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Treatment of juvenile idiopathic arthritis: A revolution in care


Abstract and Figures

A generation ago, children with arthritis faced a lifetime of pain and disability. Today, there are a multitude of treatment options, including a variety of biologics targeting key cytokines and other inflammatory mediators. While non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and corticosteroids were once the mainstay of therapy, they are now largely used as bridge or adjunctive therapies. Among the conventional disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs, methotrexate remains first-line therapy for most children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) due to its long track record of safety and effectiveness in the management of peripheral arthritis. Sulfasalazine and leflunomide may also have a secondary role. The tumor necrosis factor inhibitors (TNFi) have shown tremendous benefit in children with polyarticular JIA and likely in enthesitis-related arthritis and psoriatic JIA as well. There may be additional benefit in combining TNFi with methotrexate. Abatacept and tocilizumab also appear to benefit polyarticular JIA; the role of rituximab remains unclear. For the treatment of systemic JIA, while the TNFi are of less benefit, blockade of interleukin-1 or interleukin-6 is highly effective. Additionally, interleukin-1 blockade appears to be effective treatment of macrophage activation syndrome, one of the most dangerous complications of JIA; specifically, anakinra in combination with cyclosporine and corticosteroids may obviate the need for cytotoxic approaches. In contrast, methotrexate along with the TNFi and abatacept are effective agents for the management of uveitis, another complication of JIA. Overall, the biologics have demonstrated an impressive safety record in children with JIA, although children do need to be monitored for rare but potentially dangerous adverse events, such as tuberculosis and other infections; paradoxical development of additional autoimmune diseases; and possibly an increased risk of malignancy. Finally, there may be a window of opportunity during which children with JIA will demonstrate most optimal responses to aggressive therapy, underscoring the need for rapid diagnosis and initiation of treatment.
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R E V I E W Open Access
Treatment of juvenile idiopathic arthritis:
a revolution in care
Matthew L Stoll
and Randy Q Cron
A generation ago, children with arthritis faced a lifetime of pain and disability. Today, there are a multitude of
treatment options, including a variety of biologics targeting key cytokines and other inflammatory mediators. While
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and corticosteroids were once the mainstay of therapy, they are now largely
used as bridge or adjunctive therapies. Among the conventional disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs, methotrexate
remains first-line therapy for most children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) due to its long track record of safety
and effectiveness in the management of peripheral arthritis. Sulfasalazine and leflunomide may also have a secondary
role. The tumor necrosis factor inhibitors (TNFi) have shown tremendous benefit in children with polyarticular JIA and
likely in enthesitis-related arthritis and psoriatic JIA as well. There may be additional benefit in combining TNFi with
methotrexate. Abatacept and tocilizumab also appear to benefit polyarticular JIA; the role of rituximab remains unclear.
For the treatment of systemic JIA, while the TNFi are of less benefit, blockade of interleukin-1 or interleukin-6 is highly
effective. Additionally, interleukin-1 blockade appears to be effective treatment of macrophage activation
syndrome, one of the most dangerous complications of JIA; specifically, anakinra in combination with cyclosporine and
corticosteroids may obviate the need for cytotoxic approaches. In contrast, methotrexate along with the TNFi and
abatacept are effective agents for the management of uveitis, another complication of JIA. Overall, the biologics have
demonstrated an impressive safety record in children with JIA, although children do need to be monitored for rare but
potentially dangerous adverse events, such as tuberculosis and other infections; paradoxical development of additional
autoimmune diseases; and possibly an increased risk of malignancy. Finally, there may be a window of opportunity
during which children with JIA will demonstrate most optimal responses to aggressive therapy, underscoring the need
for rapid diagnosis and initiation of treatment.
Keywords: Juvenile idiopathic arthritis, Treatment, Safety, Effectiveness
A generation ago, children with arthritis were fortunate if
they could find a rheumatologist to treat them, and even
with the best therapies available at the time, often faced a
childhood of pain and disability. Today, we are able to
combine old and new therapies to improve dramatically
the outlook of children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis
(JIA). In this review, we will summarize treatment options
for children with JIA, emphasizing the safety as well as the
effectiveness of many new and old therapies.
Subtypes of JIA
JIA is an umbrella term covering multiple distinct categor-
ies, the shared features of which include arthritis of un-
known etiology presenting before the 16
birthday and
lasting at least six weeks [1]. There is evident heterogeneity
with respect to clinical, demographic, and genetic features
among the JIA subtypes, translating into heterogeneity in
the responses to treatment (Table 1) [2].
Treatment of JIA
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
A generation ago, the pyramid approachused for
management of JIA and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) de-
voted extensive space to NSAIDs and other analgesics
[3]. Currently, as there is greater awareness of the long-
* Correspondence:
University of Alabama at Birmingham, CPP N 210 M, 1600 7th Avenue South,
Birmingham, AL 35233-1711, USA
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Stoll and Cron Pediatric Rheumatology 2014, 12:13
term course and outcome of the diseases and the need
for improved control [4], recent recommendations give
less emphasis to NSAIDs; specifically, use of NSAIDs as
mono-therapy for more than two months was discour-
aged if arthritis was still active [5]. The relative benefit
to side effect ratio of NSAIDs is rather low in treating
childhood arthritis, particularly in comparison to novel
biologic agents now available.
Oral corticosteroids (CS)
Like NSAIDs, oral CS were once a mainstay of therapy,
with current recommendations largely silent on their use
[5]. Although novel therapies have enabled practitioners
to reduce corticosteroid usage (Mannion, manuscript
under revision for J Rheumatol), registry data in 2012 indi-
cated that their use remained quite frequent, ranging by
subtype from 3 22% for current usage at the time of en-
rolment into the registry and 21 83% for any usage [6].
Intra-articular CS (IACS)
IACS are a mechanism of providing local and long-
lasting effective therapy to patients, thus providing in
many cases very rapid relief of symptoms and potentially
sparing the requirement of systemic therapy among pa-
tients with persistent oligoarticular arthritis [7]. Among the
IACS preparations, a randomized controlled trial (RCT) of
children with bilateral knee arthritis revealed that triamcin-
olone hexacetonide resulted in longer-lasting remission
compared to triamcinolone acetonide [8]. Although use of
IACS may be less frequent in the current biologic era, in
some cases, particularly among patients with arthritis in-
volving the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), active TMJ
arthritis can persist even in otherwise quiescent disease
and despite aggressive use of systemic therapy for arthritis
[9]. Additional therapy is important since ongoing TMJ
arthritis frequently results in micrognathia and facial dys-
morphism [10].
Conventional DMARDs
Methotrexate (MTX)
Methotrexate remains the most widely used conventional
DMARD in the management of JIA [6,11]. Its efficacy was
initially established over 20 years ago in a collaborative
study between the United States and the then Soviet
Union [12]. Although the role of conventional DMARDs
in patients with spondyloarthritis (SpA) is unclear [13],
MTX is recommended as initial therapy in all JIA sub-
types, following a trial of NSAIDs or IACS in children
with mild oligoarticular JIA (oJIA) [5]. The only exception
consists of patients with sacroiliitis alone, in whom
pediatric and adult guidelines recommend skipping con-
ventional DMARDs [5,14]. MTX can be given both orally
and subcutaneously (SQ). A recent retrospective study
demonstrated no differences in effectiveness between the
routes of administration among patients who remained on
MTX monotherapy [15]. However, limitations of this
study included different baseline characteristics of the pa-
tient groups, exclusion of children who either switched
from oral to SQ or vice versa, and exclusion of children
who required addition of a biologic. Other studies have
shown increased bioavailability of SQ compared to oral
switching from oral to SQ administration [17]. Dose escal-
ation among patients receiving SQ methotrexate was not
had an incomplete response to 15 mg/m
SQ did not dem-
onstrate improved response at 25 mg/m
compared to be-
ing maintained at the same dose [18]. In addition, in a
cohort analysis, higher doses of methotrexate did not sig-
nificantly improve joint counts [19]. Nevertheless, MTX is
effective and typically well-tolerated by children, with most
of the AEs affecting the gastrointestinal tract; monitoring of
blood counts and liver tests is also required [5].
Sulfasalazine (SSZ)
Like MTX, SSZ has long been used as therapy for JIA. A
RCT of children with oligoarticular and polyarticular
Table 1 JIA subtypes
Feature Oligoarticular RF polyarticular RF + polyarticular Systemic ERA Psoriatic
Peak age of onset 1 3 years Dual peaks Teenage 2 years Teenage Dual peaks
Sex F > M F > M F > M Equal M > F *F > M
ANA+ Majority Majority Rare Rare Rare Majority of younger age
RF+ No No Yes No No No
HLA-B27+ No No No No Majority Majority of older age
Uveitis Silent Silent Rare Rare Typically acute Silent
Enthesitis No No No No Yes Older age
Dactylitis Rare No No No Yes Yes
Fevers No No No High-spiking No No
By definition, children with unclassified JIA meet criteria for none or for two or more of the categories listed in the table. *Among psoriatics with an older age of
onset, the male: female ratio is close to 1, and the incidence of positive ANA is lower. Abbreviations: ERA enthesitis related arthritis. Adapted from [2].
Stoll and Cron Pediatric Rheumatology 2014, 12:13 Page 2 of 10
arthritis demonstrated it to be superior to placebo [20],
and long-term follow-up of the trial showed that the
children initially treated with SSZ fared better than those
initially treated with placebo at a median of 9 years after
the study [21]. SSZ has never been compared head-to-
head with MTX in treating JIA. However, indirect com-
parisons show that MTX appears to be better tolerated
and may be more effective in most patients without
enthesitis-related arthritis (ERA) [22,23]. Thus, current
guidelines support its use in ERA, but not in other types
of JIA [5]. In particular, SSZ has been shown to be asso-
ciated with high toxicity in adult-onset Still disease [24]
and thus should probably be avoided in children with
the related condition of sJIA [25].
Other conventional DMARDs
Multiple DMARDs used to treat adults with rheumatoid
arthritis, including leflunomide, azathioprine, cyclosporine,
and hydroxychloroquine, are used infrequently in pediatric
subjects. Leflunomide may have similar effectiveness and
safety as MTX and is likely a good alternative for patients
who cannot tolerate MTX [26], but its teratogenicity and
long half-life is a concern in pediatric patients. The other
DMARDs generally have shown less effectiveness and, with
the exception of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), increased risk
of adverse events [27-31].
At present time, there have been 16 randomized, con-
trolled trials (RCTs) of biologics in the treatment of chil-
dren with JIA [32-46]. With few exceptions, the studies
have demonstrated that biologics are highly effective and
safe in the treatment of JIA, and have propelled us into
a new era of management.
Introduction and effectiveness
Tumor necrosis factor inhibitors (TNFi): etanercept and
monoclonal antibodies
The cytokine TNF was first linked to RA in the 1980s [47],
and elevated levels of TNF have been reported in JIA pa-
tients as well [48]. Five TNFi are commercially available, of
which three adalimumab, etanercept, and infliximab
have been extensively used in children with JIA. Etanercept
is a fusion protein consisting of the extracellular domain of
the p75 TNF receptor, linked to the Fc region of human
IgG1 [49], thus serving as a trap for soluble TNF. In con-
trast, adalimumab and infliximab are monoclonal anti-
bodies against TNF: the former is fully humanized,
while the latter is a chimeric molecule with murine and
human components [50]. Among the TNFi, infliximab
is administered intravenously, while the rest are admin-
istered subcutaneously.
RCT of both etanercept and adalimumab demonstrated
TNFi to be effective therapeutic options for children with
polyarticular course JIA, with withdrawal studies demon-
strating fewer flares among the drug- versus placebo-
treated patients [32,36]. Surprisingly, a RCT of infliximab
did not meet its primary aim, which was a statistically sig-
nificant difference in the composite pediatric American
College of Rheumatology-30 response at 14 weeks [34]. A
more recent study, in which children were randomized to
receive either infliximab plus methotrexate, or combin-
ation therapy of three conventional DMARDs (MTX, SSZ,
and HCQ), did favor infliximab therapy [40]. The reasons
for the discrepancy are unclear, although it could relate to
the low numbers, short trial duration, or low dosage used
in the unsuccessful study, as well as the unusually high
placebo response rate in that study. Thus, most practi-
tioners consider all three of these TNFi to be viable op-
tions. One particular advantage of infliximab therapy is
the ease with which the dose can be escalated, without
subjecting patients to additional sometimes painful injec-
tions. Although the effectiveness of this approach remains
to be elucidated, it has recently been demonstrated that
doses as high as 20 mg/kg/dose every two weeks can be
safely administered to children with JIA [51].
As noted above, JIA is a heterogeneous condition, with
multiple distinct subtypes. Thus, efficacy in one category
does not necessarily translate into a different group. The
above studies included children with polyarticular course
JIA, which generally includes patients with extended oJIA,
Rheumatoid Factor (RF)- polyarticular JIA (pJIA), RF +
pJIA, and systemic JIA (sJIA) without active systemic fea-
tures at the time of the study. Excluded were children with
ERA, psoriatic JIA (psJIA), and sJIA with active systemic
symptoms. Open-label studies of TNFi in ERA [52-54] as
well as one RCT [41] appear to show effectiveness. Like-
wise, the data in psJIA appears promising [55]. In contrast,
an open-label study of etanercept in JIA as well as the
German etanercept registry have both shown less of a re-
sponse in patients with sJIA as compared to those with
oligoarticular or polyarticular onset [56,57]. Notably, this
was not seen in the RCTs: although none were powered to
analyze response by JIA category, the initial etanercept
RCT [32] demonstrated similar incidence of flares among
sJIA as compared to other subjects, and the abatacept
RCT [35] likewise demonstrated a similar response in the
open-label phase of the study. The reasons for the discrep-
ancies between the open-label and RCT studies are un-
clear, although as discussed below, the course of sJIA
appears to have distinct phases, potentially translating into
differences in response to therapy. Below, the role of IL-1
and IL-6 blockade in sJIA will be addressed.
As reflected in the study design of the majority of the
RCTs involving TNFi in children with pJIA, most practi-
tioners combine TNFi with MTX or other non-biologic
Stoll and Cron Pediatric Rheumatology 2014, 12:13 Page 3 of 10
DMARDs, when tolerated. Data from the German etaner-
cept registry supports this practice, as children taking eta-
nercept plus MTX demonstrated improved treatment
responses as compared to those taking etanercept alone,
without an increase in AEs [58]. There are no randomized
studies comparing TNFi as monotherapy versus combin-
ation therapy, nor is there any data supporting combina-
tions of TNFi with additional biologics, combinations
which have raised safety concerns in adult studies [59,60].
Interleukin-1 inhibitors
Interleukin-1 (IL-1) is a highly pro-inflammatory cytokine
that appears to play a role in a variety of inflammatory con-
ditions [61]. Three different IL-1 antagonists currently exist
in the marketplace, and all 3 are administered subcutane-
ously (anakinra, canakinumab, and rilonacept). Anakinra
is an analogue to the naturally-occurring interleukin-1 re-
ceptor antagonist; rilonacept is a soluble fusion protein
consisting of human IgG1 linked to the IL-1 receptor and
accessory protein; and canakinumab is a monoclonal anti-
body directed against IL-1β[61].
The first indication that IL-1 blockade may be promising
in children with sJIA was provided by Verbsky and White,
who successfully treated two children with anakinra [62].
Since then, multiple additional case series have confirmed
its effectiveness [63-65], as have RCTs of all three agents
[39,44,46]. Anakinra appears to be of greater benefit to the
systemic, rather than the articular, features of sJIA when
not used at disease onset/diagnosis [64,65]; this topic will
be discussed further below. Anakinra was ineffective in a
trial of children with pJIA [38].
Abatacept is a soluble fusion protein consisting of the
Cytotoxic T cell Lymphocyte Antigen-4 fused with the Fc
region of human IgG [66]. The rationale behind its use
has been described [67]. Only one RCT involving abata-
cept in children with JIA has been published, with the
study showing efficacy in children with polyarticular-
course JIA [35]. Fifty-seven of 190 (30%) subjects enrolled
in this study had previously received TNFi, and these pa-
tients appeared to demonstrate a less robust response,
presumably reflecting a bias towards more recalcitrant
IL-6 is another highly pro-inflammatory cytokine [68];
tocilizumab is a monoclonal antibody directed against
the IL-6 receptor. It is the only biologic to be evaluated
with RCTs and found to be effective for both pJIA and
sJIA. In children with sJIA, tocilizumab was effective in
both the systemic as well as the articular symptoms of
the disease [43]. Additionally, a RCT of children with
pJIA showed substantial improvement [45].
Rituximab is a chimeric monoclonal antibody directed
against the human CD20 receptor, which is present only
on B cells [69]. It has not been used much in children
with JIA, perhaps out of a concern that it will only be ef-
fective in diseases with an identifiable antibody. Thus,
data is limited to case reports and one case series, which
have largely been positive [70-76]. These studies, though
limited in numbers and not randomized, do suggest the
concerns that rituximab will only be effective in patients
with a positive RF may be unfounded, as subjects with
multiple JIA categories have responded well.
Safety of biologic therapy
The RCTs of biologic therapies in children with JIA have
for the most part not raised any significant safety concerns
[32-46]. However, limitations of RCTs in the assessment
of drug safety include the relatively low number of sub-
jects enrolled and short trial duration, which limit the abil-
ity of these studies to detect rare events and long term
side effects [77]. Since TNFi are the oldest class of engi-
neered biologics and the most widely used [6], existing
registries can provide ample real-world assessments of
their safety, and these registries have indeed confirmed the
safety of TNF inhibition in both the short and long terms
[32-42,78-81]. For example, Giannini and colleagues
followed 397 subjects over a three-year period who re-
ceived etanercept either with or without MTX, reporting
rates of SAEs that were similar to those seen in children
taking MTX as mono-therapy [81].
Whether TNFi are associated with an increased risk of
malignancy in children is unclear. A recent study showed
that children treated with etanercept had a higher inci-
dence of Hodgkins lymphoma compared to the general
population, as indicated by the Surveillance Epidemiology
and End Results database [82]. However, the interpretation
of this finding is clouded by the increased baseline inci-
dence of malignancy among children with JIA [83,84].
Furthermore, a study of children with Medicaid insurance
evaluated from years 2000 2005 showed no malignancies
among 1,484 patients treated with TNFi, over nearly 3,000
person-years of therapy [83].
With respect to IL-1 inhibition, abatacept, tocilizumab,
and rituximab, there is much less safety data, necessitating
that the safety of these medicines either in other popula-
tions (e.g. adults with rheumatoid arthritis) or, in the case
of rituximab, for other indications (e.g. children with idio-
pathic thrombocytopenic purpura), must be considered.
None of the RCTs involving anakinra, canakinumab, and
abatacept showed significant safety signals; likewise, the
overall experience in adults with rheumatoid arthritis has
shown anakinra and abatacept to be safe, with perhaps a
decreased risk of serious adverse events compared even to
TNFi [85]. One study addressed findings of pulmonary
Stoll and Cron Pediatric Rheumatology 2014, 12:13 Page 4 of 10
complications of interstitial lung disease and pulmonary
hypertension in patients with sJIA, concluding that this
was likely associated with underlying disease characteris-
tics rather than its treatment in most cases [86]. Similarly,
the limited experience in children with JIA has shown ri-
tuximab to be well-tolerated in this population, just as it
was in a larger cohort of children with idiopathic throm-
bocytopenic purpura [87]. In contrast, pediatric studies in-
volving tocilizumab have revealed several safety concerns,
including elevated liver function tests, lymphopenia, neu-
tropenia, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, and possibly an in-
creased risk of serious infections [37,43,88]. Specifically,
Yokota et al. (2008) reported strikingelevations of liver
function tests (alanine aminotransferase [ALT] of 676) in a
child with Ebstein-Barr Virus infection along with a case
of gastrointestinal hemorrhage in the double-blind phase,
along with grade 2 elevations of ALT in 12/50 subjects
during the 48-week open label extension phase [37]. Like-
wise, de Benedetti et al. (2012) reported ALT elevations
above 2.5 times the upper limit of normal in 21 out of 112
tocilizumab-treated patients, along with neutrophil counts
of less than 1 x 10
/ liter in 17 patients and less than 0.5 x
in two patients. They also reported two serious infec-
tions among 75 tocilizumab-treated compared to none of
37 placebo-treated patients in the 12-week double blind
phase [43]. Some of these findings have also been seen in
adult studies [89]. Moreover, all of the biologics have
been linked in case reports to rare but serious infections,
including in the case of rituximab rare reports of progres-
sive multifocal leukoencephalopathy [90,91]. Additionally,
etanercept and chimeric antibodies administered intraven-
ously, namely infliximab and rituximab, have been asso-
ciated with anaphylactic reactions [34,92,93]. Finally,
TNFi have been linked with additional rare AEs, includ-
ing induction of autoimmune diseases such as lupus
[94], psoriasis, cutaneous vasculitis, and multiple scler-
osis [95] and rare infections such as tuberculosis and
histoplasmosis [96]. Nevertheless, the overall benefit to
side effect ratio of biologic agents used to treat JIA ap-
pears to be remarkably high.
Treatment of JIA complications
Macrophage activation syndrome (MAS)
MAS, a secondary form of hemophagocytic lymphohis-
tiocytosis (HLH), arises from a pro-inflammatory cyto-
kine storm, which is thought to result from a defect in
CD8 T cell and/or natural killer cell cytolytic capacity
[97]. MAS can lead to pancytopenia, coagulopathy, liver
dysfunction, central nervous system dysfunction, and
death if under-recognized or under-treated. Although
MAS can be associated with hematologic malignancies
or certain infections (particularly, members of the herpes
virus family), it is commonly associated with sJIA [98].
MAS has also been reported among subjects treated
with tocilizumab and IL-1 antagonists for sJIA [43,44,65];
this does not imply causality, although it does provide cau-
tion that even IL-6 and IL-1 blockade may not always be
protective against it. There is substantial clinical and la-
boratory overlap between features of MAS and of active
sJIA [97], so reported effectiveness of anakinra in the man-
agement of MAS secondary to sJIA comes as little surprise
[99,100]. Anakinra has also found a role in treating MAS
associated with diseases other than sJIA, including idio-
pathic MAS [101,102]. None of the other biologics have so
far found a place in the management of MAS but time will
tell; among the traditional DMARDs, cyclosporine, which
is otherwise rarely used to treat JIA, has long been consid-
ered standard of care in the treatment of MAS [103,104].
Combination therapy with high dose corticosteroids, cyclo-
sporine, and anakinra is likely to replace more traditional
and risky cytotoxic approaches [104] for treating many sec-
ondary forms of HLH and MAS [105].
Asymptomatic chronic uveitis is a frequent complication
of JIA, occurring in 30% of children with ANA+ disease
[106]. Children with ERA are at risk for the acute anter-
ior uveitis characteristic of adults with SpA [107]; treat-
ment of both types of uveitis are similar. Methotrexate
appears to be the most widely used first-line agent in
addition to topical CS, and its use may even prevent onset
of uveitis [108]. Among the biologics, the TNFi have been
the most widely used [109], although the monoclonal anti-
bodies are more effective than etanercept [110]. To prevent
steroid related side effects (e.g. cataracts, glaucoma) and to
maintain disease remission, dose escalation to as high as
20 mg/kg of infliximab is occasionally required [51,111].
For patients who have failed therapy with both MTX and
TNFi, there is minimal data to guide subsequent manage-
ment. There have been successful case reports with myco-
phenolate mofetil [112], abatacept [113-115], and rituximab
[116,117]. With proper ophthalmologic screening and
prompt therapy with steroid sparing MTX and biologic
agents, the risk of blindness from JIA-associated uveitis has
been dramatically reduced [118].
Early aggressive therapy
There may be a window of opportunity to most effectively
treat chronic arthritis, and evidence is accumulating to
support the benefits of early and aggressive therapy. The
concept of early aggressive therapy is perhaps best illus-
trated in the case of sJIA. This disease appears to have two
phases: a systemic phase characterized by fevers, elevated
inflammatory markers, and rash; followed by an articular
phase, characterized by predominance of arthritis [119].
Serum taken from children in the systemic phase induces
a strong interleukin-1 signature in peripheral blood mono-
nuclear cells obtained from healthy subjects [63], and
Stoll and Cron Pediatric Rheumatology 2014, 12:13 Page 5 of 10
therapy with IL-1 blockade is highly effective in newly-
diagnosed patients [64,120]. In contrast, studies evaluating
subjects with a wide range of disease duration, which gen-
erally includes many subjects in the articular phase of the
illness, show mixed benefit from anakinra [121], possibly
indicating changes in the underlying biology of the disease
that could complicate therapy.
Two studies of children with pJIA also helped illustrate
this concept. The first was a study of SSZ in 68 children
with oligoarticular or polyarticular juvenile chronic arth-
ritis conducted from 19921994 and published in 1997,
the primary outcome being improvements in joint counts
and other measures over a 24-week period. Most impres-
sively, a 9-year follow-up study in which 61 participants
were re-assessed by physical exam revealed improved joint
counts and overall well-being among those initially
assigned to SSZ, despite similar patterns of DMARD use
following the conclusion of the actual trial [21]. More re-
cently, in the Trial of Early Aggressive Therapy, children
with pJIA were randomized to receive MTX versus MTX
plus etanercept and a tapering dose of CS [42]. Although
the study failed to meet its primary aim of statistically sig-
nificant differences in the incidence of clinically inactive
disease at six months, secondary analyses did reveal that
regardless of treatment arm, the duration of disease prior
to enrolment in the trial was inversely correlated with like-
lihood of obtaining inactive disease. Likewise, data from
the German etanercept registry revealed that a positive
predictor of response to etanercept was short disease dur-
ation prior to initiation of therapy [122].
Studies in adults indicate that a window of opportunity
may also apply with respect to SpA, although in this case,
the window may be much longer. Specifically, patients
with advanced spinal lesions show progression of the
structural changes despite therapy with TNFi [123]; how-
ever, recent data suggest that subjects with early spinal
changes show regression of the lesions without new bone
formation when treating with TNFi [124].
It is clear that the window of opportunity will vary widely
both by underlying disease and by individual patient char-
acteristics. Even in the absence of such a window, the bene-
fits of obtaining rapid control of a potentially debilitating
and painful medical condition that may also effect growth
in young children, whose entire lives are ahead of them, are
A generation ago, a diagnosis of chronic juvenile arth-
ritis relegated children to a lifetime of pain, disability,
and dsymorphology (the latter in no small part due to
TMJ arthritis), with an increased risk of mortality as
well observed in older studies [125]. Today, there are a
multitude of treatment options, which taken together have
allowed children with arthritis to experience normal
growth and development. As more is learned about the
etiopathogenesis of the different categories of JIA, it may
become easier to target the right drug to the right child.
For now, however, it is clear that most children with non-
systemic JIA respond well to TNFi and MTX, and that
most children with sJIA respond well to IL-1 and IL-6
blockade. It is also clear that methotrexate and the biologic
medicines are typically well-tolerated by children, and that
early and aggressive therapy yields optimal outcomes.
CS: Corticosteroids; DMARD: Disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug;
ERA: Enthesitis-related arthritis; HLH: Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis;
IA: Intra-articular; IL: Interleukin; JIA: Juvenile idiopathic arthritis;
MAS: Macrophage activation syndrome; MTX: Methotrexate; NSAID: Non-
steroidal anti-inflammatory drug; oJIA: Oligoarticular JIA; pJIA: Polyarticular
JIA; psJIA: Psoriatic JIA; RA: Rheumatoid arthritis; RCT: Randomized controlled
trial; RF: Rheumatoid factor; sJIA: Systemic JIA; SpA: Spondyloarthritis;
SSZ: Sulfasalazine; SQ: Subcutaneous; TMJ: Temporomandibular joint;
TNFi: Tumor necrosis factor inhibitor.
Competing interests
Dr. Stoll has no conflicts of interest. Dr. Cron has consulted for < $5000 each for
Novartis, Genentech, and Swedish Orphan Biovitrum (producer of anakinra).
Both MLS and RQC were involved in the drafting and critical review of the
manuscript and approve the final version.
MLS is Assistant Professor in the Department of Pediatrics, Division of
Rheumatology, at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. RQC is Professor
in the Department of Pediatrics, Division of Rheumatology, at the University
of Alabama at Birmingham.
Received: 19 March 2014 Accepted: 10 April 2014
Published: 23 April 2014
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Cite this article as: Stoll and Cron: Treatment of juvenile idiopathic
arthritis: a revolution in care. Pediatric Rheumatology 2014 12:13.
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... In addition, physiotherapy and splinting were keystone in preserving functional ability and preventing contracture [21]. Clinically, less than half of the children gained adequate control of their disease [26,27], and remained at risk of chronic pain and disease-related disability [28]. Psychological support was also provided to the family by treating physicians, nurses, and if needed, a social worker [21]. ...
... MTX is a folic acid analogue that inhibits the folate pathway, interfering with tissue cell reproduction [32], transforming the outlook for many children with JIA [29]. The use of NSAIDs and corticosteroids moved to become an adjunctive treatment [28]. During this MTX era, a strong focus was also placed on educating children and their parents to promote medication adherence to optimise efficacy; and to monitor for side effects, because of the safety issues associated with MTX, for example increased liver enzymes [29]. ...
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Purpose of Review This critical review begins by presenting the history of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) management. To move the conversation forward in addressing the current shortcomings that exist in the clinical management of children living with JIA, we argue that to date, the advancement of successful treatments for JIA has been historically slow. Factors implicated in this situation include a lack of rigorous research, JIA being considered a rare disease, and JIA’s idiopathic and complex pathophysiology. Recent Findings Despite the well-intended legislative changes to increase paediatric research, and the major advancements seen in molecular medicine over the last 30 years, globally, paediatric rheumatology services are still failing to meet the current benchmarks of best practice. Provoking questions on how the longstanding health care disparities of poor access and delayed treatment for children living with JIA can be improved, to improve healthcare outcomes. Summary Globally, paediatric rheumatology services are failing to meet the current benchmarks of best practice. Raising awareness of the barriers hindering JIA management is the first step in reducing the current health inequalities experienced by children living with JIA. Action must be taken now, to train and well-equip the paediatric rheumatology interdisciplinary workforce. We propose, a resource-efficient way to improve the quality of care provided could be achieved by embedding digital health into clinical practice, to create an integrative care model between the children, general practice and the paediatric rheumatology team. To improve fragmented service delivery and the coordination of interdisciplinary care, across the healthcare system.
... Pharmacological treatment of non-systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) has undergone substantial transformations during the past two decades [1]. Early initiation of conventional synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (csDMARDs) such as methotrexate (MTX) and the growing availability of biologic DMARDs (bDMARDs) have led to improved clinical outcomes [2][3][4]. ...
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Background Etanercept has been studied in doses up to 0.8 mg/kg/week (max 50 mg/week) in juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) patients. In clinical practice higher doses are used off-label, but evidence regarding the relation with outcomes is lacking. We describe the clinical course of JIA-patients receiving high-dose etanercept (1.6 mg/kg/week; max 50 mg/week) in the BeSt for Kids trial. Methods 92 patients with oligoarticular JIA, RF-negative polyarticular JIA or juvenile psoriatic arthritis were randomised across three treat-to-target arms: (1) sequential DMARD-monotherapy (sulfasalazine or methotrexate (MTX)), (2) combination-therapy MTX + 6 weeks prednisolone and (3) combination therapy MTX + etanercept. In any treatment-arm, patients could eventually escalate to high-dose etanercept alongside MTX 10mg/m²/week. Results 32 patients received high-dose etanercept (69% female, median age 6 years (IQR 4–10), median 10 months (7–16) from baseline). Median follow-up was 24.6 months. Most clinical parameters improved within 3 months after dose-increase: median JADAS10 from 7.2 to 2.8 (p = 0.008), VAS-physician from 12 to 4 (p = 0.022), VAS-patient/parent from 38.5 to 13 (p = 0.003), number of active joints from 2 to 0.5 (p = 0.12) and VAS-pain from 35.5 to 15 (p = 0.030). Functional impairments (CHAQ-score) improved more gradually and ESR remained stable. A comparable pattern was observed in 11 patients (73% girls, median age 8 (IQR 6–9)) who did not receive high-dose etanercept despite eligibility (comparison group). In both groups, 56% reached inactive disease at 6 months. No severe adverse events (SAEs) occurred after etanercept dose-increase. In the comparison group, 2 SAEs consisting of hospital admission occurred. Rates of non-severe AEs per subsequent patient year follow-up were 2.27 in the high-dose and 1.43 in the comparison group. Conclusions Escalation to high-dose etanercept in JIA-patients who were treated to target was generally followed by meaningful clinical improvement. However, similar improvements were observed in a smaller comparison group who did not escalate to high-dose etanercept. No SAEs were seen after escalation to high-dose etanercept. The division into the high-dose and comparison groups was not randomised, which is a potential source of bias. We advocate larger, randomised studies of high versus regular dose etanercept to provide high level evidence on efficacy and safety. Trial registration Dutch Trial Register; NTR1574; 3 December 2008;
... Studies involving larger populations and longer trial durations are required to validate the efficacy of biomarkers and establish their utility in guiding personalized treatment approaches for JIA. [77] Overall, exploring therapeutic biomarkers in JIA research enhances treatment outcomes and optimizes patient care. Leveraging existing and emerging biomarkers provides valuable insights into disease mechanisms, identification of appropriate drug targets, and personalization of treatment strategies, ultimately improving the quality of life for individuals living with JIA. ...
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Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is a chronic clinical condition characterized by arthritic features in children under the age of 16, with at least 6 weeks of active symptoms. The etiology of JIA remains unknown, and it is associated with prolonged synovial inflammation and structural joint damage influenced by environmental and genetic factors. This review aims to enhance the understanding of JIA by comprehensively analyzing relevant literature. The focus lies on current diagnostic and therapeutic approaches and investigations into the pathoaetiologies using diverse research modalities, including in vivo animal models and large-scale genome-wide studies. We aim to elucidate the multifactorial nature of JIA with a strong focus towards genetic predilection, while proposing potential strategies to improve therapeutic outcomes and enhance diagnostic risk stratification in light of recent advancements. This review underscores the need for further research due to the idiopathic nature of JIA, its heterogeneous phenotype, and the challenges associated with biomarkers and diagnostic criteria. Ultimately, this contribution seeks to advance the knowledge and promote effective management strategies in JIA.
... Today, JIA patients are very well taken care of in general regarding symptoms and inflammatory activity. Biological drugs are readily available and there is much evidence-based knowledge regarding diagnosis and treatment regimens [3,63,64]. This means that most JIA patients can be treated to a low or irrelevant systemic inflammatory activity and their prognosis is usually good regarding joint damage and pain [65]. ...
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Background Stress in patients with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) has been found to be associated with orofacial pain, psychological distress, jaw dysfunction and loss of daily activities in a cross-sectional study. The aim of this study was to investigate the relations between stress and change of stress over time versus changes in orofacial pain, psychosocial factors and jaw function over a two-year period in patients with JIA. Methods This is a two-year prospective follow-up study involving 40 JIA patients. At baseline (2015) the median age was 12 years and at two-year follow up (2018) 14 years. The JIA patients were examined clinically and with questionnaires at baseline and follow-up with the diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders (DC/TMD) and completed the same set of DC/TMD questionnaires regarding orofacial pain symptoms and psychosocial factors. Results Change in stress was associated with change in catastrophizing, psychological distress as well as limitation in general function and jaw function. Conclusions This study emphasizes the importance of maintaining a low stress level in patients with JIA since an increase in stress level over a two-year period seems to impair jaw function as well as psychological distress and catastrophizing.
... This subdivision allows for a better understanding of its pathogenesis and response to therapy 1,4 . The evident heterogeneity between the various subtypes of JIA, regarding their clinical features, genetic and pathophysiological characteristics, leads to different responses to currently available therapies 5,6 . The main differences arise between systemic arthritis and the other subtypes, as the pathophysiology of the latter is more consistent with an autoimmune disease 7 . ...
Objective In this retrospective cohort study, we aim to investigate the most used biological disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (bDMARDs) in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) patients in a pediatric rheumatologic unit from a Portuguese tertiary hospital, along with their effectiveness and safety. We also intended to link their effectiveness and the pathophysiology of the disease. Methods The medical records of JIA patients exposed to bDMARDs, between January 2018 and January 2023, in a pediatric rheumatologic unit from a Portuguese tertiary hospital were reviewed. Therapy effectiveness was accessed based on achievement of inactive disease according to Wallace Criteria. Effectiveness of different bDMARDs in the several JIA subtypes was linked to the disease´s pathophysiology. Adverse effects were also reviewed. Results Thirty-four patients were included in the study. Overall, nineteen patients (67,9%) had inactive disease at last evaluation. Six patients with missing data on inactive disease status were excluded from this analysis. Number of affected joints, ESR and CRP were significantly lower at 3, 6, 12 and 24 months after bDMARD therapy. All systemic JIA patients (n=10) were initially treated with Anakinra. Six (60%) achieved inactive disease. Two (20%) switched to Tocilizumab due to ineffectiveness in the control of articular features. Patients who switched to tocilizumab achieved inactive disease until the end of the follow-up. All patients with the other subtypes of JIA (n=24) were treated with TNF inhibitors. Inactive disease was achieved in 55,6%. Adverse effects occurred in eight patients (23,5%). Conclusions The results of the present study demonstrate the effectiveness of bDMARs in the study population. bDMARDs reduced the number of affected joints, CRP and ESR after three months of treatment, and this effectiveness was sustained over the two years of follow-up. For systemic JIA, preferred drug was Anakinra, an interleukin 1 inhibitor, and its effectiveness was consistent with previous studies. In the other JIA subtypes, TNF inhibitors were the most used bDMARDs, and showed an effectiveness consistent with previous studies. The most used bDMARDs for each JIA subtype are in line with pathophysiological differences. Our results demonstrated the safety of these drugs.
When the primary endpoints in randomized clinical trials require long term follow-up or are costly to measure, it is often desirable to assess treatment effects on surrogate instead of clinical endpoints. Prior to adopting a surrogate endpoint for such purposes, the extent of its surrogacy on the primary endpoint must be assessed. There is a rich statistical literature on assessing surrogacy in the overall population, much of which is based on quantifying the proportion of treatment effect on the primary endpoint that is explained by the treatment effect on the surrogate endpoint. However, the surrogacy of an endpoint may vary across different patient subgroups according to baseline demographic characteristics, and limited methods are currently available to assess overall surrogacy in the presence of potential surrogacy heterogeneity. In this paper, we propose methods that incorporate covariates for baseline information, such as age, to improve overall surrogacy assessment. We use flexible semi-non-parametric modeling strategies to adjust for covariate effects and derive a robust estimate for the proportion of treatment effect of the covariate-adjusted surrogate endpoint. Simulation results suggest that the adjusted surrogate endpoint has greater proportion of treatment effect compared to the unadjusted surrogate endpoint. We apply the proposed method to data from a clinical trial of infliximab and assess the adequacy of the surrogate endpoint in the presence of age heterogeneity.
Autoinflammatory diseases comprise a heterogeneous group of inherited monogenic and acquired polygenic multisystem disorders that may present in the skin and are therefore of importance to dermatologists. The inherited monogenic disorders typically present in childhood. Those that present with urticarial rashes are particularly important to differentiate from chronic urticaria since the pathogenesis, prognosis and treatment are completely different. Cryopyrin‐associated periodic syndrome should be suspected in children with a family history of chronic urticaria that does not respond to H 1 antihistamines and who have systemic symptoms of malaise and fever with persistently raised inflammatory indices. Autoinflammatory syndromes also may present with: unexplained fever, erysipelas‐like rash (familial Mediterranean fever), oedema (tumour necrosis factor receptor‐associated periodic syndrome), granulomatous dermatitis (Blau syndrome), an aseptic pustular dermatosis (deficiency of interleukin 1 receptor antagonist) or pyoderma gangrenosum (pyogenic sterile arthritis, acne and pyoderma gangrenosum), chilblain or acral erythematous atrophic or necrotic lesions in a toddler with neurological (Aicardi‐Goutières syndrome) or interstitial pneumonia (STING‐associated vasculopathy of infancy), lipoatrophy (chronic atypical neutrophilic dermatosis with lipodystrophy and elevated temperature), livedo, nodules (vasculitis) and stroke (deficiency of adenosine deaminase 2), aphtous stomatis with early‐onset bowel disease (haploinsufficiency of A20 or of RELA). Acquired autoinflammatory syndromes which present in adult life include Schnitzler syndrome and adult Still disease; the differential diagnosis includes urticarial vasculitis.
In the past two decades, the treatment of juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) has evolved markedly, owing to the availability of a growing number of novel, potent and relatively safe therapeutic agents and the shift of management strategies towards early achievement of disease remission. However, JIA encompasses a heterogeneous group of diseases that require distinct treatment approaches. Furthermore, some old drugs, such as methotrexate, sulfasalazine and intraarticular glucocorticoids, still maintain an important therapeutic role. In the past 5 years, information on the efficacy and safety of drug therapies for JIA has been further enriched through the accomplishment of several randomized controlled trials of newer biologic and synthetic targeted DMARDs. In addition, a more rational therapeutic approach has been fostered by the promulgation of therapeutic recommendations and guidelines. A multinational collaborative effort has led to the development of the recommendations for the treat-to-target strategy in JIA. There is currently increasing interest in establishing the optimal time and modality for discontinuation of treatment in children with JIA who achieve sustained clinical remission. The aim of this Review is to summarize the current evidence and discuss the therapeutic approaches to the management of non-systemic phenotypes of JIA, including oligoarthritis, polyarthritis, enthesitis-related arthritis and psoriatic arthritis.
Background: Currently, there are 9 states across the United States that do not have a pediatric rheumatologist, including the state of Montana. Patients in these states are often cared for by outreach clinics staffed by pediatric rheumatology (PR) providers from other states or looked after by in-state adult rheumatologists or in-state primary care providers. Methods: Using a web-based survey, we determined barriers and potential solutions to PR referrals from referring providers (including primary care providers and subspecialists) in Montana state. Results: Eighty-five Montana referring providers responded, with 44% being pediatric physicians and 33% being family medicine physicians. Other respondents were adult rheumatologists, pediatric and family medicine advanced practice providers, orthopedic surgeons, and pediatric subspecialists. Eighty-five percent of providers had previously referred a patient to PR. Referring providers rated difficulty referring MT patients to PR as 27 (on a linear numeric scale of 0-100, with 0 being very difficult) and noted lack of access to local pediatric rheumatologist as the most significant barrier to referral. The top patient barrier as perceived by 95% of providers was travel time. Potential solutions to improve care included presence of local pediatric rheumatologist with 50 miles, development of algorithms for common PR complaints, and outreach clinics. Conclusion: Referring providers in Montana report difficulty in referring to PR, with lack of access and travel time being key barriers. Improving access through expanding local PR workforce and increasing access through outreach clinics may help reduce these barriers.
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Objective To investigate the efficacy and safety of etanercept (ETN) in paediatric subjects with extended oligoarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis (eoJIA), enthesitis-related arthritis (ERA), or psoriatic arthritis (PsA). Methods CLIPPER is an ongoing, Phase 3b, open-label, multicentre study; the 12-week (Part 1) data are reported here. Subjects with eoJIA (2–17 years), ERA (12–17 years), or PsA (12–17 years) received ETN 0.8 mg/kg once weekly (maximum 50 mg). Primary endpoint was the percentage of subjects achieving JIA American College of Rheumatology (ACR) 30 criteria at week 12; secondary outcomes included JIA ACR 50/70/90 and inactive disease. Results 122/127 (96.1%) subjects completed the study (mean age 11.7 years). JIA ACR 30 (95% CI) was achieved by 88.6% (81.6% to 93.6%) of subjects overall; 89.7% (78.8% to 96.1%) with eoJIA, 83.3% (67.2% to 93.6%) with ERA and 93.1% (77.2% to 99.2%) with PsA. For eoJIA, ERA, or PsA categories, the ORs of ETN vs the historical placebo data were 26.2, 15.1 and 40.7, respectively. Overall JIA ACR 50, 70, 90 and inactive disease were achieved by 81.1, 61.5, 29.8 and 12.1%, respectively. Treatment-emergent adverse events (AEs), infections, and serious AEs, were reported in 45 (35.4%), 58 (45.7%), and 4 (3.1%), subjects, respectively. Serious AEs were one case each of abdominal pain, bronchopneumonia, gastroenteritis and pyelocystitis. One subject reported herpes zoster and another varicella. No differences in safety were observed across the JIA categories. Conclusions ETN treatment for 12 weeks was effective and well tolerated in paediatric subjects with eoJIA, ERA and PsA, with no unexpected safety findings.
Clinical immunology is not a traditional medical specialty at all. Clinical immunology is an intellectual territory divided into tiny bits among pulmonologists, neurologists, oncologists, nephrologists, pediatricians, dermatologists, rheumatologists, clinical laboratory directors, allergists, nutritionists, hematologists, ophthalmologists who have a special interest in the anterior chamber, and many more, all intensely concerned. Each clinical specialty takes over a small piece of the territory for elaborate development, and it is a daunting task for any editor to bring the little pieces back together. Even in a 2250-page book in two heavy volumes, edited carefully by experts, it is not possible to bring unity to this awkward field.Clinical scholars may consider limiting their close study to the more coherent field of basic immunology. Clever readers will compare this text to William E. Paul's shorter and simpler Fundamental Immunology (Raven Press, 1993), which originates in the same research centers and draws on many of
Objective: The aim of this study was to determine demographic, clinical, articular and laboratory variables predicting etanercept response in JIA. Methods: A total of 863 patients registered in the BIKER registry were included. Predictors of response for ACR paediatric criteria (PedACR) 30, 70 and 90 were analysed by bivariate analysis and logistic regression. Results: After 6 months, 81.9% of the included patients fulfilled the PedACR30, 55.2% the PedACR70 and 31.3% the PedACR90 criteria. In bivariate analyses, factors positively correlated with a PedACR70/90 response were extended oligoarthritis JIA category, lower age at the start of treatment, shorter disease duration until treatment start, no concomitant use of corticosteroids, duration of morning stiffness, parents' global assessment of overall well-being, lower Childhood Health Assessment Questionnaire (CHAQ) and higher ESR and ANA. Correlation between the JIA category systemic arthritis and response was significantly negative. Predictive factors for PedACR70 in multivariate logistic regression analysis were CHAQ [odds ratio (OR) = 0.70], ESR (OR = 1.02) and concomitant treatment with corticosteroids (OR = 0.68). Age at treatment start (OR = 0.94) and the systemic arthritis JIA category (OR = 0.28) were predictive for a PedACR70. We found no sufficiently distinctive models for PedACR30 or 90. Conclusion: Parameters predicting a high-grade response to a 6-month course of etanercept were identifiable and included age at treatment start, disease duration before treatment, JIA category other than systemic arthritis, CHAQ, parents' global assessment and concomitant corticosteroids.
To conduct a prospective cohort study using anakinra, a recombinant IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra), as first-line therapy in patients with new-onset systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). Therapy with recombinant IL-1Ra (2 mg/kg) was initiated in 20 patients who fulfilled the International League of Associations for Rheumatology criteria for systemic JIA, before systemic steroid treatment was administered. Patients were monitored clinically and immunologically. The protocol contained a stop strategy for patients who met at least the adapted American College of Rheumatology 90% criteria for improvement in JIA (ACR Pediatric 90 [ACR Pedi 90]) after 3 months. We included consecutive patients with new-onset systemic JIA. The mean followup period was 32 months (range 12-54 months). At the 3-month time point, 85% of the patients showed an adapted ACR Pedi 90 response or had inactive disease; 75% of the patients achieved this response while receiving recombinant IL-1Ra alone. After 1 year, 17 of the 20 patients met the criteria for clinically inactive disease, and 13 of these patients met these criteria while receiving monotherapy with recombinant IL-1Ra. However, because of persistent disease activity, 7 of the 20 patients required additional therapy besides recombinant IL-1Ra. According to our stop strategy, 73% of patients with at least an adapted ACR Pedi 90 response at 3 months could stop recombinant IL-1Ra treatment within 1 year. After 2 years, 12 (86%) of 14 patients met the criteria for disease remission, either while receiving (n = 4) or not receiving (n = 8) medication. After 3 years, 10 (91%) of 11 patients met the criteria for disease remission, either while receiving (n = 2) or not receiving (n = 8) medication. This is the first prospective study in which recombinant IL-1Ra was used as first-line therapy in patients with systemic JIA. We observed excellent responses in nearly all patients within 3 months. In the majority of responding patients, treatment with recombinant IL-1Ra could be stopped within 1 year, with remission being preserved during followup. In approximately one-third of patients, concomitant therapy was required for maintenance of clinical response.