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The nomenclature of the natural alloys of osmium, iridium and ruthenium based on new compositional data of alloys from world-wide occurrences. Can Mineral 12: 104-112

  • geological survey of canada
  • Cabri Consulting
C arn d ian M ino alo gi.s
Vol. 12 pp. 104-112
A new proposal
for the nomenclature
of natural Os-
Ir-Ru alloys is presented
as well as compositional
for 105 new micro-analyses
of these natural alloys
from Canada"
Territory of Papua and New Guinea,
and Colombia, South America. The minerals re-
ilefined are osmiridium and iridosmine for binary
and mthenosmiridium
for ter-
nary alloys,
and compositional
limia are proposed
the end members,
native osmium,
native iridium and
native ruthenium.
The fust occunence
of the minerals rutheniridos-
minq -iridiun, and osmium in Canada is reported,
as well as confrrmation
of the occulrence
of osmiri-
dium. The nature of the Os-Ir-Ru alloys from the
Teritory of Papua
and New Guinea
is alic described.
In the course of a broads investigation of
minerals of the platinum-group elementi (pGE),
currently underway in the Mineral Sciences Divi-
sion, Mines Branch, it was evident that a more
detailed study and an assessment
of the nomen-
clature of the natural alloys of osmium, iridium,
and ruthenium v/as required. Cabri (1972), in a
rgview on the mineralogy of the platinum-group
elements, briefly discussed the existing nomen-
clature of the Os-Ir-Ru system and pointed out
its disadvantages
and inaccuracies.
- This paper reports the results of a study of
the Os-Ir-Ru alloys, some of which w"te mun-
tioned in Cabri's paper, involving 105
new elec-
tron microprobe analyses of natural alloys from
five localities, widely separated in the' rrorld.
These compositions, together with additional data
from the literaturg have enabled us to revise
the nomenclature of the Os-h-Ru wstem. The
nomenclatwe has been accepted
by the
International Mineralogical Association (IMA)
Commission on New Minerals and Mineral
Names. le additioru the first Canadian occur-
rence of the minerals rutheniridosmine. iridium
E Mineral Research Program * Non-Sulphide Re-
search Contribution No. 34
Mineral Sciences Diuision, Mines Branch, Depafimmt of Energg, Mines anil Resowca"
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, KIA lGI.
and osmium is reported, and the Canadian occur-
rence of osmiridium is confirmed.
Samples of natural Os-h-Ru alloys were ex-
amined from the following localities: Spruce
Creek, British Columbia; Tulameen River, Bri-
tish Columbia; Atlin, British Columbia; Cari-
boo District, British Columbia; Colombia, South
America, and the Territory of Papua and New
Nuggets from the Spruce Creek locality
(U.B.C. No. MA3) and Colombia, South
(U.B.C. M1161, Al) were obtained from the
mineral collection, Geology Departrnenl Uni.
versity of British Columbia. A small nugget from
the former Lincoln ming Tulameen River, B.C.
was purchased privately from a collector in the
The mineral collections of the Royal Ontario
Museum, Toronto, provided the following speci-
mens in vials containing numerous grains and
were labelled: 10120
or osmiridium",
Atlin, B.C.; M12340
"iridosmine", Atlin, B.C.;
M11735 "osmiridium", Ruby Creek, Atlin, B.C.;
M14274 o'platinum"o Bullion, Kariboo District,
B.C. (modern spelling "Cariboo") ; MI24I0
ooplatinum", above junction of Bear Creek on
Tulameen River,
Tulameen, B.C.
inum", Granite Cree( B.C. ; M12339
Discovery Atlin, B.C., 10120
"iridosmine", Atlin,
B.C. Only a few grains from each vial were
mounted and polished for examination.
The Atlin district is in the northwest corner
of British Columbia, adjacent to the Yukon Ter-
ritory. This district produced about $15 million
of gold between 1898
and lg46 and $1 million
between 1946
and 1953. The town of Discovsy
is on the north banl of Pine Creek, which con-
nects Surprise Lake with Atlin Lake. Ruby Creek
drains into Surprise Lake and iridosmine from
Ruby Creek is the only mineral of the platinum
group that had prwiously been reported from
this area (Gledhill l92I). Spruce Cre& is a
tributary of Pine Creek and may be the Spruce
Creek from which the sample
of the U.B.C. col-
lection (No. MA3) originated. Numerous out-
crops of ultramafic and mafic intrusions, refer-
red to as fhe "Atlin intrusions" (Aitken 1959),
occur associated with Paleozoic greenstones in
the area between the town of Atlin and Surprise
Lake as well as to the north of Surprise Lake
in the headland of Ruby Creek.
Platinum and "osmiridium'o have been re-
ported from the Quesnel River area, Cariboo
Mining Division, about 350 km due north of
Hope, B.C. This area is noted mainly for its
gold production. The history and some details
of assays reporting platinum, palladium and
"osmiridium" from the Bullion mine are given
by O'Neill & Gunning (1934). This may be the
locality from rvhich ROM sample M14274 was
The geologr of the Tulameen River area, in
south-central British Columbia, has been de.
scribed by Camsell (1913) ; Rice (1947) has
summarized the origin, history, and description
of its gold and platinum-bearing placers. The
petrology and origin of the ultramafic Tulameen
layered complex, discussed
by Findlay (1969),
is considered to be a ooconcentric"
intrusion (Jack-
son & Thayer 1972). Early assays for "platinum"
tabulated by Rice (1947) and O'Neill &
Gunning (1934), reported
mainly platinum with
minor quantities of "osmiridium", palladium,
osmium, and rhodium. The Lincoln mine is
thought to have been located about half a mile
below the mouth of Britton Creek (formerly
Eagle Creek).
The grains from British Columbia are between
200 p.:n (sample M12339,
gr. 5) and about 2 mm
(sample M12340, gr. 6) in diameter. They are
usually rounded to sub-rounded
with a metallic
lustre. A few grains of iridosmine are hexagonal
in cross
section (e.g.
sample M12339,
gr. 1). The
Os-Ir-Ru minerals were always found in the
non-magnetic fractions (hand magnet).
Many inclusions were observed even though
several of tle grains appeared free of inclusions
in polished sections. Most common were iron-
bearing platinum, irarsite (hAsS), and osmian
hidosmine occurs with osmiridium in two
grains (samples
9.2 and M12339,
gr. l).
The first of these is shown in Figure I with
minor irarsite (hAsS) ; the second grain occurs
as a small (16 X X-pm) inclusion in an iridos-
mine matrix rvhich is hexagonal in cross
Iridosmine was also found as laths in iron-
bearing platinum, (e.g. sample MlM77, gt. I,
8 X 93-pm lath and, in the Lincoln mine sam-
ple, as a25 X 100-pm lath). Omium was found
as a large homogeneous inclusion-free grain
(M12340, gr. 6, 1.5
X 2 mm) and as a lath
(i0 X 100-pm in a grain of iron-bearing plati-
Frc. L Photomicrograph of a nugget from Atlin, B.C.
(10120 gr. 2) showing iridosmine (light sey) in
contact with osmiridium (medium grey). Finely
disseminated irarsite rims and partly replaces the
Frc. 2. Photomicrograph showing inclusions of iridium
(light grey) in a matrix of iron-bearing platinum.
The nugget is from Bear Cree\ B.C. (M12410,
Frc. 3. Photomicrograph showing curved veinlets ol
'oosmiridium" (light grey) in a matrix of ruthen-
iridosmine (Ml2g0, gr. 2, Atlin, B.C.).
num, M11735" g. 4). hidium was observed as
numerous inclusions in a matrix of iron-bearing
platinum (M12410, gr. 4, shown in Fig. 2). In
one case, rutheniridosmine was found to contain
curved veins of what was tentatively identified
as osmiridium (Fig. 3).
The New Guinea material, originally labelled
as 'oosmiridium", was purchased in the early
1960's from Johnson,
Matthey and Mallory Ltd.,
Montreal. The exact origin of tlle material is
uncertain, but information obtained lrom the
in Australia states
"The ma-
terial rvas probably found by the natives rrhen
they were gold prospecting
and more than likely
has been pidced out by hand from alluvial
gold. . . . The material was delivered to the Bank
at Port Moresby." Correspondence
(9/3/72) with
Nfu. A. Renwick, Chief Government Geologist,
Territory of Papua and New Guinea, states that
"It is almost certain that the osmiridium referred
to comes from the Ioma area of the northern
district of Papua. . . . The area lies within the
Papuaa Ultramafic Belt." According to Davies
(1968), who has studied trhe area in detail, our
material could have come from either the Waria
River (Bowutu Mountains) or the Yodda Gold-
field, part of the broad Papua Ultramafic Belt.
The concentrate consists of several hundred
nuggets ranging from I00 pm up to 2 mm in di-
ameter. The nuggets occur in various shapes
from rounded to flattened irregular forms to
tabular, short, hexagonal-prismatic crystals. A
few of the nuggets occur as tlin cleavage flakes
derived from larger pieces, though a few have
a spongy appearance. Under a binocular micro-
the material has a metallic luster varying
from a dull mat finish to smooth, bright {0001}
planes; however, most of the grains are
steel grey. Numerous inclusions of iron-bearing
platinum, irarsite, laurite and two unidentified
ruthenian and iridian arsenides
were observed
and these will be described in another note in
The individual nuggets \Mere mounted in cold
setting Araldite (several to a section), polished
on water-cooled lead laps with final buffing
using MgO. The sections 'were examined under
an ore microscope and analyzed with a Materials
Analysis Company microprobe. The normal cor-
rections to the r-ray intensity data were made
with a computer prograln of Rucllidge & Gas-
parrini (1969), revised and updated. Each grain
lvas analyzed for nine elements
using the follow-
ing standards and r-ray lines: iridium metal
h.L.,, osmium metal Os.Lo, ruthenium metal
RuZd, palladium metal Pdlo, copper metal
CuK- nickel metal NiK- iron metal FeKo, a
PtgoRha alloy Ptl.,, Rhlo. Allowances were
made for the enhancement of CuK., intensities
by iridium and slits were used to improve the
peak/ba&ground of osmium and iridium. Since
the pure ruthenium and osmium ctuld be ob-
tained in powder form only, a chemical vapow
transport technique was used to recrystallize
material into coarser
Op:rcal Pnoppnrrss aNo CnvsreLLocRAPI{Y
Osmium, iridosmine, and rutheniridosmine are
with a bluish grey tinge in reflected
They are weakly to moderately
anisotropig some-
times exhibiting waly extinction, but bireflec-
tance is weak to absent.
Iridium and osmiridium
are white, vdth a cream-coloured
tinge, in re-
flected light. Both are isotropic.
The bluish white
colour of the hexagonal anisotropic minerals is
enhanced, as is the cream-white colour of the
when they occur
bluish white coloru of the anisotropic minerals
is also enhanced when they occur with white
iron-bearing platinum.
The crystal system of pure osmium and ruthe'
nium has long been known to be hexagonal
pure iridium is cubic. The x-ray diffrac-
tion data and unit cell dimensions
are listed in
the PD File as folloq/s:
File No.
Soace sroup
Osmium Ruthenium lridium
6-0662 6-0663 6-0598
Ho<agonal Hexagonal Cubic
P6s/rnmc P6s/mrnc FmSm
2.7Ut 2.7058 3.8394
4.3197 42819
The syrnmetry of natural compositions was
confirmed by x-ray powder patterns using a
Gandolfi camera.
X-ray pow-
der patterns were obtained for two compositions
(indicated in Table 1) of rutheniridosmine
lrom the Territory of Papua and New Guinea,
of iridosmine, 8r. 1, Spruce Creek, 8.C., and of
o-.miridium, gr. 5, Spruce
Creek, B.C.
Determination of the unit cell dimension of
this iridosmine gave a 2.724, c 4.333A whereas
the osmiridium gave 4 3.8224. A11 the natural
alloys of rutheniridosmine are hexagonal and
isomorphous with pure osmium and ruthenium
in spite of minor substitution of other elements.
Couposrrrows oF THE Nerunar- Os-Ir-Ru Ar.r.ovs
The results
of the electron
of the natural Os-h-Ru alloys are listed in
Table 1. These analyses, with others taken from
CK- B.C.
0 cauronrun
0 unmowru
the literatwe, are plotted in Figure 4. The com-
positions plotted have been recalculated
to atomic
per cent, based on the tlree major elements, and
are given in Table 1. The compositions used
from the literature are the same as reported by
Cabri (1972). The sources
of the daia ate as
follows : California (Snetsinger
1971), unlnown
(L6vy & Picot 1961), Japan (Aoyama 1936),
Urals (L6vy & Picot 1961
; Westland & Beamish
1958) southeast Bomeo (Stumpfl & Clark 1966)
and Brazil (L6vy & Pimt 1961).
These composi-
tions were considered the most reliable of the
numerous analyses quoted in the literaturg con-
sidering the completeness and method of analysis
and the size and microscopic descriptions of the
nuggets. Even then, one must accept the analyses
with caution because many of the nuggets ex-
amined in this study were found to consist of
more than one phase for which the microprobe
must be considered
the most reliable method of
R" BC.-i*
Frc. 4. Natural Os-Ir-Ru and Os-Ir-Pt minerals from this study and from the
Iiterature. The two analyses hom Granite Creelq B.C, (see Table 1) have
been plotted with the symbol for Tulameen River because Granite Creek is
one of its tributaries. The four compositions indicated with an ar"ow repre-
sent two sets of co-erdsting iridosmine and osmiridium. The tlree composi-
tions labelled "Il'signify a lath
to writing this paper, additional
microprobe analyses
of natural Os-h-Ru alloys
from Borneo by Stumpfl & Tarkian (1973) were
found to be consistent with our data.
THs TTRNARy SvsrsM Os-Ir-Ru
Work in the synthetic Os-Ir qystem
by Vacher
et al. (1954) and by Rudman (1967) has indi-
cated that a miscibility gap exists, though its
boundaries have not been precisely
(1964) showed that in the Ru-h qystem
a mis-
cibility gap exists from 45 to 57 atomic % Tr at
1300'C and widcns at lower tempoatures. Raub
(1959) reported complete hexagonal solid solu-
tion for the Os-Ru binary. Our analytical results
(Table 1) of natural Os-h-Ru alloys with addi-
tional data from the literature has enabled us to
more precisely define the boundaries (Fig. 4).
The cubic alloy extends from 100 atomic /s to
about 62 atomic /6 k, whueas the hexagonal
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alloy octends from 100 atomic % to about 55
atomic /e Os. These new boundaries for the mis-
cibility gap are slightly changed from Cabri's
(1972) proposal
of the larger number oI
analyses now available. In particular, two sam-
ples ftom Atlin, B.C., which mnsist of co-existing
and cubic ternary alloys, help to define
the boundary along the Os-Ir join. These co-
existing grains are indicated with arrows point-
ing to the locality symbol in Figure 4. The two
phase field extends into the Pt-Os-h system, as
shown in Figure 4, and must intercept the Os-Pt
binary at a position which has not yet been
exactly determined. This is assumed because it
is unlikely that a solid solution exists between
hexagonal osmium and cubic platinum. On the
other hand, it is probable that complete solid
solution exists between cubic iridium and cubic
NoMsNcrdruRn FoR NATUnAL
Os-Ir-Ru Arr.ovs
An excellent historical review on the nomen-
clature of natural Os-h alloys vras made by Hey
(1963). From this review, he suggested that the
most suitable nomenclature for the natural Os-h
alloys, now in common usage,
be the following:
For the cubic alloys ; osmiridium with Os < 32
For the hexagonal alloys: iridosmine with
32<Os<80 at /e
Native osmium for Os > 80 x. /o
The name ruthenosmiridium was proposed
Aoyama (1936) for a hexagonal Os-h-Ru natural
alloy with composition RuOsIr. Strunz (1966)
howeve, introduced the term ruth,en-iridosmium
for Aoyama's mineral. In this study, it has been
shown (Fig. 4) that there is a very extensive
range of compositions for hexagonal Ru-Os-h
alloys. The name ruthenosmiridium proposed by
Aoyama is unfortunate because it includes the
term "osmiridium", which from Hey's proposal"
is associated with cubic alloys. Based on our
analytical results, it is obvious that the names
osmiridium and iridosmine should be re-defined
to make provision for a miscibility gap in the
Os-Ir system and also to provide flexibility for
the solid solution of specific
maximum quantities
of other platinum-group elements.
It is also
sary to re-examine the nomenclature for hexa-
gonal ternary alloys and to propose a name for
cubic ternary alloys. At the same time, uniform
definitions are proposed
for the native metal end-
members and alloys along the Os-Ru and Ir-Ru
binary joins.
Our proposals
for alloys in the Os-h-Ru system
are that:
a) the name osmium is for hexagonal alloys with
\ 80 at. To Os;
b) the name iridium is for cubic alloys with
s80 at.
% h;
c) the name ruthenium is for hexagonal alloys
with = 80 at. To Ru;
d) the name ruthenosrniridium of Aoyama
(1936) be applied to cubic (h, Os, Ru)
alloys, where Ir < 80 at. % of (Ir * Ru *
Os) and Ru > 10 at. /6 ot (Ir * Ru * Os) ;
also with no single other element
> L0 at. /6
of total;
e) Iridosmine of Hey (1963) be redefined as
(Os, h) alloys with no single other
element > l0 at. /o of total, and where Os
< 80 at. % of (Os * k) ; the presence
of the
miscibility gap defines the other boundary at
approximately 55 at. % Os;
t) Osmiridium of Hey (1963) be redefined as
cubic (Ir, Os) alloys with no single other
element > 10 at. /o of. total, and where Ir
< 80 at. % of (k * Os) ; again the misci-
bility gap limits the field to approximately
62 at % Ir;
e) Rutheniridosmine or ruthen-iridosmium of
Strunz (1966) be re.defined as hexagonal
(Os, h, Ru) alloys where Os < 80 at. /6 of
(Os * Ir * Ru) and Ru is 10 to 80 at. /6 ot
(Os *Ir * Ru), also where no single other
> l0 at. % ol totaT; and
h) to be consistent with our proposal on the
binaty join Os-h, similar lines must be
drawn parallel to the Ru-Os and Ru-h
edges; these alloys would not require new
names, but using Schaller's (1930) adjectival
modifiers these compositions may be simply
known as ruthenian osntiunt, osmian ruthe-
niurn, iridian ruthenium, and ruthenian hi-
dium i these fields would have similar bound-
aries (where no single other element ) 10
at. % of total) as
for iridosmine and
osmiridium; for the former two minerals, the
boundary between them is arbitrarily taken
at 50 at. /e Os whereas the boundary between
the latter two minerals is as defined by the
miscibility gap, i.e., to a minimum 57 a't. %
Ir for ruthenian iridiurn and to a minimum
of 55 at. % Ru for iridian ruthenium.
Drscus$or.r oN TlrE pRoposED
oF TtrE Os-Ir-Ru Ar.r.ovs
Several noteworthy comments made by mem-
bers of the Commission on New Minerals and
Mineral Names (IMA) descve some discussion
ilr order to avoid possible confusion by other
workers. The questions raised were: (a) Is it
necessary to introduce so many names when per-
haps four are sufficient ? (b) Why are special
names needed for iridosmine and osrniridium
and should not the names nevyanskite
(Ir > Os)
ar:d sysertskite
(Os > h) be retained ? (c) Is the
distinction of. rutheniridosmine lrom iridosmine
easy to make by using their physical properties
(d) Should new narnes like rutheniurn be pro-
posed if no occur"ence
has been found ? (e)
Should not the proposed
rutheniridosmine field
be further subdivided because,
in its present form,
a mineral with79% Os will bear the same
as a mineral wlth79/p Ru ? (f) Should not lines
be drawn parallel to the Ru-Os and Ru-h edges
ao drawn for the Ir-Os edge ?
In reply to the above questions, we feel that
our proposed
nomenclature has not introduced
new or additional names, but is simply a r+defi.
nition of names existing in the literature. Special
names suclr as iridosmine and osmiridiurft were
suitably discussed
by Hey (1963) and are
as more descriptive than such names as nevyan-
skite and sysertskite.
It is necessary
to give a dif-
ferent name or names for the higher Ru-bearing
alloys because
iridosmine and osmiridium are
traditionally known as binarg alloys. The dis-
tinction ol irido:mine fuom rutheniridosrnine is
not easy because both minerals are hexagonal
and have similar optical and x-ray properties.
Our proposed nomenclattue is based on com-
position because many of these alloys occur as
small composite grains suitable only for electron
microprobe analysis.
The field proposed
for ru'
tlrcnhidosmine is large, unfortunately, but we
feel that further subdivision of this field would
lead to more confusion and would require too
many names, not to mention more accurate com-
positional data. We agree that compositions
occnrring in the field at ruthenium and ruthenos-
miridium have not yet been found in nature.
The latter name is suggested
as a redefinition
because it, likewisg is a good descriptive
rutltenium is the most logical name for
the ruthenium end-member. Our original propo-
sal, submitted to the Commission, did not in-
clude boundary lines parallel to the Ru-Os and
Ru-Ir edges.
This noteworthy suggestion by the
Commission has been incorporated in our pre-
sent proposal,
and, using Schaller's (1930) adjec-
tival modifiers, these compositions may be simply
known as ruthenian osmium, osntian ruthenium,
iridian ruthenium, and ruthen'ian iridium. These
fields would have similar boundaries
(< I0 at, /6
etc.) to those proposed
for iridosmine and os-
After sufficient data are available a similar
rype of nomenclature can be applied to other
ternary systems such as the Pt-Os-h system.
From our present sfridy, ternarg cubic and hexa-
gonal alloys with Pt > l0 at. % can be expected
tc occur ; they would require new species
similar to ruthenosmiridium, and rutheniridos-
mine, for example, platinosmiridium and plati-
niridosming respectively.
We are grateful for samples
to Drs. J. A. Man-
darino and R.I. Gait of the Royal Ontario Mu-
seum and to Mr. J. Haight of the Departrnent
of Geology, University of British Columbia,,for
the Spruce Creek and Colombia samples.
thank- the following personnel of the Mineral
Division for assistance
: Mr. I. H. G. La-
flamme for some quantitative probe analyses
for the difficult polished sections, Dr. A. H.
Webster for recrystallization of Ru and Os pow-
ders, Mr. J. M. Stewart for the r-ray diffraction
and Mr. R. G. Pinard for photomicro'
'We are grateful to the various mernbers of
the Commission of New Minerals and Mineral
Na-es for useful suggestions,
and especially
thank Dr. M. Hey of the British Museum fior
reviewing our proposal before its submission to
the Commission.
ArrrsN, J.D. (1959)
: Atlin maparea,
British Colum-
bia. GeoI.
Aoram4 S. (1936)
: A new mineral "rutlenosmiri-
1, K Honda
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o'f the pJatinum-
4, 3-n,
C. (1913)
: Geology
and mineral deposits
tne lutameen district. B. C. Ceol. Srttu.
Can., lul"em'
Devru, H.L. (1968)
: Papuaa
Ultramafic Belt. Inter'
Congr.23(l)' 2W-20.
D.C. (1969)
: Origin of the Tulameeg
British Columbia'
Can. !. Earth Sci. 61
TJ. (1921)
: Iridosmine
from Ruby
Cree\ Atlin Districq British Columbia. Uniu' To-
ronb Satdies,
Ser. No. 12, 40'42.
Hrt. M.H. (1963)
: The nomenclature
of the natulal
of osmium
and iridium. Mineral. Mag. 33'
Iacrsow. E.D. & Tuevm, T.P.(1972)
: Some criteria
- for distinguishing
alpine peridotite-gabbro complexes.
Internat. Geol.
Ltvy, C. & hcor, P. (1961)
: Nouvelles
les mmpos6s
iridium-osmium. Existence
de l'os-
mium natif. BuIl. Soc.
fr. Mineral. Crbt. 84 312'
O'Nsu& [.]. & cumoNc, H.C. (19%) : Platinum and
allied metal deposits of Canada. GeoI. Sutts. Can.,
Raul, E (1959) : Metals and alloys of tlre platinum
group. /. I*ss-Common Metals t, 3-18.
(1964) : Die Ruthenium-Iridiurn-Legierun-
- Z. MetslLkde.55, 316-319.
Rrcn, H.M.d (1947) : Geology and mineral deposits
of the Princeton maparea, British Columbia- Geol.
Su;,. Ca;n,, Mern. 243.
Rucrr:ocg J. & Gasnenann, E.L. (1969) : Electron
micro-probe analytical data reduction (EMPADR
Yfr). Dept. GeoI. Uniu. Torontn.
Ruovran, P.S. (1967) : Lattice parameters of some
l,- ". p. binary alloys of rherrium and osmium:
Re-W, Re-Ir, Re-Pt; Os-h, Os-ft. /. Less-Common
Metals \20 79-8I.
W.T. (1930) : Adjectival ending of drem-
ical elements used as modiflers to mineral names.
Amer. Mineral. L5, 566-574.
Swrruncrq K.G. (1971) : A platinum-metal nugget
from Trinity County, Califomia. Amer. Mineral.
s6 1101-1105.
S:num4 H. (1966) : Mineralagische
Tabell.en.4th edit.
Sruiurm., E.F. & Ca-mr, A"UL (1966) : Electron-
probe microanalysis of gold-platinoid mncentates
from southeast Bomeo. Trans, Irxt. Min. Met. 740
933-946. & M. Tenrrer (1973) : Natural osmium-
iridium alloys, ironbearing platinum and a Pd-As
mineral From S.E Bomeo. Preprint, 15fi Cong.
GeoI. Soc. S. Africa" Abstracts 82-83.
Vacrm, H.C,, Brcrror,:or, C.I. & Nlaxwua E.
(1954) : Structure of some iridium-osmium alloys.
l. Metals, Trarc. AJ.M.E 200, 80.
Wsnr-aND, A.D. & BsaMnu, F.E. (1958) : The che--
ical analysis of iridosmines and other platinum-
metal minerals. Amer. Mineral.43, 503-516.
Marutscript receh;eil
March 1973.
... La première minéralisation décrite est une minéralisation en osmium-iridiumruthénium, associée aux chromitites podiformes du massif ultrabasique de Tiébaghi. Ce type de minéralisation, localisé au sommet des séries mantelliques des complexes ophiolitiques, est assez classique et plusieurs indices et gisements sont connus (Harris et al., 1973 ;Stockman et al., 1984 ;Augé, 1985 ;Ohnenstetter et al., 1991 ;Garuti et al., 1999). Les éléments du groupe du platine associés à ce type minéralisation ne présentent qu'un faible intérêt économique. ...
... Traditionnellement dans ce type de minéralisation, l'iridium, l'osmium et le ruthénium prédominent sur le platine et le palladium (Harris et al., 1973 ;Cabri et al., 1975 ;Stockman et al., 1984 ;Augé, 1985 ;Ohnenstetter et al., 1991 ;Garuti et al., 1999). Mais depuis une quinzaine d'années, plusieurs études ont révélé l'existence de chromitites ophiolitiques à platine-palladium-rhodium (Gauthier et al., 1990 ;Corrivaux et al., 1990 ;Ohnenstetter et al., 1991 ;Augé et al., 1994 ;Moreno et al., 1999). ...
La transformation exogène qui affecte les roches émergées de la ceinture intertropicale, a édifié aux dépends des péridotites de Nouvelle-Calédonie, d'épais manteaux latéritiques enrichis en divers métaux. L'objectif de cette étude a été de caractériser les évolutions chimique et minéralogique des éléments et minéraux du groupe platine dans cet environnement latéritique. L'approche pétrographique et pétrologique a permis de mettre en évidence une modification précoce de la minéralisation initiale pendant la serpentinisation par un processus de désulfuration des sulfures précurseurs, et une précipitation de nouveaux minéraux du groupe platine (PGM). Dans l'environnement exogène, les PGM évoluent selon leur composition chimique initiale. L'isoferroplatine (Pt3Fe) parait stable, alors que le tétraferoplatine (PtFe), la tulameenite(Pt2FeCu) et les oxydes de Pt-Fe s'altèrent, avec une lixiviation sélective de leurs composants chimiques : S > Cu > Pd > Fe > Pt.
... Рис. 2.5. Изотопный состав алмазов в различных типах месторождений и распределение в них включений эклогитового и ультраосновного типа (по данным [24,26,28,84,138,189] Большая редкость включений ультраосновного парагенезиса отражает рост этих алмазов в эклогитовом субстрате, обогащенном литофильными элементами. На кислый состав среды указывает частая встречаемость (около 20%) коэсита [138]. ...
... The nomenclature of Os-Ir-Ru alloys was in a similar state of confusion prior to 1972, when compositions were first plotted in the Os-Ir-Ru ternary based on phase relations in the respective binaries (Cabri 1972). Shortly afterwards Harris & Cabri (1973) published an IMA-approved nomenclature, which was revised by Harris & Cabri (1991). This nomenclature is widely used but needs no further discussion, in contrast to the nomenclature of Pt-Fe alloys proposed by Cabri & Feather (1975) because these alloys have temperature-dependent structures that require crystallographic analysis for identification of alloys with compositions near Pt 3 Fe; this is rarely done because of the additional time and effort needed and, therefore, simply compositions are reported. ...
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A revised Pt–Fe phase diagram is proposed to replace those used in the materials science literature (e.g., Okamoto 2004), and to improve the one of Cabri & Feather (1975) by adding high-temperature phase equilibria data published in the mineralogical literature. The projected solid-solution fields at room temperature in the pure Pt–Fe system lie at the following approximate compositions: for γ(Pt,Fe) from Pt to Pt0.78Fe0.22, for Pt3Fe from Pt3.04Fe0.96 to Pt2.64Fe1.36, for PtFe from Pt1.16Fe0.84 to Pt0.67Fe0.33, and for PtFe3 from Pt1.26Fe2.94 to Pt0.68Fe3.32. The phase relations and phase boundaries are discussed and evaluated for Pt-Fe alloys occurring in pristine intrusive rocks and ores as well as in eluvial and placer deposits derived from the former by physical and chemical weathering over long periods of geologic time. In spite of the variable concentrations of minor and trace elements, the natural Pt-Fe alloy minerals correlate well with phase relations in the pure Pt–Fe binary system.
... The first modern examination of the placers was made on an 84-ton sample collected in 1972 from terraces on the southern side of the Tulameen River (Fig. 2, Raicevic and Cabri, 1976). The main mineralogical findings were reported in Cabri et al. (1973), Harris and Cabri (1973), Cabri and Hey (1974), Cabri and Feather (1975), and Cabri and Harris (1975). Raicevic and Cabri (1976) reported on the heavy minerals in the large sample processed in a pilot plant as follows: ...
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The present work reviews assemblages of detrital platinum-group minerals (PGM) in placers worldwide with the aim of identifying common and distinctive features related to their depositional history from primary host rocks via weathering into the placers. Special attention is given to the endogenic destruction of primary PGM and the possible formation of PGM from solution under ambient conditions. The dominant PGMs of economic interest occurring in eluvial and alluvial deposits are Pt-Fe alloys and Os-Ir-Ru alloys. Major current and past producing areas are in Russia (Urals, Koryak-Kamchatka, and Aldan Shield areas), Colombia (Chocó area), Canada (Tulameen area), and the USA (Goodnews Bay). The PGE alloys in all these areas have been sourced from zoned mafic/ultramafic Alaskan-Uralian-type intrusions whereby erosion and weathering of enormous volumes of rock resulted in the concentration of the sparsely disseminated alloys. Subeconomic placers in ophiolite terranes such as in Burma (Chindwin area), Papua New Guinea (Aikora river), and the Philippines (Samar Island) are dominated by Os-Ir-Ru alloys. Minor deposits from the Yubdo area (Ethiopia) and the Freetown Layered Complex (Sierra Leone) have been the subject of many studies to prove or disprove authigenic growth of Pt-Fe alloys and other minerals. To scientifically evaluate the genesis of these minerals, we discuss their mineralogy, silicate and sulfide inclusions, isotopic data, and grain sizes, together with the role of weathering, climate, aqueous geochemistry, and biological activity in their formation. Other deposits and relevant platinum-group element (PGE) mineralization are also examined, including the Bushveld deposits (South Africa), Great Dyke (Zimbabwe), Córrego Bom Sucesso (Brazil), Dominican Republic, Rhine River (Germany), and the Witwatersrand paleoplacers (South Africa). No evidence was found for the growth of distinct PGM larger than about 1-5 micrometers in the surficial environment. The reactivity of the different PGM varies in relation to their mineral chemistry and depends on local environmental conditions (Eh, pH, temperature, solutes) and is possibly aided by bacterial activity. The order of decreasing stability in the supergene environment is: (1) very stable: Pt–Fe alloys, Os-Ir alloys and Os-rich laurite/erlichmanite → (2) stable: sperrylite → (3) variably stable/“meta-stable”: cooperite/braggite → (4) unstable: PGE-(bismutho-) tellurides and PGE-sulfarsenides. Nano- to micrometer-sized grains or small crystallites of authigenic PGM are different to the more common and significant resistate PGM and consist of native platinum and Pt-Pd alloys with ≈< 5 at. % Fe, or Pt-Fe-Ni-rich alloys, predominantly sited on precursor PGM or locked in small veins or chromite. Under some conditions, microorganisms may play a role in the destruction of primary PGM but have not been proven to form authigenic PGM. It is concluded that grains or nuggets of Pt-Fe alloys in placers are always allogenic constituents and originate from primary magmatic mineralization, as is also the case for Ru-Os-Ir alloys, laurite-erlichmanite and sperrylite grains. Growth of larger millimeter-size crystals or nuggets has never been observed under ambient conditions and proof of PGM “neoformation” to any significant degree is lacking. The missing link, a look into the cradle of PGM creation in the supergene environment, remains outstanding.
... This area has a long history of alluvial gold mining along the streams and river systems that dates back to the early 1900s. Some of the goldfields include Yodda, Gira, Doriri, Gona, and Kereri, which have also been mined for their platinum group elements (PGEs) and other alloys [51][52][53][54]. The major intrusive rock type mapped around these areas is tonalite, (Figure 2), which has previously been attributed as the source of the gold in this area [55] and may have been emplaced at the same time as the Eocene tonalite, quartz diorite, and porphyry system that is interpreted to have been responsible for the Waria River alluvial goldfields further northwest [54]. ...
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Airborne magnetic and radiometric datasets have, over the past few years, become powerful tools in the identification of porphyry systems which may host economic porphyry copper–gold–molybdenum ore bodies. Magnetisation contrasts with the unaltered host rocks, coupled with the elevated radiometric signature, compared to the host rock, makes identification of large-scale porphyry copper systems possible. Integrating these two different datasets with stream sediment data and other geochemical exploration methods results in a higher degree of confidence. Stream sediment data were analysed to see the distribution of copper and gold elements throughout the study area, located within the Eastern Papuan Peninsula of Papua New Guinea. Airborne geophysics data over the same area were also processed for magnetic and radiometric responses. The processing of the magnetic data revealed several magnetic anomalies related to concealed intrusive rock units, with associated radiometric signatures. The distribution of gold and copper anomalism was correlated with the geology and geophysical signatures. Results indicate varying degrees of correlation, with some areas showing a strong correlation between gold/copper occurrence and geophysical signatures, compared to other areas. Some factors that we believe impact the level of correlation may include tectonic history, volcanic cover, and weathering patterns. We recommend caution when applying multi-data exploration for porphyry copper systems.
... In the Pt-Fe alloys a significant number of inclusions of Os-Ir-Ru alloys were found, which according to the ternary classification of Harris and Cabri (1973) are osmium and iridium. The amount of Os in some osmium grains can reach 94 at.%, with Ir, Ru and Rh as the main additional components (Table 2). ...
This work presents a detailed study of platinum-group mineral (PGM) assemblages from the Malaya Kamenushka River placer, whose formation is associated with the weathering of the Kamenushensky Uralian–Alaskan type massif, Middle Urals, Russian Federation. The deposit is characterised by the dominance of isoferroplatinum, together with significant numbers of inclusions of Os–Ir–Ru alloys and platinum-group element (PGE) sulfides. A study of the Os–Ir–Ru alloys permitted recognition of two types of iridium with different morphology and composition. The similarity of the PGM assemblages from the Malaya Kamenushka River placer and the lode mineralisation of the Kamenushensky massif is demonstrated. A comparison of PGM assemblages from the Malaya Kamenushka River placer with other placers and massifs of the Ural platinum belt demonstrates significant differences in the number of Os–Ir–Ru inclusions. Such differences for minerals of refractory elements cannot be explained by the vertical zoning of the lode mineralisation. Most probably this is associated with the enrichment of the primary substrate with Os, Ir and Ru and/or the degree of melting, depending on the chosen model of formation of the Uralian–Alaskan type massifs.
... (a) Hokkaido (ruthenosmiridium): Ruthenosmiridium was defined as a new species of a natural alloy of Ru-Os-Ir. 35,36 In the chemical compositional diagram for minerals, the compositional field for ruthenosmiridium or rutheniridosmine was restricted by the revised nomenclature for alloys in which Ir was the dominant element. 37 The ruthenosmiridium samples from the Sorachi River, Hokkaido, Japan, were found as placers, and were considered to be derived from ultramafic rocks in the Kamuikotan metamorphic belt. ...
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We measured the Re/Os (¹⁸⁵Re/¹⁸⁸Os) and ¹⁸⁷Os/¹⁸⁸Os ratios from nanoparticles (NPs) using a multiple collector-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometer equipped with high-time resolution ion counters (HTR-MC-ICP-MS). Using the HTR-MC-ICP-MS system developed in this study, the simultaneous data acquisition of four isotopes was possible with a time resolution of up to 10 µs. This permits the quantitative analysis of four isotopes to be carried out from transient signals (e.g., < 0.6 ms) produced by the NPs. Iridium-Osmium NPs were produced from a naturally occurring Ir-Os alloy (ruthenosmiridium from Hokkaido, Japan; osmiridium from British Columbia, Canada; iridosmine from the Urals region of Russia) through a laser ablation technique, and the resulting nanoparticles were collected by bubbling water through a suspension. The ¹⁸⁷Os/¹⁸⁸Os ratios for individual NPs varied significantly, mainly due to the counting statistics of the ¹⁸⁷Os and ¹⁸⁸Os signals. Despite the large variation in the measured ratios, the resulting ¹⁸⁷Os/¹⁸⁸Os ratios for three Ir-Os bearing minerals, were 0.121 ± 0.013 for Hokkaido, 0.110 ± 0.012 for British Columbia, and 0.122 ± 0.020 for the Urals, and these values were in agreement with the ratios obtained by the conventional laser ablation-MC-ICP-MS technique. The data obtained here provides a clear demonstration that the HTR-MC-ICP-MS technique can become a powerful tool for monitoring elemental and isotope ratios from NPs of multiple components.
... Swartzendruber and Sundman (1983a) review the Fe-Ru binary and Swartzendruber and Sundman (1983b) review the Fe-Os binary. Harris and Cabri (1973; review the experimental and mineral data in the Ru-Ir binary as well as the Ru-Ir-Os ternary and Makovicky and Karup-Møller (1997) and Karup-Møller and Makovicky (2002) review relevant systems in their high-temperature experimental investigation of the Fe-Os-S system. Related data can also be found in Bax et al.'s (2015) study of the Ru-Fe-Al system. ...
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Hexaferrum, defined as an hcp Fe mineral containing varying amounts of Ru, Os, or Ir (Mochalov et al. 1998) was re-examined in the light of new analyses of similar alloys from the Loma Peguera and Loma Larga chromitites, in the central part of Loma Caribe peridotite, Cordillera Central of the Dominican Republic, together with a review of the phase chemistry in the Fe-Ni-Ir and Fe-Ru-Ir systems. We conclude that the hcp (Fe,Ir) mineral corresponds to the -phase of Raub et al. (1964) and should be differentiated from hexaferrum [(Fe,Os) and (Fe,Ru)] because it is separated by one to two miscibility gaps and therefore is not a continuous solid solution with Fe.
A Cu- and Rh-enriched magmatic ore system is defined by abundant PGM (platinum group mineral) inclusions in forty-four Pt-Fe alloy nuggets from the Camumbi River gold placer, northwest Ecuador. Isoferroplatinum is depleted in Rh, Os, and Ru compared with native platinum, suggesting most crystallized after Os-(Ir) alloy, laurite, and some Rh-PGM. Two Pt-Fe alloy nuggets have zoned hydrothermal alteration rinds, and an UM (unnamed mineral) is (Rh,Pd)4As3. Our previous work shows that silicate glass inclusions define a fractionated co-magmatic compositional series related to primitive hydrous ferrobasalt, and trace element chemistry matches their Late Cretaceous accreted volcanic arc terrane. Here we report exceptional Cr-spinel (Ural-Alaskan type) inclusions coexisting with primitive ferrobasaltic glass crystallized at highest T. Laurite inclusions also indicate high T and S saturation of early melt. Os-(Ir) inclusions are Ru-depleted while two discrete Ir-enriched osmium crystals have remarkable, extreme Ru enrichment and depletion, confirming crystallization before and after laurite. Laurite and osmium inclusions in one Pt-Fe alloy reflect concomitant crystallization and fluctuating low fS2 melt conditions. In experimental primitive Cu-bearing Pt-Pd-S-(As) melt (cf. exsolved from primitive basalt), first Cu-PGM-sulfide crystallization generates a Cu-depleted, Pt-Pd-As-(S) residual melt. At lower T immiscible melts Pt-As-(S) and later Pd-As-(S) crystallize distinctive PGM. We report analogous natural multiphase PGM inclusion assemblages in separate isoferroplatinum nuggets: (1) zoned sulfarsenides, sperrylite, and genkinite, with rare resorbed cognate xenocrystic cooperite (captured from primary sulfide melt) define a high T, Pt-enriched sub-system [Pt > Rh(Pd,Ir,Ru)As,S ≫ Sb,Bi] and (2) zoned sulfarsenides, arsenopalladinite, sperrylite, törnroosite, and gold define a lower T, fractionated Pd-enriched sub-system [(Pd > Rh ≃ Pt > Ir > Au)As,S > Te ≫ Sb,Bi]. The previously undocumented natural S-rich sperrylite (formerly “platarsite”) solid solution series and later crystallized irarsite series are discriminated in terms of Pt-Ir-Rh. Both trends fractionate toward increasing Rh (hollingworthite). The discrete PGM assemblage, sperrylite-telluropalladinite (with exsolved palladium and electrum) defines an IPGE-depleted Pd > Pt(Au > Ag)As ≥ Te ≥ Sb sub-system and records extreme fractionation. Cu-bearing multiphase PGM inclusions (some coexisting with silicate glass) derived from the fraction of Cu-bearing exsolved Pt-Pd-S-(As) melt will be reported separately.
This chapter describes the elements of the period 5 of the periodic table. Elements that can be found as structural elements in minerals are Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Ru, Rh, Pd, Ag, Cd, In, Sn, Sb, Te, and I. The description of each element starts with an overview of its history, describing how the element was discovered and by whom. The second part deals with the minerals providing information about which minerals are mined for each element, the processing of those minerals to obtain the element, and a brief overview of the different minerals in each mineral class that contain the element. The third section gives an overview of the basic chemistry of the element, while the final section describes the current uses in our daily life.
An historical review of the nomenclature of the natural Os-Ir alloys suggests that the most suitable names are: For the cubic alloys, osmiridium (Steffens, 1824), i.e. osmian iridium; and for the hexagonal alloys, iridosmine (Breithaupt, 1827), i.e. iridian osmium, for alloys with 20% or more Ir, and native osmium for the very rare alloys with little or no Ir. Iridosmine may, if desired, be divided into two varieties, nevyanskite and sysertskite , following Rose and Haidinger.
The Tulameen Complex is a composite ultramafic-gabbroic intrusion that outcrops over 22 sq. mi. (57 km2) in the Southern Cordillera of British Columbia. The complex intruded Upper Triassic metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks of the Nicola Group, and on the basis of geologic relations and a K–Ar age determination (186 m.y.) is tentatively dated as Late Triassic.The principal ultramafic units — dunite, olivine clinopyroxenite, and hornblende clinopyroxenite — form an elongate, non-stratiform body whose irregular internal structure is best explained by deformation contemporaneous with crystallization of the rocks. The derivation of the ultramafic rocks is attributed to fractional crystallization of an ultrabasic magma. The gabbroic mass, which consists of syenogabbro and syenodiorite, partly borders and partly overlies the ultramafic body and was apparently intruded by it.The ultramafic and gabbroic parts of the complex probably formed from separate intrusions of different magmas, but the two suites have sufficient mineralogical and chemical features in common to indicate an ultimate petrogenic affinity of the magmas. Comparison of the Tulameen rocks with nearby intrusions of the same general age, in particular the Copper Mountain stock, suggests that they are members of a regional suite of alkalic intrusions. The possibility is also raised that these intrusions may be comagmatic with the Nicola volcanic rocks.
Atlin maparea, British Columbia
  • J D Arrrsn
ArrrsN, J.D. (1959) : Atlin maparea, British Columbia. GeoI. Suru. Can., Metn.3O7.
0972) z The mineralogy o'f the pJatinumgroup elements Geology and mineral deposits of tne lutameen district
  • Lj Calnr
  • C Cernssr. R-,
Calnr, LJ. 0972) z The mineralogy o'f the pJatinumgroup elements. Minerals Sci. Engng. 4, 3-n, Cernssr.r-, C. (1913) : Geology and mineral deposits of tne lutameen district. B. C. Ceol. Srttu. Can., lul"em' 26.
  • H L Devru
Devru, H.L. (1968) : Papuaa Ultramafic Belt. Inter' nat. Geol. Congr.23(l)' 2W-20.
Nouvelles donn6es-.sur les mmpos6s iridium-osmium. Existence de l'osmium natif
  • C Ltvy
  • P Hcor
Ltvy, C. & hcor, P. (1961) : Nouvelles donn6es-.sur les mmpos6s iridium-osmium. Existence de l'osmium natif. BuIl. Soc. fr. Mineral. Crbt. 84 312' 317.
  • E Raul
Raul, E (1959) : Metals and alloys of tlre platinum group. /. I*ss-Common Metals t, 3-18. (1964) : Die Ruthenium-Iridiurn-Legierungert" -Z. MetslLkde.55, 316-319.
Geology and mineral deposits of the Princeton maparea, British Columbia-Geol. Su;,. Ca;n
  • H M Rrcn
Rrcn, H.M.d (1947) : Geology and mineral deposits of the Princeton maparea, British Columbia-Geol. Su;,. Ca;n,, Mern. 243. Rucrr:ocg J. & Gasnenann, E.L. (1969) : Electron micro-probe analytical data reduction (EMPADR Yfr). Dept. GeoI. Uniu. Torontn.
Lattice parameters of some l
  • P S Ruovran
Ruovran, P.S. (1967) : Lattice parameters of some l,-". p. binary alloys of rherrium and osmium: Re-W, Re-Ir, Re-Pt;