and
ignore the consequences and long-term costs of deviant
actions, and therefore, rational choice and moral
judgment models of decision making have little effect
because they are bypassed or short circuited in low self-
control individuals when criminal or deviant
opportunities are presented (e.g., [10, 13, 14, 34]). The
indirect impact camp, which is more dominant in
criminological literature, argues that rational choice is
the fundamental process of human decision and
behavior, and therefore, the impact of self-control on
human behavior and decision is through altering of the
evaluation parameters in rational calculus, such as
increasing the perceived benefits and decreasing
perceived costs for intended actions, or interacting with
other decision parameters, such as moral values and
social learning when criminal or deviant opportunities
are presented (e.g., [18, 27, 29, 30, 36]).
While the two schools of literature disagree on how
exactly self-control contributes to deviant behavior, the
literature is fairly consistent that low self-control, as
measured by Grasmick et al. [14], leads to individuals
to think more about short-term reward and less about
long-term consequence, thus more likely to take risk for
immediate gratification. In situations where violation of
established information security policies may provide
immediate reward, we argue that:
Proposition 1: Individuals with low self-control
have a tendency to choose riskier actions for near-
term reward in contrast to those with high self-
control when contemplating decisions that have
potentially long-term negative consequences in the
context of information security policy violations.
Given the reliance on survey research methodology
and the complications of associated common method
bias, there appears little chance that these two schools
can consolidate their findings and reach some sort of
consensus. However, recent discoveries in neuroscience
and neuroeconomics studies have offered some hope
and generated significant insights on how self-control
influences human behavior and decision making, with
direct observations of human brain activities when
relevant decisions are contemplated by research
subjects under various real or simulated decision
making conditions. Self-control, sometimes referred to
as willpower or impulse control in neuroscience
literature [3, 4], has been directly linked to the brain
functions in the ventral medial prefrontal cortex
(VMPFC) [3, 15], especially the right ventral medial
prefrontal cortex (rVMPFC) [4, 22, 33], using
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
The most interesting finding of these neuroscience
studies to our research is that in patients who had
lesions in their rVMPFC or right prefrontal region
(rPFC), there are significant deficits in social conduct,
decision-making, risk management, and emotional
processing, in comparison to those patients who had
only the left side lesions, or to the control groups [7,
33]. Knoch and Fehr [22] provided even more direct
evidence of the role of rPFC in self-control by
temporarily disrupting the brain function in this region.
In their study, the researchers used a low-frequency
repetitive transcranial magnetic simulation (rTMS) to
disrupt left or right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
(DLPFC) function transiently before applying a
gambling task to measure risk taking behavior of
healthy adults. They found that individuals with right
DLPFC disruption displayed a significantly stronger
preference for choosing the larger potential reward at
the risk of even greater penalty, while those with left
DLPFC disruptions did not and performed similarly as
those with sham treatment. This is further corroborated
by Boes et al. [4] using healthy school age boys. They
found that the rVMPFC is a significant predictor of
impulse control ratings provided by parents and school
teachers of these boys; and fMRI data revealed that the
rVMPFC volume is significantly lower in the subgroup
of 20 impulsive subjects compared to the subgroup of
20 non-impulsive ones.
These studies provide strong evidence for us to
argue that the psychological construct self-control is
rooted in the physical neural structures of the human
brain, especially in the rVMPFC region, at least in the
right hemisphere. A damaged or under-developed rPFC
or rVMPFC is likely to cause an individual to have
diminished ability for self-control, as indicated by
impulsive behavior, preference to risky choices, and
disregard to long-term negative consequences. With
ERP methodology, while we cannot pinpoint the exact
locations where relevant brain processes are evokved,
we can, however, detect the evocation in the right and
left hemisphere with millisecond accuracy. This
discussion leads to our second proposition:
Proposition 2: Individuals with low self-control
tend to evoke less brain activities in the right
hemisphere in contrast to those with high self-
control when contemplating decisions that have
potentially long-term negative consequences in the
context of information security policy violations.
To investigate these propositions, we designed and
carried out two neuroscience studies using ERPs based
on EEG signals evoked during simulated decision
making in the context of information security policy
violations in organizational settings. Although the
majority of the reference studies on self-control and
behavior in neuroscience literature use brain imaging
technologies such as fMRI, we chose EEG/ERP for two
primary reasons. The first and foremost is the high
temporal resolution of EEG/ERP, accurate to
millisecond level, in contrast to fMRI which usually
takes seconds after stimulus onset to produce usable
data. Given the difficulty in detecting true responses of
individuals when presented with an information
security scenario, it is critical to measure what happens
in the brain in milliseconds, instead of seconds, after
stimulus onset, to minimize social desirability bias
contamination. The second reason is the low cost of
EEG/ERP experiment relevant to fMRI, which affords
researchers to study larger samples in comparison to
studies using fMRI.
3. Methodology
3.1 Participants
Participants for this study were 42 English
speaking subjects (40 males, 2 females, age 19 to 24, all
right handed), recruited from a subject pool about 350
undergraduates attending a large Midwest public
university. Students signed up for the research pool
voluntarily, and if they were selected for participation
in the studies, they received a small course credit and
potentially monetary reward. We created two subject
pools for the two studies in this research. Study 1 aimed
at developing and validating the test paradigm for using
EEG/ERP techniques in information security research.
This study involved 20 (18 males and 2 females)
student subjects randomly selected from the general
subject pool. Study 2 was for investigating the research
propositions once the test paradigm was validated. This
study involved 22 (all males) student subjects also
selected from the general subject pool but based on
their self-control scores using a survey instrument
adapted from Grasmick et al. [14]. Only those subjects
who had a score in the top 25% (low self-control) and
bottom 25% (high self-control) were invited to
participate. There is no overlap of subjects between the
two studies. The reason for using only the subjects with
the top and bottom self-control scores is to contrast the
influence of self-control the focal variable of this
study on individual decision making. All participants
had normal or corrected normal vision, were given the
Informed Consent form prior to the inclusion of the
To motivate truthful responses from the subjects,
we designed a paradigm that involved some degree of
deception, with the approval of our Institutional Review
Board. All subjects in the general pool were invited to
take a 68-item survey that include demographic data,
self-control measurement, and moral judgment and
decisions related to three information security policy
violation scenarios. Then, for all subjects selected to
participate in the research, before the data collection
started, each subject was informed that the computer
software has developed a psychological profile based
his/her responses to the survey, and s/he would be paid
anywhere from $15 to $25 based on how the responses
during the study matches the established profile; and
the best strategy to make most money is to answer the
questions as truthful as possible. In fact, there was no
psychological profile established, and the computer
generated random amount between $23 and $25 to pay
for each subject at the end. The very narrow payout
range was designed to minimize the psychological
effect on a subject had s/he received a low payment
amount. All subjects were debriefed about the protocol
after the study was completed.
3.2 Stimuli
In order to evoke relevant brain
electrophysiological processes that emit measurable
EEG signals from human subjects making information
security related decisions, we faced two significant
challenges. The first challenge was how to make our
research subjects experience information security
decision making in a controlled laboratory setting. The
second challenge was how to design the experiments so
that the relevant brain processes are evoked and strong
enough EEG signals can be detected and recorded for
later processing using existing lab equipment and
We addressed the first challenge by adapting the
scenario based approach widely used in criminology
and information security research that elicits vicarious
responses from ordinary subjects in criminal or deviant
situations (e.g., [9, 16, 27, 30, 31]). Due to the secrecy
involved in criminal or deviant behavior, it is natural
that individuals are unwilling or uncomfortable to
report their own deviant or criminal behavior in studies.
Traditional questionnaires that rely on self-reporting of
deviant or criminal intention or behavior could have
questionable reliability. In criminological research,
faced with similar difficulties, scholars have often
resorted to the use of scenarios of criminal activities to
elicit responses from ordinary survey subjects.
Based on research literature, media reports, and
personal knowledge about information security breach
incidents in organizations, we developed 15 scenarios
as stimuli in each of the three categories: control, easy,
and hard, a total 45 stimuli based on information
security scenarios. Table 1 provides a definition for
each category with a sample scenario for illustration.
Table 1: Scenarios and Examples
Sample Scenario
Josh’s girlfriend Jenny, who
works for a consulting firm,
asks Jo
h if he can take a day
off this week to help her on a
project she needs to complete
that week for her firm. Should
Josh take
a day off to help
Josh’s girlfriend Jenny, who
works for a consulting firm,
wants to know whether one of
her clients is involved in the
new product development.
Should Josh access the secure
server and find out for Jenny?
Josh’s girlfriend Jenny, who
works for a consulting firm,
wants to have some
information about suppliers.
Jenny could earn substantial
amount of commission. Should
Josh access the secure server
and find the data for Jenny?
We addressed the second challenge with two
treatments included in the experiment design. The first
treatment was to motivate the subjects to be truthful in
their responses, which was accomplished by a
procedure embedded in the experiment as described in
the previous section. The second treatment was to use
repeated trials by presenting the three types of stimuli
(control, easy, and hard) with 15 different variations
each using a pseudorandom order (the order of the
stimuli presentation were randomized but consistent
across all subjects), which is common technique in
studies involving EEG/ERP. All of the stimuli were
programed into the E-PRIME software (PST, Inc.,
Pittsburgh, PA) using white on black background to
reduce the influence of luminance on the ERP
To simulate real world situations as closely as
possible and evoke relevant neural activities, before the
test stimuli were presented, the subject was primed with
a scenario as follows. Imagine that s/he was Josh, an IT
professional working in the IT department of a large
global manufacturing company. The company supplies
sophisticated electronic control instruments for civilian
and military uses. Josh has developed knowledge and
skills that enable him to access almost any computer
and database in his company with or without
authorization. The company has explicit and strict
policies against any unauthorized access, copy, transfer,
or use of its digital assets, including confidential or
non-confidential data. Josh is working on multiple
projects recently, some with deadlines in one or two
weeks, so Josh is under tremendous pressure to meet
the deadlines. Josh was also financially stressed and he
was behind some payments for various bills and credit
3.3 Procedure
We followed the common practice in EEG/ERP
studies when designing our experiment procedure.
Once a subject has been hooked up to the data
collection equipment, the priming screen is presented
first. When the subject presses the “Next” button, five
practice scenarios are presented on the screen, with four
decision choices (No-1, Likely No-2, Likely Yes-3,
Yes-4) following each scenario, in the exact format and
style as test scenarios, but involving no information
security related decision making. After the 5 practice
trials, the test scenarios are presented. Once a test
scenario is presented on screen, the subject presses any
button on the key pad to proceed to the decision screen.
A 500ms delay is introduced to fixate the eyes on the
center of the screen before the decision button screen is
presented. There is no time limit on how long the
decision screen is displayed. As soon as the subject
presses one of the decision buttons, the next scenario is
presented. This process repeats 45 times for each
subject and then the test is complete. The computer
displays a reward amount on the screen and the subject
is paid after completing a post experiment survey.
Figure 1 demonstrates the rapid serial visual
presentation (RSVP) procedure for both Study 1 and
Study 2.
Figure 1: The RSVP Procedure for Data Collection
When a subject enters the lab at the assigned time
slot, the subject is briefed about the study, and the
Informed Consent form approved by the IRB is given to
the subject to read and sign. The subject is then directed
to the sound damped and electrically shielded data
collection booth and seated in a comfortable reclining
armchair. The subject is placed approximately 15-20
inches from the computer monitor that displays the
stimuli and decision choices. The EEG data collection
cap is then mounted on the head of the subject by the
research assistants. Raw EEG data are recorded using
Sensorium software package. No breaks are given
throughout the experiment.
3.4 Electrophysiological Recordings
For both Study 1 and Study 2, the electrode
impedance was lower than 20 kΩ for all subjects.
During recording, a nose reference was used and the
data were re-referencing to a common average for
analysis. Horizontal electrodes were placed 1 cm lateral
of the outer canthus of each eye to monitor horizontal
ocular movements (EOG). Vertical EOG was recorded
by placing two electrodes 1cm above each eye. The
ground electrode was located 10 mm anterior to the Fz
electrode. Figure 2 shows the relative locations of the
electrodes on the EEG data collection cap.
Figure 2: Relative Locations of Electrodes
The data were processed using the EMSE software.
The EEG signals were sampled at 2048 Hz from 65
electrodes. A bandpass digital filter between 0.1 and 20
Hz was applied offline. An EEG epoch length of
2200ms was used with a 200ms pre-stimulus baseline
correction and 2000ms following stimulus onset.
Epochs were rejected from averaging if amplitude
exceeded +/- 100μV, and eye blinks were corrected
using the ocular artifact correction filter in EMSE.
Artifact-free segments were averaged to obtain the
ERPs per subject. No participants had less than 80
percent accepted trials in any condition.
4. Results and Analyses
The ERP grand average waveforms were averaged
separately for each experimental condition across
subjects. For ERP statistical analysis, repeated
measures ANOVA and Independent Samples t-Test
were used to test differences in mean ERP activation in
the time window 5001000ms post stimulus for Study 1
and 300600ms post stimulus for Study 2. The wider
ERP epoch window was used in Study 1 because of its
exploratory nature. Once the paradigm was established,
a narrower epoch was used in Study 2 for data analysis
that focuses on interesting ERP waveforms at relevant
To the best of our knowledge, no test paradigms
have been specifically designed and validated for
research in the context of information security or even
criminology. As a laboratory based scientific research
methodology, EEG/ERP studies rely on validated
paradigms for producing reliable and replicable results.
Therefore, the current research had two primary
objectives that were accomplished in two studies. In
Study 1, we developed and validated a new paradigm
modeled after the existing work related to criminology
and information security research and appropriate for
use with EEG/ERP techniques. In Study 2, we then
used this validated paradigm to examine the influence
of individual differences in self-control on neural
activities related to decision processes in the context of
information security.
4.1 Study 1 Validation of Paradigm
The primary objectives of Study 1 is to design and
validate a paradigm to ensure that 1) measureable ERP
data are generated from test subjects using information
security scenarios as stimuli; and 2) ERP waveforms
from the three categories of scenarios are
distinguishable and the differences in amplitude
between categories are statistically significant at key
electrodes relevant to the behavioral theories of the
study. 20 subjects (18 males and 2 female) participated
in the study, and EEG data were recorded using the
procedures and parameters described in the previous
section. Figure 3 shows the grand averaged ERP
waveforms of the 20 subjects at six frontal and frontal-
temporal electrodes located in the left and right
hemisphere of the scalp.
The ERPs clearly demonstrate the effect of
difficulty levels of the scenarios related information
security policy violations on the left and right frontal
region of the brain. The tall bar reflects stimulus onset
of the decision screen (time 0) and the short bars reflect
200ms increments. Note the differences in amplitude
among the three conditions that emerged around 300ms
after onset of the decision cue on the left hemisphere
(F7, FT7, and FT9) and the right hemisphere (F8, FT8,
and FT10). These differences suggest that the three
categories of stimuli we created based on scenarios of
various information security policy violations in
organizational context indeed evoke distinguishable
ERP waveforms, providing strong evidence of validity
of the paradigm designed for this study.
Figure 3 also reveals the first important finding of
the study: two new ERP components that have not been
widely reported or studies in the neuroscience literature:
a left frontal negativity (LFN) and a right frontal
positivity (RFP). The LFN component is shown in ERP
waveforms of the left hemisphere (F7, FT7, and FT9)
electrodes. It starts at about 300ms after onset of the
decision cue, and lasted until about 1500ms after onset
of the decision cue. In contrast, the RFP component is
shown in ERP waveforms of the right hemisphere (F8,
FT8, and FT10) electrodes. It starts also at about 300ms
after onset of the decision cue, and lasted until about
1500ms after onset of the decision cue.
Figure 3: Grand-Averaged ERPs at Left and Right
Hemisphere Electrodes
To further confirm that the differences among the
grand-averaged ERPs components (LFN and RFP)
generated from the three categories of stimuli are
statistically significant, we also run Independent
Sample t-test using the ERP amplitude data from 500ms
to 1000ms after onset of the decision cue. The results
are shown in Table 2 and Figure 4.
Tests with ERP data at other electrodes in the
frontal and frontal-temporal regions produced similar
results but not presented here to reduce redundancy.
These results suggest that our test paradigm has
accomplished the stated design objectives. It provided
the scientific foundation for Study 2 to investigate the
research propositions using this paradigm.
Table 2: Comparison of Means of ERP Activation
between Stimuli Conditions
Group Mean
t-Stats (p)
Average of
(F7, FT7,
Average of
(F8, FT8,
*p<0.1, **p<0.05, ***p<0.01
Left Hemisphere
Mean Activation
Control Easy Hard
Right Hemisphere
Mean Activation
Control Easy Hard
Figure 4: Differences in ERP Activation between Stimuli
4.2 Study 2 Testing of Hypotheses
The primary objective of Study 2 is to investigate
the propositions of this study: that the low self-control
individuals tend to make riskier decisions that have
near-term reward but long-term negative consequences,
and they evoke lower level of ERPs in the right
hemisphere in contrast to the high self-control
individuals when making information security policy
violation related decisions.
As described in the previous section, 22 subjects
were recruited for this study, including 11 low self-
control and 11 high self-control individuals based on
their scores on the Grasmick et al. [14] scale. The
paradigm validated in Study 1 was used for carrying out
the experiment and data collection. As described in 3.3,
we recorded a subjects decision as well as EEG data
during a test session. The decision data were analogues
to survey responses. For each information security
related stimulus, a subject chose a value from 1 to 4 by
pressing the corresponding button. Table 3 shows the
mean comparison of decision choices between the high
and low self-control subjects with three stimulus
Table 3: Test of Sample Means of Decision Choices
between Groups
Group Means
*p<0.1, **p<0.05, ***p<0.01
Two interesting results can be seen from this table.
First, there is no statistical difference between the low
and high self-control subjects with the control stimuli,
and the average choice is between 2 and 3, right in the
middle of the decision range. This suggests that the
control stimuli are valid and generated expected
responses in both groups. Second, the decision choices
between the low and the high self-control subjects in
Easy and Hard conditions are indeed statistically
different, and as we predicted, the low self-control
subjects made riskier choices than the high self-control
subjects, albeit slightly, but still statistically significant
in both Easy and Hard stimulus conditions. Thus,
Proposition 1 is supported by our data.
The EEG data collected were used to compute
ERPs of the subjects when they were contemplating the
decision choices. The average decision time for all
subjects was about 2000-2500ms after stimuli onset
(Easy: mean=2383ms, se=209ms; Hard: mean=2041ms,
se=145ms; Control: mean=2457ms, se=139ms). Figure
4 shows the grand-averaged ERP waveforms at the left
hemisphere (FT, FT7, and FT9) and the right
hemisphere (F8, FT8, and FT10) electrodes.
There are several interesting observations from
the ERP waveforms presented in Figure 5. First of all,
the ERP components discovered in Study 1, LFN and
RFP, are reproduced in Study 2, providing further
evidence of the reliability of the paradigm. Second,
while the ERP waveforms of the electrodes in the left
hemisphere are similar between low and high self-
control individuals, the RFP component is quite
different between the two groups at the right
hemisphere. As we have expected, individuals with low
self-control appear to evoke reduced amplitude of ERPs
in contrast to individuals with high self-controls.
To further verify the findings, we conducted
multiple repeated measures ANOVA analyses. As in
Study 1, we compared within group pairwise means of
the ERP amplitudes generated by the three categories of
stimuli. In addition, we also compared between group
pairwise means of the ERP amplitudes. These results
are shown in Figure 6 and Table 4.
Figure 5: Grand-Averaged ERPs at Electrodes on
Left and Right Hemisphere between Groups
Left Hemisphere
Difficulty * Self Control
Mean Activation
Control Easy Hard
Low Self Control
High Self Control
Right Hemisphere
Difficulty * Self Control
Mean Activation
Control Easy Hard
Low Self Control
High Self Control
Figure 6: Differences in ERP Activation between Groups
Table 4: Comparison of Means of ERP Activation
between Stimuli and Groups
by Self-
Group Mean
t-Stat (p)
*p<0.1, **p<0.05, ***p<0.01
The t-tests of Independent Samples confirm that
the differences in mean amplitudes of ERP component
LFN (300-600ms) at electrodes on the left hemisphere
between low and high self-control subjects are not
statistically significant (p>0.1); while the differences in
mean amplitudes of ERP component RFP (300-600ms)
at electrodes on the right hemisphere between low and
high self-control subjects are significantly different (p
<0.1) with Easy stimuli, but not significant with Hard
stimuli. Note that the sample size is small (N=11) and
the variances are large for both groups. With larger
samples, we anticipate more significant differences may
be detected. This result provides moderate support for
our Proposition 2.
5. Discussion
This study and the main findings presented above
have some interesting theoretical and practical
implications for information security and human
decision making in general. Our findings, along with
other neuroscience studies (e.g., [3, 4, 15, 22, 33]),
show that self-control is directly linked to neural
processes in the brain of an individual, especially in the
right hemisphere of the brain. This is important because
it supports Gottfredson and Hirschi [13]’s assertion that
self-control is a characteristic of an individual, formed
early in life, and remains relative stable throughout the
lifespan. Therefore, an individual’s self-control
characteristic cannot be easily altered by environmental
dynamics later in life such as training or learning in
The second contribution of this study is the
development and validation of an EEG/ERP paradigm
for scenario based research in the context of
information security, and human decision making in
general. Given the critical role of paradigm in
neuroscience research, a validated paradigm enables
reliability, continuity, and replicability that much of the
survey based research lacks in social science disciplines.
While the paradigm will continue to improve as more
researchers start using it, a solid foundation has been
established for future research using this type of
The third contribution of this study is the
identification of the new ERP components LNR and
RPR in the frontal and frontal-temporal region, which
appear to be unique to this new paradigm we have
established. We found no similar components in the
prior EEG/ERP studies that involve human decision
making (e.g., [2, 5, 8, 25, 24]). The identification of
these two new ERP components enables future research
to have reference points and continue to accumulate
knowledge related to human decision making in the
context of information security.
Finally, our findings may also help reconcile the
on-going debate whether humans are rational or
irrational in decision making literature. The evidence
suggests that high self-control individuals, who appear
to be more rational, recruit both left and right
hemisphere of their brain, in contrast to the low self-
control individuals, who appear to be less rational or
irrational to some sense, recruit mostly the left
hemisphere of their brains, when making difficult
decisions. Thus, humans are neither completely rational
nor completely irrational by default. It all depends on
how each individual developed their characteristics
during the formative years. As a result, some
individuals appear more rational, and others appear
more irrational, in making decisions.
Our findings have at least two important practical
implications. First, we have shown that the instrument
developed by Grasmick et al. [14] is a reliable and valid
measure of individual self-control. In the literature there
are multiple versions of self-control scales developed
by psychologist and criminologists. Our results showed
that the individuals identified as having high and low
self-control using the Grasmack [14] scale have
consistent ERP and behavioral characteristics as those
identified by neuroscientists with more sophisticated
Perhaps the most important practical implication of
our findings is that self-control screening of employees
is not only practical but also important for organizations
to protect their digital assets. This study confirms that
self-control is an individual characteristic attributable to
neural structures in the right hemisphere of the brain.
This may dampen the hope of advocates of SETA
(security education, training, and awareness) programs
(e.g., [6, 9, 35]) in terms of effectiveness of these type
of programs in information security management. This
is because SETA assumes rational decision making by
individuals, and if low self-control individuals are
entrusted with valuable digital assets, SETA programs
are unlikely to be effective in managing internal
security threats originated from these individuals.
As one of the first studies that use neuroscience
techniques and methodologies for investigating human
decision making in the context of information security,
this study inevitably has some limitations. The first is
the small sample size, coupled with large variances in
the ERP data, which made the statistical differences in
the RFP component between the low and high self-
control groups less reliable and perhaps less significant
than it could be. The second is the coarse accuracy in
localizing ERP data due to the nature of EEG
measurement. While we were able to determine the
activation of neural processes in the left and the right
hemisphere after onset of a decision cue, EEG data
cannot pinpoint with the same precision as fMRI the
specific locations in the brain where these neural
processes are firing. Future study may supplement ERP
data with fMRI images to provide even more refined
understanding of and insight into how self-control
influences decision making in information security and
other social, economic, and criminological contexts.
6. Conclusion
In this study, we used brain imaging technology
EEG/ERP for investigating neural correlates of human
decision and self-control in the context of information
security in organizational settings. Our results showed
that individuals with low and high self-control activate
different neural processes when making decisions
related to information security policy violations, and
that low self-control individuals do tend to make riskier
choices that have near-term reward but significant long-
term negative consequences than high self-control
Perhaps more importantly, this study established
the validities of two important research instruments: an
EEG/ERP paradigm for research of decision making in
the context of information security, and the Grasmick et
al. [14] scale as a valid measure of individual self-
control. The developed EEG/ERP paradigm can serve
as a foundation for future research in information
security and other social, economic, and criminological
studies that use scenario based stimuli. The Grasmick
[14] scale can be used by researchers and managers for
screening and selecting individuals based on self-
control characteristics.
Hu et al. [18] have advocated screening employees
for self-control in order to improve information security
in organizations. This study provided further evidence
for both the validity of the instrument that can be used
for the screening and the scientific foundation for
conducting such screening for better information
security management.
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Full-text available
As the weakest links of information security defense are the individuals in organizations, it is important to understand individuals’ information security behavior. In the current study, we tested whether the neural variability pattern could predict individuals’ intention to engage in information security violations. Given that cognitive neuroscience methods provide a new perspective into psychological processes without common methodological bias or social desirability, we combined an adapted version of the information security paradigm (ISP) with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) technology. While completing the adapted ISP task, participants underwent an fMRI scan. We adopted a machine learning method to build a neural variability predictive model. Consistent with previous studies, this study found that people are more likely to take actions under neutral conditions than in minor violation contexts and major violation contexts. Moreover, the neural variability predictive model, including nodes within the task control, default mode, visual, salience and attention networks, can predict information security violation intentions. These results illustrate the predictive value of neural variability on information security violations and provide a new perspective for combining ISP with the fMRI technique to explore a neural predictive model of information security violation intentions.
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NeuroIS is a field in Information Systems (IS) that makes use of neuroscience and neurophysiological tools and knowledge to better understand the development, adoption, and impact of information and communication technologies. The fact that NeuroIS now exists for more than a decade motivated us to comprehensively review the academic literature. Investigation of the field's development provides insights into the status of NeuroIS, thereby contributing to identity development in the NeuroIS field. Based on a review of N=200 papers published in 55 journals and 13 conference proceedings in the period 2008-2017, we addressed the following four research questions: Which NeuroIS topics were investigated? What kind of NeuroIS research was published? How was the empirical NeuroIS research conducted? Who published NeuroIS research? Based on a discussion of the findings and their implications for future research, which considers results of a recent NeuroIS survey (N=60 NeuroIS scholars), we conclude that today NeuroIS can be considered an established research field in the IS discipline. However, our review also indicates that further efforts are necessary to advance the field, both from a theoretical and methodological perspective.
Conference Paper
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NeuroIS is a field in Information Systems (IS) that makes use of neuroscience and neurophysiological tools and knowledge to better understand the development, adoption, and impact of information and communication technologies. The fact that NeuroIS now exists for approximately ten years motivated us to comprehensively review the academic literature. Investigation of the field’s development provides insights into the status of NeuroIS, thereby contributing to identity development in the NeuroIS field. Based on a review of N = 164 papers published in 55 journals and 11 conference proceedings, we addressed the following four research questions: Who published NeuroIS research? What kind of NeuroIS research was published? Which major thematic orientation was chosen by NeuroIS researchers? How was the empirical NeuroIS research conducted? Based on a discussion of the findings and their implications for future research, we conclude that today NeuroIS can be considered as established research field in the IS discipline.
Users are vital to the information security of organizations. In spite of technical safeguards, users make many critical security decisions. An example is users' responses to security messages - discrete communication designed to persuade users to either impair or improve their security status. Research shows that although users are highly susceptible to malicious messages (e.g., phishing attacks), they are highly resistant to protective messages such as security warnings. Research is therefore needed to better understand how users perceive and respond to security messages. In this article, we argue for the potential of NeuroIS - cognitive neuroscience applied to Information Systems - to shed new light on users' reception of security messages in the areas of (1) habituation, (2) stress, (3) fear, and (4) dual-task interference. We present an illustrative study that shows the value of using NeuroIS to investigate one of our research questions. This example uses eye tracking to gain unique insight into how habituation occurs when people repeatedly view security messages, allowing us to design more effective security messages. Our results indicate that the eye movement-based memory (EMM) effect is a cause of habituation to security messages - a phenomenon in which people unconsciously scrutinize stimuli that they have previously seen less than other stimuli. We show that after only a few exposures to a warning, this neural aspect of habituation sets in rapidly, and continues with further repetitions. We also created a polymorphic warning that continually updates its appearance and found that it is effective in substantially reducing the rate of habituation as measured by the EMM effect. Our research agenda and empirical example demonstrate the promise of using NeuroIS to gain novel insight into users' responses to security messages that will encourage more secure user behaviors and facilitate more effective security message designs.
Full-text available
Information technology executives strive to align the actions of end users with the desired security posture of management and of the firm through persuasive communication. In many cases, some element of fear is incorporated within these communications. However, within the context of computer security and information assurance, it is not yet clear how these fear-inducing arguments, known as fear appeals, will ultimately impact the actions of end users. The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of fear appeals on the compliance of end users with recommendations to enact specific individual computer security actions toward the mitigation of threats. An examination was performed that culminated in the development and testing of a conceptual model representing an infusion of technology adoption and fear appeal theories. Results of the study suggest that fear appeals do impact end user behavioral intentions to comply with recommended individual acts of security, but the impact is not uniform across all end users. It is determined in part by perceptions of self-efficacy, response efficacy, threat severity, and social influence. The findings of this research contribute to information systems security research, human computer interaction, and organizational communication by revealing a new paradigm in which IT users form perceptions of the technology, not on the basis of performance gains, but on the basis of utility for threat mitigation.
Full-text available
Employees' failure to comply with information systems security policies is a major concern for information technology security managers. In efforts to understand this problem, IS security researchers have traditionally viewed violations of IS security policies through the lens of deterrence theory. In this article, we show that neutralization theory, a theory prominent in Criminology but not yet applied in the context of IS, provides a compelling explanation for IS security policy violations and offers new insight into how employees rationalize this behavior. In doing so, we propose a theoretical model in which the effects of neutralization techniques are tested alongside those of sanctions described by deterrence theory. Our empirical results highlight neutralization as an important factor to take into account with regard to developing and implementing organizational security policies and practices.
Interest in the problem of method biases has a long history in the behavioral sciences. Despite this, a comprehensive summary of the potential sources of method biases and how to control for them does not exist. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to examine the extent to which method biases influence behavioral research results, identify potential sources of method biases, discuss the cognitive processes through which method biases influence responses to measures, evaluate the many different procedural and statistical techniques that can be used to control method biases, and provide recommendations for how to select appropriate procedural and statistical remedies for different types of research settings.
A firm can build more effective security strategies by identifying and ranking the severity of potential threats to its IS efforts.
Although the research on software piracy is growing, criminologists have not examined the role of deterrence in software piracy. Using data collected from 382 undergraduate students attending a southeastern university, this study examined the role of deterrence in reducing instances of software piracy using a factorial design. The findings from the analysis showed that certainty and not severity was important in reducing software piracy. The study also found that contemporary parts of deterrence theory (i.e., shame and family discovery) were important in deterring software piracy. Policy implications of these findings are discussed.
This research asks whether codes of ethics affect computer abuse judgments and intentions of information systems (IS) employees. Codes of ethics examined include both company codes of ethics and those written specifically to deal with IS issues. In addition, since the intent of codes of ethics is to clarify responsibility and deter unethical behavior, both the psychological trait of responsibility denial and its moderating effect on codes was studied. While company codes did not affect the computer abuse judgments and intentions of all IS personnel, they did affect those IS personnel who tend to deny responsibility, thus suggesting that company codes may clarify responsibility and reduce rationalizations for some people. Unlike company codes, IS-specific codes of ethics had a direct effect on computer sabotage judgments and intentions, but had no differential effect on those high in responsibility denial. Finally, responsibility denial was directly related to all computer abuse judgments and intentions studied. Overall, codes had little effect on computer abuse judgments and intentions relative to the psychological trait of responsibility denial.
Society’s efforts to deter crime with punishment may be ineffective because those individuals most prone to commit crime often act impulsively, with little thought for the future, and so they may be unmoved by the threat of later punishment. Deterrence messages they receive, therefore, may fall on deaf ears. This article examines this issue by testing the relationship between criminal propensity, perceived risks and costs of punishment, and criminal behavior. The authors analyzed data from the Dunedin (New Zealand) Study, a longitudinal study of individuals from birth through age26(N = 1,002). They found that in fact, deterrence perceptions had their greatest impact on criminally prone study members.