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Les dépÔts pliocènes et pléistocènes de la basse vallée du Var (Nice, Alpes-Maritimes): variations du niveau marin et néotectonique depuis 5 millions d'années


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Les dépôts pliocènes et pléistocènes de la basse vallée du Var (Nice, Alpes-Maritimes) : variations du niveau marin et néotectonique depuis 5 millions d'années. ___________________________________________________________________________ Résumé — Les 700 m de poudingues pliocènes du Var colmatent l'incision messinienne. Cette incision préexistante va conditionner une bonne part de la mise en place des dépôts Plio-Plèistocènes. Durant cette période, les variations du niveau de la mer et le soulèvement tectonique déterminent, dans un contexte d'espace disponible de plus en plus réduit dans la ria du Var inférieur, le caractère fondamentalement emboîté des formations : d'abord le delta zancléen qui s'installe dès 5,3 Ma dans l'incision messinienne, puis les deltas plaisancien (3,58-2,60 Ma) et gélasien (2,6-1,7 Ma) qui indiquent des mouvements amples du niveau marin. Enfin les terrasses quaternaires emboîtées ou étagées de l'estuaire du Var qui sont autant de petits deltas formés au gré des oscillations à haute fréquence d'origine climatique du niveau de la mer dans un contexte de soulèvement modéré du continent. Abstract — The 700 meters of Pliocene puddingstone of the Var fill in the Messinan incision. This pre-existing incision conditioned a large part of the formation of Plio-Pleistocene deposits. During this period, and in a context of decreasing available space in the ria of the lower Var, the changes in sea-level and the tectonic uplift determined the fundamentally interlocked nature of formations: first the Zanclean delta which set in as early as 5.3 Ma in the Messinan incision, followed by the Piacenzian (3.58-2.60 Ma) and the Gelasian (2.6-1.7 Ma) deltas which indicate important changes in sea-level. Lastly, the interlock or staggered quaternary terraces of the Var estuary, which are small deltas formed with the climate-related high frequency oscillationd of sea-level in the context of a moderate continental uplift.
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... Consequently, the valley is filled with recent alluvial deposits overlying a large accumulation of conglomerates from the Pliocene delta characterized by a slope of 15-20 degree toward the South. The Quaternary sedimentary thickness reaches 100 m depth at the Var estuary (Dubar, 2012;Kopf et al., 2016;Migeon et al., 2016). Recent studies on the Nice continental slope have also confirmed alluvial deposits with a thickness of more than 100 m that are responsible for strong offshore seismic wave amplifications (Dan-Unterseh et al., 2007;Courboulex et al., 2020). ...
... The estuary of the Var River is characterized essentially with low frequency peaks around 1 Hz. These values are consistent with the large sedimentary thickness assumed at the Var estuary (Guglielmi, 1993;Dubar, 2012;J. Kopf et al., 2016;Migeon et al., 2016). ...
... The second model is based on a combination of ambient vibration measurements and borehole log-stratigraphies data. In this model, the bedrock depth is found at 50 m in the North of the LVV and at more than 100 m in the South at the airport in accordance with previous studies (Guglielmi, 1993;Dubar, 2012;Kopf et al., 2016;Migeon et al., 2016). Locally, a deep interface is found around 80 m depth along the Var River. ...
In seismic hazard studies, site effects assessment is based on an accurate knowledge of mechanical properties and geometry of superficial geological formations. The Lower Var Valley (Nice, southeastern France) is a 2 km wide fluvial sedimentary basin where site effects have been observed on earthquake recordings. In addition, this area is a significant economically developing zone including the second largest airport of France. Therefore, it is highly important to define a 3D sub-surface model of the basin to understand the ground motion amplifications. Based on the compilation of several years of geotechnical and geophysical studies, the Quaternary alluvial deposits of the Lower Var Valley were investigated using 331 borehole log-stratigraphies and 439 ambient vibration measurements. These data were combined in a commercial software that models and allows to visualize geoscientific data and geological models in 3D. The borehole log-stratigraphies helped to define a representative lithostratigraphic soil profile and the geometry of the different sedimentary layers. Only few boreholes are reaching the engineering bedrock (Pliocene conglomerates characterized by a S-wave velocity larger than 800 m.s⁻¹). From the ambient vibration data, the fundamental resonance frequency identified from H/V curves indicates the bedrock depth using the well-known f0 = Vs/4H relationship. These H/V curves were interpreted using geological knowledge of the studied zone. Our results show that the bedrock depth varies, in the center of the valley, between 50 m in the northern part of the studied zone and more than 100 m on the river estuary. First, the average S-wave velocity in the alluvial deposits is estimated according to combined analysis of the borehole log-stratigraphies and H/V calculations on ambient vibration measurements. The spatial variability of this velocity has been translated into a velocity zonation of the valley. Second, this zonation allows us to extrapolate the Quaternary-Pliocene limit in the whole valley. The 3D model of the Lower Var Valley will be useful in future numerical simulations of seismic ground motions in order to evaluate and mitigate seismic risk in the area.
The southern part of the French Alps is studied for years in mapping and understanding of large-scale gravitational deformations. The identification and the knowledge of large-scale slope deformation (deep-seated gravitational slope deformation or DSGSD and deep-seated landslide or DSL) in the previous work of Jomard (2006) and Zerathe (2013) open a new vision of landslide processes with the reinterpretation of their dynamics and the characterization of the time scales involved. We identify DSGSD (10.109 m3) in the Var Valley associated with geological and geomorphological anomalies linked to the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC) and the alpine orogenesis. We use field observations, geological information (geological map, boreholes), and topographic analysis performed in a GIS environment in order to describe these anomalies. This old and partly eroded slide mass is associated with three typical DSGSD features: (1) a double-crested ridge, the Sinne Valley, (2) a large formation (2.7 × 108 m3) of slope deposit dated from the Messinian (Carros breccia), and (3) the kilometric deviation (1 to 2 km) of the Var River. We relate all these anomalies to the MSC (5.97 to 5.46 Ma) and the incision of deep canyons during this period related to this major eustatic variation (≈ 1300 m). The incision of the canyon triggered the collapse process of the DSGSD of the Sinne Valley and so destabilized the entire massif. At present, three DSLs resulting from the DSGSD deformation are still present in the area in a dormant state. Indeed, since the infilling of the Var Canyon during the Pliocene, the activity of the DSGSD has stopped.
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Depuis le début du siècle dernier, le littoral et l’arrière-pays de la Côte d’Azur (Alpes-Maritimes, France) ont fait l’objet de prospections archéologiques soutenues, menées notamment par des érudits locaux, des amateurs éclairés et des chercheurs institutionnels. Les prospections menées dans la commune de La Gaude et ses territoires limitrophes (Saint-Jeannet, Vence, Cagnes-sur-Mer, Saint-Laurent-du-Var et les collines occidentales de la ville de Nice) ont notamment permis de mettre au jour un certain nombre de stations de plein air qui ont livré des indications précieuses pour la compréhension de l’histoire du peuplement paléolithique de la Provence orientale. Il est souvent délicat - voire impossible - de localiser de façon précise ces sites en raison de l’urbanisation conséquente du territoire concerné par ce travail au cours des dernières années. En outre, si une partie du matériel collecté a été déposée dans des musées - et notamment au Musée de Préhistoire régionale de Menton - le fruit de ces prospections a souvent été conservé par des particuliers avant d’être dispersé au fil du temps. S’il est, par conséquent, aujourd’hui difficile d’établir un inventaire raisonné, cohérent et exhaustif des sites et du matériel qui y a été découvert, il n’en demeure pas moins que ces recherches ont permis de mettre au jour des indices variés attestant d’une présence humaine au cours du Paléolithique inférieur, moyen et supérieur, ainsi qu’à l’Épipaléolithique.
An archaic lithic assemblage has just been brought to light in border of the municipality of Nice (Alpes-Maritimes, France), in secondary position in a geologic context of middle fluviatile terrace in left bank of the Var. Lithic artefacts collected gather some shaping products (worked or broken pebbles) and debitage products (cores, flakes, angular fragments), obtained on pebbles mainly in many limestone, stemming from the local plio-Pleistocene conglomerate and the alluviums of the Var. This lithic production shows essentially the beginnings of chaines operatoires, with the first phases of pebbles cortex removing. Flakes are very mainly cortical or semi-cortical, and cores reveal a weak technical investment, with a reduced enough number of removal negatives. The debitage of orthogonal type is the most frequent, and the bipolar technique on anvil is attested. Some rare flakes are retouched by notches or by abrupt continuous retouches. The sector where was brought to light this lithic industry, in sediments reshaped below a level of fluviatile terrace of the Var in 70 m of height, made us suggest a very ancient age for these vestiges, being able to go back up at the beginning of Middle Pleistocene, even of Lower Pleistocene, what is in agreement with the technical characteristics noticed on this lithic assemblage.
Un outillage lithique archaïque vient d’être mis à jour en bordure de la commune de Nice (Alpes-Maritimes, France), en position secondaire dans un contexte géologique de moyenne terrasse fluviatile, en rive gauche du Var. Les artefacts lithiques recueillis rassemblent des produits de façonnage (galets aménagés ou fracturés) et des produits de débitage (nucléus, éclats, débris), obtenus sur galets principalement en calcaire marneux, issus du poudingue plio-Pléistocène local et des alluvions du Var. Cette production lithique témoigne essentiel- lement des débuts de chaînes opératoires, avec les premières phases de décorticage des galets. Les éclats sont très majoritairement corticaux ou semi-corticaux, et les nucléus révèlent un faible investissement technique, avec un nombre assez réduit de négatifs d’enlèvements. Le débitage de type orthogonal est le plus fréquent, et la technique bipolaire sur enclume est attestée. Quelques rares éclats sont retouchés par encoches ou par retouches continues abruptes. Le secteur où a été mise à jour cette industrie lithique, dans des sédiments remaniés en contrebas d’un niveau de terrasse fluviatile du Var, à 70 m d’altitude, nous fait suggérer un âge très ancien pour ces vestiges, pouvant remonter au début du Pléistocène moyen, voire au Pléistocène inférieur, ce qui est en accord avec les caractéristiques techniques constatées sur cet ensemble lithique. An archaic lithic assemblage has just been brought to light in border of the municipality of Nice (Alpes-Maritimes, France), in secondary position in a geologic context of middle fluviatile terrace in left bank of the Var. Lithic artefacts collected gather some shaping products (worked or broken pebbles) and débitage products (cores, flakes, angular fragments), obtained on pebbles mainly in marly limestone, stemming from the local plio-Pleistocene conglomerate and the alluviums of the Var. This lithic production shows essentially the beginnings of chaînes opératoires, with the first phases of pebbles cortex removing. Flakes are very mainly cortical or semi-cortical, and cores reveal a weak technical investment, with a reduced enough number of removal negatives. The débitage of orthogonal type is the most frequent, and the bipolar technique on anvil is attested. Some rare flakes are retouched by notches or by abrupt continuous retouches. The sector where was brought to light this lithic industry, in sediments reshaped below a level of fluviatile terrace of the Var in 70 m of height, made us suggest a very ancient age for these vestiges, being able to go back up at the beginning of Middle Pleistocene, even of Lower Pleistocene, what is in agreement with the technical characteristics noticed on this lithic assemblage.
Un outillage lithique archaïque vient d’être mis à jour en bordure de la commune de Nice (Alpes-Maritimes, France), en position secondaire dans un contexte géologique de moyenne terrasse fluviatile, en rive gauche du Var. Les artefacts lithiques recueillis rassemblent des produits de façonnage (galets aménagés ou fracturés) et des produits de débitage (nucléus, éclats, débris), obtenus sur galets principalement en calcaire marneux, issus du poudingue plio-Pléistocène local et des alluvions du Var. Cette production lithique témoigne essentiellement des débuts de chaînes opératoires, avec les premières phases de décorticage des galets. Les éclats sont très majoritairement corticaux ou semi-corticaux, et les nucléus révèlent un faible investissement technique, avec un nombre assez réduit de négatifs d’enlèvements. Le débitage de type orthogonal est le plus fréquent, et la technique bipolaire sur enclume est attestée. Quelques rares éclats sont retouchés par encoches ou par retouches continues abruptes. Le secteur où a été mise à jour cette industrie lithique, dans des sédiments remaniés en contrebas d’un niveau de terrasse fluviatile du Var, à 70 m d’altitude, nous fait suggérer un âge très ancien pour ces vestiges, pouvant remonter au début du Pléistocène moyen, voire au Pléistocène inférieur, ce qui est en accord avec les caractéristiques techniques constatées sur cet ensemble lithique.
Seismic reflection profiles have been used to map the Messinian erosion surface and associated basin-margin deposits on the continental margin off Nice. A palaeovalley extends seaward from the incised Var palaeovalley mapped on land. The lower part of this valley is filled by an acoustically incoherent unit with a flat top and steep slope into the basin: this unit is interpreted as a coarse-grained deltaic deposit that accumulated synchronously with the upper Messinian evaporites in a ponded lake basin. Two submersible dives on strategic outcrops supported the interpretation of the seismic profiles. We examined and sampled outcrops of probably early Tertiary sandstones underlying the Messinian erosion surface and of a fining-up, predominantly conglomeratic sequence that fills Messinian channels on the continental slope and probably overlies the deltaic deposits. These conglomerates pass up into Early Pliocene marls and have turbidite sedimentary structures. These are prodeltaic deposits formed during the transgression at the end of the Messinian. Based on seismic facies mapping, sampling and submersible observations, a palaeogeographic reconstruction of the area is proposed. A basal erosion surface, including the Var palaeovalley, represents extreme dessication of the western Mediterranean and was followed by accumulation of the main Messinian salt. Following this, a lake was ponded in the Ligurian Basin, with accumulation of evaporites and shales. A Gilbert-type delta prograded into the basin from the Var palaeovalley. Relative sea (lake)-level lowering is estimated to be about 1200 m at this time. There has been little faulting on the margin since the Early Pliocene transgression, but there is estimated to have been about 800 m of flexural subsidence due to both thermal subsidence and water loading.
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