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Attitude change: Multiple roles for persuasion variables

... Access to information about economic inequality is important for mobilizing people to reduce it, but it does not consider other social psychological processes involved in people's interpretation of such information. According to the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM), people may use the attributes of the message to inform or nuance their evaluation of the information and how to deal with it (Petty & Briñol, 2012;Petty & Wegener, 1998). For example, when individuals hear a journalist talk about economic inequality, they will judge if the information is trustworthy based on the characteristics attributed to the journalist, such as power, familiarity, and credibility. ...
... This approach allowed us to examine how information about inequality influences individuals' attitudes toward redistributive policies through the features attributed to the source. Drawing on the ELM (Petty & Briñol, 2012;Petty & Wegener, 1998), we shed light on how the information source and its attributed features might influence people's support for redistributive policies. ...
... According to the ELM, people can change their attitudes due to the information provided in a message as well as other features of the message (e.g., source, number of arguments; Petty, 2016;Petty & Briñol, 2012;Petty & Wegener, 1998). Here, we focus on how the characteristics attributed to the source can influence attitude changes. ...
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Perceived economic inequality is positively associated with public support for policies to reduce it. However, providing information about economic inequality does not necessarily motivate people to support redistributive policies. This inconsistency may be due to how people interpret the information about inequality. We argue that the interpretation of information about inequality differs between individuals as a function of the characteristics of the source and people’s ideologies. We conducted two experiments using an exploratory (N = 239) and confirmatory (N = 707) strategy. We found that attitudes toward redistribution increased when a seemingly neutral international institution (as opposed to a left-wing political party) provided information about economic inequality due to the credibility attributed to the source—but not due to power and familiarity. Moreover, the effect of providing information about inequality on support for redistribution (via source credibility) depended on people’s ideologies: it was positive and statistically significant for people who held more (vs. less) system-justifying beliefs. These findings contribute to understanding the interplay between social psychological processes, communication strategies, and attitudes toward redistribution.
... 26 At this point, the likelihood of fine processing is low, and the peripheral route of persuasion becomes effective. 27 Conversely, via the objective judgement pathway, individuals engage in more active and detailed information processing when making decisions. Due to their high motivation and ability, these individuals tend to make rational choices, making persuasion via the central route especially effective. ...
... Due to their high motivation and ability, these individuals tend to make rational choices, making persuasion via the central route especially effective. 27 Accordingly, we considered that the objective judgement pathway reflects the way in which user behaviours change due to the objective attributes of the information they process. In this paper, we further divide the objective judgement pathway attributes into fit-to-task information, information quality, and information overload while defining the fitness of information to tasks as the relevance of the medical information obtained by users on social media to their specific needs. ...
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Objective In recent years, social media platforms, such as TikTok and RedBook, have emerged as important channels through which users access and share medical information. Additionally, an increasing number of healthcare professionals have created social media accounts through which to disseminate medical knowledge. This paper explores why users obtain their medical information from social media and how the signals transmitted by social platforms affect use behaviours. Methods We combined the elaboration likelihood model and signal theories to construct a comprehensive model for this study. We used simple random sampling to investigate users’ behaviours related to social media usage. A total of 351 valid questionnaires were completed by people in Mainland China. The participants were enthusiastic about social media platforms and had searched for health-related information on social media in the past three months. We analysed the data using partial least squares structural equation modelling to investigate the influence of two pathways and two signals (objective and subjective judgement pathways and positive and negative signals) on social media use behaviours. Results When seeking medical information on social media, users tend to rely on subjective judgment rather than objective judgment, although both are influential. Furthermore, in the current era, in which marketing methods involving big data algorithms and artificial intelligence prevail, negative signals, such as information overload, have a more pronounced impact than positive signals. Conclusions This study demonstrates that the subjective judgment path has a greater impact on users than the objective judgment path. Platforms are encouraged to focus more on users’ emotional needs. The paper also discusses the negative impact of information overload on users, sounding an alarm for enterprises to control their use of homogeneous information resulting from the excessive use of big data algorithms.
... Information will be more powerful when the opinions and counsel come from persons that older people especially value or are beholden or dependent on-because of social pressures or their need for social acceptance. These might include family members, close friends, and medical professionals (Lindeman et al., 2020;Petty & Wegener, 1998). When older persons feel more persuaded by their external information (positively or negatively), they will feel more confident and motivated to make coping decisions. ...
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The future will witness the substantial worldwide growth of older people with functional limitations or disabilities who have difficulties leaving their dwellings and traveling to their neighborhoods or other community destinations to realize their obligatory and discretionary needs and goals. This commentary offers conceptual arguments and literature findings proposing that the dwellings of this vulnerable population deserve new scrutiny because they have become more salient and positively experienced places to live where their occupants can maintain their independence and age in place. The catalyst for this commentary is the emergence of gerontechnological innovations relying on digital and sensor technologies, offering these older occupants a new category of dwelling connectivity solutions—constituting a paradigm shift—whereby goods, care, services, social supports, and information and leisure activities can be delivered to their houses and apartments. Incorporating this technological component has transformed their dwellings into dynamic “control centers,” connecting their occupants in real-time with the resources and activities offered in other places. These solutions enable older people to cope more effectively with declines and losses because their ability to live independently is less threatened by challenges they face accessing destinations with inadequate transportation options and less age-friendly land use or physical design features. By occupying more supportive, safer, and connected dwellings, these older people have overall more positive and salient residential mastery emotional experiences and feel more competent and in control of their lives and environment. Planning or policy recommendations directed to the World Health Organization (WHO) and its age-friendly city/community agenda follow from its conclusions. They highlight how dwelling environments containing gerontechnological solutions are becoming more critical influences of “active aging.” The commentary recommends that WHO allocates more resources to dwelling interventions that increase the awareness, availability, usability, and acceptability of these gerontechnological solutions, thus reducing the disincentives for older people to be adopters.
... Al respecto, se ha establecido desde la psicología social un sinnúmero de definiciones para dicho constructo (Allport, 1967). Para la presente investigación se define a la actitud como el grado positivo o negativo que las personas asignan a cualquier aspecto de la realidad que les circunda; dicha valoración atiende a un componente, el evaluativo (Azjen & Fishbein, 1980), sin negar la existencia de otros dos componentes: cognoscitivo y conductual (Campbell, 1963;Eagly & Chaiken, 1998;Petty & Wegener, 1998). A través de esta teoría la presente investigación logró desarrollar dos objetivos específicos: identificar las posturas que los estudiantes de Telesecundaria mostraron hacia los materiales didáctico; así como describir la disposición que mostraron alumnos y profesores de Telesecundaria a interactuar entre ellos durante la clase de inglés dentro del aula. ...
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La escuela Telesecundaria surgió como una respuesta gubernamental para atender las necesidades educativas de poblaciones rurales o semi-urbanas. En esta modalidad, las clases se imparten a tarvés de televisión satelital y de un profesor monitor en un salón presencial. Dicho profesor monitor es el encargado de impartir las lecciones de todas las asignaturas que conforman el currículo educativo, incluida la asigantura de Inglés como Lengua Extranjera (ILE). Particularmente, el proceso de aprendizaje de ILE resulta desafiante para los estudiantes de Telesecundaria. Ello se debe a la presencia de cuatro factores: carencias en el entorno social y escolar; falta de materiales didácticos; así como la interacción aúica entre agentes escolares (Martínez; 2005; Navarrete&López, 2022; Sánchez, 2000; Sandoval, 2000; Sántos, 2001). En este sentido, la presente investigación tuvo como objetivo anaizar la naturleza de los desafíos que un grupo de estudiantes de una Telesecundaria ubicada en la zona montañosa del estado de Veracruz, México enfrentaron al aprender ILE. Se emplearon tres métodos de recolección de datos: observaciones, entrevistas y una encuesta. Los resultados revelaron que los estudaintes enfrentaron principalmente tres dificultades: nulo uso de tecnología en el salón de clases, competencias didácticas no adecuadas para la enseñanza del idioma, y procedimientos didácticos no acordes con sus necesidades de aprendizaje de ILE. En contraste, las actitudes de los estudiantes hacia los materiales, así como la interacción entre docente y estudiantes fueron positivas. Estos resultados implen a los docentes de Telesecundaria para que consideren las condiciones contextuales, el uso de materiales didácticos y técnicas de enseñanza de ILE acordes a las necesidades de aprendizaje de los estudiantes.
... Information will be more powerful when the opinions and counsel come from persons that older people especially value or are beholden or dependent on-because of social pressures or their need for social acceptance. These might include family members, close friends, and medical professionals (Lindeman et al., 2020;Petty & Wegener, 1998). When older persons feel more persuaded by their external information (positively or negatively), they will feel more confident and motivated to make coping decisions. ...
ABSTRACT Where older people live influences their ability to age successfully and enjoy healthy, independent, active, and happy lives. When they feel positive about their places of residence—and are in their residential comfort and mastery zones—they achieve residential normalcy. Then they view themselves as aging in the right places. Gerontechnology devices or solutions, including telehealth, information and communication technologies, and robotic options, heighten the aging-in-place capabilities of older persons worldwide. So too, do the many new ways that older people are connected to their outside worlds, enabling them to have their essential goods and services delivered to their homes. These solutions will increase the salience of the dwelling, as opposed to the neighborhood or community, as targets for intervention. The beneficiaries will be older people coping with their physical limitations and chronic health problems and those living alone combating social isolation and loneliness.
... La primera tiene relación con la muestra utilizada en este estudio, que fue de carácter no probabilístico, lo que dificulta la generalización de los resultados a la población general. Luego, es necesario considerar las críticas a los estudios de actitudes, relativas a la conformidad con la deseabilidad social y a la corrección positiva de los juicios al momento de responder, con el fin de conseguir una imagen favorable por parte de los sujetos (Petty & Wegener, 1998); de allí que sea necesaria la lectura de los resultados de estos instrumentos en relación con otros de distinta naturaleza. Una siguiente limitación corresponde a que el modelo no fue validado de forma cruzada en una muestra distinta; del mismo modo, se considera que la ausencia de medidas que sirvan como indicadores de validez divergente podría ser otra limitación. ...
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El concepto de autoritarismo ocupa un lugar importante en la psicología social, pero los principales instrumentos disponibles han evidenciado una serie de incongruencias. En un intento por superarlas se propone la Escala Tripartita de Autoritarismo de Derecha (ACT). La escala ACT considera las tres dimensiones que la componen como actitudes ideológicas diferentes entre sí, que expresan apoyo a estrategias que privilegian la seguridad colectiva, con base en una autoridad y orden colectivo, a expensas de la autonomía individual y libre expresión. El objetivo de este estudio fue adaptar y validar una versión abreviada de la ACT. La muestra (n=341) fue no probabilística por conveniencia, compuesta por residentes en diversas regiones de Chile. La escala fue traducida del inglés al español, retrotraducida y cotejada por expertos. Del total original de 36 ítems, fueron seleccionados 12, de acuerdo con criterios psicométricos, semánticos y de adecuación al contexto. Los resultados mostraron buenos indicadores psicométricos: índices de confiabilidad (α = 0,86 y ꞷ = 0,92) e índices de ajuste en el AFC que confirmaría la estructura de tres factores (2= 69,41, CFI = 0,98, TLI= 0,98, SRMR = 0,04, RMSEA = 0,04 y AIC = 13871,30). Los indicadores de las pruebas de invarianza según sexo permitirían afirmar que no se violan los supuestos hasta el nivel de invarianza estricta. Estos resultados apoyan que la ACT-12 es un instrumento útil para medir fenómenos sociopolíticos complejos ya que aporta evidencias de la validez del constructo.
... Emotions affect the development of attitudes. In this context, it is relevant to understand the theory of Classical Conditioning (Eagly & Chaiken, 1993;Petty & Wegener, 1998) and the theory of Repeated Exposure (Zajonc, 1968). ...
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p style="text-align: justify;">Reflective practices have been recognized as a predictor of professional development because they favor teaching changes that improve the students’ learning. The expressions reflection, practice, and reflective professionals are very present in training programs, but with a diversity of meanings and interpretations. The concept of reflection is linked to professional development and teaching identity. The goal of training reflective teachers is shared on an international level, however, the educational conditions that favor a positive attitude toward reflection have not been sufficiently researched. This article aims to describe the obstacles to a positive attitude toward reflection in pedagogy students according to their teachers. This study is qualitative with an interpretive approach for which an instrumental case study was conducted with 15 university teachers in six Chilean regions. The results show that both inter-institutional conditions negatively affect attitudes, as well as the lack of models of reflective practice, insufficient teaching, the way teacher reflection is evaluated, and the barriers to reflective practice in schools. The results indicate the need to intentionally teach pedagogical reflection practices and help to recognize its benefits for teaching.</p
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Objective Digital health interventions for behaviour change are usually complex interventions, and intervention developers should ‘articulate programme theory’, that is, they should offer detailed descriptions of individual intervention components and their proposed mechanisms of action. However, such detailed descriptions often remain lacking. The objective of this work was to provide a conceptual case study with an applied example of ‘articulating programme theory’ for a newly developed digital health intervention. Methods Intervention Mapping methodology was applied to arrive at a detailed description of programme theory for a newly developed digital health intervention that aims to support cardiac rehabilitation patients in establishing heart-healthy physical activity habits. Based on a Predisposing, Reinforcing, and Enabling Constructs in Educational Diagnosis and Evaluation (PRECEDE) logic model of the problem, a logic model of change was developed. The proposed mechanisms of action were visualised in an acyclic behaviour change diagram. Results Programme theory for this digital health intervention includes 4 sub-behaviours of the main target behaviour (i.e. habitual heart-healthy physical activity), 8 personal determinants and 12 change objectives (i.e. changes needed at the determinant level to achieve the sub-behaviours). These are linked to 12 distinct features of the digital health intervention and 12 underlying behaviour change methods. Conclusions This case study offers a worked example of articulating programme theory for a digital health intervention using Intervention Mapping. Intervention developers and researchers may draw on this example to replicate the method, or to reflect on most suitable approaches for their own behaviour change interventions.
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