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Current Issues in the Dietary Management of Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Using Intensive Insulin therapy



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Current issues in the dietary management
of children and young people with type 1
diabetes using intensive insulin therapy
Carmel Smart, Prudence Lopez and Bruce King
Citation: Smart C, Lopez P, King
B (2012) Current issues in the
dietary management of children
and young people with type 1
diabetes using intensive insulin
therapy. Diabetes Care for
Children & Young People 1: XXX
Article points
1. Nutrition management is
one of the most fundamental
elements of care and education
for children and young people
with type 1 diabetes.
2. Regular supportive contact
from dietitians is required to
increase dietary knowledge
and adherence.
3. The authors conclude that
randomised controlled trials of
methods to manage postprandial
glycaemia after meals high in
fat and protein are needed,
as well as evaluation of their
acceptability to the families
of those with diabetes.
Key words
- Carbohydrate counting
- Dietary management
- Intensive insulin therapy
- Protein and fat
- Type 1 diabetes
Carmel Smart, Paediatric Diabetes
Dietitian; Prudence Lopez,
Endocrinology Fellow; Bruce King,
Paediatric Endocrinologist, John
Hunter Childrens Hospital, Hunter
Medical Research Institute, The
University of Newcastle, Australia.
Nutritional management is an important aspect of care for children and young
people with type 1 diabetes using intensive insulin regimens. Research suggests that
medical nutrition therapy should focus on interventions to ensure normal growth and
development, promote lifelong healthy eating habits and maintain glycaemic control,
as well as assisting with prevention of the complications associated with diabetes.
In this article, the authors review the current evidence and issues regarding dietary
management in children with type 1 diabetes using multiple daily injections and
insulin pump therapy, and the future work needed.
The importance of glycaemic control
in preventing the development of
complications in type 1 diabetes was
demonstrated in the Diabetes Control and
Complications Trial (DCCT group, 1993). A key
component of diabetes care is effective nutritional
management (Delahanty et al, 1993). Whilst
optimising glycaemic control is an important
objective of medical nutrition therapy, a major goal
in children is to establish lifelong healthy eating
habits to ensure optimal nutrition for growth and
development and to prevent diabetes complications
(Smart et al, 2009a). It is vital that healthy eating
principles, based on recommendations for all
children and young people, targeting increased
consumption of fruit and vegetables and decreased
saturated fat intake, underlie all education (Rovner
and Nansel, 2009).
Since the late 1990s, intensive insulin regimens
have been utilised in paediatric centres worldwide.
However, gaps remain in the evidence regarding the
dietary management of childhood diabetes using
intensive insulin therapy (IIT).
Carbohydrate amount and type
The International Society for Paediatric and Adolescent
Diabetes (ISPAD) Clinical Practice Consensus
Guidelines recommend that carbohydrate should
account for 50–55% of total daily energy intake
(Smart et al, 2009a). Carbohydrate intake should not
be restricted as it is essential for growth. A key aspect
of nutrition therapy is monitoring carbohydrate
distribution, amount and type in order to balance
carbohydrate intake and insulin action (Sheard et
al, 2004; Wheeler and Pi-Sunyer, 2008). In regard
to IIT, adjusting prandial insulin doses to match
carbohydrate consumption results in more flexible
dietary intakes, whereas consistency in day-to-day
carbohydrate intake remains important for those
on conventional therapy (Wolever et al, 1999). See
Table 1 for recommendations on carbohydrate intake
for different insulin regimens.
Carbohydrate amount
The carbohydrate content of a meal is the main
factor resulting in a rise in postprandial blood glucose
level (ADA, 2004). Increasing carbohydrate content
XXXDiabetes Care for Children & Young People Volume 1 No 2 2012
Current issues in the dietary management of children and young people with type 1 diabetes using intensive insulin therapy
Diabetes Care for Children & Young People Volume 1 No 2 2012
has been shown to linearly increase postprandial
glucose (Halfon et al, 1989). Another study showed
that in adults with well-controlled type 1 diabetes
using multiple daily injections (MDI), changing the
amount of carbohydrate in the diet did not affect
glycaemic control, provided that the level of insulin
is appropriately adjusted (Rabasa-Lhoret et al, 1999).
For children and young people using MDI,
programmes have been developed to utilise
carbohydrate counting and insulin:carbohydrate
ratios (Waller et al, 2008; Anderson, 2009).
In adults, data from the Dose Adjustment for
Normal Eating (DAFNE) study showed that using
insulin:carbohydrate ratios as an integral component
of the intensive self-management program was
associated with improved glycaemic outcomes
(DAFNE Study Group, 2002). Insulin:carbohydrate
ratios are an important tool in IIT to optimise prandial
insulin dosing and allow greater meal flexibility.
However, further randomised studies are needed to
support the findings of improvements in the glycaemic
control and quality of life in children.
Despite universal acceptance of the importance
of managing carbohydrate intake in type 1 diabetes,
the best method of carbohydrate quantification has
been debated. There are three methods available
for quantifying the carbohydrate content of meals:
estimation in exchanges (typically 15 g); estimation
in portions (10 g); and “precise” carbohydrate
counting to grams. Those that advocate carbohydrate
counting to grams believe that this method increases
the accuracy of carbohydrate estimations, allowing
more exact calculations of the prandial insulin dose
(Walsh and Roberts, 2006). However, research has
shown that counting carbohydrates in 1 g increments
does not achieve greater accuracy in carbohydrate
estimations than quantifying in 10 g portions or 15 g
exchanges (Smart et al, 2010).
A study comparing children, young people, and
their care-givers, who used one of the three different
methods of carbohydrate quantification, demonstrated
that the accuracy in carbohydrate estimations was
similar between all groups and that 73% of estimates
were within a 15 g error margin, irrespective of
which method of carbohydrate counting was used
(Smart et al, 2010). Furthermore, as meal size
increased, the accuracy of carbohydrate estimation
decreased, with a trend towards greater inaccuracies
in those counting in gram increments. Additionally,
the study found that children who had been counting
carbohydrate for a longer period of time were less
accurate, highlighting the importance of providing
regular carbohydrate counting updates as children
grow and meal sizes change. Interestingly, in another
study of young people with type 1 diabetes who
were counting carbohydrate in grams, Bishop and
Table 1. Recommendations for carbohydrate intake for different insulin regimens.
Insulin regimen Meal structure and nutrition considerations
Twice-daily fixed insulin doses Day-to-day consistency in carbohydrate intake
to balance insulin action profiles and to prevent
hypoglycaemia. This is usually achieved by advice
to include three meals and three snacks per day
containing approximately the same amount of
carbohydrate on a daily basis at each meal and
snack. A consistent intake of carbohydrate is
usually encouraged using serves or exchange lists of
measured food quantities.
Prescription of carbohydrate requires regular dietetic
review to ensure total energy needs are met in the
growing child.
Flexible multiple daily
(≥ 4 injections/day) using
rapid-acting insulin pre-meals
and long-acting insulin as basal
Advice to match the meal-time insulin dose to
carbohydrate intake by the use of an individualised
insulin:carbohydrate ratio should be considered.
This allows greater flexibility in meal timing and
carbohydrate intake.
An additional injection may be required
for snacks consisting of larger amounts of
carbohydrate. However, advice regarding the quantity
of carbohydrate that requires additional insulin at a
snack time varies.
Comprehensive education regarding carbohydrate
counting is required for insulin dose adjustment.
Insulin pump therapy using
a continuous subcutaneous
infusion of basal insulin, with
bolus doses given to match the
carbohydrate quantity eaten.
An individualised insulin to carbohydrate ratio
should be used to enable the insulin dose to be
matched to carbohydrate intake at all meals and
Matching insulin to carbohydrate requires
comprehensive education in carbohydrate counting.
The bolus type can be adjusted to match meal
Missed meal boluses are an important contributor
to poor glycaemic outcome.
Note: Individualised advice regarding carbohydrate amount and distribution should consider
the usual appetite, food-intake patterns, exercise and energy requirements of the child or
young person with diabetes.
Current issues in the dietary management of children and young people with type 1 diabetes using intensive insulin therapy
colleagues reported that only 23% of participants were
able to estimate daily carbohydrate within 10 g of the
true amount (Bishop et al, 2009).
This raises the question of how accurate
people with diabetes and families need to be in
estimating meal carbohydrate content. In children
with type 1 diabetes, a 10 g inaccuracy in the
estimation of the meal carbohydrate content was
not found to affect postprandial glycaemia, whereas
a 20 g overestimate resulted in 31% of children
experiencing hypoglycaemia 2–3 hours after the
meal (Smart et al, 2009b; 2012). Therefore, in order
to accurately count carbohydrate intake to maintain
glycaemic control, carbohydrate estimations should be
within 10 g of the meal carbohydrate content.
It is commonly believed that the nutrition
information panel on food labels facilitates accuracy
in carbohydrate counting in gram increments.
However, a variation of up to 45% between the
carbohydrate content reported on the label and the
actual carbohydrate content of the product has
been shown (Smart et al, 2011), in accordance with
national food standards (Food Standards Australia
New Zealand, 2012). This questions the feasibility
of instructing families to count carbohydrate by
1g increments when food labels are not as accurate.
Furthermore, an emphasis on carbohydrate amount,
without consideration of dietary quality, may lead
to increased consumption of packaged food and
unhealthy eating practices (Mehta et al, 2009).
In summary, these studies suggest that the focus
of carbohydrate counting interventions should not
be an attempt to assist individuals to count accurately
to the last gram, but rather ensuring accuracy in
estimations of unlabelled foods, whilst promoting
variety in healthy food choices.
Glycaemic index (GI)
The GI was defined in 1981 by Jenkins et al and
ranks carbohydrate-containing foods based on their
ability to raise blood glucose levels for a standardised
amount of carbohydrate (Jenkins et al, 1981). The
GI values of many foods have now been published
(Brand-Miller et al, 2009). Whilst the importance
of GI in the management of type 1 diabetes in
children has been a subject of much debate, studies
have suggested a benefit for low-GI diets (Gilbertson
et al, 2001; Nansel et al, 2008). Ryan and colleagues
demonstrated that, in children using MDI, when
a low-GI meal was eaten rather than a high-GI
meal, the postprandial blood glucose excursion was
significantly lower at 30–180 minutes (Ryan et al,
2008). However, it is important that GI is not taught
in isolation as monitoring carbohydrate amount is a
key strategy in intensive therapy (ADA, 2004).
Protein and fat
Protein and fat influence postprandial glycaemia in
people with type 1 diabetes (Lodefalk et al, 2008;
Peters and Davidson, 1993). The addition of large
amounts of protein (>50 g) to meals consumed by
adults with type 1 diabetes increased postprandial
glucose levels at 150–300 minutes (Peters and
Davidson, 1993).
Fat results in a delay in gastric emptying and, as a
consequence, delays the peak glucose response and
reduces the postprandial glucose excursion in children
using ITT (Lodefalk et al, 2008).
In pump therapy, the meal-time insulin dose is
typically calculated based on the carbohydrate content
of the meal. More recently, studies have also advocated
the calculation of fat and protein units in order
to cover the postprandial excursions attributed
to high fat and protein meals (Pankowska et al,
2009; 2012). However a recent clinical study using
this algorithm reported hypoglycaemia in 35% of
children (Kordonouri et al, 2012). The question still
remains as to whether there is sufficient evidence to
justify calculating fat and protein units, and whether
families are able to implement it. Further studies are
needed to provide evidence-based recommendations
to optimise postprandial glycaemia when meals
higher in fat and protein content are consumed.
Insulin bolusing for meals
For people using an MDI regimen, studies suggest
that the delivery of insulin prior to meals results
in improved postprandial glycaemia (Strachan and
Fryer, 1998; Jovanovic et al, 2004; Ryan et al, 2008).
Ryan and colleagues reported that, for low-GI meals,
the administration of preprandial insulin resulted in
significantly lower postprandial glucose excursions,
without leading to an increase in hypoglycaemia
(Ryan et al, 2008). Evidence also points to a benefit
of preprandial bolus administration in pump therapy
(Cobry et al, 2010; Scaramuzza et al, 2010; De
Palma et al, 2011). Recent studies suggest that to
diminish postprandial excursions, optimal timing
Diabetes Care for Children & Young People Volume 1 No 2 2012
Page points
1. A variation of up to 45%
has been observed between
the carbohydrate content
reported on the food label
and the actual carbohydrate
content of the product.
2. Though the importance
of the glycaemic index in
the management of type 1
diabetes in children has been
a subject of much debate,
studies have suggested a
benefit for low-GI diets.
3. Further evidence is needed
to justify the calculation of
the fat and protein content
of meals, and to ascertain
whether families are able to
implement them in daily life.
Current issues in the dietary management of children and young people with type 1 diabetes using intensive insulin therapy
Diabetes Care for Children & Young People Volume 1 No 2 2012
of the meal bolus may be 20 minutes prior, rather
than immediately before, the meal (Cobry, 2010;
De Palma et al, 2011). Further studies are needed
to determine how this recommendation can be
efficaciously implemented in daily clinical practice
with children.
Missed meal boluses have been identified as a
major cause of suboptimal glycaemic control in
young people using insulin pumps (Burdick et al,
2004). Postprandial bolusing, denial of diabetes
or fear of postprandial hypoglycaemia have been
identified as possible contributors to missed mealtime
boluses (Olinder et al, 2011). Therefore, it is advisable
to recommend that boluses are given before the meal.
Care-givers should be reassured that children are
not at risk of hypoglycaemia if they refuse to eat
immediately after insulin delivery. Furthermore, if
the child eats less carbohydrate than the amount the
insulin dose was calculated for, the care-giver can
be reassured that they have time to give the extra
carbohydrate, as hypoglycaemia for over-estimations
in meal carbohydrate quantity is unlikely to occur
until 2–3 hours after the meal (Smart et al, 2012).
An advantage of insulin pump therapy is the
ability to tailor prandial insulin delivery to meal
composition. In clinical practice, alterations to the
insulin bolus distribution are often recommended
for meals high in fat and protein (Chase et al, 2002;
Jones, 2005). Studies of pizza meals, known to cause
prolonged hyperglycaemia, have had conflicting
results. Jones and colleagues found that a dual-wave
bolus resulted in significantly lower blood glucose
levels in the late postprandial period without causing
hypoglycaemia (Jones, 2005). Conversely, De Palma et
al found that, using a lower-fat pizza meal, the 6-hour
blood glucose area under the curve was lower following
a standard bolus delivered 15 minutes preprandially
than the dual-wave bolus (De Palma et al, 2011)
The dual-wave bolus has also been shown to provide
effective control of blood glucose levels for up to
6 hours following meals high in carbohydrate and
fat (Chase et al, 2002; Lee et al, 2004). Furthermore,
a dual-wave bolus prior to a low-GI meal significantly
reduced the postprandial glucose excursion (O’Connell
et al, 2008).
In summary, whilst there is increasing evidence
that meal composition is an important factor in
determining the most effective means of insulin
dosing, there is yet to be consensus on the
management of meals of varying macronutrient
content. The extended bolus is a beneficial option for
insulin distribution in children using pump therapy
with multiple studies finding positive effects. However,
the calculation of the optimal insulin dose for different
meal types remains to be elucidated, as current
algorithms may increase the risk of postprandial
Dietary behaviours
The key dietary behaviours that have been associated
with improved glycaemic outcomes are adherence to
an individualised meal plan, particularly carbohydrate
intake recommendations (Delahanty, 1993; Patton et
al, 2007; Mehta et al, 2008); avoidance of frequent
snacking episodes or large snacks without adequate
insulin coverage (Delahanty, 1993; Øverby et al,
2007); regular meals and avoidance of skipping
meals, particularly breakfast (Øverby et al, 2007);
and avoidance of over-treatment of hypoglycaemia
(Delahanty, 1993).
Medical nutrition therapy should be provided
upon diagnosis and at regular intervals thereafter,
to meet changes in appetite, insulin regimens
and activity. Nutrition therapy should be directed
towards the whole family, with opportunities such
as family meals used to reinforce healthy eating and
carbohydrate-counting education. Education should
be individualised and part of a self-management
program that is age-appropriate, so that as children
grow and are exposed to new situations regarding
food, advice is tailored and targeted.
In conclusion, nutrition management is one
of the most fundamental elements of care and
education for children with type 1 diabetes. Regular
supportive contacts from dietetic health professionals
are required to increase dietary knowledge and
adherence. Randomised controlled trials of methods
to manage postprandial glycaemia after meals high
in fat and protein are needed, as well as evaluation of
their acceptability to the families of the children and
young people with diabetes. n
Ander son DG (2009) Multiple daily inject ions in young patients
using the ezy-BICC bolus insulin calculat ion card, compar ed to
mixed insulin and CSII. Pediatr Diabetes 10: 304–309
Bishop F, Maah s D, Spiegel G et al ( 2009) Th e carbohydrate
counting in adolescents wit h type 1 diabetes (CCAT) study.
Diabetes Spectrum 22: 56 –62
Page points
1. The key dietary behaviours
associated with improved
glycaemic outcomes include:
adherence to an individualised
meal plan; avoidance of
frequent snacking episodes or
large snacks without adequate
insulin coverage; regular meals
and avoidance of skipping
meals; and avoidance of over-
treatment of hypoglycaemia.
2. Medical nutrition therapy
should be provided for children
and young people with
diabetes upon diagnosis and
at regular intervals thereafter.
3. Randomised controlled trials of
methods to manage postprandial
glycaemia after high-fat and
high-protein meals are needed.
Current issues in the dietary management of children and young people with type 1 diabetes using intensive insulin therapy
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Diabetes Care for Children & Young People Volume 1 No 2 2012
“Nutrition therapy
should be directed
towards the
whole family, with
opportunities such as
family meals used to
reinforce healthy eating
and carbohydrate-
counting education.
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Full-text available
An insulin pump is an advanced technology offering new options of bolus - normal (N), dual wave (D-W) or square wave (S-W) bolus to deliver mealtime insulin. To assess the impact of D-W/S-W boluses on metabolic control (glycated haemoglobin A1c, HbA1c) and to estimate the paediatric patients compliance with implementation of this system in daily practice. The cross-sectional study included 499 records of patients aged 0-18 yr. Data from the insulin pump memory provided information on the number of D-W/S-W boluses during a 2-wk period, the insulin requirement (U/kg/d) and the percentage of basal insulin. The HbA1c value (%) and the patient's weight were determined during medical examinations. Mealtime dose of insulin in D-W/S-W bolus was calculated based on the amount of carbohydrate and fat/protein products. The number of applied D-W/S-W boluses was 16.6 +/- 0.77/14 d (ranged 0-95), while 18.8% of patients did not program D-W/S-W boluses. The lowest HbA1c value was found in the group using two and/or more D-W/S-W boluses per day (p = 0.001) compared with the group administrating less than one D-W/S-W bolus/d. Patients with HbA1c level <7.5% had a statistically higher relevant number of D-W/S-W boluses, 19.55 (95% CI: 17.44-21.65) vs. 12.42 (95% CI: 10.22-14.61) (p < 0.001), while there was no correlation between the number of boluses and HbA1c in patients in the remission phase (<0.5 IU/kg/d) (r = 0.012, p = 0.930). Patients using at least one D-W/S-W bolus per day achieved a recommended level of HbA1c. Paediatric patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus were found to be able to apply D-W/S-W boluses in daily self-treatment process based on food counting.
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Our study examines the hypothesis that in addition to sugar starch-type diet, a fat-protein meal elevates postprandial glycemia as well, and it should be included in calculated prandial insulin dose accordingly. The goal was to determine the impact of the inclusion of fat-protein nutrients in the general algorithm for the mealtime insulin dose calculator on 6-h postprandial glycemia. Of 26 screened type 1 diabetes patients using an insulin pump, 24 were randomly assigned to an experimental Group A and to a control Group B. Group A received dual-wave insulin boluses for their pizza dinner, consisting of 45 g/180 kcal of carbohydrates and 400 kcal from fat-protein where the insulin dose was calculated using the following algorithm: n Carbohydrate Units×ICR+n Fat-Protein Units×ICR/6 h (standard+extended insulin boluses), where ICR represents the insulin-to-carbohydrate ratio. For the control Group B, the algorithm used was n Carbohydrate Units×ICR. The glucose, C-peptide, and glucagon concentrations were evaluated before the meal and at 30, 60, 120, 240, and 360 min postprandial. There were no statistically significant differences involving patients' metabolic control, C-peptide, glucagon secretion, or duration of diabetes between Group A and B. In Group A the significant glucose increment occurred at 120-360 min, with its maximum at 240 min: 60.2 versus -3.0 mg/dL (P=0.04), respectively. There were no significant differences in glucagon and C-peptide concentrations postprandial. A mixed meal effectively elevates postprandial glycemia after 4-6 h. Dual-wave insulin bolus, in which insulin is calculated for both the carbohydrates and fat proteins, is effective in controlling postprandial glycemia.
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To compare the glucodynamics of pre- and postprandial administration of insulin lispro using test meals of differing composition. Twenty subjects with IDDM were studied on four separate occasions. Ten subjects ingested high-carbohydrate and high-fat breakfasts with a large liquid component, and 10 subjects ingested high-carbohydrate and high-fat breakfasts in a more solid form. With each meal, insulin lispro was injected 10 min preprandial on one occasion and 20 min postprandial on another. The magnitude and temporal pattern of postprandial glucose excursions were observed. With all meal types studied, postprandial blood glucose excursions were significantly smaller when insulin lispro was administered preprandially (P < 0.05). With both high-carbohydrate meals and the liquid high-fat meal, preprandial administration of lispro was associated with modest postprandial increments of blood glucose. With the solid high-fat meal, preprandial lispro produced a cumulative decline in postprandial blood glucose, whereas blood glucose rose when lispro was administered postprandially. For meals with a high carbohydrate content, the optimal time of administration of lispro is preprandial. However, for meals with a high solid fat content, postprandial administration of lispro may be preferable.
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Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion is considered a safe and effective way to administer insulin in pediatric patients with type 1 diabetes, but achieving satisfactory and stable glycemic control is difficult. Several factors contribute to control, including fine-tuning the basal infusion rate and bolus timing. We evaluated the most effective timing of a pump-delivered, preprandial bolus in children with type 1 diabetes. We assessed the response of 30 children with type 1 diabetes to a standard meal after different timing of a bolus dose. The glucose levels for 3 h after the meal were lower (i.e., closer to the therapeutic target of <140 mg/dL) when the bolus doses were administered 15 min or immediately before the meal, rather than after the meal. However, these differences were not statistically significant, except at the 1-h postprandial time point: bolus just after meal, 177 +/- 71 mg/dL (9.83 +/- 3.94 mmol/L); 15 min before meal, 136 +/- 52 mg/dL (7.55 +/- 2.89 mmol/L) (P = 0.044); and just before meal, 130 +/- 54 mg/dL (7.22 +/- 3.00 mmol/L) (P = 0.024). The area under the curve (AUC) (in mg/min) did not differ significantly with different bolus times, but the SD of the AUC was the lowest with the bolus given 15 min before the meal. These data support injection of the bolus before, rather than after, eating, even if the patient is hypoglycemic before meals.
Aim: Carbohydrate counting is used to adjust premeal insulin to carbohydrate intake in intensive insulin regimens. The aim of the present study was to determine the potential variability in the carbohydrate content of a slice of bread (one ‘exchange’) from that reported on the label and hence, the potential variability in carbohydrate intake when consuming a serve. Methods: A cross‐sectional survey of 11 different loaves of bread commonly consumed by children with type 1 diabetes was undertaken. All slices in each loaf were weighed to an accuracy of ±1 g; and the reported carbohydrate content per 100 g of each loaf was used to determine the carbohydrate content of the mean, minimum and maximum slice in each loaf of bread. Results: There was no difference between the reported and the mean estimated carbohydrate content of a slice. The minimum slice of bread across all loaves was estimated to contain only 10.0 g of carbohydrate, whereas the maximum slice contained an estimated 20.7 g of carbohydrate. The greatest variation in carbohydrate amount within a loaf was 12.3 g. Conclusions: In commercially available loaves of bread in Australia, the carbohydrate content of a slice can vary by up to 45% of that reported on the label, in accordance with Food Standards Australia New Zealand. This highlights a practical limitation inherent with the commonly held view that food labels can facilitate accuracy in carbohydrate counting in 1‐g increments.
To determine if an insulin dose calculated for a meal containing 60 g carbohydrate maintains postprandial glycaemic control for meals containing 40, 50, 70 or 80 g carbohydrate. Thirty-four young people (age range 8.5-17.7 years) using intensive insulin therapy consumed five test breakfasts with equivalent fat, protein and fibre contents but differing carbohydrate quantities (40, 50, 60, 70 and 80 g of carbohydrate). The preprandial insulin dose was the same for each meal, based on the subject's usual insulin:carbohydrate ratio for 60 g carbohydrate. Continuous glucose monitoring was used to monitor postprandial glucose over 180 min. The 40-g carbohydrate meal resulted in significantly more hypoglycaemia than the other meals (P = 0.003). There was a one in three chance of hypoglycaemia between 120 and 180 min if an insulin dose for 60 g carbohydrate was given for 40 g carbohydrate. The glucose levels of subjects on the 80-g meal were significantly higher than the 60- and 70-g carbohydrate meals at all time points between 150 and 180 min (P < 0.01). Subjects consuming the 80-g meal were more likely to have significant hyperglycaemia (blood glucose levels ≥ 12 mmol/l) compared with the other meals (P < 0.001). In patients using intensive insulin therapy, an individually calculated insulin dose for 60 g carbohydrate results in postprandial hypoglycaemia or hyperglycaemia for meals containing 40 and 80 g carbohydrate. To calculate mealtime insulin in order to maintain postprandial control, carbohydrate estimations should be within 10 g of the actual meal carbohydrate.
Carbohydrate (CHO) counting allows children with Type 1 diabetes to adjust mealtime insulin dose to carbohydrate intake. Little is known about the ability of children to count CHO and whether a particular method for assessing CHO quantity is better than others. We investigated how accurately children and their caregivers estimate carbohydrate, and whether counting in gram increments improves accuracy compared with CHO portions or exchanges. One hundred and two children and adolescents (age range 8.3-18.1 years) on intensive insulin therapy and 110 caregivers independently estimated the CHO content of 17 standardized meals (containing 8-90 g CHO), using whichever method of carbohydrate quantification they had been taught (gram increments, 10-g portions or 15-g exchanges). Seventy-three per cent (n = 2530) of all estimates were within 10-15 g of actual CHO content. There was no relationship between the mean percentage error and method of carbohydrate counting or glycated haemoglobin (HbA(1c)) (P > 0.05). Mean gram error and meal size were negatively correlated (r = -0.70, P < 0.0001). The longer children had been CHO counting the greater the mean percentage error (r = 0.173, P = 0.014). Core foods in non-standard quantities were most frequently inaccurately estimated, while individually labelled foods were most often accurately estimated. Children with Type 1 diabetes and their caregivers can estimate the carbohydrate content of meals with reasonable accuracy. Teaching CHO counting in gram increments did not improve accuracy compared with CHO portions or exchanges. Large meals tended to be underestimated and snacks overestimated. Repeated age-appropriate education appears necessary to maintain accuracy in carbohydrate estimations.
Carbohydrate (CHO) quantification is used to adjust pre-meal insulin in intensive insulin regimens. However, the precision in CHO quantification required to maintain postprandial glycaemic control is unknown. We determined the effect of a +/-10-g variation in CHO amount, with an individually calculated insulin dose for 60 g CHO, on postprandial glycaemic control. Thirty-one children and adolescents (age range 9.5-16.8 years), 17 using continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) and 14 using multiple daily injections (MDI), participated. Each subject consumed test lunches of equal macronutrient content, differing only in carbohydrate quantity (50, 60, 70 g CHO), in random order on three consecutive days. For each participant, the insulin dose was the same for each meal, based on their usual insulin : CHO ratio for 60 g CHO. Activity was standardized. Continuous glucose monitoring was used. The CSII and MDI subjects demonstrated no difference in postprandial blood glucose levels (BGLs) for comparable carbohydrate loads (P > 0.05). The 10-g variations in CHO quantity resulted in no differences in BGLs or area under the glucose curves for 2.5 h (P > 0.05). Hypoglycaemic episodes were not significantly different (P = 0.32). The 70-g meal produced higher glucose excursions after 2.5 h, with a maximum difference of 1.9 mmol/l at 3 h (P = 0.01), but the BGLs remained within international postprandial targets. In patients using intensive insulin therapy, an individually calculated insulin dose for 60 g of carbohydrate maintains postprandial BGLs for meals containing between 50 and 70 g of carbohydrate. A single mealtime insulin dose will cover a range in carbohydrate amounts without deterioration in postprandial control.
To pilot an educational programme (KICk-OFF) for children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM). Evaluation included (i) independent assessment of curriculum quality, (ii) acceptability to families and (iii) possible impact on standardised outcome measures (HbA1c, body mass index (BMI), diary reports of hypoglycaemia, quality of life (QoL)). 48 children aged 11-16 years (mean age 13.60 (SD 1.36) years) were recruited from three UK centres. Six 5-day outpatient courses on carbohydrate counting and insulin dose adjustment were held. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with children and parents before and after the course. Glycaemic control (HbA1c), BMI and frequency of hypoglycaemia were assessed before the course and at 3 and 6 months after intervention. QoL was assessed before the course and at 2 weeks, 3 and 6 months. Educational evaluation indicated the course format was appropriate and consistent. Parent and child interviews suggested that pre-course expectations were largely met. There were no changes in HbA1c, BMI or episodes of hypoglycaemia, but children and parents reported improved QoL (p<0.05). KICk-OFF was well-received by children and parents and was associated with improved QoL. In this small pilot study, glycaemic control did not change but findings justify conducting a future randomised controlled trial involving a revised curriculum, a larger study population including a control group and longer follow-up.
The glucose responses (GR) and insulin requirements (IRs) were measured by a glucose-controlled insulin infusion system for 5 h after 12 patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus consumed each of three meals: a 1890-kJ standard meal, the standard meal with 840 kJ added protein, and the standard meal with 840 kJ added fat. The GR to the protein-added meal was greater (P = 0.005) than to either the standard or fat-added meals, because of an increase in the late (last 150 min) GR. The late IR was greater for the protein-added meal (P < 0.005). The IR was not changed after the fat-added meal. Therefore, the addition of protein (but not fat) energy to a meal increases both the postprandial GR and late IR. This finding suggests that diabetic patients who inject premeal insulin may need to increase their insulin dose when protein is added to a meal.