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An in-depth review on the medicinal flora Rosmarinus officinalis (Lamiaceae)

  • Sanjo College of Pharmaceutical Studies

Abstract and Figures

Rosmarinus offi cinalis (Rosemary) is a common household plant which belongs to the family Lamiaceae and is grown in many parts of the world. It is a woody, perennial herb with fragrant, evergreen, needle-like leaves and white, pink, purple or blue fl owers. The two most commonly grown hardy Rosemaries are Rosmarinus offi cinalis 'Arp' and R. offi cinalis 'Madelene Hill' (syn. 'Hill Hardy'). The other cultivars of the plant are R. offi cinalis 'Albus', R. offi cinalis 'Bendenen Blue', R. offi cinalis 'Goodwin Creek', R. offi cinalis 'Herb Cottage', R. offi cinalis 'Logee's Light Blue', R. offi cinalis 'Miss Jessup's Upright', R. offi cinalis 'Russian River', R. offi cinalis 'Salem'. The chemical constituents include bitter principle, resin, tannic acid, volatile oils and fl avonoids. The volatile oil consists of borneol, bornyl acetate, camphene, cineol, pinene and camphor. It is used for problems involved in central nervous system, cardio vascular system, genito urinary conditions, liver treatments, reproductive system and respiratory system. The volatile oil of the plant is used in oils and lotions for the treatment of various ailments like arthritis, gout, muscular pain, neuralgia, wound and rubbed into hair for stimulating the hair bulbs to renewed activity, to prevent premature baldness.
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Acta Sci. Pol., Technol. Aliment. 12(1) 2013, 61-73
pISSN 1644-0730 eISSN 1889-9594, mobile no: 9010 055 004
Rosemary is a powerful herb belonging to the fam-
ily Lamiaceae that originates from the Mediterranean
region. It is derived from the Latin word ros (dew)
and marinus (sea) which means ‘dew of the sea’ [All
about... 2012]. It has been named the Herb of the Year
in 2001 by the International Herb Association. Rose-
mary is regarded as the herb of faithfulness as Eliza-
bethan sweethearts carried a twig of rosemary as its
sign. Today market demand of the plant is growing,
as it is used in several commercially available prod-
ucts. Rosemary is composed of pine-like leaves, which
is the heart of all medicinal and other bene ts that are
derived from the use of its oil [Rosemary... 2012].
The synonyms of the plant include Garden Rosemary,
Polar Plant, Compass-Weed and Compass Plant [http:// 2012]. It is known
several vernacular names like Alecrim, common rose-
mary, echter Rosmarin, encensier, garden rosemary,
rosmariin, rosmarina, Rosmarin, rosmarini, rosmari-
no, rosemary, tresmarino [Bedevian 1994, Farnsworth
2005, Youngken 1950]. Rosemary is indigenous
to South Europe and Asia but it is also cultivated
Asia Begum
, Subarda Sandhya
, Syed Shaff ath Ali
, Kombath Ravindran Vinod
Swapna Reddy
, David Banji
Department of Pharmacognosy, Nalanda College of Pharmacy
Cherlapally, Hyderabad Main Road, Nalgonda-508001, India
Department of Pharmacology, Vatsalya College of Pharmacy
Bhongir, Nalgonda, India
Rosmarinus of cinalis (Rosemary) is a common household plant which belongs to the family Lamiaceae and
is grown in many parts of the world. It is a woody, perennial herb with fragrant, evergreen, needle-like leaves
and white, pink, purple or blue owers. The two most commonly grown hardy Rosemaries are Rosmarinus
of cinalis ‘Arp’ and R. of cinalis ‘Madelene Hill’ (syn. ‘Hill Hardy’). The other cultivars of the plant are
R. of cinalis ‘Albus’, R. of cinalis ‘Bendenen Blue’, R. of cinalis ‘Goodwin Creek’, R. of cinalis ‘Herb Cot-
tage’, R. of cinalis ‘Logee’s Light Blue’, R. of cinalis ‘Miss Jessup’s Upright’, R. of cinalis ‘Russian River’,
R. of cinalis ‘Salem’. The chemical constituents include bitter principle, resin, tannic acid, volatile oils and
avonoids. The volatile oil consists of borneol, bornyl acetate, camphene, cineol, pinene and camphor. It is
used for problems involved in central nervous system, cardio vascular system, genito urinary conditions, liver
treatments, reproductive system and respiratory system. The volatile oil of the plant is used in oils and lotions
for the treatment of various ailments like arthritis, gout, muscular pain, neuralgia, wound and rubbed into hair
for stimulating the hair bulbs to renewed activity, to prevent premature baldness.
Key words: rosemary, Lamiaceae, borneol, culinary, hair growth
Begum A., Sandhya S., Syed Shaff ath A., Vinod K.R., Swapna R., Banji D., 2013. An in-depth review on the medicinal fl ora Rosmari-
nus offi cinalis (Lamiaceae). Acta Sci. Pol., Technol. Aliment. 12(1), 61-73.
in Mediterranean basin and India [WHO guidelines...
2007, Kokate et al. 2010].
Scienti c classi cation
[Master data/monograph... 2007]
Kingdom: Plantae
Subkingdom: Tracheobionta
Superdivision: Spermatophyta
Division: magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Subclass: Asteridae
Order: Lamiales
Family: Lamiaceae
Genus: Rosmarinus L.
Species: of cinalis
Binomial name: Rosmarinus of cinalis L.
Rosemary has been named the Herb of the Year in
2001 by the International Herb Association. It was in-
troduced to Britain by the Romans and is still particu-
larly loved today by the Italians and the British, who
use it frequently in their cooking. In ancient Greece
and Rome rosemary was believed to strengthen the
memory, which accounts for its being known as the
herb of remembrance and delity. Rosemary was an
essential part of the apothecary’s repertoire during the
Renaissance. Hippocrates, Galen, and Dioscorides
prescribed rosemary for liver problems [Rosemary...
2012]. Rosemary is not a popular plant in India. It was
introduced by the Europeans as a garden plant due to
its pleasant fragrant scented leaves.
There are more than 20 varieties of rosemary plant.
The different types of rosemary are listed in Table 1.
Upright rosemary. It measure between six and
eight feet in diameter and two feet or more in height.
Creeping rosemary. It covers eight or ten feet in
diameter in a very short period of time. It can also trail
down eight or ten feet. It falls all the way to the ground
and is covered with pale blue owers.
Pine scented rosemary. Pine scented rosemary is
a soft sea green that grows to about three to four feet
high by about four or more feet wide.
Arp rosemary. This plant grows where winter
temperatures are frequently in the teens or less.
Madalene hill rosemary is a cold hardy Rose-
mary. It is rated to survive minus 15 degrees and is
erect, growing to about three feet. Its owers are light
Pink rosemary has the thinnest leaves of all Ro-
smarinus of cinalis plants. Flower is pale in colour
and grows quickly to two feet.
White rosemary is visually different. This is
a beautiful very erect plant with thich succulent leaves
and white owers that have just a spot of blue in the
throat. The branches are reminiscent of candelabras
and give the plant an open airy look and have white
Dancing waters rosemary. It is shorter, more
mounding and has dark blue owers.
Golden rain rosemary has weeping foliage. The
golden hue of the plant turns darker green over sum-
mer and returns with cooler weather.
Blue boy rosemary is the smallest of all the Rose-
mary varieties. It has small leaves and little light blue
pearls for owers. This plant grows out to cover about
12 inches but rarely gets over six inches tall.
Spice islands rosemary has thick juicy looking
leaves and very upright growth with a nice dark blue
ower [Mountain... 2012].
It is cultivated in gardens and on slopes. Its cultiva-
tion is found successful on light calcarious soil. The
propagation is by means of sowing the seeds or with
slips. After owering, the plants are cut about 10 cm
above the ground and are steam distilled to isolate the
volatile oil content in the plant [Kokate et al. 2010].
Leaves are leathery, opposite, strongly recurved,
fringed margins and with prominent midrib. Size of
the leaf is 1.0-2.5 cm long and 4 cm width. The up-
per surface of the leaf is green coloured and the low-
ered surface is grey somewhat wooly due to numer-
ous trichomes. The margins are entire and strongly
revolute with obtuse apex, tapering and non peti-
olate base [European Pharmacopoeia 2007]. Typical
labiates hairs contain the volatile oil, of which the
BP speci es a minimum content of 1.2% calculated
Begum A., Sandhya S., Syed Shaff ath A., Vinod K.R., Swapna R., Banji D., 2013. An in-depth review on the medicinal fl ora Rosmari-
nus offi cinalis (Lamiaceae). Acta Sci. Pol., Technol. Aliment. 12(1), 61-73.
Table 1. Types of rosemary (rosemary varieties, 2012)
Types Flowers Growth habit Other Uses
Rosemary, Arp (Rosmarinus
of cinalis)
pale blue, summer upright green-gray foliage ornamental and culinary,
popular bonsai subject
Rosemary, Benenden Blue
(Rosmarinus of cinalis
‘Benenden Blue’)
blue, midsummer upright dark green foliage, bred
for deep blue owers
ornamental and culinary
Rosemary, Blue Lady (Rosmari-
nus of cinalis ‘Blue Lady’)
blue-violet, summer twisted very narrow leaves, very
needle-like (popular
bonsai subject)
ornamental and culinary
Rosemary, Blue Spires (Rosma-
rinus of cinalis ‘Blue Spires’)
bright blue owers
on tall upright stems
creeper specially developed
for visual and olfactory
very ornamental and yet
still culinary
Rosemary, Collingwood Ingram
(Rosmarinus of cinalis ‘Colling-
wood Ingram’)
blue, summer creeper highly fragrant, bright
green foliage
ornamental and culinary
Rosemary, Foresteri (Rosmari-
nus of cinalis ‘Foresteri’)
blue, summer upright especially drought
ornamental and culinary
Rosemary, Girardus (Rosmari-
nus of cinalis ‘Girardus’)
blue, summer upright very dense foliage culinary
Rosemary, Golden Rain
(Rosmarinus of cinalis
‘Joyce de Baggio’)
blue, summer upright variegated (yellow on
foliage edges) increasing
variegation with age
ornamental and culinary
rosemary, Gorizia (Rosmarinus
of cinalis ‘Gorizia’)
blue, summer upright densely packed branches
of dark green needles,
ornamental and culinary
Rosemary, Hill Hardy (Rosmari-
nus of cinalis ‘Hill Hardy’)
blue, summer upright needlelike foliage,
ornamental and culinary
Rosemary, Kenneth’s Prostrate
Rosmarinus of cinalis ‘Ken-
neth’s Prostrate’)
blue, late summer
and early fall
creeper fast grower ornamental and culinary
Rosemary, Lockwood
de Forest (Rosmarinus of cinalis
var. angustifolius ‘Lockwood
de Forest’)
lavender blue,
creeper dark green foliage ornamental and culinary
Rosemary, Logee’s Blue
(Rosmarinus of cinalis
‘Logee’s Blue’)
blue, summer upright bluish green foliage,
smaller Ogee’s
ornamental and culinary
Rosemary, Miss Jessup (Rosma-
rinus of cinalis ‘Miss Jessup’)
blue upright bred especially
for owering
ornamental and culinary
Rosemary, Mrs. Howard’s
Creeping (Rosmarinus of cinalis
‘Mrs. Howard’s Creeping’)
small blue, mid
to late summer
creeper fast grower ornamental and culinary
Begum A., Sandhya S., Syed Shaff ath A., Vinod K.R., Swapna R., Banji D., 2013. An in-depth review on the medicinal fl ora Rosmari-
nus offi cinalis (Lamiaceae). Acta Sci. Pol., Technol. Aliment. 12(1), 61-73.
on the anhydrous drug. It has spiciform in orescences
of white or blue owers, with the two stamens project-
ing far beyond the corolla [Youngken 1950, Bisset and
Wichtl 1994, Bruneton 1995, Boulos 1983].
Description of the oil
Rosemary oil is colourless to pale yellow with char-
acteristic avour and camphoraceous taste. The specif-
ic gravity is 0.894-0.912, refractive index 1.464-1.476
and has an optical rotation of 5-10°. The oil is insolu-
ble in water, soluble in 10 volumes of 80% of alcohol.
The acid value is not more than 1.0 [Kokate et al. 2010].
Leaf is dorsiventral with upper epidermal cells
polygonal in shape. It is slightly thickened walled
and with occasional pits. Lower epidermal cells
are sinuous and have numerous diacytic stomata on
the lower surface only. Abundant uniseriate, multi-
cellular, multi-branched covering trichomes are on
the lower epidermis. Glandular trichomes are with
a unicellular stalk and unicellular, bicellular or mul-
ticellular head which occurs on both epidermises
and consists of spongy mesophyll [European Phar-
macopoeia 2005].
Powdered plant material
The powder is greyish-green-yellowish-green.
It has fragments of lower epidermis with straight to
sinuous-walled cells and abundant diacytic stomata.
The fragments of the upper epidermis with straight-
walled cells, slightly thickened and pitted, and an
underlying hypodermis composed of large, irregular
cells with thickened and beaded anticlinal walls, frag-
ments in sectional view showing the hypodermal cells
extending across the lamina at intervals, separating
the one or two-layered palisade into large, cresscent-
shaped areas, numerous multicellular, extensively
branched, covering trichomes of the lower epidermis
and rare conical covering trichomes of the upper epi-
dermis, glandular trichomes of 2 types, the majority
with a short, unicellular stalk and a radiate head com-
posed of 8 cells, others, less abundant, with a unicellu-
lar stalk and a spherical, unicellular or bicellular head
are seen. Occasional cork fragments, bres, vascular
tissue and ligni ed parenchyma from the stems [Brit-
ish Herbal... 1996].
Table 1 – cont.
Rosemary, Pine-Scented
(Rosmarinus of cinalis
blue, summer upright, feathery
grown as miniature
Christmas tree, leaves
have pine fragrance
ornamental and culinary
Rosemary, Rex (Rosmarinus
of cinalis ‘Rex’)
blue, summer upright dark green foliage ornamental and culinary
Rosemary, Santa Barbara
(Rosmarinus of cinalis
‘Santa Barbara’)
blue, summer upright drought resistant ornamental and culinary
Rosemary, Severn Sea (Rosma-
rinus of cinalis ‘Severn Sea’)
violet-blue upright ornamental and culinary
Rosemary, Spanish (Rosmarinus
of cinalis ‘Majorca’)
pink, throughout
upright very needlelike leaves
(popular bonsai subject)
ornamental and culinary
Rosemary, Tuscan Blue (Rosma-
rinus of cinalis ‘Tuscan Blue’)
blue, mid spring to
late summer
upright extremely fragrant, bred
especially for dense
ornamental and culinary
Rosemary, White-Flowered
(Rosmarinus of cinalis
white upright extremely fragrant ornamental and culinary
Begum A., Sandhya S., Syed Shaff ath A., Vinod K.R., Swapna R., Banji D., 2013. An in-depth review on the medicinal fl ora Rosmari-
nus offi cinalis (Lamiaceae). Acta Sci. Pol., Technol. Aliment. 12(1), 61-73.
General identity tests
Macroscopic and microscopic examinations, thin-
layer chromatography and high-performance liquid
chromatography for phenolic acids are the general
tests performed for the identi cation of these plants
[Wagner and Bladt 2004, European Pharmacopoeia
2007, Ziakova and Brandsteterova 2003].
Purity tests include microbiological tests for
speci c microorganisms and microbial contamina-
tion limits are as described in the WHO guidelines for
assessing quality of herbal medicines with reference
to contaminants and residues [WHO guidelines...
Foreign organic matter: not more than 5% of stem,
and not more than 2.0% of other foreign matter [Euro-
pean Pharmacopoeia 2005].
Total ash: not more than 9.0% [European Pharma-
copoeia 2005].
Acid-insoluble ash: not more than 1.5% [British
Herbal... 1996].
Water-soluble extractive: not less than 15.0% [Brit-
ish Herbal... 1996].
Water content: not more than 10% [European Phar-
macopoeia 2005].
Pesticide residue: the recommended maximum
limit of aldrin and dieldrin is not more than 0.05 mg/
kg [European Pharmacopoeia 2005] and pesticide res-
idues WHO guidelines 2007 and 1997.
In plants the main active constituents are volatile
oil which is constituted with camphene, camphor, cin-
eol, borneol, resin, bitters matter, rosemary acid and
Chemical classifi cation of active principles
in rosemary plant
Flavonoids. 6-methoxygenkwanine, apigenine, di-
osmetine, diosmine, genkwanine, hispiduline, Luteo-
line, Sinensetine.
Di- and triterpenoids. Carnosolic acid, picrosal-
vine, rosmariquinone, oleanolic acid, ursolic acid (has
anti-in amation effect).
Active compounds in the ethereal oil
Monoterpenoids. alpha-pinene 12%, beta-pinene,
camphene 22%, mycrene 1.5%, alpha-phellandrene,
limonene 0.5-1%, alpha- and y-terpinene, paracyme-
ne 2%.
Sesquiterpinoids. beta-caryophyllene 3%.
Monoterpinoids. linalool 0.5-1% terpine-1ol-4,
a-terpineol 1.5%, borneol 3-5%, isoborneol, cis-thuy-
anol-4, trans-thuyanol-4, p-cymene-8-ol.
Terpenic esters. bornyl-actate, a-phenchyl-actate.
Terpinic acid. 1,8-cineol 30%, caryophylline-ox-
ide, humulene-epoxide I and II.
Non terpenic cetons. 3-hexanon, methyl-heptenon.
Monoterpenons. camphor 30%, verbenon, carvon
0.4%. The owers contain about 1.0% of volatile oil,
resin, ursolic acid and bitter principle. While leaves
contain mainly 10-15% of borneol, 2.5,3% of bornyl
acetate, camphor, eucalyptol, pinene, D-camphene, ci-
and 45% of terpenes [Kokate et al. 2010].
Major chemical constituents of Rosmarinus
offi cinalis volatile oil
The chief constituents of rosemary oil are: camphor
(5-31%), 1,8-cineol (15-55%), pinene (9-26%), bor-
neol (1.5-5.0%), camphene (2.5-12.0%), pinene (2.0-
-9.0%), limonene (1.5-5.0%), verbenone (2.2-11.1%),
caryophyllene (1.8-5.1%) and myrcene (0.9-4.5%).
The structures of 1,8-cineole, borneol and camphor are
presented below [European Pharmacopoeia 2005, Sa-
lido et al. 2003, Domokos et al. 1997, Williams 2009].
Major chemical constituents present in folium
To 2.5% of essential oil, the chief constituents of
which are camphor (5-21%), 1,8-cineole (15-55%),
pinene (9-26%), borneol (1.5-5.0%), 297 camphene
(2.5-12.0%), pinene (2.0-9.0%) and limonene (1.5-
-5.0%). Phenolic compounds are represented by a-
vonoids with a methylated aglycone (e.g. genkwanin)
and by phenolic acids (>3%), particularly by rosmarin-
ic, chlororenic and caffeic acids. Also present are tri-
cyclic diterpenes such as rossmaridiphenol, carnosol,
carnosic acid and rosmanol, and diterpenes, including
seco-hinokio (Fig. 1) [European Pharmacopoeia 2005,
Salido et al. 2003, Bisset and Wichtl 1994, Bruneton
1995, Farnsworth 2005, Blumenthal 1998, Cantrell
et al. 2005].
Begum A., Sandhya S., Syed Shaff ath A., Vinod K.R., Swapna R., Banji D., 2013. An in-depth review on the medicinal fl ora Rosmari-
nus offi cinalis (Lamiaceae). Acta Sci. Pol., Technol. Aliment. 12(1), 61-73.
Chemical assays
Gas chromatographic analysis for Spanish, Mo-
rocco and Tunisia rosemary volatile oil was performed
to assess the content of chemical constituents in each.
It was observed that Morocco and Tunisia rosemary
contained same amount of chemical constituents while
the Spanish one possessed a higher amount in com-
parison (Table 2).
Medicinal uses
It is used as carminative, rubifacient, stimulant and
as avouring agent for liniments, hair lotions, inhaler,
soaps and cosmetics [Kokate et al. 2010]. Rosemary
leaves have many traditional uses based on their anti-
bacterial and spasmolytic actions. Used orally for the
treatment of dyspeptic complaints [British Herbal...
1996], and in external applications for supportive man-
agement of rheumatic complaints and circulatory disor-
ders [Blumenthal 1998]. Aetheroleum Rosmarini crude
drug may enhance cognition. It is used as a cholagogue,
diaphoretic, digestant, diuretic, esmmenagogue, laxa-
tive and tonic [Bedevian 1994, Farnsworth 2005] also
used in the management of headache, menstrual disor-
ders, nervous menstrual complaints, tiredness, defec-
tive memory, sprains and bruises [Hagers... 2003].
Camphor 1,8-cineole
Carnosic acid Carnosol
Genkwanin Rosemanic acid Borneole
F ig. 1. Chemical structures of few a compounds present in Rosmarinus of cinalis
Table 2. Gas chromatographic analysis of Spanish, Moroc-
co and Tunisia type rosemary oil (European Pharmacopoeia
Spanish rosemary
oil, %
Morocco and Tunisia
rosemary oil, %
α-pinene 18-26 9-14
β-pinene 2.0-6.0 4.0-9.0
camphene 8-12 2.5-6.0
myrcene 1.5-5.0 1.0-2.0
limonene 2.5-5.0 1.5-4.0
1,8-cineol 16.0-25.0 38.0-55.0
p-cymene 1.0-2.2 0.8-2.5
camphor 13.0-21.0 5.0-15.0
bornyl acetate 0.5-2.5 0.1-1.5
terpineol 1.0-3.5 1.0-2.6
borneol 2.0-4.5 1.5-5.0
verbenone 0.7-2.5 0.4
Begum A., Sandhya S., Syed Shaff ath A., Vinod K.R., Swapna R., Banji D., 2013. An in-depth review on the medicinal fl ora Rosmari-
nus offi cinalis (Lamiaceae). Acta Sci. Pol., Technol. Aliment. 12(1), 61-73.
Brain and nervous system conditions. In gen-
eral debility long-term nervous or physical illness,
improves the memory, insomnia, mental fatigue, nerv-
ous anxiety and tension, nervous depression, nervous
disorders, restorative effect on the nervous system,
soothes the nerves, stimulates the brain and nervous
system, tension headaches, and migraines.
Cardiovascular conditions. It improves circulation,
raises blood pressure, and stimulates the weak heart
subject to palpitation when consumed in small doses.
Gastrointestinal circulatory systems. In condi-
tions of bad breath, and stomach upset. Promotes prop-
er digestion, toning and calming effect on the digestion.
Genitourinary conditions. Dropsy.
Female conditions. Regulates the menstrual cycle.
Liver conditions. Promotes liver function, pro-
motes the production of bile.
Reproductive system conditions. Stimulates the
sexual organs.
Respiratory system. Colds, colic.
Other. Eases cramps, expels morbid matter from
the system, failing eyesight, headache.
Externally. It is used to treat bites, stings.
In aromatherapy the essential oil is used as a de-
congestant, as an inhalant, for exhaustion, for head-
aches, to enhance memory and clear concentration.
The oil is used in oils/lotions for Arthritis, bruises,
eczema, gout, muscular pain, neuralgeia, revitalizing
paralysed limbs, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis,
sciatica, scrofulous sores, wounds and rubbed into hair
for stimulating the hair bulbs to renewed activity and
to prevent preature baldness.
Other uses. the oil is used as perfume in oint-
ments, shampoos and soaps. The owers are laid in
clothes and cupboards to destroy moths. The leaves
are crushed into meats, sh, potato salads, etc. to pre-
vent food poisoning.
Experimental pharmacology
The plant is scienti cally proved to possess anti-
in ammatory activity [Lo 2002], antioxidant activity
[Del Bano et al. 2003], antihepatotoxic activity [Fahim
et al. 1999], antinephrotoxic activity [Makino et al.
2002], antimicrobial activity [Mangena and Muyima
1999], antitrypanosomal activity [Abe et al. 2002],
titumour activity [Singletary and Nelshoppen 1991],
antiulcer activity [Dias et al. 2000], diuretic effects
Haloui et al. 2007], antispasmodic effects [Lis-Balchin
1996], osteoclastic effects [Muhlbauer et al. 2003]
, en-
zyme induction [Debersac et al. 2001], estrogenic ef-
fects [Zhu et al. 1998], immune stimulant activity [Hur
et al. 2004], carcinogenesis, mutagenesis, impairment
of fertility [Alkofahi et al. 1997].
The embryotoxic effects of d-camphor were inves-
tigated in rats and rabbits after intragastric adminis-
tration for the treatment of hypotonic circulatory dys-
regulations [Leuschner 1997].
Clinical pharmacology
A clinical study to assess the olfactory impact of
the essential oils of lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
and rosemary (Rosmarinus of cinalis) on cognitive
performance and mood in healthy volunteers was per-
formed [Sanders et al. 2002, Diego et al. 1998].
Singletary and Nelshoppen [1991]. “Inhibition of
7,12-dimethylbenz[c]anthracene (DMBA)-induced
mammary tumorigenesis and of in vivo formation
of mammary DMBA-DNA adducts by rosemary ex-
tract”. Rosemary extract induces mammary tumero-
genesis and in vivo formation of mammary dimethyl
benz anthracene DNA adducts.
Al-Hader et al. [1994]. Hyperglycemic and insu-
lin release inhibitory effects of Rosmarinus of cinalis.
The same treatment also resulted in a 30% (P < 0.002)
decrease in serum insulin level, in comparison with
that of control rabbits at the 30 min interval. In alloxan
diabetic rabbits, R. of cinalis volatile oil increased
fasting plasma glucose levels by 17% (P < 0.05) above
those of untreated animals 6 h after its administration.
Krause et al. [1999] studied the “Bioavailability
of the antioxidative Rosmarinus of cinalis compound
carnosic acid in eggs”. Using this method carnosic
acid could be detected in 20 ng/g of egg yolk. Results
showed that carnosic acid is bioavailable in egg yolk
but not in albumen.
Yen et al. [1999] worked on the “Measurement
of antioxidative activity in metal ion-induced lipid
peroxidation systems”. The antioxidant activity of
Begum A., Sandhya S., Syed Shaff ath A., Vinod K.R., Swapna R., Banji D., 2013. An in-depth review on the medicinal fl ora Rosmari-
nus offi cinalis (Lamiaceae). Acta Sci. Pol., Technol. Aliment. 12(1), 61-73.
α-tocopherol is less than that of rosemary extracts
in the iron ion-induced peroxidation systems.
Samman et al. [2000] reported that “Green tea or
rosemary extract added to foods reduces nonheme-
iron absorption”. The presence of the phenolic-rich ex-
tracts resulted in decreased non heme-iron absorption.
Dias et al. [2000] reported that an ethanol (70%)
extract was evaluated for antiulcerogenic activity in-
-vivo. Intragastric administration of 100.0 mg/kg body
weight per day to 1.0 g/kg body weight per day of the
extract decreased the ulcerative lesion index produced
by ethanol and reserpine in rats. No antisecretory ac-
tivity was observed in the pyloric ligation model.
Haloui et al. [2000] studied the effects of aqueous
extracts of the crude drug on the treatment of kidney
function and diuresis in rats were determined. Daily
intragastric administration of the aqueous extracts of
the leaves, at a dose of 10 ml/kg body weight of an 8%
or 16% extract in distilled water for 1 week, signi -
cantly enhanced diuresis in rats compared to the con-
trol group from the fth day of treatment (p < 0.001).
No change was observed in plasma electrolytes and
urea in any group, except for a decrease in sodium and
chloride concentration in the group treated with the
16% extract of the crude drug. A decrease in creatinine
clearance was observed after treatment with a daily
dose of 8% extract.
Jaswir et al. [2000] studied “The synergistic effects
of rosemary, sage, and citric acid on fatty acid reten-
tion of palm olein during deep-fat frying”. A combi-
nation of 0.076% oleoresin rosemary extract, 0.066%
sage extract, and 0.037% citric acid produced the opti-
mal retention of the essential fatty acid.
Galobart et al. [2001] reported the “Effect of di-
etary supplementation with rosemary extract and
α-tocopheryl acetate on lipid oxidation in eggs en-
riched with ω3-fatty acids”. The antioxidant effect
of dietary supplementation with 500 or 1,000 mg/kg
of a commercial rosemary extract vs. 200 mg/kg of
α-tocopheryl acetate (α-TA) on the lipid oxidative
stability of ω3-fatty acid (FA) – enriched eggs was
Sotelo-Félix et al. [2001] worked on the evalua-
tion of the effectiveness of Rosmarinus of cinalis
(Lamiaceae) in the alleviation of carbon tetrachlo-
ride-induced acute hepatotoxicity in the rat). Histo-
logical evaluation showed that Rosmarinus of cinalis
partially prevented CCl4-induced in ammation, ne-
crosis and vacuolation.
Park et al. [2001] reported the “Neuroprotective
effect of rosmarinus of cinalis extract on human do-
paminergic cell line, SH-SY
Y”. R. of cinalis might
potentially serve as an agent for prevention of several
human neurodegenerative diseases caused by oxida-
tive stress and apoptosis.
Sacchetti et al. [2004] worked on the “Compara-
tive evaluation of 11 essential oils of different origin
as functional antioxidants, antiradicals and antimicro-
bials in foods”. Antioxidant and radical-scavenging
properties were tested by means of 1,1-diphenyl-2-
-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay, b-carotene bleach-
ing test and luminol-photochemiluminescence (PCL)
Cavero et al. [2005] reported the “In vitro anti-
oxidant analysis of supercritical uid extracts from
rosemary (Rosmarinus of cinalis L.)”. Using forward
stepwise multiple linear regression, carnosic acid, me-
thyl carnosate and carnosol were the compounds se-
lected to predict the mentioned activity, with a value
of 0.95 for the coef cient of determination.
Aziza Kamal et al. [2008] reported “Rosemary
(Rosmarinus of cinalis) – a study of the composition,
antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of extracts ob-
tained with supercritical carbon dioxide”. Rosemary
leaf extracts were obtained by supercritical uid ex-
traction (SFE) and Soxhlet extraction. Their chemical
compositions were evaluated by GC-MS. Antioxidant,
antibacterial and antifungal activities of the extracts
were con rmed.
Kissi et al. [2009] reported “The evaluation of
antioxidant potential of Veronica of cinalis and Ro-
smarinus of cinalis extracts by monitoring malondial-
dehide and gluthione levels in rats”. The reduced and
total glutathione were quanti ed from rat plasma, af-
ter derivatization with o-phtalaldehyde, using a HPLC
method with uorescence detection.
Gutierrez et al. [2009] studied the “Oxidative stress
modulation by Rosmarinus of cinalis in CCl
liver cirrhosis”. The effect produced by a methanolic
extract of Rosmarinus of cinalis on CCl
-induced liv-
er cirrhosis in rats was investigated using both preven-
tion and reversion models.
Malo et al. [2010] discussed the “Anti-oxidant sup-
plementation improves boar sperm characteristics and
Begum A., Sandhya S., Syed Shaff ath A., Vinod K.R., Swapna R., Banji D., 2013. An in-depth review on the medicinal fl ora Rosmari-
nus offi cinalis (Lamiaceae). Acta Sci. Pol., Technol. Aliment. 12(1), 61-73.
fertility after cryopreservation: Comparison between
cysteine and rosemary (Rosmarinus of cinalis): (1)
the effective concentration of cysteine in freezing ex-
tender was 10 mM; (2) the addition of exogenous rose-
mary or cysteine to the freezing extender positively
affected post-thawed viability and acrosome integrity.
Only rosemary supplementation improved total motil-
ity at 3 h and progressive motility at any time.
Horvathova et al. [2010] discussed the “Adminis-
tration of rosemary essential oil enhances resistance
of rat hepatocytes against DNA-damaging oxidative
agents”. Administration to rats of rosemary oil, ex-
hibiting free radical-scavenging activity measured by
DPPH assay.
Ibarra et al. [2010] studied the “Importance of ex-
tract standardization and in vitro/ex vivo assay selec-
tion for the evaluation of antioxidant activity of botan-
icals: A case study on three Rosmarinus of cinalis L.
extracts”. The carnosic acid extract was better than the
rosmarinic acid extract in inhibiting the oxidation of
LDL ex vivo.
Abu-Al-Basal [2010] worked on the “Healing po-
tential of Rosmarinus of cinalis L. on full-thickness
excision cutaneous wounds in alloxan-induced-dia-
betic BALB/C mice”. The essential oil of Rosmari-
nus of cinalis was the most active in healing diabetic
wounds and provided a scienti c evidence for the tra-
ditional use of this herb in wound treatment.
Derwich et al. [2011] explored the “Aromatic and
medicinal plants of Morocco: Chemical composition of
essential oils of Rosmarinus of cinalis” determined by
hydro-distillation, analysed by GC/MS and GC-FID.
Muñoza et al. [2011] reported the “Rapid HPTLC-
-based method for quality control: simultaneous chem-
ical analysis and antioxidant activity determination in
herbal, nutraceutical and functional foods”. 44 sam-
ples of Calendula of cinalis, 18 samples of Thymus
vulgaris and 12 samples of Rosmarinus of cinalis,
based on the combination of HPTLC with a diode ar-
ray detector (DAD) and post chromatographic DPPH
radical derivatization.
Tava and Ahmadvand [2011] worked on the “Ef-
fect of rosmarinic acid on inhibition of gentamicin
induced nephrotoxicity in rats”. RA alleviates GS
nephrotoxicity via antioxidant activity, increase of
renal GSH content and increase of renal antioxidant
enzymes activity.
Noqueira de Melo et al. [2011] worked on “Ros-
marinus of cinalis L. essential oil inhibits in vivo and
in vitro leukocyte migration”. The effects of REO on
leukocyte migration highlight an important mecha-
nism of the anti-in ammatory action of rosemary.
Derwich et al. [2011] reported the “In vitro antibac-
terial activity and GC/MS analysis of the essential oil
extract of leaves of Rosmarinus of cinalis grown in Mo-
rocco”. Their chemical composition was determined by
hydro-distillation and analysed by GC/MS and GC-FID.
Boix et al. [2011] studied on the “Glandular tri-
chomes of Rosmarinus of cinalis L.: Anatomical and
phytochemical analyses of leaf volatiles”. It demon-
strated the importance of leaves as a center of volatile
production in peltate and capitate trichomes, as well as
the nature of volatile composition, which is involved
in species survival.
Coran et al. [2012] reported the “Crucial aspects
of high performance thin layer chromatography
quantitative validation. The case of determination of
rosmarinic acid in different matrices”. HPTLC Li-
Chrospher silica gel 60 F254s, 20 cm × 10 cm, plates
with toluene:ethyl formate:formic acid (6:4:1, v/v)
as the mobile phase were used.
Tai et al. [2012] worked on “Antiproliferation ef-
fect of Rosemary (Rosmarinus of cinalis) on human
cancer cells in vitro”. It induced apoptosis by
modifying the expression of multiple genes regulating
apoptosis, and holds potential as an adjunct to cancer
Murata et al. [2012] “Promotion of hair growth by Ros-
marinus of cinalis leaf extract”. Topical administration
of Rosmarinus of cinalis leaf extract (RO-ext,
2 mg/day/
mouse) improved hair regrowth in C57BL/6NCrSlc
mice that experienced hair regrowth interruption in-
duced by testosterone treatment. The inhibition of
testosterone 5α-reductase is well recognized as one of
the most effective strategies for the treatment of an-
drogenic alopecia.
1. Inhalation can occasionally cause irritation and
very rarely laryngospasm [Blumenthal 1998].
2. External use may worsen bronchospasm. Rarely
hypersensitivity reactions of the skin may occur.
Begum A., Sandhya S., Syed Shaff ath A., Vinod K.R., Swapna R., Banji D., 2013. An in-depth review on the medicinal fl ora Rosmari-
nus offi cinalis (Lamiaceae). Acta Sci. Pol., Technol. Aliment. 12(1), 61-73.
3. Photoaggravated allergic contact dermatitis and
cheilitis have been reported. Aetheroleum Rosmarini
[Armisen et al. 2003, Fernandez 1997, Guin 2001].
4. Aetheroleum Rosmarini is contraindicated in
cases of hypersensitivity or allergy to the plant mate-
rial [Blumenthal et al. 2000].
5. It should not be used in patients suffering from
bronchial asthma or bronchitis or on damaged skin,
such as in cases of burns, lesions or skin rashes.
Drug interactions
Cineole, the main constituent of the oil is known to
induce liver metabolic enzymes in animals. Therefore,
the oil may interact with other prescription medica-
tions. The crude drug is anti-mutagenic in rats treated
with cyclophosphamide and is reported to be carcino-
genic, mutagenic and produce impairment of fertility.
It is reported show teratogenic effects and non-terato-
genic effects in pregnancy. Due to the lack of safety
data, the use of the crude drug during breastfeeding
and children under the age of 12 is not recommended
[Fahim et al. 1999, 2012].
Rosemary is an exotic evergreen shrub with mul-
tiple medicinal and cosmetic properties. It is popular
herb which serves as avoring agent and spice. Al-
though it is well renowned for all these potencies, the
oil of the plant is adhered with lot of side effects and
hence lacks safety data. Therefore the use rosemary in
pediatrics, as well as pregnant women should be al-
ways dealt with utmost care.
The authors express their deep sense of gratitude
to Management of Nalanda College of Pharmacy for
allowing them to use the library and internet facilities.
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Received – Przyjęto: 25.07.2012 Accepted for print – Zaakceptowano do druku: 24.10.2012
For citation – Do cytowania
Begum A., Sandhya S., Syed Shaff ath A., Vinod K.R., Swapna R., Banji D., 2013. An in-depth review on the medicinal fl ora Rosmari-
nus offi cinalis (Lamiaceae). Acta Sci. Pol., Technol. Aliment. 12(1), 61-73.
... RO is native to the Mediterranean and Asian regions but is now widely cultivated worldwide for medicinal and ornamental uses [36][37][38]. It is a xeromorphic species with features that make it drought and salt-tolerant and can withstand very cold temperatures [16,39]. ...
... It is sometimes found to flower in winter. The stem is indistinctly quadrangular, finely grey, pubescent, and woody, with tight branches and scratched bark [37,38,40]. ...
... They are used as an expectorant, diuretic, and antispasmodic in renal colic in folk medicine [39]. In Turkish traditional medicine and Navarra, Spain, the leaves are also used as an analgesic in muscles and joints to prevent and cure colds, rheumatism, and high blood sugar [38,[42][43][44]. Essential oils of RO are used in aromatherapy to treat anxiety-related conditions and to increase alertness [45]. ...
Rosmarinus officinalis L. (RO, rosemary) is a well-known medicinal, aromatic, and culinary herb with traditional use in European folk medicine against memory deficits and neurodegenerative disorders. This review highlights the different neuroprotective activities of RO investigated in both preclinical and clinical studies, as well as in silico molecular docking of bioactive compounds found in RO. The neuroprotective effect of RO was searched through databases including PubMed, Web of Science (WoS), Scopus, and Clinical Trials using the keywords “Rosmarinus officinalis, rosemary, neuroprotective effect, memory, cognitive dysfunction, Alzheimer’s disease.” RO, which is rich in secondary metabolites that have memory-enhancing potential, has displayed neuroprotection through different molecular mechanisms such as inhibition of cholinesterase, modulation of dopaminergic and oxytocinergic systems, mediation of oxidative and inflammatory proteins, involved in neuropathic pain, among others. RO extracts exhibited antidepressant and anxiolytic activities. Also, the plant has shown efficacy in scopolamine-, lipopolysaccharide-, AlCl3-, and H2O2-induced amnesia as well as amyloid-beta- and ibotenic acid-induced neurotoxicity and chronic constriction injury-related oxidative stress memory and cognitive impairments in animal models. A few clinical studies available supported the neuroprotective effects of RO and its constituents. However, more clinical studies are needed to confirm results from preclinical studies further and should include not only placebo-controlled studies but also studies including positive controls using approved drugs. Many studies underlined that constituents of RO may have the potential for developing drug candidates against Alzheimer’s disease that possess high bioavailability, low toxicity, and enhanced penetration to CNS, as revealed from the experimental and molecular docking analysis.
... In folk medicine, rosemary has been used to treat renal colic, dysmenorrhea, and muscle spasms. Besides antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial, antitumor, and antithrombotic properties, rosemary has antinociception, antidepressant, and antiulcerogenic properties [8][9][10]. Several medicinal applications of Rosmarinus officinalis have been identified, such as the treatment of the nervous system, cardiovascular system, digestive system, genitourinary system, menstrual system, liver dysfunction, respiratory problems, and skin diseases [10]. ...
... Besides antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial, antitumor, and antithrombotic properties, rosemary has antinociception, antidepressant, and antiulcerogenic properties [8][9][10]. Several medicinal applications of Rosmarinus officinalis have been identified, such as the treatment of the nervous system, cardiovascular system, digestive system, genitourinary system, menstrual system, liver dysfunction, respiratory problems, and skin diseases [10]. ...
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Mussel shells, with their calcium carbonate content, serve as a natural pH buffer, aiding in neutralizing acidic soils and, consequently, enhancing nutrient availability for plants. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of treating soils with mussel shells as a soil pH amendment on the agronomic characteristics and productivity of Rosmarinus officinalis. A pot experiment was set up for two growing years. The treatments were amended using different doses of mussel shells. Overall, the treatments were the following: C: unamended soil (control); T1: 0.1%; T2: 0.3%; T3: 0.5%; T4: 1%; T5: 3%; T6: 6%. Plant height was higher in pots amended with 6% mussel shells and reached the value of 32.2 cm in the first year and 51 cm in the second. The application of mussel shells increased the branch length by 53.4–58.7% and the number of branches per plant by 61.3–62% in T6 compared to the control. The total yield of fresh and dry weight in the 1st and 2nd year was ordered as follows: T6 > T5 > T4 > T3 > T2 > T1 > C. In conclusion, while the established optimal quantity for neutralizing soil pH is 300 g of mussel shells per 10 kg of soil, it has been observed that a ratio of 600 g of mussel shells proves more effective in terms of both the productivity and agronomic characteristics of rosemary.
... Characterized by its alkene properties and a 4membered ring structure, a-pinene is present in the essential oils of various plants, including Lavender angustifolia, Satureja myrtifolia, Canarium tramdenanum, and Rosmarinus officinalis. 8,9 Furthermore, a-pinene has proven effective as a bronchodilator in asthma treatment and has antioxidant and antibiotic properties. 10,11 Although recent findings have highlighted the anticancer activity of a-pinene, unveiling its roles in regulating cell cycle progression, inhibiting inflammation, and promoting apoptosis, 12,13 research investigating its signaling mechanism and anticancer efficacy in gastric cancer remains scarce. ...
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Gastric cancer is the fifth most common cancer globally and the third leading cause of cancer-related mortality. Existing treatment strategies for gastric cancer often present numerous side effects. Consequently, recent studies have shifted toward devising new treatments grounded in safer natural substances. α-Pinene, a natural terpene found in the essential oils of various plants, such as Lavender angustifolia and Satureja myrtifolia, displays antioxidant, antibiotic, and anticancer properties. Yet, its impact on gastric cancer remains unexplored. This research assessed the effects of α-pinene in vitro using a human gastric adenocarcinoma cell-line (AGS) human gastric cancer cells and in vivo via a xenograft mouse model. The survival rate of AGS cells treated with α-pinene was notably lower than that of the control group, as revealed by the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5 diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay. This decline in cell viability was linked to apoptosis, as verified by 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole and annexin V/propidium iodide staining. The α-pinene-treated group exhibited elevated cleaved-poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase and B cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2)-associated X (Bax) levels and reduced Bcl-2 levels compared with the control levels. Moreover, α-pinene triggered the activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase, c-Jun N-terminal kinase, and p38 within the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. In the xenograft mouse model, α-pinene induced apoptosis through the MAPK pathway, devoid of toxicity. These findings position α-pinene as a promising natural therapeutic for gastric cancer.
... The fresh or dried leaves of these globally recognized plants are commonly utilized as culinary spices, in traditional medicine, phytotherapy and even as food preservatives. Moreover, these plants are also accepted in conventional medicine according to the World Health Organization (WHO) as well as the European Medicines Agency (EMA), due to their pharmacological properties towards the relief of symptoms of different diseases based on their long traditional uses and confirmed therapeutic effects [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11]. ...
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The objective of this study was the optimization of the extraction process and the qualitative and quantitative determination of the bioactive metabolites: 12-O-methylcarnosic acid (12MCA), carnosic acid (CA), carnosol (CS), 7-O-methyl-epi-rosmanol (7MER) and rosmanol (RO) in infusions, decoctions, turbulent flow extracts, tinctures and oleolites from three Salvia species: Salvia officinalis L. (common sage, SO), Salvia fruticosa Mill. (Greek sage, SF) and Salvia rosmarinus Spenn (syn Rosmarinus officinalis L.) (rosemary, SR), using Quantitative Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (1H-qNMR). Regarding the aqueous extracts, decoctions appeared to be richer sources of the studied metabolites than infusions among the three plants. For SR, the turbulent flow extraction under heating was the most efficient one. The optimum time for the preparation of decoctions was found to be 5 min for SF and SO and 15 min for SR. It is noteworthy that SR tinctures were not stable in time due to decomposition of the abietane-type diterpenes CA and CS because of the polar solvent used for their preparation. Contrary to this finding, the oleolites of SR appeared to be very stable. Olive oil as a solvent for extraction was very protective for the contained abietane-type diterpenes. A preliminary stability study on the effect of the storage time of the SF on the abietane-type diterpenes content showed that the total quantity of abietanes decreased by 16.51% and 40.79% after 12 and 36 months, respectively. The results of this investigation also demonstrated that 1H-qNMR is very useful for the analysis of sensitive metabolites, like abietane-type diterpenes, that can be influenced by solvents used in chromatographic analysis.
... It is native to the Mediterranean region and is widely cultivated in many areas worldwide for its ornamental, culinary and medicinal uses (Paparella et al., 2022). The fact that Laurus nobilis plant displays biological activity sets it apart the most from plant others (Begum et al., 2013). It is associated with its extract and essential oils as an antifungal agent (Caputo et al., 2017), an antiviral agent, an antibacterial agent (Simić et al., 2004), an acaricidal agent (Sırıken et al., 2018) and an insecticidal agent (Fernandez et al., 2020). ...
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Background: The safety of laboratory mice plays an important role in the success of laboratory experiments for correct and accurate results. Parasites are one of the most common diseases that affect most organisms. The worm Aspiculuris tetraptera is a common intestinal parasite of Mus musculus and rats, it is spread around the world. Aspiculuris tetraptera infection remains a problem for modern research groups; They should be excluded and monitored in rat populations due to their effects on animal health. Methods: The present study was conducted to assess the anthelmintic activity of Laurus nobilis extract in mice naturally infected with Aspiculuris tetraptera. Used was Thirty-six adult male and female (C57BL/6) mice, naturally infected with Aspiculuris tetraptera, were divided into six groups, each comprising six mice: Group 1, was the negative control (infected, untreated), and Groups 2, 3, 4, and 5 were treated with 50, 100, 200 and 400 ìg/ml of L. nobilis for 5 days respectively. Group 6 was treated with 10 mg/mL Albendazole for 3 days as a positive control. Different six treatments were used to test Aspiculuris tetraptera worms in vitro, Containing 4 concentrations (50, 100, 200 and 400 mg/ml) of L. nobilis extract. Ten actively moving adult worms were then placed in each petri dish at room temperature. A saline solution and 10 mg/ml of Albendazole were prepared and used as negative and positive controls. After treatment, observations were made by recording the death time for worms at 20, 40, 80, 120 and 180 minutes. Worms are considered dead if they do not move for 30 seconds after touching their body parts using a surgical needle and the petri dish is shaken. Result: The analysis of phytochemicals by FT-IR for alcoholic extracts of L. nobilis extracts revealed the presence of 15% effective chemical ingredients responsible for killing worms’ activity. In vitro, worms died in 20, 40, 80, 120 and 180 minutes. Attained 96% and 100% after 180 minutes at the highest concentrations (200 and 400 mg/ml). At the same time, the untreated group lasted for long hours. The effects of the plant extract (Laurus nobilis) on Aspiculuris tetraptera worms were studied in vivo at therapeutic doses of 50, 100, 200 and 400 mg/mL. and the concentration of 400 ml/kg showed the most lethal effects for worms, infected mice that did not receive drugs were compared with the highest concentration of the extract and the reference treatment. The attention showed significant differences P≤0.05. The results showed that the mortality rate of worms taken from the intestines of the treated mice that were slaughtered three and six sdays after giving the treatment reached 96% and 100% in the concentration of 400 ml/kg of the extract and 89% and 97%for the mice that treated in 10 ml/kg of met Albendazole respectively. This research showed that herbal remedies could lead to new parasitic disease drugs, and their derivatives can be used for medication production and bioactivity improvement.
... Rosmarinus officinalis L.: These plants have adverse effects targeting some organs system such as respiratory paralysis (rabbit) (Kharchoufa et al. 2018). Also, the plant present embryotoxic effects by d-camphor, investigated in rats and rabbits after intragastric administration for the treatment of hypotonic circulatory dysregulations (Begum et al. 2013). ...
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Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), a very abundant species in Algeria, is a medicinal plant belonging to the Lamiaceae family, used for its various therapeutic effects. The present study was conducted to determine the bioactive compounds and biological activities (antioxidant and antibacterial activities) of the aqueous extract of the plant (EQRO). The sensitivity of the tested bacterial strains varies according to dilutions and bacterial nature (Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli), which was determined using the agar diffusion method. Meanwhile, the in vitro antioxidant activity was assessed using DPPH radical scavenging. EQRO showed high levels of polyphenols and flavonoid contents (455.10 µg EAG/mg extract; 7.33 µg EAQ / mg extract, respectively) with a yield of 14.47%. In addition, the plant extract revealed a significant antioxidant activity as evidenced by the DPPH (IC50=0.128 mg/ml), which is close to that obtained by BHT. Results showed a remarked antimicrobial effect against gram-positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus). At the same time, there was no significant effect on gram-negative bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli), which explains the difference in susceptibility of the tested bacterial strains. Rosmarinus officinalis is suggested as an effective therapeutic medicinal plant because of its antioxidant and antibacterial properties. Keywords: Antibacterial activity, Antioxidant activity, Aqueous extract, bioactive compounds, Rosmarinus officinalis.
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Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder that has a high global health burden and causes high mortality and morbidity in humans. Medicinal herbs and plants offer a promising alternative to conventional therapies for the management of diabetes. Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) is a traditional medicinal herb that has been used for the management of several diseases. Therefore, the present study investigates the antidiabetic properties of diets supplemented with R. officinalis leaf powder on streptozotocin-induced diabetic Wistar rats. First, the phytochemicals and 2,2-dephenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free-radical scavenging activity of aqueous R. officinalis leaf extract were determined. Streptozotocin-induced diabetic male Wistar rats were fed a diet supplemented with R. officinalis leaf powder (ROP) at 3%, 6%, and 12%, respectively, for 6 weeks. Investigations of food intake, body weight, rat relative organ weights, blood glucose, lipid profiles, creatinine, bilirubin, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) were estimated according to standard procedures. The results show that ROP aqueous extract contains significant amounts of phenolics, flavonoids, and tannins, which exhibit in vitro DPPH free-radical scavenging activity. Based on an in vivo study, ROP reduced blood glucose levels in streptozotocin-induced diabetic animals (p < 0.05). Dietary supplementation with ROP in diabetic rats significantly (p < 0.05) lowered ALT, AST, bilirubin, creatinine, total triglyceride (TG), total cholesterol (TC), and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels while increasing high-density lipoproteins (HDLs) when compared with the diabetic control group. Our findings demonstrate that a diet supplemented with R. officinalis leaf powder exhibits an antidiabetic potential with improved health outcomes, as demonstrated by the improved lipid and liver profile enzymes in our animal model.
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Rosemary leaf essential oil (RoEO) is extracted using steam distillation at 95 -100 °C for 60 min. The aim of study is to determine physicochemical characteristics of essential oil (EO), such as acid/saponification/esterification index, relative/absolute density, freezing point, and fragrance retention. The chemical composition of EOs was analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) method and identified 50 volatile compounds, of which α-pinene (33.76%), 1,8-cineole (18.47%), and levoverbenone (6.11%) constituted the highest proportions in EO. The antioxidant capacity (AC) of the EO was evaluated by 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging method with a half-maximum inhibitory concentration (IC50) of 425.473 mg/mL. In particular, antibacterial activity (AA) by the paper plate diffusion method for susceptibility testing to essential oil showed that RoEO strongly inhibited the growth of four tested bacterial strains (Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Salmonella typhimurium, and Escherichia coli). Perhaps, it is possible to apply RoEO in the food industry and other fields owing to the good properties of RoEO.
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This study examines the effects of year, drought stress, and different fertilizer treatments on rosemary's growth, nutrient assimilation, and essential oil yield. Optimal growth was observed in the second year, while drought stress negatively impacted growth, which could be ameliorated by the application of nano-bio-fertilizers and bio-fertilizers. During the two-year study on rosemary, the second year displayed superior vegetative growth, but drought stress in the first year reduced essential oil percentage to 0.325% without fertilizers. Applying bio-fertilizers and nano bio-fertilizers, especially the nano-biofertilizer, increased the essential oil percentage to 1.57% in the second year despite a 30% accessible moisture condition. Under drought, rosemary's potassium levels in leaves increased, while nitrogen and phosphorus decreased, signifying shifts in nutrient uptake. Our research suggests that strategic fertilizer application can mitigate the adverse impacts of drought stress, optimizing growth and essential oil production in rosemary. However, more research is needed to understand these observations and create more effective cultivation strategies for medicinal plants.
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Antioxidants belong to one of the most important group of compounds presented in herbs, nutraceuticals and functional food, which prevent oxidative stress avoiding cell damage. Hence, antioxidants have a high demanding and also their natural sources. A new procedure has been used to separate and quantify the free radical-scavenging activity of individual compounds from 44 samples of Calendula officinalis, 18 samples of Thymus vulgaris and 12 samples of Rosmarinus officinalis, based on the combination of HPTLC with a diode array detector (DAD) and postchromatographic DPPH circle radical derivatization. (c) 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of 11th International Congress on Engineering and Food (ICEF 11) Executive Committee.
The chemical composition and antibacterial activity of essential oils obtained from Rosmarinus officinalis (family Lamiaceae) were determined. Their chemical composition was determined by hydro-distillation, analysed by GC/MS and GC-FID. To evaluate the antibacterial activities of these aromatic extracts; their in vitro antibacterial activity was determined by disk diffusion testing and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Kellebsiella pneuomonae, Salmonella typhi, Staphylococcus intermedius, Bacillus subtilis, Streptococcus mutans, Micrococcus luteus, and Proteus mirabilis were used as test bacterial strains. The analyses for leaves resulted in the identification of forty seven compounds, representing 65.61% of the total oil and the yields were 0.54%. The major component was α-pinene (18.25%); other predominant components were camphor (6.02%), 1.8-cineole (5.25%), camphene (5.02%), β-pinene (4.58%), bornylacetate (4.35%), limonene (3.56%), borneol (3.10%), α-terpineol (2.89%) and cymene (2.02%). The bacterial strains tested were inhibited at minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values in the range of 4 at 48.2μg/mL. The presence of monoterpenes as the major constituents of the essential oil extracted from leaves could be responsible for the potential antibacterial activity observed in this study.
Ethanolic extracts of 52 medicinal plants grown in Jordan were examined for cytotoxicity, mutagenicity and antimicrobial activity. Among the tested extracts, 21 were active in the brine shrimp cytotoxicity assay with LC50 in the range of 5.56-872 μg/ml. These active extracts were further tested for their antitumor activity on human cell cultures. T.foenum-graecum and. S triloba showed activity with ED50 ranging from 2.86 to 19.84 μg/ml depending on the cell line. Mutagenic activity was noticed in extracts from H. blachei, H. salicifolium and P. orientalis. Twenty six extracts showed antibacterial and antifungal activity on one or more of the 6 studied microorganisms, A. aleppica, H. reticulatus and G. aleppicum being the most active.
The pharmacology and antimicrobial action of selected commercial, plant essential oils was studied to relate bioactivity with the chemical components. Spasmogenic action induced by oils on Guinea-pig ileum in vitro was related to a high terpene content, mainly the pinenes, β-cymene, and limonene. Many of the essential oils that induced spasmogenic activity were also strong antibacterial agents. A correlation was observed between spasmogenetic action of essential oils on smooth muscle and stimulating action in man in vivo as measured by contingent negative variation studies. Different samples of the same essential oil often showed differences in the chemical composition as well as bioactivity. Adulteration of essential oils can therefore be shown by bioactivity, which may be more relevant if the essential oils are used for medical or paramedical purposes including aromatherapy using just the aroma or together with body massage.