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Agaricales of Indonesia. 6. Psilocybe (Strophariaceae) from Indonesia (Java, Bali, Lombok)

  • Former Curator Herbarium ZT, ZUrich, Switzerland, Independent Researcher


Psilocybe subaeruginascens Höhn. and Stropharia aerugineomaculans Höhn. (both species originally described from Java) and five new species of Psilocybe (Ps. aureicystidiata, Ps. eximia, Ps. largicystidiata, Ps. mendica, Ps. overeemii) from tropical-montane, broadleaf rain forests in Indonesia (Java, Bali, Lombok) are fully described and illustrated. Ecology and distribution of the hitherto recorded taxa of Psilocybe occurring in SE-Asia and Australasia are discussed.
Agaricales of Indonesia. 6.
Psilocybe (Strophariaceae) from Indonesia
(Java, Bali, Lombok)
E. Horak1
D.E. Desjardin2
1 Nikodemweg
AT-6020 Innsbruck, Austria
2 Department of Biology, San Francisco State University, 1600 Holloway Ave.,
San Francisco, California 94132, USA
Horak, E. & Desjardin, D.E. (2006). Agaricales of Indonesia. 6. Psilocybe
(Strophariaceae) from Indonesia (Java, Bali, Lombok). Sydowia 58
- 37.
Psilocybe subaeruginascens Höhn, and Stropharia aerugineomaculans Höhn,
(both species originally described from Java) and five new species of Psilocybe
aureicystidiata, Ps. eximia, Ps. largicystidiata, Ps. mendica, Ps. overeemii)
from tropical-montane, broadleaf rain forests in Indonesia (Java, Bali, Lombok) are
fully described and illustrated. Ecology and distribution of the hitherto recorded
taxa of Psilocybe occurring in SE-Asia and Australasia are discussed.
Key words: Basidiomycetes, fungal systematics, taxonomy, mycogeography.
As compared to other countries in the tropical-subtropical belt
of SE-Asia, little attention has been paid to the Indonesian
Agaricales so far. The first lists of species have been published by
Zollinger (1854), in later years followed by the records summarized
in Hennings (1900), Höhnel (1914), Overeem-Haas (1922), Heyne
and Overeem (1927). More recently, selected genera of
Tricholomataceae s.l. and Russulales have been published in the
series "Agaricales from Indonesia": 1. Desjardin & Horak (1999). -
Desjardin, Retnowati & Horak (2000). - 3. Verbeken, Horak &
Desjardin (2001). - 4. Desjardin & Horak (2002). - 5. Wilson,
Horak (2004).
With regard to Indonesian taxa belonging to Psilocybe (fam.
Strophariaceae), the first and last report dates back to Höhnel (1914),
who described Psilocybe subaeruginascens Höhnel and Stropharia
aerugineomaculans Höhn. [= Psilocybe aerugineomaculans (Höhn.)
A.H. Sm.] from Bogor, Java.
From SE-Asian and Australasian countries situated in the
geographical neighborhood of Indonesia, additional records on
1 e-mail:
2 e-mail: ded@sfsu. edu
©Verlag Ferdinand Berger & Söhne Ges.m.b.H., Horn, Austria, download unter
Psilocybe can be found in the literature, e.g. : Australia: Guzman &
Watling (1978), Margot & Watling (1981), Chang & Mills, (1992). -
India: Natarajan & Raman (1983), Thomas & al. (2002). - New
Caledonia: Guzman & Horak (1979). - New Zealand: Guzman &
Horak (1979), Guzman, Bandala & King
1993), Johnston &
Buchanan 1995). - Papua New Guinea: Guzman & Horak (1979),
Horak (2006). - Sri Lanka (Pegler, 1986). - Thailand: Guzman,
Allen (1993).
In connection with the present paper, the type collections of
following species of
were re-examined and compared with
the Indonesian material described in the present contribution:
Psilocybe subaeruginascens
Höhnel 1914. Fragmente.
Mykologie, 826. Sitzungsberichte Kaiserlichen Akademie Wissen-
schaften Wien, Mathem.-Naturw. Klasse 73: 30. - Stropharia aeru-
gineomaculans Höhnel 1914. Fragmente. Mykologie, 827. Sitzungs-
berichte Kaiserlichen Akademie Wissenschaften Wien, Mathem.-
Naturw. Klasse, Mathem.-Naturw. Klasse
New Caledonia: Psilocybe neocaledonica Guzmän & E. Horak
New Zealand: Psilocybe novaezelandiae Guzmän & E. Horak
Papua New Guinea: Psilocybe brunneocystidiata Guzmän &
E. Horak 1979. Sydowia 31: 45. - Psilocybe inconspicua Guzmän &
E. Horak 1979. Sydowia 31: 50. - Psilocybe papuana Guzmän &
E. Horak 1979. Sydowia
49. -
nothofagensis Guzmän &
Horak 1979. Sydowia
- cf. also Horak 2006. Sydowia
- 14.
Sri Lanka: Psilocybe ochreata (Berk. & Broome) E. Horak, in
Beiheft Nova Hedwigia 74:
Psilocybe goniospora
Broome) Singer 1962. Sydowia 15: 70.
General information and detailed data about the taxonomy and
world-wide distribution of Psilocybe were published by Guzmän
1983, 1995, 1999, 2004) and Guzmän, Allen
Gartz (1998).
The material of Psilocybe subaeruginascens and of the five new
Indonesian, saprobic
presented in this paper was gathered
by E. Horak and D.E. Desjardin at several localities in Java, Bali,
and Lombok. Based upon the fact that for Indonesia a vast diversity
of ecological habitats and niches of the vegetation have been
reported in the pertinent literature (Jones 1995), the authors
expect many more yet undiscovered taxa of Psilocybe that
presumably fruit only on rare occasions. The following example
convincingly demonstrates this observation: the region around
Bogor and Cibodas (Java) was thoroughly searched for mushrooms
during several collecting trips but nevertheless basidiomes of the
conspicuous Psilocybe aerugineomaculans (Höhnel 1914) were not
©Verlag Ferdinand Berger & Söhne Ges.m.b.H., Horn, Austria, download unter
encountered again at the type locality in the Botanical Garden,
Bogor (Java).
It is noteworthy that three out of the five new Indonesian species
eximia, Ps. aureicystidiata, Ps.
described in this
contribution are defined by rhomboid basidiospores in combination
with conspicuous chrysocystidia-like pleurocystidia, non-gelatinized
pileipellis and non-blueing context. In the pertinent literature,
this unique combination of characters is reported world-wide only
for the following taxa of Psilocybe recorded from Sri Lanka
goniospora (Berk. & Broome) Singer and Ps. lonchophora
(Berk. & Broome) E. Horak ap. Guzman], from New Caledonia
E. Horak) and neotropical species from
Ecuador [Ps.
Singer (= Hypholoma aequatoriae (Singer)
and Mexico (Ps. naematoliformis Guzman (= Naematoloma
naematoliforme (Guzman) Guzman, and
man, unpubl.]. The taxonomic status of these enumerated taxa is still
under discussion and molecular data will eventually reveal whether
they are correctly accommodated in Psilocybe or in Hypholoma. In
order to integrate the before-mentioned species, Guzman (2004)
recently proposed the new sect. Neocaledonicae and thus emendated
the taxonomic concept and circumscription of Psilocybe.
Material and Methods
All specimens examined were originally collected and docu-
mented by E. Horak and D.E. Desjardin during several collecting
trips to Indonesia.
For microscopical analysis, the material was routinely mounted
5 %
KOH (and occasionally also in
5 %
NH4OH and
1 %
Red in 5% KOH). Holotypus material is kept in Herbarium
Bogoriense, Bogor, Indonesia
isotypes are lodged in the herbaria
ZT (Zurich, Switzerland) and XAL (Xalapa, Mexico).
Key to Indonesian species of Psilocybe
Basidiomes (pileus, stipe and context) turning blue to blue-
green when bruised. Lamellae broadly adnate. Stipe with
white, membranaceous, inconspicuous and evanescent
annulus. Basidiospores thick-walled. In lowland tropical
broadleaf forest. - (sect. Stuntzii) 2
Basidiomes not turning blue to blue-green when bruised.
Annulus on stipe present or absent. Basidiospores thin-
walled or thick-walled. In tropical-montane broadleaf
forest 3
©Verlag Ferdinand Berger & Söhne Ges.m.b.H., Horn, Austria, download unter
(1). Pileus 15 - 30 mm diam., convex to broadly campanulate, off
white, grey-beige or pale fuliginous in centre. Lamellae pale
grey-brown. Base of stipe with rhizoids attached to mycelial
pad. Spore print lilac-brown. Basidiospores 8.5-9.5x5.5-
6.5 x 5.2 - 5.7 urn, elliptical to amygdaliform, not distinctly
rhomboid. On horse manure (type) or on soil among decaying
litter of broadleaf trees. Java
Ps. subaeruginascens Höhnel
Pileus up to 40 mm diam., umbonate, centre dark blue,
reddish grey towards substriate margin. Lamellae olive-
yellow, mottled. Base of stipe without mycelial pad. Spore
print fuscous to black. Basidiospores 8.5 - 10.5 x (6.5) 7 - 8 x
5.5-6 urn, distinctly rhomboid to submitriform. On rotten
wood of broadleaf trees. Java
Ps. aerugineomaculans Höhnel
(1). Basidiospores subellipsoid to subovoid or oblong, thin-
walled 4
Basidiospores distinctly rhomboid or mitriform, thick-walled.
Pileus with prominent conical papilla 5
(3). Pileus with sharply pointed papilla, 5-12 mm. Veil remnants
on stipe absent. Basidiospores 5.5 - 7 x 4 -4.5 x 3.5 -4 um.
Pleurocystidia absent. On rotten plant debris. Bali. - (sect.
Pratenses) 3. Pi', mendica
Pileus umbonate-expanded, 9-18 mm diam. Veil remnants
on stipe fibrillose, inconspicuous. Basidiospores
(-7) x 3 - 4 x 3 - 3.5 urn. Pleurocystidia hyaline, fusoid, con-
spicuous. On rotting trunk of tree fern. Java. - (sect.
Singerianae) 4. Ps. largicystidiata
5.(3). Chrysocystidia-like pleurocystidia absent. Pileus 20-40 mm
diam. Basidiospores 5 - 5.5 (- 6) x 4.5 - 5 x 3.5 - 4 urn. Cheilo-
cystidia conspicuous, vesiculose to broadly utriform. Odor
farinaceous. On bare soil or among leaf-litter of fagalean
Java. - (sect. Psilocybe) 5. Ps. eximia
Chrysocystidia-like pleurocystidia present. Cheilocystidia
inconspicuous, fusoid. Odor not distinctive. - (sect. Neo-
caledonicae) 6
6. (5). Annulus on stipe conspicuous, persistently membranaceous
or fibrillose. Pileus 5-10 mm diam. Basidiospores 4.5 - 5.5 x
4-5x3-3.5 urn. On rotting leaf-litter of fagalean trees.
Java 6. Ps. overeemii
6*. Annulus on stipe inconspicuous or absent. Pileus 15-30 mm
diam. Basidiospores (4.5 -)
- 5.5 (- 6) x 4 -
x (3 -) 3.5 - 4 urn.
On rotten wood of fagalean trees. Java (type), Lombok
Ps. aureicystidiata
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Enumeration and description of Indonesian species of Psilocybe
Psilocybe subaeruginascens Höhnel, Fragm. Mykologie, 826.
Sitzungsberichte Kaiserlichen Akademie Wissenschaften Wien,
Mathem.-Naturw. Klasse
- Fig.
Translation of German-written protologue: "Psüocybe (Deconica)
subaeruginascens Höhnel: Pileus 15-25 mm diam., convex, whitish, centre pale
fuliginous, glabrous, submembranaceous. - Lamellae broadly adnate to
subdecurrent, moderately crowded, 2-3 mm wide, pale grey-brown, edges paler. -
Stipe 30 -
x 1.5-3 mm, cylindrical, base slightly swollen, white, apex
subpruinose, otherwise smooth, shiny, tough, base attached to white but eventually
becoming green-blue or blue mycelial pad. - Ring small, membranaceous, in upper
portion of stipe. - Spore print pale lilac-brown. -Basidiospores 10x7x5 urn,
rhomboid or rhomboid-limoniform in face view, slightly depressed in side view,
apex truncate, lilac. -Cystidia absent. - Upon bruising the color of the basidiomes
turns to pale green-blue. - Gregarious on horse manure. - Holotypus. - Indonesia,
Java, Buitenzorg, 1907, leg. Höhnel 3942 A."
Description of collection ZT 7229:
Pileus 20 - 30 mm diam., broadly and obtusely campanulate,
ivory or pale grey-argillaceous, at disc with blue-green tinge,
smooth, dry, veil remnants absent. - Lamellae 16-24 reaching
lamellulae in
series, broadly adnate, at first pale brown,
becoming fuscous in old specimens, fimbriate edges whitish.-Stipe
40-65x2-3 mm. cylindrical, equal, white, turning blue-green
upon handling, dry, hollow, rather tough, smooth to slightly
fibrillose, base with conspicuous white rhizoids and mycelial
strands attached to substrate, solitary. - Ring fragile and non-
persisting, membranaceous, non-striate, hanging, white. -Context
rather tough, white, blueing upon exposure. - Odor unpleasant,
fetid. - Taste unknown. -Chemical reactions on pileus: KOH-
Spore print dark fuscous or black. -Basidiospores
5 - 6.5 x 4.5 - 5.5 urn, elliptical to subrhomboid in face view,
amygdaliform in side view, thick-walled (1-1.3 um diam.), with
distinctive apical germ pore, smooth, opaque. - Basidia 24-
30x6-8 urn, cylindrical or constricted-suburniform, 4-spored,
sterigmata up to 7 urn long. - Cheilocystidia
- 24 x
- 10 um,
polymorphic, shape ranging from fusoid to subutriform, thin-
walled, hyaline, apex rounded or subcapitate, occasionally covered
with thin, hyaline incrustation (also in KOH!). - Pleurocystidia
and caulocystidia absent. - Pileipellis a thin cutis composed of
cylindrical, repent, hyaline to pale yellow, non-gelatinized, non-
incrusted hyphae, 4-10 urn diam., distinctive terminal cells absent.
Subpellis composed of irregularely interwoven, cylindrical or
puzzle-like, hyaline, thin-walled hyphae. - Clamp connections
©Verlag Ferdinand Berger & Söhne Ges.m.b.H., Horn, Austria, download unter
Fig. 1.
Psilocybe subaeruginascens Höhnel (ZT 7229, topotypical material):
Basidiomes. - 2. Basidiospores. - 3. Basidia. - 4. Cheilocystidia. 5. Pileipellis. -
6. Basidiospores (holotype). - Psilocybe aerugineomaculans Höhnel (holotype):
Basidiospores. - Scale bar:
mm (1), 5 ^im (2, 6, 7),
4), 20 um (5).
©Verlag Ferdinand Berger & Söhne Ges.m.b.H., Horn, Austria, download unter
Etymology: subaeruginascens (Lat.) - similar to "aeru-
Specimens examined:
Java: Bogor (Buitenzorg), 1907, leg.
Höhnel 3942 A (holotype,
Bogor, Botanical Garden, on soil among rotting litter
of broadleaf trees, 20 Jan 1999, leg. Horak ZT 7229 (BO
- 355).
Habitat and Ecology: Coprophilous or saprobic. - On horse
manure (type) or on soil among litter, in tropical-lowland broadleaf
Distribution: Indonesia: Java.
Discussion: Owing to the blueing basidiomes
is considered to be psychoactive.
The type specimen consists of two fragmented basidiomes, plus
broken fragments of stipe and lamellae. There is one intact, pale
tawny brown pileus,
mm diam. No partial veil remnants
recognizable on the stipe fragments.
The topotypical material mentioned above (BO 99-355)
corresponds in all essential characters with the type specimens
gathered nearly 100 years ago by F.v. Höhnel. Macroscopically, the
most distinctive features are its habit and the blue-green colors on
ageing and handled specimens. In the field this
can readily
be mistaken for a taxon of
a widely distributed genus in
tropical-subtropical habitats in SE-Asia (Horak 1980, Gerhardt
Microscopically, however, Ps.
is clearly
separated by its non-metuloid cystidia and the lack of green-blue
crystals or incrustation (in KOH) at the apex of the cystidia.
Based upon the re-examination of the type specimen, Guzman
(1983) and Thomas & al. (2002) emphasize that Psilocybe subaeru-
ginascens and Ps.
are actually contaxic. It is
noteworthy, however, that Guzman (1995) has abandoned this
concept and subsequently accepted two independent taxa.
Our observations also demonstrate that morphologically these
two taxa are distinctly separated (cf. enclosed key). In addition,
Guzman (1983) refers to a Japanese collection which purportedly
represents the first Japanese record of
drawings of the basidiomes definitely do not relate to the original
descriptions of the two before-mentioned Javanese taxa. In the
meantime, Guzman (1995) accomodated the Japanese specimens in
the new taxon Ps. septentrionalis.
The fresh topotypical material of
allows for
the first time to present its distinctive, microscopical characters.
Under these circumstances the identity and concepts of several
blueing species recorded from Australia (Margot & Watling 1981;
©Verlag Ferdinand Berger & Söhne Ges.m.b.H., Horn, Austria, download unter
Chang & Mills 1992, Grgurinovic 1997) and New Zealand (Guzman,
Bandala & King 1991, 1993; Johnston
Buchanan 1995) are in need
of critical re-evaluation.
It is remarkable that Bogor (Buitenzorg) is also the type locality
of the second Javanese species with blueing and macroscopic-ally
similar basidiomes
viz. Ps.
As already
pointed out by Höhnel in the relevant protologues, these two taxa are
readily distinguished by the colors of the basidiomes and the shape of
the basidiospores.
(Höhnel) Singer & A.H. Sm., Myco-
logia 50:273. 1958.-Fig. 1: 7
Basionym. - Stropharia aerugineomaculans Höhnel, Fragm. Mykologie, 827.
Sitzungsberichte Kaiserlichen Akademie Wissenschaften Wien, Mathem.-Naturw.
Klasse, Mathem.-Naturw. Klasse
30. 1914.
Translation of German-written protologue: "Stropharia aerugineomaculans
Höhnel. - Pile us up to 40 mm diam., umbonate-campanulate, centre dark blue,
pale reddish grey towards substriate margin, smooth. - Lamellae adnate,
moderately crowded, 4 -
mm wide, olive-yellow, mottled. - Stipe up to
2 mm, cylindrical, white, apex subfloccosc, otherwise smooth, shiny, hollow.
Ring membranaceous, small, white. - Spore print dark fuscous or black. -
Basidiospores 10 x 6 urn or 7 x 5 urn, heart-shaped or sublimoniform in face
view, depressed in side view, apex with papilla. - Upon bruising the color of the
basidiomes turns to pale green-blue. - On rotten wood. - Holotypus. - Indonesia,
Java, Buitenzorg, 1907, leg. Höhnel B
Etymology: aerugineus (Lat.) - greenblue; maculans (Lat.):
becoming spotted.
Specimens examined:
Bogor (Buitenzorg), 1907-08, leg.
Höhnel B 1771 (holotype, FH).
Habitat and Ecology: Saprobic. - On rotten wood, in tropical-
lowland broadleaf forest.
Distribution: Indonesia: Java.
Discussion: Because of its blueing basidiomes Ps.
maculans is considered to be psychoactive (Singer
Smith 1958).
The type specimen of this Javanese species is in fragmentary
condition and consists of one half of one fragmented basidiome only.
The dark brown pileus is about 11mm diam., convex and with-
out conical centre or papilla. The stipe is lacking any partial
veil remnants. The basidiospores 8.5 - 10.5 x
x 5.5 - 6.0 urn are
distinctly rhomboid to submitriform in face view, inequilaterally
ellipsoid in side view and truncate with a broad germ pore. The
©Verlag Ferdinand Berger & Söhne Ges.m.b.H., Horn, Austria, download unter
smooth, dark orange-brown walls (in
3 %
KOH) are about 0.6 -1.0 urn
thick. Basidia 4-spored. All hymenial cystidia are collapsed, and did
not revive. Pileipellis a thin ixocutis of repent, radially arranged,
parallel, cylindrical hyphae, 3.5-6 jim diam., walls hyaline, smooth,
non-incrusted, gelatinized. The hypodermium is composed of cylin-
drical, hyaline to pale yellow hyphae up to
|im diam.
The type locality of this conspicuous agaric with blueing
basidiomes is situated in the Bogor Botanical Garden (cf.
During numerous occasions the authors collected mush-
rooms at this locality but this striking species was not found again.
Unfortunately, the type material is poorly preserved and accordingly
the actual size and shape of the cheilocystidia and pleurocystidia still
remain a mystery.
Further discussion under
Psilocybe mendica
E. Horak
Desjardin, sp. nov. - Fig. 2:1-6
Pileus 5-12 mm diam., convexus dein applanatus, semper papilla acuta
instructus, ochraceus vel argillaceus, innate fibrillosus, marginem versus squamulis
minutis, subpersistentibus e velo obtectus, siccus. Lamellae late adnatae vel
subdecurrentes, brunneae vel distincte lilacinae, angustae. Stipes 10-20x
0.5 -
mm, cylindricus, aequalis, pileo concolor, minute fibrillosus. Cortina nulla.
Odor sapoque nulli. Basidiosporae 5.5-
x 4 - 4.5 x 3.5-4 urn, subovoideae vel
ellipsoideae, tenuitunicatae, poro germinativo instructae. Cheilocystidia (15-) 17-
30 x
-15 (im, hyalina, tenuitunicata, utriformia vel late fusoidea, interdum
apicaliter mucronata. Pleurocystidia nulla. Pileipellis ex hyphis cylindraceis, haud
gelatinosis, cutem formantibus. Fibulae praesentes. Ad frustula, in silvis montanis
tropicalibusque. Holotypus. - Indonesia (Java), leg. E. Horak 8436 (isotypi XAL,
-12 mm diam., convex at first, later expanded or
concave with margin up-turned, always with a distinctive, sharply
pointed papilla, ochre to beige when moist, becoming paler when
dried, hygrophanous, innately fibrillose, margin non-striate. - Veil
remnants scarce and inconspicuous, forming pallid, small, triangular,
fibrillose and ephemerous squamules towards margin of pileus. -
Lamellae 32-40 reaching stipe, lamellulae in
series, broadly
adnate to subdecurrent, less than
mm wide, brown with a distinctive
lilac tint, even edges concolorous. - Stipe
x 0.5 -
cylindrical, equal, concolorous with pileus, minutely fibrillose,
dry, hollow, flexible, solitary, remnants of veil absent. - Context
concolorous with pileus, not staining. Odor and taste not distinctive.
Spore print brown, with distinctive lilac tint. - Basidio-
spores 5.5 -
x 4-4.5 x 3.5-4 |im, subovoid (to subrhomboid) in
face view, ellipsoid in side view, thin-walled, smooth, pale yellow-
brown, with distinctive germ pore. - Basidia
-25 x
4-spored, hyaline, subclavate, occasionally with median constriction.-
©Verlag Ferdinand Berger & Söhne Ges.m.b.H., Horn, Austria, download unter
Fig. 2.
- ö: Psüocybe mendica (holotype): 1. Basidiomes. - 2. Basidio.spores. -
Basidia. - 4. Cheilocystidia. - 5. Caulocystidia. - 6. Veil, pileipellis and subpellis. -
Scale bar: 10 mm (1), 5 (Am (2), 10 (.im (3,4), 20|im(5, 6).
Cheilocystidia (15 -) 20 -
35 x 7
- 13 um, hyaline, thin-walled,
polymorphic, shape ranging from vesiculose to broadly ventricose,
broadly fusoid or utriform, apex lacking mucro. - Pleurocystidia
absent. Caulocystidia clavate to subfusoid or cylindrical, in-
conspicuous. - Subhymenium composed of hyaline to yellowish,
thin-walled hyphae, 5-13 |im diam. - Trama subregular, composed
of hyaline or yellowish hyphae, 3.5 - 17 (-21) urn diam. - Hyphae of
veil 1.5-3 (im diam. - Pileipellis a cutis composed of cylindrical,
non-gelatinized, thin-walled hyphae,
urn diam., encrusted with
pale brown pigment. - Subpellis composed of ovoid, hyaline or
yellowish cells, 10-16 urn diam. - Hyphae of veil remnants (on
pileus surface) cylindrical, hyaline, 1,5-3 (im diam., terminal cells not
differentiated. -Clamp connections present.
©Verlag Ferdinand Berger & Söhne Ges.m.b.H., Horn, Austria, download unter
Etymology: mendicus (Lat.) - poor, inconspicous.
Specimens examined:
Bali, Bedugul, Lake Bratan, trail
to Mt. Catur, 16 Jan 2000, leg. E.Horak ZT 8436 (holotype, BO, isotype XAL). -
Bali, Bedugul, Eka Karya Botanical Garden, 17 Jan 2000, leg. E.Horak 8437
(BO 00-258, ZT).
Habitat and Ecology: Saprobic. - On rotting organic debris
(leaves, twigs) of dicot trees, gregarious, in tropical-montane
broadleaf rain forest, 1350 m alt.
Distribution: Indonesia: Bali (recorded only from and near the
type locality).
Discussion: Psilocybe mendica is well characterized by its
minute basidiomes. Taxonomically, it belongs to sect. Pratenses
because of its subovoid or ellipsoid, thin-walled basidiospores and the
lack of pleurocystidia (Guzman 1983, 1995). The taxon is well
separated from other members in this section by the polymorphic and
comparatively large and broad cheilocystidia.
Psilocybe mendica and Ps.
Guzman & E. Horak
(1979) from Papua New Guinea represent the first two tropical
species in sect. Pratenses so far described from SE-Asian localities.
The two taxa of rather small-sized basidiomes are readily
distinguished by the shape of the pileus viz. with sharply acute
papilla in Ps. mendica, in contrast to the blunt umbo in
Furthermore, Ps. mendica is distinctly separated by
the presence of conspicuous, appendiculate veil remnants on the
pileus margin and the basidiospores ovoid in face view.
Psilocybe largicystidiata E. Horak & Desjardin, sp. nov. - Fig. 3:
Pileus 9-18 mm diam, convexus dein applanatus vel concavus,
subumbonatus, brunneus, siccitate argillaceus vel albidus, marginem versus
squamulis minutis subpersistentibus e velo obtectus, siccus. Lamellae adnatae vel
subdecurrentes, argillaceae, fimbriatae. Stipes 10-20x1-2 mm, cylindricus,
basim versus incrassatus, apicaliter pileo concolor, gradatim fuscus basim versus,
albofibrillosus. Cortina nulla. Odor saporque nulli. Basidiosporae 5.5 - 6.5 (-7) x
4x3-3.5|0.m, oblongae vel subellipsoideae, tenuitunicatae, poro germinativo
instructae. Cheilocystidia 17- 35 x 8- 12 |jm, ex clavato subfusoidea, hyalina,
tenuitunicata. Pleurocystidia
-) 50 - 60 x
- 12 (im, conspicua, lageniformia
vel fusoidea. Pileipellis ex hyphis cylindraceis, haud gelatinosis, cutem formantibus.
Fibulae praesentes. Ad frustula, in silvis montanis tropicalibusque. Holotypus. -
Indonesia (Java), leg. E. Horak 8845 (BO
- 34, isotypi XAL, ZT).
Pileus 9-18 mm diam, at first convex, later becoming expanded
or concave with up-turned margin, center subumbonate, margin
strongly pellucid-striate, date brown when moist, old or drying paler
©Verlag Ferdinand Berger & Söhne Ges.m.b.H., Horn, Austria, download unter
Fig. 3. 1-7:
largicystidiata (holotype):
Basidiomes. -
Basidiospores. -
Basidia. - 4. Cheilocystidia. - 5. Pleurocystidia. - 6. Caulocystidia. - 7. Veil,
pileipellis and subpellis. - Scale bar: 10 mm (1),
(im (2), 10 |im
4, 5), 20 (im (6, 7).
or off white, strongly hygrophanous, centre minutely rugulose,
dry. - Veil remnants scarce and inconspicuous, forming whitish,
small, triangular, fibrillose squamules towards margin of pileus. -
Lamellae 20-26 reaching stipe, lamellulae in
series, broadly
adnate to subdecurrent, beige-brown, edges subfimbriate, up to
2.5 mm wide. - Stipe
x 1
-2 mm, cylindrical, towards base
©Verlag Ferdinand Berger & Söhne Ges.m.b.H., Horn, Austria, download unter
slightly swollen, apex concolorous with pileus or paler as lamellae,
gradually dark brown to fuscous at base, dry, hollow in mature
specimens, with inconspicuous basal tomentum attached to substrate,
solitary. - Veil remnants on stipe whitish, fibrillose. - Context
concolorous with pileus, not staining. - Odor and taste not
Spore print brown, lilac tint absent. - Basidiospores 5.5-
6.5 (-7) x
- 3.5 urn, oblong (both in face view and side view),
thin-walled, smooth, pale j^ellowish brown, with conspicuous germ
- Basidia (13-)
urn, 4-spored, hyaline, sub-
ventricose. - Cheilocystidia
jim hyaline, clavate or
subfusiform to utriform, occasionally bluntly rostrate. - Pleuro-
cystidia (40-) 50 -
x (8-)
- 12 um, numerous, hyaline, lageni-
formto fusoid. -Caulocystidia 18-35 x 6- 10 um, scattered, poly-
morphic, similar to cheilocystidia. - Subhymenium composed of
subcellular or cylindrical, hyaline hyphae, 3-8 urn diam. - Hyphae
stipe 3-10 urn diam., walls hyaline, smooth or encrusted. - Trama
subregular, composed of hyaline or yellowish hyphae, 2-8 um diam. -
Hyphae of veil 1.5-3 urn diam. - Pileipellis a cutis composed of
cylindrical, non-gelatinized, hyaline hyphae, 3-6 um diam., pigment
encrusting. - Subpellis composed of polymorphic, globose, ovoid or
broadly cylindrical hyphae, 5-20 um diam. Hyphae of veil remnants
on pileus surface cylindrical, hyaline, 2-3 jim diam., terminal cells
not differentiated. -Clamp connections present.
Etymology: largus (Lat.) - large; cystidatus (Lat.) - with
Specimens examined:
Java, Mt. Halimun National Park,
Cikaniki Field Station, 8 Jan 2001, leg. E. Horak 8845 (Holotypus. - BO
- 34,
isotypes XAL, ZT).
Habitat and Ecology: Saprobic. - Scattered, probably on a
rotten stem of tree fern, in tropical-montane broadleaf rain forest,
1050 m alt.
Distribution: Indonesia: Java (recorded only from type
Discussion: Because to the thin-walled, oblong spores and
the exceedingly long, thin-walled and numerous pleurocystidia,
Psilocybe largicystidiata is an outstanding species readily accom-
modated in sect. Singerianae (Guzman 1983, 1995). Microscopically,
the Javanese species is reminiscent of Ps. laticystis Guzman &
A.H. Sm. (1978) whose pleurocystidia, however, are 10- 19 urn diam.
and sometimes subglobose to pyriform. In addition, Ps. laticystis,
another species with large pleurocystidia so far only recorded from
©Verlag Ferdinand Berger & Söhne Ges.m.b.H., Horn, Austria, download unter
the Northwestern USA (Guzman 1983), is separated from the
Indonesian taxon by the gelatinized pileipellis (ixocutis).
E. Horak
Desjardin, sp. nov. - Fig. 4:
- 5
Pileus 20 - 40 mm, primo conicus dein convexus vel applanatus, semper papilla
acuta instructus, fuscus vel fuliginosus, conspicue radialiter striatosulcatus.
Lamellae adnatae vel subemarginatae, ochraceoferrugineae vel fuliginosae, haud
fimbriatae. Stipes 40 - 50 x
- 4 mm, cylindricus, pallide ochraceus vel fuscus,
glaber. Cortina nulla. Odor saporque farinacei. Basidiosporae
- 5.5 (-
6) x
4.5 -
5-4 urn, frontaliter rhomboideae vel mitriformes, lateraliter ovoideae, fuligineae,
crassetunicatae, poro germinativo instructae. Cheilocystidia 22-35 (-40) x 10- 15
(-20) urn, clavata, vesiculosa vel subutriformia, hyalina. Pleurocystidia nulla.
Pileipellis ex hyphis cylindraceis, haud gelatinosis, cutem formantibus, pigmento
brunneo instructis. Fibulae praesentes. Ad terram nudam, in silvis montanis
tropicalibusque. Holotypus. - Indonesia (Java), leg. E. Horak 7326 (BO 99-203,
isotypi XAL, ZT).
Pileus 20-40 mm diam., at first conical, becoming convex to
expanded, always with prominent, acutely pointed papilla, dark date
brown to fuliginous when moist, ochraceous when dry, hygrophanous,
strongly radially folded-striate from centre to margin, dry, rather
tough-membranaceous, veil remnants absent. - Lamellae 35-50
reaching stipe, lamellulae in
-)5 series, adnate, 2-5 mm wide, at
first rust brown or ochraceous, becoming fuscous to fuliginous with
occasionally with violaceous tinge in old specimens, even edges
concolorous. - Stipe 40 - 50 x
mm, cylindrical, occasionally
gradually enlarged into base, slender, pale ochraceous to dark brown,
smooth, tough, fistulöse. - Veil remnants absent. - Context white
beneath center of pileus, otherwise orange brown, especially in rind of
tough, not staining. - Odor and taste farinaceous, raphanoid
or resembling crushed corn.
Spore print fuscous, lilac tint absent. - Basidiospores
- 5.5 (-
6) x
4.5 -
5 x
3.5 -
urn, rhomboid or mitriform in face view,
oblong in side view, thick-walled (up to
um thick), smooth, dark
brown to fuliginous, opaque, with distinctive germ pore. - Basidia
15-25 x4-6 urn, 4-spored, cylindrical to subclavate, often with
median constriction, hyaline. - Cheilocystidia 22-35(-40)x
- 15 (-20) |im, polymorphic, broadly clavate, vesiculose, broadly
fusoid or broadly utriform, thin-walled, hyaline. -Pleurocystidia
absent. - Subhymenium composed of globose or subglobose cell,
up to 55 urn diam., thick-walled, walls encrusted with brownish
pigment. - Trama composed of subglobose or subcylindrical, thick-
walled cells,
urn diam. - Hyphae of stipe cylindrical, 4-12 urn
diam., hyaline, encrusted with brownish pigment. -Pileipellis a
cutis composed of cylindrical, non-gelatinized, hyaline, thin-walled
hyphae, 2-3 |am diam. - Subpellis composed of conspicuous, globose
©Verlag Ferdinand Berger & Söhne Ges.m.b.H., Horn, Austria, download unter
Fig. 4. 1-5: Psilocybe eximia (holotype): 1. Basidiomes. - 2. Basidiospores. -
Basidia. - 4. Cheilocystidia. - 5. Pileipellis and subpellis. - Scale bar: 10 mm (1),
5 um (2), 10
(3,4), 20 ^m (5).
to ovoid cells up to 55 um diam., with brown walls up to
thick. - Clamp connections present.
Etymology: eximius (Lat.) - outstanding.
Specimens examinded:
Java, Mt. Halimun National Park,
ca. 1000-1100 m, near Cikaniki Field Station, 10 Jan 1999, leg. E. Horak 7326
©Verlag Ferdinand Berger & Söhne Ges.m.b.H., Horn, Austria, download unter
(Holotypus. - BO 99-203, isotypes XAL, ZT); same locality, 9 Jan 2001, leg.
D.Desjardin & A.Wilson 7207 (BO, SFSU); same locality, 11 Jan 2001, leg.
Desjardin 7234 (BO, SFSU).
Pahang Province, Fraser's Hill, along Jalan Air Terjun, road to
Jeriau Waterfall, in tropical montane broadleaf forest, 9 Jan 2006, leg. D. Desjardin
Habitat and Ecology: Saprobic. - Scattered on bare, muddy
soil among moss, ferns, grasses and litter, in tropical-montane
broadleaf rain forest dominated by Castanopsis-Quercus, 1000-
1100 m alt. (type material).
Distribution: Indonesia: Java (recorded only from type
locality). - Malaysia.
Discussion: Because of the rhomboid, thick-walled basidio-
spores in combination with the peculiar farinaceous or raphanoid
odor of the basidiomes, Psilocybe eximia clearly belongs to sect.
Cordisporae (Guzman 1983). In addition, the globose to vesiculose
cheilocystidia distinctly separate this species from all other described
taxa accommodated in sect. Cordisporae (Guzman 1995).
6. Psilocybe
Desjardin, sp. nov. - Fig. 5:1-7
Pileus 5-10 mm, eonvexus dein applanatus, semper papilla acuta instructus,
fuscus, siccitate aurantius vel ochraceus, dense fibrillis concoloribus e velo
obtectus, siccus. Lamellae adnexae, angustae, primo fuscae (lilacino tinctae) dein
lateritiobrunneae. Stipes 6- 12 x 0.5 - 0.8 mm, cylindricus, pileo concolor vel
fuligineofuscus, basim versus subfloccosus velutinusque. Cortina nulla. Odor
saporque nulli. Basidiosporae 4.5 - 5.5 x 4 -
- 3.5 |im, frontaliter rhomboideae
vel mitriformes, lateraliter ovatae, crassetunicatae, opacae, fuscae, poro
germinativo instructae. Cheilocystidia 15-25 x 3.5 -
|im, fusoidea, apicaliter
saepe ramosa, hyalina. Pleurocystidia 16-25 x
(am, clavata, rarissime
mucronata, tenui- vel crassetunicata, pigmento luteobrunneo reiractivoque impleta.
Pileipellis ex hyphis cylindraceis, haud gelatinosis cutem formantibus, pigmento
brunneo incrustatis. Subpellis haud cellularis. Fibulae praesentes. Ad frustula.
Holotypus. -Indonesia (Java), leg. E. Horak 7311 (BO 99- 130, isotypi XAL, ZT).
Pileus 5-10 mm diam, at first convex becoming expanded,
centre depressed in old specimens, always with acute, conical papilla,
deep date brown when moist, drying becoming pale ochraceus,
papilla remaining orange-brown, hygrophanous, margin non-striate,
dry, densely covered with concolorous, coarse, non-persisting fibrils
of veil. - Lamellae 32 - 40 reaching stipe, lamellulae in
adnexed, very narrow, up to
mm wide, tobacco brown with faint
lilac tint, becoming dark brick brown, concolorous edges fimbriate. -
- 12 x 0.5 - 0.8 mm, cylindrical, curved, concolorous with
pileus or fuscous, base with white mycelium, apex smooth to
subpruinose, subvelutinous to floccose towards base, solid, tough,
©Verlag Ferdinand Berger & Söhne Ges.m.b.H., Horn, Austria, download unter
Fig. 5. 1-7: Psüocybe overeemii (holotype): 1. Basidiomes. - 2. Basidiospores. -
Basidia. -
Cheilocystidia. - 5. Pleurocystidia. - 6. Caulocystidia. - 7. Pileipellis
and subpellis. - Scale bar: 10 mm (1),
\im (2), 10 |im (3, 4, 5), 20 um (6, 7).
dry. - Veil remnants absent on stipe. -Context concolorous with
pileus, tough. - Odor and taste unknown.
Spore print dark brown with faint lilac tint. -Basidiospores
4-5 x
- 3.5 |im, rhomboid or mitriform in face view,
oblong in side view, thick-walled (up to
|im diam.), smooth, dark
brown to fuliginous, opaque, germ pore distinctive. - Basidia 15-17
x 5 -
(im, 4-spored, subcylindrical, usually with median
constriction, hyaline. - Cheilocystidia
x 3.5 -
|im, fusoid
or sublageniform with slender neck, frequently irregularly branched,
hyaline, thin-walled. - Pleurocystidia 16-
- 10 urn, clavate,
with mucro at apex present or absent, thin- or thick-walled (at apex
and/or at base), hyaline, with yellow-brown, strongly refractive
content (chrysocystidia-like). - Caulocystidia scattered, poly-
morphic, not distinctive. - Subhymenium subcellular, with hyaline to
yellowish elements, 3-6 |im diam. - Trama subregular, composed of
hyaline, yellowish or brownish hyphae,
|im diam. - Hyphae
of stipe 2-9 jam diam., strongly encrusted with brown pigment. -
Pileipellis a cutis composed of 2-6|im diam., thin-walled,
©Verlag Ferdinand Berger & Söhne Ges.m.b.H., Horn, Austria, download unter
brownish yellow, non-gelatinized hyphae, encrusted with brown
pigment. - Subpellis poorly developed, composed of hyaline or
yellowish, 3-5 urn diam. hyphae. Hyphae of veil remnants on pileus
surface cylindrical, hyaline, 2-3 urn diam., terminal cells not differ-
entiated. -Context composed of subglobose to ovoid cells, 5-12 urn
diam., encrusted with pigment. -Clamp connections present.
Etymology: Named after the Dutch mycologist C. van Overeem.
Specimens examined:
Java, Mt. Halimun National Park, 1200 m,
near Cikaniki Field Station, 8 Jan 1999, leg. E. Horak 7311 (Holotypus. - BO
99 - 130, isotypes XAL, ZT). - Bogor, Botanical Garden (?), leg. Overeem (paintings
only in BO).
Habitat and Ecology: Saprobic. - Scattered, on rotten debris
of dicot trees, in tropical-montane broadleaf rain forest under
Castanopsis-Quercus, about 1200 m alt. (probably also in tropical-
lowland forest).
Distribution: Indonesia: Bali (recorded only from type locality).
Discussion: As pointed out in the key, Psilocybe overeemii is
characterized by the distinctly rhomboid-mitriform, thick-walled
basidiospores and conspicuous, clavate chrysocystidia-like pleuro-
cystidia. Thus this taxon is closely related with the sympatric
aureicystidiata (described below). The two species, however, are
readily separated by the size and shape of the basidiomes and by the
presence and distribution of veil remnants on pileus and stipe.
In C. van Overeem's collection of watercolor paintings (kept in
plate 323 clearly depicts the present species, probably found
in the Botanical Garden of Bogor. Unfortunately, no specimens
are preserved but the well-executed drawings relating to the
macroscopical and microscopical characters support the identity of
this record. Accordingly, the taxon is named in honor of the Dutch
mycologist C. van Overeem
1927) who worked as Curator at
the Herbarium Bogoriense for several years.
Psilocybe aureicystidiata E. Horak & Desjardin, spec. nov. - Fig. 6:
Pileus 15-30 mm, convexus vel campanulatus, papilla acuta instructus,
brunneus, siccitate argillaceus, marginem versus squamulis conspicuis per-
sistentibus e velo obtectus, siccus. Lamellae adnatae vel subdecurrentes, densae,
angustae, pallide argillaceae vel fuscae. Stipes 30-40x5-2 mm, cylindricus,
pileo concolor, apicaliter pruinosus, annulo subpersistenti et zonis fibrillosis
rufobrunneis ochraceis vel albidis e velo dense obtectus. Odor saporque nulli.
Basidiosporae (4.5-) 5-5.5 (-6) x 4-5 x (3-) 3.5-4 jim, frontaliter rhomboideae
vel mitriformes, lateralitcr ovoideae, crassetunicatae, poro germinativo instructae.
©Verlag Ferdinand Berger & Söhne Ges.m.b.H., Horn, Austria, download unter
Fig. 6. 1-8: Psilocybe aureicystidiata (holotype): 1. Basidiomes. - 2. Basidio-
spores. -
Basidia. - 4. Cheilocystidia. - 5. Pleurocystidia. - 6. Caulocystidia. -
Pileipellis and subpellis. - Scale
5 \xm
20 |im
Cheilocystidia (15-) 20-32 x
um, fusiformia, apicaliter interdum constricta
vel ramosa, hyalina. Pleurocystidia (15 -) 20 -32 x
- 12 um, clavata vel late
fusiformia, distincte mucronata, pigmento luteo conspicue impleta. Pileipellis ex
hyphis cylindraceis, haud gelatinosis, cutem formantibus. Fibulae praesentes. Ad
frustula, in silvis montanis tropicalibusque. Holotypus. - Indonesia (Java), leg.
E. Horak 7034 (BO 98-92, isotypi XAL, ZT).
mm diam, at first hemispherical to convex,
becoming campanulate, apex with sharply pointed papilla, date
brown to pale liver brown when moist, fading to argillaceous, weakly
hygrophanous, smooth or radially wrinkled, innately fibrillose,
©Verlag Ferdinand Berger & Söhne Ges.m.b.H., Horn, Austria, download unter
dry, densely covered with appressed, fibrillose to squamulose,
persistent, pale reddish brown, pale ochre or whitish veil remnants
towards the non-striate margin. - Lamellae 40 -
reaching stipe,
lamellulae in
- 15 series, adnate or subdecurrent, densely crowded,
narrow (-1.5 mm wide), at first pale argillaceous, becoming dark
tobacco brown or chocolate brown with age, occasionally with
reddish tints, edges fimbriate, paler concolorous or whitish. - Stipe
30 - 40 x 1.5 -
mm, cylindrical, equal, often curved, concolorous
with pileus, base dark brown, apex pruinose, dry, hollow, solitary. -
Veil remnants as persistent annulus or cortina, towards base densely
covered with girdles of appressed, fibrillose, persistent, reddish
brown or pale ochre zones of veil.-Context concolorous with pileus,
not staining. - Odor and taste not distinctive.
Spore print dark purple brown or fuscous, lilac tint absent. -
Basidiospores (4.5-)
-5.5 (-6)
x 4
-) 3.5 -4 urn, rhomboid
or mitriformin face view, oblong in side view, thick-walled (up to
smooth, dark brown to fuliginous, opaque, with distinct germ
- Basidia (12-)
20 x
4.5 -
urn, 4-spored, hyaline, sub-
clavate to cylindrical, with median constriction. - Cheilocystidia
(15 -)
32 x
urn, hyaline, fusiform to slender clavale, apex
mucronate or elongated, occasionally constricted. - Pleurocystidia
(15 -)
32 x 8
- 12 urn, clavate to broadly fusoid, apex distinctly
mucronate-rostrate, thin-walled, hyaline, in KOH or NH,OH with
strongly refractive content, chrysocystidia-like. - Caulocystidia
like cheilocystidia. - Subhymenium subcellular, composed of
5-12 urn diam., yellowish, thin-walled hyphae. - Trama subregular,
composed of hyaline or yellowish hyphae, 3.5 -
Jim diam. - Hyphae
of stipe 2-5 urn diam., densely covered with brown encrusting
pigment. - Pileipellis a cutis composed of cylindrical, non-gela-
tinized, hyaline hyphae,
urn diam. - Subpellis non-cellular,
composed of short-celled hyphae, 5-10 urn diam., strongly encrusted
with brown pigment. Hyphae of veil remnants on pileus surface
cylindrical, hyaline, 3-4 urn diam., terminal cells not differentiated or
occasionally subfusoid. - Clamp connections present.
Etymology: aureus (Lat.) - golden; cystidiatus (Lat.) - with
Specimens examined:
Java, Cibodas, trail to Mt. Gedeh,
between entrance and waterfalls, 10 Jan 1998, leg. E. Horak 7034 (Holutypus. -
BO 98-92, isotypes XAL, ZT). - Java, Mt. Halimun National Park, Cikaniki Field
Station, 8 Jan 1999, leg. E. & A. Horak 7310 (BO 99-129, ZT, XAL). - Lombok,
Sembalun Bumbung, Puncak, 29 Jan
leg. E.
A. Horak 9189 (ZT, XAL).
Additional material examined: SRI
Psilocybe goniospora (Berk. &
Broome) Singer, Peradeniya, Nov. 1868, Thwaites 835 (holotype, K); Psilocybe
lonchophora (Berk. & Broome) E. Horak ap. Guzman, Peradeniya, Dec. 1868,
Thwaites 835 (holotype, K).
©Verlag Ferdinand Berger & Söhne Ges.m.b.H., Horn, Austria, download unter
Habitat and Ecology: Saprobic. - Scattered, on rotten logs of
dicot trees, in tropical-montane broadleaf rain forest dominated
javanica-argentea and Quercus sp., between 1100-
1900 malt.
Distribution: Indonesia: Java (type), Lombok.
Discussion: Both macroscopically and microscopically,
Psilocybe aureicystidiata is an outstanding species. In young
specimens, the margin of the pileus is covered with conspicuous,
fibrillose or squamulose veil remnants. In addition, white veil
remnants are densely covering the stipe below the distinctive,
subpersistent cortina. Furthermore, this new species is readily
recognized by the prominent and numerous chrysocystidia-like
pleurocystidia that (in KOH or NH4OH) are filled with a strongly
refractive, yellowish content. Contrary to
pleurocystidia of
aureicystidiata are mucronate and thus recall
those reported for typical taxa of the genus
(Fr.) P. Kumm.
Because of the presence of the distinctive pleurocystidia,
and the before-listed
belong to the new
sect. Neocaledonicae, recently proposed by Guzman (2004).
In the field, the Indonesian
aureicystidiata can readily
mistaken for the Papuan Ps. brunneicystidiata Guzman & E. Horak
By comparison the large basidiomes of both species are
characterized by the acutely pointed papilla of the pilei covered with
copious, persistent, fibrillose-squamulose veil remnants and the
rhomboid-mitriform basidiospores which, however, are significantly
larger in Ps. brunneicystidiata as those reported for the confusingly
alike counterpart from Indonesia.
Distinctly mitriform basidiospores in combination with
chrysocystidia-like pleurocystidia have been also reported for the
Sri Lankan
(Berk. & Broome) Singer (1961) and
(Berk. & Broome) E. Horak ap. Guzman (1983). The
re-examination of the type material revealed, however, that the
basidiospores of these two, probably contaxic taxa (Pegler 1986) are
distinctly larger as compared to those of
Additional, unpublished Indonesian taxa of Psilocybe
The evaluation of the notes and drawings of C. van Overeem's
unpublished color painting (no. 324, kept in Herbarium BO) revealed
that in Psilocybe chrysocystidia-like pleurocystidia are not
exclusively linked to rhomboid and thick-walled basidiospores but
occur also in combination with ovoid, thin-walled basidiospores (cf.
sect. Chrysocystidiatae Singer). To date, specimens of this remarkable,
Javanese representative of Psilocybe were not rediscovered in the
©Verlag Ferdinand Berger & Söhne Ges.m.b.H., Horn, Austria, download unter
Javanese localities sampled by us. Eventually, fresh material of this
enigmatic species will allow the comparison with the putatively
Broome) E. Horak
Guzman described
from Sri Lanka (Pegler 1986).
E. Horak and D.E. Desjardin thank Atik Retnowati, Almut
Horak and Andy Wilson for their valuable assistance during
numerous collecting trips to Indonesia. The authors are also grateful
to Dr. G. Guzman (Xalapa, Mexico) for his critical comments to an
earlier draft version of this contribution. We also are indebted to the
Curator at Kew Herbarium (K, Great Britain) and the Farlow
Herbarium (FH, Harvard University, USA) for the loan of type
material relating to several taxa of Psilocybe.
This research was funded in part by US National Science
Foundation Grant DEB-9705083 to D.E. Desjardin and E. Horak.
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Guzman, G., Bandala, V.M., King, C. (1991) A new species of Psilocybe of section
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Notes Royal Botanical Garden Edinburgh
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(Manuscript accepted
©Verlag Ferdinand Berger & Söhne Ges.m.b.H., Horn, Austria, download unter
Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database
Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature
Zeitschrift/Journal: Sydowia
Jahr/Year: 2006
Band/Volume: 58
Autor(en)/Author(s): Horak Egon, Desjardin Dennis E.
Artikel/Article: Agaricales of Indonesia. 6. Psilocybe (Strophariaceae) from
Indonesia (Java, Bali, Lombok). 15-37
... This confusion may be explained by the bad conditions of both type materials and few recent materials collected. Horak & Desjardin (2006), based on recollected fresh material of P. subaeruginascens, reinforced the separation of the two taxa, being distinguished also by basidiospore shape (subrhomboid to subhexagonal in P. subaeruginascens and mitriform to rhomboid in P. aerugineomaculans). Based on the description of Singer & Smith (1958) and Horak & Desjardin (2006), as well as the study of the type material, we agree with the separation of the two species and concluded that our material represents P. subaeruginascens. ...
... Horak & Desjardin (2006), based on recollected fresh material of P. subaeruginascens, reinforced the separation of the two taxa, being distinguished also by basidiospore shape (subrhomboid to subhexagonal in P. subaeruginascens and mitriform to rhomboid in P. aerugineomaculans). Based on the description of Singer & Smith (1958) and Horak & Desjardin (2006), as well as the study of the type material, we agree with the separation of the two species and concluded that our material represents P. subaeruginascens. ...
... Stuntzae Guzmán, by basidiospores shape, presence of annulus and bluing reaction. Although both authors considered the species coprophilous, Horak & Desjardin (2006) also found specimens on soil, as the material here presented. ...
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Ten species of Deconica and Psilocybe are reported from the Pampa and Atlantic Forest biomes of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. Deconica musacearum, a new introduced combination, is reported as new from Rio Grande do Sul. Psilocybe subaeruginascens, a hallucinogenic mushroom is reported as new from America.
... Remarks: Because of the color of both pleuro-and cheilocystidia, P. subbrunneocystidiata belongs to Psilocybe sect. Brunneocystidiatae Guzmán, where all the known members are caerulescent and have a noteworthy tropical distribution (Guzmán 1983(Guzmán , 1995Horak & Desjardin 2006). Moreover all these species are considered as hallucinogenic following the concept of Guzman (1983). ...
... Psilocybe brunneocystidiata Guzmán & E. Horak, from Papua New Guinea (Guzmán & Horak 1978, Horak 2006, differs in the papillate and squamulose pileus, annulate stipe, pleurocystidia of one type only. Psilocybe neocaledonica Guzmán & E. Horak, from New Caledonia (Guzmán & Horak 1978, Horak 2006, and P. aureicystidiata E. Horak & Desjardin, from Indonesia (Horak & Desjardin 2006), are also phenetically similar species but they differ mainly in the chrysocystidium-like pleurocystidia with a central yellow refractive body. ...
... Brunneocystidiatae, which is a remarkably southern hemisphere austral group. Psilocybe subbrunneocystidiata supports the relationship between the Australasian and South American Psilocybe mycobiotas discussed by Guzmán (1983), Guzmán & Horak (1978) and Horak & Desjardin (2006). ...
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A new southern Brazilian species, Psilocybe subbrunneocystidiata, is described from Rio Grande do Sul State. This species is placed in sect. Brunneocystidiatae according to its colored cystidia and subrhomboid basidiospores. All members of Psilocybe sect. Brunneocystidiatae are tropical and hallucinogenic.
... Apart from the section Cubensae, P. subaeruginascens Höhn. from Indonesia (Höhnel 1914;Guzmán 1983;Horak and Desjardin 2006) and Japan (Nagasawa 1987) bears a superficial resemblance to P. capitulata, although it is distinct in possessing rhomboid basidiospores, producing well-developed, broadly fusoid-ventricose pleurocystidia, and lacking pilocystidia. Psilocybe subannulata E. Horak and Guzmán from Puerto Rico ) is also similar to P. capitulata in appearance. ...
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Two new species of Agaricales and a new Japanese record for Chaetocalathus fragilis from Ishigaki Island, a southwestern island of Japan, are fully described and illustrated: (1) Crinipellis (section Grisentinae) rhizomorphica sp. nov. produces brownish orange, fibrillosesquamulose basidiomata accompanied by white thread-like rhizomorphs on the dead twig, olivaceous hairs in KOH, and oblong-ellipsoid, relatively long basidiospores; (2) Chaetocalathus (section Holocystis) fragilis is a new record for Japan, growing on the dead twig; (3) Psilocybe (section Cubensae) capitulata sp. nov. forms a furfuraceous- squamulose pileus, cyanescent flesh, a persistent, membranous annulus, capitulate pilocystidia, and has a coprophilous habit on cow dung.
... Horak & Desjardin from Java (Horak & Desjardin, 2006). Later, based on a morphological study, Ramírez-Cruz, Guzmán, and Guzmán-Dávalos (2012b) proposed its synonymy with D. neocaledonica (Guzmán & E. Horak) ...
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Deconica cokeriana is proposed as a new combination based on morphological and molecular data. This species is fully described, discussed, and illustrated. Until now, D. cokeriana is only known from the eastern USA, specifically from Connecticut, Georgia, Ohio, and Tennessee.
... Chrysocystidiatae Singer (1986), differing from Hypholoma, also with chrysocystidia, by having hygrophanous pilei and basidiomata of different shape. For some authors (Guzmán 2004, Horak & Desjardin 2006, Horak et al. 2009), the occurrence of chrysocystidia in Psilocybe s.l. is restricted to tropical and subtropical bluing species, in Psilocybe sect. Ne­ ocaledonicae. ...
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Based on the study of type specimens, we conclude that Psilocybe subbrunneocystidiata is a synonym of P. neorhombispora. Because of its non-bluing nature, it belongs in Deconica and is named Deconica neorhombispora, comb. nov. It is re-described, discussed and illustrated.
... In Psilocybe s.l., interpretation of chrysocystidia has been controversial. Singer (1986) and Horak and Desjardin (2006) indicated their presence, but Guzmán (1983Guzmán ( , 1995 interpreted their absence. Later, Guzmán (2004) proposed the bluing sect. ...
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The genus Psilocybe contains iconic species of fungi renowned for their hallucinogenic properties. Recently, Psilocybe also included non-hallucinogenic species that have since been shifted to the genus Deconica. Here, we reconstruct a multigene phylogeny for Psilocybe, Deconica, and other exemplars of the families Hymenogastraceae and Strophariaceae sensu stricto (s. str.), using three nuclear markers (nLSU-rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, and rpb1). Our results confirm the monophyly of Deconica within Strophariaceae s. str., as well as numerous robust infrageneric relationships. Psilocybe is also recovered as a monophyletic group in the Hymenogastraceae, in which two principal lineages are recognized, including several nested subgroups. Most sections of Psilocybe following classifications based on morphological features are not supported in these analyses. Ancestral character state reconstruction analyses suggest that basidiospore shape in frontal view and spore wall thickness, commonly used to characterize sections in Deconica and Psilocybe, are homoplastic. Chrysocystidia, sterile cells located in the hymenium, evolved on at least two occasions in the Strophariaceae s. str., including in a novel lineage of Deconica.
Three new species of Psilocybe (Ps. fibrillosipes, Ps. megacystis, Ps. simplex) collected in tropical-montane, broadleaf rain forests in Papua New Guinea are fully described, illustrated and discussed. A key is provided to identify the 8 species so far recorded from Papua New Guinea.
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A revision of 40 types from ten herbaria is presented to contribute to the taxonomic understanding of Psilocybe and Deconica. In all cases, descriptions of the types were completed, with characters not previously included such as the presence of pileocystidia, subhymenium type, and arrangement of the hyphae from pileus trama. We found that P. chiapanensis and P. subyungensis are synonyms of P. yungensis, P. bipleurocystidiata of P. subtropicalis, P. subacutipilea of P. mexicana, P. ochreata of D. montana, and P. overeemii is a synonym of D. neocaledonica. Also, five species that were formerly considered to be bluing actually correspond to the nonhallucinogenic genus Deconica: Psilocybe aureicystidiata, P. goniospora, P. neocaledonica, P. ochreata, and P. overeemii. Thus, the new combinations Deconica aureicystidiata, comb, nov., and Deconica neocaledonica, comb, nov., are proposed.
A revision of 40 types from ten herbaria is presented to contribute to the taxonomic understanding of Psilocybe and Deconica. In all cases, descriptions of the types were completed, with characters not previously included such as the presence of pileocystidia, subhymenium type, and arrangement of the hyphae from pileus trama. We found that P. chiapanensis and P. subyungensis are synonyms of P. yungensis, P. bipleurocystidiata of P. subtropicalis, P. subacutipilea of P. mexicana, P. ochreata of D. montana, and P. overeemii is a synonym of D. neocaledonica. Also, five species that were formerly considered to be bluing actually correspond to the nonhallucinogenic genus Deconica: Psilocybe aureicystidiata, P. goniospora, P. neocaledonica, P. ochreata, and P. overeemii. Thus, the new combinations Deconica aureicystidiata, comb. nov., and Deconica neocaledonica, comb. nov., are proposed.
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Horak E, Guzman G. & Desjardin D.E. (2009). Four new-species of Psilocybe from Malaysia and Thailand, with a key to the species of sect; Neocaledonicae and discussion on the distribution of the tropical and temperate species. - Sydowia 61 (1): 25-37. The present paper is divided into four parts. A. New species with bluing tints on the basidiomes (Psilocybe magnispora, Ps. umbrina, Ps. thailandensis). - B. New species lacking bluing tints on the basidiomes (Psilocybe deconicoides). - C. An updated key of species at present referred to Psilocybe sect. Neocaledonicae. D. Discussion on the distribution of tropical and temperate species of Psilocybe. Key words: Basidiomycotina, taxonomy, mycogeography.
Three new species of Psilocybe (Ps. fibrillosipes, Ps. megacystis, Ps. simplex) collected in tropical-montane, broadleaf rain forests in Papua New Guinea are fully described, illustrated and discussed. A key is provided to identify the 8 species so far recorded from Papua New Guinea.
The new cyphelloid genus Lecanocybe, with a single species L. lateralis, is described from material collected in Java and the Hawaiian Islands. Micromorphology suggests that Lecanocybe is allied with the genus Mycena. A comprehensive description, illustrations, and comparisons with phenetically similar taxa are provided.
Thirty-seven species of Marasmius are reported from Java and Bali. Comprehensive descriptions, illustrations, and comparisons with phenetically similar taxa are provided, as is a dichotomous key to aid in their identification. Twelve taxa are described as new: Marasmius araucariae var. siccipes, M. berambutanus, M. cladophyllus var. tjibodensis, M. cohaerens var. orientalis, M. coklatus, M. dicandinus, M. halimunensis, M. kembangus, M. luteomarginatus, M. perplexus, M. persicinus, and M. schizochaetus.
Based upon fresh material evaluated and annotated by E. Horak and D. E. Desjardin in Java (Indonesia), seven new species of Lactarius Pers. are described and illustrated. Three species, recently recorded from Papua New Guinea, are reported for the first time from Java. According to field data, all species of Lactarius described in this contribution have fagaceous trees (Castanopsis, Lithocarpus, Quercus) as their putative ectomycorrhizal hostpartners. A key to eleven species (including the enigmatic L. sublignyotus Henn. & E. Nyman) is provided to aid in identifying Javanese Lactarius.
Mycena longiseta is redescribed based on representative material from Java. The taxon currently known as M. longiseta in Europe and North America is renamed M. aciculata. Mycena brunneisetosa is redescribed from Indonesian material and compared with M. indica. Comments are provided on Mycena breviseta, a species not recollected since first described in 1909. Mycena sect. Longisetae is redefined to accommodate additional species.