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Squamous papilloma

  • G Pulla Reddy dental college, kurnool
  • Dental Institute, RIMS, Ranchi
  • Saint Joseph Dental College Eluru, Andhra Pradesh, India 534004
  • St. Joseph Dental College, AP,India

Abstract and Figures

Squamous papillomas are exophytic masses of the oral cavity which are most often benign and asymptomatic. They are innocuous lesions that are neither transmissible nor threatening. As an oral lesion they raise concerns because of the clinical appearance, which may mimic an exophytic carcinoma. The pathogenesis is related to human papillomavirus but there is controversy regarding the viral origin. In this article two cases of squamous papilloma of the oral cavity are presented.
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international journal of stomatology
& occlusion medicine
ISSN 1867-2221
Volume 6
Number 3
J. Stomat. Occ. Med. (2013) 6:106-109
DOI 10.1007/s12548-013-0079-6
Squamous papilloma
B.Praveen Kumar, Tanya Khaitan,
P.Ramaswamy, Sreenivasulu Pattipati,
S.Sudhakar & V. R.Geethika
1 23
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case study
106 Squamous papilloma
Abstract Squamous papillomas are exophytic masses
of the oral cavity which are most often benign and as-
ymptomatic. ey are innocuous lesions that are nei-
ther transmissible nor threatening. As an oral lesion
they raise concerns because of the clinical appearance,
which may mimic an exophytic carcinoma. e patho-
genesis is related to human papillomavirus but there
is controversy regarding the viral origin. In this article
two cases of squamous papilloma of the oral cavity are
Keywords: Human papillomavirus, Squamous papillo-
ma, Cauliower-like surface, Koilocytes, Mouth diseases
Oral squamous papilloma (OSP) is a benign prolifera-
tion of the stratied squamous epithelium, which results
in a papillary or verrucous exophytic mass induced by
human papillomavirus (HPV; [1]). Oral and oropharyn-
geal squamous cell papillomas occur mainly between 30
and 50 years of age, although they may also occur below
10 years of age. ey represent about 8 % of oral tumors
in children [2]. e sites of predilection for localization
of the lesions include the tongue and soft palate but any
surface of the oral cavity can be aected [1].
e HPV involvement in head and neck carcinogen-
esis was rst proposed in 1983 by Syrjanen et al. [3]. Kre-
imer et al. reported the overall prevalence of HPV in 25 %
of head and neck cancers versus 35.6 % in oropharyngeal
cancer and 23.5 % in oral squamous cell carcinomas [4].
High risk HPV types 16 and 18 are by far the most pre-
dominant types at all sites [5]. is article reports two
cases of squamous papilloma of the oral cavity.
Case report 1
A 35-year-old female patient presented with a pain-
less growth in the roof of the mouth over the past year.
e patient noticed the growth 1 year previously which
started as a small growth, gradually increased in size
over a period of 6 months and attained the present size.
ere was no history of pain, paresthesia or numbness
associated with the growth and no similar lesions were
present elsewhere. e patient claimed to be a smoker
and smoked 8–10 Chuttas per day. Medical, dental,
family and personal histories were inconspicuous and
no other abnormalities were noted on general physical
Intraoral examination revealed the presence of a soli-
tary, well-dened, oval-shaped and exophytic growth on
the left half of the hard palate (Fig.1) measuring approxi-
mately 0.7 × 0.3cm in size. Anteroposteriorly the growth
extended 2cm behind the incisive papilla to 1cm in front
of the junction of hard and soft palate and mediolater-
ally 0.5cm posterior to the midpalatine raphae to 2cm
in front of the palatal aspect of teeth 24 and 25. e sur-
face over the growth appeared verrucous and whitish in
appearance and the surrounding mucosa showed hyper-
melanotic areas. On palpation the growth was peduncu-
lated, non-tender, rm in consistency and arose from the
underlying soft tissue.
Case report 2
A 63-year-old male patient presented with a painless
growth in the right half of the tongue since 8 months.
Patient history revealed that the growth had been noticed
8 months prior to presentation which initially started as
a small growth and gradually increased over a period of
J. Stomat. Occ. Med. (2013) 6:106–109
DOI 10.1007/s12548-013-0079-6
Squamous papilloma
Report of two cases
B. Praveen Kumar, Tanya Khaitan, P. Ramaswamy, Sreenivasulu Pattipati,
S. Sudhakar, V. R. Geethika
S.Pattipati, MDS()·B. P.Kumar, MDS ·T.Khaitan, MDS ·
P.Ramaswamy, MDS · S.Sudhakar, MDS · V. R.Geethika, MDS
Department of Oral Medicine & Radiology,
St. Joseph Dental College & Hospital, Duggirala,
Eluru 534003, Andhra Pradesh, India
Received: 5 February 2013 / Accepted: 2 March 2013 / Published online: 17 April 2013
© Springer-Verlag Wien 2013
Author's personal copy
case study
Squamous papilloma 107
4 months to attain the present size. e patient claimed
that there was no history of pain, paresthesia or numb-
ness and no similar lesions were present elsewhere.
e medical, dental, family and personal histories were
Intraoral examination revealed the presence of a soli-
tary, well-dened, oval-shaped and exophytic growth
on the right anterior two thirds of the tongue measur-
ing approximately 1 × 0.8 cm in size (Fig.2). e growth
extended 0.5cm behind the tip of tongue and mediolat-
erally extended 0.5cm from the midline to 0.5 cm from
the right lateral border of the tongue. e surface over
the growth appeared pebbled and pale. On palpation the
growth was sessile, non-tender, rm in consistency and
arose from the underlying soft tissue.
Based on the history, clinical features and the nature
of the growth a provisional diagnosis of oral papilloma
was considered for the rst case report and irritational
broma for the second case report. Dierential diag-
noses of broepithelial polyp, broma and condyloma
acuminatum were considered. e patients were sub-
jected to complete hematological examination and all
the parameters were within normal limits. Both growths
were excised (Figs. 3 and 4) and specimens were sub-
jected to histopathological evaluation.
On microscopic examination the specimens showed
hyperparakeratinized stratied squamous epithelium
forming a number of blunt and pointed nger-like pro-
jections (Fig.5) with connective tissue cores continuous
with submucosal brovascular connective tissue with
scattered chronic inammatory cells. Koilocytes were
seen in the supercial (yellow arrow) and middle (red
arrow) spinous layers of the epithelium (Fig.6) sugges-
tive of squamous papilloma.
Fig. 1 Intraoral aspect showing a solitary, well defined, oval-
shaped and exophytic growth
Fig. 2 Intraoral view of the tongue showing a solitary, well-
defined, oval-shaped and exophytic growth
Fig. 3 Intraoral view in case 1 after the growth was excised
Fig. 4 Intraoral view in case 2 after the growth was excised
Author's personal copy
108 Squamous papilloma
case study
e patients were observed over a period of 3 and 6
months, respectively and no recurrence or new growth
was noted elsewhere.
Oral squamous papilloma is a generic term that is used
to include papillary and verrucous growths consisting
of benign epithelium and minor amounts of supporting
connective tissue [6, 7]. It is the fourth most common oral
mucosal mass and is found in 4 out of every 1,000 lesions
[8]. Accounting for 3–4 % of all biopsied oral soft tissue
lesions this entity was rst reported as a gingival “wart”
by Tomes in 1848 and is a localized, benign HPV-induced
epithelial hyperplasia.
At least 150 dierent types of HPV have already been
identied, DNA sequences of HPV 16 and 18 have been
found in approximately 85 % of invasive squamous cell
carcinomas and precursors, such as grave dysplasia
and carcinoma in situ [1]. e infection starts when the
virus penetrates the new host through microinjuries. e
development of this incubation phase into active expres-
sion depends on three factors: cell permeability, virus
type and host immune status [2]. Infection by HPV acts as
an initiator and additional somatic mutations are essen-
tial, where the occurrence of these alterations is facili-
tated by smoking, other co-existent infections, dietary
deciencies and hormonal changes, all considered to be
co-factors in the pathogenesis [1].
e prevalence of HPV in normal oral mucosa (latent
infection) and its relation to oral cancer have generated
conicting opinions. e discrepancy observed is mainly
attributed to a variation in the sensitivity of the methods
employed and epidemiologic factors related to the group
of patients examined [2].
ere is no clearly dened mode of transmission
and most occur spontaneously [9]. eories have pro-
posed multiple pathways including perinatal transmis-
sion (during the passage through an infected birth canal
and in utero, as a transplacental or ascending infection),
autoinfection from orogenital contact by hand and sex-
ual transmission by orogenital contact [4].
Squamous papilloma occurs with equal frequency
in both men and women [10], can occur at any age and
are frequently seen in children and adolescents, usually
30–50 years of age. Intraorally, it is found most commonly
on the tongue, lips, buccal mucosa, gingiva and palate,
particularly areas adjacent to the uvula [8].
e lesions generally measure less than 1cm in the
largest dimension and appear as pink to white exophytic
granular or cauliower-like surface alterations [6, 7]. e
lesions are generally solitary in presentation although
several lesions have been noted on occasions. e lesions
are generally asymptomatic [6] and may be peduncu-
lated or sessile in conguration. Non-keratinized lesions
appear coral pink in color and if keratinized, they are
white. Some have a cauliower-like surface whereas oth-
ers have discrete nger-like projections [9]. Patients who
are HIV positive often have multiple oral lesions [7].
Clinically, the dierential diagnoses of broepithelial
polyp, broma and condyloma acuminatum were con-
sidered. Fibroepithelial polyp is a attened pink mass
that is attached to the palate by a narrow stalk. It is eas-
ily lifted up with a probe, which demonstrates its pedun-
culated nature [10]. Fibroma is a painless, broad-based
swelling that is paler in color than the surrounding tissue.
e surface may occasionally be traumatically ulcerated,
particularly in larger lesions. It is typically found in fre-
quently traumatized areas, such as the buccal mucosa,
lateral border of the tongue and lower lip [6]. Condy-
loma acuminatum is a sexually transmitted disease with
lesions developing at a site of sexual contact or trauma.
Oral lesions most frequently occur on the labial mucosa,
soft palate and lingual frenum. Clinically, it appears as
a sessile, pink, well demarcated, non-tender exophytic
mass with short, blunted surface projections [10].
Histopathologically, they are characterized by long,
thin, nger-like projections extending above the surface
Fig. 5 Histological section of the specimen from case XXX
showing hyperparakeratinized stratified squamous epitheli-
umforming a number of blunt and pointed fingerlike projections
Fig. 6 Koilocytes seen in the superficial (yellow arrow) and
middle (red arrow) spinous layers of the epithelium
Author's personal copy
case study
Squamous papilloma 109
of the mucosa, each made up of a continuous layer of
stratied squamous epithelium and containing a thin,
central connective tissue core which supports the nutri-
ent blood vessels [8]. e keratin layer is thickened in
lesions with a whiter clinical appearance and the epithe-
lium typically shows a normal maturation pattern. Occa-
sional papillomas demonstrate basilar hyperplasia and
mitotic activity which can be mistaken for mild epithe-
lial dysplasia [9]. Koilocytes (HPV altered epithelial cells
with perinuclear clear and nuclear pyknosis) may or may
not be found in the supercial layers of the epithelium
[7, 8].
More recently, gene therapy and vaccines targeted
against HPV are currently under trial whereby HPV
vaccines should eventually reduce the impact of these
viruses on human health [4]. At present two vaccines
have been developed: cervarix and gardasil provide pro-
tection against HPV types 6, 11, 16, 18 and both existing
vaccines are able to create a robust humoral immune
response which is much more eective than the levels of
antibodies that can be acquired after a general infection
Conservative surgical excision, including the base
of the lesion is the gold standard treatment for the oral
squamous papilloma and recurrence is unlikely. Fre-
quently, lesions have been left untreated for years with
no reported transformation into malignancy, continuous
enlargement or dissemination to other parts of the oral
cavity [10]. Papillomas are also treated by laser ablation
and the exophytic lesion is excised followed by direct
ablation of the lateral and deep margins [9]. Recently,
surgical excision combined with other forms of treat-
ment, such as systemically used interferon has been
introduced [12].
Conict of interest
e authors declare that there are no actual or potential
conicts of interest in relation to this article.
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Author's personal copy
Full-text available
Human papillomavirus oral papilloma is often sexually transmitted, but non‐sexual modes of transmission should be considered, including autoinoculation from skin lesions. A patient‐centered multimodality approach should be utilized in the pediatric population. Human papillomavirus oral papilloma is often sexually transmitted, but non‐sexual modes of transmission should be considered, including autoinoculation from skin lesions. A patient‐centered multimodality approach should be utilized in the pediatric population.
Full-text available
Oral cavity which represents the first part of the human digestive system is housed by innumerable microorganisms. It is subjected to be under constant wear and tear of the tissues and is also vulnerable to various infections, lesions and tumors. This article represents some of the most common benign soft tissue lesion in the oro-facial region. It also signifies the importance of possible early diagnosis and management either conservatively or by surgical removal of the lesion.
Full-text available
A prevalência do papilomavírus humano (HPV) na cavidade oral e na orofaringe ainda não está bem esclarecida como nos estudos do trato genital, na qual é bem definida. Entretanto, novas pesquisas estão surgindo após o aparecimento dos exames de biologia molecular. Neste estudo foi realizada uma revisão da literatura com o objetivo de verificar a prevalência do papilomavírus humano na cavidade oral e na orofaringe. Os resultados desta pesquisa mostraram uma prevalência do HPV 16 na mucosa oral normal (infecção latente). Já nas lesões benignas orais associadas ao HPV mostraram uma prevalência do HPV 6 e 11 em papilomas de células escamosas e condilomas, e, nas verrugas, uma prevalência do HPV 2 e 57, enquanto na hiperplasia epitelial focal prevaleceram os HPVs 13 e 32, e no câncer oral, principalmente, no carcinoma de células escamosas (CCE), foi evidenciada uma alta prevalência do HPV 16, o que sugere sua participação na carcinogênese oral, apesar de ser um assunto controverso. Constatou-se também uma enorme discrepância nos resultados da prevalência do papilomavírus humano (HPV) na mucosa oral normal (infecção latente) e no câncer oral, enquanto nas lesões benignas associadas ao vírus, os resultados foram confirmatórios.
Full-text available
Squamous papillomas are common lesions of the oral mucosa with a predilection for the mucosa of the hard and soft palate. As an oral lesion, it raises concern because of its clinical appearance, which may mimic exophytic carcinoma, verrucous carcinoma or condyloma acuminatum. Its pathogenesis is related to human papilloma virus but there is controversy regarding its viral origin. We present a case of squamous papilloma presenting as oral lesion along with a review of the literature.
Full-text available
Oral squamous cell papilloma is a cutaneus lesions oc-curring due to human papilloma virus infections. Theselesions spread locally and tend to have a high recurrencerate. Cases usually have a slow progression rather thanacute symptoms. The course of disease is mostly sub-clinical. Although there are various treatment modalitieswhich are recommended for the treatment of the disease,there is no particular and effective treatment modality thatwas proven. Limited surgical excisions result in frequentrecurrences due to the presence of HPV in latent formaround the lesions. Therefore, surgical excisions are com-bined with the other treatments such as systemically usedinterferons. We aimed to present a case of squmous cellpapilloma with locally extensive lesions in the oral mu-cosa. Our patient was managed by the surgical excisionand systemically given interferon treatment.
Full-text available
The evidence that human papillomavirus infection is related to head and neck squamous cell carcinoma is supported by molecular and epidemiological data. The definition of a distinct subset of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, independent of the traditional risk factors and with different clinical presentation and outcome, has led to increasing interest in human papillomavirus infection. This review summarizes current knowledge regarding human papillomavirus biology, oncogenic mechanisms, risk factors for transmission, clinical significance and prophylactic strategies.
Full-text available
Oral squamous papilloma (OSP) is a benign proliferation of the stratified squamous epithelium, which results in a papillary or verrucous exophytic mass. Twelve patients suspected to have oral papilloma underwent excisional biopsy for histopathologic and immunohistochemical analysis. The majority of the patients (75%) were females, and the most prevalent site was the tongue, followed by the palate. The round and whitish form was present in 58.4% of the cases. The lesions were softened/flaccid in 66.7% of cases and a pedunculated attachment was seen in 75% of the lesions. The histopathologic examination revealed hyperparakeratosis, occasional basal hyperplasia, and koilocyte-like cells in 100% of the specimens. Immunohistochemical assays utilizing BP53-12 and Pab240 antibodies for p53 protein showed negative or weak immunostaining (91.6%) for both immunomarkers in all the epithelial layers examined. The findings suggest the benign nature of the lesions and small possibility of becoming malignant.
Full-text available
Head & Neck Cancer (HNC) represents the sixth most common malignancy worldwide and it is historically linked to well-known behavioural risk factors, i.e., tobacco smoking and/or the alcohol consumption. Recently, substantial evidence has been mounting that Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection is playing an increasing important role in oral cancer. Because of the attention and clamor surrounding oral HPV infection and related cancers, as well as the use of HPV prophylactic vaccines, in this invited perspective the authors raise some questions and review some controversial issues on HPV infection and its role in HNC, with a particular focus on oral squamous cell carcinoma. The problematic definition and classification of HNC will be discussed, together with the characteristics of oral infection with oncogenic HPV types, the frequency of HPV DNA detection in HNC, the location of HPV-related tumours, the severity and prognosis of HPV-positive HNC, the diagnosis of oral HPV infection, common routes of oral infection and the likelihood of oro-genital HPV transmission, the prevention of HPV infection and novel therapeutic approaches.
An extensive squamous cell papilloma of the nasal cavity and also filling the entire left maxillary sinus is reported, which showed cytological features identical to the known cytopathic effects of Human papillomavirus (HPV). Immunoperoxidase staining disclosed a few cells with nuclei positive for HPV antigens. The findings are discussed in the light of other evidence suggesting a possible viral etiology of these lesions, i.e. the high recurrence rate. The present observations together with the reports on the malignant transformation of nasal squamous cell papillomas emphasize the relevance of the recent concept on the possible involvement of HPV in human squamous cell carcinogenesis.