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Matrix Population Models: Construction, Analysis, and Interpretation: Author Hal Caswell, 2nd ed., Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, Masssachusetts, 2001, xxii+722 pp. ISBN 0-87893-096-5; $64.95

Ecological Modelling 148 (2002) 307310
Book review
Matrix Population Models: Construction, Analysis,
and Interpretation
Author Hal Caswell, 2nd ed., Sinauer Associates,
Sunderland, Masssachusetts, 2001, xxii+722 pp.
ISBN 0-87893-096-5; $64.95
If writing books is an art, then writing books
on the science of ecological modelling is certainly
a ‘modern art’. But should we, then, consider
writing books on ‘Population Models’ as a pop-
art? Certainly not. It is, rather, the highest art to
conjugate the three basic ‘dimensions’ of mod-
elling, i.e. ‘Construction, Analysis, and Interpreta-
tion’, into a single, readable and self-sufficient,
hence workable, creation. The new book by Hal
Caswell, published a decade after its first edition,
is an excellent example of such a creation, where
all these ‘dimensions’, though mandatory to any
model, are so strong and in such a harmony that
the author’s announcing them explicitly in the
title seems no longer extraneous.
Conceptions of age or size classes and of life-cy-
cle stages are among the simplest and most natu-
ral ones in population biology. The reputation of
a mathematical object such as matrices is, on the
contrary, esoteric outside mathematics, appalling
even by the fact A×B"B×A, unlike with usual
numbers. But it is however matrices which for-
malise such a natural idea that the age (respec-
tively size or stage) structure of a population
causes the population dynamics, thus giving rise
to the population projection matrix perhaps, the
most urgent and efficient tool of population
Nineteen chapters of the second edition vs. 10
chapters of the former one are just a quantitative
indication of the enormous progress achieved in
the theory and application of matrix population
models since the publication of the first edition.
The new chapters expand the subject in essentially
those directions, which lead us from simplifica-
tions of the classic Leslie matrix (the simplest
linear model with constant survival and fertility
rates) to more realistic situations in problems of
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PII: S0304-3800(02)00002-9
Book re6iew308
conservation biology, pest control or optimal har-
vesting. Those directions include parameter esti-
mation and sensitivity analysis, statistical
inference, seasonal and stochastic variations of
the environment, demographic stochasticity, sex-
ual dimorphism, and density dependence.
The author has taken much care to make the
book an efcient guide for readers down these far
from simple routes. Chapter 1, called Introduc-
tion, while stating just a general idea of intimate
links between the individual life cycle and popula-
tion dynamics, introduces the reader into how
well the monograph on this fascinating subject is
organised, rather than into the subject itself. In
particular, it is already here that MatLab-users
will be pleased to nd the author in their, now
expanding, ranks and non-users will encounter
one more argument against their abstinence.
The real introduction to the subject is given in
Chapter 2 and it begins, of course, with the Leslie
formalism for a population subdivided into dis-
crete age classes of the same duration which coin-
cides with the time step of the model. The Leslie
matrix arises here in a natural and logical way,
together with the basic dynamic equation, as a
particular case of the projection matrix. Equally
logically the directions for further model develop-
ment are revealed, whereby the postulate of con-
stant vital rates might be relaxed in one way or
another. The fundamental link between those
rates and the life tables of traditional demography
gives way to correct modes of statistical estima-
tion for the model parameters.
Little known details of Patrick H. Leslies biog-
raphy clarify his role in the development of the
well-known formalism, and a short digression into
the history of demography and ecology in the
6070s explains why the formalism failed to nd
an immediate response in contemporary minds.
To have the person of Leonard P. Lefkovitch
introduced here too is as relevant and logical as
Lefkovitchs extension of the Leslie formalism to
ecological studies where the age of an individual
is rarely knownwas logical and pragmatic: classi-
fying individuals by developmental stage rather
than by chronological age. This idea is compre-
hensively presented in Chapter 4, while Chapter 3
poses a question that generalises Lefkovitch in
quite a mathematical way: What, in general,
should be considered state 6ariables in population
models?The author suggests a reasonable way to
answer originating from statistical analysis of the
dataset(s) available, for instance, on age, body
size, and weight measurements.
The central place in the book is logically occu-
pied by Chapter 4 on Stage-classied Matrix
Models, with the stagesunderstood in a gener-
alised sense: either as the life-cycle stages, or
multiple habitats of the population, or stages of
ecological succession which the habitat of a given
species may have reached, etc., the generality aris-
ing in the matrix formalism, while the biological
meaning of model parameters being always case-
specic. Concepts and notions are introduced and
illustrated here which are fundamental to analyse
any kind of matrix model. These are: the life cycle
graph (isomorphicto the projection matrix), the
projection equation and its general solution, the
eigen6alues and eigen6ectors as the major quanti-
tative characteristics of population dynamics in
the long-term and the stable stage distribution,
irreducible and primiti6ematrices responsible for
con6ergence and ergodicity in model trajectories.
Matrix Modelsas a special kind of mathemat-
ical object have certain relationships with other
known kinds of model, and a Fundamental
Monograph could not cast a veil over this aspect.
Indeed, it is the depth of treatment of this aspect,
which distinguishes H. Caswells book from all
others on the subject. Formal links are high-
lighted throughout the Monograph, and whole
chapters have been written wherever interesting
model applications arise from those links. Thus,
the life cycle graph is considered, in Chapter 5, as
the graph of a nite Markov chain, and canonical
results of the absorbing-chain theory provide
ways to calculate age-specic parameters [indices]
from stage-classied models’—for example, how
the survival and fertility rates depend on age,
what is the mean age at rst reproduction, etc. In
Chapter 7, the life cycle graph is studied by means
of z-transformationof a discrete-variable func-
tion, and this enables one to derive simple alge-
braic formulas for the characteristic equation and
the eigenvectors of a stage-classied projection
matriximmediately from the graph.
Book re6iew 309
Structured Population Modelsare frequently
understood, in the literature, as continuously
structured ones, and these are what Chapter 8 is
especially concerned with. The general pattern of
choice between discrete and continuous descrip-
tion of the time and population structure is
reected in a 2×2 matrix (Table 8.1) a trivial
one for an expert, but quite informative for a
beginnerwhere each particular choice is ac-
corded its own mathematical apparatus and where
the Matrix Modelsoccupy their legal place. The
problem of choicethe most difcult and eternal
onehas both objective aspects and subjective
ones, and the author shares openly with us the
conjectures, which had determined the choice he
apparently made.
That choice was made many years ago, and
these past years have seen convincing evidence of
its practical implications. The authors experience,
truly invaluable in the practice of population
modelling, has been embodied in one more valu-
able feature of the book, namely, its vivid vector
to applications, which threads together and con-
solidates all the manifold contents of the book,
much like the Passing Linein the famous paint-
ing by W. Kandinsky threads together and unites
the entire multi-image composition. The point is
not that each idea, formal conception or theoreti-
cal issue has unfailingly been illustrated by rele-
vant examples. Rather, all the theoretic contents
of the book are predetermined by applications of
Matrix Modelsand, furthermore, many chapters
are of vividly applied character, e.g. Chapters 6,
Parameter Estimation; 9, Sensitivity Analysis; 10,
Life Table Response Experiments; 12, Statistical
Inference; 18, Conservation and Management.
Matrixis a synonym for linear operatorin
standard courses of linear algebra, and the Ma-
trix Population Modelsare therefore perceived as
primarily linear models. But this is Nonlinear
Ecologywhich has become the most popular
slogan of the 20th century and which will be so
perhaps during the next millennium too. How
does the author of a Monograph on Population
Modelsrespond to this challenge of the century?
With aplomb. His capacious Chapter 16 on Den-
sity-dependent Modelsbegins with a trivial ob-
servation that the vital rates may well be
functions of the total population size or of partic-
ular stage abundances, the matrix form of the (no
longer linear!) population equations being still
conserved. The stage-structured models really har-
bour much more opportunities to account for
density effects than the non-structured ones, to
which the notorious bifurcations (qualitative
changes of dynamic regimes) and chaos (a special
regime never possible in linear models) historically
owe their appearance in population contexts.
These opportunities are conclusively demon-
strated both in theory and interesting practice of
case studies on population dynamics of Tribolium
beetles in the laboratory and spotted owls Strix
occidentalis caurina in the eld.
The author himself states his goal to make
matrix population models accessible to the biolo-
gist who wants to use them. Many sections have
therefore been written as an exciting introduction
into the subject, while the mathematics needed
have been provided for in an Appendix (whose
logical structure has been markedly improved vs.
the rst edition). The didactic aspect is highly
strong in the book, although it is completely
deprived of any explicit and boring didactics. Pure
biologicalpassion for tables and diagrams really
improves understanding and digestionof the ma-
terial including that of mathematics (for example,
graphic diagrams 4.7 and 4.11 of formal proper-
ties in non-negative matrices are worth including
into any text on matrix theory that presents the
PerronFrobenius Theorem). Even a mistake
made elsewhere by the author himself appears to
help understanding a methodically hard point
(Example 4.1 of constructing the life cycle graph
for teasel Dipsacus syl6estris).
But, in my view, the book is no less interesting
or useful for a more advanced reader, although a
rigorous mathematician would easily nd certain
points to criticise. The monograph gives certainly
an impressive picture of the current state-of-the-
art in a rapidly developing eld of ecological
modelling. Both the scope of issues and the means
by which they are exposed show the authors
desire to create a book that might be interesting
and useful not only for the beginner, but for the
expert too. Hal Caswell has succeeded remarkably
in doing both.
Book re6iew310
Dmitrii O. Logofet
Laboratory of Mathematical Ecology,
Pyzhe6sky Lane,
... Identifier of the block in Figure 1 Characteristics of block functions SMPS A set of models of population size dynamics with regard to age structure [6,29]. ...
Full-text available
Based on theoretical models of Cornin et al. (1999, 2000) and Wang et al. (2004), this study attempts to examine whether customer value is an intermediary factor that affects service quality, customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions. The research was conducted on a sample of 194 consumers in Ho Chi Minh City. Scales of the research was developed through Cronbach’s alpha test, exploratory factor analysis (EFA). Path Analysis pointed out that customer value is an intermediary factor in cause and effect relationship between the factors of service quality, customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions. This was due to the fact that improved satisfaction leads to positive behavior (Cornin et al., 1999, 2000). Besides, the research also found that network quality, tangible have a significant impact on customer value and customer satisfaction. It is undeniable that service suppliers should improve those factors in order to satisfy customer.
The Arctic region plays a unique role in global environmental processes, forming numerous adverse correlations with the Earth’s climatic system. Low temperatures, a high level of atmospheric circulation, and the availability of large ice-covered water bodies are notable for high latitudes, in contrast to other areas of the planet.
Water quality monitoring opens up the possibility to form a knowledge base of hydrochemistry and develops models and data processing algorithms that help to assess the role of hydrological objects in environmental dynamics. Methods of advanced ecology built on information-modeling technology are presented in a general view on sustainable development with a focus on the global ecological problems discussed by many authors (Varotsos and Krapivin 2020a, b; Nitu et al. 2020).
The origin of the twenty-first century practically does not relax but worsens a sustainable development problem of the human society. If human society was on the threshold of nuclear war in the middle of twentieth century, when there was the Caribbean Crisis, then the global climate-biosphere-society system (CBSS) is currently in crisis state for a number of reasons, including the most significant:
Aquatic systems, in their broadest meaning, include lakes, ponds, wetlands, seas, and oceans. Goals and priorities of remote monitoring of aquatic systems include numerous problems related to the assessment physical, ecological, and hydrochemical characteristics for the assessment of their health, detection of different processes such as tropical cyclone start, aquatic weed, and algae control, understanding of the role in the climate change. Aquatic ecosystems are critical components of the global environment as essential contributors to biodiversity and ecological productivity. Their health is controlled, directly and indirectly, by human activities.
The problem of nature-society interaction in the context of a global change in the environment and climate has been discussed in detail at the All-World Conference on Climate Change in Moscow, the APEC Summit-2007 (September 2007, Sydney, Australia). The “Sydney Declaration on Climate Change“was signed on 8th September 2007 by 21 APEC leaders. It indicates the wish of signatories to work toward nonbinding “inspirational” goals on energy efficiency per unit of GDP. In this connection, Australian Prime Minister John Howard said that 21 leaders agreed on three very important and quite specific things: “Firstly, the need for a long-term inspirational, global emissions reduction goal... Secondly, the need for all nations, no matter what their stage of development, to contribute, according to their own capacities and their own circumstances, to reducing greenhouse gases. Thirdly, we have agreed on specific APEC goals on energy intensity and forestry and we’ve also agreed on the important role of clean coal technologies.”
The main problem of sustainable development is directly related to water resources whose spatial distribution is defined by the oceans, seas, and coastal hydrological systems where water quality depends on the multiple human activities carried out in the terrestrial and the aquatic environment (Hafeez et al. 2018; Arias and Botte 2020). To overcome the problems arising here, remote sensing technology provides spatially synoptic and near real-time measurements that can be effectively used to detect, map, and track many pollutants such as oil and chemical spills, algal blooms, and high concentrations of suspended solid.
The intensification of anthropogenic processes in the environment poses a number of principal problems of the nature management optimization, including the control and management of hydrological and hydrochemical systems. However, the existing tools for the solution of the problems arising here do not provide effective technologies to have reliable diagnosis of numerous disasters and allow the prognostic assessment of the possible consequences for the population. Nevertheless, the encouraging results obtained last time by many authors make it possible to expect that the combined use of microwave remote sensing tools and ecoinformatics methods will help to develop new efficient and reliable technologies for operative diagnosis and forecasting of environmental processes both in regional as well as on a global scale (Krapivin and Shutko 2012; Krapivin et al. 2019; Varotsos and Krapivin 2020a, b; Thenkabail 2015; Kummerow 2020). Of particular concern is global climate change that has been discussed in recent years in relation to the global carbon cycle and the greenhouse effect and the important role of the water cycle at both global and regional scales. The scientific problems that arise here relate to the overcoming of information uncertainties and the big data processing in the context of the assessment and forecasting of the state of the environment.
The climate system is driven by internal and external forcings. Among the prime external forcings is the solar radiation, while the human activity is included among the principal intrinsic forcings. This means that basic components of nature and society are substantial parameters of the evolution of the climate system. Therefore, the consideration of the nature and society as a separate system, the nature-society system, will provide a new tool for the investigation of the climate system variability. This paper is focused on the modelling of the evolution of the nature-society system, when considering a series of major natural and anthropogenic processes including several solar–terrestrial coupling mechanisms, biogeochemical cycles, physical processes operating in the terrestrial atmosphere, global climate change, global hydrologic balance and photosynthesis in ocean ecosystems. Among the main goals of this model is to estimate the survivability of the nature-society system under the conditions of limited energy resources. A series of simulation experiments are presented herein demonstrating the ability of the model to operate satisfactorily and reliably under various anthropogenic scenarios.
Numerous problems arising from the interaction between nature and society are considered by various authors (Adamenko and Kondratyev, 1999; Bartsev et al., 2003; Degermendzhi and Bartsev, 2003; Gorshkov et al., 2000; Kondratyev. 1990, Kondratyev. 1992, Kondratyev. 2002, Kondratyev. 2004a; Kondratyev et al., 2003a, Kondratyev et al., 2003b, Kondratyev et al., 2003c, Kondratyev et al., 2004a, Kondratyev et al., 2004b, Kondratyev et al., 2006b). The growing number of published works dedicated to global environmental change leads to the realization that protection of the natural environment has become an urgent problem. The question of working out the principles underlying coevolution of human beings and nature is being posed with ever-increasing persistence. Scientists in many countries are making attempts to find ways of formulating laws governing human processes acting on the environment. Numerous national and international programs of biosphere and climate studies contribute to the quest for means of resolving the confliet between human society and nature. However, attempts to find efficient methods of regulating human activity on the global scale encounter many difficulties. The major difficulty is the absence of an adequate knowledge base pertaining to climatic and biospheric processes as well as the largely incomplete state of the databases concerning global processes occurring in the atmosphere, in the ocean, and on land. Another difficulty is the inability of modern science to formulate the requirements that must be met by the global databases necessary for reliable evaluation of the state of the environment and forecasting its development for sufficiently long time intervals.
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