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Саркосома шаровидная - Sarcosoma globosum (Schmidel) Rehm

The Onega Peninsula is located in the north-west of Russia in the Arkhangelsk Region, juts out into the White Sea, is located in an area of a transitional climate from an oceanic to a continental temperate climatic zone, belongs to the central sector of the northern taiga zone. The flora and fauna of the peninsula are very diverse. A significant part of natural complexes is highly preserved and is ideal for biosphere monitoring. In connection with intensive industrial logging on the peninsula, there is a need to identify rare species of living organisms and determine measures for their protection. The article provides data on the finds of habitats of 11 rare species discovered by the author during field routes along the Lyamitsky landscape in the period from 2009 to 2020. Finds of 10 out of 11 species have not been previously published. In 2020, the state of a group of individuals of 1 of 11 species that had not yet formed a stable population was reexamined, the find of which was previously published. This species (derbyanka spikate) is new for the Arkhangelsk and all adjacent regions and needs to be entered into the Red Book of the Arkhangelsk Region, which includes the remaining 10 species. 4 species of them are also included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. The finds of the species belong to the lands of different purposes: to the forbidden zone of forests and to the lands of the forest fund leased by a logging company. The article discusses the number of discovered species and such a limiting factor as logging. The assessment of the feasibility of measures for the protection of species has been carried out. It was revealed that some of them (splachnums) increase in number due to felling, the number of others is not threatened by felling (common viper, etc.), to preserve the number of the third, special protection measures are required (pulmonary lobaria, truncated horn, etc.). The information obtained is processed cartographically using geoinformation technologies and can be used to replenish the database of the Red Book species and to organize their protection.
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