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Internal jugular and common femoral venous access for the removal of a long-term embedded vena cava filter


Abstract and Figures

We describe an inferior vena cava filter retrieval technique requiring triple venous access performed in a 35-year-old male who was referred for filter removal 16 months after its insertion. The filter showed a right-sided tilt with endothelialization of the distal filter struts into the caval wall. Access was required via both internal jugular veins to straighten the filter using a snared-loop technique. Further 18 F right common femoral vein access was required to snare and remove the filter, which could not be completely collapsed distally due to endothelialized tissue, precluding normal removal via the jugular venous route.
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Diagn Interv Radiol 2014; 20:341-344
© Turkish Society of Radiology 2014
Internal jugular and common femoral venous access for the
removal of a long-term embedded vena cava filter
Umer Salati, Pradeep Govender, William Torreggiani, Ronan Browne
We describe an inferior vena cava lter retrieval technique
requiring triple venous access performed in a 35-year-old
male who was referred for lter removal 16 months after its
insertion. The lter showed a right-sided tilt with endothelial-
ization of the distal lter struts into the caval wall. Access was
required via both internal jugular veins to straighten the lter
using a snared-loop technique. Further 18 F right common
femoral vein access was required to snare and remove the
lter, which could not be completely collapsed distally due
to endothelialized tissue, precluding normal removal via the
jugular venous route.
Inferior vena cava (IVC) filters are often placed for the prevention of
venous thromboembolism in high-risk patients as well as those who
have contraindications to or have failed anticoagulation in the set-
ting of existing venous thromboembolism. In these situations, there is
proven efficacy in the short-term setting without similar results in the
longer term (1, 2). Optional retrievable IVC filters are now increasingly
being used in multiple trauma patients with a high risk of pulmonary
embolism (3). In these patients, filters are usually placed with the in-
tent of removal when the patients’ clinical condition permits and where
possible within the manufacturer’s recommended temporal guidelines.
At our institution, a tertiary trauma referral center, IVC filters are often
prescribed in this setting, with patients often requiring multiple sur-
geries and a protracted recovery period. We describe a difficult case of
filter retrieval performed 16 months after initial placement due to loss at
the clinical follow-up. This case required triple venous access, via both
internal jugular veins (IJVs) and right common femoral vein (CFV), em-
ploying both previously described techniques: the wire loop-and-snare
and cone-over-guidewire techniques (4).
A 35-year-old male patient had an optional retrievable IVC filter
(Günther-Tulip, William Cook Europe, Bjaeverskov, Denmark) inserted
preoperatively following extensive traumatic pelvic fractures. The pa-
tient had a protracted period of treatment and rehabilitation, and was
lost to the initial clinical follow-up. He presented for filter retrieval 16
months after its initial placement. Although this condition was outside
of the manufacturer’s normal temporal guidelines of 20 days, the proce-
dure was attempted considering the patient’s age and desire for retrieval.
After securing access into the right IJV using an aseptic technique and
under ultrasonography guidance, a 5 F multiendhole catheter (Omni-
flush, AngioDynamics, Hampshire, United Kingdom) was manipulated
in the IVC caudal to the filter over a 0.035-inch J guidewire. Inferior
vena cavography confirmed the intravascular location of the filter with
the filter apex tilted to the right and the absence of significant throm-
bus (Fig. 1). Using a Günther Tulip vena cava filter retrieval set (William
Cook, Europe) via the right IJV access, unsuccessful attempts were made
to snare the filter because it was tilted and likely endothelialized with
the IVC vessel wall. Therefore, attempts were made to displace the tilted
filter apex from the IVC wall using a 5 F Rösch interior mesenteric (RIM)
catheter (AngioDynamics) and 0.035-inch hydrophilic guidewire (Ter-
umo UK, Surrey, United Kingdom) in combination with the retrieval
snare from the Günther Tulip vena cava filter retrieval set using a wire
From the Department of Radiology (U.S. umersalati@gmail.
com), Tallaght Hospital, Dublin, Ireland.
Received 19 August 2013; revision requested 23 September 2013; revision
received 23 October 2013; accepted 28 October 2013.
Published online 7 February 2014.
DOI 10.5152/dir.2014.13362
342 • July–August 2014 • Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Salati et al.
loop-and-snare single access technique
(Sling technique). Unfortunately, the
filter apex could not be displaced.
The orientation of the tilted filter
apex suggested greater advantage in
displacing it using additional access
via the left IJV. After securing access in
the left IJV with a 6 F×5.5 cm introduc-
er sheath (Avanti+Sheath Introducer,
Cordis Europe, Waterloo, Belgium), a 5
F RIM catheter and 0.035-inch hydro-
philic guidewire (Terumo UK) combi-
nation via the left IJV access and the
Günther Tulip retrieval snare from the
right IJV were successful in displacing
the tilted filter apex from the IVC wall
using a wire loop-and-snare technique
(Sling technique) (Fig. 2). However,
after snaring the filter apex, attempts
to sheath the filter through the 11 F
retrieval sheath failed due to the in-
ability to collapse the distal filter struts
completely. Repeat vena cavography
revealed significant tenting of the caval
walls suggesting endothelialization of
the filter struts, which were successfully
released with repeated intermittent cau-
dal traction with the retrieval sheath.
The filter, despite now lying freely
within the caval lumen, remained in-
completely collapsed and could not be
sheathed. An attempt to remove the
partially collapsed filter via the right IJV
was not undertaken due to the poten-
tial for vascular trauma. An attempt to
further collapse the filter struts using a
25 mm eV3 Amplatz GooseNeck snare
(eV3 Europe, Paris, France) to assist in
completely sheathing the filter was un-
successful and, unfortunately, the snare
became entangled on the struts.
Therefore, access into the right CFV
was secured with an 18 F vascular
sheath (William Cook Europe) to at-
tempt retrieval of the filter and entan-
gled snares via the CFV. Another 25
mm GooseNeck Snare was then used
to snare the distal filter struts via this
access and guide the filter into the 18
F sheath (Fig. 3). The IVC filter, includ-
ing the entangled Günther Tulip re-
trieval snare in the filter apex and the
Amplatz GooseNeck snare on the filter
struts, were pulled into the 18 F sheath.
The completely retrieved filter and en-
tangled snares that were released from
their respective IJV access were pulled
in the 18 F sheath up to the right CFV,
and the sheath containing the filter
Figure 1. Anteroposterior uoroscopic image with corresponding schematic diagram
showing an inferior vena cava lter with a right-sided tilt (arrowheads) and contrast injection,
conrming an intravascular position.
Figure 2. Fluoroscopic image with corresponding schematic diagram showing a partially
collapsed and sheathed lter (arrowheads) with distal struts exposed. Note the vascular sheath
in the right internal jugular vein (asterisks), 5 F Rösch interior mesenteric catheter, and Amplatz
gooseneck snare placed via the left internal jugular vein (arrows).
Techniques for the removal of vena caval filters • 343
was partially removed from the right
CFV. The 18 F sheath was clamped at
the right common femoral vein der-
matotomy to ensure hemostasis, and
the proximal end containing the filter
was cut to reveal the partially collapsed
filter and snare wires. The latter step
was performed to allow direct visual-
ization and ensure good control of the
snares because they were removed with
the 18 F sheath (Fig. 4). Further vena
cavography revealed no evidence of
caval injury. The patient displayed no
immediate post procedure complica-
tions and had an uneventful recovery.
Several publications have described
nonstandard filter retrieval techniques,
including the wire loop-and-snare and
cone-over-guidewire techniques (4, 5).
Modifications of both these techniques
were employed in our case. The long
period of the filter indwelling time
(468 days) resulted in considerable en-
dothelialization of both the filter apex
and struts such that, after they were
freed from the caval wall, they pre-
vented complete distal filter collapse
due to excessive endothelial tissue on
the struts (Fig. 4), thereby precluding
safe removal of the filter via the initial
right IJV access. Additionally, caudal
access was required via the right CFV,
allowing the snaring of the partially
collapsed filter struts and guidance
into a large-caliber vascular sheath.
The latter condition was particularly
important because the Günther Tulip
retrieval snare was entangled in the
endothelial tissue in the filter apex via
the right IJV access, and the Amplatz
GooseNeck snare was entangled in the
endothelial tissue in the filter struts
via the left IJV access. Additional cau-
dal venous access via the CFV should
be considered whenever a freed but
non-collapsible IVC filter needs to be
removed. We acknowledge that single
IJV access should be sufficient in most
cases; however, the filter apex could
not be displaced in our case but was
successfully removed using dual IJV ac-
cess given the orientation of the tilted
filter apex.
In conclusion, we believe that our
described approach may be beneficial
Figure 3. Fluoroscopic image with corresponding schematic diagram demonstrating an 18 F
vascular sheath and gooseneck snare (arrows) via the right common femoral vein ensnaring
the lter (arrowheads). The lter lies partially collapsed within the vascular sheath inserted via
the right internal jugular vein (asterisks).
Figure 4. The removed lter via the right common femoral vein shows signicant endothelial
tissue on the lter struts that prevented complete distal collapse and removal via the internal
jugular veins.
344 • July–August 2014 • Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Salati et al.
for long indwelling filters where en-
dothelialized tissue on the filter struts
prevents complete distal filter collapse,
precluding safe jugular removal. Many
previous reports have demonstrated
successful Günther Tulip filter retriev-
al outside the recommended temporal
guidelines (6, 7), with one case of fil-
ter retrieval up to 3006 days postinser-
tion (8), although the rate of success-
ful retrieval decreases with increased
indwelling time (6), and nonstandard
techniques may be required.
Conflict of interest disclosure
The authors declared no conflicts of interest.
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... Inferior vena cava (IVC) filters are engineered medical devices deployed in the IVC to primarily prevent life-threatening complications via a pulmonary embolism, secondary to a venous thromboembolism, from occurring. 1 The first successfully placed IVC filter occurred in 1967 with the Mobin-Uddin filter. 2 3 Since this inception, IVC filter designs have improved tremendously, leading to an increased rate of usage of these filters. 2 4 5 In 2018, approximately 65 000 IVC filters were placed in the USA alone, thus demonstrating its popularity. 6 IVC filters can be classified as either permanent or retrievable, with the latter becoming commonplace in the USA following Food and Drug Administration approval in 2003. ...
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Inferior vena cava (IVC) filters are engineered medical devices deployed in the IVC primarily to prevent a pulmonary embolism from occurring. In this article, we present a case of an IVC filter that was successfully retrieved from a patient after being in place for 34 years. The patient presented to hospital for trauma in which subsequent imaging showed tines of an IVC filter protruding outside of the vessel with one of the tines penetrating the duodenal wall. The filter was successfully removed with no complications. This report adds to the existing literature by yielding an example of an adverse risk that can be associated with the placement of IVC filters. In addition, to the authors’ best knowledge, this is the longest reported length of time that an IVC filter has stayed in a patient before being removed, thus adding another intriguing detail to the case.
... LMWH is more convenient in use, and is less likely to result in thrombocytopenia, which is why it is considered as first--line perioperative treatment [11]. The retrieval takes place a few weeks (ideally up to 12 weeks) following implantation, but cases of successful filter retrieval as late as 16 months following implantation have also been described in literature [14]. According to the currently bin- Another clinical situation which may require IVC filter implantation is the recurrence of pulmonary embolism and/or lower limb deep vein thrombosis, regardless of the adequate anticoagulation therapy [10]. ...
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Venous thromboembolism often coexists with cancer, deteriorating patient prognosis. The diagnosis of cancer in patients who suffer from venous thromboembolism may lead to changes in the anticoagulant therapy administered. We present a case report involving a 72-year-old patient with recurrent venous thromboembolism and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension in whom the diagnosis of colorectal cancer resulted in the need for modification of the anticoagulant therapy. Oral anticoagulant was replaced with low molecular weight heparin and an inferior vena cava filter was implanted due to active bleeding from the anus, high periope-rative risk of bleeding, which caused the need for a temporary interruption of anticoagulant therapy.
Background - In a randomized trial in patients with proximal deep-vein thrombosis, permanent vena cava filters reduced the incidence of pulmonary embolism but increased that of deep-vein thrombosis at 2 years. An 8-year follow-up was performed to assess their very long-term effect. Methods and Results - Four hundred patients with proximal deep-vein thrombosis with or without pulmonary embolism were randomized either to receive or not receive a filter in addition to standard anticoagulant treatment for at least 3 months. Data on vital status, venous thromboembolism, and postthrombotic syndrome were obtained once a year for up to 8 years. All documented events were reviewed blindly by an independent committee. Outcome data were available in 396 patients (99%). Symptomatic pulmonary embolism occurred in 9 patients in the filter group ( cumulative rate 6.2%) and 24 patients (15.1%) in the no- filter group ( P = 0.008). Deep-vein thrombosis occurred in 57 patients (35.7%) in the filter group and 41 (27.5%) in the no- filter group ( P = 0.042). Postthrombotic syndrome was observed in 109 (70.3%) and 107 (69.7%) patients in the filter and no- filter groups, respectively. At 8 years, 201 (50.3%) patients had died ( 103 and 98 patients in the filter and no- filter groups, respectively). Conclusions - At 8 years, vena cava filters reduced the risk of pulmonary embolism but increased that of deep-vein thrombosis and had no effect on survival. Although their use may be beneficial in patients at high risk of pulmonary embolism, systematic use in the general population with venous thromboembolism is not recommended.
Pulmonary embolisms (PE) are an often preventable cause of late morbidity and mortality after trauma. Although there is evidence for the use of therapeutic inferior vena cava (IVC) filters (defined as IVC filters implanted in those with proven deep venous thrombosis [DVT] in order to prevent PE), there is not as much evidence to support the use of prophylactic IVC filters. Thus, we undertook a systematic review of the literature to assess the following in prophylactic IVC filters: efficacy in PE reduction, prevalence of filter-related complications and the indications for use. After screening 249 studies, 24 studies met inclusion criteria for qualitative synthesis. Overall, the literature is supportive of the use of prophylactic IVC filters in high-risk poly-trauma patients who may have contraindications to DVT prophylaxis. Filter-associated complications are uncommon and, when they do occur, tend to be of limited clinical significance. Limited data, mostly in the form of case series, supports a reduction in PE and PE-related mortality. There has been increasing use of retrievable filters as well as the ability to safely retrieve them at longer intervals. Despite the addition of a few matched-control studies, the literature is still plagued by a lack of high quality data, and therefore the true efficacy of prophylactic IVC filters for prevention of PE in trauma patients remains unclear. Further studies are required to determine the true role of prophylactic IVC filters in trauma patient.
Inferior vena cava (IVC) filters have proven valuable for the prevention of primary or recurrent pulmonary embolism in selected patients with or at high risk for venous thromboembolic disease. Their use has become commonplace, and the numbers implanted increase annually. During the last 3 years, in the United States, the percentage of annually placed optional filters, i.e., filters than can remain as permanent filters or potentially be retrieved, has consistently exceeded that of permanent filters. In parallel, the complications of long- or short-term filtration have become increasingly evident to physicians, regulatory agencies, and the public. Most filter removals are uneventful, with a high degree of success. When routine filter-retrieval techniques prove unsuccessful, progressively more advanced tools and skill sets must be used to enhance filter-retrieval success. These techniques should be used with caution to avoid damage to the filter or cava during IVC retrieval. This review describes the complex techniques for filter retrieval, including use of additional snares, guidewires, angioplasty balloons, and mechanical and thermal approaches as well as illustrates their specific application.
Patients may be denied the opportunity to have their inferior vena cava (IVC) filters removed because of a perception that retrievable filters that have been in place for a long period of time may be more technically difficult or hazardous to remove. A case report on the removal of a Günther Tulip filter that was implanted for a total of 3,006 days is presented. This case report adds to the literature that suggests that no time limits may exist after which many retrievable IVC filters can no longer be safely removed.
To evaluate the likelihood of successful retrieval of the Günther Tulip vena cava filter after various implant durations (up to 494 days). Retrievable Günther Tulip filters were placed in 554 patients. All patients satisfied requirements for filter placement; the primary indication for placement was specified for 394 patients (71%), as follows: unspecified trauma (n = 164), bariatric procedures (n = 128), orthopedic procedures (n = 36), and other (n = 66). Filter tilt and vena cava injury were assessed at implantation. Filters were not repositioned after placement. At retrieval, filter orientation, vena cava injury, other device-related incidents, and the degree of difficulty associated with retrieval were reported. Filter retrieval was attempted in 275 patients and successful in 248 (90.2%). The mean filter indwell time was 58.9 days (range, 3-494 days). Unsuccessful retrievals (n = 27) were attributed primarily to improper hook orientation (n = 10) or excessive tissue in-growth at the filter legs (n = 16). Of the remaining 279 patients, 223 withdrew from the study, 41 were associated with a decision to keep the filter as a permanent device, 13 died for reasons unrelated to the study, and two had no reported endpoint data. A Kaplan-Meier product-limit survival estimate revealed that the probability of successful device retrieval remained greater than 94% at 12 weeks and greater than 67% at 26 weeks. This study contributes to the body of clinical data related to retrievable filters, demonstrating reliable retrieval rates at 12 weeks, with successful retrievals up to 17 months after implantation.
To identify the success and complications related to a variant technique used to retrieve inferior vena cava filters when simple snare approach has failed. A retrospective review of all Cook Günther Tulip filters and Cook Celect filters retrieved between July 2006 and February 2008 was performed. During this period, 130 filter retrievals were attempted. In 33 cases, the standard retrieval technique failed. Retrieval was subsequently attempted with our modified retrieval technique. The retrieval was successful in 23 cases (mean dwell time, 171.84 days; range, 5-505 days) and unsuccessful in 10 cases (mean dwell time, 162.2 days; range, 94-360 days). Our filter retrievability rates increased from 74.6% with the standard retrieval method to 92.3% when the snared-loop technique was used. Unsuccessful retrieval was due to significant endothelialization (n = 9) and caval penetration by the filter (n = 1). A single complication occurred in the group, in a patient developing pulmonary emboli after attempted retrieval. The technique we describe increased the retrievability of the two filters studied. Hook endothelialization is the main factor resulting in failed retrieval and continues to be a limitation with these filters.
The efficacy and safety of vena caval filters in the prevention of pulmonary embolism in patients with proximal deep-vein thrombosis is still a matter of debate. Using a two-by-two factorial design, we randomly assigned 400 patients with proximal deep-vein thrombosis who were at risk for pulmonary embolism to receive a vena caval filter (200 patients) or no filter (200 patients), and to receive low-molecular-weight heparin (enoxaparin, 195 patients) or unfractionated heparin (205 patients). The rates of recurrent venous thromboembolism, death, and major bleeding were analyzed at day 12 and at two years. At day 12, two patients assigned to receive filters (1.1 percent), as compared with nine patients assigned to receive no filters (4.8 percent), had had symptomatic or asymptomatic pulmonary embolism (odds ratio, 0.22; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.05 to 0.90). At two years, 37 patients assigned to the filter group (20.8 percent), as compared with 21 patients assigned to the no-filter group (11.6 percent), had had recurrent deep-vein thrombosis (odds ratio, 1.87; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.10 to 3.20). There were no significant differences in mortality or the other outcomes. At day 12, three patients assigned to low-molecular-weight heparin (1.6 percent), as compared with eight patients assigned to unfractionated heparin (4.2 percent), had had symptomatic or asymptomatic pulmonary embolism (odds ratio, 0.38; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.10 to 1.38). In high-risk patients with proximal deep-vein thrombosis, the initial beneficial effect of vena caval filters for the prevention of pulmonary embolism was counterbalanced by an excess of recurrent deep-vein thrombosis, without any difference in mortality. Our data also confirmed that low-molecular-weight heparin was as effective and safe as unfractionated heparin for the prevention of pulmonary embolism.
To evaluate the Gunther Tulip vena cava filter with regard to ease of placement, complications, and retrieval over long time periods. In 53 patients (ratio of men to women, 24:29; mean age, 52.8 years) retrievable Gunther Tulip filters (Vena Cava M Reye Filter Set; William Cook Europe, Denmark) were inserted. Indications included planned major surgery with recent pulmonary embolus or high pulmonary embolus risk (n = 16), extensive ilio-femoral thrombus (n = 11), deep vein thrombosis with anticoagulant complications (n = 9), breakthrough pulmonary embolus despite anticoagulant therapy (n = 4), and contraindication to anticoagulant therapy (n = 13). All patients were followed-up for immediate and long-term complications. Fifty-three filters were successfully placed in 52 of 53 patients, yielding a success rate of 98.1%. Nineteen patients underwent attempted retrieval of their filter. Sixteen of 19 retrieval procedures were successful (84%). In three patients, the filter could not be removed on attempted retrieval (extensive filter thrombus in two patients and attachment to the wall in one patient). One patient received two filters, which were both successfully retrieved at a later date. Median implantation time for retrievable filters was 34 days (range, 7-126 days). Mean follow-up for patients with permanent filters was 13 months. Two major complications (pneumothorax and break through pulmonary embolus) and three minor complications (right internal jugular vein thrombosis in two patients and transient Horner's Syndrome in one patient) were recorded. Insertion and retrieval of filters is safe and feasible. Preliminary data suggest that Gunther Tulip filter retrieval is feasible over and above the manufacturer's recommended retrieval interval of 14 days.