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Network Technology and Homebound Inclusive Education



There are students who, because of a wide range of impediments (disability, long-term illness, temporary or permanent home care, particular syndromes such as ‘multiple chemical sensitivity’) are confined to their homes or other physical environments (hospitals, provisional homes, etc.) and consequently find difficulty in regularly attending education and training programs. While national laws on the right to education do protect such situations, the in-presence support offered to students and families is actually not always adequate for real, effective socio-educational inclusion. This is why great hopes are now being placed in the opportunities offered by the new network and mobile technologies (NMTs), given their massive personal and home diffusion. NMTs have already shown themselves to be invaluable in favoring both the individual and collaborative online learning of homebound students, and the distance support of study activities by teachers. The aim of this book is to reach beyond the strictly pedagogical aspects linked to NMT educational use, analyzing how these technologies are able to potentiate educational inclusion processes for homebound students by focusing on and amplifying the online social interaction of all those who are directly and indirectly involved in the specific problem (i.e. students, educators, families, clinics, associations, local authorities, etc.). By gathering together important contributions from leading international experts in the field, the book tackles the theme of inclusive education from 4 different, though closely complementary, viewpoints: (1) the homebound student; (2) the educators; (3) the network of social relations at whose intersection disadvantaged students find themselves; (4) the technologies which will most effectively advance the specific process of homebound inclusive education. The book is divided into three parts. The first part introduces the context and also suggests conceptual frameworks both for homebound students’ special instruction and for the training of teachers involved in hospital and home education. In the second part, three specific projects which support socio-educational inclusion of students with serious illnesses are presented. The third part describes a series of experiences and good practices in the use of NMTs to support the learning processes of hospitalized and/or homebound children.
Guglielmo Trentin & Vincenza Benigno
Network Technology and Homebound Inclusive Education
Nova Science Publishers, 2013
There are students who, because of a wide range of impediments (disability, long-term
illness, temporary or permanent home care, particular syndromes such as ‘multiple chemical
sensitivity’) are confined to their homes or other physical environments (hospitals,
provisional homes, etc.) and consequently find difficulty in regularly attending education and
training programs.
While national laws on the right to education do protect such situations, the in-presence
support offered to students and families is actually not always adequate for real, effective
socio-educational inclusion. This is why great hopes are now being placed in the
opportunities offered by the new network and mobile technologies (NMTs), given their
massive personal and home diffusion. NMTs have already shown themselves to be invaluable
in favoring both the individual and collaborative online learning of homebound students, and
the distance support of study activities by teachers.
The aim of this book is to reach beyond the strictly pedagogical aspects linked to NMT
educational use, analyzing how these technologies are able to potentiate educational inclusion
processes for homebound students by focusing on and amplifying the online social interaction
of all those who are directly and indirectly involved in the specific problem (i.e. students,
educators, families, clinics, associations, local authorities, etc.).
By gathering together important contributions from leading international experts in the
field, the book tackles the theme of inclusive education from 4 different, though closely
complementary, viewpoints: (1) the homebound student; (2) the educators; (3) the network of
social relations at whose intersection disadvantaged students find themselves; (4) the
technologies which will most effectively advance the specific process of homebound
inclusive education.
The book is divided into three parts. The first part (Chapters 1-5) introduces the context
and also suggests conceptual frameworks both for homebound students’ special instruction
and for the training of teachers involved in hospital and home education. In the second part
(Chapters 6-9), three specific projects which support socio-educational inclusion of students
with serious illnesses are presented. The last 2 chapters (Chapters 10-11), describe a series of
experiences and good practices in the use of NMTs to support the learning processes of
hospitalized and/or homebound children.
Chapter 1 - The chapter discusses the correlation between disease and consequent school
adjustment. As medical technology advances, the quality of life of the medically fragile
population will improve and have a direct impact on future educational and social needs.
Educators must be prepared to address this situation. The availability of technology tools can
ease the academic and social impact of homebound and in-home instruction. Technology can
be effectively integrated into instructional procedures to enhance student learning, improve
pedagogy and social interaction with peers, and alleviate difficult transitions from homebound
or in-home instruction to school re-entry.
Chapter 2 The chapter begins with the following consideration: if homebound
education is reconceptualized as distance education, it becomes clear that the current system
is similar to the correspondence course model and the technology utilized to deliver
instruction is clearly outmoded. With current network and mobile technologies, solutions to
the instructional problems are plentiful. Many current technologies can be used to provide
appropriate instruction to homebound secondary school students. However, solutions to the
problem of providing appropriate and meaningful instruction to homebound students are still
Solutions are best accomplished by first considering teachers’ instructional and social
goals. Once these are determined, decisions about the most appropriate technologies for
maximizing learning opportunities can be taken. A conceptual framework was constructed to
help instructors avoid making the mistake of allowing technology to dictate instruction. The
framework presented in this chapter distinguishes between reactive, proactive, and transactive
designs related to the learner’s control over both academic and social interactions. The
classifications are additive in nature, i.e. a transactive resolution includes all the
functionalities of reactive and proactive resolutions.
Chapter 3 When speaking about children with chronic health conditions one must
necessarily tackle the problem of the many physiological and psychosocial challenges
presented by their illness. Enduring a chronic disease and its treatment can cause much
disruption to children’s schooling, and also to their family’s social life and relationships.
Advances in social computing, combined with an increasingly proficient ‘digital’ youth
population, have led many researchers to look for technological solutions to some of these
issues. In particular, the use of online communities to address anxiety and promote overall
well-being and social connectedness in this cohort of chronically ill children has been the
object of research for a wide range of disciplines, including medicine, computer science,
education, psychology and social science. The design of interventions within a constrained
environment such as a hospital setting offers many challenges. This chapter will explore a
number of these key issues in the context of online communities and discuss the
sociotechnical implications of implementing such interventions.
Chapter 4 How widespread is the educational use of the new technologies in home
education? This is the question which a national survey carried out in Italy by the National
Research Council tried to answer. The survey had a double function:
to support research as an aid to understanding: a) how inclusive educational processes
can be generated with the help of technologies, allowing the homebound student to
participate in an active and discriminating way; b) what causes hinder or restrict the
use of said technologies;
to add to the documentation of educational experiences to be shared by teachers and
researchers involved in homebound school education.
Analysis of these results shows that technologies are being used in ways which are not
wholly suitable for dealing with problematic situations. The survey highlighted the fact that to
overcome these problems it is necessary to act on two complementary levels: first by
propagating knowledge and good practices on the educational use of NMTs; secondly by
promoting teacher training on this specific theme.
Chapter 5 The information collected in the survey described in the previous chapter
leads to the conclusion that individual experiences deriving from sometimes “extreme”
didactic needs, such as those of students who are unable to attend normal education regularly
(if at all), has provided and continues to provide school and research worlds with useful
specific material for reflection and for the experimentation of new forms of teaching.
An example may be found in hospital and/or home teaching, that is to say an “open” type
of teaching which ignores the usual physical perimeter of the class (understood as an
aggregation of individuals with the respective roles of students and teachers), while
guaranteeing the same social and communicative dimension which must be allowed to
develop within a class.
Paradoxically, these situations have shown themselves to be ideal for the development of
a teaching style which is aimed at stimulating the active role of the student, and at fostering a
learning process based more on doing than on listening, hence in line with so-called “2.0
pedagogy”. And, as will be argued in this chapter, it is in this sense that special pedagogy can
and must be considered as a potential crucible for “2.0 teachers”. But how can the transition
from “potential” to “actual” crucible be effected?
In answering this question, the chapter begins with some considerations on the current
relationship between technology and pedagogy, then attempts to understand if and how it is
possible to capitalize on the numerous individual experiences of hospital and home teachers,
in order to achieve a didactic innovation which is supported by the new technologies and
which can be extended to the whole school system.
After a wide-reaching overview of the problems connected to homebound school
education, the book continues by presenting some national and international projects
connected with the use of NMTs for supporting socio-educational inclusion.
Chapter 6 The project described in this chapter is of Belgian origin. Empirical
exploration reveals that regular schools in Flanders (the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium) are
inexpert in setting up high-quality instruction for home-based pupils. Most efforts focus on
the child’s re-entry into the community and school after being hospitalized, rather than on
pre-empting this process by bringing the community and school to him.
The assumption of the chapter is that information and communication technologies (ICT)
may contribute to a high-quality school experience for children that are absent from school
for medical reasons. The envisaged system is based on concrete user needs, and is therefore
assumed to be educationally sound and relevant. It is furthermore more scalable and
affordable than previous ICT-based tools for this user group.
In particular, the ASCIT project aims to re-establish the communication link between
sick pupils and their regular classrooms with the aim of improving instruction and social
contacts before the moment of school re-entry. Several elements of Multi-user Virtual
Environments are combined into an integrated solution that enables long-term sick children to
communicate efficiently with their regular school and classroom learning environments. By
presenting them with an attractive, game-like interface, combined with state-of-the-art audio
and video communication tools, the children are encouraged to spend time using the system
and to keep up with day-to-day classroom activities.
Chapter 7 The aim of this chapter is to describe an Italian research project which
targeted all homebound subjects, not only school-age ones. In fact, problems due to physical
or health disabilities which are either congenital or have been acquired through traumas or
degenerative diseases often hinder normal participation in school, university or professional
education and training, either temporarily or permanently.
Can network and mobile technologies offer new opportunities for proper
social/educational inclusion in these cases? This is the key question which from 2009 to 2012
guided the research and development of the Italian strategic project known as WISE (Wiring
Individualized Special Education). The project was funded by the Ministry of Education,
University and Research (MIUR) with the funds for investment in basic research.
The main aim of the project was to develop a support system for homebound special
education. Essential parts of the WISE support system are: tools for sharing the knowledge
and good practices of HBSE; the assisted planning of educational interventions directed at a
special user base; the training of social/educational workers.
The project was developed through the combined action of six Research Units,
coordinated by the Institute for Educational Technology (ITD) of the Italian National
Research Council (CNR), and belonging to six university centers of excellence specialized in
research on the educational use of network technologies.
This chapter presents the main features of the project, together with the results deriving
from it in terms of research and prototype development.
Chapter 8 The European project presented in this chapter is based on the assumption
that an inclusive school requires attention to diversity. According to this the teaching hospital
should try to improve the quality of life of hospitalized children through normalization of
their lives. In this sense, ensuring the collaboration and coordination among hospitals,
schools, families and the professionals involved with the hospitalized minor is extremely
important. The chapter presents a diagnostic study of ICT as a tool for coordinating the
various participants in hospital and home care education and their main needs. This project
was developed under the SAVEH European scheme. For the pilot experiment, a sample of 10
children ranging in age from 7 to 16 years was selected, so the project covered different
educational levels. Moreover, a package of technological solutions for providing inclusive
education for children in hospitalized and homecare situations was designed and developed.
Chapter 9 The fourth project presented in this book was developed in Australia and
highlights the problems connected with the way teachers approach the educational use of
online technologies. “Link ‘n Learn” was a research project aimed at including hospitalized
students in education by connecting them to their teachers via various types of network
technology. It was a collaborative research project between the Education Institute at the
Royal Children’s Hospital and the Graduate School of Education at the University of
Melbourne, and was funded by the Australian Research Council.
Link ‘n Learn showed that it is feasible for students absent from school to use network
technology hardware and software to continue their education. However, if the participants
are typical of classroom teachers today, these teachers lack some of the basic knowledge and
skills necessary for moving into teaching through web conferencing. In the case studies
presented in the chapter, as with almost all Link ‘n Learn participants, the problems are
compounded because the teachers attempt to teach a class in face-to-face mode and at the
same time use web conferencing to enable an absent student to be connected to the lesson.
The third and last section of the book presents some experiences and good practices in
the use of NMTs to support the learning processes of hospitalized and/or homebound
Chapter 10 The chapter describes a pilot study carried out in southern Louisiana,
involving several home-bound students. The students were connected to their schools using
Skype technology. Skype is rapidly becoming a distance education tool. It has certain
advantages: people can communicate and see each other in real time, it is free (except for
video conferencing), and the equipment for Skype communication is highly affordable.
The main finding is that Skype technology can be effective in providing home-bound
students with an almost “being there” opportunity to be involved in the classroom learning
environment; however, motivation is the strongest factor of the effectiveness.
Chapter 11 - The chapter presents two experiences of homebound school education,
managed in an action research context. The two case studies led to the development of an
inclusive educational approach for homebound students, mediated by an ICT use which was
co-built and shared daily by all the actors of the educational process (teachers, classmates,
researchers, parents, friends). The chapter highlights and discusses how the use of
technologies needs to be integrated with a reference pedagogical model in which the added
value lies in the skillful combination of technology, analysis, and understanding of students’
needs and the particular social context.
We wish to thank all the authors who have contributed with their precious scientific
knowledge and experience to the writing of this book, which is addressed to all those who,
like us, wish to constantly increase their understanding of the best educational use of network
and mobile technology in homebound inclusive education.
Guglielmo Trentin and Vincenza Benigno
... Feeling included is not limited to physical and cognitive disabilities, but also includes the full range of human diversity with respect to ability, language, culture, gender, age and other forms of human differences. Trentin and Benigno (2013) stated that "the performance and behaviour of students with hearing impairment in educational tasks can be profoundly affected by the way we feel, we are seen and judged by others. When we expect to be viewed as inferior, our abilities seem to diminish". ...
... In a society of competing dualisms between rich and poor, urban, and rural, developed and undeveloped, it is not hard to imagine the challenges that the most vulnerable members of society face. There are certainly many vulnerable groups present in Nigeria, but one of the easiest to forget is the numerous individuals with hearing impairment (Trentin & Benigno, 2013). Presently, most individuals with hearing impairment in Nigeria have not been thoroughly and formally identified and even among those who have been identified, the majority of them are excluded by the rest of the society. ...
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The book is written to honour Mrs M.A. Abimbola. Language is an essential instrument for human communication. In education, the language of instruction affects the process of teaching and learning. The language that will be used to impart knowledge at various educational levels must be carefully considered by each nation. Education experts agree that a kid learns best if taught in his or her mother-tongue, especially in the early years of school. In recognition of the importance of mother-tongue in education, the Federal Government of Nigeria, in its National Policy on Education, states that the medium of instruction in early childcare education and lower primary schools (primary one to three) shall be the mother-tongue. Sociologists, psychologists, linguists and other stakeholders also recognise the significance of language in education and share the belief that instructions given in the mother-tongue are more easily comprehended than those given in other languages. However, the way issues concerning languages and their uses are handled in a multi-ethnic and multilingual nation calls for utmost discretion, if the educational goals of the nation would be achieved. The book Language Policy: An Imperative for Quality Education in Nigeria contains seventy-five chapters, that are organized into four sections according to various disciplines. These include Arts and Humanities, General Education, Science and Technology and Special Education. This will make it simpler for users and potential readers to find content that will interest them.
... O mobile learning pode ser uma ferramenta muito interessante para os graduandos porque pode construir uma relação estimulante à busca pela informação e sua conversão em conhecimento, além de diversificar as diferentes maneiras para se comunicar, colaborar e interagir com a bagagem aprendida, potencializando o trabalho em rede (Trentin & Benigno, 2013 Levando-se em consideração que, gradualmente, o modelo industrial vem sendo substituído por um modelo de produção/serviço baseado na economia do conhecimento, tanto a UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 2009) quanto nossos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (Brasil, 1998) vêm propondo metodologias de ensino alternativas, adequando-se à nossa Era Pós-industrial. ...
... Non-governmental non-profit organizations, socially responsible business, volunteers today have a fairly rich and distinctive experience as well as multiple opportunities to promote the development of an inclusive educational environment in universities [22,23]. ...
... On higher courses diagnosis and consulting is performed on questions connected with professional self-determination, personal development, formation of positive "I-conception", psychological health condition, features of https: // Corresponding Author: S.A. Grishaeva Selection and peer-review under (Trentin & Benigno, 2013). As a result of psycho-diagnostic researches an opportunity raises to understand causes of the problems, occurring during studying activities or behavior of students, to choose effective means and methods of educating and upbringing, provide students with HIA with up-to-date help in overcoming de-adaptation. ...
... Fundamental priorities in management of inclusive higher education are (Trentin & Benigno, 2013): ...
... In order to explain more clearly the extrinsic type of motivation which may induce a teacher to radically rethink his/her way of teaching, it could be useful to compare the features of the two different situations presented above (Table 1). The school space is anywhere where study is possible (home, hospital), preferably offering the chance to do it in collaboration with other, even remote, students, and with teachers' The last point in the table is particularly interesting, since the author has had the opportunity to witness how problematic situations (Trentin and Benigno, 2013) turn out to be a kind of Trojan horse for wider reflection on the introduction of NMTs into teaching (Mitchell, 2010). Undoubtedly the proposal even to partially re-programme teaching activities in order to facilitate a remote student's normal school attendance always provokes much perplexity within the board of class teachers, even more so if this implies the introduction/ " intrusion " of technologies. ...
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Paradoxically some “extreme” didactic needs, such as those of students who are unable to attend normal education regularly (e.g., hospitalized and/or homebound students), have shown themselves to be ideal for the development of a teaching style aimed at stimulating the active role of the student, at fostering a learning process based more on doing than on listening, hence in line with so-called “2.0 pedagogy”. In this sense that special pedagogy can be considered as a potential crucible for educational innovation. Here follow, asfter a few considerations on the current relationship between technology and pedagogy, we will try to understand if and how it is possible to capitalize on the numerous individual experiences of hospital and home teachers, in order to foster innovation in teaching and teachers’ professional development. Although the considerations in this article particularly refer to the author's direct experience in thecontext of hospital-/home-bound special education, it should be pointed out that numerous research projects in other special education contexts (e.g. cognitive, sensorial disability) also reach similar conclusions.
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Resumo O mundo da educação encontra-se a trabalhar num ambiente que está cheio de dispositivos móveis: telemóveis, smartphones, tablets. A popularidade destes equipamentos junto dos estudantes aumentou tanto nos últimos anos que os professores são confrontados com o desafio de os integrar pedagogicamente nos desenhos didáticos que propõem. Esta constatação permite o mobile learning. Nesta modalidade, o espaço de aprendizagem não é definido ou limitado por horas de aula regulares ou locais específicos, mas por aprendizagem e pluralismo pedagógico. Com as tecnologias móveis nas mãos, os estudantes podem aprender tanto em sala de aula como fora dela, tanto no tempo da escola como após o horário escolar, potenciando a aprendizagem formal e a aprendizagem informal. Este artigo aborda a temática do mobile learning associado a iniciativas como flipped learning, digital storytelling, game-based learning ou gamification enquanto potencial de inovação pedagógica. Palavras-chave: Mobile learning, inovação pedagógica, motivação intrínseca e extrínseca 1. Introdução As exigências de uma sociedade baseada no conhecimento e os avanços das tecnologias móveis estão a estimular o crescimento do mobile learning (ou m-learning). Um dos contributos do mobile learning é o de dar ao estudante a oportunidade de se empenhar na escola em perseguir os conhecimentos que realmente deseja obter usando uma tecnologia amigável e comum no seu dia-a-dia (TRENTIN; REPETTO, 2013). Na aprendizagem formal, quando usados de forma
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