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Utah Stakeholders' Attitudes toward Selected Cougar and Black Bear Management Practices



We examined Utahns' attitudes (n=901) toward use of recreational hunting to manage black bears (Ursus americanus) and cougars (Puma concolor), use of hounds to hunt these species, and the practice of bear baiting. Independent variables included urban versus rural residence, gender, educational attainment, age, duration of in-state residence, and stakeholder group classification. Most Utahns disapproved of the cougar and black bear management practices examined. Differences in responses were associated with sociodemographic characteristics and with participation in wildlife-related recreation. The following groups were less opposed to the selected practices than their counterparts: rural residents, men, those with lower levels of education, longtime residents, younger respondents, and hunters. Survey analyses can help wildlife managers identify areas of controversy where public involvement and educational efforts might be prescribed.
 .
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... Women are more afraid of bears than men are of these animals (Morzillo et al. 2010). Women and younger people are more likely than men and their elders, to support carnivore conservation by choosing toleration or trapping and removal rather than shooting the animals (Fulton et al. 1995;Kellert, 1976;Morzillo et al. 2007;Teel et al. 2002;Hayward & Somers, 2009;Deurbrouck, 2007;Thornton & Quinn, 2009). ...
... There are both positive and negative attitudes towards cougars, the positive views based mainly on the cougar's status as a wildlife symbol and its relation to the domestic cat (Deurbrouck, 2007;Thornton & Quinn, 2009), and the negativity based on their predation threat to pets and children (McKee, 2003). Few studies have compared the public attitudes towards cougars in widely distributed parts of its range, and included a comparison with other predators in these varied regions, although some studies have compared public attitudes and ecological relations of cougars and bears in North America (Kellert et al. 1996;Decker et al. 2001;Teel et al. 2002) and similar topics on cougars and jaguars in Central and South America (Jorgenson & Redford 1993;Taber et al. 1997;Farrell 1999;Polisar 2000Polisar , 2003Conforti et al. 2003;Scognamillo et al. 2003;Monroy-Vilchis 2009). ...
... In the literature, brown bears are more feared, with a more 'nefarious image,' than cougars (Kellert et al.1996)., and are also more feared than black bears, because of their superior size and fierce reputation (Kellert 1994;Pelton et al. 1976), despite the generally positive opinion that North Americans have of bears (Hayward & Somers 2009;Kellert 1994), and the perception of the cougar as a predation threat to pets and children (McKee, 2003). In my study on attitudes to brown bears, black bears and cougars in Kamloops, British Columbia (Campbell, forthcoming for 2012 in the Journal of Society and Animals, Figure 2), based on the literature that found that gender and age related differences in support for bear and cougar conservation (Teel et al. 2002) and fear of bears and cougars (Kellert, 1989(Kellert, , 1994Thornton & Quinn, 2009;Morzillo et al. 2010) the following hypotheses were posed: (1) women and older people are more afraid of bears and cougars than men and younger people, respectively; (2) women and younger people are more likely than men and their elders, respectively, to support bear and cougar conservation by choosing toleration or trapping and removal rather than shooting the animals; and (3) more people will be tolerant of black bears than of cougars and brown bears, and of cougars than brown bears. The evidence for the third hypothesis, showed that cougars were seen as the most dangerous to children and pet animals, followed by brown bears. ...
The relationship between people and the cougar Puma concolor and other larger predators in Canada (brown bears Ursus arctos, black bears Ursus americanus) and Latin America (jaguars Panthera onca) is examined in a comparative mode for cases in Kamloops and Vancouver Island, Canada and El Salvador. Literature derived hypotheses mooting greater sympathy for carnivores from women and young people, greater fear from women and older people, and greater fear of the larger brown bears and jaguars over cougars are tested. The results show that the hypotheses are both supported and refuted. The size of the predator is as important as common ideas about its behaviour, and troublesome invasive behaviour (mostly from bears) is at least as important as predatory behaviour (largely from cougars and jaguars). However, consistent with hypotheses, women and older people were in many instances more afraid of cougars and other carnivores, and older people were generally less tolerant of carnivores. Differences included opinions on positive impacts on quality of life and useful functions of cougars (favoured by men in El Salvador, both men and women in Vancouver Island, and women in Kamloops), and danger to adults, children and other animals (favoured by women more than men in El Salvador for all groups, women more than men in Vancouver Island for children and animals, not adults, and women more than men in Kamloops for adults and children, not animals). For age, older people in El Salvador were generally less tolerant than younger people of large carnivores, similar to Vancouver Island, but not Kamloops, where there were no age-related opinions of the danger from carnivores towards people. The cougar’s elusive behaviour limited comparisons with bears and jaguars. Awareness of such issues may assist wildlife conservation.
... Women are more afraid of bears than men are of these animals (Morzillo et al. 2010). Women and younger people are more likely than men and their elders, to support carnivore conservation by choosing toleration or trapping and removal rather than shooting the animals (Fulton et al. 1995;Kellert, 1976;Morzillo et al. 2007;Teel et al. 2002;Hayward & Somers, 2009;Deurbrouck, 2007;Thornton & Quinn, 2009). ...
... There are both positive and negative attitudes towards cougars, the positive views based mainly on the cougar's status as a wildlife symbol and its relation to the domestic cat (Deurbrouck, 2007;Thornton & Quinn, 2009), and the negativity based on their predation threat to pets and children (McKee, 2003). Few studies have compared the public attitudes towards cougars in widely distributed parts of its range, and included a comparison with other predators in these varied regions, although some studies have compared public attitudes and ecological relations of cougars and bears in North America (Kellert et al. 1996;Decker et al. 2001;Teel et al. 2002) and similar topics on cougars and jaguars in Central and South America (Jorgenson & Redford 1993;Taber et al. 1997;Farrell 1999;Polisar 2000Polisar , 2003Conforti et al. 2003;Scognamillo et al. 2003;Monroy-Vilchis 2009). ...
... In the literature, brown bears are more feared, with a more 'nefarious image,' than cougars (Kellert et al.1996)., and are also more feared than black bears, because of their superior size and fierce reputation (Kellert 1994;Pelton et al. 1976), despite the generally positive opinion that North Americans have of bears (Hayward & Somers 2009;Kellert 1994), and the perception of the cougar as a predation threat to pets and children (McKee, 2003). In my study on attitudes to brown bears, black bears and cougars in Kamloops, British Columbia (Campbell, forthcoming for 2012 in the Journal of Society and Animals, Figure 2), based on the literature that found that gender and age related differences in support for bear and cougar conservation (Teel et al. 2002) and fear of bears and cougars (Kellert, 1989(Kellert, , 1994Thornton & Quinn, 2009;Morzillo et al. 2010) the following hypotheses were posed: (1) women and older people are more afraid of bears and cougars than men and younger people, respectively; (2) women and younger people are more likely than men and their elders, respectively, to support bear and cougar conservation by choosing toleration or trapping and removal rather than shooting the animals; and (3) more people will be tolerant of black bears than of cougars and brown bears, and of cougars than brown bears. The evidence for the third hypothesis, showed that cougars were seen as the most dangerous to children and pet animals, followed by brown bears. ...
Traditional zoogeographical theory focuses on global regions, with less attention to small spaces shared by people and animals. Two relevant, possibly opposite, research strands, the statistical analysis of alert/flight distances and the subjective 'actancy' strand within animal geography are rarely examined as complementary to a new look at microspaces of human/avian relations within the larger theoretical framework of zoogeography. Alert distances (the distance between a bird and an approaching human when the bird shows awareness), flight distances (the distance, in such a scenario when the bird takes flight) and alert periods (the period between first alertness and flight) vary according to cover structure, elevation and proximity, human and road proximity. This chapter argues that while these parameters give a generalized contribution to the sharing of micro spaces, a strand of animal geography that emphasizes the unpredictable, subjective, individualist behavior of animals (birds in this study) offers a complementary perspective to the more classical statistical prediction of alert/flight distance-based analyses. Illustrative examples are four papers published by this author; two on the alert distances of birds in the green spaces of Stirling, Scotland and Peterborough, Canada; two papers on the utility of a strand of animal geography (emphasizing avian individualism) in feeding spaces of Glasgow, Scotland and Peterborough, Canada; and one paper on the landscape ecology of birds in Ottawa, Canada. It is concluded that for effective environmental applications, the study of alert and flight distances must acknowledge bird (intra- and inter-species) adaptation and habituation to human presence; the lack of such acknowledgment may reduce the validity of distance analysis in avian studies, with implications for conservation and landscape planning. This represents an important contribution to the sub-discipline of zoogeography and to its parent disciplines of zoology and geography.
... The more experienced hunters also had more knowledge about wildlife species. The more time someone spends in the outdoors, the more experiential knowledge about the ecology, biology, and behavior of wildlife species they gain [15,32,33]. ...
... Females were more negative toward hunting as a management tool and hunting motives than males. Previous research also found that older age is positively associated and female gender is negatively associated with hunting [15,32,33]. Non-hunters who eat game meat were more positive toward hunting as a management tool than those who do not. ...
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Assessing the public’s attitudes toward hunting and knowledge about wildlife is critical for successfully managing and conserving resources. This need is further emphasized by the increase in urbanization, resulting in decreasing participation in outdoor activities, such as hunting. This study aimed at investigating the attitudes toward hunting and the wildlife knowledge of Greek residents and at understanding the variation among hunters and non-hunters. Respondents to on-site, face-to-face surveys (n = 461; hunters, 146; non-hunters, 315) were asked to rate their acceptance of the motives for hunting and of hunting as a management tool and their knowledge about the ecology, biology, and behavior of wildlife. The hunters were highly motivated for hunting and supported it as a management tool. The non-hunters’ attitudes were, however, neutral to negative. The hunters had greater knowledge about wildlife species, both game and non-game, than the non-hunters. The more experienced hunters with greater knowledge about wildlife were generally more positive toward hunting. Older, male, non-hunters who have a greater knowledge about wildlife and who consume game meat and have hunters in the family or among their friends were generally more positive toward hunting. The findings suggested that hunting is a controversial social issue. Policies aimed at informing public groups about good hunting practices and at increasing the public’s engagement in outdoor activities would reduce such controversies, improve human health and well-being, and reinforce nature and wildlife stewardship and support for biodiversity conservation.
... Broadly, these changes are associated with a shift from 'materialist' values, which focus on economic gain and physical security, to 'postmaterialist' values, which prioritize self-actualization, relationships, and care for the environment (Inglehart, 2008, p. 130). This shift has been associated with increased stakeholder involvement in wildlife management, and is related to economic and demographic changes, including urbanization and population growth (Mertig, Dunlap & Morrison, 2002;Teel, Krannich & Schmidt, 2002;Zinn, Manfredo & Barro, 2002). ...
... At the same time, recreational shark fishing practices have increasingly shifted to 'catch and release' (Shiffman & Hammerschlag, 2014;Brownscombe et al., 2017). wealth, population growth, and a higher proportion of relatively new to long-time residents in an area (Mertig, Dunlap & Morrison, 2002;Teel, Krannich & Schmidt, 2002;Zinn, Manfredo & Barro, 2002). ...
Recreational shark fisheries have been the subject of recent public attention because of the possible impacts on shark populations and conflicts between stakeholders. A case study is presented based on discussions that took place in summer 2018 about potential changes to policies regulating recreational land‐based shark fishing in Florida. Comments from public meetings and workshops (totalling 15.8 hours) and online comments (1,050) submitted to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) were analysed using the lens of actor–network theory. The case study explores the intersection of conflicting stakeholder interests and types of knowledge, including how stakeholders variously defined the problem of user conflict in a coastal public space, and how they aligned themselves in relation to the problem and to each other. It further illustrates how shifting values and norms can intersect with changing technologies and environmental realities to produce new or increasing conflicts between natural resource user groups. This study underlines the importance and potential benefits of regulatory agencies explicitly and transparently engaging with value trade‐offs when managing conflicts among users of natural resources.
... Hunters, farmers, and ranchers are increasingly outliers relative to others in the country, especially the vast majority who live in metropolitan areas, evident in greater comparative hostility among rural residents towards predators and large carnivores such as bears. The evidence for this comparative hostility is compendious, both in the United States and Europe (Teel et al. 2002;Williams et al. 2002;Bruskotter et al. 2007Bruskotter et al. , 2009Treves & Martin 2011;Johansson et al. 2012;Browne-Nuñez et al. 2015;Hogberg et al. 2016;McGovern & Kester 2015;Byrd et al. 2017;Carlson et al. 2020). ...
... These demographics are far more numerous-increasingly so-than the demographic of rural hunters and ranchers that is likely to be least tolerant. This disproportionality is evident in majority support for conservation and recovery of large carnivore populations in almost all population-wide surveys (e.g, Decision Research 2001; Teel et al. 2002;Williams et al. 2002;Bruskotter et al. 2007Bruskotter et al. , 2009Treves & Martin 2011;Remington Research Group 2016;Byrd et al. 2017;Manfredo et al. 2018;Responsive Management 2019). ...
Technical Report
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For perhaps 30,000 years grizzly bears ranged throughout the mountains and riparian areas of what would eventually become the southwestern United States. But in a remarkably short 50-year period between 1860 and 1910 Anglo-Americans killed roughly 90% of the grizzly bears in 90% of the places they once lived. Most of the remaining grizzlies had been killed by the 1930s. This report provides a detailed account of natural history, relations with humans, and current and future prospects for grizzly bears of the Southwest, emphasizing the millennia prior to ascendance of Anglo-Americans. The report’s narrative is essentially chronological, starting with deep history spanning the late Pleistocene up through arrival of European colonists (Section 3.1); the period of Spanish and Mexican dominance (Section 3.2); and then the period of terminal grizzly bear extirpations that began with the political and military dominance of Anglo-Americans (Section 3.3). Section 4 examines current environmental conditions and related prospects for restoring grizzly bears to the Southwest. Section 5 completes the chronological arc by forecasting some of what the future might hold, with implications for both grizzly bears and humans. The background provided in Section 2 offers a synopsis of grizzly bear natural history as well as a summary of foods and habitats that were likely important to grizzlies. Throughout the Holocene there was a remarkable concentration of diverse high-quality bear foods in highlands of the Southwest, notably in an arc from the San Francisco Peaks of Arizona southeast along the Coconino Plateau and Mogollon Rim to a terminus in the White, Mogollon, and Black Range Mountains in New Mexico. Additional high-quality habitat existed in the Sacramento, San Juan, Jemez, and Sangre de Cristo Mountains of New Mexico and adjacent Colorado. Grizzlies in the Southwest survived remarkable extremes of climate and habitats for perhaps as long as 100,000 years. They also survived substantial variation in human-propagated impacts that culminated in the Crisis of 875-1425 C.E.—a period typified by episodic drought and the highest human population densities prior to recent times. In contrast to relatively benevolent attitudes among indigenous populations, there is little doubt that the terminal toll taken on grizzly bears by Anglo-Americans after 1850 C.E was driven largely by a uniquely lethal combination of intolerance and ecological dynamics entrained by the eradication or diminishment of native foods and the substitution of human foods, notably livestock, that catalyzed conflict. More positively, the analysis presented here of current habitat productivity, fragmentation, and remoteness—as well as regulations, laws, and human attitudes—reveals ample potential for restoration of grizzlies to the Southwest, including three candidate Restoration Area Complexes: the Mogollon, San Juan, and Sangre de Cristo, capable of supporting around 620, 425, and 280 grizzlies each. Major foreseeable challenges for those wishing to restore grizzly bears to these areas include sanitation of human facilities, management of livestock depredation, education of big game hunters, coordination of management, and fostering of accommodation among rural residents. Climate change promises to compound all of these challenges, although offset to an uncertain extent by prospective increases in human tolerance. But the evolutionary history of grizzly bears also provides grounds for optimism about prospective restoration. Grizzly bears have survived enormous environmental variation spanning hundreds of thousands of years, including many millennia in the Southwest. Grizzlies survived not only the inhospitable deeps of the Ice Ages in Asia and Beringia, but also the heat and drought of the Altithermal on this continent. It was only highly-lethal Anglo-Americans that drove them to extinction in the Southwest, which is why human attitudes—more than anything else—will likely determine prospects for restoring grizzly bears.
... The result of our findings is contrary to most wildlife management acceptability studies, particularly those involving lethal removal of native predators. Studies have found, for example, that rural residents were less opposed than urban residents to lethal removal of cougars, bears (i.e., native), and predators more generally (Reiter et al. 1999, Teel et al. 2002, and they were more opposed to efforts to reintroduce and maintain wolves (Vaske et al. 2021). The absence of an urban/rural divide in our study findings could partly explain why we found no significant differences in management method acceptability across the Texas WS management districts, despite differences in urban/rural respondent composition among the districts. ...
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Choosing and executing a wild pig management strategy is often a considerable challenge for wildlife managers due to the wide variety of potential strategies and stakeholder prefer-ences. Our research aims to understand management prefer-ences for and tolerance of wild pigs among Texas resident hunters within 8 managerial districts of Texas. We applied the Potential for Conflict Index (PCI2) to estimate potential management preference conflicts within each district. From24,201 questionnaires completed in 2019, we found that, on average, 74% of respondents across all management actions in each district were found to be acceptable. Resident respon-dents were overall intolerant of wild pigs and were least tolerant in the San Angelo district. Study findings are useful in informing socially acceptable and contextually appropriate wild pig management plans. Our research serves as an approach that matches the units of analysis with the units of management for decision‐making.
... coyotes approaching adults and/or taking pets at night, chasing or taking pets not on leashes during daylight hours, attacking or taking pets on leashes or in close proximity to pet owners during daylight hours) were reported by 16% of respondents to our survey (Buteau, Urbanek, and Dumas 2022). Hudenko, Decker, and Siemer (2008) also found that both respondents who had a neutral experience and respondents who had a negative experience with coyotes were concerned about pet safety in Westchester County, NY. Similarly, pet safety was a main concern when considering management for other predator species (Riley and Decker 2000;Teel, Krannich, and Schmidt 2002;Siemer, Decker, and Merchant 2010). ...
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Coyote (Canis latrans) management becomes increasingly necessary as the species' range expands, but some methods may be controversial in urban landscapes. Understanding why the public considers certain methods acceptable may help decrease conflict between residents and wildlife managers. We surveyed 4000 registered voters in New Hanover County, North Carolina, to evaluate attitudes toward three coyote management methods: no management, public education and trap/euthanasia. We used the expectancy-value model and multinomial logistic regression models to determine which public beliefs and desires regarding outcomes of each coyote management method predicted acceptance of each method. Attitudes of respondents who accepted a method differed from those who rejected the method. Positive attitudes toward no management were influenced by outcomes involving a natural death for coyotes and family, pet and personal safety. Positive attitudes toward public education were influenced by outcomes involving family safety, public participation, fewer coyotes and for coyotes to avoid an inhumane death. Positive attitudes toward trap/euthanasia were influenced by outcomes for coyotes avoiding an unnatural and inhumane death, pet safety and public participation. Understanding the public's beliefs and desires regarding coyote management methods will help wildlife managers tailor public education programs, resolve controversies regarding alternative management methods and improve future wildlife management decisions.
... bears eating crops in Illinois during 2021). Research has included general attitudes toward bears (Kellert 1994), attitudes toward specific bear hunting methods (Loker and Decker 1995;Teel et al. 2002), human tolerance of bears (Siemer and Decker 2003;Don Carlos et al. 2009), support for bear recovery efforts (Bowman et al. 2004;Morzillo et al. 2007;Rice et al. 2007), and the acceptability of management policies (Whittaker et al. 2006;Vaske et al. 2008). In this research, we examined general attitudes toward bears. ...
Context The Illinois Department of Natural Resources was mandated by legislation to develop management plans for American Black Bears and needed Illinois residents’ preferences for bear management strategies. Aims The aim of this article was to examine how demographics, emotions and attitudes were related to support for three American black bear management strategies (active reintroduction, natural recolonisation, having breeding populations of black bears). Researchers have repeatedly suggested that these predictors are related to support for management actions. Methods Data were obtained from a mail survey sent to two populations of stakeholder groups. A total of 896 agricultural producers completed the questionnaire (response rate = 36%); 904 hunters completed the questionnaire (response rate = 36%). Five demographic variables were used in the analyses: (1) agricultural producer; (2) hunter; (3) age; (4) sex; and (5) residence growing up. Positive and negative emotional dispositions were operationalised with eight items. General attitude toward bears was measured with four items. All three management questions were asked for ‘in Illinois’ and ‘in my county’. Reliability analyses supported combining the psychological variables into indices for each construct. Key results Findings indicated that demographic and psychological characteristics are related to support for bear management strategies, but that these relationships are complex for a number of reasons. First, the regression beta coefficients for the demographic regression models were ‘minimal’ (M = 0.13), whereas the coefficients for psychological variables were ‘typical’ (M = 0.30). Second, not all of the demographic and psychological variables affected support for agency actions in the same way. Third, the average R2 for the three demographic models was only 16%, whereas the average R2 for the three psychological characteristics models was 53%. Conclusions Given the weak relationships between demographics and support for bear management, managers may not need to always target specific groups based on their demographics. Implications Certain situations may warrant specific messages to target audiences; weak demographic relationships suggest that managers should be cautious when using these characteristics to target communication messages to specific groups.
... This knowledge allows managers to better align their objectives with visitors' values (Decker, Evensen, Siemer, Leong, et al., 2010), provides insight on how potential visitors are likely to respond to wildlife-associated risks (Moscardo et al., 2011), and "informs development, implementation, and evaluation of risk communication strategies" (Hanisch-Kirkbride et al., 2013, p. 842). Aside from studies of risk perceptions of wildlife-associated zoonotic disease (Decker et al., 2010;Hanisch-Kirkbride et al., 2013), encounters with large animals (Teel, Krannich, & Schmidt, 2002;Vaske, 2010), or crop damaging vertebrates (Webber & Hill, 2014), research on risk perceptions of hazardous jellyfish is limited (Lucas et al., 2014). This is the first tourism study to consider the influence of communications of possible encounters with ocean-based, invertebrate wildlife, notably venomous jellyfish, on people's risk perceptions and intentions to travel to 3 S destinations. ...
Jellyfish hazards at 3S destinations are underrepresented in tourism research. Using a novel conceptual model based on risk perception and destination image theories, we used an experimental setting to examine whether different types of jellyfish risk messages influenced people's travel intentions and behaviours. In addition, the study tested the influence of worry and culture. We sampled 415 prospective visitors to two of the world's most successful beach tourism destinations, the Costa Brava coastline of Spain and the Great Barrier Reef region of northern Australia, both adversely affected by the presence of jellyfish. At these unique destinations, contact with jellyfish can be painful and deadly. Early in the Covid-19 pandemic, fictitious vignettes were posted on an internet Travel Forum containing two different jellyfish risk messages, one informal and the other official. Participants' responses to these communications were tested. We found that risk messages influenced destination image but not travel intention. People from risk-averse Germanic European countries were more inclined to alter their behaviour by avoiding the water than other cultures. These findings add to the body of knowledge about the relationship between risk communications, risk perceptions and destination image. This study suggests that wildlife-associated risk communications can influence people's risk perceptions, but not sufficiently to change their travel plans. This knowledge is important in policy-making and managing responses to risk at tourism destinations. It is also important in building visitor trust and confidence, whereby tourists know that their safety and enjoyment are valued and are paramount to the destination.
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Successful development of hunting tourism requires the support of a local community and positive attitudes of residents. This research aims to explore the population in the Vojvodina region (Serbia) which was well known hunting tourism destination in Europe during the ’70s and ‘80s. The survey included a final sample of 206 respondents. This study showed that residents mostly approve of and support hunting tourism revitalization. However, they find that it needs to be implemented sustainably, according to the law, without threatening the habitat and game funds. This study also explored different predictors that shape attitudes towards hunting tourism. Results show that being a hunter, having a higher level of education, frequently having outdoor activities in nature, being interested in the topic of hunting and hunting tourism, and having a dominant meat diet lead to a more positive attitude towards hunting tourism.
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Effective management of our National Park Service lands requires information about the social aspects or human dimensions of wildlife. Understanding attitudes aids fish and wildlife professionals to predict public responses to management strategies like species restorations. We documented visitor attitudes toward and knowledge of restored bobcats (Lynx rufus) on Cumberland Island National Seashore (CINS). Bobcats were restored on CINS in 1988 and 1989. During fall 1997, we compared 4 visitor user-groups (white-tailed deer [Odocoileus virginianus] hunters [DH], day-only [DO] visitors, developed-site [DS] campers, and back-country [BC] campers) concerning their attitudes and knowledge, using a self-administered, drop-off questionnaire distributed on return ferries and at island campsites. We contacted 1,138 individuals. Overall response rate was 82.6%. Across 4 visitor user-groups, the mean attitude-toward-restored-bobcat score was 0.8, with a range of -18 to 16. A positive score represented a positive attitude, and a negative score represented a negative attitude. Zero represented neutrality. Deer hunters had a statistically less positive mean attitude score (-0.1) than the 3 other visitor user-groups. Overall mean score for knowledge-of-bobcats was 3.8 out of a perfect score of 10.0. Deer hunters had a statistically greater mean knowledge score (5.1) than the 3 other visitor user-groups. Thus, our results indicated that visitor attitudes toward and knowledge of bobcats on CINS differed among the 4 visitor user-groups. Wildlife interpretive and education programs should be specifically targeted to address the differences in attitudes and knowledge among visitor user-groups. For more details about this article, please see
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A growing segment of the American population now questions decisions made by wildlife managers and demands a voice in the decision‐making process. Public acceptance of wildlife management policies is a key consideration in most wildlife decisions. Recognizing this need for human dimensions research, managers have begun to develop and use expertise that allows them to assess the social component of decisions much as they assess the biological consequences of wildlife decisions. This article builds on the existing human dimensions research by examining the influence of five categories of variables on residents’ reactions to a specific wildlife management proposal. The predictor classes were respondents ‘ personal characteristics, participation in wildlife associated recreation, beliefs about the state's Fish and Game Department, general beliefs about hunting, and specific beliefs about a moose hunt. A random sample of New Hampshire residents was surveyed. Variables from each of the five predictor classes were shown to influence respondents’ attitudes. Consistent with the social psychological literature, however, specific beliefs were better predictors of residents’ reactions to the moose hunt than either general beliefs or personal characteristics. The traditional sociodemographic variables were among the poorest predictors of respondents’ attitude. These findings suggest that efforts to understand public sentiment toward wildlife management policies need to focus directly on the issues and cannot be generalized from demographic indicators.
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Because wildlife in the United States is publicly owned, management actions and policies depend on public acceptance. This article uses a normative approach to describe and evaluate what the public believes are acceptable management actions toward three different wildlife species involved in human‐wildlife interactions. The results illustrate the extent to which normative beliefs about wildlife management actions are influenced by situational specifics and wildlife value orientations. Across different species and situations, individuals with protectionist wildlife values were less willing than those with pro‐use wildlife values to accept destroying an animal. The results point to circumstances that are likely to generate intense conflict over particular management policies and allow more confident generalization about how publics will respond to different management actions. Additional research is needed to identify the situational specifics and human values that best explain and predict normative beliefs across a wide variety of species and situations.
Several arguments are presented supporting the more extensive use of parametric statistics. These arguments are concerned with (1) the insensitivity of ordinal and other nonparametric techniques, (2) the small error that results from assigning numbers to ordinal data and then treating the categories as if they conform to an interval scale, (3) tests of statistical robustness, and (4) the power-efficiency of tests. The utility of assigning numbers or scoring systems to ordinal data and then using intervally-based statistics is supported in several ways. In addition, it is demonstrated that the linear scoring system results in a small amount of error no matter what the "true" scoring system may be. However, the assignment of any scoring system must be consistent with the monotonic function.
Looks at the concepts necessary for wildlife management, and discusses how managers may communicate their objectives to different groups of society. Topics covered include: an historic view of relationships between humans and animals; development of wildlife management and the relationships with legislation and administrative structures in Canada and the US; biological cases for management; management systems and tools; and habitat management with respect to integration into land-use planning processes. Two chapters cover specific examples of management and one investigates the special case of endangered species. Other chapters examine the role of environmental impact assessment on the wildlife manager; the international situation regarding aid policies; problems and management of wildlife in underdeveloped countries. The final chapter gives an indication of the future role of the profession of wildlife management. -L.J.Chellis
This paper will examine the animal-related knowledge and attitudes of urban Americans. The data is derived from a national study of 3107 randomly distributed Americans. The urban population of this sample consisted of 1392 respondents. Urban respondents are distinguished by residence in varying city sizes and suburban locations. A typology of ten basic animal-related attitudes are used to assess fundamental environmental perceptions. A scale is also employed to differentiate animal-related knowledge. Major differences in knowledge and attitudes are described among urban residents distinguished by area of residence, age, sex, ethnicity and socioeconomic status.
From 1940 to 1990, American voters approved only one statewide ballot initiative restricting hunting or trapping practices— subsequently reversing that one restriction eight years after its passage. Since 1990, voters have sided with animal protection advocates in 10 of 13 statewide ballot races addressing specific hunting and trapping practices. This surge in electoral activity reflects changing public attitudes and demographics. The recent measures have been strongly contested, with proponents and opponents making roughly comparable campaign expenditures. The initiatives have dealt with practices such as bear baiting; the hound hunting of bears, mountain lions, and bobcats; the trophy hunting of mountain lions; the trapping of fur‐bearing mammals in body‐gripping devices, including the steel‐jaw leghold trap; the same‐day airborne hunting of wolves and other predators; and the composition of state fish and wildlife boards. The initiative process has become one of the most effective means of achieving significant hunting and trapping policy reforms, as compared to state fish and wildlife boards or Legislatures. This article will discuss the history of human‐wildlife relations, including an emerging social consciousness about animals. In order to adjust to an emerging nationwide consciousness about the humane and ethical treatment of wildlife, legislators and wildlife professionals must reformulate their policies or risk alienating the majority of the electorate and radically diminishing public confidence in the actions and policies of the agencies.
In November 1994, Oregon voters approved a ballot initiative that banned the hunting of cougar with dogs and the hunting of bear with bait or dogs. It was initially feared that this ban would have an adverse effect on wildlife agency revenues, and negative effects on the financial economy and user values. In the 1995 hunting season, numbers of bear and cougar tags dropped by 20 percent and 35 percent, respectively. But, by extending the general season's bear tag sale deadline in 1996, Oregon was able to completely recover resident bear tag revenues. This outcome was feasible because the banned hunting methods were associated with higher harvest rates than the methods not banned. Provided there are means by which a management agency can offset negative fiscal effects, the main arguments about these kinds of initiatives should focus on biological and management effects. Economic effects on the financial economy and user values should be considered if well defined and measured.
We studied characteristics of a hunted cougar (Felis concolor) population in southwestern Alberta between 1981 and 1989 to support development of a species management plan. Although most cougars did not maintain separate summer and winter home ranges, the size of these ranges varied. Mean summer and winter home ranges for female residents were 87 +/- 8.5 (SE) and 97 +/- 8.2 km2, respectively. Male home ranges were larger (P < 0.0001); summer and winter home ranges averaged 314 +/- 62.9 and 204 +/- 34.0 km2, respectively. Annual home ranges for females and males were 140 +/- 13.7 and 334 +/- 37.1 km2, respectively. Females with kittens used smaller (P = 0.001) home ranges than did lone females or females with juveniles (P = 0.0003); whereas home-range sizes of lone females and those with juveniles did not differ (P = 0.37). Population estimates increased from 21-26 in 1984 to 35-37 in 1988, primarily resulting from an increase in adult females and their dependent young. Densities varied from 2.7-3.3 cougars/100 km2 to 4.5-4.7 cougars/100 km2. Mean size of 27 litters was 2.2 +/- 0.1 kittens. Litters were born throughout the year but with a pronounced late summer peak. Six females gave birth to their first litters at a mean age of 30.0 +/- 1.8 months, and the average interval between successive litters (n = 12) for all females was 19.7 +/- 1.9 months. Mean age of independence was 15.2 +/- 0.5 months. Most cougars dispersed after independence, but 7 females established home ranges contiguous with their mothers' ranges. Annual mortality varied between 3 and 14% of the total population, with legal hunting being the most important cause. Non-dispersal of young females and fairly rapid population growth suggest that this cougar population rebounded quickly from depressed levels with a reduction in hunting pressure.