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In species with simultaneous polyandry, male-biased operational sex ratio is expected to increase the risk of sperm competition and thus sperm traits affecting siring success can differ among populations. Here, we test the hypothesis that high male–female ratios will enhance sperm competitiveness of Rana temporaria males. In this species, local populations can show either prolonged or explosive breeding. In a context of sperm competition and in controlled laboratory conditions, prolonged-breeding males sired a higher proportion of eggs than explosive-breeding males, regardless of female origin. This study demonstrates intrapopulation variation in siring success under a situation of sperm competition, consistent with the prolonged-explosive dichotomy of breeding strategies.
Sperm competitiveness differs between two frog
populations with different breeding systems
D. Álvarez1,2, L. Viesca1,2 & A. G. Nicieza1,2
1 Ecology Unit, Department of Organisms and Systems Biology, University of Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain
2 Research Unit of Biodiversity (UO-CSIC-PA), Mieres, Spain
sperm competition; sex ratio, mating
system; paternity; amphibian.
David Álvarez, C/Catedrático Rodrigo Uría
s/n, Oviedo, Asturias 33071, Spain. Tel:
+34-985223794; Fax: +34-985104866
Editor: Mark-Oliver Rödel
Received 17 July 2013; revised 29 October
2013; accepted 29 October 2013
In species with simultaneous polyandry, male-biased operational sex ratio is
expected to increase the risk of sperm competition and thus sperm traits affect-
ing siring success can differ among populations. Here, we test the hypothesis
that high male–female ratios will enhance sperm competitiveness of Rana
temporaria males. In this species, local populations can show either prolonged or
explosive breeding. In a context of sperm competition and in controlled labora-
tory conditions, prolonged-breeding males sired a higher proportion of eggs
than explosive-breeding males, regardless of female origin. This study demon-
strates intrapopulation variation in siring success under a situation of sperm
competition, consistent with the prolonged-explosive dichotomy of breeding
Sexual selection theory predicts that male mating success
should be affected by the operational sex ratio (OSR;
Andersson, 1994), the intensity of intrasexual selection
increases the more unbalanced the OSR is towards males
(Kvarnemo & Ahnesjö, 1996). Selection can act via female
monopolization, or through sperm competition, or both.
Therefore, the evolution of sperm competition can be associ-
ated with the long-term intensity of male–male competition.
Differences in siring success under sperm competition can be
mediated by variation in sperm number (Parker & Ball, 2005)
or sperm characteristics (Snook, 2005; Hettyey & Roberts,
2006; Dziminski et al., 2009), but sperm quality can be more
important in determining fertilization success under competi-
tive situations (Birkhead et al., 1999; García-González &
Simmons, 2005; Firman & Simmons, 2008).
Theoretically, geographic variation in mating systems and
OSRs can promote local adaptation in sperm traits (Leach &
Montgomerie, 2000). Despite sperm competition being taxo-
nomically widespread (Birkhead, 1995) and OSR being highly
variable, how spatial variation in OSRs can affect geographic
variation in sperm competition is unknown. Anuran amphib-
ians are ideal models to test hypotheses about the evolution of
sperm competition in spatially structured species; most species
have external aquatic fertilization, and multiple mating is
common (Laurila & Seppa, 1998; Roberts et al., 1999; Lodé &
Lesbarrères, 2004; Vieites et al., 2004), and they can be clas-
sified as either explosive or prolonged breeders (Wells, 2007).
The reproduction of prolonged breeders extends over months,
and males stay at the breeding sites for weeks, whereas females
usually arrive at the ponds just a few hours before spawning;
this results in male-biased OSRs. In contrast, in explosive
systems, the highly synchronous arrival of females at the
breeding sites lead to more balanced OSR, which is expected
to relax the intensity of male–male competition (Andersson,
Here, we sought to explore whether long-term OSR can
affect sperm competition and thus result in geographic vari-
ation in sperm competitiveness. However, it should be noted
that, to be a selective force, differences in operational sex ratio
must lead to differences in the average number of males
mating with each female. Here we have assumed that relation-
ship, but that link remains unexplored. The rationale is to
determine whether males from explosive and prolonged
systems differ in sperm ‘quality’ traits, with the hypothesis
that prolonged systems have more competitive sperm. Insight
on local-scale differences in the fertilization potential of males
is important because it can affect the pattern of gene flow in
subdivided populations (i.e. either boosting or minimizing the
genetic impact of migrants on the receptor populations), and
therefore, it has an obvious interest for conservation genetics.
Until now, only one study (see Dziminski et al., 2010) had
examined the hypothesis that spatial variation in OSR can
promote geographic variation in male reproductive ability.
Our model species was the common frog (Rana temporaria),
an anuran species that mates by amplexus and for which
simultaneous polyandry and clutch piracy has been reported
Journal of Zoology
Journal of Zoology. Print ISSN 0952-8369
202 Journal of Zoology 292 (2014) 202–205 © 2013 The Zoological Society of London
(Laurila & Seppa, 1998; Vieites et al., 2004). R. temporaria is
considered an explosive breeder, but prolonged breeding is
common in some areas. In the Cantabrian region (south-
western end of the species range), mountain populations are
explosive breeders that usually reproduce before complete
melting of ice cover (winter–spring breeders). In contrast, at
low altitudes, the reproductive period can last up to 6 months
(September–February), with multiple peaks of activity
associated with rainy nights. This is an exceptional system
because the explosive-prolonged dichotomy of breeding
occurs within a single species. In this study, we used an
experimental approach to compare the fertilization rates of
prolonged versus explosive R. temporaria males after control-
ling for sperm concentration. By doing so, we focus on sperm
traits instead of sperm production, which can be more depend-
ent on temporal variation. If the intensity of intrasexual
competition is positively correlated with the operative
male : female ratio, we should expect that males from low-
altitude (prolonged breeding) populations show a higher
sperm competitive ability than males from high-altitude
(explosive breeding) populations.
Material and methods
The experimental animals were adult R. temporaria from two
local populations: Áliva (43.17884°N, 4.76479°W; 1420 m
elevation) and Color (43.29484°N, 5.27711°W; 380 m eleva-
tion). These populations belong to different genetic units, but
the same mtDNA lineage (authors, in prep.). Color frogs are
prolonged breeders (late August to February) and OSR is
highly biased towards males [mean (±sd) OSR across 2008–
2009 season: 11.7 ±6.2]. Color frogs were captured on 17
January 2010. In contrast, the Áliva population is an example
of explosive breeding, within 1–2 weeks in March. Although,
because of the short breeding period (less than 3 weeks), we
lack exhaustive data on Áliva sex ratio, single-day counts for
six nearby populations with similar reproductive timing
(explosive breeding) during the 2009 season revealed a much
lower male-biased OSR (mean ±sd: 4.3 ±2.4).
Áliva frogs were captured on 25 October 2009, just before
hibernation, when they have already acquired all the energy
for overwintering and breeding at the start of ice melting. The
hibernating period starts by late October/early November due
to snow cover and low temperatures. Frogs from Áliva popu-
lation were kept in dark small outdoor enclosures exposed to
the same weather conditions (temperature, precipitation, etc.)
experienced by the frogs from the low-altitude population
until the beginning of the experiment.
The fertilization experiment was conducted on 19 January
2010. We used six males and three females from each popula-
tion. All individuals were administered three doses (24 h,
12 h, 2 h) of Luteinizing-Hormone-Releasing-Hormone-
analogue (LHRHa; Sigma-Aldrich St. Louis, MO, USA) to
induce spermiation and ovulation (Browne et al., 2006).
After 24 h from the first dose, we stripped females by press-
ing their abdomen and gently pushed the male abdomen to
obtain eggs and sperm. To produce equivalent sperm doses,
milt samples were centrifuged in a capillary tube for 195 s at
12 145 g using a Biocem 20 Centrifuge (Orto Alresa, Madrid,
Spain). We calculated the spermatocrit value and delivered
fixed volumes of sperm to control for variation in sperm con-
centration. Sperm doses from two males were placed as sepa-
rate droplets in a Petri dish, and 50 mL of water were added to
ensure a complete homogenization. A sample of eggs from
each female clutch (range 60–129 eggs, see Table 1) was depos-
ited in the center of a Petri dish. Finally, the mixed-sperm dose
was added to the Petri dish containing the eggs of a single
female. Each female was crossed with two males of different
origin (Aliva vs. Color) to produce a total of six mixed
clutches. After 10 min, egg masses were washed, placed in
500-mL plastic vessels and incubated at 15°C during 20 d.
All the hatched tadpoles and a toe clip from the female and
both males of each family were preserved in absolute alcohol
for further genotyping. To assign the paternities, we used four
microsatellites: BFG072, BFG093, BFG183 and BFG241
(Matsuba & Merilä, 2009).
Extraction of genomic DNA and polymerase
chain reaction (PCR) reactions
Whole genomic DNA was isolated from tissues with a stand-
ard Chelex extraction consisting of 500 μL of a 10% Chelex
solution (Chelex-100, Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, USA) incubate
with 7 μg proteinase K as 55°C for 60 min and 100°C for
20 min. Parental frogs were genotyped using a PCR multiplex,
analysing the four microsatelites at the same time. In this case,
we used 6–20 ng of template DNA, 0.3–0.7 μM of primer and
5μL of Qiagen Multiplex PCR Master Mix (Qiagen GmbH,
Hilden, Germany). The PCR started from a Taq polymerase
activation step at 95°C for 15 min, followed by 38 cycles of a
30-s denaturation step at 94°C, a 30-s annealing step at 55°C
and a 30-s extension step at 72°C, and then a final extension
step at 60°C for 30 min. After genotyping, all the parental
frogs for the four selected microsatellites, we confirmed that
locus BFG093 and BFG183 had different alleles in Áliva and
Color populations, and therefore, we genotyped all hatched
larvae for those microsatellites. These two microsatellites were
amplified independently using 6–20 ng of template DNA, 0.3–
0.7 μM of primer, 250 μM of dNTPs (Promega, Madison, WI
Table 1 Sample of eggs used in each of the crosses, number of
fertilized eggs (percentage in brackets), and number of hatched larvae
assigned to Color and Áliva males (percentage in brackets) Mean (±SD)
percentage of fertilized eggs in each population are shown in bold.
Dam Eggs Fertilized (%)
Color (%) Áliva (%)
Áliva 1 129 35 (27.1) 27 (77.1) 8 (22.9)
Áliva 2 60 47 (78.3) 32 (68.1) 15 (31.9)
Áliva 3 109 51 (46.8) 39 (76.5) 15 (23.5)
Mean ±SD 50.7 ±25.8 73.9 ±5.0 26.1 ±5.0
Color 1 100 0 (0) ––
Color 2 67 61 (91.0) 54 (88.5) 7 (11.5)
Color 3 64 21 (32.8) 20 (95.2) 1 (4.8)
Mean ±SD 61.9 ±41.1 91.8 ±4.7 8.1 ±4.7
D. Álvarez, L. Viesca and A. G. Nicieza Sex ratio and sperm competition in frogs
Journal of Zoology 292 (2014) 202–205 © 2013 The Zoological Society of London 203
USA), 0.5 U of Go Taq® Flexi DNA Polymerase (Promega),
2.0–2.5 mM of Mg2+,2μL of 5x colorless Go Taq Flexi Buffer
and 2 μL of 5x Green Go Taq Flexi Buffer. PCR cycles were
starting with 5 min at 94°C following by 40 cycles consisted in
30 s denaturation at 94°C, 30 s annealing at 56°C and extend-
ing 30 s at 72°C. After 40 cycles, 20 additionally minutes at
72°C were left for elongation. PCR reactions were performed
on Applied Biosystems 2720 Thermal (Applied Biosystems,
Foster City, CA, USA). PCR products were separated and
detected by capillary electrophoresis on an ABI PRISM®
3130xl Genetic Analyzer (Applied Biosystems).
Statistical analyses
To examine effects of male origin on fertilization rate, we used
a generalized estimation equation (GEE) with repeated meas-
urements, a Poisson error distribution and log link function.
The number of tadpoles assigned to each male was the
dependent variable, and the origin population of males and
females were categorical variables. Since each female was
crossed with two males, ‘Female’ was treated as a repeated
variable. All the analyses were performed with the SPSS v.19
statistical package (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).
The work met the Spanish legal requirements about animal
welfare supervised by the University of Oviedo (license
number 8-INV-2012). Field work and permits of capture was
supervised and approved by Principado de Asturias (permit
number 2010/000371) and Picos de Europa National Park
(permit numbers CO/09/0571/2009).
Sperm cell concentration was quite variable among males
(percentage of total sperm volume, mean ±1se: 6.92 ±
1.75%), but there were no significant differences between
populations (Mann–Whitney two-tailed U-test: U=13.0;
P=0.48). All the eggs from one clutch (Color female 1)
remained unfertilized. For the other five females, fertilization
rate ranged from 27.1% and 91.0%, and we assigned the pater-
nity of all the larvae unequivocally (Table 1).
Regardless of female origin, Color males consistently
fertilized a larger proportion of eggs than their Aliva counter-
parts (Fig. 1). In fact, GEE analysis confirmed the existence
of a significant male effect on fertilization success (Wald
χ2=85.37; d.f. =1; P<0.0001). However, there was no sig-
nificant female effect (Wald χ2=0.036; d.f. =1; P=0.85). In
addition, the differences between Áliva and Color males in
fertilization rate were greater for the clutches produced by
Color females (Table 1).
Our data showed interpopulation variation in the fertilization
ability of male common frogs under a situation of sperm
competition. Although geographic variation in OSR and male
reproductive ability was studied previously (Dziminski et al.,
2010), this is the first time that differences in sperm competi-
tiveness have been observed between males from different
populations with different breeding systems of the same
species. Males from Color showed a consistent fertilization
advantage over Áliva males, thus suggesting that these differ-
ences could be associated with differences in the mating
systems and the resulting OSRs. However, because of the
differences in phenology between Aliva and Color popula-
tions and although all individuals were subjected to the same
conditions, results should be interpreted with caution.
Males can deal with competition for females in two ways.
First, female monopolization can be achieved by fighting.
Alternatively, females can mate simultaneously with multiple
males, and the sperm from these compete to fertilize the eggs
(simultaneous polyandry). In populations with prolonged
breeding, we expect a sequential entry of females to promote
competition among males, resulting in either female monopo-
lization or sperm competition. In contrast, if reproduction is
highly synchronized (explosive), the incidence of multiple-
male mating is expected to be lower, and therefore, selection
for sperm traits involved in rapid fertilization should be also
lower. In R. temporaria, simultaneous polyandry (Laurila &
Seppa, 1998) can be associated with multiple-male mating and
post-mating clutch piracy (Vieites et al., 2004). We thus
hypothesize that these effects would be greater in populations
with prolonged breeding and male-biased OSR, therefore
increasing the risk of sperm competition in relation to explo-
sive systems.
In a context of simultaneous polyandry, sperm motility
rather than sperm number can be the main determining factor
(Snook, 2005), and there are evidences that sperm competition
selects for increased sperm length and slow sperm velocity in
frogs (Byrne, Simmons & Roberts, 2003; Dziminski et al.,
2009). Unfortunately, we could not perform a test of sperm
quality (live/dead sperm, morphology, etc.) during normal
breeding season for each population since sperm quality may
change with the season. Therefore, our finding that Color
males consistently outperformed Áliva males fits well with the
Figure 1 Siring success of pairs of males from Color and Áliva popu-
lations crossed with single females from Color () or Áliva (). Dashed
and solid lines represent the differences between the two males mated
to a given female from Color or Áliva, respectively.
Sex ratio and sperm competition in frogs D. Álvarez, L. Viesca and A. G. Nicieza
204 Journal of Zoology 292 (2014) 202–205 © 2013 The Zoological Society of London
idea that more male-biased OSRs results in more risk of sperm
competition, which in turn would select for a higher sperm
performance. On the other hand, recent work has stressed the
importance of the female–male genetic similarity (Tregenza &
Wedell, 2000; Sherman et al., 2008). At the within-population
level, siring success of male tree frog (Litoria peronii) was
related to the genetic similarity with females (Sherman et al.,
2008). However, as in the present study, after controlling for
sperm concentration, male–male difference in siring success
was consistent across females, suggesting that in L. peronii,
male siring success is primarily determined by among-male
variation with less influence of male–female relatedness
(Sherman, Wapstra & Olsson, 2009). Our finding that the
advantage of Color males was much greater for Color than for
Áliva females also suggests some effect of genetic compatibil-
ity. This is interesting because, most likely, the processes dic-
tated by genetic compatibility and sperm ‘quality’ could
operate simultaneously (Sherman et al., 2009). Altogether,
our results indicate that, in a scenario of population interac-
tion, differences between populations in sperm traits could
accelerate genetic introgression, but the magnitude of this
effect will be dependent on the genetic compatibility of indi-
viduals from different populations.
Financial support was provided by the Ministerio de Ciencia
e Innovación and FEDER funds (MICINN, project
#CGL2009–12767-C02-01), Ministerio de Medio Ambiente,
Medio Rural y Marino (project # MMAMRM-08-38/2008)
and FICYT (#COF09-04). Jon Loman and an anonymous
reviewer provided valuable comments on an earlier draft of
the manuscript.
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D. Álvarez, L. Viesca and A. G. Nicieza Sex ratio and sperm competition in frogs
Journal of Zoology 292 (2014) 202–205 © 2013 The Zoological Society of London 205
... A response to this high risk of sperm depletion might be to grow larger testes than in populations where longer and more asynchronous activity may stagger mating opportunities and thus permit sperm replenishment between them. Alternatively, and non-mutually exclusively, a relatively high proportion of females being ready to mate simultaneously may result in a more equal sex ratio at the breeding site than in populations with a protracted mating season, in which the males stay at the pond for weeks but females arrive only briefly and asynchronously to spawn, thereby leading to intense competition for each mating among the waiting males (Hettyey et al. 2005;Álvarez et al. 2014; also see Dziminski et al. 2010). Both scenarios can result in a latitudinal and/or altitudinal cline in relative testis size, but the direction may depend on the mating system (e.g., importance of sperm competition relative to the mating rate per se; Vahed and Parker 2012) and the relative importance of premating and postmating sexual selection where male-male competition occurs (e.g., ability of males to monopolize matings; Lüpold et al. 2014;Buzatto et al. 2015). ...
... Since sex ratios were estimated opportunistically during sample collection and these estimates were not repeated multiple times across seasons, we used these data with the necessary caution. Rather than testing for a robust relationship between male reproductive investment and variation in the sex ratio as a proxy of male-male competition, we simply tested whether the sex ratio in F. limnocharis as a prolonged breeder was also generally more male-biased at low than at high latitude and/or elevation as has previously been predicted for the explosively breeding R. temporaria (Hettyey et al. 2005;Álvarez et al. 2014). ...
... Clearly, our estimates of the population-specific sex ratios are based on temporal snapshots rather than repeated sampling of each population over time to take into account seasonal variation. Yet, it seems rather unlikely that our opportunistic sampling between populations and seasons would have generated the observed altitudinal gradient merely by a systematic error, or that sampling at different time points of the season would completely reverse it to follow the patterns described for R. temporaria (i.e., lower sex ratio and smaller testes toward shorter breeding season; Hettyey et al. 2005;Álvarez et al. 2014). Thus, even though without further information we cannot firmly conclude, that the sex ratio is the driving force of the altitudinal increase in relative testis size in F. limnocharis, both the sex ratio and testis size gradients run in the same direction and counter those of R. temporaria (Hettyey et al. 2005), thus suggesting a possible link between the two variables as well as intriguing differences between species. ...
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There is substantial comparative and growing experimental evidence that the competition for fertilization among sperm from different males can drive variation in male reproductive investments. However, less is known about the extent of natural variation in these investments relative to environmental variables affecting resource availability and mating system dynamics, which would allow insights into the mechanisms shaping reproductive allocation. Here, we studied interpopulation variation in male investments in testis size and sperm length across 25 populations of the Asian grass frog Fejervarya limnocharis along a 1550-km latitudinal and 1403-m altitudinal transect in China. We found relative testis mass and sperm length, male somatic condition, and the male/female sex ratio to increase with elevation but not latitude or longitude. Our results suggest that environmental variation may underlie local adaptations to reproductive investments among natural populations, mediated by differences in the availability of both resources and sexual partners (including the resulting male–male competition). These findings contrast with previous predictions that increasing latitude and/or elevation should lead to declining reproductive investments in male anurans due to shortening breeding seasons, declining resource availability, and lowering (rather than increasing) male/female sex ratios. We discuss these species differences in the context of differential resource allocation strategies, breeding ecology, and patterns of male–male competition. These differences show the need for future work on reproductive investments in anurans beyond the few model systems and for potential extension of the theoretical framework to species with different mating systems and strategies.
... A response to this high risk of sperm depletion might be to grow larger testes than in populations where longer and more asynchronous activity may stagger mating opportunities and thus permit sperm replenishment between them. Alternatively, and non-mutually exclusively, a relatively high proportion of females being ready to mate simultaneously may result in a more equal sex ratio at the breeding site than in populations with a protracted mating season, in which the males stay at the pond for weeks but females arrive only briefly and asynchronously to spawn, thereby leading to intense competition for each mating among the waiting males (Hettyey et al. 2005;Álvarez et al. 2014; also see Dziminski et al. 2010). Both scenarios can result in a latitudinal and/or altitudinal cline in relative testis size, but the direction may depend on the mating system (e.g., importance of sperm competition relative to the mating rate per se; Vahed and Parker 2012) and the relative importance of premating and postmating sexual selection where male-male competition occurs (e.g., ability of males to monopolize matings; Lüpold et al. 2014;Buzatto et al. 2015). ...
... Since sex ratios were estimated opportunistically during sample collection and these estimates were not repeated multiple times across seasons, we used these data with the necessary caution. Rather than testing for a robust relationship between male reproductive investment and variation in the sex ratio as a proxy of male-male competition, we simply tested whether the sex ratio in F. limnocharis as a prolonged breeder was also generally more male-biased at low than at high latitude and/or elevation as has previously been predicted for the explosively breeding R. temporaria (Hettyey et al. 2005;Álvarez et al. 2014). ...
... Clearly, our estimates of the population-specific sex ratios are based on temporal snapshots rather than repeated sampling of each population over time to take into account seasonal variation. Yet, it seems rather unlikely that our opportunistic sampling between populations and seasons would have generated the observed altitudinal gradient merely by a systematic error, or that sampling at different time points of the season would completely reverse it to follow the patterns described for R. temporaria (i.e., lower sex ratio and smaller testes toward shorter breeding season; Hettyey et al. 2005;Álvarez et al. 2014). Thus, even though without further information we cannot firmly conclude, that the sex ratio is the driving force of the altitudinal increase in relative testis size in F. limnocharis, both the sex ratio and testis size gradients run in the same direction and counter those of R. temporaria (Hettyey et al. 2005), thus suggesting a possible link between the two variables as well as intriguing differences between species. ...
... By contrast, terrestrially breeding amphibians rely on consistent moisture for the successful development of their eggs, and may show prolonged breeding activity that coincides with seasonally occurring rainfall (thus exhibiting less balanced OSRs and heightened intrasexual selection). Therefore, local precipitation may influence breeding systems and sperm competition in amphibians [28], driving clinal divergence in male reproductive investment. ...
... These patterns were also apparent in our analyses of sperm size and motility, where we found that spermatozoa were smaller and swam more slowly in the xeric populations. One critical factor likely to influence the level of sperm competition is the length of the breeding season, which can influence breeding systems and promote local adaptation in traits tied to sperm competition [28]. In natural populations of P. guentheri, seasonal breeding choruses may last six weeks at central sites (N.J.M., personal observations for populations 1-3), while we speculate that populations inhabiting northern sites might breed year round, in response to less predictable rainfall (e.g. ...
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Ejaculate traits vary extensively among individuals and species, but little is known about their variation among populations of the same species. Here, we investigated patterns of intraspecific variation in male reproductive investment in the terrestrial-breeding frog Pseudophryne guentheri. Like most anurans, breeding activity in P. guentheri is cued by precipitation, and therefore the timing and duration of breeding seasons differ among geographically separated populations, potentially leading to differences in the level of sperm competition. We, therefore, anticipated local adaptation in sperm traits that reflect these phenological differences among populations. Our analysis of six natural populations across a rainfall gradient revealed significant divergence in testes and ejaculate traits that correspond with annual rainfall and rainfall seasonality; males from the northern and drier edge of the species range had significantly smaller testes containing fewer, smaller and less motile sperm compared with those from mesic central populations. These findings may reflect spatial variation in the strength of postcopulatory sexual selection, likely driven by local patterns of precipitation.
... Experimental data from laboratory settings show that sperm morphology and sperm count can change in response to manipulations of the social environment that alter the perceived level of competition for mates (Harris and Moore 2004;Crean and Marshall 2008;Ramm and Stockley 2009;Immler et al. 2010;Kelly and Jennions 2011;Firman et al. 2013;Moatt et al. 2014;Giannakara et al. 2016). Additionally, comparisons across populations have found associations between the risk of sperm competition and variation in ejaculate traits (Dziminski et al. 2010;Álvarez et al. 2013). Although these and other studies provide evidence for the plasticity of sperm phenotypes in response to manipulations of the social environment, it is unclear whether fine-scale variation in the social environment within natural populations may elicit a similar response. ...
... Sperm competition theory predicts that males should invest more in ejaculate production as the risk of sperm competition increases (Parker 1993;Parker and Pizzari 2010), however, little is known about whether and how this occurs within wild populations. Although previous studies have experimentally demonstrated effects of the social environment on ejaculate phenotypes in captive males (Crean and Marshall 2008;Ramm and Stockley 2009;Immler et al. 2010;Kelly and Jennions 2011;Firman et al. 2013;Moatt et al. 2014;Giannakara et al. 2016) or the effects of interpopulation differences in risk of sperm competition on ejaculate phenotypes (Dziminski et al. 2010;Álvarez et al. 2013), ours is the first study to provide evidence that sperm traits respond to fine-scale natural variation in the social environment within a single wild population. Below, we discuss how the spatial patterns in sperm morphology and sperm count that we observed may reflect adaptive plasticity in male reproductive phenotypes. ...
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Given that sperm production can be costly, theory predicts that males should optimally adjust the quantity and/or quality of their sperm in response to their social environment to maximize their paternity success. Although experiments demonstrate that males can alter their ejaculates in response to manipulations of the social environment and studies show that ejaculate traits covary with social environment across populations, it is unknown whether individual variation in sperm traits corresponds to natural variation found within wild populations. Using an island population of brown anole lizards (Anolis sagrei), we tested the prediction that sperm traits (sperm count, sperm morphology, sperm velocity) respond to natural variation in the risk of sperm competition, as inferred from the local density and operational sex ratio (OSR) of conspecifics. We found that males living in high-density areas of the island produced relatively larger sperm midpieces, smaller sperm heads, and lower sperm counts. Sperm traits were unrelated to OSR after accounting for the covariance between OSR and density. Our findings broaden the implications of sperm competition theory to intrapopulation social environment variation by showing that sperm count and sperm morphology vary with fine-scale differences in density within a single wild population.
... Higher sperm competition risk should select for sperm traits that make males more successful at fertilizing eggs under competitive conditions (Parker 1998 ;Snook 2005 ;Alvarez et al. 2014 ). Populations differ in the risk of sperm competition because of differences in OSR. ...
... Such behavior may increase female coercion and even injury to females as males vie for position around a female (Sztatecsny et al. 2006 ). Explosive breeding is a particularly dynamic mating system and many species show differences between years and populations in OSR and the time available for breeding, and hence in the intensity of scramble competition (Olson et al. 1986 ;Reichard et al. 2007 ;Alvarez et al. 2014 ). When population size, the degree of female asynchrony, and the time available for mating competition vary (as they might on a daily to yearly basis), selection will favor an associated change in mating behavior and different mating tactics under different conditions (Mendoza-Cuenca and Macias-Ordonez 2010 ). ...
The reproductive behavior of horseshoe crabs (Limulus polyphemus) is easily observed, yet until recently, little was known about their unusual mating habits. Fertilization is external and occurs beneath the female as her eggs are being laid in the sand. Spawning is often synchronized to the highest spring tides of the year, so the time available for breeding is limited. Males have alternative mating tactics, some search and pair with a female offshore and migrate inshore to spawn, while others search onshore for nesting pairs and engage in sperm competition in group spawning. Females also have alternative tactics such that some spawn with a single attached male and others spawn with multiple males, which results in multiple male paternity of their offspring. Both male and female tactics are condition and context-dependent and are affected by breeding density, operational sex ratio, and the interplay between male and female tactics. To better understand horseshoe crab reproductive behavior, we review studies conducted during the past 25 years in one Gulf of Mexico population in northern Florida at Seahorse Key. We discuss the costs, benefits, and tradeoffs of alternative tactics for males and females. We synthesize the recent literature on mating tactics, resolve some conflicting results, and point to the future by identifying the questions that remain.
... In contrast, frogs that rely on continuous moisture to develop eggs may have prolonged breeding periods that coincide with seasonally occurring rainfall, exhibiting heightened inter-male competition [31]. Therefore, in general, rainfall influences the degree of inter-male competition and thereby promotes the local adaptation of male reproductive investment [85]. This local adaptation was verified in Pseudophryne guentheri, where the positive correlations between testis size and rainfall indicated that males from xeric populations exhibited reduced investment in testes size [31]. ...
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Reproductive investments influenced by environmental conditions vary extensively among geographically distinct populations. However, investigations of patterns of intraspecific variation in male reproductive investments and the mechanisms shaping this variation in anurans remain scarce. Here, we focused on the variation in testis size in 14 populations of the Andrew’s toad Bufo andrewsi, a species with weak dispersal ability but wide distribution in southwestern China, to establish whether male reproductive investment varies on an environmental gradient. Our analysis revealed a significant variation in relative testis size across populations, and a positive correlation between testis size and body condition. We, however, found no geographic trends explaining the variability in the testis size. The relative testis size did not increase with increasing latitude or altitude. We also found no relationship between relative testis size and rainfall, but a negative correlation with the coefficient of variation of temperature, with larger testes under stable environments. These findings suggest that the decreased male reproductive investment of this species may be a consequence of harsher or fluctuating environmental conditions.
... number of former mating by the male (Gibbons and McCarthy 1986;Hettyey et al. 2009a) or the timely synchronization of gamete output/ejection, as well as sperm quality, sperm competition and genetic compatibility (Dziminski et al. 2009;Sherman et al. 2010;Álvarez et al. 2014). Also, multiple paternities are a common phenomenon in lekbreeding anurans (Roberts et al. 1999;Merilä and Knopp 2009). ...
In meiner Dissertation untersuche ich das Paarungs- und Fortpflanzungsverhalten des Europäischen Grasfrosches (Rana temporaria) in einem evolutionären Kontext. Mein Ziel ist es zu verstehen, welche Mechanismen zur Bildung von Paaren führen, ob die Partnerwahl die Paarungsmuster erklärt, die wir beobachten können, und ob es evolutive Vorteile gibt, die sich aus der Paarung mit einem bestimmten Partner ergeben. Die Suche nach und die Konkurrenz um Paarungspartner führt zur Entwicklung verschiedener Paarungssysteme, Strategien und Taktiken, um den Reproduktionserfolg während der gesamten Lebensdauer zu erhöhen. Das Paarungsverhalten wird durch natürliche und sexuelle Selektion beeinflusst, wobei beide in unterschiedliche Richtungen wirken können. Für die meisten Individuen ist das Überleben unerlässlich, um sich so oft wie möglich zu reproduzieren, und dadurch die reproduktive Gesamtfitness zu erhöhen. Andererseits könnte ein auffälliges Verhalten bei der Fortpflanzung das Prädationsrisiko erhöhen. Der Akt der Paarung selbst kann bereits mit Risiken verbunden sein, welche sich auf die Überlebensraten auswirken können. Durch sexuelle Selektion könnten bestimmte sekundäre Geschlechtsmerkmale begünstigt werden, entweder aufgrund von Vorteilen im Wettbewerb innerhalb eines Geschlechts (intrasexuell), oder aufgrund spezifischer Präferenzen zwischen den Geschlechtern (intersexuelle Selektion). Damit sich die Partnerwahl entwickeln kann, muss der gewählte Paarungspartner Vorteile aufweisen, von denen der wählende Partner profitiert, denn die Wahl ist mit energetischen Kosten und zeitlichem Aufwand verbunden. Als Frühlaicher muss der Europäische Grasfrosch mit einem eingeschränktem Paarungszeitraum umgehen. Die Männchen konkurrieren um den Zugang zu Weibchen und es wird angenommen, dass sich Weibchen während der Paarung und Reproduktion passiv verhalten, da der hohe "Männchen-Überschuss" keine Wahl zulassen würde. Aus evolutionärer Sicht sollten Weibchen jedoch das wählerische Geschlecht sein und entscheiden mit wem sie sich paaren, da sie mehr Energie in die Eierproduktion investieren.
... At high elevations, temperatures are relatively low and thermal variability is high compared to lowland environments (Rodr ıguez-D ıaz & Braña, 2012; Buckley et al., 2013;Alvarez et al., 2014). In so far as mountain climates represent fluctuating environments, they could favour generalist phenotypes that perform well across a wide range of continuously changing conditions (Lynch & Gabriel, 1987;Condon et al., 2014). ...
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Adaptation to warming climates could counteract the effects of global warming. Thus, understanding how species cope with contrasting climates may inform us about their potential for thermal adaptation and which processes may hamper that ability (e.g. evolutionary trade‐offs, phenology, or behavioural thermoregulation). In addition to temperature, time constraints may also exert important selective pressures. Here we compare the thermal sensitivity of locomotion of metamorphic and adult European common frogs (Rana temporaria) originating from populations along an elevational gradient. We employed the template mode of variation (TMV) analysis to decompose the thermal sensitivity of locomotion and explore the existence of trade‐offs (‘hotter is better’ and ‘specialist‐generalist’) and the degree of local adaptation. To that end, we studied the relationship between TMV parameters and local environmental conditions. Further, we compared preferred temperatures to assess whether behavioral thermoregulation could dampen the effects of thermal variation, reducing the intensity of selection and limiting thermal adaptation (i.e. ‘Bogert effect’). We suggest that behavioral thermoregulation has promoted the conservatism of thermal sensitivity in R. temporaria. Yet, we observed a trend towards narrower thermal niches shifted towards warmer temperature in populations with severe temporal constraints, conforming to the ‘generalist‐specialist’ trade‐off. Apparently, this enables time‐constrained populations – especially in the case of metamorphs – to effectively exploit resources during the warmest periods. The limited potential of R. temporaria for thermal adaptation suggests that forecasts of global warming should incorporate thermoregulation and explore its potential to buffer species from rising temperatures. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
... number of former mating by the male (Gibbons and McCarthy 1986;Hettyey et al. 2009a) or the timely synchronization of gamete output/ejection, as well as sperm quality, sperm competition and genetic compatibility (Dziminski et al. 2009;Sherman et al. 2010;Álvarez et al. 2014). Also, multiple paternities are a common phenomenon in lekbreeding anurans (Roberts et al. 1999;Merilä and Knopp 2009). ...
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Assortative mating is a common pattern in sexually reproducing species, but the mechanisms leading to assortment remain poorly understood. By using the European common frog (Rana temporaria) as a model, we aim to understand the mechanisms leading to size-assortative mating in amphibians. With data from natural populations collected over several years, we first show a consistent pattern of size-assortative mating across our 2 study populations. We subsequently ask if assortative mating may be explained by mate availability due to temporal segregation of migrating individuals with specific sizes. With additional experiments, we finally assess whether size-assortative mating is adaptive, i.e. influenced by mating competition among males, or by reduced fertilization in size-mismatched pairs. We find that size-assortative mating is in accordance with differences in mate availability during migration, where larger individuals of both sexes reach breeding ponds earlier than smaller individuals. We observe an indiscriminate mate choice behavior of small males and an advantage of larger males pairing with females during scramble competition. The tactic of small males, to be faster and less discriminative than large males, may increase their chances to get access to females. Experimental tests indicate that the fertilization success is not affected by size assortment. However, since female fecundity is highly correlated with body size, males preferring larger females should maximize their number of offspring. Therefore, we conclude that in this frog species mate choice is more complex than formerly believed.
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Sperm traits often show extreme variation both between and within species. Between-species variation may often be interpreted in the context of a sperm competition theory, but within-species variation has remained unexplained. Previous studies on intraspecific variation in sperm traits have focused on a limited set of variables and may have failed to explain observed variation because of potential trade-offs between different sperm traits. We report on variation in number, size, motility and longevity of sperm in the frog Crinia georgiana, a species where sperm competition is common. We found intrapopulation variation in sperm size and motility and interpopulation variation in relative sperm number and size. When we combined relative sperm number and size into one variable, and motility and longevity into another, we found significant interpopulation variation in these variables as well. We also detected considerable intra- and significant interpopulation variation in cumulative sperm quality, a combination of all four sperm traits. Furthermore, a significant effect of the interaction between population origin and male size on sperm characteristics indicated interpopulation variation in the strength of selection acting on sperm traits of males adopting different mating strategies. We discuss heterogeneity in the reproductive environment, a complex genetic background in the determination of sperm characteristics and varying levels of developmental noise as potential contributors to the observed variation in sperm traits.
The aim of this study was to establish whether the mobility of sperm of the domestic fowl, as measured by an in vitro assay, predicted the outcome of sperm competition. Thirteen pairs of New Hampshire roosters, comprising one male categorized as having high-mobility sperm and the other as having average-mobility sperm, were used. Each male provided 25 times 106 sperm, which were mixed and artificially inseminated into between four and seven New Hampshire hens, each of which produced 2 to 11 offspring. The experiment was conducted twice, such that the same pair of males inseminated the same females. Paternity was assigned by using microsatellite markers. There was a clear effect of sperm-mobility phenotype on the outcome of sperm competition: in all 13 pairs the high-mobility male fathered the majority of offspring (73.3% overall; p < 0.0001). The proportion of offspring fathered by the high-mobility male within pairs varied significantly between male pairs (p < 0.0005). This effect was associated with the difference in sperm-mobility scores between males within pairs: there was a significant positive relationship between the proportion of offspring fathered by the high-mobility male and the ratio of mobility scores between males (p < 0.05). In addition, compared with their success predicted from the non-competitive situation, in the competitive situation high-mobility males were disproportionately successful in fertilizing eggs compared with average-mobility males. This may occur because female sperm storage is limited in some way and a greater proportion of high-mobility sperm gain access to the female's sperm storage tubules. There was no evidence that female effects accounted for any of the variation in paternity.
Why have males in many species evolved more conspicuous ornaments and signals such as bright colours, enlarged fins, and feather plumes, as well as larger horns and other weapons than females? Darwin's explanation for such secondary sex traits, the theory of sexual selection, became his scientifically perhaps most controversial idea. It suggests that the traits are favoured by competition over mates. After a long period of relative quiescence, theoretical and empirical research on sexual selection has erupted during the last decades. This book describes the theory and its recent development, reviews models, methods, and empirical tests, and identifies many remaining open problems. Among the topics discussed are the selection and evolution of mating preferences; relations between sexual selection, species recognition, and speciation; constraints on sexual selection; the selection of secondary sex differences in body size, weapons, and in visual, acoustic, and chemical signals. The rapidly growing study of sexual selection in plants is also reviewed. Other chapters deal with alternative mating tactics, and with the relationships among sexual selection, parental roles, and mating systems. The present review of this very active research field will be of interest to students, teachers, and research workers in behavioural and evolutionary ecology, animal behaviour, plant reproductive ecology, and other areas of evolutionary biology where sexual selection is a potential selection factor. In spite of much exciting progress, some of the main questions in the theory of sexual selection yet remain to be answered.
Very few studies have investigated the occurrence of multiple paternity and sperm competition in amphibians. We studied genetic relatedness within kin groups of tadpoles of an aquatically breeding anuran Rana temporaria using allozymes. We collected samples from 52 naturally fertilized spawn clumps produced by single females at three breeding sites in two populations. We estimated relatedness (r) within kin groups, and compared the observed genotype distributions of the tadpoles (on average 23 individuals in each group) with the expected distributions based on single mating. Average relatedness over five polymorphic loci was 0.44 and 0.43 in the two populations, the latter being significantly smaller than that expected by single mating (0.5). The number of patrilines, calculated from relatedness estimates, was 1.3 in one population and 1.4 in the other. Genotype distributions deviated significantly from the expected in half of the kin groups and at all breeding sites. The results show that egg clutches of R. temporaria commonly contain multiply sired offspring. We suggest that communal breeding may affect paternity patterns in R. temporaria as well as in anurans in general.
We examined the availability and motility of sperm from parental and sneaker male bluegills (Lepomis macrochirus), a colonially nesting sunfish (Family Centrarchidae) with male parental care and a high incidence of cuckoldry by both sneaker and satellite males. We found no differences between sneakers and parentals in length and swimming speed of sperm, or percent and duration of sperm activity. In sneaker milt, however, sperm was almost 50% more concentrated than in parental milt (16.5×106 vs 11.5×106 sperm/µl of milt, respectively). Despite this difference in sperm concentration, stripped ejaculates from sneakers contained almost 400 million fewer sperm (only 32% as many sperm) than those from parentals due to their much smaller stripped ejaculate volumes (only about 19% that of parentals). Thus unless sneakers can compensate by releasing more sperm or gaining closer proximity to eggs at the time of spawning, they may be at a disadvantage with respect to sperm competition. We discuss these results in relation to models for the evolution of alternative reproductive behaviours in this species and suggest that the cuckolders may be making the best of a bad situation.
We describe primers and polymerase chain reaction conditions to amplify 145 di-, tri- and tetranucleotide microsatellite loci from the common frog (Rana temporaria), a species commonly used as a model in ecological and evolutionary research. Primers were tested on 46 individuals from two Fennoscandian populations and yielded an average of six to nine alleles per locus (range = 1-30) depending on the population. Average observed heterozygosities in the two populations were 0.16 (range = 0-0.91) and 0.36 (range = 0-1).
In sexually reproducing animals, individuals of one sex may have to compete for access to mating partners of the opposite sex. The operational sex ratio (OSR) is central in predicting the intensity of mating competition and which sex is competing for which. Thanks to recent theoretical and empirical advances, particularly by exploring the concept of OSR, sexual selection studies today are becoming more fine-tuned and dynamic. The original role of parental investment in predicting sexual selection has recently been complemented by the use of sexual differences in potential reproductive rates (PRR).
Sperm competition theory predicts that among populations and species, male expenditure on the ejaculate should increase with the strength of selection from sperm competition, a prediction for which there is strong evidence from comparative studies of a variety of taxa. Patterns of geographic variation within species can provide important insights into adaptive coevolution; yet, few studies have adopted this approach in studying adaptation to sperm competition. We used highly polymorphic microsatellite markers to genotype clutches of eggs sampled from each of 10 populations across the geographic range of the Australian myobatrachid frog Crinia georgiana. The proportion of clutches with mixed paternity ranged from 0.27 to 0.60. We found significant among-population variation in testes size, the number of sperm stored within the testes, and in the proportion of sperm that were motile. A significant proportion of the among-population variation in testes size and number of sperm was predicted by variation in the density of breeding males found within populations. The covariation between male breeding density and ejaculate expenditure we have found within C. georgiana could be explained either by phenotypic plasticity in ejaculate expenditure in response to local variation in sperm competition risk or an evolutionary divergence in ejaculate expenditure among populations that is driven by variation in the strength of selection from sperm competition. Both scenarios are consistent with sperm competition theory. Copyright 2010, Oxford University Press.