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Recent Advances in the Treatment of Fibular (Lateral) Collateral Ligament Injuries


Abstract and Figures

The purpose of this review is to highlight recent advances regarding the diagnosis and treatment of fibular (lateral) collateral ligament (FCL) injuries in the knee. The FCL originates just proximal and posterior to the lateral epicondyle on the femur and inserts distally in a bony depression on the lateral aspect of the fibular head. The FCL functions as the primary restraint to varus laxity at all knee flexion angles and as the primary restraint to external rotation when the knee is in extension. Depending on the grade of FCL injury, treatment ranges from non-operative management to surgical reconstruction. For patients with grade I or II (partial) FCL tears, non-operative management consisting of an accelerated physical therapy program is often the first line treatment. Indications for FCL surgical reconstruction include patients with grade III (complete) FCL tears or patients who fail to improve with conservative management. Reconstruction is favored over repair for midsubstance tears due to a reported increased failure rate associated with repair. In addition, reconstruction functions to minimize the risk of complications associated with chronic lateral knee instability such as medial compartment osteoarthritis, medial meniscus tears, and failure of cruciate ligament reconstruction grafts. Outcomes after FCL reconstruction have demonstrated improvement in both subjective and objective measures.
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VOLUME 65 . N.2 . APRILE 2014
The purpose of this review is to highlight
recent advances regarding the diagnosis
and treatment of bular (lateral) collateral
ligament (FCL) injuries in the knee.
Anatomy and biomechanics
The bular collateral ligament (FCL), also
known as the lateral collateral ligament, is
the posterolateral corner (PLC) structure re-
sponsible for primary varus and secondary
external rotation stability. This ligament is
on average 69.6-mm-long and courses from
the lateral aspect of the femur to the bular
head, deep to the iliotibial band and biceps
femoris muscle.1 The femoral attachment of
the FCL is located in a small depression 1.4
mm proximal and 3.1 mm posterior to the
lateral epicondyle of the femur. This loca-
tion is directly 18.5 mm posterosuperior to
the center of the popliteus tendon attach-
ment (Figure 1). The average cross-section-
al area of the femoral footprint is 48 mm2,
with some bers extending anteriorly over
Vail, CO, USA
Vail, CO, USA
3TheSteadmanClinic, Vail, CO, USA
Recent advances in the treatment ofbular
(lateral) collateral ligament injuries
The purpose of this review is to highlight
recent advances regarding the diagnosis
and treatment of bular (lateral) collateral
ligament (FCL) injuries in the knee. The FCL
originates just proximal and posterior to the
lateral epicondyle on the femur and inserts
distally in a bony depression on the lateral
aspect of the bular head. The FCL functions
as the primary restraint to varus laxity at all
knee exion angles and as the primary re-
straint to external rotation when the knee is
in extension. Depending on the grade of FCL
injury, treatment ranges from non-operative
management to surgical reconstruction. For
patients with grade I or II (partial) FCL tears,
non-operative management consisting of an
accelerated physical therapy program is of-
ten the rst line treatment. Indications for
FCL surgical reconstruction include patients
with grade III (complete) FCL tears or pa-
tients who fail to improve with conservative
management. Reconstruction is favored over
repair for midsubstance tears due to a re-
ported increased failure rate associated with
repair. In addition, reconstruction functions
to minimize the risk of complications asso-
ciated with chronic lateral knee instability
such as medial compartment osteoarthritis,
medial meniscus tears, and failure of cruci-
ate ligament reconstruction grafts. Outcomes
after FCL reconstruction have demonstrated
improvement in both subjective and objective
Key words: Collateral ligaments, injuries - Diag-
nosis - Surgical procedures, operative.
Corresponding author: R. F. LaPrade, MD, PhD, Complex
Knee and Sports Medicine Surgeon, The Steadman Clinic,
181 W. Meadow Dr., Suite 400, Vail, CO 81657, USA.
Anno: 2014
Mese: April
Volume: 65
No: 2
Lavoro: 3618-MOT
primo autore: JAMES
pagine: 125-39
ies.2-6 This ligament acts as the primary
restraint to varus laxity at all knee exion an-
gles and is the primary restraint to external
rotation when the knee is near extension.4, 5
As the knee increases its exion angle, the
popliteus tendon and popliteobular liga-
ment become the primary restraint to ex-
ternal rotation, and the forces on the FCL
diminish. On radiographic evaluation, varus
gapping of 2.7-4.0 mm following the appli-
cation of a varus directed force is indicative
of an isolated FCL injury.3
Fibular collateral ligament deciency can
profoundly inuence gait pattern and over-
all knee mechanics. Complete FCL disrup-
tion leads to increased forces on ACL and
PCL grafts, putting them at higher risk of
failure.5, 6 In addition, varus instability may
lead to a varus thrust gait pattern, develop-
ment of medial meniscal tears, and medial
compartment arthritis if left untreated.7-9
Therefore, restoration of normal knee me-
chanics and correction of varus instability
is crucial to preventing further injury and
Etiology of FCL and other
lateral knee injuries
Injuries to the bular collateral ligament
and posterolateral corner of the knee often
occur as a result of a blow to the medial or
anteromedial corner of the knee causing
varus stress, a contact or non-contact hy-
perextension injury, or a varus noncontact
injury.9, 10 Young men are the most likely
to sustain injuries to the FCL and postero-
lateral corner.11 Isolated injuries to the FCL
are extremely rare and are almost always
associated with meniscal tears, anterior
cruciate ligament, posterior cruciate liga-
ment, popliteus tendon, or popliteobular
ligament injury. One study reported that
isolated posterolateral corner injury occurs
in only 28% of all posterolateral corner
knee injuries.12 Thorough neurovascular
evaluation must occur, as up to 15% of
patients with posterolateral corner injury
also present with common peroneal nerve
the lateral epicondyle. The bular attach-
ment of the FCL is located on the lateral
aspect of the bular head, on average 8.2
mm posterior to the anterior margin of the
bular head and 28.4 mm distal to the apex
of the bular styloid process. This footprint
is located in a bony depression with a 43
mm2 cross sectional area.
The biomechanics of the FCL have been
thoroughly evaluated through both sequen-
tial sectioning and force measurement stud-
Figure 1.—An illustration demonstrating the anatomic at-
tachment sites of the bular collateral ligament (lateral
view, right knee). FCL, bular collateral ligament; PLT,
popliteus tendon. Reproduced with permission from:
LaPrade et al.1
lized on the edge of the examination table
(Figure 2).14 The leg is then allowed to hang
freely from the examination table while the
clinician stabilizes the knee by placing his
or her hand over the tibiofemoral joint line.
A varus stress force is then applied to the
lower leg by grasping the patient’s foot. The
test is performed at both 0° and 30° of ex-
ion, while the amount of the lateral com-
partment gapping and presence or absence
of a solid endpoint is assessed. An increase
in lateral compartment gapping is indicative
of a positive varus stress test. A grade I FCL
sprain is dened as a positive varus stress
test with mild lateral compartment gapping
and a rm endpoint. A grade II sprain is
dened as moderate gapping with an ap-
preciable endpoint. Finally, a grade III FCL
sprain is dened as markedly increased
lateral compartment gapping without the
presence of a solid endpoint. A positive va-
rus stress test at 30° of exion usually indi-
cates a complete FCL tear, while gapping
at both and 30° of exion may indicate
a combined ligament injury to lateral and
posterior knee structures.9, 14
Hughston et al. described two tests to de-
tect posterolateral knee instability: the pos-
terolateral drawer test and the external ro-
tation recurvatum test.17 The posterolateral
drawer test is performed with the patient
supine, the hip exed at 45°, and the knee
exed to approximately 80° to 90°. The foot
is then externally rotated approximately 15°
The diagnosis of FCL injuries can some-
times be difcult. A correct diagnosis is es-
sential to determine an appropriate treat-
ment and to prevent long-term sequelae
associated with chronic lateral knee insta-
bility. Approximately 73.4% and 31.6% of
FCL injuries are combined ligament injuries
with the ACL and PCL, respectively.13 In ad-
dition, 56% of PLC injuries involve two or
more of the major PLC structures (FCL, pop-
liteobular ligament, and popliteus tendon),
while only 13.3% of FCL tears are isolated
injuries. Numerous diagnostic techniques
have been developed to diagnose complex
injury patterns involving the FCL and other
knee structures in order to mitigate the risk
of long-term complications associated with
Diagnosis with physical examination
A thorough history and physical exam
is an essential rst step to diagnosing FCL
injury. On inspection of an acutely injured
knee, there may be signicant edema, red-
ness, and bruising. Palpation may reveal
tenderness over the lateral aspect of the
joint line and pain at the bular head.14 Ac-
tive range of motion is often intact, though
may be limited depending on the amount
of swelling in the injured knee. In addi-
tion, rotational instability is often present
in both acute and chronic injury.15, 16 The
patient may report instability associated
with feelings of knee hyperextension while
ascending or descending stairs, twisting, or
pivoting.16 Specic physical examination
maneuvers, including the posterolateral
drawer test, external rotation recurvatum
test, dial test, varus stress test, and reverse
pivot-shift test, may be especially helpful in
distinguishing between an isolated FCL tear
versus a complete grade III posterolateral
corner injury. Finally, signs of common per-
oneal nerve injury must also be evaluated.
The varus stress test is the most impor-
tant physical examination maneuver for di-
agnosing FCL injury. In this test, the patient
is positioned supine, with the femur stabi-
Figure 2.—The varus stress test is performed at and
30° of knee exion and is the best physical exam ma-
neuver to assess for lateral knee instability secondary to
FCL injury.
test, the patient is positioned supine on the
examination table.17 The patient is told to
relax their quadriceps muscle while the ex-
aminer grasps both great toes, lifting the
patient’s lower legs off the examination
table (Figure 3). A positive test is dened
as a side-to-side difference in heel heights
in the injured knee compared to the un-
injured knee.14 While the external rotation
recurvatum test is an essential test in the
diagnostic armamentarium, it is less sensi-
tive than other physical exam maneuvers.
In one series, LaPrade et al. reported that
the test detected just 7.5% of posterolateral
corner injuries compared to 30% of com-
bined ACL-PLC injuries.18 No positive test
results were documented for patients with
combined PCL-PLC injuries. Therefore, cau-
tion is advised with interpreting the results
of this test.
The dial test is performed with the patient
in a supine or prone position.14, 19 The knee
and stabilized while the clinician applies a
posterolateral drawer force to the anterior
tibia.14, 17 A positive test is dened as in-
creased rotational instability compared to
the contralateral uninjured knee. From an
anterior perspective, a positive test appears
as posterior displacement of the lateral tibial
plateau relative to the medial tibial plateau.
From a medial or lateral perspective, the lat-
eral tibial plateau moves posterior while the
medial side does not displace. By contrast,
testing the knee in neutral or internal tibial
rotation is utilized to assess PCL integrity
and a positive test should not be confused
with a posterolateral corner injury. Previous
studies have reported that a positive poste-
rolateral drawer test was found in approxi-
mately 71-80% of PLC injuries and the test
is therefore an excellent indicator of lateral
knee instability.15, 16
The external rotation recurvatum test is
also used to evaluate FCL integrity. In this
Figure 3.—An illustration demonstrating the sagittal plane relationship of the tibia with respect to the femur in a posi-
tive external rotation recurvatum test (lateral view, right knee). A positive test is dened as increased heel height in
the injured knee compared to the uninjured knee. Reprinted with permission from: LaPrade et al.18
while physical examination offers excellent
assessment of functional decits, structural
decits and the presence of concomitant
injuries may still be unclear. Therefore, nu-
merous techniques using plain, long-leg,
and varus stress radiographs and magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) have been devel-
oped to assist with diagnosing FCL injury.
Plain radiographs should be obtained in
all patients to assess for fractures and bony
avulsions. In a consecutive series of 12 pa-
tients with acute isolated posterolateral in-
stability, DeLee et al. reported that plain ra-
diographs detected bular head fractures in
ve patients, a displaced medial tibial pla-
teau in one patient, and a Segond fracture in
another patient.23 In addition, medial com-
partment narrowing due to osteoarthritis
is readily detected on plain radiographs.24
Finally, while plain radiographs are unable
to detect an FCL midstubstance tear, a bony
ossicle can sometimes be visualized when
an FCL avulsion is present.
Long leg radiographs are also helpful to
assess the patient’s weightbearing axis. The
weightbearing axis is established by pass-
ing a line from the center of the femoral
head to the center of the ankle mortise.
In a varus axis deformity, the weightbear-
ing axis line passes through the medial
aspect of the tibial plateau, medial to the
medial tibial eminence (Figure 4). A varus
mechanical axis places increased strain on
the FCL and other PLC structures and may
contribute to chronic instability. When a va-
rus mechanical axis is discovered, a medi-
ally based opening wedge proximal tibial
osteotomy with bone graft is recommended
to restore alignment to neutral prior to pro-
ceeding with surgical FCL reconstruction.
In one case series, twenty-one patients with
varus alignment and posterolateral corner
injury were treated with a proximal tibial
osteotomy.25 Thirty-eight percent of patients
experienced resolution of lateral knee insta-
bility and did not require subsequent surgi-
cal reconstruction.
Varus stress radiographs are an objective
and reproducible technique for differenti-
ating between an isolated FCL tear and a
grade III PLC injury (Figure 5). Varus stress
is exed to 30° and 90° while an external
rotation force is applied. When performing
the test with the patient in the supine posi-
tion, the knee is allowed to hang freely from
the edge of the examination table with the
thigh resting on the table to provide stabi-
lization. The foot is then externally rotated
and the side-to-side difference in external
rotation is compared. A side-to-side differ-
ence of 10° is considered a positive test and
is indicative of lateral knee injury.19, 20 How-
ever, when markedly increased external
rotation is discovered, medial knee injury
should also be considered.21 Injury to one
or more of the PLC structures is typically as-
sociated with a positive dial test at 30° and
a negative test at 90°.14, 19 Positive dial test
results at both 30° and 90° of exion are
typically associated with a combined PCL-
PLC injury. Therefore, while the dial test of-
fers excellent information regarding rotary
stability, it is best interpreted in concert
with other physical exam maneuvers.
The reverse pivot shift is performed with
the patient in the supine position while
grasping the ankle of the patient. The knee
is then placed in 80° of exion while a val-
gus and external rotation force is applied
to the tibia.9, 14 With the examiner holding
the patient’s leg in this position, the knee is
drawn down into extension. A positive test
is dened as palpable subluxation of the
tibia relative to the femur as the iliotibial
band reduces the tibia.14, 22 This usually oc-
curs at approximately 20° to 30° of knee
exion. As with any knee exam maneu-
ver, the test must be repeated and the re-
sults compared with the contralateral knee.
LaPrade et al. reported that a positive test is
associated with injury to the FCL, popliteal
complex, and mid-third lateral capsular lig-
ament.9 A positive reverse pivot shift test
should be interpreted along with results of
other physical exam maneuvers due to the
test’s high false positive rate.22
Diagnostic imaging
In many cases, physical examination alone
may yield inconclusive results, especially in
cases of low grade FCL injury. Moreover,
2.7 mm after a simulated isolated FCL in-
jury and 4.0 mm after a grade III PLC injury
compared to the intact state.3 In addition to
assisting with diagnosis, stress radiographs
can be utilized to document lateral knee
stability at various time points following
surgical treatment. In a consecutive series
of 20 patients with FCL injury, preoperative
stress radiographs demonstrated an average
side-to-side difference of 3.9 mm in lateral
compartment gapping, while postoperative
stress radiographs found -0.4 mm of gap-
ping following an anatomic FCL reconstruc-
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an-
other diagnostic imaging tool that can be
used to distinguish between isolated FCL
injury and grade III PLC injury. LaPrade et
al. examined the MRI appearance of indi-
vidual PLC structures.27 The authors report-
ed that the FCL was best visualized on MRI
in the axial, coronal, and coronal-oblique
views (Figure 6). The coronal-oblique view
is usefully because the FCL traverses ob-
liquely from its femoral attachment on the
lateral epicondyle to its bular attachment
adjacent to the long head of the biceps
femoris muscle. In addition, an avulsion of
the femoral FCL insertion and an arcuate
fracture of the bular head are best visual-
ized in the axial and coronal planes. The
authors also reported diagnostic accuracy
parameters for the ability of MRI to detect
posterolateral corner injuries. For detection
of FCL tears, MRI showed a sensitivity of
94.4%, specicity of 100%, positive predic-
tive value of 100%, and a negative predic-
tive value of 66.7%.
Additionally, MRI can be used to assess
the presence of bone bruising on the tibial
plateau and femoral condyles. Geeslin and
LaPrade reported that 60.7% of patients with
isolated injury to the PLC ligaments also had
bone bruising to the anteromedial femoral
condyle, while 21.4% of patients had a frac-
ture of the anteromedial tibial plateau.11 In
patients with a combined PLC injury plus
injury to the ACL, PCL and/or MCL, 87.8% of
patients had bone bruising. Of these, 60%
were located in the anteromedial femoral
condyle. Therefore, bone bruising on the
radiographs are performed with the knee
in 20° of exion while a clinician applies a
varus directed force to the medial aspect of
the knee. In a cadaveric study using manual
varus stress, lateral gapping increased by
Figure 4.—A long leg radiograph demonstrating a varus
mechanical axis deformity in the setting of a chronic
bular collateral ligament tear.
by intra-articular pathology including ACL,
PCL, and meniscus tears.13 For this reason,
arthroscopic surgery is often required in pa-
tients with an FCL tear. The most important
sign to look for on arthroscopic evaluation
is the presence of the “drive through sign,”
which may indicate injury to the FCL or
other posterolateral corner structures.28 In
a series of 30 consecutive knees with pos-
terolateral knee instability, lateral compart-
ment gapping of >1 cm was present in all
knees with the application of varus stress at
30° of knee exion. Therefore, the presence
of a “drive-through” should increase suspi-
cion of an FCL or associated posterolateral
corner injury.
The natural history of FCL and plc
injury: factors affecting healing
Several in vivo animal model studies have
been performed to determine the natural
history of posterolateral corner injuries in
the knee.29-31 One study looked at the effect
of chronic posterolateral knee instability in
a rabbit model.31 After sectioning the FCL
and popliteus tendon, none of the popli-
anteromedial femoral condyle may indicate
PLC injury, including the injury to the FCL.
Arthroscopic diagnosis
While the FCL is not an intra-articular
structure, FCL tears are often accompanied
Figure 5.—Varus stress radiographs demonstrating increased lateral compartment gapping indicative of an isolated
FCL tear.
Figure 6.—A PD TSE FS coronal MRI demonstrating an
acute FCL tear (arrow).
and increased radiographic indications of
osteoarthritis when compared to grade II
sprains.8 Strobel et al. reported signicantly
higher rates of osteoarthritis on the medial
femoral condyle in combined PLC-PCL inju-
ries verus isolated PCL injuries.32
In addition, the bony geometry of the lat-
eral tibial plateau and lateral femoral condyle
creates “inherent… instability” in the lateral
aspect of the knee, which contributes to the
low healing response observed after FCL in-
jury.31 Both the lateral tibial plateau and lat-
eral femoral condyle have convex contours,
which lead to instability that is not condu-
cive for healing of the PLC structures (Fig-
ure 7).29, 31 By comparison, the medial tibial
plateau and medial femoral condyle have a
concave on convex geometry, which con-
fers additional stability to the medial knee.
The geometry of the medial compartment
may explain the excellent healing response
often found following medial collateral liga-
ment injury.33-35 Furthermore, the lateral
meniscus is reportedly approximately twice
as mobile as the medial meniscus, which
further contributes to instability.36 Together,
these structural and morphological factors
contribute to lack of healing response ob-
served following lateral knee injuries.
teus tendons injuries and only one FCL inju-
ry healed after a 12-week follow-up. In ad-
dition, biomechanical testing revealed that
signicantly less varus force was needed to
produce 10 mm of varus displacement in
the injured knees at 30°, 60°, and 90° of
knee exion compared to the contralateral
control knee. In a second study with longer
follow-up in 10 rabbits, none of simulated
the FCL or popliteus tendon injuries healed
after 6 months.30 Biomechanical testing
demonstrated a signicant difference in
varus displacement at 30°, 60°, and 90° of
knee exion and a signicant increase in
external rotation at 30° and 60° of exion.
In addition, osteoarthritis was found on the
medial tibial plateau, but not on the lateral
tibial plateau. In a third study using an in
vivo canine model with sectioning of the
FCL, PFL, and popliteus tendon, increased
varus angulation at 0°, 60°, and 90° of knee
exion, external rotation at 0°, 60°, and 90°,
and internal rotation at 0° and 60° were re-
ported at six months follow-up.31
Similar results of poor healing have been
observed in humans. Kannus reported that
chronic grade III PLC injuries resulted in
signicantly worse clinical outcome scores,
lower thigh strength, lower knee stability,
Figure 7.—A, B) The convex on convex conguration of the lateral compartment articulating surfaces (A) compared
to the convex on concave conguration of the medial compartment articulating surfaces (B) contributes to chronic
instability following FCL injuries.
ping and establish a baseline against which
future evaluations can be measured. If non-
operative management fails to resolve lat-
eral compartment instability, surgical inter-
vention should be considered.
Surgical treatment
Primary repair of FCL injuries is recom-
mended in only very select cases. Repair
should only be attempted during the rst
two to three weeks following an FCL avul-
sion and very rarely in patients with a mid-
substance tear.14 In effect, most repairs oc-
cur in skeletally immature patients. After
several weeks pass, the FCL becomes re-
tracted and entrapped by scar tissue, mak-
ing reapposition and repair of the torn ends
difcult. Moreover, tissue quality deterio-
rates as the FCL becomes necrotic leading
to suture pull-out failure. Therefore, in the
acute setting, the authors recommend re-
construction for all FCL midsubstance tears
and for FCL avulsions that present greater
than three weeks after injury.
Indications for surgical reconstruction
include patients with grade III (complete)
FCL tears, acute midsubstance tears, avul-
sions presenting greater than three weeks
after injury, or those who fail to improve
with conservative treatment measures. Dur-
ing the preoperative workup, bilateral varus
stress radiographs should be obtained to
establish an objective baseline assessment
of lateral compartment laxity. After surgery,
these values can be compared to assess for
resolution of lateral compartment laxity and
to detect graft attenuation or failure. In ad-
dition, long leg radiographs are necessary
to determine the patient’s weightbearing
axis. If a varus axis deformity is discovered
in a patient with a chronic FCL or PLC in-
jury, reconstruction should proceed in a
staged fashion beginning with an opening
wedge proximal tibial osteotomy followed
Finally, O’Brien et al. reported that undi-
agnosed PLC injuries are a leading cause of
ACL reconstruction failure.37 This has since
been validated in biomechanical studies
which demonstrated that sectioning of the
FCL, PFL, and popliteus tendon resulted in
signicantly higher forces on both ACL and
PCL reconstruction grafts.5, 6 In one study,
the FCL was sectioned and forces on the
anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) were meas-
ured. Results demonstrated signicantly in-
creased forces on the reconstruction graft
during varus loading at 0° and 30° of knee
exion.5 In addition, simulated grade III
PLC injuries, including injuries to the FCL,
resulted in signicantly increased forces
on PCL reconstruction grafts when a varus
force at 30°, 60° and 90° of knee exion
was applied.6 These ndings demonstrate
that posterolateral corner injuries often do
not heal and may lead to failure of other
reconstruction grafts.
Non-operative treatment
Non-operative treatment is an important
rst step in management of grade I and II
FCL injuries using an accelerated rehabilita-
tion program to promote healing.14 In the
early phases, the rehabilitation program
typically consists of edema management,
range of motion exercises, and quadriceps
activation. Once the patient achieves full
extension, exion to 120°, and is able to
perform a supine straight leg raise with out
lag, the focus shifts to developing muscu-
lar strength and restoring normal gait. Neu-
romuscular coordination and functional
exercises are added to continue building
muscular strength. A medial unloader brace
can also be used during higher-level activi-
ties, especially in athletes who may require
protection of the healing FCL while return-
ing back to activities. Finally, exercises fo-
cused on sport- or activity-specic move-
ments are initiated to facilitate the transition
from rehabilitation to return to sport. In all
cases of lateral knee injury, it is essential
to obtain varus stress radiographs to objec-
tively document lateral compartment gap-
anatomic technique using a semitendinosus
tendon autograft and an arthroscopically
assisted, mini-open surgical approach.46
The authors’ preferred technique is an
open anatomic FCL reconstruction using a
semitendinosus autograft, which has been
validated biomechanically to improve ob-
jective knee stability (Figure 8).7, 26 The pa-
tient is positioned with the operative leg
hanging freely at 70° to 80° of exion with
the foot of the operating table folded down.
The non-operative leg is abducted and se-
cured in a leg holder for the duration of the
procedure. A tourniquet is placed around
the distal thigh and inated once proper
draping is achieved and the surgical site is
A standard laterally based hockey stick
by surgical reconstruction if lateral knee in-
stability fails to improve.25, 38
Numerous surgical techniques for FCL
treatment have been reported including ad-
vancement of the proximal FCL attachment,39
augmentation with the biceps femoris ten-
don,40 biceps femoris tendon tenodesis,41 a
doubled over semitendinosus autograft re-
construction,42 quadriceps tendon-patellar
bone autograft reconstruction,43 and iso-
metric bone-patellar tendon-bone recon-
struction.44, 45 More recently, there has been
an increased emphasis on anatomic-based
reconstruction techniques.7, 26, 46 LaPrade et
al. has described an anatomic reconstruc-
tion technique utilizing an open surgical
approach and a semitendinosus tendon
autograft.7, 26 Liu et al. described a similar
Figure 8.—A, B) An illustration demonstrating posterior (A) and lateral (B) views of an anatomic bular collateral
ligament reconstruction using a semitendinosus graft. FCL, bular collateral ligament; PFL, popliteobular ligament;
PLT, popliteus tendon. Reproduced with permission from: LaPrade et al.26
positioning, a 6-mm closed socket tunnel is
reamed to a depth of 30 mm and nished
with a 7 mm tap to complete the femoral
reconstruction tunnel.
In autograft reconstruction cases, an inci-
sion is made over the pes anserine bursa
on the medial aspect of the proximal tib-
ia to locate the semitendinosus tendon. A
standard hamstring harvesting instrument is
used to harvest the semitendinosus tendon
graft. Once harvested, the graft is cleaned
of all residual muscle and tubularized us-
ing number two nonabsorbable sutures to
allow easy graft passage through the recon-
struction tunnels.
Next, attention is turned to perform any
required intra-articular arthroscopic proce-
dures. Since the majority of posterolateral
corner injuries are combined ligament in-
juries, it is likely that many patients may
require a cruciate ligament reconstruction.
In addition, chronic lateral knee injuries are
associated with medial meniscus tears and
medial compartment degenerative cartilage
lesions. These should be addressed at this
time. Cruciate ligament grafts should be se-
cured in their respective femoral tunnels,
but tibial xation should not be performed
until after the FCL reconstruction graft is se-
Once the arthroscopic procedures are es-
sentially completed, the FCL graft is passed
into the femoral tunnel with the assistance
of passing sutures and secured using a
7x23 mm bioabsorbable screw (Figure 9).
Secure xation is conrmed by applying
a lateral traction force to the graft xed in
the femoral tunnel. The FCL graft is guided
deep to the iliotibial band and aponeurosis
of the long head of the biceps femoris be-
fore emerging adjacent to the lateral aspect
of the bular head (Figure 10). As with the
femoral tunnel, passing sutures help pull the
graft into the bular reconstruction tunnel.
The FCL graft is tensioned with the knee in
20º of exion and the leg in neutral tibial
rotation while applying a valgus force to
eliminate any lateral compartment gapping.
A 7x23 cannulated bioabsorbable interfer-
ence screw is used to x the graft in place
in the bular tunnel. Once securely xed, a
incision is made over the posterolateral
knee extending proximally along the iliotib-
ial band to distally at the level of Gerdy’s tu-
bercle.47 The incision is then carried down
to develop a posteriorly based skin ap
over the long and short heads of the biceps
femoris muscle. A peroneal neurolysis is
performed by carefully dissecting through
the subcutaneous tissue to release the nerve
from its connective tissue entrapments,
minimizing the risk of foot drop postopera-
tively due to swelling. The peroneal nerve
can be located either by palpating two to
three centimeters posterior to the long head
of the biceps femoris or carefully dissecting
along the lateral aspect of the bular head.
Extreme care should be followed in cases
where the biceps femoris is avulsed off the
bular head because the peroneal nerve
may be displaced over the bular head.
Next, the biceps bursa is identied and a 1
cm incision is created to access the bular
head. Through this interval, the distal FCL
attachment site is readily identied.1 A trac-
tion stitch can be placed in the FCL remnant
to assist with later identication of the FCL
femoral attachment.
Once the position of the distal FCL at-
tachment is conrmed, a guide pin is drilled
from the center of the native FCL attach-
ment on the bular head to the posterome-
dial aspect of the bular styloid near the
popliteobular ligament. To prevent guide
pin over penetration, a retractor is placed
along the posteromedial aspect of the bu-
lar head. Finally, a 6-mm reamer is used to
create the bular reconstruction tunnel over
the guide pin.
Attention is next turned to the femoral
reconstruction tunnel. A longitudinal inci-
sion is made through the iliotibial band by
splitting its bers lengthwise. Through this
interval, the femoral attachment of the FCL
is identied proximal and posterior to the
lateral epicondyle. The distally placed trac-
tion stitch can also be used to isolate the
proximal FCL footprint if it is not readily
visualized. Once correct positioning is con-
rmed, an eyelet tipped guide pin is aimed
anteromedially to avoid breaching the in-
tercondylar notch. After conrming correct
es as pain allows. Once range of motion
reaches 105° to 110° of exion, stationary
bike and low resistance muscular endur-
ance base building exercises are initiated.
Low impact exercises such as walking and
swimming are added at twelve weeks. Once
an adequate muscular endurance base is
achieved, an increased emphasis is placed
on restoring muscular strength.
Varus stress radiographs are obtained at
between ve to six months postsurgically
to assess for lateral compartment stability.
A side-to-side difference of less than two
millimeters is considered successful resolu-
tion of lateral instability, while gapping of
greater than two millimeters suggests graft
attenuation or failure. The goal is return to
varus stress exam is performed to verify res-
olution of lateral knee stability before trim-
ming excess graft near the posteromedial
aperture of the bular reconstruction tunnel
while the common peroneal nerve is gently
retracted (Figure 11). At this time, tibial xa-
tion can be completed for any concomitant
cruciate ligament reconstructions. Once all
grafts are secured, the incisions are closed
and the patient is placed in an immobilizer
Postoperative restrictions include non-
weightbearing and avoidance of external
rotation and varus stress for the rst six
weeks.26 An immobilizer brace is used to
protect the grafted FCL. Straight leg raises
and quadriceps sets should be performed
with the knee in the immobilizer brace.
Early range-of-motion exercises are empha-
sized during the rst phases of rehabilitation
to minimize the risk of arthrobrosis. Pas-
sive range of motion is allowed from to
90° of exion for the rst two weeks, stating
on postoperative day one, and increased as
tolerated thereafter, with the goal of achiev-
ing full range of motion by the end of week
six. After two weeks, straight leg raises and
quadriceps sets can be completed without
the immobilizer brace in the absence of an
extensor lag. After six weeks, patients are
allowed to progressively wean off crutch-
Figure 11.—The FCL graft is secured in the bula and
trimmed prior to closing.
Figure 10.—The FCL graft is passed distally and deep to
the iliotibial band before being pulled through the bular
reconstruction tunnel.
Figure 9.—The FCL reconstruction graft is secured in a
closed socket femoral tunnel using a 7 mm bioabsorb-
able screw.
Outcomes following anatomic FCL re-
construction have demonstrated a signi-
cant improvement in subjective and ob-
jective outcome measures. LaPrade et al.
performed anatomic FCL reconstructions
in 20 patients with an average age of 24
years (range, 16-45 years).26 After a mean
of two years, the average modied Cincin-
nati score improved signicantly from 28.2
preoperatively to 88.5 postoperatively and
the average International Knee Documen-
tation Committee (IKDC) subjective score
increased signicantly from 34.7 preopera-
tively to 88.1 postoperatively. The Cincin-
nati symptom and functional subscores
also improved signicantly. Objective out-
comes were evaluated using varus stress
radiographs, which improved from a mean
side-to-side difference in lateral compart-
ment gapping of 3.9 mm preoperatively to
-0.4 mm postoperatively. Together, these
outcomes demonstrate that an anatomic
FCL reconstruction was able to signicant
improve patient function and lateral knee
Numerous advances have been made
recently in the understanding of postero-
lateral corner anatomy and biomechanics,
which in turn have led to the development
and validation of FCL reconstruction tech-
niques. Lateral knee injuries frequently do
not heal due to the inherent bony instability
of the lateral compartment. Patients present-
ing with an acute knee injury should always
be evaluated for signs and symptoms of va-
rus instability, especially in cases of cruci-
ate ligament injury, which may indicate an
injury to the FCL. For patients with chronic
lateral knee instability, it is essential to eval-
uate the patient’s weightbearing axis prior
to performing an FCL reconstruction. While
several FCL reconstruction techniques have
been described in the literature, the authors
recommend an anatomic FCL reconstruc-
tion utilizing a semitendinosus allograft or
autograft because it has been demonstrat-
ed to restore objective knee stability and
full activity within six to nine months. Re-
turn to high-level activity should only occur
after passing functional testing such as the
Vail sports test and being cleared by a phy-
Standard surgical complications includ-
ing infection, blood clot, or delayed healing
should be discussed prior to surgery. Iatro-
genic peroneal nerve palsy is a rare but se-
rious complication. Risk of peroneal nerve
palsy is minimized by performing a pero-
neal neurolysis prior to FCL reconstruction,
which diminishes the effect of compressive
forces on the nerve due to post-operative
swelling and allows the nerve to be safely
retracted. In addition, the tourniquet should
be let down prior to closing to cauterize
bleeding vessels since hematoma formation
at the bular head may lead to peroneal
nerve palsy.49 As with any ligament recon-
struction, graft attenuation or failure is also
While direct FCL repair has been de-
scribed by several authors,14, 15 it is only rec-
ommended in select patients with acute FCL
avulsions. Outcomes following posterolater-
al corner repair demonstrate poor outcomes
compared to reconstruction.50, 51 Stannard et
al. followed 57 patients following poster-
olateral corner reconstructions for a mini-
mum of two years and reported that 37% of
repairs versus 9% of reconstructions result-
ed in failure.51 Levy et al. also studied pos-
terolateral repair versus reconstruction.50 In
a series of 28 knees followed for a mean of
34 months, signicantly more repairs (40%)
failed compared to reconstruction (6%).
While these results document outcomes
after total posterolateral corner repair and
reconstruction, results indicate that recon-
struction of posterolateral corner structures
following injury, including reconstruction of
the FCL, yield superior results.
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Conicts of interest.—Dr. LaPrade is a paid consultant for
Arthrex and Smith and Nephew. However, no funding was
received directly related to this work.
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The decision to return an athlete to sports following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction can be controversial. The purposes of this study are 1) to describe a functional test (Vail Sport Test™) that includes the evaluation of muscle strength, endurance, power, and movement quality in those patients attempting to return to sports following ACL reconstruction and 2) to assess the reliability of the Vail Sport Test™. A prospective cohort study design. A total of 30 (12 F, 18 M) subjects (18.1±5.3 yrs) volunteered for the study. All subjects were post-operative ACL reconstruction (5.2±1.9 months) and were in the process of returning to sports. Each subject completed the Vail Sport Test™ and was videotaped from the anterior and lateral view. The videotape was then viewed and graded at two different points in time (48 hours apart) by three licensed physical therapists. Intraclass correlations (ICCs) were calculated to determine intra- and inter-rater reliability. Intra-rater reliability was excellent with a range of .95 to 1.0. Reliability values between graders were .97 (ICC(2),k) and 1.55 (SEM). The results of this study suggest that the Vail Sport Test™ has excellent reliability when the same graders scored the test using video on repeated occasions. In addition, the test was reliable between different graders. Level 2b.
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Bone bruises on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are common in patients with acute knee ligament injuries and have been well described for injuries involving the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments and the medial collateral ligament. These have not yet been described in detail for posterolateral corner injuries. Acute grade III posterolateral corner (PLC) injuries are often accompanied by bone bruises located in the medial compartment. Case series; Level of evidence, 4. One hundred two patients with acute grade III PLC knee injuries and MRI scans within 6 weeks of injury were prospectively identified. Images were reviewed for the location of bone bruises, which were defined as areas with high signal intensity adjacent to the joint surface on fat-suppressed, T2-weighted sequences. Overall, 83 patients had at least 1 bone bruise and 56 patients had a bone bruise of the anteromedial femoral condyle. Tibial plateau fractures were found in 19 knees, with 12 in the anteromedial quadrant. Isolated PLC injuries were found in 28 patients; of this group, 18 had at least 1 bone bruise with 17 located in the anteromedial femoral condyle. Seventy-four patients sustained a combined ligamentous injury; 65 of these had at least 1 bone bruise on MRI and 39 had a bone bruise on the anteromedial femoral condyle. In patients with a combined injury to the PLC and anterior cruciate ligament (38), anteromedial femoral condyle bruises were seen in 19 patients and posteromedial tibial plateau bruises in 11. Medial compartment bone bruises, most commonly of the anteromedial femoral condyle, were frequently found in patients with both acute isolated and combined PLC injuries. Thus, the presence of an anteromedial femoral condyle bone bruise should increase the level of suspicion of a concurrent PLC knee injury. In addition, we believe that the presence of a posteromedial tibial plateau bone bruise may be a secondary sign of a potential combined PLC injury in the setting of anterior cruciate ligament tear.
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Synopsis: Injuries to the posterolateral corner of the knee pose a significant challenge to sports medicine team members due to their complex nature. Identifying posterolateral corner injuries is paramount to determining proper surgical management of the injured athlete, with the goal of preventing chronic pain, instability, and/or surgical failure. Postoperative rehabilitation is based on the specific structural involvement and surgical procedures. A firm understanding of the anatomy and biomechanics of the structures of the posterolateral corner is essential for successful rehabilitation outcomes. Emphasis is placed on protection of the healing surgical repair/reconstruction, with gradual restoration of range of motion, strength, proprioception, and dynamic function of the knee. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the anatomy, biomechanics, and mechanism of injury for posterolateral corner injuries, with a review of clinical examination techniques for identifying these injuries. Furthermore, a review of current surgical management and postoperative guidelines is provided. Level of evidence: Diagnosis/therapy, level 5.
Background: The fibular collateral ligament (FCL) is the primary restraint to varus rotation of the knee joint. Arthroscopic techniques are widely used and minimally invasive, but anatomic arthroscopic reconstruction of an isolated FCL injury has not been reported. Hypothesis: Anatomic reconstruction of an isolated FCL injury can be performed arthroscopically and will restore the knee to near-normal stability. Study design: Controlled laboratory study. Methods: A total of 12 nonpaired, fresh-frozen cadaveric knees were biomechanically subjected to a 10-N·m varus moment and 5-N·m external and internal rotation torques at 0°, 15°, 30°, 60°, 90°, and 120° of knee flexion, respectively (0° only for varus loading). Testing was performed with an intact and sectioned FCL and also after an anatomic reconstruction of the FCL by arthroscopic technique. Kinematics of each knee under various loading conditions was determined with a robotic universal force/moment sensor testing system. Results: After sectioning, significant increases were found in varus rotation at 0°, 15°, 30°, 60°, 90°, and 120° of knee flexion; in external rotation at 15°, 30°, and 60° of knee flexion; and in internal rotation at 30°, 60°, and 90° of knee flexion. After reconstruction, full recovery of knee stability was observed in varus rotation at 0°, 15°, 30°, and 60°; in external rotation at 0°, 15°, 30°, 60°, 90°, and 120°; and in internal rotation at 0°, 15°, 30°, 60°, 90°, and 120°. When the sectioned and intact FCL knee conditions were compared, significant increases of 3.4° at 90° of flexion and 3.4° at 120° of flexion were found (P < .001, both conditions); when the reconstructed and sectioned FCL knee conditions were compared, significant decreases of 1.7° at 90° of flexion and 1.7° at 120° of knee flexion were found (P = .033 and .043, respectively). Conclusion: An anatomic reconstruction of the FCL can be performed by an arthroscopically assisted mini-open technique with an isolated FCL injury, and near-normal stability of the knee can be restored. Clinical relevance: Anatomic reconstruction of the FCL by an arthroscopically assisted mini-open technique is a viable, less invasive option to treat nonrepairable isolated FCL injury.
To determine if untreated grade III injuries of the posterolateral structures contribute to increased force on an anterior cruciate ligament graft, we measured the force in the graft in cadaveric knees during joint loading after reconstruction with otherwise intact structures and in the same reconstructed knees after selected cutting of specific posterolateral knee structures. Tests were first performed on the knee with the posterolateral structures intact and then after sequential sectioning of the fibular collateral ligament, popliteofibular ligament, and popliteus tendon. The graft force was significantly higher after fibular collateral ligament transection during varus loading at both 0° and 30° of knee flexion than it was for the same loading of the joint with intact posterolateral structures. In addition, coupled loading of varus and internal rotation moments at 0° and 30° of flexion further increased graft force beyond that with varus force alone. The increase in graft force remained significant with additional sequential cutting of the popliteofibular ligament and popliteus tendon. We believe this study supports the clinical observation that untreated grade III posterolateral structure injuries contribute to anterior cruciate ligament graft failure by allowing higher forces to stress the graft.
Common peroneal nerve palsy is an infrequent pathology mostly related to endogenous or exogenous compression. The exogenous compression is frequently related to trauma: knee fractures or hematoma arisen after a direct blow. Fractures may cause a direct lesion of the nerve; hematoma causes a compression of the nerve at the fibular neck causing pain and functional loss. Lesions of the common peroneal nerve can also be related to total knee arthroplasty. The clinical evaluation is characterized by muscle weakness with or without sensory abnormality. The etiopathogeneses of the compression have to be confirmed by ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging before the surgical treatment. The purpose of this article is to describe a case of common peroneal nerve palsy due to a posttraumatic hematoma after a sport-related injury. We evaluated this case with dynamic ultrasound with good visualization of the morphology of the lesion and of the compression.
Few studies have reported the outcomes of surgical treatment of an acute grade-III posterolateral knee injury. Our purpose was to report the objective stability and subjective outcomes for a prospective series of patients with an acute grade-III posterolateral knee injury treated with anatomic repair and/or reconstruction of all injured structures. A prospective study of all patients with a grade-III posterolateral knee injury treated with an anatomic repair and/or reconstruction within six weeks of injury was initiated in May 2005. International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC) objective scores and bilateral varus stress radiographs were obtained at each visit, including preoperatively and at the final follow-up visit. In addition, all patients completed Cincinnati and IKDC subjective evaluations. All associated cruciate ligament tears were reconstructed concurrently. Twenty-nine patients (twenty-four men and five women with a mean age of twenty-seven years) (thirty knees) were enrolled in the study. Eight knees had an isolated posterolateral corner injury, ten also had an anterior cruciate ligament tear, four also had a posterior cruciate ligament tear, and eight also had tears of both cruciate ligaments. Four patients were lost to follow-up prior to two years, resulting in a final study cohort of twenty-five patients (twenty-six knees). All five IKDC objective subscores had improved significantly at the time of the final follow-up evaluation at an average of 2.4 years postoperatively. Varus stress radiographs demonstrated a significant improvement in the side-to-side difference in the lateral compartment gap, from 6.2 mm preoperatively to 0.1 mm at the time of the final follow-up. The mean Cincinnati and IKDC subjective outcomes scores improved from 21.9 to 81.4 points and from 29.1 to 81.5 points, respectively. Treatment of grade-III posterolateral knee injuries with acute repair of avulsed structures, reconstruction of midsubstance tears, and concurrent reconstruction of any cruciate ligament tears resulted in significantly improved objective stability.
The purpose of our study was to determine if sectioning the canine fibular collateral ligament, popliteus tendon, and popliteofibular ligament would result in residual posterolateral instability and produce measureable evidence of early-onset arthritis on ultra-high field MRI. The fibular collateral ligament, popliteus tendon, and popliteofibular ligament were surgically sectioned in six canines. Six months postoperatively, both limbs were biomechanically tested involving 3.25 Nm varus and 1.25 Nm internal and external rotation torques at 28.5° (mean full extension), 60°, and 90° of flexion. A 7.0-tesla MRI scanner acquired T (1ρ)-weighted images, and relaxation time constants were calculated. Compared to the non-operative knees, varus angulation significantly increased by 2.0°, 8.0°, and 12.4° in the operative knees at full extension, 60° flexion, and 90° flexion, respectively. External rotation was significantly increased by 8.1° at full extension, 12.2° at 60°, and 8.2° at 90°. Internal rotation was significantly increased by 9.1° at full extension and 12.4° at 60°. T (1ρ) MRI mapping revealed a significant increase in relaxation times in the medial compartment of the surgical knees compared to controls. This study validated that grade III surgically created posterolateral knee injuries do not heal and that the canine knee developed early-onset changes of the medial compartment, indicative of early-onset osteoarthritis, developed in the operative knees.
After the development and biomechanical validation of an anatomical fibular collateral ligament reconstruction using a semitendinosus graft, this technique has subsequently been applied clinically. An anatomical reconstruction of a grade III fibular collateral ligament tear using a semitendinosus graft restores the knee to near-normal lateral compartment stability and results in improved patient outcomes. Case series; Level of evidence, 4. A prospective study of 20 patients with an average age of 24 years (range, 16-45 years) who had an anatomical reconstruction of the fibular collateral ligament using a semitendinosus graft was performed. All patients were preoperatively and postoperatively evaluated with the modified Cincinnati and International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC) subjective scoring systems, with the IKDC objective subscores for lateral and posterolateral knee stability and with varus stress radiographs. The patients were followed for an average of 2 years. Sixteen patients were available for follow-up. Six of the patients had an isolated fibular collateral ligament reconstruction. The average preoperative modified Cincinnati score was 28.2, and the average IKDC subjective score was 34.7. Postoperatively, there was a significant improvement of both the modified Cincinnati score (to 88.5) and the IKDC subjective outcome score (to 88.1). The Cincinnati component symptom and functional subscores were also evaluated. The average preoperative symptom subscore was 9.1 and the functional subscore was 19.1. Postoperatively, there was a significant improvement in both scores; symptom subscores improved to 43.0 and functional subscores improved to 45.5. Preoperative varus stress radiographs demonstrated an average differential of 3.9 mm (range, 2.5-6.2 mm) of lateral compartment gapping between the injured and noninjured knee. At an average of 2 years postoperatively, varus stress radiographs demonstrated an average side-to-side lateral compartment gap differential of -0.4 mm. An anatomical fibular collateral ligament reconstruction using a semitendinosus graft results in improved patient outcomes and near-normal lateral compartment stability in patients with grade III injuries of the fibular collateral ligament.
Treatment of the multiligament-injured knee remains controversial. To compare clinical and functional outcomes of a consecutive series of multiligament-injured knees that underwent repair of the fibular collateral ligament (FCL) and posterolateral corner (PLC), followed by delayed cruciate ligament reconstructions, with those that had single-stage multiligament reconstruction. Cohort study; Level of evidence, 3. Methods Patients with multiligament knee injury treated by a single surgeon were identified in our prospective database. Between February 2004 and May 2005, patients underwent repair of medial- and lateral-sided injuries, followed by delayed cruciate ligament reconstructions. Between May 2005 and February 2007, patients underwent single-stage multiligament knee reconstruction. All patients followed a standard rehabilitation protocol. Inclusion criteria were minimum 2-year follow-up and multiligament knee injury including the FCL/PLC. International Knee Documentation Committee subjective and Lysholm scores and objective clinical data were documented. We identified 45 knees (42 patients); 17 knees (14 patients) were excluded, leaving 28 knees (28 patients) in the study. The repair/staged group (10 knees in 10 patients) had a mean follow-up of 34 months (range, 24-49 months). The reconstruction group (18 knees in 18 patients) had a mean follow-up of 28 months (range, 24-41 months). Four of the 10 FCL/PLC repairs (40%) and 1 of the 18 FCL/PLC reconstructions (6%) failed (P = .04). After revision reconstructions, there were no statistically significant differences between mean International Knee Documentation Committee subjective scores (79 vs. 77, P = .92) and mean Lysholm scores (85 vs 88, P = .92). Regression analysis showed no effect on failure based on age, sex, injury mechanism, time to surgery, interval between stages, total number of ligaments injured, or location of tear. Our series demonstrated a statistically significant higher rate of failure for repair compared with reconstruction of the FCL/PLC. Reconstruction of the FCL/PLC structures is a more reliable option than repair alone in the setting of a multiligament knee injury.