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Virtuality Continuum's State of the Art


Abstract and Figures

In order to have a better and global knowledge of the possibilities for implementing applications based on Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, a state of the art is presented in this paper. Its purpose is making easier for new researchers or developers knowing the situation and capabilities of these technologies. From the definition of the Virtuality Continuum concept, applications are grouped in those using VR and others applying AR techniques. The ones based on a MR are explained too. Relating to the situation of these technologies nowadays, sectors of application, professional profiles, training offers and standards developed are presented with a prediction of future research lines.
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Procedia Computer Science 00 (2013) 000–000
2013 International Conference on Virtual and Augmented Reality in Education
Virtuality Continuum´s State of the Art
Héctor Olmedo*
Universidad de Valladolid, ETSII, Campus Miguel Delibes s/n, Valladolid, CP. 47001, Spain
In order to have a better and global knowledge of the possibilities for implementing applications based on
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, a state of the art is presented in this paper. Its purpose is making easier
for new researchers or developers knowing the situation and capabilities of these technologies. From the
definition of the Virtuality Continuum concept, applications are grouped in those using VR and others applying
AR techniques. The ones based on a MR are explained too. Relating to the situation of these technologies
nowadays, sectors of application, professional profiles, training offers and standards developed are presented
with a prediction of future research lines.
© 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the programme committee of the 2013 International Conference on
Virtual and Augmented Reality in Education.
Keywords: Virtual Reality; Augmented Reality; Mixed Reality
1. Introduction
This paper is intending to deeply introduce the situation of Virtual Reality (VR), Mixed Reality (MR) and
Augmented Reality (AR). In the first three sections, each one will be presented in a history, components and
tools basis. In section 5, a global vision of the situation of these technologies will be presented introducing the
sectors where they are applied, the possibilities to learn about them, the required professional profiles and the
standards being developed. Having a global knowledge of the situation, a prediction of the future researching
lines will be discussed in section 6. Finally, last section will conclude with the point of view of the author.
* Corresponding author. E-mail address:
Héctor Olmedo/ Procedia Computer Science 00 (2013) 000–000
2. Virtual Reality
It produces an appearing of reality that allows the user to perceive a sensation of presence inside of it. It is
got through producing a set of images watched by the user through screens, head mounted displays, etc. Some
equipment are complemented with wearings and gloves with haptic sensors designed to simulate of different
tactile stimuli that intensify the sense of reality. There are several definitions for VR: “Synthetic Reality”,
“Virtual Worlds”, “Cyberspace”, “Virtual Environments” and more particularly “Presence” but the most
appropriate is the definition that says VR consists of interactive tridimensional simulations reproducing
environments and real situation [1]. It is said that a VR application must have these conditions:
1. Simulation, referred to the ability of being a system allowing the representation of a reality;
2. Interaction, to control the system or world represented;
3. Perception, allowing lying to the senses through external elements.
2.1. History
It is a relatively new concept despite of being developed at late 1950s visual devices similar to the ones used
in VR applications. But not before the late 1980s it is extended the concept of VR, to be exploited at 1990s by
scientific, military, visionary and technologic enterprises. Several of the most relevant projects are shown at
table 3.
2.2. Components
• Vision devices: Where virtual world is shown (Computer monitor, laptop screen, TV screen, projector,
mobile device screen, tablet screen, video console screen, OPI/MUPI, CAVE, etc.)
• VR SW: Program managing virtual data.
• Interaction devices: keyboard and mouse, joysticks, haptic devices, etc.
2.3. Tools
Despite of the existence of a lot of this kind of tools, some of the most popular tools used to develop 3D
virtual environments are mentioned at Table 1.
Table 1. VR Tools
VR Tools Description
Autodesk 3D Studio [2], Blender [3], CINEMA 4D [4],
Autodesk Maya [5]
Modeling, animation, simulation and 3D rendering SW for game, movies
and motion graphics developers
Adobe Director [6], Adobe Flash [7], Microsoft Silverlight [8] Application for multimedia SW development
Ajax3D [9], Java3D [10], X3DOM [11] X3D [12] based API for 3D development
Away3D [13], Unity [14] 3D engine
3. Augmented Reality
It produces a direct or indirect vision of a physical environment from the real world, whose elements are
combined with virtual elements at real time. It generates stimuli at real time for the user’s interaction that are
superposed over the physical environment of the user. It is made through a set of devices adding virtual
Héctor Olmedo/ Procedia Computer Science 00 (2013) 000–000
information to the existing physical information this is, physical reality is not substituted but computer data are
superimposed to the real world.
These devices use computer vision, object recognition, geolocation and tracking to associate artificial
information stored that can be retrieved like an information layer at the upside part of the vision of the real
world, making it interactive and digital. Virtual information is added to the physical information to enrich,
improve, change and interact with the reality, so we could say AUGMETING REALITY.
AR applications like the ones developed for marketing will need visualization devices, special SW and HW.
But capture devices and activators too. Computer vision based AR applications can be marker systems based or
marker less systems based. Also there will be applications that use tracking and geolocation. Visualization will
be projector based, using head-mounted displays or just with a browser. HW used nowadays is based on low
cost microprocessor development boards, videogame devices, smart phones and tablets but also still PCs and
laptops are used. There are everyday more and more SW providers that offer development frameworks,
browsers, authoring tools and SW libraries [15].
3.1. History
After several VR projects during years from 1960 to 1990, term AR appears in 1992 and then, the first
prototypes. From them till 2013, prototypes for Marketing, Tourism, Education, Industry and Entertainment are
developed. From 2012, HW and SW improvements are produced and new inputs that make AR popular.
3.2. Components
• Capture devices: getting information from real world (Webcam, laptop webcam, smart phone webcam,
video cam,)
• Vision devices: where real images and virtual images are shown (computer display, laptop display, TV
display, projector, smart phone display, tablet display, video console display, OPI/MUPI,)
• AR SW: program that mixes images from real world with virtual data.
• Activators: marks that are recognized by the AR SW to insert the virtual data. They are capable of transmit
movement and perspective (simple markers, image markers, facial recognition, GPS coordinates, QR codes,
3.3. Tools
Besides of the tools used to create 3D virtual worlds and images shown at Table 1, tools shown at Table 2
are used to make the join of real and virtual images.
Table 2. AR Tools
AR Tools Description
BlippAR [16], Metaio/Junaio [17], MINKO [18], D’FUSION [19], IN2AR
[20], Mixare [21], Vuforia [22], AR23D [23], ARToolkit [24], AURASMA
[25], GART [26], Layar [27], STRING AR [28], Wikitude [29]
App development for mobile (iOS, Android, Blackberry,
Windows Phone, Symbiam)
Kinect for Windows SDK [30], [31] App development for console based HW (Microsoft Kinect,
SONY PS3 Move)
Gainer [32], Processing [33]/Wiring [34] App development for HW Arduino
PTAM [35], BuildAR [36], DART [37], ALTERNATIVA 3D [38],
SLARToolkit [39]
App development for desktop (MacOS, Windows, Linux)
Héctor Olmedo/ Procedia Computer Science 00 (2013) 000–000
4. Mixed Reality
Milgram [40] proposed the idea of the Reality-Virtuality Continuum where reality as we know is situated at
one side and virtual environments totally generated by computer or VR is situated at the opposite side. Moving
from the side of the reality to the side of the VR we could pass by the AR and from the VR towards Reality we
will situate at an Augmented Virtuality, AV. Everything between AR and AV is called MR. MR not only
allows user’s interaction with virtual environments even allows physical objects from the immediate
environment of the user to be elements to interact with the virtual environment.
MR will include everything that is not only VR nor AR applications. For example and application developed
for giving a virtual scene for broadcasting the weather forecast with a real human over it.
Fig. 1. Virtuality continuum [40]
AR concept involves the combination of different technologies to mix on real time 3D content computer
generated with live video recorded with a device [41]. An example of AR could be an application that
superposes a synthetic image over a real image; this is done with applications for indoor design that superpose
virtual furniture over images with the buildings. MR would be between AR and VR, concerning to different
levels of mixture of real and virtual world, integrated on one only visualization device, depending of the weight
of its contribution to the final result [40]. An example of AV could be an application that superposes a real
image over a synthetic image, the way it is done with virtual stages for weather forecast where the real image of
the presenter is superposed over the maps. So it is on MR where techniques such as using physical objects from
the user’s environment are used as elements for interacting with the virtual environment.
Table 3. History of AR/MR/VR [42] [43]
Ivan Sutherland
Haptic display
Knowlton, LEEP
ASA VIE Workstation, NASA
CRT, USAF, VPL Research
British Aerospace Virtual
British Aerospace, W Industries
Teletact Globe
AR term and first prototypes
Marketing, Turism, Education,
Industry, Entertainment
HW and SW improvements,
Smart cities
Data 1956 1961 1965 1967 1975 1981/1982 1983 1984 1985 1987 1990 1991 1992 1990/2012 2012/20XX
5. Situation of AR/MR/VR
In order to give a wide vision of the scope of the technologies presented, this section introduces the sectors
where they are applied, the required professional profiles to develop applications based on AR/MR/VR, the
possibilities to learn about them and the related standards being developed.
Héctor Olmedo/ Procedia Computer Science 00 (2013) 000–000
5.1. Sectors
The sectors where these technologies are applied and the services offered will be also pointed. We will
group them in: Industrial production systems, Training simulators, Cultural heritage and Centers like museums
or thematic parks as shown in Table 4.
Table 4. AR/MR/VR applications [44]
GROUPS AR/MR/VR applications
Industrial Visualizing engineering concepts, Training personnel, Evaluating ergonomic issues, Visualizing virtual
prototypes, Visualizing virtual weapons, Exploring servicing strategies, Simulating the interaction of
assemblies, Simulating the dynamics of articulated structures, Stress analysis, Distributed product
development management, Simulating manufacturing processes, Collaborative engineering on large AEC
projects, Machining and pressing simulation, Concurrent engineering, Ergonomics, Virtual prototypes, Visual
engineering, Spatial visualization.
Training Simulators Medicine (Soft body modeling, Minimally invasive surgery, Virtual therapy), Civilian flight simulators,
Teaching, Learning, Military simulators (Flight, etc.), Strategic simulators, Train driving simulators, Vehicle
simulators, Emergency services
Entertainment and
Cultural Heritage
Computer and Video Games, Recreational games, Experiences at Thematic parks and Museums, Tourism and
VR Centres Architecture, Indoor Design, Urban Development, Airport Design, Bridge Design, Human Movement Analysis
Several examples of projects and real applications from business and academia will be given. Despite of the
two leading formats for AR learning experiences given at [45]: augmented books and mobile AR apps,
projects such as Avalon [46] that allows learning of Spanish language to foreign students inside a MR
environment could be another kind of proposal. Considering gaming area, there are two examples with great
success: Invizimals [47] developed by Novarama [48] for the SONY PSP video console and ARDefender [49]
available for Android and iOS. Recently launched Open Me [50] for video console PSVITA is a promising
proposal of video game AR-based. Related to medicine AR applied to surgery is described in [51]. There are
curious proposals as the industrial and informational application from Virtualware for the Spanish Postal
service Correos [52] simulating sizes of shipments. Another interesting project for marketing is Magic Mirror
[53] that is a virtual fitting room that could increase sales of clothes. Duran Duran Project [54] based on
gigantic markers shows a projected AR in a concert, so it could be considered an example of entertainment.
Project Augmented mirror [55] goes beyond allowing real time animation of a virtual character shown to an
audience as it is performed by a hidden actor, but there are proposal for Theme Parks [56] and museums [57].
In the scope of arts, project ObservAR [58] oriented to museums is an example.
5.2. Professional profiles
The required profiles by companies for working with these technologies are mainly
"Developer/Programmer" and "Modeler". The first one must be a computing expert with strong skills
programming 3D graphics and interactive devices with several programming languages. The second one should
have a background on arts, with capabilities for design and experience with multimedia, modeling, animation,
simulation and 3D rendering SW. But profiles mixing capabilities from these two basic profiles are more
demanded every day.
Héctor Olmedo/ Procedia Computer Science 00 (2013) 000–000
5.3. Training
Nowadays several projects are developed at Universities and Academia but there no specific studies for
learning these technologies. If we ask for "AR/MR/VR" at the website of ANECA (The National Agency for
Quality Assessment and Accreditation of Spain) [59], there are only four Grades/Masters offered by Spanish
Universities as shown at table. But there are also other Schools and Colleges that offer related studies.
Table 5. AR/MR/VR grades and masters
University Grade/Master
Universidad de Granada Máster Universitario en Desarrollo de Software
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Máster Universitario en Informática Gráfica, Juegos y Realidad Virtual
Universidad Europea de Madri
Periodismo Digital y Redes Sociales
Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU Máster Universitario en Periodismo en Televisión por la Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU
5.4. Standards
As long as VR is older than AR, several standards like VRML and X3D have been designed by Web3D
Consortium [60] but there are also works in progress for AR. For example, ARML [61] is a proposal. But the
big challenge is to compress and stream 3D assets using an effective and widely adopted coder – decoder
(codec), in the same way as MP3 is the standard for audio, H.264 for video and PNG/JPEG for images.
Table 6. A Standard 3D Compression Format?
Audio Video Images 3D
Napster YouTube Facebook ?
6. Future of AR/MR/VR
Having a wide vision of the situation of AR/MR/VR, in this section the seven most promising research lines
nowadays will be shown. The first three of them will be HW based (Google Glass, Microsoft Kinect and
Mobile apps). The last three will be new concepts (Smart cities, Serious games and Web3D). The one in the
middle (Open HW based apps) will be also HW based but also the basis of a new concept.
6.1. Google glass
VR glasses were an icon for this technology but they were relegated due to their manufacturing costs and
also because of adaptation issues related to the user. Nowadays there is even researching on contact lens [62],
but after Google’s advert for its new device called Google Glass [63], expectations for researchers and
developers have been triggered because it could be a great opportunity for exploding AR applications. Even
new manufacturers have designed similar products as Oculus Rift [64], Atheer [65], Meta [66], Epson Moverio
[67], Oakley Airwave [68], Sony HMZ-T1 [69], Vuzix [70], Glass Up [71] and Eyeborg Eyecam 3.0 [72].
These products give a second chance to VR glasses. Other devices for allowing us to walk through virtual
worlds the way we do on real world are the perfect complement for these visualization gadgets, Omni [73] is
the most clear and recent example.
Héctor Olmedo/ Procedia Computer Science 00 (2013) 000–000
6.2. Microsoft Kinect
This device manufactured by Microsoft as a complement for its video console XBOX 360 has been
supporting development of AR applications at labs researching new HCI ways and also for companies
developing interactive products. Projects for therapies as Virtualrehab [74] or Toyra [75] oriented to physical
rehabilitation have been developed using this device that monitors color, depth and audio. Also it could be used
as a biometric controller as announced for the next generation XBOX ONE console. It has been the base of
projects for sign language recognition [76] and recently a SW for turning any surface into a touch screen has
been presented by Ubi Interactive [77] using Kinect and a projector. Of course, competitors have appeared as
SONY Playstation 4 Eye [78], Leap Motion [79], MYO [80], Omek [81] and Tobii [82].
6.3. Mobile applications
Smart phones and tablets with their powerful HW and small sizes are the perfect support to develop mobile
devices with AR/MR/VR capabilities. The wide and increasing range of apps developed for the most popular
operating systems for mobile and tablets (iOS, Android) based on these technologies could be enough to give
us an idea of the growth of these kind of apps [83].
6.4. Open HW based applications
With open HW represented by Arduino [84] and Gainer [85] professional and amateur developers can make
true devices in a cheaper way than years ago when high costs in HW were only affordable for great companies.
Besides, 3D printing allows manufacturing of elements to interact with this HW in an easy way. These are the
basis of the so called "Internet of things".
6.5. Smart cities
Based on definitions given for AR/MR/VR, a city is a perfect stage for applying these technologies. This
way, smart cities are being a line of research for these technologies. Wireless technologies, networked
infrastructures, improved travel solutions, rational and coordinated use of resources, social inclusion, and
increased competitiveness are all implicated in the advent of smart cities. A smart city is not only a city full of
sensors, cams and lights controlling everything. It is about adapting use of technology to improve citizens' life.
The target is getting the optimum management of resources and giving a greater accessibility to different
services. A Smart City improves and integrates sectors and transport subsystems with others like education,
health, security, entertainment, commerce and public services. Use of data generated by smart cities and our
capability to use them are deeply related with the use of Big Data to make easier the treatment of those data and
make them useful information. The goal is to understand what the city is telling us, being able to translate all
these data to have a more efficient management for the citizens. Here resides the role of AR/MR/VR that can
be outstanding when showing the data if we assume the quote "a picture speaks a thousand words". An example
is SmartSantanderRA [86].
6.6. Serious Games
Videogames still are a target for these technologies, but recently the use of a new way of learning is
growing. It is called gamification. It consists on applying videogame’s philosophy to other aspects of the real
life as managing, learning, etc. This is why serious games are more important every day with examples as
Héctor Olmedo/ Procedia Computer Science 00 (2013) 000–000
Delfos3D Project [87]. Of course, AR/MR/VR form an alliance with marketing, advertising and simulation to
develop this kind of projects.
6.7. Web3D
Despite of considering Second Life [88] a failure, Web3D is the future. An example of this could be the
success of Minecraft [89], it could be considered a simply “digital LEGO” where remote users build structures
with blocks in a virtual world. Even more and more websites are tridimensional. There are several project
developing APIs based on X3D [12] as shown in Table 1 helping programmers to build 3D websites. This will
be generalized when our smart phones and tablets will be able to visualize these characteristics because these
devices will be the ones to give the bigger percentage of accesses to the Internet. Regarding this line, Metaio
with Sony Ericsson has developed specific HW to process graphics on future platforms [90]. Definitely
standardization of a 3D compression format (see Table 6) will give a bush to the massive implementation of
7. Conclusions
In this paper, AR/MR/VR technologies have been presented with related components, history and tools.
After revising sectors of application, professional profiles, training offers and standards, future of related
research lines have been predicted. All in all, we can assure that these technologies are part of our lives more
than we can imagine. Despite of it and considering a lot of sectors with needs to be covered, there is a
promising future not only for professionals who are beginning development of new projects related with these
technologies, also for those exploiting and implanting applications together with the ones teaching related
knowledge and capabilities. Despite of the investment on training for developing applications based on
AR/MR/VR, the solutions that can be reached are less expensive than solutions proposed before, not only
relating to money, also talking about sustainability. As an illustrative example, augmented books are cheaper to
develop than paper books and there no need of deforestation.
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... VR has the capacity to provide the real world with virtual data and experience closely [13]. It is also found to be in practice in many divisions such as industrials, simulations, entertainment, VR centers and other more [30]. In addition, the system has the potential to bridge users' limitations on accessing and interacting in virtual locations with no concern for distance, time or danger [6]. ...
... There are a number of tools that are put in practice by developers to wholly construct an immersive VE with interactivity features. All the tools required to build VE contents that involve 2D or 3D graphics, audios and programming for interactivity development [30]. With the needs of different development tools, it is necessary to draw in multiple specialists as well as engaging the end-users for improvement feedback and collaboration within all individuals to create a maximized usability and user experience. ...
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Virtual Reality (VR) system is at its maturity to practice within many fields of studies. It is already recognized internationally and it's a reliable system to achieve user sense of presence and level of engagement among the users. However, the system still needs further advancement, as there are still numbers of concerns within the system itself that can demote user experience value. This paper attempted to classify the presented studies by researchers from articles sightings between years of 2007 to 2017 into three main components namely the technologies application platform, design of the application systems and construction of virtual environment (VE) for the application system. Then the review of design and development issues that concerns on users experience within the area of VE exploration and creation are also included. The filtration of selection papers is not discussed here, and in this review process, there is no empirical assessment. The objective of this paper is to point out and learn about the current state of VR and the issues faced in order to further promote the connection between user experiences with the system itself. Moreover, it is to level up the acceptance practices among users and continues publicizing the benefits of this complex system in various fields of use. Finally, with the review findings, this paper recommended VR trends for future research, design and development directions.
... On the one hand, there are widely popular aesthetics related to the gaming industry imaginaries as in Second Life, Roblox and especially Minecraft. Minecraft, 9 described by many as a kind of digital Lego (Olmedo 2013), is exemplary of this type of aesthetic. it is an open 'sandbox' game in which players build textured cubic constructions, block by block, in a world with its own physical laws (Overby and Jones 2015). ...
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... On the one hand, there are widely popular aesthetics related to the gaming industry imaginaries as in Second Life, Roblox and especially Minecraft. Minecraft, 9 described by many as a kind of digital Lego (Olmedo 2013), is exemplary of this type of aesthetic. it is an open 'sandbox' game in which players build textured cubic constructions, block by block, in a world with its own physical laws (Overby and Jones 2015). ...
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Recent years have seen the rise of some early attempts to construct virtual cities, affective utopias or dystopias in an embodied internet, which in some respects seems as the ultimate expression of the neoliberal model applied to the urban project, even if virtual. Although there is an extensive disciplinary literature on the relationship between planning and virtual reality related to the gaming industry, it often avoids imaginaries and values issues. The investigation of some of these early experiences - Decentraland, Minecraft, Liberland Metaverse, to name a few - raises important questions and issues that are gradually becoming inescapable for architects, and urban planners, and allows us to make some partial considerations on the risks and potentialities of these early virtual cities. Even if Metaverse cities are seen by many as an utopian fancy refuge - for an elite class - in an 'end of the world' scenario, like that of the present, these first experiments of virtual cities paradoxically seem to re-propose consolidated physical cities urban issues: from spatial and socio-economic inequalities, to large privatisation processes, touristification, redlining, land speculation, iper-fragmentation, ecc. Contemporary utopias or dystopias, what are these new virtual cities? The construction of a better city and a better world has obsessed architects and urban planners since always. Virtual reality gives us this possibility but it would seem to re-propose well-rooted techno-capitalistic imaginaries and issues of the contemporary neoliberal-model city. And it opens up a serious reflection on the need for new imaginaries, a radical “politics of the imagination”, also for virtual territories.
... Currently owned by Microsoft and available across multiple gaming platforms, as of April 2021 there were up to 139 million monthly active players with 238 copies of the game sold worldwide (Microsoft, 2021). The system has been compared to digital LEGO (Olmedo, 2013). The LEGO comparison is not just due to the block-based nature of Minecraft, but also a reference to its open-endedness (Hervé & Salge, 2021). ...
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The planning process has been, arguably, slow to adapt and adopt new technologies: It is perhaps only now that it is starting to move into a more digitally focused era. Yet, it is not the current thinking around the digital that is going to change planning; it is the emerging metaverse. It is a change on the near horizon that is there but is currently largely unseen in the urban planning profession. The metaverse is, at first sight, a mirror to the current world, a digital twin, but it is more than this: It is an inhabited mirror world where the physical dimensions and rules of time and space do not necessarily apply. Operating across scales, from the change of use of a building up to a local plan and onwards to the scale of future cities, these emerging metaverses will exist either directly within computational space or emerge into our physical space via augmented reality. With economic systems operating via blockchain technology and the ability to instigate aspects of planning law, interspaced with design fiction type scenarios, they represent a new tool kit for the urban planner, spatial, economic, and social. We explore these emerging spaces, taking a look at their origins and how the use of game engines have allowed participation and design to become part of the workflow of these 3D spaces. Via a series of examples, we look at the current state of the art, explore the short term future, and speculate on digital planning using these incoming metaverses 10 years from now.
... Dans celle-ci, l'utilisateur est placé dans un environnement réel et des éléments virtuels lui sont ajoutés. Ces éléments peuvent être coordonnés en temps réel avec le contexte et en interaction avec l'utilisateur (Olmedo, 2013). Ainsi, dans le cas des jeux sérieux sur mobile, la réalité augmentée peut contribuer à l'apprentissage situé, en partie, par la reconnaissance d'objets ou de gestes et l'affichage d'informations pouvant fonctionner comme un instructeur virtuel (George et al., 2011). ...
... The burgeoning technologies in today's world have substantially shaped the educational contexts with new opportunities for learning in the twenty-first century (Chiţiba 2012;Dubinina et al. 2015;Fischer and Herrmann 2011;Hayashi and Baranauskas 2013;Laal 2011;Ott 2011;Yilmaz and Bayraktar 2014). Although physical space seems to be an essential factor in all forms of learning-formal, nonformal, and informal (CEDEFOP 2014;Hayashi and Baranauskas 2013;Laal 2011;UNESCO-IBE 2013), technological artifacts can augment the boundaries of the real world through a seamless access (Hayashi and Baranauskas 2013;Laal 2011) to the mixed reality and virtual environment (Milgram et al. 1995;Olmedo 2013), such as simulations (Bottenberg et al. 2013;Failla and Macauley 2014;Watts et al. 2014), e-Learning (Cant and Cooper 2014;Canţer 2012;Ott 2011), mobile learning (Ahmed and Parsons 2013;Fulantelli et al. 2015), and blended learning (Muresan 2013;Shaidullin et al. 2014). These huge advancements have led to the changing nature of education and the emergence of "technagogy" or simply teaching with technology. ...
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Due to the changing needs and technological advancement in the twenty-first century, “technagogy” or the arts and science of teaching with technology has emerged as an underexplored opportunity in the continuing professional development (CPD). However, little is known on how to develop and evaluate a technagogy-enhanced CPD for health professionals. A mixed-methods study was utilized to generate well-grounded curriculum and evaluation frameworks that integrate technagogy and outcomes-based teaching and learning in CPD. The CPD evaluation of the implemented learning program revealed that a technagogy-enhanced CPD could lead to excellent and effective written, supported, taught, tested, and learned curriculum aspects. The designed frameworks can guide the theory, practice, research, and policy of CPD program development and evaluation.
... It is worth to give an overview about VR • From historical perspective, the relative development of the VR concept emerged in late 1950s. But, the real beginning was not before late 1980s and extended to be exploited in 1990s by medical, military, visionary, scientific and technological communities [22]. In addition, VR term was coined and presented by Jaron Lanier in 1987 [23]. ...
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Undoubtedly, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is the most popular and widespread trend of many fields around the globe, and a smart tool for the emergence of several technological services such as web service and virtual technology. Nowadays, development and growth in computers and communications field are dynamically changing. ICT plays a key role in the digital transformation which led to the appearance of a new age called the digital age. Hence, many organizations and countries have supported modern technological trends such as the Virtual University (VU), Virtual Reality (VR) and Virtual Learning Environments (VLE), as a virtual technology. ICT can be used in positive and negative aspects, so it must be observed and considered. As a virtual technology, VU can offer extraordinary opportunities to avoid obstacles caused by critical circumstances.
Augmented reality and virtual reality are terms often used together and even interchangeably sometimes without knowing their actual meaning. Augmented reality (AR) enhances the real world by mixing and overlapping digital objects with the real world whereas virtual reality (VR) is a completely different world created in a virtual space. VR can be experienced with wearables; but AR needs a device as simple as a phone and it's also wearable. In this chapter, AR is discussed and explored in a detailed manner. With its rapid evolving time, AR will be more common than it is now. It already is a part of everyone's life with the help of applications like Google Lens and Snapchat. AR has been experimented on for a while and the first spine surgery on a patient has been performed by John Hopkins neurosurgeon on June 8, 2020, using AR headsets. In this chapter, the types of extended reality (XR) and their differences. AR technology used in the study of anatomy, medical surgeries, pharma study, MedTech, and case studies of AR implementation in the field of medical surgeries is discussed.
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Volume(1), Part(1), Published Papers, 2020 by A. A. Salama Contents 2020 Part (1) Year 2020 1) Ibrahim Yasser, Abeer Twakol, A. A. Abd El-Khalek, Ahmed Samrah and A. A. Salama, COVID-X: Novel Health-Fog Framework Based on Neutrosophic Classifier for Confrontation Covid-19, Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, vol. 35, 2020, pp. 1-21. 2) A.A. Salama, Ahmed Sharaf Al-Din, Issam Abu Al-Qasim, Rafif Alhabib and Magdy Badran, Introduction to Decision Making for Neutrosophic Environment “Study on the Suez Canal Port, Egypt”, Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, vol. 35, 2020, pp. 22-44. 3) Ahmed B. AL-Nafee, Florentin Smarandache and A. A. Salama, New Types of Neutrosophic Crisp Closed Sets, Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, vol. 36, 2020, pp. 175-183. 4) Abd ELhamid, A., Salama, A. A., Hassan, S. I., & Ayad, N. M. A. (2020, June). Towards Virtual Technology Vision in Critical Cases. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 870, No. 1, p. 012134). IOP Publishing, 5) Alhabib, Rafif, A. A. Salama. "The Neutrosophic Time Series-Study Its Models (Linear-Logarithmic) and test the Coefficients Significance of Its linear model." Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 33.1 (2020) pp105-115. 6) Alhabib, Rafif, and A. A. Salama Using Moving Averages To Pave The Neutrosophic Time Series, International Journal of Neutrosophic Science (IJNS),3,1(2020),pp14-20. 7) A.A. Salama, M. Elsayed Wahed, Eman Yousif: A Multi-objective Transportation Data Problems and their Based on Fuzzy Random Variables. Neutrosophic Knowledge, vol. 1/2020, pp. 41-53. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4269558 8) Abd ELhamid, A., Salama, A. A., Hassan, S. I., & Ayad, N. M. A. (2020), A Glimpse of Virtual Reality Publications in Engineering Disciplines, Egyptian Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol.35 9) A.A. Salama, Mohamed Fazaa, Mohamed Yahya, M. Kazim, A Suggested Diagnostic System of Corona Virus based on the Neutrosophic Systems and Deep Learning, I. J. Neutrosophic Science, Vol.9(1), 2020,pp54-59. 10) A. A. Salama, Rafif Alhabib, Neutrosophic Ideal layers & Some Generalizations for GIS Topological Rules, International Journal of Neutrosophic Science, Vol.8,(1),pp.44-49.2020. 11) A. A. Salama , M.S.Bondok Henawy , Rafif Alhabib, Online Analytical Processing Operations via Neutrosophic Systems, International Journal of Neutrosophic Science,Vol.8,(2),pp.87-109.2020. 12) Shimaa Fathi, Hewayda ElGhawalby, A.A. Salama: On Neutrosophic Graph. Neutrosophic Knowledge, vol. 1/2020, pp. 7-13. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4269592 13) A. A. Salama, Florentin Smarandache: Neutrosophic Local Function and Generated Neutrosophic Topology. Neutrosophic Knowledge, vol. 1/2020, pp. 1-6. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4269582 14) (Accepted Papers 2020) Sixth International Scientific Conference, Faculty of Nursing, Port Said University, Egypt 2020, Neutrosophic Mathematical Systems and Nursing Scientific Research. أبحاث منشورة باللغة العربية 15) ميرفت المحلاوى أحمد سلامة,هبة عشرى,محمود رياض إستخدام السلاسل الزمنية الفازية للتنبؤ الفازي (دراسة تطبيقية) Neutrosophic Knowledge, 2020 , مجلد 1 الصفحات 72-94 16) عصام أبو القاسم مجدى بدران, أحمد سلامة ,أحمد شرف الدين(2020) التحليل النيتروسوفيكى لأهم المتغيرات المرتبطة بمشروعات تطوير المجري الملا حى لقناة السويس Neutrosophic Knowledge, 2020 , الصفحات 58-71 مجلد1
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The design and development of products based on or related to Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) has boomed in recent years, due not only to a growing market interest but to the technical ease and low cost of the many available tools. This chapter introduces the most popular hardware and software tools and technologies to develop AR and MR applications, in order to serve as starting point to anyone interested in developing such systems. Elements needed to develop AR/MR will be presented objectively, and some example projects will be described.
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Walt Disney Imagineering and Disney Research Zürich are building a projector- camera toolbox to help create spatially augmented 3D objects and dynamic, interactive spaces that enhance the theme park experience by immersing guests in magical worlds. A related video can be seen here: It shows examples of projection-based augmented reality techniques being employed in Disney theme parks.
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Evaluations of AR experiences in an educational setting provide insights into how this technology can enhance traditional learning models and what obstacles stand in the way of its broader use. A related video can be seen here: It shows examples of augmented reality experiences in an educational setting.
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In this paper we discuss Augmented Reality (AR) displays in a general sense, within the context of a Reality-Virtuality (RV) continuum, encompassing a large class of "Mixed Reality" (MR) displays, which also includes Augmented Virtuality (AV). MR displays are defined by means of seven examples of existing display concepts in which real objects and virtual objects are juxtaposed. Essential factors which distinguish different Mixed Reality display systems from each other are presented, first by means of a table in which the nature of the underlying scene, how it is viewed, and the observer's reference to it are compared, and then by means of a three dimensional taxonomic framework, comprising: Extent of World Knowledge (EWK), Reproduction Fidelity (RF) and Extent of Presence Metaphor (EPM). A principal objective of the taxonomy is to clarify terminology issues and to provide a framework for classifying research across different disciplines.
Understanding Virtual Reality arrives at a time when the technologies behind virtual reality have advanced to the point that it is possible to develop and deploy meaningful, productive virtual reality applications. The aim of this thorough, accessible exploration is to help you take advantage of this moment, equipping you with the understanding needed to identify and prepare for ways VR can be used in your field, whatever your field may be. By approaching VR as a communications medium, the authors have created a resource that will remain relevant even as the underlying technologies evolve. You get a history of VR, along with a good look at systems currently in use. However, the focus remains squarely on the application of VR and the many issues that arise in the application design and implementation, including hardware requirements, system integration, interaction techniques, and usability. This book also counters both exaggerated claims for VR and the view that would reduce it to entertainment, citing dozens of real-world examples from many different fields and presenting (in a series of appendices) four in-depth application case studies.
In addition to seamlessly integrating virtual and real content, augmented reality systems in museums must provide a viewing interface that is flexible and robust enough for thousands of people to use. A related video can be seen here: It shows how augmented reality systems in museums can provide a viewing interface that is flexible and robust enough for thousands of people to use.
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1 Virtual Reality.- 1.1 Introduction.- 1.2 What Is VR?.- 1.3 Who Should Read This Book?.- 1.4 The Aims and Objectives of This Book.- 1.5 Assumptions Made in This Book.- 1.6 How to Use This Book.- 1.7 Some VR Concepts and Terms.- 1.8 Navigation and Interaction.- 1.9 Immersion and Presence.- 1.10 What Is Not VR?.- 1.11 The Internet.- 1.12 Summary.- 2 The Benefits of VR.- 2.1 Introduction.- 2.2 3D Visualization.- 2.3 Navigation.- 2.4 Interaction.- 2.5 Physical Simulation.- 2.6 VEs.- 2.7 Applications.- 2.8 Summary.- 3 3D Computer Graphics.- 3.1 Introduction.- 3.2 From Computer Graphics to VR.- 3.3 Modelling Objects.- 3.4 Dynamic Objects.- 3.5 Constraints.- 3.6 Collision Detection.- 3.7 Perspective Views.- 3.8 3D Clipping.- 3.9 Stereoscopic Vision.- 3.10 Rendering the Image.- 3.11 Rendering Algorithms.- 3.12 Texture Mapping.- 3.13 Bump Mapping.- 3.14 Environment Mapping.- 3.15 Shadows.- 3.16 Radiosity.- 3.17 Other Computer Graphics Techniques.- 3.18 Summary.- 4 Human Factors.- 4.1 Introduction.- 4.2 Vision.- 4.3 Vision and Display Technology.- 4.4 Hearing.- 4.5 Tactile.- 4.6 Equilibrium.- 4.7 Summary.- 5 VR Hardware.- 5.1 Introduction.- 5.2 Computers.- 5.3 Tracking.- 5.4 Input Devices.- 5.5 Output Devices.- 5.6 Glasses.- 5.7 Displays.- 5.8 Audio.- 5.9 Summary.- 6 VR Software.- 6.1 Introduction.- 6.2 VR Software Features.- 6.3 Web-Based VR.- 6.4 Division's dVISE.- 6.5 Blueberry3D.- 6.6 Boston Dynamics.- 6.7 MultiGen.- 6.8 Summary.- 7 VR Applications.- 7.1 Introduction.- 7.2 Industrial.- 7.3 Training Simulators.- 7.4 Entertainment.- 7.5 VR Centres.- 7.6 Summary.- 8 Conclusion.- 8.1 The Past.- 8.2 Today.- 8.3 Conclusion.- Appendices.- Appendix A VRML Web Sites.- Appendix B HMDs.- Appendix C Trackers.- Appendix D VRML Program.- Appendix E Web Sites for VR Products.- Referebces.