
Evaluación de las habilidades matemáticas previas en niños preescolares urbanos y rurales

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La dificultad en la adquisición de las matemáticas es uno de los problemas más frecuentes en los primeros años de la escuela primaria. Tradicionalmente la detección y el diagnóstico de estos niños se realizan cuando dichas dificultades ya son evidentes y se expresan en problemas generales de aprendizaje. Lamentablemente se presta poca atención a la valoración de los aspectos psicológicos de la edad preescolar, los cuales, desde el punto de vista de la teoría histórico-cultural, permiten prevenir problemas posteriores en el aprendizaje escolar. El objetivo de este artículo es evaluar el nivel de adquisición de las habilidades matemáticas previas en niños mexicanos de escuelas urbanas y rurales. En el estudio participaron 77 niños preescolares, que fueron evaluados con el “Protocolo de preparación del niño para la escuela” (Quintanar y Solovieva, 2003), el cual valora la consolidación de las habilidades matemáticas previas mediante tareas de correspondencia, igualación de conjuntos y formación y comparación de conceptos empíricos. Los resultados muestran que en ninguna de las poblaciones estudiadas se aprecia un nivel suficiente de desarrollo de las habilidades lógicas elementales. Se enfatiza la necesidad de analizar dichos aspectos del desarrollo psicológico en la etapa preescolar, debido a que un insuficiente desarrollo de las mismas conduce a dificultades en el aprendizaje escolar.

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... The Assessment of Children's Preparation for School (Evaluación de la Preparación del Niño para la Escuela), developed by Quintanar and Solovieva at the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP), focuses on the skills that children need to begin elementary education. Recently, Solovieva, Lázaro, and Quintanar (2013) used it to evaluate the precursors to formal maths skills of 97 children aged 5-6 years from three different types of schools: private, public and rural. The abilities tested were matching two sets of objects using a one-to-one correspondence strategy and making two sets with the same number by adding or subtracting elements from one or the other. ...
... Children and adolescents from rural areas account for 10% of those that attend educational institutions (INEE, 2015). Except for the work conducted by Solovieva and colleagues (Solovieva et al., 2013), all the research presented here evaluated participants in urban contexts. Recent years have shown increased interest in the area of numerical cognition; most of the research presented here was published in the last five years. ...
... Niños y adolescentes de zonas rurales representan el 10% de aquellos que asisten a instituciones educativas (INEE, 2015). Excepto el trabajo realizado por Solovieva y sus colegas (Solovieva et al., 2013), todas las investigaciones presentadas aquí evaluaron a participantes en contextos urbanos. En años recientes se ha observado un interés creciente en el campo de la cognición numérica; la mayor parte de las investigaciones presentadas aquí fueron publicadas en los últimos cinco años. ...
In Mexico, by the end of compulsory education, half of the junior high school students attain the lowest level in international maths assessments. To reach a better understanding of how people learn mathematical skills and how to improve in teaching methods, researchers have looked at the intersection of cognitive psychology and maths education: the field of numerical cognition. However, there is a limited amount of research with Mexican students. This paper provides an overview of the studies published to date. This overview shows that research started with an interest in how to evaluate maths skills and identify children with maths difficulties; however, in the last five years, researchers have started to study younger and atypical populations using more diverse methods. The field of numerical cognition in Mexico is still emerging; however, in years to come, there should be additional informative and exciting research from laboratories in Mexico.
... Many of these schools taking this assessment are located in rural areas [13], where a series of factors and characteristics, such as multigrade classrooms (with students of different ages together in the same classroom), contribute to lower achievement compared to urban schools [14]. While there have been research efforts in the field of mathematics education in rural settings [15][16][17][18][19][20], there are limited studies that address the current situation in the field of statistics and statistical graphs in these areas. ...
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The aim of this paper is to analyze the formative and evaluative activities involving statistical graphs in the new textbooks for Chilean rural multigrade education. The methodology is qualitative, at a descriptive level and uses the content analysis technique. The sample is made up of the six primary education textbooks distributed by the Ministry of Education for rural multigrade schools. The results show the predominance of the bar chart, semiotic level 3, the task of calculating and the personal context in both types of activities, although with respect to the reading level, it is evident that level 4 predominates in the formative activities and level 2 in the evaluative ones. According to the results, it is recommended to incorporate graphs proposed by the curricular guidelines of the Ministry of Education, which are absent in textbooks as well as to include evaluative activities that require reflection on the nature of the data, context, representation and conclusions obtained from them.
... Such programs are based on the so-called social-cultural approach directed by a constructivist perspective (Carretero & Castorina, 2012). In other studies, the research takes into account the systematic backgrounds of activity theory Solovieva, Lázaro, & Quintanar, 2013;Solovieva, Ortiz, & Quintanar, 2010;Talizina, 2000;Zárraga, Quintanar, García, & Solovieva, 2012). ...
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The goal of the present study was to describe the organization of a guided activity for problem solution in primary school. The method, which was applied to mathematical problems, allowed us to propose a specific orientation for the proper solution of arithmetic problems by pupils. The study was based on the activity-theory approach applied to the process of teaching and learning. It was carried out with pupils in the second grade of a private school in the city of Puebla (Mexico). The method was used in the classroom during 30 school sessions of 1 hour per day. The methodology of formative experiment was used in the study. Qualitative analysis of the pedagogical process of teaching and learning was conducted. The results show that, after participation in the formative process, the schoolchildren became able to identify essential elements, data, and all relationships among them in order to solve mathematical problems. At the end of the program the verbal external level was raised for the process of orientation and the solution of problems together with the ability to use logarithms independently. We conclude that orientation, as a guided form of activity in primary school, is essential for the development of the ability to analyze problems.
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This research aims to describe and compare the executions of the tasks for assessing auditory- verbal retention in preschool and school children. The participants of the study were 210 children from third preschool level through sixth grade of primary school (30 from each school grade). The study took place in public institutions in the city of Puebla (Mexico). The protocol of "Neuropsychological Assessment for children in Puebla-Sevilla", which is an instrument derived from historical and cultural neuropsychology, was used. The instrument includes items for evaluation of diverse neuropsychological factors. According to the school grade, quantitative and qualitative differences were detected in children’ s execution. First grades of primary school presented severe errors, being the reduction of information amount one of the most frequent evidences. The article analyses the usefulness of common executions in children without difficulties in their development. Quantitative and qualitative differences are specified conforming to the school grades on behalf of chronological age.
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Abstract This research aims to describe and compare the executions of the tasks for assessing auditory- verbal retention in preschool and school children. The participants of the study were 210 children from third preschool level through sixth grade of primary school (30 from each school grade). The study took place in public institutions in the city of Puebla (Mexico). The protocol of "Neuropsychological Assessment for children in Puebla-Sevilla", which is an instrument derived from historical and cultural neuropsychology, was used. The instrument includes items for evaluation of diverse neuropsychological factors. According to the school grade, quantitative and qualitative differences were detected in children’s execution. First grades of primary school presented severe errors, being the reduction of information amount one of the most frequent evidences. The article analyses the usefulness of common executions in children without difficulties in their development. Quantitative and qualitative differences are specified conforming to the school grades on behalf of chronological age. Keywords: Child Neuropsychology, Audio-Verbal Retention, Neuropsychological Assessment, Cognitive Development.
La batería neuropsicológica Luria Inicial es un instrumento válido para evaluar y seguir el desarrollo de las funciones psicológicas superiores en la edad preescolar. El modelo neuropsicológico de Luria ofrece la posibilidad para conocer las funciones superiores del niño. Metodología: La investigación pretende determinar la utilidad clínica del instrumento Luria Inicial en la población cubana preescolar con alteraciones del neurodesarrollo. El objetivo se cumplió con la revisión de los trabajos científicos publicados en la fecha 2006-2013 en bases de datos electrónica (Scielo, EBSCO host, LILACS, Medigraphic). Resultados: El instrumento tiene una efectiva utilidad clínica para conocer el perfil neuropsicológico del niño preescolar con alteraciones del neurodesarrollo. Los resultados en varias poblaciones (TDAH, bajo peso al nacer, desórdenes metabólicos) informan que el acto motor con intencionalidad, la inhibición conductual y la organización espacial son habilidades diana a cualquier evento que interrumpan el neurodesarrollo. La adquisición de la función reguladora del habla predice las condiciones preacadémicas del niño en conjunto con el estado real de las funciones superiores. La utilidad clínica del instrumento está en la posibilidad de describir-explicar el estado real de las funciones superiores y su potencial: el niño puede ejecutar e imitar movimientos, dibujar, reconocer los colores y hablar (estado real), pero si no organiza esas ejecuciones a través de la función reguladora del habla (estado potencial) estará sujeto a errores y a no aprender por orientaciones del adulto en la etapa escolar. La línea de pensamiento que ofrece Luria para estudiar a los niños es válida y confiable para diagnosticar y rehabilitar las secuelas del sistema nervioso en desarrollo.
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La batería neuropsicológica Luria Inicial es un instrumento válido para evaluar y seguir el desarrollo de las funciones psicológicas superiores en la edad preescolar. El modelo neuropsicológico de Luria ofrece la posibilidad para conocer las funciones superiores del niño. Metodología: La investigación pretende determinar la utilidad clínica del instrumento Luria Inicial en la población cubana preescolar con alteraciones del neurodesarrollo. El objetivo se cumplió con la revisión de los trabajos científicos publicados en la fecha 2006-2013 en bases de datos electrónica (Scielo, EBSCO host, LILACS, Medigraphic). Resultados: El instrumento tiene una efectiva utilidad clínica para conocer el perfil neuropsicológico del niño preescolar con alteraciones del neurodesarrollo. Los resultados en varias poblaciones (TDAH, bajo peso al nacer, desórdenes metabólicos) informan que el acto motor con intencionalidad, la inhibición conductual y la organización espacial son habilidades diana a cualquier evento que interrumpan el neurodesarrollo. La adquisición de la función reguladora del habla predice las condiciones preacadémicas del niño en conjunto con el estado real de las funciones superiores. La utilidad clínica del instrumento está en la posibilidad de describir-explicar el estado real de las funciones superiores y su potencial: el niño puede ejecutar e imitar movimientos, dibujar, reconocer los colores y hablar (estado real), pero si no organiza esas ejecuciones a través de la función reguladora del habla (estado potencial) estará sujeto a errores y a no aprender por orientaciones del adulto en la etapa escolar. La línea de pensamiento que ofrece Luria para estudiar a los niños es válida y confiable para diagnosticar y rehabilitar las secuelas del sistema nervioso en desarrollo.
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The present article presents the current data on the methods of assessing, correcting, and teaching mathematics at the preschool and school levels in Mexico. The authors seek to present objective information from the perspectives of traditional and experimental pedagogy and cognitive and historical cultural neuropsychology, which are the most popular perspectives among teachers, psychologists, and researchers in Mexico. Testing is presented according to cognitive neuropsychology and historical cultural paradigms. Differentiating between traditional pedagogical and neuropsychological points of view with regard to learning processes and teaching mathematics is also discussed. The reasons for frequent difficulties in learning mathematics are presented and argued from a cognitive perspective and using an Activity Theory approach. The authors attempt to describe the real situation and determine different ways of overcoming the difficulties at the preschool and school levels. Ways of preventing possible difficulties are also discussed, including symbolic, logical, spatial, and numerical components and their interactions. Some research on the Activity Theory concept of the teaching-learning process and a gradual introduction of scientifc concepts at school age are presented. The results showed that children acquired signifcant symbolic abilities that are necessary to understand the concept of the decimal system. We consider that this article may aid our understanding of the origin of mathematics difficulties and the necessity of constantly collaborating and exchanging psychological, pedagogical, and neuropsychological ideas.
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El presente trabajo aborda la formación inicial del concepto de número en niños(as) de primer grado de primaria. Los sujetos participantes fueron niños mexicanos bilingües (náhuatl-castellano). La investigación está fundamentada en la Teoría de la Actividad aplicada al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Se trabajó con un diseño de investigación pretest-postest con grupo control (n = 22). En el grupo experimental (n = 24) se imple-mentó un programa de actividades formativas a partir de la metodología de la formación por etapas de las acciones mentales que incluye los componentes lógicos, simbólicos, relaciones espaciales y matemáticos. Los resultados se sometieron al análisis estadístico Kruskal-Wallis mostrando las diferencias significativas en las ejecuciones a favor del grupo experimental con una p < 0.05 en los diversos tipos de tareas valoradas. Además, se realizó un análisis cualitativo de los tipos de error presentados. Ambos tipos de análisis permitieron confirmar la eficacia del programa para el desarrollo de las habilidades necesarias (componentes simbólico, numérico, lógico y espacial) para la formación del concepto de número en los niños(as) del grupo experimental.
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Resumen Las matemáticas y la resolución de problemas son herramientas básicas en la escolaridad de las sociedades avanzadas, y en su aprendizaje intervienen una serie de procesos cognitivos. En este artículo se presenta una revisión de los modelos teóricos y de los estudios empíricos que dan cuenta de cómo la aplicación de conocimientos sobre el mundo real, adquiridos durante la trayectoria vital de los sujetos, interviene en la resolución de problemas. Para ello, en primer lugar se describen los diferentes tipos de problemas de matemáticas; en segundo lugar se revisan los modelos cognitivos que justifican la necesidad de aplicar conocimientos sobre el mundo real para generar un modelo de la situación para resolverlos; en tercer lugar se revisan e interpretan los resultados de los estudios que han comprobado la validez de esos modelos teóricos, dando al mismo tiempo claves para la mejora del rendimiento de los alumnos. Finalmente se exponen las conclusiones generales de la revisión y se aportan algunas implicaciones para la práctica educativa que se desprenden de esas conclusiones
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En este artículo se analiza la interacción que tres profesores en servicio y tres profesores en formación mantienen con sus alumnos cuando resuelven problemas de matemáticas. Para ello se parte, por un lado, de los modelos teóricos que describen los procesos cognitivos implicados en la resolución de problemas, y por otro, de un sistema de análisis que nos permite conocer en qué parte del proceso de resolución se centra en cada momento la interacción y en qué medida es el profesor, el alumno o ambos, quienes toman la responsabilidad en la construcción de los contenidos que se hacen públicos en la interacción. Los resultados muestran que los profesores en servicio resuelven los problemas únicamente tras asegurar la comprensión del problema, y permiten una participación mayor de los alumnos en los aspectos centrales de la comprensión del problema, mientras que los profesores en formación no aseguran la comprensión del problema antes de elegir la operación a realizar y son más directivos en los aspectos centrales de la comprensión.The interaction between three in-service teachers and three pre-service teachers with their pupils when solving compare word problems is analysed. In order to do so, the theoretical frame is based, on the one hand, on the theoretical models that describe the cognitive processes involved in word problem solving, and on the other, on an interaction analysis system that allows us to know the part of the word problem solving process on which each moment of the interaction is focused, and also who is taking the main responsibility for creating the contents made public in the interaction, namely, the teacher, the pupil or both. The results showed that inservice teachers solved word problems only when they were sure that the pupils had understood the problem, and also they allowed pupils greater participation in central activities involving comprehension. However, preservice teachers did not make sure that pupils' had understood the problem before choosing the operation needed to solve it, and were more directive in central aspects involving compression.
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The present study deals with initial formation of number concepts in first year primary school children. The subjects were Mexican bilingual children (Nahuatl-Spanish). This research is based on Activity Theory applied to the teaching-learning process. A pretest-posttest design was used with a control group (n = 22) and an experimental group (n = 24). A method of stage-by-stage formation of mental actions in which logic, symbolic, spatial and mathematical aspects were treated was implemented in the experimental group. The results of pretest-posttest tasks were statistically analysed by means of the Kruskall-Wallis test. The results of task fulfilment were significantly higher in the experimental group (p < 0.05). Additionally, a qualitative analysis of errors was performed. Both kinds of analysis allowed us to verify the efficacy of the programme to develop the required skills (symbolic, numeric, logic and spatial components) for using the number concept in the experimental group of children.
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The first purpose of this study was to investigate whether the visuospatial working memory (VSWM) skills of 15–16‐year‐old pupils with difficulties in mathematics differ from those of their normally achieving peers. The goal was to broaden the view of the complex system of VSWM. A set of passive and active VSWM tasks was used. The study’s second purpose was to investigate whether pupils with mathematical difficulties differed in their VSWM skills based on whether they had signs of reading deficits or not. Results indicate that the pupils with poor performance in maths showed poorer performance on certain VSWM tasks. The group with deficits only in maths had less capacity for storing passive visual simultaneous information, while the group with difficulties both in maths and reading had deficits in both storing (passive visual and visuospatial information) and processing, and had less ability to control irrelevant visuospatial information compared to their peers of the same age. The results indicate a general VSWM deficit in pupils with both mathematics and reading problems and a specific VSWM deficit in pupils with only mathematics problems.
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Arithmetic and cognitive skills of children with mathematical difficulties (MD-only), with comorbid reading difficulties (MD-RD), with reading difficulties (RD-only), and normally achieving children were examined at 3 points from Grades 3–4 to Grades 5–6 (age range, 9–13 years). Both MD groups displayed severe weaknesses in 4 domain-specific arithmetic components (factual, conceptual, procedural, and problem-solving skills) during all 3 measure points. Telling time and approximate arithmetic were also problematic for children with MD. Both MD groups displayed a small weakness related to visual–spatial working memory, and the MD-RD group also displayed small weaknesses related to verbal short-term memory, processing speed, and executive functions. The 4 groups developed at similar rates within all domain-specific components as well as basic cognitive functions. These findings demonstrate that children identified as having MD when they are 9 years old do not catch up with their normally achieving peers in later school grades, when they are 13 years old. They also continue to lag behind their peers with respect to the domain-general cognitive system. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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A pre-test post-test correlated groups design was used to evaluate the effectiveness of the Shuttleworth/Rotary Number Skills Development Programme to enhance the numeracy of Grade 2 learners (N = 169) from five primary schools (a private school, a school of auditory impaired learners, and three rural schools). An unstructured questionnaire was employed to obtain teachers' views about the program (n = 5). The findings of the study showed that the programme was effective in developing the numeracy of the total sample, and of learners from the different types of schools. It was concluded that the use of concrete educational material should be central in the teaching of number skills in Grade 2. The teachers also indicated that the programme was beneficial to learners and to themselves. However differences in the improvement of the numeracy scores of the five classes were found (possibly due to difference in instructional quality). Therefore, it is recommended that teachers should be trained in the use of educational equipment and also to create an optimal learning environment. Further research, with more representative samples, is required to verify the effectiveness of (and broaden) the application of the programme, and to explore teacher-related variables that could limit numeracy development in learners.
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The effect of 3 intervention board games (linear number, linear color, and nonlinear number) on young children's (mean age = 3.8 years) counting abilities, number naming, magnitude comprehension, accuracy in number-to-position estimation tasks, and best-fit numerical magnitude representations was examined. Pre- and posttest performance was compared following four 25-min intervention sessions. The linear number board game significantly improved children's performance in all posttest measures and facilitated a shift from a logarithmic to a linear representation of numerical magnitude, emphasizing the importance of spatial cues in estimation. Exposure to the number card games involving nonsymbolic magnitude judgments and association of symbolic and nonsymbolic quantities, but without any linear spatial cues, improved some aspects of children's basic number skills but not numerical estimation precision.
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This study examined whether measures of short-term memory, working memory, and executive functioning in preschool children predict later proficiency in academic achievement at 7 years of age (third year of primary school). Children were tested in preschool (M age = 4 years, 6 months) on a battery of cognitive measures, and mathematics and reading outcomes (from standardized, norm-referenced school-based assessments) were taken on entry to primary school, and at the end of the first and third year of primary school. Growth curve analyses examined predictors of math and reading achievement across the duration of the study and revealed that better digit span and executive function skills provided children with an immediate head start in math and reading that they maintained throughout the first three years of primary school. Visual-spatial short-term memory span was found to be a predictor specifically of math ability. Correlational and regression analyses revealed that visual short-term and working memory were found to specifically predict math achievement at each time point, while executive function skills predicted learning in general rather than learning in one specific domain. The implications of the findings are discussed in relation to further understanding the role of cognitive skills in different mathematical tasks, and in relation to the impact of limited cognitive skills in the classroom environment.
Zusammenfassung. Die vorliegende Studie beschaftigt sich mit kognitiven Merkmalen bei Subgruppen rechenschwacher Kinder. Dabei wurde im Einzelnen uberpruft, ob Leistungsbeeintrachtigungen in der bereichsubergreifenden Arbeitsgedachtniskapazitat sowie in bereichsspezifischen Fahigkeiten des basalen arithmetischen Faktenabrufs und der numerischen Basiskompetenzen vorliegen und ob Unterschiede zwischen rechenschwachen Kindern mit und ohne zusatzliche Schriftsprachschwierigkeiten bestehen. Hierzu wurden 22 Kinder mit der Diagnose Rechenstorung (F 81.2 nach ICD-10), 30 Kinder mit der Diagnose Kombinierte Storung schulischer Fertigkeiten (F 81.3 nach ICD-10) und 30 nach Alter parallelisierte Kontrollkinder mit einer umfangreichen Testbatterie in Einzelsitzungen untersucht. Die Ergebnisse belegen fur alle rechengestorten Kinder Defizite in allen drei Bereichen, wobei die Kinder mit kombinierten Schulleistungsstorungen im Vergleich zu den isoliert gestorten Kindern umfassendere Beeintrachtigungen aufweisen.
Previous research stresses the importance of seriation, classification, and counting abilities that should be assessed in kindergarten, when looking for crucial predictors of mathematical learning disabilities in Grade 1. This study examines (n = 158) two-year-long predictive relationships between children's seriation, classification, procedural counting knowledge, and conceptual counting knowledge, and their numerical facility and arithmetical achievement in Grades 3, 4, and 5. Path analyses reveal a relationship between procedural counting knowledge in Grades 1 and 3 and numerical facility, and between conceptual counting knowledge in Grade 1 and arithmetical achievement in Grades 1 and 2. In addition, procedural counting knowledge correlates with seriation, and conceptual counting knowledge correlates with classification as well as with seriation in Grade 1. Clinicians are encouraged to select early arithmetic subtests with caution when assessing and predicting arithmetic and arithmetical disabilities.
Analizar la posibilidad de que el número no tenga un sentido es posiblemente un sinsentido en sí mismo. Una ojeada a la literatura sobre este tema nos muestra que el número puede tener muchos sentidos y significados diferentes. En este trabajo desarrollamos la idea, actualmente compartida por muchos investigadores, de que estos sentidos están anclados biológicamente y que se restringen, amplían y cambian de significado en el curso de la interacción cotidiana con los sistemas de prácticas culturales y con la participación en contextos de instrucción formal. Para justificar esta posición hacemos una revisión tanto de los trabajos sobre habilidades cuantitativas de animales y bebés, como de la influencia de las prácticas culturales en el desarrollo de los modos de usar y pensar numéricamente con sentido.Analysing the possibility that number has no sense or meaning may make little sense. A look at the literature in this area shows that number may have many different senses and meanings. In this paper we develop the notion -currently shared by many scholars- that those senses are biologically anchored and that they become restricted, enlarged or modified, and change their meaning in the course of everyday interaction and participation in formal instructional contexts. In order to justify this viewpoint, we review research of animals' and babies' quantitative skills and of the influence of cultural practices on the development of meaningful uses and conceptions of number.
A model of the relations among cognitive precursors, early numeracy skill, and mathematical outcomes was tested for 182 children from 4.5 to 7.5 years of age. The model integrates research from neuroimaging, clinical populations, and normal development in children and adults. It includes 3 precursor pathways: quantitative, linguistic, and spatial attention. These pathways (a) contributed independently to early numeracy skills during preschool and kindergarten and (b) related differentially to performance on a variety of mathematical outcomes 2 years later. The success of the model in accounting for performance highlights the need to understand the fundamental underlying skills that contribute to diverse forms of mathematical competence.
Visuospatial working memory and its involvement in arithmetic were examined in two groups of 7- to 11-year-olds: one comprising children described by teachers as displaying symptoms of nonverbal learning difficulties (N = 21), the other a control group without learning disabilities (N = 21). The two groups were matched for verbal abilities, age, gender, and sociocultural level. The children were presented with a visuospatial working memory battery of recognition tests involving visual, spatial-sequential and spatial-simultaneous processes, and two arithmetic tasks (number ordering and written calculations). The two groups were found to differ on some spatial tasks but not in the visual working memory tasks. On the arithmetic tasks, the children with nonverbal learning difficulties made more errors than controls in calculation and were slower in number ordering. A discriminant function analysis confirmed the crucial role of spatial-sequential working memory in distinguishing between the two groups. Results are discussed with reference to spatial working memory and arithmetic difficulties in nonverbal learning disabilities. Implications for the relationship between visuospatial working memory and arithmetic are also considered.
The present longitudinal study was designed to investigate precursors of mathematics achievement in children. A total of 72 children were tested at both the beginning and end of first and second grades on measures of the following cognitive abilities: phonology, counting skills, short-term memory, working memory, and verbal and performance IQ. Path analysis models revealed differences in the variables predicting mathematics skills of first and second graders. Specifically, in first graders both short-term and working memory measures mediated the role of verbal IQ in predicting mathematics skills. Also, there was a direct relationship between performance IQ and mathematics at first grade. In contrast, in the longitudinal model, working memory measured both in first and second grades predicted mathematics achievement, whereas the relationship between performance IQ and mathematics disappeared. In conclusion, the results demonstrated that mathematics learning is predicted not by phonology or counting skills and that working memory is a plausible mediator in predicting mathematics achievement in primary school age children.
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