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Insights into layout patterns of mobile user interfaces by an automatic analysis of Android apps

  • Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU Munich)

Abstract and Figures

Mobile phones recently evolved into smartphones that provide a wide range of services. One aspect that differentiates smartphones from their predecessor is the app model. Users can easily install third party applications from central mobile application stores. In this paper we present a process to gain insights into mobile user interfaces on a large scale. Using the developed process we automatically disassemble and analyze the 400 most popular free Android applications. The results suggest that the complexity of the user interface differs between application categories. Further, we analyze interface layouts to determine the most frequent interface elements and identify combinations of interface widgets. The most common combination that consists of three nested elements covers 5.43% of all interface elements. It is more frequent than progress bars and checkboxes. The ten most frequent patterns together cover 21.13% of all interface elements. They are all more frequent than common widget including radio buttons and spinner. We argue that the combinations identified not only provide insights about current mobile interfaces, but also enable the development of new optimized widgets.
The average number of activities (left), layouts (center), and images (right) for the ten categories with the most frequent applications in our data set. Error bars show standard error. p<.001) and Shopping (M=36.89, SD=24.07, p<.05). Entertainment apps (M=21.41, SD=17.34) have significantly less activities than Social Networks applications (p<.01). Furthermore, applications in the Social Networks category have significantly more activities than Music & Audio apps (M=24.97, SD=19.41, p<.05) and Books & References apps (M=18.94, SD=17.83, p<.01). Layouts We further investigated if the average number of layouts per application statistically differ between the categories. Again, Levene's test indicates that the assumption of homogeneity is violated F(9,289)=4.44, p<.001. An ANOVA reveals a significant difference between the categories, F(9,289)=6.87, p<.001. Games-Howell post hoc test reveals eight pairwise significant differences between the categories. Applications in the category Tool (M=29.64, SD=35.52) have less layouts than applications in the categories Communication (M=88.16, SD=98.72, p<0.05), Efficiency (M=65.38, SD=45.99, p<.01), Social Networks (M=118.88, SD=76.21, p<.001), Music & Audio (M=66.35, SD=51.13, p<.05), and Shopping (M=106.53, SD=74.39, p<.01). Applications in the Entertainment category (M=49.68, SD=57.74) have fewer layouts compared to applications in the category Social Networks (p<.01). Efficiency applications have fewer layouts than Social Network applications (p<.05).
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Insights into Layout Patterns of Mobile User Interfaces
by an Automatic Analysis of Android Apps
Alireza Sahami Shirazi, Niels Henze,
Albrecht Schmidt
University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Robin Goldberg,
Benjamin Schmidt, Hansj¨
org Schmauder
University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Mobile phones recently evolved into smartphones that pro-
vide a wide range of services. One aspect that differentiates
smartphones from their predecessor is the app model. Users
can easily install third party applications from central mobile
application stores. In this paper we present a process to gain
insights into mobile user interfaces on a large scale. Using the
developed process we automatically disassemble and analyze
the 400 most popular free Android applications. The results
suggest that the complexity of the user interface differs be-
tween application categories. Further, we analyze interface
layouts to determine the most frequent interface elements and
identify combinations of interface widgets. The most com-
mon combination that consists of three nested elements cov-
ers 5.43% of all interface elements. It is more frequent than
progress bars and checkboxes. The ten most frequent patterns
together cover 21.13% of all interface elements. They are all
more frequent than common widget including radio buttons
and spinner. We argue that the combinations identified not
only provide insights about current mobile interfaces, but also
enable the development of new optimized widgets.
Author Keywords
mobile applications; user interface; design, pattern; widget;
android; reverse engineering; apps
ACM Classification Keywords
H5.2 [Information interfaces and presentation]: User
Interfaces. - Graphical user interfaces.
Over the last decade, mobile phones became the most ubiq-
uitous devices. Worldwide mobile phone subscriptions grew
to almost 6 billion in 2011 [25]. Recently, mobile phones
evolved from simple phones to sophisticated smartphones
with various sensors, powerful processors, and run third-party
applications. In particular, with the emergence of the iPhone,
Android, and recently Windows Phone, smartphones became
open for third-party developers. The market share of smart-
phones is dramatically increasing. According to Nielsen half
of the mobile subscribers in the US own a smartphone [21].
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies
bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, or
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific
permission and/or a fee.
EICS’13, June 24–27, 2013, London, United Kingdom.
Copyright 2013 ACM 978-1-4503-2138-9/13/06...$15.00.
Figure 1. Four common UI element combinations extracted from 400
popular apps downloaded from Google Play. Combinations are describe
as follows: <parent element><child element1>,<child element2>
Smartphone users are no longer limited to the applications
provided by the phone’s manufacturer. One of the main as-
pects that differentiate smartphones from their precursor is
the app model. Users can easily install third-party appli-
cations from application stores. Development environments
and centralized application stores are available for all major
smartphone platforms. They enable developers to easily build
and distribute mobile applications. Together, over a million
applications are available for current smartphones in the most
prominent stores, i.e., Google Play and Apple’s App Store.
The most popular apps have been installed several million
times. In September 2012, Google reported ”... We’ve now
crossed 25 billion downloads from Google Play ...” [3].
Today, popular smartphone applications are among the most
widely used applications in general. A number of disciplines
try to learn about the nature of mobile applications from their
own perspective. The general approach is to collect a large
number of mobile applications and develop automatic means
to analyze them. Software engineering researchers, for ex-
ample, developed techniques that automatically find privacy
leaks in Android applications [10]. They show that widely
used applications leak private data. Obviously, it is crucial
that applications are not only trustworthy but also usable by
a diverse population. It is therefore important to investigate
the nature of existing mobile applications from a user inter-
face design perspective. Previous work developed techniques
for model driven engineering [23], investigated formal meth-
ods for prototyping and simulating mobile and ubiquitous
systems [29] and presented interactive tools for reverse en-
gineering UI code [28]. While previous work formalizes and
generates UIs through model-driven design it is necessary to
learn about currently used patterns to close the gap between
formal approaches and commercial systems.
In this paper, we investigate a large number of popular An-
droid applications. We automatically download and ana-
lyze 400 popular Android applications from Google Play,
Google’s official application store for Android devices. We
decode the application to reconstruct their source. We re-
trieve and assess the layouts, user interface elements, and the
features used. We determine common interface elements and
identify patterns how they are combined and used. The con-
tribution of this paper is threefold: (1) we describe the dis-
assembling of Android application packages (APK) and how
information can be retrieved from the decoded files, (2) we
report the most common features and components used by
popular mobile applications, and (3) we determine the most
common user interface elements and identify common com-
binations (see Figure 1 for an example).
The paper is constructed as follows: first we discuss related
work followed by an explanation of how to disassemble An-
droid application packages. Then, we describe the data set
used for our investigation. We report features and compo-
nents extracted from the data set. Later, we discuss the anal-
ysis of user interface elements and the patterns retrieved. We
address the limitations we come across. Finally, we conclude
our findings and describe potential future work.
Mobile applications are currently distributed through market
places, such as Apple’s App Store and Google Play. Users
access these marketplaces to download applications. Re-
searchers continually investigate, collect data, and monitor
users’ application usage behavior to gain insights into how
users interact with their mobile phones. For example, Cui
and Roto investigated how people surf the mobile web [8].
They state that the duration of web sessions is short in gen-
eral, but browser usage is longer if users are connected to
WiFi. B¨
ohmer et al. conduct a large-scale study and log
detailed application usage information from mobile Android
devices [7]. They report basic and contextual descriptive stat-
ics. Moeller et al. analyze the update behavior and security
implications in the Google Play market [20]. They describe
that users do not install an update even seven days after it is
released. The usage of smartphone-based services is exam-
ined by observing 14 teenage users in [22]. It is reported that
usage is highly mobile, location dependent, and serves multi-
ple social purposes. Verkasalo [31] also shows that users use
certain types of mobile services in certain contexts. He finds
that users mostly use browsers and multimedia services when
they are on the move, but play more games while they are at
home. Balagtas et al. assess different user interface designs
and input techniques for touch-screen phones [6].
Another strand of work explored users’ behavior while us-
ing and interacting with mobile applications. Henze et al.,
for example, assess the touch performance on mobile applica-
tions [13]. They derive a compensation function that shifts the
users’ touches to reduce the number of errors. Further, they
investigate the typing behavior using a virtual keyboard on
mobile phones [14] and conclude that visualizing the touched
positions using a simple dot decreases the error rate of the
Android keyboard. Leiva et al. [17] investigate mobile ap-
plication interruptions caused by intentional switching back
and forth between applications and unintended interruptions
caused by incoming phone calls. They report that these inter-
ruptions rarely happen. But when they do, they may introduce
a significant overhead.
Furthermore, various projects have investigated dynamic
analysis of mobile applications. Szydlowski et al. discuss
challenges for dynamic analysis of iOS applications [30]. The
challenges are mainly driven from graphical user interfaces.
Lim and Bentley use AppEco, an artificial life model of mo-
bile application ecosystems, to simulate the Apple’s iOS app
ecosystem [18]. Researchers have presented methodologies
for automatically analyzing applications to find possible se-
curity problems and user interface bugs. Gilbert et al. pro-
pose a security validation system that analyzes applications
and generates reports of potential security and privacy vio-
lation [11]. Permissions requested by Android applications
are used to detect potentially malicious applications [9]. Di
Cerbo et al. present an approach to detect malware Android
applications. The approach relies on the comparison of the
Android security permissions of each application with a set
of reference models for applications that manage sensitive
data. Andromaly is another framework for detecting malware
on Android mobile devices [27]. It collects various features
and events from the phone and classifies them using machine
learning anomaly detectors. Mahmood et al. describe an anal-
ysis technique for automated security testing of Android apps
[19]. The technique generates a large number of test cases for
fuzzing an app and testing its security. Hu and Neamtiu in-
troduce an approach to verify graphical user interface (GUI)
bugs in Android applications [16]. It automatically generates
test cases and feeds the application random events to generate
trace files and analyze them. AndroidRipper is an automated
technique that test Android apps via their GUI [5]. An app’s
GUI is explored with the aim of exercising it in a structured
manner. Zhang et al. also present technique to find invalid
thread access errors in multithread GUI applications [32].
In contrast to previous work and instead of accessing cer-
tain users’ interaction or application usage, we analyze An-
droid applications’ source code to obtain insight into com-
mon components, features, and user interface elements used.
To achieve this goal, we downloaded 400 of the most popular
Android application packages (APKs) from the marketplace
and analyzed them to extract valuable information.
At the conception of this paper, the Android ecosystem is
the most popular smartphone platform. Like other mobile
platforms, the Android system is centered on the concept of
apps that usually focus on a set of specific services. An-
droid phones come with a number of pre-installed apps, in-
cluding the phone app used to make and receive phone calls
and the web browser app for surfing the web. Android users
can install additional apps from Android marketplaces such as
Google Play, Google’s application store for the Android plat-
form. Android apps are developed using the Android Soft-
ware Development Kit (SDK). It provides a frame for devel-
oping apps and ensures that a certain structure and metadata
is provided by the developer. An app is then packaged into
an Android application package (APK) file. APKs are file
archives used to install applications on the Android system.
Structure of Android applications
Android applications are typically written in the program-
ming language Java using the Android SDK. The Android
SDK compiles the source code along with all data and re-
source files, into an APK file, which is an archive file with an
.apk suffix. All of the code and resources in a single APK file
is considered as one application.
The essential building blocks of an Android app are the appli-
cation components. While there are different types of appli-
cations components, users only interact with so called activ-
ities, directly. The Android developer guidelines [1] recom-
mend that each activity represents a single screen with a user
interface. An application often consists of multiple activities
but typically, one activity of an app is specified as the “main”
activity, which is presented to the user when the application is
launched. Having more main activities in an app allows users
to enter the app from different starting points (e.g., launch the
Skype app from the home screen or from the address book).
An activity can start other activities to perform different ac-
tions. Only one activity can be in the foreground and thus,
users can only interact with one activity at a time.
An activity’s user interface is structured by a hierarchy of
views. Each view controls a rectangular space within the ac-
tivity’s window and can respond to user input. For example,
a view can be a button that initiates an action when the user
touches it. The most common way to define a layout (accord-
ing to the developer guidelines) is to use XML layout files.
These XML layout files offer a human-readable structure for
the UI’s layout, similar to HTML. However, it is also possible
to define a layout programmatically.
Android developers can use resources to separate graphical
objects and texts from the source code. Most importantly, re-
sources include the XML layout files that describe the user
interface, images, and texts. All resources are organized in
files and folders that are located in the ‘res’ folder of the ap-
plication project. An app can contain resources for differ-
ent languages, screen resolutions, and screen sizes. The re-
sources enable to provide a single APK that supports a range
of devices and is localized to different regions. Resources are
referenced in the source code and the layout files.
An app’s important metadata is specified in the ‘manifest’ file.
This file specifies all activities and, in particular, defines an
app’s main activities. Having no main activity means that the
app is started without any user interfaces (e.g, a service runs
in the background). Furthermore, it declares which security
permissions the app requests (e.g., Internet access, activation
of the vibrator, or retrieval of location information).
Decoding Android application packages
To analyze Android apps from third parties, we extract the
content from APKs and convert the included files to a human-
readable form. To decode an APK, we use the apktool [2], an
Figure 2. Steps to decode Android application packages
open-source tool for reverse engineering binary APK files.
This tool decodes APK files almost to the original Android
application project. The apktool reconstructs the complete
resource folders including all layout files, pictures, anima-
tions, and string files. Furthermore, it provides the source
code of the app in the intermediate ‘Smali’ format [4]. Smali
is an assembler language that is equivalent to the byte code
for Android’s Java Virtual Machine. The files resulted from
unpacking an APK are used for analysis of its source code and
to obtain insights into features and components used. Figure
2 shows the steps required to unpack an AKP file.
Inspecting decoded application packages
After decoding an APK file, we then analyze the app’s files
and folders. Next, we analyze the metadata specified in the
app’s manifest. Finally, we determine the interface layouts
included. In the following we describe the information that
we retrieve in each step.
Analysis of files & folders structures
To determine information about resources, we first parse the
APK’s res folder to inspect the names of the files and folders.
An Android application can have multiple sets of resources,
for example, to support multiple languages. Each resource set
is customized for a different device configuration. The An-
droid OS automatically chooses the resources that best match
the device. To create alternative resources, specific suffixes
are used in the files’ and folders’ name. Suffixes can be lan-
guages indicated by region codes (e.g., DE for German, FR
for French), screen sizes (e.g., small, normal, large, xlarge),
and screen orientation (e.g., port for portrait mode, land for
landscape mode). Analysis of the res folder reveals the fol-
lowing information:
Graphical Objects: Static images are located in the
res/drawable/ folder and animations are located in the
res/anim/ folder. We can determine the number of images
and animations as well as their formats.
Languages: The res/value–<suffix>/folders contain the
texts used by the application. We use the names of the fold-
ers to determine the number of languages supported in an
User Interface layouts: The XML files that describe the lay-
out of the user interface are located in res/layout–<suffix>/.
By parsing this folder, we can estimate how many user in-
terfaces the application has.
Screen resolutions: We examine the suffixes of the res
folder to identify devices an app specifically addresses
(with a specific screen size or a screen pixel density). If
no specific suffix is used, it can be assumed that the appli-
cation’s layouts support all screen sizes. However, it is also
possible to optionally specify screen sizes an app supports
in the manifest file.
Analysis of the Metadata
We determine an app’s metadata by analyzing its manifest
file. The manifest includes the application name and de-
scribes the components of the application. We extract the per-
mission(s) an app requires. In addition, the manifest also con-
tains the app’s minimum and the maximum application pro-
gramming interface (API) level. This API level is equivalent
to a specific version of the Android platform. All activities of
the app are also declared in the manifest. We determine the
number of activities as well as the main activities that can be
identified through the android.intent.action.MAIN attribute.
User Interface Layouts and Elements
To determine which activities use which layouts, we combine
activities declared in the manifest file with the activity’s cor-
responding Smali file. For each activity, we parse the Smali
file to find the call of the SetContentView() method. This
method includes an ID for the layout file that is used to render
the user interface on the screen. With this ID, it is possible to
determine the respective XML layout file. Thus, it is possible
to parse the layout files and extract UI elements used in the
layouts. The elements in the layout are either Android stan-
dard elements such as a <TextView>— a widget for display-
ing texts—or custom elements implemented by developers.
To analyze typical Android applications we downloaded
APKs from the Google Play market. We implemented a
script that downloads APKs using the android-market-api1.
The script connects to the market’s server using an existing
Google account that is linked to an Android device. The
script can download all free apps that are not protected. Using
the API, we downloaded and stored the APKs of the top 400
highest ranked apps from the Google Play market on August
20th, 2012.
We configured the query to the Google Play server to receive
free applications ordered by descending popularity. We also
store additional information provided by the market while
downloading the APKs such as the application name, its cate-
gory, users’ average rating, and its popularity rank. The used
Android Market API requires an Android device ID in order
to download apps from the store. We used a HTC Wildfire’s
device ID to download apps and did not explicitly specify any
locale information. However, the device’s locale used was
German. Also the SIM card installed on the device and the IP
address of the server were both from Germany. Among the
1The android-market-api is an open-source API for the Android
Market. It is not affiliated with Google:
com/p/android-market- api/ accessed 17.12.2012
Category N Rating Activities Layouts Images
Tools 58 4.37 14.00 29.64 34.47
Communication 37 4.29 36.65 88.16 65.22
Entertainment 34 4.17 21.41 49.68 23.56
Efficiency 34 4.38 25.32 65.38 60.29
Social Networks 34 4.11 44.44 118.88 74.71
Music & Audio 31 4.19 24.97 66.35 59.77
Photography 21 4.34 24.57 60.76 61.81
Shopping 19 4.03 36.89 106.53 56.89
Books & References 16 4.25 18.94 54.81 50.50
Travel & Locales 15 4.21 40.73 131.47 73.73
Lifestyle 14 4.30 37.57 89.43 41.43
Health & Fitness 13 4.28 50.77 93.92 55.38
Media & Videos 12 4.34 22.92 53.08 37.75
Personalization 11 4.44 15.45 55.82 29.55
News & Magazines 11 4.10 24.73 66.09 40.09
Finances 10 4.26 61.10 118.40 44.20
Office 8 4.12 25.25 99.38 69.38
Weather 8 4.24 18.13 36.25 166.50
Sports 7 3.98 40.00 136.29 46.86
Software & Demos 4 4.28 1.25 1.75 0.00
Learning 3 3.72 39.33 88.00 78.67
Table 1. The distribution of the apps downloaded and analyzed within
the different application categories. The last three columns show the
average number of activities, layouts, and images in the respective cate-
400 apps downloaded, some were clearly associated with lo-
cales outside Germany, e.g., “Domino’s Pizza USA” or “FOX
News”. Therefore, we assume that our approach did not dis-
tort the popularity order due to our language or locale config-
We downloaded APKS from 21 different categories. Cate-
gories with the highest numbers of apps are “Tools” (14.5 %)
and “Communication” (9.2 %). Table 1 shows the number of
applications in each category. We intentionally did not down-
load games. The average rating of the applications was 4.25
(Median =4.36, SD =0.45). 80 % of the applications had
a rating of four or higher. It is obvious that popular apps are
likely to be highly rated. However, there were few applica-
tions with low ratings, i.e., the app “More for me” from the
“Shopping” category with a 1.88 rating and a rank of 131.
The three categories with the best average rating were “Per-
sonalization”, “Efficiency”, and “Tools” (ratings from 4.37 to
4.44). Lowest average ratings were found in the categories
“Shopping”, “Sports”, and “Learning” (3.72 to 4.03).
After downloading the APKs, we decoded them using the
aforementioned process. This resulted in 778,071 files or-
ganized in 47,706 folders.
We assessed the applications’ resources that can be used to
internationalize them to determine which languages an app
explicitly supports. For all inspected apps, English is the de-
fault language. Including regional variation (e.g., ”en us” and
”en gb”) we found a total of 235 other languages. On aver-
age, an app supports 12.74 languages (SD=16.42). 47 apps
support only the default English and 56 support an additional
language. More than half of the apps (216) support five or
more languages. Figure 3 shows the 12 most frequently sup-
ported languages (without the default English). The most
common languages besides English are Chinese (63.8 %),
Figure 3. The 12 most frequently supported languages (besides English).
Spanish (56.6 %), and French (47.6 %). In total, 30 differ-
ent languages are supported by more than 50 apps (12.5 %).
Supported screen
Parsing the resource files’ suffixes reveals which applications
support devices with different pixel densities and screen sizes.
For the pixel density (dpi) there are four suffixes: ldpi (low
dpi), mdpi (medium), hdpi (high dpi), and xhdpi (extra high
dpi). The analysis shows that only 173 apps explicitly sup-
port all four variants and 26 apps do not specifically address
any density type. 93% of the applications support hdpi, 75%
mdpi, 70% lpdi, and 50% xdpi. Four suffixes are used for
the screen size: small (low-density QVGA screen), normal
(medium-density HVGA screen), large (a medium-density
VGA screen), xlarge (medium-density HVGA screen). Nine
apps support all four screen sizes explicitly and 215 apps do
not specify any screen size. The screen size “large” is the
most common size supported by 170 apps.
It should be mentioned that a screen size or screen density
suffix does not imply that the resources are only for screens of
that size or density. If resources with suffixes that match the
current device configuration are not provided, the system may
use whichever resources match best. This can be a reason that
most apps do not explicitly provide specific resources.
App’s launchers (main activities)
As previously mentioned, apps can have more than one main
activity. Parsing the manifest files shows that 10 apps have no
main activity, 300 apps have one main activity, and 90 apps
that have more than one main activity. The Kayak app has the
highest number of main activities (64).
Analysis of the permissions
We investigated the metadata provided by each application by
analyzing their manifest files. In total, we extracted 355 dif-
ferent permissions (M=11.2 permissions per app, SD=7.83).
In particular, we looked at Android standard permissions the
applications require. From the 355 permissions, 121 are
Android standard permission (M=9.6 permissions per app,
SD=6.6). Figure 4 shows the ten most common Android
standard permissions. The three most frequently used per-
missions are Internet access (8.7% of all extracted permis-
sions), the permission to determine if network access is avail-
able (7.9%), and the permission to store data on the mobile
phone’s external storage (6.8%).
Figure 4. The most frequent Android standard permissions.
Tactile Feedback. Most Android devices are equipped with
a vibration motor that is used to provide tactile feedback. A
permission is required to activate the vibration motor. The
results show that 47.25% of the applications use vibration
motor to provide tactile feedback.
Location Information. We were also interested in the use of
contextual information such as the user’s location. In to-
tal, 190 applications can access the device’s location. 154
apps use the fine location information provided by the GPS
sensor and 147 accessed coarse location details (e.g., de-
termined via the phone network’s Cell-ID or visible WiFi
networks). 111 applications can access both, the fine loca-
tion and the coarse location of the device.
Connectivity. 96.25% of the applications use the Internet ac-
cess permission. Further analysis reveals that 10.25% of the
applications use the Bluetooth connectivity, 8.25% have the
permission to send SMS, and 2.5% use near field commu-
nication (NFC). It should be mention that not all mobile
phones support the NFC technology.
Number of User Interfaces
To examine whether the user interface of applications from
various categories differ, we conducted a statistical analysis
of the most frequent categories in our data set. Because of
the small sample size for some categories we focus on the ten
most frequent categories (N>=15). We use the number of
activities, the number of layouts, and the number of images
as indicators for the complexity of the user interface. Table 1
provides an overview of the number of activities, layouts, and
images for each category. To determine if categories are dif-
ferent we did an analysis of variance (ANOVA). As we were
doubtful that the variances are equivalent, a Games-Howell
post hoc test is used for the pairwise comparison.
After extracting the number of activities for each app, we
assessed if the average number of activities differ between
the ten most frequent categories. Levene’s test indicates that
the assumption of homogeneity is violated F(9,289)=3.89,
p<.001. An ANOVA test reveals a significant difference be-
tween the categories, F(9,289)=5.14, p<.001. Games-Howell
post hoc test shows six pairwise significant differences be-
tween the categories. Applications in the category Tool
(M=14.00, SD=17.34) have fewer activities than applica-
tions in the categories Social Networks (M=44.44, SD=27.64,
Figure 5. The average number of activities (left), layouts (center), and images (right) for the ten categories with the most frequent applications in our
data set. Error bars show standard error.
p<.001) and Shopping (M=36.89, SD=24.07, p<.05). En-
tertainment apps (M=21.41, SD=17.34) have significantly
less activities than Social Networks applications (p<.01).
Furthermore, applications in the Social Networks category
have significantly more activities than Music & Audio apps
(M=24.97, SD=19.41, p<.05) and Books & References apps
(M=18.94, SD=17.83, p<.01).
We further investigated if the average number of layouts per
application statistically differ between the categories. Again,
Levene’s test indicates that the assumption of homogeneity
is violated F(9,289)=4.44, p<.001. An ANOVA reveals a
significant difference between the categories, F(9,289)=6.87,
p<.001. Games-Howell post hoc test reveals eight pair-
wise significant differences between the categories. Ap-
plications in the category Tool (M=29.64, SD=35.52) have
less layouts than applications in the categories Communica-
tion (M=88.16, SD=98.72, p<0.05), Efficiency (M=65.38,
SD=45.99, p<.01), Social Networks (M=118.88, SD=76.21,
p<.001), Music & Audio (M=66.35, SD=51.13, p<.05), and
Shopping (M=106.53, SD=74.39, p<.01). Applications in
the Entertainment category (M=49.68, SD=57.74) have fewer
layouts compared to applications in the category Social Net-
works (p<.01). Efficiency applications have fewer layouts
than Social Network applications (p<.05).
Further, we compared the average number of images per ap-
plication. Levene’s test shows that the assumption of homo-
geneity is not violated F(9,289)=0.64, p=.77. An ANOVA
test revealed no significant difference between the categories,
F(9,289)=1.03, p=.413. We therefore, refrained from con-
ducting a post hoc analysis.
Looking at the charts shows in Figure 5 suggests that there
might be a correlation between the number of activities, lay-
outs, and images of an application. Therefore, we further in-
vestigate the correlation between the number of activities, the
number of layouts, and the number of images. The Pearson
correlation reveals that there are significant pairwise correla-
tions between all three parameters. There is a strong correla-
tion between the number of activities and the number of lay-
outs (r=0.79, p<.0001). Furthermore, there is a correlation
between the number of activities and the number of images
(r=0.29, p<.0001) and between the number of layouts and
the number of images (r=0.39, p<.0001). While it is not sur-
prising that an application with a larger number of activities
has a larger number of layouts, the strong correlation suggest
a common pattern.
Of the Android applications we analyzed, we found that
88.25% support more languages in addition to English. Fur-
thermore, we determined that a diverse range of languages is
supported and the majority supports five or more languages.
The results suggest that popular Android applications are di-
verse in terms of supported languages. It can be assumed that
the chance to become popular is much higher if an application
supports languages in addition to English.
We analyzed the applications’ number of activities, layout
files, and images. It is shown that applications from differ-
ent categories use significantly different number of activities
and layout files. We show that tools and as well as appli-
cations from the categories Entertainment, Efficiency, Music
& Audio, Photography, and Books & References have fewer
views and interface layouts than applications from the cat-
egories: Communication, Social Networks, Shopping, and
Travel. The strong linear correlation between the number of
activities and the number of layout files suggests a linear fac-
tor. Further, it is not common that an app provides more than
one entry point. Only 20% of the apps have more than one
main activity. With 96.25%, the overwhelming majority of
the applications analyzed require Internet access and almost
half of the applications (47.50%) access location information.
While there are different reasons why an application requires
Internet access (e.g., to display advertisements), the very high
number of applications that require it still suggest that the ma-
jority of the applications rely on dynamic content. In partic-
ular, if ads are considered dynamic content. Notably, almost
half of the applications (47.25%) can provide tactile feedback
through the phones’ vibration motor. Furthermore, the apps
explicitly support various devices based on screen pixel den-
sities rather than screen sizes.
Applications from the categories differ in terms of interface
complexity. Tools, for example, have distinctly fewer views
and layouts compared to social networks. Tools, as the name
of the category suggests, address specific use cases. A typi-
cal example is the application “Spirit Level Plus” that enables
use of the device as a spirit level. However, the few numbers
of activities and layouts of other categories (i.e., Entertain-
ment, Efficiency, Music & Audio, Photography, and Books &
Layout Apps Percent Total
LinearLayout 390 66.95 51780
RelativeLayout 365 24.20 18716
FrameLayout 307 7.82 6048
ScrollView 332 2.35 3733
ListView 325 1.77 2814
TableLayout 167 0.92 710
AbsoluteLayout 35 0.12 89
Table 2. The seven standard layout containers. The columns show the
name of the layout container, the number of applications that use the
layout, the percent of the total number of layout containers, and the
total number of times they are used.
Widget Apps Percent Total
TextView 383 35.50 56467
ImageView 380 15.59 24794
Button 355 9.37 14912
View 271 4.35 6917
EditText 318 2.91 4628
ImageButton 294 2.71 4308
ProgressBar 300 1.67 2662
CheckBox 285 1.54 2443
RadioButton 176 0.76 1213
Spinner 178 0.48 759
Table 3. The ten most frequently used widgets used by the applications.
The columns show the name of the widget, the number of applications
that use the widget, the percent of the total number of widgets, and the
total number of times they are used.
References) suggest that they also address specific use cases.
We are further interested in common UI elements and poten-
tial design patterns used in the applications. The user inter-
faces of Android applications are typically defined in XML
layout files. These files help to define the interface elements
and their structures. In the following, we briefly describe An-
droid user interfaces. We determine which interface elements
are most frequently used in Android applications. By analyz-
ing the hierarchy of interface elements, we identify common
interface elements combinations.
Android User Interface Layouts
The user interface of an Android application consists of a set
of activities. Each activity represents a single screen with an
interface. Each of these interfaces is a composition of widgets
such text boxes, checkboxes, and buttons. These widgets are
embedded in layout containers that define the visual structure
of the interface. By nesting layout containers in other layout
containers, the developer creates a tree of UI elements. While
it is also possible to define the user interface directly in the
source code, the Android developer guidelines recommend
declaring the trees of UI elements in XML layout files.
The Android API provides a number of different layout con-
tainers that structure the arrangement of the embedded ele-
ments. In addition, developers can define their own widgets
and layout containers. The five most common layout con-
tainers are briefly described in the following. The Linear-
Layout arranges its elements in a single column or a single
row. The RelativeLayout allows for relative positioning of its
elements in relation to each other or the parent. The Frame-
Layout blocks out an area on the screen to display a single
item. The TableLayout is similar to the LinearLayout but can
Figure 6. The average number of layouts per application for the seven
standard Android layout container. Error bars show standard deviation
Figure 7. The average number of widgets per application for the most
frequent widgets in our data set. Error bars show standard deviation
arrange its elements in rows and columns. The AbsolutLay-
out enables specification of the exact locations of it elements
and, hence, it is less flexible and harder to maintain.
While the layout containers provide the structure of the inter-
face, the user only interacts with the embedded widgets. An-
droid provides typical widgets that are also used in Desktop
applications and the Web. Typical examples are the TextView
(a text label), ImageView (an image), the Button, EditText (to
enter text), and the ProgressBar (visual indicator of progress).
One can also implement and use customized elements.
User Interface Elements
In total, we retrieved 29,086 XML layout files from the 400
Android applications. We analyzed the XML layout files to
determine the most frequent layout containers and widgets. In
total, the layout files contain 77,343 Android standard layout
containers and 159,072 widgets. Thus, there are about twice
as many widgets than layout containers.
Table 2 shows all standard layout containers in our data set.
The LinearLayout accounts for 66.95% of all layout contain-
ers and is used by 390 applications. The RelativeLayout ac-
counts for 24.20% of all layout containers and is used by 365
applications. The FrameLayout and the ScrollView are used
by the majority of the applications (307 and 332 applications)
but account for only 7.82% and 2.35% of all layout contain-
ers. The TableLayout is used by 167 applications and the
AbsoluteLayout is used by 35 applications. Both account for
less than one percent of the total number of standard layout
containers. Figure 6 shows the average frequency of a layout
is used by an application.
We also extracted the Android standard widgets used in the
applications. From the 159,072 widgets retrieved, TextView
is by far the most common element (35.5%) followed by Im-
Figure 8. The most common layout patterns.
Figure 9. The use of common layout patterns by the apps.
ageView (15.6%), and Button (9.4%). Table 3 shows the ten
most frequent widgets. Together, these frequently used wid-
gets account for 74.87% of the total number of the extracted
widgets and are used by more than half of the 400 applica-
tions. Figure 7 further depicts how often on average a widget
is used by an application.
In addition to the standard Android elements, we found 4,022
custom layout and widget elements used in layout files. These
layout containers and widgets are often custom buttons or lay-
outs, but also complete gallery views or a date-time picker.
User Interface Patterns
After extracting all widgets and layouts, we further analyzed
the layout files. We determined how elements are combined
together and used to obtain potential user interface design pat-
terns. We inspected the combination of widget elements as
well as combination of elements and their layout types.
To achieve this, we assessed layouts and their embedded ele-
ments. The elements in a layout file are hierarchically struc-
tured. Therefore, we parsed the hierarchy of the layout files to
retrieve parents and their child elements. This means that for
an element, we had its parent element as well as its siblings (if
any exist). This allowed us to extract available combinations
of elements. Then, we counted how often the combinations
are used in order to find the common patterns.
In total we identified 22,870 unique combinations of ele-
ments. 75.8% of these combinations are used only once. The
patterns can be classified in two different types. One type
of pattern consists of a layout container that contains another
layout elements as well as widgets. The most common pat-
Figure 10. The most common widget patterns.
Figure 11. The use of most common widget patterns used by the apps.
tern is a ScrollView that contains a LinearLayout. This com-
bination can present more content in a linear fashion then the
screen can show at once. Figure 8 shows the nine most fre-
quent layout patterns. We also checked how many apps used
these patterns. The most frequent pattern is used in 307 ap-
plications. Interestingly, the second most frequent pattern,
which is a linear layout nested in a linear layout, is used in
fewer applications than the third pattern, i.e., two linear lay-
outs nested in a linear layout (236 vs. 248 applications). The
use of the frequent patterns is shown in Figure 9. The appli-
cations in the Learning category use the patterns on average,
more often than other categories.
The second type of pattern consists of layout elements that
only contaion widget elements. Figure 10 presents the ten
most frequent combinations. Having two TextViews in a Lin-
earLayout is the most frequent pattern used in the applica-
tions. The second frequent pattern is a LinearLayout that has
one TextView, and the third one is an ImageView together
with a TextView in a LinearLayout. We also observed the
use of ButtonViews in different patterns. The use of patterns
by the applications reveals similar trend for the top three pat-
terns. However, the pattern which consists of two buttons
nested in a linear layout (forth most frequent pattern) is used
less than the pattern which has single button nested in a lin-
ear layout (fifth frequent pattern). Figure 11 shows the use
of patterns in the applications. The applications in the Social
Network category use this type of pattern on average more
often than other categories.
We analyzed the interface layouts of the 400 most popular
Android applications. We determined which interface wid-
gets and layout containers are most frequently used. We
found that the two widgets TextView and ImageView that are
just used to show labels and images account for over 50%
of all widgets. While it is rather obvious that widgets that
display information are more common than interactive wid-
gets, the proportion is still surprising. We found, for exam-
ple, 47 times more TextViews than RadioButtons. Some in-
teractive standard widgets, such as the ToggleButton and the
SeekBar, can even be considered as esoteric. The Toggle-
Button accounts for only 0.37% and the Seekbar accounts for
0.25%. The most frequent interactive widgets (Button and
EditText) suggest that the layouts of the analyzed applications
are mainly used by entering text and pressing buttons.
We further identify frequent patterns of interface elements.
The patterns retrieved are commonly used across all apps. We
found that the most frequent patterns are more common than
a number of standard widgets. Altogether, 21.13% of all wid-
gets and layout containers in our data set are part of at least
one of the 10 most frequent patterns. Since 77.28% of all
ScrollViews contain a LinearLayout, replacing this combina-
tion by a layout container that combines the two would be
the fifth most frequent layout container. The second most fre-
quent layout pattern combines a LinearLayout with another
LinearLayout. Interestingly, one of the layout containers in
this combination is useless2.
The most common widget pattern in our data set consists of a
LinearLayout that includes two TextViews and covers 5.43%
of all interface elements. This pattern alone is almost as fre-
quent as check boxes, radio buttons, toggle buttons, and seek
bars together. Development of a new widget that substitutes
this pattern would rank it as the sixth most frequent widget.
Thus, identification of frequent patterns in general will enable
development of new optimized widgets.
We rely on the ranking of the Google Play market to select
popular applications. The parameters that influence the rank-
ing and the algorithm itself are unknown. However, the same
ranking is used if users browse Google Play. Therefore, the
400 selected applications might not be the 400 most widely
used applications, but we assume that there is a very strong
overlap. In addition, to the best of the authors’ knowledge,
400 is the highest number of mobile interfaces that have been
systematically analyzed. While selecting and downloading
applications, we had to use a specific device ID and a specific
locale. Developers can restrict applications to certain devices,
locales, and configurations. In addition, we only downloaded
free applications. We assume, however, that popular applica-
tions are widely available across devices and locales.
We only analyze UIs created through XML layout files. User
interfaces and further enhancements can be developed pro-
grammatically beyond the XML files and can thus also be dy-
namically be created. However, the Android developer guide-
lines recommend using XML layout files to define the user
2If a developer adds a LinearLayout as the only child of another Lin-
earLayout the Android SDK suggest that ”This LinearLayout layout
or its LinearLayout parent is useless”
interface. Accordingly, all of the analyzed apps use this ap-
proach. We therefore assume that this approach is so common
that the analysis enabled general conclusions.
In this paper we show how to disassemble Android APK files
to retrieve information about mobile interfaces. We down-
loaded and analyzed 400 apps from Google Play, Google’s
application store for Android devices. We disassembled the
application packages to reconstruct the content. We found
that 88.25 % of the apps support more than one language and
93% of the app explicitly support screens with high pixel den-
sity. We showed that tools as well as apps from different cat-
egories vary in the number of views and interface layouts.
This can be used as indicators for the complexity of apps’ use
By analyzing the apps’ interface layouts, we determined
the interface widgets and layout containers used most often.
We further identified frequent combinations of interface el-
ements. Aggregatively, the ten most frequent combinations
cover 21.13% of all interface elements. They are all more
frequent than some common widgets, including radio but-
tons and Spinner. If the four most common widget combi-
nations would be considered as separate widgets, they would
all be among the ten most frequent widgets. The most com-
mon combination that consists of three nested elements cov-
ers 5.43% of all interface elements. It is more frequent than
progress bars and checkboxes. This means, a new widget that
substitutes this combination could replace all occurrences of
the combinations. In this case, this new widget would be the
sixth most frequent widget. The identification of frequent UI
elements combinations provide the possibilities of optimizing
widgets and introducing new widgets.
Determining how frequently different interface elements are
used can motivate further research. We only investigated the
parent and siblings of an element to find possible parents.
However, it would be interesting to take into account other
information such as the child elements to retrieve other type
of patterns. Researchers might consider focusing on common
interface elements. Furthermore, the patterns identified mo-
tivate the development of new widgets that ease the interface
development and improve the usability. We conducted a static
analysis of the user interface. Executing the downloaded ap-
plication in an emulator would enable to also observe the ap-
plications’ dynamic behavior. A user’s input can be simulated
to combine the static analysis with an analysis of the visual
appearance. The static analysis combined with an analysis of
UI interaction paths [33], observations of actual user behav-
ior collected on a large scale [7, 12, 24, 26], and consideration
of biomechanics [15] could ultimately result in a holistic un-
derstanding of mobile interaction. In general, the presented
approach suggests a new method to understand user interface
designs that may help to implement new development tools
for designing more successful and more usable applications.
Acknowledgment: This work was funded by the German
Research Foundation within the SimTech Cluster of Excel-
lence (EXC 310/1).
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... Shirazi et al. [46] investigated the User Interface pattern in mobile apps using the 400 most downloaded free apps from the Android store. They found that the complexity of mobile interface differs between app categories (Tools, Communication, Entertainment, Efficiency, Social Networks, and so on). ...
Conference Paper
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Researchers have long recognized women's prevalence of stress, anxiety , and depression. The role of a professional or a housewife can significantly negatively impact stress and anxiety, so a better understanding of gender as a social predictor of workplace health is required. In this paper, we designed a mental health app prototype iCare which was evaluated by 40 women to determine the perceived effectiveness of mobile health apps in helping working-class Indian women to manage stress. Based on our qualitative study, we found that the Aesthetics, Anonymity, Customization, Personalization, Usefulness of Feedback Provided by the App, App User Interface, and Effectiveness of the App for Stress and Anxiety Management, are critical needs of this target audience from an app of this type. We believe that India and many countries in Africa share numerous similarities, particularly in the experiences of working-class women. Thus, the findings from this research can be effectively applied to an African context as well.
... Meanwhile, researchers realized that data-driven models are useful for creating adaptive UIs and predicting performance [22], [23]. Deka et al. [1] presented the Rico dataset consisting of mobile app designs for making better apps. ...
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Recently, researchers have started looking at Android activities to improve user interface (UI) design. Since similar activities in Android have similar functional behaviors, activity clustering is a fundamental step toward efficient Android app development. Well-grouped activities are useful not only for UI design, but also for app design, development, and testing. However, there are no studies on activity clustering yet, and no activity dataset with labels and categories. The purpose of this study is to use the Rico dataset to know (i) whether the Rico dataset can be used for activity clustering, (ii) how useful activity attributes expressed in XML are for activity clustering, and (iii) how useful fusion with activity image and attributes is for activity clustering. We generate various activity latent vectors using a CNN autoencoder for the Rico dataset. Then, we produce a sequence-to-sequence latent vector from the semantic properties of the Rico dataset. Finally, by fusing the two models, we propose an activity clustering approach using multimodal learning. Since there are no labels in the dataset, we make 2000 labeled data for evaluation. The experimental results show that the activity clustering works well by fusing the semantic activity latent vector and the seq2seq latent vector. Especially, activity attributes such as component and position information are effective for activity clustering and help to boost the performance better than real activity images or Rico. Research findings on clustering and newly created labeled data can be a starting point for various studies on Android activity.
... Analyzing user interfaces is done similarly for mobile applications [25]. The method detects common user interface design patterns in Android applications by analyzing static XML files. ...
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Methods for automatic analysis of user interfaces are essential for a wide range of applications in computer science and software engineering. These methods are used in software security, document archiving, human-computer interaction, software engineering, and data science. Even though these methods are essential, no single research systematically lists most of the methods and their characteristics. This paper aims to give an overview of different solutions and their applications in the separate processes of automatic analysis of user interfaces. The main focus is on the techniques that analyze web page layouts and web page structure. Web pages’ style, type of content, and even structure constantly (often drastically) change, as do methods that analyze them. The fact that most methods use very different datasets and web pages of various complexities are some of the reasons that the direct comparison of methods is difficult, if not impossible. Another fact is that the vast applications of methods practically solve similar problems. With these facts in mind, in the paper, we surveyed relevant scientific articles, categorized them, and provided an overview of how these methods have developed over time.
... In our work, we focus on the design quality of MUI by proposing a new approach to automatically evaluate the MUI in early stages of mobile apps development based on image analysis based on the Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) architectures. In other words, we assess the MUIs as an image without access the applications' source code, so that any apps can be evaluated and analyzed [3,10,37]. Indeed, convolutional neural networks are multi-layer neural architectures that have shown a large performance on several competitions related to computer vision and image processing such as image classification and object detection. There are different deep architectures such as AlexNet, VGG-16 and GoogleNet. ...
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Recently, the quality of user interface design has become a major factor in the success of mobile applications. To this end, the evaluation of Mobile User Interface (MUIs) is a mandatory step. Generally, there exist two main categories of user interface evaluation methods: manual and automatic. The manual evaluation is conducted by users or experts to assess the MUIs and verify whether it works as intended. However, it is more time-consuming task. Automatic evaluation is based on an automatic tool, which needs preconfiguration in the source code. But, this manual configuration is a tedious task for non-programmer evaluators. To address this issue, we propose an evaluation approach based on the analysis of graphical MUI as screenshot without using the source code and user involvement. The proposed approach combines the GoogleNet architecture and K-Nearest Neighbours (KNN) classifier to evaluate the MUIs. First, we apply the Borderline-SMOTE method to obtain a balanced dataset. Then, the GoogleNet is used to extract automatically the features of MUI. Finally, we apply the KNN classifier to classify the MUIs as good or bad. We evaluate this approach based on publicly available large-scale datasets having more number of good ratings than bad ratings which may have an impact on the proposed model during the learning step. To this end, the Borderline-SMOTE method (BSM) is used to obtain a balanced class distribution. The obtained results are very promising.
... Each app screen is managed by an Activity. This component defines and builds the GUI shown to the user, which is composed of Views (i.e., widgets) arranged in a tree structure according to a specific layout [52]. The layout can be defined programmatically (in the code of the Activity class) or by defining static XML files that can be loaded (or "inflated") as the Activity's first operation. ...
In automated Visual GUI Testing (VGT) for Android devices, the available tools often suffer from low robustness to mobile fragmentation, leading to incorrect results when running the same tests on different devices. To soften these issues, we evaluate two feature matching-based approaches for widget detection in VGT scripts, which use, respectively, the complete full-screen snapshot of the application (Fullscreen) and the cropped images of its widgets (Cropped) as visual locators to match on emulated devices. Our analysis includes validating the portability of different feature-based visual locators over various apps and devices and evaluating their robustness in terms of cross-device portability and correctly executed interactions. We assessed our results through a comparison with two state-of-the-art tools, EyeAutomate and Sikuli. Despite a limited increase in the computational burden, our Fullscreen approach outperformed state-of-the-art tools in terms of correctly identified locators across a wide range of devices and led to a 30% increase in passing tests. Our work shows that VGT tools’ dependability can be improved by bridging the testing and computer vision communities. This connection enables the design of algorithms targeted to domain-specific needs and thus inherently more usable and robust.
... The RICO dataset contains about 72k MUIs, allowing users to search for similar concepts based on the structural composition of the two compared MUIs. Other alternatives constructed the MUI's view hierarchy solely via non-dynamic mining [43][44][45]. Ulusoya et al. [46] proposed an approach to unify the user interface designs of the same service. Their study aims to present a device-independent UI development approach that generates a user interface design of the same service for different devices to reduce the UI development efforts. ...
End-user engagement heavily relies on the aesthetic design of the application’s user interfaces. Designers are keen to create user interfaces that are usable and appealing. However, fundamental design issues , such as inconsistent padding and margins, cluttered user interfaces, and a high variation of element sizes, are too frequent in a UI design.. Prior studies provided ready-to-implement user interface alternatives. However, the aesthetic quality of these alternative designs is not guaranteed, and it limits the creativity of designers. Therefore, we present in this study an automated approach for restructuring a user interface structural design based on its data model. Our framework checks the violation of 13 generic structural design standards provided by Google Material Design. Then, the framework provides a set of recommendations for each violated guideline based on the specifications of the evaluated MUI. As a proof of concept, we used the tool ADDET to evaluate the quality of the original and restructured versions of 511 user interfaces in terms of the number of aesthetic defects and aesthetic properties. The results revealed a significant positive difference with a mean of 0.59 for the benefit of restructured user interfaces with an improved set of 7 quality metrics. We have also found that our approach could improve to an extent the accessibility of some designs by providing bigger element sizes.
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Mobile applications have become an integral part of our daily lives, offering a wide range of functionalities and services. Understanding the diversity of mobile application screens is crucial for optimizing user experience and delivering personalized content. This paper presents a novel dataset, called MASC ( Mobile App Screens Classification ) consisting of 7065 images, representing various types of mobile apps screens. MASC dataset is collected from the well-known Rico dataset. These screens were carefully manually classified into ten unique classes to capture the diverse nature of app interfaces. By employing advanced feature extraction techniques, we extracted key characteristics from each screenshot image of app screens related to visual elements, text, and keywords. Based on this dataset, this paper presents a proposed framework for applying machine learning algorithms to the classification of mobile apps screens. Using this framework, the paper also presents a comprehensive study of the classification of mobile apps screens using machine learning algorithms. Several classification algorithms including XGBoost, Gradient Boosting, Random Forest, SVM, Logistic Regression, and others were trained and evaluated on MASC. Results showed high accuracy rates above 93% for top models like Gradient Boosting, indicating that machine learning provides an effective approach to mobile app screen classification. This study contributes to the field of mobile application analysis and user interface understanding. In addition, the proposed mobile app screens classification framework is a promising development that can enhance the accuracy and efficiency of mobile app screens classification.
Bir yazılımın geliştirilmesi sürecinde, tasarım ve öncül üretim en önemli ve zaman alıcı aşamalardır. Kullanıcılar yazılımların görsel arayüzlerine ve tasarımlarına oldukça önem vermektedir. İyi bir görsel arayüz tasarımına sahip bir yazılım daha iyi işleve sahip olup fakat arayüzü kullanışsız olan benzerinden daha fazla tercih edilmektedir. Görsel arayüz tasarımı sürecinde geliştiriciler öncelikle kâğıt üzerinde tasarım gerçekleştirip ardından görsel arayüz tasarım programları ile dijital tasarıma dönüştürürler. Sonraki aşamada, tasarımın çeşitli biçimlendirme dilleriyle (xml, html, css vb.) veya doğrudan programlama dilleriyle kodlanması gerekmektedir. Otomatik kot üretme yaklaşımlarında amaç minimum yazılım geliştirici maliyeti ile kısa zamanda verimli ve hızlı uygulamalar geliştirmektir. Bu çalışmada, çeşitli yöntemleri kullanarak otomatik kot üretimi gerçekleştiren çalışmaları içeren geniş bir yayın taraması oluşturulmuştur. İncelenen makalelerde çoğunlukla derin öğrenme, görüntü işleme, yapay sinir ağları veya makine öğrenmesi yöntemleri kullanılmıştır. Bu derleme çalışması ile bu alanda çalışma yapacak araştırmacılara rehber olunması amaçlanmıştır.
The Rico dataset, containing design data from more than 9.7 k Android apps spanning \(27\) categories, was released in 2017. It exposes visual, textual, structural, and interactive design properties of more than 72 k unique UI screens. Over the years since its release, the original paper has been cited nearly 100 times according to Google Scholar and the dataset has been used as the basis for numerous research projects. In this chapter, we describe the creation of Rico using a system that combined crowdsourcing and automation to scalably mine design and interaction data from Android apps at runtime. We then describe two projects that we conducted using the dataset: the training of an autoencoder to identify similarity between UI designs, and an exploration of the use of Google’s Material Design within the dataset using machine learned models. We conclude with an overview of other work that has used Rico to understand our mobile UI world and build data-driven models that assist users, designers, and developers.
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Automated Window / Icon / Menu / Pointing Device User Interface (WIMP-UI) generation has been considered a promising technology for at least two decades. One of the major reasons why it has not become mainstream so far is that the usability of automatically generated UIs is rather low. This is mainly because non-functional requirements like layout or style issues are not considered adequately during the generation process. This paper proposes an automated layout approach that supports the explicit specification of layout parameters in device-independent and thus reusable transformation rules. Missing layout parameters are completed automatically, based on 'Layout Hints' under the consideration of scrolling preferences. We are aware that human intervention in the context of UI development will always be required to create high-quality UIs. Therefore, we aim to improve the generated UI by considering hints and applying heuristics, rather than solving a problem for which we believe that there is no generic solution.
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Although Data Gloves allow for the modeling of the human hand, they can lead to a reduction in usability as they cover the entire hand and limit the sense of touch as well as reducing hand feasibility. As modeling the whole hand has many advantages (e.g. for complex gesture detection) we aim for modeling the whole hand while at the same time keeping the hand's natural degrees of freedom (DOF) and the tactile sensibility as high as possible while allowing for manual tasks like grasping tools and devices. Therefore, we attach motion sensor boards (accelerometer, magnetometer and gyroscope) to the human hand. We conducted a user study and found the biomechanical dependence of the joint angles between the fingertip close joint (DIP) and the palm close joint (PIP) in a relation of DIP = 0.88 PIP for all four fingers (SD=0.10, R2=0.77). This allows the data glove to be reduced by 8 sensors boards, one per finger, three for the thumb, and one on the back of the hand as an orientation baseline for modeling the whole hand through. Even though we found a joint flexing relationship also for the thumb, we decided to retain 3 sensor units here, as the relationship varied more (R2=0.59). Our hand model could potentially serve for rich handmodel-based gestural interaction as it covers all 26 DOF in the human hand.
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App developers are constantly competing against each other to win more downloads for their apps. With hundreds of thousands of apps in these online stores, what strategy should a developer use to be successful? Should they innovate, make many similar apps, optimise their own apps or just copy the apps of others? Looking more deeply, how does a complex app ecosystem perform when developers choose to use different strategies? This paper investigates these questions using AppEco, the first Artificial Life model of mobile application ecosystems. In AppEco, developer agents build and upload apps to the app store; user agents browse the store and download the apps. A distinguishing feature of AppEco is the explicit modelling of apps as artefacts. In this work we use AppEco to simulate Apple's iOS app ecosystem and investigate common developer strategies, evaluating them in terms of downloads received, app diversity, and adoption rate.
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By changing the way software is delivered to end-users, markets for mobile apps create a false sense of security: apps are downloaded from a market that can potentially be regulated. In practice, this is far from truth and instead, there has been evidence that security is not one of the primary design tenets for the mobile app stores. Recent studies have indicated mobile markets are harboring apps that are either malicious or vulnerable leading to compromises of millions of devices. The key technical obstacle for the organizations overseeing these markets is the lack of practical and automated mechanisms to assess the security of mobile apps, given that thousands of apps are added and updated on a daily basis. In this paper, we provide an overview of a multi-faceted project targeted at automatically testing the security and robustness of Android apps in a scalable manner. We describe an Android-specific program analysis technique capable of generating a large number of test cases for fuzzing an app, as well as a test bed that given the generated test cases, executes them in parallel on numerous emulated Androids running on the cloud.
Many emerging mobile applications and services are based on smartphones. We have performed a four-month field study of the adoption and usage of smartphone-based services by 14 novice teenage users. From the field study, we present the application usage and usage characteristics of our participants. We show that their usage is highly mobile, location-dependent, and serves multiple social purposes. Furthermore, we report qualitative lessons regarding the evaluation of smartphone-based services. In particular, we highlight the cases that an accurate evaluation would require a long-term and/or field study instead of a short or lab-based study, and the cases where studying a particular application independently is insufficient and a holistic study, i.e., involving the whole device, is necessary. We further present guidelines on effectively shortening the length of a study. These lessons are supported in part by five identified contributing factors to usage evolution.
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As mobile devices become more widespread and powerful, they store more sensitive data, which includes not only users’ personal information but also the data collected via sensors throughout the day. When mobile applications have access to this growing amount of sensitive information, they may leak it carelessly or maliciously. Google’s Android operating system provides a permissions-based security model that restricts an application’s access to the user’s private data. Each application statically declares the sensitive data and functionality that it requires in a manifest, which is presented to the user upon installation. However, it is not clear to the user how sensitive data is used once the application is installed. To combat this problem, we present AndroidLeaks, a static analysis framework for automatically finding potential leaks of sensitive information in Android applications on a massive scale. AndroidLeaks drastically reduces the number of applications and the number of traces that a security auditor has to verify manually. We evaluate the efficacy of AndroidLeaks on 24,350 Android applications from several Android markets. AndroidLeaks found 57,299 potential privacy leaks in 7,414 Android applications, out of which we have manually verified that 2,342 applications leak private data including phone information, GPS location, WiFi data, and audio recorded with the microphone. AndroidLeaks examined these applications in 30 hours, which indicates that it is capable of scaling to the increasingly large set of available applications.
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User interface (UI) interactions are essential to Android applications, as many Activities require UI interactions to be triggered. This kind of UI interactions could also help malicious apps to hide their sensitive behaviors (e.g., sending SMS or getting the user's device ID) from being detected by dynamic analysis tools such as TaintDroid, because simply running the app, but without proper UI interactions, will not lead to the exposure of sensitive behaviors. In this paper we focus on the challenging task of triggering a certain behavior through automated UI interactions. In particular, we propose a hybrid static and dynamic analysis method to reveal UI-based trigger conditions in Android applications. Our method first uses static analysis to extract expected activity switch paths by analyzing both Activity and Function Call Graphs, and then uses dynamic analysis to traverse each UI elements and explore the UI interaction paths towards the sensitive APIs. We implement a prototype system SmartDroid and show that it can automatically and efficiently detect the UI-based trigger conditions required to expose the sensitive behavior of several Android malwares, which otherwise cannot be detected with existing techniques such as TaintDroid.
We present AndroidRipper, an automated technique that tests Android apps via their Graphical User Interface (GUI). AndroidRipper is based on a user-interface driven ripper that automatically explores the app’s GUI with the aim of exercising the application in a structured manner. We evaluate AndroidRipper on an open-source Android app. Our results show that our GUI-based test cases are able to detect severe, previously unknown, faults in the underlying code, and the structured exploration outperforms a random approach.
To keep a Graphical User Interface (GUI) responsive and active, a GUI application often has a main UI thread (or event dispatching thread) and spawns separate threads to handle lengthy operations in the background, such as expensive computation, I/O tasks, and network requests. Many GUI frameworks require all GUI objects to be accessed exclusively by the UI thread. If a GUI object is accessed from a non-UI thread, an invalid thread access error occurs and the whole application may abort. This paper presents a general technique to find such invalid thread access errors in multithreaded GUI applications. We formulate finding invalid thread access errors as a call graph reachability problem with thread spawning as the sources and GUI object accessing as the sinks. Standard call graph construction algorithms fail to build a good call graph for some modern GUI applications, because of heavy use of reflection. Thus, our technique builds reflection-aware call graphs. We implemented our technique and instantiated it for four popular Java GUI frameworks: SWT, the Eclipse plugin framework, Swing, and Android. In an evaluation on 9 programs comprising 89273 LOC, our technique found 5 previously-known errors and 5 new ones.
Web applications have gained significant popularity. Relevant technologies, however, are to a great extent still immature and in constant evolution. This means many current applications are subject to constant change to keep up with the technology, leading to a degradation of application quality, both from an implementation and a usage perspective. In this context, tools that enable reasoning about the quality of the application from its source code can have a significant role. This paper reports on our preliminary work on reverse engineering the user interface layer of web applications directly from source code. Its applicability to GWT is described through two examples.