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The Unexpected Outcomes of Anti-Aging, Rejuvenation, and Life Extension Studies: An Origin of Modern Therapies



The search for life-extending interventions has been often perceived as a purely academic pursuit, or as an unorthodox medical enterprise, with little or no practical outcome. Yet, in fact, these studies, explicitly aiming to prolong human life, often constituted a formidable, though hardly ever acknowledged, motivation for biomedical research and discovery. At least several modern biomedical fields have directly originated from rejuvenation and life extension research: 1) Hormone Replacement Therapy was born in Charles-Edouard Brown-Séquard's rejuvenation experiments with animal gland extracts (1889). 2) Probiotic diets originated in Elie Metchnikoff's conception of radically prolonged "orthobiosis" (c. 1900). 3) The development of clinical endocrinology owed much to Eugen Steinach's "endocrine rejuvenation" operations (c. 1910s-1920s). 4) Tissue transplantations in humans (allografts and xenografts) were first widely performed in Serge Voronoff's "rejuvenation by grafting" experiments (c. 1910s-1920s). 5) Tissue engineering was pioneered during Alexis Carrel's work on cell and tissue immortalization (c. 1900-1920). 6) Cell therapy (and particularly human embryonic cell therapy) was first widely conducted by Paul Niehans for the purposes of rejuvenation as early as the 1930s. Thus, the pursuit of life extension and rejuvenation has constituted an inseparable and crucial element in the history of biomedicine. Notably, the common principle of these studies was the proactive maintenance of stable, long-term homeostasis of the entire organism.
The Unexpected Outcomes of Anti-Aging,
Rejuvenation, and Life Extension Studies:
An Origin of Modern Therapies
Ilia Stambler
The search for life-extending interventions has been often perceived as a purely academic pursuit, or as an
unorthodox medical enterprise, with little or no practical outcome. Yet, in fact, these studies, explicitly aiming
to prolong human life, often constituted a formidable, though hardly ever acknowledged, motivation for
biomedical research and discovery. At least several modern biomedical fields have originated directly from
rejuvenation and life extension research: (1) Hormone replacement therapy was born in Charles-Edouard
´quard’s rejuvenation experiments with animal gland extracts (1889). (2) Probiotic diets originated in
Elie Metchnikoff’s conception of radically prolonged ‘‘orthobiosis’’ (c. 1900). (3) The development of clinical
endocrinology owed much to Eugen Steinach’s ‘‘endocrine rejuvenation’’ operations (c. 1910s–1920s). (4)
Tissue transplantations in humans (allografts and xenografts) were first widely performed in Serge Voronoff’s
‘‘rejuvenation by grafting’’ experiments (c. 1910s–1920s). (5) Tissue engineering was pioneered during Alexis
Carrel’s work on cell and tissue immortalization (c. 1900–1920). (6) Cell therapy (and particularly human
embryonic cell therapy) was first widely conducted by Paul Niehans for the purposes of rejuvenation as early as
the 1930s. Thus, the pursuit of life extension and rejuvenation has constituted an inseparable and crucial
element in the history of biomedicine. Notably, the common principle of these studies was the proactive
maintenance of stable, long-term homeostasis of the entire organism.
The search for life extension and rejuvenation has
been often considered a rather academic, theoretical, or
basic pursuit, with little or no practical returns, or else as an
unorthodox medical enterprise with little or no evidence-
based health benefits. Thus, famously the American geron-
tologist Leonard Hayflick claimed in 1994, regarding the
practical inutility of these studies:
Why then, have I spent my lifetime learning more about
aging and longevity if it is not my goal to manipulate the
processes? First, as a scientist, I am curious about how the
world works.
Thus it may seem that the chief purpose of research of
aging is to satisfy the researcher’s curiosity. On the other
hand, much earlier, in 1956, the British gerontologist Alex
Comfort countered
Insofar as biology is more than a branch of idle curiosity, its
assignment in the study of old age is to devise if possible
means of keeping human beings alive in active health for a
longer time than would normally be the case—in other
words, to prolong individual life.
Hayflick’s approach appears to be pessimistic, empha-
sizing the immense complexity of the aging process, hence
the immense difficulty of attempting to intervene and extend
the human life span without producing unwanted side ef-
fects. On the other hand, Comfort’s view is optimistic,
valorizing the inherent malleability of the aging process,
hence the possibility of its manipulation and restoration of
the structural and functional state of the elderly. Yet both
approaches are rather speculative and would require a pro-
longed period of testing to ascertain the results of some
putative interventions on the actual human life span. How-
ever, investors and policy makers often want immediate
returns and are not prepared to wait for extended periods
until a potential life-extending intervention proves its worth.
The only immediately perceptible effects can be in terms of
treatment of diseases and instant restoration of health (which
do not always correlate with a longer life span or better
Department of Science, Technology and Society, Bar Ilan University, Israel.
Volume 17, Number 3, 2014
ªMary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/rej.2013.1527
health span in the long term). This may partly explain the
relative reluctance to invest great efforts and resources in
life extension research.
Yet, in fact, quite encouragingly, the life extension
studies have very often produced entirely tangible and
immediately perceptible therapies and even cures for
particular diseases and conditions, even without expecting
such results. Moreover, as an historical analysis will show,
these studies, explicitly aiming to prolong human life,
often provided powerful, yet seldom recognized impulses
for biomedical research and discovery. At least several
modern biomedical fields have directly originated from
rejuvenation and life extension research.
Several exam-
ples will be presented here, mainly from the early 20
century, a period valorizing the modern ideals of scientific
progress. (Unless otherwise specified, all of the excerpts
are in my translation.) The most common term then was
‘‘rejuvenation,’’ implying both the combat of the deterio-
ration of aging and the attempt to prolong life. Hence the
concepts of ‘‘rejuvenation,’’ ‘‘anti-aging,’’ ‘‘life exten-
sion,’’ or ‘‘life span extension’’ will be used here rather
It is sometimes assumed that the ‘‘rejuvenation research’’
of the early 20
century was of a diminished quality and
status as compared to other branches of contemporary
medical research.
Moreover, it is often assumed that the
only surviving branch of that ‘‘rejuvenation research’’ is the
current ‘‘anti-aging medicine,’’ which has often also carried
negative connotations.
Indeed, the lack of efficacy of a large
number of so far proposed ‘‘rejuvenative’’ and ‘‘anti-aging’
remedies can be hardly disputed. Yet arguably the historical
relation of ‘‘rejuvenation research’’ with the larger body of
contemporary medical science was more extensive and pos-
itive than commonly believed. In fact, early in the 20
tury, ‘‘rejuvenation’’ was a well-established scientific subject,
employing state of the art knowledge and techniques. Ac-
cording to Nathan Shock’s comprehensive Classified Biblio-
graphy of Gerontology and Geriatrics (1951, 1957, 1963),
there were hundreds of scientific publications (books and
articles) specifically on ‘‘rejuvenation,’’ reaching a peak in
the late 1920s, and declining in the early 1940s (presumably
due to a shift of emphasis during World War II).
The term ‘‘anti-aging,’’ which was first broadly used in
the 1920s in chemical engineering, seems to have become
noticeable in medical discourse only after the war, in the
late 1940s. Whatever failures may have been later associ-
ated with the term ‘‘anti-aging,’’ at its introduction the term
did not seem to carry any unscientific connotations. One of
the primary biomedical studies emphasizing this term was
published in 1948 by the American biologist Thomas
Samuel Gardner (1908–1963), in an article entitled ‘‘The
design of experiments for the cumulative effects of vitamins
as anti-aging factors,’’ one of the pioneering works in the
research of vitamins as ‘‘gerontotherapeutic’’ substances.
The study integrally related the concepts of ‘‘anti-aging,’
‘‘gerontotherapeutics,’’ addressing ‘‘the aging problem,’
‘‘longevity research,’’ and ‘‘rejuvenation research.’’ The
potential practical implications of such research appeared
It would not be an exaggeration to suggest that longevity
research work may be the most profitable field of human
well-being, as well as from the commercial returns, of all
of the present fields of medical investigations.
This conclusion seems to be valid also with regard to
Gardner’s own work on the therapeutic applications of vi-
tamins in the aged, as well as for other fields of ‘‘longevity
research’’ and ‘‘rejuvenation research,’’ some of whose
practical offshoots will be shown below. Clearly, some
‘‘rejuvenators’’ promised such immediate and radical results
that gave grounds to relegate them to the realm of quack-
Most of them, however, presented their methods as
the first experimental steps in research programs for the
future, which, they hoped, would be developed further on.
As will be shown below, quite often they were justified in
their hopes.
Hormone Replacement Therapy Was Born in Charles-
Edouard Brown-Se
´quard’s Rejuvenation Experiments
with Animal Gland Extracts (1889)
Arguably one of the most significant outcomes of reju-
venation research was hormone replacement therapy. The
histories of the two fields have been long linked. Precursors
of hormone replacement therapy can be traced far back to
extracts from animal tissues (sex glands in particular) that
were used for rejuvenation for at least two millennia. Such
means are mentioned in the ancient Chinese Mawangdui
manuscripts (c. 200 BCE)
and the ancient Indian medical
treatise Sushruta Samhita (c. 300 BCE).
They continued to
be used across the world, well into the 19
century, when
such treatments were better known under the name ‘‘opo-
therapy’’ from the Greek ‘opos,’’ juice. Yet, their first ex-
perimental application, tested and reported according to
the scientific method, and thus representing the birth of
scientific therapeutic endocrinology, is attributable to the
late 19
century rejuvenation experiments of the president
of the French Biological Society and Chair of Experimental
Medicine at the College de France (Claude Bernard’s Suc-
cesor), Dr. Charles-Edouard Brown-Se
´quard (1817–1894).
On June 1, 1889, Brown-Se
´quard announced the results of
his experiments on self-injection with extracts from testes of
guinea pigs and dogs, explicitly for the purpose of rejuve-
nation, and reported an improvement of work capacity and
´quard thus described the guiding motiva-
tion for his work. Without venturing any figures for a max-
imal attainable longevity, he postulated the fundamentally
proactive ideology of the anti-aging and life-extensionist
pursuit as the basis for his work
They show great ignorance who maintain that it is impos-
sible in old men to reverse their organic state so that they
resemble that of an earlier age, especially since the organic
changes resulting from better nutrition are possible at all
ages..If the degenerations, if the senile alterations are
diseases, a day will come when it will be possible to cure
This rejuvenation attempt started modern hormone re-
placement therapy or therapeutic endocrinology at large,
introducing longevity and rejuvenation research as an inte-
gral part of scientific discourse. The effects of Brown-
´quard’s intervention proved to be limited and short lasting
(he died 5 years after the injections). Yet, its influence on
the development of medicine was strong. A great many
endocrinologists up to the 1930s admitted Brown-Se
The practical and economic impact of hormone
replacements can now hardly be doubted.
Pro-Biotic Diets Originated in Elie Metchnikoff’s
Conception of Radically Prolonged
‘‘Orthobiosis’’ (c. 1900)
About the same time as Brown-Se
´quard’s work, seminal
contributions to the development of medicine were made by
the Russian biologist Elie Metchnikoff (1845–1916), since
1887 working at the Pasteur Institute in Paris. Metchnikoff
was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in
1908 (together with Paul Ehrlich) in recognition of his
‘‘work on immunity,’
specifically the introduction of the
cell theory of immunity, first suggested by him around 1882.
Yet, the later period of Metchnikoff’s work—since the end
of the 19
century (circa 1897) literally until his death in
1916—was dedicated almost exclusively to research to
postpone the deterioration of aging and prolong healthy life.
Metchnikoff coined both the terms ‘‘gerontology’’ and
‘‘thanatology’’ in his book devoted to those topics, entitled
Etudes on the Nature of Man (1903).
As Metchnikoff
defined the imperative for his work
We should, by all means, strive that people, ourselves in-
cluded, live their full life cycle in harmony of feeling and of
mind.The main misfortune on earth is that people do not
live to that limit and die prematurely. This statement is the
basis of all moral actions.
Several medical applications were derived directly from
this research. According to Metchnikoff, the deteriorative
aging process was largely due to cumulative self-intoxication
by putrefactive bacteria of the intestines, particularly the
large intestine. Inspired by this model, the British surgeon
William Arbuthnot Lane (1856–1943) suggested colectomy
as a means to remove the source of damage. Yet, according
to Metchnikoff, the most practical and readily available
means to fight the intoxication (and hence the deterioration
of aging) would be through an appropriate diet. In Metch-
nikoff’s theory, fermented/acidified dairy products (such as
yogurt), containing lactic acid bacteria, were able to sup-
press putrefactive microflora and detoxify the body.
Metchnikoff himself followed this dietary practice and at-
tributed to it his relatively high longevity (though coming
from a very short-lived family). Generally, Metchnikoff
advocated a simple and restricted diet. He believed luxuri-
ous cuisines favor toxigenicity, and therefore are detri-
mental to health and longevity, to the ‘‘correct course of
life’’ or ‘‘orthobiosis’’ which according to him should last
about 150 years on the average. This line of thought has
continued in the multitude of modern dietary practices
aimed at healthy life extension and life enhancement, in-
cluding bio-active, vitamin-rich, pro-biotic, anti-toxic, anti-
inflammatory, differential, and calorie-restricted diets.
In particular, Metchnikoff’s anti-aging theory was the
direct origin of probiotic diets. The life-prolonging proper-
ties of fermented milk products were suggested to Metch-
nikoff by the robust and long-lived Bulgarian peasants for
whom this was a traditional diet. Yet, after Metchnikoff’s
scientific analysis and endorsement, this nutritional regimen
for longevity spread from Europe to the United States and
Japan. The term ‘‘pro-biotics’’ was coined only in 1953 by
the German biologist Werner Kollath, yet the theory behind
their use is entirely due to Metchnikoff’s work on aging and
life extension. Metchnikoff’s priority in developing pro-
biotic diets has been generally acknowledged,
yet the or-
igin of this therapy in anti-aging and life-extending
experiments has been rarely emphasized. The health care
and economic value of this development is difficult to
An additional ramification from Metchnikoff’s anti-aging
and life extension research was the development of systemic
and adjuvant immunotherapy, stemming from his work on
cytotoxic sera. Metchnikoff and his assistant at the Pasteur
Institute and future Nobel laureate in physiology or medi-
cine Jules Bordet (1870–1961) believed that cytotoxic sera
can be used as a double-edged sword in the fight against
aging: In large doses, the sera can be used to eliminate or
inhibit undesirable tissues, but in small doses they can be
applied to stimulate these very same tissues if their prolif-
eration is desired.
This line of research was continued by
the Russian physician, director of the Moscow Institute for
Blood Transfusion (successor of the Institute’s founder, the
rejuvenator Alexander Bogdanov, 1873–1928) and later
director of the Kiev Institute of Clinical Physiology and
president of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Alexander
Bogomolets (1881–1946). In the 1930s to the early 1940s,
Bogomolets developed and widely applied the ‘‘anti-
reticular cytotoxic serum’’ (ACS) for the stimulation of
connective tissues (rather than parenchymal tissues as in
Metchnikoff’s first experiments). Similarly to Metchnikoff,
the primary explicit purpose of the ACS was ‘‘treatment of
old age’’ and ‘‘prolongation of life.’’
Yet, insofar as Bo-
gomolets believed that age-related deterioration of the
connective tissue is a common ‘‘root’’ cause of a variety of
age-related pathologies, the serum was applied as a treat-
ment for a host of diseases—from chronic infectious and
neurological diseases through wound and fracture healing
to cancer. Self-admittedly owing to Metchnikoff’s initial
idea, this was the birth of systemic/adjuvant immunother-
apy, primarily originating from anti-aging and rejuvenation
The Development of Clinical Endocrinology Owed
Much to Eugen Steinach’s ‘‘Endocrine Rejuvenation’
Operations (c. 1910s–1920s)
Continuing Brown-Se
´quard’s line of research, in 1910,
the Austrian physiologist, Director of the Biological Institute
of the Viennese Academy of Sciences, Eugen Steinach
(1861–1944) suggested several techniques for endocrine
‘‘rejuvenation’’ (Verju
¨ngung) or ‘‘combating aging’’ (Alter-
¨mpfung). For that purpose, Steinach proposed to use
either the ‘‘autoplastic’’ approach (strengthening or attenu-
ating particular parts within the patient’s own body) or
‘‘homoplastic/heteroplastic’’ approach (adding reserve mate-
rials from the outside, as in transplantation from humans or
animals) to bring the body into balance. In men, the vasoli-
gation of the seminal ducts (vas deferens)wastheprimary
‘‘autoplastic’’ procedure. The purpose of this technique was
to suppress sperm-producing activity and at its expense
stimulate sex hormone production and thereby increase
the blood flow and induce ‘‘rejuvenation.’’ Usually only one
seminal duct was ligated to avoid infertility. In men,
transplantation of testicular tissue was the less favored ‘‘ho-
moplastic/heteroplastic’’ alternative. Women were ‘‘rejuve-
nated’’ by fallopian tube ligation or irradiation of the ovaries
(the ‘‘autoplastic approach’’) or transplantation of ovarian
tissue (the ‘‘homoplastic/heteroplastic approach’’). Steinach’s
conclusions after the initial 10 years of research (in 1920),
even though rather cautious, were nonetheless highly opti-
mistic and posited the combat of aging as the foremost mo-
tivation for this research: ‘‘Senescence, within certain limits,
can be influenced,’’ he asserted. In men ‘‘premature deterio-
ration can be fought against,’’ and in women ‘‘rejuvenating
effects’’ can be produced.
The practical outcomes of this intertwined research into
rejuvenation, prolongation of life, and improved sexual
function were significant. Steinach made pioneering con-
tributions for determining the general role of physiological
sex hormones in the human organism, particularly their role
for developing primary and secondary sex characteristics,
using sex gland transplantation or ‘‘reactivation’’ of sexual
The techniques used in his rejuvenation experi-
ments (such as transplantation and duct ligation) became
reliable methods to establish the function of particular en-
docrine glands. For example, in the extraction of insulin in
1921 by the Canadian researchers Frederick Banting and
Charles Best for the treatment of (senile) diabetes, these
investigators applied on the pancreas ‘‘a surgical procedure
corresponding in principle to [Steinach’s] already well-
known vasoligature (or vasoligation).’’
Yet another implication was the foundation for later ‘‘sex
change’’ operations. The first male-to-female ‘‘sex re-
assignment surgery’’ was performed on Lili Elbe (b. Einar
Wegener, 1882–1931) in 1930 in Dresden, Germany, by
Magnus Hirschfeld and Kurt Warnekros, Steinach’s fol-
But perhaps the most significant practical contri-
bution of Steinach’s work was for the wide spread of
surgical reproduction control—vasoligation and vasectomy
in men and fallopian tube ligation in women—after Steinach
and his followers performed thousands of such operations in
Europe and across the world, accompanied by wide and
often sensationalist publicity. By the beginning of the 21
century, over 50 million men and 200 million women had
undergone such procedures worldwide.
Following these experiments, Steinach was nominated for
a Nobel Prize in 1922 for the ‘‘work on transplantation of
reproductive glands and particularly on rejuvenation.’’ In
fact, Steinach was nominated for the Nobel Prize 11 times,
from 1921 to 1938, mainly for ‘‘work on the functions of the
reproductive glands,’’ but only in 1922 he was nominated
with specific reference to ‘‘rejuvenation.’
Yet, ‘‘rejuve-
nation’’ was the root and main stem of Steinach’s studies, as
asserted in Steinach’s book concluding his life’s work: Sex
and Life; Forty Years of Biological and Medical Experi-
ments (1940). That book also defended Steinach’s priorities
in developing endocrinological techniques and determining
the roles of sex hormones.
As is common in the history of medicine, the question of
priorities was not unequivocal. Transplantations of sex
glands had already been performed in animals in the 18
century by the British surgeon John Hunter (1728–1794).
And vasoligation and vasoresection were apparently among
the first actively used for the sterilization of prisoners at the
Indiana Reformatory at Jeffersonville, in 1899 by Harry Clay
Sharp (1870–1940) to fight ‘‘sexual over-excitement’’ of the
inmates. Still, these earlier instances support the main argu-
ment of the present article, namely that practical biomedical
techniques and therapies have been born from rejuvenation
and life extension research. Thus, Hunter attentively consid-
ered age-related changes in vitality. And Sharp too, in his
procedure, had rejuvenation in mind, reporting an increase in
the inmates’ vitality, which was attributed to the retention of
the seminal fluid following the vasectomy. In fact, Sharp
explicitly quoted the studies on testicular extracts by earlier
rejuvenators—Drs. Brown-Se
´quard (1889, France), Poehl
(1890, Russia) and Zath (1896, United States)—as providing
direct theoretical support for the invigorating effects of his
Yet, Steinach’s rejuvenation studies, employing
vasoligation, strongly contributed to perfecting the techniques
of reproductive control and their global dissemination.
Tissue Transplantations in Humans (Allografts and
Xenografts) Were First Widely Performed in Serge
Voronoff’s ‘‘Rejuvenation by Grafting’’ Experiments
(c. 1910s–1920s)
A technique related to Steinach’s operation was advanced
by the Parisian physician Serge Voronoff (1866–1951). Like
Steinach, he chiefly operated on sex glands. Yet unlike
Steinach’s preferred ‘‘autoplastic’’ approach (rearranging
parts in the organism for its stimulation), Voronoff valorized
‘‘homoplastic/heteroplastic’’ methods that involved true
supplementation, or replenishment of deficits to maintain
body balance. His key method was the introduction into the
host of additional reserve materials via sex gland tissue
transplantation or, as Voronoff termed it, ‘‘rejuvenation by
grafting.’’ (Notably, Steinach also performed sex glad
transplantations, mainly in animals; in fact, he was one of
the pioneers of the technique. Yet Voronoff gave it a much
stronger boost and notoriety.)
After testing the technique in animal models for 7 years,
in 1920 Voronoff started male sex gland tissue transplan-
tations in humans for the explicit purpose of rejuvenation
and life prolongation. Between 1920 and 1923, 52 such
testicular grafting operations were performed: In one case
the graft was taken from man (a homograft), and in all the
other cases from apes (xenografts).
In 1930, Voronoff
reported 475 cases of testes transplantations from apes
(mainly chimpanzees).
Thus, Voronoff made one of the
first wide demonstrations of live tissue transplantation into
humans, and a first of its kind massive attempt at xeno-
transplantation from apes to humans.
Voronoff’s contribution may have been not so much in
terms of originality, as in terms of development and pro-
motion. Indeed, the idea of organ transplantation is old.
Transplantations are mentioned in the ancient Chinese leg-
ends of Bian Que,
the Indian epic of the Ramayana,
the Christian legends about Saints Cosmas and Damian.
Actual methods of skin transplantation to adhere severed
earlobes and restore mutilated noses are described in the
ancient Indian medical treatise Sushruta Samhita.
then, transplantations of various organs and tissues had been
attempted up to Voronoff’s times (of particular note are
Alexis Carrel’s experiments on immortalization, see below).
The idea of transplanting sex glands in particular was not
new either. Voronoff himself listed over 30 researchers who
performed such transplantations before or at the same time
as he did; almost all of them were rejuvenators employing
transplantation for the purposes of life extension. Voronoff
did not seem bothered by priority disputes and asserted that
science is a cumulative, collective enterprise and that ‘‘what
is new in the idea is its practical application.’’
And indeed,
in application, in terms of the numbers of operations per-
formed and publications spawned, Voronoff was an un-
doubted leader, making transplantation, and particularly
xenotransplantation, a familiar topic across the world. The
prominence of his work is demonstrated in Nathan Shock’s
Classified Bibliography of Gerontology and Geriatrics. The
bibliography lists about 300 works on ‘‘rejuvenation’’
published from 1900 to 1960, including about 150 specifi-
cally referring to ‘‘sex glands and hormones.’’ Nearly all of
these works refer to the studies by Steinach and Voronoff.
Also, in the bibliography, the overlap of authors listed in the
sections on ‘‘rejuvenation’’ (most often comprising avowed
followers of Steinach and Voronoff) and authors on the
‘‘endocrine system’’ is very considerable.
Clearly, Voronoff’s tissue replacement operations were
problematic, involving the high likelihood of tissue rejection,
the possibility of infection and overstimulation (short-term
invigoration followed by rapid exhaustion and deterioration),
as well as the possible influences of psychosomatic or au-
tosuggestion factors on the results. Voronoff, however, ac-
ted on the state-of-the-art knowledge of his time, according
to which people and chimpanzees appeared morphologically
and immunologically close enough to make transplantations
possible. No tissue rejection was expected, and, of course,
only apparently healthy specimens were selected for trans-
plantation. Furthermore, Voronoff took great pains to rule
out autosuggestion as well as the possibility of overstimu-
Thus, any drawbacks might be attributed to con-
temporary imperfections of knowledge and technique, rather
than to malice or lack of rigor. Despite the drawbacks,
these rejuvenation studies strongly contributed to introduc-
ing the idea of live tissue transplantation into wide clinical
Tissue Engineering Was Pioneered During Alexis
Carrel’s Work on Cell And Tissue Immortalization
(c. 1900–1920)
Both Steinach’s and Voronoff’s operations might (self-
admittedly) have been impossible without the developments
in blood vessel suturing (anastomosis) done by the French-
American physician Alexis Carrel (1873–1944) that enabled
the integral connection of body parts during surgery, in
particular during transplantation. Carrel’s initial success
earned him the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine of
1912 ‘‘in recognition of his work on vascular suture and the
transplantation of blood vessels and organs.’’
work on blood vessels suture was done by Mathieu Jaboulay
of Lyon and Emerich Ullmann of Vienna.) Using the per-
fected anastomosis techniques (including asepsis and trian-
gulated suture on all the layers of the vessels), from the early
1900s Carrel pioneered the transplantation of kidneys,
limbs, thyroid, ovaries, and heart in animals. These were
essential contributions for the development of transplanta-
tion surgery, including ‘‘rejuvenation by grafting.’’ The
underlying idea was that body parts could be replaced as
they wear out, just as the worn-out parts of a machine could
be replaced for its sustained maintenance.
In Carrel’s vision, tissues and organs for transplantation
could be artificially grown. For that purpose, around 1910,
he started a series of experiments on growing tissues, at-
tempting to find the culture medium conditions and stimu-
lants for their speedy regeneration and indefinite maintenance
and growth, thus pioneering the field of tissue engineering.
His famous experiment on culturing the chicken embryonic
heart tissue was started in 1912.
That tissue culture (in fact,
composed of fibroblast connective tissue, rather than muscle
tissue) was maintained in continuous growth by Carrel’s as-
sistant Albert Ebeling until 1946. Thus, the longevity of the
tissue seemed to exceed many times the life span of the
organism from which it was taken. The tissue culture ap-
peared to be potentially immortal, and hence seemingly ca-
pable of indefinite use for transplantation.
This tenet about the tissue ‘‘potential immortality’’ was
disputed in the 1960s, with the publication of ‘‘Hayflick’s
limit,’’ positing that normal somatic cells can only undergo
a limited number of divisions, and thus inescapably age and
die. Carrel’s findings of cells’ apparent immortality were
explained by Leonard Hayflick as due to the introduction of
fresh cells into the culture,
perhaps even intentionally, as
alleged by the historian of biology Jan Anthony Witkowski.
Still, the existence of ‘‘cellular immortality’’ of some cell
types and under certain conditions, e.g., malignancy, has been
well recognized (also by Hayflick). Regardless this debate,
the idea to culture and manipulate the growth of organs and
tissues was quite novel and can be considered one of the
foundations of modern tissue engineering, initiated during
the study of ‘‘immortalization.’
Even though growing entire organs was not feasible at the
time, Carrel succeeded in maintaining existing organs out-
side of the body. He began this research in 1912 with sus-
taining a ‘‘visceral organism’’—a system of animal heart,
lungs, liver, stomach, intestines, and kidneys—in an artifi-
cial medium. But the highest success was achieved in the
1930s, thanks to the development of the ‘‘perfusion pump’’
(in collaboration with Charles Lindbergh) that was capable
of providing a flow of nutrients and oxygen to excised or-
gans. The perfusion apparatus (the ‘‘Lindbergh pump’’) was
perfected by 1935, applying a more ‘‘natural’’ pulsating
pressure to circulate the perfusion fluid, and having effec-
tively solved the problem of infection by using a sterile,
filtered system of air and nutrient medium supply to the
organs. A wide variety of organs were thus maintained—
heart, kidney, spleen, pancreas, fallopian tubes, thyroid, and
This system was an essential step in a series of
developments that eventually led to the creation of ‘‘heart-
lung’’ and ‘‘dialysis’’ machines, making open-heart surgery
possible, and generally enabling the maintenance of organs
for transplantation.
But Carrel’s vision extended further, directly relating to
anti-aging research. In his foundational work on The Culture
of Organs of 1938, Carrel gives the following descriptions
of ‘‘the ultimate goal’’ of this research. Using out-of-body
organs, natural, non-rejectable bio-pharmaceuticals can be
manufactured. Furthermore, diseased organs can be removed
from the body, treated, and then re-implanted.
And perhaps
crucially, by examining extra-corporeally cultured organs, the
optimal nutrition requirements can be established for each
organ, and these needs can be provided to achieve the organs’
optimal growth, regeneration, and organic equilibrium within
the body. Not only could worn-out parts of the body be re-
moved, treated, and replaced, but the aging process of each
and every organ could be understood and countered through
appropriate nutrition. Carrel announced
A new era has opened. Now anatomy is capable of appre-
hending bodily structures in the fullness of their reality, of
understanding how the organs form the organism, and how
the organism grows, ages, heals its wounds, resists disease,
and adapts itself with marvelous ease to changing envi-
ronment. The ultimate goal of the culture of organs is to
obtain this new knowledge and to pursue it through the
complexity of its unpredictable consequences.
An additional line of Carrel’s research concerned tissue
and organ preservation. The preservation of organs for
transplantation was vital, and Carrel was among the first to
achieve this by cold storage of blood vessels and entire
organs. In an article of 1908 regarding ‘‘transplantation of
vessels and organs,’’ he considered in detail both tissue
preservation by freezing (cold storage) and chemical pres-
ervation (desiccation and chemical arrest of metabolic ac-
tivity, e.g., using calcium chloride).
Carrel conducted a
series of experiments with long-term drying and reviving of
small animals, mostly rotifers. Speculations abounded, fos-
tered by Carrel himself, about a possible future induc-
tion of a similar ‘‘resting state’’ in humans, perhaps to
preserve them for centuries.
Concurrently, experiments on
the preservation of tissues and small animals were per-
formed by Carrel’s colleagues at the Rockefeller Institute
for Medical Research in New York, Jacques Loeb (1859–
1924) and Loeb’s doctoral student, the future Nobel Laureate
in chemistry John Howard Northrop (1891–1987).
Slightly earlier, such experiments were done by the Russian
biologist Porfiry Bakhmetiev (1860–1913) who was appar-
ently the first to achieve suspended animation (anabiosis)
in animals (bats) by freezing.
In all of those studies, the
prolongation of life was the explicit purpose. Thus, it can be
seen that the development of tissue preservation and cryo-
biology also received a strong impetus from life extension
Notably, Carrel was quite skeptical of previous rejuve-
nation attempts as well as wary of the possible negative
social implications of extending longevity without a parallel
improvement in the quality of life. The skepticism and
caution, however, did not mean a disbelief in the possibility
of life prolongation or rejuvenation or readiness to abandon
longevity research. Far from it, ‘‘we can believe that a
partial reversal of physiological time will become realiz-
able’’ Carrel insisted. Some methods of rejuvenation could
include implanting ‘‘glands of a stillborn infant and the
blood of a young man’’ according to him. ‘‘With the aid of
the methods already existing, and of those which will be
discovered, we must pursue the search for the great se-
‘‘A better knowledge of the mechanisms of physi-
ological duration,’’ obtained through empirical studies of
heredity and environment, nutrition and lifestyle, ‘‘could
bring a solution of the problem of longevity.’’
Thus, in
Carrel’s writings, the subjects of combating aging, rejuve-
nation, longevity, life extension, and perhaps above all tis-
sue ‘‘immortalization’’ appear to be some of the chief
concerns and motivations for his work, out of which many
developments in cell, tissue, and organ culturing and ma-
nipulation were born.
Cell Therapy (and Particularly Human Embryonic
Cell Therapy) Was First Widely Conducted by Paul
Niehans for the Purposes of Rejuvenation As Early
As the 1930s
There has been a persistent integral connection between
transplantation of organs and tissues (replacing body parts)
and the studies of rejuvenation and life extension, from
Hunter to Carrel. Yet the forms and methods of tissue re-
placement have been perfected continuously. An additional
boost to the development of tissue replacement therapy was
given by the Swiss rejuvenator Paul Niehans (1882–1971).
Niehans became interested in endocrine rejuvenation
methods in the late 1920s, and in the early 1930s developed
his own method, the cell therapy (Zellular-therapie). In 20
Jahre Zellular-Therapie (Twenty Years of Cell Therapy,
1952), Niehans described the gist of his method
The new healing method, that today may still seem revolu-
tionary, employs specific embryonic or youthful fresh cells,
cell cultures, conserved cells or cell-rich liquids, to treat the
sufferings against which contemporary medical art had been
In 1952, 3000 injections of about 10 cm
of cell suspen-
sion were reported, with no anaphylactic or other adverse
reactions. The mechanism of action was unclear, yet the
results appeared positive:
Whether the injected fresh cells travel to their targets or are
degraded on the spot by the organism to produce the
building blocks necessary for its healing, is a question that
must be answered by a physiologist and not by a physician.
One thing is clear: Cell Therapy promotes the regeneration
of damaged cells, until reaching a necessary quantitative
activity threshold. Beyond that physiological threshold,
there is no activity; therefore the introduced cells can cause
no damage.
For diagnosis, Niehans extensively used the method de-
veloped by the Swiss-born biochemist Emil Abderhalden
(the ‘‘Abderhalden reaction’’), determining the levels of
protein degradation in particular organs and tissues. After
the organ diagnosis, Niehans injected the patients with cell
suspensions from corresponding organs. Thus, cell therapy
was applied to regenerate the nervous system—the brain
cortex, the middle brain, thalamus, and hypothalamus, etc.
(Niehans noted that contrary to the dominant conviction that
nerve cells do not regenerate, his practice showed that they
can indeed undergo some degree of regeneration.) Success
was reported in the treatment of blindness, deafness, and
idiocy. Dysfunctions of endocrine glands—pituitary, thy-
roid, parathyroid, thymus, pancreas, adrenals, and sex
glands—were treated by cells from corresponding organs.
The same was done for the heart, liver, intestinal mucosa,
the reticulo-endothelial system, bones (using injections of
osteoblasts), bone marrow, kidneys, etc. Injections of pla-
cental tissue and ‘‘cell-rich’’ blood, particularly enriched
fractions of leukocytes, were among the favorite treatments.
Niehans believed that cell therapy could be applied
against virtually all chronic organic diseases, including
cancer. But its major purpose was rejuvenation proper, the
‘‘mitigation of the deterioration of aging.’’ According to
Niehans, ‘‘premature senescence is a pathological problem,
which can be in a large degree solved through the revi-
talization of damaged organs, particularly the sex glands.’’
In Niehans’s view, ‘‘youthful cells serve the tired, the ill,
the old, and the weak. Here science bestows on us a new
capital of life. Many valuable people thus avoid a dis-
abled existence and enjoy life afresh, overcoming their
As Niehans’s reports make us understand, the cells for
treatments were obtained from domestic animals, either
animal fetuses (whose cells were believed to be the least
rejectable or the least toxic) or young animals (in case par-
ticular organs were not sufficiently developed in the fetus).
Sheep were the donors of choice (as they were believed to
be the most resistant to diseases). Yet, Niehans let it surface
that in some cases human embryonic cells, most likely from
abortions, were used. Thus ‘‘cell cultures of the pancreas of
a human fetus’’ were injected to Herr F.A., born 1894,
suffering from diabetes mellitus.
(For Niehans, the use of
such tissues did not seem to raise any ethical concerns
whatsoever.) Thus, Niehans may be well considered as one of
the primary instigators of ‘‘regenerative cell therapy’’ in
general and ‘‘embryonic stem cell therapy’’ in particular.
Today these therapies are among the most hotly debated
fields of biomedical research, both in terms of their potential
efficacy and ethical implications. Some 70–80 years after
Niehans’s first attempts, the promise of these therapies is yet
to be validated, much ‘‘further research’’ being needed.
Yet another ramification from Niehans’s cell therapy may
have been ‘‘gene therapy.’’ Niehans preferred to use fresh
cells for his treatments, but lyophilized cells (dried by
freezing in vacuum) were prepared for shipments. However,
some of Niehans’s disciples in the 1960s, such as the
German Wolfgang Goetze-Claren and the British Peter
Stephan, in place of using entire cells, sought to extract their
active, rejuvenating ingredients. DNA and RNA seemed to
be likely candidates, so they were extracted and adminis-
tered, giving rise to ‘‘gene/genetic therapy.’
Of course,
those methods of ‘‘gene therapy’’ were rather crude, using
direct ingestion or injection of DNA/RNA extracts, without
employing any sophisticated viral transmission vectors that
are tried today. Yet, they did carry the title of ‘‘gene ther-
apy.’’ As with ‘‘regenerative cell therapy,’’ ‘‘gene therapy’
is still in research and development.
Also considering the ‘‘cell therapy’’ or ‘‘stem cell ther-
apy,’’ the question of priority is difficult to settle conclu-
sively. An early precursor of the stem cell concept was the
supposition of 1875 by the German researcher Julius Frie-
drich Cohnheim (1839–1884) about the origin of cancer
from residual embryonic cells.
The very concept of ‘‘stem
cells’’ was introduced by the Russian physician Alexander
Maximov (1874–1928) in 1909, during his work on blood
formation (hematopoiesis) at St. Petersburg Military Medi-
cal Academy.
Moreover, cell therapy by injection was
attempted by the surgeon Hermann Ku
¨ttner of Breslau
(Wroclaw, Poland) in 1912.
Nonetheless, the first wide
application and promotion of cell therapy can be undoubt-
edly attributed to Paul Niehans (in a large degree, thanks to
his well-organized industrial and commercial operation, and
advertisements gained from treatments of celebrities such as
Winston Churchill, Charles de Gaulle, and Pope Pius XII). It
is of course necessary to note that the efficacy of Niehans’s
treatments was far from being generally proven or ac-
knowledged, to say the least. The possibility of transplanted
cell lysis in a non-histocompatible host and placebo effects
were highly likely. Even Niehans’s own descriptions of the
results (such as ‘‘suffering disappears’’) were rather vague.
Nonetheless, Niehans’s contribution to the development and
spread of the fields now known as ‘‘cell therapy,’’ ‘‘em-
bryonic stem cell therapy,’’ and ‘‘regenerative medicine’’
generally—born of rejuvenation research—must be recognized.
As the examples above show, several practically signifi-
cant fields of medicine originated in rejuvenation and life
extension research. There might be several potential expla-
nations as to why the specific therapies emerged in such
seemingly unrelated and generalized studies. One explana-
tion may be simply the nature of goal setting. When setting
the goal of achieving healthy longevity, the researchers
strove to approximate that goal and by it measured their
successes and failures. Thus, while ‘‘aiming high,’’ they
may have been bound to achieve at least some results, even
though most often falling short of the original aspirations.
The situation may not have been dissimilar to that of al-
chemy, which, while seeking perfect control over matter and
life and not achieving it, was at least able to lay down the
foundations of modern chemistry and pharmacology.
Another explanation may have to do with the specific
mindset that may have been involved in rejuvenation and
life extension research. Because the purpose of such re-
search was to maintain the life of the organism in a youthful
functional state for as long as possible, then of necessity
more attention was paid to the workings of the organism as a
whole, to the interrelation of its components, rather than to
individual disconnected details and symptoms. The degen-
erative aging processes are evidently the root cause of
many chronic age-related diseases.
Therefore, by learning
to tend to the root, ways were found to tend to the entire
organism more effectively than by treating branches ex-
clusively. Also, more attention was paid to long-term
durability rather than to short-term improvements in per-
formance and momentary sense of well-being. The emphasis
on constancy, reliability, stability, balance, or sustainability
was pervasive in those studies. Indeed, ‘‘equilibrium’’ was
the key term in the writings of all the researchers discussed
so far, from Brown-Sequard to Niehans. (The term ‘‘ho-
meostasis’’ became entrenched later, following the work of
the Harvard physiologist, board member of the American
Life Extension Institute, Walter Cannon [1871–1945],
which was also strongly related to longevity research.
With such a mindset bent on sustainability and balance,
new therapies may have been likely to be born and devel-
oped. There are grounds to expect that additional novel
therapies will continue to be born and developed in the future
if the sustainability mindset and the pursuit of rejuvenation
and life extension are not depleted of encouragement.
Author Disclosure Statement
No competing financial interests exist.
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Address correspondence to:
Ilia Stambler
Department of Science, Technology, and Society
Bar Ilan University
Ramat Gan 52900
Received: November 2, 2013
Accepted: February 13, 2014
... Historically, the studies of aging, explicitly aiming to prolong human life and mitigate and even reverse the aging processes, though generally coming short of the original goals, often constituted a strong, though hardly ever acknowledged, motivation for medical research and practice. At least several modern biomedical fields have originated directly from rejuvenation and life extension studies [4]. These included hormone replacement therapies that were born in Charles-Edouard Brown-Sequard's rejuvenation experiments with animal sex gland extracts (initially announced in 1889). ...
... Thus, the pursuit of life extension and aging postponement, and even attempts at aging reversal, have been integral and influential constituents in the history of medicine, giving rise to practical medical applications. Notably, the common principle of these studies was the proactive maintenance of stability of the entire organism [4]. ...
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The history of aging research encourages us to think about the amount of progress made for the prevention of aging-related diseases and extension of healthy longevity in the past, and seek ways to accelerate this progress in the future.
... Arguably, at least several modern biomedical fields have originated directly from aging and life extension research. Some examples include hormone replacement therapy born in Charles-Edouard Brown-Séquard's rejuvenation experiments with animal gland extracts (1889), probiotic diets originating in Elie Metchnikoff's conception of radically prolonged "orthobiosis" (circa 1900), the cell therapy and tissue replacement therapy methods now currently referred to as "regenerative medicine" owing a lot to the experiments on cell and tissue culture and replacement by Eugen Steinach, Serge Voronoff, Alexis Carrel, Paul Niehans and others [1,2]. Yet, the field has also been notoriously controversial and diverse concerning the prospective actual or potential methods that should be pursued for the amelioration of aging and achievement of life extension, their scientific, methodological and practical merits. ...
... THE RESEARCH OF AGING AND LONGEVITY IN FRANCE IN 1930-1950 THE STRENGTHENING OF THE HOLISTIC APPROACH In contrast to their predecessors in the early 20th century, whose teachings were almost entirely reductionist [2], in the 1930s-1940s, an increasing number of French researchers of aging and longevity began to espouse holistic perceptions of the unity of the mind and body, and the subordination of an individual to society, gradually replacing the earlier prevalent notions of reductionism, physicalism and individualism. The holistic tone in French research of aging of the 1930s-1940s was set by the leading French longevity researcher, one of the pioneers of tissue culture and regenerative medicine, Alexis Carrel (1873-1944) [3]. Echoing Auguste Comte, who asserted that "No sound treatment of either body or mind is possible, now that the physician and the priest make an exclusive study, the one of the physical, the other of the moral nature of man" [4] (p. 49) Carrel urged [5]: ...
... Moreover, some of the distinguished authors actively protest about the widespread and non-specific use of such terms [25][26][27]. Many researchers rather prefer to speak of healthy aging and longevity rather than rejuvenation and immortality [28][29][30]). ...
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We suggest a novel approach for searching natural compounds with anti-aging and rejuvenation potential using cell cultures, with a high potential for the further in vivo applications. The present paper discusses ways of defining age for cell populations with large numbers of cells and suggests a method of assessing how young or old a cell population is based on a cell age profile approach. This approach uses experimental distributions of the cells over the cell cycle stages, acquired using flow cytometry. This paper discusses how such a profile should evolve under homeostatic maintenance of cell numbers in the proliferation niches. We describe promising results from experiments on a commercial substance claiming rejuvenating and anti-aging activity acting upon the cultures of human mononuclear cells and dermal fibroblasts. The chosen substance promotes a shift towards larger proportion of cells in synthesis and proliferation stages, and increases cell culture longevity. Further, we describe promising in vivo testing results of a selected food supplement. Based on the described concept of cell age profile and available test results, a strategy to search for natural compounds with regenerative, anti-aging and rejuvenation potential is suggested and proposed for wider and thorough testing. Proposed methodology of age assessment is rather generic and can be used for quantitative assessment of the anti-aging and rejuvenation potential of different interventions. Further research aimed at the tests of the suggested strategy using more substances and different interventions, and the thorough studies of molecular mechanisms related to the action of the substance used for testing the suggested search methodology, are needed.
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This review scrutinizes the intricate interplay between the microbiome and the human body, exploring its multifaceted dimensions and far-reaching implications. The human microbiome, comprising diverse microbial communities inhabiting various anatomical niches, is increasingly recognized as a critical determinant of human health and disease. Through an extensive examination of current research, this review elucidates the dynamic interactions between the microbiome and host physiology across multiple organ systems. Key topics include the establishment and maintenance of microbiota diversity, the influence of host factors on microbial composition, and the bidirectional communication pathways between microbiota and host cells. Furthermore, we delve into the functional implications of microbiome dysbiosis in disease states, emphasizing its role in shaping immune responses, metabolic processes, and neurological functions. Additionally, this review discusses emerging therapeutic strategies aimed at modulating the microbiome to restore host–microbe homeostasis and promote health. Microbiota fecal transplantation represents a groundbreaking therapeutic approach in the management of dysbiosis-related diseases, offering a promising avenue for restoring microbial balance within the gut ecosystem. This innovative therapy involves the transfer of fecal microbiota from a healthy donor to an individual suffering from dysbiosis, aiming to replenish beneficial microbial populations and mitigate pathological imbalances. By synthesizing findings from diverse fields, this review offers valuable insights into the complex relationship between the microbiome and the human body, highlighting avenues for future research and clinical interventions.
Introduction: Longevity research has matured to the point where significantly postponing age-related decline in physical and mental function is now achievable in the laboratory and foreseeable in the clinic. The most promising strategies involve rejuvenation, i.e. reducing biological age, not merely slowing its progression. Areas covered: We discuss therapeutic strategies for rejuvenation and results achieved thus far, with a focus on in vivo studies. We discuss the implications of interventions which act on mean or maximum lifespan and those showing effects in accelerated disease models. While the focus is on work conducted in mice, we also highlight notable insights in the field from studies in other model organisms. Expert opinion: Rejuvenation was originally proposed as easier than slowing aging because it targets initially inert changes to tissue structure and composition, rather than trying to disentangle processes that both create aging damage and maintain life. While recent studies support this hypothesis, a true test requires a panel of rejuvenation interventions targeting multiple damage categories simultaneously. Considerations of cost, profitability, and academic significance have dampened enthusiasm for such work, but it is vital. Now is the time for the field to take this key step toward the medical control of aging.
This chapter introduces the gerontological hygiene movement. Any hygienic regime seeks to abolish or eradicate that which is unwanted, or in some way undesirable. Gerontological hygiene, as a movement geared toward the abolition of the condition of being ‘old’, does this in several ways. To interrogate the manifold ways in which older subjects are (re)-produced through a medicalized lens, I trace a genealogy of the biopolitical and governmental regimes that underpin this production. Foucauldian biopolitics allows me to examine the inter-relations between old-age-as-disease and the deployment of evolving anti-aging somatechnologies. Finally, I draw upon eugenics as a framework for enforcing regimes of hygiene, proposing that similar eugenics discourses are in operation in an attempt aimed at the abolition of age.
This chapter acts as a culmination of the work done previously in this book, mobilizing an ethical inquiry into the medicalization of age and the emerging somatechnologies that seek to ‘treat’ old age. To pose ethical questions in the development and use of anti-aging somatechnologies, I draw upon a Levinasian model of ethical philosophy and the face-to-face encounter between the Same and the Other (Levinas, Totality and infinity: an essay on exteriority, trans. A. Lingis, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The Hague, 1979) in an attempt to understand, and find value in, an exterior Being. These concepts are drawn upon in relation to early longevity medicine and its contemporaries in order to expose the violent history surrounding the attempted erasure of old age.
In 2020, we celebrate the 175th anniversary of the founder of gerontology, a foundational figure of modern immunology, aging and longevity science, and of modern medicine generally — Ilya Mechnikov (May 15, 1845 — July 15, 1916). For the proponents of healthy longevity and advocates of aging research. Mechnikov may be well credited as “the father” of gerontology — the disciplinary term he coined. Mechnikov was either a direct originator or one of the primary researchers for a variety of key aging-ameliorating and life-extending methods, experiments and research programs that are still being followed today. In view of the immense significance of degenerative aging processes for the emergence of virtually all diseases, both communicable and noncommunicable, and in view of the accelerating development of potential means to intervene into and ameliorate these processes for the sake of achieving healthy longevity, Mechnikov’s pioneering contribution to this field assumes an ever greater global significance and must be remembered and honored.
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Given their durability and long‐term stability, self‐healable hydrogels have, in the past few years, emerged as promising replacements for the many brittle hydrogels currently being used in preclinical or clinical trials. To this end, the incompatibility between hydrogel toughness and rapid self‐healing remains unaddressed, and therefore most of the self‐healable hydrogels still face serious challenges within the dynamic and mechanically demanding environment of human organs/tissues. Furthermore, depending on the target tissue, the self‐healing hydrogels must comply with a wide range of properties including electrical, biological, and mechanical. Notably, the incorporation of nanomaterials into double‐network hydrogels is showing great promise as a feasible way to generate self‐healable hydrogels with the above‐mentioned attributes. Here, the recent progress in the development of multifunctional and self‐healable hydrogels for various tissue engineering applications is discussed in detail. Their potential applications within the rapidly expanding areas of bioelectronic hydrogels, cyborganics, and soft robotics are further highlighted. Self‐healable hydrogels hold great promise in preclinical and clinical trials, owing to their durability and long‐term stability. This study delves into the development of multifunctional and self‐healable hydrogels for tissue regeneration, mainly focused on the synergy between toughness and dynamic self‐repairing capability. Specifically, some of the uncharted potential of these materials are discussed, and their applications within the newly emerging areas of cyborganics and soft robotics are highlighted.
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This work explores the history of life-extensionism in the 20th century. The term life-extensionism is meant to describe an ideological system professing that radical life extension (far beyond the present life expectancy) is desirable on ethical grounds and is possible to achieve through conscious scientific efforts. This work examines major lines of life-extensionist thought, in chronological order, over the course of the 20th century, while focusing on central seminal works representative of each trend and period, by such authors as Elie Metchnikoff, Bernard Shaw, Alexis Carrel, Alexander Bogomolets and others. Their works are considered in their social and intellectual context, as parts of a larger contemporary social and ideological discourse, associated with major political upheavals and social and economic patterns. The following national contexts are considered: France (Chapter One), Germany, Austria, Romania and Switzerland (Chapter Two), Russia (Chapter Three), the US and UK (Chapter Four). This work pursues three major aims. The first is to attempt to identify and trace throughout the century several generic biomedical methods whose development or applications were associated with radical hopes for life-extension. Beyond mere hopefulness, this work argues, the desire to radically prolong human life often constituted a formidable, though hardly ever acknowledged, motivation for biomedical research and discovery. It will be shown that novel fields of biomedical science often had their origin in far-reaching pursuits of radical life extension. The dynamic dichotomy between reductionist and holistic methods will be emphasized. The second goal is to investigate the ideological and socio-economic backgrounds of the proponents of radical life extension, in order to determine how ideology and economic conditions motivated the life-extensionists and how it affected the science they pursued. For that purpose, the biographies and key writings of several prominent longevity advocates are studied. Their specific ideological premises (attitudes toward religion and progress, pessimism or optimism regarding human perfectibility, and ethical imperatives) as well as their socioeconomic conditions (the ability to conduct and disseminate research in a specific social or economic milieu) are examined in an attempt to find out what conditions have encouraged or discouraged life-extensionist thought. This research argues for the inherent adjustability of life-extensionism, as a particular form of scientific enterprise, to particular prevalent state ideologies. The third, more general, aim is to collect a broad register of life-extensionist works, and, based on that register, to establish common traits and goals definitive of life-extensionism, such as valuation of life and constancy, despite all the diversity of methods and ideologies professed. This work will contribute to the understanding of extreme expectations associated with biomedical progress that have been scarcely investigated by biomedical history.
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No intervention will slow, stop, or reverse the aging process in humans. Whether anti-aging medicine is, or is not, a legitimate science is completely dependent upon the definition of key terms that define the finitude of life: longevity determination, aging, and age-associated diseases. Only intervention in the latter by humans has been shown to affect life expectancy. When it becomes possible to slow, stop, or reverse the aging process in the simpler molecules that compose inanimate objects, such as machines, then that prospect may become tenable for the complex molecules that compose life forms. Most of the resources available under the rubric “aging research” are not used for that purpose at all, thus making the likelihood of intervention in the process even more remote. If age changes are the greatest risk factor for age-associated diseases (an almost universal belief), then why is the study of aging virtually neglected?
The Huang Di nei jing su wen, known familiarly as the Su wen, is a seminal text of ancient Chinese medicine, yet until now there has been no comprehensive, detailed analysis of its development and contents. At last, the author offers entry into this still-vital artifact of China's cultural and intellectual past. He traces the history of the Su wen to its origins in the final centuries b.c.e., when numerous authors wrote short medical essays to explain the foundations of human health and illness on the basis of the newly developed vessel theory. The author examines the meaning of the title and the way the work has been received throughout Chinese medical history, both before and after the eleventh century, when the text as it is known today emerged. His survey of the contents includes discussions of the yin-yang and five-agents doctrines, the perception of the human body and its organs, qi and blood, pathogenic agents, concepts of disease and diagnosis, and a variety of therapies, including the new technique of acupuncture. An extensive appendix offers a detailed introduction to the complicated climatological theories of Wu yun liu qi (“five periods and six qi”), which were added to the Su wen by Wang Bing in the Tang era. In an epilogue, the author writes about the break with tradition and the innovative style of thought represented by the Su wen.
Foreword by Clyde Barker and Thomas E. Starzl. The first book of its kind, A History of Organ Transplantation examines the evolution of surgical tissue replacement from classical times to the medieval period to the present day. This volume will be useful to undergraduates, graduate students, scholars, surgeons, and the general public. Both Western and non-Western experiences as well as folk practices are included. Copyright
The author calls this book a compilation, because he has brought together the findings and thoughts of many scientists on the nature and measurement of senescence, its distribution in man, animal life and protozoa, the influence of genetic factors, the role of growth and rate of living, senescence in cells and in the endocrines. A great deal of factual information is still needed before senescence will be really understood. 733-item bibliography. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)