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Spiracular air breathing in polypterid fishes and its implications for aerial respiration in stem tetrapods


Abstract and Figures

The polypterids (bichirs and ropefish) are extant basal actinopterygian (ray-finned) fishes that breathe air and share similarities with extant lobe-finned sarcopterygians (lungfishes and tetrapods) in lung structure. They are also similar to some fossil sarcopterygians, including stem tetrapods, in having large paired openings (spiracles) on top of their head. The role of spiracles in polypterid respiration has been unclear, with early reports suggesting that polypterids could inhale air through the spiracles, while later reports have largely dismissed such observations. Here we resolve the 100-year-old mystery by presenting structural, behavioural, video, kinematic and pressure data that show spiracle-mediated aspiration accounts for up to 93% of all air breaths in four species of Polypterus. Similarity in the size and position of polypterid spiracles with those of some stem tetrapods suggests that spiracular air breathing may have been an important respiratory strategy during the fish-tetrapod transition from water to land.
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Received 1 May 2013 |Accepted 27 Nov 2013 |Published 23 Jan 2014
Spiracular air breathing in polypterid fishes and its
implications for aerial respiration in stem tetrapods
Jeffrey B. Graham1, Nicholas C. Wegner1,2, Lauren A. Miller1, Corey J. Jew1, N Chin Lai1,3,
Rachel M. Berquist4, Lawrence R. Frank4& John A. Long5,6
The polypterids (bichirs and ropefish) are extant basal actinopterygian (ray-finned) fishes
that breathe air and share similarities with extant lobe-finned sarcopterygians (lungfishes and
tetrapods) in lung structure. They are also similar to some fossil sarcopterygians, including
stem tetrapods, in having large paired openings (spiracles) on top of their head. The role of
spiracles in polypterid respiration has been unclear, with early reports suggesting that
polypterids could inhale air through the spiracles, while later reports have largely dismissed
such observations. Here we resolve the 100-year-old mystery by presenting structural,
behavioural, video, kinematic and pressure data that show spiracle-mediated aspiration
accounts for up to 93% of all air breaths in four species of Polypterus. Similarity in the size and
position of polypterid spiracles with those of some stem tetrapods suggests that spiracular air
breathing may have been an important respiratory strategy during the fish-tetrapod transition
from water to land.
DOI: 10.1038/ncomms4022
1Marine Biology Research Division, Center for Marine Biotechnology and Biomedicine, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego,
La Jolla, California 92093, USA. 2Fisheries Resource Division, Southwest Fisheries Science Center, NOAA Fisheries, La Jolla, California 92037, USA. 3VA San
Diego Healthcare System, San Diego, California 92161, USA. 4Department of Radiology, Center for Scientific Computation in Imaging, University of California
San Diego, La Jolla, California 92037, USA. 5School of Biological Sciences, Flinders University, Adelaide, South Australia 5001, Australia. 6Natural History
Museum of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, California 90007, USA. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to N.C.W.
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 5:3022 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms4022 | 1
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Fish spiracles are paired tubes extending from the dorsal
surface of the skull into the buccopharyngeal chamber. They
are a plesiomorphic character of gnathostomes formed
during embryonic development of the jaws when the vestige of
the first gill cleft is reduced in size by the anterior migration of the
second (hyoid-hyomandibular) arch to support the jaws (man-
dibular arch)1,2. Among extant fishes, spiracles are common in
elasmobranchs (sharks and rays) where, in addition to sensory
functions, they sustain mouth-bypassing ventilatory flow to the
gills when the subterminal mouth is obstructed by substrate or
engaged in prey manipulation2–4. A few extant early-diverging
actinopterygian lineages (Polypteriformes (bichirs and ropefish)
and Acipenseriformes (sturgeons and paddlefish)) have spiracles,
but only the polypterids, a freshwater African family (B11
species of Polypterus and the monotypic Erpetoichthys) have
spiracles large enough to significantly aid in respiration4–7.
Polypterids respire bimodally (both aquatically and aerially);
they breathe air using ventrally paired lungs with a glottal valve
and a pulmonary circulation remarkably similar to that of
lungfish and tetrapods8–12. Polypterid lungs are typically
ventilated by recoil aspiration13,14. Exhalation begins with the
contraction of muscles within the lung wall that ejects air into
the buccopharyngeal chamber from where it is forced out the
opercula. Polypterids have a stiff body wall formed by thick,
overlapping ganoid scales, and with lung compression, a negative
internal pressure ( 530 to 800 Pa) is established within the
body cavity and the body wall collapses inward. The aspiration of
air occurs when the glottal valve opens, the stiff body wall recoils
and subambient pressure draws air into the lungs13.
Air entry into polypterid lungs has long been regarded to occur
through the mouth7,13–15. However, observations from over a
century ago indicated the occurrence of spiracular inhalation with
the ‘mouth submerged’ and ‘spiracles widely opened above the
surface of the water (with) a sound produced as of the sucking of
air16.’ A similar report later stated that Polypterus could ‘rapidly
inhale air through its spiracles by emerging the dorsal part of its
body17.’ However, these observations were not systematically
studied, proved hard to verify and had subsequently been
discounted, ‘(polypterids) do not, as others have suggested,
breathe through the spiracles13.’
Here we clarify these discrepancies by providing the first
definitive evidence of spiracle-mediated aspiration occurring in
Polypterus. The description of spiracular air breathing in this
extant fish group provides a mechanistic model for examining the
role and potential use of the large and similarly positioned
spiracles of stem tetrapods.
Spiracular air breathing and spiracle morphology. Confirma-
tion of spiracular air breathing in Polypterus was based on
structural, behavioural, kinematic and pressure data, including
observations made on four species (P. delhezi,P. lapradei,
P. ornatipinnis and P. senegalus) taking 732 breaths over 343 h.
Hinged dermal bones or ossicles on the skull roof (Fig. 1a–c)
Fr Int
Left lung
bSpiracle valve
Figure 1 | Morphology associated with Polypterus spiracular air breathing. (a,b) Sagittal and transverse magnetic resonance images of P. palmas showing
the path (arrows) of air through the spiracles to the buccopharyngeal chamber and lungs. (c) Dorsal view of the head of P. bichir showing the position of
the two dermal ossicles (Sp1, Sp2) that form the spiracular valve (Sp). (d)P. delhezi with the spiracular valves open and emerged during aspiration.
Dhy, dermohyal; Esc, extrascapular bone; Fr, frontal; Int, Intertemporosupratemporal bone; N, nasal; Op, opercle; Pop, preopercle; Sop, subopercle.
Non-spiracular ossicles are labelled with numbers: prespiracular ossicles (1–5), post-spiracular ossicles (8–10).
2NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 5:3022 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms4022 |
&2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.
serve as valves that seal the spiracles, except when opened briefly
during aspiration (Fig. 1d). High-resolution magnetic resonance
images show these valves and the spiracle’s route along the lateral
wall of the braincase to the buccopharyngeal chamber (Fig. 1a,b).
Kinematics of spiracular air breathing. Video analysis (Fig. 2
and Supplementary Movies 1–3) reveal the sequential kinematic
stages of spiracular air breathing (Fig. 3), which begins when the
fish aligns with the water surface and emerges the upper region of
its head bordering the spiracles (Fig. 2a). There is a decrease in
dorsal–ventral body diameter as ejected lung gas moves into the
buccopharyngeal chamber, which subsequently expands (Fig. 2b).
While the buccopharyngeal chamber expands, exhaled air begins
to leave the opercular slits (Fig. 2b) and is completely cleared as
the buccopharyngeal chamber subsequently compresses (Fig. 2c).
Exhalation is rapidly followed by the opening and extension of
the dermal spiracle valves above the water surface (Fig. 2d) and
the aspiration of fresh air into the lungs. During aspiration, the
buccopharyngeal chamber also expands (Fig. 2d), and following
the closure of the spiracular valves, the lungs are ‘topped off’ by
the compression of the buccal force pump (Fig. 2e). Finally, air
remaining in the buccopharyngeal chamber is cleared out of the
opercular openings following resumption of aquatic ventilation
(Fig. 2f).
Pressure measurements and mouth versus spiracular inhalation.
The synchronizing of kinematic data with ambient pressure
measurements made on Polypterus during spiracular air breathing
in a small chamber (Fig. 3a, pressure positive during expiration,
negative during the onset of aspiration) confirms the use of recoil
aspiration similar to that previously described using the mouth13.
In addition, our results solve the long-standing mystery7,8,13–17 of
mouth versus spiracular aspiration by showing that the spiracles
were used for 93% of air breaths when the fish was filmed from
behind a blind (which decreased fish wariness and stress), but
when the blind was removed (and the fish could see the observer),
the spiracles were only used 40% of the time (Fig. 3b). It is thus
our interpretation that the preferred Polypterus air-breathing
mode is through the spiracles and that stress or other factors
common in a laboratory setting may encourage mouth inhalation,
which in our observations, often involved a rapid dash to and
from the surface (Supplementary Movie 4) as opposed to the
more stealthy, but prolonged, process of aligning the spiracles
with the air–water interface (Supplementary Movies 1–3).
Our confirmation of spiracle-aided recoil aspiration in polypter-
ids documents the first-known occurrence of the transformation
of spiracles from water conduits to the gills to air conduits to the
Exhaled breath
Clearing of
unused air
Exhaled breath
Figure 2 | Video images showing the key stages in the spiracular air-breath cycle for P. senegalus.(a) Head reaches and becomes parallel to the water
surface. (b) Dorsal–ventral body diameter posterior of the pectoral fins is reduced with the ejection of air from the lungs into the buccopharyngeal chamber
(which expands) and out the opercula. (c) Compression of the buccopharyngeal and opercular chambers expels additional lung air out the opercular
openings. (d) The spiracular valves open above the water surface resulting in air aspiration into the buccopharyngeal chamber (which expands) and lungs
(as indicated by an increase in dorsal–ventral body diameter). (e) Spiracular valve closure is rapidly followed by the compression of the buccopharyngeal
chamber, which forces additional air into the lungs, further expanding dorsal–ventral body diameter. (f) As the fish leaves the surface, the gills are ventilated
with water, which clears unused air from the buccopharyngeal chamber out the opercular slits. (See Supplementary Movie 3 for complete footage
associated with these still images).
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 5:3022 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms4022 | 3
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lungs. This appears to be an adaptation for life in shallow
freshwater habitats where hypoxia is common and requires the
use of aerial respiration8,9,18. Polypterids are commonly found in
hypoxic swamps, lakes and stagnant pools and tributaries of
northern and central Africa’s major river basins18. In these
habitats, aspiration through short airways on the dorsal surface of
the skull is efficacious in water too shallow to incline the body
sufficiently to raise the mouth above the surface to take a breath.
When placed in very shallow water, our observations suggest that
Polypterus has difficulty raising the mouth above the water
surface and is therefore reliant upon the spiracles to breathe air.
Spiracular inhalation is likely advantageous in allowing the head
to remain in the water, thereby limiting changes in body
orientation and contributing to shallow water swimming
efficiency, increased stealth during foraging and enabling the
eyes to remain submerged (resulting in an uninterrupted view of
the surrounding aquatic environment during the air breath).
Confirmation of spiracular air breathing in Polypterus allows
for speculation into the role of the mysteriously large spiracles
of stem tetrapods from the Devonian (B380 million years ago).
Like Polypterus (Fig. 4a), stem tetrapods, which were also
almost certainly bimodal (lung and gill) breathers19–22, were
thought to inhabit shallow freshwater habitats including
shallow pools, water edges, oxbow lakes, channels and other
marginal aquatic environments in which stagnation and
hypoxia would have been prevalent20–22 and spiracular air
breathing advantageous. The stem tetrapods shown in Fig. 4b–d
(Gogonasus23,Tiktaalik24,Ventastega25) resemble Polypterus in
having pronounced spiracles located high on the head that are
consistent with spiracular air breathing. Stem tetrapod skull
morphology (Fig. 4b–d) differs from that of their predecessors for
which this region is well preserved (Fig. 4e–g) by having an
elongate snout and a short posterior region, with a relatively
reduced otic capsule and a rearward shifted and larger spiracular
opening, becoming a ‘V’-shaped spiracular notch (also termed the
otic or temporal notch or cleft)20. The spiracular chamber of the
stem tetrapods shown in Fig. 4 (and others such as Panderichthys)
is further defined by a ridge on the inner surface of the
entopterygopid, indicating that the spiracles slanted
posteroventrally to the throat region where the opening for
lungs would have been located23,26.
While previous studies have speculated on the association of
the large spiracles in tetrapods with aquatic26 or aerial
ventilation20, our observations on Polypterus provide, for the
first time, a mechanistic model for the plausible use of spiracle-
mediated air breathing in members of this lineage. Many stem
tetrapods had thick, highly articulated and overlapping peg-and-
socket-like rhombic scales21–25 that could have allowed for lung
ventilation via recoil aspiration in a manner similar to Polypterus.
However, the use of the buccal pump in Polypterus to deliver
spiracle-derived air to the lungs at the end of the air-breath cycle
suggests that other mechanisms to move air through the spiracles
may be possible and thus large, interlaced scales and the use of
recoil respiration are not necessarily prerequisites for this air-
breathing mode. Unlike Polypterus, in which spiracular air
breathing allows the laterally positioned eyes to remain
underwater, the eyes of later stem tetrapods such as Tiktaalik24
and Ventastega25 (Fig. 4c,d) were located high on the dorsal
surface of the skull. Spiracular air breathing in these animals
would have thus likely forced the eyes above the water surface and
may have allowed them to take a crocodilian-like approach to
stalking terrestrial prey at the water–land interface.
Our results support the idea that spiracle-aided aspiration may
have been an integral step in the vertebrate transition to land with
early stem tetrapods using their large and dorsally located
spiracles for air intake near the shoreline. Subsequent changes to
their pectoral and pelvic girdles, limb development, and a suite of
other anatomical adaptations, including the transformation of the
spiracular region for sound transmittance and reception,
prepared later tetrapods for a successful invasion of the terrestrial
Animal care and husbandry.All Polypterus observation, care, husbandry and
experimentation were conducted in accordance with Protocol S00080 of the
University of California, San Diego Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.
Video analyses of breathing mode and cycle.A Sony HDR-UX7 high-definition,
high-speed capacity video camera was used to document fish breathing patterns
and the air-breath cycle for four Polypterus specimens from four species (P.delhezi,
29.7 cm; P.lapradei, 21.2 cm; P.ornatipinnis 29.4 cm; P. senegalus, 19.8 cm). Three
hundred forty-three hours of observations were obtained for fish placed in an 80-l
0 0.5 1 1.5
Ambient pressure (Pa)
Time (s)
Percent spiracle breaths
No blind
Behind blind
8910 11
Figure 3 | Spiracle use in Polypterus air breathing. (a) Kinematic events
during spiracular air breathing in P. delhezi (numbered black dots,
means±s.d.) in relation to the pressure oscillation in a 70-ml closed air
chamber showing an initial pressure rise caused by air-breath release
followed by an abrupt pressure drop during the onset of inhalation.
Kinematic events: (1) Body wall begins to compress as air is forced out of
the lungs (time ¼0); (2) Buccopharyngeal chamber begins to expand; (3)
Exhaled breath begins to leave the opercular openings; (4)
Buccopharyngeal chamber begins to compress to force additional air out
the opecula; (5) Spiracles open; (6) Exhaled breath has completely left the
opercula; (7) Body diameter begins to increase as air is drawn in through
the spiracles and enters the lungs through recoil aspiration; (8)
Buccopharyngeal chamber begins to expand drawing air entering the
spiracles into the buccopharyngeal chamber; (9) Spiracles close; (10)
Buccopharyngeal chamber begins to compress forcing additional air into
the lungs; (11) Buccopharyngeal chamber compression ends signaling the
end of lung inflation. Kinematic events are the mean of 20 analysed air
breaths; for visual simplicity only a single representative pressure trace is
shown. (b) Percentage of total air breaths taken through the spiracles for
four Polypterus species without a blind (190 air breaths observed) and
behind a blind (542 air breaths observed).
4NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 5:3022 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms4022 |
&2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.
aquarium fitted with a partition that confined the fish to the front third (60.0
11.0 30.0 cm, length width height) for filming while still allowing sufficient
space to swim freely. At the start of most observation periods, additional heaters in
the tank were turned on and N
gas was bubbled into the system to reduce the
dissolved O
level and increase air-breath frequency (all breath observation data
were obtained at water temperatures between 24 and 33 °C with dissolved O
ranging from air saturation to zero). For each observation period, the number of
breaths the fish took and the percentage of these that involved inhalation via the
spiracles or mouth were recorded. In spiracular breaths, the mouth remained
closed below the water surface and the spiracle valves opened into the air. Mouth
air breaths usually involved a rapid rush to the surface that emerged the head and
mouth. In order to assess fish ‘wariness’ on air-breathing mode (spiracle versus
mouth), Polypterus were observed with the aquarium placed behind a blind so that
the fish could not see the observer or out into the room and with the aquarium
open so that the fish could see the observer. Some observations were also made on
fish in a very shallow aquarium (37 86.5 cm) with a mirror set at 45°to allow
simultaneous side and dorsal views (for example, Fig. 2). Video-based breath cycle
analyses were made for each of the four species and included the temporal logging
of the key events consistently occurring during each breath.
Ambient pressure associated with spiracular breathing.To measure external
air pressure fluctuations associated with Polypterus spiracular air-breathing, fish
were placed in an air-tight triangular prism aquarium (45 25 26 cm) with a
small pocket of air (70 ml) at the top apical end. A 2F Millar pressure transducer
(MICRO-CATH 825-0101, Millar Instruments, Houston, TX, USA) connected to
an amplifier (PCU-2000, Millar Instruments) and interfaced to a digital-analog
acquisition system (DI-220, DATAQ Instruments, Akron, OH, USA) was placed in
the air phase and synchronized with high-speed video to document an initial
pressure rise (during exhalation) and subsequent drop (associated with inhalation)
during the Polypterus air-breath cycle.
Magnetic resonance imaging.Data were acquired from a formalin-fixed
P.palmas (26.0 cm) that was exposed to 2.5 mM l 1solution of gadolinium-based
MR contrast agent ProHance (gadoteridol: Bracco Diagnostics, Princeton, NJ,
USA) in phosphate-buffered saline and 0.01% sodium azide for B3 weeks prior to
imaging. Equilibration in this contrast agent achieves a significant reduction in
longitudinal relaxation time (T
) and a corresponding increase in MR signal-to-
noise. The specimen was scanned with a 7T(300 MHz) small animal scanner
(Bruker Biospec Avance II, Bruker AXS Inc., Madison, WI, USA), consisting of a
210-mm horizontal bore magnet equipped with a shielded gradient set to an inner
diameter of 90 mm, and a maximum gradient strength of 630 mTm1, maximum
slew rate 6,300 Tm1s1and rise time 160 ms, using a 35-mm diameter circular
polarized 1H-radio frequency linear transmit/receive birdcage volume coil (Bruker
Biospin GmbH, Ettlingen, Germany). Data were collected using T
-weighted 3D
fast low-angle shot (FLASH) GRE acquisition pulse sequence in the transverse
plane at 100 mm3isotropic voxel resolution with the following parameters: 15°flip
angle, 25.9 ms repetition time, 12.9 ms echo time, 300 kHz bandwidth, 35
70 30 mm in-field field-of-view and 10 averages. Data were converted to DICOM
( format for image processing and visualization.
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Ligulalepis Guiyu Onychodus
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NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 5:3022 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms4022 | 5
&2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.
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We thank Dr. A. Frew for help with MRI data acquisition, Professor T. Baird and
Professor M. Tresguerres for discussions, Dr. Matt Friedman for critically reviewing the
draft manuscript, Professor Zhu Min for data on Guiyu and Professor G.C. Young for
access to Ligulalepis. The project was supported by NSF Grants IOS-0922569, DBI-
1147260, DBI-0446389 and EF-0850369 and ARC Grant DP0772138.
Author contributions
J.B.G. and N.C.W. were involved in all aspects of the project. L.A.M. conducted the
majority of fish observation and video analyses. C.J.J. helped with video analysis and
rendering and worked with N.C.L. to acquire pressure data. R.M.B. and L.R.F. conducted
magnetic resonance imaging. J.A.L. provided expertise on fossil fishes and the inter-
pretation of results. All authors contributed to manuscript preparation.
Additional information
Supplementary Information accompanies this paper at
Competing financial interests: The authors declare no competing financial interests.
Reprints and permission information is available online at
How to cite this article: Graham, J. B. et al. Spiracular air breathing in polypterid fishes
and its implications for aerial respiration in stem tetrapods. Nat. Commun. 5:3022
doi: 10.1038/ncomms4022 (2014).
6NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 5:3022 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms4022 |
&2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.
... The changes in lungs from a paired to an unpaired structure in Latimeria (Cupello et al., 2017) and the loss of lungs in a derived caecilian, a frog, and several salamander species show the impact of air on hearing ability (Capshaw, et al., 2022;Lombard and Hetherington, 1993). The function of the lungs and mouth (Sovijarvi et al., 2000) will depend on the presence or absence of a spiracular/tympanic membrane to receive pressure changes that may reach the ear (Fritzsch, 1992;Graham et al., 2014). ...
... A spiracular opening in elasmobranchs, bichirs and most fossil piscine sarcopterygians (possibly including fossil coelacanths) allows air or water to flow in and out of the spiracle (Clack, 2012;Graham, et al., 2014;Jarvik, 1980) without affecting the inner ear. In contrast, Latimeria, frogs, and nearly all amniotes have a tympanic membrane that blocks the movement of fluid or air (Bernstein, 2003;Carr, 2020;de Burlet, 1934;Fritzsch, 1987;Fritzsch, 2003). ...
... Lungfish have no choanae and only two internal openings without connection to the spiracle (Janvier, 1998;Schultze and Campbell, 1986). Interestingly, the tympanic membrane evolved independently in frogs, sauropsids, mammals, and Latimeria (Bernstein, 2003;Carr, 2020;Clack, 1997;Fritzsch, 1992), whereas actinopterygians, chondrichthyans, and several fossil fishes retain the spiracle to allow water to move freely in and out of the mouth (Graham, et al., 2014). ...
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Sarcopterygians evolved around 415 Ma and have developed a unique set of features, including the basilar papilla and the cochlear aqueduct of the inner ear. We provide an overview that shows the morphological integration of the various parts needed for hearing, e.g., basilar papilla, tectorial membrane, cochlear aqueduct, lungs, and tympanic membranes. The lagena of the inner ear evolved from a common macula of the saccule several times. It is near this lagena where the basilar papilla forms in Latimeria and tetrapods. The basilar papilla is lost in lungfish, certain caecilians and salamanders, but is transformed into the cochlea of mammals. Hearing in bony fish and tetrapods involves particle motion to improve sound pressure reception within the ear but also works without air. Lungs evolved after the chondrichthyans diverged and are present in sarcopterygians and actinopterygians. Lungs open to the outside in tetraposomorph sarcopterygians but are transformed from a lung into a swim bladder in ray-finned fishes. Elasmobranchs, polypterids, and many fossil fishes have open spiracles. In Latimeria, most frogs, and all amniotes, a tympanic membrane covering the spiracle evolved independently. The tympanic membrane is displaced by pressure changes and enabled tetrapods to perceive airborne sound pressure waves. The hyomandibular bone is associated with the spiracle/tympanic membrane in actinopterygians and piscine sarcopterygians. In tetrapods, it transforms into the stapes that connects the oval window of the inner ear with the tympanic membrane and allows hearing at higher frequencies by providing an impedance matching and amplification mechanism. The three characters-basilar papilla, cochlear aqueduct, and tympanic membrane-are fluid related elements in sarcopterygians, which interact with a set of unique features in Latimeria. Finally, we explore the possible interaction between the unique intracranial joint, basicranial muscle, and an enlarged notochord that allows fluid flow to the foramen magnum and the cochlear aqueduct which houses a comparatively small brain.
... The origin of the vertebrate spiracle is a major 100-year-old unresolved mystery in vertebrate evolution since the German morphologist Carl Gegenbaur proposed the classic segmentation theory of the vertebrate head (Gegenbaur, 1872). An external dorsal opening with a tube extending to the oro-pharyngeal cavity, known as the spiracle, exists between the mandibular and hyoid arches in most extant sharks (Figure 1B), all rays except mantas ( Figures 1C,D), and in some primitive bony fishes (sturgeons, paddlefishes and bichirs) (Figures 1E-H; Bone and Moore, 2008;Holland and Long, 2009;Kardong, 2012;Graham et al., 2014;Ziermann et al., 2019). It originates in the embryo as a pharyngeal pouch (the hyomandibular pouch) between two visceral arches, very much like the more posterior gill slits, but the adult condition is distinctively different from the normal gills. ...
... Compared with the posterior gill slits, the morphology and function of the spiracle are highly specialized. It is an inhalant opening for the influx of water in chondrichthyans (Hughes, 1960;Summers and Ferry-Graham, 2001) and air in Polypterus (Allis, 1922;Graham et al., 2014). In tetrapods, the spiracular pouch of the embryo gives rise to the middle ear cavity and the Eustachian tube, while the dorsal part of the embryonic hyoid arch gives rise to the stapes, which is either the sole ear ossicle of the middle ear (in amphibians, reptiles and birds) or the innermost of three ossicles (in mammals). ...
... Watson (1937) believed that this condition existed in acanthodians (e.g., Acanthodes, Figure 5A), and in placoderms such as arthrodires, petalichthyids and rhenanids, mainly based on the mistaken assumption that their operculum was attached to the mandibular arch, rather than to the hyoid arch as in bony fishes. As the endoskeletal neurocranium and visceral skeleton remain poorly known in early fossil jawed vertebrates, the presence of spiracles has typically been inferred from the spiracular grooves or notches on the cranial bones, as in actinopterygians (Gardiner, 1984;Graham et al., 2014) and sarcopterygians (Jarvik, 1980). Among acanthodians, the visceral skeleton is only adequately known in Acanthodes from the Lower Permian of Lebach, Germany, a late representative of this derived genus that had to serve as an endoskeletal proxy for all acanthodians. ...
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The spiracular region, comprising the hyomandibular pouch together with the mandibular and hyoid arches, has a complex evolutionary history. In living vertebrates, the embryonic hyomandibular pouch may disappear in the adult, develop into a small opening between the palatoquadrate and hyomandibula containing a single gill-like pseudobranch, or create a middle ear cavity, but it never develops into a fully formed gill with two hemibranchs. The belief that a complete spiracular gill must be the ancestral condition led some 20th century researchers to search for such a gill between the mandibular and hyoid arches in early jawed vertebrates. This hypothesized ancestral state was named the aphetohyoidean condition, but so far it has not been verified in any fossil; supposed examples, such as in the acanthodian Acanthodes and symmoriid chondrichthyans, have been reinterpreted and discounted. Here we present the first confirmed example of a complete spiracular gill in any vertebrate, in the galeaspid (jawless stem gnathostome) Shuyu. Comparisons with two other groups of jawless stem gnathostomes, osteostracans and heterostracans, indicate that they also probably possessed full-sized spiracular gills and that this condition may thus be primitive for the gnathostome stem group. This contrasts with the living jawless cyclostomes, in which the mandibular and hyoid arches are strongly modified and the hyomandibular pouch is lost in the adult. While no truly aphetohyoidean spiracular gill has been found in any jawed vertebrate, the recently reported presence in acanthodians of two pseudobranchs suggests a two-step evolutionary process whereby initial miniaturization of the spiracular gill was followed, independently in chondrichthyans and osteichthyans, by the loss of the anterior pseudobranch. On the basis of these findings we present an overview of spiracular evolution among vertebrates.
... In fact, enlarged openings are also known in several actinopterygian taxa including the Late Devonian Pickeringius (Choo et al., 2019) and the extant bichirs, Polypterus. It was recently confirmed that Polypterus perform spiracle-mediated aspiration and possess a pulmonary circulatory system similar to that found in lungfish and tetrapods (Graham et al., 2014). Furthermore, during the Middle-Late Devonian there were other taxa, namely lungfishes, that also seemed to be developing air-breathing adaptations alongside the appearance of enlarged spiracles in the groups mentioned above (Clement & Long, 2010;Clement et al., 2016;Long, 1993). ...
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Remote Devonian exposures in central Australia have produced significant but highly fragmentary remains of fish-grade tetrapodomorphs. We describe a new tetrapodomorph from the Middle-Late Devonian (Givetian-Frasnian) Harajica Sandstone Member of the Amadeus Basin, Northern Territory, which is represented by several nearly complete skulls along with much of the body and postcranial skeleton. The new form has a posteriorly broad postparietal shield, broad, triangular extratemporal bones, and a lanceolate parasphenoid. The spiracular openings are particularly large, a character also recorded in elpistostegalians and Gogonasus, demonstrating that these structures, suggestive of spiracular surface air-breathing, appeared independently in widely differing nodes of the stem-tetrapod radiation. A phylogenetic analysis resolves the new form within a cluster of osteolepidid-grade taxa, either as part of a polytomy or as the most basally-branching representative of a clade containing 'osteolepidids,' canowindrids, and megalichthyids.
... The fish-tetrapod transition has long been an area of intense focus in palaeontology and evolutionary biology (Ahlberg & Milner 1994;Laurin et al. 2000;Clack 2006Clack , 2009Clack , 2012, in part due to the number of profound anatomical changes needed to adapt to terrestrial environments, such as changing from breathing water to air (Janis & Farmer 1999;Janis & Keller 2001;Graham et al. 2014) and from swimming to walking on land Shubin et al. 2006;Boisvert et al. 2008;Pierce et al. 2012;Molnar et al. 2018). Feeding was also affected during the water-land transition, with a presumed shift from using suction feedingexpanding the oral cavity and generating a pressure differential to capture and ingest prey (Wainwright et al. 2015) to biting and snapping (Heiss et al. 2018;Van Wassenberg 2019). ...
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The early tetrapod Eoherpeton watsoni is known from the mid- to late Carboniferous (late Viséan to Namurian, approximately 346–313 Ma) of Scotland. The holotype is made up of a nearly complete but crushed skull with postcranial fragments. The skull anatomy of Eoherpeton was first described over 40 years ago; however, many details are obscured due to deformation of the specimen, including internal bone surfaces, the palatal bones and dentition, and suture morphology. Most phylogenetic analyses place Eoherpeton as an embolomere/reptilomorph on the lineage leading to amniotes, making it a key taxon for understanding anatomical changes during the fish-tetrapod transition. In this paper, we scanned the holotype using micro-computed tomography and digitally prepared the specimen. Based on these data, we present a revised description of the skull, including sutural morphology, that supplements and amends previous descriptions. New anatomical findings include the presence of a previously unknown tooth-bearing vomer, additional information on the shape of the basipterygoid processes and jaw joint, the ability to visualise the full extent of the pterygoid, and confirmation of the arrangement of the coronoid series. We also note the size of the pterygoid flange, which is larger than previously described for Eoherpeton . The pterygoid flange is widely considered to be characteristic of amniotes and serves as the origin of the medial pterygoideus muscle. The differentiation of the adductor muscles and appearance of medial pterygoideus are thought to have permitted a static pressure bite in amniotes, potentially resulting in greater bite forces and increased dietary range. Thus, the presence and extent of the pterygoid flange in Eoherpeton suggests this feature (and associated changes in feeding mechanism) may have evolved earlier than previously thought. Finally, the skull was digitally repaired and retrodeformed to create a new, hypothetical three-dimensional reconstruction of the skull of Eoherpeton .
... The Polypteridae are the group which is closest to the common ancestor of ray-finned fish and lobe-finned fish in extant ray-finned fishes, and retains several ancestral traits of the stem Osteichthyes. Importantly, some of these traits include the use of lungs or spiracles for air-breathing, and thus they show some of the tetrapod adaptations to survival in a terrestrial environment (Graham et al., 2014;Tatsumi et al., 2016). Some studies argued that the terrestrial adaptation of Polypterus occurred independently from that of the tetrapods (Damsgaard et al., 2020;Ord & Cooke, 2016). ...
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The evolutionary transition of vertebrates from water to land during the Devonian period was accompanied by major changes in animal respiratory systems in terms of physiology and morphology. Indeed, the fossil record of the early tetrapods has revealed the existence of internal gills, which are vestigial fish-like traits used underwater. However, the fossil record provides only limited data on the process of the evolutionary transition of gills from fish to early tetrapods. This study investigated the gills of Polypterus senegalus, a basal ray-finned/amphibious fish which shows many ancestral features of stem Osteichthyes. Based on scanning electron microscopy observations and transcriptome analysis, the existence of motile cilia in the gills was revealed which may create a flow on the gill surface leading to efficient ventilation or remove particles from the surface. Interestingly, these cilia were observed to disappear after rearing in terrestrial or high CO2 environments, which mimics the environmental changes in the Devonian period. The cilia re-appeared after being returned to the original aquatic environment. The ability of plastic changes of gills in Polypterus revealed in this study may allow them to survive in fluctuating environments, such as shallow swamps. The ancestor of Osteichthyes is expected to have possessed such plasticity in the gills, which may be one of the driving forces behind the transition of vertebrates from water to land.
... The deer, being a mammal, possesses choanae that empty into a nasopharyngeal space first and second branchial arches. This space is expressed in fish as the spiracle, a structure present as early as the first jawed fish (Burrow et al., 2020;Graham et al., 2014;Jankowski, 2022, this volume) and used by some cartilaginous and ray-finned fish as open respiratory ducts (Burrow et al., 2020;Jankowski, 2022, this volume). By the Devonian period (416-359 million years ago) a sister group to tetrapods, Panderichthys, exhibited a spiracle that was filled with air as reconstructed from its boundary along with the palatoquadrate bone (Brazeau & Ahlberg, 2006). ...
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The nasopharynx is a region at the nexus of several vital physiological systems, including the nasal cavity, oral cavity, braincase, middle ear, and cervical vertebrae. It has undergone pronounced morphological change over the course of tetrapod, mammalian, and human evolution. However, despite its place in evolutionary history, the nasopharynx has received relatively little attention. This special issue focuses on “the evolution, development, and functional morphology of the nasopharynx and its boundaries.” Topics covered here include evolutionary developmental biology (or evo–devo), nasopharyngeal adaptions in bats, the importance of the nasopharynx and adjacent structures over the course of human evolution, normal development, middle ear morphology, clinical importance, and the study of the nasopharynx throughout history. Contributions to this special issue range among reviews and syntheses, descriptive analyses, phylogenetic analysis, traditional morphometrics, three‐dimensional geometric morphometrics, and computational fluid dynamics. Here, we discuss the central importance of the nasopharynx as can be seen through vertebrate paleontology and comparative morphology. It is via the composite evolutionary history of the nasopharyngeal boundaries that our origins may be better understood, starting with the derivation of the choanae from the median olfactory pit of jawless fish nearly half a billion years ago to the basicranial flexion and facial reduction that distinguish Homo sapiens from all other living mammals. Indeed, the nasopharynx must be acknowledged for its importance in the processes of encephalization and acquisition of speech that have become the hallmark of our species.
... It is also worth mentioning here that the polypterids (bichir and reedfish) possesses large paired openings (spiracles) on top of their head, in which they use for breathing air 45 . Similar spiracle-like structures were observed in the fossil records of stem tetrapods 46 . ...
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The vomeronasal type 2 receptor (V2R, also called OlfC) multigene family is found in a broad range of jawed vertebrates from cartilaginous fish to tetrapods. V2Rs encode receptors for food-related amino acids in teleost fish, whereas for peptide pheromones in mammals. In addition, V2Rs of teleost fish are phylogenetically distinct from those of tetrapods, implying a drastic change in the V2R repertoire during terrestrial adaptation. To understand the process of diversification of V2Rs in vertebrates from “fish-type” to “tetrapod-type”, we conducted an exhaustive search for V2Rs in cartilaginous fish (chimeras, sharks, and skates) and basal ray-finned fish (reedfish, sterlet, and spotted gar), and compared them with those of teleost, coelacanth, and tetrapods. Phylogenetic and synteny analyses on 1897 V2Rs revealed that basal ray-finned fish possess unexpectedly higher number of V2Rs compared with cartilaginous fish, implying that V2R gene repertoires expanded in the common ancestor of Osteichthyes. Furthermore, reedfish and sterlet possessed various V2Rs that belonged to both “fish-type” and “tetrapod-type”, suggesting that the common ancestor of Osteichthyes possess “tetrapod-type” V2Rs although they inhabited underwater environments. Thus, the unexpected diversity of V2Rs in basal ray-finned fish may provide insight into how the olfaction of osteichthyan ancestors adapt from water to land.
... The Polypteridae are the most basal group of living ray-finned fish, and retains several ancestral traits of the stem Osteichthyes. Importantly, some of these traits include the use of lungs or spiracles for air-breathing, and thus they show some of the tetrapod adaptations to survival in a terrestrial environment (Graham et al., 2014;Tatsumi et al., 2016). Some studies argued that the terrestrial adaptation of Polypterus occurred independently from that of the tetrapods (Damsgaard et al., 2020;Ord and Cooke, 2016). ...
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The evolutionary transition of vertebrates from water to land during the Devonian period was accompanied by major changes in animal respiratory systems in terms of physiology and morphology. Indeed, the fossil record of the early tetrapods has revealed the existence of internal gills, which are vestigial fish-like traits used underwater. However, the fossil record provides only limited data to elucidate the process of the evolutionary transition of internal gills from fish to early tetrapods. This study investigated the internal gills of Polypterus senegalus, a basal ray-finned/amphibious fish which shows many ancestral features of stem Osteichthyes. Based on scanning electron microscopy observations and transcriptome analysis, the existence of motile cilia in the internal gills was revealed which may create a flow on the internal gill surface leading to efficient respiration. Interestingly, these cilia were observed to disappear after rearing in terrestrial or high CO2 environments, which mimics the environmental changes in the Devonian period. The cilia re-appeared after being returned to the original aquatic environment. The ability of plastic loss of internal gills in Polypterus revealed in this study may allow them to survive in fluctuating environments, such as shallow swamps. The ancestor of Osteichthyes is also expected to have possessed such plasticity in the internal gills, which may be one of the driving forces behind the transition of vertebrates from water to land.
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Dental impressions are routinely in human and veterinary clinical settings to capture dental characteristics three dimensionally for the evaluation of pathology, morphology, eruption patterns, and mastication function. While these aspects of dentition are of great interest to evolutionary biologists, ecologists, and biomechanics researchers, impressions have rarely been used in studies of non-mammalian vertebrates (e.g., fishes) and/or for non-medical research. Studies of animal dentition usually require euthanasia and specimen dissection, low-resolution CT scans and impressions or extractions of individual teeth for study. These practices prevent in-vivo longitudinal studies that factors growth and other chronological changes. For example, it is possible to infer feeding ecology by scanning or observing the surface of teeth and quantifying micrometer-scale topographical abrasions caused by feeding behavior. It is also possible to track tooth replacement or changes in occlusion through time. Here, we describe a method for dental impression that can preserve the life of the vertebrate specimen, be used non-destructively with museum specimens, and has a wide range of applications in organismal research. We demonstrate this method using living specimens of Polypterus senegalus , a non-teleost fish (Actinopterygii), in a laboratory setting.
Olfactory receptors (ORs) play a key role in the prime sensorial perception, being highly relevant for intra/interspecific interactions. ORs are a subgroup of G-protein coupled receptors that exhibit highly complex subgenomes in vertebrates. However, OR repertoires remain poorly studied in fish lineages, precluding finely retracing their origin, evolution and diversification, especially in the most basal groups. Here, we conducted an exhaustive gene screening upon 43 high-quality fish genomes exhibiting varied gene repertoires (2 to 583 genes). While the early vertebrates performed gas exchange through gills, we hypothesize that the emergence of new breathing structures (swim bladder and paired lungs) in early osteichthyans may be associated to expansions in the ORs gene families sensitive to airborne molecules. Additionally, we verified that the OR repertoire of moderns actinopterygians has not increased as expected following a whole genome duplication, likely due to regulatory mechanisms compensating the gene load excess. Finally, we identified 25 distinct OR families, allowing us to propose an updated universal nomenclature for the fish ORs.
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Introduction air breathing is an auxiliary respiratory mode utilized by some fishes when environmental factors such as exposure to hypoxic water or emergence impede aquatic respiration. All of the 28, 000 living fish species use gills to exchange o2 and co2 with their aqueous environment. However, nearly 400 species, distributed among 50 families and spanning 17 orders of bony fishes (Osteichthyes), are known to be capable of breathing air. Air breathing enables these fishes to survive in and occupy habitats in which aquatic respiration cannot be used to sustain aerobic metabolism. Among all air-breathing fishes, the principal causal factor associated with this specialization is exposure, at some point during their life history, to either chronic or periodic environmental hypoxia. A chapter on air breathing in fishes is essential for a book about vertebrate adaptation to hypoxia, because fishes are the basal vertebrates and were also the first vertebrates to breathe air (Graham, 1997). The recent literature contains substantive accounts of the adaptations for air breathing (Graham, 1997; Graham, 1999; Graham, 2006) and emersion from water (Sayer, 2005) in fishes. Using three cases studies, this chapter shows how both hypoxia and aerial o access have shaped the behavior, physiology, and natural history of different fish groups. Oxygen and water with the increasing overlap in disciplines such as comparative physiology, field ecology, and environmental biology, there is a need for precise quantitative terminology describing the properties of water affecting respiration.
This chapter describes the general anatomy of the gills in fish. The gills form a highly characteristic feature of fishes and their presence has a marked effect on the anatomy and functioning of the rest of the animal. A gill septum separates two adjacent gill pouches and a series of filaments is attached to its surface. In the most primitive groups, the septum forms a complete partition between the pharynx and the outer body wall. Its extension forms a flap-valve for the next posterior slit. In more advanced groups, there is a progressive reduction in the septum and the consequent freeing of the filaments at their tips. Filaments form the most distinctive respiratory structure of fish gills and are sometimes referred to as “primary lamellae.” In adult fish, the number of filaments does not increase so markedly as during the juvenile growth period, but there is a very significant increase in the length of each of them as the fish grows. The lamellae are the most important units of the gill system from the point of view of gas exchange. The rest of the basic anatomy is directed to providing a suitable support for these structures and to enable the water and blood to come into close proximity.
Around 370 million years ago, a distant relative of a modern lungfish began a most extraordinary adventure-emerging from the water and laying claim to the land. Over the next 70 million years, this tentative beachhead had developed into a worldwide colonization by ever-increasing varieties of four-limbed creatures known as tetrapods, the ancestors of all vertebrate life on land. This new edition of Jennifer A. Clack's groundbreaking book tells the complex story of their emergence and evolution. Beginning with their closest relatives, the lobe-fin fishes such as lungfishes and coelacanths, Clack defines what a tetrapod is, describes their anatomy, and explains how they are related to other vertebrates. She looks at the Devonian environment in which they evolved, describes the known and newly discovered species, and explores the order and timing of anatomical changes that occurred during the fish-to-tetrapod transition.
The wall of the asymmetrical saclike lungs of the fishes Polypterus and Erpetoichthys consists of several functionally different tissue layers. Their lumen is lined by a surface epithelium composed of (1) highly attenuated cells, termed pneumocytes I; (2) pneumocytes II with lamellar bodies, presumably indicating surfactant production; (3) mucous cells; and (4) ciliated cells. Underlying the pneumocytes I is a dense capillary net. The thin continuous endothelium of this net, together with the pneumocytes I, constitute the very thin blood-air barrier. The basement membrane of epithelium and endothelium fuse in the area of the blood-air barrier (thickness 210 m̈m). Secretory and ciliary cells form longitudinal rows in the epithelium. Below the zone with a gas-exchanging tissue, a layer of connective tissue containing collagen and special elastic fibers occurs. The blood vessels that give rise to or drain the superficial capillary plexus are located in this connective tissue. The outermost layer of the lung consists of muscle cells, a narrow inner zone with smooth muscle cells, and an outer, broader zone with cross-striated muscle cells. The lung is innervated by myelinated and nonmyelinated nerve fibers. The morphology of the gas-exchange tissue in the lungs of these primitive bony fish is fundamentally very similar to that of the lungs of tetrapod vertebrates. The morphologic observations are in close agreement with physiologic data, disclosing well-developed respiratory capacities. Structural simplicity can be regarded as a model from which the lungs of the higher vertebrates derived. In addition to respiratory function, the lungs seem also to have hydrostatic tasks.
Metabolic rate, branchial morphology, and modes of gill ventilation were studied in young (2-10 g) North American paddlefish, Polyodon spathula, with anatomical, behavioral, and physiological methods. Polyodon lacks the oral and opercular valves that are typical for fishes that rely on a buccal pump system to ventilate the gills, and the jaw opening system of Polyodon is poorly suited for regular pumping movements. Unrestrained, undisturbed juvenile paddlefishes swim constantly at a mean speed of 1.1-1.5 body lengths · $s^{-1}$ (bls). The maximum speed sustainable for > 10 min is 1.6-1.8 bls. When forced to swim at slow speeds in flow tanks or water tunnels, ventilation of the gills by buccal pumping occurs at a frequency of 50-80 · $min^{-1}$ . As swimming speed increases, buccal ventilation becomes intermittent and continuous ram ventilation occurs above 0.6-0.8 bls, which means that Polyodon is essentially an obligate ram ventilator under normal conditions. Oxygen consumption ( $\dot{M}O_{2}$ ), carbon dioxide production ( $\dot{M}O_{2}$ ), and the gas exchange ratio (R) were determined as a function of inspired Po₂ during undisturbed swimming in still water at 25° C Oxygen consumption, buccal pressure, and swimming performance were also measured at set swimming speeds in a flow tank and small water tunnel. Oxygen consumption at the preferred swimming speed of 1.25 bls was 6-7 μmol O₂, · $g^{-1}$ · $h^{-1}$ . Carbon dioxide production was 3-4 μmol CO₂ · $g^{-1}$ · $h^{-1}$ , yielding an R of 0.5-1.0. Paddlefishes are O₂ regulators in mild hypoxia (150 down to 90 mmHg) but die quickly at Po₂ < 90 mmHg. During steady swimming in normoxia, paddlefishes normally maintain 70%-80% of the maximum sustainable speed. This results in a normal minimum metabolic rate that is about twice that of the minimum (resting) rate of other acipensiform fishes. From a phylogenetic standpoint, other acipenseriforms also use ram ventilation, leading to the hypothesis that the evolutionary origin of a reliance on ram ventilation in Polyodon probably predates the origin of the filter feeding habit. Constant swimming may be metabolically expensive, but it would appear to allow some energy to be conserved by ram ventilation. This may be particularly advantageous for species such as P. spathula that combine filter feeding and ram ventilation.