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Microbial diversity in termite nest


Abstract and Figures

Termitarium, nest of termites seems to be the richest source of microbial populations whose resources remain untapped till date. Metagenomic and culture dependent approaches were used to assess the microbial diversity in termitarium employing bacterial tag encoded amplicon pyrosequencing (bTEFAP). A total of 10,793 and 4,777 high quality reads were obtained in metagenomic and culture dependent approaches, respectively. The most predominant phylum observed in metagenomic sequences included Proteobacteria (32%), Actinobacteria (20%), Bacteroidetes/chlorobi (7%), and Fibrobacteres/acidobacteria (6%). The phylum Firmicutes constituted only 5% of total microbial population. In cultured population, Firmicutes was the predominant phylum, which constituted 74% of the total culturable organisms. Proteobacteria (22%) and Actinobacteria (3%) were the other observed phyla in the cultured population. Overall, the culture dependent approach detected only a fewer group of microorganisms in termitarium, whereas metagenomic approach revealed a huge bacterial diversity in the sample. Key words: Metagenome, Termitarium, Microbial diversity, 454 Pyrosequencing
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CURRENT SCIEN CE, VOL. 106, NO. 10, 25 MAY 2014 1430
*For correspondence. (e-mail: jra
Microbial diversity in termite nest
A. Manjula1, S. Sathyavathi1, M. Pushpanathan1,
P. Gunasekaran1 ,2 and J. Rajendhran1,*
1Department o f Genetics, School of Biol ogical Sc iences,
Madu rai Kamara j University, Madurai 625 021 , India
2Present address: Thir uvalluvar University, Vellore 6 32 106, India
In the present study, the microbial diversity of termite
nest was studied using bacterial tag encoded amplicon
pyrosequencing by both culture-dependent and
culture-independent approaches. A total of 10,793 and
4,777 high-quality reads were obtained in culture-
independent and culture-dependent approaches res-
pectively. The former approach revealed dominant
phyla Proteobacteria (32%) and Actinobacteria (20%),
whereas the latter approach revealed Firmicutes
(74%) and Proteobacteria (22%) as the most domi-
nant phyla. The significant variation in the microbial
diversity and composition of termitarium assessed by
the two approaches could be due to the fact that
culture-dependent approach explored only selected
groups of microbial population, whereas metagenomic
approach explored complete microbial diversity of
termitarium, which provides credence to the applica-
tion of metagenomic strategy to explore novel micro-
bial species.
Keywords: Metagenome, microbial diversity, pyro-
sequencing, termitarium.
TERMIT ES serve as the best model systems for studying
the symbiotic association between microbes and animals.
The microbial symbionts associated with the termite gut
play a pivotal role in lignocellulose digestion, methan o-
genesis, acetogenesis and nitrogen fixation. Termitarium
is the nest of termites comprised of partially digested
food materials and faecal matter of termites, enriched
with minerals and other organic constituents, which pro-
vides a suitable environment for the existence of a huge
diversity of microorganisms. The termitarium is highly
enriched with humic acids, which serve as terminal elec-
tron acceptors for respiration that supports microbial
growth1. The microbial population of dual origins from
both termites and neighbouring soil might result in
greater microbial diversity in the termitarium than termite
gut or termite-associated soil2. Earlier, microbial diver-
sity present in termite gut and soil environments had been
well characterized3. However, only a few reports are
available on the microbial diversity of termitarium2. The
major limitation associated with conventional cloning and
sequencing method is that it is highly time-consuming,
labour-intensive and may represent only th e predominant
microbial populations. Recently, high-throughput next-
generation sequencing technologies have bypassed the
limitations in traditional sequencing methods. Recent ad-
vancement in high-throughput metagenomic sequencing
technology had opened up the possibility to explore the
total microbial community associated with different envi-
ronmental niches. The culture-based methods are helpful
in understanding the physiological potential of the iso-
lated organisms and their potential applications. How-
ever, the existence of unculturable organisms limits their
access to the actual microbial diversity in culture-
dependent approach. Metagenomic appr oach can be used
to assess the entire microbial community with varying
complexity4. In the present study, we have investigated
the microbial diversity of termitarium by both culture-
dependent and culture-independent approaches using
bacterial tag-encoded FLX amplicon pyrosequencing
(bTEFAP) method.
The termitarium sample was collected from the
Madurai Kamaraj University campus, Madurai, India.
The sample was sieved using muslin cloth to remove
debris and solid wooden particles. For culture-dependent
analysis, 0.1 g of termitarium sample was dissolved in
10 ml of sterile phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and
serial ten-fold dilutions were prepared in PBS up to 10–7.
Aliquots of 0.1 ml were taken from the different dilutions
and plated onto each of the ten differ ent media (soil
extract medium5, AOM16, Luria Bertoni agar, nutrient
agar, Zobell marine agar, King’s B agar, brain heart infu-
sion agar, Trypticase soy agar (0.3%), R2A medium7 and
actinomycete isolation agar) and in cubated at 37C for 7
days. Then the colonies grown on 10–4 to 10–7 diluted
plates in each medium were scraped and homogenized by
vortexing. The pooled samples were stored in 10% glyc-
erol at –80C. From the pooled samples, approximately
1 109 CFUs were used for DNA extraction as described
earlier8. The cells were incubated in lysis buffer (20 mM
Tris-Cl, pH 8.0; 2 mM sodium EDTA; 1.2% Triton
X-100 and 20 mg/ml lysozyme) overnight at 37C and
DNA was extracted from the lysed cells using DNeasy kit
according to the manufactur er’s instructions (Qiagen,
Hilden, German y). For culture-independent analysis,
metagenomic DNA was extracted directly from the termi-
tarium sample and purified using the method described
Pyrosequencing was performed at Research and Test-
ing Laboratory (Lubbock, TX, USA) according to the
method described earlier10 . Initially, sequencing library
was generated with one-step PCR of 30 cycles using the
termitarium metagenomic DNA or genomic DNA isolated
from the pooled culture as template using universal bacte-
rial primers 926F (5AAACTYAAAKGAATTGRCGG3)
and 1392R (5ACGGGCGGTGTGTRC3) as described
earlier10 followed by pyrosequencing of the generated
sequence library. The bTEFAP procedure comprises of
one-step PCR using h ot start high-fidelity Taq poly-
merase, and sequencing of amplicons corresponding to
V6–V9 region of the 16S rRNA gene. The sequences
CURRENT SCIEN CE, VOL. 106, NO. 10, 25 MAY 2014 1431
Figure 1. Relative abundance of different phyla observed in the termitariu m sample by culture-independ ent (a) and cultu re-
dependent (b) a pproa ches.
were deposited in MG-RAST metagenomic analysis
server ( with accession
numbers 4478101.3 (culture-independent) and 4529406.3
(cultur e-dependent) respectively.
The pyrosequencing reads were screened and filtered
for quality and length using initial data-processing tool in
pyrosequencing pipeline available at ribosomal database
project (RDP) server (
with minimum expected average quality score of 20 and
minimum sequence length of >150 bp. The high-quality
reads were then aligned using aligner tool available at the
RDP server. The operational taxonomic units (OTUs) and
rarefaction curves were created by aligning unique tag
sequences. The richness and diversity indices (Shannon–
Weaver and evenness) at each dissimilarity level were
calculated using pyrosequencing pipeline available at the
RDP ser ver. The ACE and Chao1 diversity indices were
determined using Estimate S software (http://viceroy.eeb. Taxonomic assignments were per-
formed using the RDP Classifier pr ogram (http://rdp. with 80% bootstrap score. The taxonomic
composition and abundance of microbial species present
in termitarium samples were represented graphically
using the visualization tools for taxonomic composition
of microbial communities (VITCOMIC)11.
Microbial diversity of termitarium sample was investi-
gated by both culture-dependent and culture-independent
approaches through pyrosequencing of 16S rDNA hyper
variable regions (V6 to V9). A total of 10,793 reads and
4,777 reads with an average length of 366 and 411 bp
were obtained in culture-independent and culture-
dependent approaches respectively. The selected high-
quality reads were classified using RDP classifier, which
revealed the existence of a huge microbial diversity in the
culture-independent approach.
In culture-independent approach, more than 91.8% of
reads represented the bacteria domain and only 0.1% of
reads represented archeal group members. It was interest-
ing to note that 8.1% of r eads could not be assigned to
either bacteria or archaea. Sequencing of full-length 16S
rRNA genes (~1.5 kb) may reveal their taxonomic affilia-
tion. The microbial compositions at different phyla for
both culture-independent and culture-dependent approaches
are shown in Figure 1. A total of 20 different bacterial
phyla were observed in culture-independent appr oach,
which represented overall microbial diversity of the ter-
mitarium sample. The culture-independent approach
revealed dominant phyla Proteobacteria (32%), Actino-
bacteria (20%), Bacteroidetes (7%), Fibrobacteres/
Acidobacteria (6%) and few other less abundant phyla
like Gemmatimonadetes, Nitrospirae, Chlamydiae/Verru-
comicrobia, Chloroflexi, Firmicutes, Planctomycetes,
Tenericutes and Deinococcus. Sequence analysis also r e-
vealed the presence of some candidate sequences from
phyla OP10 (1%), TM7 (0.4%), WS3 (0.04%) and BRC1
(0.2%). The dominant phylum Proteobacteria includes
four major families – Bradyrhizobiaceae, Hyphomicro-
biaceae, Phyllobacteriaceae and Rhizobiaceae – which
play a major role in nitrogen fixation in termites. These
results are in consistent with the occurrence of N2-fixing
gamma pr oteobacteria in termite gut3.
The second most abundant phylum present in the
termitarium sample assessed by culture-independent
approach was Actinobacteria, which comprises of three
dominant families – Nocordioidaceae, Microbacteriaceae
and Solirubrobacteraceae – which were reported to play
major roles in degradation of cellulose, lignin and chitin2.
Bacteroidetes, Treponema and Spirochaetes were most
frequently reported in termite gut, which play a major
role in symbiosis12– 14. In culture-independent approach,
CURRENT SCIEN CE, VOL. 106, NO. 10, 25 MAY 2014 1432
Figure 2 . Ra refaction a nalysis o f termitar ium bacterial commu nity. Rarefaction curves were use d to esti mate richness in the sample and sampling
effort. The vertical axis shows the number of operational taxonomic units (OTUs) expected after sampling the number of sequences as shown in
horizontal axis at 0%, 3% and 5% dissimi larity level. The saturation of rarefaction curves at 3% and 5% dissimila rity level indicates the attainment
of ma ximum sampl ing effort of the sample. a, Culture-dependent. b, C ultu re-independ ent.
the relative abundance of Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes and
Spirochaetes was considerably low. The difference in the
abundance of these bacterial species might be due to the
difference in the physico-chemical properties that exist
between two different environments, i.e. termite gut and
termitarium. The steep increase in the pH between the
midgut and hindgut region of termite has been reported to
alter the microbial community13. Earlier, it was reported
that the abundance of Bacteroidetes was found to be 1.7%
at pH < 4 and 17% at pH > 8 (ref. 15). Another distinc-
tive feature of the termitarium sample was the presence
of Deinococcus-Thermus, a highly hazard-resistant group
of bacteria, which has not been reported to be associated
with the termite gut. Deinococcus sp. has been reported
from extreme environments such as hot springs and
radioactive waste-disposal sites16.
In recent years, termitarium has been used as a biofer-
tilizer to impr ove rice production in paddy fields17 . The
organic matter present in the termitarium is highly rich in
nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur, which facilitates the
growth of microorganisms such as nitrogen fixers (Rhizo-
bium), decomposers (Pseudomonas) and sulphur oxidiz-
ers (Thiobacillus). The genera Rhizobium, Pseudomonas
and Thiobacillus were also observed in the termitarium
samples assessed by culture-independent approach. The
existence of genera Desulfovibrio, Clostridium and
Enterobacter indicated the pr esence of CO2-reducing ace-
togen bacteria in termitarium. It was also interesting to
note that Geobacter sp. represented 8% of the total bacte-
rial community whose occurrence in termitarium seems
to be unusual. The culture-independent approach also
revealed certain archael group members such as Crenar-
chaeota and Nitrososphaera, which play a major role in
nitrogen fixation. The occurrence of these soil beneficial
organisms in termitarium soil supported the use of this
soil as biofertilizer.
The culture-dependent approach has r evealed the pre-
sence of only three different phyla – Firmicutes (74%),
Proteobacteria (22%) and Actinobacteria (3%). Among
the members of Proteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria
was found to be abundant in termitarium sample, whereas
the Alphaproteobacteria and Betapr oteobacteria were
poorly represented in culture-dependent approach. Acti-
nobacteria belongs to th e order Actinomycetales, which
includes seven genera – Streptomyces, Microbacterium,
Sinomonas, Kocuria, Micrococcus, Arthrobacter and
Rhodococcus. Of these, Firmicutes comprised of the fam-
ily Bacillaceae (68%) and Proteobacteria comprised of
Enterobacteriaceae (20%). Of the family Bacillaceae, th e
species Bacillus subtilis was found to be predominant,
which has been reported to be involved in lignin degrada-
Earlier studies on the microbial diversity associated
with termite gut using the conventional methods such as
denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and 16S
rDNA sequencing have reported the presence of major
phyla Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes/
chlorobi and Fibrobacteres/Acidobacteria16. Similar
results were also observed in termitarium sample by cul-
ture-dependent approach, implying that these phyla form
the major constituents of termite intestinal microflora,
involved in cellulose degradation, nitrogen acquisition
and acetogenesis in termites species. The culturing
method also favoured the growth of obligate aerobic
members that belonged to the phylum Firmicutes. Some
bacteria belonging to genera Klebsiella, Salmonella,
Sodalis and Staphylococcus were obtained only in cul-
ture-dependent approach and not found in culture-
independent appr oach. Not all bacterial genera identified
in culture-dependent approach were recovered by the cul-
ture-independent method. However, culture-independent
method provides more complete data of the bacterial
CURRENT SCIEN CE, VOL. 106, NO. 10, 25 MAY 2014 1433
Table 1. Prediction of spe cies di versity by rich ness estimators at two dissimilari ty levels comparing cu lture-dependent and
metagenomic appr oaches.
Method No. of sequ ences Dista nce OTUs ACE Chao1 Shannon Evenness
Metagenomic 10,793 0.03 3469 6924 .27 6504 .51 7.42914 0.9113 7
0.05 2527 4103 .64 3904 .94 6.9846 0.89149
Culture dependent 4,777 0.03 87 99.74 9 2.76 2.55298 0.57166
0.05 48 5 0.52 49.66 1.88139 0 .486
Figure 3. Comparative mapping of culture-indepe ndent and culture-dependent microbia l diver sity in the termitarium sampl e using VITCOMIC.
Blue dots indicate the relative abundance of the sequences in the culture-independent method and red dots indicate the relative abundance in the
cultured popu lation. Grey dots i ndicate the occu rrence of specific species in both cu lture-independent and culture-dependent appr oache s. The dots
in the innermost circle (i) represent 8 0–85% identity with the exi sting 16S rRNA gen e sequences in data bases; Similarly, other circles repre sent s
higher levels of identity with the existi ng sequenc es in the database a s follows: (ii) 85–90%; (iii) 90–95% and (iv) 95 –100 %.
community, including viable but not culturable bacteria
and also nonviable bacteria. In other cases, culturable
methods favour the growth of certain bacteria that are
less abundant in the environment, which could not be
detected in metagenome by culture-independent methods.
Recently, Shade et al.8 have reported that culturing cap-
tures the rar e bacterial community from th e soil samples,
which was poorly represented in whole metagenome-
based analysis.
The sampling effort and the richness of the microbial
diversity in the termitarium by both culture-dependent
and culture-independent approaches were estimated by
rarefaction analysis (Figure 2). In culture-dependent
approach, the rarefaction curves attained complete satura-
tion level, and required no further sampling, whereas the
rarefaction curves did not attained saturation level for
culture-independent approach. The clustering analysis has
revealed that the sequences were clustered into 3469 and
3537 OTUs for culture-independent and 87 and 48 OTUs
for culture-independent approaches at 3% and 5% dissimi-
larity levels respectively (Table 1). Diversity index is a
mathematical measure of species diversity in a community.
CURRENT SCIEN CE, VOL. 106, NO. 10, 25 MAY 2014 1434
Diversity indices provide important in formation about
rarity and commonness of species in a community. The
ability to quantify diversity is important for biologists to
understand the community structure. The Shannon diver-
sity index (H) is commonly used to characterize species
diversity in a community. The index accounts for both
abundance and evenness of the species present. The di-
versity and evenness indices for culture-independent ap-
proach are much higher than those for the culture-
dependent approach, which indicated that the culture-
independent approach not only has a gr eater number of
species, but the individuals in the community are distri-
buted more equitably among these species.
VITCOMIC tool was used to classify th e bacterial
populations at species level using BLASTn analysis. The
results are represented in a circle map where each circle
is assigned to different similarity levels starting from
80% followed by 85%, 90%, 95% and 100%. Each dot
indicates the average similarity and the size of th e dots
represents the relative abundance of the sequences. The
overall taxonomic composition of the microbial commu-
nity of culture-independent and cultur e-dependent analy-
sis is shown in Figure 3. From the total reads obtain ed in
culture-independent approach, 57% of sequences showed
91–95% similarity level and only 19% of sequences
showed 96–100% similarity with existing rRNA gene
sequences in the database. A total of 23% of sequences
showed only 85–90% of similarity. Approximately 1% of
the reads showed less than 85% similarity with existing
sequences. In culture-dependent method, 96% of sequen-
ces showed 96–100% similarity level and only 4%
sequences were assigned at 91–95% similarity. No
sequences were obser ved in the range between 80% and
90% similarity levels. In Figure 3, each species in the
reference database was placed in circles with ordered
phylogenetic r elatedn ess. Physical distances between the
nearest species in the plot indicate the genetic distances
of 16S rRNA genes between them. The circle in the plot
indicates the boundaries of BLASTn average similarities.
Each dot represents average similarities of each sequence
against the nearest relative species in the r eference data-
set. The size of these dots indicates the relative abun-
dance of sequence in the sample.
To conclude, the microbial diversity associated with
termitarium habitat was assessed by both culture-
independent and culture-dependent approaches. Both the
approaches provided knowledge of a wide spectrum of
termitarium-associated microbial populations. Further
sequencing efforts with higher sequencing depth may
help in obtaining further insights into microbial diversity
of the habitat.
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. A.M. thank s CSIR, New Delhi for pro-
viding fina ncial support in the form of Senior Research Fello wship. We
thank central facilities UGC-CAS, UGC-CEGS, UGC-NRCBS, and
DBT -IPLS and DST-PURSE programmes at the School of Biologica l
Sciences, M adurai Kamara j University, Ma durai.
Receiv ed 4 December 2 013 ; revised accepted 3 April 2014
... The microbial diversity of termite nests was investigated in this study using bacterial tag-encoded Amplicon pyrosequencing in both culture-dependent and cultureindependent. Researchers used the bacterial tag-encoded FLX amplicon pyrosequencing (bTEFAP) method to examine the microbial diversity of a termitarium (Manjula et al. 2014). Tag-encoded FLX-amplicon pyrosequencing (TEFAP) has been used to assess functional genes as well as bacterial, archaeal, fungal, and algal genes. ...
... The earlier method identified Proteobacteria 32% and Actinobacteria 20% as the most prominent phyla, but the latter method revealed Bacillota 74% and Proteobacteria 22%. Because the metagenomic approach examined all of the termitarium's diversity of bacteria while the culture-dependent conduct only looked at a small portion of it, there may be a significant difference between the two approaches' assessments of the diversity of microbes (Manjula et al. 2014). ...
Full-text available
Purpose High population growth and the expansion of industry from time to time produce a large amount of waste/pollution, which harms global environmental health. To overcome the above problems, soil feeding (mound/nest) builders of termite gut bacteria execute thriving since they can be obtained easily, available, and at low costs. The purpose of this review is to provide evidence of bacteria in the soil feeding termite gut and its potential role in various applications including reduction of methane gas emission, bio bocks/production of bricks, biomedicine, biocontrol (promising tool for sustainable agriculture), and bio-fertilizer (improve the fertility of the soil) and plant growth promote effectiveness all year. Methods This review was progressive in that it assessed and produced peer-reviewed papers related to bacteria in the soil feeding termite gut and its potential role in different applications for an environmentally sound. Based on the findings of reputable educational journals, articles were divided into four categories: methods used to distributions of soil-feeding termites, termite caste system, bacterial diversity, and strain improvement of bacteria in the termite guts for enhanced multipurpose and techniques. Results The bacterial diversity from termite guts of soil feeding termite caste systems/differentiations is vital for snowballing day to day due to their low cost and no side effect on the public health and environment becoming known improvement of the microbial bacteria rather than other microbes. So termites function as “soil engineers” in tropical agroforestry ecosystems that are of great benefit for economic importance to greener approach. Conclusion The present findings indicate that recovery was chosen as an appreciable bring out the bacteria in the soil feeding termite gut and its potential application of termite mounds/nests biotechnological applications. Because of the large amount of nutrients that have built up in termite embankment soil feeding, this type of termite is now known as a “gold-leaf excavation” for bacterial concentrations. This provides the assertion that termite insects are important from an ecological standpoint since they aid in nutrient flows in the ecosystem as a useful tool for various species.
... Termite mound soil predominantly contains three different phyla of culturable bacteria, i.e., Firmicutes (74%), such as Bacillus subtilis; Proteobacteria (22%), such as Azotobacter; and Actinobacter (3%), such as Streptomyces (Manjula et al. 2014). The organic matter present in the termite mound is highly rich in nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and sulfur (S), which facilitate the growth of beneficial microorganisms such as nitrogen fixers, decomposers and sulfur oxidizers (Miyagawa et al. 2011). ...
... are the most predominant isolates and also showed highest biocontrol activity against Ralstonia solanacearum and Fusarium oxysporum. This is in accordance with previous study of Manjula et al. (2014) and Choudhary and Johri (2009) who reported that Bacillus spp. provides protection to crop plants against diseases caused by fungal pathogen. ...
Full-text available
Background Environmental deterioration arising from the misuse of pesticides and chemical fertilizers in agriculture has resulted in the pursuit of eco-friendly means of growing crop. Evidence has shown that biofertilizers and biocontrol can boost soil fertility and suppress soil pathogens without compromising the safety of the environment. Hence, the study investigated the use of termitarium soil as a viable source for biofertilizer and biocontrol. Results Twenty-seven soil samples were collected from nine different mound soil (household, farm and water bodies in a sterile sample bag). Aliquots of serially diluted samples were plated on nutrient agar, plate count agar, eosin methylene blue agar and MacConkey agar plates. Isolates were identified using standard microbiological techniques. Identified isolates were screened for plant growth-promoting properties using phosphate solubilization test, potassium solubilization test and indole acetic acid production test. Activities of the plant growth-promoting bacteria were carried out using antagonism by diffusible substance method and antagonistic activity of cell-free culture filtrate of bacterial isolates against Ralstonia solanacearum and Fusarium oxysporum. Two hundred bacterial isolates were recovered from the 27 soil samples. The most predominant isolate was Bacillus spp. Out of the 200 bacterial isolates, 57 were positive for phosphate solubilization test, potassium solubilization test and indole acetic acid production test. Out of the 57 isolates, six bacterial isolates had antagonistic activities against Fusarium oxysporum , while seven bacterial isolates antagonized Ralstonia solanacearum. Conclusion The result showed that termite mound soil contains some useful bacteria that are capable of solubilizing phosphate and potassium and producing indole acetic acid which are the plant growth-promoting potentials and as well suppressing plant soil pathogen.
... Termitarium comprises mineral particles of different sizes and chemical characteristics, together with gut and soil microbiota. The microbe-rich and abundant nature of termitarium [4] has paved way to initiate the metagenomic analysis to decipher the content and functioning of the microbial community by the next-generation sequencing method. Due to the inability to generate pure cultures of bacteria, the focus is shifted to exploring environmental bacteria in a cultureindependent manner, isolating DNA from the environmental sample. ...
... The radial tree was The remaining bacterial community in the sample distributed are more than 1500 different genera. Attempts at culture-independent phylogenetic profiling using 16S rRNA gene sequences have yielded insights into the termitarium microbial communities [4,13]. This study revealed that Proteobacteria dominate the termitarium microbiota. ...
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Termitarium (nest of termites) is a rich source of microbial populations whose resources remain untapped to date. Using the metagenomic sequencing approach, we generated 38 GB sequences comprising 808,386 contigs (896 MB) with a maximum contig size of 470 kb. The taxonomic profile obtained by BLAST against the NCBI NR database and annotation by MEGAN showed that the termitarium microbial community was dominated by Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Firmicutes. Functional annotation using the CAZY database revealed a huge diversity of glycosyl hydrolase genes from 104 families, some of which appeared to be part of polysaccharide utilization systems (PUL). Strikingly, Actinobacteria was the main contributor of the cellulolytic and hemicellulolytic GHs. Genes involving in lignin degradation were also abundantly identified in this metagenome. Comparative analysis of COG profiles of termitarium with those of other lignocellulolytic microbial communities showed a distant clustering pattern resulting from the dietary differences in carbohydrate compositions. Altogether, this study revealed that termitarium hosts a unique microbial community, which can efficiently degrade lignocelluloses.
... Furthermore, bacteria isolated from termite mound soil could be used in an environmentally friendly manner as a potential material for antimicrobial production, biofertilizers, and biocontrol, all of which can improve soil fertility and crop production, ensuring environmental sustainability (Pathak et al., 2018). Firmicutes (74%), such as Bacillus subtilis; Proteobacteria (22%), such as Azotobacter; and Actinobacter (3%), such as Streptomyces, are the most common phyla of culturable bacteria found in termite mound soil (Manjula et al., 2014). The termite mound's organic content is high in nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulphur allowing helpful bacteria including nitrogen fixers, decomposers, and sulphur oxidizers to thrive (Pathak et al., 2018). ...
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Termites are a common bug that serves as a bio-indicator of soil fertility. Termites contribute significantly to nitrogen fixation, acetogenesis, methanogenesis, soil transportation, and nutrient transfer. Termite mounds can last for more than two decades on the landscape, but ant mounds can last anywhere from weeks to decades. There is little information on the impacts of ants and termites on soil structure and water infiltration; nevertheless, ants and termites appear to either improve or inhibit infiltration by enhancing soil structure and porosity, or by forming compact surfaces that aid runoff and erosion. Other consequences include the addition of secretions and excreta in nest development, as well as the chemical change of the soil profile by ants and termites collecting and transporting live and dead animal and plant resources to their nest structures. The majority of ants and termites, notably nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as exchangeable magnesium and calcium, are likely to enhance carbon and nutrition levels. The impacts of termites on the physical, chemical, and biological aspects of soils are discussed in this chapter. The impacts of termite activity on soil profile development, soil physical properties, and soil chemical properties are all covered in detail. Termites have a variety of physical effects on soils, ranging from micro morphological to soil profile evolution. They have a well-known impact on organic matter breakdown and nutrient recycling rates. The termatarium was discussed as a biofertilizer and its significance in soil fertility development.
... Manjula et al., 2014). The dominant phylum Proteobacteria play a major role in nitrogen fixation in termites. ...
In order to determine the changes in microbial community due to termites, soil microorganisms surrounding the termites were investigated. First, bacterial communities from soil with termites collected at Seonamsa temple, Suncheon city, Korea were compared by next-generation sequencing (NGS, Illumina Miseq). The bacterial composition of soil from Daeungjeon without termites and the soil from Josadang, Palsangjeon, and Samjeon with termites were compared. Next, the bacterial composition of these soils was also compared with that of humus soil cultured with termites. A total high-quality sequences of 71,942 and 72,429 reads were identified in Seonamsa temple’s soil and humus soil, respectively. The dominant phyla in the collected Seonamsa temple’s soil were Proteobacteria (27%), Firmicutes (24%) and Actinobacteria (21%), whereas those in the humus soil were Bacteriodetes (56%) and Proteobacteria (37%). Using a two-dimensional plot to explain the principal coordinate analysis of operational taxonomic unit compositions of the soil samples, it was confirmed that the samples were divided into soil with and without termites, and it was especially confirmed that the Proteobacteria phylum was increased in humus soil with termites than in humus soil without termites.
... This will help explain the differences that exist in the diversity of microorganisms both at the functional and structural level in soils from termite mounds in relation to their nearby soil samples. Various literatures claimed that soils from termite mound are hotspot for microbial diversity when related to their adjacent soils (Chouvenc et al. 2011;Enagbonma et al. 2019;Fall et al. 2001;Manjula et al. 2014). This claim was buttressed by Kumar et al. (2018) who revealed a higher population of bacteria in open (6,550,000 cfu/g) and closed (7,550,000 cfu/g) termite mounds when compared to the 3,050,000 cfu/g of soil bacterial populations from nearby soils. ...
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To explain the differences in microbial diversity between soil from termite mounds and their nearby soils, we evaluated the impact of termite biopedturbation on the respiration profiles of microorganisms from termite mound soils. The MicroRespTM technique was employed to assess the whole-soils’ community-level-physiological-profiles (CLPP) assays using 21 carbon substrates chosen on the ground of significance to biotas dwellings in the soil. Principal component analyses showed that carbon substrate groups in the soils from termite mound were separated from those of the nearby soils. The results supported our first premise that the CLPP of soils from termite mounds could be distinguishable from the CLPP of the nearby soil and the degree of the differences was based on which substrates were added in the analysis. The assumption that any variance established in the CLPP could be attributed to a higher use of structurally complex carbon substrates in soils from termite mounds compared to the nearby soil samples was also supported. The higher soil respiration and the capacity to degrade carbon sources in soils from termite mounds than the nearby soil samples connote a rise in microbial functional diversity due to the differences in the diversity of microorganisms between both habitats.
... Soil bacteria contribute immensely in regulating soil nutrient cycling, soil fertility, and plant health. Despite the contributions of soil bacteria including those present in termite mound soils in improving ecosystems, roughly 1% of them have been revealed with the use of cultivating and isolating procedures (Fierer et al. 2012;Manjula et al. 2014). ...
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The study focuses on analysis of the compositional and diversity of bacteria in termite mound soils in comparison with the surrounding soils to verify the assertion that the high nutrient concentrations in termite mound soils influence a complex diversity of microorganisms. Here, whole DNA was extracted from soil samples collected from termite mounds and their surrounding soils which were 10 m apart and subsequently, sequenced using shotgun metagenomic approach. Our findings showed that both environments have several soil bacterial phyla in common. However, Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria significantly dominated the termite mound soils and the surrounding soils, respectively, with Tenericutes peculiar to only the termite mound soils. Furthermore, Bergeyella, Gloeothece, Thalassospira, and Glaciecola genera were exclusively identified in the termite mound soil samples. Diversity analysis showed that bacterial composition was different among the four sites (phyla level). This study also revealed a lot of unclassified groups of bacteria and this could point to the presence of potentially novel species. The differences observed in the bacterial structure and diversity from this study may be ascribed to variances in the physicochemical nature existing between the two environments. Mapping out schemes to culture these unclassified groups of bacteria discovered from this study would possibly set the platform for the discovery of novel bacteria for biotechnological applications.
... As discussed earlier, Phylum Firmicutes consists of the maximum number of cultural representatives present in soil and belongs to the mighty Bacillus, i.e. up to 74% followed by Proteobacteria, i.e. 22% and Actinobacteria, i.e. 3% (Manjula et al. 2014). Bacillus sp. are diverse aerobic endospore-forming soil bacteria (AEFB), contributing directly or indirectly to biocontrol and environmental remediation which resulting in increases in crop productivity (Nayak et al. , 2018. ...
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Soil as a natural resource covers the earth surface, and differs in structure and composition among different climatic zones. The soil in the tropics and subtropics are usually poor in nutrients while in temperate grasslands it contains nutrients and supports plant growth and yield. Due to ease of availability of nutrients and anchorage of plant roots, it’s vital for agriculture. The organic and mineral content of soil is the result of weathering of parent rock material. Structurally the soil consists of various layers and amongst them the topsoil is rich in organic nutrients. Soils act as the third largest carbon pool while the grasslands contain approximately 12% of Soil Organic Carbons (SOCs) and performs remarkable ecological services which include plant nutrition through nutrient supply and retention, improved water retention, building of aggregation to facilitate water movement through soils, reducing soil erosion and enhancing microbial activities (Eswaran et al. 1993; Batjes 1996; Schlesinger 1997; Conant et al. 2001). As a habitat, soil harbours innumerable microbial population.
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We developed a novel, resource-driven theory for transgenerational immune priming (TGIP). From this theory, two models were constructed, one termite-specific and the second one, applicable to other social species as well to elucidate whether TGIP should be expressed and whether colony ontogeny and demography influence parental immunological contributions, their magnitude and their duration. Both the nuanced (detail-rich) and simplified (yet generalizable) models may ultimately shed light into whether TGIP is equally adaptive across different stages of colony maturation and if the mechanisms underlying TGIP are fixed or if these mechanisms exhibit a certain degree of plasticity depending on pathogenic risk and/or age of the colony and its accompanying demographic composition. Furthermore, our models can help answer if the immunological nature of TGIP can change from being a generalized immune response to perhaps a more highly pathogen-specific protection as the colony ages and as the risks of infection diminish. These models can also help elucidate whether the immune protection by parents toward progeny should result from contributions of prefabricated functional immune proteins, the transfer of immune elicitors from parents to offspring or whether TGIP should be based instead on epigenetic markers altering gene expression in the progeny. Through this synthetic empirically based approach, we hope to prompt novel testable questions that can ultimately provide a better understanding of the expression of TGIP, its magnitude and duration across generations including its adaptive value during the ontogeny of other eusocial insect species as well as other group-living non-eusocial species. Significance statement Transgenerational immune priming (TGIP), wherein parents transfer immune function to their progeny based upon their own pathogenic experience, has been broadly reported across the animal kingdom and yet, the specific mechanisms underlying TGIP and the evolutionary forces driving TGIP remain poorly understood. This is particularly true for eusocial insects where the complex nature of social interactions likely influence both the costs and benefits of TGIP. Here we provide a synthetic review of the TGIP literature and then use elements and concepts from the review to develop a dynamic state variable model for adaptive TGIP in termites in particular and insects with various degrees of sociality, in general. Key concepts to the model include colony-wide immunocompetence, resource wealth, and progeny quality/quantity tradeoffs. We use the models to make a number of novel predictions for adaptive TGIP in nature.
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Lignocellulose digestion in termites is achieved through the functional synergy between gut symbionts and host enzymes. However, some species have evolved additional associations with nest microorganisms that collaborate in the decomposition of plant biomass. In a previous study, we determined that plant material packed with feces inside the nests of Cornitermes cumulans (Syntermitinae) harbors a distinct microbial assemblage. These food nodules also showed a high hemicellulolytic activity, possibly acting as an external place for complementary lignocellulose digestion. In this study, we used a combination of ITS sequence analysis, metagenomics, and metatranscriptomics to investigate the presence and differential expression of genes coding for carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZy) in the food nodules and the gut of workers and soldiers. Our results confirm that food nodules express a distinct set of CAZy genes suggesting that stored plant material is initially decomposed by enzymes that target the lignin and complex polysaccharides from fungi and bacteria before the passage through the gut, where it is further targeted by a complementary set of cellulases, xylanases, and esterases produced by the gut microbiota and the termite host. We also showed that the expression of CAZy transcripts associated to endoglucanases and xylanases was higher in the gut of termites than in the food nodules. An additional finding in this study was the presence of fungi in the termite gut that expressed CAZy genes. This study highlights the importance of externalization of digestion by nest microbes and provides new evidence of complementary digestion in the context of higher termite evolution.
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Chronic wound pathogenic biofilms are host-pathogen environments that colonize and exist as a cohabitation of many bacterial species. These bacterial populations cooperate to promote their own survival and the chronic nature of the infection. Few studies have performed extensive surveys of the bacterial populations that occur within different types of chronic wound biofilms. The use of 3 separate16S-based molecular amplifications followed by pyrosequencing, shotgun Sanger sequencing, and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis were utilized to survey the major populations of bacteria that occur in the pathogenic biofilms of three types of chronic wound types: diabetic foot ulcers (D), venous leg ulcers (V), and pressure ulcers (P). There are specific major populations of bacteria that were evident in the biofilms of all chronic wound types, including Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas, Peptoniphilus, Enterobacter, Stenotrophomonas, Finegoldia, and Serratia spp. Each of the wound types reveals marked differences in bacterial populations, such as pressure ulcers in which 62% of the populations were identified as obligate anaerobes. There were also populations of bacteria that were identified but not recognized as wound pathogens, such as Abiotrophia para-adiacens and Rhodopseudomonas spp. Results of molecular analyses were also compared to those obtained using traditional culture-based diagnostics. Only in one wound type did culture methods correctly identify the primary bacterial population indicating the need for improved diagnostic methods. If clinicians can gain a better understanding of the wound's microbiota, it will give them a greater understanding of the wound's ecology and will allow them to better manage healing of the wound improving the prognosis of patients. This research highlights the necessity to begin evaluating, studying, and treating chronic wound pathogenic biofilms as multi-species entities in order to improve the outcomes of patients. This survey will also foster the pioneering and development of new molecular diagnostic tools, which can be used to identify the community compositions of chronic wound pathogenic biofilms and other medical biofilm infections.
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This study evaluated seven methods, used to isolate metagenomic DNA from termitarium, on the basis of processing time, DNA yield, purity and suitability for PCR and restriction digestion. None of the extracted DNA sample was suitable for PCR and restriction digestion. Based on higher DNA yield and lower levels of humic acids, DNA extracted using three methods were further subjected to purification. Five methods using three approaches (electro elution, silica membrane based spin column purification and gel filtration) were evaluated for purification. The simple method, employing SDS to lyse cells in situ followed by ethanol precipitation (E7) and subsequent purification using Sephadex G-50 (P5) resin yielded high concentration of cloneable DNA from termitarium sample, has been successfully used for the construction of metagenomic DNA library.
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The ecological significance of rare microorganisms within microbial communities remains an important, unanswered question. Microorganisms of extremely low abundance (the 'rare biosphere') are believed to be largely inaccessible and unknown. To understand the structure of complex environmental microbial communities, including the representation of rare and prevalent community members, we coupled traditional cultivation with pyrosequencing. We compared cultured and uncultured bacterial members of the same agricultural soil, including eight locations within one apple orchard and four time points. Our analysis revealed that soil bacteria captured by culturing were in very low abundance or absent in the culture-independent community, demonstrating unexpected accessibility of the rare biosphere by culturing.
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The objective of this study was to investigate the indigenous utilization of termite mounds and termites in a rain-fed rice growing village in the central plain of Laos, where rice production is low and varies year-to-year, and to assess the possibility of sustainable termite mound utilization in the future. This research was carried out from 2007 to 2009. The termites were collected from their mounds and surrounding areas and identified. Twenty villagers were interviewed on their use of termites and their mounds in the village. Sixty-three mounds were measured to determine their dimensions in early March, early July and middle to late November, 2009. Eleven species of Termitidae were recorded during the survey period. It was found that the villagers use termite mounds as fertilizer for growing rice, vegetable beds and charcoal kilns. The villagers collected termites for food and as feed for breeding fish. Over the survey period, 81% of the mounds surveyed increased in volume; however, the volume was estimated to decrease by 0.114 m3 mound(-1) year(-1) on average due to several mounds being completely cut out. It was concluded that current mound utilization by villagers is not sustainable. To ensure sustainable termite utilization in the future, studies should be conducted to enhance factors that promote mound restoration by termites. Furthermore, it will be necessary to improve mound conservation methods used by the villagers after changes in the soil mass of mounds in paddy fields and forests has been measured accurately. The socio-economic factors that affect mound utilization should also be studied.
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Understanding the community structure of microbes is typically accomplished by sequencing 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) genes. These community data can be represented by constructing a phylogenetic tree and comparing it with other samples using statistical methods. However, owing to high computational complexity, these methods are insufficient to effectively analyze the millions of sequences produced by new sequencing technologies such as pyrosequencing. We introduce a web tool named VITCOMIC (VIsualization tool for Taxonomic COmpositions of MIcrobial Community) that can analyze millions of bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences and calculate the overall taxonomic composition for a microbial community. The 16S rRNA gene sequences of genome-sequenced strains are used as references to identify the nearest relative of each sample sequence. With this information, VITCOMIC plots all sequences in a single figure and indicates relative evolutionary distances. VITCOMIC yields a clear representation of the overall taxonomic composition of each sample and facilitates an intuitive understanding of differences in community structure between samples. VITCOMIC is freely available at
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The molecular diversity and community structure of bacteria from the gut of the termite Reticulitermes speratus were analyzed by the sequencing of near-full-length 16S rRNA genes, amplified by polymerase chain reaction. The results of the analysis of 1344 clones indicated a predominance of spirochetes in the gut. Spirochetal clones accounted for approximately half of the analyzed clones. The clones related to Bacteroides, Clostridia, and the candidate division Termite Group I each accounted for approximately 5-15% of the analyzed clones. The rest were comprised of Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Mycoplasma and others. Using the criterion of 97% sequence identity, the clones were sorted into 268 phylotypes, including 100 clostridial, 61 spirochetal and 31 Bacteroides-related phylotypes. More than 90% of the phylotypes were found for the first time, and some constituted monophyletic clusters with sequences recovered from the gut of other termite species.
HUMIC substances are heterogeneous high-molecular-weight organic materials which are ubiquitous in terrestrial and aquatic environments. They are resistant to microbial degradation1 and thus are not generally considered to be dynamically involved in microbial metabolism, especially in anoxic habitats. However, we show here that some microorganisms found in soils and sediments are able to use humic substances as an electron acceptor for the anaerobic oxidation of organic compounds and hydrogen. This electron transport yields energy to support growth. Microbial humic reduction also enhances the capacity for microorganisms to reduce other, less accessible electron acceptors, such as insoluble Fe(III) oxides, because humic substances can shuttle electrons between the humic-reducing microorganisms and the Fe(III) oxide. The finding that microorganisms can donate electrons to humic acids has important implications for the mechanisms by which microorganisms oxidize both natural and contaminant organics in anaerobic soils and sediments, and suggests a biological source of electrons for humics-mediated reduction of contaminant metals and organics.
Most of the microorganisms in nature are inaccessible as they are uncultivable in the laboratory. Metagenomic approaches promise the accessibility of the genetic resources and their potential applications. Genetic resources from terrestrial environments can be accessed by exploring the soil metagenome. Soil metagenomic analyses are usually initiated by the isolation of environmental DNAs. Several methods have been described for the direct isolation of environmental DNAs from soil and sediments. Application of metagenomics largely depends on the construction of genomic DNA libraries and subsequent high-throughput sequencing or library screening. Thus, obtaining large quantities of pure cloneable DNA from the environment is a prerequisite. This review discusses the recent developments related to efficient extraction and purification of soil metagenome highlighting the considerations for various metagenomic applications.