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Towards SMS Spam Filtering: Results under a New Dataset


Abstract and Figures

The growth of mobile phone users has lead to a dramatic increasing of SMS spam messages. Recent reports clearly indicate that the volume of mobile phone spam is dramatically increasing year by year. In practice, fighting such plague is difficult by several factors, including the lower rate of SMS that has allowed many users and service providers to ignore the issue, and the limited availability of mobile phone spam-filtering software. Probably, one of the major concerns in academic settings is the scarcity of public SMS spam datasets, that are sorely needed for validation and comparison of different classifiers. Moreover, traditional content-based filters may have their performance seriously degraded since SMS messages are fairly short and their text is generally rife with idioms and abbreviations. In this paper, we present details about a new real, public and non-encoded SMS spam collection that is the largest one as far as we know. Moreover, we offer a comprehensive analysis of such dataset in order to ensure that there are no duplicated messages coming from previously existing datasets, since it may ease the task of learning SMS spam classifiers and could compromise the evaluation of methods. Additionally, we compare the performance achieved by several established machine learning techniques. In summary, the results indicate that the procedure followed to build the collection does not lead to near-duplicates and, regarding the classifiers, the Support Vector Machines outperforms other evaluated techniques and, hence, it can be used as a good baseline for further comparison.
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T. A. Almeida, J. M. Gómez Hidalgo, T. P. Silva, Vol.2, No.1
Towards SMS Spam Filtering: Results under a
New Dataset
Tiago A. Almeida*, José María Gómez Hidalgo**, Tiago P. Silva*
*Department of Computer Science, Federal University of São Carlos – UFSCar.
Sorocaba, São Paulo, Brazil.
**R&D Department, Optenet. Las Rozas, Madrid, Spain.
Abstract—The growth of mobile phone users has lead to a dramatic increasing of SMS spam messages. Recent reports clearly
indicate that the volume of mobile phone spam is dramatically increasing year by year. In practice, fighting such plague is difficult
by several factors, including the lower rate of SMS that has allowed many users and service providers to ignore the issue, and
the limited availability of mobile phone spam-filtering software. Probably, one of the major concerns in academic settings is the
scarcity of public SMS spam datasets, that are sorely needed for validation and comparison of different classifiers. Moreover,
traditional content-based filters may have their performance seriously degraded since SMS messages are fairly short and their text
is generally rife with idioms and abbreviations. In this paper, we present details about a new real, public and non-encoded SMS
spam collection that is the largest one as far as we know. Moreover, we offer a comprehensive analysis of such dataset in order to
ensure that there are no duplicated messages coming from previously existing datasets, since it may ease the task of learning SMS
spam classifiers and could compromise the evaluation of methods. Additionally, we compare the performance achieved by several
established machine learning techniques. In summary, the results indicate that the procedure followed to build the collection does
not lead to near-duplicates and, regarding the classifiers, the Support Vector Machines outperforms other evaluated techniques
and, hence, it can be used as a good baseline for further comparison.
Keywords—Mobile phone spam; SMS spam; spam filtering; text categorization; classification.
1. Introduction
Short Message Service (SMS) is the text com-
munication service component of phone, web or
mobile communication systems, using standardized
communications protocols that allow the exchange
of short text messages between fixed line or mobile
phone devices. They are commonly used between
cell phone users, as a substitute for voice calls in
situations where voice communication is impossible
or undesirable. Such way of communication is also
very popular because in some places text messages
are significantly cheaper than placing a phone call
to another mobile phone.
SMS has become a massive commercial indus-
try since messaging still dominates mobile market
non-voice revenues worldwide. According to Portio
T. A. Almeida, J. M. Gómez Hidalgo, T. P. Silva, Vol.2, No.1
Research1, the worldwide mobile messaging market
was worth USD 179.2 billion in 2010, has passed
USD 200 billion in 2011, and probably will reach
USD 300 billion in 2014. The same study indicates
that annual worldwide SMS traffic volumes rose to
over 6.9 trillion at end-2010 to break 8 trillion by
The increasing popularity of SMS has led to
messaging charges dropping below US$ 0.001 in
markets like China, and even free of charge in
others. Furthermore, with the explosive growth in
text messaging along with unlimited texting plans
it barely costs anything for the attackers to send
malicious messages. This combined with the trust
users inherently have in their mobile devices makes
it an environment rife for attack. As a consequence,
mobile phones are becoming the latest target of
electronic junk mail, with a growing number of
marketers using text messages to target subscribers.
SMS spam (sometimes also called mobile phone
spam) is any junk message delivered to a mobile
phone as text messaging. Although this practice is
rare in North America, it has been very common in
some parts of Asia.
According to a Cloudmark report2, the amount
of mobile phone spam varies widely from region
to region. For instance, in North America, much
less than 1% of SMS messages were spam in 2010,
while in parts of Asia up to 30% of messages were
represented by spam. The same report reveals that
financial fraud and spam via text messages is now
growing at a rate of over 300 percent year over
year. In fact, in a more recent report by the same
firm3, it is stated that about 30 million smishing
(SMS Phishing) messages are sent to cell phone
mobile-operators-brace-for-global-surge-in- mobile-messaging- abuse
users across North America, Europe, and the U.K.
Smishing is part of the much larger SMS spam
problem. In the U.S. alone, there has been an
almost 400 percent increase in unique SMS spam
campaigns in the first half of the year 2012.
Besides being annoying, SMS spam can also
be expensive since some people pay to receive
messages. Moreover, there is a limited availability
of mobile phone spam-filtering software and other
concern is that important legitimate messages as of
emergency nature could be blocked. Nonetheless,
many providers offer their subscribers means for
mitigating unsolicited SMS messages.
In the same way that carriers are facing many
problems in dealing with SMS spam, academic re-
searchers in this field are also experiencing difficul-
ties. Probably, one of the major concern corresponds
to the lack of large, real and public databases. So,
although there has been significant effort to generate
public benchmark datasets for anti-spam filtering,
unlike email spam, which has available a large
variety of datasets, the mobile spam filtering still
has very few corpora usually of small size. Other
concern is that established email spam filters may
have their performance seriously degraded when
directly employed to dealing with mobile spam,
since the standard SMS messaging is limited to
140 bytes, which translates to 160 characters of the
English alphabet. Moreover, their text is rife with
idioms and abbreviations.
To fill these important gaps, we have recently
proposed the new SMS Spam Collection [1], which
is a real, public, non-encoded, and to the best of
our knowledge it is the largest SMS spam corpus
available. In this paper we have presented a lot
details about the proposed dataset along with a
comprehensive analysis to ensure that there are
not duplicates coming from other former databases,
since the added messages may contain previously
T. A. Almeida, J. M. Gómez Hidalgo, T. P. Silva, Vol.2, No.1
existing messages in the original collection, as it
may ease the task of learning SMS spam classifiers.
Moreover, we compare the performance achieved
by several established machine learning methods in
order to provide good baseline results for further
Separated pieces of this work were presented
at ACM DOCENG 2011 [1] and IEEE ICMLA
2012 [2]. Here, we have connected all ideas in a
very consistent way. We have also offered a lot
more details about each study and extended the
performance evaluation.
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows. Section 3 offers details about the newly-
created SMS Spam Collection. A comprehensive
near-duplicate analysis of the new SMS Spam Col-
lection is presented in Section 4. In Section 5,
we present a comprehensive performance evaluation
for comparing several established machine learning
approaches. Finally, Section 6 presents the main
conclusions and outlines for future works.
2. Relevant works in SMS spam filtering
Unlike the growing and large number of papers
about email spam classifiers (e.g. [3], [4], [5], [6],
[7], [8], [9], [10], [11]), there are still few studies
about SMS spam filtering available in the literature.
Bellow, we present the most relevant works related
to this topic.
Gómez Hidalgo et. al. [12] evaluated several
Bayesian based classifiers to detect mobile phone
spam. In this work, the authors proposed the first
two well-known SMS spam datasets: the Spanish
(199 spam and 1,157 ham) and English (82 spam
and 1,119 ham) test databases. They have tested
on them a number of messages representation tech-
niques and machine learning algorithms, in terms
of effectiveness. The results indicate that Bayesian
filtering techniques can be effectively employed to
classify SMS spam.
Cormack et. al. [13] have claimed that email
filtering techniques require some adaptation to reach
good levels of performance on SMS spam, es-
pecially regarding message representation. Thus,
to support their assumption, they have performed
experiments on SMS filtering using top perform-
ing email spam filters (e.g. Bogofilter, Dynamic
Markov Compression, Logistic Regression, SVM,
and OSBF) on mobile spam messages using a suit-
able feature representation. However, after analyz-
ing the results, it was concluded that the differences
among all the evaluated filters were not clear, so
more experiments with a larger dataset would be
Cormack et. al. [14] have studied the problem of
content-based spam filtering for short text messages
that arise in three different contexts: SMS, blog
comments, and email summary information such as
might be displayed by a low-bandwidth client. Their
main conclusions are that short messages contain
an insufficient number of words to properly support
bag of words or word bigram based spam classifiers
and, in consequence, the filter’s performance were
improved markedly by expanding the set of features
to include orthogonal sparse word bigrams and also
to include character bigrams and trigrams. Among
all analyzed approaches, the technique based on
Dynamic Markov Compression achieved the best
results on short messages and message fragments.
Liu and Wang [15] have proposed an index-based
online text classification method, investigated two
index models, and compared the performances of
several index granularities for English and Chinese
SMS messages. According to the results from the
English dataset, the relevant feature among words
can increase the classification confidence and the
trigram co-occurrence feature of words is an appro-
T. A. Almeida, J. M. Gómez Hidalgo, T. P. Silva, Vol.2, No.1
priate relevant feature. On the other hand, the results
from Chinese collection show that the performance
of classifier applying word-level index model is
better than the one applying document-level index
model. According to the authors, the trigram seg-
ment outperforms the exact segment in indexing, so
it is not necessary to segment Chinese text exactly
when indexing by their proposed method.
Lee and Hsieh [16] proposed an interactive SMS
confirmation mechanism using CAPTCHA and se-
cret sharing. According to the authors, the found
results indicate that it takes small computation costs
to complete the authentication including the identity
verification and the check of user-participation. So,
they conclude that the proposed method is suitable
for mobile environment.
A new large real, public and non-encoded SMS
spam collection was proposed in Almeida et. al. [1].
Furthermore, the authors have lead an evaluation be-
tween several established machine learning methods
and the results clearly indicate that SVM achieved
the best performance, which can be used as a good
baseline for further comparison.
Vallés and Rosso [17] have evaluated the perfor-
mance achieved by plagiarism detection tools when
employed as filters for SMS spam messages. They
have carried out experiments on the SMS Spam Col-
lection [1] and compared the results with the ones
achieved by the well-known CLUTO framework.
Their main conclusion is that plagiarism detection
tools have detected a good number of near-duplicate
SMS spam messages and outperformed the CLUTO
clustering tool.
Delany et. al. [18] have reviewed recent devel-
opments in SMS spam filtering and also discussed
important issues with data collection and availability
for furthering research, beyond being analyzed a
large corpus of SMS spam. They have built a
new dataset with ham messages extracted from
GrumbleText and WhoCallsMe websites and spam
messages from the SMS Spam Collection. They
analyzed different types of spam using content-
based clustering and identified ten clearly-defined
clusters. According to the authors, such result may
reflect the extent of near-repetition in data due to
the similarity between different spam attacks and
the breadth of obfuscation used by spammers.
Nuruzzaman et. al. [19] evaluated the perfor-
mance of filtering SMS spam on independent mo-
bile phones using Text Classification techniques.
The training, filtering, and updating processes were
performed on an independent mobile phone. Their
found results show that the proposed model was
able to filter SMS spam with reasonable accuracy,
minimum storage consumption, and acceptable pro-
cessing time without support from a computer or
using a large amount of SMS data for training.
Coskun and Giura [20] presented a network-based
online detection method to identify SMS spamming
campaign by detecting an unusual number of similar
messages sent in a network over a short period of
time. The proposed scheme uses counting Bloom
filters to maintain approximate count of message
content occurrences. According to the authors, the
method achieved a detection rate close to 100%
with a counting Bloom filter of size larger than
500,000 bins for detecting as few as 10 similar spam
messages that differ by at most 20 characters within
10,000 regular SMS messages. The authors claim
that their method uses a fast online algorithm which
can be deployed in large carrier networks to detect
spam activities before too many spam messages are
delivered. It does not store SMS message contents,
therefore it does not compromise the privacy of
mobile subscribers.
Qian et. al. [21] proposed a service-side solu-
tion that uses graph data mining to distinguish
likely spammers from normal senders. In fact, they
T. A. Almeida, J. M. Gómez Hidalgo, T. P. Silva, Vol.2, No.1
investigate ways to detect spam on the basis of
features that include temporal and graph-topology
information but exclude content, thus addressing
user privacy issues. More specifically, the authors
focused on identifying professional spammers on
the basis of overall message-sending patterns. In
their performance evaluation, they carried out ex-
periments on another real-world dataset that has
been used to detect spammers in online video so-
cial networks and compared the results with SVM
and k-NN classifiers. According to the authors,
the SVM classifier has a stronger ability to detect
spammers in online video social networks compared
to the k-NN classifier. However, they showed that
temporal and network features can be incorporated
into conventional static features to achieve better
performance when detecting spammers.
3. The SMS Spam Collection
Reliable data are essential in any scientific re-
search. The processes of evaluation and comparison
of methods can be seriously impacted by the lack
of representative data. Consequently, areas of more
recent studies generally suffer with the absence of
public available data.
Studies of mobile spam filtering is one of these
affected areas. Although there are a few databases of
legitimate SMS messages available on the Internet,
finding real samples of mobile phone spam is not
a simple task. Due to these reasons, to create the
SMS Spam Collection we used data derived from
several sources.
In order to get legitimate samples, we have in-
serted 450 SMS ham messages collected from Car-
oline Tag’s PhD Thesis, available at http://etheses.
We have also included a subset of 3,375 SMS
ham messages randomly chosen from the NUS
SMS Corpus, which is a dataset of about 10,000
legitimate messages collected for research at the
Department of Computer Science at the National
University of Singapore. These messages were col-
lected from volunteers, mostly Singaporeans and
students attending the University, who were made
aware that their contributions were going to be
made publicly available. The NUS SMS Corpus is
available at:
Then, we added a collection of 425 SMS spam
messages manually extracted from the Grumbletext
Web site. This is a UK forum in which cell phone
users make public claims about SMS spam mes-
sages, most of them without reporting the actual
spam message received. The identification of the
text of spam messages in the claims is a very hard
and time-consuming task, and it involved carefully
reading through hundreds of web pages. The Grum-
bletext Web site is:
Finally, we incorporated the SMS Spam Corpus
v.0.1 Big. This collection has 1,002 SMS ham
messages and 322 spam messages and it is pub-
lic available at:
smsspamcorpus/. This corpus has been used in the
following academic research efforts: [13], [14], and
[12]. The sources used in this corpus are also the
Grumbletext Web site and the NUS SMS Corpus.
The created corpus is composed by just one text
file, where each line has the correct class followed
by the raw message. We offer some examples in
Table 1.
The SMS Spam Collection is public
available at
In the following we present some statistics of the
dataset. In summary, the new collection is composed
by 4,827 legitimate messages and 747 mobile spam
T. A. Almeida, J. M. Gómez Hidalgo, T. P. Silva, Vol.2, No.1
TABLE 1: Examples of messages present in the SMS Spam Collection.
ham What you doing?how are you?
ham Ok lar... Joking wif u oni...
ham dun say so early hor... U c already then
ham MY NO. IN LUTON 0125698789 RING ME IF UR
ham Siva is in hostel aha:-.
ham Cos i was out shopping wif darren jus now
n i called him 2 ask wat present he wan
lor. Then he started guessing who i was
wif n he finally guessed darren lor.
spam FreeMsg: Txt: CALL to No: 86888 & claim
your reward of 3 hours talk time to use
from your phone now! ubscribe6GBP/ mnth
inc 3hrs 16 stop?txtStop
spam URGENT! Your Mobile No 07808726822 was
awarded a £2,000 Bonus Caller Prize on
02/09/03! This is our 2nd attempt to
contact YOU! Call 0871-872-9758 BOX95QU
messages, a total of 5,574 short messages. To the
best of our knowledge, it is the largest available
SMS spam corpus that currently exists. Table 2
shows the basic statistics of the created database.
TABLE 2: Basic statistics
Msg Amount %
Hams 4,827 86.60
Spams 747 13.40
Total 5,574 100.00
Table 3 presents the statistics related to the tokens
extracted from the corpus. Note that, the proposed
dataset has a total of 81,175 tokens and mobile
phone spam has in average ten tokens more than
legitimate messages.
We have also performed a study regarding the
occurrence frequency of tokens in each class. Ta-
bles 4 and 5 show the twenty tokens that most have
appeared in ham and spam messages, respectively.
To complement the study regarding token fre-
quency among each class, we also evaluated the
TABLE 3: Token statistics
Hams 63,632
Spams 17,543
Total 81,175
Avg per Msg 14.56
Avg in Hams 13.18
Avg in Spams 23.48
degree of importance of each token over the full
corpus. For this, we sorted all the tokens according
to the information gain score (IG) [22] and present
the first twenty ones in Table 6.
4. Duplicate analysis of the SMS Spam
To ensure that the way the SMS Spam Collection
has built, by reusing the same message sources, does
not lead to invalid SMS spam filtering results, it is
needed to study the potential overlap between the
sub-collections that have been used when building
it. The hypothesis is that the messages added to
T. A. Almeida, J. M. Gómez Hidalgo, T. P. Silva, Vol.2, No.1
TABLE 4: The twenty tokens that most appeared in
ham messages
Token Number of Hams Msg % of Hams
i 1619 33.54
you 1264 26.19
to 1219 25.25
a 880 18.23
the 867 17.96
in 737 15.27
and 685 14.19
u 678 14.05
me 639 13.24
is 603 12.49
my 600 12.43
it 464 9.61
of 454 9.41
for 443 9.18
that 421 8.72
im 414 8.58
but 411 8.51
so 403 8.35
have 401 8.31
not 384 7.96
the original SMS collection, even extracted from
the same sources (the Grumbletext site, the NUS
SMS Corpus), do not add duplicates to those previ-
ously existing messages, except for those previously
existing in the original collection or the messages
sources themselves. In this way, if there are dupli-
cates in the final collection, the only causes can be:
Spammers do use templates when writing their
spam messages.
Legitimate users do make use of message tem-
plates existing in their mobile phones.
Legitimate users do re-send chain letters (e.g.
jokes, Christmas messages, etc.).
So, if the task of SMS spam filtering is eased
because of these duplicate messages, the reason for
this is the actual behavior of SMS messaging by
spammers and legitimate users, and not the way the
collection used for testing was built.
TABLE 5: The twenty tokens that most appeared in
spam messages
Token Number of spam Msg % of Spams
to 467 62.52
call 329 44.04
a 294 39.36
your 227 30.39
you 218 29.18
for 177 23.69
or 177 23.69
the 167 22.36
free 157 21.02
txt 145 19.41
2 142 19.01
is 140 18.74
have 127 17.00
from 124 16.60
on 119 15.93
u 118 15.80
ur 114 15.26
now 112 14.99
and 108 14.46
claim 108 14.46
TABLE 6: The twenty tokens with highest IG score
over the full corpus
Rank IG Token Rank I G Token
1 0.099 call 11 0.036 won
2 0.066 txt 12 0.033 or
3 0.057 claim 13 0.033 now
4 0.057 free 14 0.033 &
5 0.057 to 15 0.032 stop
6 0.043 mobile 16 0.029 reply
7 0.043 www 17 0.028 win
8 0.041 i 18 0.028 text
9 0.037 prize 19 0.026 cash
10 0.036 your 20 0.025 co
In consequence, we have built three SMS sub-
collections described below (original, added and all
messages), and we have studied the most frequent
duplicates in all the sub-collections. The hypothesis
gets confirmed if:
1 The existing duplicates in the original sub-
collection keep the same frequency statistics
T. A. Almeida, J. M. Gómez Hidalgo, T. P. Silva, Vol.2, No.1
in the final collection, and
2 the existing duplicates in the added messages
keep the same frequency statistics in the final
collection as well.
In the next sections, we describe the three sub-
collections used in the study, along with the ap-
proach we have used to detect message duplicates,
or more properly, near-duplicates. We detail the re-
sults of the analysis, which confirm our hypothesis.
4.1. Text collections
In order to evaluate the potential overlap between
the datasets which were used to build the proposed
SMS Spam Collection, we have searched for near-
duplicates within three sub-collections:
The previously existing SMS Spam Corpus
v.0.1 Big (INIT).
The SMS collection that includes the additional
messages from Grumbletext, the NUS SMS
Corpus, and the Tag’s PhD Thesis (ADD).
The released SMS Spam Collection (FINAL).
The INIT dataset has a total of 1,324 text mes-
sages where 1,002 are ham and 322 are spam. The
ADD sub-collection is composed by 3,825 legiti-
mate messages and 425 mobile spam messages, for
a total of 4,250 text messages. The percentages of
ham and spam are shown in Table 7.
TABLE 7: How the sub-collections are composed.
Class Amount Pct Amount Pct
Ham 1,002 75.68 3,825 90.00
Spam 322 24.32 425 10.00
Total 1,324 100.00 4,250 100.00
It is worth noticing that the previously existing
SMS Spam Corpus v.0.1 Big, which corresponds to
the INIT sub-collection, poses a simpler problem to
machine learning content based spam filters, as the
collection is more balanced than the new SMS Spam
Collection. On the other side, the new collection
is much bigger, and more data often implies better
learning generalization.
In Table 8 we present the main statistics related
to the tokens extracted from the INIT and ADD
TABLE 8: Basic statistics related to the tokens
extracted from the sub-collections.
Ham 12,192 51,419
Spam 7,682 9,861
Total 19,874 61,280
Avg per Msg 15.01 14.42
Avg in Ham 12.17 13.44
Avg in Spam 23.86 23.20
Note that, for both sub-collections, mobile phone
spams are in average ten tokens larger than legiti-
mate messages. Also note that the average tokens
per message is quite similar in both sub-collections.
4.2. Near-duplicate analysis overview
Two texts are considered near-duplicates when,
although they are not exactly the same, they are
strikingly similar [23]. Finding near-duplicates has
many applications, including plagiarism detection
[24], Web searching and information retrieval im-
provements [23], or duplicate record detection in
databases [25]. Depending on the application, re-
searchers have made use of different techniques
for near-duplicate detection. Moreover, even the
definition of a near-duplicate can be application
dependent, as the concept of “strikinglyness” is
itself subjective [17]. In any case, given two text
fragments, the goal is to compute a distance or
similarity between them in order to decide if they
T. A. Almeida, J. M. Gómez Hidalgo, T. P. Silva, Vol.2, No.1
are near-duplicates. Of course, distance and simi-
larity are opposite, and the idea is the smaller the
distance, or the bigger the similarity between two
texts, the more likely is they are near-duplicates.
For simplicity, we will speak about near-duplicate
metrics, considering both distances and similarities.
Thus, metrics for near-duplicates detection can be
organized in two main groups:
Syntactic metrics make reference to those com-
putations in which the actual order of text com-
ponents (strings, tokens) is taken into account.
Semantic metrics try to better capture the se-
mantics of the text by using Vector Space Model
(VSM)-like text representations and similarity
computations [26].
It is worth mentioning that syntactic methods are
most often called grammar-based in the literature
plagiarism detection [24]. The most basic syntactic
metrics are character sequence distances, like the
Edit Distance, the Jaro Distance and many oth-
ers [25], typically applied in the duplicate record
problem. Thus, two text fields for different records
in a database can be considered near-duplicates
if the e.g. Edit Distance among them is below
a threshold. Alternatively, two fields match if the
longest common character sequence is longer that a
predefined threshold.
In the areas of plagiarism detection and informa-
tion retrieval, syntactic methods many often involve
N-gram matching detection [23], [24]. An N-gram
is an ordered sequence of tokens or words present
in a text, in which N is the number of tokens.
Text tokenization may involve punctuation removal,
white space normalization, and other simplifications
of the original text, in order to ensure that little
manual changes do not hide plagiarism. Typical N
sizes are 5 and 6, and obviously, the longer the N,
the less probability of a false positive but the less
A significant example of a syntactic metric is
the “String-of-Text” method, implemented by the
WCopyfind4tool, and which involves scanning sus-
pect texts for approximately matching character
sequences. In order to avoid little manual modifi-
cations, this approximation can involve transforma-
tions like case changing, separators variation (e.g.
addressing those users including more white spaces
between words), etc.
Semantic methods are quite popular in these areas
as well. The most popular technique by far is using
the VSM [26]: representing texts as term-weight
vectors, in which terms are typically stemmed
words, and computing the cosine similarity be-
tween the target texts. A similarity very close to
one between two texts represents a potential near-
duplicate. This approach can be improved by using
really semantic information as WordNet concepts,
like in [27]. It is possible to combine both syntactic
and semantic metric, like e.g. in [28].
4.3. Near-duplicate detection approach
For the particular needs of this study, and given
the short nature of SMS messages, we consider the
“String-of-Text” method as a reasonable baseline for
the purpose of detecting near-duplicated messages
in our collection. With this goal in mind, texts can
be compared searching for N-grams for relatively
big sizes (e.g. N=6), with additional parameters
(length of match in number of characters, etc.).
This approach is implemented in WCopyfind, but
we have simplified it to N-gram matches after text
normalization involving:
Replacing all token separators by white spaces.
Lowercasing all characters.
Replacing digits by the character ‘N’ (to pre-
serve phone numbers structure).
4. See:
T. A. Almeida, J. M. Gómez Hidalgo, T. P. Silva, Vol.2, No.1
For instance, the 6-gram “stop to NNNNN
customer services NNNNNNNNNNN
corresponds to a match between the next two
messages within the ADD sub-collection:
Thank you, winner notified by sms. Good
Luck! No future marketing reply STOP
to 84122 customer services 08450542832
Your unique user ID is 1172. For removal
send STOP to 87239 customer services
As it can be seen, both messages are not near-
duplicates; instead, they share a common pattern
in messages reported by users as SMS spam in
the Grumbletext site, which is the matching 6-
gram. In particular, both messages correspond to
two different SMS advertising campaigns in which
the users have actually not subscribed the service.
In consequence, this near-duplicate approach, es-
pecially with relatively short N-Grams, can lead
to many false positives. As a result, the statistics
collected during our analysis represent an upper
bound of the potential near-duplicates that occur in
the final collection. In our opinion, this is safer than
finding a lower bound, because in this way no near-
duplicates will be missing, and the conclusions of
the study are sound.
In order to find matching N-grams and message
near-duplicates within a given sub-collection, we
have followed the next procedure:
1 All messages within the sub-collection are
taken as a sorted list.
2 Each N-gram for a message is built from left
to right.
3 A match or hit is registered when an N-gram
present in a message iis found in a message
j, with i<j.
4 If a hit for messages iand jis registered,
no other matches between those messages are
5 All N-grams occurring in two or more mes-
sages are stored, along with the number of
messages in which they occur.
Thus, if a particular N-gram is present in mes-
sages i,jand kwith i < j < k, only the hits
for iand j, and for jand kare counted. It must be
noted that it is possible that there is a match between
messages iand j, and another match between jand
k, but not between iand kbecause both previous
matching N-grams are different (although they may
have some overlap). In consequence, the way we
compare SMS messages is not symmetric.
It is worth noting that it may be the case that
two messages have several N-grams in common. In
fact, that would be the case for full long duplicate
messages. In this situation, only the first left N-gram
is reported, and then other co-occurring N-grams
may be missing counts for yet other messages.
4.4. Results and analysis
The goal of this process is to check if merg-
ing the first two sub-collections adds many near-
duplicates to the final database, in order to assess
the overlap between both collections. Within each
sub-collection, we have compared each pair of mes-
sages, stored all N size matches (N-grams with N =
5, 6, and 10), and sorted the N-grams according to
their frequency, examining in detail the top ten ones
per N. According to the literature, N = 6 is a typical
number for detecting near-duplicate paragraphs, and
we have tested N = 5 because some messages were
exactly this long, but there are not nearly shorter
messages. Moreover, while N = 5 or N = 6 can
lead to many false positives, these hits can be refined
T. A. Almeida, J. M. Gómez Hidalgo, T. P. Silva, Vol.2, No.1
with the longer matches required with N = 10, which
in turn is quite close to the actual message length
4.4..1 Frequency results
We show the overall N-gram occurrence statistics
for N = 5, 6 and 10 in the INIT,ADD and FINAL
sub-collections in Table 9. In the third column, we
list the number of unique N-grams with 2 or more
occurrences for a given size in each sub-collection.
As it can be expected, we can view that the
numbers increase with the the number of messages
in each sub-collection.
TABLE 9: N-gram occurrence statistics for different
sizes in the studied sub-collections.
N sub #uniq sum avg std
INIT 186 573 3.08 1.56
ADD 484 1292 2.67 2.02
FINAL 718 (+48) 2175 3.03 2.24
INIT 140 420 3.00 1.37
ADD 361 923 2.56 1.20
FINAL 548 (+47) 1619 2.95 1.71
INIT 92 243 2.64 0.99
ADD 192 489 2.55 1.33
FINAL 354 (+70) 964 2.72 1.41
We can notice as well that, typically, the number
of unique N-grams for the FINAL sub-collection
is bigger than the sum of N-grams in the INIT
and ADD sub-collections. The exact number of new
N-grams that is added to the FINAL collection is
presented in parenthesis. The difference of unique
new N-grams between 5- and 6-grams is small and,
as expected, there are less new 6-grams than 5-
However, the number of new unique 10-grams is
quite bigger than previous ones, what may be con-
sidered counter-intuitive. Moreover, and due to their
length, 10-grams are much less likely to correspond
to false positive near-duplicates. In consequence,
we have examined those 10-grams in FINAL oc-
curring exactly in a message in INIT and in a
message in ADD (thus, with an exact frequency of
2). We have found that 52% of them do contain
“N+” strings, representing short and/or telephone
numbers in spam messages, and in consequence, the
matched messages belong to the same SMS spam
campaign. It must be noted that SMS messages in
the same spam campaign can use different short
and/or telephone numbers. The remaining 10-grams
with a frequency of 2 do correspond to:
Other spam messages (e.g. “u are subscribed to
the best mobile content service in”).
Chain letter messages extracted from the NUS
SMS Corpus (e.g. “the xmas story is peace the
xmas msg is love”).
Actual duplicates contributed to the NUS SMS
Corpus (e.g. “i have been late in paying rent for
the past”).
Regarding the rest of figures in Table 9, the
fourth, fifth and sixth columns report the total and
the average number of hits per N-gram, plus the
standard deviation, for each N-gram size and sub-
collection, respectively. Only N-grams occurring in
two or more messages are reported, because the
N-grams considered are those that can correspond
to near-duplicates. For instance, there are 573 hits
of the 186 unique 5-grams with frequency of two
or more messages for the INIT sub-collection, and
each 5-gram occurs on an average of 3.08 ±1.56
As it can be expected, the longer the N-grams,
the less total number and average of matching mes-
sages, because the probability of getting a longer
match between two randomly chosen messages is
smaller. In general, the figures for INIT messages
are bigger than for ADD, what makes sense because
T. A. Almeida, J. M. Gómez Hidalgo, T. P. Silva, Vol.2, No.1
the proportion of spam in the first collection is three
times the proportion in the second collection, and
most of the N-gram matches correspond to SMS
spam messages. This explains as well that the aver-
age number of matches in the FINAL sub-collection
is closer to the INIT average than to the ADD
average, as the total counts of spam messages is 322
and 425 for these latter sub-collections, respectively.
As previously discussed, most matches come from
spam messages, that make for the near-duplicates
because of the intrinsic similarity between spam
campaigns patterns, and ADD spam messages sum
up on previously existing campaigns and patterns in
the INIT sub-collection. In other words, the spam
class messages are typically more similar among
them, than the ham class, for any of the sub-
4.4..2 Top scoring N-grams
In order to compare the actual matches between
messages in the studied sub-collection, we report the
top frequent N-grams and their frequencies for each
N in the next tables. We show the ten top frequent
5 and 6-grams in Tables 10 and 11, respectively.
First of all, it must be noted that, given an N-
gram with counts i,jand kin the INIT,ADD
and FINAL collections respectively, we must not
expect that i+j=k. This is because some counts
are missing as a previous N-gram match between
two messages may have been reported, and only N-
gram matches corresponding to the left most match
between two messages are summed up.
As it can be seen regarding 5-grams:
5-grams already present in the INIT and the
ADD sub-collections do not collapse to greatly
increase their frequency. For instance, the 5-
grams “sorry i ll call later” and “i cant pick
the phone” do not change its frequency from
ADD to FINAL. These 5-grams correspond
to templates often present in cell phones, and
used in legitimate messages. Actually, both are
complete messages themselves.
The behavior of the rest of 5-grams, which
all actually nearly only occur in spam mes-
sages, is a bit different. Most of them are
fuzzy duplicates that result in small frequency
increases, like in “we are trying to contact”
from INIT (10 messages) to FINAL (14 mes-
sages). This means that the messages in ADD
may be duplicates of the messages in INIT.
However, as it can be seen, the patterns of
spam 5-grams within each sub-collection are
very regular and even overlapping, so this is not
significant. In other words, these 4 messages
are not repeated, but new instances of spam
probably sent by the same organization. Other
messages just disappear from the top, as they
keep their frequencies.
Regarding 6-grams (the standard value used in
tools like WCopyfind), shown in Table 11, we can
see that the behavior is quite similar to the case of
5-grams. There are slightly different results because
of two reasons:
The fact that longer N-grams must obviously
lead to lower frequencies. Actually, there is not
a significant drop in the number of matches per
6-gram, as it can be seen in e.g. “private your
NNNN account statement for”, which includes
the 5-gram “private your NNNN account state-
ment” as a prefix.
The most frequent 6-grams keep on belonging
to spam messages. The 5-grams that frequently
occurred on the legitimate messages have dis-
appeared because the detected templates are, in
fact, complete 5-length messages.
In 6-gram results, we can see again that there
are not significant near-duplicates except for those
T. A. Almeida, J. M. Gómez Hidalgo, T. P. Silva, Vol.2, No.1
TABLE 10: Ten top 5-grams and their frequencies in the studied sub-collections.
5-gram #f 5-gram #f 5-gram #f
we are trying to contact 10 sorry i ll call later 37 sorry i ll call later 37
this is the Nnd attempt 9 private your NNNN
account statement
15 private your NNNN
account statement
urgent we are trying to 9 i cant pick the phone 12 we are trying to contact 14
prize guaranteed call
8 hope you are having a 9 prize guaranteed call
bonus caller prize on NN 7 text me when you re 9 you have won a guaranteed 13
draw txt music to NNNNN 7 £ NNNN cash or a 8 a NNNN prize guaranteed
prize N claim is easy 7 NNN anytime any network
8 draw shows that you have 12
you have won a guaranteed 7 a £ NNNN prize
7 i cant pick the phone 12
a N NNN bonus caller 6 have a secret admirer who 7 urgent we are trying to 11
are selected to receive a 6 u have a secret admirer 7 call NNNNNNNNNNN
from land line
TABLE 11: Ten top 6-grams and their frequencies in the studied sub-collections.
6-gram #f 6-gram #f 6-gram #f
this is the Nnd attempt to 9 private your NNNN
account statement for
15 private your NNNN
account statement for
urgent we are trying to
9 i cant pick the phone right 12 a NNNN prize guaranteed
prize guaranteed call
7 a £ NNNN prize
guaranteed call
7 draw shows that you have
a N NNN bonus caller
6 have a secret admirer who
7 i cant pick the phone right 12
bonus caller prize on NN
6 i am on the way to 6 prize guaranteed call
cash await collection sae t
6 pls convey my birthday
wishes to
6 urgent we are trying to
tone N ur mob every week 6 u have a secret admirer
6 call our customer service
representative on
you have won a
guaranteed NNNN
6 £ NNN cash every wk txt 5 this is the Nnd attempt to 9
a NNNN prize guaranteed
5 as i entered my cabin my 5 tone N ur mob every week 9
now only NNp per
5 goodmorning today i am
late for
5 we are trying to contact u 9
already present in each sub-collection. Moreover,
the results of 10-grams are very similar to these
previous ones with 6-grams. In consequence, we
believe it is safe to say that merging the sub-
T. A. Almeida, J. M. Gómez Hidalgo, T. P. Silva, Vol.2, No.1
collections, although they have roughly the same
sources, does not lead to near-duplicates that may
ease the task of detecting SMS spam.
5. Experiments
As mobile phone messages often have a lot of
abbreviations and idioms that may affect the filters
accuracy, established email spam filters may have
their performance seriously impacted when em-
ployed to classify this kind of messages. In this way,
we have tested several well-known machine learning
methods in the task of automatic spam filtering
using the SMS Spam Collection in order to provide
good baseline results for further comparison.
5.1. Tokenizers
Tokenization is the first stage in the classification
pipeline. It involves breaking the text stream into
tokens (“words”), usually by means of a regular
expression. In this work, two different tokenizers
were used:
1 tok1: tokens start with a printable character,
followed by any number of alphanumeric char-
acters, excluding dots, commas and colons
from the middle of the pattern. With this
pattern, domain names and mail addresses will
be split at dots, so the classifier can recognize
a domain even if subdomains vary [29].
2 tok2: any sequence of characters separated by
blanks, tabs, returns, dots, commas, colons and
dashes are considered as tokens. This simple
tokenizer intends to preserve other symbols
that may help to separate spam and legitimate
In addition, we did not perform language-specific
preprocessing techniques such as stop word removal
or word stemming, since other researchers found
that such techniques tend to hurt spam-filtering
accuracy [5], [4].
5.2. Classifiers
The list of all evaluated classifiers are presented
in Table 125.
TABLE 12: Evaluated classifiers
Basic Naïve Bayes (NB) – Basic NB [10]
Multinomial term frequency NB – MN TF NB [10]
Multinomial Boolean NB – MN Bool NB [10]
Multivariate Bernoulli NB – Bern NB [10]
Boolean NB – Bool NB [10]
Multivariate Gauss NB – Gauss NB [10]
Flexible Bayes – Flex NB [10]
Boosted NB [30]
Logistic Regression [31], [32]
Multilayer Perceptron [33]
Linear Support Vector Machine – SVM [34], [3]
Sequential Minimal Optimization – SMO [35]
Minimum Description Length – MDL [7]
K-Nearest Neighbors – KNN [36], [12] (K = 1, 3 or 5)
C4.5 [37], [12]
Boosted C4.5 [12]
PART [38], [12]
Random Forest [39], [40]
5.3. Baselines
Since the collection is highly biased to the legit-
imate class, a simple baseline is the trivial rejector
(TR) for the spam class.
Given that the spam class has most of the to-
kens with the highest Information Gain score, it
is sensible to expect that messages may get au-
tomatically grouped into two classes on the basis
of those tokens. In consequence, we provide an
additional baseline in the form of the results of
5. Some of the implementations of the described classifiers are
provided by the Machine Learning library WEKA, available at http:// The algorithms have been used with
their default parameters except when otherwise is specified.
T. A. Almeida, J. M. Gómez Hidalgo, T. P. Silva, Vol.2, No.1
the Expectation-Maximization (EM) clustering al-
gorithm [41], over a vector representation based on
the tokenizer tok2. EM is an iterative soft clusterer
that estimates cluster densities. Basically, cluster
membership is a hidden latent variable that the
maximum likelihood EM method estimates.
EM clustering works in the following way. Ini-
tially the instances are randomly assigned to the
clusters. Distributions for each cluster are learned
from this starting point, and then the E and M step
of the algorithm are executed in subsequent itera-
tions. The E step estimates the cluster membership
of each instance given the current model – this is a
soft, probabilistic membership where the predicted
density/probability distribution is used to weight
each instance. Then the M step re-estimates the
parameters of the normal and discrete distributions
for each cluster using the weights computed by
the E step. Iteration stops when the likelihood of
the training data with respect to the model does
not increase enough from one iteration to the next,
or the maximum number of iterations have been
In our experiments, we have limited the maximum
number of iterations to 20 and used the rest of the
default values for EM parameters in WEKA.
5.4. Protocol
We carried out this experiments using the fol-
lowing protocol. We divided the corpus in two
parts: the first 30% of the messages were separated
for training the methods (1,674 messages) and the
remainder ones for testing (3,900 messages). Since
all messages are fairly short, we did not use any
kind of method to reduce the dimensionality of the
training space, e.g., terms selection techniques.
To compare the results achieved by the filters we
employed the following well-known performance
Spam Caught (%) – SC ;
Blocked Hams (%) – BH ;
Accuracy (%) – Acc;
Matthews Correlation Coefficient – MC C [6].
MCC is used in machine learning as a measure
of the quality of binary classifications. It returns a
real value between 1and +1. A coefficient equals
to +1 indicates a perfect prediction; 0, an average
random prediction; and 1, an inverse prediction
MCC =(tp ×tn)(f p ×fn)
p(tp +fp)×(tp +fn)×(tn +fp)×(tn +fn),
where tp corresponds to the amount of true posi-
tives, tn is the number of true negatives, fp is the
amount of false positives, and fn is the number of
false negatives.
5.5. Results
Table 13 presents the best results achieved by
each evaluated classifier and tokenizer. Note that the
results are sorted in descending order of MCC.
Although the Logistic Regression scored a slightly
better MCC and caught more spam than SVM, it
has blocked more than 2% of legitimate messages,
against only 0.18% from the SVM. Consequently,
as in spam filtering, a false positive is an error worse
than a false negative, we can safe conclude that
SVM outperformed the other evaluated methods and
accomplished a remarkable performance consider-
ing the EM and TR baselines and the high difficulty
of classifying mobile phone messages. However, the
results also indicate that the best five algorithms
achieved similar performance with no statistical
difference. All of them accomplished an accuracy
rate superior than 97%, that can be considered as a
very good baseline in a such context.
T. A. Almeida, J. M. Gómez Hidalgo, T. P. Silva, Vol.2, No.1
TABLE 13: The best results achieved by combina-
tions of classifiers + tokenizers and the baselines
Expectation-Maximization (EM) and trivial rejec-
tion (TR)
Classifier SC %BH %Acc%M CC
Logistic Reg. + tok2 95.48 2.09 97.59 0.899
SVM + tok1 83.10 0.18 97.64 0.893
Boosted NB + tok2 84.48 0.53 97.50 0.887
SMO + tok2 82.91 0.29 97.50 0.887
Boosted C4.5 + tok2 81.53 0.62 97.05 0.865
MDL + tok1 75.44 0.35 96.26 0.826
PART + tok2 78.00 1.45 95.87 0.810
Random Forest + tok2 65.23 0.12 95.36 0.782
C4.5 + tok2 75.25 2.03 95.00 0.770
Bern NB + tok1 54.03 0.00 94.00 0.711
MN TF NB + tok1 52.06 0.00 93.74 0.697
MN Bool NB + tok1 51.87 0.00 93.72 0.695
1NN + tok2 43.81 0.00 92.70 0.636
Basic NB + tok1 48.53 1.42 92.05 0.600
Gauss NB + tok1 47.54 1.39 91.95 0.594
Flex NB + tok1 47.35 2.77 90.72 0.536
Boolean NB + tok1 98.04 26.01 77.13 0.507
3NN + tok2 23.77 0.00 90.10 0.462
EM + tok2 17.09 4.18 85.54 0.185
TR 0.00 0.00 86.95
It is important to point out that Logistic Re-
gression, Boosted NB, SMO, and Boosted C4.5
also achieved good results since they found a good
balance between false and true positive rates. On the
other hand, the remainder evaluated approaches had
an unsatisfying performance. Note that, although the
most of them have obtained accuracy rate superior
than 90%, they have correctly filtered about only
50% of spams or even less.
Therefore, based on the achieved results, we can
certainly conclude that the linear SVM offers the
best baseline performance for further comparison.
6. Conclusions
The task of automatic SMS spam filtering is still a
real challenge nowadays. Three main issues difficult
the development of algorithms for this specific field
of research: the absence of public and real datasets,
the low number of features that can be extracted per
message, and the fact that the messages are filled
with idioms and abbreviations.
In order to fill some of those gaps, this paper
presented a lot details about the SMS Spam Col-
lection, that is the largest one as far as we know.
Besides being large, it is also publicly available and
composed by only non-encoded and real messages.
Furthermore, this paper also offered statistics related
to this dataset, such as tokens frequencies and the
most relevant words in terms of information gain
We have also performed a careful analysis of the
SMS Spam Collection, since its corpus is composed
by subsets of messages extracted from the same
sources. This analysis was built in order to promote
the experimentation with machine learning SMS
spam classifiers. As this collection has been devel-
oped by enriching a previously existing SMS corpus
using the same data sources, the added messages
may contain previously existing messages in the
original collection. Thus, it is required to ensure
that this does not happen, as it may ease the task
of learning SMS spam classifiers. In this sense, an
analysis of potential near-duplicates was performed.
We used a standard “String-to-text” method, on
three sub-collections: the original one (INIT), the
added messages (ADD), and the final collection
(FINAL). The near-duplicate detection method con-
sists of finding N-gram matches between messages,
for N = 5, 6 and 10 within each collection, in order
to verify that there is not a significant number of
near-duplicates in the FINAL sub-collection, apart
from those previously existing in the INIT and the
ADD sub-collections.
We found that 5-grams already presented in the
INIT and the ADD sub-collections do not collapse
T. A. Almeida, J. M. Gómez Hidalgo, T. P. Silva, Vol.2, No.1
to greatly increase their frequencies, and they typ-
ically correspond to templates often presented in
cell phones, and used in legitimate messages (e.g.
“sorry i ll call later”). The 5-grams that co-occur
in INIT and ADD, so they get their frequencies
increased in FINAL, are new instances of spam
most likely sent by the same organization. In 6-
grams results, we found that there are not significant
near-duplicates except for those already presented in
each sub-collection. Moreover, the results achieved
with 10-grams are very similar to the 5- and 6-grams
ones. In consequence, we believe it is safe to say
that merging the sub-collections, although they have
roughly the same sources, does not lead to near-
duplicates that may ease the task of detecting SMS
Finally, we compared the performance achieved
by several established machine learning methods
and the found results indicate that Support Vec-
tor Machine outperforms other evaluated classifiers
and, hence, it can be used as a good baseline for
further comparison.
Future work should consider to use different
strategies to increase the dimensionality of the
feature space. Well-known techniques, such as or-
thogonal sparse bigrams (OSB), 2-grams, 3-grams,
among others could be employed with the standard
tokenizers to produce a larger number of tokens and
patterns which can assist the classifier to separate
ham messages from spam. Additionally, we plan
to perform throughout experiments with machine
learning content based classifiers in order to confirm
and improve previous work by we and others ([13],
[14], and [12]) on the much smaller SMS Spam
The authors would like to thank the financial
support of Brazilian agencies FAPESP and CNPq.
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... Furthermore, our experiment compared the experiment results with research conducted by Poomka et al. (2019). They created a model using deep learning algorithms specifically LSTM and GRU, they also used the same data and compared with the results of research conducted by Almeida et al. (2013). Their experiment compared the results by using the LSTM and GRU models with models using SVM and Naive Bayes algorithms. ...
... Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 is Confusion matrix of SVM with Hyperparameter (GridSearchCV). (Almeida et al., 2013) 97.64% NB (Almeida et al., 2013) 92.05% LSTM (Poomka et al., 2019) 98.18% GRU (Poomka et al., 2019) 98.02% SVM + Hyperparameter 98.47% ...
... Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 is Confusion matrix of SVM with Hyperparameter (GridSearchCV). (Almeida et al., 2013) 97.64% NB (Almeida et al., 2013) 92.05% LSTM (Poomka et al., 2019) 98.18% GRU (Poomka et al., 2019) 98.02% SVM + Hyperparameter 98.47% ...
... SMS focused datasets have been collected before, for example Almeida et al. (2013) collect a dataset labeling spam messages, while Mauriello et al. ...
... The dataset contains two columns: the message string and its class (ham or spam). These messages were collected from the National University of Singapore [21,22]. ...
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With the growth of the use mobile phones, people have become increasingly interested in using Short Message Services (SMS) as the most suitable communications service. The popularity of SMS has also given rise to SMS spam, which refers to any unwanted message sent to a mobile phone as a text. Spam may cause many problems, such as traffic bottlenecks or stealing important users' information. This paper, presents a new model that extracts seven features from each message before applying a Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) to assign a weight to each of the extracted features. The message features are fed into the Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) to determine whether they are spam or ham. To evaluate the proposed model, the UCI benchmark dataset was used. The proposed model produced recall, precision, F-measure, and accuracy values of 98.7%, 93.3%, 95.9%, and 98.2%, respectively.
... Kaggle 2 , the machine learning community, hosts many of these datasets. For example, the IMDb dataset contains a short description of a movie, and its review score allows to research sentiment analysis (Maas, Daly, Pham, Huang, Ng, & Potts, 2011); question answering system can be developed using Stanford Question Answering Dataset (Rajpurkar, Jia, & Liang, 2018); and SPAM filtering can be developed using a dedicated dataset (Almeida, Hidalgo, & Silva, 2013). Unfortunately, the DH community has not (as yet) produced large annotated open datasets for researches (although there are few in niche areas like (Rubinstein, 2019;Chen & Chang, 2019)). ...
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Combining computational technologies and humanities is an ongoing effort aimed at making resources such as texts, images, audio, video, and other artifacts digitally available, searchable, and analyzable. In recent years, deep neural networks (DNN) dominate the field of automatic text analysis and natural language processing (NLP), in some cases presenting a super-human performance. DNNs are the state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms solving many NLP tasks that are relevant for Digital Humanities (DH) research, such as spell checking, language detection, entity extraction, author detection, question answering, and other tasks. These supervised algorithms learn patterns from a large number of "right" and "wrong" examples and apply them to new examples. However, using DNNs for analyzing the text resources in DH research presents two main challenges: (un)availability of training data and a need for domain adaptation. This paper explores these challenges by analyzing multiple use-cases of DH studies in recent literature and their possible solutions and lays out a practical decision model for DH experts for when and how to choose the appropriate deep learning approaches for their research. Moreover, in this paper, we aim to raise awareness of the benefits of utilizing deep learning models in the DH community.
... This dataset is followed by the NSL-KDD dataset which is only a smaller version without the redundant and noisy records present in KDD'99. Additionally, none of these datasets are balanced, therefore suitable evaluation [114][115][116] in 2011. It is a labelled dataset of 5574 SMS messages, 747 spam and 4827 ham, collected from mobile phones. ...
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In Machine Learning, the datasets used to build models are one of the main factors limiting what these models can achieve and how good their predictive performance is. Machine Learning applications for cyber-security or computer security are numerous including cyber threat mitigation and security infrastructure enhancement through pattern recognition, real-time attack detection, and in-depth penetration testing. Therefore, for these applications in particular, the datasets used to build the models must be carefully thought to be representative of real-world data. However, because of the scarcity of labelled data and the cost of manually labelling positive examples, there is a growing corpus of literature utilizing Semi-Supervised Learning with cyber-security data repositories. In this work, we provide a comprehensive overview of publicly available data repositories and datasets used for building computer security or cyber-security systems based on Semi-Supervised Learning, where only a few labels are necessary or available for building strong models. We highlight the strengths and limitations of the data repositories and sets and provide an analysis of the performance assessment metrics used to evaluate the built models. Finally, we discuss open challenges and provide future research directions for using cyber-security datasets and evaluating models built upon them.
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A key task for automatic hate-speech detection on social media is the separation of hate speech from different instances of offensive language. Lexical detection strategies tend to have low precision due to the fact they classify all messages containing precise terms as hate speech and previous work the use of supervised gaining knowledge of has failed to differentiate among the two classes. We used a crowd-sourced hate speech lexicon to acquire tweets containing hate speech keywords. We use crowdsourcing to label a pattern of those tweets into three classes: those containing hate speech, only offensive language, and those with neither. We educate a multi-magnificence classifier to distinguish among those one-of-a-kind categories. near analysis of the predictions and the errors suggests when we can reliably separate hate speech from different offensive language and while this differentiation is extra difficult. we discover that racist and homophobic tweets are much more likely to be categorized as hate speech but that sexist tweets are normally labeled as offensive. Tweets without specific hate key phrases also are more difficult to categories.
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The persistence of SMS spam remains a significant challenge, highlighting the need for research aimed at developing systems capable of effectively handling the evasive strategies used by spammers. Such research efforts are important for safeguarding the general public from the detrimental impact of SMS spam. In this study, we aim to highlight the challenges encountered in the current landscape of SMS spam detection and filtering. To address these challenges, we present a new SMS dataset comprising more than 68K SMS messages with 61% legitimate (ham) SMS and 39% spam messages. Notably, this dataset, we release for further research, represents the largest publicly available SMS spam dataset to date. To characterize the dataset, we perform a longitudinal analysis of spam evolution. We then extract semantic and syntactic features to evaluate and compare the performance of well-known machine learning based SMS spam detection methods, ranging from shallow machine learning approaches to advanced deep neural networks. We investigate the robustness of existing SMS spam detection models and popular anti-spam services against spammers’ evasion techniques. Our findings reveal that the majority of shallow machine learning based techniques and anti-spam services exhibit inadequate performance when it comes to accurately classifying SMS spam messages. We observe that all of the machine learning approaches and anti-spam services are susceptible to various evasive strategies employed by spammers. To address the identified limitations, our study advocates for researchers to delve into these areas to advance the field of SMS spam detection and anti-spam services.
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The random forest algorithm could be enhanced and produce better results with a well-designed and organized feature selection phase. The dependency structure between the variables is considered to be the most important criterion behind selecting the variables to be used in the algorithm during the feature selection phase. As the dependency structure is mostly nonlinear, making use of a tool that considers nonlinearity would be a more beneficial approach. Copula-Based Clustering technique (CoClust) clusters variables with copulas according to nonlinear dependency. We show that it is possible to achieve a remarkable improvement in CPU times and accuracy by adding the CoClust-based feature selection step to the random forest technique. We work with two different large datasets, namely, the MIMIC-III Sepsis Dataset and the SMS Spam Collection Dataset. The first dataset is large in terms of rows referring to individual IDs, while the latter is an example of longer column length data with many variables to be considered. In the proposed approach, first, random forest is employed without adding the CoClust step. Then, random forest is repeated in the clusters obtained with CoClust. The obtained results are compared in terms of CPU time, accuracy and ROC (receiver operating characteristic) curve. CoClust clustering results are compared with K-means and hierarchical clustering techniques. The Random Forest, Gradient Boosting and Logistic Regression results obtained with these clusters and the success of RF and CoClust working together are examined.
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We proposed a novel index-based online text classification method, investigated two index models, and compared the performances of various index granularities for English and Chinese SMS message. Based on the proposed method, six individual classifiers were implemented according to various text features of Chinese message, which were further combined to form an ensemble classifier. The experimental results from English corpus show that the relevant feature among words can increase the classification confidence and the trigram co-occurrence feature of words is an appropriate relevant feature. The experimental results from real Chinese corpus show that the performance of classifier applying word-level index model is better than the one applying document-level index model. The trigram segment outperforms the exact segment in indexing, so it is not necessary to segment Chinese text exactly when indexing by our proposed method. Applying parallel multi-thread ensemble learning, our proposed method has constant time complexity, which is critical to large scale data and online filtering.
Conference Paper
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Given two documents A and B we define two mathematical notions: their resemblance r(A, B) and their containment c(A, B) that seem to capture well the informal notions of “roughly the same” and “roughly contained.” The basic idea is to reduce these issues to set intersection problems that can be easily evaluated by a process of random sampling that can be done independently for each document. Furthermore, the resemblance can be evaluated using a fixed size sample for each document. This paper discusses the mathematical properties of these measures and the efficient implementation of the sampling process using Rabin (1981) fingerprints
Conference Paper
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Mobile phones are becoming the latest target of electronic junk mail. Recent reports clearly indicate that the volume of SMS spam messages are dramatically increasing year by year. Probably, one of the major concerns in academic settings was the scarcity of public SMS spam datasets, that are sorely needed for validation and comparison of different classifiers. To address this issue, we have recently proposed a new SMS Spam Collection that, to the best of our knowledge, is the largest, public and real SMS dataset available for academic studies. However, as it has been created by augmenting a previously existing database built using roughly the same sources, it is sensible to certify that there are no duplicates coming from them. So, in this paper we offer a comprehensive analysis of the new SMS Spam Collection in order to ensure that this does not happen, since it may ease the task of learning SMS spam classifiers and, hence, it could compromise the evaluation of methods. The analysis of results indicate that the procedure followed does not lead to near-duplicates and, consequently, the proposed dataset is reliable to use for evaluating and comparing the performance achieved by different classifiers.
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Spam has become an increasingly important problem with a big economic impact in society. Spam filtering poses a special problem in text categorization, in which the defining characteristic is that filters face an active adversary, which constantly attempts to evade filtering. In this paper, we present a novel approach to spam filtering based on the minimum description length principle and confidence factors. The proposed model is fast to construct and incrementally updateable. Furthermore, we have conducted an empirical experiment using three well-known, large and public e-mail databases. The results indicate that the proposed classifier outperforms the state-of-the-art spam filters.
Conference Paper
Short Message Service (SMS) spam is increasingly becoming a problem for many telecommunication service providers. Not only do SMS spam messages use mobile network resources abusively, but also in many cases they represent malware propagation vectors for mobile devices. In this work, we propose a network-based online detection method for SMS spam messages. The proposed scheme uses robust text signatures to identify similar messages that are sent excessively in the SMS platform and is robust against slight modifications in SMS spam messages. Additionally, the method uses a fast online algorithm which can be deployed in large carrier networks to detect spam activities before too many spam messages are delivered. It does not store SMS message contents, therefore it does not compromise the privacy of mobile subscribers.
The amount of Short Message Service (SMS) spam is increasing. Various solutions to filter SMS spam on mobile phones have been proposed. Most of these use Text Classification techniques that consist of training, filtering, and updating processes. However, they require a computer or a large amount of SMS data in advance to filter SMS spam, especially for the training. This increases hardware maintenance and communication costs. Thus, we propose to filter SMS spam on independent mobile phones using Text Classification techniques. The training, filtering, and updating processes are performed on an independent mobile phone. The mobile phone has storage, memory and CPU limitations compared with a computer. As such, we apply a probabilistic Naïve Bayes classifier using word occurrences for screening because of its simplicity and fast performance. Our experiment on an Android mobile phone shows that it can filter SMS spam with reasonable accuracy, minimum storage consumption, and acceptable processing time without support from a computer or using a large amount of SMS data for training. Thus, we conclude that filtering SMS spam can be performed on independent mobile phones. We can reduce the number of word attributes by almost 50% without reducing accuracy significantly, using our usability-based approach. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Short Message Service text messages are indispensable, but they face a serious problem from spamming. This service-side solution uses graph data mining to distinguish spammers from nonspammers and detect spam without checking a message's contents.
Classifying an observation into one of several populations is discriminant analysis, or classification. Relating qualitative variables to other variables through a logistic cdf functional form is logistic regression. Estimators generated for one of these problems are often used in the other. If the populations are normal with identical covariance matrices, discriminant analysis estimators are preferred to logistic regression estimators for the discriminant analysis problem. In most discriminant analysis applications, however, at least one variable is qualitative (ruling out multivariate normality). Under nonnormality, we prefer the logistic regression model with maximum likelihood estimators for solving both problems. In this article we summarize the related arguments, and report on our own supportive empirical studies.
The development of Internet has resulted in the flooding of numerous copies of web documents in the search results making them futilely relevant to the users thereby creating a serious problem for internet search engines. The outcome of perpetual growth of Web and e-commerce has led to the increase in demand of new Web sites and Web applications. Duplicated web pages that consist of identical structure but different data can be regarded as clones. The identification of similar or near-duplicate pairs in a large collection is a significant problem with wide-spread applications. The problem has been deliberated for diverse data types (e.g. textual documents, spatial points and relational records) in diverse settings. Another contemporary materialization of the problem is the efficient identification of near-duplicate Web pages. This is certainly challenging in the web-scale due to the voluminous data and high dimensionalities of the documents. This survey paper has a fundamental intention to present an up-to-date review of the existing literature in duplicate and near duplicate detection of general documents and web documents in web crawling. Besides, the classification of the existing literature in duplicate and near duplicate detection techniques and a detailed description of the same are presented so as to make the survey more comprehensible. Additionally a brief introduction of web mining, web crawling, and duplicate document detection are also presented.