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Data-driven modelling and simulation for integration of production planning and simulation systems



In the paper production planning and simulation systems integration has been presented. The integration process is executed using the method of data-driven modelling. The process of automatic generation of simulation models is realized in two stages – data mapping to indirect data model and data transformation from this data model to the code of the simulation system internal programming language. In the process of data-driven modelling XML, XML and XSLT Transformation languages are used. The result of transformation is the input file for simulation systems, containing information about the model of production system, together with control procedures.
Institute Of Engineering Processes Automation And Integrated Manufacturing Systems,
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland
Abstract: In the paper production planning and simulation systems integration has been
presented. The integration process is executed using the method of data-driven modelling.
The process of automatic generation of simulation models is realized in two stages - data
mapping to indirect data model and data transformation from this data model to the code of
the simulation system internal programming language. In the process of data-driven
modelling XML, XML and XSLT Transformation languages are used. The result of
transformation is the input file for simulation systems, containing information about the
model of production system, together with control procedures.
1. Introduction
Currently, manufacturing enterprises operate in a very dynamic and competitive
environment. Market requires to quickly adapt to new circumstances (short lead-time, short
product life-cycle, quick response to constantly changing customer requirements, increasing
number of product versions) and to invest in an innovative technologies, which are a response
to the challenges of the global competition. These demands are forcing manufacturers to look
for more effective and efficient methods of production planning and control, especially at the
operational level.
One of the possibilities for improving efficiency in the area related to decision support
systems for production planning is to integrate planning and discrete-event simulation
systems (simulation based production planning and control). Application of discrete-event
simulation systems allows quick virtual verification, optimization and validation of developed
plans for the sequencing of production orders, buffers capacity, breakdowns of manufacturing
resources and information about the specifications of the production system.
Typically, simulation has been applied as a tool for design, analysis and verification of new
or reconfigured manufacturing systems [1, 5]. This paper presents the application of
simulation in production planning area at the operational level. This approach requires
preparing a high level of production system detail in preparation of simulation model and it is
very time-consuming and requires more effort and expert knowledge. To cope with these
issues, a data-driven simulation modelling for integration of planning and simulation systems
has been proposed.
2. Data-driven modelling and simulation
The concept of data-driven modelling and simulation has been presented in the scientific
literature for many years. Data driven modelling and simulation is defined as a method of
creating simulation models by users without (or with a minimal) modelling knowledge and
without any programming skills [2, 3, 4]. This means that the user of the planning system,
which is supported by the simulation system, should be able to prepare simulation models and
to perform simulation experiments only by changing the input data to make the necessary
changes in the simulation model.
The proposals and research papers meet some basic solutions applied in data-driven
modelling [1, 2, 3, 4]:
- Automatic generation of simulation models from the level of the planning system -
automatic code generator of simulation models is prepared, dedicated to a specific support
planning system and specific simulation system.
- Automatic generation of simulation models for the data collected in a dedicated database
(obtained either automatically or manually entered into the database). Stand-alone software
modules or modules implemented in the simulation systems generate a simulation model
based on the data from the database.
- Te use of structural languages to describe the data required in the process of creating
simulation models and using data transformation modules to create a model for a dedicated
simulation system.
Fig.1. Data-driven modelling concept
In this paper a method of models creation based on the data mapping and data
transformation methods has been proposed [6, 7]. The concept of the data-driven modelling,
proposed by the author of this paper, is based on the automatic code of simulation models
generation for commercial simulation systems, a combination of data mapping and data
transformation methods. The process of creating the simulation model (code of internal
programming language of the simulation system) is composed of two consecutive stages (Fig.
1): - Data mapping between the data model from the input system (production planning
support system in the enterprise) and the indirect data model (which is a "standard" definition
of the data structure).
- The transformation of data from indirect data model directly into the simulation model
The output code contains several kinds of information - including information about the
manufacturing system layout, routing of manufacturing processes with setup and cycle time,
inter-resources buffers capacity and information about the control procedures for each
manufacturing resource and manufacturing processes. By loading the programme code
directly into the simulation system, the model is being automatically created and ready to
carry out simulation experiments. Any experience is not required for this purpose in
construction of simulation models.
3. Integration of production planning and simulation systems
Presented in the previous section, the concept of the automatic (and rapid) creation of
simulation models became the basis of the method of production planning support systems
and simulation systems integration.
Execution of data mapping and data transformation processes was performed based on
Extensible Markup Language (XML) and Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
XSLT application. The corresponding data models are defined using XML Schema, which
allows to define restrictions on the mapped data to create new definitions of the data structure,
and to combine information from different schemas (sources).
Fig.2. Data model and simulations model code after transformation
The transformation process performs the functions of changing the data stored in the XML
documents to internal scripting languages of simulation systems (through appropriately
addressed references to the tags (nodes) using XPatch language). Practical verification of
developed method can be implemented using 4DScript language (Fig. 2), which is the internal
programming language of the Enterprise Dynamics simulation system.
4. Conclusion
The concept of production planning support systems and simulation systems integration,
implemented using the method of data-driven modelling has been presented in this paper,. The
use of indirect data model in the data transformation process enables the use of various planning
systems applied in existing enterprises (MRP, ERP, MES, ...) as a source of input data as well
as the generation of simulation models for various commercial simulation systems existing on
the market.
Until now, using the presented method, the process of systems integration with the
Enterprise Dynamics and FlexSim simulation systems were successfully implemented. The
further research will focus on the possibility of obtaining input data for data-driven modelling
process from the various ERP and MES systems used by manufacturing enterprises.
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7. Krenczyk D.: Production planning and simulation systems integration using XSLT
transformation language (in Polish). Selected Engineering Problems, No 2, Gliwice, 2011,
... The application of DDMs to support and improve traditional modelling tasks has been well established. Examples exist of their use for design and planning, control and monitoring, optimisation and safety ( Boukouvala et al., 2016 ;Krenczyk, 2012 ;Pan and Hu, 2016 ;Wang et al., 2011 ). Furthermore, techniques are being designed to integrate data-driven and first principal models into a hybrid model structure ( von Stosch et al., 2014 ). ...
The increasing availability of data, due to the adoption of low-cost industrial internet of things technologies, coupled with increasing processing power from cloud computing, is fuelling increase use of data-driven models in manufacturing. Utilising case studies from the food and drink industry and waste management industry, the considerations and challenges faced when developing data-driven models for manufacturing systems are explored. Ensuring a high-quality set of model development data that accurately represents the manufacturing system is key to the successful development of a data-driven model. The cross-industry standard process for data mining (CRISP-DM) framework is used to provide a reference at to what stage process manufacturers will face unique considerations and challenges when developing a data-driven model. This paper then explores how data-driven models can be utilised to characterise process streams and support the implementation of the circular economy principals, process resilience and waste valorisation.
Today, numerous manufacturing industries are utilizing simulation models to visualize the production system and approach the various problems faced during the decision-making process of a manufacturing company. However, the simulation model quickly becomes outdated due to changes in the manufacturing process. Due to the complex nature of interactions between different objects within the system, there is a need to use a novel approach and technology for managing and using the data. Therefore, this thesis proposes an ontology-based knowledge management system to store the information and recommend the shop-floor experts with the relevant information about the changes in the automated production system and the simulation model as per their expertise and behaviour within the system. The ontology-based approach provides the system with the data that humans and machines can understand. The evaluation of the ontology and the recommender system was done using feedback from the subject matter experts related to engineering. The system as a whole provided a mechanism to store, identify and then solve the deviation between the Simulation model and the automated production system.
In the days of fierce competition, rapid changes and new technologies, production, and above all, production planning and control cannot be implemented in isolation to changes in the market. The ability to quickly adjust to changes, being flexible is now essential for high tech companies. One of the key area of production management, that must continuously evolve by searching for new methods and tools for increasing the efficiency of decision-making process is the area of production planning and control. In solving the problems associated with production planning are increasingly used advanced simulation programs. They support the planners, especially in situations related to changes in the assortment, or the introduction of new products into the market. A practical example of using the simulation program for production planning is presented in the paper. It is shown that an advanced simulation program can be an effective tool used in decision making area. The construction of the model, and performed experiments are crucial for enterprises where among other things punctuality and flexibility are the most important elements. A short time for the results of the simulation allows for quick response and, if necessary, make changes to the model by planners to achieve the best results with the given parameters associated with the required to complete the production orders.
In the paper practical implementation of the methodology of production planning systems with discrete event simulation (DES) systems integration has been presented. The required definitions of data structures and functions transformation in the form of XSLT documents have been presented. The functional algorithm and RapidSim software made on its basis, which is practical implementation of the integration methodology was developed. Presented software and parameterising documents have been used for the integration methodology verification. RapidSim system was made in VisualBasic development environment, and by the fact that Data Transformation XSLT documents can be independently developed, the software can be used for any integrated systems. During the verification phase of the implemented methodology, the software has been used for the practical implementation of Production Order Verification System (SWZ) for multi-assortment, concurrent production planning and Enterprise Dynamics simulation system integration.
Conference Paper
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Implementing a highly flexible manufacturing approach, like mass customization manufacturing, demands an integrated design and simulation system. This system must be able to cope with difficult issues such as a high level of product variety, uncertainty in the product demand forecast, and the reconfiguration of manufacturing resources to support the introduction and integration of new manufacturing capabilities. A data-driven design and simulation system to support flexible manufacturing is presented. A neutral model of shop information, based on the Extensible Markup Language (XML), is used to describe the important information about the manufacturing facilities and processes, to configure simulation models and to exchange data between simulation and other manufacturing applications. When demand changes, the simulation model can be quickly modified to perform analysis according to the new demand. Manufacturing capabilities and production processes can be adjusted, layout reconfigured, and resources reassigned according to the analysis results.
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Flexible manufacturing and customization has long been a topic in modern manufacturing society. However, challenges still remain on the responsiveness of production system to the fluctuation of market demand. In this paper, we developed a data driven simulation methodology to automatically model a production system and rapidly modify the model corresponding to dynamic requirements and real time information. This methodology provides a “rapid prototyping” capability for production system modeling and enables a quick analyzing and remodeling capability to respond to the fluctuation of demands. The approach is developed and applied to an automotive general assembly plant with an online material handling system. A complete information model based on IDEF1X is constructed for this domain specific modeling and simulation. The main simulation modules for assembly line and material handling system of the plant floor are analyzed and a simulator is implemented in ARENA by SIMAN/VBA program. The case study of an automotive assembly plant shows that the data driven approach enables the modeling and simulation of the complex assembly plant in a “real-time” fashion and therefore effectively improve the responsiveness and flexibility of the production line.
With the increasing complexity of supply chains in aerospace manufacturing, simulation has become a powerful tool to assess performance. Conventional simulation models are constructed by experts, limiting their usefulness for non-experts. Here, the concept of data-driven simulation is used, where the simulation model is constructed automatically using input data from company IT systems. The paper describes the concept and operation of a supply-chain model builder that has been developed. An example model is provided from the civil aerospace sector. The study shows that data-driven simulation can be useful to support the design and improvement of supply chains. The nature of the conceptual model, model verification and validation in data-driven simulations are discussed. Data-driven simulation is not a replacement for general-purpose simulation tools, but an adjunct valuable in certain circumstances. It can allow a variety of scenarios to be explored relatively quickly without a high level of simulation expertise.
This paper presents a structure and architecture for automatic simulation model generation (for very detailed simulation models intended to be used for real-time simulation-based shop floor control). The simulation model code is generated from a shop floor resource model and a shop floor control model. The shop floor resource model provides much of the static information for the simulation model; while a shop level control model provides much of the dynamic information required by the simulation model. The simulation code generated can be used for traditional system analysis, but more importantly, it can also be used to control the manufacturing system by sending and receiving messages using an Ethernet communication link to a high-level task executing system. Six manufacturing systems are used to illustrate and test the validity of the simulation model generation methodology. Finally, factory level planning and scheduling activities using the generated simulation model are described.
Conference Paper
Fast growth of the SME sector, increasing demands of customers and dynamic market force the producers to lower production costs and to use new IT tools in production. The paper presents method of integration of preparation of production and production planning systems, such as SWZ and PROEDIMS. The system constituted in this process will enable SME entrepreneurs to take correct decisions connected with planning and controlling production. The integration will be achieved by methods of data transformation and data mapping using XML language. Due to this integration PROEDIMS system will be enriched with the module supporting verification of production orders, using constraints satisfaction and depth-first search (DFS) algorithm with backtracking.
Simulation has been used to evaluate various aspects of manufacturing systems. However, building a simulation model of a manufacturing system is time-consuming and error-prone because of the complexity of the systems. This paper introduces a generic simulation modeling framework to reduce the simulation model build time. The framework consists of layout modeling software and a data-driven generic simulation model. The generic simulation model was developed considering the processing as well as the logistics aspects of assembly manufacturing systems. The framework can be used to quickly develop an integrated simulation model of the production schedule, operation processes and logistics of a system. The framework was validated by developing simulation models of cellular and conveyor manufacturing systems.
Production planning and simulation systems integration using XSLT transformation language (in Polish)
  • D Krenczyk
Krenczyk D.: Production planning and simulation systems integration using XSLT transformation language (in Polish). Selected Engineering Problems, No 2, Gliwice, 2011, 223-228.