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Biochemical Composition of Marine Macroalgae from Gangetic Delta at the Apex of Bay of Bengal


Abstract and Figures

Variations in protein, lipid, carbohydrate and astaxanthin content of Enteromorpha intestinalis, Ulva lactuca and Catenella repens were documented over a 10 months period from September 2007 to June 2008. The macroalgal species were collected from six sampling stations of Indian Sundarbans, a Gangetic delta at the apex of Bay of Bengal. On dry weight basis, the protein content varied from 4.15±0.02% (in Catenella repens) at Lothian to 14.19±0.09% (in Catenella repens) at Frasergaunge. The lipid content was low and varied from 0.07±0.02% (in Enteromorpha intestinalis) at Lothian to 1.06± 0.12% (in Ulva lactuca) at Gosaba. The level of carbohydrate was very high compared to that of lipid and protein and varied from 21.65± 0.76% (in Catenella repens) at Gosaba to 57.03± 1.63% (in Enteromorpha intestinalis) at Lothian. Astaxanthin values ranged from 97.73± 0.32 ppm (in Catenella repens) at Gosaba to 186.11± 2.72 ppm (in Enteromorpha intestinalis) at Frasergaunge. The values varied over a narrow range in the remaining stations. The results of biochemical composition of macroalgae seem to be strongly influenced by ambient hydrological parameters (surface water salinity, temperature and nitrate content) in the present geographical locale. INTRODUCTION Far East, where they are used in the food industry [7].
Content may be subject to copyright.
African Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences 1 (5-6): 96-104, 2009
ISSN 2079-2034
© IDOSI Publications, 2009
Correspoding Author: Abhijit Mitra, Department of Marine Science, University of Calcutta, 35 Ballygunge Circular Road,
Kolkata-700 019, India 96
Biochemical Composition of Marine Macroalgae
from Gangetic Delta at the Apex of Bay of Bengal
Kakoli Banerjee, Rajrupa Ghosh, Sumit Homechaudhuri and Abhijit Mitra
1 1 2 1
Department of Marine Science, University of Calcutta, 35 Ballygunge Circular Road, Kolkata-700 019, India
Department of Zoology, University of Calcutta, 35 Ballygunge Circular Road, Kolkata- 700 019, India
Abstract: Variations in protein, lipid, carbohydrate and astaxanthin content of Enteromorpha intestinalis,
Ulva lactuca and Catenella repens were documented over a 10 months period from September 2007 to June
2008. The macroalgal species were collected from six sampling stations of Indian Sundarbans, a Gangetic delta
at the apex of Bay of Bengal. On dry weight basis, the protein content varied from 4.15±0.02% (in Catenella
repens) at Lothian to 14.19±0.09% (in Catenella repens) at Frasergaunge. The lipid content was low and varied
from 0.07±0.02% (in Enteromorpha intestinalis) at Lothian to 1.06± 0.12% (in Ulva lactuca) at Gosaba. The level
of carbohydrate was very high compared to that of lipid and protein and varied from 21.65± 0.76% (in Catenella
repens) at Gosaba to 57.03± 1.63% (in Enteromorpha intestinalis) at Lothian. Astaxanthin values ranged from
97.73± 0.32 ppm (in Catenella repens) at Gosaba to 186.11± 2.72 ppm (in Enteromorpha intestinalis) at
Frasergaunge. The values varied over a narrow range in the remaining stations. The results of biochemical
composition of macroalgae seem to be strongly influenced by ambient hydrological parameters (surface water
salinity, temperature and nitrate content) in the present geographical locale.
Key words: Marine macroalgae % Biochemical composition % Indian Sundarbans
INTRODUCTION Far East, where they are used in the food industry [7].
Macroalgal resources of the oceans and estuaries arevariety of essential amino acids has been recorded in
found attached to the rocks, corals and other submergedEnteromorpha intestinalis. It also has a good capacity for
strata in the intertidal and shallow subtidal zones. Theyfermentation, which is shown by methanisation tests [17].
are clearly sighted during low tide condition on theMoreira-da-Silva et al., [18] studied the possibility of
pneumatophores and trunks of mangroves. In marineusing marine macrophytes as a substrate for biogas
ecosystems, macroalgae are ecologically and biologicallygeneration. Special research attention has been given to
important and provide nutrition and an accommodatingEnteromorpha intestinalis and Ulva lactuca as a source
environment for other living organisms [1-6]. Because ofof methane generation through anaerobic digestion, the
these properties, macroalgae are considered as one of thetime involved in gas production and the possibility of
most important biotic components maintaining theusing the depleted biomass as a fertilizer for
ecosystem’s stability [7]. phytoplankton cultures. Finally, the possibility of using
The industrial applications of macroalgae are alsoalgae for other energetic options has been analyzed and
varied. Their polysaccharides are used in food, cosmetics, their potential was compared with that of the water
paint, crop, textile, paper, rubber and building industries.hyacinth Eichornia crassipes [19]. The dominancy of
In addition, they are used in medicine and inEnteromorpha spp. in areas of high sewage pollution
pharmacology for their antimicrobial, antiviral, antitumor, speaks in favour of utilizing this macroalgae as agent of
anticoagulant and brinolytic properties [8-10, 1, 11-16].bioremediation.
According to FAO, the annual global aquacultureMacroalgae are unique sources of protein although
production of marine algae is 6.5 × 10 tonnes [1].the content varies with the types. Protein content of
Macroalgae have been harvested since long period in thebrown seaweeds are generally small (average: 5-15% of
Regarding the economic importance of macroalgae, a wide
African J. of Basic & Appl. Sci., 1 (5-6): 96-104, 2009
dry weight), whereas, higher protein content are recordedMATERIALS AND METHODS
in green and red seaweeds (average: 10-30% of dry
weight). The protein levels of Ulva and Enteromorpha Macroalgal Collection: Each species of the macroalgae
spp. generally range between 5-20% of dry weight.(Enteromorpha intestinalis, Ulva lactuca and Catenella
Because of their high protein content, proteinrepens) distributed throughout the entire stretch of Indian
concentrates (PCs) of seaweeds have become moreSundarbans (within the latitude 21°30N to 22°30N and
important for the food industry, especially in developedlongitude 87°25E to 89°10E) were collected at monthly
countries [20]. The recent utilization of macroalgae as aintervals during September 2007 to June 2008, from six
fish feed is also gaining momentum. different sampling sites namely Stn. 1, Gosaba
Lipids represent only 1-5% of algal dry matter and(22°08'53.66''N; 88°56'34.20''E), Stn.2, Chotomollakhali
exhibit an interesting polyunsaturated fatty acid(22°10'21.74''N; 88°53'55.18''E), Stn.3, Bali (22°04'35.17''N;
composition particularly omega 3 and omega 6 acids88°44'55.70''E), Stn.4, Bony Camp (21°54'34.56''N;
which play an important role in the prevention of cardio88°35'42.13''E), Stn.5, Lothian (21°42'45.73''N;
vascular diseases, osteoarthritis and diabetes. The red88°18'12.82''E) and Stn.6, Frasergaunge (21°36'55.72''N;
and brown algae are rich in fatty acids with 20 carbon88°12'33.15''E) (Figure 1). The algal samples on block
atoms: cicosapentanoic acid (EPA, T3 C 20:5) andjetties and hard substrata (like boulder, mangrove trunk
arachidonic acid (AA, T6 C 20:4). etc) were hand-picked from shallow littoral water; washed
Astaxanthin is a naturally occurring carotenoidin the field with ambient seawater to remove epiphytes,
pigment with unique antioxidant property, which issediments and organic matter; rinsed with distilled water,
present in both micro and macroalgae. It is an importantdried with tissue paper and brought to the laboratory to
feed ingredient both in pisciculture and animal husbandry store at -20°C.
sector owing to its wide application as an antioxidant.
Enteromorpha intestinalis, Ulva lactuca andAnalytical Methods: The collected species were subjected
Catenella repens are the dominant macroalgae found into biochemical analysis as per the standard protocol.
Indian Sundarbans (a World Heritage Site and aFor each species, triplicate analyses were averaged for
Biosphere Reserve), which is a Gangetic delta in the north each of the samples for soluble carbohydrate, total
east coast of Indian Sub-continent. In the intertidal zoneprotein, total lipid and astaxanthin. The total carbohydrate
of this mangrove dominated ecosystem, a distinctcontent was assayed by the phenol-sulphuric acid
zonation is often visualized with respect to distributionmethod [22] after extraction with 2.5N HCl. The results
pattern of seaweeds. The members of Chlorophyceaewere calculated from a glucose standard curve. Total lipid
(Enteromorpha intestinalis and Ulva lactuca) occupywas determined by Soxhlet method as described by
higher level in comparison to Catenella repensFolch et al., [23]. The total protein content was
(belonging to Rhodophyceae) when the section of vertical determined with Folin reagent with bovine albumin
zonation on a substratum is considered. Despite theserving as standard [24]. Astaxanthin was analyzed by
abundance of macroalgae in the mangrove dominatedstandard spectrophotometric method after organic solvent
Gangetic delta, literature on this community is meager.extraction with appropriate dilution and expressed in ppm
Very few studies have been undertaken to document theunit [25]. Lipid, protein and carbohydrate contents were
role of Enteromorpha spp. and Ulva lactuca as primaryexpressed as the percentage dry weight. The results are
producers in Sundarbans ecosystem [21], but no studygiven as a mean with standard deviation (±SD) as quality
has yet been undertaken on the ecology and biochemicalassurance to the data.
characteristics of macroalgae in this part of Indian sub-Surface water were collected simultaneously from all
continent. the six sampling sites to monitor salinity, temperature and
The main objective of the present study was tonitrate of the ambient water as per the method of
determine the nutritional value of EnteromorphaStrickland and Parsons [26] to pinpoint the hydrological
intestinalis, Ulva lactuca and Catenella repens by parameters to which the vegetation are exposed in natural
analyzing their biochemical composition (protein, lipid,condition.
carbohydrate and astaxanthin). Another aim of the
study was to determine the spatial variation of theStatistical analysis: Mean values of each biochemical
biochemical components of these three commonlycomponent was subjected to one-way ANOVA followed
available macroalgae with respect to relevant hydrological by Duncan’s multiple range test at p<0.05 [27] to detect
parameters. significant differences among groups (selected species).
' '
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African J. of Basic & Appl. Sci., 1 (5-6): 96-104, 2009
Fig. 1: The Gangetic Delta and The Indian Sundarbans (map showing sampling stations)
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The major biochemical component in the selected
The average lipid, protein, carbohydrate andcarbohydrate in rhodophytes, Catenella repens (overall
astaxanthin values of Enteromorpha intestinalis, Ulvamean 27.16%±4.06% of dry weight; range 21.65± 0.76 to
lactuca and Catenella repens are presented in Tables 1,33.67± 0.87% of dry weight) (Table 3) was lower than the
2 and 3. chlorophytes (mean 45.32± 8.30% of dry weight;
seaweeds was carbohydrate. The percentage of soluble
African J. of Basic & Appl. Sci., 1 (5-6): 96-104, 2009
Table 1: The mean (±SD) contents of lipid, protein, carbohydrate and astaxanthin in Enteromorpha intestinalis from Indian Sundarbans during September
'07 – June '08
Stations Protein (% of dry weight) Lipid (% of dry weight) Carbohydrate (% of dry weight) Astaxanthin (ppm of dry weight)
Frasergaunge 13.84±0.17 0.09±0.02 52.09±0.84 186.11±2.72
acd ba
Lothian 5.18±0.52 0.07±0.02 57.03±1.63 185.40±1.83
fda a
Bony Camp 9.57±0.61 0.24±0.02 42.36±1.22 135.81±1.85
d b d c
Gosaba 12.79±0.03 0.30±0.01 33.53±0.03 112.72±0.83
Bali 7.48±0.03 0.11±0.01 48.40±0.45 145.60±1.17
e c c b
Chotomollakhali 11.37±0.03 0.22±0.01 38.51±0.62 131.78±1.53
means in a whole column with different superscripts (a-f) are significantly different (p<0.05, Duncan multiple range test).
Table 2: The mean (±SD) contents of lipid, protein, carbohydrate and astaxanthin in Ulva lactuca from Indian Sundarbans during September '07 – June '08*
Stations Protein (% of dry weight) Lipid (% of dry weight) Carbohydrate (% of dry weight) Astaxanthin (ppm of dry weight)
Frasergaunge 11.64±0.22 0.38±0.15 45.83±1.61 142.65±3.0
acd b b
Lothian 6.92±0.04 0.28±0.03 48.34±1.00 150.68±2.12
fda a
Bony Camp 8.30±0.32 0.74±0.06 43.83±1.96 125.46±2.08
Gosaba 10.98±0.04 1.06±0.12 24.33±0.08 102.40±0.35
ba e f
Bali 7.88±0.01 0.49±0.01 42.04±0.15 130.18±0.90
e c c c
Chotomollakhali 9.78±0.02 0.68±0.03 38.67±0.17 115.67±0.12
cb d e
*means in a whole column with different superscripts (a-f) are significantly different (p<0.05, Duncan multiple range test)
Table 3: The mean (±SD) contents of lipid, protein, carbohydrate and astaxanthin in Catenella repens from Indian Sundarbans during September '07 – June
Stations Protein (% of dry weight) Lipid (% of dry weight) Carbohydrate (% of dry weight) Astaxanthin ( ppm of dry weight)
Frasergaunge 14.19±0.09 0.14±0.02 33.67±0.87 181.99±3.54
a c a a
Lothian 4.15±0.02 0.17±0.02 26.43±0.88 105.29±0.07
ebc cd
Bony Camp 10.25±0.15 0.25±0.02 28.60±0.18 135.49±2.12
dab b
Gosaba 12.18±0.24 0.20±0.02 21.65±0.76 97.73±0.32
b b e e
Bali 4.58±0.03 0.19±0.02 29.04±0.13 180.44±1.09
eb b a
Chotomollakhali 11.47±0.59 0.21±0.04 23.55±0.54 128.65±0.78
cab dc
*means in a whole column with different superscripts (a-f) are significantly different (p<0.05, Duncan multiple range test)
Table 4: Physico-chemical variables of aquatic environment of six selected stations during September '07 – June '08
Stations Salinity (°/ )Temperature (°C) Nitrate (µgat/l)
Frasergaunge 25.0 34.0 23.84
a a a
Lothian 22.3 35.0 13.84
a a f
Bony Camp 21.3 32.0 16.84
a a d
Gosaba 16.3 31.3 21.69
a a b
Bali 19.7 33.0 15.02
a a e
Chotomollakhali 17.0 32.7 19.53
a a c
*means in a whole column with different superscripts (a-f) are significantly different (p<0.05, Duncan multiple range test).
range 33.53± 0.03 to 57.03± 1.63% of dry weight inweight, range 6.92± 0.04 to 11.64± 0.22% of dry weight)
Enteromorpha intestinalis and mean 40.51± 8.12% of dry (Tables 2 and 3).
weight; range 24.33± 0.08 to 48.34± 1.00% of dry weight inThe lipid content was highest in Ulva lactuca
Ulva lactuca) (Tables 1 and 2). (mean 0.61± 0.27% of dry weight; range 0.28± 0.03 to
The highest percentage of protein was recorded in1.06± 0.12% of dry weight) (Table 2), followed by
Enteromorpha intestinalis (mean 10.04± 3.10% of dryEnteromorpha intestinalis (mean 0.17± 0.09% of dry
weight; range 5.18± 0.52 to 13.84± 0.17% of dry weight)weight; range 0.07± 0.02 to 0.30± 0.01% of dry weight)
(Table 1) followed by Catenella repens (mean 9.47± 3.91%(Table 1) and Catenella repens (mean 0.19± 0.04% of dry
of dry weight; range 4.15± 0.02 to 14.19± 0.09% of dryweight; range 0.14± 0.02 to 0.25± 0.02% of dry weight)
weight) and Ulva lactuca (mean 9.25± 1.75% of dry(Table 3).
African J. of Basic & Appl. Sci., 1 (5-6): 96-104, 2009
Astaxanthin value was highest in Enteromorphap<0.01] statistically confirm our observation. The direct
intestinalis (mean 149.57± 28.21 ppm of dry weight; range relationship of protein percentage in seaweeds with
112.72± 0.83 to 186.11± 2.72 ppm of dry weight) (Table 1).nitrate of the ambient water was reported by several
The next position was occupied by Catenella repensworkers [30, 31]. Frasergaunge being a sewage
(mean 138.27± 33.96 ppm of dry weight; range 97.73± 0.32contaminated zone (due to presence of fish landing
to 181.99± 3.54 ppm of dry weight) (Table 3) followed by station and tourism units) showed maximum nitrate level
Ulva lactuca (mean 127.84± 16.59 ppm of dry weight;in the water and subsequently highest percentage of
range 102.40± 0.35 to 150.68± 2.12 ppm of dry weight)protein in the macroalgae.
(Table 2). Significant variations in carbohydrate content in the
The average surface water salinity of the samplingseaweeds at the different sampling stations were
stations varied as per the order Frasergaunge (25.0 °/ ) >observed throughout the study period. Carbohydrate is
Lothian (22.3°/ ) > Bony Camp (21.3°/ ) > Bali (19.7°/ )the most important component for metabolism as it
00 00 00
> Chotomollakhali (17.0°/ ) > Gosaba (16.3°/ ). Thesupplies the energy needed for respiration and other
00 00
surface water temperature ranged from 31.3°C to 35.0°Cmetabolic processes. Maximum carbohydrate values were
and nitrate content varied from13.84 µgat/l to 23.84 µgat/l observed in stations with high salinity and located in the
(Table 4). The spatial variation of nitrate was significantvicinity of Bay of Bengal. The study area at the apex of
(p<0.05), which may be attributed to the distance of these Bay of Bengal enjoys bright sunshine and high tropical
stations from Bay of Bengal in the south or proximity oftemperature almost through the year. This may be a
these stations to the highly urbanized and industrializedreason behind higher carbohydrate value in the seaweeds.
city of Kolkata in the North. The local activities like fishThe significant positive relationships between ambient
landing, shrimp culture etc. also cause substantialwater temperature and carbohydrate content of the
difference between the stations in terms of nitrate load. seaweeds [r = 0.937, p<0.01; r
Data of protein content in macroalgae from the = 0.795, p<0.01; r
= 0.489, p<0.05] confirm the view of synthesis of
show lower concentrations [28, 29]. This is because oforganic carbon (through photosynthesis) under optimum
predominantly oligotrophic marine environment with low solar radiation and temperature.
availability of nitrogen as visualized in case of BrazilianIn comparison to protein and carbohydrate, lipid
marine environment [30, 31]. In the present study, our data exhibited very low proportion in Enteromorpha
of protein concentration in macroalgae are in accordanceintestinalis, Ulva lactuca and Catenella repens.
with the information available in the literature [32-35, 17, Significant variation in lipid percentage was observed
36, 37]. In Enteromorpha intestinalis minimum proteinbetween the stations (Table 1, 2 and 3). The mangrove
was found at Lothian (5.18± 0.52% of dry weight) and the dominated Gangetic delta enjoys a tropical climate and
maximum at Frasergaunge (13.84± 0.17% of dry weight). therefore temperature plays a major role in the variation of
Same trend was also observed for Ulva lactuca (minimum the lipid content in macroalgae. Significant negative
at Lothian i.e. 6.92± 0.04% of dry weight and maximum at correlation between lipid content and water temperature
Frasergaunge i.e. 11.64± 0.22% of dry weight) andhas also been observed in our study for all the three
Catenella repens (minimum at Lothian i.e. 4.15± 02% ofselected macroalgae [r = - 0.929,
dry weight and maximum at Frasergaunge i.e. 14.19± 0.09%p<0.01; r = - 0.952, p<0.01; r
= - 0.693, p<0.01]. This observation is in
different species of macroalgae with respect to stationsalignment with the works of Jones and Harwood [38] who
are given in Figures 2 and 3. The significant spatialconcluded that temperature increases the level of
variation in the protein level of the selected species wasunsaturation of acyl chains that slows down both
confirmed by Duncan multiple range test at 5% level ofmetabolism and transport of lipid.
significance, which may be attributed to the difference inAstaxanthin is a powerful antioxidant. A lot of
nutrient level (preferably nitrate) of the ambient aquaticstudies demonstrated the antioxidant properties of algal
phase (Table 4). The significant positive correlationcarotenoids and the role they play in preventing many
between nitrate level and protein content of three selected diseases linked to oxidative stress [39, 40]. The synthesis
macroalgae [r = 0.976, p<0.01; r of astaxanthin enhances with the increase in
nitrate x protein (Enteromorpha sp.) nitrate x
= 0.995, p<0.01; r = 0.941,environmental stresses as revealed through a study in
protein (Ulva sp.) nitrate x protein (Catenella sp.)
temperature x carbohydrate (Enteromorpha sp.)
temperature x carbohydrate (Ulva sp.) temperature x carbohydrate
tropical and subtropical coastal environment frequently(Catenella sp.)
temperature x lipid (Enteromorpha sp.)
temperature x lipid (Ulva sp.) temperature x lipid
of dry weight). Differences in the protein level of the three (Catenella sp.)
protein lipid carbohydrate
% of dry weight
Enteromorpha intestinalis
Ulva lactuca
Catenella repens
protein lipid carbohydrate
% of dry weight
Enteromorpha intestinalis
Ulva lactuca
Catenella repens
protein lipid carbohydrate
% of dry weight
Enteromorpha intestinalis
Ulva lactuca
Catenella repens
protein lipid carbohydrate
% of dry weight
Enteromorpha intestinalis
Ulva lactuca
Catenella repens
Bony Camp
ppm of dry weight
Enteromorpha intestinalis
Ulva lactuca
Catenella repens
protein lipid carbohydrate
% of dry weight
Enteromorpha intestinalis
Ulva lactuca
Catenella repens
protein lipid carbohydrate
% of dry weight
Enteromorpha intestinalis
Ulva lactuca
Catenella repens
Fig. 2: Variation in protein, lipid and carbohydrate contents (% of dry weight) at (a) Gosaba (b) Chotomollakhali
(c) Bali (d) Bony Camp (e) Lothian (f) Frasergaunge
Fig. 3: Variation in astaxanthin contents (ppm of dry weight) in six stations
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Astaxanthin (AST)-encapsulated nanoparticles were fabricated using glycol chitosan (Chito) through electrostatic interaction (abbreviated as ChitoAST) to solve the aqueous solubility of astaxanthin and improve its biological activity. AST was dissolved in organic solvents and then mixed with chitosan solution, followed by a dialysis procedure. All formulations of ChitoAST nanoparticles showed small diameters (less than 400 nm) with monomodal distributions. Analysis with Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy confirmed the specific peaks of AST and Chito. Furthermore, ChitoAST nanoparticles were formed through electrostatic interactions between Chito and AST. In addition, ChitoAST nanoparticles showed superior antioxidant activity, as good as AST itself; the half maximal radical scavenging concentrations (RC50) of AST and ChitoAST nanoparticles were 11.8 and 29.3 µg/mL, respectively. In vitro, AST and ChitoAST nanoparticles at 10 and 20 µg/mL properly inhibited the production of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROSs), nitric oxide (NO), and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). ChitoAST nanoparticles had no significant cytotoxicity against RAW264.7 cells or B16F10 melanoma cells, whereas AST and ChitoAST nanoparticles inhibited the growth of cancer cells. Furthermore, AST itself and ChitoAST nanoparticles (20 µg/mL) efficiently inhibited the migration of cancer cells in a wound healing assay. An in vivo study using mice and a pulmonary metastasis model showed that ChitoAST nanoparticles were efficiently delivered to a lung with B16F10 cell metastasis; i.e., fluorescence intensity in the lung was significantly higher than in other organs. We suggest that ChitoAST nanoparticles are promising candidates for antioxidative and anticancer therapies of B16F10 cells.
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Macroalgae exhibit beneficial bioactivities for human health. Thus, the aim of the present study was to examine the antioxidant and anticancer potential of 14 macroalgae species’ extracts, namely, Gigartina pistillata, Gigartina teedei, Gracilaria gracilis, Gracilaria sp., Gracilaria bursa pastoris, Colpomenia sinuosa, Cystoseira amentacea, Cystoseira barbata, Cystoseira compressa, Sargassum vulgare, Padina pavonica, Codium fragile, Ulva intestinalis, and Ulva rigida, from the Aegean Sea, Greece. The antioxidant activity was assessed using DPPH, ABTS•+, •OH, and O2•− radicals’ scavenging assays, reducing power (RP), and protection from ROO•-induced DNA plasmid damage assays. Moreover, macroalgae extracts’ total polyphenol contents (TPCs) were assessed. Extracts’ inhibition against liver HepG2 cancer cell growth was assessed using the XTT assay. The results showed that G. teedei extract’s IC50 was the lowest in DPPH (0.31 ± 0.006 mg/mL), ABTS•+ (0.02 ± 0.001 mg/mL), •OH (0.10 ± 0.007 mg/mL), O2•− (0.05 ± 0.003 mg/mL), and DNA plasmid breakage (0.038 ± 0.002 mg/mL) and exhibited the highest RP (RP0.5AU 0.24 ± 0.019 mg/mL) and TPC (12.53 ± 0.88 mg GAE/g dw). There was also a significant correlation between antioxidant activity and TPC. P. pavonica (IC50 0.93 ± 0.006 mg/mL) exhibited the highest inhibition against HepG2 cell growth. Conclusively, some of the tested extracts exhibited significant chemopreventive properties, and so they may be used for food products.
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The seaweed Dictyotaceae family has a great wealth of diterpenes with important biological activities. Information on these diterpenes qualitative and quantitative aspects in conjunction with physiological data and abiotic parameters are essential to obtain an effective algal culture system that is a sustainable resource. In this study, the diterpene profile of Dictyota menstrualis and Canistrocarpus cervicornis were analyzed as a function of in vitro maintenance time and the influence of culture medium. The algae were collected in the state of Rio de Janeiro and subjected to an acclimation period in the laboratory. Then, the species were acclimated in aquaria containing seawater from the collection sites. Then biomass algal was divided into (i) control experiment (CC): Growth in sterilized seawater; (ii) enriched experiment (EE): Growth in sterilized seawater enriched with Provasoli/2. Triplicate experiments were maintained in vitro (2.4% m/v), and the medium was changed every 7 days. Diterpenes were monitored using dichloromethane extracts from dried algae: (a) collected in the field, (b) after the acclimation period, and (c) from experimental units taken every 7 days for a total of 21 days. Among the main results, we found response variables such as specific growth rate (SGR); moreover, positive data were obtained for the alga C. cervicornis in CC, and this was evident showing after 7 days of cultivation in the experimental control unit (CU). For D. menstrualis, the SGRs for the treatments were negative at the monitored time, which was due to biomass losses, frond breakage, and rapid decomposition of some individuals that did not withstand the stress conditions during their collection. The analysis of the chemical profile by GC-MS made it possible to monitor 12 diterpenes and one sterol in the alga D. menstrualis and 7 diterpenes in C. cervicorni. The correlations found by Generalized Linear Models (GLMs) and redundancy analysis (RDA) statistical analyzes between the diterpene profile with the monitored variables (Nitrate, ammonia and pH), showed correlations for 10 diterpenes of the species D. menstrualis and 1 of the C. cervicornis, our analyses are important for the discussion of metabolic plasticity of the Dictyotaceae family
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Astaxanthin is the main natural C40 carotenoid used worldwide in the aquaculture industry. It normally occurs in red yeast Phaffia rhodozyma and green alga Haematococcus pluvialis and a variety of aquatic sea creatures, such as trout, salmon, and shrimp. Numerous biological functions reported its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities since astaxanthin possesses the highest oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) and is considered to be over 500 more times effective than vitamin E and other carotenoids such as lutein and lycopene. Thus, synthetic and natural sources of astaxanthin have a commanding influence on industry trends, causing a wave in the world nutraceutical market of the encapsulated product. In vitro and in vivo studies have associated astaxanthin’s unique molecular features with various health benefits, including immunomodulatory, photoprotective, and antioxidant properties, providing its chemotherapeutic potential for improving stress tolerance, disease resistance, growth performance, survival, and improved egg quality in farmed fish and crustaceans without exhibiting any cytotoxic effects. Moreover, the most evident effect is the pigmentation merit, where astaxanthin is supplemented in formulated diets to ameliorate the variegation of aquatic species and eventually product quality. Hence, carotenoid astaxanthin could be used as a curative supplement for farmed fish, since it is regarded as an ecologically friendly functional feed additive in the aquaculture industry. In this review, the currently available scientific literature regarding the most significant benefits of astaxanthin is discussed, with a particular focus on potential mechanisms of action responsible for its biological activities.
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In present study, biochemical compositions (ash, lipid and protein) of five different macroalgae ((Green Algae (Chaetomorpha linum and Caulerpa prolifera), Red Algae (Pterocladiella capillacea), Brown Algae (Sargassum vulgare and Cystoseira amentacea)) and Angiosperms/Seagrass (Halophila stipulace) collected from Iskenderun Bay (Arsuz and Kale regions) in July 2019 were determined. The differences observed between biochemical compositions such as ash, lipid and protein of five macroalgae species and Angiosperms/Seagrass (Halophila stipulace) were statistically significant (p
Nghiên cứu này nhằm đánh giá ảnh hưởng của bổ sung hàm lượng dinh dưỡng đến sinh trưởng và chất lượng agar của rong câu chỉ (Gracillaria tenuistipitata) ở điều kiện thí nghiệm. Sáu nghiệm thức bổ sung các mức dinh dưỡng được bố trí ngẫu nhiên và mỗi nghiệm thức được lặp lại 3 lần. Nghiệm thức đối chứng không bổ sung dinh dưỡng, 5 nghiệm thức còn lại được bổ sung 5, 10, 15, 20 và 25 g/m3 với tần suất 1 lần/tuần, sử dụng phân vô cơ (urê và DAP, tỉ lệ N:P =10:1). Sinh khối rong ban đầu là 2 g/L, ở độ mặn 15‰. Sau 30 ngày, sinh khối và tăng trưởng của rong ở nghiệm thức 15 và 20 g/m3 đạt cao nhất và giảm ở mức bổ sung 25 g/m3. Hiệu suất và sức đông agar đạt cao nhất ở nghiệm thức đối chứng và thấp nhất ở nghiệm thức 25 g/m3, trong khi độ nhớt ở nghiệm thức đối chứng là thấp nhất. Nhiệt độ đông và nhiệt độ tan đông của agar khác nhau không có ý nghĩa thống kê (p>0,05) giữa các nghiệm thức bổ sung dinh dưỡng. Ngoài ra, hàm lượng protein của rong câu chỉ tương quan thuận với sự tăng mức bổ sung dinh dưỡng, ngược lại sức đông agar tương quan nghịch với hàm lượng protein của rong.
The polyculture of sea grape with whiteleg shrimp is considered as one of the strategic approaches to sustainable shrimp production. This is the first study to investigate the effects of integrating sea grape (Caulerpa lentillifera) with different densities of whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) on water quality, shrimp performances and sea grape proximate composition. The experiment was executed in indoor tank systems, comprising five treatments in randomly designed triplicate tanks, with five levels of shrimp densities (100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 individuals m⁻³) integrated with sea grape (1 kg m⁻³) for 56 days. The results showed that the polyculture of sea grape with shrimp significantly enhanced sea grape biomass and proximate composition in terms of protein, lipid and ash contents while maintaining adequate levels of total ammonia nitrogen (TAN), nitrite (NO2⁻), nitrate (NO3⁻), and phosphate (PO4³⁻) in the rearing tanks at high shrimp densities. Shrimp growth rates (weight gain, daily weight gain, and specific growth rate) tended to decrease at higher density levels, but there were no statistical differences (p > 0.05) among treatments at stocking densities ranging from 200 to 400 individuals m⁻³. Although shrimp survival was significantly reduced as stocking densities increased from 400 individuals m⁻³ upward; the lowest and highest shrimp yields were obtained at densities of 100 and 400 individuals m⁻³, respectively. Feed conversion ratios were higher at higher shrimp density; however, no significant difference was not observed between 300 and 400 individual m⁻³ groups. These findings indicated that polyculture of sea grape with whiteleg shrimp can perform up to 400 individuals m⁻³ while maintaining suitable water quality parameters and sustaining improved production efficiency in the culture unit.
Astaxanthin, a natural red pigment that belongs to the carotenoid group, has been known as a super antioxidant due to its very strong antioxidant activity (65 times higher than vitamin C, 54 times more potent than -carotene, and 14 times higher than vitamin E). Haematococcus pluvialis is known as microalgae with a high astaxanthin content. The benefit of astaxanthin in health issues is mainly its potential as the treatment for degenerative diseases caused by reactive oxygen or nitrogen species. Thus, it is important to develop Haematococcus pluvialis microalgae as a rich source of natural astaxanthin in the health and pharmaceutical industries.
Astaxanthin is a ketocarotenoid, super antioxidant molecule. It has higher antioxidant activity than a range of carotenoids, thus has applications in cosmetics, aquaculture, nutraceuticals, therapeutics, and pharmaceuticals. Naturally, it is derived from Haematococcus pluvialis via a one‐stage process or two‐stage process. Natural astaxanthin significantly reduces oxidative and free‐radical stress as compared to synthetic astaxanthin. The present review summarizes all the aspects of astaxanthin, including its structure, chemistry, bioavailability, and current production technology. Also, this paper gives a detailed mechanism for the potential role of astaxanthin as nutraceuticals for cardiovascular disease prevention, skin protection, antidiabetic and anticancer, cosmetic ingredient, natural food colorant, and feed supplement in poultry and aquaculture. Astaxanthin is one of the high‐valued microalgae products of the future. However, due to some risks involved or not having adequate research in terms of long‐term consumption, it is still yet to be explored by food industries. Although the cost of naturally derived astaxanthin is high, it accounts for only a 1% share in total astaxanthin available in the global market. Therefore, scientists are looking for ways to cut down the cost of natural astaxanthin to be made available to consumers.
The nitrogen relations of Enteromorpha spp. growing on intertidal mud flats have been examined over a twelve-month period. Nitrogen assimilation rates using 15N have been used to calculate the production of the alga and were between 0·046 and 0·217 mg (g dry wt alga)−1 h−1 A considerable quantity of the alga was buried beneath the sediment over the growth season and was calculated to be equivalent to an input of up to 9·52 g N m−2 per month and 32 g N m−2 over one complete growth season. Based on carbon, this latter value represented an input of approximately 320 g C m−2 annually. Low rates of nitrogenase activity (acetylene reduction) were found to be associated with the Enteromorpha. The organisms responsible for the nitrogenase activity were probably heterotrophic bacteria but they did not contribute significant quantities of nitrogen to the alga.
The primary aim of this study was to investigate differences in the digestibility of algal starches that could affect the diet choices of marine herbivorous fish. We examined nine species of algae from New Zealand. Five of these species were dietary (i.e. species eaten by herbivorous fish); three chlorophytes Enteromorpha sp., Ulva rigida, and Caulerpa geminata, and two rhodophytes Champia novae-zelandiae, and Gigartina livida. The other four species were nondietary, one chlorophyte Caulerpa flexilis, and three rhodophytes, Osmundaria colensoi, Plocamium costatum, and Asparagopsis armata. This study consisted of three main parts. First, we measured the ash, protein, lipid and starch content of the algae. Second, we examined the susceptibility of the algal starch to hydrolysis by digestive enzymes from four species of New Zealand marine fish. Samples of the dried, ground algae were digested with an extract of digestive enzymes from the herbivores Parma alboscapularis, Aplodactylus arctidens and Aplodactylus etheridgii, and the omnivore Girella tricuspidata. Third, we determined the ability of the enzyme extracts from the fish to hydrolyse the starch components amylose, amylopectin, and maltose. The ash, protein, lipid and starch content varied significantly among the algal species. The rate of starch hydrolysis from all four enzyme extracts also varied significantly among the algal species. Enzyme extracts from all fish species hydrolysed amylose more readily than amylopectin, and maltase activity was found in all enzyme extracts. There was no significant separation between dietary and nondietary algae on the basis of ash, lipid, or starch content, or rate of starch digestion. There was significant separation between dietary and nondietary algae on the basis of two variables: (1) protein content, which was highest in nondietary algae, and (2) when both starch content and the rate of starch digestion (glucose produced g−1 algae h−1) were taken into account, dietary algae was significantly higher than nondietary algae. We draw two main conclusions from this study. First, both starch content and starch digestibility may play a role in structuring the diet choices of marine herbivorous fishes. Second, measurements of either total soluble carbohydrates, or total storage polysaccharides will not reflect assimilable energy in algivorous fish. Estimation of assimilable energy requires an examination of the nutritional components of the algae in relation to the digestive physiology of the herbivore.
Carrageenan characterisation by chemical means is long and complex. 13C NMR is undoubtedly the technique providing the most information, but the apparatus is expensive and measurement times are long. For several important problems in carrageenan characterisation, rheological methods provide quantitative information, comparable, for practical purposes, with that obtained by NMR. In particular,the apparent elastic modulus (G’app) is followed as a function of temperature, during cooling. Small amounts of kappa carrageenan in supposedly pure samples of the iota form have a great impact on the rheology and apparent ion selectivity of the latter. Using the elasticity/temperature relationship, as little as 2% of the kappa form can be detected in samples of iota carrageenan. The fraction of precursor sugars is another important parameter in the gelling of carrageenans. The form of the elasticity /temperature function is strongly dependent on the fraction of precursor sugars. Finally, it is shown that the elasticity/temperature relationship can provide a useful ‘fingerprint’ of heterogeneous carrageenans.
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Phenology of a seagrass Impact of tidal submergence on astaxanthin content (Halodule wrightii) bed on the southeast coast of of mangroves
Ambrosio, 1997. Phenology of a seagrass Impact of tidal submergence on astaxanthin content (Halodule wrightii) bed on the southeast coast of of mangroves. Ultra science, 18(2): 117-122.