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Here we present a phylogenetic hypothesis for the New World suboscine radiation, based on a dataset comprising of 219 terminal taxa and five nuclear molecular markers (ca. 6300 bp). We also estimate ages of the main clades in this radiation. This study corroborates many of the recent insights into the phylogenetic relationships of New World suboscines. It further clarifies a number of cases for which previous studies have been inconclusive, such as the relationships of Conopophagidae, Melanopareiidae and Tityridae. We find a remarkable difference in age of the initial divergence events in Furnariida and Tyrannida. The deepest branches in Furnariida are of Eocene age, whereas the extant lineages of Tyrannida have their origin in the Oligocene. Approximately half of the New World suboscine species are harboured in 5 large clades that started to diversify around the Mid Miocene Climatic Optimum (16-12 Mya). Based on our phylogenetic results we propose a revised classification of the New World suboscines. We also erect new family or subfamily level taxa for four small and isolated clades: Berlepschiinae, Pipritidae, Tachurididae and Muscigrallinae.
Accepted by T. Chesser: 3 Dec. 2012; published: 7 Feb. 2013
ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)
Copyright © 2013 Magnolia Press
Zootaxa 3613 (1): 001035
Phylogeny and classification of the New World suboscines (Aves, Passeriformes)
1Molecular Systematics Laboratory, Swedish Museum of Natural History, P. O. Box 50007, 10405 Stockholm, Sweden
2Director of Science, Swedish Museum of Natural History, P. O. Box 50007, 10405 Stockholm, Sweden
3Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 15, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark
4Corresponding author. E-mail:
Here we present a phylogenetic hypothesis for the New World suboscine radiation, based on a dataset comprising of 219
terminal taxa and five nuclear molecular markers (ca. 6300 bp). We also estimate ages of the main clades in this radiation.
This study corroborates many of the recent insights into the phylogenetic relationships of New World suboscines. It further
clarifies a number of cases for which previous studies have been inconclusive, such as the relationships of Conopophagi-
dae, Melanopareiidae and Tityridae. We find a remarkable difference in age of the initial divergence events in Furnariida
and Tyrannida. The deepest branches in Furnariida are of Eocene age, whereas the extant lineages of Tyrannida have their
origin in the Oligocene. Approximately half of the New World suboscine species are harboured in 5 large clades that start-
ed to diversify around the Mid Miocene Climatic Optimum (16–12 Mya). Based on our phylogenetic results we propose
a revised classification of the New World suboscines. We also erect new family or subfamily level taxa for four small and
isolated clades: Berlepschiinae, Pipritidae, Tachurididae and Muscigrallinae.
Key words: Furnariida, Tyrannida, phylogeny, classification
With more than 1200 extant species, the New World suboscines (NWS) are one of the largest endemic vertebrate
radiations on the South American continent. Phylogenetic relationships are comparatively well studied. The studies
with the most comprehensive taxon sampling have either relied on the RAG1 and RAG-2 protein coding regions
(Moyle et al. 2009; Tello et al. 2009) or nuclear introns, primarily myoglobin intron 1, G3PDH intron 11 and ODC
introns 6 and 7 (e.g. Irestedt et al. 2009; Ohlson et al. 2008), in some cases complemented by mitochondrial DNA.
These two sets of molecular markers have yielded phylogenetic hypotheses that are generally congruent but also
differ at several points. Partially conflicting tree topologies have previously been observed between the RAG genes
and nuclear introns (Irestedt & Ohlson 2008) or between RAG genes and other nuclear protein-coding markers
(e.g. ZENK, Treplin et al. 2008).
The last decade has seen a drastic overturning of the traditional view of systematic relationships in nearly
every larger group of passerines. However, adjustments in classification often lag, creating a discrepancy between
classification and current hypotheses of phylogenetic relationships. Moyle et al. (2009) and Tello et al. (2009)
proposed several changes to the classification of Furnariida and Tyrannida respectively, whereas the studies by
Irestedt et al. (2009) and Ohlson et al. (2008) have not been synthesized into a comprehensive proposal for a new
classification. At this point we have a sufficiently clear picture of the NWS radiation to propose a consensus
classification that reflects the results of these combined analyses. The NWS are among the most comprehensively
sampled bird radiations and there are no taxa left unstudied that are likely to have any impact on classification at
the subfamily level. A few taxa of uncertain affinities at the generic level still remain to be included in molecular
studies and a few large radiations of rather recent origin remain to be disentangled to settle generic limits.
In this study we aim to explore the effects of increased data on the topology of the NWS tree. We compare the
phylogenies obtained using RAG-1 and RAG-2 with those obtained from intron data (G3PDH intron 11,
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Myoglobin intron 2 and ODC introns 6 and 7) and we analyse a combined dataset of these five markers for 219
species of NWS from a number of studies by our own research group and others. Through this enlarged dataset we
aim to clarify uncertain phylogenetic relationships and propose a new classification that reflects these relationships.
This is the first study to cover a broad taxon sampling across the entire New World suboscine radiation, including
roughly 70 % of the genera, following the Gill & Donsker (2012).
Another important aim of this paper is to explore the temporal frames of diversification within the NWS. Age
estimates of divergences have been made in a number of studies (e.g. Brumfield et al. 2007; Ohlson et al. 2008;
Irestedt et al. 2009; Derryberry et al. 2011). However, as the focus of these studies has been on smaller clades
within the suboscine radiation, these estimates have never been synthesized to present an overview of the
chronology of New World suboscine diversification. Here we put stronger focus on this issue by estimating
divergence ages across the entire New World suboscine radiation.
Material and methods
Phylogenetic analyses. Together with co-workers we have generated phylogenetic hypotheses of NWS over
several years, using nuclear intron markers (e.g. Ericson et al. 2006; Ohlson et al. 2007; 2008; Irestedt et al. 2002,
2004, 2006, 2009). Other research groups have suggested phylogenetic hypotheses with somewhat different tree
topologies based on nuclear protein coding genes (Moyle et al. 2009; Tello et al. 2009). To achieve higher
confidence we therefore analysed a new dataset with sequence data for three nuclear introns (G3P intron 11,
Myoglobin intron 2 and ODC introns 6 and 7) together with the nuclear protein coding RAG-1 and RAG-2 genes
for representatives of all major radiations in the NWS, including representatives of ca. 70 % of all recognised
genera. By using sequence data downloaded from Genbank and some complementary sequencing we produced a
data set of 219 NWS species with complete sequence data for all five markers. In a few cases we used sequence
data from two closely related species. For computational efficiency, we excluded a few long, autapomorphic
insertions in the nuclear introns to produce an aligned dataset of ca 6300 bp, of which ca. 2300 are nuclear intron
data. Relationships within large and recently radiated clades, such as the Thamnophilidae, Synallaxinae and
Fluvicolinae, were not the prime focus of this study and these clades have not been exhaustively sampled in
relation to their species number.
We analysed the data under Maximum Likelihood (ML) and Bayesian Inference (BI) criteria using the
RAxML (Stamatakis et al. 2008) and MrBayes 3.1.1 (Ronquist & Huelsenbeck 2003) programs, respectively. We
used the AIC criterion in MrModeltest 2 (Nylander et al 2004) in conjunction with PAUP* to select substitution
models for each partition. For the partition by gene these were GTR+G for Myoglobin and G3PDH and GTR+G+I
for ODC, RAG-1 and RAG-2. When partitioning the two RAG genes by codon, GTR+G+I was selected for 1st and
2nd positions and GTR+G for 3rd positions.
The ML analyses were conducted in RAxML v7.2.6 (Stamatakis 2006), as implemented in RAXMLGUI v0.93
(Silvestro & Michalak 2010). We performed three ML analyses with ML search and thorough bootstrap for 1 run
and 1000 replicates under a GTR+G model. The dataset was partitioned by gene and branch lengths were
calculated independently for each partition.
Bayesian Inference analyses were run on the University of Oslo Bioportal ( Individual
introns were treated as separate partitions in all analyses, but we tested different partition schemes for the RAG
data by partitioning either by gene (5 partitions), by codon positions (6 partitions) or by both gene and codon
position (9 partitions). We analysed the combined data set and also performed separate analyses on each gene
individually and on the RAG and nuclear intron data respectively. Several preliminary analyses were performed to
explore the effect of chain temperature on the mixing behaviour of the chains. We found that lowering the
temperature to 0.05 resulted in better mixing of the chains than the default value of 0.2. Partitions were unlinked to
allow independent parameter estimation for each one. Analyses were run for 50 M generations with 4
incrementally heated chains and trees sampled every 1000th generation. Trees saved before the target distribution
had been reached (the burn-in phase) were discarded and the final phylogenetic tree was estimated from 40000
trees from each run.
Divergence date estimates. Divergence dates were estimated in BEAST v1.5.3. No topological constraints
were enforced, each marker was treated as a separate partition, and substitution and clock models were unlinked
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between partitions, but tree models were kept linked. We used the same substitution models for each partition as in
the 5 partition Bayesian analysis (see above). An uncorrelated lognormal distribution was assumed for the
molecular clock model and a Yule process was assumed for the tree prior. As a calibration point we used the split of
Acanthisitta Lafresnaye from the rest of the Passeriformes, as this has been linked to the geographical separation of
New Zealand from the remainder of Gondwanaland (Barker et al. 2002; Ericson et al. 2002). New Zealand is
estimated to have become isolated from mainland Gondwanaland at 85–65 Mya (Ladiges & Cantrill 2007). To
account for the uncertainty in age estimates we set the age of the split between Acanthisitta and the rest of
Passeriformes as a normally distributed prior with the median at 76 Mya, and a standard deviation of 8 Ma
(quartiles 2.5% = 60.3 Mya, 5% = 62.8 Mya, 95% = 89,2 Mya, 97.5% = 91.7 Mya. All other priors were kept at
defaults values.
Phylogenetic results
The Bayesian analyses of the concatenated dataset produced a well resolved tree with strong support for most
nodes (Fig. 1). We count a Bayesian posterior probability (PP) of 0,97 and above and a Maximum Likelihood
bootstrap value (ML) of 90 and above as strong support. Regarding the RAG and nuclear intron partition trees, the
RAG tree (Fig. 2) is nearly identical to the ones presented in Moyle et al. (2009) and Tello et al. (2009) and the
nuclear intron tree (Fig. 3) is largely congruent with previously published trees based on these nuclear introns (e.g.
Irestedt et al. 2002, 2004, 2009; Ohlson et al. 2007, 2008). Instances of conflicting signal between the nuclear
introns were few and without exception associated with short internodes. The Maximum Likelihood analyses of the
concatenated dataset produced a tree that was nearly identical to the Bayesian tree, but there are two instances in
which well supported relationships in the BI analyses are not found in the ML tree. First, the basal divergences in
Rhynchocyclidae differ between the BI and the ML trees. The sister relationship of Cnipodectes P. L. Sclater &
Salvin and Taeniotriccus Berlepsch & Hartert to Todirostrinae is not recovered in the ML tree, but Cnipodectes/
Taeniotriccus is instead recovered as the sister clade to the remainder of Rhynchocyclidae, although with very low
support. Second, basal relationships in Tyranninae are slightly different in the ML tree, where Ramphotrigon G. R .
Gray is the sister to Myiarchini and Legatus P. L. Sclater sister to Tyrannini, with Attila Lesson placed as the sister
to the remainder of Tyranninae. ML support values are not very strong in this part of the tree.
A combination of RAG and nuclear intron data yielded stronger support for some relationships that were
unresolved by one or both of these datasets on their own. Among the more notable are the following: 1)
Conopophagidae and Melanopareiidae group with Thamnophilidae; 2) Grallariidae and Rhinocryptidae are
sequential sister groups to the remainder of Furnarioidea; 3) basal relationships within Furnariidae are generally
better resolved; 4) Platyrinchus Desmarest and Neopipo P. L. Sclater & Salvin form a strongly supported clade,
Platyrinchidae (also including Calyptura, see Ohlson et al. 2012) but still occupy an unresolved position at the base
of the Tyrant Flycatcher clade.
Poorly resolved nodes in the combined tree are mostly the result of low support in both partitions. In the
current study the following relationships are unresolved due to low support throughout: 1) between
Melanopareiidae, Conopophagidae and Thamnophilidae; 2) between Euchrepomidinae (previously Terenura; see
Bravo et al. 2012), Myrmornithinae and Thamnophilinae; 3) between Furnariinae, Philydorinae and Synallaxinae;
4) between Oxyruncidae, Onychorhynchidae (Onychorhynchini in Tello et al. 2009) and Tityridae, and 5) between
Hirundineinae, Elaeniinae and the remainder of Tyrannidae. Some unresolved nodes in the combined tree are
caused by conflicts between strongly supported topologies (i.e. with a PP of 0,97 or higher) in the RAG and nuclear
intron datasets. In the combined tree these signals cancel each other out, resulting in unresolved relationships. At
higher taxonomic levels this affects three regions of the NWS tree: 1) the position of Xenops Illiger in relation to
Dendrocolaptidae and Furnariidae; 2) the position of Cotingidae in relation to Pipridae and Tyrannoidea; 3) the
position of Piprites Cabanis, Platyrinchidae and Tachuris Lafresnaye in relation to Rhynchocyclidae and
Tyrannidae. These unresolved relationships are all located in regions of the tree with short internodes, especially
the ones in Tyrannida.
Divergence dates. In Fig. 4 we present a simplified chronogram for the NWS. The split between Furnariida
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and Tyrannida took place in the Early Eocene (55,5±8 Mya). The timing of subsequent divergence events
proceeded quite differently in the two clades. In Furnariida, the initial divergences took place in the middle and late
Eocene (44–37 Mya), with the extant families emerging in rapid succession. In Tyrannida, on the other hand, the
extant clades trace their origin back to the Oligocene (32–25 Mya). Subsequent diversification events show
common patterns with a number of small clades that date back to the early period, while five species-rich clades
began to diversify around or just after the mid-Miocene climatic optimum (16–12 Mya).
FIGURE 1A–B. Bayesian consensus tree of the New World Suboscines based on the 5-marker analysis of 219 ingroup taxa. A)
Furnariida: Thamnophiloidea through Formicariidae, B) Furnariida: Scleruridae through Furnariidae. Branch supportvalues are
presented as Bayesian posterior probabilities (PP) and Maximum Likelihood (ML) bootstrap support values at eachnode (PP/
ML). An asterisk (*) denotes a PP value of 0,98 or higher and a ML value at 90 or higher. Families and subfamilies as in Table 2.
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FIGURE 1C–D. Bayesian consensus tree of the New World Suboscines based on the 5-marker analysis of 219 ingroup taxa.
C) Tyrannida: Pipridae, Cotingidae and Oxyruncidae through Rhynchocyclidae, D) Tyrannida: Tyrannidae. Branch support
values are presented as Bayesian posterior probabilities (PP) and Maximum Likelihood (ML) bootstrap support values at each
node (PP/ML). An asterisk (*) denotes a PP value of 0,98 or higher and a ML value at 90 or higher. Families and subfamilies as
in Table 2.
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FIGURE 2. Consensus tree for the Bayesian analyses of the RAG-1 and RAG-2 data set. Nodes with PP support below 0,97
are in grey.
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FIGURE 3. Consensus tree for the Bayesian analyses of the nuclear intron data set. Nodes with PP support below 0,97 are in
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FIGURE 4. simplified chronogram from the BEAST analyses, illustrating the crown age and number of extant species for most
clades recognized as family level taxa in our proposed classification. Unresolved nodes are collapsed and species richness of
each terminal clade is illustrated by its height. Clades are coloured in accordance with their species number: black: 19 species;
medium grey: 31–54 species, light grey: >75 species. Blue bars show the 95% confidence interval of the age estimates. The
curve at the bottom of the chronogram is a simplified version of the O18 curve of Zachos et al. (2001), serving as a proxy for
global temperature.
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Phylogeny and divergence dates
The chronology of the New World suboscine radiation. Furnariida and Tyrannida diverged from each other
during the warm Paleogene “greenhouse” period, when most of the South American continent experienced a warm
and equable climate allowing highly diverse forest floras with tropical plants to reach mid-latitudes in Patagonia
(Wilf et al. 2003). The estimated divergence date (Fig. 4) closely matches the Paleocene-Eocene transition (55,5
Mya) when the Earth experienced a brief “heat shock” driven by major methane emissions released by volcanism
(Svensen et al. 2004), which was followed by additional hyperthermal periods in the early Eocene until the global
temperature peaked around 50 Mya (Zachos et al. 2001).
The most striking feature emerging from our chronogram is the more than 10 Ma difference in initial
divergence dates between the extant Furnariida and Tyrannida clades. Divergence events leading to the extant
families are thus much more densely packed in Tyrannida, as also reflected by the poorer resolution in the deeper
regions of the Tyrannida tree. According to our chronogram, whereas the Furnariida began diversifying already in
the Middle Eocene (ca. 44 Mya), the early diversification of extant Tyrannida lineages started a few million years
after the abrupt global cooling and onset of the first Antarctic chill at the Eocene-Oligocene transition (32,2 Mya)
(Zachos et al. 2001). This event triggered the expansion of savannah and desert habitats and a regression of tropical
deciduous forests to near the equator (Jacobs et al. 1999), and was followed, on all continents, by a high biotic
turnover. Although the phylogenetic relationships of extant groups cannot explain the early diversification history,
it is tempting to assume that the presumably forest-adapted and frugivorous Tyrannida stem group was more
seriously weeded by the extinction crises at the Eocene-Oligocene transition than the more terrestrial and
insectivorous Furnariida.
The five most species-rich radiations (Thamnophilinae, Synallaxinae, Elaeniinae, Tyranninae and
Fluvicolinae) all originated in the period around the mid-Miocene climate optimum (16–12 Ma). With the
exception of Thamnophilinae, these clades clearly diversified in connection with the expansion of open savannah
habitats that developed south of the tropical rainforest biome (Jacobs et al. 1999). These clades also rapidly
proceeded into riparian habitats in the tropical lowlands as well as in more open habitats in the south of the
continent and then north into the tropical Andes region (Ohlson et al. 2008; Rheindt et al. 2008a; Fjeldså & Irestedt
2009). Thamnophilinae represent a different diversification pattern, maintaining a high diversification rate in the
tropical rainforest biome. This pattern is also found in several other clades, e.g. Dendrocolaptinae, Philydorinae,
Piprinae and one clade of the Cotinginae. These clades are all most diverse in humid forest and, with the exception
of Cotingidae, mostly restricted to forest understory. Their common diversification patterns likely reflect a
response to the landscape dynamics in the Amazon Basin (e.g., Aleixo & Rossetti 2007; Hoorn & Wesselingh
Tree topology and definition of monophyletic clades. The current study corroborates much of the general
picture of New World suboscine relationships that has been retrieved from earlier studies, chiefly the broad studies
of Furnariida (Moyle et al. 2009) and Tyrannida (Tello et al. 2009), but also studies of various family-level clades,
such as Irestedt et al. (2004, 2009), Brumfield et al. (2007), Ohlson et al. (2008), and Derryberry et al. (2011). In
the following, we summarize the phylogenetic results from the current study, highlighting instances in which
previously unresolved relationships have been clarified. Tribal level names in the following sections refer to the
classification proposed by Moyle et al. (2009) and Tello et al. (2009).
Furnariida. In the combined tree, we found Melanopareiidae and Conopophagidae to group with strong
support with the Thamnophilidae, in line with the topology found in the nuclear intron tree. Their positions in the
RAG tree were unresolved, in accordance with Moyle et al. (2009).
Thamnophilidae. There is still no strong evidence in favour of any of the alternative hypotheses on the initial
splits in Thamnophilidae, between Euchrepomidinae, Myrmornithinae and Thamnophilinae. RAG data favour a
placement of Euchrepomidinae as the sister to the remainder of Thamnophilidae, whereas the nuclear intron data
show a poorly supported sister relationship between Euchrepomidinae and Thamnophilinae to the exclusion of
Myrmornithinae. In the combined tree, Euchrepomidinae comes out as the sister to the remainder of
Thamnophilidae, but with only low support. Irestedt et al. (2004b) places Euchrepomidinae as the sister to
Myrmornithinae, whereas Brumfield et al. (2007), Moyle et al. (2009) and Bravo et al. (2012) placed it as the most
basal offshoot in the Thamnophilidae.
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Relationships within Thamnophilinae have proven rather difficult to establish, as the basal nodes are densely
packed with little internal structure. Further, differences in both marker and taxon sampling in different studies
have hampered a straightforward comparison of topologies. With the combined RAG and nuclear intron data we
find an expanded Microrhopiini, as the sister group to the remaining Thamnophilinae. Microrhopiini also includes
Neoctantes P. L. Sclater, which was unresolved in Moyle et al. (2009), and Epinecrophylla M. L. Isler &
Brumfield, which was not sampled in that study. This clade is also found in the nuclear intron tree.
Formicivorini is the sister to a clade consisting of Thamnophilini, Pyriglenini and Pithyini. This relationship is
well supported in the combined tree, but not recovered with any support in the RAG or nuclear intron trees, nor in
Moyle et al. (2009). A sister relationship between Formicivorini and the Thamnophilini/Pyriglenini/Pithyini
complex is also well supported in Brumfield et al. (2007), where ca. 2300 bp of mitochondrial data and denser
taxon sampling were applied to resolve internal relationships.
The relationships within the Thamnophilini/Pyriglenini/Pithyini complex are not consistently recovered in the
different studies,nor in our combined tree. There are differences between our RAG and nuclear intron trees and
even between our RAG tree and that of Moyle et al. (2009). The best overall resolution is presented in Brumfield et
al. (2007), where good support is found for a sister relationship between Pyriglenini and Pithyini, with
Thamnophilini as their sister. In that study, the Sclateria group (represented in our dataset by Myrmeciza berlepschi
Hartert) is found as the most basal offshoot in Pyriglenini, contrary to our combined tree. On the other hand, the
support for Thamnophilini is surprisingly low in Brumfield et al. (2007).
Overall, the diversification in Thamnophilinae is comparatively recent, and the combination of densely packed
nodes and a large number of species makes it important to employ exhaustive taxon sampling and a large amount of
molecular data to gain stability and high topological resolution. Denser taxon sampling and the inclusion of more
sequence data is necessary to resolve the relationships in Thamnophilidae, as can be seen in this study, where
already a modest increase in the amount of data from comparatively slowly evolving markers, results in a better
internal resolution. Much remains to be sorted out in terms of intergeneric relationships, and many genera are
known to be non-monophyletic (e. g. Myrmeciza G. R. Gray, Myrmotherula P. L. Sclater, Cercomacra P. L: Sclater,
Percnostola Cabanis & Heine).
Furnarioidea. Small basal families. Grallariidae, Rhinocryptidae and Formicariidae form the most basal
lineages within the Furnarioidea. The phylogeny of Formicariidae is uncontroversial at the genus level, but for the
other two families there are some points of disagreement. We find Grallariidae and Rhinocryptidae to be the
consecutive sister groups to the remainder of Furnarioidea. This differs from the relationships indicated by the
RAG data (this study, Moyle et al. 2009) where a sister relationship between the two receives moderate support.
The only published molecular phylogeny of Grallariidae (Rice 2005) is based on two mitochondrial markers for 16
ingroup taxa, and our results do not disagree with that one in any respect. However, a comprehensive multi-locus
phylogeny is needed in order to understand both generic boundaries and diversification patterns in the family.
In Rhinocryptidae, nuclear intron data and RAG data yield conflicting results concerning the placement of
Scelorchilus Oberholser. Nuclear intron data (this study, Fig. 3; Ericson et al. 2010) place them with
Scytalopodinae, while RAG data place them with Rhinocryptidae. Both relationships receive strong support and in
the combined dataset, the result is driven by the signal in the RAG data, placing Scelorchilus as the sister to the
remainder of Rhinocryptinae. The RAG topology, with the small and near-flightless species together in one group
that mainly radiated along the Andes, might be more compatible with biogeography and gross morphology.
Scleruridae, Dendrocolaptidae and Furnariidae. Several studies have established that Geositta Swainson
and Sclerurus Swainson form a clade that is the sister to the rest of Furnariidae and Dendrocolaptidae (Irestedt et
al. 2002; Chesser et al. 2004; Moyle et al. 2009; Derryberry et al. 2011). Geositta and Sclerurus are terrestrial
feeders, like the basal Furnarioidea groups, while Dendrocolaptidae and Furnariidae are primarily scansorial and
arboreal (Fjeldså et al. 2005). The intergeneric division of Scleruridae is uncontroversial and the split between the
two genera is very old. The estimates differ between 20,6 Mya (Irestedt et al. 2009) and herein, and ca. 26 Mya
(Derryberry et al. 2011).
A major point of controversy concerning the deeper phylogenetic relationships in this clade is the position of
Xenops relative to Dendrocolaptidae and Furnariidae. Nuclear intron data favour a position of Xenops as the sister
to Dendrocolaptidae, while RAG data place it as the sister to Furnariidae. In the combined tree, its position is
unresolved in relation to the other two clades. When scrutinizing the gene trees in Irestedt et al. (2009) Xenops
associates with Dendrocolaptidae in the myoglobin and G3PDH trees, but not in the ODC, beta-Fibrinogen intron 5
or cytochrome b trees.
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The densely sampled phylogeny by Derryberry et al. (2011) suggests a continuously high rate of speciation, as
the group diversified into new niche space that emerged as a consequence of the South American landscape
dynamics (Fjeldså & Irestedt 2009). However, as in other New World suboscine groups, there is a marked
imbalance between species-poor and species-rich clades, as several lineages that originated during the early or mid-
Miocene apparently did not undergo such marked (net) radiation: Xenops, Sittasominae, Berlepschia Ridgway,
Pygarrhichinae, Margarornis Reichenbach and Aphrastura Oberholser.
Except for the placement of Glyphorynchus Wied-Neuwied in Irestedt et al. (2004a, 2009), there is a general
agreement on the relationships within Dendrocolaptidae between those studies, Moyle et al. (2009), Derryberry et
al. (2011) and the current study. The position of Glyphorynchus as the sister to the remainder of Dendrocolaptidae
is found only in the cytochrome b results of Irestedt et al. (2004a, 2009). Within Dendrocolaptinae, there is some
uncertainty as to the position of Dendroplex Swainson, as its placement in the Xiphorhynchus group is supported
by Moyle et al. (2009) but not by Derryberry et al. (2011). As in many other groups we find a marked imbalance in
species number between the two main clades, with Sittasominae counting only nine species and Dendrocolaptinae
44. These two clades also exhibit some differences in habitat utilization, with Sittasominae more restricted to forest
interior, while many members of Dendrocolaptinae occur in forest exterior and semi-open habitats, a pattern that is
recurrent in many clades in the New World suboscines.
For Furnariidae, the combined dataset of RAG and nuclear introns yields a tree with a mostly well supported
but short backbone nodes. In the trees based on individual datasets, the backbone topology for Furnariidae is
characterized by many short internodes and a high instance of low or moderate statistical support. Comparison with
other studies reveals that at least some of these topological differences depend on the choice of markers, but this
mostly involve short internodes and often rather recent (<15 MA) divergences that are sparsely sampled in our
There are a number of differences between the RAG tree and the nuclear intron tree. In the combined tree,
RAG data generally appear to have a stronger influence on the topology than do the nuclear intron data. As in
Moyle et al. (2009) and Derryberry et al. (2011), but contrary to Irestedt et al. (2009), Berlepschia is placed as the
sister to the remainder of Furnariidae. Likewise, in accordance with Moyle and Derryberry, Pygarrhichinae is the
sister group to a large clade consisting of the subfamilies Furnariinae, Philydorinae and Synallaxinae. The sister
relationship between Philydorinae and Furnariinae, recovered by Derryberry et al. (2011), was not recovered with
significant support by Moyle et al. (2009) or in the present study. We found Furnariinae and Philydorinae to form
an unresolved polytomy with the large Synallaxinae radiation, although a sister relationship between the two is
weakly supported in the combined tree. Terminal relationships in Furnariinae, Philydorinae and Synallaxinae are
more thoroughly clarified in Derryberry et al. (2011), which is based on mitochondrial and nuclear data and a near-
complete sampling of the species taxa.
The relative positions of Berlepschia, Margarornithini and Pygarrhichinae differ between Moyle et al. (2009)
and Derryberry et al. (2011) on one side and Irestedt et al. (2009) on the other. The most deviant tree is that from
Irestedt et al. (2009) in which Margarornis and Premnoplex Cherrie were not found to be the sister to the rest of
Synallaxinae, but are instead part of a basal polytomy with Berlepschia, Philydorinae and Pygarrhichinae.
Secondly, Furnariinae was not found to be monophyletic by Irestedt et al. (2009) as instead the Pseudocolaptes
group was sister to the Furnarius group plus Synallaxinae (except Margarornithini). Much of the uncertainty may
stem from the generally short internodes separating these groups.
Tyrannida. The interrelationships between Pipridae, Cotingidae and Tyrannoidea were not recovered with
confidence in this study. This has been a recurring feature in Tyrannida systematics (e.g. Ericson et al. 2006; Tello
et al. 2009), suggesting that these nodes will be very difficult to tease apart, despite increased amounts of data.
Furthermore, the Cotingoidea clade suggested by the RAG data in Tello et al. (2009), comprised of Cotingidae and
an enlarged Tityridae, was not recovered with significant support by our RAG data. On the contrary, with the
addition of nuclear intron data we yield strong support for including Tityridae, Oxyruncus and Onychorhynchini as
members of the Tyrannoidea.
Pipridae. As has been demonstrated previously (Tello et al. 2009; McKay et al. 2010) we found that Pipridae
is divided into two clades, Neopelminae, consisting of Neopelma P. L. Sclater and Tyranneutes P. L. Sclater &
Salvin, and the “typical manakins”. Also in agreement with those studies, we show that the “typical manakins” in
turn consists of two strongly supported clades. The smaller of these two consists of Chiroxiphia Cabanis,
Antilophia Reichenbach, Ilicura Reichenbach, Corapipo Bonaparte and Masius Bonaparte and is largely
20 · Zootaxa 3613 (1) © 2013 Magnolia Press
distributed outside of the Amazon Basin. The other clade consists of Heterocercus P. L. Sclater, Manacus Brisson,
Lepidothrix Bonaparte, Pipra Linnaeus, Dixiphia Reichenbach and Machaeropterus Bonaparte and has its
distributional centre in the Amazon basin. These two clades were ranked as the subfamilies Ilicurinae and Piprinae
respectively by Tello et al. (2009). However, in view of the relatively recent divergence (at ca 12,5 Mya, Fig 4) we
prefer to keep the entire “typical manakin” clade as one subfamily (Piprinae). Xenopipo atronitens Cabanis and
Chloropipo unicolor Taczanowski are placed in unresolved positions alongside these two clades. These results
further suggest that Chloropipo and Xenopipo do not form a clade. Chloropipo uniformis has been shown to be the
sister species to Xenopipo atronitens (Tello et al. 2009), but Chloropipo unicolor, used in the present study, does
not group with Xenopipo in any analysis. This strongly suggests that Chloropipo is not monophyletic, but a
complete taxonomic sampling of Chloropipo is needed before the position of the remaining species can be
determined. The uncertainty of the position of Xenopipo and Chloropipo within Piprinae stems from conflicting
topologies in the RAG and nuclear intron datasets, and there is also a conflict between mitochondrial and nuclear
intron data regarding the position of Chloropipo unicolor in McKay et al. (2010). Resolution within Piprinae is
generally poor in all studies, especially in the deeper parts of Piprinae and among members of the genera Pipra,
Machaeropterus and Dixiphia, and a comprehensively sampled phylogeny is sorely needed for this group.
Cotingidae. The subdivision of Cotingidae into Pipreolinae and Phytotominae of the Andean and Austral
regions and the Cotinginae of the tropical rainforests is unambiguous, while relationships within the large
Cotinginae are less clear (cf. Ohlson et al. 2007; Tello et al. 2009 and Fig. 1 herein). This uncertainty involves the
relationships of the genera Rupicola Brisson, Phoenicircus Swainson, Carpornis G. R. Gray and Snowornis Prum
to the remaining Cotinginae. Their positions are unresolved in Tello et al. (2009), and in Ohlson et al. (2007)
Snowornis form part of Cotinginae whereas the placements of Rupicola and Phoenicircus are unresolved.
Secondly, the relationships of the genera Cotinga Brisson, Procnias Illiger, Lipaugus Boie and Tijuca Ferussac to
the well supported Cephalopterus and Gymnoderus groups also differs between Ohlson et al. (2007), Tello et al.
(2009) and our study and may in part depend on choice of molecular markers and rather sparse taxon sampling.
Tityridae, Oxyruncus and Onychorhynchidae. The monophyly of a clade comprising Oxyruncus,
Onychorhynchidae and Tityridae has been suggested previously (e.g. Ohlson et al. 2008; Tello et al. 2009), but
never with strong support. Here we receive a PP=97 for this clade in the combined tree, but only PP=85 in the
nuclear intron tree, and an unsupported association with Cotingidae in the RAG tree, as was also found by Tello et
al. (2009). In the nuclear intron data set, Onychorhynchidae forms a clade with Oxyruncus as a sister to Tityridae,
but with low support for relationships between these three groups. In the RAG dataset there is no resolution
between these three and Cotingidae. According to our chronogram, Tityridae, Oxyruncus and Onychorhynchidae
diverged already during the Oligocene (Fig. 2). In Tityridae we further find a deep split (ca. 22 Mya) between
Schiffornithinae, which is mainly restricted to forest interior, and Tityrinae, whose broader habitat spectrum is
largely centered on forest exterior and semi-open habitats. This split is consistently recovered in all studies,
regardless of markers used (e.g. Barber & Rice 2007; Ohlson et al. 2008; Tello et al. 2009).
Piprites, Platyrinchidae and Tac hu ri s. The relationships of Platyrinchidae, Ta ch ur is and Piprites could not be
clarified with the increased amount of data herein. Tachuris is placed as the sister to Rhynchocyclidae in both the
RAG and the nuclear intron datasets, but not with statistically significant support. Platyrinchidae (including
Calyptura Swainson, see Ohlson et al. 2012) is placed with Tachuris and Rhynchocyclidae in the nuclear intron
dataset, while it is placed as the sister group of Tyrannidae in the RAG tree, likewise with strong support. Piprites
is placed basally in a clade with Tachuris and Rhynchocyclidae in the RAG dataset, whereas the nuclear intron data
place Piprites as the sister to the entire clade of Platyrinchus, Neopipo, Tachuris, Rhynchocyclidae and Tyrannidae.
The conflicting signals from the two datasets are borne out in the combined tree (Fig. 1) as unresolved position of
all three groups alongside Rhynchocyclidae and Tyrannidae.
Rhynchocyclidae. Rhynchocyclidae has been found to consist of three well supported clades,
Pipromorphinae, Rhynchocyclinae and Todirostrinae, but the relationships between these are not clear from the
combined tree. However, in both the RAG tree and the intron tree Rhynchocyclinae and Todirostrinae are sister
groups, a result that receives strong support. The poor resolution in the combined tree stems from the radically
different placement of the Cnipodectes group in the RAG and intron trees. In the RAG tree they are sister to the rest
of Rhynchocyclidae, while nuclear intron data place them as sister to Todirostrinae. In Tello & Bates (2007)
Cnipodectes was placed as the sister of Rhynchocyclinae by both mitochondrial data and the nuclear intron beta-
fibrinogen 5, but support was inconclusive. Apart from this, our results are consistent with those in Tello & Bates
Zootaxa 3613 (1) © 2013 Magnolia Press · 21
(2007) and Tello et al. (2009), lending strong support to the three subfamilies, although some uncertainty remains
regarding their interrelationships. Most likely, Rhynchocyclinae and Todirostrinae are sister clades, but this and the
position of Cnipodectes and Taeniotriccus needs to be investigated more exhaustively.
Tyrannidae. As in all recent studies, we find a basal polytomy with Hirundineinae, Elaeniinae and a clade
consisting of Muscigralla Orbigny & Lafresnaye, Tyranninae and Fluvicolinae. We also find some incongruence
between RAG and nuclear intron datasets regarding the positions of Muscigralla, Attila, Rhamphotrigon and
Elaeniinae. Elaeniinae consists of two main clades and the relationships agree with the results of Rheindt et al.
(2008b) and Tello et al. (2009), with two clades corresponding to Euscarthmini and Elaeniini in Tello et al. (2009).
The tree in Ohlson et al. (2008) differs in placing the Culicivora group, represented here by Serpophaga Gould,
Culicivora Swainson, Polystictus Reichenbach and Mecocerculus leucophrys Orbigny & Lafresnaye, and also
including Anairetes Reichenbach and Pseudocolopteryx Lillo (Ohlson et al 2008, Tello et al. 2009), as an
additional clade in a basal polytomy. Here, they are instead nested in the Elaeniini, as the sister group to a clade
consisting of Capsiempis Cabanis & Heine, Phaeomyias Berlepsch and Phyllomyias Cabanis & Heine. Basal
divergences are poorly resolved in both the principal clades.
Tyranninae. Myiarchini and Tyrannini are both recovered with good support, with Attila, Legatus and
Ramphotrigon in basal positions. The placement of Legatus outside of Tyrannini is rather unexpected, and is
apparently driven by the signal in the RAG data. In the nuclear intron tree, Attila and Ramphotrigon are placed with
Fluvicolinae, although with low support. The placement of Attila and Ramphotrigon in basal positions in
Tyranninae are in line with morphological as well as behavioural evidence (Ohlson et al. 2008). The placement of
Ramphotrigon at the base of Fluvicolinae in the nuclear intron data is poorly supported (see also Ohlson et al.
2008), as is the placement of Attila at the base of Fluvicolinae in the RAG tree.
Fluvicolinae. The relationships in Fluvicolinae are nearly identical to the ones recovered by Tello et al. (2009).
They differ from the results in Ohlson et al (2008) in the positions of the Ochthoeca and Fluvicola clades. In
Ohlson et al. (2008) and in the nuclear intron tree in this study, Ochthoeca clade is sister to the remainder of
Fluvicolinae, although with only moderate support, whereas in the RAG tree the Fluvicola clade is nested within
the Ochthoeca clade, as in the combined tree and the tree in Tello et al. (2009). A sister relationship between
Contopini and Xolmiini is strongly supported (Fig. 1) and we find strong support for this relationship in both the
RAG and the nuclear intron trees. Deeper nodes in Fluvicolinae are generally short and a more comprehensive
study is needed.
Classification. Based on the phylogenetic results in this study and in a number of other studies, primarily
Moyle et al. (2009), Tello et al. (2009), Irestedt et al. (2004), Brumfield et al. (2007), Ericson et al. (2010), Irestedt
et al. (2009), Derryberry et al. (2011), Ohlson et al. (2007) and Ohlson et al. (2008), we recommend the taxonomic
arrangement for the New World suboscines presented in Table 2. Below are some principal views about the need
for proposing new taxa, followed by formal descriptions of new family- and subfamily level taxa.
We largely follow Moyle et al. (2009) and Tello et al. (2009), which are the only previous attempts to
synthesize new findings regarding NWS phylogeny into a new classification. The inclusion of sequence data from
three nuclear introns results in different topologies in the deep phylogeny of Furnariida and Tyrannida and in these
cases we propose modifications from the classifications put forward by Moyle et al. (2009) for Furnariida and Tello
et al. (2009) for Tyrannida. First, we find strong support for Melanopareiidae and Conopophagidae being most
closely related to Thamnophilidae, although the split between them is very deep. In accordance with this, we refer
Melanopareiidae and Conopophagidae to the superfamily Thamnophiloidea. Second, the superfamily Grallarioidea
of Moyle et al (2009), consisting of Grallariidae and Rhinocryptidae, is not recovered in our combined tree. In fact
the support was weak in the tree of Moyle et al. (2009) and the relationship is unsupported in our RAG tree. In the
nuclear intron tree, Grallariidae is the sister of the remainder of the Furnarioidea, and this is also the topology in
our combined tree. Thus, we refer Grallariidae and Rhinocryptidae to the superfamily Furnarioidea. Third, we do
not recover the Cotingoidea of Tello et al. (2009), consisting of Cotingidae and an expanded Tityridae. The support
for that constellation is rather weak in the RAG trees, whereas the intron data strongly favour a placement of
Oxyruncus, Onychorhynchidae and Tityridae as the sister clade to the clade consisting of Tyrannidae,
Rhynchocyclidae and allies. We prefer to treat these clades as separate families, Oxyruncidae, Onychorhynchidae
and Tityridae, and we refer them to the superfamily Tyrannoidea.
The last decades has seen a drastic overturning of the conventional view of avian systematic relationships,
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making it ever harder to adhere to a “traditional view” in classification. There has been a general tendency in the
past to merge small and aberrant taxa into larger families, both as a means of maintaining a simple classification,
and because of a lack of a strict phylogenetic approach and data that could guide the taxonomic decisions in a
transparent way. Even with a more well founded phylogenetic basis there has often been a reluctance to erect new
family-level taxa, especially for small clades of “problematic” affinities. This has left a number of distinctive and
comparatively old clades hanging in a taxonomic limbo, awaiting additional data that would allow inclusion in a
well-established family. It has also led to a neglect of patterns that might determine the fate of clades, whether they
fail to diversify, become relictual or undergo great phylogenetic expansion. Treating these small clades as family
level taxa highlights their distinctiveness, deep evolutionary history and their hitherto unresolved relationships.
The phylogenetic tree of the NWS, like that of almost every other large radiation, contains lineages of widely
different species richness and several taxa whose systematic positions have been contentious. Large amounts of
data have been employed to clarify the phylogenetic positions of various debated taxa of NWS. We argue that the
failure so far in associating these taxa, such as Platyrinchidae, Oxyruncus and Xenops unambiguously with any
larger clades cannot be explained solely by insufficient data. Instead, these taxa stand out as isolated clades that
were part of rapid successions of divergence events along with clades that today are rich in species (Fig. 4). These
small clades are distinctive and internally coherent in terms of ecology and morphology and they have independent
evolutionary histories that are likely to span at least 20 million years. Keeping these taxa in taxonomic limbo (i.e.
as incertae sedis) becomes harder to justify and here we opt to highlight their isolation, distinctiveness and old age
by treating them as family level taxa. Looking at avian systematics as a whole, there are many small families that
most ornithologists would never consider subsuming into more inclusive taxonomic entities, even if their sister
relationships are unambiguous (consider merging the Shoebill into Pelecanidae, for example). Concerning the New
World suboscines, we would in several cases argue in favour of recognizing these clades as family level taxa,
despite the “relatively little content” of monotypic families (Tello et al. 2009). These taxa are all “isolated” early
offshoots from the larger radiations, and they are in most cases ecologically and morphologically distinctive from
their closest living relatives. In our view, a treatment as family level taxa is more informative about the nature and
phylogenetic position of taxa like Oxyruncus, Xenops, Tachuris and Platyrinchus compared to subsuming them
into the larger groups from which they diverged early in their histories.
TABLE 2. Proposed new classification of the New World suboscines. Genera denoted “sedis mutabilis” are of slightly unclear
relationships within their nearest higher taxonomic rank due to inconclusive results in this and other molecular phylogenetic
studies. Genera denoted “(provisional)” are assumed to belong in the proposed taxonomic group although there are no
molecular data published. Genera denoted “incerta sedis” have not yet been included in any molecular phylogenetic study and
are of uncertain affinities within the nearest above taxonomic rank. Several genera are known to be non-monophyletic, but no
names have been proposed for the constituent groups. These groups are detailed as far as possible in this classification
The higher order of taxa in Passeriformes can be arranged as follows
ORDER Passeriformes
SUBORDER Acanthisitti
SUBORDER Tyranni (suboscines)
INFRAORDER Eurylaimides (Old World suboscines)
INFRAORDER Tyrannides (New World suboscines)
PARVORDER Furnariida
SUPERFAMILY Thamnophiloidea
SUPERFAMILY Furnarioidea
FAMILY Pipridae
FAMILY Cotingidae
SUBORDER Passeri (oscines)
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The Infraorder Tyrannides can be arranged as follows
ORDER Passeriformes
SUBORDER Tyranni (suboscines)
INFRAORDER Tyrannides (New World suboscines)
PARVORDER Furnariida
SUPERFAMILY Thamnophiloidea
FAMILY Melanopareiidae Ericson, Olson, Irestedt, Alvarenga & Fjeldså, 2010
FAMILY Conopophagidae P. L. Sclater & Salvin, 1873
FAMILY Thamnophilidae Swainson, 1824
SUBFAMILY Euchrepomidinae Bravo, Remsen, Whitney & Brumfield, 2012
SUBFAMILY Myrmornithinae Sundevall, 1872
SUBFAMILY Thamnophilinae Swainson, 1824
Tribe Microrhopiini Moyle, Chesser, Brumfield, Tello, Marchese & Cracraft, 2009
Myrmeciza atrothorax group (M. atrothorax, M. pelzelni)
Clytoctantes (provisional)
Tribe Formicivorini Bonaparte, 1854
Tribe Thamnophilini Swainson, 1824
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Biatas (provisional)
Xenornis (provisional)
Tribe Pyriglenini Moyle, Chesser, Brumfield, Tello, Marchese & Cracraft, 2009
Myrmeciza hyperythra
Myrmeciza berlepschi group (M. berlepschi, M. exsul)
Myrmeciza laemosticta group (M. griseiceps, M. laemosticta, M. nigricauda)
Percnostola lophotes
Percnostola rufifrons
Myrmeciza fortis group (M. fortis, M. goeldii, M. immaculata, M. melanoceps)
Myrmeciza loricata group (M. loricata, M. ruficauda, M. squamosa)
Myrmeciza hemimelaena group (M. castanea, M. hemimelaena)
Tribe Pithyini Ridgway 1911
Incerta sedis within Thamnophilinae
Myrmeciza disjuncta
Myrmeciza ferruginea
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Myrmeciza s.str.(M. longipes)
SUPERFAMILY Furnarioidea
FAMILY Grallariidae P. L. Sclater & Salvin, 1873
FAMILY Rhinocryptidae Wetmore, 1930 (1837)
SUBFAMILY Rhinocryptinae Wetmore, 1930 (1837)
SUBFAMILY Scytalopodinae J. Müller, 1846
FAMILY Formicariidae G. R. Gray, 1840
FAMILY Scleruridae Swainson, 1827
FAMILY Dendrocolaptidae G. R. Gray, 1840
SUBFAMILY Sittasominae Ridgway, 1911
SUBFAMILY Dendrocolaptinae G. R. Gray, 1840
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FAMILY Xenopidae Bonaparte, 1854
FAMILY Furnariidae G. R. Gray, 1840
SUBFAMILY Berlepschiinae NEW TAXON Ohlson, Irestedt, Ericson & Fjeldså
SUBFAMILY Pygarrhichinae Wolters, 1977
SUBFAMILY Philydorinae P. L. Sclater & Salvin, 1873
Philydor erythrocercum group (P. erythrocercum, P. fuscipenne)
Philydor s.str. (P. atricapillus, P. novaesi, P. pyrrhodes)
Philydor rufum group (P. erythropterum, P. rufum)
Hylocryptus (incl. Automolus rubiginosus, A. rufipectus, Clibanornis)
Automolus melanopezus group (A. melanopezus, A. rufipileatus)
Automolus s. str.
SUBFAMILY Furnariinae G. R. Gray, 1840
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SUBFAMILY Synallaxinae de Selys-Longchamps, 1839
Tribe Synallaxini de Selys-Longchamps, 1839
Synallaxis propinqua
Tribe Thripophagini Moyle, Chesser, Brumfield, Tello, Marchese & Cracraft, 2009
FAMILY Pipridae Rafinesque, 1815
SUBFAMILY Neopelminae Tello, Moyle, Marchese & Cracraft, 2009
SUBFAMILY Piprinae Rafinesque, 1815
Chloropipo sedis mutabilis
Xenopipo sedis mutabilis
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FAMILY Cotingidae Bonaparte, 1849
SUBFAMILY Pipreolinae Tello, Moyle, Marchese & Cracraft, 2009
SUBFAMILY Phytotominae Swainson, 1837
Phibalura (provisional)
SUBFAMILY Cotinginae Bonaparte, 1849
FAMILY Oxyruncidae Ridgway, 1906
FAMILY Onychorhynchidae Tello, Moyle, Marchese & Cracraft, 2009
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FAMILY Tityridae G. R. Gray 1840
SUBFAMILY Schiffornithinae Sibley & Ahlquist, 1985
SUBFAMILY Tityrinae G. R. Gray, 1840
FAMILY Pipritidae NEW TAXON Ohlson, Irestedt, Ericson & Fjeldså
FAMILY Platyrinchidae Bonaparte 1854
FAMILY Tachurididae NEW TAXON Ohlson, Irestedt, Ericson & Fjeldså
FAMILY Rhynchocyclidae Berlepsch, 1907
SUBFAMILY Pipromorphinae Wolters, 1977
SUBFAMILY Rhynchocyclinae Berlepsch, 1907
SUBFAMILY Todirostrinae Tello, Moyle, Marchese & Cracraft, 2009
Taeniotriccus sedis mutabilis
Cnipodectes sedis mutabilis
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FAMILY Tyrannidae Vigors, 1825
SUBFAMILY Hirundineinae Tello, Moyle, Marchese & Cracraft, 2009
SUBFAMILY Elaeniinae Cabanis & Heine, 1859–60
Tribe Euscarthmini von Ihering 1904
Tyranniscus (part of Phyllomyias)
Acrochordopus (part of Phyllomyias)
Xanthomyias (part of Phyllomyias)
Mecocerculus poecilocercus group (all sp. except M. leucophrys)
Tribe Elaeniini Cabanis & Heine, 1859–60
Phyllomyias s. str.(P. fasciatus, P. griseiceps, P. weedeni)
Nesotriccus (provisional)
Mecocerculus s. str.(M. leucophrys)
SUBFAMILY Muscigrallinae NEW TAXON Ohlson, Irestedt, Ericson & Fjeldså
SUBFAMILY Tyranninae Vigors, 1825
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Tribe Myiarchini Hellmayr 1927
Tribe Tyrannini Vigors, 1825
Conopias (provisional)
Phelpsia (provisional)
SUBFAMILY Fluvicolinae Swainson, 1832–33
Colonia, sedis mutabilis
Myiophobus s. str., sedis mutabilis (M. cryptoxanthus, M. fasciatus)
Tribe Fluvicolini Swainson 1832–33
Myiophobus roraimae group (M. flavicans, M. inornatus, M. phoenicomitra, M. roraimae)
Muscipipra (provisional)
Tribe Contopini Fitzpatrick 2004
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New taxa
SUBFAMILY Berlepschiinae, new subfamily level taxon, (type genus: Berlepschia Ridgway, 1887)
Diagnosis. Molecular studies have demonstrated this genus to be an isolated lineage within Furnariidae,
although its position differs depending on molecular marker choice. It is, however, always a deep and isolated
clade; age estimates vary between 18 and 22 Mya. Morphologically and behaviourally it is one of the most
distinctive members of the family. A large (ca. 20 cm), slender furnariid with a long and straight bill and longish
tail with protruding shafts. It has a striking pattern of black and white striping and barring on head and underparts
and bright rufous upperparts. It is completely restricted to Mauritia palm swamps, where it forages by climbing
among palm fronds, probing and gleaning for arthropod prey.
Included species: The genus Berlepschia, with a single species, B. rikeri Ridgway.
FAMILY Pipritidae, new family level taxon (type genus Piprites Cabanis, 1847)
Diagnosis. Molecular studies have repeatedly shown this genus to be an isolated old lineage related to
Rhynchocyclidae and Tyrannidae. Dating estimates, although inconclusive due to poor resolution, point to an age
between 25 and 28 Mya. Small (12–14 cm) stocky tyrannids with large head, and stubby, laterally compressed bill.
Intricately patterned in green, yellow and grey, or black, yellow and chestnut. Unique among Tyrannida in having
digits 1 and 2 of the foot fused. Possesses internal cartilages in the syrinx, a feature shared with the rest of
Tyrannoidea, but lacks the Musculus obliquus ventralis, which is present in almost all members of
Rhynchocyclidae and Tyrannidae, and also in Platyrinchidae and Tachuris (Ericson et al. 2006). Largely arboreal,
mostly feeding on arthropods and small fruit. Forages by perch-gleaning and short sallies and often joins mixed
Included species: The three species traditionally included in the genus Piprites: P. pileata Temminck, P.
chloris Temminck and P. griseiceps Salvin. Although the divergence between P. pileatus and P. c hlor is is very deep
(ca 19 Mya) there is no reason to believe that the genus is not monophyletic.
FAMILY Tachurididae, new family level taxon (type genus Tachuris Lafresnaye, 1836)
Diagnosis. Molecular studies have consistently shown that this genus is an old and isolated lineage related to
Rhynchocyclidae and Tyrannidae, but not unambiguously associated with any of them. Age estimates, although
inconclusive due to poor resolution, point to an age between 25 and 28 Mya. In morphology and behaviour
Tachuris is one of the most distinctive members of Tyrannida. Tiny (11–11,5 cm), slender, vaguely “warbler-like”
tyrannid with long and slender tarsi and an extremely narrow and pointed bill. Colourful and uniquely patterned
Xenotriccus (provisional)
Tribe Xolmiini Tello, Moyle, Marchese & Cracraft, 2009
Zootaxa 3613 (1) © 2013 Magnolia Press · 33
among Tyrannida, with a distinctive juvenile plumage. An ecological specialist, confined to reed-beds, where it
forages for small arthropods by perch-gleaning and short sallies.
Included species: The genus Tachuris, with a single species, T. rubrigastra Vieillot.
SUBFAMILY Muscigrallinae, new subfamily level taxon (type genus Muscigralla Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837)
Diagnosis.Molecular studies have consistently placed this genus as an old and isolated lineage in Tyrannidae,
although the exact position varies slightly between studies. The current study strongly favours a sister relationship
with Tyranninae+Fluvicolinae and dating estimates point to an age of ca. 17 Mya. Small (11–11,5 cm), long-
legged, and extremely short-tailed tyrant flycatcher, brownish grey above and whitish below, with contrasting loral
marks and wing bars. Upper tail coverts and tip of tail contrasting orange buff. Unique among suboscines in having
the lower tibiotarsus unfeathered. Terrestrial in arid habitats along the Pacific coast of South America, where it
forages by pursuing prey by running and sallying.
Included species: The genus Muscigralla, with a single species, M. brevicauda Orbigny & Lafresnaye.
JF acknowledges the Danish National Research Foundation for support to the Centre for Macroecology, Evolution
and Climate. The Swedish Research Council provided financial support (Grant No. 621-2007-5280 to PE). Edward
Dickinson is acknowledged for help with nomenclatural matters. Terry Chesser, José G. Tello and one anonymous
reviewer are acknowledged for many valuable comments on an earlier draft of this article.
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... As such, it is an ideal candidate for studying biogeographic patterns across the Neotropical lowlands. This ancient lineage, whose origin dates to the Late Paleogene/ Early Miocene (Ohlson et al. 2013, Harvey et al. 2020, is comprised of at least six disjunct populations distributed in major areas of endemism throughout the Neotropics (Fig. 1, Table 1). Resolving its historical biogeography and patterns of temporal diversification may provide important insights into understanding the relationships among areas of endemism and common factors influencing the diversification of other Neotropical lowland birds. ...
... Onychorhynchus coronatus has several distinctive characters, including a spectacular unique crest (rarely seen in the field), exceptionally long rictal bristles, large eyes, and unusually short legs (Fitzpatrick et al. 2004). Recent molecular studies of evolutionary relationships found that Onychorhynchus does not belong in the Tyrannidae (Tello and Bates 2007, Ohlson et al. 2008, Tello et al. 2009, Ohlson et al. 2013, and together with other former tyrannid genera, were placed in its own family, Onychorhynchidae (Ohlson et al. 2013, Harvey et al. 2020. ...
... Onychorhynchus coronatus has several distinctive characters, including a spectacular unique crest (rarely seen in the field), exceptionally long rictal bristles, large eyes, and unusually short legs (Fitzpatrick et al. 2004). Recent molecular studies of evolutionary relationships found that Onychorhynchus does not belong in the Tyrannidae (Tello and Bates 2007, Ohlson et al. 2008, Tello et al. 2009, Ohlson et al. 2013, and together with other former tyrannid genera, were placed in its own family, Onychorhynchidae (Ohlson et al. 2013, Harvey et al. 2020. ...
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We examined phylogeographic patterns and cryptic diversity within the royal flycatcher, Onychorhynchus coronatus (Aves: Onychorhynchidae), a widespread Neotropical lowland forest tyrant flycatcher. A phylogeny of the six recognized subspecies was constructed from mtDNA sequence data of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit two gene, using Bayesian Inference and Maximum Likelihood methods. Phylogenetic analyses revealed high levels of intraspecific divergence within O. coronatus, supporting the existence of at least six independent lineages. The phylogenetic results uncovered the following relationships: (O. c. swainsoni [Southern Atlantic Forest], (O. c. coronatus [western Amazonia], (O. c. castelnaui [eastern Amazonia], (O. c. mexicanus [Central America], (O. c. occidentalis [Tumbesian], O. c. fraterculus [extreme northwestern South America])))). Biogeographic and dating analyses suggest that vicariant and dispersal events acted across approximately six million years to influence lineage diversification within this genus. Some of those events include the formation of the Amazon River and its tributaries, Andean uplift, and climatically induced vegetational shifts. Phylogenetic and biogeographic analyses of O. coronatus lineages support a hypothesis of area relationships in which the first divergence event isolated the Southern Atlantic Forest from Amazonia during the Late Miocene/Early Pliocene. This event was followed by the split of western and eastern Amazonia at the Early/Late Pliocene, the divergence of cis‐ and trans‐Andean lowland regions also at the Early/Late Pliocene, the split between Central America and the extreme northwestern South America/Tumbes at the Early/Middle Pleistocene, and the split between extreme northwestern South America and Tumbes at Middle/Late Pleistocene. Subsequent divergence of the southern and northern populations in the western and eastern Onychorhynchus lineages took place during the Pleistocene. Comparison of phylogenetic trees and patterns in Onychorhynchus with those from published work suggests that across large New World radiations such as the Suboscines, some co‐distributed lineages began to diverge long before others, which exemplifies the complexity of their evolutionary history.
... Although woodpeckers received most of the attention (Bock, 1999;Bock & Miller, 1959;Scharnke, 1930;Spring, 1965), the diversity of locomotor behaviours amongst Furnariida is also worthwhile. This clade is endemic to the Neotropics and reckons 663 species distributed in 10 families (Moyle et al., 2009;Ohlson et al., 2013). Species from the Phylidor genus and the well-named Acrobatornis genus can perform acrobatic poses (Pacheco et al., 1996;Parrini et al., 2010), whereas others are strictly terrestrial like Furnarius rufus, displaying hopping or walking habits (Fraga, 1980;Krabbe & Schulenberg, 2003;Sick et al., 1997). ...
... Species from the Phylidor genus and the well-named Acrobatornis genus can perform acrobatic poses (Pacheco et al., 1996;Parrini et al., 2010), whereas others are strictly terrestrial like Furnarius rufus, displaying hopping or walking habits (Fraga, 1980;Krabbe & Schulenberg, 2003;Sick et al., 1997). Dendrocolaptidae and Furnariidae are sister groups (Irestedt et al., 2002;Moyle et al., 2009;Ohlson et al., 2013). Whilst all Dendrocolaptidae species are good vertical climbers, Furnariidae, on the contrary, present a much greater diversity of locomotion types, ranging from terrestrial to highly acrobatic and arboreal habits (Irestedt et al., 2002;Moyle et al., 2009;Ohlson et al., 2013). ...
... Dendrocolaptidae and Furnariidae are sister groups (Irestedt et al., 2002;Moyle et al., 2009;Ohlson et al., 2013). Whilst all Dendrocolaptidae species are good vertical climbers, Furnariidae, on the contrary, present a much greater diversity of locomotion types, ranging from terrestrial to highly acrobatic and arboreal habits (Irestedt et al., 2002;Moyle et al., 2009;Ohlson et al., 2013). ...
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Furnariida (i.e. ovenbirds, woodcreepers and antbirds) cover diverse ecologies and locomotor habits, ranging from strictly terrestrial to climbing birds, with different degrees of acrobatic performances. We know that this variety of locomotor modes is linked to different limb morpho-functional adaptations in other climbing clades of birds, such as woodpeckers and nuthatches. Here, we link the morphological variations to ecological categories, such as different locomotor habits and a gradient of acrobatic performances, in a phylogenetically informed analysis. We used a high-density three-dimensional (3D) geometric morphometric approach on foot bones (tarsometatarsus and all toes) of 55 specimens from 39 species of Furnariida. We found a significant correlation between acrobatic performances and foot bone shapes, partly explained by the phylogenetic relationship between species. Dendrocolaptidae show specific anatomical features, linked to their acrobatic locomotor habits. More specifically, we found that: (1) foot bones are more robust amongst climbing Furnariida, (2) the spread between toes is wider amongst highly acrobatic Furnariida, (3) dermal syndactyly between digits II and III is linked to special osteological features interpreted as functional osteological syndactyly in woodcreepers (tail-assisted climbers) and (4) the hallux claw is straighter than other claws in climbing Furnariida. Our study demonstrates that climbing Furnariida evolved common foot adaptations with subtle phenotypic variations depending on their climbing performances, refining our understanding of how evolution shapes interactions amongst structure, function and ecological traits.
... The suboscine passerines-and particularly the parvorder Tyrannida-provide a robust system in which to examine the evolutionary causes and consequences of innovations in nest architecture. The Tyrannida [32,33] are small Neotropical insectivores. They are found in a variety of different habitats and exhibit a range of breeding strategies, from polygyny and primarily female parental care to monogamy and shared biparental care [34]. ...
... We studied a monophyletic lineage comprising tyrant flycatchers and allies in the suboscine parvorder Tyrannida [32,33]. We followed the Handbook of the Birds of the World and BirdLife International [68] for taxonomic descriptions and used Jetz et al. [69] for phylogenetic data. ...
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Innovations in nest design are thought to be one potential factor in the evolutionary success of passerine birds (order: Passeriformes), which colonized new ecological niches as they diversified in the Oligocene and Miocene. In particular, tyrant flycatchers and their allies (parvorder: Tyrannida) are an extremely diverse group of New World suboscine passerines occupying a wide range of habitats and exhibiting substantial extant variation in nest design. To explore the evolution of nest architecture in this clade, we first described nest traits across the Tyrannida phylogeny and estimated ancestral nest conditions. We then quantified macroevolutionary transition rates between nest types, examined a potential coevolutionary relationship between nest type and habitat, and used phylogenetic mixed models to determine possible ecological and environmental correlates of nest design. The Tyrannida ancestor probably built a cup nest in a closed habitat, and dome nests independently evolved at least 15 times within this group. Both cup- and dome-nesting species diversified into semi-open and open habitats, and we did not detect a coevolutionary relationship between nest type and habitat. Furthermore, nest type was not significantly correlated with several key ecological, life-history and environmental traits, suggesting that broad variation in Tyrannida nest architecture may not easily be explained by a single factor. This article is part of the theme issue ‘The evolutionary ecology of nests: a cross-taxon approach’.
... The predominance of arthropods in the diet of the Melanopareiidae was expected, as this is the chief diet type among members of the Parvorder Furnariida (Lopes et al. 2003), which also includes the families Conopophagidae, Thamnophilidae, Grallaridae, Rhinocryptidae, Dendrocolaptidae, and Furnariidae, among others (Ohlson et al. 2013). Previous data on the diet of crescentchests are rare and based on anecdotal observations. ...
Melanopareia crescentchests (Melanopareiidae) comprise a poorly known family of skulking birds restricted to low gras and scrub habitats in South America. Almost nothing is known about the diet of the five members of this family, which is included in the Parvorder Furnariida, chiefly composed by insectivorous birds. In this paper, we present the results of stomach content analysis of 84 specimens belonging to the five recognized species of Melanopareia. Data were obtained from samples collected in Brazil and examined by us, as well as from labels of museum specimens obtained in Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Brazil. Our results showed that crescentchests are predominantly insectivorous, chiefly consuming beetles and ants, but that the importance of vegetable matter in their diets should not be dismissed. Crescentchests ingested grass seeds as well as fleshy fruits, and their role as seed dispersers is worth investigating.
... The Conopophagidae is a small family of Neotropical birds that comprises two genera, Pittasoma and Conopophaga, and 11 species (Remsen et al. 2023) that inhabit the forest understorey from Costa Rica to northern Argentina (Greeney 2018, Winkler et al. 2020. The shared history between these genera is supported by molecular analysis (Rice 2005a,b, Moyle et al. 2009, Ohlson et al. 2013, Harvey et al. 2020, as well as similarities in morphology, bioacoustics and aspects of breeding (Rice 2005b). ...
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We present data on the breeding biology of Ceará Gnateater Conopophaga cearae obtained during field work in the Serra de Baturité region, Ceará, Brazil, between 2017 and 2023: five nests, nine eggs, one nestling, one fledgling and a broken-wing display were documented. We also searched for specimens in two Brazilian ornithological collections, which resulted in an additional nest, two eggs and five specimens with evidence of breeding condition. Finally, we review available breeding data for the Conopophagidae, revealing that breeding biology information for the family is largely confined to two of the 11 currently recognised species.
Myrsidea Waterston, 1915 (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae) is the most diverse genus of avian chewing lice. Myrsidea has a global distribution, is thought to be highly host-specific, and parasitizes mostly passerine birds. However, the rate of taxonomic studies describing new species is relatively low, and it is thought that much of the diversity of Myrsidea is yet to be discovered. This low rate of taxonomic description for this genus, and many others, may be related to the time-consuming nature of morphological species description and a lack of expertise in louse taxonomy. Furthermore, most of the taxonomic revisions and reviews have focused on specific host families, and no comprehensive review of the morphology and molecular work of Myrsidea has been completed in the last 20 years. Here, we review the taxonomy and systematics of Myrsidea to (i) describe this chewing louse genus and its biological importance; (ii) describe current problems with its taxonomy; (iii) simplify and summarize morphological descriptions; (iv) summarize molecular data; and (v) provide a comprehensive checklist of the Myrsidea species, with all publications and localities of occurrence included. Together, we hope that this information will provide researchers with a single source of information on the genus Myrsidea, making it easier for work to proceed on its taxonomy, systematics, ecology, and evolution. Importantly, our work highlights important gaps in our knowledge of Myrsidea, providing guideposts on where future work on Myrsidea is needed.
Avian genomes are characterized as being more compact than other amniotes, with less diversity and density of transposable elements (TEs). In addition, birds usually show bimodal karyotypes, exhibiting a great variation in diploid numbers. Some species present unusually large sex chromosomes, possibly due to the accumulation of repetitive sequences. AviRTE is a long interspersed nuclear element (LINE) recently discovered in the genomes of birds and nematodes, and it is still poorly characterized in terms of chromosomal mapping and phylogenetic relationships. In this study, we mapped AviRTE isolated from the Trogon surrucura genome into the T. surrucura (TSU) karyotype. Furthermore, we analyzed the phylogenetic relationships of this LINE in birds and other vertebrates. Our results showed that the distribution pattern of AviRTE is not restricted to heterochromatic regions, with accumulation on the W chromosome of TSU, yet another species with an atypical sex chromosome and TE hybridization. The phylogenetic analysis of AviRTE sequences in birds agreed with the proposed phylogeny of species in most clades, and allowed the detection of this sequence in other species, expanding the distribution of the element.
The New World suboscines ( Passeriformes and Tyrannides) are one of the biggest endemic vertebrate radiations in South America, including the families Furnariidae and Tyrannidae . Avian brain morphology is a reliable proxy to study their evolution. The aim of this work is to elucidate whether the brains of these families reflect the ecological differences (e.g., feeding behavior) and to clarify macroevolutionary aspects of their neuroanatomy. Our hypotheses are as follows: Brain size is similar between both families and with other Passeriformes ; brain morphology in Tyrannides is the result of the pressure of ecological factors; and brain disparity is low since they share ecological traits. Skulls of Furnariidae and Tyrannidae were micro‐computed tomography–scanned, and three‐dimensional models of the endocast were generated. Regression analyses were performed between brain volume and body mass. Linear and surface measurements were used to build phylomorphospaces and to calculate the amount of phylogenetic signal. Tyrannidae showed a larger brain disparity than Furnariidae, although it is not shaped by phylogeny in the Tyrannides. Furnariidae present enlarged Wulsts (eminentiae sagittales) but smaller optic lobes, while in Tyrannidae , it is the opposite. This could indicate that in Tyrannides there is a trade‐off between the size of these two visual‐related brain structures.
Where Did They Come From? The Origins of South American Fauna offers a fascinating journey into the origins of South American flora and fauna. Exploring life on the continent before and after the breakup of Gondwana, it delves into how creatures arrived in South America, be it through drifting across oceans or traversing land bridges. From birds and reptiles to mammals and fish, this book provides a comprehensive compendium of biological diversity, discussing their origins and evolutionary paths. Readers will gain insights into the mechanisms of animal dispersal, evolution, and the impact of the Great Biotic Interchange. The book also lists references for further exploration of the subject. The book is structured into five parts: Building South America: Covers tectonic movements, climate changes, and breaching isolation. Shaping South America: Explores the landforms and diverse biomes across the continent. Vertebrates within South America: Discusses unique amphibians, reptiles, fish, mammals, and birds that evolved on the continent. Vertebrates immigrating to South America: Examines exotic reptiles, birds, and mammals that found their way to the continent. The author also lists the families of almost all genera of South American animals, while giving knowledge of their origins. Recent Arrivals - the Great Biotic Interchange: Explores the significant interchange of various species that occurred later. Ideal for students, biologists, and anyone curious about the natural world, this book is a captivating read that uncovers the incredible history of South American fauna and its evolutionary tapestry.
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Approximately one-third of the Earth's vegetative cover comprises savannas, grasslands, and other grass-dominated ecosystems. Paleobotanical, paleofaunal, and stable carbon isotope records suggest five major phases in the origin of grass-dominated ecosystems: (1) the late Maastrichtian (or Paleocene) origin of Poaceae; (2) the opening of Paleocene and Eocene forested environments in the early to middle Tertiary; (3) an increase in the abundance of C3 grasses during the middle Tertiary; (4) the origin of C4 grasses in the middle Miocene; and (5) the spread of C4 grass-dominated ecosystems at the expense of C3 vegetation in the late Miocene. Grasses are known from all continents except Antarctica between the early Paleocene and middle Eocene. Herbivore morphology indicative of grazing, and therefore suggestive of grass-dominated ecosystems, appears in South America by the Eocene-Oligocene boundary, prior to the occurrence of grazing morphology elsewhere, and persists throughout the Cenozoic. Clear vertebrate and paleobotanical evidence of widespread grass-dominated ecosystems in northern continents does not occur until the early to middle Miocene. C4 grasses are present from approximately 15 Ma and undergo a dramatic expansion in the lower latitudes of North America, South America, East Africa, and Pakistan between 9 and 4 Ma. The expansion may have taken place in a shorter interval in some regions. C4 grasses are characteristic of seasonal, arid, and warm environments and are more tolerant of lower atmospheric CO2 (< 400 ppmv) than C3 plants. C4 grass distribution, therefore, is climatically controlled. The late Miocene spread of C4 grasses possibly involved a decrease in atmospheric CO2 and heralded the establishment of modern seasonality and rainfall patterns.
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Pusimos a prueba la monofilia y establecimos las relaciones filogenéticas de los siete géneros (Laniisoma, Laniocera, Iodopleura, Pachyramphus, Schiffornis, Tityra y Xenopsaris) y de 27 de las 31 especies reconocidas de la subfamilia Tityrinae, utilizando secuencias completas del gen mitocondrial de la subunidad 2 de la NADH deshidrogenasa. La monofilia de los siete géneros se recobró utilizando métodos de parsimonia con pesaje y de inferencia Bayesiana. Las relaciones intergenéricas observadas fueron casi idénticas entre los métodos y concuerdan en gran medida con estudios previos. Ambos análisis recobraron dos clados basales dentro de los Tityrinae: uno de ellos incluye a Schiffornis, Laniocera y Laniisoma, y el otro a Iodopleura, Tityra, Xenopsaris y Pachyramphus. Todos los géneros de Tityrinae para los que se incluyeron múltiples especies resultaron ser monofiléticos y concordantes con la taxonomía actual. Presentamos la primera filogenia para Pachyramphus y sugerimos que Platypsaris no es un género válido. El mapeo de caracteres morfólogicos, de construcción de nidos y de sistemas reproductivos sobre nuestra filogenia, sugiere que la mayoría de los rasgos evolucionan conservadoramente. Recomendamos que el taxón Tityrinae sea reconocido con el rango de familia.
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By combining distributions and phylogenies for large groups of birds, it is now possible to disentangle the relative roles of contemporary ecology and history in explaining the distribution of biodiversity on earth. In South America, avian lineages, which represent radiations during the warm parts of the Tertiary, are best represented in the tropical lowlands and Andean forelands. During the upper Tertiary, diversification was most intense in the tropical Andes region, with recruitment back into the tropical lowlands and into South America's open biomes. Within the tropical Andes, endemism (mean inverse range size) and mean branch length (number of phylogenetic nodes on lineages) increase from the foothills up to the tree line and then decline again in the barren highlands, suggesting that the tree-line zone plays a special role in the diversification process. The resulting endemism is locally aggregated, often with marked peaks in areas immediately adjacent to ancient population centers. Thus, the process of evolution of new species is linked with local factors that, over a shorter time perspective, were also favorable for people. If we want to maintain the process of diversification, it becomes essential to supplement the traditional approach of preserving biodiversity in wilderness areas with few people with efforts to support sustainable development in populated areas.
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The tody-tyrant and flatbill assemblage, sensu Lanyon (1988a), includes 12 genera of tyrant flycatchers known variously as “tody-tyrants” and “flatbills.” Lanyon supported the monophyly of the group based on similar skull morphology and nest form, and built intergeneric relationships based on syringeal characters. However, these comparisons were made without a phylogenetic framework. A more recent study assessing relationships in the tyrant flycatchers using published morphological and behavioral data failed to recover monophyly of this assemblage (Birdsley 2002). Using DNA sequence data, we test for the monophyly of the tody-tyrant and flatbill assemblage and compare and contrast phylogenetic signals from mitochondrial and nuclear DNA character systems. We discuss our results in light of results from previous studies. We include representatives of the other major tyrant flycatcher assemblages for a total of 42 individuals (representing 27 tyrannid genera and 36 species). We sequenced 3,022 base pairs (bp) of three mitochondrial genes (ND2, ND3, and cytochrome b) and one nuclear intron (FIB5). Our results resolve many of the basal relationships of the tody-tyrant and flatbill phylogeny, but separate and combined analyses of data partitions are necessary to understand the nature of conflict among data sets. The tody-tyrants constitute a monophyletic clade, but the genera Hemitriccus and Lophotriccus are not monophyletic, and the limits of Oncostoma–Lophotriccus need to be revised with more complete sampling at the species level. The flatbills as defined by Lanyon are not monophyletic (Onychorhynchus and Platyrinchus are not true flatbills). Pseudotriccus and Corythopis are sister taxa and, together with Leptopogon and Mionectes, are allied to the tody-tyrant and flatbill clade.
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While the monophyly of the largest avian order Passeriformes as well as its suborders suboscines (Tyranni) and oscines (Passeri) is well established, lower phylogenetic relationships of this fast radiated taxon have been a continuous matter of debate, especially within the suborder oscines. Many studies analyzing phylogenetic relationships of the Passeriformes using molecular markers have been published, which led to a better resolved phylogeny. Conflicting hypotheses and still remaining uncertainties, especially within the Passerida, have repeatedly stimulated further research with additional new markers. In the present study we used a combination of established molecular markers (RAG-1, RAG-2, c-myc) and the recently introduced ZENK. We accomplished phylogenetic analyses using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference, both separately for all genes and simultaneously. To assess the phylogenetic utility of the different genes in avian systematics we analyzed the influence of each data partition on the phylogenetic tree yielded by the combined approach using partitioned Bremer support. Compared with the other single gene analyses, the ZENK trees exhibited by far the best resolution and showed the lowest amount of homoplasy. Our data indicate that this gene is—at least in passerines—suitable for inference of even old taxonomic splits. Our combined analysis yields well-supported phylogenetic hypotheses for passerine phylogeny and apart from corroborating recently proposed hypotheses on phylogenetic relationships in the Passeriformes we provide evidence for some new hypotheses. The subdivision of the Passerida into three superfamilies, Sylvioidea, Passeroidea and Muscicapoidea, the first as sister to the two latter groups is strongly supported. We found evidence for a split between Paridae and the remaining Sylvioidea. © The Willi Hennig Society 2007.
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The Thamnophilidae is a diverse radiation of insectivorous passerine birds that comprises nearly 220 species and is mostly restricted to the lowlands and lower montane forests of the Neotropics. Current classification within Thamnophilidae relies primarily on morphological variation, but recent incorporation of molecular and vocal data has promoted changes at various taxonomic levels. Here we demonstrate that the genus Terenura is polyphyletic because Terenura callinota, T. humeralis, T. spodioptila, and T. sharpei are phylogenetically distant from the type species of the genus, Terenura maculata. More importantly, the former four species are not particularly closely related to any other thamnophilids and represent a clade that is sister to all other members of the family. Because no genus name is available for this previously undetected lineage in the Thamnophilidae, we describe the genus Euchrepomis for callinota, humeralis, spodioptila, and sharpei, and erect the subfamily Euchrepomidinae. We discuss the taxonomic and evolutionary significance of this divergent lineage. This study highlights the importance of taxonomic coverage and the inclusion of type taxa to redefine classifications to reflect accurately evolutionary relationships.
The book focuses on geological history as the critical factor in determining the present biodiversity and landscapes of Amazonia. The different driving mechanisms for landscape evolution are explored by reviewing the history of the Amazonian Craton, the associated sedimentary basins, and the role of mountain uplift and climate change. This book provdes an insight into the Meso- and Cenozoic record of Amazonia that was characterized by fluvial and long-lived lake systems and a highly diverse flora and fauna. This fauna includes giants such as the ca. 12 m long caiman Purussaurus, but also a varied fish fauna and fragile molluscs, whilst fossil pollen and spores form relics of ancestral swamps and rainforests. Finally, a review the molecular datasets of the modern Amazonian rainforest and aquatic ecosystem, discussing the possible relations between the origin of Amazonian species diversity and the palaeogeographic, palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental evolution of northern South America. The multidisciplinary approach in evaluating the history of Amazonia has resulted in a comprehensive volume that provides novel insights into the evolution of this region.
The Kinglet Calyptura Calyptura cristata is one of the most enigmatic bird species in South America, known only from specimens collected in the 19th century and a few recent observations. Knowledge of its biology is scanty and its systematic position is obscure. Traditionally, Calyptura was placed in the Cotingidae, but associated with genera that are now known to fall outside the Cotingidae. In an attempt to clarify its phylogenetic position, sequence data from four nuclear markers were obtained from a 180-year-old museum study skin of Calyptura, and incorporated into a comprehensive dataset of tyrant flycatchers, cotingas, manakins and allies. Our analyses demonstrate that Calyptura is most closely related to Platyrinchus and Neopipo and that these three genera constitute a deep branch in the clade containing the Rhynchocyclidae (tody-tyrants and flatbills) and Tyrannidae (typical tyrant flycatchers). The Calyptura specimen is one of the oldest avian museum specimens from which a substantial amount of nuclear DNA sequence data have been obtained, and highlights the immense value of museum collections for DNA-based phylogenetic studies.
A review is presented of current knowledge of the tectonic rifting of eastern Gondwana in the context of possible land continuity between Australia and New Caledonia and the dating of events. Comment is made on the level of endemicity of the modern-day biota of NewCaledonia, with examples of phylogenetic analyses, biogeographic patterns and estimated divergence dates among particular taxa, including birds (kagu-sunbittern clade), Nothofagus and Myrtaceae. The geological history of the region is complex but there is evidence of land persisting into the Cenozoic (Paleocene/Eocene) that possibly allowed old biota to persist. Vicariance explanations of divergences cannot be justifiably dismissed in favour of long-distance, over-water dispersal for such taxa.
Relaciones Filogenéticas de los Géneros de Tororoíes Las relaciones filogenéticas entre los géneros de tororoíes (“antpittas” en inglés) se estudiaron con base en datos de secuencias del ADN del genoma mitocondrial. Se encontró que el clado que representa a los géneros tradicionalmente considerados en el grupo (Grallaria, Grallaricula, Hylopezus, Myrmothera y Pittasoma) es parafilético, debido a que Pittasoma y Conopophaga (Conopophagidae) son géneros hermanos, una relación fuertemente apoyada que no había sido documentada previamente. El resto de los géneros de tororoíes forman un linaje monofilético totalmente resuelto y bien apoyado, que contiene dos subclados principales. El primer clado consiste del género Grallaria y apoya los subgéneros identificados por Lowery y O'Neill (1969). El segundo clado tiene a Hylopezus como el género hermano de Myrmothera, y Grallaricula como el género hermano de ambos. Los resultados de este trabajo permiten una nueva interpretación de los caracteres morfológicos utilizados en estudios previos.