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ICT & Human Rights

  • Pipsqueak Productions LLC

Abstract and Figures

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)—Internet, web, and social media—are fast becoming a comprehensive repository and soon an archive of (most) human knowledge. With access to ICT, an individual can become informed on everything from healthcare issues to civic problems to legal concerns. One hundred years ago, people were discussing the need for basic literacy and its impact on the human condition. Today, we should be discussing digital literacy and access in the same way. Digital literacy can be seen as a basic human right. Individuals can impact society, react, and reach out with the aid of technology. ICT is a powerful tool for encouraging, teaching, and protecting human rights. This panel is dedicated to discussing how ICT can be used to advance human rights around the world. Please share your ideas, contribute to our discussions, point out relevant news and information. We are hoping to cover a very broad area of ICT's impact on human rights, including but not limited to: 1. ICT & Education; 2. ICT & Rural Development (e.g., farming); 3. ICT & Politics (how can ICT promote democratic advances around the world?); 4. ICT & Environmental Movement (e.g., information dissemination, education); 5. ICT & Crisis Management; 6. ICT & Economic Development (how can ICT promote a higher standard of living around the world and relieve poverty?); 7. ICT & Health (ICT facilitating the rights to access to medicine, health, quality of life and well-being); 8. ICT & Aging; 9. ICT & Child Well-being, including child trafficking and prostitution; 10. ICT & the Law.
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Dr. Olga Werby, Chair
ICT & Education
Education is the most powerful weapon
which you can use to change the world.
Nelson Mandela
Assumptions about the need for a transfer of
knowledge for development purposes are central
within the ICT and development discourse and
justify the existence of a category of people known
as the ʻinformation-poorʼ or ʻknowledge-poorʼ.
Merridy Wilson
Assuming that people are ʻinformation-poorʼ
because they do not have access to the specific
forms of information that are made available
through ICTs, devalues the information and the
knowledge that these people do have.
Merridy Wilson
ICT & Community
Crisis Mapping
ICT & Environment
Education is a human right with immense
power to transform. On its foundation rest
the cornerstones of freedom, democracy
and sustainable human development.
Kofi Annan
ICT & Politics
Obama—Web 2.0 Election
"Barack Obama built the biggest network of
supporters we've seen, using the Internet to
do it," Joe Trippi, an Internet political and
business consultant who pioneered the use
of the Internet in politics.
Through forums and social websites such as MySpace and
Facebook, Obama built relationships with his supporters, and
would-be supporters.
All of his policies were made available online, and updates
were sent to the subscribers of his political party via email
and text message, ultimately making him the most
technology savvy and “hip” candidate to date, thus
increasing his popularity among youth voters.
An unprecedented communication strategy was the "online
call tool”. Over one million calls were made from residential,
personal laptops and desktops.
The control of information is something the elite
always does, particularly in a despotic form of
government. Information, knowledge, is power. If
you can control information, you can control people.
Tom Clancy
ICT & Health
The Homogenization of
Cultural Differences of
Hundreds of therapists
descended on on Indonesian
villagers offering PTSD
services after 2004 tsunami.
Dr. Michael Finegan distributes coloring
books to tsunami-affected children in Galle,
Sri Lanka. Photo by CRS Staff
ICT allows individuals to
erroneously conclude that the
best course of action for another
person is based solely on how
they feel about it or how they
would act in the same situation.
Health Providers
The Homogenization of
Cultural Differences of
ICT allows individuals to adapt the pathology
they’ve found in other cultures, developing the
symptoms they’ve read about on the Web.
Thus Anorexia, which was virtually unknown
in the Eastern cultures before 1980s, is fast
becoming as prevalent as it is in the West.
“Ten years ago, we saw only one or two anorexics
each year,” says Dr. Sing Lee, a psychiatrist at The
Chinese University of Hong Kong (2007). “Now,
we see one new patient a month. Many are
While health-on-the-web may empower in various
ways those who have access to the internet, the flip
side of this is that those without internet access may
become relatively more disadvantaged in health
matters. For them, the experience may be more one
of disempowerment through inability to take
advantage of new opportunities.
Europe’s Digital Competitiveness
Report 2010
sickweather BETA
ICT & Law
Ignorance of the law excuses no man...
John Selden
Project’s Goals
Moot the Issues of
Interest to ICC OTP
Foster Public Debate
Between Parties
Open Discussion to a
Wold-Wide Audience
Explore the Complexity
of an Issue
Provide Visibility for ICC
Office of the Prosecutor’s
Facebook triggered a very quick reaction.
The (United Nations) Security Council
reacted in a few days; the U.N. General
Assembly reacted in a few days. ...
I think Libya is a new world.
Luis Moreno-Ocampo
Aequitas sequitur legem.
Equity follows the law.
To live is to choose. But to choose well,
you must know who you are and what
you stand for, where you want to go and
why you want to get there.
Kofi Annan
Life is about learning; when you
stop learning, you die.
Tom Clancy
Full-text available
Purpose is a co‐operative venture between the UCLA Sanela Diana Jenkins Human Rights Project and the International Criminal Court Office of the Prosecutor (ICC OTP). The main purpose of the forum is to create an opportunity for the greater legal community to engage in a dialogue covering topics of special interest to the Prosecutor. The purpose of this paper is to document the process of developing this unique resource in the form of a case study. Design/methodology/approach This study provides the history of the project, web‐use statistics, structural details that shed light on the use of information communication technology (ICT) within a complex partnership of UCLA School of Law and ICC OTP, and provides a summary of the outcome to date. Findings There have been six debates to date. Individuals from 190 countries speaking 90 languages have visited the forum and almost 280,000 words have been written on the Forum since its launch in September 2010. Social implications is the only place on the internet where an average online citizen has access to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court by simply posting his or her opinion on the Forum. Originality/value is a unique use of ICT to explore issues of interest to the Prosecutor of the ICC. It provides a place where these issues get highlighted. It presents the relevant legal landscape with the framing of the issue and the invited experts, in addition to the public debate. The Forum provides visibility to OTP policy decisions. It gives voice to the public and creates a community of interested parties around each issue. And it vets each issue in a defined time span, making it a useful resource prior to its ripening before the ICC.
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