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Food chemistry and chemophobia



Chemophobia is the exaggerated fear of anything ‘chemical’ which is found quite widespread both in the Western world and in Asia. That food incontrovertibly is chemistry seems to require regulation of all sorts. As we will see below, that would truly necessitate gargantuan determination exceeding every regulatory effort to date. Worse, it will be futile. Our food is peppered with natural compounds such as organohalogens, dioxins, aflatoxins, and many others. These we will briefly discuss, including their natural whereabouts. Overall, the aim of this paper is to show that food is chemistry beyond our immediate control, including those synthetic chemicals that are deemed to be artificial and should not be found in ‘safe’ food. The latter is an overestimation of regulatory competence and an underestimation of nature to produce most unlikely chemicals in unlikely places, including our food.
1 23
Food Security
The Science, Sociology and Economics
of Food Production and Access to Food
ISSN 1876-4517
Food Sec.
DOI 10.1007/s12571-013-0251-2
Food chemistry and chemophobia
Gordon W.Gribble
1 23
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Food chemistry and chemophobia
Gordon W. Gribble
Received: 23 August 2012 /Accepted: 6 February 2013
#Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht and International Society for Plant Pathology 2013
Abstract Chemophobia is the exaggerated fear of anything
chemicalwhich is found quite widespread both in the
Western world and in Asia. That food incontrovertibly is
chemistry seems to require regulation of all sorts. As we will
see below, that would truly necessitate gargantuan determi-
nation exceeding every regulatory effort to date. Worse, it
will be futile. Our food is peppered with natural compounds
such as organohalogens, dioxins, aflatoxins, and many
others. These we will briefly discuss, including their natural
whereabouts. Overall, the aim of this paper is to show that
food is chemistry beyond our immediate control, including
those synthetic chemicals that are deemed to be artificial and
should not be found in safefood. The latter is an
overestimation of regulatory competence and an underesti-
mation of nature to produce most unlikely chemicals in
unlikely places, including our food.
Keywords Chemistry .Organohalogens .Chemophobia .
Food safety .Food security
This paper is an extension of my presentation at the sympo-
sium Food Safety versus Food Securityheld on October 4,
2011, in Wageningen, The Netherlands. My particular focus
at the symposium was to compare natural and synthetic
chemicals in food with respect to toxicity and concentration,
and to address chemophobia, the irrational fear of chemicals
which is particularly pervasive in the Western world and in
Asia, if not worldwide (Gribble 1991;Kauffman1991;
Worman and Gribble 1992; Hagen and Worman 1995;
Billington et al. 2008). I shall also address a number of issues
in the context of food safety concerning those naturally oc-
curring compounds which are ubiquitous in our food, includ-
ing mycotoxins and other natural chemicals that can and do
cause illness and death in humans. A basic premise of this
paper is that the dose makes the poison”–everything is toxic
at some level.
Various dictionaries define phobiaas A fear or anxiety that
exceeds normal proportions or that has no basis in reality; an
obsessive or irrational dread,or An exaggerated, usually
inexplicable and illogical fear of a particular object or class
of objects,or A persistent, abnormal, or illogical fear of a
specific thing or situation.What we, as scientists, are fighting
is the following: The whole aim of practical politics is to keep
the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to
safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins,
all of them imaginary.(Mencken 1949).
Dianne Dumanoski (Boston Globe reporter and co-author
of Our Stolen Future) in 1990 told an environmental gath-
ering that there is no such thing as objective reporting
.Ive become even more crafty about finding the voices
to say the things I think are true. Thatsmysubversivemis-
sion.(Ray 1993).
Paul Watson (Greenpeace): It doesnt matter what is true,
it only matters what people believe is true.(Watson 1993).
At a 1985 conference in Bavaria, Dr. Walter Simmler
provided this summary, Chemophobia is justified by
industry formalized by government nourished by the
media tolerated, at least, by politicians kindled by
whoever expects personal or collective gains of sorts
(Crummett 2002).
G. W. Gribble (*)
Department of Chemistry, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
03755, USA
Food Sec.
DOI 10.1007/s12571-013-0251-2
Author's personal copy
One might argue that the birth of chemophobia and the
related chemical fear of chlorine, chlorophobia, occurred
in 1962 with Rachel CarsonsSilent Spring(Carson 1962).
Subsequent chemical accidents such as the dioxin exposure
in Times Beach, Missouri (1971) (Gough 1986), Love
Canal, New York (1976) (Mazur 1998), Seveso, Italy
(1976) (Fuller 1979), Bhopal, India (1984) (Eckerman
2005), and the publication of Our Stolen Futureby Theo
Coburn et al. (1996) (Coburn et al. 1996) all conspired to
inflame the lay public against chemicals.
The word chemicalbecame a dirty word despite the
fact that everything we see, smell, and touch is chemical!
While chemical scares invariably appear on the front page,
the follow-up stories that often refute the initial scares never
do. Four notable case reports are these: (Lieberman and
Kwon 2004) (1) The Love Canal Final Report: Victims
were found to possess somewhat better health and showed
lower incidences of all forms of cancer than the general
population of the rest of the state of New York; (2) A
second, larger study to examine a possible connection
between breast cancer risk and exposure to DDT and
PCBs has found no strong evidence to support such a
link (Krieger et al. 1994); (3) The EPA official who
ordered the evaluation of Times Beach, Missouri, later
admitted that this was a mistake and was unnecessary;
and (4) The retraction of the endocrine disruptor syner-
gistic effectpaper (McLachlan 1997).
Of molecules, concentrations and toxicity
To avoid the word chemical, euphemisms abound in the
media: wine aroma,flowerbouquet, perfume fra-
grance, restaurant odor, bakery smell, garbage stench,
and skunk scent. Of course, these descriptors are volatile
chemicals that we are breathing! And, our chemical vita-
mins are called nutrients!Nomatterhowwedescribe
chemistry, the basic tenet of pharmacology is that The
Dose Makes the Poison(Frank and Ottoboni 2011).
Molecules are really small! Indeed, one can easily calcu-
late that in a single drop of water there are 6×10
ual molecules of H
O (600 billion billion). This incredibly
large number is made strikingly relevant when one realizes
that this figure is roughly equivalent to the number of grains
of sand on all the beaches on earth!
An example of how infinitesimal molecules are is to ima-
gine dioxin in a glass of milk (100 mL). At concentrations
down to a part-per-trillion (ppt) this corresponds to 180 billion
molecules, an amount detectable by todays analytical
methods. However, at lower levels such as a part-per-
quintillion this amount of dioxin cannot be detected analyti-
cally, despite the presence of 180,000 molecules of dioxin in
the glass of milk! Indeed, it is suggested by an EPA scientist
that one would expect to find every known compound at a
concentration of 1 part per quadrillion or higher in a sample of
drinking water(Donaldson 1977; Crummett 2002).
Any chemical can be toxic depending on the dose.
Several cases of fatal water consumption not involving
drowning have occurred in recent years. At Chico State
University in California in 2005, the fraternity Chi Taus
Hell Weekinvolved water hazing. Pledges were forced to
drink up to five gallons of water. The winningpledge
drank six gallons in less than 4 h and died. Two other
pledges became comatose but survived. In 2008, also in
California, a radio station contest was to see who could
drink the most water without urinating. The winnerwas
a young woman who drank only two gallons of water very
quickly and subsequently died. The body becomes water
logged as the sodium ion concentration plummets and cells
swell and burst. The brain enlarges and becomes water
logged(Frank and Ottoboni 2011).
Cases of sodium chloride fatalities are also well known.
Although essential for life, a fatal dose in children can be as
little as two tablespoons (LD
3,000 mg/kg). A famous
case in a Boston hospital involved a nurse who inadvertently
substituted salt for sugar in an infants formula, which killed
the baby (Frank and Ottoboni 2011).
Numerous cases of fatal caffeine consumption have oc-
curred (Dimaio and Garriott 1974; Sullivan 1977). While
moderate caffeine consumption appears beneficial, a lethal
dose is not much higher than the typical two cupsof
coffee. A five-year-old girl ingested 53 Tri-Aquatablets,
which is a caffeine-containing over-the-counter diuretic, and
died6hlater.Thisamountofcaffeine (amount 3 g) is
equivalent to 30 cups of coffee. Other fatal caffeine episodes
include a 35-year-old woman accidentally given 3.23 g
intravenously, a 15-month-old child mistakenly given
90 ml of a 20 % caffeine solution, instead of a 2 % solution,
a 45-year-old woman given 50 g of caffeine instead of 50 g
of glucose, and a 27-year-old woman who committed sui-
cide by taking 10 g of caffeine.
Other common chemicals that we ingest, such as sodium
fluoride, aspirin, vitamin D, potatoes (solanine), spinach and
rhubarb (oxalic acid), probably pose more of a health threat
than the minute synthetic pesticide residues that may be in
our food. Indeed, a common misconception is that natural
(organic) food is inherently safer than food made using
synthetic pesticides. Winter and Katz have examined die-
tary exposure of consumers to pesticides found in twelve
commodities implicated as having the greatest potential for
pesticide residue contamination by a United States-based
environmental advocacy group.They conclude that (1)
exposures to the most commonly detected pesticides on the
twelve commodities pose negligible risks to consumers, (2)
substitution of organic forms of the twelve commodities for
conventional forms does not result in any appreciable
G.W. Gribble
Author's personal copy
reduction of consumer risks, and (3) the methodology used
by the environmental advocacy group to rank commodities
with respect to pesticide risks lacks scientific credibility.
(Winter and Katz 2011). Nature is not benign!
Natural toxins
Probably all plants, trees, and vegetables produce their own
complement of natural pesticides. It is estimated that we ingest
10,000 times more natural than synthetic pesticides, up to
1.5 g per day (Ames and Gold 1989). Notable examples of
natural pesticides (insecticides, fungicides, etc.) are nicotine,
caffeine, cocaine, and pyrethrin, all of which have powerful
insecticidal properties. Recent examples of natural pesticides
have been identified in mint (1R,2R)-2-methyl-5-(propan-2-
ylidene) cyclohexanol, (1), asparagus, N,N-dimethyl-1,2-
dithiolan-4-amine; also known as nereistoxin (2), and 1,2-
dithiolane- 4-carboxylic acid, (3), tomato, tridecan-2-one (4),
and marigold, 2,2:5,2-terthiophene, (5).
Some of these naturalpesticides are highly toxic to humans.
For example, the edible Asian mushroom Russula subnigricans
contains cycloprop-2-ene carboxylic acid (6) that has caused
several cases of fatal rhabdomyolysis. Eating only two or three
pieces of this mushroom can be fatal. The concentration of this
natural toxic chemical in the mushroom is 720 ppm (Matsuura
et al. 2009). A diet regime of herbs containing natural
aristolochic acid during a slimming regimen has led to fatal
kidney disease and urothelial cancer in hundreds of women.
This Chinese Herbs Nephropathywas first observed in
Belgium in 1991 (Greensfelder 2000; Nortier et al. 2000;
Stiborová et al. 2002;Arltetal.2002,2004; Cosyns 2003).
Food chemistry and chemophobia
Author's personal copy
Aflatoxins (78) are mold metabolites formed on peanuts
and corn and are known to cause liver cancer (Goldblatt 1969;
Wild and Gong 2010). Qidong city has the highest incidence
of liver cancer in China, 72.1 and 19.1 per 100,000 for males
and females, respectively, during the years 19881992 (Parkin
et al. 1997) and 65 % of the population showed signs of
aflatoxin exposure (Pool 1992). Peanuts grown by African
farmers are very susceptible to fungal growth and subsequent
aflatoxin contamination, which is favored and promoted by
hot, humid conditions. Ochratoxin (9) is another ubiquitous
mycotoxin produced by the fungi Aspergillus ochraceus and
Penicillium verrucosum that contaminates cereals, spices,
grapes, coffee, and can be found in beer, wine, and meat
products (van der Merwe et al. 1965a,b;Pitt2000). This
fungal metabolite is possibly carcinogenic.
The following foods contain natural pesticides that cause
cancer in rats or mice and are present at levels ranging from
a few ppb to 4 million ppb: apples, bananas, basil, broccoli,
cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cinnamon, cloves, co-
coa, comfrey tea, honeydew melon, kale, mushrooms, mus-
tard, nutmeg, parsley, peaches, black pepper, pineapples,
radishes, raspberries, tarragon, and turnips (Ames et al.
1990; Ames 1991). Apple juice contains 137 natural volatile
chemicals, of which only five have been tested for carcino-
genicity; of these, three have been found to be carcinogenic.
Black pepper extracts cause tumors in mice at a level of
4 mg per day for 3 months (160 mg/kg [ppm]); average
human intake is 140 mg/day. The false morel mushroom
contains 11 hydrazines, 3 of which are known carcinogens.
One of these is present at a concentration of 50 mg/100 g of
mushroom (500 ppm) and causes tumors in mice at the level
of 0.02 mg per mouse per day. Some of the natural rodent
carcinogens are listed in Table 1(Ames and Gold 1989;
Ames et al. 1990;Ames1991).
Several natural pesticides are identical or nearly so to
man-made pesticides. Methyl bromide (bromomethane), a
commercial fumigant and pesticide, which is now banned in
California, is actually produced from natural soil bromide
by several plants such as broccoli, cabbage, radish, turnip,
rapeseed and mustard. Given the ubiquitous distribution of
bromide in soil, methyl bromide production by terrestrial
higher plants is likely to be a large source for atmospheric
methyl bromide(Gan et al. 1998). Given the rates of
production that were measured in the laboratory, the esti-
mated annual global production of methyl bromide from
rapeseed is 6,600 t. Ironically, this research was done in
Other natural mycotoxins are known to be toxic to humans.
Tomatoes infected with fungi (Penicillium tularense,
Stemphylium eturmiumum,Stemphylium lycopersici)become
contaminated with several mycotoxins (janthitrems, paspalinine,
paxilline, stemphols, infectopyrone, and macrosporin)
(Andersen and Frisvad 2004). Their thin skin makes tomatoes
very susceptible to mold and decay.
The fumonisins, such as fumonisin B1 (15), are myco-
toxins produced by the Fusarium molds, Fusarium
verticillioides and F. moniliforme that infect corn, wheat,
and other cereals (Wild and Gong 2010). The less processed
the corn is, the more fumonisin will be present. Refined corn
products, corn flakes, corn starch, and high fructose sugar,
have lower amounts or no fumonisin present. These toxins
are heptatoxic and nephrotoxic to horses, cattle, and swine,
and may have caused fatal birth defects in babies whose
mothers consumed corn tortillas contaminated with
Tab l e 1 Natural food compounds that are carcinogens in rodents
(Ames and Gold 1989; Ames et al. 1990; Ames 1991)
Carcinogen Source ppm
5- (10) and 8-
methoxypsoralen (11)
parsley 14
parsnips 32
Sinigrin (allyl
isothiocyanate (12))
cabbage 35590
cauliflower 1266
brussel sprouts 1101560
Limonene (13) orange juice 31
Caffeic acid (14) apples, carrots, celery 50200
cherries, eggplant, grapes,
lettuce, pears, plums
potatoes, coffee 1800
Neochlorogenic acid
(caffeic acid)
apples, apricots, broccoli 50500
brussel sprouts, cabbage
cherries, kale, peaches
pears, plums
G.W. Gribble
Author's personal copy
fumonisin during their pregnancy in Texas in 1991 (Marasas
et al. 2004). Fumonisin has been linked to esophageal can-
cer in humans (Bezuidenhout et al. 1988; Stockmann-
Juvalla and Savolainen 2008). Aflatoxin fungus was present
on corn used in U.S. pet food that led to the deaths of 23
dogs and cats in 2005. In 1998 more than 80 % of the Texas
corn crop was contaminated by Aspergillus flavus
(Josephson 2001; Klich 2007).
Vomitoxin (16) is a mycotoxin that contaminates grains
(wheat, barley, oat, rye, corn) and less often rice, This Type
B trichothecene is also known as deoxynivalenol (DON)
and is produced primarily by Fusarium graminearum
(Gilberella zeae) and F. culmorum which cause head blight
in wheat and ear rot in maize (Gautam and Dill-Macky
The toxic potato glycoalkaloids α-chaconine and α-
solanine present a potential threat to humans as a billion
people worldwide eat potato, and this food contains 90
175 mg/kg fresh weight of total glycoalkaloids (Mensinga
et al. 2005).
The simplest organochlorine compound methyl chloride
(chloromethane) has multiple natural sources (fungi, marine
algae, forest fires, plants, volcanoes, potatoes) that dwarf
anthropogenic emissions by about 200 fold. It is estimated
that with each breath we inhale 10
molecules of
methyl chloride without ill effect (Winterton 1996). Some
other natural organochlorine compounds are shown below
Chloroform -
ll l
A spectacular example of natural pesticides in action is
seen with the edible Japanese Lily Lilium maximowiczii.
When this plant is attacked by the pathogenic fungus
Fusarium oxysporum the lily biosynthesizes seven
Food chemistry and chemophobia
Author's personal copy
fungicidal chlorinated phenols (2127) at the site of infec-
tion (Monde et al. 1988). Interestingly, these novel com-
pounds are structurally similar to man-made chlorinated
fungicides but were previously unknown to science.
An example of both a synthetic and natural compound,
desirable in low concentrations but toxic in high amounts, is
diacetyl (28). This natural compound is the familiar odor of
butter and some white wines (Chardonnay, Sauvignon
Blanc, white Burgundy). It is also added to microwave
popcorn, but plant workers who are often exposed to high
concentrations of diacetyl (1.398 ppm) in the mixing
roomexperience high rates of chronic cough and lung-
function abnormalities (bronchiolitis) (Kreiss et al. 2002).
Natures complexity and synthetic versatility is illustrated
with the favorite edible seaweed Asparagopsis taxiformis,
limu kohu, of native Hawaiians. This alga produces more
than 100 halogenated compounds that contribute to the
aroma of this delicacy (Scheme 1) (Moore 1977).
Although present in very small quantities and probably
degraded during steaming, these compounds may be impli-
cated in the relative high incidence of stomach cancer in this
population. As good alkylation reaction substrates, like tear
gases and nerve agents, several of these organohalogens are
expected to be very reactive towards DNA and proteins.
One can speculate that these natural compounds serve the
alga as repellents, feeding deterrents, antibacterials, or anti-
fouling agents.
A food contaminant of great concern is dioxin, a descriptor
that represents a large number of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-
dioxins that arise as a result of industrial processes and
Scheme 1 Organohalogens
from Hawaiian Red Alga
(Asparagopsis taxiformis)
G.W. Gribble
Author's personal copy
combustion products (Gribble 1974;Crummett2002;
Baccarelli et al. 2005). What is generally unknown is
that dioxins have several natural sources, as do the
related polychlorinated dibenzofurans. Major reposito-
ries of natural dioxins are ancient ball clays in deep
sediments in the U.S., Germany, Spain, Australia, and
Japan deposited in the Tertiary Era (72 Ma) (Horii et
al. 2008).
Several hypotheses have been advanced for the origin
of these dioxins, including ancient forest fire deposits,
volcanic emissions, chloroperoxidase oxidative dimeriza-
tion of natural chlorophenols, and mineral-promoted
synthesis. Lightning-induced forest fires and peroxidase-
catalyzed dimerization of natural chlorophenols (e.g., in com-
post) are now well-documented (Winterton 2000;
Crummett 2002). Six New Brunswick peat bogs have
yielded several dioxins along with chloroform and
chlorophenols (Silk et al. 1997). The dioxins observed
in this study are not normally present in anthropogenic
dioxin mixtures, and radiolabeled chloride experiments
support an in vivo biosynthesis origin via chlorophenols
and chloroperoxidase. Several marine sponges contain
unprecedented polybrominated dioxins 2931 (Utkina
et al. 2001,2002).
A remarkable development in dioxin research is that
the mammalian enzyme in our white blood cells,
myeloperoxidase (MPO), can effect oxidative dimeriza-
tion of chlorophenols to dioxins (Scheme 2)(Wittsiepe
et al. 1999,2000). Thus, a human biosynthesis of dioxins is
Natural product chemists have also discovered naturally
occurring polychlorinated dibenzofurans. The slime mold
Dictyostelium purpureum and the lichen Lecanona sp. produce
the dibenzofurans 32 and 33 (Sawada et al. 2000; Tanahashi et
al. 2001; Takenaka et al. 2005), and numerous simple furans
such as 3436 occur naturally in food (Keay et al. 2008).
Food and health supporting chemicals
Many of natures chemicals found in food are not pesticides;
quite a few of these chemicals are highly beneficial for our
health. Indeed, some 8,000 polyphenols called flavonoids
are present in myriad fruits, vegetables, tea, wine and other
foods (Benavente-García and Castillo 2008; Hounsome et
al. 2008). These phytochemicals are known to have
antioxidant and anticancer properties (Chen and Blumberg
Food chemistry and chemophobia
Author's personal copy
Three commonexamples are myricetin (37), robinetin (38),
and quercetin (39). For example, some of these and other
flavonoids prevent formation of carcinogenic polycyclic aro-
matic diol epoxides, and can deactivate them if present
(Huang et al. 1983).
The related flavanones (40) and flavones (41) are also
important anticancer phytochemicals. They act as suppressing
agents to prevent new cancers, blocking agents to prevent
carcinogens from reaching initiation sites, and transforming
agents to facilitate metabolism of carcinogens into less toxic,
excretable compounds (Benavente-García and Castillo 2008).
Scheme 2 Myeloperoxidase
induced dioxin formation from
G.W. Gribble
Author's personal copy
A new example is 42 found in chocolate, grapes, and red
wine. Chocolate is a powerful antioxidant, a cholesterol
lowering agent (LDL and triglycerides), and an atheroscle-
rosis inhibitor (Vinson et al. 2006).
Discussion and conclusion
Food is chemistry, and with the current focus on chemical food
safety pesticides, antibiotics, dioxins - the subsequent contra-
dictory perspective generates hard questions that beg for an-
swers. Food safety and food security do get in each othersway
if a dichotomy is maintained between natural and artificial
(man-made) chemistry. We have seen in this contribution that
such a dichotomy is untenable and, I propose, counterproduc-
tive in a world where increasing amounts of foods are required
to feed an ever-increasing world population. Regulating so-
called artificial chemicals such as organohalogens can only be
achieved by blinding oneself to the natural presence of such
along with many other compounds.
In order to maintain food production of high standard,
food safety should be focused on those aspects that measur-
ably affect human health, simply because chemical exposure
is inherent in food consumption. Therein we simultaneously
consume the good and the bad, and by diversifying diet
the nutritional advice par excellence- we, in effect, minimize
exposure to those deleterious compounds. The dose makes
the poison.
What do measurably affect food quality and human
health are pathogens, bacteria and fungi. Food-borne infec-
tions in the U.S. annually account for 5,000 deaths and
325,000 hospitalizations, of some 76 million cases (Taubes
2008). Recent cases include E. coli (0157:H7) in spinach,
lettuce, and beef, and Listeria in celery, hot dogs, cheese,
and cantaloupe. The potency of E. coli (0157:H7) is seen by
the fact that only 15 cells per gram of hamburger were
present in one case, and only 10 cells sufficed to cause
In conclusion, it is of vital importance for the welfare of
the current worlds population and the unborn billions to
come that a safe and abundant food supply is available.
Our food regulators must be fully educated about what
constitutes safe food so that precise and scientifically guided
recommendations will be made. There can be no excuse; the
science is there to be adopted.
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G.W. Gribble
Author's personal copy
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Professor Gribble received his
B.S. degree in Chemistry in
1963 from the University of Cal-
ifornia, Berkeley, and his Ph.D.
in Organic Chemistry in 1967
from the University of Oregon.
After spending a year at UCLA
as a National Cancer Institute
Postdoctoral Fellow, he joined
the faculty of Dartmouth College
in 1968. Dr. Gribble has been a
National Institutes of Health Re-
search Career Development
Awardee (197176), a National
Science Foundation Professional
Development Awardee (197778), and an American Cyanamid Aca-
demic Achievement Awardee (1988). In 2005 he was named to the
endowed Chair The Dartmouth Professor of Chemistry.He is the co-
editor of Progress in Heterocyclic Chemistryand the co-author of
Palladium in Heterocyclic Chemistry.
Professor Gribbles research programs involve several areas of organic
chemistry, most of which involve synthesis: biologically active natural
products, novel indole chemistry, anticancer triterpenoid synthesis, new
synthetic methodology, and novel radical and cycloaddition chemistry of
heterocycles. Of prime interest is the synthesis of plant indole alkaloids
that are potent anticancer or antibiotic agents. Current work in this area is
focused on ellipticine, vobasine, marine alkaloids, indolocarbazoles, and
the zwitterionic alkaloids such as sempervirine.Thus, for example, several
years ago Dr. Gribble developed a highly efficient synthesis of ellipticine,
a derivative of which is currently used to treat several forms of human
cancer. In the area of new synthetic methodology, Dr. Gribble and his
students have been investigating the chemistry of nitroindoles. A newer
area of research is the synthesis and biological activity of triterpenoids in
the chemoprevention of cancer and diseases related to inflammation. One
of these synthetic triterpenoids is in Phase III clinical trials for chronic
kidney disease in stage 4 diabetes patients.
Food chemistry and chemophobia
Author's personal copy
... The majority of people view natural chemicals as better and safer than synthetic chemicals (Saleh et al., 2019). This unreasonable (irrationalfear) of chemicals is called chemophobia (Etine, 2011;Gribble, 2013). ...
... Excessive fear of everything related to chemistry is found quite widely in the Western world as well as Asia (Gribble, 2013). Including in Indonesia, as research conducted by Hamid (2018) on people in the Yogyakarta area found chemophobia. ...
... Furthermore, people tend to believe that whatever is produced by human intervention cannot be the same as that which comes from nature (Saleh et al., 2020). A common mistake that occurs is to believe that natural (organic) foods are inherently safer than synthetics (Gribble, 2013). Misunderstanding the word "organic" is another effect caused by the fear of chemicals which actually refers to the word organic, which refers to cultivation techniques, not the nutritional content of a substance. ...
Chemophobia is an irrational fear and anxiety of chemicals or chemicals. Many factors are the cause of chemophobia in addition to the wrong perception in understanding the meaning of the word chemistry itself, one of which is scientific knowledge or scientific literacy (scientific literacy) and many other factors. This study aims to examine the correlation of chemophobia with scientific literacy of students of the 2017 chemistry education study program at UIN Walisongo Semarang. This research is a type of quantitative research using a correlational approach. Participants were taken using a purposive sampling technique, the selection of participants was based on the objectives of the researcher, namely the 2017 class of chemistry education students as many as 27 students. The data sources come from the chemophobia questionnaire and scientific literacy test questions. The Cronbach's Alpha method was used to test the reliability of the questionnaires and questions of scientific literacy, obtained a reliability value of 0.673 for the chemophobia questionnaire and 0.719 for scientific literacy questions. The research data were analyzed using Speaman Rank correlation with the help of IBM SPSS 25. The results of data analysis showed a correlation value (r) -0.232 a negative sign contained in the correlation value indicated that there was a relationship between the two variables that were not unidirectional, but the sig value. The number 0.244 > 0.05, it can be concluded that there is no significant relationship between chemophobia and scientific literacy.
... 2,7 Chemophobia has several definitions, such as: "an irrational aversion to or prejudice against chemicals or chemistry", "more specifically it refers to the growing tendency for the public to be suspicious and critical of the presence of any man-made (synthetic) chemicals in foods or products that they make use of". 2,7,[12][13][14][15] This social phenomenon has been linked both to a "well-founded concern over the potential adverse effects of synthetic chemicals", and to "an irrational fear of these substances because of misconceptions about their potential for harm". 16 Different organizations define the word chemophobia in different ways. ...
... 11 Chemists made a great deal of effort to counteract chemophobia, 18,19 particularly with regard to educating consumers on the safety of food additives and prepackaged foods. 15 Other counteractions, such as improved communication of science 10,14 or strategies for tackling adult chemophobia, are described in the literature. Many different organisations also tried to fight this attitude and restore a positive image to chemistry. ...
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Perception of chemistry in the general public has been object of several investigations in the past, putting in evidence the diffusion of neutral or negative attitudes, which can be summarized in the so-called ‘chemophobic’ behaviour. In the present study we analysed the results obtained from a structured survey aimed to intercept Italian young people and to investigate the relationships among their chemistry perception, school experiences and chemistry background. The complete questionnaire was made of 29 questions (25 multiple choice questions and 4 open questions) and the analysis of results was performed on 431 participants, which were selected among initial 627 ones to exclude chemists or students in chemistry. The investigated sample gives a snapshot of Italian young people of medium-high school education, and it reveals a general not-negative perception of chemistry, but a relatively low engagement toward chemistry-related subjects. Interestingly, most people are aware of the role of chemistry teachers and school experiences in their attitude toward chemistry and, at the same time, the participants to the survey demonstrated to have a relatively poor knowledge of the main concepts of chemical science. These aspects may be helpful for chemistry educators at different levels, from primary schools to the universities.
... Die Wiederentdeckung der Chemie als Gegenstand der Wissenschaftsgeschichte (nachdem zwischen 1920 und 1985 kaum ein Werk zur Chemiegeschichte veröffentlicht worden war) stand dabei im Zentrum einer epistemischen Emanzipationsbewegung und Identitätssuche, die explizit um die Restitution der Chemie als autonome Wissenschaft bemüht war (Thomas, 2012). Chemiker/innen sowie Chemiehistoriker/innen verhandelten die Entstehung einer eigenständigen Fachhistoriografie der Chemie (unabhängig von Medizin-, Industrie-, Pharmazie-oder Institutionengeschichte) stets vor dem Hintergrund der angesprochenen gesellschaftlichen Kritik an den Auswirkungen der chemischen Industrie (Gribble, 2013). Die Chemie in der Geschichte sichtbar zu machen, einen genuinen Kern der Chemie herauszuarbeiten und gegenüber der Physik-und Biologiegeschichte gesondert hervorzuheben, standen im Zentrum dieser Bestrebungen (Meinel, 2017). ...
... Die sog. Chemophobie (Gribble, 2013) zeichnet sich durch die kollektive Haltung aus, das Chemische bilde einen Antagonismus zum Natürlichen, was in einer kategorischen Ablehnung allen Synthetischen und Künstlichen gipfelt (Schummer, 2003). Die Chemie wird demnach als Instanz verstanden, die außerhalb der Natur steht, die Natur lediglich imitiert, manipuliert und ihr letztenendes schadet. ...
... Nonetheless, in comparison, morbidity and mortality clearly comes prevalently from foodborne MOs, including bacterial and fungal toxins, not from chemical contaminants and additives in food. Colleagues and authors assume chemophobia stronger than fear for 'natural' biological phenomena like pathogens, but, apparently, this has not been investigated scientifically [50]. ...
... Concerning the second critical hindrance, the infectious dose in a meal for healthy persons to get ill is as low as 10 CFU bacteria/g food, 10 3 bacterial spores, 10 virus particles, or 10 protozoan cysts [105][106][107]. Imminent foodborne pathogens such as Escherichia coli O157:H7 or Campylobacter jejuni require only an estimated number of 15 cells per gram [50] or 500 bacteria [105], respectively, to disease a person. Compare this with the 1,000,000 Campylobacter cells that fit on the tip of a pin. ...
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Food microbiology is deluged by a vastly growing plethora of analytical methods. This review endeavors to color the context into which methodology has to fit and underlines the importance of sampling and sample treatment. The context is that the highest risk of food contamination is through the animal and human fecal route with a majority of foodborne infections originating from sources in mass and domestic kitchens at the end of the food-chain. Containment requires easy-to-use, failsafe, single-use tests giving an overall risk score in situ. Conversely, progressive food-safety systems are relying increasingly on early assessment of batches and groups involving risk-based sampling, monitoring environment and herd/flock health status, and (historic) food-chain information. Accordingly, responsible field laboratories prefer specificity, multi-analyte, and high-throughput procedures. Under certain etiological and epidemiological circumstances, indirect antigen immunoaffinity assays outperform the diagnostic sensitivity and diagnostic specificity of e.g., nucleic acid sequence-based assays. The current bulk of testing involves therefore ante- and post-mortem probing of humoral response to several pathogens. In this review, the inclusion of immunoglobulins against additional invasive micro-organisms indicating the level of hygiene and ergo public health risks in tests is advocated. Immunomagnetic separation, immunochromatography, immunosensor, microsphere array, lab-on-a-chip/disc platforms increasingly in combination with nanotechnologies, are discussed. The heuristic development of portable and ambulant microfluidic devices is intriguing and promising. Tant pis, many new platforms seem unattainable as the industry standard. Comparability of results with those of reference methods hinders the implementation of new technologies. Whatever the scientific and technological excellence and incentives, the decision-maker determines this implementation after weighing mainly costs and business risks.
... Another risk-relevant aspect can be fear of toxic effects of a substance. This even often irrationally fear caused by chemicals in daily goods is described as 'chemophobia' (Gribble, 2013). Regardless of whether these fears of toxic substances are justified or not, those risk perceptions can influence the acceptance and adaptation of technologies or products. ...
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Risk analysis and assessment of toxic effects are important elements to be considered in the development of renewable fuels, such as CO2-based fuels made from CO2, water, and renewable energy. However, the successful introduction of CO2-based fuels could also be affected by public concerns about possible risks and adverse effects on health and the environment. In order to examine risk perceptions of laypeople for CO2-based fuels and to understand if they can act as a barrier for the public acceptance of these fuels, we carried out an online survey with German laypeople. A special focus was placed on perceptions of toxic effects such as beliefs about exposure pathways and resulting health impacts, but also on participants’ openness towards CO2-based fuels. Results showed that CO2-based fuels were seen as an acceptable and beneficial technology and risks were perceived to be low. By tendency, lower risk perceptions were related to a higher acceptance of CO2-based fuels. The overall risk judgment was impacted by fears about toxic effects, concerns about environmental pollution, and the perceived general harmfulness of CO2-based fuels. The general openness towards CO2-based fuels was revealed to affect risk perceptions and beliefs about toxic effects: A higher openness towards the topic was linked to less severe concerns about CO2-based fuels. The findings from this study provide valuable insights on how to develop communication concepts to inform laypeople about possible risks and benefits of CO2-based fuels to address their concerns and information demands and give them a better understanding of the effects of toxic substances on different risk targets.
... Last, prior research suggests that people are more likely to believe risk assessments that correspond with their prior attitudes than risk assessments that diverge (Siegrist et al., 2008). As people generally perceive high levels of risks regarding synthetic chemicals also termed chemophobia; (Gribble, 2013;Saleh et al., 2019), they might be more likely to place their trust in non-governmental organisations, consumer protection organisations or journalists that communicate that a risk might be present than toxicologists that communicate that the involved risk is negligible (Lofstedt, 2008(Lofstedt, , 2009. ...
Toxicologists face several challenges when communicating with the public about the potential risks of chemical substances in consumer products. However, based on the consumers' scepticism and detachment from the use of chemical substances in the manufacturing of consumer goods, evidence is needed on how this communication can be improved. Hence, the goal of this study was to experimentally check the effect of an informational video on consumers' acceptance of trace chemicals in consumer products, their willingness to purchase and finally, their perception of the dose-response mechanism. For this, an informational video was developed and evaluated in a pre-post online study with a sample of South Korean consumers (N = 600). The results suggest that providing information on toxicological principles increases people's acceptance of trace chemicals in consumer products and their willingness to purchase a consumer product containing trace chemicals. Within the article, implications for practice and ideas for new research avenues are presented.
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The industry and transportation sectors account for more than 35% of global CO2\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$_2$$\end{document} emissions and there is increasing pressure on industry to reduce emissions. To remain competitive in their markets while reducing their emissions, companies need to re-optimise their entire value chain focusing not only on traditional costs, related to manufacturing and transport, but also on emission reduction targets. In this work, we propose a linear program to optimise a deterministic multi-objective value-chain problem aimed at minimising CO2\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$_2$$\end{document} emissions and maximising a company’s total contribution margin. We test the model on a real-world dataset, provided by a multinational chemical company, to determine the main sources of emissions and their geographical distribution. Moreover, we analyse how much emissions can be reduced at a negligible impact on the total contribution margin and describe what the best strategies are to achieve the targeted emission reduction. We find that it is beneficial to move production to less polluting production sites, even when that increases the transportation in our setting. It is therefore advisable to jointly address the reduction of production- and transportation-related emissions, rather than separately.
The number of victims from environmental harm far exceeds that from everyday property and interpersonal crime, yet little is known about the experience of environmental victimisation. This paper makes a case for a narrative green victimology to advance scholarship about environmental victims, drawing on data from interviews with persons affected by a waterborne outbreak of campylobacter in the small town of Havelock North, New Zealand, in August 2016. Findings demonstrate that understandings of environmental harm are developed in narratives, with narratives. In particular, participants’ stories of harm and victimisation revealed fragments of larger, cultural narratives about sacrifice, nation-building, motherhood, and environmental purity, each of which affected their understanding of the impact of the outbreak on their autonomy as agentive persons. It is proposed that a narrative green victimology offers environmental victimology a platform upon which it can foot its frameworks.
“Chemicals are like people – some are good, some are bad, and most are in between” (Whitcombe, 2019). Unfortunately, chemicals perception in modern society is way more complex than this excellent metaphor. Chemophobia is one of the results of this complexity. By asking and answering direct questions as: What is it? When is it born? How bad is it? Why is it so pervasive? How to solve it? A systematic literature review on chemophobia has been carried out and its results are hereby reported. We hope this review will pave the way for a better understanding of the chemophobia phenomenon, and possible measures to contrast it.
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During the night Dec 2-3, 1984, large amounts of water entered a tank containing 43 tonnes of Methyl isocyanate (MIC) in Union Carbide's plant in Bhopal, India. A strong chemical reaction started and a big cloud of toxic gases spread over the sleeping town. 500,000 people were exposed to the gases. 8,000 died within the first week, and 8,000 since. 100,000 have permanent injuries. My analysis shows that the causes of the leakage were the design of the plant and the economic pressure. The parties responsible for the magnitude of the disaster are Union Carbide Corporation and the Governments of India and Madhya Pradesh. See also
"An important, controversial account ... of the way in which man's use of poisons to control insect pests and unwanted vegetation is changing the balance of nature." Booklist.
Chemists know that their chosen vocation comes in for a lot of criticism from the environmentally conscious, scientifically illiterate public. This 'chemophobia' has developed over the years as a result of false images and perceptions of scientists, fostered by ignorance and mass misinformation. This article traces the evolution of chemophobia and suggests some ways to change the public face of chemistry.
Chinese herbs nephropathy (CHN) is a rapidly progressive interstitial nephropathy reported after the introduction of Chinese herbs in a slimming regimen followed by young Belgian women. It is characterised by early, severe anaemia, mild tubular proteinuria and initially normal arterial blood pressure in half of the patients. Renal histology shows unusual extensive, virtually hypocellular cortical interstitial fibrosis associated with tubular atrophy and global sclerosis of glomeruli decreasing from the outer to the inner cortex. Urothelial malignancy of the upper urinary tract develops subsequently in almost half of the patients. AAN is not restricted to the Belgian cases. Similar cases have been observed throughout the world, but AA is sometimes incriminated on the basis of the known content of AA in the herbs. The possibility remains that in some individuals in whom AA has not been demonstrated, other phytotoxins might be implicated. Biological and morphological features of AAN are strikingly similar to those reported in another fibrosing interstitial nephropathy of still unknown aetiology, Balkan endemic nephropathy (BEN). Interestingly, AA was incriminated as the cause of BEN many years ago, a hypothesis yet to be fully explored. The intake of AA and the presence of tissular AA-DNA adducts in patients with an unequivocal diagnosis of BEN remains to be demonstrated. The tragic phenomenon of CHN, recognised only 10 years ago, has been at the root of significant research and progress both in nephrology and oncology. It has provided a fascinating opportunity to understand the link between a fibrosing interstitial nephropathy and urothelial carcinoma. It allows the categorisation of interstitial nephritis on the basis of histological findings, of initiating toxic substances and of associated clinical features. Finally, it has led to the withdrawal in several countries of a previously unsuspected carcinogenic and nephrotoxic substance.
Aristolochic acid (AA), a naturally occurring nephrotoxin and rodent carcinogen, has recently been associated with the development of urothelial cancer in humans. Understanding which enzymes are involved in AA activation and/or detoxication is important in the assessment of an individual susceptibility to this natural carcinogen. We examined the ability of enzymes of rat renal and hepatic cytosolic fractions to activate AA to metabolites forming DNA adducts by the nuclease P1-enhanced version of the 32 P-postlabeling assay. Cytosolic fractions of both these organs generated AA-DNA adduct patterns reproducing those found in renal tissues from humans exposed to AA. 7-(Deoxyadenosin-N 6 -yl)aristolactam I, 7-(deoxyguanosinN 2 -yl)aristolactam I and 7-(deoxyadenosin-N 6 -yl)aristolactam II were identified as AA-DNA adducts formed from AAI and 7-(deoxyguanosin-N 2 -yl)aristolactam II and 7-(deoxyadenosin-N 6 -yl)aristolactam II were generated from AAII by hepatic cytosol. Qualitatively the same AADNA adduct patterns were observed, although at lower levels, upon incubation of AAs with renal cytosol. To define the role of cytosolic reductases in the reductive activation of AA, we investigated the modulation of AA-DNA adduct formation by cofactors, specific inducers or selective inhibitors of the cytosolic reductases, DT-diaphorase, xanthine oxidase (XO) and aldehyde oxidase. The role of the enzymes in AA activation was also investigated by correlating the DT-diaphorase- and XO-dependent catalytic activities in cytosolic sample with the levels of AA-DNA adducts formed by the same cytosolic sample. On the basis of these studies, we attribute most of the cytosolic activation of AA to DT-diaphorase, although a role of cytosolic XO cannot be ruled out. With purified DT-diaphorase, the participation of this enzyme in the formation of AA-DNA adducts was confirmed. The binding orientation of AAI in the active site of DT-diaphorase was predicted by computer modeling based on published X-ray structures. The results presented here are the first report demonstrating a reductive activation of carcinogenic AAs by DT-diaphorase.
Preface Abbreviations Background 1. Rashomon 2. Love's Canal Accounts 3. Hooker's Account 4. The School Board's Account 5. Digression: Growing Concern about Trace Poisons 6. Ring 1's Account (May to August 1978) 7. Lois Gibbs's Account (June 1978 to May 1980) 8. The Health Department's Account 9. Michael Brown's Account Analysis 10. News Coverage 11. Who Pays? 12. The Scientific Controversy 13. Reconciling Accounts Postscript Chronology The Basics of Toxicology References Index