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Ultrasound Detection in Fishes and Frogs: Discovery and Mechanisms


Abstract and Figures

The frequency range of hearing in fishes and frogs historically has been thought to be confined to relatively low frequencies in comparison to that of mammals. However, within the last 20 years, the audiograms of several fish and frog species have been shown to encompass ultrasonic (US) frequencies. Moreover, these animals have been shown to respond behaviorally to US playbacks. Although the evolution of US detection in these species is still an ongoing topic of study, both fishes and frogs have faced the challenge of producing very high-frequency responses from systems that evolved with low-frequency sensitivity. A short history of the behavioral responses and the electrophysiological mechanisms (when known) underlying the production and reception of US in fishes and frogs is presented, with a focus on the unique experimental approaches that have yielded this surprising upward extension of the hearing ranges of several specialized fishes and frogs.
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Ultrasound Detection in Fishes and Frogs:
Discovery and Mechanisms
Peter M. Narins, Maria Wilson, and David A. Mann
Keywords Alosinae • Amphibian papilla • Anti-predator response • Basilar papilla
• Clupeids • Echolocation • Environmental constraints on hearing • Huia
cavitympanum • Hair cells • Inner ear • Lateral line • Odorrana graminea
Odorrana tormota • Toothed whales • Torus semicircularis
1 Introduction
The frequency range of hearing in fishes and frogs historically has been thought to
be confined to relatively low frequencies in comparison to mammals (Hawkins,
1981; Fay, 1988). The fishes with the greatest sensitivity and frequency bandwidth,
such as the otophysans, a group of species that have a mechanical coupling between
the swim bladder and inner ear, have upper frequency sensitivities below 5 kHz
(Fay, 1988). Similarly for frogs, audiogram studies typically have tested only up to
4–5 kHz (Fay, 1988).
However, there have been hints of higher frequency sensitivity in some fishes and
frogs. In 1982 Boyd Kynard discovered that ultrasonic sonar (about 160 kHz) caused
behavioral responses in migrating Alosa sapidissima (Kynard & O’Leary, 1990).
P.M. Narins (*)
Departments of Integrative Biology & Physiology, and Ecology & Evolutionary Biology,
University of California Los Angeles, 621 Charles E. Young Drive S., Los Angeles,
CA 90095-1606, USA
M. Wilson
Department of Bioscience, The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of
Oslo, Oslo, Norway
D.A. Mann
Loggerhead Instruments, 6576 Palmer Park Circle, Sarasota, FL 34238, USA
C. Ko
¨ppl et al. (eds.), Insights from Comparative Hearing Research,
Springer Handbook of Auditory Research 49, DOI 10.1007/2506_2013_29,
©Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013
This eventually led Mann et al. (1997) to measure the audiogram of Alosa
sapidissima and indeed confirmed that the species could detect ultrasound (US).
More recently, studies of anurans with a unique canal ear morphology showed that
there were ultrasonic components in their vocalizations, and that they could detect
these ultrasonic call components (Narins et al., 2004; Feng et al., 2006).
This chapter reviews US detection in fishes and frogs and ultrasonic acoustic
communication in frogs. Ultrasonic acoustic communication has not been found in
any soniferous fish species to date. Although the evolution of US detection in these
species is still a topic of study, both fishes and frogs have faced the challenge of
producing very high frequency responses from systems that evolved with
low-frequency sensitivity.
2 US Detection in Fish
2.1 Historical Overview of US Detection in Fish
In the early 1990s, several papers were published showing that pulsed high-
frequency sounds at 110–140 kHz and with high intensities (180 dB re 1 μPa)
were effective in deterring at least two fish species belonging to the subfamily of
Alosine (shad and menhaden) from power plant intakes: Alosa aestivalis (Nestler
et al., 1992) and Alosa pseudoharengus (Dunning et al., 1992). It was unclear
whether the fishes detected the ultrasonic component of the emitted signals or
low-frequency byproducts, but still these observations mark the beginning of the
study of US detection in fish.
The first audiogram of a member of the Alosinae, the Alosa sapidissima, was
measured using classical conditioning of heartbeat by Mann et al. (1997), who
showed that this species could detect sound in the ultrasonic frequency range up to
180 kHz. The detection threshold was high in comparison to low-frequency
thresholds, as the most sensitive ultrasonic frequency of 38 kHz had a threshold
of 137 dB re 1 μPa (rms) (Mann et al., 1997,1998) (Fig. 1).
Later behavioral and physiological studies showed that additional species
belonging to the Alosinae can detect and respond to US. These include Brevoortia
patronus (Mann et al., 2001) and two species of European shad, Alosa fallax fallax
(Gregory et al., 2007) and Alosa alosa (Wilson et al., 2008). The ability to detect US
appears to be limited to the subfamily of Alosinae, as it has not been found in other
clupeiforme fish species in the subfamily Clupeinae, including Clupea pallasii,
Anchoa mitchilli,Harengula Jaguana (Mann et al., 2001,2005), Clupea harengus
(Wilson, unpublished data), or in the subfamily Dorosomatinae, including
Dorosoma petense (Casper and Mann, unpublished data).
It also does not appear that other fishes are able to detect US, although very
few hearing studies have tested for this ability. One study conditioned Gadus
morhua to ultrasonic pulses at 38 kHz with a threshold for detection of 204 dB
P.M. Narins et al.
re 1 μPa (pp) (Astrup & Møhl, 1993). However, because of the very high thresholds,
the authors suggested that the response might be caused by stimulation of cutaneous
or other somatosensory receptors. A follow-up study by Schack et al. (2008) found
that unconditioned Gadus morhua did not show any behavioral or physiological
response when exposed to the same type of stimulus generated with the same
equipment as used in the study performed by Astrup and Møhl (1993). Thus,
there appears to be little evidence favoring US detection by Gadus morhua.
2.2 Why Detect US?
No fish species are known to produce communication sounds with ultrasonic
frequency components (Bass & Ladich, 2008). Although several clupeid species
have been reported to produce sound associated with gas release from the swim
bladder (Wahlberg & Westerberg, 2003; Wilson et al., 2004), the frequencies
produced are below 20 kHz. One of the obvious questions to ask is, then, why do
Alosinae detect ultrasonic signals at all?
One of the natural ultrasonic sound sources in the aquatic environment is the top
predatory toothed whales (Odontoceti) that target a broad range of both cephalopod
and fish species (Clarke, 1977; Santos et al., 2001). Toothed whales use echoloca-
tion to locate and catch prey and to seek information about their surroundings
Frequency (Hz)
Threshold (dB re 1 µPa)
Fig. 1 Audiogram from (Alosa sapidissima) obtained by classical conditioning of heartbeat.
Means SEM from five American shad. (Modified after Mann et al., 1997,1998.)
Ultrasound Detection in Fishes and Frogs
(Au, 1993; Madsen et al., 2005). The source levels of the emitted echolocation
clicks can be up to 228 dB re 1 μPa (pp) (Au, 1993) and in the case of Physeter
macrocephalus even up to 240 dB re 1 μPa (pp) (Møhl et al., 2003). These clicks
travel through the water and reflect off targets, and then are detected by toothed
whales (Au, 1993). Because of the very high source levels, the toothed whales
loudly announce their presence for a prey that is capable of detecting US. The
frequency span with the main energy of the toothed whale echolocation signals
coincides with the frequency span within which the Alosinae are sensitive in the
ultrasonic frequency range.
The behavioral threshold sensitivity of Alosa sapidissima to a simulated dolphin
click was 171 dB re 1 μPa (pp) (Mann et al., 1998). Assuming spherical spreading
and an absorption coefficient of 0.02 dB/m, the predicted detection range is 187 m
for a 220 dB re 1 μPa (pp) dolphin click (Mann et al., 1998). It is therefore tempting
to envision that Alosinae can detect US to potentially avoid or reduce predation by
echolocating toothed whales.
This is analogous to a similar acoustic predator–prey interaction between bats
and some nocturnal insects (Nestler et al., 1992; Mann et al., 1997; Astrup, 1999).
Like toothed whales, the much smaller bats emit intense ultrasonic cries and use the
echoes reflected off objects during search and capture of their prey (Griffin, 1958).
The heavy predation pressure from echolocating bats is believed to be the main
driving force of the parallel evolution of ultrasonic sensitive ears in several dis-
tantly related families of moths (Miller & Surlykke, 2001) and in a number of other
nocturnal insects (Yack & Fullard, 1993; Hoy & Robert, 1996). When certain moths
are exposed to low-intensity ultrasonic bat cries, they turn directly away from the
sound source, increasing the distance to the bat (Roeder, 1962). If the bat is close,
the moth will exhibit a much stronger and unpredictable flight response pattern that
often ends in a power dive or passive fall toward the ground (Roeder, 1998). The
different response patterns exhibited by moths indicate that they detect the direction
and proximity of the predatory bat by listening to the ultrasonic bat cries.
If US sensitivity of Alosinae is used to serve as a way of detecting and avoiding
echolocating toothed whales, one would expect the fish to show behaviors that
might resemble those exhibited by moths when exposed to bat cries. This is indeed
what playback studies conducted on Alosa sapidissima and Alosa alosa have
shown. When shad are exposed to pure ultrasonic tones played at varying sound
pressure levels, they exhibit a graded directional response pattern. If the sound is
very intense, the fish exhibit a very strong and panic-like response, but as the sound
pressure level is reduced, the response gets weaker (Plachta & Popper, 2003;
Wilson et al., 2008). In a following study, Alosa alosa were exposed to ultrasonic
clicks played at varying repetition rates mimicking toothed whales in different
phases of prey capture. Toothed whales generally produce echolocation clicks at a
higher repetition rate as they approach prey, and most prey capture attempts are
terminated with a buzz phase where the repetition rate can be up to several hundred
clicks per second (Madsen et al., 2002,2005). When the energy for a given time is
increased based on a faster click rate (but with a constant sound pressure level), the
Alosa alosa exhibited an increase in swimming speed and decrease in reaction time.
P.M. Narins et al.
It was also found that the response is consistent with a predator avoidance response
in that the fish turn away from the sound source (Wilson et al., 2011). Based on
these playback studies, it can be concluded that Alosinae behave as if the response
to US is used as an antipredatory response against echolocating toothed whales.
2.3 On the Mechanism of US Detection in Alosinae
During the past 15 years, the mechanism of US detection in Alosinae has been a
mystery and there are different hypotheses on how they detect US. It has been
suggested that the inner ear is key to US detection (Mann et al., 1998; Higgs et al.,
2004; Popper et al., 2004); however, another hypothesis suggests that US detection
involves the lateral line (Wilson et al., 2009).
2.3.1 The Fish Lateral Line
Fishes have a lateral line that allows them to detect weak water motions (for
reviews see Coombs & Montgomery 1999; Sand & Bleckmann 2008). The sensory
receptors are hair cells clustered in groups of varying numbers forming a
neuromast. There are two types of neuromasts: superficial neuromasts found on
the skin surface and canal neuromasts embedded in canals (Webb et al., 2008). The
lateral line can be found on the head, trunk, or tail in varying patterns depending on
the species. In Clupeidae, canal neuromasts are restricted to the head (Hoss &
Blaxter, 1982; Blaxter et al., 1983) (Fig. 2), whereas the superficial neuromasts are
found on the entire body (Higgs & Fuiman, 1996).
Fig. 2 The canal lateral
line (Brevoortia tyrannus)
is restricted to the
head. N, neuromasts.
(From Hoss & Blaxter,
1982. Reproduced with
Ultrasound Detection in Fishes and Frogs
The neuromasts are detectors of fluid flow and detect movements between
the fish and the surrounding water (Harris & van Bergeijk, 1962; Kalmijn, 1989).
The apical parts of the hair cells are embedded in a gelatinous cupula. Stimulation
of the neuromasts is by fluid motion that will make the cupula slide over the sensory
epithelium, causing a deflection of the hair cell (Kroese & van Netten, 1989). The
lateral line is a close-range system sensitive to low-frequency hydrodynamic
motion (Sand, 1981; Kalmijn, 1989; Bleckmann, 2008) and is involved in detection
of many stimuli, such as larger scale water motions, but also play an important role
on a smaller scale, including self-induced motions, swimming motions created by
a neighbor in schooling fish species, and predator–prey interactions (Coombs &
Montgomery, 1999).
2.3.2 The Fish Inner Ear
Fish have bilateral inner ears (Retzius, 1881). Each ear consists of three semicircu-
lar canals and three otolith organs (for a detailed review see Popper et al., 2003).
At the base of each canal there is a swelling, the ampulla, containing sensory hair
cells on a transverse ridge (crista ampullaris). Ventral to the canals are three fluid-
filled otolith organs, the utricle, saccule, and lagena. Each otolith organ contains a
dense calcified ear stone, the otolith, located on a gelatinous matrix overlying the
sensory epithelium (the macula) containing the hair cells (Fig. 3).
Fig. 3 The inner ear
(Clupea harengus).
(From Retzius, 1881.)
ca, cp; anterior, and
posterior semicircular
canals (not shown,
horizontal semicircular
canal), aa, ap; anterior, and
posterior cristae of
semicircular canals (not
shown; horizontal crista),
pl, and ms; lagenar
epithelium, and saccular
epithelium (not shown;
utriclar epithelium),
s; saccule
P.M. Narins et al.
The otolith organs can be modeled as accelerometers with decreasing sensitivity
above the resonance frequency of the system (Kalmijn, 1989; Sand & Karlsen,
2000). The fish body itself has almost the same acoustic impedance as water.
Thus, fish are effectively acoustically transparent and move with the same phase
as the surrounding water particles. However, when a fish is accelerated, hair cells
are deflected because of the inertial difference between the denser otolith
and the sensory epithelium in the inner ear (De Vries, 1950; Krysl et al., 2012).
An unspecialized fish ear is therefore stimulated by the particle motion component
of a sound field and is limited to frequencies below a few hundred Hz (Hawkins,
1981). Fish with only this direct pathway of stimulation include those without a
swim bladder, such as bottom-dwelling flatfish (Chapman & Sand, 1974), or fish
with a swim bladder but without a special connection between the inner ear and the
swim bladder, such as salmonids (Hawkins & Johnstone, 1978).
Some fish species have developed more sensitive hearing by mechanically
connecting the inner ear and the swim bladder or other gas-filled structures.
These specializations make the fish sensitive to the traveling sound pressure wave
of a sound field, and fish with this type of specialization can detect sound of
frequencies up to 3–5 kHz and with higher sensitivity (Popper et al., 2003).
2.3.3 The Ear of Clupeids
Clupeids have a unique anatomy in which the inner ear, lateral line, and swim
bladder are mechanically connected to one another via a hydrodynamic coupling.
In all clupeids (both US detecting and non-US detection species), gas-filled tubes on
each side of the head extend from the swim bladder and expand to gas-filled bullae
that are encapsulated in bone (O’Connell, 1955).
Computed tomography (CT) scans reveal rather elaborate structures of the
paired bullae (Wilson et al., 2009) (Fig. 4). All clupeids have one set of paired
bullae, the prootic bullae (named after the bone structure surrounding the bullae),
which is believed to be an auditory specialization (O’Connell, 1955) because it
is connected to the utricle of the inner ear (Fig. 5). The utricle is highly modified
in clupeids, unlike in non-clupeid fish, because it is divided into three parts:
anterior, middle, and posterior (Fig. 5) (O’Connell, 1955; Popper & Platt, 1979).
Each prootic bulla (the auditory bulla) is divided into two halves separated by the
elastic prootic membrane (Fig. 5). The lower part is filled with gas from the swim
bladder. The upper part of the prootic bulla is filled with perilymph. A slit, the
fenestra, connects the upper part of the prootic bulla to the perilymph-filled space
under the utricular macula. A small elastic thread passes through the fenestra and
links the prootic bulla membrane to the middle part of the utricle (Popper & Platt,
1979; Best & Gray, 1980).
In many clupeids, a second pair of bullae can be found, the pterotic bullae, that
are connected to the prootic bullae. They are located within the loop of the
horizontal semicircular canal. The function of the pterotic bullae is not known
(O’Connell, 1955).
Ultrasound Detection in Fishes and Frogs
The bullae are also connected to the lateral line via the lateral recess membrane.
The lateral line system of clupeids is heavily branched, with primary branches
radiating from the lateral recess (O’Connell, 1955; Denton & Blaxter, 1976;
Hoss & Blaxter, 1982) (Fig 2). Sensory neuromasts are found only in the primary
lateral line branches. The branches are connected with the surrounding water via
numerous pores at the narrowing ends of the branches (Blaxter et al., 1981; Hoss &
Blaxter, 1982).
Enger (1967) suggested that each bulla acts as a pressure-to-displacement
converter that expands the hearing range, making clupeids able to detecting higher
frequencies. When a sound pressure wave impinges on a clupeid fish, the swim
bladder and the gas-filled parts of the bullae start to vibrate. Motion of the gas in the
bulla presumably generate vibrations of the bulla membrane, which will produce
motions of the perilymph and the elastic thread. In that way the sound pressure
Fig. 4 The bullae complex of (Brevoortia patronus) and (Harengula jaguana). (a,b) Sagittal
views of the 3D reconstructions of the bullae, bullae perilymph, and otoliths in the (a)Harengula
jaguana and (b) Brevoortia patronus. (c,d) Caudal views of the 3D reconstructions in the (c)
Harengula jaguana and (d) Brevoortia patronus with 2D images illustrating the positioning of the
bulla and lateral recess relative to the body surface. Bulla, yellow; perilymph of bulla, light blue;
utricle, red; saccule, green; lagena, dark blue; rostral body of bulla, white arrow; approximate
location of lateral recess membrane, pink arrow. (From Wilson et al., 2009. Reproduced with
P.M. Narins et al.
wave will be transformed into a local particle motion in the perilymph. This fluid
motion and the movement of the elastic thread may stimulate the utricular macula,
creating deflection of the hair cells in the utricle (Denton & Blaxter, 1976;
Denton et al., 1979). However, the motion of the perilymph generated by the
oscillating bullae has been hypothesized to also generate fluid motions in the
cephalic lateral line canals because of the very compliant lateral recess membrane
(Denton & Blaxter, 1976; Denton & Gray, 1983; Gray, 1984). Clupeids live in
schools and the main function of the bullae complex is probably to detect pressure
and displacement fluctuations in the water created by the swimming movements of
neighboring fish. (Denton & Gray, 1983). It can also be reasonably hypothesized
that the US detector of the Alosinae may be associated with the bullae complex.
Fig. 5 Model of the prootic bulla and the coupling to the utricular macula (a). bm; bulla
membrane, et; elastic thread, P; perilymph, E; endolymph, m; macula. (b) The macula of the
utriculus, showing the division into two areas, where hair cells are orientated in opposite
directions. Arrows show the direction of the hair cells. (From Best & Grey 1980. Reproduced
with permission.)
Ultrasound Detection in Fishes and Frogs
2.3.4 The Utricle as the US Detector
The prootic bulla and its connection to the utricle has been suggested to be the
key to US detection in Alosinae (Mann et al., 1998). Higgs et al. (2004) suggested
that a specialization of the utricular macula could be the site for US detection. The
connection between the middle part of the utricular macula and the rest of the
epithelium differs between the clupeids that detect US and clupeids that do not.
In the Alosinae, the support for the middle section of the utricular macula is
particularly thin compared to that of other clupeids. Higgs et al. (2004) suggested
that the looser connection may allow a higher sensitivity to vibrations of the bullae,
leading to the suggestion that this part of the inner ear is the key to US detection
in Alosinae. Further, single-unit recordings of US-sensitive neurons were made in
regions of the brain typically associated with the auditory system (Plachta et al.,
2004). Many of the ultrasonically sensitive neurons did not respond to sonic
stimulation, which suggests that the Alosinae have a specialized processing path-
way for US detection (Plachta et al., 2004). However, the hypothesis that the utricle
mediates US detection has not been verified experimentally.
2.3.5 The Lateral Line as the US Detector
A recent experiment conducted on Brevoortia patronus revealed that the gas-filled
bullae and lateral line may be involved in US detection in Alosinae (Wilson et al.,
2009). Using a laser vibrometer, the authors showed that the gas-filled bulla
oscillates when placed in an ultrasonic sound field. They showed that the neural
response recorded as evoked potentials to US disappears when gas in the bullae was
replaced with a Ringer solution, suggesting that the gas-filled bullae are the
transducing element in US detection. Further, mechanical manipulation of a part
of the lateral line overlying the lateral recess eliminated the ability of Brevoortia
patronus to detect US, but did not affect detection of a 600 Hz low-frequency tone.
This study showed that the lateral line is somehow involved in US detection, either
via the response of sensory cells to US or via its role as a mechanical connection to
the inner ear. These results add a new and surprising dimension to the role of the
lateral line and the bullae in Brevoortia patronus, as the lateral line of fish
previously has been believed to detect only low-frequency hydrodynamic stimuli
(<100 Hz). Future studies on US detection in Alosinae should focus on neuroanat-
omy and neural recordings from the lateral line and inner ear to elucidate details of
the mechanism of US detection.
P.M. Narins et al.
2.4 The Evolution of US Detection
Although it is generally accepted that heavy predation pressure from bats on
nocturnal insects has led to the evolution of ultrasonic sensitive ears in several
species of moths (Miller & Surlykke, 2001), it is less certain what has driven
the evolution of US sensitivity in Alosinae. It seems reasonable to assume that
the ability to detect US arose in the Alosinae in response to predation by
echolocating cetaceans. However, why has it not also arisen in other clupeid fishes
that share an evolutionary origin and many of the same specialized ear and lateral
line structures?
The Clupeiformes are an ancient lineage and fossils are known from the Lower
Cretaceous period (130 million years ago), a long time before the evolution of
odontocete cetaceans in the Oligocene (25–38 million years ago). All Clupeiformes
share the auditory bullae specializations of the inner ear. So, it is clear that
the specialized bullae evolved before the presence of echolocating cetaceans.
Because the ability to detect US has been found only in the Alosinae, and not in
the closely related Clupeinae, the question becomes: When did the Alosinae
evolve? Based on hypothesized phylogeny for Alosinae it was around the same
time as the evolution of the echolocating river dolphins (Hamilton et al., 2001;
´et al., 2007) (Fig. 6).
Fig. 6 Hypothesized phylogeny of the suborder Clupeiodei (A). (Modified from Whitehead et al.,
1985). Y ¼number of species with positive responses to US; N, number of species tested that
failed to respond to US
Ultrasound Detection in Fishes and Frogs
It is therefore tempting to envision that US detection arose in the Alosinae in
response to predation from echolocating river dolphins. This hypothesis is based on
the following line of reasoning:
Most of the species in the Alosinae are found in freshwater for all of their lives
(e.g., Gadusia spp.) or during the freshwater phase of anadromous reproduction
(e.g., Alosa spp.). A few species, such as the menhaden (Brevoortia spp.), can
live their entire lives in the marine environment, although juveniles have been
found in rivers.
The Alosinae are likely to be the most recently derived subfamily of the
Clupeidae (Lavoue
´et al., 2007). Given that US detection has been found in
every member of this subfamily that has been tested, it is possible that the ability
to detect US evolved only once.
The Platanistidae, river dolphins, are among the oldest lineages of echolocating
odontocetes and are thought to have evolved in the early Miocene, about
23 million years ago (Hamilton et al., 2001). The extant members of the
Platanistidae are found in the Indus and Ganges River systems, which are also
regions of high diversity of Alosinae fishes.
Rivers are confined areas, and river dolphins could thus present a much greater
selection pressure than odontocete cetaceans in the open ocean, where fishes
have many more predators that do not echolocate.
3 Ultrasonic Communication in Frogs
3.1 Historical Overview of the Discovery
of Ultra-high-Frequency Sensitivity of Frogs
Whereas the ability of fish to detect US was discovered by observations of
the behavioral responses of migrating American Shad (Alosa sapidissima)to
ensonification by ultrasonic sonar (Section 2.1), this same capability in frogs was
revealed in a completely different manner. It had been known that only two Old
World frog species (out of more than 6000 anuran amphibians) possess tympanic
membranes that are recessed from the head surface and form the terminus of a
chamber or a tube (ear canal) much like the human outer ear: Huia (Inger, 1966)
and Amolops (Zhou & Adler, 1993). It was this unusual ear morphology that
sparked a field study to record the vocalizations of Amolops tormotus [now
Odorrana tormota (Frost et al., 2006)] in the animals’ riverine habitat in Anhui
Province, China. Initial analysis of those vocalizations revealed an extremely high
degree of call diversity (Feng et al., 2002), with a call repertoire larger than that of
the Madagascar Rhacorphorid frog, Boophis madagascariensis, males of which
produce 28 different call types, more than any other frog known at the time (Narins
et al., 2000). In addition, although the vocalizations appeared to contain multiple
P.M. Narins et al.
Fig. 7 Sound spectrograms (top section in each panel), waveforms (bottom section in each panel),
and instantaneous amplitude spectra [insets taken at indicated points in time (arrowheads)] of
vocal signals of the frog, Odorrana tormota, in Huangshan Hot Springs, China. (a) Long call, and
(b, c) two short calls showing significant energy in the ultrasonic range and a spectral notch in the
range 32–45 kHz. For all plots, dynamic range: 90 dB; temperature range during recordings:
17–18C. (Permission has been obtained from JASA to reproduce this figure.)
Ultrasound Detection in Fishes and Frogs
examples of unusually high-frequency call components, frequency response
limitations of the recording equipment precluded definitive identification of ultra-
sonic call components at that time. Subsequent workers, armed with ultrasonic
recording gear, were able to establish unambiguously the existence of clear ultra-
sonic components in Odorrana vocalizations as high as 128 kHz (Narins et al.,
2004) (Fig. 7).
Acoustic playback experiments in the animal’s natural habitat revealed that
calling males in the field would vigorously respond to playbacks of (a) their
complete advertisement calls, (b) a high-pass filtered version of their advertisement
call containing only ultrasonic call components, or (c) a low-pass filtered version
of the complete advertisement call containing only audible (to humans) call
components. These results, combined with auditory evoked potential (AEP) and
single-unit recordings from the torus semicircularis (the amphibian homolog of the
mammalian inferior colliculus in the midbrain) of anesthetized males of O. tormota,
demonstrated the existence of both overall midbrain sensitivity to US as well as the
existence of single cells in the inferior colliculus of males of O. tormota that
reliably and repeatedly increased their spike rate to ultrasonic stimuli (Feng et al.,
2006; Narins et al., 2007b). Moreover, the thickness of the tympanic membrane in
males of this species is about 3–4 μm, which is about an order of magnitude thinner
than that of the American bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana. This observation, coupled
with the fact that the eardrum is recessed, resulting in a shorter, less massive
ossicular chain, are now both viewed as adaptations favoring high-frequency
sensitivity (Feng et al., 2006; Narins & Feng, 2007; Narins et al.,2007b).
In a parallel electrophysiological study, males of the sympatric species, Odorrana
livida (now Odorrana graminea), also exhibited responses to US, although with an
upper limit of sensitivity of 22 kHz, whereas males of the dark-spotted frog
Pelophylax nigromaculata living in rice paddies were quite insensitive to frequencies
above 4 kHz (Feng et al., 2006).
Subsequent field and lab studies of the Bornean hole-in-the-head frog,
Huia cavitympanum, revealed that in addition to its recessed tympanic membranes,
these animals produce vocalizations containing fundamental frequencies that can
exceed the nominal upper limit of human hearing: 20 kHz (Arch et al., 2008,2009).
In other words, Huia cavitympanum represents the first known example of a
nonmammalian vertebrate that produces a call with frequencies restricted entirely
to the ultrasonic range.
3.2 Evolutionary and Environmental Constraints
and Selection Pressures on Ultrasonic Signaling
Measurements of the noise energy produced by rushing water in the Tau Hua Creek
in Anhui Province, PRC, revealed a high-intensity, broadband sound, with dominant
energy in the low frequencies (<5 kHz) and falling off with frequency. Thus, any
P.M. Narins et al.
frog attempting to communicate acoustically in this environment would gain an
advantage by calling using frequencies above 5 kHz. Observations that the torrent
frogs O. tormota and O. graminea are sensitive to US, whereas the P. nigromaculata
that live in relatively quiet rice paddies are not, gave rise to the idea that these species
have increased both their call frequencies and their upper limit of hearing as an
evolutionary response to the broadband, principally low-frequency ambient noise
(Feng et al., 2006; Gridi-Papp & Narins, 2009). A similar observation was reported
for urban populations of Great tits (Parus major), which have higher (although not
ultrasonic) minimum frequencies in their calls compared to rural populations of the
same bird (Slabbekoorn & Peet, 2003). The shifting of echolocation call frequencies
by big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) to avoid noisy echoes in cluttered environments
has also been recently reported (Hiryu et al., 2010).
O. tormota exhibits another novel middle ear mechanism that is, so far, unique to
this species of frog. Whereas most frogs are believed to have large, permanently
open Eustachian tubes (ETs) connecting the mouth cavity to the middle ear (Chung
et al., 1981; Jaslow et al., 1988; Jorgensen, 1991), O. tormota can actively close its
ETs, drastically reducing the volume of air behind the tympanic membranes (TMs;
Gridi-Papp et al., 2008). This volume reduction increases the TM stiffness and
hence the ear’s impedance and shifts the middle ear tuning toward high frequencies.
The result is an improvement in the ear’s sensitivity to high-frequency (including
ultrasonic) signals at the expense of low-frequency sensitivity (Gridi-Papp et al.,
2008). This remarkable mechanism is not present in Rana pipiens, a frog with
advertisement call frequencies confined to <4 kHz (Hall & Feng, 1988), suggesting
that it indeed functions as an adaptation for enhancing high-frequency communica-
tion (Gridi-Papp et al., 2008).
3.3 Case Studies
3.3.1 Odorrana tormota (formerly Rana tormota and Amolops tormotus)
This species has been the most extensively studied of all ultrasonically communi-
cating amphibians to date. It is an arboreal frog in the family Ranidae restricted in
its distribution to Anhui and Zhejiang provinces in central China (Fei et al., 2010).
Males of this species call nightly from the low vegetation along the banks of rivers
and streams (Narins et al., 2004). Video recordings of vocalizing males in their
natural habitat revealed that two pairs of vocal sacs are inflated during calling: a
lateral pair and a subgular pair (Narins, personal observation). The inflation
dynamics for these two pairs of sacs are not known, nor are the delays (if any)
between inflations of the two pairs of vocal sacs. Given the extremely wide variety
of call notes produced by males of O. tormota (Feng et al., 2002; Feng & Narins,
2008), and the nearly ubiquitous presence of nonlinear call features and motifs in
this species’ calls (Narins et al., 2004; Suthers et al., 2006), we predict that the vocal
sac inflation system may exhibit some unusual features worth investigation.
Ultrasound Detection in Fishes and Frogs
Given the high-frequency call components, it follows that sound localization by
O. tormota should be highly developed. This is in fact the case—males are able to
locate the source of a sound to within 0.7, rivaling the accuracy of the vertebrates
with the highest localization acuity (Shen et al., 2008). In addition, males are able to
discriminate individuals by their calls (Feng et al., 2009a) or distinguish neighbors
from strangers (Feng et al., 2009b). Moreover, the deeply recessed eardrum is found
only in males of O. tormota; females exhibit eardrums only slightly recessed from
the head surface. Using acoustic playback experiments, AEP recordings from the
midbrain, and laser measurements of the TM, Shen and his colleagues recently
demonstrated that females of O. tormota are insensitive to US; the ultrasonic realm
is therefore reserved for males of this species (Shen et al., 2011b).
3.3.2 Odorrana graminea (formerly Odorrana livida)
O. graminea is a rather common species in the Tau Hua Creek; it is significantly
larger than the sympatric and congeneric O. tormota (mean SVL male O. tormota:
34 mm, female: 60 mm; mean SVL male O. graminea: 48 mm, female: 91 mm).
Electrophysiological experiments have shown that males of this species are sensi-
tive to tones as high as 22 kHz (Feng et al., 2006). Moreover, broadband recordings
of their calls have only recently revealed that the short tonal calls contain
frequencies up to 44.1 kHz (Shen et al., 2011a). In summary, males of this species
produce ultrasonic vocalizations, they are sensitive to ultrasonic signals (up to
22 kHz), and yet they do not possess a deeply recessed tympanic membrane.
The piebald odorous frog, Odorrana schmackeri, is another sympatric, congeneric
torrent frog that also inhabits the Tau Hua Creek. It too has nonrecessed tympanic
membranes but its auditory sensitivity measured with AEP recordings from the
inferior colliculus in the midbrain suggests a high-frequency detection limit of 8.5
kHz, well below US (Yu et al., 2006). Thus, although this species is sympatric with
O. tormota and O. graminea, its calls contain no US components. It appears that there
are many and varied responses to high levels of background noise, and future studies
will undoubtedly bring many more of these responses to light (Arch & Narins, 2008).
3.3.3 Huia cavitympanum
Of the more than 6000 known species of anuran amphibians, there are only two frog
species with recessed tympana: Odorrana tormota from China and Huia
cavitympanum from Borneo (Amphibia Web:, Inger,
1966). In 2007, an expedition was launched to Gunung Mulu National Park in
Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo for the purpose of (1) finding calling males of
H. cavitympanum, (2) recording their vocalizations in situ, (3) obtaining high-
quality recordings of the ambient noise in which calling males were found, and
(4) initiating the process of capturing and transporting live animals back to the
Unites States for physiological studies. During this first expedition, vocalizations
P.M. Narins et al.
were recorded from 10 males of H. cavitympanum. In addition to possessing the
recessed tympanic membranes, these animals are capable of producing two classes
of vocalizations: (1) those with fundamental frequencies below the nominal upper
limit of human hearing (20 kHz), and are therefore audible to humans, and (2) those
with fundamental frequencies that exceed the nominal upper limit of human hearing
(Arch et al., 2008,2009). This species represents the first known example of a
nonmammalian vertebrate that can produce calls with frequencies restricted
entirely to the ultrasonic range. Acoustic playback experiments in this animal’s
natural habitat showed that vocalizing males change their calling pattern in
response to playback of purely ultrasonic signals (Arch et al., 2009), and AEP
recordings from the midbrain show robust responses to tones of frequencies as high
as 39 kHz, with peak sensitivity above 20 kHz, making this amphibian an ultrasonic
specialist (Arch et al., 2009).
3.4 Mechanism of US Detection in Frogs—Still Unknown
In a study of the concave-eared torrent frog Odorrana tormota, the neural activity
patterns in the auditory brain stem were examined in response to a full-spectrum
conspecific call, a filtered US-only call, and a control (no sound) stimulus generated
by playing back a 30-minute file that does not contain any sound (Arch et al., 2011).
To gain insight into the structures responsible for US sensitivity in the frog’s brain,
brain neural activity was determined by measuring the expression of the immediate
Fig. 8 Schematic diagram of the frog ear. The amphibian papilla and the basilar papilla are the
two inner ear organs in the frog that are specialized for detecting airborne sounds. In some frogs,
the middle ear and the basilar papilla have undergone a series of morphological changes that
facilitate detection of high-frequency sound (see text). (Adapted from Wever, 1973.)
Ultrasound Detection in Fishes and Frogs
early gene, egr-1.Egr-1 expression was measured in the superior olivary nucleus
(SON) in the hindbrain, which is a major source of afferents for the torus
semicircularis (TS) in the midbrain, and in the principal (Ptor) and laminar (Ltor)
nuclei of the TS. US-only calls elicited robust expression of egr-1 in the SON and
Ptor. Moreover, in the Ptor, egr-1 expression was greater in response to US-only
calls than to the full-spectrum calls, suggesting a pivotal role for this nucleus in US
detection in this species (Arch et al., 2011).
Anurans are unique among vertebrates in that their auditory periphery contains
two distinct auditory organs (Fig. 8), the amphibian papilla (AP) and basilar papilla
(BP) (Wever, 1973; Capranica, 1976; Lewis & Narins, 1999). In the American
bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana, the BP contains 50–90 hair cells, whereas the AP
contains roughly 10 times this number (Geisler et al., 1964; Lewis et al., 1982a).
The AP responds to low and middle frequencies and is tonotopically organized,
with low-frequency-sensitive hair cells located rostrally and mid-frequency
cells located caudally (Lewis et al., 1982a,b). The BP is a simpler organ that acts
as a mechanical resonator that responds to a restricted band of higher frequencies
(Feng et al., 1975; Ronken, 1990; van Dijk et al., 2011). The BPs of Rana
catesbeiana and its close relative Rana pipiens can detect sounds up to 2 and
4 kHz, respectively—frequencies near the upper frequencies in the species-specific
advertisement calls (Capranica, 1976).
The sensory epithelium of the basilar papilla is found at the base of a tubular
outpocket of the sacculus, an inner ear organ primarily responsible for detecting
substrate vibrations (Narins, 1990; Yu et al., 1991). The BP outpocket is terminated
by its contact membrane, which is tuned to the species’ BP frequency (Purgue &
Narins, 2000a,b). In addition, a tectorial membrane spans the lumen of the BP
recess, covering the sensory hair cells that are embedded in the cartilaginous wall of
this recess (Wever, 1985). Optical measurements of the mechanical response of the
BP tectorial membrane in R. pipiens have revealed that it is tuned to a frequency
of approximately 2 kHz, corresponding closely to the characteristic frequencies of
the species’ BP nerve fibers (Schoffelen et al., 2009). Thus, both BP membranes
are tuned to the frequency of the organ, consistent with the idea that the BP acts as a
mechanical resonator (Feng et al., 1975; Ronken, 1990; van Dijk et al., 2011).
In a recent comparative study, basilar papilla morphologies of six frog species,
three known to detect US (O. tormota,O. livida, and Huia cavitympanum), two
relatively unstudied frog species from Laos (O. chloronota and Amolops daorum),
and one non-US communicator (R. pipiens), were compared (Arch et al., 2012). In
this study, immunohistochemistry and confocal microscopy were used to examine
several anatomical features of the basilar papillae of the inner ears, including the
recess entrance area (REA), epithelium surface area (ESA), number of hair cells or
hair cell count (HCC), hair cell soma length (SL), and bundle height (BH). The
REA, ESA, and HCC values for all ultrasonic species (US) tested were significantly
smaller than those for R. pipiens. Moreover, the three US-detecting frogs had values
for these metrics that were statistically indistinguishable from one another and from
A. chloronota (Arch et al., 2012). These data also reveal that H. cavitympanum,
O. tormota,O. livida, and O. chloronota have significantly smaller BP organs and
P.M. Narins et al.
sensory epithelia than those of R. pipiens and A. daorum. In addition, basilar papilla
SL, BL, and BH values from the US-sensitive frogs and O. chloronota were not
significantly different and their SL values were significantly smaller than those of
R. pipiens and A. daorum. Together, these BP morphological data suggest that
O. chloronota from northeastern Laos be considered a putative US detector, and
that future physiological studies of the mechanisms underlying US detection should
include this species along with the three known US detectors.
4 Summary and Outlook: Comparative Insights
from the Study of High-Frequency Hearing
in Fishes and Frogs
The evolutions of US detection in fishes and frogs are clearly independent events
with different ecological drivers. These comparative evolutionary stories provide
some guide as to where to look for surprises in hearing and communication in fishes
and frogs. Frogs with ultrasonic hearing live in unusual environments with high
levels of low-frequency noise and also produce sounds at very high frequencies.
Thus, communication appears to have been the primary selective force for high-
frequency hearing in some frogs (Narins et al., 2007a). No fishes are known to
communicate with ultrasonic signals, but it could be interesting to study acoustic
communication in fishes with good hearing sensitivity that live in areas of high
background noise (see also the chapter by Ladich, this volume). US detection by the
Alosinae fishes appears to have resulted from selective pressure from echolocating
cetaceans. Some frogs fall prey to echolocating bats, and thus it would be interest-
ing to determine whether they, also, are capable of detecting echolocation signals to
avoid bat predation. Likewise, it would be interesting to learn if any of the
US-sensing frogs are able to use the ultrasonic components of insect stridulation
sounds to locate their prey.
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immediate early gene expression in the brainstem of the Chinese torrent frog, Odorrana
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P.M. Narins et al.
... In otophysines (carps and minnows, catfishes, characins and tetras, knifefishes), which comprise >8000 species, a series of tiny ossicles (Weberian ossicles; see Glossary) transmits oscillations of the swim bladder to the inner ear (Fig. 5A). Accessory hearing structures extend the detectable frequency range up to several kilohertz and increase the absolute auditory sensitivity (Fay, 1988;Ladich and Fay, 2013) (note that ultrasound detection up to 180 kHz is known in a few herring species; Narins et al., 2014). Besides ossicles, air-filled cavities can be connected to the inner ears via tube-like anterior swim bladder extensions (as seen in some squirrelfishes, drums, cichlids and all herrings). ...
... The saccule is thought to detect vibrations up to 100 Hz, whereas the amphibian and basilar papillae respond to higher frequencies (Fay and Megela-Simmons, 1999). In general, amphibian hearing curves (see Glossary) show the highest sensitivity between 600 and 1000 Hz (similar to those of sound pressure-sensitive fishes) and upper frequency limits of 6000 Hz (except for ultrasound-detecting species; Narins et al., 2014). ...
... Mammals differ from all other vertebrate classes in ear morphology and in their audible frequency range, which is significantly broader than that of other vertebrates owing to the ability of most mammals to detect ultrasound (but see Narins et al., 2014). The mammalian outer ear consists of a pinna, which is often moveable and which enhances sound transmission to the inner ear (Fig. 6A). ...
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Sound propagates much faster and over larger distances in water than in air, mainly because of differences in the density of these media. This raises the question of whether terrestrial (land mammals, birds) and (semi-)aquatic animals (frogs, fishes, cetaceans) differ fundamentally in the way they communicate acoustically. Terrestrial vertebrates primarily produce sounds by vibrating vocal tissue (folds) directly in an airflow. This mechanism has been modified in frogs and cetaceans, whereas fishes generate sounds in quite different ways mainly by utilizing the swimbladder or pectoral fins. On land, vertebrates pick up sounds with light tympana, whereas other mechanisms have had to evolve underwater. Furthermore, fishes differ from all other vertebrates by not having an inner ear end organ devoted exclusively to hearing. Comparing acoustic communication within and between aquatic and terrestrial vertebrates reveals that there is no 'aquatic way' of sound communication, as compared witha more uniform terrestrial one. Birds and mammals display rich acoustic communication behaviour, which reflects their highly developed cognitive and social capabilities. In contrast, acoustic signaling seems to be the exception in fishes, and is obviously limited to short distances and to substrate-breeding species, whereas all cetaceans communicate acoustically and, because of their predominantly pelagic lifestyle, exploit the benefits of sound propagation in a dense, obstacle-free medium that provides fast and almost lossless signal transmission.
... According to known data the ability to detect US is limited to the subfamily Alosinae and has not been found in other fish species from the family Clupeidae, for e.g., from the subfamily Clupeinae (Mann et al. 2001(Mann et al. , 2005 or the subfamily Dorosomatinae (Narins et al. 2013). It also does not appear that fishes from other families are able to detect US, although very few hearing studies have tested this ability (Narins et al. 2013). ...
... According to known data the ability to detect US is limited to the subfamily Alosinae and has not been found in other fish species from the family Clupeidae, for e.g., from the subfamily Clupeinae (Mann et al. 2001(Mann et al. , 2005 or the subfamily Dorosomatinae (Narins et al. 2013). It also does not appear that fishes from other families are able to detect US, although very few hearing studies have tested this ability (Narins et al. 2013). One study conditioned Gadus morhua to ultrasonic pulses at 38 kHz with a threshold for detection of 204 dB re 1 μPa (Astrup and Møhl 1993). ...
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There is an increasing interest in using ultrasonication in controlling algal (cyanobacterial) blooms and biofouling, a physical method with presumably no adverse effects on non-target organisms, such as fish and zooplankton. At the beginning the use of ultrasound (US) to control algae and biofouling has focused on high-power US causing cavitation; however, due to the potential damage to non-target organisms including marine mammals and human divers, high-power US causing cavitation are not used anymore for algae control in natural environment. Current ultrasonic algae control devices use low-power and thus control algae and biofouling by utilising resonance frequencies and the sound pressure caused by a sound wave propagating through a water column. There are only few studies existing on the effect of US on non-target organisms with incomplete information on wavelengths and intensities of US devices. However, we can conclude that non-cavitation US devices used to control algae and reduce biofouling had no adverse health effects on studied fish species with no feeding and behaviour changes noticed. Caution should be taken when installingUS devices in marine locations since they may interfere with communication between sea mammals or may cause adverse effects on fish from subfamily Alosinae, the only known fish able to detect US. The studies dealing with non-cavitation US used to control algae and biofouling on non-target zooplankton have conflicting results from high mortality to no evident effects. Therefore, caution should be taken when using US for counteract algal growth in ponds or lakes, especially in terms of zooplankton and natural balance maintenance.
... Air-borne sounds are typically received by the tympanic membrane and transferred mechanically to the inner ear through the middle ear cavity and bones (Mason 2015). At least three anatomical regions of the inner ear are able to transduce this mechanical energy into electrical signals: the sacculus (for very low frequencies), the amphibian papilla (for low frequencies), and the basilar papilla (for high frequencies) (Simmons et al. 2007;Narins et al. 2014). Once the electric signal is generated and transported, the central auditory system is responsible for processing the acoustic information and triggering behavioral responses (Wilczynski and Endepols 2007). ...
... Specifically, we addressed the following two questions: 1) what is the natural distribution of energy among harmonics in the advertisement call of D. minutus? and 2) how do males respond to calls with different harmonic structures? As the dominant frequency conveys information about body size and fighting ability (Wagner 1989b;Reichert and Gerhardt 2013;Gingras et al. 2013;Tonini et al. 2020) and spectral bands may be recognized by different inner ear organs (Simmons et al. 2007;Narins et al. 2014), we expect that calls with different harmonic structure would elicit different responses by focal males. Finally, we discussed the potential implications of the harmonic signals in anuran acoustic communication. ...
Spectral properties of animal acoustic signals may help individuals to assess the characteristics of rivals and to adjust their competitive strategies in territorial disputes. Thus, we hypothesized that the distribution of energy across frequency bands in anuran calls determines behavioral responses in male-male competition. Using playback experiments, we investigated the relevance of the harmonic calls in the acoustic communication of the treefrog Dendropsophus minutus. We exposed territorial males to three synthetic acoustic stimuli composed of aggressive notes: 1) standard call (all harmonics and peak frequency corresponding to the second band); 2) inverted-energy call (all harmonics and peak frequency corresponding to the first band); and 3) concentrated-energy call (all energy contained in the second harmonic). Males responded aggressively to all stimuli, mainly by increasing the rate and duration of their aggressive notes. However, when exposed to stimuli with different harmonic configurations, males changed the harmonic structure of their own calls, emitting more A-and B-notes with peak power in the fundamental frequency, particularly when exposed to the concentrated-energy call. Our results suggest that male frogs may use the harmonic structure of calls to assess opponents and modulate territorial and aggressive behavior, triggering complex acoustic adjustments. This study contributes to our knowledge about the functions of acoustic traits in amphibian social interactions, and particularly of the presence of harmonics that has received less attention compared to other acoustic properties in the study of animal acoustic communication.
... It is probable that RNA + peptide mutations are also important and required in avian hearing systems given that the calcium-activated potassium channel slowpoke (cSlo), which has hundreds of mutation variations and each of which is tuned to a distinct sound frequency, is [81]. Combinations of splicing, RNA, and peptide mutations may be useful for ultrasound detection in a number of organisms, including bats, dogs, dolphins, fish, and frogs [82][83][84][85]. For the ability to distinguish between hundreds of sounds and detect high-and low-frequency noises in quiet and complex noisy environment, RNA + peptide mutations may be crucial. ...
This study reviews newly discovered insect peptide point mutations as new possible cancer research targets. To interpret newly discovered peptide point mutations in insects as new possible cancer research targets, we focused on the numerous peptide changes found in the ‘CSP’ family on the sex pheromone gland of the female silkworm moth Bombyx mori. We predict that the Bombyx peptide modifications will have a significant effect on cancer CUP (cancers of unknown primary) therapy and that bacterial peptide editing techniques, specifically Lactobacillus combined to CRISPR, will be used to regulate ribosomes and treat cancer in humans.
... Some fish can hear higher frequencies, including the ultrasound range (e.g. herring; Enger 1967; Popper and Fay 2011;Narins et al. 2013), by sensing pressure changes in their swim bladder, especially if it is connected to the inner ear (Chapman and Hawkins 1973;Bretschneider et al. 2013, Popper andHawkins 2018). The lateral line may also be involved in sensing lower frequencies (Higgs and Radford 2012). ...
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Aquatic animals use and produce sound for critical life functions, including reproduction. Anthropogenic noise is recognized as a global source of environmental pollution and adequate conservation and management strategies are urgently needed. It becomes therefore critical to identify the reproductive traits that render a species vulnerable to acoustic disturbances, and the types of anthropogenic noise that are most likely to impact reproduction. Here, we provide predictions about noise impact on fish reproduction following a two-step approach: first, we grouped documented effects of noise into three mechanistic categories: stress, masking and hearing-loss, and test which type of noise (continuous vs intermittent and regular vs irregular) was most likely to produce a significant response in each category with either a meta-analysis or a quantitative review, depending on data availability. Second, we reviewed existing literature to predict which reproductive traits would render fish most sensitive to stress, masking and hearing-loss. In step one, we concluded that continuous sounds with irregular amplitude and/or frequency-content (e.g. heavy ship traffic) were most likely to cause stress, and continuous sounds were also most likely to induce masking and hearing-loss. From step two we concluded that the vulnerability of a species to noise-induced stress will mainly depend on: (1) its potential to reallocate reproduction to more quiet times or locations, and (2) its vulnerability to masking and hearing-loss mainly on the function of sound communication in its reproductive behaviour. We discuss in which stages of reproduction fish are most likely to be vulnerable to anthropogenic noise based on these findings. Graphic abstract
... Except for highly specialized species with ultrasonic sensitivity (Narins et al. 2004(Narins et al. , 2014Feng et al. 2006;Shen et al. 2011), most anurans produce and hear sounds within the frequency range of 50 to 6000 Hz (Fay and Simmons 1999). Some species, including the white-lipped frog (Leptodactylus albilabris; Lewis and Narins 1985) and the red-eyed treefrog (Agalychnis callidryas; Caldwell et al. 2010), also produce and detect very low frequency (10-to 40-Hz) seismic signals that propagate through vegetation or the ground (for reviews, see Gridi-Papp and Narins 2010;. ...
Anurans are highly vocal species that rely on acoustic communication for social behaviors. The advertisement (mating) calls of many anurans contain considerable energy within the predominant spectral range of traffic and other anthropogenic-noise sources. Whether and how these noise sources affect reproductive success and species viability is unclear. Data that address how anthropogenic sources affect the spatial distribution of breeding ponds, production and propagation of males’ vocal signals, and detection and discrimination of these signals by females are inconsistent. Anurans may respond to anthropogenic noise using many of the same strategies that they use to deal with biotic and abiotic noise. But there are considerable differences between species in their responses to noise, related to habitat and other variables. Interpretation of data is hampered by the small numbers of species that have been studied; moreover, experiments to date focus only on the perception of advertisement calls and do not address how other biologically important vocalizations, such as aggressive and courtship calls, might be affected by anthropogenic noise. Some species of reptiles are also vocal, but data on the effects of anthropogenic noise on reptile social behaviors are severely lacking. Extensive research is needed to determine the impact of acoustic habitat degradation on these classes of animals.
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For many aquatic animals, distributional patterns, trophodynamic relationships, and reproductive activity are driven by complex biotic and abiotic ecosystem interactions that influence behaviour. Linking behavioural information to environmental stimuli and stressors can, therefore, help to anticipate population and ecosystem responses to changing conditions and inform management. However, behavioural information is challenging to obtain because many sampling gears do not provide adequate spatial or temporal resolution, or potentially alter behaviours. Traditionally, most behavioural studies have been laboratory experiments, while behaviour in situ has often been inferred indirectly. Advancements in imaging sonar technology enable the study of in situ behaviours with the potential to address many understudied relationships. In this review we discuss applications of imaging sonar among a meta-analysis of 155 studies of aquatic organisms in their environments. We evaluate the performance of imaging sonar for studying inter- and intra-specific interactions, associations with complex and sensitive habitats and low-visibility environments, and to evaluate traditional fisheries sampling gears. We examine the data processing and analytical methods used to refine taxonomic resolution, manage time use and autocorrelation through sub-sampling, extract behavioural metrics applied to ecological processes, and for automating abundance estimates and image classification with the goal of providing a resource for researchers.
In view of the low sensitivity of MEMS directional sound sensor, a bionic sensitive structure has been studied using finite element method (FEM). The MEMS piezoelectric bionic directional sound sensor, based on ZnO material was prepared and evaluated. In comparison to general structural optimization, which was only capable of determining the maximum theoretical sensitivity, the work carried out in this study introduced the additional parameter of electrical energy to the MEMS system, in order to incorporate and hence investigate the effect of stray capacitance, on the actual sensitivity of the device. Through a comprehensive analysis of the theoretical sensitivity, as well as the electrical energy (the product of theoretical sensitivity and the electrical energy was taken as parameter that was optimized), the thickness of the ZnO piezoelectric layer was optimized, to achieve the maximum actual sensitivity for the sound sensor. Through optimization of the fabrication process, the MEMS bionic piezoelectric directional sound sensor was developed on a 4 mm × 4 mm × 0.5 mm chip, with a relatively low residual stress exerted on the vibration film. The test results showed that the single channel sensitivity of the MEMS piezoelectric bionic directional sound sensor reached up to a high value of 0.8 mV/Pa (without amplification, 51 dB). The sensitivity with four channels in series was about 3.2 mV/Pa, and the device exhibited good directivity, as well.
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This chapter describes the effects of noise on animals in terrestrial and aquatic habitats. Potential adverse effects cover a range of behavioral changes and physiological responses, including—in extreme cases—physical injury and death. The types and severity of effects are related to a number of noise features, including the received noise level and duration of exposure, but also depend upon contextual factors such as proximity, familiarity, and the behavioral state in which animals were exposed. The effects of anthropogenic noise on individual animals can escalate to the population level. Ultimately, species-richness and biodiversity in an ecosystem could be affected. However, our understanding of population-level effects and ecosystem interactions is limited, yet it is an active area of study. Given that noises of human origin can be controlled, there is the potential to mitigate any negative impacts by modifying noise source characteristics or operation schedules, finding alternative means to obtain operational goals of the noise source, or excluding biologically critical habitats or seasons.
Over the last decades, the sub–wavelength hearing capability of small living creatures has been received huge attention in developing microscale biomimetic sound source localization (SSL) devices. The key challenge here is to extract the SSL cue since the device dimensions are significantly small. Several works have been documented in this area imitating the hearing mechanism of various small living creatures. To understand their efficacy and usability, this review paper aims to summarize the most recent biomimetic SSL approaches. At first, the reader will be directed through a general overview of the conventional stereo/multi–channel SSL approaches. Secondly, the necessity of biomimetic SSL has been presented, especially by focusing on the need at the application–end. Thirdly, the merits and demerits of each technique have been reviewed. At the end, the future perspective has been presented that will make a paradigm shift in designing next–generation microscale devices for biomimetic SSL. [2021-0143]
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Most anurans are highly vocal but their vocalizations are stereotyped and simple with limited repertoire sizes compared to other vocal vertebrates, due presumably to the limited mechanisms for fine vocal motor control. We recently reported that the call of the concave‐eared torrent frog ( Amolops tormotus) is an exception in its seemingly endless variety, musical warbling quality, extension of call frequency into the ultrasonic range, and the prominence of nonlinear features such as period doubling. We now show that the major spectral features of its calls, responsible for this frog’s vocal diversity, can be generated by forcing pressurized air through the larynx of euthanized males. Laryngeal specializations for ultrasound appear to include very thin portions of the medial vocal ligaments and the reverse sexual size dimorphism of the larynx being smaller in males than in females. The intricate morphology of the vocal cords, which changes along their length, suggests that nonlinear phenomena likely arise from complex nonlinear oscillatory regimes of separate elastically coupled masses. Amolops is thus the first amphibian for which the intrinsic nonlinear dynamics of its larynx, a relatively simple and expedient mechanism, can account for the species call complexity, without invoking sophisticated neuromuscular control.
Hearing and Sound Communication in Amphibians is a compendium of the latest research on acoustic communication in these highly vocal vertebrates. The chapters are written by experts currently investigating the physiology and behavior of amphibians both in the laboratory and in the field. This integrated approach guides each chapter and provides a neuroethologically-driven and evolutionary basis for our understanding of acoustic communication and its underlying mechanisms. The intended audience ranges from senior undergraduates to physiologists, zoologists, evolutionary biologists and communication specialists. Contents Peter Narins is Professor in the Departments of Physiological Science, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, the Brain Research Institute and the Center for Tropical Research at the University of California, Los Angeles. Albert Feng is Professor in the Departments of Molecular and Integrative Physiology & Bioengineering, Neuroscience Program, Center for Biophysics and Computational Biology, and Beckman Institute at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Arthur N. Popper is Professor in the Department of Biology and Co-Director of the Center for Comparative and Evolutionary Biology of Hearing at the University of Maryland, College Park. Richard R. Fay is Director of the Parmly Hearing Institute and Professor of Psychology at Loyola University of Chicago. About the series: The Springer Handbook of Auditory Research presents a series of synthetic reviews of fundamental topics dealing with auditory systems. Each volume is independent and authoritative; taken as a set, this series is the definitive resource in the field.
The sonar of dolphins has undergone evolutionary re-finement for millions of years and has evolved to be the premier sonar system for short range applications. It far surpasses the capability of technological sonar, i.e. the only sonar system the US Navy has to detect buried mines is a dolphin system. Echolocation experiments with captive animals have revealed much of the basic parameters of the dolphin sonar. Features such as signal characteristics, transmission and reception beam patterns, hearing and internal filtering properties will be discussed. Sonar detection range and discrimination capabilities will also be included. Recent measurements of echolocation signals used by wild dolphins have expanded our understanding of their sonar system and their utilization in the field. A capability to perform time-varying gain has been recently uncovered which is very different than that of a technological sonar. A model of killer whale foraging on Chinook salmon will be examined in order to gain an understanding of the effectiveness of the sonar system in nature. The model will examine foraging in both quiet and noisy environments and will show that the echo levels are more than sufficient for prey detection at relatively long ranges.
This paper describes some unusual responses of riverine fish to a sonar system transmitting sound at 1.8MHz. It establishes that only twaite shad, Alosa fallax fallax were able to detect these transmissions and that these responses were not replicated in a "closed", captive environment. In 2005 and 2006, shad were monitored at two different sites on the River Wye in Wales, using an imaging sonar system (the Dual Frequency Identification Sonar or DIDSON) operating at both 1.1 and 1.8MHz. The data revealed that shad repeatedly and consistently swam away from the DIDSON transducer, changing direction as they moved upstream by between 45 and 90 degrees as they approached the centre beams. This is shown to be directly attributable to the DIDSON transmission. The behavioural characteristic observed could be described as mild avoidance rather than the startle and flee response observed during 200KHz transmission. This paper presents data from those trials that clearly indicate twaite shad are capable of detecting a directional pulsed sound generated by an imaging sonar system operating at both 1.1MHz and 1.8MHz in a natural river environment. To examine fish behaviour in a controlled environment, shad were captured and placed into a 5-metre diameter circular tank and their behaviour observed as they were subjected to sound transmitted by two different systems at 200KHz, 420KHz, 1.1MHz and 1.8MHz. The fish showed no discernible reaction to sound produced by the DIDSON system in either 1.1 or 1.8MHz frequency mode, despite their reaction under natural conditions in the river. As expected, the 420KHz transmission from the split-beam system also produced no reaction but the 200KHz produced an immediate flee response as they hit the sides of the tank so hard they were temporarily stunned. This reaction to 200KHz occurred, although with variable intensity, across a range of power and pulse rate combinations.
In detecting moving objects, the fish’s lateral line and inner ear support different, but closely related, hydrodynamic functions, suggesting early developments in the vertebrate sense of hearing. In an effort to elucidate the functional evolution of the two sensory systems, this chapter examines the hydrodynamic and acoustic fields in nature, the physics and physiology of the detection process, the evaluation of the sensory data, and the ensuing behavioral responses.
The lateral‐line organ of killifish is shown to be sensitive to a linear function of water displacements associated with the near‐field of sound sources, with the displacement probably being the most important factor rather than velocity or acceleration. The near‐field effect is discussed and is shown to be important not only for the lateral‐line organs but also for the acoustical and vestibular organs. It is emphasized that the near‐field effect introduces considerable complications into the study of the acoustico‐lateralis system, and is of conceptual importance for the theory of hearing and the study of schooling fish.
Sensory hair cells are specialized epithelial cells, which function as mechanoelectrical transducers in the acousticolateralis organs of vertebrates. Since early in the 1950s (Jielof et al. 1952), the lateral line has been extensively used as a model for studying the fundamental processes of hair cell physiology (for reviews see Dijkgraaf 1963; Flock 1971; Russell 1976; Sand 1984). In fact, most of the functional properties of hair cells, such as their directional sensitivity (Flock and Weräll 1962; Harris et al. 1970) and their nonlinear input output function (Flock1965), were discovered as a result of lateral line studies.