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The El Salvador and Philippines Tsunamis of August 2012: Insights from Sea Level Data Analysis and Numerical Modeling


Abstract and Figures

We studied two tsunamis from 2012, one generated by the El Salvador earthquake of 27 August (Mw 7.3) and the other generated by the Philippines earthquake of 31 August (Mw 7.6), using sea level data analysis and numerical modeling. For the El Salvador tsunami, the largest wave height was observed in Baltra, Galapagos Islands (71.1 cm) located about 1,400 km away from the source. The tsunami governing periods were around 9 and 19 min. Numerical modeling indicated that most of the tsunami energy was directed towards the Galapagos Islands, explaining the relatively large wave height there. For the Philippines tsunami, the maximum wave height of 30.5 cm was observed at Kushimoto in Japan located about 2,700 km away from the source. The tsunami governing periods were around 8, 12 and 29 min. Numerical modeling showed that a significant part of the far-field tsunami energy was directed towards the southern coast of Japan. Fourier and wavelet analyses as well as numerical modeling suggested that the dominant period of the first wave at stations normal to the fault strike is related to the fault width, while the period of the first wave at stations in the direction of fault strike is representative of the fault length.
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The El Salvador and Philippines Tsunamis of August 2012: Insights from Sea Level Data
Analysis and Numerical Modeling
Abstract—We studied two tsunamis from 2012, one generated
by the El Salvador earthquake of 27 August (Mw 7.3) and the other
generated by the Philippines earthquake of 31 August (Mw 7.6),
using sea level data analysis and numerical modeling. For the El
Salvador tsunami, the largest wave height was observed in Baltra,
Galapagos Islands (71.1 cm) located about 1,400 km away from
the source. The tsunami governing periods were around 9 and
19 min. Numerical modeling indicated that most of the tsunami
energy was directed towards the Galapagos Islands, explaining the
relatively large wave height there. For the Philippines tsunami, the
maximum wave height of 30.5 cm was observed at Kushimoto in
Japan located about 2,700 km away from the source. The tsunami
governing periods were around 8, 12 and 29 min. Numerical
modeling showed that a significant part of the far-field tsunami
energy was directed towards the southern coast of Japan. Fourier
and wavelet analyses as well as numerical modeling suggested that
the dominant period of the first wave at stations normal to the fault
strike is related to the fault width, while the period of the first wave
at stations in the direction of fault strike is representative of the
fault length.
Key words: Tsunami, earthquake, DART, tide gauge, spectral
analysis, Fourier analysis, wavelet analysis, numerical modeling, El
Salvador earthquake, Philippines earthquake.
1. Introduction
We studied two small tsunamis occurring in the
Pacific basin in August 2012, generated by submarine
earthquakes offshore El Salvador and Philippines
(Fig. 1). According to the United States Geological
Survey (USGS 2012a), the El Salvador earthquake
occurred on 27 August 2012 at 04:37:20 GMT. The
epicenter of this Mw-7.3 earthquake was at 12.278°Nand
88.528°W at the depth of around 20 km, producing
almost no damage or casualty in the region (REUTERS
2012a). However, it generated a small tsunami in the
Pacific Ocean whose wave amplitude was reported
around 10 cm along the coastlines (CNN 2012a). A Field
survey by BORRERO et al.(2014) showed that the tsunami
generated a maximum runup of 6 m in the near-field,
injuring several people. The first information bulletin
about this tsunami was issued around 8 min after the
earthquake occurrence, by the Pacific Tsunami Warning
Center (PTWC) (PTWC 2012a). Following this early
information, a tsunami warning was issued at 04:58
GMT (around 20 min after the earthquake) for the region
(PTWC 2012b),andwascancelledaround110minafter
the earthquake (PTWC 2012c).
The Philippines tsunami was slightly larger than the
El Salvador one, having been produced by a slightly
larger earthquake (Mw 7.6). According to the USGS
(2012b), the origin time of the Philippines earthquake
was at 12:47:34 GMT on 31 August 2012. The epicenter
was at 10.838°N and126.704°E at a depth of around
35 km (USGS 2012b). This offshore earthquake caused
little damage and one death in the Philippines (REUTERS
2012b). Following this large submarine earthquake, a
tsunami warning was issued at 12:55 GMT (around
8 min after the earthquake) for the region (PTWC 2012d).
No damage was reported from the tsunami. Finally, the
tsunami warning was cancelled at 14:54 GMT, about
2 h after the earthquake (PTWC 2012e).
In the following, we perform statistical, Fourier
and wavelet analyses on the sea level records of these
tsunamis in order to characterize the tsunami waves.
In addition, numerical modeling of tsunami is con-
ducted to give us insights into the propagation pattern
of tsunami waves in the Pacific Basin.
Earthquake Research Institute (ERI), The University of
Tokyo, 1-1-1 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0032, Japan. E-mail:
Cluster of Excellence ‘‘The Future Ocean’’, Christian-Al-
brechts University of Kiel, Kiel, Germany.
Pure Appl. Geophys.
Ó2014 Springer Basel
DOI 10.1007/s00024-014-0790-2 Pure and Applied Geophysics
2. Sea level data
We report and analyze 25 sea level records of
the aforesaid tsunamis consisting of both tide gau-
ges and Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of
Tsunamis (DART) records (Fig. 1; Tables 1,2).
The sea level data were provided by the USA
National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Admin-
istration (NOAA 2012) and the UNESCO
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC
2012). The sampling interval for all of the sea level
data is 1 min.
Figure 1
General location map of the Pacific Basin showing the locations of the El Salvador tsunami of 27 August 2012 (right asterisk) and the
Philippines tsunami of 31 August 2012 (left asterisk). Solid circles and triangles represent the locations of tide gauge and DART stations,
respectively. Abbreviations are: LG Legaspi, MK Malakal, YI Yap Island, AH Apra Harbor, IS Ishigakijima, NH Naha, TS Tosashimizu, AB
Aburatsu, KS Kushimoto, CH Chichijima, MR Mera, and Ph. Sea Philippine Sea
Table 1
Sea level stations used to study the El Salvador tsunami of 27 August 2012
No. Sea level station Country (state) Longitude Latitude Distance to the
source (km)
Tide gauge stations
1 La Union El Salvador 87.82°W 13.31°N 140
2 Acajutla El Salvador 89.84°W 13.57°N 206
3 Baltra Ecuador 90.28°W 00.43°S 1,433
4 Santa Cruz Ecuador 90.31°W 00.75°S 1,468
5 La Libertad Ecuador 80.91°W 02.22°S 1,829
6 Easter Chile 109.45°W 27.15°S 4,985
DART stations
7 43413 SW of Acapulco, Mexico 99.85°W 11.07°N 1,271
8 32413 NW of Lima, Peru 93.50°W 07.40°S 2,267
M. Heidarzadeh, K. Satake Pure Appl. Geophys.
3. Methods of Waveform Analyses
3.1. Tsunami Waveform Detection
The following steps were employed to detect the
tsunami signal from the sea level records: (1) quality
control, and (2) removing low-frequency signals like
tides by high-pass filtering. The Butterworth IIR
digital filter (MATHWORKS 2012) was employed to
remove low frequency signals for which a cut-off
frequency of 0.0003 Hz (about 1 h) was chosen. To
examine whether the Butterworth digital filter gener-
ates a spurious leading depression wave or not in our
analyses, we performed tidal harmonic analysis for
selected waveforms (Sect. 4.1).
3.2. Statistical Analysis
We calculated the following physical parameters
of the tsunami (HEIDARZADEH and SATAKE 2013a): (1)
the arrival time of the first tsunami wave, (2) the
polarity of the first wave, (3) the arrival time of the
maximum wave, (4) the maximum trough-to-crest
wave height, (5) the number of waves before the
arrival of the maximum wave, and (6) duration of
3.3. Spectral Analysis
The spectral content of a tsunami record is mostly
dictated by two factors: (1) the effect of local and
regional bathymetric features like continental shelves
and coastal harbors/bays, and (2) the effect of
tsunami source and dimensions of the seafloor
deformation. In this context, a tide gauge record of
a tsunami usually includes both of the aforesaid
effects, because tide gauges are deployed in coastal
areas and hence bathymetric features play an impor-
tant role in their records. In contrast, DART records
mostly reflect tsunami source characteristics, as they
are deep-water instruments and hence are free from
shallow bathymetric effects. To separate tsunami
source and bathymetric effects in a tide gauge record,
RABINOVICH (1997) proposed to compare spectral
peaks computed from tsunami water level data
recorded at different locations and then to pick the
common spectral peaks contained within different
water level spectra from a particular tsunami. We
applied this method to separate source and bathy-
metric effects in our tide gauge data. In this study, we
applied two methods to investigate the spectral
content of the tsunami signals: Fourier and wavelet
Table 2
Sea level stations used to study the Philippines tsunami of 31 August 2012
No. Sea level station Country (state) Longitude Latitude Distance to the
source (km)
Tide gauge stations
1 Legaspi Philippines (Albay) 123.76°E 13.15°N 417
2 Malakal Palau Islands 134.45°E 07.33°N 949
3 Yap Island Micronesia 138.12°E 09.51°N 1,283
4 Ishigakijima Japan (Okinawa) 124.10°E 24.20°N 1,520
5 Naha Japan (Okinawa) 127.67°E 26.22°N 1,721
6 Aburatsu Japan 131.41°E 31.58°N 2,376
7 Chichijima Japan 142.19°E 27.09°N 2,507
8 Tosashimizu Japan (Kochi) 132.97°E 32.78°N 2,548
9 Kushimoto Japan 135.77°E 33.48°N 2,724
10 Mera Japan 139.83°E 34.92°N 3,063
11 Wake Island USA (Wake Island) 166.62°E 19.28°N 4,557
12 Kwajalein Marshall Islands 167.73°E 08.73°N 4,588
DART stations
13 52405 West of Pacific Ocean, Guam 132.33°E 12.88°N 669
14 52403 West of Pacific Ocean, Truk 145.59°E 04.05°N 2,241
15 52402 NW of Kwajalein 154.04°E 11.87°N 3,055
16 52401 NE of Saipan 155.77°E 19.26°N 3,380
17 21413 SE of Tokyo, Japan 152.12°E 30.52°N 3,590
Analysis of the El Salvador and Philippines Tsunamis of August 2012
3.3.1 Fourier Analysis
For Fourier analysis, we used Welch’s averaged-
modified-periodogram method of spectral estimation
by considering Hamming window and overlaps
(WELCH 1967). Calculation of the signal spectrum
was done using the Welch algorithm from the signal
processing toolbox in Matlab program (MATHWORKS
3.3.2 Wavelet Analysis
Wavelet analysis, also known as the frequency-time
(ft) analysis, has been used in tsunami research for
studying the temporal changes of tsunami energy
SATAKE 2013a;BORRERO and GREER 2013). Since a
tsunami is a non-stationary signal, its spectral content
varies in strength and peak frequency over time.
Wavelet analysis presents the distribution of tsunami
energy in different frequency bands (f) over time (t).
In other words, wavelet analysis shows in which
period band tsunami energy is concentrated at a
particular time, and hence can be considered as a
complementary analysis for Fourier analysis. Because
a tsunami is a non-stationary signal, the use of
wavelet analysis allows for the analysis of the
frequency content of a tsunami wave train as it
changes over time. More details about wavelet
analysis is given in TORRENCE and COMPO (1998)
and HEIDARZADEH and SATAKE (2013a,b).
4. Results of the Analyses
4.1. Tsunami Waveforms
Figure 2presents the original and filtered signals
for the El Salvador tsunami of 27 August 2012
(Fig. 2a) and the Philippines tsunami of 31 August
2012 (Fig. 2b, c). It can be seen that the tsunami
signal is clear in most of the analyzed tide gauge
records. The El Salvador tsunami was recorded on
five coastal tide gauges and two DART stations
(DARTs 43413 and 32413). The Philippine tsunami
was recorded on ten coastal tide gauges and on two
DART stations of 52405 and 52403 with 1-min
temporal resolution. While the tsunami was possibly
recorded on DART stations 52402, 52401 and 21413,
the tsunami arrival occurred after the station had been
switched from 1-min sampling to 15 min sampling.
Under-sampled traces of seismic waves are also
present in the DART records of both events and are
evident in the figures.
Figure 2d compares the results of Butterworth
digital filter (middle panel) with those of tidal
harmonic analysis (right panel) for four stations
recording the Philippines tsunami. We applied the
tidal analysis package Tidal Analysis Software Kit
(TASK) for tidal analysis (BELL et al.2000).
Figure 2d shows that both of the analyses yield
almost the same results, indicating that the applied
digital filter is not producing spurious leading
depression waves.
4.2. Statistical Properties of the Tsunamis
Based on the filtered tsunami signals (Fig. 2), the
main physical properties are summarized in Tables 3
and 4.
4.2.1 El Salvador Tsunami
Among the analyzed sea level stations for the El
Salvador tsunami, the Acajutla tide gauge was the
first one to receive the tsunami. The first arrival in La
Union can be distinguished by taking into consider-
ation the fact that the period of tsunami is larger than
that of noise signals. The time interval between the
first tsunami peak (asterisk in Fig. 2a) and the next
peak is around 16 min for the La Union record. It will
be shown later that the 16-min signal is one of the
governing signals of the El Salvador tsunami. The
largest trough-to-crest wave height is 71.1 cm
recorded at the Baltra tide gauge station at a distance
of around 1,400 km from the tsunami source
(Table 3). At other far-field stations like Santa Cruz
and La Libertad, wave heights of 34.4 and 35.6 cm
were recorded, respectively, though the Santa Cruz
station is located in the far-field on the lee side of the
Galapagos island system relative to the direction of
incidence of the tsunami (Fig. 1). The far-field wave
heights are about five times larger than the near-field
wave heights (e.g., La Union station). Comparison of
average values for the DART and tide gauge
M. Heidarzadeh, K. Satake Pure Appl. Geophys.
waveforms (Table 3) indicate three main differences
between tsunami records on DARTs and tide gauges:
(1) Duration of tsunami oscillations on tide gauges is
about four times longer than that on DARTs, (2) the
maximum wave height on tide gauges is 14 times
larger than that on DARTs, and (3) the first wave is
the largest one in DART records, whereas the second,
third or later wave is the largest in tide gauge records.
Figure 2
Sea level records of the El Salvador tsunami of 27 August 2012 (a) and the Philippines tsunami of 31 August 2012 (b,c). The left and middle
panels show the original and filtered signals, respectively. In the right panel, only a small part of the filtered signal is enlarged. The letters
Eand Trepresent Earthquake and Tsunami, respectively. The dashed rectangle shows part of the data enlarged in the neighboring panel.
Small insets show the respective waveforms with a better resolution. Asterisks show the arrival times of the first wave. dComparison of the
results of waveform analysis performed by the Butterworth digital filter (middle panel) and the tidal harmonic analysis (right panel). Tide
predictions are shown by blue curves in the left panel. The red-vertical line represent the time of the earthquake occurrence
Analysis of the El Salvador and Philippines Tsunamis of August 2012
4.2.2 Philippines Tsunami
The largest wave height was 30.5 cm, recorded at
Kushimoto (Japan) for the Philippines tsunami.
Similar to the El Salvador tsunami, among the
analyzed sea level stations for the Philippines
tsunami (Table 4), the near-field wave heights are
significantly smaller than the far-field ones. Accord-
ing to Table 4, deep water tsunami waves recorded at
DART 52405 have smaller amplitudes and last for a
shorter time compared to those recorded by tide
4.3. Spectral Peaks
Fourier analysis of the tsunami waveforms iden-
tified a few peaks, which are shown by asterisks in
Fig. 3and are summarized in Tables 5,6.We
performed Fourier analysis for both the entire
tsunami waveform (Fig. 3/left panels) and for the
first 2 h (Fig. 3/right panels), and then the peak
periods were picked from the latter spectra. It is
expected that the 2-h-long spectra are less influenced
by coastal bathymetric features. In general, a clear
difference can be seen between the tsunami spectra of
DARTs and those of tide gauges. Tsunami spectrum
is usually simple and consists of only one peak for
DARTs, whereas it is relatively complicated and
includes several peaks for tide gauges.
4.3.1 El Salvador Tsunami
The analysis suggests spectral peaks at approximately
19 and 9 min for the El Salvador tsunami (Fig. 3a;
Figure 2
M. Heidarzadeh, K. Satake Pure Appl. Geophys.
Table 3
Statistical properties of the El Salvador tsunami of 27 August 2012
No. Sea level station First wave Maximum wave Duration (h)
Arrival time (GMT)
Travel time
Arrival time
(GMT) dd/mm-HH:MM)
Travel time
Observed max.
wave height (cm)
No. of the
max. wave
1 La Union 27/08-05:39 01:02 (?) 27/08-06:11 01:34 4.5 3 10
2 Acajutla 27/08-05:23 00:46 (-) 27/08-09:29 04:52 12.5 23 14
3 Baltra 27/08-07:08 02:31 (?) 27/08-07:21 02:44 71.1 2 10
4 Santa Cruz 27/08-07:25 02:48 (?) 27/08-07:34 02:57 34.4 2 7
5 La Libertad 27/08-08:11 03:44 (?) 27/08-11:23 06:46 35.6 17 10
6 Easter NA
Average 31.6 9 10.2
7 DART 43413 27/08-06:15 01:38 (?) 27/08-06:19 01:42 2.3 1 2
8 DART 32413 NA NA NA 27/08-08:15 03:38 2.2 1 2.8
Average 2.25 1 2.4
Compared to the earthquake origin time (27/08/2012 04:370:2000 GMT)
(-)and(?) represent leading depression and elevation waves, respectively
Maximum trough-to-crest wave height
Not Applicable
Analysis of the El Salvador and Philippines Tsunamis of August 2012
Table 4
Statistical properties of the Philippines tsunami of 31 August 2012
No. Sea level station First wave Maximum wave Duration (h)
Arrival time (GMT)
Travel time
Arrival time (GMT)
Travel time
Observed max.
wave height (cm)
No. of the
max. wave
1 Legaspi 31/08-13:23 00:36 (?) 31/08-13:43 00:56 4.2 2 9
2 Malakal NA
3 Yap Island 31/08-14:28 01:41 (?) 31/08-15:04 02:17 3.2 6 2
4 Ishigakijima 31/08-14:45 01:58 (?) 31/08-16:59 04:12 9.8 11 10
5 Naha 31/08-15:05 02:18 (?) 31/08-17:00 04:13 10.5 5 5
6 Aburatsu NA NA NA 31/08- 20:53 08:06 7.3 NA 6
7 Chichijima 31/08-15:52 03:07 (?) 31/08-16:57 04:10 24 5 13
8 Tosashimizu 31/08-16:19 03:32 (?) 31/08-16:37 03:50 17.9 2 2
9 Kushimoto 31/08-16:25 03:38 (?) 31/08-16:38 03:51 30.5 2 10
10 Mera 31/08-17:36 04:49 (?) 31/08-18:34 05:47 23.9 5 6
11 Wake Island 31/08-18:36 05:49 (?) 31/08-19:05 06:18 7.5 3 3
12 Kwajalein NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Average 13.9 5 6.6
13 DART 52405 31/08-13:31 00:44 (?) 31/08-13:33 00:46 5.8 1 1
14 DART 52403 31/08-15:50 03:03 (?) 31/08-15:50 03:03 1.01 1
Compared to the earthquake origin time (31/08/2012 12:470:3400 GMT)
(-)and(?) represent leading depression and elevation waves, respectively
Maximum trough-to-crest wave height
Not applicable
M. Heidarzadeh, K. Satake Pure Appl. Geophys.
Table 5); these are possibly the main tsunami source
periods. The most governing signal is possibly the
one with the period of around 9 min, because this
signal is the one that is most common in Table 5.
4.3.2 Philippines Tsunami
For the Philippines tsunami, the governing periods
are 29, 12, and 8 min (Fig. 3b, c; Table 6), among
which the 12-min period seems to be the strongest
one because it is the most common signal in
different stations (Table 6). The period of the
tsunami recorded at the DART 52403 is also
12 min (Fig. 2c). Some unusual observations can
be seen in the tsunami spectra shown in Fig. 3b, c.
For example, during the Philippines tsunami, the
most powerful signal is the 5.9-min signal in Yap
Island, whereas either 29- or 12-min signals are the
governing ones in all of the other stations. The 5.9-
min period is possibly one of the resonance modes
Figure 3
Spectra for the sea level records of the El Salvador tsunami of 27 August 2012 (a) and the Philippines tsunami of 31 August 2012 (b,c).
Fourier analysis is performed for both the entire tsunami waveforms (left panels) and for the first 2 h of the tsunami waveforms (right panels).
Asterisks show some of the peak periods in each spectrum. Solid and dashed lines show the spectra of tsunami and background signals,
Analysis of the El Salvador and Philippines Tsunamis of August 2012
of the harbor/bay, in which the Yap Island tide
gauge is located.
4.4. Temporal Changes of Dominant Periods
Wavelet analyses for the sea level records of the
El Salvador and Philippines tsunamis are shown in
Fig. 4, as is the global wavelet spectrum, which is the
time-averaged spectral energy over all times. It
should be noted that Fourier analysis (Fig. 3) gives
the power of signals with different periods over the
entire tsunami record, whereas wavelet analysis gives
the time evolution of wave energy. Hence, the
Fourier analysis given by global wavelet spectrum
(Fig. 4) is slightly different from that of normal
Fourier analysis performed by Welch algorithm
(Fig. 3). This is why there are differences between
the amount of peak energy given by Fourier (Fig. 3)
and wavelet analyses (Fig. 4) although the peak
periods are almost the same in both.
4.4.1 El Salvador Tsunami
For the El Salvador tsunami recorded at Santa
Cruz, most of the tsunami energy is distributed in
the narrow period band of 11–24 min over the
entire tsunami oscillations. The Acajutla’s ftplot
shows that the level of wave energy before the
earthquake occurrence is as high as that after the
earthquake for the period band of around 45 min,
indicating that this period band cannot be attributed
to the tsunami. There is almost no energy at the
period bands of around 7–10 and 18–20 min before
the earthquake occurrence, whereas the wave
energy at these period bands is higher after the
earthquake. This indicates that both of the aforesaid
periods may belong to the tsunami. On the other
hand, we may conclude that the peak period of
45 min at the La Libertad station (Fig. 4a) belongs
to non-tsunami sources (e.g., local and regional
bathymetric effects).
4.4.2 Philippines Tsunami
Based on the ftplots for the Philippines tsunami
(Fig. 4b, c), it can be seen that most of the wave
energy is distributed at three different period bands
of around 10–13, 25–30, and 45 min. However, the
period band of 45 min most probably belongs to
non-tsunami sources, because the level of energy in
this band is high before the arrival of tsunami in
many of the examined stations. This idea is
supported by the tsunami and background spectra
shown in Fig. 3b, c because the levels of energy in
both spectra are almost the same around the period
of 45 min. Distinct wave trains with high energy
contents are clear at Naha. According to the
wavelet plot of the Ishigakijima record (Fig. 4b),
by neglecting the 45-min signal, the governing
period of tsunami is around 10–12 min for the first
few hours after the tsunami arrival; then the
governing period switches to the period of around
20–28 min. On the contrary, the 28-min signal is
the first signal arriving at the Legaspi station
(Fig. 4b). At Wake Island (Fig. 4c), most of the
tsunami energy occurs at the period of around
10–12 min and almost no energy is present at the
period band of 20–28 min. For Mera (Fig. 4c),
Table 5
Governing periods of the El Salvador tsunami of 27 August 2012
based on the spectra of the first 2 h of the tsunami waveforms
(Fig. 3a/right panel)
No. Station Peak periods (min)
1 La Union 9.4
2 Acajutla 19.3, 7.5
3 DART 43413 7.9
4 Baltra 10.8, 4.9
5 Santa Cruz 18.5, 6.2
6 La Libertad 12.2, 5.9
Table 6
Governing periods of the Philippines tsunami of 31 August 2012
based on the spectra of the first 2 h of the tsunami waveforms
(Fig. 3b, c/right panel)
No. Station Peak periods (min)
1 Legaspi 25.6, 12.4, 5.9
2 Yap Island 28.9, 11.8, 7.9, 5.9
3 Ishigakijima 12.5, 8.2
4 Naha 28.9, 10.4, 7.8
5 Chichijima 15.0, 7.5
6 Tosashimizu 13.1, 8.3
7 Kushimoto 18.3, 7.7
8 Mera 13.2
9 Wake Island 11.1
10 DART 52405 10.4
M. Heidarzadeh, K. Satake Pure Appl. Geophys.
tsunami energy is distributed over a wide period
band of 5–25 min. The governing period is around
10–15 min for Chichijima, while it is around
20–25 min for Kushimoto (Fig. 4c).
4.5. Summary of the Sea Level Data Analysis
The analysis of the El Salvador and Philippines
tsunamis of August 2012 using sea level data showed
some unusual observations, such as: (1) for the El
Salvador tsunami, relatively large wave height of
34.4 cm was observed on the lee side of the Galapagos
island system relative to the direction of incidence of
the tsunami; (2) although the Philippines earthquake
(Mw 7.6) was larger than the El Salvador one (Mw 7.3),
the maximum wave height generated by the El
Salvador tsunami was almost two times bigger than
that generated by the Philippines tsunami; (3) the
largest wave heights produced by the Philippines
tsunami were observed in the far-field especially along
the Japan coast; and (4) the largest wave heights of the
El Salvador tsunami occurred in the far-field. We
perform numerical modeling of both tsunamis in order
to shed some light on the above unusual observations.
Figure 4
Wavelet analysis for the sea level records of the El Salvador tsunami of 27 August 2012 (a) and the Philippines tsunami of 31 August 2012
(b,c). Dashed-vertical dark and purple lines represents the earthquake occurrence and tsunami arrival times, respectively. The small plots,at
the right side of each wavelet plot, show the global wavelet spectrum
Analysis of the El Salvador and Philippines Tsunamis of August 2012
5. Numerical Modeling of Tsunami Waves
and Validation
5.1. Method and Validation
The analytical formulas by OKADA (1985) were
employed to calculate the seafloor deformation due to
the parent earthquake using the seismic parameters of
the earthquake. The earthquake fault parameters are
taken from the GLOBAL CMT (2012) and the USGS
centroid moment solution (USGS 2012a,b) summa-
rized in Table 7. Figure 5a shows the result of the
seafloor deformation modeling. The 1-min bathyme-
try grid provided through the GEBCO digital atlas
was used here for numerical modeling of tsunami
(IOC et al.2003). The numerical model used here is
the same as that described in YALCINER et al.(2004),
solving non-linear shallow water equations using a
leap frog scheme on a staggered grid system. A time
step of 3.0 s is applied and tsunami inundation on dry
land is not included.
To validate the results of tsunami modeling, we
compare time histories of the simulated waves with
actual ones observed on DARTs and tide gauges.
Figure 5b presents the results of this comparison, in
which five actual sea level records are compared with
the simulated ones for each tsunami. Although the
grid spacing is 1 min, good agreement can be seen
between the simulated and observed waveforms. The
agreement is highly satisfactory for DART records.
In Legaspi, the discrepancy between the observed and
simulated wave height is relatively large; however,
the arrival times are almost the same. It seems that
the tsunami simulations performed here are accurate
enough for this study, which is aimed at studying the
propagation pattern of the two tsunamis.
5.2. The El Salvador Tsunami
Snapshots of the El Salvador tsunami in Fig. 6a
show that tsunami waves experience two major
reflections from Isla-Del-Coco and the Galapagos
Islands, which occur about 1.5 and 2.5 h after the
earthquake, respectively. It is clear from Fig. 6a that
each reflection acts as a new source for tsunami
waves, introducing new wave trains into the tsunami
wave field. Late wave trains in tsunami waveforms
(Fig. 2) may be attributed to these reflected waves
that arrive some hours after the earthquake genera-
tion. It is long known that a tsunami is a series of long
waves; not a single wave. This is clear from the
snapshot of the El Salvador tsunami at the time of 3 h
(Fig. 6a) where a chain of successive wave crests
(C) and troughs (T) can be seen.
Figure 6c shows the distribution of the maximum
wave height of the El Salvador tsunami. Most of the
tsunami energy is directed towards the Galapagos
Islands. This is due to the directivity of tsunami
waves in the far-field. Proposed by BEN-MENAHEM
and ROSENMAN (1972), directivity of tsunami indi-
cates that most of the tsunami energy travels
Figure 4
M. Heidarzadeh, K. Satake Pure Appl. Geophys.
perpendicular to the source strike in the far-field.
Considering that the strike of the fault responsible for
the El Salvador tsunami is SE–NW (Fig. 5a), the
largest tsunami waves travel in the NE–SW direction
(Fig. 6c). Hence, observation of the maximum wave
height of the El Salvador tsunami at the Baltra station
can be explained by the directivity effect. Snapshots
of the El Salvador tsunami simulation around the
Santa Cruz station (Fig. 6d) reveal that two different
waves arrived almost at the same time from opposite
sides, and are superpositioned into a single wave. One
wave train comes from around the Isabela Island to
the west and another wave train from the east side of
the Santa Cruz Island. This phenomenon may explain
the relatively large wave height of around 35 cm in
Santa Cruz.
5.3. The Philippines Tsunami
Snapshots of the Philippines tsunami in Fig. 6b
reveal that the tsunami wave field is more compli-
cated than that of the El Salvador tsunami; this can be
attributed to the presence of the Izu-Bonin Island
chain and other Pacific Islands around the tsunami
source area. Tsunami waves are reflected from this
island chain and can hardly exit the Philippine Sea
region. This is also supported by Fig. 6c, where the
distribution of the maximum wave height of tsunami
is presented. Figure 6c reveals that most of the
tsunami energy is confined within the Philippine Sea
region and only a small part of the tsunami is able to
exit from the Philippine Sea.
The other fact in Fig. 6c is that a significant part of
the Philippines tsunami energy is directed towards the
Figure 5
Results of numerical modeling of tsunami. aSeafloor deformation due to the El Salvador and Philippines tsunamis. Numbers on axes are in
degrees. Asterisks show the epicenters of the earthquake. bSimulated and observed waveforms for the two tsunamis
Analysis of the El Salvador and Philippines Tsunamis of August 2012
southern coast of Japan (arrow B in Fig. 6c). In fact, the
energy of the Philippines tsunami is partitioned into
two parts: (1) the first part of tsunami energy travels
perpendicular to the source strike (arrow A in Fig. 6c),
which can be explained by the directivity effect; and (2)
the second part travels towards the southern coast of
Japan (arrow B in Fig. 6c), which can be explained by
the effect of bathymetry on far-field propagation of
tsunamis proposed by SATAKE (1988). Arrows in
Fig. 6b show how the Izu-Bonin Island chain funnels
the tsunami waves towards southern Japan. Observa-
tion of relatively large wave heights in Japanese
coastlines due to the Philippines tsunami may be
explained by this effect.
5.4. Comparing the Two Tsunamis
According to Tables 3and 4, among the examined
sea level records, the average wave height produced
by the El Salvador tsunami is about two times larger
than that produced by the Philippines tsunami,
although the former earthquake (Mw 7.3) was smaller
than the latter earthquake (Mw 7.6). The El Salvador
earthquake was more efficient for tsunami generation
than the Philippines one for three reasons. First, the
former earthquake occurred at a shallower depth.
Second, the former earthquake has a larger dip-slip
component, although the dip angle is smaller
(Table 7). Due to these reasons, the maximum
Figure 6
Results of numerical modeling of tsunami. aSnapshots of tsunami simulations for the El Salvador tsunami. Cand Trepresent crest and trough
waves, respectively. bSnapshots of tsunami simulations for the Philippines tsunami. cDistribution of the maximum wave amplitudes of
tsunami for the two tsunamis. dSnapshots of the El Salvador tsunami around the Santa Cruz station. Numbers on axes are in degrees
M. Heidarzadeh, K. Satake Pure Appl. Geophys.
seafloor uplift due to the El Salvador earthquake is
larger than that of the Philippines earthquake
(Fig. 5a). It is evident that the larger the seafloor
uplift is, the stronger the tsunami. Third, based on the
source-time functions of both earthquakes shown in
Fig. 7, the El Salvador earthquake was a slow
earthquake. The source duration of the El Salvador
earthquake was around 70 s; this is comparable to
some other slow-tsunamigenic earthquakes (known as
‘tsunami earthquakes’’), like the 1992 Nicaragua
Figure 6
Table 7
Tectonic parameters used for modeling seafloor deformation at the tsunami source according to GLOBAL CMT (2012) and the USGS (2012a,b)
Event name M
(dyn. cm)
Fault start point Fault end point Length
Lon (°) Lat (°) Lon (°) Lat (°)
El Salvador
(27 Aug 2012)
1.18 910
7.3 88.70 (°W) 12.3 (°N) 89.22 (°W) 12.46 (°N) 60 30 2.2 12 15 81 287
(31 Aug 2012)
3.34 910
7.6 126.80 (°E) 10.20 (°N) 126.63 (°E) 10.90 (°N) 80 40 3.5 46 45 63 345
Seismic moment
Moment magnitude
Analysis of the El Salvador and Philippines Tsunamis of August 2012
earthquake (KANAMORI and KIKUCHI 1993) and the
2010 Mentawai earthquake (SATAKE et al.2013). Slow
earthquakes have been reported to be more efficient in
tsunami generation than ordinary ones.
6. Discussions
6.1. Insights into the Tsunami Source Dimension
Using Wavelet Analysis
It is already known that the main governing
periods of tsunamis are normally dictated by the
dimensions of the earthquake fault (i.e., length/
width), as schematically shown for the Philippines
tsunami in Fig. 8(HEIDARZADEH and SATAKE 2013a).
The sea level stations located normal to the fault
strike (e.g., Wake Is. in Fig. 8) are mainly influenced
by the tsunami period determined by the source
width. For other stations located at different sides of
the tsunami source (i.e., the lateral stations like
Legaspi in Fig. 8), the tsunami signal controlled by
the source length is usually the first wave to arrive at
these stations. As most of the tsunami energy is
usually concentrated towards normal to the source
strike (i.e., directivity effect), the period of tsunami is
mainly controlled by the width of the source rupture.
Therefore, even for the stations receiving first waves
imposed by the source length, we may expect that the
governing tsunami signal is the one imposed by the
source width. However, any connection between a
certain period and the width/length of the source fault
needs to be made cautiously, because a tsunami
spectrum usually shows multiple peaks due to the
various local/regional/global bathymetric features. In
fact, the periods dictated by the source fault are
mixed with other periods imposed by bathymetric
effects. In addition, the aforesaid connection between
source dimensions and tsunami governing periods is a
general rule and we may not expect it to hold true for
every tsunami waveform, as tsunami source is, in
reality, a heterogeneous one and tsunami waveforms
are affected by several factors.
The Fourier analysis for the Philippines tsunami
showed that the governing periods of this tsunami
are around 12 and 29 min (Table 6). The wavelet
plot of the Ishigakijima record (Fig. 4b) shows that
the first tsunami wave arriving in this station is
dominated by the 11-min signal, followed by the
25-min signal. For this case, the periods of 11 and
25 min can be possibly attributed to the width and
length of the seafloor rupture, respectively (Fig. 8).
In Chichijima (Fig. 4c), located almost normal to
the fault strike, the 15-min signal is the first one to
arrive at this station and is dominating for almost
the entire tsunami lifetime. This 15-min signal
seems to be dictated by the width of the tsunami
source. We note that we do not necessarily expect
exactly the same signal resulting from source width
at different stations. Taking into account the com-
plex wave field generated by a tsunami due to
irregular bathymetry, as well as tsunami source
heterogeneity, the two signals of 11 and 15 min can
be considered close enough to each other as both
originated from the source width. In Naha, located
at an angle of around 45 degrees relative to the
source strike, the first and the dominating signal is
the one at the period of 28 min, which seems to be
dictated by the length of the tsunami source. For the
two middle-class stations of Naha and Ishigakijima,
i.e. neither located pure normal relative to the
source strike nor pure lateral, it can be seen that in
one of them the first signal is at 11 min and in the
other it is at 28 min. In Wake Island, located truly
Figure 7
Source-time functions for the two earthquakes of El Salvador (27
August 2012-Mw 7.3) and Philippines (31 August 2012-Mw 7.6).
The data is from the finite fault model of USGS (2012a,b)
M. Heidarzadeh, K. Satake Pure Appl. Geophys.
normal to the fault strike, the only tsunami signal is
the 11-min signal, meaning that the spectra of the
Wake Island station is mostly influenced by the
width of the tsunami source rupture. For the Legaspi
station, a pure lateral one, a first 26-min tsunami
signal was recorded (Fig. 4b).
6.2. Tsunami Hazards for Southern Japan
from Philippines Tsunamis
Analysis of sea level records of the 31 August
2012 Philippines tsunami revealed that the largest
wave heights of this tsunami were recorded on tide
gauges along the southern coast of Japan. Using
numerical modeling of tsunami, it was shown
above that a part of the waves generated by the
Philippines tsunami was funneled towards southern
Japan due to the bathymetric features in the
Philippine Sea. According to LANDER et al.
(2003), a similar observation was reported follow-
ing the 3 May 1998 tsunami in the Philippine Sea
(Mw 7.5), which was recorded in some Japanese
costal sites such as Naha and Ishigakijima. Based
on these observations, a large subduction earth-
quake offshore the Philippines is likely to generate
damage along the southern coast of Japan, and
hence, possible tsunami hazards for southern Japan
from submarine earthquakes offshore the Philip-
pines need to be considered.
7. Conclusions
The El Salvador tsunami of 27 August 2012 and
the Philippines tsunami of 31 August 2012 were
studied using 25 sea level records of these tsunamis
and numerical modeling of tsunami waves. The main
findings are as follows:
1. Among the analyzed sea level records for the El
Salvador tsunami, the largest wave height was
observed in Baltra (71.1 cm) at a distance of about
1,400 km from the tsunami source. Near-field
stations of La Union and Acajutla recorded wave
heights of 4.5 and 12.5 cm, respectively. Numer-
ical modeling showed that most of the tsunami
energy is directed towards the Galapagos Islands
(including the Baltra sea level station), and
possibly this is the reason for observing the
maximum wave height of this tsunami in Baltra.
Fourier and wavelet analyses revealed that the
main tsunami peak periods are around 9 and
19 min for this tsunami, and the 45-min peak
observed at some stations does not represent the
tsunami source. The 9-min signal seems to be the
main tsunami signal, as it was observed in many
sea level spectra.
2. For the Philippines tsunami, the maximum wave
height was observed at the Kushimoto station
(30.5 cm), a Japanese tide gauge station located
2,700 km away from the source. Legaspi tide
gauge station located in the near-field recorded a
wave height of 4.2 cm. Relatively large wave
heights were observed at tide gauges located along
the coast of Japan. Numerical modeling showed
that tsunami waves were funneled towards the
southern coast of Japan. Numerical modeling also
revealed that most of the Philippines tsunami
energy was confined within the Philippine Sea
Figure 8
Sketch showing an approximation of the source location of the
Philippines tsunami of 31 August 2012 (rectangle), and the first
tsunami signals traveling towards the tide gauges located normal
(e.g., Chichijima and Wake Island) and parallel (e.g., Legaspi) to
the strike of the tsunami source. Wand Lrepresent width and
length of the tsunami source, respectively. kis the tsunami
wavelength. Solid circles show the locations of the tide gauges
Analysis of the El Salvador and Philippines Tsunamis of August 2012
region. The main tsunami peak periods were
estimated at around 8, 12 and 29 min. The
strongest signal was at the period of around
12 min, as it was more common on the examined
sea level spectra.
3. A connection was made between tsunami govern-
ing periods and source dimensions using wavelet
analysis. Results may suggest that the dominant
period of the first wave at stations normal to the
fault strike usually reflects the fault width, while
the period of the first wave at stations in the
direction of fault strike most probably reflects the
fault length.
The sea level data used in this study were provided
through the USA National Oceanographic and Atmo-
spheric Administration (NOAA), and UNESCO
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
(IOC). We express our sincere gratitude to our
colleagues from the sea level data centers at both
NOAA and IOC for their invaluable efforts regarding
the preparation, processing and timely supply of sea
level data which has greatly contributed to tsunami
science in the last decade. Figure 1 was drafted using
the GMT software (WESSEL and SMITH 1991). The
wavelet package by TORRENCE and COMPO (1998) was
used in this study. This article benefitted from
detailed and constructive reviews from two anony-
mous reviewers, for which we are sincerely grateful.
We would like to thank Dr. Hermann Fritz (Georgia
Institute of Technology, USA), the guest editor of this
issue, for his assistance during the revision process of
this article. This study was supported by the Alex-
ander von Humboldt Foundation in Germany and the
Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS) in
Tidal Analysis Software Kit 2000 (TASK-2000), Permanent
Service for Mean Sea Level. CCMS Proudman Oceanographic
Laboratory, UK, 22p.
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Analysis of the El Salvador and Philippines Tsunamis of August 2012
... In subnetwork S6, only southern stations observed such tsunamis ( Figure S2). That is most likely because of the refraction at the Japan Trench and the Izu-Bonin Trench which acts as a waveguide and focuses energy towards southwest Japan (e.g., Heidarzadeh and Satake, 2014). In addition, only DONET stations observed the high-frequency signal (>2 Hz). ...
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On October 8, 2023, at 21:40 UTC (6:40 on October 9 local time), a tsunami warning was issued for the Izu Islands and southwest Japan. This tsunami was initially considered to be associated with the Mw 4.7 earthquake at 20:25 UTC (5:25 JST). However, we know events of this magnitude are far too small to generate observed tsunamis from coseismic deformation alone. In this study, we analyzed the ocean-bottom pressure records of DONET and S-net, real-time cabled observation networks on the Pacific coast of Japan. We find that the dominant period of this tsunami was relatively short, 250 sec, and that the largest tsunami occurred at 21:13 (6:13 JST) near Sofu-gan volcano. In addition, T waves, or the ocean-acoustic waves, were clearly observed by DONET – we posit these correspond to a vigorous swarm-like seismic event at the same region of the tsunami source. We formally invert for the tsunami source and find that several tsunami sources with an interval of about 4 min are necessary to reproduce the observed records. These most likely correspond to volcanic eruptions.
... The gap between wave spectra (first and second waves) and background spectra is the wave energy spectra for the 2022 HTHH eruption. The shapes of the wave spectra are normally followed by the background spectra to reveal the effect of local air pressure and bathymetry on the Lamb and tsunami waves, respectively 11,36,37 . The Fourier spectra of the Lamb waves were plotted by varying the periods (frequency) from 400 to 2 min (0.0025 to 0.5 Hz) and energies from 1 × 10 -3 to 1 × 10 -8 m 2 /min for both wave durations (first and second), as shown in the first column of Fig. 4. The long period (low frequency) energy spectra for both wave durations were greater than 200 min (0.005 Hz) and were close to the energy spectra of the background. ...
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The massive eruption of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai (HTHH) volcano in Tonga on 15 January 2022 at 04:15 UTC had a global impact and triggered an atmospheric wave and a tsunami. We first analyzed observation data from meteorological stations and tide gauges at 12 locations. Low-frequency trends in the observation data were removed by using a high-pass filter. Fourier and wavelet spectral analyses were applied to determine the frequency characteristics of the filtered data. Modal analysis was developed and used to investigate natural oscillation periods based on bathymetry. The results showed that the Lamb wave generated by the atmospheric pressure wave arrived ~ 7 and ~ 44 h after the eruption. The tsunami arrived ~ 11 and ~ 45 h after the eruption, which corresponded to the arrival time of the Lamb wave. The dominant periods of the Lamb waves were ~ 7.7 and ~ 7.5 min, and for the tsunamis they were ~ 9.9 and ~ 28.7 min. The periods derived from the spectral analysis matched the natural oscillation of the eigenperiod derived from the modal analysis, in eight out of the twelve stations. This study provides valuable insight and information regarding the nonseismic and far-field effects of tsunamis generated by volcanic eruptions.
... The resulting coloured "pies" shown in Figure 7c indicate that the 2017 tsunami was mostly "reddish" (long-period), with 87% of energy at periods >35 min), while the 2022 tsunami was "bluish" (short-period), with 91% at periods <35 min. This difference appears to be related to the geometric dimensions and mean depth of the source areas [27,28]. For the source dimensions shown in Figure 7c One of the unexpected results of our study was the discovery of seismic seiches at Puerto Vallarta. ...
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The Mw 7.6 earthquake of 19 September 2022 within the coastal zone of Michoacán, Mexico, generated a major tsunami that was recorded by six coastal tide gauges and a single offshore DART station. All seven instruments were located within 250 km of the source. No tsunami was detected at larger distances. Maximum wave heights were observed at Manzanillo (172 cm) and Zihuatanejo (102 cm). Numerical modelling of the event closely reproduced the coastal and offshore tsunami records and shows that the tsunami energy radiated seaward from the source as a narrow “searchlight” beam directed normal to the source and mainland coast. Estimates of the frequency content (“colour”) of the 2022 tsunami event, and that generated in 2017 by the much stronger (Mw 8.2) Chiapas earthquake further up the coast, reveal a marked difference in the tsunamigenic response. Whereas the 2017 tsunami was mostly long-period (“reddish”), with 87% of the total tsunami energy at periods >35 min, the 2022 tsunami was short period (“bluish”) with 91% of energy at periods <35 min. A noteworthy feature of the 2022 event was the seismically generated seiches observed at Puerto Vallarta, which had a recorded period of about 7 min, began immediately after the main earthquake shock, and persisted for about one hour.
... In this study, the fast Fourier transform (FFT) is adopted for spectral analysis. Here, we used FFT rather than wavelet analysis because FFT provides both the spectral amplitude and phase angle as functions of the frequency (or period), and thus, it is widely adopted in tsunami signal analysis (Bhaumik and Sengupta, 2017;Heidarzadeh and Satake, 2014;Saito, 2013). First, we apply FFT to the real and synthetic waveforms of the 2011 Tohoku tsunami at four tide gauges to identify the spectral peaks. ...
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Earthquakes occurring in the Ryukyu Trench, Nankai Trough, and Japan Trench can trigger tsunamis, affecting Hangzhou Bay, China. The 2011 Tohoku tsunami reached the east China coast and resulted in prolonged oscillations in Hangzhou Bay. We used this event as an example and studied the resonance behavior in Hangzhou Bay by spectral and modal analyses. We simulated the wavefield of the 2011 Tohoku tsunami and validated the modeling results using the tide gauge records. The spectral analysis based on the fast Fourier transform of the entire bay area indicated that the resonance oscillations with periods of 66 and 54 min had the highest energy amplification, and the mode of 120 min had a large amplitude near Zhenhai and Fengxian. Additionally, we conducted a modal analysis that relied solely on bathymetry data to analyze the eigenmodes of natural oscillations inside the bay. The regional bay-scale oscillations had periods of up to 286 min. The energy amplification area was generally consistent with the spectral analysis. These findings have implications for tsunami hazard assessments in coastal communities.
... The traditional postprocessing method is widely adopted in retroactive studies to extract tsunami signals from OBPG sealevel records (Heidarzadeh and Satake, 2014;Heidarzadeh et al., 2016) or tide gauges (Jiménez et al., 2014;Ren et al., 2018;Satake et al., 2020). First, the tidal components are removed by polynomial fitting. ...
Full-text available
The 2016 Fukushima earthquake (M 7.4) generated a moderate tsunami, which was recorded by the offshore pressure gauges of the Seafloor Observation Network for Earthquakes and Tsunamis (S-net). We used 28 S-net pressure gauge records for tsunami data assimilation and forecasted the tsunami waveforms at four tide gauges on the Sanriku coast. The S-net raw records were processed using two different methods. In the first method, we removed the tidal components by polynomial fitting and applied a low-pass filter. In the second method, we used a real-time tsunami detection algorithm based on ensemble empirical mode decomposition to extract the tsunami signals, imitating real-time operations for tsunami early warning. The forecast accuracy scores of the two detection methods are 60% and 74%, respectively, for a time window of 35 min, but they improve to 89% and 94% if we neglect the stations with imperfect modeling or insufficient offshore observations. Hence, the tsunami data assimilation approach can be put into practice with the help of the real-time tsunami detection algorithm.
... In reality the shear-modulus is not well constrained, but the latter values are within the typical range used to successfully simulate observations of both subduction thrust earthquake tsunamis (e.g. Lorito et al., 2010;Satake et al., 2013;Heidarzadeh and Satake 2014) and normal fault events (e.g. Gusman et al., 2009;Okal et al., 2016;Adriano et al., 2018). ...
Technical Report
Full-text available
This report describes the 2018 Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment for Australia (henceforth PTHA18). The PTHA18 estimates the frequency with which earthquake generated tsunamis of any given size occur in deep waters around the Australian coastline. To do this it simulates hundreds of thousands of possible tsunami scenarios from key earthquake sources in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, and models the frequency with which these occur. To justify the PTHA18 methodologies a significant fraction of the report is devoted to testing the tsunami scenarios against historical observations, and comparing the modelled earthquake rates against alternative estimates. Although these tests provide significant justification for the PTHA18 results, there remain large uncertainties in “how often” tsunamis occur at many sites. This is due to fundamental limitations in present-day scientific knowledge of how often large earthquakes occur.
... Heidarzadeh & Satake 2013bRabinovich & Eblé 2015) or applying digital filters (e.g. Heidarzadeh & Satake 2014b). It was demonstrated by that these detiding methods give very similar results for DART records. ...
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S U M M A R Y We studied ocean-wide propagation properties of four recent trans-Pacific tsunamis based on deep-ocean measurements across the Pacific Ocean. First, we analysed and simulated the 2015 September 16 tsunami generated by the Illapel (Chile) earthquake (M w 8.4) and compared its ocean-wide propagation with those of three other events: the 2014 Iquique (M w 8.2), 2010 Maule (M w 8.8) and 2011 Tohoku (M w 9.0). The Illapel and Maule tsunami sources are located close to each other and we reconstructed the source spectrum of the larger (i.e. Maule) tsunami by applying spectral deconvolution using the smaller (i.e. Illapel) tsunami as the empirical Green's function. The initial negative phase was found for all four events with durations of 8-29 (Iquique), 20-35 (Illapel), 22-70 (Maule) and 40-79 (Tohoku) min, with the maximum amplitudes of 0.11-0.26, 0.4-0.7, 0.5-2.9 and 1.9-2.5 cm, and the amplitude ratios to the first elevation phases of 20-40 per cent, 22-41 per cent, 29-61 per cent and 12-67 per cent, respectively. Unlike other studies, our results revealed that the duration (D ini) and amplitude (A ini) of the initial negative phase are directly proportional to the earthquake magnitude (M w) with equations: M w = 6.129 + 1.629 log(D ini) and M w = 8.676 + 0.706 log(A ini). No relationships were observed between these parameters (i.e. D ini and A ini) and distance from the source. The amplitudes of far-field DART waves do not vary with distance or strike angle, and depend only on the M w. The average far-field deep-ocean amplitudes (A tsu) for the Iquique, Illapel, Maule and Tohoku tsunamis were 0.9, 1.7, 6.0 and 15.0 cm, respectively, yielding the equation: M w = 8.245 + 0.665 log(A tsu).
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The Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai volcano eruption resulted in propagation of tsunamis globally. Atmospheric pressure disturbances and tsunamis were recorded in Lingding Bay, China, situated more than 9000 km from the volcano. We studied the features of tsunamis in Lingding Bay and its surrounding areas by using records from tide gauges and meteorological stations. Lamb waves were observed in the bay approximately 8, 44, and 80 h after the volcanic eruption. The first and second tsunami waves arrived approximately 11 and 45–47 h following the eruption, respectively, indicating consistency with the arrival time of Lamb waves. In addition, wavelet and Fourier analyses were applied to the sea level records to investigate the frequency characteristics. The ratio of the tsunami spectra to the background spectra for two tsunami waves was calculated as the source spectra. The source spectra of two tsunami waves were mostly of the same shape, with dominant periods of ∼17 and ∼46 min. Our results provide information for theoretical investigation of the Tonga tsunami event. More efforts should be devoted to relevant research on the generating mechanism and early warning of tsunamis from non-seismic origins.
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This present study aims to reduce the systematic arrival time discrepancies between observed and modeled waveforms in the deep ocean effectively. We proposed an effective depth-correction method to mimic the secondary physical effects by deriving the effective ocean depth from the rewritten dispersion relation expressions. It follows the reduction in tsunami phase speed due to weakly Boussinesq dispersion, density stratification, and the Earth’s loading elastic effects that were matched by ocean depth reduction. In practice, the implementation of the method simply requires replacing real ocean bathymetry with effective depth without additional calculation cost and parameterization adjustments for individual prediction points. We applied this method to the 2010 Chile and 2011 Tohoku-Oki tsunamis. The results indicate that the depth-correction scheme can greatly reduce the delay discrepancies not only at selected DART stations but also over the entire computational domain with dozens of times less computing cost than direct numerical simulations by coupling secondary physical effects. The improvement of delays amounted to approximately 60 to 85% on average for the two events with combined depth-correction schemes. It also suggests that the ability of depth-correction method to predict far-field tsunamis arrival time with high accuracy has important implications for real-time tsunami warning and waveform inversion.
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The systematic discrepancies in both tsunami arrival time and leading negative phase (LNP) were identified for the recent transoceanic tsunami on 16 September 2015 in Illapel, Chile by examining the wave characteristics from the tsunami records at 21 Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunami (DART) sites and 29 coastal tide gauge stations. The results revealed systematic travel time delay of as much as 22 min (approximately 1.7% of the total travel time) relative to the simulated long waves from the 2015 Chilean tsunami. The delay discrepancy was found to increase with travel time. It was difficult to identify the LNP from the near-shore observation system due to the strong background noise, but the initial negative phase feature became more obvious as the tsunami propagated away from the source area in the deep ocean. We determined that the LNP for the Chilean tsunami had an average duration of 33 min, which was close to the dominant period of the tsunami source. Most of the amplitude ratios to the first elevation phase were approximately 40%, with the largest equivalent to the first positive phase amplitude. We performed numerical analyses by applying the corrected long wave model, which accounted for the effects of seawater density stratification due to compressibility, self-attraction and loading (SAL) of the earth, and wave dispersion compared with observed tsunami waveforms. We attempted to accurately calculate the arrival time and LNP, and to understand how much of a role the physical mechanism played in the discrepancies for the moderate transoceanic tsunami event. The mainly focus of the study is to quantitatively evaluate the contribution of each secondary physical effect to the systematic discrepancies using the corrected shallow water model. Taking all of these effects into consideration, our results demonstrated good agreement between the observed and simulated waveforms. We can conclude that the corrected shallow water model can reduce the tsunami propagation speed and reproduce the LNP, which is observed for tsunamis that have propagated over long distances frequently. The travel time delay between the observed and corrected simulated waveforms is reduced to <8 min and the amplitude discrepancy between them was also markedly diminished. The incorporated effects amounted to approximately 78% of the travel time delay correction, with seawater density stratification, SAL, and Boussinesq dispersion contributing approximately 39%, 21%, and 18%, respectively. The simulated results showed that the elastic loading and Boussinesq dispersion not only affected travel time but also changed the simulated waveforms for this event. In contrast, the seawater stratification only reduced the tsunami speed, whereas the earth's elasticity loading was responsible for LNP due to the depression of the seafloor surrounding additional tsunami loading at far-field stations. This study revealed that the traditional shallow water model has inherent defects in estimating tsunami arrival, and the leading negative phase of a tsunami is a typical recognizable feature of a moderately strong transoceanic tsunami. These results also support previous theory and can help to explain the observed discrepancies.
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On 27 August 2012 (04:37 UTC, 26 August 10:37 p.m. local time) a magnitude M w = 7.3 earthquake occurred off the coast of El Salvador and generated surprisingly large local tsunami. Following the event, local and international tsunami teams surveyed the tsunami effects in El Salvador and northern Nicaragua. The tsunami reached a maximum height of ~6 m with inundation of up to 340 m inland along a 25 km section of coastline in eastern El Salvador. Less severe inundation was reported in northern Nicaragua. In the far-field, the tsunami was recorded by a DART buoy and tide gauges in several locations of the eastern Pacific Ocean but did not cause any damage. The field measurements and recordings are compared to numerical modeling results using initial conditions of tsunami generation based on finite-fault earthquake and tsunami inversions and a uniform slip model.
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The tsunami hazard in the Black Sea is discussed by comparing historical, instrumental data and numerical results. There are 22 tsunami events in the Black Sea documented since the first century, and nine of them have occurred in twentieth century. The numerical simulations of tsunami propagation for the 1966 and 1939 events are performed by using the framework of the shallow-water theory. The instrumental data from tide gauge records are used to compare and validate the simulation results and estimate the wave motion at other locations where the instrumental data are unavailable. The distribution of maximum positive tsunami amplitudes along the north and south coasts are obtained for each event. The arrival time, tsunami amplitudes, and directivity of tsunamis in the Black Sea are studied. The probable source and target areas of tsunamis are discussed.
A complete suite of closed analytical expressions is presented for the surface displacements, strains, and tilts due to inclined shear and tensile faults in a half-space for both point and finite rectangular sources. These expressions are particularly compact and free from field singular points which are inherent in the previously stated expressions of certain cases. The expressions derived here represent powerful tools not only for the analysis of static field changes associated with earthquake occurrence but also for the modeling of deformation fields arising from fluid-driven crack sources.
A complete set of closed analytical expressions is presented in a unified manner for the internal displacements and strains due to shear and tensile faults in a half-space for both point and finite rectangular sources. Several practical suggestions to avoid mathematical singularities and computational instabilities are presented. -from Author
The M w = 9.3 megathrust earthquake of December 26, 2004 off the northwest coast of Sumatra in the Indian Ocean generated a catastrophic tsunami that was recorded by a large number of tide gauges throughout the World Ocean. Part 1 of our study of this event examines tide gauge measurements from the Indian Ocean region, at sites located from a few hundred to several thousand kilometers from the source area. Statistical characteristics of the tsunami waves, including wave height, duration, and arrival time, are determined, along with spectral properties of the tsunami records.
A practical step-by-step guide to wavelet analysis is given, with examples taken from time series of the El NiñoSouthem Oscillation (ENSO). The guide includes a comparison to the windowed Fourier transform, the choice of an appropriate wavelet basis function, edge effects due to finite-length time series, and the relationship between wavelet scale and Fourier frequency. New statistical significance tests for wavelet power spectra are developed by deriving theoretical wavelet spectra for white and red noise processes and using these to establish significance levels and confidence intervals. It is shown that smoothing in time or scale can be used to increase the confidence of the wavelet spectrum. Empirical formulas are given for the effect of smoothing on significance levels and confidence intervals. Extensions to wavelet analysis such as filtering, the power Hovmöller, cross-wavelet spectra, and coherence are described. The statistical significance tests are used to give a quantitative measure of changes in ENSO variance on interdecadal timescales. Using new datasets that extend back to 1871, the Niño3 sea surface temperature and the Southern Oscillation index show significantly higher power during 1880-1920 and 1960-90, and lower power during 1920-60, as well as a possible 15-yr modulation of variance. The power Hovmöller of sea level pressure shows significant variations in 2-8-yr wavelet power in both longitude and time.
In this study we analyze water level data from coastal tide gauges and deep-ocean tsunameters to explore the far-field characteristics of two major trans-Pacific tsunamis, the 2010 Chile and the 2011 Japan (Tohoku-oki) events. We focused our attention on data recorded in California (14 stations) and New Zealand (31 stations) as well as on tsunameters situated along the tsunami path and proximal to the study sites. Our analysis considers statistical analyses of the time series to determine arrival times of the tsunami as well as the timing of the largest waves and the highest absolute sea levels. Fourier and wavelet analysis were used to describe the spectral content of the tsunami signal. These characteristics were then compared between the two events to highlight similarities and differences between the signals as a function of the receiving environment and the tsunami source. This study provides a comprehensive analysis of far-field tsunami characteristics in the Pacific Ocean, which has not experienced a major tsunami in nearly 50 years. As such, it systematically describes the tsunami response characteristics of modern maritime infrastructure in New Zealand and California and will be of value for future tsunami hazard assessments in both countries.
A new approach is proposed to separate the influence of source and topography in observed tsunami spectra and to reconstruct the initial source spectrum. The method assumes a linear tide gauge response to external forcing and is based on comparative analysis of tsunami and background spectra. Evaluation of the ratio of tsunami to background spectra gives functional characteristics that are invariant of station location and dependent only on the source parameters. Three events, the Urup tsunami of December 22, 1991 (northwest Pacific), the Hokkaido Southwest (Okushiri) tsunami of July 12, 1993 (Sea of Japan), and the Shikotan tsunami of October 4, 1994 (northwest Pacific), are used as examples of the proposed approach. The source spectra reconstructed from the analysis of different tide gauges were found to be in good agreement with each other and with the seismological, geodetic, and field survey data.
Nicaragua's 1992 earthquake, which generated tsunamis disproportionately large for its surface wave magnitude, was the first such event to be measured by broadband seismic networks and therefore susceptible to the basing of rupture mechanism inferences on its seismograms. It is concluded that this slow-thrust earthquake occurred on the subduction interface between the Cocos and North American plates. Tsunami warning systems based on long-period waves are essential for hazard reduction from such quakes.
Excitation of tsunamis by submarine faults is studied with the purpose of revealing the relations that exist between seismic and tsunamigenic source parameters. Evidence is pro- duced to show that the far-field deep-water wave amplitudes are determined by the relation E(r, b, t) -- (S0u0 sin X sin ti T,(T)F(b; 0; no))/(rst2(art)mH) where O and X are the dip and slip angles, respectively, So -- voo is the tsunamigenic area, Uo is the fault dislocation, a is the group velocity of long gravity waves, and Ts(T) is a calculable wave functio.n that depends on the epicentral distance r, the mean ocean depth H, and the time t. The dependence of e on the azimuth angleo and on the linear dimensions of the source is embodied in F. We have applied the above relation to four North Pacific earth- quakes for which the seismic source parameters were derived from analyses of 236 signals of mantle Love and Rayleigh waves. The corresponding values of e were taken from observations of W. G. Van Dom (1965). Solving for vo and So, we obtain, for example, a width of 20. km and a tsunamigenic area of about 1.2 X 104 kmfor the Alaskan earthquake of March 28, 1964. Conversely, the above equation can be used to estimate Uo, provided that e and So are known. Deep-water radiation patterns are derived: wave amplitudes in a direction normal to the fault exceed corresponding amplitudes in the fault's direction. Typical values for the ratio F(84ø)/F(O ø) are 2: I for earthquakes with magnitude M  7xA, 5:1 for M  8, and 14: I for M  81/. Observations tend to support these findings. The efficient generation of tsunamis by some circum-Pacific earthquakes lends support to the hypothesis that the size of the source, the orien- tation of the displacement vector, the source's time function, and tt/e over-all duration of the