Conference PaperPDF Available

Saliency Detection via Graph-Based Manifold Ranking

  • tiwaki Co., LTD.

Abstract and Figures

Most existing bottom-up methods measure the foreground saliency of a pixel or region based on its contrast within a local context or the entire image, whereas a few methods focus on segmenting out background regions and thereby salient objects. Instead of considering the contrast between the salient objects and their surrounding regions, we consider both foreground and background cues in a different way. We rank the similarity of the image elements (pixels or regions) with foreground cues or background cues via graph-based manifold ranking. The saliency of the image elements is defined based on their relevances to the given seeds or queries. We represent the image as a close-loop graph with super pixels as nodes. These nodes are ranked based on the similarity to background and foreground queries, based on affinity matrices. Saliency detection is carried out in a two-stage scheme to extract background regions and foreground salient objects efficiently. Experimental results on two large benchmark databases demonstrate the proposed method performs well when against the state-of-the-art methods in terms of accuracy and speed. We also create a more difficult benchmark database containing 5,172 images to test the proposed saliency model and make this database publicly available with this paper for further studies in the saliency field.
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Saliency Detection via Graph-Based Manifold Ranking
Chuan Yang1, Lihe Zhang1, Huchuan Lu1, Xiang Ruan2, and Ming-Hsuan Yang3
1Dalian University of Technology 2OMRON Corporation 3University of California at Merced
Most existing bottom-up methods measure the fore-
ground saliency of a pixel or region based on its con-
trast within a local context or the entire image, whereas
a few methods focus on segmenting out background re-
gions and thereby salient objects. Instead of considering
the contrast between the salient objects and their surround-
ing regions, we consider both foreground and background
cues in a different way. We rank the similarity of the im-
age elements (pixels or regions) with foreground cues or
background cues via graph-based manifold ranking. The
saliency of the image elements is defined based on their rel-
evances to the given seeds or queries. We represent the
image as a close-loop graph with superpixels as nodes.
These nodes are ranked based on the similarity to back-
ground and foreground queries, based on affinity matrices.
Saliency detection is carried out in a two-stage scheme to
extract background regions and foreground salient objects
efficiently. Experimental results on two large benchmark
databases demonstrate the proposed method performs well
when against the state-of-the-art methods in terms of ac-
curacy and speed. We also create a more difficult bench-
mark database containing 5,172 images to test the proposed
saliency model and make this database publicly available
with this paper for further studies in the saliency field.
1. Introduction
The task of saliency detection is to identify the most im-
portant and informative part of a scene. It has been applied
to numerous vision problems including image segmenta-
tion [11], object recognition [28], image compression [16],
content based image retrieval [8], to name a few. Saliency
methods in general can be categorized as either bottom-up
or top-down approaches. Bottom-up methods [1,2,6,7,9
12,14,15,17,21,24,25,27,32,33,37] are data-driven and
pre-attentive, while top-down methods [23,36] are task-
driven that entails supervised learning with class labels. We
note that saliency models have been developed for eye fixa-
tion prediction [6,14,15,17,19,25,33] and salient object
detection [1,2,7,9,23,24,32]. The former focuses on
identifying a few human fixation locations on natural im-
ages, which is important for understanding human attention.
The latter is to accurately detect where the salient object
should be, which is useful for many high-level vision tasks.
In this paper, we focus on the bottom-up salient object de-
tection tasks.
Salient object detection algorithms usually generate
bounding boxes [7,10], binary foreground and background
segmentation [12,23,24,32], or saliency maps which in-
dicate the saliency likelihood of each pixel. Liu et al. [23]
propose a binary saliency estimation model by training a
conditional random field to combine a set of novel features.
Wang et al. [32] analyze multiple cues in a unified energy
minimization framework and use a graph-based saliency
model [14] to detect salient objects. In [24] Lu et al. de-
velop a hierarchical graph model and utilize concavity con-
text to compute weights between nodes, from which the
graph is bi-partitioned for salient object detection. On the
other hand, Achanta et al. [1] compute the saliency likeli-
hood of each pixel based on its color contrast to the entire
image. Cheng et al. [9] consider the global region con-
trast with respect to the entire image and spatial relation-
ships across the regions to extract saliency map. In [11]
Goferman et al. propose a context-aware saliency algo-
rithm to detect the image regions that represent the scene
based on four principles of human visual attention. The
contrast of the center and surround distribution of features
is computed based on the Kullback-Leibler divergence for
salient object detection [21]. Xie et al. [35] propose a novel
model for bottom-up saliency within the Bayesian frame-
work by exploiting low and mid level cues. Sun et al. [30]
improve the Xie’s model by introducing boundary and soft-
segmentation. Recently, Perazzi et al. [27] show that the
complete contrast and saliency estimation can be formu-
lated in a unified way using high-dimensional Gaussian fil-
ters. In this work, we generate a full-resolution saliency
map for each input image.
Most above-mentioned methods measure saliency by
measuring local center-surround contrast and rarity of fea-
tures over the entire image. In contrast, Gopalakrishnan et
al. [12] formulate the object detection problem as a binary
segmentation or labelling task on a graph. The most salient
2013 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
1063-6919/13 $26.00 © 2013 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/CVPR.2013.407
2013 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
1063-6919/13 $26.00 © 2013 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/CVPR.2013.407
2013 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
1063-6919/13 $26.00 © 2013 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/CVPR.2013.407
 
 
Figure 1. Diagram of our proposed model.
seed and several background seeds are identified by the be-
havior of random walks on a complete graph and a k-regular
graph. Then, a semi-supervised learning technique is used
to infer the binary labels of the unlabelled nodes. Recently,
a method that exploits background priors is proposed for
saliency detection [34]. The main observation is that the
distance between a pair of background regions is shorter
than that of a region from the salient object and a region
from the background. The node labelling task (either salient
object or background) is formulated as an energy minimiza-
tion problem based on this criteria.
We observe that background often presents local or
global appearance connectivity with each of four image
boundaries and foreground presents appearance coherence
and consistency. In this work, we exploit these cues to com-
pute pixel saliency based on the ranking of superpixels. For
each image, we construct a close-loop graph where each
node is a superpixel. We model saliency detection as a man-
ifold ranking problem and propose a two-stage scheme for
graph labelling. Figure 1shows the main steps of the pro-
posed algorithm. In the first stage, we exploit the boundary
prior [13,22] by using the nodes on each side of image as
labelled background queries. From each labelled result, we
compute the saliency of nodes based on their relevances (i.e,
ranking) to those queries as background labels. The four la-
belled maps are then integrated to generate a saliency map.
In the second stage, we apply binary segmentation on the
resulted saliency map from the first stage, and take the la-
belled foreground nodes as salient queries. The saliency of
each node is computed based on its relevance to foreground
queries for the final map.
To fully capture intrinsic graph structure information and
incorporate local grouping cues in graph labelling, we use
manifold ranking techniques to learn a ranking function,
which is essential to learn an optimal affinity matrix [20].
Different from [12], the proposed saliency detection algo-
rithm with manifold ranking requires only seeds from one
class, which are initialized with either the boundary pri-
ors or foreground cues. The boundary priors are proposed
inspired on the recent works of human fixations on im-
ages [31], which shows that humans tend to gaze at the cen-
ter of images. These priors have also been used in image
segmentation and related problems [13,22,34]. In con-
trast, the semi-supervised method [12] requires both back-
ground and salient seeds, and generates a binary segmen-
tation. Furthermore, it is difficult to determine the number
and locations of salient seeds as they are generated by ran-
dom walks, especially for the scenes with different salient
objects. This is a known problem with graph labelling
where the results are sensitive to the selected seeds. In this
work, all the background and foreground seeds can be easily
generated via background priors and ranking background
queries (or seeds). As our model incorporates local group-
ing cues extracted from the entire image, the proposed algo-
rithm generates well-defined boundaries of salient objects
and uniformly highlights the whole salient regions. Exper-
imental results using large benchmark data sets show that
the proposed algorithm performs efficiently and favorably
against the state-of-the-art saliency detection methods.
2. Graph-Based Manifold Ranking
The graph-based ranking problem is described as fol-
lows: given a node as a query, the remaining nodes are
ranked based on their relevances to the given query. The
goal is to learn a ranking function, which defines the rele-
vance between unlabelled nodes and queries.
2.1. Manifold Ranking
In [39], a ranking method that exploits the intrinsic man-
ifold structure of data (such as image) for graph labelling
is proposed. Given a dataset X=x1,...,x
nRm×n, some data points are labelled queries
and the rest need to be ranked according to their relevances
to the queries. Let f:XRndenote a ranking func-
tion which assigns a ranking value fito each point xi,
and fcan be viewed as a vector f=[f1,...,f
n]T. Let
n]Tdenote an indication vector, in which
yi=1if xiis a query, and yi=0otherwise. Next, we
define a graph G=(V,E)on the dataset, where the nodes
Vare the dataset Xand the edges Eare weighted by an
affinity matrix W=[wij]n×n.GivenG, the degree matrix
is D=diag{d11,...,d
nn}, where dii =jwij . Similar
to the PageRank and spectral clustering algorithms [5,26],
the optimal ranking of queries are computed by solving the
following optimization problem:
Figure 2. Our graph model. The red line along the four sides indi-
cates that all the boundary nodes are connected with each other.
=arg min
wij fi
dii fj
djj 2+μ
where the parameter μcontrols the balance of the smooth-
ness constraint (the first term) and the fitting constraint (the
second term). That is, a good ranking function should not
change too much between nearby points (smoothness con-
straint) and should not differ too much from the initial query
assignment (fitting constraint). The minimum solution is
computed by setting the derivative of the above function to
be zero. The resulted ranking function can be written as:
where Iis an identity matrix, α=1/(1 + μ)and Sis the
normalized Laplacian matrix, S=D1/2WD1/2.
The ranking algorithm [39] is derived from the work on
semi-supervised learning for classification [38]. Essentially,
manifold ranking can be viewed as an one-class classifica-
tion problem [29], where only positive examples or negative
examples are required. We can get another ranking function
by using the unormalized Laplacian matrix in Eq. 2:
We compare the saliency results using Eq. 2and Eq. 3in
the experiments, and the latter achieves better performance
(See Figure 8). Hence, we adopt Eq. 3in this work.
2.2. Saliency Measure
Given an input image represented as a graph and some
salient query nodes, the saliency of each node is defined
as its ranking score computed by Eq. 3which is rewritten
as f=Ay to facilitate analysis. The matrix Acan be
regarded as a learnt optimal affinity matrix which is equal
to (DαW)1. The ranking score f(i)of the i-th node
is the inner product of the i-th row of Aand y. Because y
is a binary indicator vector, f(i)can also be viewed as the
sum of the relevances of the i-th node to all the queries.
In the conventional ranking problems, the queries are
manually labelled with the ground-truth. However, as
Figure 3. Graph labelling results using the top boundary prior.
Left: input images. Center: Results without enforcing the
geodesic distance constraints. Right: Results with geodesic dis-
tance constraints.
queries for saliency detection are selected by the proposed
algorithm, some of them may be incorrect. Thus, we need
to compute a degree of confidence (i.e., the saliency value)
for each query, which is defined as its ranking score ranked
by the other queries (except itself). To this end, we set the
diagonal elements of Ato 0 when computing the ranking
score by Eq. 3. We note that this seemingly insignificant
process has great effects on the final results. If we compute
the saliency of each query without setting the diagonal el-
ements of Ato 0, its ranking value in fwill contain the
relevance of this query to itself, which is meaningless and
often abnormally large so as to severely weaken the contri-
butions of the other queries to the ranking score. Lastly, we
measure the saliency of nodes using the normalized ranking
score fwhen salient queries are given, and using 1f
when background queries are given.
3. Graph Construction
We construct a single layer graph G=(V,E)as shown
in Figure 2, where Vis a set of nodes and Eis a set of
undirected edges. In this work, each node is a superpixel
generated by the SLIC algorithm [3]. As neighboring nodes
are likely to share similar appearance and saliency values,
we use a k-regular graph to exploit the spatial relationship.
First, each node is not only connected to those nodes neigh-
boring it, but also connected to the nodes sharing common
boundaries with its neighboring node (See Figure 2). By ex-
tending the scope of node connection with the same degree
of k, we effectively utilize local smoothness cues. Second,
we enforce that the nodes on the four sides of image are
connected, i.e., any pair of boundary nodes are considered
to be adjacent. Thus, we denote the graph as the close-loop
graph. This close-loop constraint significantly improves the
performance of the proposed method as it tends to reduce
the geodesic distance of similar superpixels, thereby im-
proving the ranking results. Figure 3shows some exam-
ples where the ranking results with and without these con-
straints. We note that these constraints work well when the
Figure 4. Saliency maps using different queries. From left to right:
input image, result of using all the boundary nodes together as
queries, result of integrating four maps from each side, result of
ranking with foreground queries.
salient objects appear near the image boundaries or some of
the background regions are not the same.
With the constraints on edges, it is clear that the con-
structed graph is a sparsely connected. That is, most ele-
ments of the affinity matrix Ware zero. In this work, the
weight between two nodes is defined by
wij =ecicj
σ2i, j V, (4)
where ciand cjdenote the mean of the superpixels corre-
sponding to two nodes in the CIE LAB color space, and σ
is a constant that controls the strength of the weight. The
weights are computed based on the distance in the color
space as it has been shown to be effective in saliency de-
tection [2,4].
By ranking the nodes on the constructed graph, the in-
verse matrix (DαW)1in Eq. 3can be regarded as a
complete affinity matrix, i.e., there exists a nonzero rele-
vance value between any pair of nodes on the graph. This
matrix naturally captures spatial relationship information.
That is, the relevance between nodes is increased when their
spatial distance is decreased, which is an important cue for
saliency detection [9].
4. Two-Stage Saliency Detection
In this section, we detail the proposed two-stage scheme
for bottom-up saliency detection using ranking with back-
ground and foreground queries.
4.1. Ranking with Background Queries
Based on the attention theories of early works for visual
saliency [17], we use the nodes on the image boundary as
background seeds, i.e., the labelled data (query samples) to
rank the relevances of all the other regions. Specifically,
we construct four saliency maps using boundary priors and
then integrate them for the final map, which is referred as
the separation/combination (SC) approach.
Taking top image boundary as an example, we use the
nodes on this side as the queries and other nodes as the un-
labelled data. Thus, the indicator vector yis given, and all
the nodes are ranked based on Eq. 3in f, which is a N-
dimensional vector (Nis the total number of nodes of the
graph). Each element in this vector indicates the relevance
of a node to the background queries, and its complement is
Figure 5. Examples in which the salient objects appear at the image
boundary. From left to right: input images, saliency maps using
all the boundary nodes together as queries, four side-specific maps,
integration of four saliency maps, the final saliency map after the
second stage.
the saliency measure. We normalize this vector to the range
between 0and 1, and the saliency map using the top bound-
ary prior, Stcan be written as:
St(i)=1f(i)i=1,2,...,N, (5)
where iindexes a superpixel node on graph, and fdenotes
the normalized vector.
Similarly, we compute the other three maps Sb,S
Sr, using the bottom, left and right image boundary as
queries. We note that the saliency maps are computed with
different indicator vector ywhile the weight matrix Wand
the degree matrix Dare fixed. That is, we need to compute
the inverse of the matrix (DαW)only once for each
image. Since the number of superpixels is small, the ma-
trix inverse in Eq. 3can be computed efficiently. Thus, the
overall computational load for the four maps is low. The
four saliency maps are integrated by the following process:
There are two reasons for using the SC approach to gen-
erate saliency maps. First, the superpixels on different sides
are often disimilar which should have large distance. If we
simultaneously use all the boundary superpixels as queries
(i.e., indicating these suprerpixels are similar), the labelled
results are usually less optimal as these nodes are not com-
pactable (See Figure 4). Note that the geodesic distance that
we use in Section 3can be considered as weakly labelled as
only a few superpixels are involved (i.e., only the superpix-
els with low color distance from the sides are considered as
similar) whereas the case with all superpixels can be consid-
ered as strongly labelled (i.e., all the nodes from the sides
are considered as similar). Second, it reduces the effects
of imprecise queries, i.e., the ground-truth salient nodes are
inadvertently selected as background queries. As shown in
the second column of Figure 5, the saliency maps generated
using all the boundary nodes are poor. Due to the impre-
cise labelling results, the pixels with the salient objects have
low saliency values. However, as objects are often compact
“things” (such as a people or a car) as opposed to incompact
Figure 6. The example in which imprecise salient queries are se-
lected in the second stage. From left to right: input image, saliency
map of the first stage, binary segmentation, the final saliency map.
“stuff” (such as grass or sky) and therefore they rarely oc-
cupy three or all sides of image, the proposed SC approach
ensures at least two saliency maps are effective (third col-
umn of Figure 5). By integration of four saliency maps,
some salient parts of object can be identified (although the
whole object is not uniformly highlighted), which provides
sufficient cues for the second stage detection process.
While most regions of the salient objects are highlighted
in the first stage, some background nodes may not be ade-
quately suppressed (See Figure 4and Figure 5). To alleviate
this problem and improve the results especially when ob-
jects appear near the image boundaries, the saliency maps
are further improved via ranking with foreground queries.
4.2. Ranking with Foreground Queries
The saliency map of the first stage is binary segmented
(i.e., salient foreground and background) using an adaptive
threshold, which facilitates selecting the nodes of the fore-
ground salient objects as queries. We expect that the se-
lected queries cover the salient object regions as much as
possible (i.e., with high recall). Thus, the threshold is set as
the mean saliency over the entire saliency map.
Once the salient queries are given, an indicator vector
yis formed to compute the ranking vector fusing Eq. 3.
As is carried out in the first stage, the ranking vector fis
normalized between the range of 0and 1to form the final
saliency map by
Sfq(i)=f(i)i=1,2,...,N, (7)
where iindexes superpixel node on graph, and fdenotes
the normalized vector.
We note that there are cases where nodes may be in-
correctly selected as foreground queries in this stage. De-
spite some imprecise labelling, salient objects can be well
detected by the proposed algorithm as shown in Figure 6.
This can be explained as follows. The salient object re-
gions are usually relatively compact (in terms of spatial dis-
tribution) and homogeneous in appearance (in terms of fea-
ture distribution), while background regions are the oppo-
site. In other words, the intra-object relevance (i.e., two
nodes of the salient objects) is statistically much larger
than that of object-background and intra-background rel-
evance, which can be inferred from the affinity matrix
A. To show this phenomenon, we compute the aver-
age intra-object, intra-background and object-background
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Image number
Average revelance between superpixels
Figure 7. Analysis of the learned relevances between nodes in the
affinity matrix A.
relevance values in Afor each of the 300 images sam-
pled from a dataset with ground truth labels [2], which is
shown in Figure 7. Therefore, the sum of the relevance
values of object nodes to the ground-truth salient queries
is considerably larger than that of background nodes to
all the queries. That is, background saliency can be sup-
pressed effectively (fourth column of Figure 6). Similarly,
in spite of the saliency maps after the first stage of Fig-
ure 5are not precise, salient object can be well detected by
the saliency maps after the foreground queries in the sec-
ond stage. The main steps of the proposed salient ob-
ject detection algorithm are summarized in Algorithm 1.
Algorithm 1 Bottom-up Saliency based on Manifold Ranking
Input: An image and required parameters
1: Segment the input image into superpixels, construct a graph G
with superpixels as nodes, and compute its degree matrix Dand
weight matrix Wby Eq. 4.
2: Compute (DαW)1and set its diagonal elements to 0.
3: Form indicator vectors ywith nodes on each side of image as
queries, and compute their corresponding side-specific maps by
Eq. 3and Eq. 5. Then, compute the saliency map Sbq by Eq. 6.
4: Bi-segment Sbq to form salient foreground queries and an indi-
cator vector y. Compute the saliency map Sfq by Eq. 3and Eq. 7.
Output: a saliency map Sfq representing the saliency value of
each superpixel.
5. Experimental Results
We evaluate the proposed method on three datasets. The
first one is the MSRA dataset [23] which contains 5,000
images with the ground truth of salient region marked
by bounding boxes. The second one is the MSRA-1000
dataset, a subset of the MSRA dataset, which contains
1,000 images provided by [2] with accurate human-labelled
masks for salient objects. The last one is the proposed
DUT-OMRON dataset, which contains 5,172 carefully la-
beled images by five users. The source images, ground
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
unnormalized Laplaican matrix
normalized Laplaican matrix
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
no close−loop constraint without k−regular graph
close−loop constraint with k−regular graph
close−loop constraint without k−regular graph
no close−loop constraint with k−regular graph
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
using the SC approach with four boundary priors
without using the SC approach
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
the first stage
the second stage
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 8. Precision-recall curves on the MSRA-1000 dataset with different design options of the proposed algorithm. From left to right:
ranking with normalized and unnormalized Laplacian matrices, graph construction, the SC approach, results generated by each stage.
truth labels and detailed description of this dataset can be
found at
Homepage.htm. We compare our method with fourteen
state-of-the-art saliency detection algorithms: the IT [17],
GB [14], MZ [25], SR [15], AC [1], Gof [11], FT [2],
LC [37], RC [9], SVO [7], SF [27], CB [18], GS SP [34]
and XIE [35] methods.
Experimental Setup: We set the number of superpixel
nodes N= 200 in all the experiments. There are two pa-
rameters in the proposed algorithm: the edge weight σin
Eq. 4, and the balance weight αin Eq. 3. The parameter
σcontrols the strength of weight between a pair of nodes
and the parameter αbalances the smooth and fitting con-
straints in the regularization function of manifold ranking
algorithm. These two parameters are empirically chosen,
σ2=0.1and α=0.99, for all the experiments.
Evaluation Metrics: We evaluate all methods by precision,
recall and F-measure. The precision value corresponds to
the ratio of salient pixels correctly assigned to all the pix-
els of extracted regions, while the recall value is defined as
the percentage of detected salient pixels in relation to the
ground-truth number. Similar as prior works, the precision-
recall curves are obtained by binarizing the saliency map
using thresholds in the range of 0and 255. The F-measure
is the overall performance measurement computed by the
weighted harmonic of precision and recall:
Fβ=(1 + β2)P recision ×Recall
β2P recision +Recall ,(8)
where we set β2=0.3to emphasize the precision [2].
5.1. MSRA-1000
We first examine the design options of the proposed al-
gorithm in details. The ranking results using the normal-
ized (Eq. 2) and unnormalized (Eq. 3) Laplacian matri-
ces for ranking are analyzed. Figure 8(a) shows that the
ranking results with the unnormalized Laplacian matrix are
better, and used in all the experiments. Next, we demon-
strate the merits of the proposed graph construction scheme.
We compute four precision-recall curves for four cases of
node connection on the graph: close-loop constraint with-
out extending the scope of node with k-regular graph, with-
out close-loop constraint and with k-regular graph, without
both close-loop constraint and k-regular graph and close-
loop constraint with k-regular graph. Figure 8(b) shows
that the use of close-loop constraint and k-regular graph
performs best. The effect of the SC approach in the first
stage is also evaluated. Figure 8(c) shows that our approach
using the integration of saliency maps generated from dif-
ferent boundary priors performs better in the first stage. We
further compare the performance for each stage of the pro-
posed algorithm. Figure 8(d) demonstrates that the second
stage using the foreground queries further improve the per-
formance of the first stage with background queries.
We evaluate the performance of the proposed method
against fourteen state-of-the-art bottom-up saliency detec-
tion methods. Figure 9shows the precision-recall curves
of all methods. We note that the proposed methods outper-
forms the SVO [7], Gof [11], CB [18], and RC [9] which are
top-performance methods for saliency detection in a recent
benchmark study [4]. In addition, the proposed methods
significantly outperforms the GS SP [34] method which is
also based on boundary priors. We also compute the preci-
sion, recall and F-measure with an adaptive threshold pro-
posed in [2], defined as twice the mean saliency of the im-
age. The rightmost plot of Figure 9shows that the proposed
algorithm achieves the highest precision and F-measure val-
ues. Overall, the results using three metrics demonstrate
that the proposed algorithm outperforms the state-of-the-
art methods. Figure 10 shows a few saliency maps of the
evaluated methods. We note that the proposed algorithm
uniformly highlights the salient regions and preserves finer
object boundaries than the other methods.
5.2. MSRA
We further evaluate the proposed algorithm on the
MSRA dataset in which the images are annotated with
nine bounding boxes by different users. To compute pre-
cision and recall values, we first fit a rectangle to the bi-
nary saliency map and then use the output bounding box for
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Figure 9. Left, middle: precision-recall curves of different methods. Right: precision, recall and F-measure using an adaptive threshold.
All results are computed on the MSRA-1000 dataset. The proposed method performs well in all these metrics.
 !"!#!$!%&
Figure 10. Saliency detection results of different methods. The proposed algorithm consistently generates saliency maps close to the ground
Method Ours CB [18] Gof [11] SVO [7]
Time(s) 0.256 2.146 38.896 79.861
Table 1. Comparison of average run time (seconds per image).
the evaluation. Similar to the experiments on the MSRA-
1000 database, we also binarize saliency maps using the
threshold of twice the mean saliency to compute precision,
recall and F-measure bars. Figure 11 shows the proposed
model performs better than the other methods on this large
dataset. We note that the Gof [11] and FT [2] methods have
extremely large recall values, since their methods tend to
select large attention regions, but at the expense of low pre-
We test the proposed model on the DUT-OMRON
dataset in which images are annotated with bounding boxes
by five users. Similar to the experiments on the MSRA
database, we also compute a rectangle of the binary saliency
map and then evaluate our model by the fixed thresholding
and the adaptive thresholding ways. Figure 12 shows that
the proposed dataset is more challenging (all the models
performs more poorly), and thus provides more room for
improvement of the future work.
5.4. Run Time
The average run time of currently top-performance
methods using matlab implementation on the MSRA-
1000 database are presented in Table 1based on a ma-
chine with Intel Dual Core i3-2120 3.3 GHz CPU and
2GB RAM. Our run time is much faster than that of
the other saliency models. Specifically, the superpixel
generation by SLIC algorithm [3] spends 0.165 s (about
64%), and the actual saliency computation spends 0.091
s. The MATLAB implementation of the proposed al-
gorithm is available at
6. Conclusion
We propose a bottom-up method to detect salient regions
in images through manifold ranking on a graph, which in-
corporates local grouping cues and boundary priors. We
adopt a two-stage approach with the background and fore-
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Figure 11. Left: precision-recall curves of different methods.
Right: precision, recall and F-measure for adaptive threshold. All
results are computed on the MSRA dataset.
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Figure 12. Left: precision-recall curves of different methods.
Right: precision, recall and F-measure for adaptive threshold. All
results are computed on the DUT-OMRON dataset.
ground queries for ranking to generate the saliency maps.
We evaluate the proposed algorithm on large datasets and
demonstrate promising results with comparisons to fourteen
state-of-the-art methods. Furthermore, the proposed algo-
rithm is computationally efficient. Our future work will fo-
cus on integration of multiple features with applications to
other vision problems.
C. Yang and L. Zhang are supported by the Fundamental
Research Funds for the Central Universities (DUT12JS05).
H. Lu is supported by the Natural Science Foundation of
China #61071209 and #61272372. M.-H. Yang is support
in part by the NSF CAREER Grant #1149783 and NSF IIS
Grant #1152576.
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... The researchers have used a base method involving regional application in saliency detection. In this, the input image is first segregated into different regions for saliency levels to be applied to each of them uses global contrast features with spatial weighted coherency, while [11]- [15] uses robust background measures along with a principled optimization framework to integrate all low-level maps to create a final clean and uniform saliency map. All the above algorithms are used for still images and these help in creating algorithms for video saliency detection. ...
... J denotes the current frame in training, M is the matrix that has unsigned *-bit integers for average result representation. Then M′, that is, the average value is given by (11). ...
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Video saliency has a profound effect on our lives with its compression efficiency and precision. There have been several types of research done on image saliency but not on video saliency. This paper proposes a modified high efficiency video coding (HEVC) algorithm with background modelling and the implication of classification into coding blocks. This solution first employs the G-picture in the fourth frame as a long-term reference and then it is quantized based on the algorithm that segregates using the background features of the image. Then coding blocks are introduced to decrease the complexity of the HEVC code, reduce time consumption and overall speed up the process of saliency. The solution is experimented upon with the dynamic human fixation 1K (DHF1K) dataset and compared with several other state-of-the-art saliency methods to showcase the reliability and efficiency of the proposed solution.
... Quantitative Results. We present mIoU scores on ECSSD [21], DUTS [22], OMRON [23] and CUB [24] datasets for object segmentation tasks in Table 1. As we can see, our proposed method outperforms the other baseline methods in mIoU scores for multiple datasets (DUTS, ECSSD, DUTS-OMRON). ...
... Object Segmentation. We considered ECSSD [21], DUTS [22], DUTS-OMRON [23] and CUB [24] dataset for training and evaluating the performance of segmentation masks obtained with our method. During training on our SimSAM framework, we considered a batch size of two. ...
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Recent developments in self-supervised learning (SSL) have made it possible to learn data representations without the need for annotations. Inspired by the non-contrastive SSL approach (SimSiam), we introduce a novel framework SIMSAM to compute the Semantic Affinity Matrix, which is significant for unsupervised image segmentation. Given an image, SIMSAM first extracts features using pre-trained DINO-ViT, then projects the features to predict the correlations of dense features in a non-contrastive way. We show applications of the Semantic Affinity Matrix in object segmentation and semantic segmentation tasks. Our code is available at
... In this paper, we experiment with three tasks (object detection, semantic segmentation and saliency segmentation) and six datasets (MS-COCO [29], Pas-calVOC [12], DUTS [50], ECSSD [58], DUT-OMRON [59] and HKU-IS [26]). We show consistent improvements using our method to generate data for state-ofthe-art methods for each task. ...
... Salient Object Detection. The performance of the salient object detection models is evaluated on four popular datasets, namely ECSSD [58] with 1000 images of relatively complex backgrounds, DUT-OMRON [59] with 5168 images that include one or more salient objects with rather complex backgrounds, HKU-IS [26] with 4,447 images, that include two or more objects with various backgrounds and DUTS [50] with 15,572 images which is the largest available dataset for training divided into 10,553 training images (DUTS-TR) and 5,019 testing images (DUTS-TE). All datasets are labelled with pixel-wise ground truth. ...
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We present a method for expanding a dataset by incorporating knowledge from the wide distribution of pre-trained latent diffusion models. Data augmentations typically incorporate inductive biases about the image formation process into the training (e.g. translation, scaling, colour changes, etc.). Here, we go beyond simple pixel transformations and introduce the concept of instance-level data augmentation by repainting parts of the image at the level of object instances. The method combines a conditional diffusion model with depth and edge maps control conditioning to seamlessly repaint individual objects inside the scene, being applicable to any segmentation or detection dataset. Used as a data augmentation method, it improves the performance and generalization of the state-of-the-art salient object detection, semantic segmentation and object detection models. By redrawing all privacy-sensitive instances (people, license plates, etc.), the method is also applicable for data anonymization. We also release fully synthetic and anonymized expansions for popular datasets: COCO, Pascal VOC and DUTS.
... For the SOD task, we evaluated our approach on five widely used public datasets: DUTS [36], ECSSD [37], HKU-IS [38], PASCAL-S [39], and DUT-OMRON [40]. Specifically, ECSSD comprises 1000 images containing salient objects. ...
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Salient object detection and camouflaged object detection have attracted increasing attention due to their significant practical applications. While these two domains share similarities in recognition methods and object characteristics, they also exhibit distinctions. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-view guided network for camouflaged and salient object detection, utilizing the Transformer as the backbone network for feature extraction. Capitalizing on shared characteristics, we introduce a CNN-based multi-view encoder and a multi-view fusion module, enhancing the acquisition of multi-perspective information while minimizing the increase in computational cost. Moreover, recognizing domain differences, we incorporate an attention exploration module, seamlessly integrating multi-view features with globally extracted features from the backbone network. This integration involves simultaneous exploration from both positional and color perspectives, unearthing valuable information to identify salient and camouflaged objects. Our approach maximizes shared characteristics between the two tasks while effectively addressing their differences, leading to precise object identification—be it for camouflaged or salient objects. Extensive experiments on nine challenging benchmark datasets demonstrate the superior performance of our method across four widely used evaluation metrics, outperforming 34 state-of-the-art methods. Furthermore, we applied our method to other visually-related tasks, such as polyp segmentation and defect detection. The results further demonstrate the versatility of our model. The source code and results of our method are available at
... Finally, we propose a hybrid salient consistency loss (HSCL) to explicitly learn the scale invariance of salient object detection, expected to quadratic constrain and supervise the consistency of network prediction through the loss function. Extensive experiments on DUTS [16], DUT-OMRON [17], ECSSD [18], HKU-IS [19], and PASCAL-S [20] datasets demonstrate that RCNet achieves outstanding performance and shows a good resolution adaptability. ...
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The salient object detection task tries to simulate the human visual system for most eye‐catching objects or regions detection. However, due to the complexity of the visual mechanisms, current methods will suffer from severe performance degradation, leading to inconsistent prediction results for the same regions, when directly adopting a model trained on a fixed resolution to evaluate at other different resolutions. Considering that consistency in predictions is essential for salient object detection, a cross‐scale resolution consistent salient object detection method, called RCNet, is proposed. Specifically, to enhance the model's capacity for generalization across images of varying resolutions and make the model implicitly learn the scale invariance, a multi‐resolution data enhancement module is constructed to generate images with arbitrary resolutions for the same scene. Moreover, to accomplish better multi‐level feature fusion, a cross‐scale fusion module is developed to fuse high‐level semantic features and low‐level detail features. Additionally, to explicitly learn the scale invariance of the salient scores, a hybrid salient consistency loss is formulated on salient object detection with different resolutions. Comprehensive evaluations on five benchmark datasets show that RCNet achieves a highly competitive result.
... We conducted experiments on four public datasets: COD [16], DUT-O [42], THUR [43], and SOC [44]. COD is a natural camouflage dataset, containing 6,066 images and corresponding pixel-wise annotation maps; DUT-O and THUR are significant object datasets, containing 4447 and 5168 images and corresponding annotation maps; SOC is a dataset that lots of images have no objects, consisting of 4800 images and corresponding annotation maps. ...
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Self-distillation method guides the model learning via transferring knowledge of the model itself, which has shown the advantages in object segmentation. However, it has been proved that uncertain pixels with predicted probability close to 0.5 will restrict the model performance. The existing self-distillation methods cannot guide the model to enhance its learning ability for uncertain pixels, so the improvement is limited. To boost the student model’s learning ability for uncertain pixels, a novel self-distillation method is proposed. Firstly, the predicted probability in the current training sample and the ground truth label are fused to construct the teacher knowledge, as the current predicted information can express the performance of student models and represent the uncertainty of pixels more accurately. Secondly, a quadratic mapping function between the predicted probabilities of the teacher and student model is proposed. Theoretical analysis shows that the proposed method using the mapping function can guide the model to enhance the learning ability for uncertain pixels. Finally, the essential difference of utilizing the predicted probability of the student model in self-distillation is discussed in detail. Extensive experiments were conducted on models with convolutional neural networks and Transformer architectures as the backbone networks. The results on four public datasets demonstrate that the proposed method can effectively improve the student model performance.
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With the development of convolutional neural networks (CNNs), salient object detection methods have made great progress in performance. Most methods are designed with complex structures to aggregate the multi-level feature maps, to reach the goal of filtering noise and obtaining rich information. However, there is no differentiation when dealing with the multi-level features, and only a uniform treatment is used in general. Based on the above considerations, in this paper, we propose a multi-branch feature fusion and refinement network (MFFRNet), which is a framework for treating low-level features and high-level features differently, and effectively fuses the information of multi-level features to make the results more accurate. We propose a detail optimization module (DOM) designed for the rich detail information in low-level features and a pyramid feature extraction module (PFEM) designed for the rich semantic information in high-level features, as well as a feature optimization module (FOM) for refining the fused feature of multiple levels. Extensive experiments are conducted on six benchmark datasets, and the results show that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art methods.
Full-text available
We propose a novel automatic salient object segmentation algorithm which integrates both bottom-up salient stimuli and object-level shape prior, i.e., a salient object has a well-defined closed boundary. Our approach is formalized as an iterative energy mini-mization framework, leading to binary segmentation of the salient object. Such energy minimization is initialized with a saliency map which is computed through context analy-sis based on multi-scale superpixels. Object-level shape prior is then extracted combining saliency with object boundary information. Both saliency map and shape prior update after each iteration. Experimental results on two public benchmark datasets show that our proposed approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods.
Conference Paper
Several salient object detection approaches have been published which have been assessed using different evaluation scores and datasets resulting in discrepancy in model comparison. This calls for a methodological framework to compare existing models and evaluate their pros and cons. We analyze benchmark datasets and scoring techniques and, for the first time, provide a quantitative comparison of 35 state-of-the-art saliency detection models. We find that some models perform consistently better than the others. Saliency models that intend to predict eye fixations perform lower on segmentation datasets compared to salient object detection algorithms. Further, we propose combined models which show that integration of the few best models outperforms all models over other datasets. By analyzing the consistency among the best models and among humans for each scene, we identify the scenes where models or humans fail to detect the most salient object. We highlight the current issues and propose future research directions.
Conference Paper
Generic object level saliency detection is important for many vision tasks. Previous approaches are mostly built on the prior that “appearance contrast between objects and backgrounds is high”. Although various computational models have been developed, the problem remains challenging and huge behavioral discrepancies between previous approaches can be observed. This suggest that the problem may still be highly ill-posed by using this prior only. In this work, we tackle the problem from a different viewpoint: we focus more on the background instead of the object. We exploit two common priors about backgrounds in natural images, namely boundary and connectivity priors, to provide more clues for the problem. Accordingly, we propose a novel saliency measure called geodesic saliency. It is intuitive, easy to interpret and allows fast implementation. Furthermore, it is complementary to previous approaches, because it benefits more from background priors while previous approaches do not. Evaluation on two databases validates that geodesic saliency achieves superior results and outperforms previous approaches by a large margin, in both accuracy and speed (2 ms per image). This illustrates that appropriate prior exploitation is helpful for the ill-posed saliency detection problem.
Conference Paper
Detection of the visual salient regions is a challenging and significant problem in computer vision. In this paper, we propose a boundary based prior map and a soft-segmentation based convex hull to improve the saliency detection. First, we present to utilize the boundary information to obtain the coarse prior map. Then a convex hull improved by soft-segmentation is proposed to form the observation likelihood map. Finally, the Bayes formula is applied to combine these two maps. Experiments on a publicly available database show that our augmented framework performs favorably against the state-of-the-art algorithms.
Conference Paper
Top-down visual saliency facilities object localization by providing a discriminative representation of target objects and a probability map for reducing the search space. In this paper, we propose a novel top-down saliency model that jointly learns a Conditional Random Field (CRF) and a discriminative dictionary. The proposed model is formulated based on a CRF with latent variables. By using sparse codes as latent variables, we train the dictionary modulated by CRF, and meanwhile a CRF with sparse coding. We propose a max-margin approach to train our model via fast inference algorithms. We evaluate our model on the Graz-02 and PASCAL VOC 2007 datasets. Experimental results show that our model performs favorably against the state-of-the-art top-down saliency methods. We also observe that the dictionary update significantly improves the model performance.
Conference Paper
Saliency estimation has become a valuable tool in image processing. Yet, existing approaches exhibit considerable variation in methodology, and it is often difficult to attribute improvements in result quality to specific algorithm properties. In this paper we reconsider some of the design choices of previous methods and propose a conceptually clear and intuitive algorithm for contrast-based saliency estimation. Our algorithm consists of four basic steps. First, our method decomposes a given image into compact, perceptually homogeneous elements that abstract unnecessary detail. Based on this abstraction we compute two measures of contrast that rate the uniqueness and the spatial distribution of these elements. From the element contrast we then derive a saliency measure that produces a pixel-accurate saliency map which uniformly covers the objects of interest and consistently separates fore- and background. We show that the complete contrast and saliency estimation can be formulated in a unified way using high-dimensional Gaussian filters. This contributes to the conceptual simplicity of our method and lends itself to a highly efficient implementation with linear complexity. In a detailed experimental evaluation we analyze the contribution of each individual feature and show that our method outperforms all state-of-the-art approaches.
Segmenting a single image into multiple coherent groups remains a challenging task in the field of computer vision. Particularly, spectral segmentation which uses the global information embedded in the spectrum of a given image's affinity matrix is a major trend in image segmentation. This paper focuses on the problem of efficiently learning a full range of pairwise affinities gained by integrating local grouping cues for spectral segmentation. We first construct a sparse multilayer graph whose nodes are both the pixels and the oversegmented regions obtained by an unsupervised segmentation algorithm. By applying the semi-supervised learning strategy to this graph, the intra and interlayer affinities between all pairs of nodes can be estimated without iteration. These pairwise affinities are then applied into the spectral segmentation algorithms. In this paper, two types of spectral segmentation algorithms are introduced: $(K)$-way segmentation and hierarchical segmentation. Our algorithms provide high-quality segmentations which preserve object details by directly incorporating the full-range connections. Moreover, since our full affinity matrix is defined by the inverse of a sparse matrix, its eigendecomposition can be efficiently computed. The experimental results on the BSDS and MSRC image databases demonstrate the superiority of our segmentation algorithms in terms of relevance and accuracy compared with existing popular methods.
Visual saliency detection is a challenging problem in computer vision with great importance which finds numerous applications. In this paper, we propose a novel model for bottomup saliency within the Bayesian framework by exploiting low and mid level cues. In contrast to most existing methods that operate directly on low level cues, we propose an algorithm in which a coarse saliency region is first obtained via a convex hull of interest points. Next, we analyze the saliency information with mid level visual cues via superpixels. We present a Laplacian sparse subspace clustering method to group superpixels with local features, and analyze the results with respect to the coarse saliency region to compute the prior saliency map. In the meanwhile, we use the low level visual cues based on the convex hull to compute the observation likelihood, thereby facilitating inference of Bayesian saliency at each pixel. Extensive experiments on a large data set show that our Bayesian saliency model performs favorably against the state-of-the-art algorithms.