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55 Uses of Biochar



Initially only used in agriculture, the range of uses for bio-char now covers a wide range of different fields, giving this plant-based raw material the chance to make the most of its positive properties. Wherever biochar is specifically used even for industrial purposes, the carbon taken from the at-mosphere in the form of CO 2 can be stored for long periods or at least used to replace fossil carbon sources. Biochar is much too valuable and expensive for any farmer to be able to afford to spread 10 tonnes or more per hectare on his fields. Whereas a hectare will normally provide an annual benefice of EUR 1000, the EUR 8000 needed to purchase and spread the biochar would need to be amortised over several decades. The CO 2 certificates favoured by so many outside the trade would be of no much help either.
55 Uses of Biochar | Hans-Peter Schmidt | Ithaka Journal 1 | 2012: 286–289 | ISSN 1663-0521
Delinat Institute for Ecology and Climate-farming | | Ithaka Journal
Please cite the article as follows:
Schmidt HP
55 Uses of Biochar
Ithaka Journal 1/ 2012: 286–289 (2012)
Editor: Delinat-Institute for Ecology and Climate-
farming, CH-1974 Arbaz,
ISSN 1663-0521
55 Uses of Biochar
by Hans-Peter Schmidt
55 Uses of Biochar
by Hans-Peter Schmidt
Initially only used in agriculture, the range of uses for bio-
char now covers a wide range of different elds, giving this
plant-based raw material the chance to make the most of its
positive properties. Wherever biochar is specically used
even for industrial purposes, the carbon taken from the at-
mosphere in the form of CO2 can be stored for long periods
or at least used to replace fossil carbon sources.
Biochar is much too valuable and expensive for any farmer to
be able to afford to spread 10 tonnes or more per hectare on
his elds. Whereas a hectare will normally provide an annual
benece of EUR 1000, the EUR 8000 needed to purchase and
spread the biochar would need to be amortised over several
decades. The CO2 certicates favoured by so many outside the
trade would be of no much help either.
Does it really make sense to work biochar into fields?
These economic considerations are not so different from what
the natives in the Amazon delta and Australia had to face
when they used biochar to improve their soils, and where you
will still nd some places with over 100 tonnes of biochar
buried into just one hectare of soil. Even if no money existed
back in those days, it would have made no economic sense to
cut down some 300 to 400 huge rain forest trees and then use
ancient charcoal kilns to make some 100 tonnes of biochar
from 2000 tonnes of wood – just to bury the biochar in the
soil. And don’t forget: all this would have been done without
any chainsaws or axes and no animals to pull the logs close
to the eld.
The idea of applying dozens of tonnes of biochar to elds can
only come from scholars who, on the basis of a right obser-
vation (50 t biochar per hectare) have arrived at a false con-
clusion completely without any practical relevance – i.e. the
massive one-time application of biochar. And this is quite
apart from the fact that no soil becomes Terra Preta just be-
cause tonnes of char have been ploughed in.
Example of Terra Preta Cultures
The char used back then was probably created in the typical
hearths of the natives, in which not just ash but also rela-
tively large amounts of charcoal were produced at relatively
low heat (Smith 1999). This char, basically a waste product,
was then apparently used as a way of preventing infectious
diseases. This was done by regularly adding char to faeces
and other waste in the large jungle settlements, thus sterilis-
ing them (see Terra Preta Model of a Cultural Technique,
Schmidt 2011). Once the organic waste had been stabilised
through composting or fermenting it with added char, it was
then used as a fertiliser on the elds. These methods led to
the char being loaded with nutrients and its surface achieving
viticulture ecology climate-farming
1 | 2012
55 Uses of Biochar | Hans-Peter Schmidt | Ithaka Journal 1 | 2012: 286–289 | ISSN 1663-0521
Delinat Institute for Ecology and Climate-farming | | Ithaka Journal
greater binding capability through oxidisation, with the con-
sequence that, once worked into the soil, the char was able to
fully unfold its function as a nutrient store and humus sta-
biliser (through the creation of char-clay-humus complexes).
According to investigations carried out by Bruno Glaser and
colleagues (Birk et al 2007), the amount of phosphor in Terra
Preta soils compared to natural soils in the immediate vicinity
can be up to 500 times higher. Different to carbon and nitro-
gen, phosphor can not be accumulated in the soil through
plant growth, but mainly through the manual addition of ex-
crement, (sh-)bones and ash. A rough estimate shows that
the char- stabilised organic waste of some 500 people must
have been worked into every hectare of soil over a period of
1000 years to gain such Terra Preta nutrient contents. Terra
Preta has been created over centuries through the secondary
use of biochar for recycling organic wastes. In other words, it
took centuries to bring the biochar content of the soil up to
over 100 tonnes per hectare.
The many uses of biochar
Biochar is much too valuable for it to be just worked into the
soil without having it used at least once for more benecial
purposes whether as storage for volatile nutrients, as an
adsorber in functional clothing, as insulation in the building
industry, as energy storage in batteries, as a lter in a sewage
plant, as a silage agent or as a feed supplement. Such uses can
be followed by use in a farmer’s slurry pit or in a sewage plant,
before being composted. It should only be worked into the soil
at the end of this “cascade”, helping to create Terra Preta.
The following list of 55 possible uses of biochar is by no means
complete. In fact it has only just been started. In the medium
term biochar will (or must) replace oil as the main raw mate-
rial of our industrial society, insofar as mankind is willing to
maintain living conditions on the planet in the long term (see:
Biochar – a key technology for the planet, Schmidt 2012).
We will initially just comment shortly on each usage of the
list, as we intend to devote in-depth articles to some of them,
highlighting in particular the use of biochar in agriculture
and cattle farming and supporting the articles with the latest
research ndings. Biochar is without doubt one of the dec-
ade’s most exciting elds of research, with ndings and their
practical implementation increasing exponentially from year
to year. Nevertheless, however much we enthuse over our
eld of research and the importance of our ndings, it’s the
real world that decides about its success.
The cascaded use of biochar in animal farming
1. Silage agent, 2. Feed additive / supplement, 3. Litter additive, 4.
Slurry treatment, 5. Manure composting, 6. Water treatment in sh
At present some 90% of the biochar used in Europe goes into
animal farming. Different to its application to elds, a farm-
er will notice its effects within a few days. Whether used in
feeding, litter or in slurry treatment, a farmer will quickly
notice less smell. Used as a feed supplement, the incidence of
diarrhoea rapidly decreases, feed intake is improved, allergies
disappear, and the animals become calmer. For in-depth arti-
cles on the use of biochar in cattle and poultry farming, see:
Treating liquid manure with biochar, Schmidt 2012; Biochar
in poultry farming, Gerlach & Schmidt 2012; The use of bio-
char in cattle farming, Gerlach 2012. Over 80 farmers in Ger-
many, Austria and Switzerland are currently being surveyed
with the aim of creating a statistic on the effects of biochar in
animal farm. First results are expected in Mai 2013.
Use as a soil conditioner
7. Carbon fertiliser, 8. Compost, 9. Substitute for peat in potting soil,
10. Plant protection, 11. Compensatory fertiliser for trace elements
In certain very poor soils (mainly in the tropics), positive ef-
fects on soil fertility were seen when applying untreated bio-
char. These include the higher capacity of the soil to store wa-
ter, aeration of the soil and the release of nutrients through
raising the soil’s ph-value. In temperate climates, soils tend
to have a humus content of over 1.5%, meaning that such
effects only play a secondary role. Indeed the high adsorp-
tion of plant nutrients released in the soil can instead often
have at least in the short and medium term a negative
effect on plant growth. These are the reasons why in temper-
ate climates biochar should only be used when rst loaded
with nutrients and when the char surfaces have been acti-
vated through microbial oxidation. The best method of load-
ing nutrients is to co-compost the char. This involves adding
10–30% biochar to the biomass to be composted (see: Ways of
Making Terra Preta: Biochar Activation, Schmidt 2012). The
co-composting of biochar results not only in a valuable soil
conditioner. The compost can be used as a highly efcient
substitute for peat in potting soil, greenhouses, nurseries and
other special cultures.
When biochar is used as a carrier for plant nutrients, efcient
mineral and organic long-term fertilisers can be produced.
Such fertilisers prevent the leaching of nutrients, a negative
aspect of conventional fertilisers. The nutrients are available
as and when the plants need them. Through the stimulation
of microbial symbiosis, the plant takes up the nutrients from
the porous carbon structure. Through mixing biochar with
such organic waste as wool, molasses, ash, slurry and pom-
ace, organic carbon-based fertilisers can be produced. These
55 Uses of Biochar | Hans-Peter Schmidt | Ithaka Journal 1 | 2012: 286–289 | ISSN 1663-0521
Delinat Institute for Ecology and Climate-farming | | Ithaka Journal
are at least as efcient as conventional fertilizers, and have
the advantage of not having the well-known adverse effects
on the ecosystem.
The biochars contain all trace elements originally contained
in the pyrolised biomass. During pyrolysis, the crucial trace
elements (over 50 metals) become part of the carbon struc-
ture, thereby preventing them being leached out and making
them available to plants via root exudates and microbial sym-
biosis. This feature can be used specically when certain trace
elements are missing in a certain regional soil or in soil-free
intensive cultures such as “Dutch tomatoes”.
A range of by-products are produced during pyrolysis. These
remain stuck to the pores and surfaces of the biochar and in
many cases have the ability to mobilise plant’s internal im-
mune systems, thereby increasing its resistance to pathogens
(Elad et al. 2011). This potential use is however only just now
being developed and still requires a lot of research effort.
Use in the building sector
12. Insulation, 13. Air decontamination, 14. Decontamination of
earth foundations, 15. Humidity regulation, 16. Protection against
electromagnetic radiation (“electrosmog”)
Two of biochar’s properties are its extremely low thermal
conductivity and its ability to absorb water up to 6 times its
weight. These properties mean that biochar is just the right
material for insulating buildings and regulating humidity. In
combination with clay, but also with lime and cement mortar,
biochar can be added to sand at a ratio of up to 50%. This
creates indoor plasters with excellent insulation and breath-
ing properties, able to maintain humidity levels in a room at
45–70% in both summer and winter. This in turn prevents not
just dry air, which can lead to respiratory disorders and aller-
gies, but also dampness through air condensing on the out-
side walls, which can lead to mould developing (see Biochar
as building material for an optimal indoor climate, Schmidt
Such biochar-mud plaster adsorbs smells and toxins, a prop-
erty not just beneting smokers. Alongside their use in hous-
ing, biochar-mud plasters are particularly good for warehous-
es, factory and agricultural buildings as well as in schools and
other rooms frequented by people.
Biochar is a very efcient adsorber of electromagnetic radia-
tion, meaning that biochar-mud plaster is very good at pre-
venting “electrosmog”.
Biochar can also be applied to the outside walls of a building
by jet-spray technique mixing it with lime. Applied at thick-
nesses of up to 20 cm, it is a substitute for styrofoam. Houses
insulated this way become carbon sinks, while at the same
time having a more healthy indoor climate. Should such a
house be demolished at a later date, the biochar-mud plaster
can be recycled as a valuable compost additive.
Together with the German company Casadobe, the Delinat
Institute is currently developing a range of biochar-mud plas-
ters, expected to be available on the market in mid-2013.
17. Soil additive for soil remediation [for use in particular on for-
mer mine-works, military bases and landll sites.]
18. Soil substrates [highly adsorbing, plantable soil substrates
for use in cleaning waste water; in particular urban waste wa-
ter contaminated by heavy metals]
19. A barrier preventing pesticides getting into surface water [Sides
of eld and ponds can be equipped with 30-50 cm deep barri-
ers made of biochar for ltering out pesticides.]
20. Treating pond and lake water [Biochar is good for adsorbing pes-
ticides and fertilizers, as well as for improving water aeration.]
Biogas production
21. Biomass additive, 22. Biogas slurry treatment
First tests show that, through adding biochar to a fermenter’s
biomass (especially heterogeneous biomasses), the methane
and hydrogen yield is increased, while at the same time de-
creasing CO2 and ammonia emissions (Inthapanya et al. 2012;
Kumar et al. 1987).
Through treating biogas slurry with lacto-ferments and bio-
char, nutrients are better stored and emissions prevented (see
(in German): The sustainable production of biogas through
climate farming, Schmidt 2012)
The treatment of waste water
23. Active carbon lter, 24. Pre-rinsing additive, 25. Soil substrate for
organic plant beds, 26. Composting toilets,
The treatment of drinking water
27. Micro-lters, 28. Macro-lters in developing countries
Divers other uses
Exhaust lters (29. Controlling emissions, 30. Room air lters)
Industrial materials (31. carbon bres, 32. plastics)
Electronics (33. semiconductors, 34. batteries)
Metallurgy (35. metal reduction)
Cosmetics (36. soaps, 37. skin-cream, 38. therapeutic bath additives)
Paints and colouring (39. food colorants, 40. industrial paints)
Energy production (41. pellets, 42. substitute for lignite)
Medicines (43. detoxication, 44. carrier for active pharmaceutical
55 Uses of Biochar | Hans-Peter Schmidt | Ithaka Journal 1 | 2012: 286–289 | ISSN 1663-0521
Delinat Institute for Ecology and Climate-farming | | Ithaka Journal
45. Fabric additive for functional underwear, 46. Thermal insulation
for functional clothing, 47. Deodorant for shoe soles
In Japan and China bamboo-based biochars are already be-
ing woven into textiles (Lin et al. 2008) to gain better thermal
and breathing properties and to reduce the development of
odours through sweat. The same aim is pursued through the
inclusion of biochar in inlay soles and socks.
48. Filling for mattresses, 49. Filling for pillows
Biochar adsorbs perspiration and odours, shields against elec-
tromagnetic radiation (electrosmog), and removes negative
ions from the skin. Moreover, it acts as a thermal insulator re-
ecting heat, thereby enabling comfortable sleep without any
heat build-up in summer. In Japan, pillows have been lled
with biochar for a long time. This is supposed to prevent in-
somnia and neck tension.
50. Shield against electromagnetic radiation
Biochar can be used in microwave ovens, television sets, pow-
er supplies, computers, power sockets, etc. to shield against
electromagnetic radiation. This property can also be used in
functional clothing as protection for parts of the body par-
ticularly sensitive to radiation.
All of the proposed biochar uses except nos. 35, 41, 42 are
carbon sinks. After its initial or cascading use, the biochar
can be recycled as a soil conditioner. Fully depreciated when
nally returned to the soil, the black carbon will slowly build
up in the soil – and over a few generations the soil’s biochar
content could easily reach 50 to 100 t per ha.
We have listed 50 possible uses of biochar. But the title refers
to 55 uses … This is to be seen as an indication of our inten-
tion to keep on adding to the list over the coming weeks and
years, as experience builds up. We can also be sure that the
author has missed out a number of uses already available to-
day (the rst version of this article only contained 44 possible
Birk J, Grosch H, Neves E, Teixeira W, Glaser B (2007): Rekonstrukti-
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kleinräumigen Nährstoffverteilung, Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bo-
denkundlichen Gesellschaft 110:643–644
Elad, Y, D RDavid, Y M Harel, M Borenshtein, H B Kalifa, A Silber,
and E R Graber. 2010. Induction of systemic resistance in plants by
biochar, a soil-applied carbon sequestering agent. Phytopathology 100
(9): 913–921
Gerlach A: The use of biochar in cattle farming. Ithaka Journal
2012:281–285 (2012)
Gerlach H, Schmidt HP: Biochar in poultry farming. Ithaka Journal
2012: 262–264 (2012)
Inthapanya, Sangkhom, Preston T R, und Leng R A. 2012. Biochar
increases biogas production in a batch digester charged with cattle ma-
Kumar, S., M. C. Jain, und P. K. Chhonkar. 1987. A note on stimulation
of biogas production from cattle dung by addition of charcoal. Biologi-
cal wastes 20 (3): 209–215.
Lin, C M, und C W Chang. 2008. Production of thermal insulation com -
posites containing bamboo charcoal. Textile Research Journal 78 (7):
Schmidt HP: Panzenkohle – eine Schlüsseltechnologie zur Schließung der
Stoffkreisläufe, Ithaka Journal 2012: 75–79 (2012)
Schmidt HP: Treating liquid manure with biochar. Ithaka Journal 2012,
273–276 (2012)
Schmidt HP: Biogas durch Klimafarming nachhaltig produzieren, Ithaka
Journal 2012: 61–66 (2012)
Schmidt HP: Ways of Making Terra Preta: Biochar Activation, 2012,
Schmidt HP: Terra Preta – Modell einer Kulturtechnik, Ithaka Journal
2011: 117–121 (2011)
Schmidt HP: Biochar as building material for an optimal indoor climate,
Ithaka Journal 2013: x–y (2013)
Smith NJH (1980) Anthrosols and human carrying capacity in Amazonia.
Ann Assoc Am Geogr 70:553–566
Smith NJH (1999) The Amazon River forest: a natural history of plants,
animals, and people. Oxford University Press, New York
... BC was substituted for half of the plaster mixture. In addition, BC has been utilized to make lightweight BC-concrete panels, BC-lime bricks, plaster, and tile adhesives [7]. The preliminary research shows that the composite of BC and plaster offers superior insulation and can maintain the necessary humidity level within the building [7]. ...
... In addition, BC has been utilized to make lightweight BC-concrete panels, BC-lime bricks, plaster, and tile adhesives [7]. The preliminary research shows that the composite of BC and plaster offers superior insulation and can maintain the necessary humidity level within the building [7]. Khushnood et al. [8] investigated the mechanical parameters, such as the modulus of rupture and fracture energy of cement paste, including BC generated from hazelnut shells (HS) and peanut shells (PS), respectively. ...
Rising CO2 emissions have become one of the biggest environmental challenges in recent years. Due to the rising carbon footprint of the building industry, CO2 emission regulation and mitigation have become perennial issues. The utilization of Biochar (BC) as a carbon-sequestering component in cement mortar is the novelty and main concern of this study. In this research, the effectiveness of BC in sequestering carbon was examined along with its effect on the mechanical, microstructural, and durability characteristics of the composite cement mortar. It includes a control and eight additional mixes prepared with 1%, 3%, 5%, and 8% BC by weight of cement added to mortar; the BC were prepared at two fixed temperatures of 300 ◦C and 500 ◦C. It also involves testing fresh properties, mechanical properties, durability properties, and microstructure analysis using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX). A Universal Testing Machine (UTM) was used to determine the mechanical properties of the cement mortar, such as its compressive and tensile strengths. The water permeability and rapid chloride permeability tests (RCPT) were used to evaluate the specimens’ long-term stability as a measure of their durability. Based on the test results, it has been found that the inclusion of BC enhanced the strength and durability of cement mortar through its pozzolanic action. In addition, BC is a filler material whose porous structure fills the voids within the cement particles, decreasing water absorption and improving workability. BC sequesters carbon by carbonizing biomass. Its presence in cement mortar stores carbon that would otherwise be emitted into the atmosphere, which helps to reduce the environmental effect. According to the conclusion of the study, BC has the potential to be a sustainable component of cement mortar. In addition, the two distinct algorithms built upon machine learning applied in the analysis using adaptive boosting (AdaBoost) and linear regression (LR); both these analyses demonstrate that it is feasible to predict the characteristics of cement mortar accurately. The AdaBoost methodology outperforms the LR methodology because of its strong correlation value (R2).
... As expected, the ultimate analysis showed significant increase in the C-content, but considerably reduced H-and O-composition, whereas the reduction of the N-and S-content in the high-temperature biochar showed values below the detection limit. This suggested possible biochar application as solid biofuel as well as for soil amendment (e.g., as compensatory fertilizer for trace elements) as discussed in [50]. ...
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The present study aimed at utilizing technically hydrolyzed lignin (THL), industrial biomass residue, derived in high-temperature diluted sulfuric acid hydrolysis of softwood and hardwood chips to sugars. The THL was carbonized in a horizontal tube furnace at atmospheric pressure, in inert atmosphere and at three different temperatures (500, 600, and 700 °C). Biochar chemical composition was investigated along with its HHV, thermal stability (thermogravimetric analysis), and textural properties. Surface area and pore volume were measured with nitrogen physisorption analysis often named upon Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET). Increasing the carbonization temperature reduced volatile organic compounds (40 ÷ 96 wt. %), increased fixed carbon (2.11 to 3.68 times the wt. % of fixed carbon in THL), ash, and C-content. Moreover, H and O were reduced, while N- and S-content were below the detection limit. This suggested biochar application as solid biofuel. The biochar Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectra revealed that the functional groups were gradually lost, thus forming materials having merely polycyclic aromatic structures and high condensation rate. The biochar obtained at 600 and 700 °C proved having properties typical for microporous adsorbents, suitable for selective adsorption purposes. Based on the latest observations, another biochar application was proposed—as a catalyst.
The world is currently facing significant challenges in reducing the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) through scientific methods, primarily by sequestering the CO2 in the soil. Biochar is a kind of charcoal that is primarily composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Due to its aromatic content, biochar can persist in the environment for an extended period and absorb greenhouse gases (GHG). Each year, biochar effectively captures an estimated amount of CO2 ranging from 1 to 35 gigatons (GtCO2) and 78 to 477 GtCO2 over this century. Biochar helps mitigate climate change by sequestering carbon in the soil for extended periods and consequently reducing GHG emissions. This enhances soil fertility, water retention capacity, and nutrient circulation, which promote higher crop yields. Biochar's by-products of biochar can be harvested and used as a renewable energy source. Besides, biochar integration can be effective in waste management strategies that mitigate the challenges of organic waste disposal. Biochar is also an efficient water purification element that favors climate action. Through the application of biochar alteration can be employed to establish carbon credits, and its methods can effectively reduce carbon emissions to an acceptable level. Biochar's unique properties, wide-spread applicability, cost-effectiveness, and trustworthy development prospects demonstrate great potential towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). This review discusses the properties, diverse applications, and social and technical impacts of biochar in the global carbon cycle towards sustainable development goals.
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To attain the increasing demand for energy in addition with an aim of resolving environmental concerns, a transition from traditional energy systems to renewable resources is crucial. However, renewable energy needs the proper mechanism of harvesting on availability and suitable storage capabilities until it's utilizable necessity. Therefore, effective and consistent energy storage frameworks are crucial for the utilization of stowed renewable energy at a maximum capacity. Pondering that, this study has been focused on the utilization of biochars for efficacious thermal energy storage applications. The shape stabilization efficiency of commercial softwood biochar (EB) has been compared with synthesized bamboo biochar (BA). Both biochars have demonstrated porous and channel-like morphologies and the BET surface areas are measured to be 41.1676 and 9.7213 m2/g, respectively. Paraffin as a phase change material (PCM) is melted and permeated into the biochars to synthesize the biochar composite PCMs. Paraffin to biochar in a 3:1 ratio has been realized as the optimum for both composite PCMs. Maximum heat charging and discharging enthalpies are found to be 96.71 and 94.97 J/g for 1:3 EB-PCM as well as 77.78 and 75.06 J/g for 1:3 BA-PCM composites, respectively. The highest encapsulation ratios are calculated to be 53.49 and 43.02% for 1:3 EB-PCM and 1:3 BA-PCM composites, respectively. Although the enthalpies and encapsulation ratios are found higher in EB-PCM composites, BA-PCM composites have demonstrated superior thermal stability owing to the smaller pore sizes and that has resulted in higher surface tension, capillary action, and effective surface functionalities.
Biochar is a green material derived from agricultural waste and other biomasses via thermochemical conversion under anaerobic conditions. Improving the utilization of biochar can reduce agricultural waste and carbon emissions. Limestone calcined clay cement (LC3) is low-carbon hybrid cementitious material with significant potential. The hydration, microstructure, and physical properties of a novel green biochar-added LC3 were investigated in this study. The biochar replacement amounts were 1% and 2%. The composition of the material was characterized using thermogravimetric analysis, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and other methods. The engineering performance of the material was evaluated by testing its compressive strength, ultrasonic pulse velocity, and surface resistivity. The aim of this study was to analyze and explore whether the organic combination of biochar and LC3 can further improve the performance of cement and identify new approaches to reusing waste biomass. The addition of biochar delayed cement hydration, increased the content of the hydration products, and slightly reduced the compressive strength of LC3. Moreover, we observed that the hydration products of cement could be formed owing to the porous characteristics of biochar. Furthermore, the 1% biochar increased the surface resistivity of the material, whereas the 2% biochar decreased it. The combination of biochar and LC3 can further improve the environmental benefits of cement and promote the transition from the cement industry to green production.
Besides being an opportunity to valorize biomass residues, biochar (i.e., the solid product of biomass pyrolysis) has many potential environmental benefits, such as climate change mitigation and reduced nutrient leaching. Even though the academic interest in biochar has increased, it is not being used at a large scale yet, mainly because of its economic feasibility compared to fertilizers and because farmers are either unaware of or skeptical about its effects. In this paper, the economics of biochar are examined by performing a systematic review, following the guidelines of the Collaboration for Environmental Evidence. Specifically, it has been examined to which extent the production and application of biochar are yet profitable from an investor’s perspective and desirable from a societal perspective. For the first time, this review investigates the extent to which previous studies have included external costs and benefits. We find that profitability and desirability of biochar production and use are highly uncertain and case-specific, depending on factors like location, feedstock, scale, pyrolysis conditions, biochar price, cultivated crop, and the potential internalization of externalities, which hampers private investment. To advance biochar development and deployment, those factors must be considered carefully for each case. Although externalities are included in the literature to some extent, the focus is mostly on external benefits rather than external costs, often focusing on its carbon sequestration potential. The inclusion of externalities in economic assessments is necessary to provide solid arguments to develop policies for the acceleration of market uptake of biochar technology.
Biochar, a carbon-rich material produced during the thermochemical conversion of biomass, is considered to be an important material for environmental applications and sustainable agriculture. With interest in its use growing, it is essential to understand how pyrolysis parameters control biochar properties and, subsequently, which analytical methods can be applied effectively in characterizing biochar. While various methods are already in use, the potential of reflected light microscopy analysis has not yet been widely explored. This paper focuses on examining the microscopic properties of various biochars by implementing reflected light microscopy and assessing whether this technique has the potential to deliver quick, reliable, and essential information for biochar characterization. To support microscopic observations, selected physical (density and surface area) and chemical parameters (carbon and sulfur content, functional group distribution) of biochar samples were also determined. Megascopically and microscopically there is a considerable difference among biochars of different feeds including their size and shape, porosity, ratio of the abundance of cellular to non-cellular pores, inorganic matter content, the ratio of thick-walled to thin-walled inertinite, or the ratio between high-reflectance inertinite to low reflectance inertinite and their reactivity. The biochars studied also showed variations in the oxygenated groups contribution, a wide range of carbon content (14.7 to 98.8%), density (1.45 to 2.47 g/cm3), and surface areas (from <1 to 363.6 m2/g). Our results demonstrate that microscopic characteristics and reflectance of biochar can provide crucial diagnostic value for predicting biochar properties and, in combination with other physical and chemical properties, help to enhance information about the biomass conversion process and potential practical use of biochar.
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One of our oldest preconceptions is that a cowshed inevitably stinks. But the pungent odour of liquid manure is first and foremost the sign of a microbial decomposition process that has gone out of control. That which stinks to high heaven is not only an offence to delicate citizens' noses but above all a source of disease for the animals living there. Thanks to biochar and to the control of the microbial environment in the shed and in the manure pit, materials cycles can be closed. Liquid manure in this way becomes a highly efficient, sustainable and odourless fertilizer. In spring and autumn, when farmers spray their fields with liquid manure, an acrid stench spreads across the country-side. This pungent smell comes especially from ammonia, a volatile nitrogen compound formed from the urea contained in the manure. Large portions of the ammonia, which is corrosive to soil organisms and fine roots, escape into the atmos-phere, where it binds to dust particles and returns in the form of acid rain onto fields, forests, cities and water systems, causing major environmental damage. While some of the minerals in the liquid manure like am-monium, nitrate, urea and phosphate become available as nutrients to the plant, a, significant portion of the nutrients is leached to ground and surface waters, not to mention the climate-damaging gas emissions. Some 50% of the nitrogen is
Two in vitro incubation experiments were conducted to test the hypothesis that biochar would serve as support media for biofilm development in a biodigester and would as a result increase the yield of biogas whether added separately or enclosed in a nylon bag The treatments in experiment 1 were: control (no biochar), biochar added at 1% of the substrate DM in the biodigester, biochar added at 3% of the substrate DM in the biodigester. The substrate was fresh manure from cattle fed dried cassava root, fresh cassava foliage and urea. Proportions of water and manure were arranged so that the manure provided 5% of the solids in the biodigester. Gas production was measured daily over the fermentation period of 30 days; methane in the gas was measured after 21 and 28 days. In experiment 2, a 2*2 factorial arrangement with 4 replications was used to compare level of biochar: 1% of solids in the digester or none; and presence or absence of a cloth bag in the biodigester. The fermentation was followed over 21 days with daily measurement of gas production and content of methane in the gas at the end of the fermentation. In experiment 1, incorporation of 1% (DM basis) of biochar in the biodigester increased gas production by 31% after 30 days of continuous fermentation; there were no benefits from increasing the biochar to 3% of the substrate DM. The methane content of the gas increased with the duration of the fermentation (24% higher at 28 compared with 21 days) but was not affected by the presence of biochar in the incubation medium. In experiment 2, adding 1% of biochar (DM basis) to the substrate increased gas production by 35%, reduced methane content of the gas by 8%, increased the DM solubilized (by 2%) and increased methane production per unit substrate solubilized by 25%. Presence of the cloth bag increased gas production when it also contained biochar but decreased it when added to the biodigester without biochar. There was a similar interaction for methane produced per unit substrate solubilized.
Currently, various products containing bamboo charcoal are popular. In this study, thermal insulation composites were manufactured with PET non-woven fabrics and bamboo charcoal woven fabrics. Bamboo charcoal can radiate far infrared rays and absorb smells, so it is used for textiles, deodorant materials, bedding, pillows, and so on. Non-woven fabrics were made with hollow and spiral polyester staple fibers, and had superior thermal insulation. The mechanical properties, thermal conductivity, and air permeability of the composites were evaluated. When the ratio of the low melting point fibers was 30%, the maximum breaking strength of the thermal insulation composites exceeded that in any other ratio conditions. Moreover, the thermal insulation of the composites was superior when the ratio of the low melting point fibers decreased. The air permeability of the thermal insulation composites increased with decreasing ratios of the low melting point fibers. The thermal insulation composites can be used in daily commodities and industrial products.
Various forms of carbon were screened for their ability to stimulate biogas production in batch fermenters and the commercial charcoal which was found to be most efficient was tried in a semi-continuous anaerobic digester. The addition of 5% commercial charcoal to cow dung on a dry weight basis resulted in augmentation of gas production by 17% and 34·7% in batch and semi-continuous fermenters, respectively. Analysis of the microbial profile of the fermenters showed that fermenters with charcoal had a higher number of both total anaerobic bacteria and cellulolytics. The decomposition of Volatile Solids increased from 30% to 34% and COD reduction from 55% to 69% on addition of charcoal to the semi-continuous digester. The Volatile Fatty Acid concentrations were similar and within the acceptable limits. Locally-produced wood charcoal was as good as the commercial charcoal in batch digestions, but other forms of carbon were not as efficient.
The occurrence of numerous areas of black soil associated with potsherds in Amazonia has stirred controversy on the origins of the soil type and its significance in terms of precontact aboriginal population densities in the region. The theories on the origin of black earth are reviewed and it is argued that it is anthropogenic. An analysis of the physical and chemical properties of the soil type, based on widespread sampling, supports the anthropogenic argument. The abundance and depth of black earth sites indicates that Indian populations were dense and in many cases sedentary before the arrival of Europeans, even in interfluve areas.
The floodplain forest of the Amazon is the last major agricultural frontier of the Americas. This unique habitat, inundated in some places to a depth of thirty feet a year, contains a marvellous variety of plant and animal resources that inhabitants have long reaped--fruit, nuts, building materials, fuelwood, and medicinal plants. While the floodplain has great potential for food production, its natural resource base is becoming increasingly threatened by ranching and agricultural expansion and impaired by inappropriate land-use practices. This important book, based both on field observations carried out over the past quarter century and historical material, demonstrates that knowledge possessed by area dwellers offers vital insights for promoting the sound economic development of the floodplain. Nigel Smith argues for the importance of balance between land-use systems, and suggests that research and development should be realigned to incorporate both modern science and traditional systems. Beautifully illustrated with the author's own photographs, this authoritative volume explores a broad range of ecological, historical, cultural, and socioeconomic issues, and offers practical suggestions for developing the floodplain that enhance, rather than destroy, biodiversity.
Biochar is the solid coproduct of biomass pyrolysis, a technique used for carbon-negative production of second-generation biofuels. The biochar can be applied as a soil amendment, where it permanently sequesters carbon from the atmosphere as well as improves soil tilth, nutrient retention, and crop productivity. In addition to its other benefits in soil, we found that soil-applied biochar induces systemic resistance to the foliar fungal pathogens Botrytis cinerea (gray mold) and Leveillula taurica (powdery mildew) on pepper and tomato and to the broad mite pest (Polyphagotarsonemus latus Banks) on pepper. Levels of 1 to 5% biochar in a soil and a coconut fiber-tuff potting medium were found to be significantly effective at suppressing both diseases in leaves of different ages. In long-term tests (105 days), pepper powdery mildew was significantly less severe in the biochar-treated plants than in the plants from the unamended controls although, during the final 25 days, the rate of disease development in the treatments and controls was similar. Possible biochar-related elicitors of systemic induced resistance are discussed.
Pflanzenkohle – eine Schlüsseltechnologie zur Schließung der Stoffkreisläufe
  • Hp Schmidt
Schmidt HP: Pflanzenkohle – eine Schlüsseltechnologie zur Schließung der Stoffkreisläufe, Ithaka Journal 2012: 75–79 (2012)
Biochar as building material for an optimal indoor climate
  • Hp Schmidt
Schmidt HP: Biochar as building material for an optimal indoor climate, Ithaka Journal 2013: x–y (2013)
Rekonstruktion von Besiedlungsmuster und -intensität einer Terra Preta anhand der kleinräumigen Nährstoffverteilung
  • J Birk
  • H Grosch
  • E Neves
  • W Teixeira
  • B Glaser
Birk J, Grosch H, Neves E, Teixeira W, Glaser B (2007): Rekonstruktion von Besiedlungsmuster und -intensität einer Terra Preta anhand der kleinräumigen Nährstoffverteilung, Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 110:643–644