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The diet of the black widow spider Latrodectus mirabilis (Theridiidae) in two cereal crops of central Argentina


Abstract and Figures

The spider Latrodectus mirabilis (Holmberg, 1876) is commonly found in cereals crops of central Argentina. We studied its diet composition at the field and capture rate on leaf-cutting ants based on laboratory experiments. This study comprises the first approach that documents the diet of L. mirabilis in wheat and oat fields of central Argentina. We identified 1,004 prey items collected from its webs during the last phenological stages of both cereal crops. The prey composition was variable but the spiders prey mainly on ants (Formicidae, Hymenoptera), who represented more than 86% of the total. Meanwhile, in the capture rate experiences we registered a high proportion of ants captured by spiders at the beginning of experiences, capturing the half of the ants from total in the first four hours. Summarizing, we reported a polyphagous diet of this spider species in wheat and oat fields. Ants were the most important prey item of this spider, as found in other Latrodectus spiders around the world.
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Iheringia, Série Zoologia, Porto Alegre, 103(4):388-392, 31 de dezembro de 2013
The diet of the black widow spider Latrodectus mirabilis (Theridiidae)
in two cereal crops of central Argentina
Gabriel Pompozzi1, Nelson Ferretti2, Leonela Schwerdt1, Sofía Copperi1, Adriana A. Ferrero1 & Miguel Simó3
1. Laboratorio de Zoología de Invertebrados II, Departamento de Biología, Bioquímica y Farmacia, Universidad Nacional del Sur, San Juan 670 (8000), Bahía Blanca, Argentina.
(;; ;
2. Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectores - CEPAVE (CCT-CONICET) (UNLP), La Plata, Argentina. (
3. Sección Entomología, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay. (
ABSTRACT. The spider Latrodectus mirabilis (Holmberg, 1876) is commonly found in cereals crops of central Argentina. We studied its
documents the diet of L. mirabilis webs during the
last phenological stages of both cereal crops. The prey composition was variable but the spiders prey mainly on ants (Formicidae, Hymenoptera),
       
Latrodectus spiders
around the world.
KEYWORDS. Diet composition, capture rate, polyphagous predator, South America.
RESUMEN. Dieta de la viuda negra, Latrodectus mirabilis (Theridiidae) en dos cultivos de cereales del centro de Argentina. La araña
Latrodectus mirabilis (Holmberg, 1876) se encuentra comúnmente en cultivos de cereales del centro de Argentina. Se estudió la composición
de la dieta a campo y la tasa de captura sobre hormigas cortadoras negras a laboratorio. Este estudio documenta el primer registro de la dieta de
L. mirabilisL. mirabilis en las
últimas etapas fenológicas de ambos cultivos. La composición de presas fue variable, pero las arañas se alimentaron principalmente de hormigas
    
captura, registramos una alta tasa de captura de hormigas al inicio de las mismas, capturando la mitad de las hormigas en las primeras cuatro
horas. En resumen, reportamos una dieta polífaga en esta especie de araña en los cultivos de trigo y avena. El ítem presa más importante fueron
las hormigas, resultados similares a los encontrados en otras especies del género Latrodectus.
PALABRAS-CLAVE. Composición de dieta, tasa de captura, predador polífago, America del Sur.
Spiders are relevant terrestrial predators and also
located on the top of many invertebrate food webs. They
are abundant and ubiquitous showing diverse feeding
habits (, 1993). Usually, terrestrial food webs have
a high diversity of generalist predators, among which
spiders are very common ( & , 1996).
Indeed, they are among the most abundant natural
predators registered in agroecosystems ( &
, 1987;  & , 2003).
Knowledge of prey items and rates of predation
is relevant to evaluate the effect of predators on prey
populations and mainly in estimating the potential
effectiveness of a predator as an agent of biological
control ( & , 1990). Most of the spiders
are polyphagous predators and are capable to feed on
many insects including major crop pests ( &
, 1988). Polyphagy provides access to a variety of
nutrients that usually are not obtained through a single
prey source, which could enhance growth rates and
juvenile survival ( & , 1999). Nevertheless,
few species are specialist of a particular prey, where the
      ,
2012;  et al.
predation on pest species on agroecosystems by spider
species belonging to the Theridiidae ( &
    
feeding behavior involving Latrodectus species all over
the world (, 1981; , 1982;
 et al., 1988;   & , 1999;
 & -, 2002;  et al.,
2008;  et al., 2011; , 2011). However,
in Argentina, studies on diet composition and prey
selection are scarce; highlighting that from Thomisidae,
    
species in soybean and alfalfa crops ( et al., 2006;
 et al., 2009;  & ,
2011). Nonetheless, these studies did not involve diet
   
selection or consumption rate at the laboratory or
     
knowledge about the natural diet of spiders associated
with agroecosystems is unknown.
Latrodectus mirabilis (Holmberg, 1876) is a web-
building spider with wide distribution on central and
southern Argentina, which constructs irregular webs at
ground level, and in the cereal crops it lives between
grasses and frequently at the entrance of small mammal
crevices (, 1980). There is abundant in cereal
crops, like wheat and oat at southwestern Buenos Aires
Province, central Argentina (pers. observ.). However, the
only data available of diet for Latrodectus species in this
country are based mainly in few observational records
(, 1979; , 1980). This previous studies
indicate that this species preys on the ants Acromyrmex
Pompozzi et al.
Iheringia, Série Zoologia, Porto Alegre, 103(4):388-392, 31 de dezembro de 2013
and Camponotus but its degree of spider myrmecophage
is still unknown (, 1980; , 2012).
Therefore, the main goal of this study was to
determine the feeding ecology of the black widow
spider in two different crops of central Argentina. The
      
on leaf-cutting ants (Acromyrmex lundii, Formicidae).
We chose this prey species because the ants are the most
abundant prey item of Latrodectus spiders in the crops
 
some studies that mention certain preference for this type
, 1979). Moreover, Acromyrmex
ants cause damage on cereal crops of central Argentina,
e.g. sorghum ( et al., 2009).
The 
at southwestern Buenos Aires province, Argentina
      
      
pesticides during the last 30 years. Both crops were
planted in August 2012 (winter in southern hemisphere)
and harvested in December of 2012 (beginning of
summer in southern hemisphere). The sowing method
was conventional, plowing before planting. The
study site is located in an area of temperate climate
        
annual average rainfall of 670 mm (obtained from the
      
dates during November-December (spring) period
corresponding to the last phenological stages of crops.
Each sample date involved four collectors in active
searching during one hour (between 10 am to 3 pm) for
Latrodectus mirabilis webs on each crop. When a web
was found, we collected all prey items that had been
captured by the spiders. This was achieved by picking the
preys off the webs with specialized forceps. Specimens
  
prey items at the order/family level. Also, we collected
spiders (deposited then in 70% ethyl alcohol) hanging
abdomen (, 1981). Voucher specimens are
deposited in the arachnological collection of Laboratory
of Invertebrates II, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahía
Blanca, Argentina (Nelson Ferretti). We computed
      
presented by ij
2 ik
where pij
and pik represents the proportion of prey items
from wheat (pij) and oat (pik). Values range between 0 (no
the degree of variation of prey composition using
     i is the proportion of prey items
from prey type i, and n is the total number of prey types
values close to 0 indicating that a predator consumes
few prey types in high proportion, and values close to 1
indicating that all prey are consumed in equal proportion.
We calculated BA
values for each crop and for the whole
study. Moreover, we calculated BA value for each stage
of spider. We collected 20 adult females of Latrodectus
mirabilis        
Argentina, in January 2013. We housed the spiders
metallic rods as support for spider webs. We used a 12h
light/dark cycle. The room temperature during breeding
with cockroaches, Blatella germanica Linnaeus, 1767,
       
The prey species used in this study was the leaf-cutting
ant, Acromyrmex lundii Guérin-Menéville, 1838. We
    A. lundii) neighboring
university courtyard on the same day that we carried
       
plastic recipient holding one adult female of L. mirabilis
with 10 individuals of A. lundii, and a control recipient
introducing the ants into the spider recipient and ended
     
spider as the dead ants in the control for foreign causes
(Nd-Nm  d0-Nt represent the number of
capture preys by the spider; N0 is the initial number of
preys; Nt     
Nm0c-Ntc is the number of dead preys in control; t is
the time in hours.
       
    
immature females and 101 juveniles of undetermined
development (, 1981). In total we collected
     L. mirabilis. We found
nine arthropod orders in the webs of L. mirabilis in both
spiders prey mostly on ants (Formicidae, Hymenoptera),
which represented more than 86% of the total (Tab.
         
to 13 item preys of 77 spider’s webs (Tab. II). The
most abundant item prey was Formicidae whose reach
80.9%, follows by aphiids with 8.6% (Tab. II). In the
          
Formicidae, Aphididae and Coleoptera were the most
the spiders prey upon natural enemies as Staphylinidae
The diet of the black widow spider Latrodectus mirabilis (Theridiidae)...
Iheringia, Série Zoologia, Porto Alegre, 103(4):388-392, 31 de dezembro de 2013
Tab. I. Latrodectus mirabilis
number of spider webs).
Prey item     
Formicidae 100.0  88.0 90.1 83.8
Aphididae 0 0  3.9 
Coleoptera 0  7.0  2.8
Hemiptera 0 0 0 1.3 1.7
Hymenoptera 0 0 0 1.3 0.8
Diptera 0  0 0 1.1
Lepidoptera 0 0 1.3 0 0.2
Orthoptera 0 0 0 0 
Psocoptera 0 0 0 0 0.2
Acari 0 0 0 0 0.3
Araneae 0 0 1.3 0 0.2
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
(Coleoptera), some Hymenoptera (micro-parasitoids)
and other spiders (Araneidae and Lycosidae) in low
numbers (Tab. II). The most common preys in the two
crops were ants and aphiids, reaching 92.6% of the
       
overall diet breadth of L. mirabilis at the study site in
       
BA). The BA
    
(females) to 0.097 (males). The BA values for each spider
males) and 0.031 (juveniles). Females showed a zero
The BA
We registered a high proportion of ants captured by
specimens of L. mirabilis consumed all ants during the
the initial time, the C value was 0.83 prey/hour, being
    
In the present study, some aspects of feeding
ecology of Latrodectus mirabilis from two cereal crops
of central Argentina are highlighted. We found a varied
arthropod orders were found in the webs of L. mirabilis in
and the spiders obtain their primarily sources of prey
from two insect orders (Hymenoptera and Hemiptera).
From these values, Hymenoptera comprised the majority
of prey catches. Within this order, ants were the more
relevant item prey of this spider species. Particular prey
   
of many polyphagous spider species (, 1999),
as was found in this study. Other Latrodectus species
across different habitats have a polyphagous diet,
and has been reported that the prevalent prey type is
Coleoptera ( & -,
2002;  & , 2011).
Nevertheless, some Latrodectus spiders like
L. pallidus (Pickard-Cambridge 1872) from Israel
and L. mactans     
also important predators of Hymenoptera such ants
( &  et al., 1988),
as was observed in this study. The diet of L. mactans
to the L. mirabilis       
of the total prey consumed ( et al., 1988).
     
L. mirabilis, like other
theridiid spiders, are adapted primarily for the capture
of arthropods that crawl on the ground (
the ants represented the most abundant insects in both
diverse than diet of immature males, immature females
and adults, preyed on all item preys registered. We
found intra-guild predation, but the spiders represent
a low percentage in the diet of L. mirabilis, similar to
that found in other species of the genus ( et al.,
1988; 
in diet composition between spider that inhabit wheat
       
overlap of preys captured by L. mirabilis between both
        
available preys.
The low value of the BA   
the spiders prey upon a few arthropod orders in high
proportion and many orders in small quantities. This
low value showed that the diet of L. mirabilis could be
a particular environment (, 1999). However,
their diet is polyphagous, because the spiders prey upon
a varied item prey but with a high proportion of one item
(ants). Nevertheless, the black widow spider does not
actively select its prey, but has to wait for them to become
Pompozzi et al.
Iheringia, Série Zoologia, Porto Alegre, 103(4):388-392, 31 de dezembro de 2013
ensnared by the hunting threads of the web. As a result
from this passive hunting mode, the prey captured by the
( & , 1987). As mentioned above,
ants were very abundant in both crops, so they were the
the low value of BA. Arguably, spider’s diet breadth may
depend on several factors, including intrinsic factors
such as prey-capture behavior and foraging mode,
ecology, and combinations of them (, 1990). Prey-
    
predators, are reluctant to ant predation, because ants
are generally aggressive some are venomous and most
, 2012). However, theridiid
spiders such as Latrodectus typically capture prey by
‘combing’ sticky silk around them with their back legs
to immobilize the prey ( & , 2008). This
foraging technique allows capturing large or potentially
harmful prey such as ants (, 1987).
because they are large and with huge mandibles and
spines, we registered a high proportion of ants captured
The black widow spiders prey upon ants with no major
problems, and captured a high proportion of ants in the
physiological events in the life cycle of the spider (e.g.
molt), climatic conditions and availability and type of
preys ( et al et al
estimated that a spider in agroecosystems captured
        
that the same species feed at a higher rate when prey
is offered ad libitum ( & , 1986). This
the results obtained in this study could allow as thinking
in L. mirabilis as an important biological control agent
for ants. Although, it is necessary to develop more
     
differences in the capture rate.
The diet of L. mirabilis has not been previously
described in detail (, 1980). Thus, the results
        
species. Furthermore, the data presented in this study
represent further the diet of juvenile, because more
than 70% of the webs registered belong to immature
stages. This is due to the phenological development of
crops studied. Wheat and oat are winter crops, and in
late spring and early summer are harvested. Adults of L.
mirabilis appear when the crops are mature, just before
the harvested, and because of that we have low data of
adult individuals (, 1981).
include the assessment of the spiders’ prey capture rates
as well as the evaluation of seasonal population densities
of spiders and their prey, since Latrodectus mirabilis
comprise a potentially useful species for pest control in
cereal crops of central Argentina.
Acknowledgements. Thanks to Dr. Rodrigo Tizón for their
   
CONICET for doctoral fellowships, and NF also thanks to CONICET
for their postdoctoral fellowship. Financial assistance was provided by
, J.W. 1980. Las arañas del género Latrodectus en la Argentina.
Obras Centenarias del Museo de La Plata 6
Latrodectus mirabilis (Holmberg, 1876) in both
crops, central Argentina.
 % Total number
in oat
% Total number
in wheat
Formicidae 80.9 90.9
Others 1.1 
Staphylinidae 0.7 
Curculionidae 0.2 0.2
Others  1.8
Aphididae 8.6 
Others  1.1
Lepidoptera 0.7 0.0
Orthoptera  0.2
Diptera 1.1 0.2
Psocoptera 0.2 0.0
Acari  0.0
Lycosidae 0.2 0.0
Araneidae 0.0 0.2
Other 0.0 0.2
Total 100.0 100.0
Figure 1. Cumulative percentage of captured ants registered on each
The diet of the black widow spider Latrodectus mirabilis (Theridiidae)...
Iheringia, Série Zoologia, Porto Alegre, 103(4):388-392, 31 de dezembro de 2013
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Pompozzi et al.
... followed by Coleoptera (33.5%). These results are consistent with previous works on Latrodectus species whose diet was composed mainly of ants, like L. pallidus (Shulov & Weissmann, 1959), L. mactans (75% of the total prey items) (Nyffeler et al., 1988) and L. mirabilis (>86%) (Pompozzi et al., 2013). Nevertheless, Coleoptera and Isopoda were the most frequent prey orders in the diets of L. lilianae and L. geometricus, representing 65-82% and 47.64% of the (B A = 0.146), a trophic category which includes species with generalized adaptations and with a narrow diet breadth in which predominates a certain taxon (Pekár & Toft, 2015). ...
... Additionally, we found that other predators such as mantids, scorpions, solpugids and other spiders are included in the black widow diet. These results support other works that found intraguild predation, often of immature prey stages, in generalist predators (Polis, 1988) and even in Latrodectus species (Shulov, 1940;Shulov & Weissmann, 1959;Nyffeler et al., 1988;Hódar & Sánchez-Piñero, 2002;Salomon, 2011;Pompozzi et al., 2013). In this way, potential competitors are eliminated, although there are risks of being killed by the prey. ...
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Predators play important roles in ecosystems due to their effects on the diversity and abundance of prey communities and, ultimately, on ecosystem functions. To understand the ecology of the predatory behavior of different groups of animals and their impact on prey communities, knowledge of prey composition is essential. The aim of this study was to determine the diet composition of a predatory arthropod, the Mediterranean black widow Latrodectus tredecimguttatus (Rossi, 1790), in the Iberian Peninsula. We found that L. tredecimguttatus may be considered a stenophagous generalist predator, feeding on nine different arthropod orders (Araneae, Coleoptera, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Julida, Mantodea, Orthoptera, Scorpiones and Solifugae). Hymenoptera (mostly ants) were the most common prey (58.9% of prey items) and Coleoptera (mostly Tenebrionidae) was the second most frequent (33.5% of prey items). Besides, we also found evidence of intraguild predation in this species. With this study, we contribute to the knowledge of L. tredecimguttatus ecology in the Iberian Peninsula, highlighting its role as a predator of diverse arthropods, including spiders and other predators.
... Another frequent method of studying the realized trophic niche is the analysis of prey carcasses, i.e., the survey of prey captured by sedentary species that leave the carcasses of prey nearby (e.g., Fischer et al. 2006;Moreno-Mendoza et al. 2012;Pompozzi et al. 2013;García et al. 2014). This particularly applies to web-building species, which store prey carcasses in their web (Salomon 2011), or burrowing species, which store prey carcasses inside or outside their burrows (Miller et al. 2012). ...
... Thus, the majority of the species appear to be euryphagous generalists, with only 12.9% being specialists (Fig. 10.3d). Some species have been found to be stenophagous generalists; for example, Latrodectus mirabilis (Pompozzi et al. 2013) and Oecobius concinnus both preyed mostly on ants in the field (García et al. 2014). Pekár and Toft (2015) found that, globally, spiders have specialized on six prey types: ants, termites, crustaceans, spiders, moths, and dipterans. ...
Spiders are the most diversified group of terrestrial predators. They employ a wide variety of feeding strategies, and exploit several prey types, from invertebrates up to small vertebrates. Many studies on the trophic ecology of spiders have focused on generalist and euryphagous species. Thus, our knowledge of prey specialist (and stenophagous) species is very limited despite the high number of endemic species occurring in the Neotropics, many of which are most probably specialized. In this chapter, we provide a guide on how to study the trophic niches of spiders in order to encourage other researchers to investigate prey-specialized species. At the beginning, we define the term trophic niche and identify its dimensions (prey type, size, and availability). We critically outline methodological approaches on how to study it. A narrow trophic niche is paralleled by the evolution of specific cognitive, behavioural, metabolic, morphological, and venomic adaptations used in prey capture. We provide an overview of these adaptations and focus on approaches to reveal them. On the basis of an extensive bibliographic review, we summarize the current state-of-the-art with respect to knowledge on the trophic ecology of Neotropical spiders, with particular emphasis on specialists. Finally, we provide recommendations for future research.
... available. Although diet specializations have been reported in some spiders of the family Theridiidae (i.e., dipterophagy) (Pekár et al., 2012), they mainly exhibit an euryphagous diet, practically feeding on everything that gets trapped on their webs (Salomon, 2011;Pompozzi et al., 2013;Mora-Rubio & Parejo-Pulido, 2021). ...
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We report the two main autochthonous prey items of the alien spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum (C.L. Koch, 1841) in two anthropogenic habitats of the Italian Alps, namely a lizard and a scorpion species: Podarcis siculus (Rafinesque, 1810) and Alpiscorpius sigma Kovařík, Štundlová, Fet & Šťáhlavský, 2019. Additionally, we briefly describe the predatory behavior of this spider with both preys, highlight the scarcity of records of invertebrate predation on vertebrates in Europe, and address some concerns regarding how this might affect autochthonous populations.
... Las ootecas de L. mirabilis constan de tres capas, las cuales le dan una consistencia resistente y tienen en un extremo una punta característica que la hace inconfundible con las demás ootecas de la zona (Ábalos, 1962;González, 1976;Ábalos, 1980). L. mirabilis se alimenta de hormigas (González, 1977;Pompozzi et al., 2013), además de isópodos y coleópteros (González, 1977). Estos insectos quedan atrapados en su tela, que es una trama compleja de hilos de seda que no tienen un patrón regular. ...
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At Sierra de la Ventana (38º04’S; 61º56’W), Buenos Aires, 50 egg sacs of Latrodectus mirabilis were monitored for two consecutive years to evaluate the composition of their accompanying fauna. The egg sacs were left in the place they found themselves of discovery and they placed in jars with a canvas lid, with perforation (Control) and without perforation (Experience). The first year we had a Control with 14 egg sacs and the Experience 1 with 20 egg sacs. The second year, the Experience 2 had 16 egg sacs. For both seasons, were recorded the emergent species and the number of holes of the egg sacs. When we analyzing all egg sacs, 33 had only L. mirabilis, six had Globicornis sp. with spiders and five had Baeus sp. without L. mirabilis. In this paper is confirmed to Baeus sp. as a parasitoid and Globicornis sp. as a harmless host. The accompanying fauna in the egg sacs were 13.63% with Globicornis sp. and 11.36% with Baeus sp. It is concluded that by not having significant differences between the Control group and the groups Experience 1 and 2, the fauna inside the egg sacs could penetrate as soon as the egg sac was built. Baeus sp. would remain in the egg sac until November
Phoneutria Perty, 1833 is considered one of the most toxic spider genera in the world; however, the natural history and biology of these spiders is still largely unexplored. The objective of this study was to determine the natural diet of the medically important species Phoneutria boliviensis (F.O.P.-Cambridge, 1897) based on prey records from Colombia, and supplemented by published records found in electronic databases as well as photographic records from the internet. We found that P. boliviensis is an euryphagous predator with a broad diet made up predominantly of arthropods (orders Araneae, Blattodea, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Mantodea, Orthoptera, and Phasmatodea) and to a lesser extent of small vertebrates (Gekkonidae, Hylidae, and Sphaerodactylidae). These results support previous evidence suggesting that P. boliviensis is a generalist predator that includes both invertebrates and small vertebrates in its diet.
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Effect of spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) as predators of insect pest in alfalfa crops (Medicago sativa) (Fabaceae) in Argentina. Spiders are predators that reduce insect pest populations in agroecosystems. Trials were conducted to measure the selectivity against different insect preys, the daily consumption, effect of predators alone and together with a known number of preys, and the indirect effect of predators on vegetation. For this, experimental units (1x1m) were used covered with a fine plastic mesh. Misumenops pallidus, Oxyopes salticus and Araneus sp. were used as generalist predators, and aphids, weevils, locusts, chrysomelids and Lepidoptera larvae as their potential preys. Among the preys offered, the spiders preferred Lepidoptera larvae compared to the other two pests groups (weevils and aphids). The maximum consumption rate was of 93.33% for Lepidoptera larvae, 25.33% for aphids and 11.67% for weevils. The Q Index values for the three species of spiders showed a positive selectivity only for defoliating larvae. O. salticus showed the highest values of consumption rates while Rachiplusia nu was the most consumed. The maximum value of consumption in 24 hours was showed by O. salticus on R. nu (C)=2.8. The association of several species of predatory spiders increased the total number of insects captured, and also showed that the addition of spiders caused a decrease in the number of leaves damaged by the effect of lepidopterous larvae. Rev. Biol. Trop. 59 (4): 1651-1662. Epub 2011 December 01.
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The life cicle of Latrodectus variegatus from cocoons collected in Bariloche, Argentina, is described. In stage IV (first free stage) 361 individually bred spiders were isolated and fed Drosophila melanogaster in the juvenile stage and Musca domestica after wards. "Stage I" is the stage following eclosion. For the study of survival, and average life expectancy, a week was taken as age interval, the first free stage was "age zero". The web is disordered, lacking a nest and located near the ground. The cocoon is pyriform, (similar to L. antheratus), but and with several layers of thread like L. mirabilis. It measures 14-18 mm, close to L. corallinus. The eggs are similar in size to other argentinian Lactrodectus. Each cocoon had a mean of 183 eggs (66% fertile, No=549). In males, the number of moults to maturity is six in 78% of the cases and seven in 22% (similar to L. corallinus and L. antheratus). In females it is seven in 56% of the cases, eight in 39% and nine in 5%. When compared with other argentinian species females L. variegatus appear to be missing one moult. There are two critical periods of mortality: in stage IV, when specimens begin their webs to capture food and in stage VII when the male life cycle ends. The survival curves for several Latrodectus show a high mortality in the first stages of development. Nevertheless, the survival curves of L. variegatus, L. corallinus and L. diaguita share a sharp descent in the first age intervals followed by a gradual decline. This abrupt decrease is not known for L. mirabilis and L. antheratus. The life expectancy at age zero and maximum longevity in L. Variegatus are 17.32 and 73 weeks respectively, 9.01 and 54 in L. mirabilis, 5.36 and 81 in L. corallinus, 14.76 and 100 in L. antheratus and 7.76 and 62 in L. diaguita.
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This paper provides a summary of the extensive theoretical and empirical work that has been carried out in recent years testing the adaptational significance of various spider-ant associations. Hundreds of species of spiders have evolved close relationships with ants and can be classified as myrmecomorphs, myrmecophiles, or myrmecophages. Myrmecomorphs are Batesian mimics. Their close morphological and behavioral resemblance to ants confers strong survival advantages against visually hunting predators. Some species of spiders have become integrated into the ant society as myrmecophiles or symbionts. These spider myrmecophiles gain protection against their own predators, live in an environment with a stable climate, and are typically surrounded by abundant food resources. The adaptations by which this integration is made possible are poorly known, although it is hypothesized that most spider myrmecophiles are chemical mimics and some are even phoretic on their hosts. The third type of spider-ant association discussed is myrmecophagy—or predatory specialization on ants. A table of known spider myrmecophages is provided as is information on their biology and hunting strategies. Myrmecophagy provides these predators with an essentially unlimited food supply and may even confer other protections to the spiders.
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Latrodectus gr. mactans is responsible for 28% of ali accidents provoked by spiders in state of Bahia, Brazil (1980-1990), which makes necessary the study of its manejament. The spiders were captured in Ondina, Salvador, and in Baxio, Esplanada (Bahia, Brazil); they were mantained in captivity, with food supply weekly (Atta sp., larva of Tenebrio sp. and Drosophila melanogaster) with three hours/ offers observation time, during march/95 to april/96. In captivity, the spiders accepted two kinds of food: Atta sp., which seems to be the major item of its diet in natural conditions, and larva of Tenebrio sp., which is not available in natural conditions. Drosophila melanogaster was systematically rejected. The feeding behavior iscomposed by four distinct steps: (1) imrnobilization, (2) inoculation, (3) second immobilization and (4) ingestion. Two kinds of social alimentary behavior are descri-bed. The results indicated that larvae of Tenebrio sp. can be an alternative supply for successfull maintenance of this specie in captivity.
The range of prey theoretically available to a given species of spider is called its potential prey. It is usually determined by the method used to trap or catch all arthropods in the habitat in which the spider species lives. For methods, see Southwood (1978). The potential prey of epigeous spiders, for example, consists mainly of Collembola, Diptera (Brachycera), Coleoptera, Hymenoptera (Formicoidea), Araneae and, to a lesser extent, Hemiptera. Spiders hunting on vegetation have a potential prey spectrum of Hemiptera (Aphidina, Cicadina), Diptera, Coleoptera, Araneae and Collembola, but less Hymenoptera (mainly parasitic wasps). Diptera (Nematocera), Hemiptera (Aphidina, Cicadina), Hymenoptera (parasitic wasps) and Coleoptera, but less Collembola or Araneae (order according to decreasing abundance) are available to web-building spiders which filter their prey from the air (Nentwig 1981).
In this article, an overview of the general feeding patterns of common agroecosystem spiders is presented. Five groups of web-weavers (Tetragnathidae, Araneidae, Theridiidae, Linyphiidae, Dictynidae) and five groups of hunters (small-sized Oxyopidae, large-sized Oxyopidae, Thomisidae, Salticidae, Lycosidae) are analyzed comparatively (based on 40 prey analyses previously published by various European and US authors). Fewer than 10 insect orders, as well as the order Araneae, make up the bulk of the prey of these spiders. Web-weavers and hunters both basically feed on the same prey orders, but in different proportions. The observed differences reflect in part the very diverse range of life styles and foraging modes exhibited by the various spider groups and, to some extent, differences in prey availability. Web-weavers are almost strictly insectivorous (insects constituting > 99% of total prey). Hunters, however, exhibit a mixed strategy of insectivorous and araneophagic foraging patterns (insects constituting ≈75-90% of total prey). Diet breadth computed with the Inverted Simpson Index was, on average, significantly higher in the hunting spiders than the web spiders. There seems to be a consistent trend of greater diet breadth of the hunters compared to the web-weavers in agroecosystems. Overall, spider individuals of small size (including large percentages of immatures) numerically dominate the faunas of field crops, and these feed primarily on tiny prey (< 4 mm in length).
The natural diets of many terrestrial predators such as spiders have yet to be investigated. In this study, I analyzed the diet of a web-building spider, Latrodectus hesperus Chamberlin & Ivie (1935), over one year in a natural habitat of coastal British Columbia, Canada. This is the first study to document the natural diet of L. hesperus over several months. I identified and measured 1599 prey items collected from L. hesperus webs and web sites between January and December. Spiders fed on ground-active prey from eight different orders of arthropods. Coleoptera and Hymenoptera were the predominant prey of L. hesperus in this habitat, combinely accounting for > 85% of the total prey catches and biomass. The other prey orders included, in order of abundance, Isopoda, Araneae, Dermaptera, Orthoptera, Lepidoptera and Diptera. Spiders captured prey mostly between May and October, when females oviposit, juveniles grow, and prey are most active. These results show that L. hesperus is a polyphagous predator that feeds primarily on prey from two orders of insects.
In spite of the large number of studies about the ecology of spiders carried out in the last two decades in different types of ecosystems all over the world, the significance of these animals as natural control agents is still largely unknown. In this paper the literature about that subject is reviewed. Totally 300 scientific papers, published between 1920 and 1984, are cited here. Several European and American studies have provided evidence, that in undisturbed grassland ecosystems and forest ecosystems spiders can play an important ecological role as predators of insects and other invertebrates. Also in orchards, not treated with pesticides, that are to a certain degree comparable with forest ecosystems, spiders can be abundant predators. In contrast to that, the opinion about the predatory importance of spiders inhabiting cultivated fields is controversial. The results of some European studies indicate, that the foliage‐dwelling spiders of cultivated fields, because of their low population densities, are of minor importance as predators of insects. Other European studies show, that the ground‐dwelling spiders of cultivated fields are concerning their abundance a dominant predator group, those significance as control agents still is largely unknown up to the present. In rice fields (swamp ecosystems) in Asia, receiving little or no pesticides, as well as in European and American swamp ecosystems, spiders may be an important predator group. In houses in South Africa spiders were used successfully as biological control agents against flies. Zusammenfassung Spinnen in der natürlichen und biologischen Schädlingsbekämpfung: Ein Literaturüberblick Weltweit wurden in den letzten 20 Jahren in verschiedenen Ökosystem‐Typen zahlreiche Studien über die ökologische Bedeutung der Spinnen als Prädatoren durchgeführt. Trotz der großen Zahl durchgeführter spinnenökologischer Studien ist die Funktion der Spinnen als Prädatoren von Insekten und anderen Invertebraten heute noch weitgehend ungeklärt. In vorliegender Arbeit wird die Literatur über dieses Thema (insgesamt sind 300 wissenschaftliche Arbeiten, die zwischen 1920 und 1984 über dieses Thema publiziert wurden, aufgeführt) analysiert. Mehrere europäische und amerikanische Studien haben gezeigt, daß Spinnen in unbewirtschafteten Grasland‐Ökosystemen und Forst‐Ökosystemen eine große ökologische Bedeutung als Prädatoren von Insekten haben können. Auch in ungespritzten Obstanlagen, die man bis zu einem gewissen Grad mit Forst‐Ökosystemen vergleichen kann, stellen Spinnen manchmal eine häufige Prädatorengruppe dar. Im Gegensatz dazu ist die ökologische Bedeutung der in Kulturfeldern lebenden Spinnen als Insektenvertilger noch weitgehend umstritten. Einige europäische Studien deuten darauf hin, daß den in der Vegetationsschicht von Kulturfeldern lebenden Spinnen ihrer niedrigen Populationsdichten wegen wahrscheinlich keine große Bedeutung als Prädatoren von Insekten zukommt. Aus anderen europäischen Studien geht hervor, daß die epigäischen Spinnen der Kulturfelder bezüglich ihrer Abundanz eine dominante Prädatorengruppe darstellen, deren Funktion als Kleinräuber allerdings noch weitgehend unbekannt ist. In asiatischen Reisfeldern, die nicht oder wenig mit Pestiziden behandelt wurden, können Spinnen eine wichtige Bedeutung als Prädatoren von Schädlingen haben. Reisfelder sind Sumpf Ökosysteme; auch in europäischen und amerikanischen Sumpfökosystemen können Spinnen eine abundante Prädatorengruppe darstellen. In Südafrika wurden Spinnen erfolgreich bei der biologischen Bekämpfung von Fliegen in Häusern eingesetzt.