Conference PaperPDF Available

New generation of digital academic-transcripts using encrypted QR code™: Use of encrypted QR code™ in mark-sheets (academic transcripts)



Today, because of ever growing digital data, it is very important to optimize these data and preserve them in an eco-friendly manner. In this paper, the author presents a new method to digitize the academic transcript i.e. mark-sheets, and embed the digital format in the mark-sheet itself in the form of encrypted QR Code™, so that the digital data can not be retrieved by any unauthorized user. In this way, we can save a lot of digital space, which was necessary to save those digital academic records of each student. In our new marksheet system, the digital data, which is embedded in the marksheet in form of encrypted QR code, can only be retrieved and decrypted using our own web-application, which is hosted in our website. Our new mark-sheet system introduces a new generation of digital academic transcripts, which is already under implementation in our St. Xavier's College [Autonomous], Kolkata, India, and till now the implementation results and success of the system have been remarkable.
New Generation of Digital Academic-Transcripts using encrypted QR CodeTM
Use of encrypted QR CodeTM in Mark-sheets (Academic Transcripts)
Somdip Dey
Department of Computer Science,
St. Xavier’s College [Autonomous],
Kolkata, India.
Mobile: +91-9051310707.
Abstract—Today, because of ever growing digital data, it is
very important to optimize these data and preserve them in an
eco-friendly manner. In this paper, the author presents a new
method to digitize the academic transcript i.e. mark-sheets,
and embed the digital format in the mark-sheet itself in the
form of encrypted QR CodeTM, so that the digital data can not
be retrieved by any unauthorized user. In this way, we can
save a lot of digital space, which was necessary to save those
digital academic records of each student. In our new mark-
sheet system, the digital data, which is embedded in the mark-
sheet in form of encrypted QR code, can only be retrieved and
decrypted using our own web-application, which is hosted in
our website. Our new mark-sheet system introduces a new
generation of digital academic transcripts, which is already
under implementation in our St. Xavier’s College
[Autonomous], Kolkata, India, and till now the implementation
results and success of the system have been remarkable.
Keywords-result; mark-sheet; QR code; encryption; green
In the modern world, with the evolution of technology
and un-ending growth in digital data, there is an essential
need of optimization of online data and information present
in the digital world. For example, every year millions of
student graduate from different universities and colleges
from different places in the world. It is not always possible to
keep records and marks of all students in paper documents
because it will consume a lot of papers, which in fact will
harm the plant ecosystem and environment eventually, and
for that reason digitization of those records are essential. But,
digitization of data is costly too because as the digital data
grow in size there is need of lager space and for that reason
we need to add new servers and more space to hold those
data and information.
Keeping this problem in mind, the research group at St.
Xavier’s College [Autonomous], Kolkata, India, has
introduced a new digital mark-sheet system. In our new
mark-sheet system, we will be embedding the data digitally
in form of QR Code [9][11], which is itself encrypted, so that
the marks obtained by the student can not be tampered, and
the data embedded in the mark-sheet can be only decrypted
and read from our web-application deployed by St. Xavier’s
College’s website. In this way, we do not have to increase
our digital space or add new servers to our already existing
system just because to save more marks record of students.
QR CodeTM [9][11][12] is a type of 2 dimensional matrix
barcode, which gained popularity because of its large
capacity to hold digital data and it can be integrated in any
mobile devices. In our new mark-sheet system, we save the
essential data of each student in the QR Code, like the
student’s name, roll number, registration number, semester
and year of study, marks obtained in different subjects and
grades secured. But, all the data saved and embedded in the
QR Code, are encrypted, and then the QR Codes are printed
in the mark-sheet of the student. So, in future if the student
or any other person wants to see their marks digitally or
wants to send their academic information to any University
or Organization in digital format, then they can just scan the
QR Code, decrypt the data and send the data.
We use TTJSA encryption technique, which was
designed by Nath et al. [1][2][3][4][5] and is an
amalgamation of three different cryptographic modules:
generalized modified Vernam cipher, MSA [2] and NJJSA
[3], for the encryption purpose of data in the QR Code. After
encrypting the data, we embed the data in the QR Code using
a set of different protocol and ultimately generate the
encrypted QR Code. We discuss the procedure in the
following sections.
A. TTJSA for Encryption Purpose of the Embedded Data
TTJSA [1][4][5] is a combined symmetric key
cryptographic method, which is formed of generalized
modified Vernam cipher, MSA [2] and NJJSA [3]
symmetric key cryptographic methods. The algorithm of the
execution of TTJSA is as follows:
1) Algorithm of Generalized Modified Vernam Cipher
with Feed-Back Mechanism:
In this method, we have modified the normal Vernam
Cipher [7][8] and made a more generalized version of it. In
normal Vernam Cipher we apply XOR operation on the
plain text with the key to get our final cipher text and use
the vice-versa to get the decrypted out-put.
978-1-4673-5090-7/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE
Formula for Vernam Cipher:
Plaintext Key = Ciphertext (Encryption Process)
Ciphertext Key = Plaintext (Decryption Process)
But, in our method, instead of XOR operation we perform
addition operation, i.e. we add the ASCII value of one byte
of the plain text with the ASCII value of the corresponding
byte of the ‘key’, and as an out-put or cipher text byte we
generate the added value of plain text and key. But, if the
value of the addition is greater than 255 then we send the
remainder excessive value to the next byte of the plaintext
and add it with it, i.e. if plain text + Key > 255, then
{(plaintext + Key) – 255} + next plaintext + Key. We call
this method as feedback mechanism.
Formula for our modified Vernam Cipher method:
Plaintext + Key = Cipher Text, for Plaintext + Key < 256;
Or else,
{(plaintext + Key) – 255} + next plaintext + Key = Cipher
But, we apply the aforementioned formula as block
ciphers. First, we split the total plaintext file into blocks of
bytes, where each block is less than or equal to 255. Then,
we perform the aforementioned steps and in the last byte of
each block, we send the residue value to the next block. This
is the feedback mechanism, which is the unique feature of
the whole method. Because of this property of the method,
even if a single byte of data is changed in the original file,
the output cipher text will be totally different. The method
and execution of each step can be further known from the
research-paper on TTJSA method [1].
2) NJJSAA Algorithm:
The encryption number (=secure) and randomization
number (=times) is calculated according to the method
mentioned in MSA algorithm [2].
Step 1: Read 32 bytes at a time from the input file.
Step 2: Convert 32 bytes into 256 bits and store in some 1-
dimensional array.
Step 3: Choose the first bit from the bit stream and also the
corresponding number(n) from the key matrix. Interchange
the 1st bit and the n-th bit of the bit stream.
Step 4: Repeat step-3 for 2nd bit, 3rd bit...256-th bit of the
bit stream
Step 5: Perform right shift by one bit.
Step 6: Perform bit(1) XOR bit(2), bit(3) XOR
bit(4),...,bit(255) XOR bit(256)
Step 7: Repeat Step 5 with 2 bit right, 3 bit right,...,n bit
right shift followed by Step 6 after each completion of right
bit shift.
3) MSA Encryption and Decryption Algorithm:
Nath et al. [2] proposed a symmetric key method where
they have used a random key generator for generating the
initial key and that key is used for encrypting the given
source file. MSA method is an upgraded module of Playfair
cipher system [7]. MSA [2] method is basically a
substitution method where we take 2 characters from any
input file and then search the corresponding characters from
the random key matrix and store the encrypted data in
another file. MSA method provides us multiple encryptions
and multiple decryptions. The key matrix (16x16) is formed
from all characters (ASCII code 0 to 255) in a random
The randomization of key matrix is done using the
following function calls:
Step-1: call Function cycling()
Step-2: call Function upshift()
Step-3: call Function downshift()
Step-4: call Function leftshift()
Step-5: call Function rightshift()
How the above functions will work, have been discussed
in detail by Nath et al[2]. The idea of these functions is to
make elements in a square matrix in a random order so that
no one can predict what will be the nearest neighbour of a
particular element in that matrix. This method is basically
modified Playfair method. In Playfair method one can only
encrypt Alphabets but in MSA one can encrypt any
character whose ASCII code from 0-255 and one can apply
multiple encryption here which is not possible in normal
Playfair method.
B. Generation of QR Code
To create a QR code [9][11][10][13] is we first create a
string of data bits. This string includes the characters of the
original message (encrypted message in this case) that you
are encoding, as well as some information bits that will tell
a QR decoder what type of QR Code it is.
After generating the aforementioned string of bits, we
use it to generate the error correction code words for the QR
Code. QR Codes use Reed-Solomon Error Correction
technique [10]. Please note that in coding theory, Reed-
Solomon codes (RS codes) are non-binary cyclic error
correction codes invented by Irving S. Reed and Gustave
After the generation of bit-string and error correction
code words, the resultant data is used to generate eight
different QR Codes, each of which uses a different mask
pattern. A mask pattern controls and changes the pixels to
light or dark ones, according to a particular formula. The
eight mask pattern formulas are defined in the QR Code
specification, which is referred at the time of mask
generation needed for the QR Code generation. Each of the
eight QR codes is then given a penalty score that is based on
rules defined in the QR specification. The purpose of this
step is to make sure that the QR code doesn't contain
patterns that might be difficult for a QR decoder to read,
like large blocks of same-colored pixels, for example. After
determining the best mask pattern, the QR Code, which uses
the best mask pattern, is generated and shown as an output.
If the size of the encrypted message becomes more
than 1,264 characters then the characters appearing after
1,264 characters are used separately to generate another QR
Code and the above mentioned process is repeated until and
unless the total encrypted message is converted to QR
The method is discussed in details below:
The Encrypted file, which is created using the method
TTJSA is now treated as the input file and the string is
extracted from the file to generate the QR Code.
Step 1: call function file_read(output_file)
Step 2: call function generateQRCode( str[] ) [9][10][11]
Step 3: call function delete_file(output_file)
We here follow the reverse process of the above
generateQRCode() Algorithm to detect the QR Code Image
using Library Class and perform error correction using
Reed-Solomon technique and get back the encrypted
We chose a student of anonymous name and produce the
demonstration of the new mark-sheet system of that student
in the following figures.
g g
Fig 1: Student’s Information in form of Encrypted QR Code
Decryption of Data
From QR Code
Fig 2: Decrypted Student’s Information from QR Code
We have also given a demonstration of our marks-sheet,
which is under development process, in the following figure:
Fig 3: An Actual Result (Mark-Sheet) having the Digital Data (Academic
Record) in encrypted QR Code
Demonstration Test Case:
Here, we demonstrate the new academic transcript
system by proving a demo example, which was in its initial
stages of development.
g p
Fig 4: Demo of Initial Mark-sheet
Data Embedded Digitally
on the QR CodeTM
The mark-sheet system, presented in this paper, is very
effective to save a lot of digital space, and the academic
records, which are saved in the mark-sheets, can not be
tampered because they are encrypted uniquely using our own
custom built cipher method with uniquely generated key,
which is very secure indeed.
The research group at St. Xavier’s College
[Autonomous], Kolkata, India, is trying to further optimize
the digital information, which is embedded in form of QR
code, and add more relevant and important information about
the student in the digital format. We are also trying to
implement more security and data assurance, so that the
digital data can be saved and retrieved properly and securely.
Somdip Dey (SD) would like to thank his professors Dr.
Asoke Nath and Shalabh Agarwal of Department of
Computer Science, St. Xavier’s College [Autonomous],
Kolkata, India, for providing him the opportunity to be part
of such a wonderful project. SD would also like to thank his
fellow students for helping in the preparation of the project
and for their enthusiasm. SD would also like to thank his
parents, Sudip Dey and Soma Dey, for their un-ending faith
and blessings.
[1] Trisha Chatterjee, Tamodeep Das, Joyshree Nath, Shayan Dey, Asoke
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[5] Somdip Dey, Joyshree Nath and Asoke Nath. Article: An Advanced
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Published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA.
[6] Somdip Dey, ”SD-EQR: A New Technique To Use QR CodesTM in
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[7] Cryptography and Network Security, William Stallings, Prentice Hall
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[8] Cryptography & Network Security, Behrouz A. Forouzan, Tata
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[12] N. Johnson and S. Jajodia, “Steganaly- sis: The investigation of
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[13] Somdip Dey, Kalyan Mondal, Joyshree Nath, Asoke Nath,"Advanced
Steganography Algorithm Using Randomized Intermediate QR Host
Embedded With Any Encrypted Secret Message: ASA_QR
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[14] Somdip Dey, Joyshree Nath and Asoke Nath. Article: An Advanced
Combined Symmetric Key Cryptographic Method using Bit
Manipulation, Bit Reversal, Modified Caesar Cipher (SD-REE),
DJSA method, TTJSA method: SJA-I Algorithm. International
Journal of Computer Applications 46(20): 46-53, May 2012.
Published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA.
[15] Somdip Dey, “Amalgamation of Cyclic Bit Operation in SD-EI
Image Encryption Method: An Advanced Version of SD-EI Method:
SD-EI Ver-2”, International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital
Forensics (IJCSDF) 1(3), pp. 238-242.
[16] Somdip Dey, “SD-EI: A Cryptographic Technique To Encrypt
Images”, Proceedings of “The International Conference on Cyber
Security, CyberWarfare and Digital Forensic (CyberSec 2012)”, held
at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2012, pp. 28-32.
[17] Somdip Dey, “SD-AEI: An advanced encryption technique for
images”, 2012 IEEE Second International Conference on Digital
Information Processing and Communications (ICDIPC), pp. 69-74.
[18] Somdip Dey, “SD-REE: A Cryptographic Method To Exclude
Repetition From a Message”, Proceedings of The International
Conference on Informatics & Applications (ICIA 2012), Malaysia,
pp. 182 – 189.
[19] Somdip Dey, “SD-AREE: A New Modified Caesar Cipher
Cryptographic Method Along with Bit- Manipulation to Exclude
Repetition from a Message to be Encrypted”, Journal: Computing
Research Repository - CoRR, vol. abs/1205.4279, 2012.
[20] Somdip Dey, “An Image Encryption Method: SD-Advanced Image
Encryption Standard: SD-AIES”, International Journal of Cyber-
Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF) 1(2), pp. 82-88.
[21] Somdip Dey, Asoke Nath, “Modern Encryption Standard (MES)
Version-I: An Advanced Cryptographic Method”, Proceedings of
IEEE 2nd World Congress on Information and Communication
Technologies (WICT- 2012), pp. 242-247.
... QR code is defined into 40 symbol versions (to carry various data payloads) and 4 user-selectable error correction level (ECL): L, M, Q and H, which can correct up to 7%, 15%, 25%, and 30% error, respectively, when attacked by using defacement. QR code uses the Reed-Solomon error correction algorithm to recognize this fault tolerance, where the error correction codewords would be created by the Reed-Solomon algorithm and then added in the tail of QR code data codewords [25][26][27][28]. The larger is the version of QR code and the error correction level, then it can offer a higher data payload and reliability in terms of data retrieval. ...
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Food waste is an important social and environmental issue that the current society faces, where one third of the total food produced is wasted or lost every year while more than 820 million people around the world do not have access to adequate food. However, as we move towards a decentralized Web 3.0 enabled smart city, we can utilize cutting edge technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, cloud computing and many more to reduce food waste in different phases of the supply chain. In this paper, we propose SmartNoshWaste—a blockchain based multi-layered framework utilizing cloud computing, QR code and reinforcement learning to reduce food waste. We also evaluate SmartNoshWaste on real world food data collected from the nosh app to show the efficacy of the proposed framework and we are able to reduce food waste by 9.46% in comparison to the originally collected food data based on the experimental evaluation.
... The error correction capability of the QR code is one of the key features of this type of barcode introduced by the QR code standard and allows the barcode reader to retrieve the data correctly if portions of the barcode are damaged. The QR code utilizes the Reed-Solomon error correction algorithm to realize this fault tolerance, where the error correction codewords would be generated by the Reed-Solomon algorithm and added to the tail of QR code data codewords [20][21][22][23]. Usually, two error correction codewords can be used to correct codeword data error. ...
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Food safety is an important issue in today’s world. The traditional agri-food production system does not offer easy traceability of the produce at any point of the supply chain, and hence, during a food-borne outbreak, it is very difficult to sift through food production data to track produce and the origin of the outbreak. In recent years, the blockchain based food production system has resolved this challenge; however, none of the proposed methodologies makes the food production data easily accessible, traceable and verifiable by consumers or producers using mobile/edge devices. In this paper, we propose FoodSQRBlock (Food Safety Quick Response Block), a blockchain technology based framework that digitises the food production information and makes it easily accessible, traceable and verifiable by the consumers and producers by using QR codes. We also propose a large-scale integration of FoodSQRBlock in the cloud to show the feasibility and scalability of the framework, as well as give an experimental evaluation to prove this.
... This advantage of QR code helps you to search for distribution and distribution systems effectively and quickly. In other words, it can accurately provide users with information about products sold or received (Park 2013;Gu and Zhang 2011;Yoon et al. 2011;Dey 2013;Goyal et al. 2016;Bhargava et al. 2014;Ramsden 2008). The QR code can also be used for construction management and informs workers, including construction and construction procedures so that they can quickly search for construction-related information. ...
As a result of the environment changes, all Logistic Departments need to cover gaps between their needs and possibilities in regard to resources potential available in market and customer requirements. In addition to material re-sources, there are also intangible resources like knowledge, attitude and skills (part of HR). A pioneering mathematic-supported study was done with respect to technical skills of students from IT Departments at technical high schools. We achieve a mathematical model representing possible contributions of students into jobs through professional skills, subject to soft skills, common skills and other socio-economic variables in time. A general aim is to explore the effects between variables, the structure, stability and sensitivity of the model. Thus, the needs in Logistics are addressed through decision aid, educational improvements, programs and measurements. We take a genuine lead to networking and modelling side of HRM by modern Data Mining, Analytics and AI. Herewith, human and educational factors are addressed in Logistics, eventually for a best balance between job offers and demands. The resulting models are compared by the help of statistical performance criteria, they are discussed, interpreted, evaluated, and economic as well as educational implications are derived.
... The error correction capability of QR code is one of the key features of this type of barcode introduced by QR code standard and allows the barcode reader to retrieve the data correctly if portions of the barcode are damaged. QR code utilizes Reed-Solomon error correction algorithm to realize this fault tolerance, where the error correction codewords would be generated by Reed-Solomon algorithm and added in the tail of QR code data codewords [17]- [20]. Usually two error correction codewords could be used to correct codeword data error. ...
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div> Food safety is an important issue in today’s world. Traditional agri-food production system doesn’t offer easy traceability of the produce at any point of the supply chain, and hence, during a food-borne outbreak, it is very difficult to sift through food production data to track produce and origin of the outbreak. In recent years, blockchain based food production system has resolved this challenge, however, none of the proposed methodologies makes the food production data easily accessible, traceable and verifiable by consumers or producers using mobile/edge devices. In this paper, we propose FoodSQRBlock (Food Safety Quick Response Block), a blockchain technology based framework, which digitizes the food production information, and makes it easily accessible, traceable and verifiable by the consumers and producers by using QR codes. We also propose a large scale integration of FoodSQRBlock in the cloud to show the feasibility and scalability of the framework, and experimental evaluation to prove that. </div
Blast furnace revamping in the steel industry is one of the most important works to complete the complicated equipment within a short period of time-based on the interfaces of various types of work. P company has planned to build a Smart Tracking System based on the wireless tag system to comply with the construction period and reduce costs, ahead of the revamping of blast furnace scheduled for construction in February next year. It combines detailed design data with wireless detection technology to grasp the stage status of design, storage, and installation. Then, it graphically displays the location information of each member to the plan and the actual status in connection with Building Information Modeling (BIM) 4D Simulation. QR Code is used as a wireless tag to check the receiving status of core equipment considering the characteristics of each item. Then, DB in the server system is built, status information is input. By implementing BIM 4D Simulation data using DELMIA, the information on location and status is provided. In terms of logistics digitization, the system’s features allow suppliers to monitor the real-time status of the 4D system provided on a Web basis, enabling suppliers to accurately identify and supply the delivery times for the facilities they need to manufacture and supply. Besides, the project progress control can be managed quickly and accurately by identifying the location of major delivered facilities in real-time to maximize the efficiency of construction, and by identifying the status information of major facilities, i.e. installation status in real-time. This digitalization ultimately results in savings in the manpower involved in the project and contributes to lower investment costs as a whole.
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In this paper the authors present a new integrated symmetric-key cryptographic method, named SJA, which is the combination of advanced Caesar Cipher method, TTJSA method, Bit wise Rotation and Reversal method. The encryption method consists of three basic steps: 1) Encryption Technique using Advanced Caesar Cipher, 2) Encryption Technique using TTJSA Algorithm, and 3) Encryption Technique using Bit wise Rotation and Reversal. TTJSA Algorithm, used in this method, is again a combination of generalized modified Vernam Cipher method, MSA method and NJJSAA method. Nath et al. already developed some symmetric key encryption methods namely MSA, DJSA, DJJSA, modified DJJSA, NJJSA, TTJSA, TTSJA, DJMNA, UES-I, UES-II etc. The cryptanalysis shows that TTJSA is free from standard cryptographic attacks such as differential attack, plain text attack or any brute force attack. In the present method the authors have used advanced modified Caesar Cipher method where the authors have modified the standard Caesar Cipher method and then they applied TTJSA method to make the entire crypto system very hard to break. The present method has been tested on different plain text specially with repeated character and the spectral analysis of the plain text and the encrypted is also been shown. The spectral analysis shows that the present cryptography method, SJA can not be broken with any kind of standard cryptography attack. The authors propose that the present method will be most suitable for password, SMS or any kind of small message encryption.
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In this paper, the author propose a method, SD-AEI, for image encryption, which is an upgraded module for SD-EI combined image encryption technique and basically has three stages: 1) In first stage, each pixel of image is converted to its equivalent eight bit binary number and in that eight bit number, the number of bits, which are equal to the length of password are rotated and then reversed; 2) In second stage, extended hill cipher technique is applied by using involutory matrix, which is generated by same password used in second stage of encryption to make it more secure; 3) In third stage, the whole image file is randomized multiple number of times using Modified MSA Randomization encryption technique and the randomization is dependent on an unique number, which is generated from the password provided for encryption. This proposed technique, SD-AEI, is very effective in encrypting any type of images and the results were very satisfactory. SD-AEI method is also compared with various other image encryption techniques and it was found that SD-AEI cryptographic method takes optimal amount of time when compared to other encryption techniques, for encrypting and decrypting an image file. This method can be used to encrypt any type of image file, especially secret images, where steganography has been applied, so that the contents in the image file can be kept more secure.
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In this paper, the author propose a method, SD-EI, for image encryption, which basically has two stages: 1) In first stage, each pixel of image is converted to its equivalent eight bit binary number and in that eight bit number, the number of bits, which are equal to the length of password are rotated and then reversed; 2) In second stage, extended hill cipher technique is applied by using involutory matrix, which is generated by same password used in second stage of encryption to make it more secure. The technique presented in this paper is very good for encrypting any type of images, and from the encrypted image it is very difficult to extract the real image without proper authorization and algorithm implementation. The proposed approach is implemented for different images and the results were very satisfactory. The proposed technique, SD-EI, can be implemented by any person or organization to encrypt images, which are to be kept secret, or can encrypt the images, where data (messages) are already hidden using steganography.
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Due to tremendous growth in communication technology, now it is a real problem / challenge to send some confidential data / information through communication network. For this reason, Nath et al. developed several information security systems, combining cryptography and steganography together, and the present method, ASA_QR, is also one of them. In the present paper, the authors present a new steganography algorithm to hide any small encrypted secret message inside QR Code TM , which is then randomized and then, finally embed that randomized QR Code inside some common image. Quick Response Codes (or QR Codes) are a type of two-dimensional matrix barcodes used for encoding information. It has become very popular recently for its high storage capacity. The present method is ASA_QR is a combination of strong encryption algorithm and data hiding in two stages to make the entire process extremely hard to break. Here, the secret message is encrypted first and hide it in a QR Code TM and then again that QR Code TM is embed in a cover file (picture file) in random manner, using the standard method of steganography. In this way the data, which is secured, is almost impossible to be retrieved without knowing the cryptography key, steganography password and the exact unhide method. For encrypting data The authors used a method developed by Nath et al i.e. TTJSA, which is based on generalized modified Vernam Cipher, MSA and NJJSA method; and from the cryptanalysis it is seen that TTJSA is free from any standard cryptographic attacks, like differential attack, plain-text attack or any brute force attack. After encrypting the data using TTJSA,the authors have used standard steganographic method To hide data inside some host file. The present method may be used for sharing secret key, password, digital signature etc.
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In this paper, the authors propose a new combined symmetric key cryptographic method, SJA-I, which basically has four steps: Firstly, each byte is broken into its equivalent binary format and then single bit manipulation is executed on that; secondly Modified Caesar Cipher technique (SD-REE) and TTJSA cipher algorithm are applied on the data (message) randomly, which depends on the key provided during the time for encryption; thirdly DJSA method applied and in the final stage, Bit Reversal technique is applied to reach the final encrypted form of the original data. The method applied here is being tested on different plain text files and the results were analyzed very carefully. It was found that there was no pattern in the encrypted text and this combined cipher technique can not be broken by usual cryptanalysis attack like, differential attack, plain text attack, spectral analysis (frequency analysis), etc. The authors proposes that SJA-I can be applied for encryption of short message, password, secret key or any type confidential message. General Terms Information Security; Modified Caesar Cipher in form of SD-REE encryption method; TTJSA algorithm, which is a combination of Modified Vernam Cipher with feedback + MSA algorithm + NJJSA algorithm; DJSA algorithm, which is a modified form of MSA.
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In the present world we need a high security for transmitting any digital information from client to another client or one machine to another machine. In the present work the authors focus on how one can achieve high order data security while transmitting from one place to another place. The authors here propose a new encryption standard (algorithm), which is the amalgamation of two different encryption algorithms developed by Nath et al. namely TTJSA and DJSA in randomized fashion. The title of the proposed method is Modern Encryption Standard version-I (MES ver-I) and, the method is achieved by splitting the file, which is to be encrypted, and encrypting the split sections of the file in various ways using TTJSA and DJSA cipher methods. The method has been tested on different files and the results were very satisfactory. The primary idea behind the implementation of MES ver-I is to build a strong encryption method, which should be unbreakable by any kind of brute force method or differential attack. In the result section the authors have shown the spectral analysis which clearly shows that the present method is free from any kind of cryptography attack namely brute force method, known plain text attack or differential attack.
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In this paper the authors present a new integrated symmetric-key cryptographic method, named SJA, which is the combination of advanced Caesar Cipher method, TTJSA method, Bit wise Rotation and Reversal method. The encryption method consists of three basic steps: 1) Encryption Technique using Advanced Caesar Cipher, 2) Encryption Technique using TTJSA Algorithm, and 3) Encryption Technique using Bit wise Rotation and Reversal. TTJSA Algorithm, used in this method, is again a combination of generalized modified Vernam Cipher method, MSA method and NJJSAA method. Nath et al. already developed some symmetric key encryption methods namely MSA, DJSA, DJJSA, modified DJJSA, NJJSA, TTJSA, TTSJA, DJMNA, UES-I, UES-II etc. The cryptanalysis shows that TTJSA is free from standard cryptographic attacks such as differential attack, plain text attack or any brute force attack. In the present method the authors have used advanced modified Caesar Cipher method where the authors have modified the standard Caesar Cipher method and then they applied TTJSA method to make the entire crypto system very hard to break. The present method has been tested on different plain text specially with repeated character and the spectral analysis of the plain text and the encrypted is also been shown. The spectral analysis shows that the present cryptography method, SJA can not be broken with any kind of standard cryptography attack. The authors propose that the present method will be most suitable for password, SMS or any kind of small message encryption.
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The security of digital information in modern times is one of the most important factors to keep in mind. For this reason, in this paper, the author has proposed a new standard method of image encryption. The proposed method consists of 4 different stages: 1) First, a number is generated from the password and each pixel of the image is converted to its equivalent eight binary number, and in that eight bit number, the number of bits, which are equal to the length of the number generated from the password, are rotated and reversed; 2) In second stage, extended hill cipher technique is applied by using involutory matrix, which is generated by same password used in second stage of encryption to make it more secure; 3) In third stage, generalized modified Vernam Cipher with feedback mechanism is used on the file to create the next level of encryption; 4) Finally in fourth stage, the whole image file is randomized multiple number of times using modified MSA randomization encryption technique and the randomization is dependent on another number, which is generated from the password provided for encryption method. SD-AIES is an upgraded version of SD-AEI Image Encryption Technique. The proposed method, SD-AIES is tested on different image files and the results were far more than satisfactory.
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In this paper, the author presents an advanced version of image encryption technique, which is itself an upgraded version of SD-EI image encryption method. In this new method, SD-EI Ver-2, there are more bit wise manipulations compared to original SD-EI method. The proposed method consist of three stages: 1) First, a number is generated from the password and each pixel of the image is converted to its equivalent eight binary number, and in that eight bit number, the number of bits, which are equal to the length of the number generated from the password, are rotated and reversed; 2) In second stage, extended hill cipher technique is applied by using involutory matrix, which is generated by same password used in second stage of encryption to make it more secure; 3) In last stage, we perform modified Cyclic Bit manipulation. First, the pixel values are again converted to their 8 bit binary format. Then 8 consecutive pixels are chosen and a 8X8 matrix is formed out of these 8 bit 8 pixels. After that, matrix cyclic operation is performed randomized number of times, which is again dependent on the password provided for encryption. After the generation of new 8 bit value of pixels, they are again converted to their decimal format and the new value is written in place of the old pixel value. SD-EI Ver-2 has been tested on different image files and the results were very satisfactory.