
Investigation and water management aspects of a Hungarian-Ukrainian transboundary aquifer

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In the framework of an EEA Norway and EU grants project involving industrial and scientific partners, complex hydrogeological investigation and groundwater modeling of a regional transboundary aquifer between Hungary and Ukraine were carried out in 2010. To find a common groundwater management strategy, this challenging cooperation work was completed by an EU country and a non-EU country. This pilot project demonstrated how the EU Water Framework Directive and some other legal aspects can be applied for a regional scale transboundary aquifer between Hungary and Ukraine. The transboundary aquifers play significant role in Hungary because the country land is mainly located in a deep and closed basin called Carpathian. After finalizing the watershed management plans in 2009, it turned out that 40 from the total 185 groundwater bodies are classified as transboundary in Hungary. The authors were involved to participate in an earlier NATO Science for Peace Project, which investigated a transboundary aquifer between Hungary and Romania some years ago. The special experience gained that time was utilized in the current project.

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... There are significant number of water bases without decrees. 17 In the National Water Strategy (in the Jenő Kvassay Plan), the following statements have been drafted regarding the national water protection: (a) To secure operating drinking water bases is still unfinished, the maintenance of the system of safety and its financing is uncertain/unsatisfactory even for perspective drinking water bases; (b) The designation of the drinking water basins of the capital city and the metropolitan area, which are mainly river bank filtered systems, are in progress as they are typically located in a built-up area, and the issuance of decrees are slowed down by the legal requirements for river bank filtered systems. ...
... A határozattal nem rendelkező vízbázisok között jelentősek is vannak. 17 A Nemzeti Vízstratégiában (a Kvassay Jenő Tervben) a következő megállapítások kerültek megfogalmazásra a hazai vízbázisvédelemmel kapcsolatban: (a) Az üzemelő ivóvízbázisok biztonságba helyezése befejezetlen, a biztonságban tartás rendszere, finanszírozása bizonytalan/megoldatlan a távlati ivóvízbázisok esetében is; (b) A fővárost és az agglomerációt ellátó, főként parti szűrésű ivóvízbázisok kijelölése folyamatban van, mivel ezek jellemzően beépített területen találhatók, a vízügyi határozatok kiadását a parti szűrésű vízbázisokkal kapcsolatos jogszabályi előírások lassítják. ...
... National Water Strategy 2017.18 Szűcs et al. 2013.19 . ...
... The significance of these few case studies lies in their demonstration that modeling transboundary groundwater bodies offers valuable input for making informed decisions. An example of successful collaboration can be seen in the Hungarian and Ukrainian experts' project, where groundwater level simulations led to the abandonment of a planned gold-mining activity on the Ukrainian side [25]. ...
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Groundwater management in transboundary aquifers is complex due to the hidden nature of groundwater and its intricate interactions with surface water. The overarching issue lies in the need for improved tools and strategies to manage transboundary aquifers effectively, given their critical importance to regional water resources and ecosystems. In addressing these challenges, this study focuses on a specific transboundary aquifer system between Estonia and Latvia, situated within the sedimentary rocks of North-East Europe. Here, we propose a conceptual model approach as a valuable tool for comprehending the hydrogeological characteristics of transboundary aquifers and supporting more efficient management strategies. Utilizing open-source software MODFLOW-6, our developed conceptual model integrates the aquifer system’s geological and hydrogeological framework and simulates groundwater flow under transient conditions. Our findings highlight a profound hydrological connection between groundwater and surface water, particularly within the first 200 m of the aquifer. Despite varying cross-border groundwater flows, collaboration remains vital for sustainable transboundary aquifer management, aligning with international agreements such as the Water Convention and the EU Water Framework Directive, benefiting similar systems.
... Hydrogeologists have a responsible role in safeguarding the groundwater resources and managing their sustainable utilization in quantitative and qualitative terms (Szűcs, P. et al. 2013). During the past few years hydrogeologist experts had to face numerous global or local environmental challenges that may have significant effect on environmental elements, especially on groundwater (Kohán, B. and Szalai, J. 2014). ...
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A number of climatic cycles and teleconnections are known on the Earth. By definition, the cycles can have a periodic effect on the global climate, while teleconnections can influence the weather at large distances. At the same time, it is overwhelmingly assumed that the hydrological cycle is permanently intensifying all over the world. In this study, we determine and quantify some connections among these climatic cycles and precipitation data from across Hungary. By using cross-correlation and cross-spectral analysis, the connections of the climatic patterns and oscillations with the precipitation of different Hungarian areas have been defined. We used the 1950–2010 timeframe in order to be able to detect effects of several climatic patterns, such as the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the Arctic Oscillation (AO), the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), the Pacific/North American teleconnection pattern (PNA) and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) on the rainfall events of the Carpathian Basin. Data from four different precipitation measurement sites and oscillation indexes from several databases were used. The results help to understand the patterns and regularities of the precipitation, which is the major source of natural groundwater recharge, and a handy tool for future groundwater management measures. Because of the defined connections, any changes in these teleconnections will probably influence the future utilization of the Hungarian groundwater resources.
... Az is világosan látszik, hogy további igen komoly kutatás-fejlesztésre és innovációra van szükség ahhoz, hogy a geotermikus energia felhasználása jelentős mértékben növekedhessen akár hazánkban, akár globális léptékben. Számos hazai pályázat (Szűcs et al., 2013), szakmai tanulmány (Mádl-Szőnyi et al., 2015), valamint a felszín alatti vizek kutatásának európai léptékű vizsgálatával foglalkozó KINDRA H2020 projekt (URL1) eredményei is egyértelműen bizonyítják, hogy Európában az utóbbi évtizedben jelentősen fokozódik a kutatási tevékenység a geotermikus energia teljes spektrumát illetően (Fernandez et al., 2017). Ebben a hazai szakemberek széles körű nemzetközi elismertséget szereztek. ...
... Modeling is an important component of transboundary groundwater management systems. The use of numerical modeling to simulate groundwater behavior can enhance understanding of transboundary aquifer conditions and resources availability (e.g., [7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23]). Fendek and Fendekova [5] presented a numerical model to calculate available groundwater in the Zohor depression-an aquifer transcending national boundaries between the Slovak Republic and Austria. ...
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This study aims at modeling groundwater flow using MODFLOW in a transboundary hardrock-alluvium aquifer, located in northwestern Oman. A three-dimensional stratigraphic model of the study area representing the vertical and spatial extent of four principal hydro-geologic units (specifically, the Hawasina, ophiolite, Tertiary and alluvium) was generated using data collected from hundreds drilled borehole logs. Layer elevations and materials for four layers grid cells were taken from the generated stratigraphic model in which the materials and elevations were inherited from the stratigraphic model that encompasses the cell. This process led to accurate grid so that the developed groundwater conceptual model was mapped to simulate the groundwater flow and to estimate groundwater balance components and sustainable groundwater extraction for the Oct. 1996 to Sep. 2013 period. Results show that the long-term lateral groundwater flux ranging from 4.23 to 11.69 Mm3/year, with an average of 5.67 Mm3/year, drains from the fractured eastern ophiolite mountains into the alluvial zone. Moreover, the long-term regional groundwater sustainable groundwater extraction is 18.09 Mm3/year for 17-years while, it is respectively estimated as 14.51, 16.31, and 36.00 Mm3/year for dry, normal, and wet climate periods based on standardized precipitation index (SPI) climate condition. Considering a total difference in groundwater levels between eastern and western points of the study area on the order of 228 m and a 12-year monthly calibration period (Oct. 1996 to Sep. 2008), a root mean squared error (RMSE) in predicted groundwater elevation of 2.71 m is considered reasonable for the study area characterized by remarkable geological and hydrogeological diversity. A quantitative assessment of the groundwater balance components and particularly sustainable groundwater extraction for the different hydrological period would help decision makers to better understand the water resources in the Al-Buraimi region. Also, it would assist decision makers to improve existing strategies to enhance the decision making for future developments.
... A határszéleken Magyarország a felszín alatti vízkészleteket illetően is döntően alvízi helyzetben van, sajátságos, részben kiszolgáltatott helyzetet teremtve. A hazai kutatások eredményeképpen fontos eredmények születtek a határral osztott felszín alatti vízadók vízkészleteinek hasznosítása területén (Szűcs et al., 2013), amely tapasztalatokat számos UNESCO kurzus keretében sikerült megosztani a nagyvilágban. A határral osztott vízgyűjtőknél a környezet-és klímaváltozás hatásai még intenzívebben jelentkezhetnek. ...
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By using GIS methods for approximately the past 250 years changes of the riverbed of the Mura River were reconstructed in the study. The main point of the method is that we draw conclusions for development of the riverbed by projecting the different age current lines on each other. Separation and periodization of the anthropogenic interventions is possible by using this method. Using morphometric parameters the long-term development of the river and the meanders were analysed. The meander movement and cut-off is forecasted. Flood maps from MIKE 21 FM 2D hydraulic modelling and old historical maps were compared and evaluated.
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Fractured rock bodies are especially important in Hungary, where numerous hydrocarbon reservoirs and geothermal fields occur in the fractured crystalline basement of the Pannonian Basin. To simulate a 3D fracture network for both near well regions and at reservoir scale, a fractal geometry based DFN (discrete fracture network) modelling system (REPSIM) was used. To perform numerical simulation of the geological-hydrogeological problem in which hydraulic interaction between porous and fractured rock bodies are investigated, we combined different finite difference modelling systems. Results of modelling suggest that because of their rather special stratigraphic and structural position, the uplifted basement highs govern heat transfer and fluid flow like a chimney and so such formations are found very prospective for further geothermal investigations.
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The objective of the present paper is to show that groundwater is a general geologic agent. This perception could not, and did not, evolve until the system nature of basinal groundwater flow and its properties, geometries, and controlling factors became recognized and understood through the 1960s and 1970s. The two fundamental causes for groundwater's active role in nature are its ability to interact with the ambient environment and the systematized spatial distribution of its flow. Interaction and flow occur simultaneously at all scales of space and time, although at correspondingly varying rates and intensities. Thus, effects of groundwater flow are created from the land surface to the greatest depths of the porous parts of the Earth's crust, and from a day's length through geologic times. Three main types of interaction between groundwater and environment are identified in this paper, with several special processes for each one, namely: (1) Chemical interaction, with processes of dissolution, hydration, hydrolysis, oxidation-reduction, attack by acids, chemical precipitation, base exchange, sulfate reduction, concentration, and ultrafiltration or osmosis; (2) Physical interaction, with processes of lubrication and pore-pressure modification; and (3) Kinetic interaction, with the transport processes of water, aqueous and nonaqueous matter, and heat. Owing to the transporting ability and spatial patterns of basinal flow, the effects of interaction are cumulative and distributed according to the geometries of the flow systems. The number and diversity of natural phenomena that are generated by groundwater flow are almost unlimited, due to the fact that the relatively few basic types are modified by some or all of the three components of the hydrogeologic environment: topography, geology, and climate. The six basic groups into which manifestations of groundwater flow have been divided are: (1) Hydrology and hydraulics; (2) Chemistry and mineralogy; (3) Vegetation; (4) Soil and rock mechanics; (5) Geomorphology; and (6) Transport and accumulation. Based on such a diversity of effects and manifestations, it is concluded that groundwater is a general geologic agent.
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Reliability and validity of groundwater analysis strongly depend on the availability of large volumes of high-quality data. Putting all data into a coherent and logical structure supported by a computing environment helps ensure validity and availability and provides a powerful tool for hydrogeological studies. A hydrogeological geographic information system (GIS) database that offers facilities for groundwater-vulnerability analysis and hydrogeological modelling has been designed in Belgium for the Walloon region. Data from five river basins, chosen for their contrasting hydrogeological characteristics, have been included in the database, and a set of applications that have been developed now allow further advances. Interest is growing in the potential for integrating GIS technology and groundwater simulation models. A "loose-coupling" tool was created between the spatial-database scheme and the groundwater numerical model interface GMS (Groundwater Modelling System). Following time and spatial queries, the hydrogeological data stored in the database can be easily used within different groundwater numerical models.
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Recharging from open-surface water resources is investigated as a method for remediation of over-produced and contaminated aquifers. The hydraulic and contaminant modeling using the Modflow-2000 and MT3DMS simulation software are resorted for evaluation of the available options. Methodology is developed and illustrated for reviewing the alternative remediation approaches for optimal selection of the best remediation approach to aquifer recharging from surface waters. The effectiveness of the present systematic approach is demonstrated by identifying the best choice among the multifunctional artificial recharge options available for the Great Forest Park in Debrecen, Hungary.
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More than one-half of the world's population is dependent on ground water for everyday uses such as drinking, cooking, and hygiene. In fact, it is the most extracted natural resource in the world. As a result of growing populations and expanding economies, many aquifers today are being depleted while others are being contaminated. Notwithstanding the world's considerable reliance on this resource, ground water resources have long received only secondary attention as compared to surface water, especially among legislatures and policymakers. Today, while there are hundreds of treaties governing transboundary rivers and lakes, there is only one international agreement that directly addresses a transboundary aquifer. Given that many of the aquifers on which humanity so heavily relies cross international borders, there is a considerable gap in the sound management, allocation, and protection of such resources. In order to prevent future disputes over transboundary aquifers and to maximize the beneficial use of this resource, international law must be clarified as it applies to transboundary ground water resources. Moreover, it must be defined with a firm basis in sound scientific understanding. In this paper we offer six conceptual models is which ground water resources can have transboudary consequences. The models are intended to help in assessing the applicability and scientific soundness of existing and proposed rules governing transboundary ground water resources. In addition, we consider the development of international law as it applies to ground water resources and make recommendations based on the models and principles of hydrogeology. The objective is the development of clear, logical, and science-based norms of state conducts as they relate to aquifers that traverse political boundaries.
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Transboundary aquifers are as important a component of global water resource systems as are transboundary rivers; yet, their recognition in international water policy and legislation is very limited. Existing international conventions and agreements barely address aquifers and their resources. To rectify this deficiency, the International Association of Hydrogeologists and UNESCO's International Hydrological Programme have established the Internationally Shared (transboundary) Aquifer Resource Management (ISARM) Programme. This multiagency cooperative program has launched a number of global and regional initiatives. These are designed to delineate and analyze transboundary aquifer systems and to encourage riparian states to work cooperatively toward mutually beneficial and sustainable aquifer development. The agencies participating in ISARM include international and regional organizations (e.g., Organization of American States, United Nations Environment Programme, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Food and Agriculture Organization, and South African Development Community). Using outputs of case studies, the ISARM Programme is building scientific, legal, environmental, socioeconomic, and institutional guidelines and recommendations to aid sharing nations in the management of their transboundary aquifers. Since its start in 2000, the program has completed inventories of transboundary aquifers in the Americas and Africa, and several ISARM case studies have commenced.
The objective of the present paper is to show that groundwater is a general geologic agent. This perception could not, and did not, evolve until the system nature of basinal groundwater flow and its properties , geometries, and controlling factors became recognized and understood through the 1960s and 1970s. The two fundamental causes for groundwater's active role in nature are its ability to interact with the ambient environment and the systematized spatial distribution of its flow. Interaction and flow occur simultaneously at all scales of space and time, although at correspondingly varying rates and intensities. Thus, effects of groundwater flow are created from the land surface to the greatest depths of the porous parts of the Earth's crust, and from a day's length through geologic times. Three main types of interaction between groundwater and environment are identified in this paper, with several special processes for each one, namely: (1) Chemical interaction, with processes of dissolution, hydration, hydrolysis, oxidation-reduction, attack by acids, chemical precipitation, base exchange, sulfate reduction, concentration, and ultrafiltration or osmosis; (2) Physical interaction, with processes of lubrication and pore-pressure modification; and (3) Kinetic interaction , with the transport processes of water, aqueous and nonaqueous matter, and heat. Owing to the transporting ability and spatial patterns of basinal flow, the effects of interaction are cumulative and distributed according to the geometries of the flow systems. The number and diversity of natural phenomena that are generated by groundwater flow are almost unlimited, due to the fact that the relatively few basic types are modified by some or all of the three components of the hydrogeologic environment: topography, geology, and climate. The six basic groups into which manifestations of groundwater flow have been divided are: (1) Hydrology and hydraulics; (2) Chemistry and mineralogy; (3) Vegetation; (4) Soil and rock mechanics; (5) Geomorphology; and (6) Transport and accumulation. Based on such a diversity of effects and manifestations, it is concluded that groundwater is a general geologic agent. Résumé L'objectif de ce papier est de montrer que les eaux souterraines sont un agent géologique général. On n'a pas pu avoir conscience de ce rôle avant que la nature en tant que système de l'écoulement souterrain dans les bassins et ses propriétés, ses géométries et ses facteurs de contrôle aient été reconnus et compris au cours des années 60 et 70. Les deux causes fondamentales du rôle actif des eaux souterraines dans la nature sont leur capacité à interagir avec l'environnement et la distribution spatiale généralisée de leur écoulement. L'interaction et l'écoulement se produisent en même temps à toutes les échelles de temps et d'espace, mais à des taux et à des intensités variables selon les échelles. Ainsi, les écoulements souterrains produisent leurs effets depuis la surface du sol jusqu'aux profondeurs les plus grandes dans les parties poreuses de l'écorce terrestre, et pour des durées qui s'étendent d'une journée jusqu'aux temps géologiques. Trois types principaux d'interaction entre les eaux souterraines et l'environnement sont identifiés dans ce papier, avec plusieurs processus par-ticuliers pour chacun ; ce sont: 1) les interactions chimi-ques, avec les processus de dissolution, d'hydratation, d'hydrolyse, d'oxydo-réduction, d'attaque acide, de précipitation chimique, d'échange de bases, de réduc-tion des sulfates, de concentration et d'ultrafiltration ou d'osmose, 2) les interactions physiques, avec les processus de lubrification et de modification de pres-sion de pores, et 3) les interactions cinétiques, avec les processus de transport de l'eau, de substances aqueuses et non aqueuses et de chaleur. Grâce à la capacité de transport et à l'organisation spatiale des écoulements dans les bassins, les effets de ces interactions sont cumulatifs et se distribuent en fonction des géométries des systèmes d'écoulement. Le nombre et la diversité des phénomènes naturels générés par les écoulements souterrains sont presque 2 Hydrogeology Journal (1999) 7 : 1-14 Q Springer-Verlag illimités, du fait que les quelques types de base sont modifiés par certaines ou par l'ensemble des trois composantes de l'environnement hydrogéologique: la topographie, la géologie et le climat. Voici les six groupes de base dans lesquels les eaux souterraines se manifestent: 1) l'hydrologie et l'hydraulique, 2) la chimie et la minéralogie, 3) la végétation, 4) le sol et la mécanique des roches, 5) la géomorphologie, et 6) le transport et l'accumulation. En se basant sur une telle variété des effets et des manifestations, on en conclut que les eaux souterraines sont un agent géologique général. Resumen El objetivo del artículo es mostrar que el agua subterránea es un agente geológico habitual. Esta percepción no se pudo desarrollar hasta que la natu-raleza de la hidrogeología de cuenca, sus propiedades, geometría y factores de control no fueron reconocidos y entendidos en las décadas de los 60-70. Las dos causas fundamentales para el papel activo de las aguas subterráneas en la naturaleza son su capa-cidad para interactuar con el medio ambiente y la distribución espacial del flujo. Ambas tienen lugar simultáneamente a todas las escalas de espacio y tiempo, aunque con distintas intensidades. Así, el flujo subterráneo tiene lugar desde la superficie hasta a grandes profundidades, y desde escalas de un día hasta tiempos geológicos. En este artículo se identifican tres tipos principales de interacciones entre aguas subterrá-neas y medio ambiente, con ciertos procesos particu-lares para cada tipo de interacción: (1) Interacción química, con los procesos de disolución, hidratación, hidrólisis, oxidación-reducción, ataque químico, preci-pitación, intercambio iónico, reducción de sulfatos, concentración, ultrafiltración y ósmosis; (2) Interacción física, con los procesos de lubrificación y modificación de presiones y (3) Interacción cinética, con los procesos de transporte de agua, materia acuosa y no acuosa y calor. Dadas la capacidad de transporte y las caracterís-ticas especiales del flujo en cuencas sedimentarias, los efectos de interacción son acumulativos y se distri-buyen de acuerdo con la geometría de los sistemas de flujo. El número y la diversidad de los fenómenos natu-rales que se generan mediante flujo subterráneo son prácticamente ilimitados, ya que los tipos básicos se pueden modificar por una o varias de las componentes del medio hidrogeológico: topografía, geología y clima. Los seis grupos básicos en los que se han dividido las manifestaciones de flujo subterráneo son: (1) Hidro-logía e hidráulica, (2) Química y mineralogía, (3) Vege-tación, (4) Mecánica del suelo y de las rocas, (5) Geomorfología y (6) Transporte. Basándose en tan gran diversidad de efectos y manifestaciones se concluye que las aguas subterráneas son un agente geológico habitual.
The alluvial aquifer of Somes-Szamos River is a transboundary hydrogeological basin, shared between Romania and Hungary. The research was carried out by a group of scientific teams formed by Belgium, Romanian and Hungarian partners, in the frame of the NATO Science for Peace programme. Difficult problems had to be overcome due to the specific hydrogeological structure of the aquifer. Before this project, every country had its own understanding of the geological structure. A scientific concertation allowed the establishment of a coherent geological interpretative model in agreement with all available data. Hydrogeologically, based on this conceptual model, a simplified structure of the regional groundwater flow model with 3 layers was considered as a reasonable compromise between the actual complexity of the aquifer and the relatively scarce volume of reliable data concerning hydrogeological parameters and variables. A spatially distributed and "process-based" numerical model has been established making optimal use of various data concerning geology, hydrology, hydrogeology, geomorphology, topography were required. Some of these data were collected from various archives; others were measured during successive field campaigns, undertaken in October 2001, April 2002, April 2003 and October 2003. All collected data were introduced and organised into a common database, whose concept was developed previously by the Hydrogeology Group of the University of Liège. This GIS-linked database was used first for providing and processing, input information for the regional groundwater modelling, but it will be usable for many purposes linked to the groundwater management of this transboundary aquifer.
The Most Frequent Value Method (MFV) is applied to groundwater modeling as a robust and effective geostatistical method. The Most Frequent Value method is theoretically derived from the minimization of the information loss called the I-divergence. The MFV algorithm is then coupled with global optimization (Very Fast Simulated Annealing) to provide a powerful method for solving the inverse problems in groundwater modeling. The advantages and applicability of this new approach are illustrated by means of theoretical investigations and case studies. It is demonstrated that the MFV method has certain advantages over the conventional statistical methods derived from the maximum likelihood principle.
Simply-structured groundwater model analysis for informing management of transboundary aquifers: Examples from Bengal Aquifer System (Bangladesh, Insdia) and Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System
  • C I Voss
  • H A Michael
  • P Aggarwal
  • CI Voss
Voss, C.I., Michael, H.A., and Aggarwal, P., Simply structured groundwater model analysis for informing management of transboundary aquifers: Examples from Bengal Aquifer System (Bangladesh, Insdia) and Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System (Chad, Egypt, Libya, Sudan), Intern. Conf. "Transboundary Aquifers: Challenges and New Directions", ISARM2010, Paris, UNESCO, 6-8 December, 2010, pp. 1-2.
4.8 Hydrogeological Study of Somes-Szamos Transboundary Alluvial Aquifer, Transboundary Water Resources Management, A Multi-disciplinary Approach, Ganulis
  • R Drobot
  • P Szucs
  • S Brouyere
  • M Minciuna
  • L Lenart
  • A Dassargues
Drobot, R., Szucs P., Brouyere, S., Minciuna, M., Lenart, L., and Dassargues, A., 4.8 Hydrogeological Study of Somes Szamos Transboundary Alluvial Aquifer, Transboundary Water Resources Management, A Multi disciplinary Approach, Ganulis, J., Aureli, A., and Fried, J., Eds., 2011, ISBN 978 3 527 33014 0, Wiley VCH, Weinheim, 2011, pp. 136-142.
Transboundary aquifers: Managing a vital resource
  • R M Stephan
  • RM Stephan
Stephan, R.M., Transboundary aquifers: Managing a vital resource, UNESCO, Intern. Hydrological Program, France, 2009, pp. 1-24.
Common char acterization of the transboundary aquifer of Some Sza mos river
  • A Dassargues
  • S Brouyere
  • I Popescu
  • L Lenart
  • P Szucs
  • T Madarasz
  • A Szabo
  • M Bretotean
  • M Minciuna
  • A Filip
  • F Nistea
  • A Szendrei
  • S Curtean
  • M Virag
  • L Miko
Dassargues, A., Brouyere, S., Popescu, I., Lenart, L., Szucs, P., Madarasz, T., Szabo, A., Bretotean, M., Minciuna, M., Filip, A., Nistea, F., Szendrei, A., Curtean, S., Virag, M., and Miko, L., Common char acterization of the transboundary aquifer of Some Sza mos river (Romania Hungary), BALWOIS, Conference on Water Observation and Information Sytems for Deci sion Support, 25-29 May, 2004, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, pp. 1-11.