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A case study on the appropriateness of using quick response (QR) codes in libraries and museums



Libraries and museums are increasingly looking to mobile technologies, including quick response (QR) codes, to better serve their visitors and achieve their overall institutional goals; however, there is a lack of information regarding patrons' perceptions of QR codes — information essential to successful implementations. This case study explored staff members' and patrons' perceptions of QR codes at Ryerson University Library and the Museum of Inuit Art in order to determine the extent to which QR codes are appropriate for use in libraries and museums. Observations and 56 patron and staff interviews were conducted to obtain data on usage, knowledge, reactions and expectations regarding QR codes in these institutions. It was found that QR code usage was low, but that there was potential for use, with patrons' reactions being generally positive. Three themes were identified from an analysis of the results: an assumption that young people and smartphone owners use QR codes; that QR codes are only used for one-way provision of information, not to initiate a conversation; and that QR codes can be used to personalize a visit to an institution. Libraries and museums are advised that based on these findings, QR codes can provide a cost effective and potentially powerful tool, but patrons should be first surveyed to tailor these initiatives to their wants and needs.
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... Approximately 87% of their study participants stated they understood what a QR code is and how to use one. These findings echo those of Schultz (2013), in which it was demonstrated that a majority of participants knew how to use a QR code, but only 25% of museum visitors elected to engage with them. One explanation for the low participation rate may stem from both the exhibit environment and the social dynamic of the group directly competing with the desired stimuli, in this case the provided signage (Bitgood & Patterson, 1987;Vom Lehn et al., 2001). ...
... One explanation for the low participation rate may stem from both the exhibit environment and the social dynamic of the group directly competing with the desired stimuli, in this case the provided signage (Bitgood & Patterson, 1987;Vom Lehn et al., 2001). Despite a low participation rate, there is a benefit in using QR codes within educational signage to deliver personalized information to an individual (Schultz, 2013) or as a vehicle of passive recruitment for a desired action. Due to the low investment of the organization or researcher, any participant engagement immediately outweighs any investments (Gu et al., 2016;Wilson, 2018). ...
Existing literature suggests that passive recruitment techniques, such as those using signage, have been demonstrated to be an effective and reliable recruitment mechanism. The current evaluation examined the differences in participant-provided responses in a zoo exhibit between active and passive recruitment methods using a post facto analysis. Findings from this evaluation of data collected demonstrate that survey completion rates and most participant demographics remained consistent between the two recruitment methods. However, there was an observed difference in participant-provided responses when comparing the active and passive recruitment strategies. Passive recruitment strategies have the potential to reduce participant reactivity. Based on the findings of this evaluation, it is recommended that researchers employing passive techniques utilize signage that is disruptive to the visitor experience to draw attention, keep survey instruments easy to understand, and avoid conflicting with the overall visitor experience.
... O QR Code é um código de resposta rápida que contém informações em duas dimensões e pode ser lido por meio de um leitor de código de QR Code ou pela câmera de um celular, sendo preciso, em grande parte, estar conectado à internet (PONS et al., 2011;SCHULTZ, 2013 Aliar as vantagens da vitrine virtual ao QR Code pode contribuir para que o usuário acesse as informações do acervo de maneira mais ágil. Por isso, para compreender esses aspectos, é que foi realizado este estudo prospectivo com o objetivo de identificar as vitrines virtuais que atuam na promoção e na melhoria da usabilidade do acervo de bibliotecas, verificando se as iniciativas encontradas fazem uso do QR Code como ferramenta que alia o ambiente físico ao virtual. ...
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A pesquisa objetivou identificar as vitrines virtuais atuantes na promoção do acervo das bibliotecas, averiguando o uso do QR Code na interação do ambiente virtual e físico. Desenvolveu-se um estudo prospectivo na Base de Programas de Computador do Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (INPI) e nos sistemas de informação: Portal de Periódicos da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações (BDTD), Web of Science, Scopus, IEEE Xplore, ScienceDirect e Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo). A maioria dos softwares é do campo de aplicação Marketing (34 citações) de 2019 (19 registros) e de pessoas jurídicas (75,7%). Quanto às publicações, a maioria pertence ao Portal de Periódicos da Capes (2.091 publicações). As vitrines virtuais apresentam potencial na promoção e na usabilidade do acervo, porém as experiências publicadas e/ou registradas são quase inexistentes, revelando a necessidade de realizar estudos in loco para conhecer melhor seu uso.
... The use of digital information media considers optimizing the delivery of information [12]. However, the statement's accuracy must support by reliable and current data. ...
... However, despite the development of the system in the early 1990s, the use of QR codes was only popularized in the mid-2000s (Schultz 2013). Although there has been an expansion of the use of QR codes in the past few years, there are few records of the use of this technology in biological collections (Blagoderov et al. 2012, Mantle et al. 2012, Schuh 2012, Diazgranados and Funk 2013. ...
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The Medical Malacology Collection (Fiocruz-CMM) was inaugurated in 1993 and is located at the René Rachou Institute in Fiocruz (Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil). The collection has about 16,000 limnic mollusks of medical and veterinary importance. Information about each specimen is stored in an electronic Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and is available on the Centro de Referência em Informação Ambiental (CRIA) webpage. A QR Code system was implemented for convenience: it can be printed in reduced format with flexible representation on different surfaces and has a low cost of implantation. A script in PHP language was developed to load the spreadsheet in XLS format using an open-license library, PHP-ExcelReader. A PHP script was created to read and process this spreadsheet line by line and generate individual HTML pages, which were formatted with the Bootstrap tool. Then, the PHP QR code was used to create the images of the QR codes corresponding to each specimen. The QR codes were printed and affixed to the lids of the bottles containing each specimen. Using a device with a camera and internet access, the QR code redirects to the file with the information for each mollusk. The use of QR codes at Fiocruz-CMM facilitates the organization of the collection and allows quick and easy access to information about each specimen. KEY WORDS: Biomphalaria; curation; FIOCRUZ-CMM; medical malacology collection; QR codes; zoological collection
... A QR code, short for QR code, is a two-dimensional barcode that can be scanned using a smartphone or QR code reader to access information. It was first developed by the Denso Wave Corporation, a subsidiary of Toyota, in 1994 for the purpose of tracking automotive parts during the manufacturing process [4]. Today, QR codes are widely used for a variety of purposes, including marketing, payment systems, and attendance tracking. ...
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This research paper explores the effectiveness of quick response (QR) code-based attendance systems with the added security measure of generating two QR codes per second. With traditional attendance tracking methods being time-consuming and inefficient, QR codes have become increasingly popular as a quick and efficient alternative. However, one concern with QR code-based attendance systems is the potential for fraud and misuse. To address this issue, this study proposes generating two QR codes per second to ensure that only the current and legitimate QR code is recognized. The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of this technology on student attendance rates, the accuracy and reliability of attendance data, and the overall user experience for both students and instructors. Through data analysis and surveys, we found that the use of QR codes with the added security measure resulted in increased student attendance rates, improved accuracy and reliability of attendance data, and a positive user experience for both students and instructors. This research provides practical insights for educational institutions considering the implementation of QR code-based attendance systems and contributes to the growing body of literature on the use of QR codes in education.
... Penggunaan QR Code Generator dengan Barcode di berbagai negara telah dilakukan di berbagai aspek kehidupan sosial masyarakat seperti penggunaan QR Code Generator dengan Barcode pada Perpustakaan Universitas Ryerson dan Museum Seni Inuit (Schultz, 2013), Perpustakaan Universitas Utah (Lombardo et al., 2012), layanan perpustakaan (Pulliam & Landry, 2011), pembelajaran di Uni Emirat Arab (Nagla et al., 2017), laboratorium anatomi (Traser et al., 2015), pembelajaran (Durak et al., 2016) (R. Law, 2012a, Otentikasi Digital (Goyal et al., 2016), pembelajaran mandiri dan kolaboratif (Tracey et al., 2013) (Rikala & Kankaanranta, 2012), perkuliahan (R. Law, 2012b), media cetak (Probst, 2012) (Kikuchi et al., 2018), otentikasi informasi optic , Pendidikan di sekolah (C. Law & So, 2010), penelusuran makanan (Kim & Woo, 2016), absensi mahasiswa (Baban, 2014), digitalisasi taksonomi tanaman (Patil, 2020), anti pemalsuan obat (You et al., 2016), pendidikan (So, 2011), manajemen perbaikan peralatan medis (Chu et al., 2012), pembelian produk (Atkinson, 2013), pendidikan online (Kossey et al., 2015), absensi karyawan (Wongso, 2016), alat pembelajaran seluler (Bonifácio, 2012), identifikasi pembangunan (Maheshwari Antosh Dyade, 2017), mempromosikan pembelajaran siswa (Somerall & Roche, 2020), pembayaran seluler (Suryotrisongko et al., 2012), proses pendidikan tunarungu (Abualnadi et al., 2018), absensi siswa (Masalha & Hirzallah, 2014) dan kunjungan situs website (Vidas et al., 2013). ...
Teacher problems that are the main concern in this community service program are (1) The lack of subject books and subject modules owned by the Muhammadiyah teacher group (2) The low knowledge and skills of teachers and students related to educational technology, especially in making QR-based digital literacy Code Generator with Barcodes. The solution to solving this problem is digital literacy training based on QR Code Generator with Barcodes for Muhammadiyah teacher groups, so that it can make it easier to have subject books and subject modules that teachers can use in learning in the new normal era through gadgets. The implementation method is carried out through four stages, namely (1) digital literacy construction, (2) digital literacy is maintained by the community, (3) improving and updating digital literacy and the resulting changes. The results of community service activities show that the Empowerment of the Muhammadiyah Teacher Forum (FGM) through digital literacy based on QR Code Generator with Barcodes is carried out by involving school principals, teachers and students starting from the socialization stage, the stage of making digital literacy designs, the stage of printing digital literacy designs, the stage of delivering material digital literacy, the stage of training the use of digital literacy, the stage of sharing digital literacy and the stage of using digital literacy QR Code Generator with Barcode. The Muhammadiyah Teacher Forum (FGM) Empowerment activity through digital literacy based on the QR Code Generator with Barcodes received a positive response from school principals, teachers and students because they considered this activity useful and very beneficial. Permasalahan guru yang menjadi perhatian utama dalam program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah (1) Minimnya buku mata pelajaran dan modul mata pelajaran yang dimiliki oleh kelompok guru muhammadiyah (2) Rendahnya pengetahuan dan keterampilan guru dan siswa terkait teknologi pendidikan terkhusus dalam membuat literasi digital berbasis QR Code Generator dengan Barcode. Solusi untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut adalah pelatihan literasi digital berbasis QR Code Generator dengan Barcode untuk kelompok guru Muhammadiyah, agar dapat memudahkan memiliki buku mata pelajaran dan modul mata pelajaran yang bisa dipakai guru dalam pembelajaran di masa new normal melalui gadget. Metode pelaksanaan dilakukan melalui empat tahap yaitu (1) konstruksi literasi digital, (2) literasi digital dipelihara oleh masyarakat, (3) memperbaiki dan memperbaharui literasi digital dan perubahan yang dihasilkan. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat menunjukkan Pemberdayaan Forum Guru Muhammadiyah (FGM) melalui Literasi digital berbasis QR Code Generator dengan Barcode dilakukan dengan melibatkan kepala sekolah, guru dan siswa mulai tahap sosialisasi, tahap membuat desain literasi digital, tahap mencetak desain literasi digital, tahap penyampaian materi literasi digital, tahap melatih penggunaan literasi digital, tahap membagikan literasi digital dan tahap menggunakan literasi digital QR Code Generator dengan Barcode. Kegiatan Pemberdayaan Forum Guru Muhammadiyah (FGM) melalui Literasi digital berbasis QR Code Generator dengan Barcode mendapatkan respons positif dari kepala sekolah, guru dan siswa karena menganggap kegiatan tersebut bermanfaat dan sangat bermanfaat.
... In academic settings, QR codes provide data on classroom links, tutorials, vCard contacts, uniform resource identifiers, e-mail addresses, map directions, text, and chemicals. Academic libraries use QR codes to help students access their services [14][15][16][17][18][19]. QR codes are also being used to track student attendance and increase student collaboration and engagement [20,21]. ...
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The growing number of multicampus interdisciplinary projects in academic institutions expedites a necessity for tracking systems that provide instantly accessible data associated with devices, samples, and experimental results to all collaborators involved. This need has become particularly salient with the COVID pandemic when consequent travel restrictions have hampered in person meetings and laboratory visits. Minimizing post-pandemic travel can also help reduce carbon footprint of research activities. Here we developed a Quick Response (QR) code tracking system that integrates project management tools for seamless communication and tracking of materials and devices between multicampus collaborators: one school of medicine, two engineering laboratories, three manufacturing cleanroom sites, and three research laboratories. Here we aimed to use this system to track the design, fabrication, and quality control of bioelectronic devices, in vitro experimental results, and in vivo testing. Incorporating the tracking system into our project helped our multicampus teams accomplish milestones on a tight timeline via improved data traceability, manufacturing efficiency, and shared experimental results. This tracking system is particularly useful to track device issues and ensure engineering device consistency when working with expensive biological samples in vitro and animals in vivo to reduce waste of biological and animal resources associated with device failure.
In this chapter we summarise key insights from our study and introduce important reflections from the Afterlives of Protest Research Network to further the work of academics and practitioners in the field. We discuss the significant role of holistic accountability within the cultural sector and the emergent role of digital technologies in expanding public understandings of protest memory beyond the purely aesthetic. We situate the ethical challenges that sit behind the imperative to tell ‘both sides of the story’ of protest histories and demonstrate how institutional power can problematically be reinscribed through uncompensated activist labour. Encompassing these concerns is an attention to issues of precarity and risk with the cultural, arts and heritage sector.
Museum digitalization is not a new idea, but digital materials are actively introduced into museums worldwide. Information Computer Technologies are supporting the digitalization of museums. The digitalization of museums is connected with the preservation and presentation of objects of cultural heritage. The use of ICT affects positively the interaction between visitors and collections. This is in alliance with the primary outcomes of digital curation. Recent studies confirm that the digitalization of exhibits in museums improves the visitors’ experience. Among the digital tools used in museums are QR codes. QR codes are a new way to upgrade visitors’ experience in museums. It is an easy and fast-paced solution to inform visitors about the museum’s objects. QR codes are attached to the exhibits of the museum and visitors receive information about them. Additionally, QR codes can be used in museums to help visitors learn the history of a country interactively and act as tools for e-learning. This study aims to present the development and application of QR codes in a museum of contemporary art in the city of Ioannina to help visitors understand better the history of the exhibits in the museum. We developed the QR codes for the exhibits of this museum, according to its needs. For the application of QR codes in the museum we used the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) model. According to our findings, digital material offers an excellent alternative for visitors to understand the local history with the aim of QR codes.KeywordsDigital HeritageDigital MaterialQR Codes
During the COVID-19 pandemic, one technology for contact tracing has come to dominate – QR codes. As a technology pioneered in Japan two decades ago and mainstreamed in China, QR codes have quickly become part of quotidian placemaking. While locations such as China have fully incorporated QR code technology into everyday contexts including public transport and mobile wallet applications, QR codes in the West were relatively overlooked. That was, until the pandemic. In this article, we examine some of the ways QR codes are being imagined and reimagined as part of public placemaking practices. In order to do so, we begin with a short history of QR codes – emerging in Japan, becoming mainstream in China and their consequent uptake globally. We then discuss the methods of our Australian study conducted during the pandemic and the seamful/seamless findings from our study.
The biggest trend in museum exhibit design today is the creative incorporation of technology. Digital Technologies and the Museum Experience: Handheld Guides and Other Media explores the potential of mobile technologies (cell phones, digital cameras, MP3 players, PDAs) for visitor interaction and learning in museums, drawing on established practice to identify guidelines for future implementations.
Case Study Research in Practice explores the theory and practice of case study research. Helen Simons draws on her extensive experience of teaching and conducting case study to provide a comprehensive and practical account of how to design, conduct and communicate case study research. It addresses questions often raised by students and common misconceptions about case research. In four sections the book covers - Rationale, concept and design of case study research - Methods, ethics and reflexivity in case study - Interpreting, analyzing and reporting the case - Generalizing and theorizing in case study research Rich with 'tales from the field' and summary memos as an aide-memoire to future action, the book provides fresh insights and challenges for researchers to guide their practice of case study research. This is an ideal text for those studying and conducting case study research in education, health and social care, and related social science disciplines.