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Abstract and Figures

Resumo: O objetivo desse estudo foi comparar as relações torque-ângulo e torque-velocidade e a ativação dos músculos flexores plantares e dorsiflexores entre bailarinas clássicas (n=14) e atletas de voleibol (n=22). O pico de torque dos flexores plantares e dorsiflexores foi avaliado durante contrações voluntárias máximas isométricas nos ângulos de -10°, 0°, 10°, 20°, 30°, 40° e 50°, e durante contrações concêntricas nas velocidades angulares de 0°/s, 60°/s, 120°/s, 180°/s, 240°/s, 300°/s, 360°/s e 420°/s. Sinais eletromiográficos (EMG) de superfície foram obtidos dos músculos gastrocnêmio medial, sóleo e tibial anterior. A amplitude de movimento de dorsiflexão foi semelhante entre os grupos, enquanto bailarinas apresentaram maior amplitude de flexão plantar do que atletas de voleibol. Enquanto nos músculos flexores plantares a relação torque-ângulo das bailarinas deslocou-se para a esquerda quando comparada à das atletas de voleibol, nos flexores dorsais ela se deslocou para a direita nos menores comprimentos musculares. Os torques normalizados em todas as velocidades de flexão plantar e dorsiflexão foram mais elevados nas bailarinas do que nas atletas de voleibol. Os sinais EMG do gastrocnêmio medial e do sóleo permaneceram aproximadamente constantes entre os diferentes ângulos articulares nas bailarinas, mas diminuíram com a redução no comprimento muscular no caso das atletas de voleibol. Os sinais EMG do tibial anterior aumentaram com a redução dos ângulos do tornozelo em ambos os grupos. Os sinais EMG dos dorsiflexores nas diferentes velocidades angulares foram semelhantes nos grupos, enquanto os sinais EMG do sóleo e do gastrocnêmio foram mais elevados nas bailarinas comparados aos das atletas de voleibol. As adaptações dos flexores plantares podem ser explicadas por alterações musculares intrínsecas e alterações na ativação voluntária máxima, enquanto para os músculos dorsiflexores somente mudanças nas propriedades intrínsecas parecem explicar os resultados observados. Os torques relativos mais elevados das bailarinas comparados aos das atletas de voleibol são provavelmente resultantes da ativação aumentada dos flexores plantares e de um maior comprimento de fibra dos dorsiflexores. Palavras-chave: propriedades mecânicas musculares, eletromiografia, ballet clássico, voleibol.
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V. B. Frasson
, D. E. Rassier
, W. Herzog
, M. A. Vaz
Faculty of Physical Therapy, Pontific Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
Faculty of Education, Department of Kinesiology and Physical Education, McGill University, Montreal, QUE, Canada
Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada
School of Physical Education, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
O objetivo desse estudo foi comparar as relações torque-ângulo e torque-velocidade e a ativação dos
músculos flexores plantares e dorsiflexores entre bailarinas clássicas (n=14) e atletas de voleibol
(n=22). O pico de torque dos flexores plantares e dorsiflexores foi avaliado durante contrações
voluntárias máximas isométricas nos ângulos de -10°, 0°, 10°, 20°, 30°, 40° e 50°, e durante contrações
concêntricas nas velocidades angulares de 0°/s, 60°/s, 120°/s, 180°/s, 240°/s, 300°/s, 360°/s e 420°/s.
Sinais eletromiográficos (EMG) de superfície foram obtidos dos músculos gastrocnêmio medial, sóleo e
tibial anterior. A amplitude de movimento de dorsiflexão foi semelhante entre os grupos, enquanto
bailarinas apresentaram maior amplitude de flexão plantar do que atletas de voleibol. Enquanto nos
músculos flexores plantares a relação torque-ângulo das bailarinas deslocou-se para a esquerda
quando comparada à das atletas de voleibol, nos flexores dorsais ela se deslocou para a direita nos
menores comprimentos musculares. Os torques normalizados em todas as velocidades de flexão
plantar e dorsiflexão foram mais elevados nas bailarinas do que nas atletas de voleibol. Os sinais EMG
do gastrocnêmio medial e do sóleo permaneceram aproximadamente constantes entre os diferentes
ângulos articulares nas bailarinas, mas diminuíram com a redução no comprimento muscular no caso
das atletas de voleibol. Os sinais EMG do tibial anterior aumentaram com a redução dos ângulos do
tornozelo em ambos os grupos. Os sinais EMG dos dorsiflexores nas diferentes velocidades angulares
foram semelhantes nos grupos, enquanto os sinais EMG do sóleo e do gastrocnêmio foram mais
elevados nas bailarinas comparados aos das atletas de voleibol. As adaptações dos flexores plantares
podem ser explicadas por alterações musculares intrínsecas e alterações na ativação voluntária
máxima, enquanto para os músculos dorsiflexores somente mudanças nas propriedades intrínsecas
parecem explicar os resultados observados. Os torques relativos mais elevados das bailarinas
comparados aos das atletas de voleibol são provavelmente resultantes da ativação aumentada dos
flexores plantares e de um maior comprimento de fibra dos dorsiflexores.
Palavras-chave: propriedades mecânicas musculares, eletromiografia, ballet clássico, voleibol.
The purpose of this study was to compare the torque-angle and torque-velocity relationships, and
the electromyographic (EMG) activity of the plantar- and dorsiflexor muscle groups of classical ballet
dancers (n=14) and volleyball players (n=22). Peak torques of the ankle plantar- and dorsiflexor
muscles were evaluated for maximal voluntary isometric contractions performed at seven different ankle
angles (-10°, 0°, 10°, 20°, 30°, 40°, 50°) and for maximal effort, concentric, voluntary contractions
performed at angular velocities of 0°/s, 60°/s, 120°/s, 180°/s, 240°/s, 300°/s, 360°/s and 420°/s. Bipolar
surface EMG signals were obtained from gastrocnemius medialis, soleus and tibialis anterior muscles,
and ankle range of motion was measured with a goniometer. The range of motion for dorsiflexion was
the same for both groups, while ballet dancers had a greater range for plantarflexion than volleyball
players. For the plantarflexor muscles, the torque-angle relationship was shifted to the left for the ballet
dancers compared to the volleyball players, while for the dorsiflexor muscles it was shifted to the right
for short dorsiflexor lengths. The normalized torques at all speeds of plantar- and dorsiflexion were
greater for the ballet dancers than the volleyball players. The gastrocnemius medialis and soleus EMGs
remained nearly constant across all angles for the ballet dancers, but decreased with decreasing
muscle length in the volleyball players. The tibialis anterior EMGs increased with decreasing ankle
angles in both groups. The normalized dorsiflexor EMGs were the same for both groups across all
speeds, while the EMGs for soleus and gastrocnemius were significantly greater for the ballet dancers
than the volleyball players. These results support the idea that systematic physical activity changes the
in vivo torque-angle and torque-velocity relationships in accordance with functional demands. The
greater relative torques for the ballet dancers than volleyball players are likely caused by the increased
activation of the plantarflexors and an increased fiber length for the dorsiflexors.
Keywords: muscle mechanical properties, electromyography, classical ballet, volleyball.
Adaptation of Skeletal Muscle Mechanical Properties
Brazilian Journal of Biomechanics, Year 8, n.14, May 2007
It is widely known that skeletal muscles adapt to
their mechanical environment. Increased muscle use
is shown to cause muscle hypertrophy, whereas
reduced muscle use leads to muscle loss or atrophy.
However, the chronic changes in the mechanical
properties of muscles as a result of chronic training
are not completely understood.
It has been suggested that torque-angle
relationships may differ substantially in subjects who
use muscle groups differently according to specific
chronic training [e.g. Kitai and Sale 1989; Herzog et al.
1991]. Assuming that the moment arm geometry does
not change with chronic training, and there is no
systematic difference across groups of athletes,
differences in the torque-angle relationships must be
associated with changes in the intrinsic force-length
relationships of the synergistic muscles, and/or
changes in maximal voluntary activation as a function
of joint angle.
The torque-velocity relationship is also affected
by training [Moffroid and Whipple, 1970; Lesmes et al.,
1978]. For example, sprinters and athletes in high
power events show higher torques at increasing
speeds of contraction compared to long distance
runners or endurance athletes [Johansson et al., 1987;
Taylor et al., 1991].
The purpose of this study was to compare the
plantarflexor and dorsiflexor torque-angle and torque-
velocity relationships for two special populations:
classical ballet dancers and volleyball players.
Classical ballet dancers use the plantarflexors mostly
in a shortened and the dorsiflexors in a lengthened
position when maintaining whole body weight on the tip
of their toes, while volleyball players use the same
muscles mostly in a dorsiflexed position. In addition,
ballet dancers show increased ankle plantarflexor
flexibility compared to normal subjects [Hamilton et al.
1992; Wiesler et al. 1996], while the active range of
ankle motion of volleyball players is similar to that of
the normal population [Richards et al., 2002]. These
different functional demands change the mechanical
environment of muscle groups, and may change the
mechanical properties of these muscles within each
training or athlete group.
Thirty-six female subjects (ballet dancers = 14;
volleyball players = 22) gave written informed consent
to participate in this study. The Ethics Committee of
the University approved all experimental procedures.
Classical ballet dancers had at least eight years of
training (with a minimum of two daily hours of practice,
five times a week), and volleyball players had an
average of five years of experience (with a minimum of
four daily hours of practice, three times a week).
Range of Motion
The active range of plantar- and dorsiflexor
motion was evaluated with a goniometer. The
reference angle was defined with the foot
perpendicular to the shank axis. Plantarflexion was
defined positive.
Peak torque of the plantar- and dorsiflexor
muscles was evaluated for maximal voluntary
isometric contractions obtained at seven different
ankle angles (-10°, 0°, 10°, 20°, 30°, 40°, 50°) and for
maximal voluntary isokinetic contractions at eight
nominal angular velocities (0°/s, 60°/s, 120°/s, 180°/s,
240°/s, 300°/s, 360°/s, 420°/s) using a Cybex Norm
(Lumex & Co., Ronkonkoma, New York, USA)
isokinetic dynamometer. All subjects performed a
series of submaximal contractions at different ankle
angles and angular velocities for warming up and
familiarization with the dynamometer prior to the tests.
Subjects were placed in a prone position on the
dynamometer chair. The right foot was fixed onto a
footplate by Velcro straps. The ankle joint axis, defined
by a line connecting the lateral and medial malleolus,
was aligned with the machine’s axis of rotation.
Subjects performed a maximal voluntary isometric
contraction with the ankle joint positioned at seven
different angles: -10°, 0°, 10°, 20°, 30°, 40°, and 50°.
Three maximal voluntary contractions were performed
at each of the eight test velocities. Subjects were
instructed to reach their maximal force in
approximately one second, and to hold the maximal
effort for at least one more second before relaxing. If
subjects felt that the contraction was not maximal, or if
the contraction was not maintained for at least one
second, the test was repeated. The order of the joint
angles and of the angular velocities was randomly
assigned for each subject, and two-minute intervals
were observed between contractions to avoid fatigue.
At the end of the entire protocol, the first trial was
repeated to assess the possible effects of fatigue.
Electromyographic Signals
Bipolar surface electromyographic (EMG)
signals (AMT-8, Bortec Biomedical, Canada) were
obtained from the gastrocnemius medialis, soleus and
tibialis anterior muscles. The skin underneath the
recording electrodes was prepared using standard
procedures [e.g. Basmajian and De Luca, 1985].
Electrodes were placed on the distal third of the
muscles, along the approximate direction of the
muscle fibers. A ground electrode was placed on the
skin over the tibia. EMG signals were recorded at a
frequency of 2000 Hz using Windaq data collection
(16-bit resolution, +10 Volts) and playback software
(Dataq Instruments, Akron, OH, USA), and stored on a
Pentium (200MHz) personal computer.
V. B. Frasson, D. E. Rassier, W . Herzog, M. A. Vaz
Revista Brasileira de Biomecânica, Ano 8, n.14, Maio 2007
Data Analysis
EMG data were extracted for segments of one
second from the plateau (middle) region of the
isometric torque signals for each of the seven joint
angles. From the three maximal isokinetic voluntary
contractions, the contraction with the highest torque
was selected for data analysis. EMG data were
extracted for the entire concentric contractions. EMG
signals were band-pass filtered using cut-off
frequencies of 3Hz and 800 Hz, and root mean square
(RMS) values were calculated.
Means and standard errors of the torques and
of the RMS values at each joint angle and speed were
calculated for the ballet dancers and volleyball players.
After determining the joint angle at which peak
torque was achieved for each group, torque and RMS
values were normalized for each subject relative to the
torque and RMS values obtained at that angle. For the
dorsiflexor torque-angle relationship, which showed an
ascending and descending part, the ankle angle of
maximal torque was determined by fitting Gaussian
curves to the torque values above 75% of maximum
and differentiating the torque-angle curve with respect
to the angle and identifying the unique angle of zero
slope [Jones et al. 1997; Talbot and Morgan 1988;
Whitehead et al. 2003].
Torques and RMS values were also normalized
with respect to the maximal isometric contraction for
the concentric contractions.
In order to compare the torque and RMS values
of the plantar- and dorsiflexors between the two
groups across all ankle angles and all angular
velocities, a two-way (group, angle/velocity) analysis of
variance for repeated measures (angle/velocity) was
performed. W hen a significant interaction was
observed, post-hoc analyses were performed with
Newman-Keul's test. One-way analysis of variance for
repeated measures was used to determine statistical
differences between the first and last trials to test for
fatigue effects. One-way analysis of variance was
used to determine differences in the joint range of
motion between the two groups. A 0.05 level of
significance was adopted for all tests.
Ballet dancers showed a greater plantarflexor
range of motion than the volleyball players (p<0.001,
Figure 1). The dorsiflexor range was similar for both
groups. The total range of motion for the ballet
dancers was greater than that for the volleyball players
Ankle Angle (degrees)
Figure 1. Plantarflexor and dorsiflexor ankle joint range of motion of
classical ballet dancers and volleyball players (PF =
plantarflexion; DF = dorsiflexion; ٭=p<0.05). Mean values
and standard errors correspond to both right and left
ankle joint range of motion for each group.
Torque and Angle Relationship
The plantarflexor torque-angle relationship was
different between the two groups (p<0.001; Figure 2A).
Maximal torque increased continuously with
decreasing plantarflexion (or increasing muscle length)
for the volleyball players, while ballet dancers reached
a plateau between to -10°. Ballet dancers had
consistently higher relative torque values compared to
the volleyball players for all ankle angles studied,
except of course, at an ankle angle of -10° which was
defined as 1.0 for both groups.
The torque-angle curve for the dorsiflexor
muscles had a similar shape for the two groups of
athletes. However, volleyball players were able to
produce relatively higher torques at short dorsiflexor
muscle lengths (i.e. ankle angles between -10° and
10°) compared to ballet dancers (p<0.05; Figure 2B).
There was no shift of peak torque occurrence in the
dorsiflexor torque-angle relationships between the two
Torque-Velocity Relationship
The normalized torque for plantarflexors and
dorsiflexors as a function of ankle angular velocity is
shown in Figure 3. Plantarflexor torque was the same
for the two groups at all angular velocities (Figure 3A).
Dorsiflexor torque was greater in ballet dancers than in
volleyball players at angular velocities of 120°/s and
greater (Figure 3B).
Adaptation of Skeletal Muscle Mechanical Properties
Brazilian Journal of Biomechanics, Year 8, n.14, May 2007
Ankle Angle (degrees)
Torque (Nm/Nmmax)
-10 0 10 20 30 40 50
Ankle Angle (degrees)
Torque (Nm/Nmmax)
Figure 2. Plantarflexor (A) and dorsiflexor (B) torque-angle
relationship of classical ballet dancers and volleyball
players. Torque values were normalized relative to the
peak torque value of each group (mean ± S.E.).
Muscle Activation
EMG activity of the gastrocnemius medialis
decreased with decreasing plantarflexor angles in the
ballet dancers, and it increased in the volleyball
players (Figure 4A). The normalized RMS values of
soleus remained about constant across ankle angles
for ballet dancers, and increased with decreasing
plantarflexor ankle angles (decreasing muscle length)
for the volleyball players (Figure 4B).
There was an increase in the normalized RMS
values of the tibialis anterior muscle with decreasing
muscle length for both groups (Figure 5).
Root mean square values of the gastrocnemius
and soleus EMGs for the ballet dancers were greater
than for the volleyball players (Figures 6A and 6B,
respectively), while the values for tibialis anterior were
the same (Figure 7).
The initial and final torque and EMG values (of
plantar- and dorsiflexors) were similar for all subjects
of both groups, indicating that fatigue did not affect the
0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420
Velocity (degrees/s)
Torque (Nm/Nm
0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420
Velocity (degrees/s)
Torque (Nm/Nm
Figure 3. Plantarflexor (A) and dorsiflexor (B) torque-velocity
relationships of classical ballet dancers and volleyball
players. Torque values (mean ± S.E.) were normalized
relative to the peak torque value of each group.
Torque-Angle Relationship
A primary purpose of this study was to compare
the torque-angle relationship of two distinct groups of
athletes (classical ballet dancers and volleyball
players) with different demands for the ankle joint
muscles. Female ballet dancers often work with the
ankle in a hyper-extended position, while volleyball
players use the ankle joint for jumping within a
“normal” range of motion. The results obtained in this
study support the hypothesis that chronic training
changes the torque-angle relationship.
V. B. Frasson, D. E. Rassier, W . Herzog, M. A. Vaz
Revista Brasileira de Biomecânica, Ano 8, n.14, Maio 2007
Ankle Angle (degrees)
EMG RMS (mV/mVmax)
Ankle Angle (degrees)
EMG RMS (mV/mVmax)
Figure 4. RMS values (mean ± S.E.) of the EMG signal of
gastrocnemius medialis (A) and soleus (B) muscles at
the seven different ankle joint angles. RMS values were
normalized relative to the RMS value obtained at the
contraction of highest torque for each subject
The ballet dancers had a greater plantarflexor
range of motion than the volleyball players. The
dancers were also stronger at short plantarflexor
lengths, and had greater levels of activation at short
plantarflexor lengths. The ballet dancers reached the
plateau of the torque-angle relationship at the longest
muscle lengths tested. These results might be
explained in different ways, but it is tempting to
speculate that ballet dancers may have a smaller
number of sarcomeres arranged in series in their
plantarflexor fibers. If this was indeed the case, each
individual sarcomere would be longer for a given
muscle length.
The results obtained in this study are
conceptually the same as those obtained by Herzog et
al. [1991] for the force-length relationship of the rectus
femoris in high performance runners and cyclists.
Because of the flexed hip angle in cycling, cyclists use
the rectus femoris at a chronically shortened length
compared to the runners. In accordance with this
specific chronic use, cyclists’ rectus femoris was
strong at short and weak at long muscle lengths while
the reverse result was found for runners.
-10 0 10 20 30 40 50
Ankle Angle (degrees)
EMG RMS (mV/mVmax)
Figure 5. RMS values (mean ± S.E.) of the EMG signal of tibialis
anterior muscle at the seven different ankle joint angles.
RMS values were normalized relative to the RMS value
obtained at the contraction of highest torque for each
The dorsiflexor range of motion and muscle
activation values were similar between ballet dancers
and volleyball players. However, compared to the
ballet dancers, the volleyball players were relatively
stronger at short dorsiflexor lengths (i.e. from -10° to
This increased torque production for the
volleyball players cannot be explained by an increase
in muscle activation, as the tibialis anterior EMG was
similar between the two groups, suggesting that the
increased torque in the volleyball players at short
dorsiflexor lengths is associated with changes in
muscle properties. One possible explanation is that
although there is no shift in the ankle angle at which
peak torque occurs, there is a significant shift of the
torque-angle relationship at short muscle lengths (i.e.,
a shift of the ballet dancers’ torque-angle relationship
to the right).
Torque-Velocity Relationship
The relative torques of ballet dancers were
greater than the torques of volleyball players at speeds
of dorsiflexion of 120°/s and above, while EMGs in
dorsiflexion were similar for the two groups of athletes.
The torque-velocity relationships for plantarflexion
were similar, although there was an increase in the
relative EMG of the plantarflexors of the ballet dancers
at all speeds.
Plantarflexion: The similarity in the normalized
plantarflexion torque values between the two groups
was expected. This result is intuitively appealing as the
range of motion in dorsiflexion, which determines the
amount of stretch of the plantarflexor group, is similar
Adaptation of Skeletal Muscle Mechanical Properties
Brazilian Journal of Biomechanics, Year 8, n.14, May 2007
between the two groups, and therefore differences in
fiber length should not be expected.
0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420
Velocity (degrees/s)
0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420
Velocity (degrees/s)
Figure 6. RMS values (mean ± SE) of the gastrocnemius medialis
(A) and soleus (B) muscles at different angular velocities.
RMS values were normalized relative to the RMS value
obtained at the contraction of highest torque for each
0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420
Velocity (degrees/s)
Figure 7. RMS values (mean ± SE) of the tibialis anterior muscle at
different angular velocities. RMS values were normalized
relative to the RMS value obtained at the contraction of
highest torque for each subject.
Why are ballet dancers able to activate their
plantarflexors more effectively during shortening
contractions than volleyball players? This study cannot
provide a conclusive answer to this question, but ballet
dancing, in contrast to volleyball playing, requires
sustained and precisely controlled contractions of the
plantarflexor group, and thus, activation might be
much better trained in these athletes than the
volleyball players.
Dorsiflexion: The increase in relative torques
for the ballet dancers at all speeds of dorsiflexion
cannot be explained by changes in muscle activation,
as EMGs were the same between the two groups of
athletes. Therefore, it appears that the differences in
dorsiflexion torques are associated with intrinsic
differences in the dorsiflexor muscles. Greater torques
at the same angular speed of movement could be
associated with a greater proportion of fast twitch
fibers or an increase in fiber lengths in the ballet
dancers compared to the volleyball players The ballet
dancers have a greater range of plantarflexion (by
24°), and since excursion is known to be a potent
stimulator for sarcomere addition [Koh & Herzog,
1998], fiber length may be longer in the ballet dancers,
which could explain the observed results.
The results of this study suggest that human
muscles adapt to functional demands associated with
chronic training in athletes. Therefore, chronic training
may not only increase the size, strength, and oxidative
capacity of muscles as demonstrated in previous
studies [Jones & Carter, 2000; Ahtiainen et al., 2003;
Izquierdo et al., 2005], but might also affect the force-
velocity and force-length relationships, which are
typically assumed to be invariant.
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The authors would like to thank CAPES-Brazil,
CNPq-Brazil and UFRGS-Brazil for financial support.
The authors declare that the experiments conducted in
the present study comply with the current laws of
Brazil. This study was also partially supported by the
Canada Research Chairs’ Programme (WH).
Corresponding Author:
Marco Aurélio Vaz
School of Physical Education
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Rua Felizardo, 750
Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil, 90690-200
Tel.: 55-51-3308-5860
Fax.: 55-51-3308-5858
... Other muscles, such as the ankle dorsiflexors and biceps brachialis, also exhibit an ideal (intermediate) length. However, for the ankle plantar flexors, longer lengths (either by manipulating the ankle or the knee joint angles) generated greater torque compared to short lengths, which also agrees with the torque-angle relationship for this muscle group that works in the ascending limb of the force-length relation [63]. ...
... Hali et al. [74] compared a shortened position (20˚plantar flexed from neutral) and a lengthened position (20˚dorsiflexed from neutral) for the triceps surae muscle and found greater peak twitch torque for the long muscle length (39.5 ± 12.5 vs 11.9 ± 4.8). While the aforementioned study does not include a neutral position for comparison, studies focusing on MVC have shown that greater plantar flexor torque is generated at lengthened muscle lengths compared to neutral positions [63,75]. This indicates that the muscle-tendon unit and joint complex being examined differ from the knee extensor mechanism in terms of their response to muscle length, according to each muscle's mechanical properties (i.e., force-length relation). ...
... In healthy volunteers, evoked torque rarely reaches 100% of MVC [1]. Both authors, despite using different stimulation methods, consistently found that torque generation was greater in the plantar flexed (lengthened) position compared to the dorsiflexed (shortened) position, which also agrees whti the force-length relationship of the dorsiflexors, whose plateau occurs at 30˚of plantar flexion [63]. This agreement emphasizes the influence of joint angle (and therefor muscle length) on torque production, irrespective of the specific details of the stimulation method. ...
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Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) can improve physical function in different populations. NMES-related outcomes may be influenced by muscle length (i.e., joint angle), a modulator of the force generation capacity of muscle fibers. Nevertheless, to date, there is no comprehensive synthesis of the available scientific evidence regarding the optimal joint angle for maximizing the effectiveness of NMES. We performed a systematic review to investigate the effect of muscle length on NMES-induced torque, discomfort, contraction fatigue, and strength training adaptations in healthy and clinical adult populations (PROSPERO: CRD42022332965). We conducted searches across seven electronic databases: PUBMED, Web of Science, EMBASE, PEDro, BIREME, SCIELO, and Cochrane, over the period from June 2022 to October 2023, without restricting the publication year. We included cross-sectional and longitudinal studies that used NMES as an intervention or assessment tool for comparing muscle lengths in adult populations. We excluded studies on vocalization, respiratory, or pelvic floor muscles. Data extraction was performed via a standardized form to gather information on participants, interventions, and outcomes. Risk of bias was assessed using the Revised Cochrane risk-of-bias tool for cross-over trials and the Physiotherapy Evidence Database scale. Out of the 1185 articles retrieved through our search strategy, we included 36 studies in our analysis, that included 448 healthy young participants (age: 19–40 years) in order to investigate maximum evoked torque (n = 268), contraction fatigability (n = 87), discomfort (n = 82), and muscle strengthening (n = 22), as well as six participants with spinal cord injuries, and 15 healthy older participants. Meta-analyses were possible for comparing maximal evoked torque according to quadriceps muscle length through knee joint angle. At optimal muscle length 50° - 70° of knee flexion, where 0° is full extension), there was greater evoked torque during nerve stimulation compared to very short (0 – 30°) (p<0.001, CI 95%: -2.03, -1.15 for muscle belly stimulation, and -3.54, -1.16 for femoral nerve stimulation), short (31° - 49°) (p = 0.007, CI 95%: -1.58, -0.25), and long (71° - 90°) (p<0.001, CI 95%: 0.29, 1.02) muscle lengths. At long muscle lengths, NMES evoked greater torque than very short (p<0.001, CI 95%: -2.50, -0.67) and short (p = 0.04, CI 95%: -2.22, -0.06) lengths. The shortest quadriceps length generated the highest perceived discomfort for a given current amplitude. The amount of contraction fatigability was greater when muscle length allowed greater torque generation in the pre-fatigue condition. Strength gains were greater for a protocol at the optimal muscle length than for short muscle length. The quality of evidence was very high for most comparisons for evoked torque. However, further studies are necessary to achieve certainty for the other outcomes. Optimal muscle length should be considered the primary choice during NMES interventions, as it promotes higher levels of force production and may facilitate the preservation/gain in muscle force and mass, with reduced discomfort. However, a longer than optimal muscle length may also be used, due to possible muscle lengthening at high evoked tension. Thorough understanding of these physiological principles is imperative for the appropriate prescription of NMES for healthy and clinical populations.
... We attempted to perform both passive and active muscle fiber mechanics in these sarcomere length ranges to better understand the mechanical properties of the medial gastrocnemius. Owing to the ambiguity of optimal sarcomere length in the medial gastrocnemius and in dancers' medial gastrocnemius (Ward et al., 2009;Cutts, 1988;Moltubakk et al., 2018;Rice et al., 2021;Frasson et al., 2008), we measured fiber mechanics at average sarcomere lengths of 2.4 and 3.0 µm. ...
... (1) operate at shorter sarcomere lengths and have a greater number of sarcomeres in series (Moltubakk et al., 2018;Rice et al., 2021) or (2) operate at longer sarcomere lengths and have fewer sarcomeres in series (Frasson et al., 2008). Our preliminary findings suggest that total peak fiber stress (Fig. 3C) is higher at an average sarcomere length of 3.0 µm (n=3) than at 2.4 µm (n=4), but not when passive peak stress is subtracted from active peak stress. ...
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The purpose of this investigation was to demonstrate that muscle fiber mechanics can be assessed on micro-biopsies obtained from human medial gastrocnemii. Three micro-biopsy samples were collected from female dancers (n=15). Single fibers and fiber bundles were isolated and passively stretched from 2.4 µm to 3.0 µm at 0.015 µm•s−1 and 0.04 µm•s−1 (n=50 fibers total) and in five increments at 0.12 µm•s−1 (n=42 fibers total). Muscle fibers were then activated isometrically at 2.4 µm (n=4 fibers total) and 3.0 µm (n=3 fibers total). Peak stress and steady state stress were significantly greater (p<0.0001) after stretching at 0.04 µm•s−1 than 0.015 µm•s−1. Furthermore, peak stresses and steady state stresses increased non-linearly with fiber length (p<0.0001). We conclude that active and passive muscle fiber mechanics can be investigated using tissue from micro-biopsies.
... force-velocity properties. The repetitive passive and active hyperplantarflexion most dancers experience daily around the anklejoint may transcend a shorter operative MTU length for maximal force transmission during relevé or toe-off before a leap, shifting the archetypal force-length curve to the left (Frasson et al., 2008;Moltubakk et al., 2018). However, dancers also seem to move through hyper-dorsiflexed positions during grand plié or landing from a leap. ...
... Over time, such ankle excursion might cause physiological adaptations that optimize force output and MTU interaction at new muscle lengths. In a comparative study, dancers reached higher isometric plantarflexion peak torque values than volleyball players at all ankle angles measured, and it was evident that the dancers favored shorter plantar flexor lengths (Frasson et al., 2008). However, no differences existed between groups for the reported peak isokinetic torque. ...
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Athletic performance is determined by numerous variables that cannot always be controlled or modified. Due to aesthetic requirements during sports such as dance, body alignment constrains possible movement solutions. Increased power transference around the ankle-joint, coupled with lower hip-joint power, has become a preferential strategy in dancers during leaps and may be considered a dance-specific stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) demand. Newell's theoretical model of interacting constraints includes organismic (or individual), environmental, and task constraints describing the different endogenous and exogenous constraints individuals must overcome for movement and athletic performance. The unique task constraints imposed during dance will be used as a model to justify an isolated joint, single-targeted block progression training to improve physical capacity within the context of motor behavior to enhance dance-specific SSC performance. The suggested ankle-specific block progression consists of isometrics, dynamic constant external resistance, accentuated eccentrics, and plyometrics. Such programming tactics intend to collectively induce tendon remodeling, muscle hypertrophy, greater maximal strength, improved rate of force development, increased motor unit firing rates, and enhanced dynamic movement performance. The current perspective provides a dualistic approach and justification (physiological and motor behavioral) for specific strength and conditioning programming strategies. We propose implementation of a single-targeted block progression program, inspired by Newell's theoretical model of interacting constraints, may elicit positive training adaptations in a directed manner in this population. The application of Newell's theoretical model in the context of a strength and conditioning supports development of musculoskeletal properties and control and is conceptually applicable to a range of athletes.
... Furthermore, despite a lack of consensus, many investigations rely on the peak torque achieved at a single joint angle (Blazevich et al., 2009;Konrad et al., 2021). However, the force-length and torque-angle profile of human strength has been shown to differ between individuals and muscle groups (Frasson et al., 2008;Herzog & ter Keurs, 1988;Herzog et al., 1991). Therefore, it is likely measurements to estimate maximum strength are made at suboptimal joint angles, which would result in a systematic underestimation in joint torque. ...
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the underestimation of maximum knee joint torque using a single joint-angle position for a variety of realistic torque-angle curves. The maximum force production capability of the knee flexors and knee extensors was modelled using literature-based parameters to define a quadratic torque-angle relationship. Model parameters were varied within a normative range and simulated measured torque was compared to true peak torque (model) for a series of commonly tested joint angles. Measurements furthest from the optimal angle for maximum strength were associated with underestimated torques that were 96% and 80% lower than true peak torque. Therefore, it is essential that knee joint torque is measured as close to the optimal angle as possible when attempting to determine maximum strength capability using a single discrete measurement.
... Dancers have been recognized for their extreme ankle range of motion along with a substantial amount of time spent in hyperplantarflexed positions, demonstrated in strength tests. [10][11][12][13] Conversely, endurance runners typically have limited ankle range of motion and rely greatly on energy absorption during the braking phase to ensure that the impulse is sufficient to arrest system momentum for successive propulsion into the flight phase. 14 Previous research has shown that runners are strongest at the specific joint positions that are repetitively experienced during training and competition. ...
The purpose of this investigation was to elucidate whether ankle joint stretch-shortening cycle performance, isometric and isokinetic plantarflexion strength, and maximal Achilles tendon force and elongation differ between dancers, endurance runners, and untrained controls. To differentiate between dancers, endurance runners, and controls, the authors measured maximal Achilles tendon force and elongation during isometric ramp contractions with ultrasonic imaging, maximal isometric and isokinetic plantarflexion strength with dynamometry, and stretch-shortening cycle function during countermovement hopping and 30-cm drop hopping with a custom-designed sled. The Achilles tendon of dancers elongated significantly ( P ≤ .05) more than runners and controls. Dancers were significantly stronger than controls during isometric contractions at different ankle angles. Concentric and eccentric strength during isokinetic contractions at 60°·s ⁻¹ and 120°·s ⁻¹ was significantly higher in dancers and runners than controls. Dancers hopped significantly higher than runners and controls during hopping tasks. Dancers also possessed significantly greater countermovement hop relative peak power, drop hop relative impulse, and drop hop relative peak power than controls. Finally, dancers reached significantly greater velocities during countermovement hops than runners and controls. Our findings suggest dancing and running require or likely enhance plantarflexion strength. Furthermore, dancing appears to require and enhance ankle joint stretch-shortening cycle performance and tendon elongation.
... Of further interest to dance scientists, relative peak torque at a more plantarflexed position (10°) was a better predictor of weighted parameter ranking saut de chat performance, PCA ranking, and leap height than at a neutral ankle position (Figure 2). Previous speculation that the optimal force of dancers' ankle plantarflexors may occur at shorter muscle lengths is founded in the substantial amount of time training in relevé or en pointe (Frasson et al., 2008;Moltubakk et al., 2018). Similarly, the correlation between a more plantarflexed position and relative peak power during leaping was stronger than at a neutral ankle position as well (Table 2). ...
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Limited research exists on the relationship between aesthetic saut de chat performance and muscle-tendon unit (MTU) characteristics of dancers. We developed a weighted parameter ranking (WPR) tool to incorporate aesthetic leaping aspects (i.e., height, peak split angle, average trunk angle and trunk angle range) for correlation with MTU properties. The purpose was to identify the relationship of saut de chat WPR and leap height with maximal plantarflexion strength, medial gastrocnemius (MG) stiffness, Achilles tendon (AT) stiffness and relative peak power (PP). Dancers (n = 18) performed maximal plantarflexion, short-range stretches and isometric ramping contractions on a dynamometer equipped with ultrasound to determine strength, MG stiffness and AT stiffness, respectively. Subjects then performed saut de chat leaps atop force platforms surrounded by motion capture cameras. A principal component analysis (PCA) was performed to compare WPR variable weightings with PCA results and rankings. Moderate–strong relationships were identified among WPR, maximal plantarflexion strength, MG stiffness and PP. Strong–very strong relationships were also identified between leap height and maximal plantarflexion strength, MG stiffness, AT stiffness, peak split angle and PP. A very strong correlation existed between PCA rankings and WPRs. Practitioners may consider developing strength and power capabilities in dancers to improve leaping.
... The results of the present study demonstrated that the mean BMI indices for Brazilian female dancers (19.22 kg/m 2 ) and the male dancers (21.67 kg/m2) are within the normal weight range (18.5 to 24.99 kg/ m 2 ) according to WHO 33 . These BMI results corroborate studies with Brazilian (20.30 kg/ m 2 ), European (20.55 kg/m 2 ), Greeks (19.9 kg/ m 2 ) and Americans (20.1 kg/m 2 ) dancers 39,40,41 . Based on the results found, we can infer that their BMI tends to be at the lower limit, a fact related to the aesthetic pattern of this art form. ...
... The DR ROM observed in trained Bharatanatyam dancers in the current study (20.59°) was higher and PF ROM observed was lower than in other reported previous studies in ballet dancers. [46][47][48] This variation may be due to differences in dancing postures and training methods between ballet dancers and Bharatanatyam dancers. ...
Objective: This study compared lower limb muscle flexibility between amateur and trained female Bharatanatyam dancers and nondancers. Methods: Subjects consisted of 105 healthy female volunteers, with 70 female Bharatanatyam dancers (35 trained, 35 amateurs) and 35 controls, with a mean (±SD) age of 16.2±1.04 yrs, height 155.05±4.30 cm, and weight 54.54±2.77 kg. Participants were assessed for range of motion (ROM) in hip flexion, hip extension, hip abduction and adduction, hip external rotation, hip internal rotation, knee flexion, knee extension, ankle dorsiflexion (DF), and ankle plantar flexion (PF) by using a standardized goniometer. To assess for significant difference between groups, one-way ANOVA was applied, and multiple comparisons were made using Bonferroni correction. Results: Trained dancers had a significantly greater hip flexion, extension, abduction, and external rotation ROM than amateurs and nondancers (p<0.05). Also, internal rotation and adduction were markedly less in trained dancers (p<0.05). Knee flexion, extension, and ankle DF were higher and ankle PF ROM was lesser in trained dancers. However, not much variation was found in ankle DF and PF between amateur dancers and nondancers (p>0.05). Conclusion: Results showed that there are significant differences in lower limb muscle flexibility between trained and amateur Bharatanatyam dancers and nondancers. These differences may be due to individual dance postures such as araimandi and muzhumandi.
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O treinamento realizado por atletas de elite acarreta demandas funcionais específicas que produzem mudanças nos tendões e nas propriedades musculares. Nas atletas de ginástica rítmica (GR) há uma exigência maior de controle motor em posições extremas de flexão plantar. Esta demanda pode alterar o torque passivo dos flexores plantares bem como influenciar na amplitude de movimento (ADM) de flexão dorsal e torque dos dorsiflexores. No presente estudo foi comparada a ADM de flexão dorsal de GR e meninas não atletas (MNA), e determinada a correlação entre o torque passivo dos flexores plantares (TPFP) e o torque ativo dos flexores dorsais (TAFD). O estudo incluiu 10 GR e 10 MNA. A ADM de flexão dorsal foi medida com um goniômetro. O TPFP e TAFD foram avaliados por meio de um dinamômetro isocinético em cinco ângulos articulares (20º, 10º, 0º, -10º e -20º). O teste T para amostras independentes foi utilizado para a comparação entre os grupos (α = 0,05). O coeficiente de correlação de Pearson indicou uma correlação negativa alta e moderada entre o TPFP e TAFD para as GR e NA, respectivamente. GR apresentaram menor ADM de flexão dorsal comparadas às MNA. O TPFP foi significativamente maior nas GR comparado as MNA. Por outro lado, o TAFD foi maior nas MNA. A correlação do TPFP com o TAFD foi de r = -0,82; p < 0,01 e r = -0,68; p < 0,01 para GR e MNA, respectivamente. Os resultados sugerem que a alta demanda mecânica nos flexores plantares na GR aumenta o TPFP que pode influenciar negativamente na ADM dos flexores dorsais e no TAFD.
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This study investigated the effects of short duration, high intensity training on skeletal muscle. The extensors and flexors of the knee were tested and exercised by means of an isokinetic dynamometer. Measurements of peak torque were obtained at velocities ranging from 0 degrees/sec (isometric) to 300 degrees/sec through a distance of 90 degrees. Total work output was measured during repeated knee extensions and flexions for work tasks of 6 sec and 30 sec duration. A 1-min test of repeated maximal contractions was administered to examine muscular fatiguability before and after training. The subjects trained one leg with repeated 6 sec exercise bouts, while the other leg was trained using repeated 30 sec bouts. All training and testing was executed at near maximal force and at a constant velocity (180 degrees/sec). The subjects trained four times per week for a period of seven weeks. The daily work output was equal for the 6 and 30 sec training legs. Results indicate that: (1) isokinetic training programs of 6 and 30 seconds duration can significantly (P less than .05) increase peak muscular torque; (2) training velocity may be an important consideration in improving peak torque; (3) total work output was increased an average of 30% with either training at relatively slow (60 degrees/sec) or fast (180 degrees/sec) velocities; (4) both training programs significantly reduced the fatiguability of the knee extensor muscles.
Resistive exercise is employed to increase functional performance. Weight lifting has been the traditional program of resistive exercise to increase muscular force (strength). Ten years ago Hellebrandt found that the amount of work done is not as important as the rate at which it is done. The purpose of this study was to determine the specific effects on muscular endurance and on muscular force of two different training speeds. The two training programs administered to two different groups were slow maximal exercise (low power) and rapid maximal exercise (high power). Speed of exercise was found to be specific for muscular endurance and for force increases at and below the exercise speed.
This paper is adapted in part from a thesis written for the degree of Master of Arts from New York University, New York, and was supported in part by research grant RT-1 (c6) from the Social and Rehabilitation Services, Department of Health, Education, Welfare, Washington, DC under the designation of New York University as a Rehabilitation and Training Center, and in part from grant FR00291 from the United States Public Health Service. Reprinted from Physical Therapy with the permission of The American Physical Therapy Association: Moffroid and Whipple: Specificity of Speed Exercise. Phys Ther 50:1692-1700, 1970.Resistive exercise is employed to increase functional performance. Weight lifting has been the traditional program of resistive exercise to increase muscular force (strength). Ten years ago Hellebrandt found that the amount of work done is not as important as the rate at which it is done. The purpose of this study was to determine the specific effects on muscular endurance and on muscular force of two different training speeds. The two training programs administered to two different groups were slow maximal exercise (low power) and rapid maximal exercise (high power). Speed of exercise was found to be specific for muscular endurance and for force increases at and below the exercise speed. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 1990;12(2):72-78.
Twenty-eight principal dancers and soloists from America's two most famous ballet companies were examined for anthropometric measurements, including flexibility, muscle strength, and joint range of motion. Both male and female dancers were flexible, but not hypermobile, and did not differ significantly from each other. Marked differences were found between the range of motion of the hip and ankle in the dancers and the norms for the general population. The increased external rotation of the hip in women was accompanied by a loss in internal rotation, resulting in an increased range of motion with an externally rotated orientation. The men, however, lost more internal rotation than they gained in external rotation. These data raise the possibility of a torsional component to the turned-out hip position in elite female professional ballet dancers. In addition, significant anatomic differences separate elite dancers of both sexes from the normal population.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the possible existence of systematic differences between moment-length properties of the rectus femoris muscle of cyclists/speed skaters and runners. In cycling/speed skating the rectus femoris is used at a shorter length than in running because of the pronounced flexion at the hip joint. It was speculated that using the rectus femoris chronically at different lengths would result in different moment-length relations for the two groups of athletes. Moment-length relations of rectus femoris muscles were determined using an adaptation of procedures outlined in the literature. Four subjects in each group performed 13 isometric knee extensions on a Cybex II dynamometer in each of three testing sessions. Knee and hip angles were varied in a systematic way to allow the determination of moment-length relations over a wide range of normal rectus femoris lengths. It was found that cyclists tended to be stronger at short compared with long rectus femoris lengths, whereas the opposite was true for runners. This finding may be associated with an adaptation of the rectus femoris muscle to the requirements of cycling and running or may show an inherited difference in the muscles of the athletes that existed before they became involved in their respective sports. The data of this study do not allow us to distinguish between these two possible factors.
Technical limitations of some isokinetic dynamometers have called into question the validity of some data on human muscle mechanics. The Biodex dynamometer has been shown to minimize the impact artefact while permitting automatic gravity correction. This dynamometer was used to study quadriceps muscle torque and power generation in elite power (n = 6) and elite endurance (n = 7) athletes over 12 randomly assigned isokinetic velocities from 30 degrees.s-1 to 300 degrees.s-1. The angle at peak torque varied as a negative, linear function of angular velocity, with the average angle across test velocities being 59.5 degrees (SD 10.2 degrees). Power athletes developed greater peak torque at each angular velocity (P less than 0.05) and experienced a 39.7% decrement in torque over the velocity range tested. Endurance athletes encountered a 38.8% decline in peak torque. Torques measured at 60 degrees of knee flexion followed a similar trend in both groups; however the greatest torques were recorded at 60 degrees.s-1 rather than at 30 degrees.s-1. Leg extensor muscle power increased monotonically with angular velocity in both power (r2 = 0.728) and endurance athletes (r2 = 0.839); however these curves diverged significantly so that the power athletes produced progressively more power with each velocity increment. These inter group differences probably reflected a combination of natural selection and training adaptation.
Six healthy women (21.8 +/- 0.4 y) did isometric strength training of the left plantarflexors at an ankle joint angle of 90 degrees. Training sessions, done 3 times per week for 6 weeks, consisted of 2 sets of ten 5 s maximal voluntary contractions. Prior to and following the training, and in random order, voluntary and evoked isometric contraction strength was measured at the training angle and at additional angles: 5 degrees, 10 degrees, 15 degrees, and 20 degrees intervals in the plantarflexion and dorsiflexion directions. Evoked contraction strength was measured as the peak torque of maximal twitch contractions of triceps surae. Training increased voluntary strength at the training angle and the two adjacent angles only (p less than 0.05). Time to peak twitch torque was not affected by training. Twitch half relaxation time increased after training (p = 0.013), but the increase was not specific to the training angle. There was a small (1.1%, p less than 0.05) increase in calf circumference after training. Evoked twitch torque did not increase significantly at any joint angle. It was therefore concluded that a neural mechanism is responsible for the specificity of joint angle observed in isometric training.
Sprinters and marathon runners. Does isokinetic knee extensor performance reflect muscle size and structure? Acta Physiol Scand 130 , 663–669. In order to evaluate relationships between structure and concentric function of the quadriceps muscle, isokinetic maximum knee extensor output at different velocities of angular motion (30–180 degrees s ‐1 ), integrated electromyographic activity (iEMG), cross‐sectional area (CSA) of m. quadriceps and fibre composition of m. vastus lateralis were analysed in five sprinters and five marathon runners (all males). Both output and input parameters, concerning peak torque (PT), instantaneous power (IP), contractional work (CW) and the summed iEMG were closely correlated to the m. quadriceps CSA, as well as to the calculated absolute type II (A + B), IIA and IIB fibre areas of m. vastus lateralis. When PT, IP, CW and the summed iEMG were corrected for CSA, such relationships were found only at 180 degrees s ‐1 and only for type IIA fibre area. The electromyographic findings indicate that m. vastus lateralis was representative for the total mechanical output. The calculated mean power output (CW s ‐1 ) and output/input balance (CW/iEMG) describe similar relationships with the velocity of angular motion and were not related to the CSA or to the absolute area of any fibre type. The calculated optimal CW per second and CW/EMG occur for sprinters at about 450 degrees s ‐1 and for marathon runners at about 270 degrees s ‐1 , that is, velocities well above the capacity of the isokinetic dynamometer. Our observations indicate that the peak torque or instantaneous power, during single maximum knee extensions, at least at 180 degrees s ‐1 , express characteristics of the muscle structure.
Lower-extremity injuries are common among dancers and cause significant absences from rehearsals and performances. For this study of lower-extremity injuries in 101 ballet and 47 modern dance students, injuries requiring medical attention sustained over 1 academic year were associated with the following data obtained at the beginning of the school year: ankle flexibility, sex, dance discipline, previous injury, body mass index, and years of training. Eighty-three of the 148 students (age range, 12 to 28 years) reported prior lower-limb injuries, the most common being ankle sprains (28% of all dancers). Previous leg injuries correlated significantly with lower dorsiflexion measurements and with more new injuries. Female students had greater ankle and first metatarsophalangeal flexibility. Modern dancers had greater ankle inversion. Ninety-four students sustained 177 injuries during the study, including 75 sprains or strains and 71 cases of tendinitis. Thirty-nine percent (N = 69) were ankle injuries; 18% (N = 33) were knee injuries; 23% (N = 40) were foot injuries; and 20% (N = 35) were either hip or thigh injuries. Sixty-seven percent (N = 78) of the injured students were ballet dancers. Age, years of training, body mass index, sex, and ankle range of motion measurement had no predictive value for injury; previous injury and dance discipline both correlated with increased risk of injury.
Following a series of eccentric contractions, that is stretching of the muscle while generating active tension, the length-tension relationship of isolated amphibian muscle has been shown to shift towards longer muscle length (Katz 1939; Wood et al. 1993). Here we report observations of electrically stimulated ankle extensor muscles of nine human subjects, demonstrating a similar shift in optimum angle for torque generation [3.9 (1.5) degrees] following exercise on an inclined treadmill that involved eccentric contractions in one leg. (All values are means with the SEMs in parentheses). The shift in the unexercised, control leg was significantly less [mean 0.4 (0.7) degree P < 0.05]. Correlated with this shift was a drop in torque [25.1 (5.6)% for the experimental leg; 1.6 (0.7)% for the control leg, P < 0.002]. Optimum angles returned to pre-exercise values by 2 days post-exercise, while torque took a week to recover. A similar shift in optimum length [12 (1.3)% of rest length] was obtained for five toad (Bufo marinus) sartorius muscles subjected to 25 eccentric contractions. Isometrically contracted control muscles showed a smaller shift [3.5 (1.6)%, n = 5]. Accompanying the shift was a drop in tension of 46 (3)% after the eccentric contractions [control isometric, 23 (6)%, P < 0.0001]. By 5 h after the eccentric contractions the shift had returned to control values, while tension had not recovered. When viewed with an electron microscope, sartorius muscles fixed immediately after the eccentric contractions exhibited many small, and a few larger, regions of myofilament disruption. In muscles fixed 5 h after the contractions, no small regions of disruption were visible, and the number of large regions was no greater than in those muscles fixed immediately after the eccentric contractions. These disruptions are interpreted as the cause of the shift in length-tension relationship.