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Breeding shearwaters on Italian islands: population size, island selection and co-existence with their main alien predator


Abstract and Figures

We review and update available information on the population size and distribution of Cory's Shearwater, Calonectris diomedea, and Yelkouan Shearwater, Puffinus yelkouan, in Italy. More than 90% of the population of these species rely on 64 islands, but the former breeds on twice as many islands as the latter. Some cases of local extinction were recorded. The analysis of distributions, along with that of island featu-res and presence of rats, showed inter-specific differences. The Yelkouan Shearwater tends to occupy larger and more offshore islands than the other species does. It's the only one that shows a clear positive correlation between abundance and island size. Finally, it is not present in rat-free islands, with a single exception of no quantitative relevance. Available data on the breeding success of both species are presented; comple-te failures where rats occur were recorded. Operations of rat control or eradication are presented and their consequences on seabirds' breeding success commented.
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* ISPRA (formerly INFS), via Ca’ Fornacetta 9, I-40064 Ozzano Emilia BO. E-mail: <nico->
** ARP Lazio, via del Pescaccio 96, I-00166 Rome RM
*** Gruppo Pontino Ricerche Ornitologiche, via Ticino 12, I-04100 Latina LT
*** Stazione d'Inanellamento c/o Dipartimento SENFIMIZO (Entomologia, Acarologia,
Zoologia), V.le Scienze, I-90128 Palermo PA
° Anthus snc, via Luigi Canepa 3, I-09129 Cagliari CA
°° AMP Tavolara - Punta Coda Cavallo, via Dante 1, I-07026 Olbia OT
°°° NEMO srl, Piazza D’Azeglio 11, I-50121 Firenze FI
Riv. ital. Orn., Milano, 78 (2): 83-100, 15-XI-2009
Abstract – We review and update available information on the population size and
distribution of Cory’s Shearwater, Calonectris diomedea, and Yelkouan Shearwater,
Puffinus yelkouan, in Italy. More than 90% of the population of these species rely on 64
islands, but the former breeds on twice as many islands as the latter. Some cases of local
extinction were recorded. The analysis of distributions, along with that of island featu-
res and presence of rats, showed inter-specific differences. The Yelkouan Shearwater
tends to occupy larger and more offshore islands than the other species does. It’s the
only one that shows a clear positive correlation between abundance and island size.
Finally, it is not present in rat-free islands, with a single exception of no quantitative
relevance. Available data on the breeding success of both species are presented; comple-
te failures where rats occur were recorded. Operations of rat control or eradication are
presented and their consequences on seabirds’ breeding success commented.
Key words – Calonectris diomedea, Puffinus yelkouan, Rattus rattus, breeding
success, rat eradication, Italian islands.
Riassunto Le berte nidificanti sulle isole italiane: popolazione, selezione delle
isole e convivenza con il principale predatore alloctono, il Ratto nero.
Viene presentata una revisione e un aggiornamento dei dati di popolazione e
distribuzione delle due specie di berte nidificanti in Italia. Più del 90% delle coppie di
entrambe risultano insediate su un totale di 64 isole, con la Berta maggiore presente
nel doppio di isole rispetto alla minore. Vengono documentati alcuni casi di estinzione
locale. L’analisi delle distribuzioni, a fronte delle caratteristiche dei siti e di dati sulla
presenza dei ratti, evidenzia differenze fra le due specie. La Berta minore tende ad
occupare isole mediamente più grandi e distanti da terra, è l’unica a mostrare una
chiara correlazione positiva tra abbondanza e ampiezza dell’isola, ed infine è in prati-
ca assente su tutte le isole prive di ratti. Vengono riuniti e commentati i dati disponi-
bili sul successo riproduttivo di entrambe le specie, comprensivi di casi di fallimento
totale su isole con presenza di ratti, nonché sulle conseguenze degli interventi finora
svolti di eradicazione e contenimento locale del predatore.
Parole chiave – Calonectris diomedea, Puffinus yelkouan, Rattus rattus, succes-
so riproduttivo, eradicazione dei ratti, isole italiane.
Monitoring distribution and abundance of species is necessary for
determining conservation priorities, sound management strategies and
consequent actions (SUTHERLAND et alii, 2004; NICHOLS & WILLIAMS,
2006). The marine bird community of the Mediterranean, not particular-
ly rich in species but featured by a high level of endemism, has been
shaped by millennia of co-existence with man, which caused the lost of
many taxa since the very start of human history (ZOTIER et alii, 1999).
Not surprisingly, also in the present time, man-related threats to seabird
populations of this heavily developed sea basin represent a critical con-
servation issue, as shown by the contents of several single-species action
plans produced at a local or broader scale (e.g. GALLO-ORSI, 2003).
Knowledge on population size and distribution of Cory’s Shearwater,
Calonectris diomedea, and Yelkouan Shearwater, Puffinus yelkouan, has
improved within Italy in the course of the last decade only at a little
extent, despite their high conservation value. Two national overviews
dated c. 10 years apart (BRICHETTI et alii, 1992; BRICHETTI & FRACASSO,
2003) reported substantially the same data, except for slightly more pre-
cise information on minor colonies in the second report and a strongly
decreased estimate for the Yelkouan Shearwater in Sardinia. The lack of
new original information, leading to some sort of stagnation of knowledge
(the same population estimates being indefinitely re-proposed in time), as
well as the lack of island- or colony-based figures in the aforementioned
overviews, are the main reasons for the present paper, which is function-
al to identify management strategies and conservation priorities for these
two seabird species.
The black rat, Rattus rattus, is by far the most widespread terrestrial
mammal on the Mediterranean islands. It has been introduced in the
region by man two thousands years ago (AUDOIN-ROUZEAU & VIGNE, 1994;
MASSETI, 2008) and its detrimental impact on nesting seabirds has been
well documented in the last decades, at least at the local scale (e.g.
et alii, 2006; PASCAL et alii, 2008; TRAVESET et alii, 2009). Among nesting
seabirds, shearwaters are especially vulnerable to rat predation upon
chicks and eggs (JONES et alii, 2008). Low impacts, however, have locally
been assessed too (RUFFINO et alii, 2008) and a region-wide analysis failed
to identify the presence of rats as a factor conditioning shearwater distri-
bution and numbers (RUFFINO et alii, 2009).
We collected available population estimates and scattered breeding
records of shearwaters in Italy, at a geographical detail sufficient for
planning management strategies (particularly rat control and eradica-
tions) on the different islands. In addition, we performed ad hoc field
surveys on some islands lacking adequate coverage, this representing
the original part of our re-calculated totals. Geographic parameters,
black rat distribution and data on breeding success were analyzed in
order to understand present day distribution patterns. The operations
of rat removal and control that were so far carried out on Italian islands
occupied by shearwaters are reviewed.
Material and methods
The Italian ornithological literature was examined, searching for the
most recent information on local breeding records and colony size of the
two shearwater species. An island-based data bank, containing the best
and most recent population estimates and information on the presence
of black rats (and other predators) was created. The starting database
included 308 islands identified from satellite images and personal expe-
rience; rocks lacking any form of vascular vegetation were not consid-
ered, as they are usually unsuitable for breeding shearwaters. Sites
with unconfirmed or ‘probable’ breeding reports were not considered
either. Islands where shearwaters are known to have bred in the last
150 years, but not at present, appear in Appendix 1 with a zero popula-
tion size and a remark on local extinction. Abundances were in a few
cases (noted with an appropriate mark in Appendix 1) attributed from
vague original indications (e.g. ‘several’ pairs = 10-50) according to flex-
ible criteria, depending on the topographical context and the writer’s
particular terminology. Colonies repeatedly surveyed in time, or with
more than one population estimate available, were entered in the data-
base with the most recent figures. Values expressed by ranges (min.-
max., usually as a consequence of different assessing methods) were
transformed into geometric means for analysis and map production,
according to criteria adopted on large scale European assessments (cf
islands inhabited by shearwaters, the flat surface area and distances
from the mainland and/or the nearest larger or comparable-sized island
were calculated. The Yelkouan Shearwater and Cory’s Shearwater are
indicated hereafter by the acronyms YS and CS, respectively. The pre-
liminary contents of our database data were previously made available
to BOURGEOIS & VIDAL (2008) for a global population assessment of YS,
and used by RUFFINO et alii (2009) for a broader scale analysis.
Differences in local estimates between the present paper and those
mentioned above are due to improved knowledge.
With the only exception of three sectors of the Sardinian ‘mainland’
coast - Capo Caccia, Capo Figari and the Baunei cliffs - all the con-
firmed breeding records of the two shearwater species in Italy relate to
small islands, sized from 0.36 ha of South Paduleddi islet (near La
Maddalena, N Sardinia) to 8452 ha of Pantelleria island (cf dataset pre-
sented in Appendix 1). Very few of the smallest sized islands are occu-
pied, despite their high number, and the proportion of occupancy
increases with island size (Fig. 1). A total of only 64 islands out of 308
host (or hosted) at least one of the two shearwater species. From the
sum of min./max. local abundances, the population size of Italy amounts
to 3568-13212 YS pairs (sum of geometric means 6427) and 13344-
21873 CS pairs (sum of geometric means 15807). The mainland-breed-
ing fractions (Sardinia) of YS and CS amount, respectively, to 489 pairs
(7.1% of the national total) and 701 pairs (4.4%).
Local extinctions were recorded just in a single, probable case for CS
(Isola Rossa di Teulada in Sardinia, after 1901: cf LILFORD 1875 and
BONOMI 1901) and in at least two recent, confirmed cases for YS in
Fig. 1 - Size of 308 Italian islands and frequency of occurrency of breeding shearwaters. The
most available size category (surface area <2 hectares) is nearly unexploited. Left y-axis: num-
ber of islands, right y-axis: shearwater occurrency (any species).
Tuscany: Pianosa after 1989 and Giannutri between 1993 and 2004 (see
Appendix 1 for details). Moreover, local extinction of YS is possible on
La Vacca and Cavoli islands in Sardinia, where night surveys are need-
ed to confirm current absence of calling individuals. At Palmaria island
in Liguria (not considered here for analysis and missing in Appendix 1),
YS might have got extinct already in pre-historical times as only sub-
fossil findings are known (BRICHETTI et alii, 1992). A careful search on
this island in 2005-2007 gave negative results on present occurrence
(M. Ferro and A. Peano, pers. comm.).
Fig. 2 - Distribution map of Calonectris diomedea in Italy. Circles: abundance on each island
(number of pairs, expressed by the geometric mean of max./min. estimates). Triangles: loca-
tion of the colonies on the Sardinian coast (irrespective of colony size).
The distribution maps of the two species, based on our database con-
tents, are shown in Figures 2 and 3. For YS, the largest population was
confirmed to be that of the Tavolara-Molara-Figarolo island complex,
with a new temptative estimate placed between 1510 pairs (preliminary
extrapolation from densities of occupied burrows in 2006 and 2007 on
the three islands) and 8500 pairs (corresponding to an evening count of
c. 17,000 incoming birds at two convenient sea-watching stations in
February 2008, i.e. just before egg-laying). For the largest CS colony
(Linosa island), the figure of 10,000 pairs is re-proposed; it had been
obtained in 1982 by capture-mark-recapture methods, by applying the
Fig. 3 - Distribution map of Puffinus yelkouan in Italy. Circles: abundance on each island
(number of pairs, expressed by the geometric mean of max./min. estimates). Triangles: loca-
tion of the colonies on the Sardinian coast (irrespective of colony size).
Lincoln index (MASSA & LOVALVO, 1986) on the “Mannarazza” colony, by
far the largest on the island, but not the only one.
The number of islands inhabited by CS is just twice that of YS (58 vs
29, excluding mainland sites and Palmaria). The top sites for YS
(Tavolara) and CS (Linosa) hold 48% and 63% of the respective nation-
al populations. The much higher number of islands hosting CS is par-
alleled by a prevalence of relatively small settlements and a clearly
skewed distribution towards smaller-sized islands. Building the rank-
abundance curves of the log-transformed island population size of the
two shearwaters, the regression line is significantly steeper for YS (n= 29)
than it is for CS (n= 58) (ANCOVA, homogeneity of slopes test, F1, 84=9.94,
P<0.003, Fig. 4).
Island use by the two species suggests a different mechanism of site
selection. Within the subset of islands that hold shearwater colonies
(n=64), the number of YS pairs positively correlated with island surface
(Spearman’s R= 0.60, P<0.00001) and distance from closest island or
mainland (Rs= 0.37, P<0.003). No statistically significant relationship
were found for the abundance of CS with either island area (P>0.81) or
distance from closest island/mainland (P>0.64). There was a negative,
Fig 4 - Line plot showing the relation between log-transformed abundance of the two shear-
waters and the rank of the islands. The regression line is significantly steeper for YS (n= 29)
than it is for CS (n= 58) (ANCOVA, homogeneity of slopes test, P<0.003).
but not significant relationship between the numbers of pairs of the two
shearwaters (Rs= –0.17, P= 0.18, n= 64). Islands with colonies of CS
(n=58) have a smaller surface area and are closer to the mainland or
other islands than those with colonies of YS (n=29) (Mann-Whitney U
test: n=87, island area: adj. Z= 2.98, P<0.003; distance: adj. Z= 1.99,
P<0.05) and islands hosting both species (n=23) are larger and more dis-
tant from mainland or other islands than those with colonies of one
species only (n=41) (Mann-Whitney U test: n= 64, island area: adj.
Z= –3.49, P<0.0005; distance: adj. Z= –2.00, P<0.05).
Only on six of the 64 islands is the black rat absent (Toro and
Spargiotto in Sardinia, Lampione in Sicily and Argentarola, Cerboli,
Palmaiola in Tuscany). These rat-free islands have a max. surface area of
13 ha (Toro) and are significantly smaller than rat-inhabited islands
(Mann-Whitney U test: P<0.02, n= 64). Their distance from closest island
or mainland ranges between 483 m (Argentarola) and 18 km (Lampione).
Except for 1-2 YS pairs once found at Argentarola (0.02% of Italian popu-
lation), rat-free islands are occupied by CS only (total: 759-1395 pairs;
geometric mean: 1026, i.e. 6.5% of the Italian population). In two out of
these six sites, rats have been present during the past 25 to 50 years and
have naturally disappeared (Argentarola and Cerboli). Moreover, in order
to improve the breeding success of shearwaters, projects of rat eradica-
tion were carried out on La Scola (1.6 h., treated in winter 2000-01 and
again in 2005) and Giannutri (240 ha, winter 2005-06) in Tuscany and on
Zannone (105 ha, winter 2006-07) in Latium (PERFETTI et alii, 2001;
CAPIZZI et alii, 2007; SPOSIMO & BACCETTI, 2008; SPOSIMO et alii, 2008),
with an additional benefit for 1.3% of the CS national population. Rat
presence on islands that are not currently occupied by shearwaters is
incompletely known, nevertheless the ratio with/without rats within the
subsample of adequately assessed cases suggests that probably at least
85% of the 308 Italian islands host rats, the largest of the rat-free ones
being Mal di Ventre in Sardinia (87.9 ha).
The consequence of rat eradication determined in CS a sudden and
long lasting increase of productivity, from zero to 0.7-0.9 fledglings/pair,
as shown by regular monitoring at La Scola (Fig. 5, cf also SPOSIMO &
BACCETTI, 2008). Available information on the breeding success on some
Italian islands is summarized in Table 1, where higher values are appar-
ent for most rat-free islands and for islands where rats were even simply
controlled within the colony, and not eradicated. The local control of rats
within a colony site - but not in the rest of an island - has proven, there-
fore, to be highly beneficial, although on a temporary basis, and has been
instrumental to later achieve a full eradication (cf. also CORBI et alii,
2005b for Zannone island, before the eradication project was launched).
On Linosa, a local control of rats has been carried out in 2007-2008 in the
“Mannarazza” main CS colony. Breeding success of 39.4% in 2006, before
Fig 5 - Breeding success of Calonectris diomedea on La Scola island, Tuscany (bars, left y-axis).
The line shows the number of burrows inspected twice per year (right y-axis). The first breed-
ing season after rats were eradicated was that of 2001. Toxic baits were used again when rats
returned in 2005.
Fig. 6 - Olive seeds regurgitated by Yellow-legged Gulls on La Vacca island and accumulated
by black rats under boulders in a colony of Calonectris diomedea. Olive fruits are collected by
gulls under plantations on the Sardinian mainland (photo: N. Baccetti, 2007).
the control started, increased in 2007 and 2008, after the rat control, to
89.3% (sample size: 150 nests) and 83.3% (sample size: 120 nests), respec-
tively. The high breeding success in 2007 suggested to extend the rat con-
trol area and in 2008 it covered also the “Scasciati” colony, where many
pairs of CS bred successfully (thick vegetation cover - including Opuntia
ficus-indica and Pistacia lentiscus prevented to estimate the breeding
success at this site). Not a single island holding YS had been treated up
to the 2008 breeding season, despite this species is only present on rat-
inhabited islands and it is heavily preyed upon by rats (e.g. 0% breeding
success on Molara and 23% on Tavolara, cf Tab. 1), with all successful
nests inside a few rat-free coastal caverns, i.e. in intra-island refuges
sensu RUFFINO et alii (2009).
La Scola
San Domino
area (ha)
1989 (11 years before
rat eradication)
1999 (n= 9) and 2000 (n= 22): just
before rat eradication, see Fig. 5 for
subsequent variation
2000 (year with max. success)
2002 (year with min. success)
overall mean 1999, 2000,
2002, 2007: 0.69, n= 67
data from 1988-90
2007 top of the island and
in caverns with rats
2007 inside caverns
inaccessible to rats
PERFETTI et alii 2001,
P. Sposimo & S. Romano,
unpubl. data
PERFETTI et alii, 2001
PERFETTI et alii, 2001
P. Sposimo & F. Giannini
unpubl. data
CORBI et alii, 2005b,
F. Corbi & F. Pinos, unpubl. data
RANNISI et alii, 2008
B. Massa,
unpubl. data
F. Corbi & F. Pinos,
unpubl. data
G. Spano & M. Putzu,
unpubl. data
Tab. 1 - Breeding success of shearwaters in relation to presence or absence
of Rattus rattus. Islands arranged according to surface area and species present
(CS Calonectris diomedea, YS Puffinus yelkouan). Presence of Rattus rattus (N = absent,
Y = present; C = locally controlled), number of fledged chicks/pair, number of sampled
nests and other remarks are also given.
The insular breeding preference of shearwaters in Italy, as well as
across the rest of the Mediterranean (ZOTIER et alii, 1999), has probably
evolved in order to avoid terrestrial predators other than rats, which are
not a natural component of the local fauna. The three ‘mainland’ colonies
of Sardinia are lodged in vertical limestone cliffs with sea caves that are
not accessible to any terrestrial mammal either. Breeding in similar loca-
tions has been hypothesized for Sicily too, although it was never con-
firmed (cf. discussion in BRICHETTI, 1980) and appears most unlikely.
The national estimate of 3568-13212 YS pairs (sum of geometric
means 6427) is precedented by that of 11,000-18,000 by MESCHINI &
FRUGIS (1993), overestimated according to BRICHETTI & FRACASSO (2003)
who proposed 7000-14,000. The latter interval has also been accepted by
BIRDLIFE INTERNATIONAL (2004) and BOURGEOIS & VIDAL (2008); the sum of
local abundances listed by these authors, however, hardly reaches the
lower limit of the proposed intervals. These variations are mainly caused
by which figures are used for the Tavolara archipelago, where old Schenk’s
interval of 6000-9000 pairs, obtained back in 1978 (SCHENK & TORRE,
1986) and indefinitely reproposed in time (e.g. by referring it to 1995 in the
first IBA enquiry: GARIBOLDI et alii, 2000), was replaced in later IBA grey
literature (BRUNNER et alii, 2002) by the proposal of a new range of 1000-
2000 pairs in 1992-2001, without any given motivation or methodological
detail. The corresponding interval in our database, of 1510-8500 pairs, has
been obtained from independent and recent data and reproposes higher
values, but seems no less susceptible of further, major adjustments accord-
ing to improved knowledge from ongoing monitoring.
Our national estimate, updated to 2003-2008 for over 60% of the pop-
ulation, suggests for the YS a marked decrease (-54%) from the first
available figures of 1978-1985 (MESCHINI & FRUGIS, 1993). Previous
overestimation had been suggested as a cause for recently decreasing
the estimate (BRICHETTI & FRACASSO, 2003). However, vast abandoned
sectors of Tavolara colonies, decreased raft sizes and a breeding success
close to zero in most parts of the Tavolara archipelago suggest that a
strong population decline could indeed have occurred, confirming the
worst scenario of the 12-50% decrease proposed for the whole global
range (BOURGEOIS & VIDAL, 2008).
The national total of 13,344 - 21,873 pairs of CS (sum of geometric
means 15,807) is more in agreement with previous estimates of
BORG (2006) and BIRDLIFE INTERNATIONAL (2004), all reporting 15,000-
18,000 pairs. This is mainly due to the fact that the estimate for the
largest colony (Linosa, 63% of the Italian population) has remained
unchanged since a couple of decades.
Data on breeding success seem to confirm that CS is more vulnera-
ble to rats on small than on larger islands, as reported by MARTIN et alii
(2000). This probably results from a higher predator density and/or
higher prey vulnerability where nests are more concentrated and nest-
site choice not as wide as on large islands (cf also RUFFINO et alii, 2009).
Island selection by the two species and the respective number of occu-
pied islands suggest, however, a greater vulnerability of YS when com-
pared to CS, and the urgent need of conservation efforts. Only YS,
breeding on a smaller number of islands (none of them rat-free), shows
signs of population decline and definitely underwent to some local
extinctions over the last decades (also in adjacent Corsica: BOURGEOIS &
VIDAL, 2008). This is not surprising, considering that even the main
colonies seem to be featured by a very low productivity rate, similar to
that recorded for CS only at sites of secondary importance. What is sur-
prising is rather the opposite, that heavily predated colonies have per-
sisted until now, after many centuries of rat presence on most
Mediterranean islands. To explain this apparent paradox (cf RUFFINO et
alii, 2009), we suggest that rats, despite being present for many cen-
turies, may have recently and diffusely increased in number, making
predation episodes more frequent and impacting than earlier. The pop-
ulation increase and spread of the Yellow-legged Gull, Larus micha-
hellis, (associated to habitat alterations: BEAUBRUN, 1994; VIDAL et alii,
1998; FOGGI et alii, 2000) represents the only large ecological novelty of
the post-war decades on most islets within our study area, as well as
across the rest of N Mediterranean (cf population data in THIBAULT &
BONACCORSI, 1999; ARCAMONE et alii, 2001; CORBI et alii, 2005a; CADIOU
et alii, 2004; BACCETTI et alii, 2008). Increasing food resources are being
provided to rats by breeding gulls, either in the form of prey remains,
pellets, dead chicks etc, or indirectly, favouring nitrophilous and/or
invasive plant species that may also sustain large rat numbers
(CASSAING et alii, 2005). Nearly the whole food delivered by gulls origi-
nates outside the island areas where rats are confined (e.g. from rub-
bish tips, fishing vessels and agriculture lands) and represents a
reserve that rats can exploit also for several months after gull colonies
have been deserted. A notable example of a long lasting crop is the huge
number of olive seeds (Fig. 6), regurgitated on the bare rocks of most
islands and steadily gnawed by rats over a long period, in order to
exploit their carbohydrate- and fat-rich kernels (cf RINALDI et alii, 1994;
CASELLI et alii, 1995). High site fidelity and adult survival, both being a
life trait of many procellariids, would have eventually allowed shear-
waters to cope with high nest predation and continue occupying their
traditional colony sites until now, across a time span that has not
exceeded the order of a few decades.
Acknowledgements - We thank all colleagues and friends mentioned in Appendix 1, who
made their population data and experience available or joined us in the field. Particular
thanks are due to Francesca Giannini, Max Putzu and Marco Zenatello. Mimmo Ferro and
Aldo Peano provided negative data from Palmaria island and helped in the field on Giannutri.
Caterina Azara, Tino Cerchi, Egidio Trainito and Mirko Ugo most frequently joined the sea-
watching sessions in NE Sardinia. Augusto Navone (AMP Tavolara) facilitated the fieldwork
on Tavolara archipelago. Antonio Cimato (CNR, Florence) commented and provided references
on the nutritional value of olive kernels for rats, and Barbara Lastrucci produced the distri-
bution maps.
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Region Site (Island) Island distance from closest island man alien Puffinus Calonectris
area closest island or mainland predators yelkouan diomedea
(ha) or mainland (m)
Apulia CAPRARA 49,5 320 San Nicola s r - 100-160 (126.5)
Apulia SAN DOMINO 208,6 298 San Nicola p r 30-50 (38.7) 200-240 (219.1)
Apulia SAN NICOLA 46,2 320 Caprara p r 70-100 (83.7) -
Latium FARAGLIONE DI CALZONE MUTO 1,0 66 Ponza n none? - 1-5 (2.2)
Latium GAVI 18,1 136 Ponza s r - 5-10 (7.1)
Latium PALMAROLA 125,1 7300 Ponza s r, c? 10-30 (17.3) 100-150 (122.5)
Latium PONZA 750,8 5700 Zannone p r, c, d 10-30 (17.3) 60-100 (77.5)
Latium SANTO STEFANO PONZIANE 31,0 1400 Ventotene s r, c? 1-10 (3.2) 5-10 (7.1)
Latium VENTOTENE 143,6 1500 S. Stefano p r, c 10-30 (17.3) 25-40 (31.6)
Latium ZANNONE 104,7 5700 Ponza n r (erad.) 1-10 (3.2) 24-30 (26.8)
Sardinia (E) BAUNEI (coast) - - - - - 100-1000 (316.2) -
Sardinia (E) CAPO FIGARI (coast) - - - - - - 3-20 (7.8)
Sardinia (E) FIGAROLO 22,1 368 mainland n r 10-100 (31.6) 30-100 (54.8)
Sardinia (E) MOLARA 347,9 1400 Proratora n r 300-600 (424.3) -
Sardinia (E) TAVOLARA 602,0 1150 Reulino p r, c 1200-7800 (3059.4) 10-50 (22.4)
Sardinia (N) BARRETTINI 10,3 712 Corcelli n r - 50-100 (70.7)
Sardinia (N) BUDELLI 171,8 240 Carpa s r, c - 40-80 (56.6)
Sardinia (N) CAMERE E 4,8 128 Camere W n r - 40-60 (49.0)
Sardinia (N) CAMERE W 3,6 86 Soffi n r - 40-60 (49.0)
Sardinia (N) CAPRERA 1581,8 0 Maddalena p r, c, p - * 20-200 (63.2)
Sardinia (N) CARPA 0,4 193 Santa Maria n r - 80-120 (98.0)
Sardinia (N) CORCELLI 12,5 150 Piana di Corcelli n r - * 1-10 (3.2)
Sardinia (N) MADDALENA 2014,6 0 Caprera p r, c, p, w * 10-100a (31.6) * 1-50b (7.1)
Sardinia (N) MORTORIO 55,7 950 Camere E n r - 40-60 (49.0)
Sardinia (N) NIBANI EAST 3,5 5 Nibani W n r - 1-10 (3.2)
Sardinia (N) NIBANI NORTH 2,6 240 Nibani W n r - 1-10 (3.2)
Sardinia (N) NIBANI WEST 7,7 5 Nibani E n r - 1-10 (3.2)
Sardinia (N) PADULEDDI SOUTH 0,4 23 Paduleddi N n r - 1-5 (2.2)
Sardinia (N) PIANA DI CORCELLI 3,9 150 Corcelli n r - * 1-10 (3.2)
Sardinia (N) RAZZOLI 164,3 70 Santa Maria n r, c - 30-200 (77.5)
Sardinia (N) SANTA MARIA 186,4 70 Razzoli p r, c * 1-20 (4.5) 50-200 (100.0)
Sardinia (N) SOFFI 44,7 80 Camere W n r - 10-30 (17.3)
Sardinia (N) SPARGI 421,9 1600 Maddalena s r, c, p 10-20 (14.1) 90-150 (116.2)
Sardinia (N) SPARGIOTTO 10,1 685 Spargi n none - 120-180 (147.0)
Sardinia (SE) CAVOLI 42,1 708 mainland n r * 1-20a (4.5) 5-30b (12.2)
Sardinia (SE) SERPENTARA 31,3 3258 mainland n r 10-50 (22.4) -
Sardinia (SW) PAN DI ZUCCHERO 4,1 280 mainland n r - 300-400 (346.4)
Sardinia (SW) ROSSA DI TEULADA 10,5 693 mainland n r - * 1-50 (7.1)
Sardinia (SW) SAN PIETRO 5089,2 3779 mainland p r, c, dog 500 -
Sardinia (SW) TORO 13,4 7709 mainland n none - 500-1000 (707.1)
Sardinia (SW) VACCA 9,1 2838 mainland n r * 1-20a (4.5) 5-50b (15.8)
Sardinia (W) CAPO CACCIA (coast) - - - - - 150-200 (173.2) 300-1600 (692.8)
Sardinia (W) FORADADA 5,1 286 mainland n r - 50-200 (100.0)
Sardinia (W) PIANA DI ALGHERO 13,3 85 mainland n r - 100-200 (141.4)
Sicily (N) ALICUDI 509,0 15480 Filicudi p r - 9-12 (10.4)
Sicily (N) FAVIGNANA 2004,9 4040 Levanzo p r, c, d, h 2-20 (6.3) 20-50 (31.6)
Sicily (N) FILICUDI 936,0 15480 Alicudi p r - 2-20 (6.3)
Sicily (N) LEVANZO 585,8 4040 Favignana p r 100 20-50 (31.6)
Sicily (N) LIPARI 3766,4 890 Vulcano p r 2-20 (6.3) 2-20 (6.3)
Sicily (N) MARETTIMO 1224,1 15860 Favignana p r 20-50 (31.6) 20-50 (31.6)
Sicily (N) PANAREA 340,0 14054 Lipari p r - 2-20 (6.3)
Sicily (N) SALINA 2630,6 4370 Lipari p r 2-20 (6.3) 10
Sicily (N) USTICA 825,5 53266 mainland p r - 15-20 (17.3)
Sicily (N) VULCANO 2119,5 890 Lipari p r 2-20 (6.3) 3-6 (4.2)
Sicily (S) LAMPEDUSA 2059,6 43000 Linosa p r, c, d 500-1000 (707.1) 20-50 (31.6)
Sicily (S) LAMPIONE 4,7 18000 Lampedusa n none - 50-70 (59.2)
Sicily (S) LINOSA 545,1 43000 Lampedusa p r 2-20 (6.3) 10000
Sicily (S) PANTELLERIA 8452,3 70500 mainland p r, c, d 2-20 (6.3) 500-5000 (1581.1)
Tuscany ARGENTAROLA 1,2 439 mainland n none 1-2 (1.4) 35-50 (41.8)
Tuscany CAPRAIA 1926,6 27000 mainland p r, c, (d: erad.) 110-500 (234.5) -
Tuscany CERBOLI 8,8 6681 mainland n none - 50-85 (65.2)
Tuscany GIANNUTRI 239,5 11471 mainland p r (erad.) extinct 50-200 (100.0)
Tuscany ISOLOTTO D' ERCOLE 6,5 320 mainland n r (failed erad.) - 1-10 (3.2)
Tuscany LA SCOLA 1,6 242 Pianosa n r (erad.) - 60-100 (77.5)
Tuscany MONTECRISTO 1071,7 29410 Pianosa p r 400-750 (547.7) -
Tuscany PALMAIOLA 7,2 2950 Elba n r (erad.) - 4-10 (6.3)
Tuscany PIANOSA 1026,4 13300 Elba p r, c, h extinct 30-50 (38.7)
Appendix 1 - Italian islands holding breeding shearwaters and Sardinian 'mainland' coasts where breeding has
been documented (italic). Geographic data, presence of potential alien predators (r= black rat, c= feral cat, d=
year sources
c. 2000 BRICHETTI & FRACASSO (2003): general estimates for the three islands: YS 100-150 pairs, CS 300-400 pairs; subdivision criteria: P. Brichetti pers. comm.
Absence on fourth island (Pianosa) confirmed 2007 (G. Albanese, N. Baccetti, L. Melega)
c. 2000 BRICHETTI & FRACASSO (2003): general estimates for the three islands: YS 100-150 pairs, CS 300-400 pairs; subdivision criteria: P. Brichetti pers. comm.
Absence on fourth island (Pianosa) confirmed 2007 (G. Albanese, N. Baccetti, L. Melega)
c. 2000 BRICHETTI & FRACASSO (2003): general estimates for the three islands: YS 100-150 pairs, CS 300-400 pairs; subdivision criteria: P. Brichetti pers. comm.
Absence on fourth island (Pianosa) confirmed 2007 (G. Albanese, N. Baccetti, L. Melega)
2006 Own data (F. Corbi, F. Pinos, S. Francescato)
2005-2007 Own data (F. Corbi, F. Pinos, S. Francescato)
2005-2007 Own data (F. Corbi, F. Pinos)
2005-2007 Own data (F. Corbi, F. Pinos, S. Francescato)
2003-2004 Own data (F. Corbi, S. Francescato)
2005-2007 Own data (F. Corbi, F. Pinos, S. Francescato)
2005-2007 Own data (F. Corbi, F. Pinos, S. Francescato)
2006 Only this species has officially been given a confirmed breeding status (MESCHINI & FRUGIS, 1993; BRICHETTI & FRACASSO 2003). Population estimate sugge-
sted by an evening count of 1751 inds. from Punta Nera di Osalla in June 2006, cf. also ZENATELLO et alii, 2006; previous record: 31.03.1991, night calls heard
at Portu Pedrosu by S. Nissardi and P.F. Murgia). CS probably breeding too (ZENATELLO et alii, 2006)
2008 Own data (N. Baccetti, M. Putzu, G. Spano).
2006 Own data (N. Baccetti, M. Zenatello)
2006-07 Own data (N. Baccetti, M. Putzu, G. Spano).
2003-2008 Own data (cf. text; upper limit after subtraction of the Molara and Figarolo populations)
1998 FOZZI et alii, (1998); [RABOUAM et alii, (1995): 33-150 pairs].
1998 FOZZI et alii, (1998)
1998 FOZZI et alii, (1998)
1998 FOZZI et alii, (1998)
1992 CESARACCIO & RACHELI (1993); traditional exploiting of CS eggs. On adjacent Porco isl., (fresh?) eggshell fragments at burrow entrances in April, species unk-
nown (LILFORD, 1887).
1998 FOZZI et alii (1998); [RABOUAM et alii (1995): 16-40].
1995 RABOUAM et alii (1995)
(1992) a FAVERO (1968): exact location of breeding site not mentioned, possibly not this island; no recent confirmation; b CESARACCIO & RACHELI (1993); FOZZI et alii
(1993): confirmed breeding, no estimate given. Traditional exploiting of CS eggs reported by CESARACCIO & RACHELI (1993).
1991-1998 Own data (N. Baccetti); FOZZI et alii (1998): confirmed breeding, general estimate for all Arzachena islets 150-200 pairs.
1998 FOZZI et alii (1998): confirmed breeding, general estimate for all Arzachena islets 150-200 pairs. Apparently absent at present (own data, N. Baccetti & C.
Azara, June 2008).
1998 FOZZI et alii (1998): confirmed breeding, general estimate for all Arzachena islets 150-200 pairs. Apparently absent on an incomplete survey in June 2008
(M. Putzu & M. Zenatello pers. comm.)
1998 FOZZI et alii (1998): confirmed breeding, general estimate for all Arzachena islets 150-200 pairs. Own data: N. Baccetti, 2 empty nests 11/11/1986; C. Azara,
N. Baccetti, M. Putzu & M. Zenatello, 2 burrows not in use, apparently this species, June 2008, complete survey
1995 RABOUAM et alii (1995)
1995 RABOUAM et alii (1995)
1995 RABOUAM et alii (1995)
1995 RABOUAM et alii (1995)
1991-1998 Own data (N. Baccetti); FOZZI et alii (1998): confirmed breeding, general estimate for all Arzachena islets 150-200 pairs.
1998 FOZZI et alii (1998); [CESARACCIO & RACHELI (1993)]
1998 FOZZI et alii (1998); [RABOUAM et alii (1995): 50-100 pairs]
2007 a SCHENK & TORRE (1986): confirmed breeding record in 1976; MOCCI DEMARTIS (1986): questionable nest record in May 1982; apparently absent at present;
b Own data (N. Baccetti, S. Nissardi, M. Zenatello), June 2007
2008 Large number of un-occupied, long abandoned burrows. Own data: N. Baccetti, Serpentara isl., June 2008; S. Nissardi & M. Zenatello, empty nests, appa-
rently of Cory's Shearwater, on adjacent Varaglione Sud isl., June 2008
1997 Own data (N. Baccetti, S. Nissardi); [SCHENK & TORRE (1986)]
- Breeding first recorded by LILFORD (1875); BONOMI (1901): occupied burrows in April 1900; recent incomplete surveys suggest possible extinction: 2008, own
data (Baccetti, Nissardi, Zenatello)
1980 SCHENK & TORRE (1986)
2000 MARTIN et alii (2000); [SCHENK & TORRE, 1986: 300-400 pairs].
2007 a cf SCHENK & TORRE (1986), but breeding unlikely at present ; b Own data (N. Baccetti, M. Zenatello), June 2007; only previous report: LILFORD (1875), 12+ pairs
c. 2000 [SCHENK & TORRE (1986): 1500-2000 pairs], APLINGTON et alii (2000): CS 500-800 pairs, YS 150-200 pairs; both sources include Foradada isl. and Piana di
Alghero isl. in their estimates (separated here)
2000-2005 cf remark under Capo Caccia; own data (N. Baccetti)
1985-2000 cf remark under Capo Caccia; own data (N. Baccetti)
2007 Own data (B. Massa, P. Lo Cascio)
2005 Own data (B. Massa)
2006 Own data (B. Massa, P. Lo Cascio)
2005 Own data (B. Massa)
2006 Own data (B. Massa, P. Lo Cascio)
2006 Own data (B. Massa)
2006 Own data (B. Massa, P. Lo Cascio)
2007 Own data (B. Massa, P. Lo Cascio)
2006 Own data (B. Massa)
2007 Own data (B. Massa, P. Lo Cascio)
2007 Own data (B. Massa)
2005 Own data (B. Massa, P. Lo Cascio)
2007 Own data (B. Massa); CS eggs traditionally exploited until recently
2005 Own data (B. Massa)
2001 Own data (N. Baccetti, P. Sposimo)
2008 Own data (N. Baccetti, P. Sposimo); [TELLINI FLORENZANO et alii (1997)].
2007 Own data (P. Sposimo)
2005-2007 YS: large colonies (TOSCHI, 1953), >50 calling inds. (1986, Baccetti own data), >5 occupied burrows (1988-1993: A. Massi, M. Ferro pers. comm.), no contacts
(2005-07: P. Sposimo, N. Baccetti, own data). CS: (2005-07: P. Sposimo, N. Baccetti, own data)
c. 2005 M. Barlettani, pers. comm.
2007 Own data (N. Baccetti, P. Sposimo)
2007 A. De Faveri, B. Cursano, pers. comm.; [BACCETTI (1994): 50-250 pairs].
2001 Own data (N. Baccetti, P. Sposimo)
2007 Own data (N. Baccetti, P. Sposimo) [YS: BACCETTI, 1989]
feral dog, p= feral pigs or wild boars, w= weasel, h= hedgehog) and population estimates for both shearwater
species (range, followed by geometric mean, * = only order of magnitude known), years of reference of the estimate.
... For example, they heavily predate upon seabirds at all life stages including the eggs, nestlings and adults [9], and of a large range of other vertebrate, invertebrate and plant taxa [2,10,11]. This behaviour has been observed on Mediterranean islands [12], including Italian ones, where the black rat represents by far the most widespread terrestrial mammal, occurring on about 80% of the islands [13,14]. In addition, rats are an important source of pathogens for humans [15,16], targeted by several eradication programs, including on the small islands of central Italy, the region of focus in this study [17,18]. ...
... Similarly to the Pontine, Pianosa and other islands in the same archipelago (designated as Natura 2000 sites) were prioritised for rat eradication (LIFE13 NAT/IT/000471-RESTO CON LIFE "Island conservation in Tuscany, restoring habitat not only for birds"). Indeed, black rats have been recognised to be extremely harmful to the ecosystems of this island [8,14]. Traps were placed randomly on the islands and set to be operational overnight, for a total of 5 trap nights per site. ...
... High genetic variability of this parasite observed in black rats from an island in Brazil demonstrated its high capacity for adaptation in an insular environment, which may influence virulence and pathogenicity [26]. Interestingly, Pianosa (as well as Montecristo [25]), where no T. gondii was recorded, is an equally important roosting site for seabirds and other migratory species [14,17]. In the Tuscan archipelago, the possible role of wild birds in T. gondii epidemiology remains to be evaluated. ...
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Simple Summary Invasive species negatively affect native populations through predation, competition, and the potential introduction of health threats, such as parasites. Black rats (Rattus rattus) are among the worst invaders of islands, and a significant source of parasites infecting humans and other animals. This study conducted a screening for zoonotic and veterinary-relevant microparasites in wild rats from small islands in central Italy, including the Pontine Islands and Pianosa, where the primary hosts of the selected parasites were either absent or scarce. The aim was to investigate the potential role of rats as their host. Rats were kill-trapped and molecular analyses were performed on different tissues to identify microparasite presence. Results confirm that invasive species such as rats may contribute to an elevated parasitological threat to local wildlife and human communities in specific ecosystems. Notably, we documented the first record of Babesia divergens, typically associated with cattle and wild ungulates, in wild rats. Additionally, we confirmed the presence of Leishmania infantum on an island without dogs, which have traditionally been considered the primary hosts. Our study helps to document parasite distribution and interactions between parasites and introduced invasive hosts, and represents useful knowledge to inform public health and wildlife management policy. Abstract Invasive species have a detrimental impact on native populations, particularly in island ecosystems, and they pose a potential zoonotic and wildlife threat. Black rats (Rattus rattus) are invasive species that disrupt native flora and fauna on islands and serve as potential competent reservoirs for various pathogens and parasites. Microparasites screening was conducted in rat populations from small islands in central Italy (the Pontine Islands and Pianosa) with the aim of assessing the role of rats in maintaining infections, particularly in cases where key reservoir hosts were scarce or absent. We focused on microparasites of zoonotic and veterinary relevance. A total of 53 rats was kill-trapped and target tissues were analysed with molecular techniques. We observed the absence or very low prevalence of Anaplasma spp., while Babesia was found in rats from all locations, marking the first recorded instance of Babesia divergens in wild rats. Data from Pianosa strongly suggest the presence of an autochthonous Leishmania infantum cycle in the Tuscan archipelago islands. Neospora caninum was absent from all islands, even in areas where dogs, the main reservoirs, were present. Toxoplasma gondii was only recorded on the Pontine Islands, where genotyping is needed to shed light on infection dynamics. This study confirms that invasive species, such as rats, may be responsible for maintaining an increased parasitological threat to fauna and human communities in certain ecosystems.
... The P. carbo sinensis subspecies has been found near coasts, estuaries, lagoons, as well as large rivers and lakes in inland areas of Sweden, Belarus, Poland, Germany, the Netherlands, France, Spain, Croatia, Northern Greece, and Northern Italy [8]. Between October and April, P. carbo sinensis migrates and winters in Italy, where very few individuals stay also during the summer months [9]. Most of the nesting colonies are located in the freshwater wetlands of Northern Italy and in the lagoons along the Adriatic coasts [8]. ...
... This reverse trend can be traced back to the presence of wintering individuals experiencing different feeding behaviors during their seasonal migration cycles [12,23]. In Southern Italy, the wintering population of cormorants reaches far greater numbers than the breeding population [9,24]. Furthermore, recent censuses did not report the presence of nesting colonies in Sicily since the early 1990s [10]. ...
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In this study, four dead great cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis (Blumenbach, 1978) specimens, collected from the coasts and lakes of Southern Italy, were examined by necropsy for the detection of Contraceacum sp. The adults and larvae found were subjected to morphological analysis and molecular identification by PCR-RFLP. A total of 181 Contracaecum specimens were detected in all of the four great cormorants examined (prevalence = 100%), showing an intensity of infestation between nine and ninety-two. A co-infestation by adult and larval forms of Contracaecum rudolphii was found only in one of the great cormorants examined. Following molecular investigations, 48 specimens of C. rudolphii A and 38 specimens of C. rudolphii B were detected, revealing co-infestation solely for the great cormorant from Leporano Bay (Southern Italy). Our results showed an opposite ratio between C. rudolphii A and C. rudolphii B in Pantelleria and in Salso Lake (Southern Italy) compared to what was reported in the literature, probably due to migratory stopovers and the ecology of the infested fish species, confirming the role of Contracaecum nematodes as ecological tags of their hosts.
... In Port-Cros NP, the ringing effort was 4.43 % considering 106-204 pairs of breeding birds (Cadiou et al., 2004) and an equivalent of 12.4 adult birds ringed annually on average (Dehorter and CRBPO, 2024). Finally, the ringing effort was 0.58 % in Italy considering 2909-5543 pairs of breeding birds (excluding colonies from Adriatic Sea and Sicily Channel; Cadiou et al., 2004;Baccetti et al., 2009;Mazzoleni, 2015;Gotti et al., 2020) and an equivalent of 43.9 adult birds ringed annually on average based on EURING Data Bank. Thus, if we assume that birds from different countries/colonies had equal likelihood to be recaptured in a parsimonious hypothesis, we should find an expected proportion p i of birds bycaught from country/colony i: ...
The marine realm suffers from cumulative causes of biodiversity erosion and world seabird community declined by 50 % since 1970. Seabirds routinely transgress regional and international boundaries and threat assessments should be performed at large spatial scales. We studied the demographic consequences of transnational Spanish longline fisheries bycatch on vulnerable Scopoli's shearwater (Calonectris diomedea) populations in the French Mediterranean. First, we assessed space use for 174 shearwaters breeding in the Calanques National Park (NP) using GPS-tracking between 2011 and 2022. By matching this information with a published bycatch risk map for Mediterranean Spain, we found that shearwaters largely overlapped with Spanish longline fisheries. Second, we calculated Spanish demersal longline bycatch on shearwater populations of Calanques and Port-Cros NPs, using bycatch reports, ring recoveries and ringing effort. Annually, Spanish demersal longline fisheries killed 5.3 birds (95 % CI = 0.4-14.2; 0.5 % of the population) from the Calanques NP and 8.1 birds (0.5-21.6; 2.6 % of the population) from Port-Cros NPs. Third, we assessed the demographic consequences of this bycatch using multi-event capture-recapture models and matrix population modeling based on long-term nest monitoring. Adult survival was low (0.84 to 0.92) relative to other Procellariiforms. Even though annual shearwater casualties on Spanish demersal longline seem modest, they may compromise the persistence of several French Scopoli's populations within 50 years. We demonstrate the importance of designing marine conservation at international scales for highly mobile species, to fully embrace the cumulative effects of marine anthropogenic threats on adult seabird survival, the main leverage effect for long-lived vulnerable populations.
... The average breeding success, for five consecutive breeding seasons (2008-2012), was found to be about 66-67%. This outcome is comparable with respective results from other Scopoli's Shearwater colonies, such as those on the Dionysades islands north of eastern Crete (77%), the Marseille islands (79-82%), the Maltese islands (64%), and Linosa Island, close to Sicily (39-89%) [33,[49][50][51]. Predation pressure by black rats was the main reason for the low level of breeding success (39%) on Linosa Island just before a rat eradication project was launched, but this was not the case for the breeding failures on Stamfani Island. ...
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Citation: Karris, G.; Xirouchakis, S.; Poirazidis, K.; Voulgaris, M.-D.; Tsouroupi, A.; Sfenthourakis, S.; Giokas, S. Aspects of Breeding Performance of Scopoli's Shearwater (Calonectris diomedea): The Case of the Largest Colony in Greece. Diversity 2024, 16, 150. https://doi. Abstract: Here we report, for the first time, aspects of the breeding performance of Scopoli's Shearwa-ter (Calonectris diomedea) in one of its largest colonies in Europe, i.e., in the Strofades island group. We describe the chronology of the main events in the breeding cycle of this species on Stamfani Island, the largest island of this island group, including the evaluation of breeding performance and the influence of ecological factors (nesting habitat, nest type, nest-entrance orientation, and occupation rate per nest) on breeding success. The Scopoli's Shearwater colony of Stamfani Island exhibited a high degree of breeding synchrony and nest site tenacity. The data obtained by monitoring 472 nests during five consecutive years (2008-2012), showed a breeding success (fledging per occupied nest per year) of up to 66.6%. In addition, hatching success (chick hatched successfully per egg laid) was 76.9%, and fledging success (fledging young per chick hatched successfully) was 86.8%. We also observed annual variations in breeding performance during that period. These results seemed to be influenced positively by the breeding experience of the pair. Furthermore, the type of nest site and the nest-entrance orientation were found to have an effect on breeding success rates, whereas the nesting habitat did not, indicating low predation risk by rats.
... To test for assortative mating (positive or negative) vs. random mating, we assessed the correlation of each body measure between pair members using Pearson correlation tests, separately for each colony since we cannot rule out density dependent effects on mate choice (i.e. different mating Fig. 1 Map of the three study areas: Linosa, hosting 10.000 Scopoli's Shearwater pairs, Tremiti Archipelago hosting 300-400 pairs (Baccetti et al. 2009) and La Maddalena Archipelago hosting 200-500 pairs (Morinay et al. 2022) strategies according to the number of breeding individuals in a colony; Bried et al. 2021). However, the test for the significance of differences between correlations performed using "cocor" R package (Diedenhofen and Musch 2015), showed no differences between colonies either for tarsus length or bill (p always > 0.05). ...
Mate choice is a key process in animals to optimize the fitness benefits of reproduction, and it is generally guided by phe-notypic features of potential partners that mirror reproductive abilities. Assortative mating occurs when there is within-pair selection for specific functional traits that can confer fitness benefits. Assortative mating can be positive if mates are more similar, and negative if they are more dissimilar than expected by chance. Mate choice is particularly important in long-lived species with biparental care, such as procellariforms that form long term monogamous bonds. We assessed the mating strategy of a sexually dimorphic Mediterranean procellariform, the Scopoli's Shearwater (Calonectris diomedea), by testing for assortative mating according to bill (in accordance with previous studies on a sister species) and tarsus size (proxy of body size). We found that shearwaters adopted a positive size-assortative mating by tarsus length, while mating for bill size was random. Moreover, tarsus length was positively correlated with the duration of incubation shifts, when individuals are fasting on eggs. The observed assortative mating could be the results of choice by similarity between individuals, likely because partners with similar relative size have similar tolerance to fasting. Alternatively, the observed pattern could be the product of mutual mate choice, with a selection for large size that could confer competitive abilities in nest selection, defense, foraging aggregations and fasting ability. While our data suggest strong assortative mating in the Scopoli's Shearwater (R = 0.4), we cannot fully disentangle the multiple processes at play acting on mate choice.
... Linosa Island hosts the second largest colony of Scopoli's shearwater of the species [15], and a limited number of studies have assessed the provisioning strategies of Scopoli's shearwater of Linosa's colony, which are focused on GPS tracking and animal-borne video cameras [16,17]. This work aimed to study the FA content of the stomach oil collected from Scopoli's shearwater chicks of Linosa Island in order to deepen their ecology and trophic relationship and highlight the possible role of fatty acids analysis as dietary tracers in C. diomedea trophic ecology. ...
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Calonectris diomedea is a Procellariforms seabird having a very representative colony in Linosa Island (Southern Italy). The adult forms of C. diomedea produce a pasty oil from their proventriculus to feed their chicks during the rearing period. In this work, we examined the fatty acids composition of the stomach oil of C. diomedea from Linosa Island by gas chromatography with flame ionization detection (GC-FID). The samples were collected at 20 and 70 days after hatching. Twenty different fatty acids (FAs) were identified. Saturated fatty acids (SFA) were the most abundant in percentage (41.6%) at day 20 followed by polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA, 38.7%) and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA, 19.7%). MUFAs were the most abundant in samples collected at day 70 (53.8%), followed by SFAs (36.6%) and PUFAs (9.8%). Oleic acid (C18:1ω9) in the samples on day 70 was 4 times higher than that in the samples on day 20. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) verified a clear separation of the stomach oil samples in two groups, according to the day of sampling. The results obtained confirm the role of FAs analysis of stomach oil to understand the ecology and breeding behaviour of C. diomedea, highlighting a resemblance with signatures recorded in marine organisms of Linosa Island.
... Very few data is available on the distribution and migration routes of these species along the Sicilian coasts. The Linosa and Malta Islands in the Sicily Channel, host two of the largest colonies of Scopoli's and Yelkouan Shearwater in the Mediterranean (Baccetti et al., 2009;Cecere et al., 2012;Gatt et al., 2019;Raine et al., 2011Raine et al., , 2009). Because of this, it is reasonable to assume that sighted individuals fledged from breeding colonies to feed in the study area. ...
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Plastic pollution in the Mediterranean Sea has been widely reported, but its impact on biodiversity has not been fully explored. Simultaneous sampling of microplastics (MP) with a manta net and surveys of large marine vertebrates were conducted along the coastal waters of Sicily (Western Ionian Sea). A total of 17 neustonic samples have been collected and 17 marine species (cetaceans, sea turtles, seabirds, and fish) have been sighted in the target area. Kernel density estimation was evaluated to highlight a possible overlap between the presence of large marine fauna and MP densities to provide a preliminary risk assessment. The highest biodiversity and MP concentration (0.197 ± 0.130 items/m²) were observed in the southernmost part of the studied area. The overlap between biodiversity hotspots and the occurrence of MP, potential contribute to the identification of sensitive areas of exposure in a poorly studied region.
... The Scopoli's shearwater (Calonectris diomedea) is a long-distance migrant and colonial Procellariiform breeding on Mediterranean islands (Sangster et al., 2012). The second-largest Scopoli's shearwater colony is in Linosa Island (Baccetti et al., 2009). ...
Calonectris diomedea is a colonial Procellariiform breeding on Mediterranean islands. The stomach oil produced during chick rearing is a peculiar trait of this species. The composition of the stomach oil is likely to reflect the composition of the prey ingested and might reveal the contaminants uptake with prey becoming a possible tool for the marine pollution monitoring. We examined the concentration of 15 trace elements by ICP-MS and direct mercury analyser. The principal component analysis revealed a heterogeneous pattern of metal concentration, showing a significant separation between samples collected 20 and 70 days after hatching. The data obtained in this work give preliminary information on the feeding habits and breeding ecology of Linosa's colony of Scopoli's shearwater. The trace metals variability found suggest that the stomach oil may have a role as trophic markers to understand predator-prey relationships and to have evidence on the accumulation of pollutants in the latter.
... The study was carried out in the colony of Scopoli's shearwaters of Linosa island (35°51′33″ N; 12°51′34″ E) during the breeding season 2020. Linosa hosts one of the biggest European colonies of Scopoli's shearwaters with 10,000 estimated couples (Baccetti et al. 2009). Seven birds were equipped with miniaturised video cameras (Technosmart Europe S.r.l., Rome, IT) during the early chick-rearing period (20th July to 10th August 2020). ...
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Conventional bio-logging techniques used for ethological studies of seabirds have their limitations when studying detailed behaviours at sea. This study uses animal-borne video cameras to reveal fne-scale behaviours, associations with conspecifcs and other species and interactions with fshery vessels during foraging of a Mediterranean seabird. The study was conducted on Scopoli's shearwaters (Calonectris diomedea) breeding in Linosa island (35°51′33″ N; 12°51′34″ E) during summer 2020. Foraging events were video recorded from a seabirds' view with lightweight cameras attached to the birds' back. Foraging always occurred in association with other shearwaters. Competitive events between shearwaters were observed, and their frequency was positively correlated to the number of birds in the foraging aggregation. Associations with tunas and sea turtles have been frequent observations at natural foraging sites. During foraging events, video recordings allowed observations of fne-scale behaviours, which would have remained unnoticed with conventional tracking devices. Foraging events could be categorised by prey type into “natural prey” and “fshery discards”. Analysis of the video footage suggests behavioural diferences between the two prey type categories. Those diferences suggest that the foraging efort between natural prey and fshery discards consumption can vary, which adds new arguments to the discussion about energy trade-ofs and choice of foraging strategy. These observations highlight the importance of combining tracking technologies to obtain a complete picture of the at-sea behaviours of seabirds, which is essential for understanding the impact of foraging strategies and seabird-fshery interactions.
... This study was carried out on Linosa, a small island (5.43 km 2 ) located in the Sicilian Channel (35 • 51 ′ 33 ′′ N; 12 • 51 ′ 34 ′′ E) which is home to the largest European colony of Scopoli's shearwater with around 10,000 breeding pairs (Baccetti et al., 2009). Here, shearwaters nest in natural cavities and caves formed in volcanic rock in the northern part of the island known as "Mannarazza". ...
Habitat characteristics determine the presence and distribution of trophic resources shaping seabirds' behavioural responses which may result in physiological consequences. Such physiological consequences in relation to foraging strategies of different life-history stages have been little studied in the wild. Thus, we aim to assess differences in oxidative status, condition (fat stores, i.e. triglyceride levels, TRI), stress (Heterophil/Lymphocyte (H/L) ratio), and leukocyte profiles between incubation and chick rearing highlighting the role of foraging strategies in a seabird (Calonectris diomedea). Chick rearing was more energetically demanding and stressful than incubation as demonstrated by high stress levels (H/L ratio and leukocytes) and lower body stores (assessed by TRI and the increment of weight) due to the high energy requirements of rearing chicks. Also, our results make reconsider the simplistic trade-off model where reproduction increases metabolism and consequently the rate of oxidative stress. In fact, high energy expenditure (VeDBA) during chick rearing was correlated with low levels of oxidative damage likely due to mechanisms at the level of mitochondrial inner membranes (uncoupling proteins or low levels of oxygen partial pressure). Further (more distant) and longer (more days) foraging trips were performed during incubation, when antioxidants showed low levels compared to chick rearing due to incubation fasting, a change in diet, or a combination of these factors; but unlikely because of oxidative shielding since no relation was found between oxidative damage and antioxidant capacity. Males showed higher numbers of monocytes which were positively correlated with antioxidant capacity compared to females, suggesting sexual differences in immune profiles. Species-specific costs and energetic demands of different breeding phases trigger behavioural and physiological adjustments.
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Per milioni di anni l'uomo ed i suoi antenati hanno vissuto in rapporto con gli animali, se ne sono alimentati e li hanno sfruttati in vario modo: come fonte di cibo, di vestiario o di compagnia, ma anche per il trasporto di genti, di beni materiali o di eserciti. La nostra sopravvivenza è sempre dipesa dagli animali domestici, i quali hanno contribuito in molti modi a cambiare il corso della storia della specie umana. Uomini e (non solo) topi indaga l'ancestrale rapporto che ha accomunato l'evoluzione delle popolazioni umane a quelle animali, mettendo in evidenza i diversi modi in cui esso si è espresso. L'argomento è affrontato con un approccio inter- e multi-disciplinare, avvalendosi del contributo di svariati settori di ricerca quali la paleoecologia e l'archeozoologia, nel tentativo di riordinare la grande messe di dati attualmente disponibile, al fine di comprendere quale sia stato – e continui ancora ad essere – il ruolo degli animali nel progredire sociale, economico, culturale ed ecologico dell'uomo.
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Today the Mediterranean distribution of Cory ' s Shearwaters is believed to be well known. New colonies may be dlscovered, but certainly the largest ones are known. Many data were published durlng the last ten years and we believe to have a satysfactory knowledge of their biology, though some problems, as the winter movements of each population, the first breeding age and the ratio immatures/adults are stlll to be examined carefully .
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BirdLife International has so far developed Action Plans for 37 bird species. The plans, although not legally binding, have been approved by the Ornis Committee (EU DG Environment) and most of them have also been endorsed by the Standing Committee of the Bern Convention. Three of the species covered by the SAPs are Mediterranean seabirds: Audouin's gull (Larus audouinii). Balearic shearwater (Puffinus mauretanicus) and Mediterranean shag (Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii). The documents, which have been produced through a participatory process involving tens of experts across the range of the taxa, provide information on the biology, ecology and threats, but the most important feature is the list of specific objectives and actions which are ranked according to their priority and urgency. Alongside actions addressing species-specific conservation needs, such as site protection and management, a number of activities aimed at the conservation of these species are common and refer to wide policies such as land-use planning, fishery, tourist development and pollution control. The documents represent the most up-to-date and scientifically-based source of information for planning and implementing conservation activities across the Mediterranean, to be implemented by both governmental and non governmental organisations.
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Today the Mediterranean distribution of Cory’s Shearwaters is believed to be well known. New colonies may be discovered, but certainly the largest ones are known. Many data were published during the last ten years and we believe to have a satisfactory knowledge of their biology, though some problems, as the winter movements of each population, the first breeding age and the ratio immatures/adults are still to be examined carefully.
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We studied the impact of predation by the Black Rat on the breeding success of Cory's Shearwaters on Linosa island (Pelagian archipelago) in 2006. Between 6 and 10 June we marked 231 active nests, which we checked in July, September and October. In July we found eggs or pulli in only 121 nests, while in the remaining 110 we found: 4 abandoned eggs, 1 crushed egg, 80 predated eggs, and 23 predated chicks; in two cases adults were present without eggs or chicks. In September we found 91 eggs or chicks, while 30 were predated by rats. In October no rat predation was observed. The reproductive success was 39%, rat predation being 59% and natural losses 2%, but long-term studies are needed to better quantify the exact effects of rat predation on Linosa's shearwater population.
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The mechanisms by which introduced predators and long-lived seabirds interact and even coexist are still poorly known. Here, the interactions between the widely introduced black rat (Rattus rattus (L., 1758)) and an endemic Mediterranean cavity-nesting seabird, the yelkouan shearwater (Puffinus yelkouan (Acerbi, 1827)), were for the first time investigated for a set of 60 suitable breeding cavities throughout the entire breeding cycle of this seabird. Our results pointed out that rat visits to cavities were significantly higher when shearwaters had left the colony for their interbreeding exodus. Among the set of suitable breeding cavities, yelkouan shearwaters preferentially selected the deepest and the most winding cavities for breeding. Very few rat visits were recorded at the shearwater-occupied cavities and no predation event was recorded. These intriguing results reveal a low level of interaction between introduced black rats and yelkouan shearwaters, which may have facilitated their long-term coexistence for thousands of years on some Mediterranean islands.
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The devastation of island faunas by alien species has been instrumental in raising concerns about the global threat to biological diversity. Colonial nesting species, often restricted to islands, have been affected severely. Eradication of introduced species as a means to alleviate the problem is usually done with little or no understanding of the mechanisms governing interactions between introduced and native species. Such an understanding could help target management action. We analyzed how island area, rock substrate, bird species biology, and presence of an introduced species, the black rat ( Rattus rattus), interact to explain the distribution and abundance of colonial nesting birds on a set of 72 islands from six archipelagos in the western Mediterranean. Rats were introduced to this region over 2000 years ago, and these communities have had time to reach an equilibrium. Using general linear models, we show that rats have affected species distributions more on the smaller islands and on islands with an acidic or neutral rock substrate; larger bird species are more resistant. On the smaller islands, where rat densities are highest, larger colonial birds are negatively affected. On larger islands, where rat densities are lower and fluctuate form year to year, larger colonial birds can maintain healthy populations despite the presence of rats. Although rats caused local extinction or reduction in bird abundance, the presence of islands varying in size and/or substrate allowed most archipelagos to retain their suite of colonial nesting bird species, despite a presumably reduced abundance for most species.
Most of the various papers on the italian insular avifauna published in the second series of the Rivista Italiana di Ornitologia from 1931 to 1983 deal with the tuscan archipelago, Malta and several other smaller archipelagos such as Termiti, Aeolis, Pelagics etc. On the contrary, Sardinia and its small satellite islands have hardly been studied. The only complete work about Sardinian islands is that of Moltoni (1971) dealing with Tavolara, Molara and Molotto. Other previous papers (Boncmi, 1911, 1912) do not give an overall picture of the avifauna of the other small Sardinian islands.
Breeding success of 5 Cory's shearwater Calonectris diomedea sub-colonies of Lavezzu Island (Lavezzi Archipelago, Corsica) was checked annually for 25 consecutive years from 1979 to 2004. Between 1989 and 1994, 4 ship rat Rattus rattus controls were performed in several sub- colonies. In November 2000, rats were eradicated from Lavezzu Island and its 16 peripheral islets (85 ha) using traps then toxic baits. We compare cost (number of person-hours required in the field) and benefit (Cory's shearwater breeding success) of control and eradication. The average breeding success doubled when rats were controlled or eradicated (0.82) compared to the situation without rat management (0.45). Moreover, the average breeding success after eradication (0.86) was signifi- cantly (11%) higher than after rat controls (0.75). Furthermore, the great variation in breeding suc- cess recorded among sub-colonies both with and without rat control declined dramatically after eradication, suggesting that rats had a major impact on breeding success. The estimated effort needed to perform eradication and checking of the permanent bait-station system during the year fol- lowing eradication was 1360 person-hours. In contrast, rat control was estimated to require 240 or 1440 person-hours per year when implemented by trained and untrained staff, respectively. Within 6 yr, eradication cost is lower than control cost performed by untrained staff and confers several eco- logical advantages on more ecosystem components than Cory's shearwater alone. Improved eradi- cation tools such as hand or aerial broadcasting of toxic baits instead of the fairly labour-intensive eradication strategy we used would dramatically increase the economic advantage of eradication vs. control. Therefore, when feasible, we recommend eradication rather than control of non-native rat populations. Nevertheless, control remains a useful management tool when eradication is not practicable.